HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-05-02, Page 3, 1902 esae 1 90€1t ar more up in tete iresey in one 3' a nobby Is SOelnarietereQ. Tecial. lines All intend t of up -to- t goods, ai r. noiraes, hing, which you a new :es that will :sys ete boy ;nest. raT 'S of the Tele - disposal of Lent fer the publie -ha te build :one rod awe. eeterial will he retion of wire ON, 17:13 stiles " ft- yutt WORKS Dyeing aml 13. eeeieity. oi eoeds, ewer - :le -t rotie flease eltere teken Main Stret. $ Fire TOWra leiRED OE; Thorne* ; Thereat) E. V. G. Broad - 0. 0. . Grieve, WI kin John Watt, John Pu. Seetortal ! Yea, Holinea. , C. Morrieon, noes or Imre* lionded to oa addreased 1902. P. 0. P. 0. .p P. 0, teliwood E. 0 eeatorth r.0 P.O P.O. 4TY Inapecter, ere' it& its ? I have used Ayeee Hair Vigor for thirty years. it is elegant or hair dressing and for keeping the air from splitting at the ends."-- . A. Gruenenfeldete Grantfork, Ill. -lair-splitting splits frjdshipS If the hair- splitting is done on your wn head, it loses friends for you, for every hair of your head is a friend. Ayer's Hair Vigor in advance will prevent the splitting. If the splitting s begun, it will stop it. MI a Will. All draulzis. If your draggiet cannot supply you, nd us one dollar and we will express you a bottle. Be sure and give -the name of yohr nearest express office. A.ddress, J.. C. AYER CO., Lowell, Mass. THE 1902 MELOTTE MODEL Dn't buy a. Cream Separator until you re seen the 1902 MeIotte Model. One. to leen power required than others. &chine out gearing of gun metal and caper bronze, and are fitted with a brake ttaehment, found on no other. Separator. op of tank only 44 inches above floor, easy to put milk into.; being low down, has no top-heavinesa to cause vibration, which is the chief wear of Cream Separators. Self balancing bowl, bowl casing coated with White porcelain, more durable than tinware. Discs are aluminum, which will not rust. The Melette handle can be taken off and put on without wrench or screw driver, but Will SOt, fall off. A great advantage, as Separator handles should be put out of the reach of children when not in use. The *lotto bowl spindle has only one bearing, other Cream Separators have four or five, which means extra wear. Radar -ad prices, Increased capacities, sold on easy terms. • We also handle Farm Implements and Machinery, Deering, Wilkinson, Noxon. Drills, Windmills, White Engines and Sep- arateas, also Tolton goods'. , D. McCALLUM, Seaforth, Ont., J. D. WALKER, Stafta, Oat., Agents. All goods at A. Campbell's wareropms, Sea - forth. What people say about this Cream Sep- arator : Seaforth, February 25. 1902. -Gentlemen: bought a Itektte Separator two years ago from J. D. Walker, and have run it twice a day ever since. It has cost nothing for repaloi. I think it the best end easiest running Separator on the market. I am well satisfied both kr derability and clean skim - Ming. John G. Sproat. Seaforth, February 26, 1902 -Dear Sir: I have used a Melette Separator two years. The longer we 'use it the better we like it. We can sit on a stoel • ,arid turn it easily. The c is no apparent wear to he seen. It looks as good as new. Geo. A. Gray. Sesferth, February 25, 1902.-Gentlets ea : The *her Melotte I purehresed in November, 1899, has ghee the beet of patisfasotion in every respect. In that time we have separated 126,e0e pounds of milk, • and the Seperatcr was turned by a boy who was 12 years e:d this month. It I bad to go back to the old way of eitimniing, I would go back on the cows. Abraham Hugill. teaforth, February 23, 1002. -After trying reveral makes of Cream Separators, I take peat pleasure in recommending 'the Melotte to any intending Imr- e:barer. let. It does all chimed for it. 2nd. It is much Osier turned. 3rd. It is easily cleaned. 41h. There ie no waste oil to come in contact with miik, cream or utensile William Aber hart. 1787-13 USE THE GENUINE UR MANMAN5 t'u Afsve. ...se ft - PO R 'RSAL. r"b" THE • 1-IANDICERCIIIEF TOILET Cc BATH REFUSE ALL SUBSTITUTES #,- Cett"Yrol -41 • - ":" r•ul fitri - it V. TIME TABLE. Grand Trunk Railway. Trains leave Seaforth and Clinton stations as ; Some Wear - Passenger. Peeseneer Mixed Train.... - '&4W Train Goias- Passenger.. SEAPORTS. Onerron. 12.40 p. /I. 12.55 P. M.,. 10.12 P. M. 10.27 P. 11. 9.20 A. M. 10.15 A. IL 6.16 P. X. 7.06 P. X 7.63 A. 3L 7.38 I. Passenger.. - tell P. M. 2.56 P. liked Train.... 4.40 P. X 4.26 P. ••••••••••=••••••$••••• Wellington, Grey and Bruce. Mixed. 1.40 P. 2.19 2.86 3.25 Mixed. 8.56 A. re 9.17 9.45 10.02 Source Noreen- Passenger. Ethel • 8.07 P. X. Brussels_ 8.17 Bluevale_ 8.27 • %Ingham 8.38 aonte Sou re- Passenger. ▪ Winghare. ... . .. 0.63 A. M. Eluevale s. 7.02 Br .. 7.18 - • ..• 7.28 London, Huron and Bruce. lin Nona-. Passenger. London clepart..,....- • • 8.15 a.m. 4.40 red 9.18 6.65 980 6.0 9.44 9.60 6.26 9.68 6.83 10.16 6.56 10.88 7.14 10.41 7.23 10.66 7.87 11.10 8.00 Passenger.6.53 esti. 8.15 re W 7.01 8.40 7.14 8.65 7.22 4.06 7.47 4.26 8.05 4.49 8.16 4.57 8.22 5.02 8.35 5.14 8.46 5.22 9.37 A. w. 6.1e Exeter__ _ Bengali._ ...... -.....- • . . •.• • • a.• • • Erucefield- - • -• • ••••• Londesboro - Birth- • • • Relgrave__.. arrive- oulEO SOOTS- • Wingham, depart-. ..- Selgreve....... Blyth., Lendesboro.... ..... Bineefield..- ....•••,•-••••••••• ••••...0 .. • •• riettaidl.re•sa Ceatralia.. . Loudon • 0, • • ....... , (arrive)........... James Kerrigan, one of the most Widely known hardware merchants in On- tario, died at his home, in London, at mid- Iligick on bionday. For years he conducted •eta wholessle hardware house in Toronto. al4e Was 60 years of age and a native of Vebece THE SAVIOUR'S LOOD. A Relic of the Crucifixto1n ProverVed , at Bruges. ' Many cities profess to ;Possess as a relic some -of the blood o! Christ, pre- served from that which flowed from him during the crucifixion. St Louis' brought particles to Pgis which he had received from the emperor of Con- stantinople. The Chum* of St: John Lateran, in Rome; the Imperial mon- astery at Weingarten, a elrurch in Man- tua and the Chapel of the Precious Blood, in Bruges, all put forward simi- lar claims. The precious blood at Illrugs enjoys the widest fame. and IS reported to have been collected rom : be Saviour's wounds by Joseph f It. Imathea. and Nicodemus when thy Wit down the body from the cross. It was brought to Bruges by Thierry of A, sace in 1147. He had received it froni ifts brother-in- law, Baldwin, king - of Jeijusalern. Nearly six centuries agq the extraor- dinary devotion paid to Ithis relic at Bruges by the inhabitant and visitors had induced the ecciesitts cal and civil authorities to institute a solemn pro. cession in which it shoui4. be borne in the streets. •i A confraternity of the peecious blood, consisting of thirty mem ers, with prevost and four chaplain, was estab- lished to guard it at all ti es. - The procession takes pl ce Annually, and the blood, contained ;in 'a crystal cylinder and inclosed in ts shrine, is carried about with mucl. pomp and ceremony. • ! She Coaxed In Vain. He was a popular young 'dentist, with a clientele among the sulart Women, one of whom had been peotesting for an hour that he was killUhg her. But be kept steadily at work With a sooth- ing word occasionally, and as he said, "That will do for today," he added, "Now, I didn't really Inlet you, did I, Miss V.?" "N -no," she admitted reluctantly, "but I always felt as if You were just going to." "That is it," Said he. "Now, there is one -infallible sign for which a dentist always watches when he is working On a lady's teeth and which 'she gives In- voluntarily when she is hurt. She can't help givin it, and when ,I see .it I al- ways stop." "Tell me what it is?" she inquired eagerly. • "We never tell," he replied, with an inscrutable smile. "Why?, "Because you would immediately try to counterfeit it." "Dust Devils" of the Desert. - :Travelers in the celebrated Death valley ,of California have described the wonderful contortions of the sand pil- lars that small whirlwinds sometimes send spinning across the hat plain. Even more remarkable ere the "dist devils" wn by Mr. H. F. Witherhy, the English explorer, in the valley the White Nile. Somet mes two of these whirling columns, gating in dp- posite directions, meet, "end if they be well matched the collision stops them and a struggle ensues as to which way they shall twist. Graduelly one gains the mastery, and the two combined he - gin to gyrate alike and then rush on to- gether." . Some of these whirls will strip ;the clothes from an Arab's back or twist a goat 1 round and round like a - top.• •••••••••••,, - The Perfect Silence. There is no sensation In the 'world like that which comes oter you when walking through a grove of redwoods. Their great trunks lige hundreds Of feet into the air and are lost in the, dense roof of foliage likei the columns of an Egyptian temple grewn to super- human height On the ground there is no Underbrush, but only ferns of a size and shaPe that suggest a prehistoric period and fallen trunks hat have lain unrottieg for 3,000 years1There is no sunlight, and no birds sing. If a storm arises, it ie an hour b fore a drop. reaches the ground. Hee all is as it was since creation, audi there is no time. It is the perfect sit nce. A Happy Thought. "Yes, Jones struggled along with his- • toric plays and melodramas, but they, • wouldn't take. Now he las a wonder, a record beater." • "You don't say!. What'El the plot?"' "I don't know, but the play egds in the middle of the last act." "The mid -say, what are you giving me?" "Straight goods. The ifiea is to fool the people who always begin putting on their wraps before the curtain falls.'1 Different Kinds of Contra, "I am sorry I kept yoli waiting so long, Harry, dear," muruihred the wife as she entered ready for the 'theater. "It took me so long to put; OD my coat." "Did you put on only tinn coat?" he asked blandly. She turned quickly and found, his gaze resting on her cheekge She Drew the Line. He -Won't yo' make up dat quarrel, Miss Black, an' 'Ionme to escobt ye' home? Yo's too good a -chu'ell mem- bah not to fo'glb dem what has offend- ed yo!. , She -4 fo'gth dem, Mistah Johnson, but I doe& 'low dem to esceht me home. -Judge. Her Hop e. He -When wegetbetter acquainted, I shall call you by your first name. She -All right. And I ibope our ac- quaintance will reach the point where my friends can call me by your last name. There are people. who never give away any milk until after they skim it, and then they, want cretlit for cream. A Card. We, the -undersigned, do hereby agree to refund the money on a 50-eent bottle of Greene's Warranted Syrup of! Tar, if it feiis to mire your cough or cold. We also gist.. antee a 25-oent bottle to prove satisfactory or money refunded. Alex. Wilson, druggist, &siert% Oat,. ' Rain and sweat ' have no Oreet, oa harnesuiliar- Oil.. with E ka are mess Oil. It re- sists the Seep, keeps theleatb. er aoir and ells able. Stitches do aot NO rough BUD. face to Jife and cut. The harness •ot enlykespa 1oobig IIbe as*, but wears tw as uss of En Harness Sold everywhere 1112 £1013.... all sties: I Ltdi,e by‘ Imp;erlial 0 Cotipany, For ekbI e the ka II. 1,' by 4. \ ir Seaforth. •,. J i . e \ \ N'- ••• M. Broderick, t ' Illa ORTAINVE NOTIOBB i TORE able s ange fetred. FO1 forr for A. SALE OR ItIt24 flour:0 r vote proteety, W ASLAM. 1 ; in Belgrave, euit. d feed. Will or- reoceries, nebula or Blyth 0- . 1792x8 1 2p0 HENT.-Glecul field, choice . SCOTT & CO., pasture land, Apply W. SCOTT ............__,.. hunched adi land, good buildings. Brucelield. A between Bruc • CO., Bret •; e farm, near Bruce. Apply to iso to rt nt fifty sores geld and Seaforth. afield. 17874f 'DOGS FOR in term range Prices reastneile. imported stock. Lat 9, O. neeseio» sell P. O. W. 1 HATCHING. -B Betted and Wh There birds Satie!action 3, Tuoker.m L. ItcLAREN, Herteall, gs from uto date ta Plymou ii Rooks. are all bred trom guaranteed. Call at th, cr a4dre s Hen - Oht. 1788-10 1 iskTEW FEED IA on head it eed. Flour eve) y Tuesday JOHN THIREK. - - -- - ESTY HORSE---et--7-d--4 IVad, ItteKillOp, nesday mo.ning, bay, no white, informatio i leading warded. GEORGE - STORE AT BLAKE. a supply' rxohanged for wheat. and Friday.; 1 on Tues a 4-3e.r old stand° about 14 to her recovery CHESNEY, -WO will keep of Fkur and Mi] Chopping dote Give us a Mal. 1786 tf '-------t----- - 71 nit h:3' Hirdn ceiving maorre. daelk. hands high. Any will be re- Seafmth. 1;93x2 11 'You May IP For Ctits B.rrris Bruise It is a eur ,There's • Need 1 I 0 . XIV% Cramps Diarrhoea. All Bowel Complaints , • , safe and quick remedy. only one PAIN-AILLER. PERRY DAVIS% wo sizes, 25c. and 50c. v : FOR sell. 'IIDOUGGY FO' 1.) eux ma year. Will be PURCILL, 5g. SALE. -A goer!' e, nearly as good sold at a bargain. ondville. top buggy, Dever. as nese run one Aipply to JAMES 17894f IIITOUSE AN La Portable forth, che p. or MRS. GEO ' 1 i LOT FOR SALE cottage on West Apply to HENRY GE BATES. Bf ayedd. 1 -For sale a corn - William Week See - )3EATTIE, Seafor.h, 17914f TIMBRIL FIR ' mill Mae timber ef saw ate 18 pieces 0 of frame; won ly all timber Winthrop. SALE. --Having , inane we are now . The building 12 inches, 26 feet d sell this separate rock elm. G disposed of saw offering fir sale the is 60x361feet ; there long. iadependent if deeired ; near- VENLOCK BROS., 17824f LURK IN .12 in the n. 10) acres, aho house, bank b ling and othe Possession to session after ment. Apply El 0. UCKERSM1TH Concersion, feu t 95 &eared and o rn, with stone outbuildings; i 1 lough, etc site anuary, 1933. to HENRY COLBKRT, OR SALE. --Lot 7, lila from Seaforth, tile drained. Frame ;ailment, with Ail). .ndence of water. harvest, full pos. asy terms cf pay- Egniondville 1792x4 -LIAM FOR' E S., 108 a five minutes w and 6 miles Pr: orchard, merely cistern ; 2 ba underneeth, o house. Apply 0, SALE. -Lot Si. -a; at hoot house lk of cherub; 51 in Seaforth ; large winter fruit 1,2 me one barn 4.3e58, her bun 2e):60; to WillIFIELDs oucesslon 3, IT. R. on premises; within miles from Clinton frame hou-e good good wesle and stone stabling driving shed and hen 0111C11, Clinton P. 1793x4 IT009 FOR _ undersigned Killop, a thoroughl Br timer, of Burford. is five yeere c I number cf y service durin proved *leeks beihnd Ccunt -L81, parable ilege crreturn SHARD, Winthrop SALE AND P has on Lot rad Vox whieh to and Is a firstad wag stook. Be this season a y6 ire breed, purch . He is an exec t the time of s ng if necessary. P. 0. R SERVt0E.-The 4, Concession 9,1fo- iihire pig, brad by 11 (ell cheep. He shrok pg. Also a will also keop for ng pig of she kn. sed from Northuna ent animal. Term. mike, with the priv- MELVIN J . ELAN. 179rx4 nESIRABL LI SALE.- Township one mile theie is good feeling sp) lug required. about 20 servie! Sate and a e farm is well been under inability to further pa 61, Myth, Lticknow, of Sou r A briec fenced pasture Medlars or Ont. GRAIN AND :eing South hall shffeld, °entails' h of the Village ilway and °the rear the barn so large orchard of choice timber, mansion, bard s with cedar for some work the sole re apply to JOHN to JOHN G. 31 OCK FARM FOB f Lot No. 12, F. D, tg 100 acres ; aboat cf Luoknow, where facilities. A neva .p lea all the wastet choice frith toes, A large bents hart; d soft wa•er. The a d wire fencing, ha' f are. Old kg, and on kr selline. Fee MURDOCK, BoN }MOCK, merchant, 17e0x5 Those who have used res,a-Liver Pills say they hare no equal for relieving and curing Constipation„ Sick Head-, ache„ Biliousness,:Dyspepda, Coated. Tongue, POW. Breath, Heart Burn, Water Brash' or •ny disease or disorder of the stomach, liver or bowels. Mrs. George Williams,1Fairfield Plains, Ont., writes( as follows: ?As there are so many otherl medicines offered for sale in substitutionlfor Laxa-Livcit Pills I am par- ticular to gait the genuine, as they far sur- pass anything else for regu ating the bowels and correctIng ;stomach d sorders." LaxeeLiver Pills are pnrely vegetable;, neither gripe, weaken nor ,sicken, are easy to take and prompt to aot. . . , Special At ention ro Horeaho4iing and General Jobbing. Goderieh street, • Robert BlOvereux BLACKSMITH and cAHRIACE =41;vp. MKER Atitr - Seaforth Barred Plymoutl Rocks. 1 Are unexcelled as winter In re, and as dressed fowl bring much more money • n common steak. We have* pea selected from o best winter hying hens mated w1ti a fine, large, we marked cock, also • bred from a r reistent laying al Ain.. Eggs, 81 per • getting of 16. 1792xt /MILLIE BROS., Bluevree, Ont. 1 HURON 'F/POSIT011. _.„...__...., , A gooL ---RECEPTION.! it Wale Not 'Surprising, Tlhough), In View of the Explanation. 1 - Lettes of introduction are-notva- t riably iservideable: For one re soli, they may be leo frank. Harry Fii•niss in his 4`Conf ssions of a Caricatu ist" says that when a brother artist 'I was netting -forth on his travels in foreign climes he wag provided with a letter of introduction to a certain British consul.: The writer 'of ;the letter inclosed it in one to the artist, saying that he would find the Consul a most grant snob, a bumptieus, arrogant humbug, a cad to the backbone. Stip, he would probably offer some courtesies to any one who had; e- good social standing and thus- compensate the traveler for having to . collie in contact with such au insufferabl !vulgarian. On the return of the artist to Eng- land the writee of the letter flaked how he had fared with the conSul. , "Well, my deer fellow," ilrewled the artist, „mho did, not receive Me ,very avarrnie and he, did not ask the to. din- ner. In fact, he struck Me as 14 Ing rather cool." "Well, you do sjarprise me," rejo ned his friend. "He' a cad, as I told youe in myeletter, bilt.lhe's very hospit ble, and I really can't understand this state of things. Yob gave him my lette of introduction?" "Why, I thought so; but, do ' you know, on my journey home I discov- ered it in my pocketbook. So I must have banded to him instead your 'note to me about him!", The explanation was quite adequate. ' Brains Make Soldiers. A discussion recently took place in the snieking room of a Swiss hotel be- tween ,a German and an American as to the Merits of their respective aerates. The former believed in diScipliue and teained, troops. The, AmeriCan believed in training, too, but held that a lot de- pendedupon the material trained. "Giveht" equoth lie, "that brains' • are lacking, no aniciutit of physical train- ing will make up ;for them. Take the Amerlean troOps,, comparatively un- trainedib and see how well, they fight. It's because ofjbeir brains." "Nonsense," rejoined the aroused German. "Untrained troops can never stand 4gainst well drilled plies. Take your country, for, example; with prac- ticallytaio drilled !army. What would you .d.e,"- He paused Impressively: and then said, "What Would you do if -Ger- many 'landed an army of 250,000 ,Per- fectly drilled and perfectly, equipped men on your shores?" •• "Bury them," was the quiet -but com- plete rejoinder. W4ders In the IN:titbits -Foot. The foot of a horse is one of the most ingenious and unexampled pieces of mechanism in the whole range of ;ani- mal structure. The , outside hoof is made em of a series of thin ve4.1cal laminae of horn, abititt 500 in nuoiber. Into this are fitted about 500 more thin len:link, which belong to the &Ain bone, hoth sets being elastic and adher- ent *he edges of a quire of paper in- serted' leaf by leaf into another quire will furnish a good idea of the arrange- ment "Of the ramlnre in all the feet, amounting to about 4,000. These l are distributed in the most secure manlier and in a way that eirery spring.is acted upon In an oblique direction. ' Verily there is a display of nature's wonder everyWhere. Stopping a Fast Train. PeoPle often wax impatient because exprelis trains cannot be stopped at some , unimportant dittle station • at which they wish to alight They should consider the cost of satisfying their whinn; A train going at a rate of Sixty miles an hour can be stopped within 120 yards from the first application of the brake. Now, enough power is lost to carry this same train fifteen miles over lit plane surface. First thee is the Momentum acquired by the train flying at this remarkable rate of. speed, then the loss of steani inapplying the brakes and lastly the extra amount 'of coal to compensate for all these losses, for all of which impatient passengers would not care' to pay. A Chance to Retaliate. The! minister was young and eesily embarrassed. The first time he per- formed the merriage ceremony tit was for al. couple who were both- younger and still more easily. embarrassed than he. When he had finished the service and murmured a few kindly Meant , but halting words to the young couple whom he had just united, the bride looked. at him, blushing, but confident. "Thank you," she said clearly. "It's real kind of you to congratulate us, and as long ag you haven't ever been married yet, maybe we'll have a chance some day to retaliate." ilo-ve to Make a. Bulldog Let Go. Says a breeder of bulldogs: "The quickest way to release a person froni the jaws of a bulldog, if he be unfortu- nate enough to be bitten, is by catching the dog's hind paw, in the center of which is an exceedingly tender spot • called the heart. This should 15e pressed or, even better, the paw taken Intl the mouth and bitten with the teeth. The dog will relinquish the hold at once It Is a desperate remedy, but a pure one, and One that is resorted to by the pro- fessional"dogfiihters. Philonopky -of Mr. Peckem. Mrs: Pecketn-John, I hear that Jones' house burned down a week after he Was married. Ma Peckeme-Well, troublenever come ; singly iyou know. Ever notice that as BOOB as you get one fiddler paid another begins to tune un? ---Atchison Globe. 1111111111•1111, al/41RIAdE LICENSES ISSUED AT THE HURON EXPOSITOR OFHICE, BEAPORieH,ONTARIO NO WITNESSES REQUIRED. ehees, es The Seaforth Tea Store Is now right at the front with a very large stock of all kiwis of garden and field needs, all fresh seeds, and u ill soil a3 cheap as the cheapest. I will name a few of the seeds, which i have ;now in stock Red clover seed, alsike clover,timothy seed and a full line of mangold seed, long red eugar ' beet, yellow globe, and mammoth long red. Also a large stock of purple top aweed tur- nips, dutch set onions, potato onions, 81161 - lot onions and large onions; else great bar- gains in all kinds of groceries and dried fruits. Six lbs. new figs for 25o, 5 lbs. new prunes for 25o, 5 lbsgood raisins for 25c, dried apples, 60 par lb. ; evaporated apples, appricots, evaporated peaches', ex- tracted honey and comb honey; also Deets maple syrup by the gallon or quart, sugar syrups, black molesses and coal oil. I have a few fish yet in etock.whieh . vi, ill be sold at less than cost. Two dm. lake herrings for 25e, No. 1 Labrador herrings' 15c per doz., salmon trout, 50 per lb.; 5 lbs. bone. lees fish for 25o, 2 box s harrieg for 25o, also china, crockery and g assiVare will be clear- ed out at cost. A co dit4 invitation is ex- tended to all to come ndl get some of the good bargains. Highe t price paid for fresh butter and eggs in.oas or trade. li 1 A. G. AlULT SEAFORTH. These pills are a specific for all diseases arising from disordered nerves, weak heart or watery blood. They cure palpitation, dizziness, smothering, faint and weak spells, shortness of breath, swellings of feet and ankles, nervousness, sleepless' ness, anxinia, hysteria, St. Vitus' dance, partial paralysis, brain fag, female complaints, 'general debility,' and lack of vitality.: Price soc. a box. SIGN OF THE OIRCULA6 SAW re rea 0 1=S CSO CD p P C-. ee 0 et ci (D ff 18 g•le" ce -Fl (DO Otl go se,' ).-.• 1.1.4 p 5 .0q CD P-1 X CP` kt co CD CD er- go 1=1 0 <I Ce CD • tsr- ea tel res o r p Fl te 0 ' 1-41-• o tag) cs Ccq- a, pet ca, ere 0 ee re eD- t7' t4 CD ree re re! 0 • a5 o aatft CD Cf1 es- CD CI- , ....• et- • ts Cn Crl Jir.a. ce ae Ca 'P .6e2 ti 1CD ,0 'dr °C - • • gla Is sucee 0,000 Lad your dru mesa Take no o imitations are da box r No. 21, 10 de I or 2, mailed on stamps. The 0 1111r Nos. I and responsible Drug Sold in Seaforth I. V. Fear, druggis otton itoot Compouna ssfully used monthly by over es. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask gist for Coek's Cotton Reel Gam- er, as all Mixtures, pills and gerous. Price, No. 1, $1 per rees stronger, $.5 per box. No. eeeipt of price and two greent Ok Company Windsor, Out. sold and recommended by all rats th Canada. y Alex. Wiljon, J. S. Roberta and Farme s' Attention. If you requ be to your the NORTH MAI A large qn of Red Ce prices. re any Shingles, it will tercet to buy them at ST. PLANING MILL. tity of the best quality ar Shingles at right N. CyJFE.:8L SONS, North Main Strre SeafOrth. 1748 The Sovereign. The English sovereign, value 20 shit !ingE, was first used in 1626. In 1600 the largest coin in, general use in Eng, land was the noble, va.lite 15 shillings. , A (tures. aoticle. Among the fishing pop lation of the Lancashire coast there exists a trong prejudice against learning to swhn, the -belief being that swimmi e only Mrves to proleng the agony f death by drowning. Mince Pie. The original mince pie 'was made of, mutton and baked in the shape of a manger. • The Color of Chanieleons. As chameleons tecome tame they change color less rapidly, showing the habit is protective and to render itself less conspicuous. Indeed the power of assuming the color of its surroundings Is the only protection t ese helpless creatures possess. British Widows and Widowers. In every thousand British men there are thirty-five widowers; in a thousand British women there are ;seventy-eight widows. Changing Sands; In the gulf of Mexico there is an is- land where the beaches change color twice daily with the tides. When un- covered, the sands, are perple; but the inflowing tide seedily transforms them to gold. Egyptian Beds. Among the Egyptians the bed often was made in the form of an elongated animal, with coverings of fine linen and tapestry of silk or woel. Right of Burial. The wife and children a a deceased person have the right, in preference to his bretbers and sisters, to select the place of burial of his body and to change it at pleasure in the absence of any testamentary disposition of the body, holds the court of appeals of Kentucky. Ideall ink. Some chemists affirm that the ideal • ink consists almost exclusively of gal- late of iron and that the nearer the liq- uid approaches this substance the more perfect the ink. Pear Trees. When pear trees refuse to grow and appear dormant, cultivate them well and apply plenty'of wood ashes, work- ing them well into the surface of the soil. Trim back the wood and give the trunks a good washing with strong soapsuds. Sailors' Talismans. In New England the sailors carry as a talisman a bone taken from a living turtle, a pebble froin a fishhawk's nest or a small bone froln the head of a cod. Village of Sculptors. _ In the Tyrol is al village which is In- habited solely by Sculptors. It is St. Ulrich and is situated near Wiadburck, . on. the river Eisack. All the men, wo- men and children theret andein the neighborhood live by sculpture. Bombay. Bombay, with an average tempera- ture of 80.3, la the hottest of the, weed's large cities. Insect Destroyers. Strong lights, with basins of petro- leum below them, are used in France to destrojr night fiYing insects that in- jure vineyards. As many as 4,868 in- sects have been eaught in a basin in one night. Gum Water. To make gum water take one ounce of the best picked gum arabic.and one quart of water. Put the gum and the water in a stoppered botte and put in a warm place, o casionally shaking un- til all is dids 'Fred. A teaspoonful taken occasion Ily for troublesome coughs is usefu in allaying irritation: Germ . Divorces. in'Germany tie yearly number of di- vorces exceeds 11.0,000. A Noselleas Monarch. Basil I. of Ri4ssla had no nose, hav- ing lost that aluable Oemher by a sword cut duri g a fight with the Tar- tars. He had a artificial nose of wax fastened on with cement On one occa- sion during a curt ceremonial the nose dropped. -off, to the terror of the Ger- man embassador and. his suit. Borrowed 111.00in. It is one of the ,"minor morals" that a borrowed book should be carefully used and returned witheut being de- filed by dirty hands oe disfigured by marks and turned down leaves. Rosa Borth ear's Charm. Rosa Bonheur always carried a lucky charm about her person. It was a small leaden image of St. Anthony of Padua, the patron saint of all things lost This little image had one large and glowing eye of green. It -was an emerald set directly in the good saint's nose. Nature's Variety. It is said that in all the forests of the earth there are no two leaves exactly the same. It is also said that amid all peoples of the earth there are no two faces precisely alike. A. Sickroom Hint. Raise an invalid's head by putting your hand under the upper pillow and, with as much firmness as possible, lift- ing it. Milk For Coffee. Milk that is to be used for coffee should he boiling hot, but not boiled. Most coffee epicures desire the cream put Into the cup and the coffee peered upon it. It is thought to be richer. J. LECKIEr Life and Fire Insurance, Leen and Real Estate Agent, Valu- ator, 84c. - Office over Hursley's Drug Store. BRUSSELS, • • - - ONTARIO. 1784-13 .. • ••143 • ess - F0a BURNS, SPRAINe. WOU E, 553 Oil MY SORT OF PAM. 1!sai Internally a$el EXternarsj. C.All7;Oil I Avoid the wec k Witch preoarations, reriesen)e.i tcbc "the same as" Pow.% Extsa91 whith e2sLy sour ' and often contain "wood alcohol" an irritant externally and, taken internally, a peizoa. STOCK FOR SATJS. MHREE YOUNG BULLS FOR SALE -For sale, three young thoroaghbred Dneham bulls, with registered pedigrere, and reedy for service; two red in peter and one roar. Apply to DAVID Hrtoto, Lot 27, Concession 8, Hibbert, Staffs F. 0. 176641 1 MIJRHAM BULLS ;FOR SALE. -For wale, two thoroughbred Durham bulls, eligible for rV. intration, 12 And 18 months hid, one dark roan the other light Apply on Lot 26.:Ceticeniera 1, 1, H. Se Tuokersmith, 11. miles south of Bruceffeld. JAMES PATTERSON, Brueerield P.O. 17804f 'DULL FOR 'BALL -The uneereigned has for sate a Mgt tboroughbred Durham bull eleven months old, roan in miler. He is of the low tee blocky type got by pedigreed stock of extra quality now= my pen - cession WM keep my noted atm* bull, Duke ef Bensallfor aervice, also a pen bred Berkshire bear. Terms on application. JOHN.' ELDER, Lot 18, 'Con- eekbn 2. Hay, Bengali Pr O. 17884f 11 TflER8E YOUNG BULLS AND THREE YOUNG COWS IN CALF FOR SALE -For sale, 3 young th roughbred Burials' bulls with pedigree, rangin frOm 9 to 20 mouths' old, &leo 3 young cows in cal tor, sale, The bulls are 2 grays and one led, reedy ICInesesservilocen.10,AHITblybert CArl:BnitartCy"P. POB. Er4171492tx4S1, DULLS POR SALE. -Por 'sale, fire thoroughbred. Shorthorn Bulls, from 12 to IS month', ali good colors, and &red by the Well known stock bull, "Star of Morning," which took first prize and dip - Lupe at the Bruceteld show this year. Also a Aura - be of females. Hay and Iarten Pam, liur at, or add ress Clinton P.O. JAMES SNELL. 1792x4 THE ORIGINATOR- OF OM'S KIDNEY PILLS, ! The original kidney specific for tile cure of BackacheDiabetes, Bright's Disease and all Urinary Troubles. 1:Don't accept something just as good. See you get the genuin• DO? N'S. AUCTIONEERS. TV 1110MAS BROWN, Licensed Auctioneer tor the X Counties of Mann and Perth. . Orders left at A II. Campbell's implement waremoirs, Sea'ortb, or Thjs Eimer= Office, will receive prompt attention Sa faction guaranteed or no charges 17084f hi 110TIONNERING.-B. S. Phillip Licensed Auctioneer for . the -counties of frearon and Pe . Being a practical farmer Arld thoroughly understanding the value of farm etock sed horde - men* places me in A better poeitiomeorealize good prt es. Charges moderate. 's'sfeetiouguaranteed or tfi e pay. All orders left at lieneall pest office or at Lot 23, Concession 2, Hay, will be Promeitly t ' nded to. -1 - 1.708ste 1 . I 61100$. FOR SERVWE. : , OAR FOR SERVICE- e undersigned will keep for service at his remisee, in Erotic field, a tioroughbred Improved Yorkshire boar. Terrine -*1, payable at thus of service. GEORGE HILL. 1788x13 „ I,. PIG BREEDERS. -Tho undersigned will keep nLet 28, Concession 5 L. R. S. Thekersrutth, - a thoroughbred Teatweeeeet ' Pica also a therougla- bred YORKSUIRE Pie. A limiliedaualher of sows will be admitted to each. Terms, $1, payable at the time if 1,service, or $1.60 if charged. JAMA: : GEKMILL, 11 180842 10110, FOR SERVICE.---Tbe undersigned will keep L on Let 29, Co -ice %ion , Hibbort, a Thorough- bred Yorkshlre too, to thill he will admit ii. limited number cf owe. Teims.-$1 at the thee of elviee. JOBN ELGIE, Chile hunt, 'Ont. 1771 -ti 'DIG FOR BERTH:IE.-The undersigned hut on , O Lot 28, Cencersion 11, ' Maffillap, a thorough - bra Yorkehire Bear, to whit) he will admit a limit- ed! number of sow. Terms -75e, Payable at the tinieeff service. with the privilege et returning if necessary. BIJOU T. GRIEVE. 17824I BOAR FOR SERVICE. he undersigned wiii keep fer service on Let 11, Conceesion 4, II. R. Bel Tuckeremitte a thoroughbred Yorkshire boar. Terms, el, Payeble at time of service, with the privilege of retruning If reoeseary. WX. ORE, Ki pen Etotid. 1792-1 ; Magnet Cream Separator* , 11 you want the heel Creak) Seperritor made, the easiest cleaned, and easy turned, buy the Magnet e only separator made wIth the howl supported a both ends When you have other makes llii on Wel acrid tor the Magnet, and try it. A trial will con- vince you that it is ahead of all other maker. It IS • e simpled and strongest machine on the market. loanufactured by the Pe or -Taylor Manufacturing .„ Guelph. J. H. WHEATLEY, Agent, Harlook, nt. 1786•13- • A