HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-05-02, Page 44 J
1 1 3,
T i
J IL902
u til t a autumn.—The SEAFORTHS LEADI,ING SHOE--lSTORE.
----------- era curds and whey n
iectors of that introdoced Rev. r. Stuart to the me uart, re soly fok work
over. Is there any tempori4;ng with rail- would ontaiely help the i butter factory will be on
NEW ADVERTISEMENTS riding in the coming elect, U. Come on, of the�two cougre ations. Rev. Dr. 8 oil Satupday made
r a 'hoo
way corporations a this legiolation, 7 ar''let as see how it I done. of Clinton, brothe of the newly ind acted Monday. -The weather
M r. 8 winter
atiful I days last
-p%rentheres attar each 4. minister, was ut and book part in the us long for those bea,
there., wbuld. be two rigs
sr The, figure between tuw Tn the railway barters gr§'Uted to Mr. 1 v,PV oys' and Cirsis I Sholis,
wo the, rwe 01 the PAP(T On which the when sometimes B
Ine deno s3evioO. Re Marshall, of the B?,ptiab i - _66 ,
v&v'rk1"ment will be found H. Clergue for th construct on of the Algo. At a meebipg in North To onto, the other i pass in one afternoon.'-Rlr. and:! Mrs. Mil-
churoli, was alad present. Cgrosiderhilgi the
entiSunday at
pellolaxegotiations-won. Kokard & Co._5 ma Central and the Manibolin and North night, r. . F. Matter, a ormer leader of buay time, 0, very large covgregatiori1 was ton Watson, of Sunshill Y11100- A0kAAAA0%0AA W�w - - - - - - -
Owe %hft Boys -G ol- & Stawatt-1
rha as an exdellont T. Stewart"o.
or this Week-%IoK%nnon & Cc, -5 Shore railways, Mr. Clerg is req4ired the, 0onaerylittiro party 11�k, the Ontario proviled
prcson The lad It r Ts
!oliomieo by tuire good sboo. leather. Of con
Wears 011t t�00
Balduen-Prof. D. romwand-5 one of the conditions on whi'' h a laud sub- Legblature,� �ut who was rudently read out tea frdm 6 to 8 pJm., this being I School children ra
WMth lop. s are made of
Sporting Gaoda--Alox. Wil3on-5 good programme and reception t' 'Mr, e. Our school sho
dreat siay ta granted to pI male settlers a out of the patty, on account lof hills votes on a but not until it has had lots of hard usa.
ning-14 V Fear -6
ce,5--R� Willis & Son -4 ace Stuart. Wd have e b s arestr4cr and heavy
Solialolosr, ions in the Le islature duting ntered the rush of Spring as,
co ce0o;
n House Cleanine-5 Tear, over 16 years of ago, fbr a period of lo a] p Mr. Thomag Payton afid �1'88 Q ther. ness io the House Furnishing Department best leatherlo-seams a well strengthene 7 andsole
Gro-gan h ra boy or girl is capable of.
10 years, on !the land so ranted,'aud to the las' into the, ino Kline were in riled in St. Mary's ornan e xcellenoe to withstand the wear and tear t e av r �e
Wall Fare,s-A. Win',er-1 selsiBlon, poured hot� shot with goods that tip th acme Of e
Eps and corn-S-G� E. KIUX-8 ev.. ather
-8 Tory leiders. -Mr. Marter wants to Moab! catholic'churoh,'W Marys, by R fj land completeness. Do any' of your rooms
Name and Bluslo--Will IdeLecd erect stations and, abhool 'houses at' such I bl
irm, and ng,14Lhult. iThere Our prices are also very reason In boys' school Shoesi 'Ve havt,
s Unp-lid—S. bfullett-8 require carpet? Our stock � comprises
Account Mr. W1 itueV1 on' the publ c platfc Breen an, on Mondgy morni
v be deaignated� by the Commis- 'iends of the young pquple shoe at 81-50 ana
Shoe -4-W. H. Willis-& points a(3 ma. says thi b if Mr. Whitney ill allow him to were �nly a few 6 Carpets for all kind of rpoms ; would your them as low as $1.00 a pair, but we recalinmend the Dayfoot
seed,-2—Hamilt)a & Kenl %ke--& is also
siz)ner of.Crown Lands. hl�_ ClerF us I
r tell whi t he KM,%rter) suffe old in the Coni. prelaettatthe ceremony. The bride's kitobou -floor save you much work and al -
Big B&rgains—G. U. Baldwin -8 I I I - -
_6 required to establish and nl�hstain a line of orted I"n if covered with $1.75, to give th6 b�st satisfaction.
License Tramfer—T. Stephens servatii e caucus, there will be another 00111' ter an'd the bridegroonN brother sup look bright and c
House fc- r gala--Exp-aator Offloe-5 not leas than four steel ship" of not less than servatbe leader. EiridenVy Mr. Martell�� the ormtracting p r op. Mr.andwir., ay. Li�oleum? We have V)ie different good In Girls' 8chool Shoes, our pric rang -a trom 70C Upwards, but
Iii tice, Surm44ta- Court --R. S. Hays -5 4 best
-Won. Somerville -5 ght be. hasn't ve high opinion Mr. Whitneyli ton will reside on Mr. Pyton's farm i i tie
Mu%koka Lakes 2,000 tonnage each, for carlt ing f rel� 9 qualeffiesoo. the different !widthi ind very
ry lity is worth, $1. 25 a pair,
harltoa-ii Gore of Downie,' cho R,?garAiug Lace Curtains, qua
Frovau's Carrie 114
e-Puron & C tween Michi iooten, Saulb Se. Marie and 4biliti a patterns.
I p E. McFaul -able and
—A somewhat seriousacciaent ha ' period Co.,
Roomi to LA- we can please you. T
Girl Nyaxte I -are. T. F. Col man -8 other points on -the North lakes,a, nd to, - Ade a 0 1 rom btawa iappeared in the to Mi��s Freda S'ehilacman, a little irl eleven rth. 1794-1 Parent.s who arekoking fo scho�l shoes that are r.
spriog supplida-6-Raid & wils3n---a u on stur lasti. � She eafo look well and wear well, hpuld not fail to sd'ze our stock b4o;�.
still Ikeduairig-C. W expbt�8 build pulp �Iorks and amelltinig works in ad- Torout) Mai I and Empire, few da5s ago, years"old, I e, PERSO.NAL.' Mr. and re. Robert Mor- that fit Well,
Ste re for 8sle-A. HC&Qll was climbing UP On the platform of a, large ;j
dition to au� previously un4ertaken. As Sir Wilirlil Laurier would risen, of -Stanley, but foroerly of MeKiIIoP, buying.
pct..xt, ezi-Beattia Broe.-a to the ffeot that
Cash for land roller from the rear, when she got! her
Mrooa.2,-13�41dwfn & Co. --8 result of the e conditions 811bout 50 miles of retire rom politics after; the coronation -- A were here on Sunday Jasb visiting Mr.
P foot caught between the roller an O� 0 of
Jowelry-2-J. Bulger -8 1, William Galbraith, who in couflned. to bed
erx L. Farnham -6 the propoEed railway have '41ready been con. ebremc nice, on account of �11 health. This the iron suppolftera. Dr. Monteith: was
Bull far I it i was ith irifl-immation of the lungs an the after eafo h
Calves for s3,1 -H. Riehmond�& stracted an� 815,000,000. ol.�pendod on pulp called, and was'spon on the scene. EP WILLIS & ON9 S'
report'has been irculato often, before, The old-, gentlemans WAs
Turnip Fe d -A. Youn�_S 8,.e% L _ I i , found that there were several severe 'b�uia(s effects of I&; grippe.
Potatoes wante-I-B. 13. Garm-9 works, rolli ig roships �au& other i' the deiire of thil btful of his re-
apd noidoub originates ri 3 nd the skin very badly 14cerated V'et:ween relatives aud friends are dou
-raitwayi Con- Conservativ a to got S'r N.V11frid out of the a f his advanced age. a d rom ti: to 'time -
enterprises a baidiary to tile the shkle and tl;.- knee. The doctor dies -a- covery on account o ily eng ge f me
In ocrinection with �bbi i report they PRESENTATION. -Quite! a number ol� tb the oresentation iii atore for her, and was Bullard is bus
ed in way- 5�itcheR, te
N" ditions of settlement were, -also impOs ed the wounds hnd put in several a. he kind and Unexpected for the council putting down stre hea
-0 ngemen of L. 0. L. No. M, Winthrop, much affected by t L
cinnection. with the Mani, ulin snd�.North Pay a very Iiigh tribute to . the abilities of and it is hoped tl�re 6hild Will be al� righ ra S eciated so very highly. plank walk, on the ba-ek and ide �5treetg,�
� P that, in the assembled at the home of!Mr. olomonjBar� gift, which she appr
Ron. . W. Ross by asser, rpg in time. s ato bavirg tt
Shore Railway, together *ith the - oreotion ev- ement of Wilftid, Mr. wick, to bid him farewell, and preOnted The adldref a was filitingly prepared and gave Xuamber of our villager, _,ft
eut c f the retir r shade and Ornamental trec S tri
-A well knov�ln resident of Nortl)l Ra�t e of the high esteem in which NITIE. Mod),
May- 2nd, 1902 of a smelter near Sudbury' and it boat for Rose will take the lead wa him mith a nicely worded address na: A evidene
I SEA-FORTE1, FRIDAY - I t hopeasced away on Thureday last,1 in tte It was- read by Mies which adds greatly to their 0_pe6noe, oxii
Even t e M it has sometimes to admit this beautiful Bible, prior to his leay.i ior Doherty was held.
I aseEngera tooching along the perso)a of Mr. Aobert T. Pattersorl, post- ion was 'made it would be we'll if t eir example was gew.
freight anc Sault Ste. Mario, All expressed thel' re- Le Touzell, end the presentat
superi r abi,ities of Ontarib's Premier. ill, of �near
master at Brocli;aien, in the 71st vear of hi -3 ty replied ally followed. Miss
western shores of the Province at all im- gre at his departure from thcir mid but by Wm. Whije. Rev. Mr. Doher mitthill,
East fluron Liberals. M F. age. e deceased had been in declining b ock visiting,her*i4terL
-peri y in in behalf of Mrs. Doherty and thanked the is in the village this
portant poiilita between W'Xlndaor' a#d Sault In a rcc�nt speech, ni H-. Cler wished him every succesi and proe i�. -ias HudEo
gue TremalnN V",
The annual meeting of the Liberal A I he 2r severa, months and b13 death ma% Mrs. Then
ra for their handsome present, assuring 'p t
said he was confident thaC� in a few yearP not nexp�cted. Sonle -it had ptietor o*f the electric light laa
ation of the East Riling of Huron '(Provin- Ste, Marie.. u time ago! he fell his ne* home. Mr. Barwick made aI'very done Exeter
Can. it be shown that iiny conocaBiori hilk there Would be a ci I.' of 26 00 at the Sod* from a rig, oust& ning iDjuries whic,!h hast. feeling reply and thanked hia brothre
ru�uf�o them of the unexpected pleasure
-herty and himself to be wrs in the village this week.�Mr. -Williani
a. Do t(h
cial and Dominion) mill be hela in the town y P,0 their kindness in a most graiifyiug given both Mr p tr
been made to the great cc poration of wbich that the ateel works wop d employ 5 o0o ened his death IYeara ago, throng an fko- ci o 0 pres A Kyle, of Dixie, i's Pil(Lting U a fine -a 'at
n ar and to receive such a valuable token of their of the Frosb wire fe4e. M k � Lg
cident., be sus�ai ed the lose of a 6 es a ood
hall, Brussels, on. Taeada, Ma 13tb, cam- The evening wa3 r -pent in games, musi t ent with their friends on this occasion,
ell was served, an
Mr. Clergue is the head, in whiah the public re after which a dainty tun
0 men. a would be the lar� eat steel plant i
mencing at 1.30 o'clocki After the election 'was au industrio�a and much spected resi-
eel- kindness and esteem, and that it would be a appearance as we:11 its being strong. --mi"
t t h not been carefully gLu haLt the. propoied will all reiuraed to their respective homeal f
of office bearere and the transactian: 0 other arded ? :one Ibc atiou in Ame: iia ; denb,.'and his wiq w and large family I
0� the
0' iug �hat they had epent a very pleaaant source of great encouragement tO them in Edith Bonthron, of Toronto, is home f
Now wha is M r. Whit 'tube work -hy of a wide circle of
;�ey's uttitudo� on N would erl another 5,000 have ithe symp t Ot Seafdrth,
businelaa, addresses will be deliV*ered by evening. the Master's work. The reverend gentleman. present. -Mr, Al. Y.' M-cLe
at 'he ba� de. �oveatually nd'that,inhis�.ujgment,25,000 hiende. -0 01830 me t in-' Lose questions? We find� th WEDDING BELLS. ne of th tb on went on to deliver a neat addrels in was in the vi'lage on Saturday
Archibald Hislop. the LiLberal, candidate ; I 3eiate'ind 0 a tries - ayp-iarod at. the �tratford
onto. e peeded to - and Mr Len have teiturneol'te, our7
blared in his speeches durilug this carh6aign men m Win. Lear' a D. McMarl
teresting eveut�, which always cause rip� his usual happy manner, in which he cam here they had been -1
uron- and lea, or attracted police court laEb week, to answer� fo the
I owned by"Oe allied compat 11
P. for East H
Dr. MeDan&ld, M. of a$sqUlL 8, ple of excitement,, took, place on Tu sday binedhumorwith instructio , and which village from LULC&V,
Camino that it he isipat In power,i� of which thorp -a 3y in. ' Ttiis is an, other evidence df chargb U on NJ r. Hay �of' Logar. m, think o,. of
r deputy speaker of the us Hon, R. there ' th' when Miss Ellen, second 'daughter of Mr was much enjoyed. After'tbis the - evening the pust year and no in re not the rem�otcat chance, he vVill repel b driesa lik e' manner i' which - Hew's found guilty and sentenced Ito thi ee n'the way Ball than they ever 43.
r -ill further pleasantly spent i
�Jucation,and otheis. he On William Storey, bcoarnei the bride 0 Mr. was at
Harcourt,L Minister of IP the NnCral h'
viding for the tax:Ltion, of tario ( overnment has de with the open. months in Prison, wher. e will
Solomon Barwick. Only mill diate of musical selections, readings, recitations,
A large attendance fiom all seetibus of the ing up and developing of law Ontario. have lots of hard labor. �Lqar i.a better friends of the bride and kroomtb�ere p sent. etc., the Hensall orcheitra and Miss Ban. fris�town.
banks etc! from which is derive an anolial i I
W Wo Bil," had been iwarking
1 'Buf linton, adding greatly to the pleas.
c-)nstitueney is expeoted. known lat Gongratulationa b6ag o�er, all el�t do in to den of C
arly a quarterof milliSu dollars. for Mr. Nicbols�ro, of he 14th c -es�ion of b We would like f4 evi-ry Isdy -in Seaf6r*
Irev nu 3 r4�st serv�d ' N of nd ure of the evening -by rendei i
a cof ng fine selec-'
Perth N o ea. a sumptuoul y mine o a
JAre the people of this P vines prepared to Logn, and gat very drunk at O;Ce tions of music. The Eerving o.f -tempting and vicinity to se
-cut noft
The Dominion Parliament. - 'hostess in theit beautiful home. thelleven- looel-this a ell of revende for the sake of -Mrs. W . Brown, of litchell, died lait He then went b4ck'to the shanty, whe�e the spent in different refresh -meats, provided by the ladLie . 9, made women,laamplc s of w teb maybe seen in
t)og was very pleasantly window, or better still, come in and have 1% lookli
J -11y drawing to a cloa;6� man Hayg was eping house for the I for wowe . P, buithtl
The seeti:)n is rap :lea% bg a h joiable part. of the even- not only the Geo- A. 81 r shoe
pla(ing N There are week usband sad nine children. 911" kinds -of amuserrolents. sant and en
__ Whit pawer ? of ditchers, and very much abueed r. a n d- Mrs. I Bar- a plea Peeriep," vlcioFia." &c. W. 9, Willie, seae)ltk�
It ia expected that prorogatim. will take -Re V. r. Brown, Of E 3bringville Evan Ze! ir t, and much credit, in
riterests o the Utinoat are he re- wick left the next day f6r the r! new home ing's eritertainmen
u,rgeucy r(q,a,h3g gclical chu io'b, 'has been noved to Ham- Had I b not been for the -good c the leading place for ffin shoes ofill kinds, 11%_1
1�mcs in, about two weeks, and with' that . - a in Sault Ste. Marie, where they will 'in 'this connection, is due to Mrs. K4iaer for
OfL oeiveA he would likely h1ave (lied. Hays ha
the exp,ri iture conoiderable sums of butg 'ra d Trunli flag sikvift ln�
ew legielation is being hurrie %nd as future reside. The bride receiied imany 'throwing open her house -and giving Buell NOTES. -The
for which every d �iie Mcore brothers h Ve sold their farin 6en in the hoEintal for some time, I St. Cola ban) fii now in faW
money ollar of the: public 11 valuable and useful pr6sents, Which o to excelleht help and acaommodatiov.�Mr. Iriebtown (St
-through, Dari-ag the pssi weak, three di in Fat rton, , to Mr.- - W. Harper,. j r., for unable to testif against Lear. I ng. ty-four ltibie�t
revenue s ould bo proso�orved, and we do t to the estee'm in which: the �oung and Mrv- George Ingram, who have beEn swi One hundred and; fif
vhdona have taken place, onL Comparatively $5,80Q. -At the spri lg�horse show heldi in Us- testify Their very many friends here for the past nine or ten mouths, com- to ad from this istation havo been sold dur-1
-there was th beat couple are he].J.
n6t think the people 4flithis Province are- -!fhe dri lers are 6.p6rtl d to have struck towel a sliort ti e in % I �iahing e weeks. A
unimportant matters. One occurred on a in renpcet to,-nurliberL ill unite with us ;them Much bining business iroterests with a visit among ing1he past thre re are a is
repared eirher to lose !large amount of nitura I gas a St. arys t1il other day, at a show*of horses, V�th eir married Iii -their relaLiveR mud frienda,laft here on Taea of those coming from and i g to diattat
mation to further protect, the market gaid- P happiness throughout th g9in
I f losing it, to depth of 1, 00 feet. I� and �aality, th%: has been seen there for in Tancouver,
revenue, or, in, the ev6�t q day laat, for their hoice points from Irisbtov �n : Mlm M, 1�raua-
umber of their koph, Detroit D. and J. Ctpniu -and John,
Boilers by an increased dtity on: vegetables. -On Sun, ay, Apri 25t�`, Rev. Dean Kil- some',years. The priza lizit is as f oilo;we British Columbia., A n
ar as pa 0
This measure was �aoked up by Efluence in make it,good themsIlve r te sake of r o y 41P menced his 29th sLor If Imported heavy draught! four entri(s., 1, Kippen.
J friends assembled at the station to see them Flannery,Tor-onto ; ltbv. P. 0ream,Petrolis;
y �h( r and 06nvoya
having Mr. Whitney i� ower. Thenj if St. 40aeph'E church, 8 ralt ord. Sbra )ona, Wi kinson �roa. & Vife, Pm- D. Hay, Commissions am,Heason and Wiartol
is t cor
the neighborhood of Montreal, where it 1; 2, Holimby Thumperi 1�ender & ed off and to wish tl�lenl a safe and* pleasant Rev. J. Gre
Mr. WhiWay cuts dawn tL rev`snus�n this -LNorman Hoffman, of Jppbringville, has ersto; willq, niortxagee and deeds drawn up. Moll oRD number of the Odolfellows of Hen- John, Ronan, Londo 3 snes B-argin and
trip. -A
claimed that the Arnerican vegetables arg g i.
way, wbQro Jis cqng: Ito get. tho 1 �money seluross f a good. situation In Prescott, Ari- Filsilliger, Wallace Peter's Bes6, Bender at the lo vtst rates of Interest. 0-tt
)na cyimported to the, detriment'of the Canadian z ,and left for there la4t week. & Barlet, Walla6e.' Agdoulbural h6rse,� any NOTES. - An at -home 11 v ill be held un- sall lodge accepted, on S,unday. last, an in- k M. Cartby, Windso6o. ; P. J. Lathamot
for the agricultura pollo$ee which le pur- has been ell- en�rjee.l .1, L;rd Minto, 0. You- der the augpicaa-of the. L-idias' Aid . St. Vitation to attend divi lver�ary ser. I'llain; Wm. H&rkreria, New: York
growers, but the members of tile (�Dvern- _�Wlr. 5 towaet, �of age, two vices with their Exe.tqr brethren, in the Peter !Matthews, 'Brooklyn, New York.
I on
p-laes bLildillg, if he gets 4nol o power gai�ed on'thil Mitchell hi school teachiog ins, Gowanstown : 2, L 6ird O'Logib, J.: Me- Andrew's church, on �he manse lain,
I i .9 et Methodist church and enjoyed Seafor6b, however, ems to� have the ft�tl
ment were able to show conclusivelY that horses, Thursday, May Stb, cirrimcnging at' 2:30 James atre
statt � the I * ion occu W by Mr. M 0
it )oa4. a�. Kepv'er, Listow6l. 81dard bred
was only before the Canadian prodact was p atford, two 39, bi Brown o'otbok, and lunch eerved an ab)e and eloquent sermon? suite I to the hit present. None o the people of Soxfodih
Robbing th M0�,n1-1[c-ipa1it a. Kn )h congreg4tion, Str entries. 1,1 Oliver Wilko a I b 4:30.1 The refused to sign any petition in favor of our
i, delivered by 6e pastor, I tev. Mr
ready for market that importstions of - any ban boug1ht the t in thei of the church, Wilkes,. Kidd ]Broa.', Listowel; �, Young ladies*of the aid are making e rery effirt for etters
Mr. Whimey is not in 1fa or of ta:kiag Jn-' i e to bu eorge "Cmpbelli Wailaoell ihor- a good an&sociable gatherin�. Br wn.-George Joy.nt made a Ehi)ment of flag station, Oil th � cotray many
I a selloolroo'ni Wilkea, G All 'ladies
account took place. Mr. Blair has present- and intend, in atoes during the past week. -Oar mer- were sentufrom Irishtow and Se-afor-01 igL
surance and banking rns at he '(.X -
on it. oughbred horses� four entries. 1, imp; rted and children' will be made. welcome- "d on. Pot'
chants are displaying attractivol spring favor of the staticln.�-Tbe demand for ottUs
ed to the House, the statement for the year i3enas of the m-unicioalitiea He o poEes a -Xr. lJohn oss er of 8 ra!t. Rotherval, Kidd! Bros. ;..2 Imported �ally- ly a small admission fee will be req ired.
g r i.1 buyer, of 8 1
I i. stocks. -The friends of Mrs. RolJert Bon- and ogs in this' �iciaity� 4s exeeeding1j.
of the Iatercolord*l Railway, which was tax that 4imply serves t e purp as of a ford, vlFas� strick n with Pa. alysis, on WeR. 'more, Kidd Br(!1F. Carriage horacs'! five As this is the beginning� of h0' good Xrork
thron will be -pleased to learn thatlahe came �_briak at present. 'Beef is-
eqmparatively satisfactory. Although the Government; thl[At is run Ing in shallow neada af to] noon of last' eck, and for a entries. 1, Lorq Roberts, by Wilder'Lee, by the Ladies' Aid of S. Andrew's church,
ji prices now.
waters. His contention tlat witil econo- through the operation -performeq by De in fw-ot some people -assert that
I time h 84ondition was criti,cal. i Kidd. Brop ambrino Tborn, Dan we hope it will. be a grand faucceEs -Mr.
g basis, 4 1 9 , beef was nover so high before, except whm
road is not yet on a half-susthinin my at Toronto: there we 113, be no pecd of I am$, Wallape. R-)adster horses'I'three Walter Keddy, and his sister, Miss Hieddy, Uu�n, of Clinton on WedneSday e!V8ning of
T�uddingto)6 1�cf the 16-h co' - Wit i lite week, very nicely, and isl doing as well the cow jumped ovOr 1 the oon.-Hightyl.
the affairs are in much better condition than ha
diroilob taxation of t4�8 c r cte'r. What he cessio �f E(mai had a 4,%Iytio atrokE a entriles. 1 Wilkie Callins, by' Oliver of 13.3borne,,duri�.g the!week, were Insking illop and Hibbert as an be expected. -Mr.. T6omsa -Ballan- five farmers from Mle
they have yet b -en since its 6onstructio in. stands for is the right of FoUnkipaliti58 to J. ilooZ, Gowanstown 9N at the b!ome of Mr. and Mrp.
short 6file- ago. I His right! ide is paralymd Wilke 2, Harry a pleasant v - I ) .
tin has been quite poorly during the past, vaded Iri8htoWn th� week before last. Tbe.
rofit by the b.utia(;sj c q by bariUs, loan C I a Y;'� Cfi'h at' 8 we�ep�takes John R. M�Donald, Tuckersrnitb.�-The 1(
Th.aproi.ectionof the Iii3e: into Montreal, P and hit, speech i!i affected. rleg Rung, Ust owe]. I ug rail fence on the line be�ween theYls
k I f6w weeka.-Mr. McMartin, of London.,
and insumuce All suol)l tars for Sweep8takEs inany old friend a of Mr.' Win. - K le,
-Mr4. Ford ar of Mi accomp4i- heavy horse Stratheona. y at, a . re
larger and wao in the village du ring the paat weck v'ls_. nery-McCarin farms' from the Huton;Rosod
and.tbe necessity of providing into trca3. forli pl6sed to see him etepping around ag in in t ! - 0
civ, thi3 to the G. T. R. sta�ion, fled at their -sF-
should, lie maintaibr, g .1, t er aaughte , Mr. (;D� llis, to her kht horses, Xmported Rothery
I more powerful engines to handle freight, ilea, not ioto X Of a " ied h his usual active -way, after his long co fine- itirig friende.-The warm rains of
ur overrif
home ini Rollheser last w� nd will V�e"
ment that is diisip�ting 0 r resources- and ment to the -bo week have helped vegetation greatly.-' oach. Then. axes� spades,: shovels, post.
use. Mr. Kyle is not only PT
thst, the roaa may be ick a positi:)n to handle main there or the Bummer., 1,1,ond es ro. I Mr. G. D. Arnold is this week moving into! drivers,, hammers a#d saws Were aet goisi;
expending thousindh of dllaia in the em.
J lep� Dichie, cl� Toledo, who was ling better but looks younger. -Rev.
export as well as local business, has pr)ved B8�s' Suits-j!ust as good as any boy. ever fee the dwelling recently purchased'from. Mr.' at high pressure, ;tand before sunset 'on
ployment of useless lefficid1l. -leader of th ) old Mitehell banl upwards of M. C. McLennan and Mrs. MoLennSD were
a heavy drain on the resources, but with a needo to walk i4. Suits that are aioe to Harold.-M�. and Mrs. j. Macarthur were' Thursday a 2 inch ank sidewalk four feet
We all know that! the. J? rovinclial Gover twenty 'yea] a wag in that town I at this week at Londor. Mr. McLennaii was
keep':,the Youngs era looking neat, no r�atter in London this Wsek.-Mr. G. McEwen, NJ. wide, and raised a v,e the Snw line, '�X
these improvements a much better financial ment receives, annuaily al:loat' S225.000 from father-` law, Mr. Thomas attending the* meeting of the Synod. Mrs.
lie' how, at CL
tile, liquor enseq -g-rantbf by muoiclEY, -Much fun t ey are-jout for. Sulta th Vanhoughton, of Vancouver, British lum- P.t who was home for a few.days on usi', tended from the G R. iriail -crane -and
showing i3 expected. Mr. M ulock has in- Payne will 14old their own agaii? t the ons- au'ht of neA, returned to 0.tAwa the ficat pArt of' fl I agy station, withol urve or bend to the
ties. It lics played a� pame of grab for -i�r. Fr(d Dvis of i choll, was teL- 9 bia. who is visiting among her many fll�iends
ron Road, a dist nee of 51.2 yards. troduced his bill providing for compulsory roug,4 and tum, e. Suit: that are 6.4ht in -L this -week.-Mr. F. G. Bonthron, of Sea- rai
yeara, an its corpora tionj it a is on all fours! dered a ban 3uet, and �res ted with a gal�'d- in. Ubborne,. the past week, was the gu 9V of
q t prewand a-uits be had from Th forth, was in the village last week, Visilizig� Ing the progros of �he bee, sill theincomilig
with its Uquor legislation, 1 headed cane, atl che Rick house, in t onal of
arbitration of strikea and lookouts on rail N' Me' her couain, Mrs. John! R. MeD ed
4794 1
a Fau� �Co., Seafor h. - his mother, who is seziously ill. -Mrs. Win. and outgoing truiaslwbistleddong continu
waSs %ad the establishment of board.3 of The municipalities a', -e robbed- by both.i town,,,pne evenifig last wee Mr.. Dvi Is Tuokeramith. Thii. is Mrs. Vanhoughton's
Mr. Whitney andhis goplErnment will cor-1 moving to GodeKcb. NOTES -Quarterly meeting in t�e 1 Lon. Elder, who had been spendirog some mouths staccato aaloAes in hionor of 6,11 the W411wg
fit st, visit to her friends' in Huron, who. were
arbi.tration. The bill is not to be pressed
with friends in Torontoj returned home workers, who in turn reap6naed with loud,
rect both these e d tile Mailiciplities! desb'ro church on n t,- ;Mr W,
f time -Mi. Roderick Kenu� ly has sold is trod ce the more -than pleased to have her
thist sefsion, so there will b3 plenty o v' a a this v cheers and waving Of hats and caps.
will profit by the chale.Laalt Report i r. proper or tho outskirtc of the town of Lyon and: M4ss Townsend i eeding in icinity is well finished up. last week.�Mr. and M .A. Dent, of Mit
for both parties interested to study ita pro. 65 0. topi& in the Le�gne, o nday. ev nl'39, excepting peas, �which farmers are .91
The Rporter evidel, 4� d6es not under- Mitch 11 to Mr. John P ips, for n moll some chell, werelu the village this week, visitin
rs. Sutherland, Mr. Dentis sister. -Messrs.
V-Slco�s. It is a move in the right diree- whe�, a large niimber attended. -+M,, and
aad the situatioro. Th only munici-ilaii-, Mr. enne( y lef t for F rt Willia'm h at holding back to escape the troublesome�,bug.
Mrs. -, Andrew land -family, of C�nst�ance, James Petty and George Trott left here on �1
wee o the first of May
6013. !e h ties that pi ofitted by the a, seg;m e'rit of Lhel erner, of M 't- calle�,A on friendaiin the village, on t sit way came in with 6, hea4 fall of * snow and very Alonday morning last, for tbe old country, MATRIATONIA very
al�k;nald & 11V ee pleasant
to their new ho e in Gorrie.-Mr. N' Bell where they intend to spend two :or thr' '�Prt Hope, zon
landa and insuranoe o m: anies'.,;Were the chell, '!ha�e dibsolvod p rtnership. - The little seeding was dono� before the 24th of took place as Welcome, ear
The Government and Corpor-
this week,'on busin� peo�,le, have g ason a with their relatives in England. A the evening of April',23rd, when Alr.Alichael
large cities in whichfathe a U'cffices of thes6 busineis will be carried on by the former, was Seaforth OR"— May. So we, as a ood r month
Mrs.. is on the sick list.___:1MrP. 09 W-90 U
ations. and 4�. Wamer will real ve to- Dutoville, Mannin for thankfulness that'wle are keeping c n the large number of their friends assemble at Elford, of this vill, nited in ia-
corporations were situate The bue the station to see them off and -to V7 . g t in
'For a long time Mr. Whitney and his where he pu rpol3es goina ill to buninese. MCK�rozle, of Bolgrave, is vidi,itle ftienis side of improvement in:'ollimatic condftions. riage to Mrs. 'Alice. ot. !:The corternow
of,t,heso� companies 'is pri c'pilly Oerived )i�'-J. Coupl�nd, Of Meaford� is: this asafeand pleasant trip. -Mr. Will, Buchan. 1waspetformedatth bri e?,s;horr1e,by-Re*.
her* -Mr. D. 0. M cLean, during -the eek, d
friends have been trying to Greats the Ira- -M6s La ura Vel is, of -1, 1.1eto wcl, and BIT.
from the rural towns RUd' lities, but Win. Of harleE Gerbraugh,'(_f-Toronto. were week.,the guest o� his parents. purchased ten head of grazing steers Irom an recently rnade-& delivery of thp orders he i K. Edwards th
preasion that the Liberal Gavernment ii M LICIPEL I had taken for nurser ktock.-M in , e presence of numblor
un,:,:dr the old rule,jtbelcties where the, marrWat t e Metbodist larannage, Liato. Mr. R, B.:McLean. Mr. McLean isl now y t. John of friends. After e ceremony -the 1111 -
subservient to. the corporations, that they Sheppherd is makiog a delivery of the !1 m&inder of the even mg W-Im antly spont
wel, ot Wednesday mornii go April 23rd, by la hi 4ock of steere, and 'leas
.yingin is summer
li�ad offices are eituated go the bonefit of nursery orders takeni' by Mr. Wrden of
are I league with corporatioa-a and are do. Rev. Iruffie. j3luevale. Well he kno4 how t10 do ib.-Mia� M. nsocia amusement. The iiianyFfrienad
the: assassment �ni thal came! Shil a, w has been' N&ES. ooper paid a visit, the past week, to her Rgmondville, in this vi y, and Mr. Elford hereaboy. ts will
ing all in their power for the benefit of the of tie lint nes -Mr. All in in --On F�riday, pril 25th, u judging units with us in
on sille. of ann from the quantity of tree plants and shrubs '1wishing himself and Mrs. Elford a 10119W9
f M t Thus the! r iral, �munieipali_' in the! Post L ffice in Mite] ell for the p"t the te too M re. JBishop, of Uaborne. -Mr. and
-rdless of the public Wei- cc eath of lizabeth Yeo, beloved wi
corporatiors rega: surroundirl'a country I happy married life.
ties wer ai :1 t cibies n' the! year, bas ac, epted a posi 4 1 r. n as operator Ill J. J,,Denman. Mrs. Denman I delivered, Heneall and
e torced, to d n had � been ill Mrs. Robert Dgie, durling the Weeki,were
fare. Before their theory is accepted, how. the holne of Mr. and Mrs. will be noted as a fruit growing diistrict.-
1 cefiel. Mi. Laurie %apman has tak n but:� -acl� of pneu- Naying a visit o =�
maintenance of their Inind1c; )al goveefini ent-.1 Bru few days with a severe att Election matters are beginniog
evev, it would be well to consider the facts his plum in the office. monia, and although it was known Ithat, she ames Blair, 0entralia. I Mr. B14ir"a many
This is the policy Mi% Y�hilney deair(s c0n"�� the attention of our villagers, and both
� I I i - of he picriaer [lice, in the was very ill, her1puddon death came he a friends here'are soi a not St 911110Y.
of the Matter, and a aearching investigation -Ariothe of E riy tq know ibat,he i'
tinned, and this is the pbliqy he will ietu`rn,� person of M irgaret, wife of Mr. 0A so _parties oeem to be fully preparing for whit
into the conduct 6f the Government will the community. Mrs. Denman in very go health. -Communion setvic eboc,4 to I MATUIM0141AL. -1, ver )tty but quiet
on promises to be'an exciting election conteat. - pt(
to if he gets into offide, ')f W�ich!there is not� Schmidt, di i on 8 afternoon la t, was Me daiigbte�pf Yr. Robert eo,ll or., will be held, in St. drew's chure residence of Uni
Charles Chapman and his siters, weddinlg. took place 0 the
f3.il tG enlist one tittIe of evidence to Bub. bbath. Rev. Mr. Sa era, of Brucefield, Mr. ra.
at thelage 79 yea ceased 'leaves a of T4rriberry, a "a was 4'5 years o ag� at 8, 1 John Watson, Stanley, on Vneaday, April
E. Rannie and Miss Kate Chapman, left : .1
busbalid', three sons v6 daughters 0 the iime of her a o a very 11 conduct thanksgivi g services oil Mi Ad&, wo
stantiate the contention of the Oppcsition, Jeatfi. She was. 0 on -
here on Wednesday morning for Chatham 129th, when hill aecond dau liter,
The ever iiiereasing calls for I The Government said 44 a isystern was mourul'her kin :and smiablo disposition, and ll iboFiel day. -Mr. R. B. McLea , who seems to be a
arger qrants I � I - ` ited in the holy rids of! Matrimony to
unjust to the rural un alt,wh1d, to attend the wedding of their broluter, John un
for education, administration of justic4 and in, scip�kli Cs and duly -DT'. Davis, 6f 0 was reported to who came in con�te(et with her will feeli the great favorite 'of the Seh forth people at, 00M. Mr. David Dewar, a prosperous young
Chapmau,Of London, to a MiLs Gammage, I
have ab'cept �4 the posi i -i of orgar.i.3t in loss of the clil -and kind-hearted w man plimentary suppers, on onday last attend.
ather public institu, They farmer4 of the same township. The inte�r
-tions made an incrc,.L-(,' tvored the large and welaibhy.cities. � I
urch, Stratf ed the farewell supper of Mr. E.C. Coleman. of Chatham. -Rev. Mr. JewiDt delivered
St. Ja�nea' (I Ird, has decid d -has passed away, But how vpry uoh ed by Rev.
who able temperance sermon eating ceremony was perform
revenue necessary, inade, a change. They t from the cities will this be felt by th hue- A very good time to ba on hand. Mr. very 0.
but instead of layi4i bhe not to�lea�ve I'Xalt, and the 3hurch is tryijlpg rrl J. G. Yelland of yfield, in the prezence
baud'and moth ess children Who have e friends of the 0011 -
tile power to tax the i b ss done by these-. to sec�r dist'church, on Sabbath evening last. -Mrs,
burden on the tax payers, thei Government, e, an Fnglish orgiiion s, 6ri Si muel Smillie, of Housall,during the week f th
. I I ' D. McCall, o Brucefield, and Miss Taylor, of only, 6 immed
ire,d em�to he -Among 1ose whQ ' bee I
I -pay t ere ht tractin
in 19.99, wisely placed a tax on.life and fire corporations and req recruited adepiived so soon of the love nd oars mr Ys calling on his old friend,, Mr. Thomas parties. -brideiwas beeoffli
Guelph of a,Wife and m6ther. . Deceased �1eaVeU S Slurgeon, of the village,1 who is still pOrly. of near the same pla;ce, were in the village
tax,into the noi I trbii urv.1 and which 16r the Fourth Calliadian Contingebt I in white gandie., Arimmed w!
insurance conipanies,banks,trasb componies, Provi family of!six children three Igirlo and i on.Tuesday last renewing acquaintances.- gOVMC white
h4rl a Steele young
railway an.d gas co ; anies,, etc.
These is no* being used to ighpleii the burdens of' to Soutb:Af ri ca w�s 0 engineer, Mr. George Wren spent the past week or EO 'lace nd chiffon. as Lili of
-br�ide Mr. Joseph MOESOP
of Strit hre6 boys, the eldeqt of whom, Al Hengall. o ton, assisted the
MP f. iord,and formerly!ao member of the t �ert,,' be- with his eon on tl�e homestead farm, near
oompanwe- could afford to pay the slight tax taa-tion in the.rnra� rn�iiti cipallitiEs from' 2 h ie Iment. He' is 22 ears of age and ing 6' clerk in Ralsteiad's bank, - Mopn t 1 For. sman. 1he young Couple are
rs. -On -Our council intend' putting being groom
d � g eat. i.The others are*'still at home. 1 0 IS and their
85 1 a I un- Loom, Biau aturday last, eath Chiselhurst.
imposed on them as their large investments whence it i i derived �by 4id a' tihem� i a the tan feet 5 inchda. u and highly esteomed,
�tered the home of Mr'. John Carmi4hael, down the cement walks that were petitioned WEII know
day 4fternoan one of tile largest funerals of long
s join in
r P__c'bp'ol-e,' af1ministr4ion of 'I -91r. L. Bradeaiaw, 11of S'rat.for(
and generous dividends attested. For e- this place, taking from it their bright -and for last. fall, but wbi,3h the cold weather many friend wishid them a
support of thei recent years testified to the sympa by! and Of :g
an appy i e.
years these corporaions had been im muned justino, aud in the a4voncerinent of ogricul- Curned last week fr'Ora 4 annual busiees respect of the community. 7 The Be et gaging little 18 Mont a' old. -child, Georg. coming on prevented them laying. 1-1 r. R.
trip d' ry. e was a passen -
from paing taxes, and a3 they derived a ture, as well as in tlie im�aiateniknce of the t the (I I couilf congocted in th� Methodist church by Rev. 1115. A funeral service, which was �quize
ger ofh6 Canard steamisli p Eruria, that largely aftended, was buld at tile home on
Y! ast look at, 0-
vernment considered it but th%t w1ho, were they not rbaintikiped by the' her pt�lop�ller. he remains oil aodymaO things
id stich'ar: xperience, t4 ough the 1oss of AJ cnday ifternoon last- lafler which the re
revenue from all parts. f the Province, the insane and other such 1ke �'lhfortunates, h F. wann, and many availed themoelv's Of
the 9pport unit ; of taking a I the ill ceme: Y
ave II to be supported by -41 te�m owne, face'�vhich lay �old in death. T ins were takea to th RodgErvffl, r Goods. they should do their, sh tre towards meeting Government, would ill by INIZ I Win. Ahrens, i)f werelinterred in the Bluevale c Me ery. tEry for interment., f flowcd� by the rela-
Logan;, ill a fierce run from the Grand tivels and friends of tbe! sorrowing parcrits
al w re ikii
-?tlle Trunl� sl�ed� to the Hick house, Mitchell, heartfelt, sympathy qf
the expen" Of maintaining these institu- the local unicipalitles. Rt tl-,i3 way' Amotig t�hose 0 the f aner 33
eTt Frances Yeo, �f Wiadsor, and ra.1 R. + have 'the. the
tione,. And we do not think for a moment Governhi now receivcs, f om these Com- on Satur�af Iaqf. Thev , ere phickily pull- f
be T
Xin of ToronW, sisters of the dlEeaaed community'ia thtir sad i reavbment.- Mrs, -from
that any reasana,ble, person will question the panie3 about three hun#e thousatid dol-' up;by"TNlr[iTh6mas Z�i holson, before all been in the village
ev.) J. S. ',Cook has
ed y r. and M�;P. J01hri Kerr, D. 1. lGor.
and9k New Store') With ith, e uwh t ek t
lars a year, This ve d iring' the � past week visiting friends. -
propriety of sach a move, iy aoils' derable amount dkml)�e irs, one.
don, A. H. Musgrove, -J. H. Kerr,, F.
This certainly
l-bolr. aamea Jolinsto drover, of 81,r36t- of the t4wnship of Hay, re-
does not. IoGk as though the Government is now used for the b�encO cf the ninicipori- f, Variations and 1A r. Isard, 'of Wirglia X i8s Johnston,_
01. t erd of 107 earling cattle 'to
rd, i returned from Lend n, where she bad
C4 �Rtly o
Mr. Wardrobe, iof Teeswater, condu�cted. the A, AL I& Al
were playing to -the Corporations at the ex. tias generally, instead of foT the beneft of INY1 r. in� Murdy, of Tc Plato. � last wee�. b6anspendiElgil Month with ftiends.�-The 'W MI 1W I V, W W
- r services in tlie �reqbyterian church ion Sun.
penes of the people. the corporations and:. the large and wealthy The 3, i�e paid was f in $15 to $16 per Ut of the Lord's Supper will be �ie-
day.-Raeumon�a has been very lirev�letit Eacrame iS noW
Again, for many years railway Bubsidica cities, aa frmerly. Surpl tile Reporterl head. IN r. urdy, vki',l hip the herd 'to p msed in Carmel Pres yterian chur q�h on 0ir st-ock
in thid vicinity! during the last mionth Oj We are now nicely settled in�l our new tore 4n
Buffal -Rev. Mn: Waddell, of
JuBt a. in two. � The doctors are kept ve -8yibbat.b, May 11bli.
were granted. unconditionally, that is to say, should not object to 80 , rs (Ar, I) P, an 01 �y who was vialt. ly com
i hil Eliniville, and iormerly of Hensall, as in
i g WI rk t find ma tending to theirl numerous patiout_�Uayvla",
it the Government engineer reported that a this. If it,dolse, `b 'III t; roy syrn - Ing er s u -in-law, Mr.i W. Zimmerman, -enewink ac -
railway was constructed accordiDg to the �h i of th08e in Bluovale, however, are now on the %illage on Tuesday ast, i
pathizers in the crovintry back it up. reeve lof �h 11age of Mi �erton, died Bull- q iairktancele. His friends wete pleased to
o recovery. -
the r' inners
pp,d it The quartelly com.
denly ou� qi bt last weql. It was found A Few. Spechd Tmd
conditions Gf the, Railway Act as to road. As to the liqiior lie'ense oney, tb'e muni- as held in th s4e him again. -Mr. James !Bonthron',-of
that a biboo vessel In heil ungs had burst; union service yv e lie itiaters, Ittra.
cipalitiee now d at.
bods, etc., the subsidy was paid and the elive�morlll rom that source, She hid J�o A 0 ea t churdh on Sund�y last and was Toronto accompanied by
Iiously been B. H. Collins aiid M No Kate I Bonthron, of
railway allowed to, impose such tariffs as than the' ever did' befdri and t tendeA-Miss Marv.-Aitcheion is re,-overing Readymnardl Clothings
y I ley atill� Slannon, who I St. Mar in the village on S;Ibbath
Ya On from, her recent -illness. -_M it a Nettioil and F xeter, r. are
might be approved of by the Railway Ccm have the power to increo, the in,ome, if "t d joined a large a teran the 8111 4f February last, ir ee
Mr. -Itaseel G4iVger and Mr. Hartrey, of _�n last, visiting the 27 men's suits, (Yood tw d, wort $6, for $3.98.
mitte at Ottawa, N6W if the Government they so dcaire. This,, theWore, is a, species party in York, saili� on the White Moleisworth, wdre in the v N Bouthron, -who in i If. --M r. Honper,
illage on Sunday.
Star a teatnt b ip Celtic for � Mediterranean, ji,, of Lil Pick- '04 'Men's suitg orth 88 for $5.
had wanted to strengthen itself with, such of robbery " to whidh �,he municipalities -Mi. John Burgess was adding --up the ster, accompanied by Miss
and a to through the y Land, arrived a -d R10 a Elliott, of the same place,were
in gene al will not object. 1� Foreilters' booki in' Brantford last week. -
corporations E-pecially,,' it would not have 6me last *, eek, and is now the;guest of her MI in Heusall recently,reneming acquaintances. 50 pairs men's aciod workinL�, pan�s to be Sold at 75�� per palT..
I i S., McAllistor, of Turnberry, hold an 0 il
altered'the conditions upon which subsidies, daughter, rp. R. L. Bo�, of Sti. Marys. I a
-auction sale', of her farm stock, etc., last --Mr,')John Short, who has been i' Me-
r 1D G illjv�ay for the past three mc
aniounting to about ten millions of dollars, raid Smith, of the 15th concee- week and has rdmoved to Morrisbank. to re. nths, visiting
Editorial Notes a Comments.i D Go
Sion of Ell' e, left last eek in comparly aide with her d�vghter, James Al-esa s sokils, as re urne 0 e vi age
had been granted prior to 1900. But, con. - Nego 0 was held or
iations towards I peace in -Southl Friday'evening- last, a receptl f
with rl Campbell, of Ullma, with several -A -car of lings! was shipped from
is sta.
trary to the practice of the previous twenty. 1 000 yards of American Lawns 110 go at 5c per
Africa �re stilf in progr0s, and there is a, earl di o4voung -cattle for Calgary. s spent Rev. W. J.'Doherty and Mrs. - Doherty, iat YaO.
They tion en Mondav!. -Mr. James Burge five years, and contrary to the conditions of strong �opo that the term' vill i iqlogi i )f: their c4do out. West, and a fe� da- sin '�Ioodstock last wee .-Miss Mrr. B. Kaiser's, where the everen gen-
evbu� to bi, mar
nation of the war N 1 120 pairs ladies' corsets worth 5de, while they last for 23c.
the aubsidle's promised by Saudfield Mac. Mr. L. mith 41 tends to travel, and see some Hatt�-ie Reid,ofiWingham, Eang a go o in the tleman had. boarded pr
is now in sight. A nun.be of4be Boer lead. 5c each.
of �,hll tva4 Northwest tountr before he Methodist church on Sunday mono ug,- In a riage. Notwithstanding the Very unfavor- bor� -worth lof
donald and the subsidie3 granted by the y 20 dczen gente' white bandkerelijefs, with
Dominion Goverrment until a. couple of �tired of fighting, nd it is probable ur a -ho I. I Reid a 3ent the able state of th i
ret very' e weather, quite a large
'pleasing in loner. is$ ack n amber of the members and adherents of c pri
that tho o ters will 'short y see. the folly of -q be! ;ir 3sb�tery of tratford met at day �iLh friend here. -Mr. and Mi a. J See Cur pecial table of .5 They are wonaoqrs�
years ago, the Government in 1900 imposed carrying on such a hopele0a task.: I - Moth i f last week, for the Patefton and Miss Katie 'Hanna, 0� olts. Sb. Paul's church assembled to spend % few
h)uis in ho e. During the
as a condition that all, railways receiving indudion of Rev. R. Stu�rb, B. A. The in. ivorth, visited friends in the village bn Sun- cial intercours ++q-++
The Ooderioll Star, of v�ihich Mr. M itebell, ducti iwiery ces b gan at 2 p. m. Rev. day. Coultep, of tlaevl�ale W;fj eveniDg they took advantage of the bride's
I -subsidies should furnish al�ecial rates for M r. E.
the Conservative candidalte in West Huron, Mr. ( rans a4y, preached the tea(,h the clasa� of the ingbarn F.reeence to present her with a be'ubiful
tO , of ron
i 1�c school, uptil the holidays, c I mmeric.
prQapeQtors and settlers going into New On,
is edit Ir has as yet 8 rmon Rev.: Mr. Leitobj r onyx i table, in recognition of the 'many
tario, and also tha settlers' 01� notle h bl iato' induc ;ion t rmoj-n f pub '
effects, such as Strat ord, deliv-e- ed the charges to the iog �n Alay �'A.-Mi,a Lot�ia oad, of Undly and generous services she, had
the socr;ot as to how thalt, t letilu ici L AIR,0 7D &1 000-1
I I gen man to
I their stock, household goods, etc., should minlider,a9d ReV. r. Gr'� Trowbridge, is iFisiting at Jcseph, L c ch'e. - ri ndered to'the church during past y
be am, of Avontoh, eai a.
play the dr."tible-shv file act of prbhibitioni�tl addressed 1)hl con egatim. Rev. Dr. Ham- Percy Pattersop left on Wednesda ra. Doherty was in the truest and fullest
y morning
conveyed at reduced rates, such ratios to be a�d antl_Orohibitiori�,t, a� one and the�same i1tonJ formler pastor, presi ed at the iadu�- for Milvert6n, *here be has secur'ed a F.itua. 'If nse of the term completely taken by 00301 El HoWas
i agreed upon before the &u S line. GARDNO 1316
aidies were paid t t iNould be intErcking readi ingle Lint of
a nd tion, IiInd ab Oe close of t e golemn servic a tion In th-9 che Be factory, He will revel in KISO,,not having received a a
B a
le 'k, a
b u
who wat
Is to be relel
signed petiti ,
tice to COMH
J)r� &V
Thursday ell.
40�f Amel
asy for the
George MM
iell tbi-rty It
,his Wx-tlL
le-aves a
-At the
.,Angeles, D�
.8upr-orype t
Judge %Vvd
,re,eltacted T
,of fletroelbi
,had rived.'
-A bull,
:street, :and:
ichen ev th-42.
zhafts, anA
Y.Srj� whel
-The -h!
by fire Sat
five younjgl'
bacroted to �3
ing" audtl
Oua Condit,
inmates W-1
tlie corner
t.SWP6, Ust
sboul ten.
badly bru,
The hcaV3
tovRd bis
—00 fo
murlei Ja
-was brDi
I -Bud run.
ville, Wei
the book
in the ba.
�kinow-n J
twelve tl
jag and
,and the A
a re whi
killed TJ
-the UW
the -Sceii(
ng-oa tj
Posts -"
before t
13OY78 fir,
-A U
Stan pul
ags, kh�(
0011 a n Z
Day, -Stlil
out 41
lad flad
an be bi
His �corl
ing -4 xi
both hi
the lad
J. G,
At 11oul