HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-04-25, Page 51902
tylesin fOOt-
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'.---NrY4e up -der --
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Is in Canada,
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-.-Ippiug or sit-
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lay Rev. E. H.
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-Farnham has
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, League had
on Tueeday
C:ffi er a are :
re Copeland;
'st vice-presi.
a se -president,
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rth vice-presi-
sponding sec -
• recording
; treasurer,
, Misses Meg-
- Clark. Miss
. last Sunday
amber attend-
Icharge of the
APRIL 25, 1902
om.—Mr. Richard Sperling and wile
sre the guests of Mr. and Mre. Wm. Drew,
tor parents. -Mr. James Donaghy's
an Saturday, wee well attended and the
prices were good. -Mr. John Donaghy, wife
and family left for the Paoifio Coast, on
Toesday morning. A large number worst to
the station to bid them good-bye. During
Me Donaghfa day of nearly five years in
00 village, his strict honesty and affability
wr for him the esteem and reapeot of many
weeds, who are sorry to lose mush a valus
Ate citizen. .May they prosper in their
siew hoine.e--Mr. .3 aTTIOR Walker, blacksmith,
aall eugaged a Mr. Armstrong, from Bervie,
to, it him.—Mr. Leonard Armstrong,
West son of Mr. James Armstrong, V. S,,
Isiled on friends on Wednesday of last
week, to bid them good-bye before leaving
en Thursday morning for South Africa.
ffe expeoted to reach 'Halifax on Saturday,
where the company will rernin till the firat
week in May,—Mr. Robert Cunningham is
moing to Henfryn this week, where Hie
bee ,secnred a good situation. -Gardening
andhouse-oleaning aro the order of the
ne ,—Mise Peachy Sanderson is assisting in
Mr. Gallaher's store.—Our young men and
ho s should be arranging for their summer
pineta—Mr. David Sanderson wielded the
sr at Mr. Donagby's sale, on Satur-
s e4g isalmost here and building ope atione win
commence. You will find us at the old stand
S. mil supply ot Beaelvville Lime, Lath, Port-
land Gement, Plaster of Paris, &a. We sell cheap.
yjodly give ug a e.11 and get our prices before
grhasiog elsewhere. R. Cudmore & Sons, Hansa,
A GREAT STOCK GEs•rens—Wilder Lee,
the trotting ttallion, owned by James Berry
.a.0 John Livingston, of Staffs, has left
smile exoellent stock and seems to be just
the kind Of sire that is required to raise the
gook that is now most in demand. This is
evidenced by the fact that Messrs. Kidd
Brothers; ,of L'stowel, recently sold for
shipment to the , old country the mare
Bessie K„ with a re3ord or 2:24i, for $1,000.
Bessie K. was sired by Wilder Lee. They
alSo sold a two-year-old filly, a full sister to
BeSsie K., for which they received $200.
Their trotting stallion, Lord Roberts, which
hat showed great speed, was also sired by
Wilder Lee. Tho Messrs. Kidd Brothers
art load in their praise of Wilder Lee as a
at ek horse, and we congratulate Messrs.
Be ry and Livingsten on having such a
,valnabis sire.
ohn Fraser, Conveyancer, Notary Public
Ag nt for Canadian Express Money Orders. A large
am that of money to loan at current rates of interest.
PeiVate funds. 1791 -ti
ltows.—Mr. Thomas Sanderson has re-
ved to the premises, on the Sauble line,
ety occupied by Albert Townsend.—Mr.
_King had his baker's oven pulled down
rebuilt this week.—Mesare. Stephens and
Ba ley attended the meeting of the license
co missioners at Heneall on Friday. These
gentlemen are applicants for license.—Rev.
M. 'ielland was also at Itensall with a
nu ,erously aigned petition against granting
a `cenee to Mr. Thomas Stephens. -The
G vernment engineer is having the harbor
s ded, with a view to begin dredging
,—Wm. Thera and J. Brown have
finished repairing Mr. C. Parker's house.
Mt. Parker will have a handsome, as well as
ortable, residence.—H. Talbot passed
ough Bayfield Saturday evening with a
traction engine. —Mr. M. Y. McLean
in town Tuesday doing some work in.
w of the corning elections.—Mr. George
Jaokson spent Sunday with friends in God-
erichtownehip.-R Peck delivered a new
Deminion piano to Miss Mary Whisidon on
Triesday.-Miss Wright, of Seaforth, visited
her sister, MSS E. Wright, on Sunday.
os.—The board of license commission-
erS for East Huron met at the American
h tel, here, on Tuesday of this week. All
a old licenses were renewed with the ex-
ception of Esty's hotel, at Wroxeter. This
wae cut ()Wowing to there not being auffici-
ett populatien for two licensee in the vil-
lage. He was given an extension of three
mlentbe. Mrs. McKim made application for
a eer and wine license at Walton, but aa
no petition was presented no action was
tekend-East Harm Conservatives met here'
m* conyention, on Friday of last week, and
*limited Mr. Anson Spotton, barrister, of
arristoe, as their candidate to oontest this
mg.' There was not a very large turnout
o delegates, and Major Beattie, of Lendon,
d Hi Eilber, of South Huron, who were
eapeo d here to deliver addresses, failed to
pat ' an appearance. -0. Zilliax, of the
Central hotel, pleaded guilty last Saturday
to a tacit of the liquor law on the Sunday
° revie s and was fined $20 and costs. -Our
ise WI olub re -organized for the coming
year on Friday evening of last week, electing
the following officers : President, J. T.
Ross; vice-president, D. M. Scott ; man-
e er and secretary, Dr. Field • treasurer, F.
owning - captain, W. A. Tripp, commit-
tee, L. Kerr, F. Roche and W. Roehe.
We haveal material for a team this year. -
Last Saturday evening, Fraser Embury, of
Morris, was thrown from a wagon by a tam
di spirited hors's, on Mill street, and re-
el-slot:el a very :badly bruised face. --W. H.
terr was at Wingham laet Sunday, where
lie preached in the Congregational church.—
o less than three steam vrell drilling ma-
ehinee have been at work in town this week.
° There should be no shortage of water dur-
ing the coming summer. -Thursday of next
• week, George Brown, of Gorrie, will take
tossession of the Central hotel. Mr. Zilliax
;Jill remain in town for some time at least.
' Last week Miss Edith McLauehlin left, for
chrieber, where ahe has taken a position as
ook,keeper and stenographer. -A new ehoe
thopwas opened up ia town thfs week, in
Fthe Smale block .-The foundation for the
awe barie'rfor the Central hotel, was coin-
:inenced this week.
I - ..m..............
1 —Mr. Patrick Barclay, postmaater and
treaaurer of Petrolea, died on Mond y night.
lae leaves a widow and several children.
:411 Wheat (aew), Standard.... — ...
'Oaks per bushel
Pans per bushel__ _ _ _ - ..
' &gay per bles'oel_ __ —...
Batter, No. 1, loose- _ _ _ —..
Baster, ine____ _ _ _ _
fEen per doz— _ __ _ .—
' Pions, per 103 N3 •
,Iiky per ton new
'Hides per 100 be._
April 21 1902
. 7f. to 80 73
O 39 tO 089
O 75 to 075
. 0 60 to 050
. 0 15 to 016
. 0 16 to 016
0 11 to 012
2 16 to 2 15
8 00 to 850
6 03 to 500
O 30 to
O 13 to
O 35 to
1 10 to
1 00 to
2 00 to
1 40 to
4 60 to
Z00 to
7 60 to
04 to
ier. Creameries are in godd demanii and
steady. We quote !—Oreahsery prints, 22
to 23o '• solids, 21 to 22e ; *minds 18 to
203 ; dairy pound rolls,`oholice, 18 to 190;
large rolls, ohoioe, 18 to 9o;Itubs, 14 to
16o s mediam and low. 10 tis 12e. Eggs -
The market advanced demand from entree]. Ladeiio on account
i i
of the strong de ' Offer-
inge are quite liberal at 12par dozen. *
Horse ikarltet.
TORONTO, April 23-LBusinees was not
partioularly good at Grand'&. elution in Tor-
onto to -day. A number of good heavy
horses were put up, but hollers and buyers
were apart in their views as to these, and
no sales were made. A con le of good gen-
eral purpose horees, ft browi gelding and a
bay mare, weighing abou 4300 pounds
each, sold at $235 for the air. A lot of
sound driversestanding abou,t 15 to 16 hands
high, sold from $85 to 4130.ii A number of
aecond-hand horaes, ani ale which had been
used about town, but «ere still in I fairly
good workable oonditio , fetched front $20
to $62 mil). About th rty ive home were
disposed of all told.
Potat es
d 1
ToitoetToe,April 22- he ernan133ntin-
nes strong arid offerings are liberal.Prices
are steady at 63 to 65e on , the track here,
and 60o outside. Potatoes uti �f l store are
worth 75 to 800 per bag.
LiVe Stook Ma kets - ,
LONDON, England, April ;21 -United
States oattle, 7d; eheep, wooled, 7 -id ;
clipped, Id; Canadian erode 60.
LIVERPOOL, April 21-01anadian cattle,
bid to 6/d. ; trade slower.
MONTREAL, April 22 -The butchers were
out strong and trade was fair at declining
rates, which were about to per pound all
around below last Monday'S sales. 'Prinse
beeves sold at from 5. to 6b per pound,and
a few of the beat were held at higher rates;
pretty good cattle sold at frnm 4?eo to nearly
51c, and the common stock at from 3 to
41.0 per pound. Calves sold at from $1.p0 to
$7 each. Nearly all the sheep were shorn,
and some of them were rather poor s
mene. 1 They sold at from 31 to nearl
per pound for old eheep, and from 4
per pound, for yearlings. Lambs sod at
from $2.50 to $4 each. Fat hogs sold at
about 6 per pound for good 'straight lots,
weighed off the oars. '
BUFFALO, April 22—Cattle—Prime steers,
$6.75 to 87.10 ; choice to extra, $6.50 to
$7 ; fair to choice shipping, ,55.25 to $6 40;
prime heifer ',--$6 to 86.25; poor to choioe
o $5 25; canners and common,
; mixed batchers's $4 75 to
rt bulls, $5 to $$.25 ; good but-
o 50
cows, $3 50
$3 to $425
85.50; exp
&era', $4.1 to $4.75 ; thin and eausage,
$3 50 to $4; stockers and feeders, tops,
$4.25 to $4 85 ; fresh cows and springers
full eteady ; prime, $45,to 500 ; comm n to
medium, $25 to $3$. Vealse-Opened st ady
at $6.75 to $7 for tops, but Closed 50 t 75c
lower. Hogs—Fir demand and all oft 100
lower, but all good grades were sold. York-
ers, $7.15 to $7.25; light do., $6.90 to
87.05; mixed packers, $71.25 to VA 30;
ebeice, heavy, $7.40 to $7.415 ; pigs, $6.80
to $6 90 ; stage, $4 75 to. $5.50. Sheep and
Lembs—Fair demand but 40o lower for good
clipped stock; gond sheep isa demand and
strong; choice lambs, $7.25 to $7.35; goodi
to choice, $7 15 to $7.20 ,! sheep, choice
handy wethers. 56.60 tb $6 75; oommot to
extra. mixed, 55.75 to 56 50 s culls and com-
mon. $3.75 to 55.60; wool yearlings, $6 25
to 56 75, all wethers ; clipped wether sheep,
$5.90 to 56,15; clipped lambs, to -pe, 56.50
to $6.60.
TORONTO, April 23--0ett1e—Export—
Good loads of heavy shipperare worth$5.90
to 56 30; medium exporters„ 55.40 to 55.75
per cwt. Export Bulls—Cheice heavy ex-
port bulls sold at $4.50 to f.ti; light export
bulls sold at $4 25 to l 35 per' cwt.
Export Cows—Export cows, sold at 54.40
to 54.85 per cwt. Butchers"' OattleChoice
picked lots of butchers' battle, equal in
quality to the beateexporters„ 1,100 to 1,150
pounds eacb, sold at 55 40 to $5.75 per
choice picked lots of butchers' heifers and
steers, 925 to 1,025 pounds each, sold at
$5.15 to $5 40 per cwt; loads of good but-
chers' sold at $4 85 to $5 35 per cwt ; loads
bf medium butchers', 54 75 to 55; common
butchers' cows at 54.25 to $4 7513er cwt.
Exporters andButchers' Mixed—Loads of
mired butchers and exporters sold at 55.20
to 55.00 per cwt. Feeders-1Feeders' steers,
weighing from 900 to 1,000 pounds each,
sold at 54.25 to 55 per cwt. Stockers—
Well-bred thrifty young steers, 400 to 600
pounds eacih, sold at $3.30 to $3.60 per eiet;
steers, 700 to 800 pounds each, sold at 53,75
to 54 per owt '• off-color, ill-bred steers
and heifers sold at about $3 to 53.25 per
cwt. Mitch Cows—Twelve inileh cows
and epringers ,sold at $30 to 550 each.
Calvea-200 veal celve$ sold at $2
to $10 each, or from 54 Ik) 56 per cwt.
Lambs—Yearling lambs sold at $5 50 to
56.25 per cwt. Spring ' Lambs—Spring
lambs are worth 52 50 to 55 eaoh. Sheep
-Prioes at 53.75 to $4.50 for ewes, and
bucks at $3.50 to $4 per c t. Hoge -Beat
select bacon hogs, not less than 160 pounds,
nor more than 200 pounds eels, off cars,sold
at $6.50 per cwt. ; light at $6 25, and
fats at $6.25 per cwt. SoWs, $5 per cwt.,
and stags, $3 per cwt., • I
Oa Tuesday, 11,1 ay 6that 1 o'clock p. rre,
!..Pnetoei per bush (new),... —
'8alt (retail) per ba..•rel-
Vtaod per cord (long).
lboe per (lord (short)..—
Apples per bag_
:,Clo.rer Seed_ .......- — • • "
Zreethy Seed,. _ -• -
I Pork, per I00
eee per lb -
O 40
0 14-
O 40
1 10
4 26
2 25
3. 50
8 00
0 06
FORTUNE -In Tuokounnith, ,April 10;h, Robert
Fortuna, aged 61 Yew. •
HANDFORIII-In Centralia, on AprIt 17611, Dorothy
Biasett, relict of the lite Riehard Handford,aged
85 years and 17 days.
JONES—In Exeter, On April 17tp, Irena daughter of
Mr. and Mr& Wm. Jona?, ag d 2 yarn, 8 months
and 7 daye.
LEAWKINS-In Hay, on April Joseph R., only
ton of Mr. and Mrs. Jolla Hawkins. London
Road, north, aged 7 months and 26 day.
HARVEY -In Edmonton, on April 8th,Isaao Harvey,
aged 86 yew&
AGAR -In Morr:s, oh April 16th, Ada F..11, wife et
David Agar, in her 36th year
SWEITZER-Suddenly, at his laic) residence, No. 8
Helton street, West London, on April Ilth,Retary
Sweitzer, sr., formerly of Credittn, aged 82
veers and 6 mouths.
PHILLIPS -In Ashffeld, on April 13th, Samuel Phil.
lips, aged 76 years and 5 month&
Spring Term
From Aptil ist, contimies inte our
through 'July and Angust in all
Departments f our SpleSsdidSohool,
• The
Central If!.siness,
There are no vacation's and mem-
bers may enter at any time and
continue for any desired term. A
dozen Teacher*, eighty typewriting
machines and a daily roll call of
368 members , this month indicate
the character and reputation of our
College. Write for circular?.
Address, W. IL SHAW, 'Principal.
Yonge and Gerrard *,1 Toronto. :
' 1686-52
TORE FOR. SALE tat RENT, in Belgrave, suit-
- able for .grocerie , flour and feed. Will ex-
° ange for private larOperty, Wingham or Blyth
ferred. A. HASLAM. I 1792x8
rlIGGS FOR HATCIAING*—Frotte; good stock of
I' Plymouth Rceiri barred. Good layers; lay
large brown en% Price 60 cents per setting,
HUGH CAMPBELL, Censtance P. p Onti. 1798xI
TIASTRAY HORSE.—Strayed froM Lot 83, Huron
1, Road, MeKillop, on Tuesdey night or Wed-
nesday morning, a 4,1 esr old driving mare. dark
bay, no white, stands }about 141 hands high. Any
informatiori leading to her recOvery will be re-
warded. GEORGE OTLESNEY, Seafmth.
MIARIII FOR SALE.-4•Lot 31, Concession 3, H. R.
J2 S., 103 sores; heel house 00 premises ; within
five minutes walk of church; 5 miles from Clinton
and 6 milea from Seaforth : large frame halve, good
orchard, mostly winter fruit • 2, good wells and
ciatern ; 2 barns, ohs barn 4E46, etor e stabling
nederneath, other Van' 23x60 ; dr(vang ed and hen
house. Apply to WHITFIELD ORICH, Clinton P.
PLEMENTS. Mr. Arthur Cantora has in-
structed the undersigned to sell publ et auction,
on Tuesday, May 6th, commencing at 1 O'clock p.
m., sharp, at Lob- 29, Coneetsion I 2, Tuckerainith, 2
miles east of Granton ahd opposite Turner's church,
the following' : One heavy dranitht treed mare, 5
years old; 1 blood mar, 16 Itandel high,
how 3 minute clip ; 1 Email mare, 1 la
harness and cart ; 6 ewe suppOsed
milch cows, 1 steer rIsieg 2 years,'4 yearirng steers,
2 heifers rising 2 years, 3 heifers 1 year or 2 calves
8 m:ntha old, 3 spr ng calvea, 21 broad sows with
'attars, 135 hens, 3 turkeys, ageeele and goslings, 1
yEars old,
ies' pony,
e In calf, 5
Maseepllarrie binder, sheaf carrr.er an
good repair; 1 mower, 1 Mann spring
vator, 1 eeed drill, 1 Sulky ralee,j Kan
truck, in
ooth oulti-
aroo gang
plow, 1 set iron harrOvge, 1 gang, plow,1 walking
plow, 1 cutting box, 1 f nning min; tur ip souffier,
I Chatham wagon, bo and hog rack, pair bob-
sleighs, nearly new; 1 ravel box,,1 hay rack, 1 hay
fork, rope, pulleys and 3 long sliega ; 1 corn cutter
with 2 knives, 2 &day cs urns, No. 1 and o. 2 ; 1 eeb
double harness, 2 set si gle harneep, 1 rake harness,
cellars and bridles ; 1 phaeton, 2: singla buggies, 1
Fght wagon with two boxes, 2, ()utters lpest hole
augur, 1 hay knife, hrowbar, larks, shovels, and
numerous other artiele0, 4 m'lk cans and col 1 water
trough for rotting milk,I 70 tin sap' pails and stiles,
1 sugar kettle, I grind eitone, 5 cotolnies Millen bees,
empty bee hivrs, eto. I; 3,009 scantling, plank awl
lumber; 2 new ;vacs, a. quantity,' of celar poets, a
few 6 inch' gazed tile. Everything wi'l be sold
without reserve, as lac
and intends liaising in
All sums of 88 and
praprietor has sold his farm
to Clinton.: Terms of Sale.—
under, cash; on over that
amount, 8 months' credit will be given on furniehing
approved joint notes. Five per cent. per annum
discount for cash on Reedit amorts. A. CANT&
LON, Proprietor; T. B OWN, Au tioneer. 1793-1
The following Stall one will travel during the
Season of 1902 as folio :
KING A "iTHUR,iII 7483
Monday, April 28. Will leav his ;own stable,
Brecefield, and go by *ay of the lnd Concession of
Stanley to Charles R es',/ot 27; Concession 2, for
notm ; then to Maso House, Glinton, for night.
Tuesday. -13y way of he Goderich road to Holmes -
villa for noon ; then by way of f.he Clot Line to R.
H. Elliott's, Lot 31, oncession fi, Goderieh Town.
ConJeesion and Bayne d Line to, J meg ISwitzer's fcr
ship, for night. We nesday.—, way of the 8th
noon • then to Rayfiel at Stiletto Hotel for night.
Thureclay.—By way f the BayleId road to Varna
for noon; then to Br cefield at hie o en stable for
night, Friday.—By *ay of the 2nd Concession to
Wm. Sproat's, Lot 2, Coneeesie6 3, Tuckeramith,
for neon ; then by 8proat's sideread and the 41h
Concessian to :Edwar Parple's, Lot 81, Mill road,
-tor night. Satureirty. By way f ;the 4th Coneesaion
to 2nd Concession (FT. S., to G orge Turneee, Lot
29, Conceesipn 3, for noon; then y way of the 2nd
Concession, L. B. S., o Bruceflel , to his own stable,
where he will remai
m analog.
waif Dress Goods.
Cir Dress Go ds trade this Spring has exceeded our most sanguine ex-
pectatIOns. We made preparations for a large trade, but before the season was
fairly Opened we found several lines were sold up. We again went into the
marke and bought heavili in Dress Goods, and to day we show a stock of
dress goods seeond to none in the county. Ladies like to buy their dress goods I
where Ithey have a large assortment of new styles to select from, and they know
from elperience they always find the best asflortment at this store. Just a few
price tits :
11 wool French serge, double fold,' in black and colors, makes up well for suits and
akirts, s•es satisfactory wear, at 25o a yard. Sterrn Serge, all wool, 42 inehes wide, in
black ettid navy, hard worsted finieh, very special, 500. lack cheviot serge, 46' n ohes
wide, good weight, all wool, makes stylish and serViceable suits and skirts, 75e. All wool
broadoldth, 52 inches . wide, firm weave, bright finish, special value, 75o and 51. Black
satin ol thrs 44- inches wide, all pure wool and rich satin finish, in two qualities, 850 and
$1.10, lack French Venetians, bright finish, 60 inchea wide, all pure wool, make very
stylish c stumes, $1.50. All wool homespuns, in black and Oxford grey, 54 inches wide,
.1heviot nish, per yard, 90o, $1 and $1.19. ,
casim CD ±NTM 3PRIC EJ
until the following Mondty
on Let 29, Concession 2, H. R. S., Tucker -
smith, opposite Turner's church, Farm . RIC B 0612
.; ,
Stock and Implemente, Arthur Cantelons i ' 1 BERRY & oss, PrOprietore.
, .
Proprietor, Thomas Brown, Auctioneer , Wei stand at his on 'table, half a mile South of
On Saturday, Pi ay 3rd, in Hensa11,1 at 2' •-intueenele, every day except Monday. Monday will
go iv. Clir too, at Gra are'e , Hetet, remag until 6
p. m., a two story dwelling, stable and lot,
10'4 ehen he e ill return to his own stable
situated on ,Queen stree adjoining the e . • a' •
t stpres of Care* Bros. & A. Young
It are most cordially invited An attractivei book -
t of choice receipts will be given each. visitor.
Presbyterian church pro arty. For parti-
onlare, apply to Wm. Larnmie and Jane PRINCE of HURLFORD (10613).
Lammie, proprietors .; B. S. Phillips auc- SMILLTE BROS., Prcharictors.
- HARRIS -1n Wroxeter, on Aprill 171h, the Wife c
Mr. George G. Harris, of a st,n.
CUTHILL—In MeKblop, rn Apia 17th, the aiife of
Mr. John Cuthill, ofet daughter.
CROZIER—In McKillop, on March 25th, the Wife of
John Cr zit r, of a daughter
McGAVIN—In MeKillop, on April 18th, the •vie of
Mr. Wm. II. MeGavine.of a on.
ETUE—At the Sauble line, Stanley, on Apri' 17th,
the wife of Mr. Alexanderz Etue, of a dswzbter.
O'BRIEN-In Zurich, on April 1.0th, Alm wife ti)1 Mr.
Wm. O'Brien, of a son. L
MeLEOD—In Dunlop, on April '2th, 'the wife of Mr.
Norman McLeod, of a daughlier.
MORGAN—At Porter's Hill, on April 16th, tile wife
of Mr. Fred Morgan, of a daughter.
MONTEITH—In Tualtersinith„ on April 10th,, .the
wife of Mr. and Mre. II. C. Monteith, of a,,s•n. •
ZUEFLE—In Exeter, on April Oh, the wife of Mr.
Charles Zuefle, of a daughter.
SNIDER -10 Celborne townenic, on AprR 12th, the
wife of Mr. Levi Snider, of al, son.
hIcGUIRE--In Clinton, on April 15thethe.wife of Mr..
W. A. McGuire, of a daughter.
ANGTJS—In Wingham, on April 16th„ the wife of Mr.
Frank Angus: of a dang.htek-
LOOKBRID3E—In LoweriWimthana, on April 121h,
the wife of Rov)ert Lookbride e,.of a sop.
MILLER -In Turnbea.v, oa April 9th, the wife of
Mr. J88183 Mbllsr, of ason.
LAKE—In Cry, on Apr:I Tathethe wife of Mr. John
Lake, of a ecu. ' •
SINCLAIR—In Grey, on April 16th, the wife of Mr.(
Peter Sinolair, of a sou.
Dairy Markets.
MONTREAL, Api it 22—Gheese—The mar-
ket is very qaiet, as nearly all the old stock
; hos been sold. Finest Ontario makes, 1141
th ; finest townships makes,M to 110o;
tined Quebec makes, 10h to 1110. Butter
ezThe market ia quiet, with an easy tone.
Ifineet fresh creamery, 22 to 224e ; creamery
seconda, 21 to 2.1.1c ; western dairy, 16i to
ere. Eggs -There ia a good demand for
strictly fresh at 12 to 121ec per dozen.
TORONTO, April 22 -Butter -Demand for
' all choice dairies is strong. Dairy large
rolls are very firm, and are taking the place
of pound rens because of their greater unis
Jorusity of quality. Pound rolls are lo
KIFFER-0E3CH—At the res'dence of the bride's
parent, Mr. and Mr,. Jacob ()each, sr., on April
15th, by Rev. J. Bender, of Tavietoek. Mr. John
Kipfgr, to Miss Rachol Oesoh, both of the town-
ship of Hay.
PBECIOUS—WARRINGTON--In Goderich, at the
resider:Ye of Rev. M. McKay, on April 10th, Mr.
William Thomas PreolOus, of Goderieh township,
to Miss El:zabeth Ellen Warrington, of Goderloh.
GRAVELLE—CON'SIGNEY—At St. Joseph% chnroh,
Clinton, on April 14th, by Rev. Father MeMena.
min, Misr Elizabeth Consigney, sister of Mrs.
John Hayes, of Clinton, td hir. Gravelle,
of Goderich township.
AIKENS—HAINES—In Wingharn, On Aprll 16th, by
Rev. R. Hobbs, Mr. Neil Haines, of Owen Sound,
to Miss Marie Caroline, Saughter of Mr: and
Mrs. R. Aikens.
BROCK—JACQUES—At the realdence of the bride'a
parents, on April 9tb, by Rev. W. J. Waddell,
Mr. Frank Brock, to Miss ifartira Jane Jacques,
both of Uaborne township
Monday, May 5th.--iWill leave his own stable, 1/
mileil South of Brueefleld, and procecd t't est to Part
Line to Ralph Stephees:n's for >Inoon ; thence North
ta Verna, thence West on BaN field rod to John
Gcshen Line to MeC ie ehen West to
Real's (treasurer) for night. :Tueeday.—Santh en
achey'arner, t ,
Brame n Line to Robe.t DsIgetti'a for neon ; thence
South two miles, th n East tolllobert Arrnstrong'e,
Goshen Line, for night. Wednesday., --South to
Zurich at Dominien I otel for noone theece Eaut to
Parr Line to Charles leAllisterre for onehour> theo
North to Andrew Loee's for night. Thiusday.—By,
'Town Line and LondOn road to hia own stable for the;
easra. Sproat
n ; then Kaat
McCann's for
d Coneeesion
road to James
eld to hia own
the following
Monde) morning. -1793-2
Monday—Will leave his own sable, lffa, and pro
ceed to Jacob Webers hotel, D• Win,- fprInoon ;thee
by way of the Huron Read to IDielea hotel, Seafarth,
for the night. Tuesday -By wdy of tie Huron Road
to Reuben Graham's hotel, Clinton, 1r noon; then
by way of the Louden Road to the Dixon- H. onset,
Brucefield, for the night. Wediteid y—l-By way el
Kippen 10 Bill's Green, at Robert Love's, for noonI;
then to Zurich, at Chris. Shoe aker's hotel, for the
night. Thuraday-ty the Gee en Line to Hill's ho-
tel, Crediton, for noon ; then Centralia, at Moff-
att's hotel, for the' night. Fr day—By way of the•
Londcn Road to Hawk:Maw'', hote , Exeter, for noon ;
to Scott's hotel, Hensall, by the London Road, fox
the night: Saturday -ray way mf Kippen, 10 Strong s
hotel, Tuckersmith, for noon ; hen e t 10 his ow
stable, Staffa, for the night. 17934
afternoen.• Friday.—Proceed Etat to
and Campbell's, Kipt en road, ter no
to the boundary, then North 1.0 Peter
night. -Satu-day.—'et along the 2(
to Egmondville, theta by the Mill
MeIntosh'n fJr neon; then by Bruce
stable, v. here he will remain until
OltpiT S11, STORE.
New Suits for Men and. Boys..
ial2. T,!.axa-atee seeiettuasTFersatle lt stleix sage9TII
e are showing a. Magnificent ran e of Readyreacte Clothing, which
arrived ljhis week direct fromAhe manufaetur r, and can now offer you a new
and nob y suit at a remar1kably low,prieet.
so a nice assortm nt df Hats and 0 ps.
'If you need a WaterproofsCoat, w have lots of them at prices that will
save you money.
Some special value in our Carpet Dap rtment. It always pays to buy
carpet here, for you can get choice, and you ave the advantage of prices
ew goods arriving every few days f r our Millinery Department.
!lotice to Trespassers
The pub ic are hereby warned that any perseh
found trespassing on my fared, Lot 27, :Concession 1,
EMeKillop, aldjoining Seaforth, will be proaeonted. •
Having laced all my breeding pens at J. Dor-
ranee'a for run, anyone with ng pure, hre4 Barred
Plymouth Rock egga can now have them all 60 centa
per setting. C. II. AlIZE , Seafortb, dr at J.
Dorrance'e. ,' 11.793-tf
, .
PubliciTelephCrne Stations
SIMON MCT<ENZIE, Prop ietor.
et:mese—win leave his own stable Cloncesaion ,
Lot 26, Tuokersroith, cnd proofed to rank Taylor'e
Alma, for noon ; thcn to Hill's hote), LohdeboY0. fer
night. Tuesday—To ' euben Grahapa's 'hotel, 011n.
ton, fer noon ; then o his olwn st hie for nig t.
Wednesday -Will proeleed to la 00 non's, Brona n
Line, Stanley, for noon, •, to Nieholso 's laotel, Mak ,
lc r night. 'T' -- R. O'Brien':, I tomiles eouth
niev.feer'e hotel,
h Chamber's,
o n stable for
lel Hotel, Sea-
rEloon, then to
enta the 101-
of St Soeoph, for noon ; 63 She
Zurich, for niggt. Friday—iTo J
Town Line, Stanley, for noon;Ito to hie
night. Saturday—the 0 mer
forth for noon, and durin tl e aft
his own stable, where he will repaid
lowing Monday morning.
ce the vast fealties Of t e Tele -
one System a the 'diap sal of
ry one. Are onvenient ilor the
e of non-subscri ere. 1
All oce
ways in
the same
Any perm
at the
fiancee, to
Dated thi
.L•TiOr32 CM
pantsbuilding fen ea alongi publio high.
oKillop sre requ'red by by•law to build
f wire, and posts 1 at leaet one sod apart.
n bullding fences ot other Material will be
et cf removal gn4 conetruetion of wire
be paid in the taxe .
21s1 day of April, 902. 1793
Fa niers'
If you require any_ShingleS, it will
be to your interest Ito buy them at
the I! 1
A huge qu„ entil„Yef the best quality
of1 Red -Cedar Shingles at right
prima .
North Main Street, • - Seaforth.
During API:IL 1902.
points, Through fast trains daily, close
connentione. Tickets limited to continuous
paseage in each direction.
For lurther particulars apply to Agents Grand
Trunk Railway System.
CD gie,
P tss'
O kJ
es- cs
r -tit -z 1.4
• I—'
cs se
Prs Ps -1:71
0 20
CD a)
CD Cz 0-1
t--1 r -ea
• ti 0
• 0 0
• ,--k• 139-'
1:i ul
`•••1 —
Cn • et,
as it *1
g- 0 g
• t<1
...., 0
t!. -f
1:1 °
Colmar Main
Market SmPickars
OVER111811 11
Th. Largoot
Dry Goods ono
Four Countiote';
Sometimes we believe -1
reader to pay us for the
are going to back up
the goods you want at
come and. pay us for th
facts in our announceme
all the extravagant loan
pays when it pays the
goods we advertise. We
ur belief by advertising
rices that wili naalse you.
m. Plain statements of
s are more faithful than
uage usually found in ad-
vertisenaents. Descriptions and. prices are invari-
ably supported, by the best values that can be
offered. Our goods ia every department for
present season cannot bo surpassed for value any-
l'"13 6.1
w cr)
tut -
1 6
M. C, DICKSON, District Passenger Agte
; Agent, - Seaforth.
Dress Goods
No matter what the styles are R
lace to fill your dress goods wants. \
est we can obtain for the least possible
rs and pays us. Specials for this week
Ladies' cloth in blue, cardinal, gr
s what your tastes may be. This is the
Te have learned the lesson of giving the
price. Such a policy pays our custom-
ey, fawn and black, worth 75c a yard,
pecial at 50c.
Royal serge, wool back, perle fini
n black and navy only, special at 50c.
Blenheim suiting cloth in all the
uits, special at 95c a yard.
Rokeby serge; warranted not to
wo special lines.
A regular 35c Japan. wash silk, i
Also specials in black taffeta and
sh, guaranteed, not tO shrink or spot,
new shades, and the I correct weight for
hrink or spot, in slaty and black only,
all colors, special at 25e.
Clothing D partmqnt.
In buying clothing you will findi that very cheap and very good don't
eally often go together. This store's r putation reate OU soniething more than
heapness. We sell at low prices, but we know that the quality of our goods
s above criticism.
oys' and Children's Clothing.
To this branch of the clothing i4usiness, we have Tgivei special
this season. In boys' and children's suits, you. will find that we not
Ole latest styles, but the cloth, and make, and wear, can be depended
iiMapproachable values in men's suits of all sizes,
nly have
n. Also
MEl\TS 1 II ..AsTS- "
_ I
Almost every week we receive direct from the manufacturer the -very
atest styles in men's soft and hard fur felt hats, so you will not only find extra
alue, bat the very latest touch in style..
Ladies' Dpartniept. ,
. :
No pains, trouble' or money have been spared to secure the latest, most
saleable and best fitting shirt waists, turned out by the very' best artists and
Operators. Below we will mention a few of the leading I specials in -white
A pretty lawn blouse,_ suitable for ordinary wear, buttoned in front,
ha.ving two clusters of tucks on either side, also tucked behind, latest cuffs, etc,,
nd sellafor 75c each.
Barred Plymouth Rocks.
A lawn blouse, buttoned in front, having three rows of embroidery in-
sertion on either side, clustsra of tucks behind, new turned back -cuff, and sells
1 or $1.00Aepar col: t.
y Indian linen blouse, bilttoned in the back, with all-over tucked
front, finishrd off with a V of embroidered insertion, tucked stock collar, new
sleeves with tucks, latest cuff, etc.; thi is a world beater at the price, $1.10
i .- r
each. i -
A lawn blouse, buttoned in the back, with clusters of tucks on either
side, all-over tucked front, with two V's embroidered, insertion intervening,
tucked stock collar, tucked rileeves, cult-, etc., and sells for $ .38 each.
Also specials in better waists, in silk linen, ch.amb ay,. batiste, sheer
lawn, etch.
ambray dresses in ox blood and blue, waist 1 wit fancy yoke and
white braid trimming, graduated floune,la skirt with .white braid trimming, to
sell at $2Se.p7a5each.rateskskirts
t s in
light blue, navy and blacklduck in the polka dots,
assorted graduated. flounce with braid trimming, to sell at Viand $2.25 each.
The new Paris tint insertion in lace and appliqu effect and all-over
insertions for white blouses are goods that you will find strictly up-to.date.
Our values in Ladies' Summer Underwear in natural wool, lisle, silk,
&c., areunneexeellle
rainy day skrrts in shades of Oxford grey, to sell at
Are unexcelled as winter layere, and as dressed
fowl bring much more money than common stook.
We have a pen selected from our best vvieter laying
hens mated with a fine, large, -ky ell marked cook, also
bred from a perehrtent laying strain, Eggs, $1 per
setting of 16.
1792X7 MILLIE BROS., Bluevale, Ont.
$3.50 each
Carpet D‘partment.
Japanese mattings in all prices from 12e to 40e a yard.'
Tapestry squares in all sizes, Wool carpet squar444ii all sizes.
We sell a cotton chain carpet.This is a carpet wkth a cotton warp and
wool filling. Choice patterns at 50; 65c and 60e a yard.
Wool carpets, specials at fioc, 15c and $1.
Linoleuras in 2, 3 and 4 yard widths. - •
Genuine English Wilton carpe'
4s a bargain at $1.33 a yard*
Also extra values in Brussels and Tapestry carpets, imported direct from
lieacling manufacturers.
-1 We have the most complete stOcir of Lace Curtains lever Shown by us.
prices pad for Butters Eggs'
and Wool.
Opposite Town. Building,
& CosD
_ IMPO 117.E
Conker Main and 14aTket Sts„ Ss14th: