The Huron Expositor, 1902-05-02, Page 2REAL i : TATE FOR SALE. MIARMRFog RAI ...• Ra -e hairpins in farms in theTownebips of Hallett, Morels, and Wawa- noeh*County of Huron.. Ingtllra a#t once. WM CAMPBELL, Blyth, Oat: 1774at ltOP IRTV IN RtILONDVILLE FOR SALE. For elle, a oton'modions story and hilt Muse, with cement cellar and oiatern ; a good stable and nearly two sores o* bud; immediately north of the Egmondville minae. .The Ie1d is well planted with la_rge., and small fruit*. Apply to Wm. ELLIOPP. 1T67-tt 020 ACRE FARM FOR SALE.—In'beet wheat belt in Reuther* Manitoba. Ninety nares ready for wheat next year; 80 Mese hay. Good new suable and granary, Tv e'vo dollars per acre. Several ether ia,proved and prairie farms for sale. Write CHAS, E. SHAW, Box 17, Boissevain,; Manitoba'. I767•tf 'DARR le0R SALE;—Lot East half 26,. Cencesslon U I. in the Township of Ribbert, 31 miles (net of Seaterth, reegt orchard, two good *else and good bank bar- Forpartioniare apply to MRS. ELLEN DOWNEY, 226 Prospect. See Marquett, Michigan ; THOMAS 0' &RY, Sorforth P. 0., cr BERNARD O'CONNJtr.r., Dublin, Q..t. 1791 • A,Fdi FOR SALE.—For sale "Lit 27, Con- • eessioa 4, McKillop, conteir.ingg 100 aoree, all of which is cleared, well Teemed, underdretaed: aeel a high state of cultivation. There -ie a good • crick house, large bank barn with stone stabling, plenty of water and "a good orchard.. It is within two miles of Seaforth and within a mile from . a school. Apply onthe premixes or to Seaforth . F. 0. WII. GRIEVE. 1767-tf ARM FOR SALE.—Farm inStanleyter sale, Lot 29, 0- neusaon 2,:' containing 100 acres.. All t ear but 1' Arles of herdwood bush. It is in a gold state of cultivation, well fenoed and: underdrainoi.. There is on the farm two barns, with stabling, and a large dwelldweirkeg bonee. It is conveniently situated, miles from: Clinton; and 7 mice from Baird's school. Address all inquiries to JOHN McGREOOR, on the premises, or MRS. D. Mo€IREGOR, 2nd Conoeesion,. Tuokersmith, Seaforth, Ont.. 1758•tt TABM IY TUCKKRSMITH FOR SALE.—For seta, the farm of the undersigned in the Town- ehip of Ttibkerseeith,adjoining the Village of Eg- mondvi Ie. The farm contains 20 acres, all cleared except 4 aures of goodhardwood bush. It is all w ell 1 no:d, well tile drained, and in a firs' class stete of cultivation. There is a good frame house, with: kitchen and woodehed, and atone cellar full size of house: There is ea good bank bun, with etene etabling, and good pigland be house. There is a good young bearing orchard and a let of erne - meat 1 trees. There is a never failing Wed at the house, one ret the ban, and another on the farm. It is one of the most convenient and comfortable places in the township, and will be sold cheap ant on easy terms. Apply on thepremi€es- cr address E'ginondvilie F. 0. HERMAN BUBOLZ. 178341 FRB FOR SALE.—For sale that .very deeirab".e farm ou the Mill Road, Tuikeesmith, adj iin;ng he v:Iiage et Egmo:+dvills. It conbates 97 aorei, early all a+eared and in a good state of oultivatloo, nd well undardrained. There is a comfortable brick cottage and good barns, with root cellar and putbuildin4a The buildioes are eituatod near the centre of the -feral ani on the 611:1 Road. it le well watered; and pieuty of soft water in the kitabon. It is conveniently et'nated for ohu-oh aid -gehapt and within a mile and a half of Seatarta. Will be 5otd cheap and on way tonne of payment. Apply to the proprietor, ROBPsRTr FANSON, Seaforth. 1748-11 f'E ARM 1N HAY TOWNSHIP FOR SALE.—For sale, Lot 22, on the Yior.h Boundary of slay ownship. Thin farm contains 100 acres, 86 aorta leered, the teat good hardwood bush. It is well un- erdralnedd and fenced. There is a good atone house with a No 1 cellar large bank barn; impiem. nt hed; sheep house 7Ox76, with Erat-ola s sttibtin nd root cellar underneath ; a good otohard; 00 ells and cistern. There alai acres of fail wheat -owed on a rich tatiow, well manured a 40 aoree €ceded down rcoently, the reitin geed shape for crop. Thin Is a No. 1 farm, well situetted for t, arkets, churches, sohools, past offiee, etc., and 111 be sold remarkably. Apply on the premises, or ddress ROBERT N. D.0UG1L,A8 Btake,Qnt.1668x&tt ARM IN STANLEY FOR SALE;—For sale, Lot S and the west halt of Lot 8, on the 12th canoes on, or B•onson.l,ine, of Stanley. This farm eon- -iins 150 acres, alt of which is cleared, except four res.. It is in a state of first-olass cu"tivation, wall nced'and all underdrained,moatly with tile. There a large frame dxeiling house as goods as new, with od shone foundation and cellar, large b.nk barn ith stone stabling underneath, and numerous other buildings, Ineludiog a large pig house. Two good. gqreharde of choice fruit, also nice sheds and orna taente'trees. There are two aping creeks running through the farm, and plenty of good water all the -clear round without pumping. Itis well situated for markets, ohurehes, schoo:s, post of$ to, eto., and good gravel roais leading from it in all directions. It is 'thin view of Lake Huron, and the boats can be ✓ en paesing up and down from the house. This is o e of the best equipped farms in, the county, and ill bes old an easy terms, as the proprietor wants to re ire on account of ill health. Apply an the proms. els, or address Blake P. 0. JOHN DUN 7.. 1734-tt ARM FOR SALE.—For sale, Lot I, in the Town- ship of Tnokeremith. Conoeeeion a, 100 acres of tend, 95 aures cleared, well un terdrained. Splendid farm for grain or steak, well watered, a. ruarang spring the whole year rune through the farm. Also of the fast is a splendid bank barn, ne xr y new, whioh is 80x54, with stone stabling underneath. A so. frame house 24x18, and kitchen 18x'6, with g d stone cellar, and. two -good wells. This pro- rty is sttnated in a 'very desirable locality with. a lendid gravel rods to: market, on'' -y 3 miles to S' aforth. Also a good dwelling hou3e in Seaforta, el sted on Coleman street, close to Victoria Park. T ie house is composed of 8 ro,ms, well finished, plenty xt6, y of bardand soft water, and kitchen. 21 with pantry and wash room attwhed,, and a good av¢odahed. A good stab'e 24x18. All of tbis property m st be sold as the undereioned is luaus g to the U iced . Stetes. Ail particulars oonoerntng this p . party can be had by applying at Tito Exrostroa O ce or to the proprietor, JAMES KEROE, Sea- fo h. - 175241 CENTRAL ra!are Stare. SpringGoods. Goods. Complete scook of ready mixed. Paints, 11a11 Finish, Whiting for house oleaning. New stook of Spades- and Shovels,- Garden Rhkee, Hoes, Manure Forks and Draining, Tole. 'et our prices for Ellwood Woven Fencine Co led Spring and Barbed. Wire Staple!, eta. gliders' Hardware, Nails Leaks and Bern Deer Hinges. r= AMC Special attention to all Galvanized Iron and Tis Work, .Eavetroughing and Furnace Vv ark. ills & Murdie • HARDWARE, bounter'f3 Ord Stand, Seaforth Landaboro SEAFORTEE. ONTARIO DEALER IN ALL HINDS OF FURNITURE, 4PHOLSTER1 NC A:ND r DERTAK1NO Jpholstering a` specialty, and up- holstering coverings always on hand. 14 iso Window Shades fitted and put urtain Poles, Pictures and Picture Framing. .alt wrongs made Tright in every de- parttiueat of our work at our expense: ndertakfng Branch. have a large and varied asacrtment fro ri whichto choose in time of need, and at #rices that have been a matter of agreeable stir rile to all, who have dealt with u'- Tw Ina hearses on hand for summer and. ' in r use. Night galls atmy residence, cos er cottage in rear of Dominion Bank, will be promptly responded to. JOHN LAND 3B OROUGU, SEAFORTg, ONT. up. s,irc.,Lifzert qy ELppu ssCq Iof .ot1that (hit11io'cl. Th s, is the way in A Duty incumbent' I8t1 Peop Pon ohrist' le. BEAR ONCANOT.HEIrS BURDENS Rev. F. De Witt Talrnage Out That as the Member' of a Christie:0:March. Ara in tho Sight of Go One Spiritual They Therefor Hero a Might to Expect Help One 17 AnOther. ada. in the year 1902, by ronto, at the Depli of Agri rliarnent of Can - are Baily, v0„. tare, ()craw Chicago, April 27. --Th this Serra shows that mutual help duty of our common hell especially iocumbent h 'on .Christ people; text, Goiatia,ns 2, "13 ye one another'S burdk and so 1 fill the law of Christ." Paul was the noieh Martyr who ever lived: well quote himself as tu his contemporariesh moment when his blind opened. by the good An Thunastus street called never ceased te sacrific himself for his fellow men. But so fteiportant! is the lesson of vicarious hurden bear- ing Paul would not ha.hre his friends look to any human guide. ITe; seetns to come to the members! of the Gal- atian church in the sam staff officer of the co great ahray 'dcriivers his captain, a, major, a col adier general, and they are orders of beneficent import, as were thohe that the representatives of Oeneral GraInt deliVered when they rod. throligh the Federal lines telling Sheridan and Meade and Humphreys and Ord and Warren and Wright and Hartranft to Cease firing- because the two national leaders, Grant and Lee, were Meet- ing under -a flag of truce at Appom- attox. Paul seems to say: "The duty of bearing one another's burdens is not net/ own command, nor Is it gihen to us by the command of Iieter or John or Apollos, but by the! command of the great Divine Chief hirin himself.'s Read the words as theyi were written to the G-alatian church; Hear he t n for Os r's hued and so fulfill the law of Christ." 1' maw of Christ ,is the laly. with whi every Christian _should ;be in - h mony. It is the law! which ought 011 Illness is a anity an ar al- st Christian He could ainple for oin, the vary d eyes were niac on the Straights', he e way that a command as it is spok o hear, "Bear one anoth n 0 r - o inspire 'us all. Like alt Christ's laws, it is reasonable and il ;devised fOr the common' godel. First, "bear ye one notherss bur- in some special way than his ,tlei0-1- bor. The intelligent traiveler gathers information wherever ,he goes. ; Whbn talking with: a motorman upon. t e street -car, with the fariner in t e fteld, with the, mechenic at J Ms bench, .with the sailor: upoii ! the ship's deck, with the ehgineet in Ms who knows more, in at least ' so te special .field, than he hi self knows, tioner might be, The servant hn the kitchen in an probabillity Itnones how to cook bread bett'r than: her master, even though th • head Of the house may be the chiehhp great Pillsbury flour iiiiills, where thousands and teas of 1thoeleantlp Of 'bushes Of train are dail' 'turned into the white thubstance wh ch forMs the staple of every meal. ri he skill bh. the eminent surgeon is ' ever lessened hind there never comeSt I. time: when the man of ten talente: an afford to despise the lessons he M y learn froM the man -of one talent.! . 1 This is an age for t ie specializa- tion of talents, Instee.d of oile, man_ making a: shoe, • as in Ole en tillieS , a single cobbler did; it al o w ta.kes fifty men to make th,e 'same . hoe. Instea.d of one woman spinnin her own thread and weaving her own tetton and sewing her own garments h' each woman concentrates her: power. of mind epon one distinct art of an - industry. Civilization' .h ts developed its cotton mills, 'ts cutters its sewers, its fitters alai its importers and exporters,1 and the combination' tends to the , we can buy the cheapest, and we sell where we can sell, the deft este All these results come from /the special- ization of talent. Th realieation must co -me that some m n cae do things better than we. e in , turn do some things better t an ;those who are not proficient in our. trades. make a crack marksman., • An expert yacht •builder cannot alw. -Lys be' turn- ed into .a trustworthy see. captein. Proficiency being given.' to us, in mental or manual abilities, there is also proficiency. given to us in hpirite which assail one sinner no not; hip - pea* to another sinner,. and 1 vice versh. One man may have a propen- sity for gambling, anoth r fol. drink, other for theft, another f Some men are born liars.: testify that certain chi -W- hat -lily have -a tendency t from their' cradles; other , born in the same family 1 a disposition to prevaricat can often trace th,o life's =of their children almost f time those children begau wner Of the -, anOther -fanity, an - n• 'perjury. , Par ants •en in one leVer Show l- e. Parents weithoeeses 1 tain satanic characteristic, as ; dis- tinctly as a stranger can tell ;whe- ther a child by the color . c f the skin is born from white or 'blac - parents. Of course it is often a great !deah '- harder to tell 'whether the white child has- a black heart or a black skinned. child has a white heart than to tell the color of the outeide 1 epi- ' dermal covering. . As nearly every man Is strongeai in - a spiritual sense in. some one Way, than his oeighbor, it ou irt, to be that strong Man's ,(Itity to se . his strength -to coinpensCite for the Weak- ness of his neighber. Bear And- ! for- bear is the teaching of the Bible. i his is the reason Christ s nt forth his messengers two by two This' is the reason we find impulsi e Peter oiten walking by the side 1 of the well poised _John; the gentle Mary living ia the same house wtth : her sister, who lost her temper hi : the • her 0 ire holt se- Wthy tal bear - broth rhich by pelled eW. When as 'finger of al bt' ye him 1 he cher& er pr re- churcl ot ance •t- sition he: tempt it- ye en o- for ti nd their : ters. Whe nt truly! el,' sit bit 's down he ing he Lord! e have ;1 ough pro te COWELL with a me sinful corgi t tent N ter te sq. fill Christ iciest til h( Last sho el( burdce that bear the ol afflict i sorrow tal else 'it culty backs an .doub 0 our loved ones' Kthitt usefulnes and diminish "their tempta- tions to th.. "Dear. ye on another's burdens". has ii; wider a il dehher In helii. lig a brother bear his it dens we lake the back st 0 ger- which we ;can bear our o n. A f threatenp • with the Joss 0 one his eyes. te became very n tett, pressed. ' he surgeons -sat the p must be Ut out. For so e time Stayed at horn() and broo' ed ov be comfot fled, But one day he Oita ed down roadway. Aheadi of lilin saw an (Id blind colored woin standing cin the street co •ner 'Wm ing to g Eis over. She are 'n without alp. This old colitred w man .had a I ng Stick in het ha along. TI•ion, her arm she arri d the stree ?" 'The- colored vom n face was Wre thed in smiles as s wigwam), !".T lank you, mahe , than colored wo an said: "Mas a, s in net aecou ti tol any one. But Mapsa,- taken aw y my two eyes, !but - !the people ar salWays kinder to me than then. sir, Il have still my helm ing. Xy children 1 he me, and I cilia never cease to 'also Cod for the merkies with *hich he has surrounded °nay life." My friend stopped his, brooding "if God an 'make et poor old blind and care Or me." When a man tries, to help c tit his brothers' Jul -dens, he finds t at his own becoMe *ch. lightcr to hear. , "Again t 10. text says, "Be t ye Ione he p will often inspire a hopeless, forth his kvn energies until after awhile he gathers. strength ' enough to help himself. - Have you ,e, er ehert a team of horses 'hitched to e liell4vy laden writ, n that. is -stuck hi i ;the ruts? The iorses- struggle aind Pull until they become absolutely help-, have you ever seen a, couple 1 of men come wit some Jong, staht bars? They plac these bars enderneath the hind axle Ind begin to heave.' The hahe been passed have e'en Over s en wagon mo es. Then alter the r its the team 1 horses, which Were h lp- les • when he wheels were shuck in the ruts„ , sily pull title wagon along the broad iighway? Have h-bu ever seep a are engine, fastene tO he end of a it g train, puffing nd bl w- ingh With s wheels whirlin arm. ted and aroun aitcl yet not huo: mg ne inch ahea ? That train is :stalled open an u . eveh seen 5,S- ou ad(' ition o he up? Then in passed hex pin.: NI.‘1.11aCs01. Work? Hi YelIslh; e°g1 rceoa. sonic men They have backs. To on, or the upon the 1 in the mu and atrug pulled the 08 !O nd Masons who need th 1 . ound together by the mine should not the ehildi n of I bond of fellowship, te to me to seek and o save that church member who i not il minister does ne ong o the d.clothe Lwe say: "Out with m the pulpit ! Away with him o his not It ul's ear official -is weak o 'eeci to ; deprive 1 office. We ha r. any wtong-doin -0 allqw .for the I ion. Ah, that t. tat is not Christi's. another's burden' means that cht chief help and rescue teem' a minister goes astray,. the he fir , vith teal streaming en a professed follower of the o httve, been hi • guide and it r." When Pete) play el e di and denied lii. conne, Lion 'twist, the Saviour did not call tt4eig of the apostles for a heresy ly this theehment of Peter's i et Christ tatig'ht the lesson of e less and -mercy 'for the peni- e-ongdoer. tie reordained pe - go fiirth ;and • feed his lainbs. ve one arlether's burdens teed fi I the lath of Christ's ie spe- ll). appropriate laseon for hens tO learn who tahe no in - in the welfare of fellow 1 us who are the membere of t sehold of, faith. ur own trOlibleS are heavier to Dut if Wel were allowed, "s in leg•eud, to go grade. Then have inether engine; being f tt :first engine; her ' its power draw •the tr fter the up grade has b n e evou seen that sec' nd n- hent_able to do all he ve you ever ;seen ail th tt? - trouble of 'this World is are toe heavily tihrdened. too big a pack upOn their dse the figure of the w tg- engine, they are ,stal ed p grade. They are !, stlIck . When theyi, first came to I, they pulled an tug ed led, and th$ 'nor t cy More exh,au ted t ey jop- reselt was instea of et - down to die. If you Would go to that weae ed tend stennbling it an and help Wm carry the loath up .he crossing-, I elle him out- Of the ruts, you would not only do !good ho the owni energies until fifth awhile he, the misery of the ineb hate in the had ;Valk the cup of torrort to the bat dre s. He sigh ed th pledge he stood it the foundr wor ,mg up- . on 4 piece of iron. uddettly- that bar of iroi began to theist aid moVe it, and as it ray there he scented to rht In horror he delirious man dropped see rt writ ing and ; twisthig upon the iloor 1. the foundrh. John B. only a her ;of iron, and yet there he snake: Es courage brokel down. He though it :was•useless to. itiaiggle burden be ow caine 1 n. and said : the temper. nee ineel lug; last Week. I I would cohie arouod and find out how :you a •e getting along. ; Ged Go to for time and eternity. lie nee et touched a drop of fataT ietoxi- cant - after hat. Those. words' were the helping hand that drew 1 iiii out of the ruts and pushed him o -er the -Up grade. Those 'few ' word. made time; free for eternity. e ' : ye 0 e, another's burdene and so ful- an t et a*ication. Paul dreh4ng the members Of the i Chris- : tian ehurchhs. Those church s were situated in Galatia.. The n e bets ecoureehef his letter he hters ddnin the ! broad stateinent that each iii mber, imuet bear With the faults an frail - !especially d this bectutde the were lbrethren an members of a c lurch ;family of w ich God was the ther ' and Jesus hrist the ,elder. ler ther. The both' o a belief hi a ch mon Saviour, certainly ought to helj the mbers. I am told that hit sons me wi ly me er to pile le own No a men door Vet ti absolu in ou have I suffere had t went there look s dug s carry is to Lord, promh ;can g and si. ;and al Let cumsi other those ready well a, the we young Old 11 ding ct young friends happy trouble come would sleep long w the shr dig th would the sa orange cypress of tha all our at the anothe law of there (air own a up the Sorro •s Of some one ell probalhility we ',would -ar- he burden 1 ' pach which lour have been accuito led to itter- Ow, we cannot lel our brioth- n his stalwart shoulders our ly inuniseible for us to -ear Wet strength. 1 1... ome of us ad so much trouble—sitch an I. again and agl.in. We heve o to thb family- plot, as I o weeks ' ago,! aed to leave loved one. The 1 grave di 1 . ig, and the Mack hole 'was deep . Be t, theih I bethink there. is a waly we cap. all d he will; sustain 'us. -1:Ta has our burdens .ppon Minh; do rhea . Wel can go forth • !like 9 stripped Tor t le ray. i We our, friends, carry their hur- ih go back: to ithe good : old times When, bii fOrce of •cir- rson in - the Community. In double a Men 's joye. When 1 ing hells !began to ring, the h•ls, the frieed. of the bride, ers which they had. pie ede would seti the wedding ar- f fends woeld serve "the Wed - e; . friendti would help the &tole furnish the !met home ;' ould ' bear the ' len dens, jthe and help the invalid( ; hey hose the eye-lidh iri the last hey would. sit up all night ud and carry the e ket and grave. • The I hale e friends ,eAse the headstone. Friends, le friends xvite (nice plucked the a et us be to each other friehds kind. Together, let us tiling ;burdeni -of sin and1 lay them feot of' the 'cross, and this is ! of the gospel: IhDear -ye One' Is. burdens and tso 'fulfill the A de line ne the no ed into Englan eat in the olcdtKip *plant in1 V mansion in New York Was tl•aced to a vein, of iron in is being Else where. known i'11 eepland• • The defense foeces Auethalia, 'exe- unt to'.77,223 men. 1 Labrador has but 6,0 0 pel•ma4nt settlers:, but 30,000 fis ernien visit ; It has beer:. found tha perhaps, ietth malaria. yond the contract limit: The Indian and Chi'nese' maile are ned 2;00 for every 12 hours' delay. ! A German firm has perfected and glass of water, -Will turn; it 'into btkr as fresk •-ts if just drawin it is Hyrtl's tpllecti n, has been; 'deposit; ed in the Imuset in, at Salzburg. SOLO years age; an tteriipt, was ;made to was foiled. Th txuthorilies ;for the authent icily of 'he skull now, in Salem burg are; 0 gra ' When the eha after his! Visit buried hiMself .17 ft Byrthl. 'returned Persi o Paris he once moie ithin the Walle k-4 Como a Host of Hiss To Get Well and Keep Well Heinz Chaste's Kidney -liver Pine. You cannot avoid disease if you neglect to regulate the owels and .allow the liver and kidney to become torpid, sluggish and in' ttive. ', Dr. Chase's' Kidney -liver Pi Is are the Most valuable family medicine that one can conceive of -because they Ir.- vigorate and regulate the eicretory and filtering organs as no other prepay- ation was ever known to db. Mr. Geo. Benner, 'Wharton, Ontt writes : —"I, don't like to have rny name put in public print, but feel it a dutat to my fellow-mrn to reCommend Chase's Kidney -liver Pills. For about four years I was troubled with chronic constipation and weak- ness of the kidneys. My condition waS rerious when I began to use Dr, Chase's Kidney -liver Pills, and I verily believe that they have raved my Me. I arn now well and feel like a new man." More people use Die Chasetel Kidney -Liver Pills than any other Can- adian* medicine. They are popolar be- ceuse they mire when other remedies fail. A.sk your neighbor about them. One -pill a dose, 25 cents a box, all deal- ers or Edmanson Bates & Co., Toronto. Ilis Palmer, like his ancestors. /11. subjects, however, have had a chanc to see him. 'occasionally his auto, mobile, which he brought along fron " Paris. :During his absence his. attar were attendc-d to by his second :soh; who is an educated man and speaks 14.11-ench fluently, This prince—Shoaes-i is interested in .agriculture and hitt imported machinery of the latest' patterns from Germany. Facts and Figures.. A hank of yarn is 840 Yards. Three hundred people hlie dant from accidents in Europe. Net receipts from coneect labor in: Mississippi last year liver° about In New Orlea,ns last year 78 pere sons died from the effects of gunt shot wounds. - The world grows 154,000,000 acrea .of whitat, ;115,000,000 acres of rye, and 108,000,000 acres of maize. : In the year 11000 the French Covh ernment levied duty on 2,897 autoe mobiles, of which 1,859' had onlv To cross the Atlantic in four dayel steanher must, be 935 feet long, 8/ wide, 'and driven at 30! knots by 110,000 horse power. She would burn 1,700 tons of eaal a day. Exaorly as Es Advertiiied. An indignant 7 loOlting farmer re-[ turned to a horse dealer's about an. hour after ankrehasing a, 'horse, et "Look here, sir 1" • he exclaimed "I don't want this horseHyotr' sol cross the bridge. said the dealer calinly. hWhy „did you come to meefOr the horee "I saw thez adyertisement the rzr.Ares, to be sold for' no other rea., go out of town." °Well, if you can get of town with' him," said the dealer, hit will be How Sankey Composee His 'Hymns. As he' sings; so Mr, :Sankey tom - poses the tunes for hip! hymns thepir-, ed the feeling• of the ' moment! Often he will stop suddenlY in the midst of reading or talking to jot down on the ever-readY masic-paper some - bit of melodk that comes to. him. . These. -jottings he gathers I to-, gether and deyelops at lite leisure,' sometimes fitting 'them to poem's pre- served in his scrapbook:, hometimes getting Fannie Crosby oe another hymn -writer to write Words especial- ly' -for ,hiS music. He 'open_ said h good hune." He believes in melody ''Cood words. will soon attract a aiwaYs over harmony as a- 1power. to I move people.—Ladies' Home Journal. . Cultivation Kills ‘reeds. " If the ground is cultivated often enough, no Weeds can grow, and if. the • ground for a crop is carefully prepared before putting in the seed, °by deep plowing and frequient hien; 1 rowing,- the -cultivatibn required af- ter the' plants. are up ' need not be more than one inch deer). If this be:! done after every rain there can be. no weeds, and they will beCome few- er every year, while the cultiV-ation Prevent loss of- moisture in the soil by affording a loose covering of, dry earth. If Hon Only Wonld. If the young meitetwho are measur- ing tape and laces wohld surrender their work to the young giels who are seeking employnient and turn - their attentioni to the phrsuits of ag- riculture,- there would be less misery and more contentment in the land ; there would . be more independence an,d less servility ; more men and fewer creatures; more 'happy- wives wiSh comfortable honies; beautiful cheldren and cheerful tempers, k Death Germs in Pin Heads. Ihhe swallowing of a Pin is less to be dreaded thaai tti.e contagion that mahe lurk about the pin,- Under its head and about th.e point of a pencil a whole multitude of disease germs may lurk which, being given en- trance to the mouth, from :there soon infect the whole body, thus causing illnesse or perhaps even deatle Those Loving Girls. • Bess --"I wish that young 'Seftleigh wouldn't stare at me so every iirae we meeti, It's dreadfully enabaras- Ne1I—"Yes, poor fellow 11 He never did- have much sense." ; A. Perilous ProreSsigin. There are some astrologers in China but not many; as estrology is a very perilous profession. 1When one of these so-calted prophets! . predicts eirent which does not dept., he loses his • head. —Thomas Dart;an attendent at the Lon- don Insane Asylum, Sergeant-m*1r of the First Hussars, diArobed `and walked into tte Therm s at a ahallow place four *lea from London,' Monday night. He' was form who was 23 years of age, suffered- from mel- ancholia. induced it la thought,„"by a love affair. His suicide Was very deliberate, as he had to lie down in the water in order to be submerged .61?1,joy Thi00 .. I The, styleS for this Spring! and early Sum. er *ear are attractive and catching that ever, and our si ck of HATS, Sig I RTS„ COLLARS, TIES, Et Are the nobbiest and most up-te-date to be picked up in • leading fashion markets. You can't help bu, look dressy in.on of our outfits, particularly iwhen. it is topp d off by a nebbir Spring suit. Come in and See. • r Ohl A For Torpid Liver, Flatulence, Constipation, Biliomeness and Sick Headache, TAKE idi ' To , Safe, Mild, gnick-adting, Painless, do not weaken, and always give eatisfattion. most reliable Rouseheld /Viedicine, can be taken at any season. by,A ults o _ All druggists sell 4413k 1STOLPS." F ruitnre Cheatier t On account of great we are now able to put f ing purchasers will do we date furniture are sold j.t niture on thoniarket cheaper tha ever. All intend - 1 jierCall at our warerooms, where lines of up -to - right pricea This department is obliging attention given 1 Night calls promp Goderich street, Seaforth, JKI this branch of the business. !! y attended to -by our Undertaker, Mr!. SI. T. Holmes opposite the Methodistt church. ROADVOOTI B X & ItiT hOtAehAohthiltilveehewheetiliAMIANYVV • New iu4s for Men and Boys. We -are showing magnificent range of Readyma e Clothing, whiell arri'ved this week direct om the manufacturer, and can now offer you a ,new and nobby suit at a rema kably low price. Also a nice assortment of Hats and Oaps. you.need Wat rproof Coat,- we lave lots of them save you money. Some special value in our Carpet Department. It al carpet here, for you tan get choice, and If% have the adva.n New goods arriVingi every few days ior oar M. McBE t pdces that wilt ays ays to buy of prices. TH, PRETRIA. BLOCK, II,LYT 011 MY ITEAD! 110Y1 IT ACI4S I Nervous Bilious Sick Periodical Spasmodict HEADACHES, Headache is not of itself a disease but is generally CauSed by some disorder of the stomach, liver Or bowels. . Before you can be cured you must remove the cause. Public Telephone Stations asve seen bbru: Machine ell third tO tee:ape:7; Top of tank thbtlanp-e white pome Ingot ere The Niel onzith- MeIotte bo :thhiterh =Urea increased ea msxWhoiciarelrysoi a7wrralitill8;Ke:aini fgantoo7ariugw- a al oh:hi.r;:t. 0 t:b7 .111;181:aktiverd.11:edgu ihing. ;John seen, Moo and turn it ea ,11178:1 fa: nift4.1:703 ort, :It 0: Atiwthrtalieb;a:be:ata:mSkesisidutllewri teetat*oems;.:2,1; makes of Cr There biro w oven: an uf Plao#3 the vast facilities of the Tele- - phone System a the .dispoeal of every one. Are convenient for the _ . use 1# non-inbsori re. waye montllop are required by. by-law to build faettiottlime, toot bate the tame -of -wire, and poets at lead one `rod apart. Anyverson building fences of Other material will be occupadts building fences along publics high- pcafidreinm thovaeltaafixel. Dated this 2Ist day of April, 1902. 1793 ROI) „Clothes vrill iSeed your last yearas suit to the 01 clothee made to tool like new. Dyeing :and antee to give good satisfaction on _shortakt notice. do no ail to give me a call. Batter.aila eggs taken 1792 Oppoeite tie Laundri, Nortla Main Stoat. The Maillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company. FARM AND isoLATEp TOWS BURDOCK 810011 IFTERS: pi will do it for yon. It regulates the stomach, liver and bowels, purifies the lood and tones up the whole syste to full health and vigor. Notice to Trespasers. - The public are hereby warned th found tiespeiiiing on my farm, Lot 27 AD t any rennin Concession 1, 17i ax 2 Having placed al Iny breeding 'p rs at S. Dor- retaken:, for run, anyone wiebing pur bred Barred Plymouth Rork eggs can now have th rn at 50 cents per setting. AITZEL, Seale the or st Dort nue 1793 -if W. throp Dubt liar Lean, Bko Iambs villa P wadi heir r McLean; President, K men P. 0.; Thomm vice-president, Brueetleid 0„• Thomas R. er! hostessehe hire V. ; James Evans, Been wood John Wstt, ppen ; James 00'111011 Clinton. Cumming ligtnendy J. Yeo, 0.; George Aluidie an John 0. Monism, s dadrons to effect :Insurances or Irma -Mainers will be pr attended to at iint kr any Of the abbr. 0111000, addiessei DIWIlop Direoto for 1902i, JOHN la BROWN, Counallor, ea Ale P. O. ii CHAR ES LITTLE, Vour-edler, Winthrop P. 0. JOHN 0. MORRISON, Clerk, throp P. 0 DAV M. ROSS, Treasurer, WinthroPP. O. .I.! SOLO ON J. SHANNON, 0 . I'. Sanitary Inspector,. Gra Trains is& &owe Warr— Gorse Nona Land slue NOR= Exeter— EIPPerreee Brueefela Roma Wing Erucetiold Ceatralia Londukt iriady nn