The Huron Expositor, 1902-04-25, Page 3are More
st.1 up in the
dresey in one
by a nobby
g speciai lines
r. AU intend
nesof up -to -
'seat goods anel
S. T. Hobnes
e consistent with
es to the farmers
aldehyde solution
:ured a small sup-
), larmers. 1 made
lens of the most
Huron know- the
e particular make
, from other solu-
useless for this
confidence in its
tlay ; but having
lotions said to be
ts they expeoted, -
)1 my eustomers
se of the Minister
e guarantee from
that ne eoliation
of strength pre-
sd full strength)
eg a better profit
treating the seed
e to take any
the farmers as
a if you want
tive of smut,
orde " Beaver
,e Fence
,stoci °win.*
pring. No. 1
of 3,000poturds;
tand a strain
coiled or bent
am and remain
i.. and you know
rage fences are
ikervilie. Gat. 4
t ual Fire
Pa- Y.
ED "P-1Wre
P. O. ; Thomas
0. Thoreaa E.
WI G. Broad.
Pe 0.
G. Grieve, WI
; John Bentrewers,
ood ; John Watt.
SeId ; John B. Ito-
Clmtors. .
c.14111am, ge.LiOrtial
W. Yea, Holmes.
John 0. Morrieron.
rearances ox trans-
tionded to ort.
e re, addreeied
1 902.
rap P O-
r eat re 0.
Beechwood P. 0
nIiore Seaforth P.0
rop P. 0
throp P., 0..
- Sanitary inspector.
11 Poorly?
For two years I suffered ter-
ribly from dyspepsia, with great
depression, and was always feeling
poorly. I then tried Ayer's Sarsa-
parilla, and in one Week I was a
new m a n." -John McDonald,
Philadelphia, Pa.
' Don't forget that it's
"Ayer's" Sarsaparilla
that will make you strong
and hopeful. Don't waste
iyour time and money by
trying some other kind.
I Use the old, tested, tried,
and true Ayer's Sarsapa-
rilla. SA a bottle. AU drigreists.
Aak your doctor what he thinks of Ayer's
Sereaparilla. Ile know!- all aboutthis eased
ord family medicine. Follow his advice and
we will be satiefied.
.T. 0. Aszn Co., Lowell, Blass.
Don't buy a Cream Separator until you
have seen the 1902 Melotte Model. One-
third to less power required than others.
Machine cut gearing of gun metal and
plumper bronze, and are fitted with a brake
attachment, found on no Other Separator.
Top of tank only 44 iuoha above floor, easy
to put milk into; being low down, has no
top-heavinese to cause vibration, which is
the chief wear of Cream Separatore. Self
balancing bowl, bowl casing coated with
white porcelain, more durable than tinware.
Discs are aluminum, which will not rust.
The -Relate handle can be taken off and
put on without wrench or screw driver, but
will not fan off. A great advantage, as
Separator handles should be put out of the
reach of children when not in use. The
Melotte bowl epindle has only one bearing,
other Cream Separators have four or five,
which means extra wear. Reduced prices,
increased capacities, sold on easy term».
We also handle Farm Implements and
Machinery; Deering, Wilkinson, Noxon
Drills, Windmills, White Engines and Sep-
arators, also Talton goocle.
D. McCALLUM, Seaforth, Ont., 3. D.
WALKER, Staffa, Oat., Agents. All
goods at A. Campbell's warerooms, Sea -
What people say about this Cream Sep-
Ectforth, February 25, 1902. -Gentlemen; I
bnught a Iiielette Separator two year ago from J.
D. Walker, and have run ft twice a day ever since.
It has coat nothing for repairs. I think it the beat
and caeca running Separator an the market. I am
well setisfled both fcr durability and clean skina
ming. John G. Spred.
Seaterth, Ftbruary 26, 1e02. -Dear Sir; I have
• ueed r MeIotte Separator two years. The looger we
use it the better we like it. We can sit on a atoll
And turn it easily. The e is no apparent wear to be
seen. It looks as good as new. Geo. A. Gray.
Seek rtb, February 26, 190t -Gentlemen: The
eize 1 Melotte 1 purchaeed in November, 1899, has
glean the beat of eatisfection in every respect. In
that time we have separated 125,000 pounds of milk,
and the Seperathr was turned by a boy oho was 12
years olcl thie month. If I had to go back to the old
way of ekimmieg, I would go baok on the cows.
Abraham Magill.
Staforth, February 25, 1902. -After trying (everal
makes of Cream Separators. I take mat pleasure in
recommending the Relate to any intending nor-
chaeer. lat. It dces all chimed for it. 2nd. It is
much easier turned. 3rd. It is eaelly cleaned. 4111.
There lane waste oil to come in contact with mirk,
cream or uteneile. William Aberhatt. 1787.18
Poet° Rieo'ef allotinItsiens.
There are meuntalieit all over Portci
Rico, ranging in height reom 1,000 to
upward of .2,000 feet They rise in
Wats , for the. most part, jiaving no
fiat silence at their opa. They are
not co ered with fores s and are often
cultivated to their vtth tokyg.
The Apostles Creed.
The' Apostles'Creed ;is net the crea-
tion of any single persion. It grew. It
is found in, practically ,as'present form
in writings of the fifth century. The
Nieene Creed was fornatalated A. D.
Ilse the genuine
• WATER tak
"The Universal Perfume."
For the Handkerchief, Toilet and
Bath. Refuse all substitutes.
*Vela* et etWesie*
The Kheinatiln.
The wind known as the khamsin
blows for fifty days tn, Egypt, begin-
ning with April 29 or 80. The word
khamsin is from the Arabic and means
Length of a. French Horn.
If the orchestra Frendh horns were
straightened out, theetewould be seven-
teen feet long. The convolutions ef the
horn and the many turns of the
trumpet are an the fruit of necessity.
They eouId not be manipulated- to pro-
duce the tones asked of them if they
were not bent and cu ed
Read a Whole ietionary.
When Webster's Un bridged Diction-
ary appeared, CalebCushing read it
through, word by word, and corrected
some mistakes. He seught Information
from every source.
Pepper the Bats. e
Cayenne pepper sprinkled where- rats
resort will cause the pests to leave the
Austrian pestmen.
In Austria the government gives to
the postmen every year one tunic, one
pair of cloth trousers, one pair of linen
trousers, one waisteoat • and a eap,
• while every second year a coat and
blouse are given. previous military
service is consideredas postal service,
and each year of war counts double.
The Seal's Cry.
The cries of none ef the quadrupeds
approach more closely that of the hu-
man voice -than those of seals when la-
menting the loss or capture of their
Bees and Honey.
It takes 5,000 unloaded bees to make
a pound -that is, when the bee leaves
its hive in Search of honey it weighs
only the five-thouSaudth part of a
pound. When it returns, however,
from the fields and Rowers, freighted
with honey, it is three times that
A Big Soldier.
During our war with Mexico General
Taylor's command boasted a soldier of
7 feet 1% inches in 'height and one of
seventy-four yeaxs cif age.
Japan has been credited with being
a warlike nation, bit she has been en-
-gaged in but three wars in the past
thousand years -once when the army
of Kublai Khan Was repelled, some
700 years ago; then with, Korea, 300
- years ago, and third ald last with
Grand grunk Railway.
Trellis leave Seaforth and Clinton stailens
▪ ortio Wssr- Beene:rue
Peseenger. .. . . ....• 12.40 P.
Paseenger..... .. 10.12 P. M.
Mixed Train.... - 9,20 A. M.
Mixed Train 6.15 P. M.
Pau anger. 7.63 A. M.
Paasenger.-. 8.11 P. M.
Mixed Train.... .. 4.40 P. M
12.55 re
10.27 P. M.
10.16 A. M.
7.06 P. M
7. 88 .1‘.
2.65 P
4.26 PI
Wellington, Grey and Brace.
1.40 r.
8.65 A. M.
7.02 9.17
7.18 9.46
7.28 10.02
GI01110 Noaret-
- Brussels.. ..
Winehare.... -
Tome SOUT11--.
8.07 re M.
Winghato 6.63 A. M.
Bruseels.a . .....
London, Huron
London, depart.. .. . ..
Centralia. •• •• ••••
Exeter_ •
Hensel' - ......
Kippen • . • •
Brucedeld ..• • a do • •
Clinton.- - .............
Londesbora -
Winghsten arrive. 0 ••• • •
GO/NG Seina-
Wingliam, depart.-- ..-
Londeaboro.... • • •
and Bruce.
Kipper] • •
Ilensall.....•• 41011 •.•••• sms. • a.
• •
coattans .
London, (a;rive)-
8.16 A.M. 4.40 P.
9.18 5.66
9.30 6.0
9.60 6.25
9.68 6.33
10.16 6.56
10.88 7.14
10.41 7.28
10.56 . 7.87
11.10 8.00
6.58 A.m. 8.15 P. m
7.01 8.40
7.14 8.66
7.22 4.06
7.47 4.25
8.06 4.49
8.16 4.57
8.22 5.02
8.86 5.14
8.46 5.23
9.37 A. s. 6.12
Amsterdam DiaMond Workers.;
Organized labore to the number of
7,000 are employe by the diamond
dealers and jewelers of Anisterdam.
alidid dangerous, irritating Witch Hazel
preparations represented to be "the same as"
Pond's Extract, which easily Sours and Am
- contain "wood aiselua," a deadly poison.
rimazz youito BOLLS FOR SALE.-Fer sole.
X three 7604 thoroughbred Durham bulb), with
registered pedigrees, and ready for eivviee ; two red
to oolorend one roan; Apply to DAVID HILL, Lot
27, C.0Ace441011 8, HibbeelieSt.affs P. O. 1786 -if
_ -
..LJ ithoroughbred Duthaui bulls, eligible for reg-
iettatien, 12 arid 18 months 'old, one dark roan the
other ligat. Apply on Lot '25, Comes/ion I, L. R.
S., Tuckersinith, 1 iles eouth of Brucefield.
JAMES PATTERSON, Brueelield P. O. 1780-tf
Anteaters's Seen Wonders.
The seven wonders of America are
classed RS follows:, Niagara falls, Yel-
lowstone park, I, aramoth cave, the
'canyons and Gardejn of the Gods, Colo -
redo; the giant tr es, 'California; the
'natural bridge, Virginia, and the Yo-
semite valley. .
To Cement Contractors.
Tenders will be received by the undersigned. on
behalf of the Tuekersmith Council, until 10 o'clock
On. Saturday, April the 26th, for the oonstruction of
concrete abutments for the Sproat bridge, betwe-en
Lots 5 and 6, Concession 4, H. R. S. Plea and
epecifleations may be seen at the office of the under-
aigned after April the 8th.
A. G. 8MILL1E, Clerk of Teckeremith, Bengali P. 0.
-Three ied snd one roan, nursing from 7 to 11
months old. All eligible for registration. Bred from
t: Roseville Abbott," one of the best ares in the Fro.
vines, Also five young heifers and Ova, all suitable
for breeding. Apply oa Lot 80, Coneeesion 5, Us.
borne, or address Hurondale P. O. THOMAS CUD.
MORE & SON. 1776 -td
1101.1141i FOR SALE. -The undersiened has for sale a
tho.oughbred Durham bull eleven months old,
roan in color. He is of the low set blocky type gob
by pedigreed stook of extra quality now in my pas-
seesiOn. Will keep mr noted stock bull, Duke c f
Henson, for Service, also a pure bred Berkehire boar.
Terme on application. JOHN ELDER, Lot 16, Con -
°cosier] 2, Hay, Hensell P. O. 1788-tf
Iron Horseshoes.
Iton shoes were first nailed to the
hoofs of war horses in the ninth cen-
tury. They were first introduced into
England by William II. about the year
Doctor ell Suleides.
The medical' profession furnishes the
greatest number Of suicides.
COWS IN CALF FOR SALE. -For sale, 8 young
thoroughbred Durham bulls with pedigree, ranging
from 9 to 20 months' old; also 3 young COWS in emit
for Bale, The bulls are 2 greye and one rei, ready
for sen -ice. Apply to ALEX. CAMPBELL, Lot 21,-
Concesssion 10, Hibbert, Cramarby P. 0. 1792x4
DULLS FOR SALE. -For sale, five thoroughbred
Shorihern Bulls, from 12 to 18 months, all good
colors, and sired by the well known stock bull,
"Star of Morning," which took drat prize and dip-
loma, at the Brueefield show thie year. Also a nucn•
ber of females. Hay and Barton farm, Hul'ett, or
addrees Clinton P. 2. JAMES SNELL. 1792x4
The Mack licor ce stick in the drug
stores comes mos1y from Spain and is
made of pure Jule mixed with a late
starch, which pre eras it from melting
in warm weather. The word licorice
means "sweet root" and is of Greek
origin, '
Every Organ of the Body Toned
up and invigorated by
The IDrumfirsh.
The drumfish Is a natural curiosity
of the most curious kind. Especially
does this strike biome when we consid-
er the maxim of the older naturalists,
"All fishes are mute."
To Remove sa Mole.
. To rid oneself of at mole try to re-
move it by tying around it white silk
thread. Itis claiiped that the mole will
drop off in a feW days.
Boa Oxus, a c
said to have bee
gigantic serpeet
haying a double
present site of
year 361 A. D.
ty on the Ganges, Is
so panted because a
120 cubits long and
ead was killed at the
the town about the
Mr. Y. W. Meyers, King St. E., Berlin,
Ont., says: "1 suffered for five years
with palpitation, shortness of breath,
sleeplesenese and pain in the heart, but
one box of Milburn%) Heart and Nerve
Pills Completely reraoved all these dia.
tressing symptoms. I have not suffered
since taking there, and now sleep well and
feel strong and vigorous."
Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills ours
all diseages arising from week heart, worn
out nerve tissues, or watery blood.
Blue Gem Timber.
Some of the "sticks" of blue gum
timber brought to Dover, England,
from Australia for the national harbor
works weigh ten tons each. • They
range between a00 and 200 feet en
length and will not float
Cold Blooded.
A. Chicago man had an enemy whom
he wished put tout of the way, so he
;wrote the chieeef police for a permit
to kill him.
• ,
Firea In 1Great, Britain.
Great Britain loses 'more than $50,-
000,000 worth of propely annually by
fir1 -•-•
Victory, After Victory.
reneeetes BROWN, Licensed Auctioneer for the
Counties of Huron and Perth. Ordere left at
A. M. Campbell's implement wareroome, Seaforth, or
Tun EXPOSITOR Office, will reedy° protopt attention.
Satisfaction guaranteed or no charge. , 176841 .
America u
Mt MN eL
• t e west coast of Soul.'
e pinta, a thick moss, fo?
' Hessen c
students a
other Ger
000 inhabi
Baden 65,
and Prussi
A UQTIONEERING.-B. S. Phillips, Lihensed
tae Auctioneer for the eountlee of Hurein and
Perth. Beteg a practical farmer and thorOughly
understanding the value of farm stock and imple-
ments, places me in a better position to realize good
prices. Charges moderate. Satisfaction guaranteed
or no pay. AU orders left at Hensall poet office or
at, Lot 28, Concession 2, Ray, win be promptly
Welded to. 17094f
DOAR FOR SERVICE. -The undersigned will
I, keep for service at hie premises, in Bruoefleld,
a thoroughbred Improved Yorkshire boar. Terms.
-be, payable at time of eeryiee. GEORGE HILL.
tudloun liestien,
aims a larger -proportion 4
:ion its eiopulation than any
an state -81 to every 100
ants -while Saxony has 65,
avaria 62, 'Wurttemberg 60
1. 56.
OId Mexican Whistles.
The ancient Mexicans had a species
of whistle which produced at least
three tones. It had two finger holes
and a mouthpiece on the aide.
The Horse.
The horse's intelligence has been so
marked by every nation, ancient and
modern, that he has always been taken
as a symbol of the human intellect or
understanding. Hence in the mytholo-
gy of all nations he has been used as a
symbol of the intellectual principle.
TV PIG BREEDERS. -The undersigned will keep
on Lot 26, Concession 6, L. R. S., Tuokeranale
4 thoroughbred TAmwoten PM, also a thorough-
bred YOURSRIRE Pie. A limited number of sows will
be admitted to each. Terme, 81, payable at the time
A service, or 111.60 if charged. JAMES GEIMMILL.
• 1608-62
Punctuation Very Old.
Punctuation was known and prac-
ticed to some extent by the ancients.
The originator of the modern system
was Aristopltanes, a grammarian ot
Aletandria, Egypt.
PIG FOR SERVICE.-Tbe undersigned al I keep
on Lot 29, Concession 11,.Hibbert, a Thorough-
bred Yorkshire boar to wheoh he will admit a
limited number of sows. Terme.-$1 at the tin e of
envie°. JOHN ELGIE, Chiselhurst, Ont. 1771 -ti
' Spiders' E
Most spiders have
though some species h
p10 FOR SERVICE. --The undersigned has on
Lot 28. Concession 11, MoKillop'a th
t:r ough-
eel Yorkshire Boar, to. which he will a limit-
ed number of sowe. Terms -75e, payable at the
time of seniors, with the privilege of returning if
neoeesary. HUGH T. GRIEVE. I . 178241
.b all Dairy Fairs and Expositions held
in Canada, brittermakers who nse Wells,
Ri hardson & 'a "Improved Butter
or" carry off ni e -tenths of all the prizes
ai arded. This preves that it is the best
an 1 Safest color to uee at all seasons. Wells,
R chardson & o's "improved Batter
C lor being the tronge31 color made, ib is
th •cheapest (to us . All Ionest merchants
recommend it.
iispoAa FOR SERVICE. -The undersigned will
I) keep for service on Lot 11, Comment 4, H. R.
Se Tuckeremith, a thoroughbred Yorkshire boar.
Terms, 91, payable at time of service, with the
privilege of returning if neceeeary. WM. ORE,
Rippen Road. 17924-
The best Cough Medicine.
should be the first thought and
nrtust be rigorously insisted
upon when buying medicine.
for upon its safety depends
one's life. ALLEN'S LUNG
BALSAM contains no opium
any form and is safe, sure.
and prompt in cases of Croup.
Colds, deep-seated Coughs.
Try it now, and be convinced.
eight eyes, Ri-
ve only six.
Oregon e
The name Oregon rat appears In
"Jonathan Carver's T avels,"e publish-
ed in London about Ili& Posidbly it is
a corruption of the Sp inish "Aragon."
One of the London
recently advertiSed f
and it had the extra
of 1,200 applicants. A
one duke and three or
west _end clubs
r a ---secretary,
rdiaary number
obg them were
oartother peers.
Perfumes Sometim
As a rule whatever
pleasant to the indiv
avoided, but as excep
ery rule nervousness,
cannot be accounted
times be explained by
known perfume. '
In "micros.
per me le un -
dual should be
was Omar to ev-
r debility which
for may Some -
he use of a well
Chief Gun
A chief gunner, w
$1.,S00 a year, is the
commissioned Officer i
th a, salary of
best- paid non -
the navy.
Chinese C olies.
Chinese coolies we .e first brought
into the United Stats in large num-
bers as laborers on the Central Pacific
railroad. After its ompletion thou -
semis were out of mployment and
took up laundry work because in Cali-
fornia towns, at that time there were
• so few women to do s ch work.
London's Lor
The lorcl.' mayor of
n. salary of 410,000 a
spend twice that su
dignity of his positio
L011(1011 receives
year and has to
to maintain the
It is a curious fact
ancient manuscripts
hie from the ink fa
of the fifth and twel
so far shown hardly
that, while many
are alrctost illegi-
mg, manuscripts
th centuries have
any trace of fad -
The Gail
On April 25, 1792,
publicly used for the
headed a bandit nam
was in the Place de
twenty years previo
been tormented for
the same way as
for the assassination
A. SPLENDID ClIANCE.-All the eropetty in
connection with the Winohe'sla +Carriage
Factory will be sold oheap and on eaey terraa or will
be exchanged fcr farm property, as the proprietor is
anxious to retire from business. The property can.
sierts of three acres of good land, on.which is a good
brick re3idence, a frame barn and driving shed, a lot
of fruit trees and plenty of herd and sett water.
'Ibis is a most desirable place for a retired farmer or
any person daring a comfortable and convenient
home. The second parcel consists of a quarter acre
cf land, on which is a good MUMS residence and two
large carriage ehope, two 'torte, one brick and tbe
other frame, and in which A large and profitable
business is be'ng done. A better oppertunity for a
good. practical man to start 'business could not be
desired. Both reildenesi are heated by ifurnaea.
These properties will be amused of t*ether or
separately. They are Omitted in the Village of
Wiacheisia, in the TOWD`phip of Veborne,1 which is
the centre of one of the best and most prosperous
farming districte in Canada. The property is con-
venient to dna, Churches, post °Mee and schools,
and is on the main road lu.ding from Exeter to Bt.
Marys. This is a chance which is not frequently
cffered. For further particulars apply to the pro.
prietor on the premises. or 'address Winchelela Post
Office. R. ROBINSON, Proprietor. 1790x8
he guillotine was
first time and be-
d PeLissier. This
reve, where some
y Damiens had
days in precisely
vaillac had been
of Henry IV.
George Waithing-t
George Washingto
vassed around Ale
sold over 200 copies
"Bydell's American
n Sold Books,
when young can-
andria, Va., and
f .a work entitled
ayage." •
ood for everything
that runs on wheels.
Sold Everywhere. ,
TO RENT.--Ocod hundred acne farm. near Brinel-
fleld, °lecke land, good buildings. Apply to
W. SCOTT & 00., Beucedeld, Also to rent filly hares
pasture land, between Brueefield and Sesfoitte
Apply to W. SCOTT & CO , Breoefield. • 1787-11
E003 FOR HATCHING. -Eggs from up:to-date
farm range Barred and Whits Plymorole Rocke.
Prices Yeast neble. Time birds are all bred from
imported steck. Satisfaction guaranteed. Oall at
Les 9, Ccnceseion 3, Tuokeremith, cr alders. s Bon-
sai" P. 0. W. L. MeLAREN, Hensalli Out. 1788-10
The M
An eclipse of the
the shadow of the e
of the moon are cau
ually varying tnclina
half of it that is il
sun is presented to
oon is caused by
rth. The phases
ed by the contin-
on at which that
uminated by the
ard the earth.
Prusela's Hig
The Schnee-Koppe
1,636 meters,. is the
est Point.
at an altitude of
highest point in
Spain and
Recently an Amer
ed through La Man
In all, that black re
who had ever heard
much less Of Cerva
can cyclist wheel -
ha, in Spain, and
ion found no one
of "Don QuixOte,"
on band 1 supply of Flour and Mi I
eed. Flour exehanged for whet. Chopping done
moiler Tuesday and Friday. Give us a trial.
JOHN THIREK. 1786 tf
w ANgeTnEeDrsalogtx?e,roier ed an t pohreeitgrezcd>1
nwnill smell intenretsat 11
Beat locality in P lgoecutelte ink room in connection.
State experience, eatery, etc., with' references. D.
M. MAolLAY, Bc x 41, Bleclenuan P. 0., Pod linley,
Algoma. 179010
J in the 741i Coaceeslon, four miles from Seaforth,
10) acres, about 95 cleared and tile drained. Frame
house, bank barn, with stone • basement, with stele -
ling and ether outbuildings ; abundance of Water.
Poseeseion to plough, eto. after harvest, full pos-
session after January, 1903. Easy terms of pay-
ment. Apply to HENRY COLBERT, Egmondville
P. O. 1792x4
Spra no.
A remedy for spr. ins that is highly
recommended is made byputting the
a plate end beat -
of alum until it
is stiff. Spread -
It on the injury,
emes dry.
'white of an egg int
ing it with a piec
'looks gelatineue an
lthis on lint and la
'changing it as it be
The Whole Story
In a. letter ,1
(mman/ DA.1718'.)
From Capt. F. Loye, Police Station No.
5, Montreal frequently use PERRY
Davis' PAne-lareesn for palm in the stom-
ach, rheumcttism, stiffness, frostbites, chil-
blains, cramps, and all afflictions yvhIch
befall men in our position. I haVe no hesi-
tation in saying that Pani-Kreven is the
best remedy to have near at hand."
Used Internally and Externally.
Two Sizes, 26c. and 50c. bottles. •
1.111.7GGY FOR SALE. -A greed top buggy, Dever-
eux make, nearly as goal AS new, run one
year. Will be sold at a bargain. Apply to JelifES
1 I:RCILL, Egmendville. 1789-41
Thrifty B rliners.
Of every three pe sons- in Berlin one
has a savings banl4 account or, more
, accurately, ten of e ery twenty-seven.
Huge Engliml Bedsteads.
• The English fou • posted bedstead
was a huge affair. here is one at one
nf the inns at Wa e, a small inarket
town near Hertford, which is large
I enough to hold a do- en people, and it is
I one of the euriositi of England. It is
! referred to in Sha -espeare's "Twelfth
IIOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. -For sale a com-
fortable eettage on Wert William street, Sea-
orth, cbe p. Apply to HENRY BEATTIE, Seaforth,
or MRS. GEORGE BATES, Bee fleid. 179141
Currant bushes
twenty-five years o
but to do this they
kept pruned and we
3Cedar [Paste r sale at Arnett's Yard,
,000 Bursae'''. All pinta 8 feet long, go xi
size reutd. All green and a 1 round posts. Price 12
rite. P. AMENT, Brum le 1790x4
ill bear fruit. for
nd not lose vigor,
must be manured,
11 cared for.
• Snuff
Snuff takint Lucre
nose and keeps it it
pet irritation.
STALLION Writ SALE. -For sale, a Grenadian
draught stallion, tieing two years old. A Stat-
eless animal, glrted ee fent at 20 months cli and
built in proportion. Aprly On Lot 23, Concession
11. Melfillop, or Winthrop Poet Office. JOSHUA
POLLARD. ' 1790-4
!TIMBER FOR SALE. -Having disposed of saw
i mill machinery, we are now offezieg fest sale the
ten Oer cf eerie. The building is 60x136 feet; there
a e 18 pOrees 9x12 inches, 16 feet long, iedeeendent
of frame ; would eell this separate if deidrod ; near-
ly ell timber is rock elm. GOVENLOCK eBROS.,
Winthrop. 1782-tf
. s.----
§EED PEAS FOR SALE. -For sale, about 300
bueh Is of that- lass Feed pees, nearly free from
uge. 90 cents per bushel. Apply on Lot 17, Con -
°melon 9. MeKillop, 2 miles ErCit of Winthrop.
TIRED OF THE TRIP. Strike the Iron
it's Hot
is good advice.
And Then When Be Told the Eng-
lishmen Ile Met What He Had Done
They Considerately Carried Him
Off to an Insane Asylum.
"I went up 'in a balloon once, and I
never want to make such a trip again,"
said Colonel A. Noel Blakeman. "My
experience as an aeronaut was in Lon-
don," he continued, "and it would
never have occurred but for a friend I
chanced to meet there, He was going
to make an ascent, and he persuaded
me to accompany him.
"The balloon was a feature of some
big exhibition, and every -day it was
inflated and made an ascent, with four
or five passengers, in charge of an ex-
perienced aeronaut. There were about
five in the party the day I took the trip.
We got into the basket, which was
boxed in quite high, then let the rope
go, and we shot up about 3,000 feet. It
.was interesting to look down on the
world and hear the noises of London
streets coming from so far below. The
balloon sailed along 1 smoothly, and we
drifted for about eight miles.
-"It was ivhen we tried to descend
that the trouble began, The method
was tO throw out anchors as the bal-
loon settled toward the earth. The
aeronaut said that when one of these
anchors caught firmly he would haul
the balloon down to the tree in which
the anchor, was expected to become
fastened. This would be done by wind-
ing in the rope on a winch in the nen`
We would be expected to climb out of
the balloon into the tree, he Said, and
he letSuld then take bold of the valve
rope and, standing a safe distance
away, open the valve, let the gas es-
cape, and the big affair would collapse
and sink. He inforthed us that we
must get deer of the sinking folds, as
they -would -come down fast, and if
they caught and covered us we would
be in an atmosphere of most poisonous
"All this was very interesting, but
we did not seem to be making very
much progress toward the point where
we would have to look out for the de-
• scending folds of the collapsing bal-
loon. The anchors caught in a whole
lot of trees, but they did not hold. One
would get 'tangled in a tree, and then
the balloon would sway far over, tilt-
ing the basket in which we were until
It seemed that we would be spilled out.
Then the anchor would break loose,
and we would shoot up again.
"I became very tired of this and told
the aeronaut that I thought it was tithe
to bring the voyage to a conclusion.
He told me if I did not like it I could
jump out. At first I thought he was
simply resentful of my remark, but he
said he meant what he said.
"'When the car tilts over again, you
climb out on the edge,' he said, 'and let
go. It will probably be a plowed field
underneath us, and you won't get hurt.'
"Well, I did as he suggested. When
the anchor caught again, I climbed out
and hung to the edge of the car. When
I saw that the car was as low as it was
likely to get, I let go. I dropped about
12 -feet, and, as he expected, a plowed
field was below us.
"As soon as I dropped out the bal-
loon, relieved of my weight, shot up in
the air agabkand seared off. I walked
to the nearest road -and continued along
it matil I came to an inn.
"I asked the landlord ho-ve far it was
to London, and he told me it VMS eight
miles' I ordered_ a carriage to take me
there, and 'while' I was waiting the
landlord asked me where I had come
"I took him to the door of the inn,
and, pointing to the balloon, which was
then sailing along -about a maarter of a
mile above the groand,. I said, jump-
ed out of that'
"The man looked at me in alarmed
fashion, and after I had returbed to the
sitting room I noticed that several peo-
ple peered through the window at me.
"Finally my four wheeler was ready,
and I set off for London. .After we had
driven along for half an hour or so the
coachman suddenlyiturned the horse in
through a gate, and we drove into a big
courtyard. I yelled to him and asked
him what he meant, that I wanted to
go straight to London, but he paid no
attention and slowly circled the court.
When he letopped: on the other side, a
man wearing glasses stuck his head in
the carriage, scrutinizing me closely,
pulled back, said something to the
coachman, and we drove on to London.
"Finally we reached my lodgings,
and when we dld so the coachman
jumped off the box, ran up the steps
and as soon as his knock was answered
asked if Mr. Blakeman lived there.
The maid was just answering that I
did when I reached the top 4of the stepa
and collared the fellow.
"'What was that place you drove me
into on our way to London?' I asked
I I undersigned has on Lot 24, Concession 9, Me -
'Hiroo, a thoronghtred Yorkshire pig, br2d by
Bretheur, of Burford, which be will sell cheap. Be
is Ave year.) old and is a first-class stook pig. Also a
number cf young stook. He will also _keep for
• service during this seaeon a young pig of the Im-
proved Yerkshire breed, purchased from Northum-
berland County. He is an excellent animal. Terme.
p yable at Ithe time of 'service, with the priv- f returning if necessary. MELVIN J. BLAN-
SHARD, Winthrep P. O.
ases the size of the
1 a state of perpet-
We, the undersigne
refund the money o
Greene's Warranted E
to care yottr cough or
Lantee a a5 -cent bott
or money 'refunded.
Alex. Wilsoni.drug
SALE. -Being South half of Lot No: 12, E. D,
Township of Asiefield, containing .100 acnes; about
one mile South, of the Viliage of LucknoW, where
the e is good railway and other facilities. A never
failing spring rear the barn supp ies all the water
required. A large orchard of choice fruit trees,
about 21 acres of choice timbc r. A large bank barn
and a fine brick mansion, hard and soft water. The
farm is well kneed with ceder and wire fencing, has
been unler pasture for some years. Old age and
'lability to ;work the sole reasoa fcr offline. For
further pertieulers apply to JOHN MURDOCK, Box
61, Myth, or to JOHN G. MIJB.DOCK, merchant,
Lucknow, Ont. _ 1790x5
do hereby agree to
a 50 -cent bottle of
yrup of Tar, if it fails
oold. We also guar.
e to prove satisfactory
gist, Seeforth, Ont.
Ann CURED eV -
MRS. I. TIIEVES, Edgetes Land-
ing, N.B.,-writes on Jan. 18, moi
"In the fall of 1899 was troubled
with a severe pain in the back. I
could scarcely get up out of a chair
and it gave me great pain to move
about. I took one box of Doan's
Kidney Pills and was completely
cured. 1; have not been troubled
with it sin,te."
Mortgage Sae.
Under power of sale contained in a !mortgage,
dated the 2741 day of Auguste left, made by John
P. Waren an the Vendors. there w11 be sold by
public auction, at the COMMERCIAL_HOTKL, IN
At 12 o'clock novo, thefollowing property viz.;
Pints of Lots Nos. 152 and 153, on the ne eine of
Market strecei, in Jarvis' Survey, in the Toren of
eaforth, in tire County of Huron, and bb'ng all of
id lots eonvel el by one Frank Gutterldge lei the
e id John P. McLaren. On this property there is a
double dwelling house in a good state; of repair.
There will alai be dies el for sale ths. 1lllawing ex-
cellentbniling lots : Pies. 169 on the est- side of
High street, end south half of Lot 44, on the west
side of Main etreet, Jarvis' Survey', Seaforth. Terms
liberal. For further particulars ani conditions_ of
sale, apply to 1PURDOM & PURDOM, Vendors' Soli -
°Hors, London, Ont., ok to THOMAS BROWN, atio.
ioneer, Seeforth, Ont.
Burdock Blood )3itters
This Spring
is better advice.
During the winter, heavy rich
foods are necessary to keep the body
warm. When the spring comes,
the system is clogged up with heavy
sluggish blood ; you feel tired,
weary and listless and that all -
gone, no -ambition feeling takes
possession of you. If you take
Burdock Blood Bitters it
regulate your system, put you into
condition and make you feel bright,
happy and vigorous.
"'It was a hinsane hasylum, sir,' he
replied. 'When you said you had jump-
ed out o' that balloon, we thought you
was crazy and maybe you Was a es-
caped patient from the basyium.' "
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Realleed His Own Madness.
"Now you are tired of me and abuse I
me," sobbed the young wife whose hus-
band refused to hire another maid to
take care of her pet dog. "Yet," she
continued, "not two years ago you
were just crazy to marry me."
"Yes," answered the complacent man
brute; "my friends told me so at the
time, but I didn't realize it until after
we were married." -
It is said that some early Chinese
coins were made in the form of keys,
probably because money unlocks the
.heart of tlie bigu aniciai.-Atlanta
Auction Sale ofthe McCaughey
Residence in Seaforth.
The above residence, with the grounds attached,
comprising about five lote will be offered for sali by
publio smitten, at the COMMERCIAL rent,. SEA
FORTH. on 11,ATURDA.Y, APRIL Inth, 1901. it two
o'clock,p. m. The property will be 'old subject to
the rights of the pretest leenent. Terme and cOodi.
tions made known co day of wile, and In the =tea-
time may be obtained on application to F. TIOLME-
STIED, Solicitor. Seaton -h. Apra 10. isos. 17e1e2
Cook's Cotton IVA
surceistuily used mo
Lediee.Safe.effeistard. L..theaaar
your drum -test for_Cssk'S Cott* Itsed Cann-
nsegi. Tate no °Sher. es sal Mixtures, and.
Imitations are dangerene Prism We. I, fit per
boV /0r. 11,10 degrees stronger,fillper box. 140.
I of,,maileden receipt of price and two/1.cent
eternera The Cook Coniparty Windsor, Ont.
glr-Nos. lend 2 sold and recommended by all
respeneible Drugeste ire Canada.
_Sold in Seaforth by Alex. WileOn, 3.13, Boterts and
I. V. Fear, druggists.