HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-04-25, Page 1I I . . . . — — _---Z�_
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it'k�" oar N�"_w (loodsk . THIRTY-THIRD YEAR. I . � I I � � . i - I I M011FAN I BROS.,,. PubUshers - 4
,e in stock now . i I ; ! � , A
� . . a 190" f 1. -,
� I I - �� �!
I I 1 9 - � 19 . � -A
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, of SEAFORT FRIDAY9 APRIL !�� I . 1 $1 a Y�w in Advance �i_ -
'pe-ot Von �. I 0
Z WHOLE NUMBBR, L793. . � I . �
, - to grati I I 1-1 - � I — .L . .. . - �,�,__,,
Cause we wa,nf� tr � I . I .1 - � t-
. __ I I ,I I i . . i
i - I i . i I -1. .
Y 011L to, . . � � . I - � 1� I , . 1 -
i .
I � � &ad garden, 506 ; acres of fall wheat, 4,226 ; came across with& gun. Although it' was I ;
� � � I - , THE 9LD CURIOSITY SHOP. the-abep when the ores dashed off, taking NEW AMERIC ' I � , -
, - X -L"
I r 2 MOOR I — . the lad with him,- The animal tau along at eearn boilers, 22 ; children between the age getting dark, M Campbell brought the �, : -
Luess affairs � T 7R] , 1 8 , * 8 �' L�- -11
' - . -
Are of no, � L:, i
i '
� to You Unlesa .� 2STORES1 L . ; DEAR W10SIT0R,-7Wheu I rdad in,one of a swift p e until, ith no little dexterity. of 6 and 21, 1,220 ; children between the wildcat down wi: ii the first shot. It proved P-L'I'_
. I
. r ! T4_ 1L
70% . �nund Floo the p6pera the other day that the Oldl Carl. Win. i INALL PA - R age 0 1i
i Me ally, of the Falstaff creamery, - f 5 and 6, 951. � to be about five , at long Land weighadabout - laq
I I ;, j:�
than elsewh ft. wide 4TAIL i � i - 7L ,�
ere. . 50 1 1 :-Mr. John Emmerton, sr., was in Gode. 50 pounds. w i.
. 1. I I � beity shop, no well known to the readers of caught.hi . The i0ol little fellow haip'ging- � 1 It 'as probably a good, -thing �
� I ;
- ; . t- 4,
; RESPECTABIL T i er Floor Dickens, 'would, In all obability, become to tie at wae, aln�opt terrified and would I riO IMb vCeek, and while at the G. T. R. that the dog appeared when it did, as - Vne � L
o, irge, upon ou t! i . gumm'91MRIAN . - I ,;_ i -
i, ae ; I . . L Z.- i.T
y I 100 - � upp trimprovee.' of Old not have an abletotbave retained his hold station on � Wednesday afternoon, left a small boy did no� realize that there was i, �
i � MAN I . L Lq_
' R_ -
'L � I I m. �;�
� "_ much - - UFACTUR. one of the victims of t1he , Latest Oolori'gs & D ignS �,
for your i small valise and a basket with some plants any danger. F�x
liibly Can, leavin" 8. � . �� ING. LD11613, I 'thought I *ould like to tell you much Ion . i 1 14 � . ,.
. . . - � - I to.
. i - - f . on the platform for a few minutes absence ; -The first aremAtion of a human body .1
i I � ., ier
ourse : '. ft. long I OF MANKIND I of a little experience I bad when looking for 50' P43r PE011 ,,,
; I I _t________ n ` �1
lve% Q W w4en he returned, the valise was minsing:, ever performed i . i� �
. Ich , -_ � - __�.' . that old shop. I knew it was somewhere in C9 once e Eva�`ngelical . I . ' in Montreal was successfully �;. �
thlog., owing to the . I � . I �!� . ,
I I -1
i the Vicinity of Lincoln Inn's Fields, but that Od the most careful search and enquiries .completed on Saturday. at the new Prems- S -
of busjnese� . Asaboia,tion. I I 4,:j,
; is, unmistakably to a large extent, measured by his ',personal adoxoment. I failed to show what � had become of.' it. Au tory of the Mon�real Cemetery Company. ro, "
; If 'kno�lledge w" not of'very much age in such I 1 .
. I
! I - � ' I The 381h annoal coliference of the Evan. Borders to 1-11'a I c h "' IL
I . . . I . it cont4ined valuable papers, a bank book The remains were those of the law 84ator ;
i ou want verification of this statement, look about you'. Ypu can pretty nearly a congested part of the city. Indeadithe � V i,
I T . . ;!:j -
ever been. in a bate . I � y ical As sociailon of Canada, convened in i .-
!:� T
V , 'Ogilvie, who ord -will that his o . w.
I � ..
r . It like one 6c PEA ROLL, and about $35, the lose is a serious one to red in his .,.
I I j-1,_
_;�, -
I tell what sort of a time of it a man is'bavilog i1i his life, if take �ote of the firsti time I saw the gardens I fe Phlealey, qu-'Th#rms Bishop Z I .
J large SPrilag trade�. i I 0 ou I . I - ay, April 17th. Mr. Emmeiton. remains should disposedof in that man. ��;T_-
� dose over' &"prize In a candy packet. 11 I was S.0 acr . " ,-
� his . Boeyfagel, o Reading vania, H. 1
t � L
; - , � Therema, 1. -,
6 cloth .0 :. 'walking �along Chancery Lane from the -Henry Switzer, oni of the early settlers ner. There a were placed in'the ere. �i ��i
& wanted to be her I 11 �he i� .
in,, he wears Upon., his pprson, and also the expression weos� upon
I :
�_! �
I fa Usually one is in sympathy with the -other. The man- .. 4 - i- I - I
� ce,
I � . .i presidentbf the 0 aference: addressed the . I
of �; good SP' -r"8 Strand and noticing &"clean passage on the ALEX, W"INT of Stephen township, died at his home in matory on Frid afternoon, 'in thapresence �.. i �
ill . . El i�i_
v selected with ! members in h u nal inepiling Why, and I 11 . im�
such i =d good clothing go together -indicative of energy, ambi�ion au,ld, rosperity. left I went through it I West London, on.. Friday, Ilth i,nat. Do- of %t few membe of the famil and on I ;
� C� . � and was more than Y14 , � �
: . � conducted the opening festival sgrvioeo. I .�I' -
b . a The other itably !disposed ob- 4urpt ised to find pietty 1 gardens. I walked . I 1_* S FG cesseitwas born 82. years ago in Pennsyl- Saturday the as as were taken out and �� -
re being admired I ____4 EA He . I �v
1, and noted to _y fellow -well, he's considered down, and the chaTi. - - The earlier part of the week, preceding the ! . I . :
r thir i . . . - � i�
Llneuts, the qualities� � says nothing of him, and thinks about the saine.: The misierious point �through 06 little park near byl but could not formal opening of the Conference, afforded . I vania, of German parents. He settled early buried in the family plot. � 7. _�
� � , server . I ! ; I Stephen townehip, and raised a family of -News has bean received 'in Toronto Of 1, qi
everybody to let I gt Into'what is properly Icalled Lincoln - " -_ 4 �-
I . many interestingi eat ej, in the way of Doherty, rector of St. Paul's ohur h, Hen. i`4 1. - -.
'ant a to us is, why should any individual in this broad. and ! prospe, ous 1dominion: go ei� sons and four daughters, who all survive the death, at Graf ton Farm, near Enderby,
�- I i ,. _ nu'o gardens f r the old miu at the gate special sall, and � Grace church, Staff&. T 0 ii a I - ��
lerything we h ; ro � evening pr ramm%. . . r� ];,,
� ; -can be had !,for s > very lit�e money him, For many yeate he was a member of British Columbia, of Mr. Thomas L. 8teele, I f
I � poorly dressed, when such splendid clothing 7 told me they were kept i every eveni ag, after The buiinese p ceedinATi would furnish was atten�ded by her cousin, MiE snob 7
� . . I b -
I .
� . q - - .. �1;
: To bring the matter before you in a clear and 'practical way, we will! give you -isix, for the children to play in and the lohil, mkterial for a lenglhy report, but we must Patty, and, the groom by his brotb 1 r. Rev. the'German, Methodist church in Crediton, a brother of Mr. . - �C. Steele, of the Steele f. i
� C.
. � .
i . � d was very highly esteemed by, all who Briggs Seed Com 3any, Of Toronto. The de. -
- i 'there were having:& most happy� time. necessarily omit these. The committee on he cerem( � iy. The an .
! I , ran I Canon Gwe performed .
I . our three leading prices in men's suits, but to do these !price ; Justice �ou should Id � I t
I I : . P -1
� AOKI Vity. . I ! oor little creatures, those gardens wpre-a letters reported th � greetings of the follow- ha ommench 7, I ouae� knew him. Six yeats ago he moved to Lon- ceased, who was n the 50t.h year of his age, L, I
� ; . � coul�?le .intend a
� I . p y .
I � sep, the -oods. ;. � : � ; %right a - - died rather unexi cetedly. of mountain fever. . . ,
n I � v ng in t ' urchased don, and married for his second wife, Mrs.
- I ; T �� oW1.1 a r a I I : - t
� ; AL.&AL AL. . ; i . spot Nr them for: they all Ii ad I in the ing bre.hren, aboflEg. in distant ke P he residelice recGlitly' I.- s
. � I 3 ' ' �
� r � � " : ,vicinity of Seven Dials and every evening fields : & in Mr. Q D. Arno d. . L -.-
rity now sure . I � � Rev. I Biiese, Widnipe Men. fro ; . Elizabeth Foster, an American lady. - For a With two other brothers, James T. -and .�
Mot - . I I . i lr�onth piat Mr. Switvir had been troubled William B. Steel , the deceased bad con. t
A ; . I i troupes f little ones hurried &.way from the itoba ; Rev. A. V0. Sauer, Roothern, Sas. -Mr. Robert Mar�lin, G. T. R. agent at - T�
L 1;
ght and selling, some � � fkfk A ready-to-wear suit, made of the very beat'imported clols. crowded atreets to get 4; breath- of fresh air katchwan ; Blyth, and formerly pperator in N 'ing4am, with his heart, but on the night before i his ducted a large fa rin near Enderby. Jamrs � 11
n. And as to the . $1.0 1 � . � , � Rev.1 J. P. lfauch,- Tokyo, I . - - �_e
� — . � . . � death he was feeling muoh bt;tter and sat up T. Steele, the elt �er brother, was one of the FAA
I .9 Uum Now do not let yourself imagine this to be absurd and that at'the gardens. , . i i has been promoted t the agency A, Harris- . . lug
, 4 0- t I
ideas. for creating the . 11 - i) � - Japan. I
I . - -_ I didn't find the Old Curiosity Shop that � The chairman o Mr. S�okes, of Rar iston', is. with his pastor until after ten o'clock. The pioncere of the western country, .going u
Md bonaeta� ladies Of I 110 Stich thina could be, Let us explain, Our exclusive position in. the retail. . mg,atulated the Confer. ton station. I . I ht ne . .
� r, I � evening but then I had not much time -as it ence upon the fa t hat Cariada'o eons of the promoted to Wingha and M� V 'I xb morning before daybreak he died. The there 25 years a .
, �_ . C I
-ent ha.7e learned that I- trade,. since going into manufacturing; enable us to buy div ct from. �he' largest I remains were brought to Crediton for inter- -.A very as; ccident occurred at Jhttcrn
! 0 0 . wasgetting dusk' nor did I flud it the see- Evangelical A tl oint�d 'ng �
C&5 that satisfy and. - I _�, I asoo %tion are laboring with agent at Palmerston, , app ,to Blyth i I
. i ! .�
! Mills in this couatry and in Europe, We save' a big pro it, which�, otherwise 'ondtithe I was in that vicinity. That time Nil � i � Lake, near
aerw are ever an4. � � eminent. ocesq, lunder the ble0hing of God, station. I i ment. - Edm nton. A lad named Walter
! only I . . . - Jasman, aged � all ut 13, had been working at
Le their taste. � es to the middl(-men. Our customers 4 ;ex- 1 ti1lined off Oxford street to find' 11; Seven -The �iick hoqfie on Shut i�-!-'etreet, I
go , get the benefit of ,this, A� other, I . I � not il. Ontario, but in the great North- �
and � . I I -1 Canada.
i m t Di4l'sll and thought that, like the children, I Wingham, owned by! M T Pelton. ind oc- I George Turnee-s: anob, and on that day his I
i your ideas and from I cellent, feature about these suits is the it and finisl� of, th( � garment. Al. 08 I west of our fair D imi ion ; in'many of the, 1. �.
i . . would, from there, find my way to� the gar- United States of I ,me rica, and e'ven in the -cupied by Mr. R. Tindall, has beell sold to ' -Edward A. Chapman, proprietor of the father called to t ke him home. The father * .
, � ' h4d n .! � f � arit at iving
,ly inilliae�Y- Plaoe I any build of man can be fitted satisfactorily. Numbers of 4i�n Nvh6 ever deno. .As you probably know, Seven� Di,Als - Thomas Wilson, a prosperous I � 1, * - Rab Portage' Daily News, died last week, had a bundle of blankets with him, and
.. I far distant " Landf of the rising sun," so .p. 11
as, the department is, � .1 de to their measur � have t �ied thom. ha4',seve� streets that, like the spokes of that upon the labo" of our church the a after an ilin so extending over two years. rolled with them waaa gun. While young
. ! __ Worn anything but ordered clothing mi� ear White!'churob. The price paid for the
4 , . � I . 1� � un, 11 I I
1 needed, as every bat � : in. The lmmedi:�e cause of death was cancer. Jasman was'-arr ging the load in the wag- -
� Ask -these gentlemen, or batter Still, come in - will not c you thil) to a, *beel,lall centre in a hub. The latter, in r'! - I - house ani lind was $2,000. Mr. Wilson I
I � , 9 . - n in never sets. - I � - x I -h
�e trimmer's hands ir, ; i� I tbii;case� ii a small pie us of ground � d i (Ion of..4powor an . -James C�mpbell, e' -reeve of West -Lou- on, preparatory to departare, t a gun was
. 6 look -at them. You may have your ch4ice of a big varie I of the 1 . I A number of seri d bless. tends moving into town, in the autumn. I I died sudden- accidentally disc. iarged, and the load.struck
. I it Oere is a driiaking fountain and a little - ing were preached ;o abpreciati�e,gatheringe -A pretty wedding took place 'in S t.. don, and reti�ired coai merchant,
� ' I I
i cellent suits, and we may say they -are :1 good ,enough for the' naan. of I , . .. -
� i - i
� wo young
� . I isboo at the en�d of ea�h street, or ap�ke, as 'at the evening se ,viom �rll The �Christi%n Joseph's ehurch, Clinton, an Mohiday fore- ly at the residence of his brother -in -la Tasman in the ride, -.killing him in-
I . . If 0� 0 1. . i I
; � THE J RICE � ht 0 1 Jonsig. Donald McDonald, London, Frida' night stantly. The awident, was purely through
. . unlimited resources. I - � � we! ig '� ay Onelof these shops -is also Religion," by Rey J. C. Maloolk, of Dash-' noon of last week, when Mir's Uzzie C � y ,
I �
. �
:, � � t . . negligence, as tb 3 loaded , -
mt Blacks. , ; ! I . un should not
. � i ; ! h3ev6n Mls post dffioe and a sign over . Prophot, Priest a:nd ney, sister of Mrs. John Ha3 ca, b came the last. 6
� - ; I i � I wood ; "Christ, ' ur
I � I . r I
� . � i *If f#A#****#*#**#**#****_" i I th I 'aoor: makes one sure of the place;� At King," by Rev. & P. Spren& editor of the bride of Mr. Philip Gravelle, of tratford. -Mr. Johil Van Norman, a well known have been rolled ia the blag,k-ets.
! . i i - I I .
� � i I I
- � The ceremony was performed by 1�ev'. Fath- resident of 'Belleville, was iitricken with -Dr. Goodmao, county oftener, and
� ; . I Meese iger, of leveland, O'lio,
� the Dress Gooda De. I ltim� Seven Dials �vaa one of the poorest Evangelical Mr.
� 1 one, apoplexy last Thursday evening and died X Brennan, c4onty or , attor ey, were
i�,her gaalityl better � z 50 This suit is a'marvel in fineness of texture !and beatity
; � a � dist!Kctriin the city but of late years it is I _' . n
0 ; i $T. of finish for its.price. It is simplJ, equal, to'any and the earnest aldi [roe 3 of Miss M. Frink .er McMenamin, in the presence ,of many I Ow"I
I at� .& most unlikely ; i I of the Val 1 h improved, 'possibly because Of -ita deaconess, of Torobtc, setting forth the friends of the contracting parties. the follq.wing,� moming. He was 54 year* of called to Beam ville, fro St. Cat'har-
it's the u : : P . . I
� average ton d a�vs a widow and'f amily. ines last week, to bold an 'inquest -on the
alikely of �-- � ; ollar suits you see anywhere, and for the m4l�h who witnts some- beioy'g7tun2way between Oxford str6eb and value and importar ce I her department of -What might have been a bad fire had it age, and le
i D . I I
I rne happening � ; z
,I the ti. I ; thim, in. a good dressy suit to use for best for a time, and later for a strong the rand and used by so in y as a short work, wa's deeply inprassive on the heart@' not been noticed in time, occurred at J. -Thomae McCrum, proprietor of the body of Richard Black, who died in the
; .
, ;
king about, handao � � r 0 . . ; Y of her hearers. Following thin address, on ent Y, s or ille lock-up last Friday night. The
I I � t. McCrum novelty works, Brockville. for the Behmavi .
me � � out ifrom either streeb. I alked 1prett Tayloes shoe store, Clinton, reo
,ialaj� to which we al. . ! , wearer for some years after, he will find such -qualities in this price snib. We ;
i � sn�rtly �through the district f r, even, h ly aft4r lighting the furnace ; it was not Past'twenty Years, died on Monday, aged evidence taken 6bowed him to have been a .
1 E . . vening it was announced that �
1 care for the colors a& � I have it in the same blocks, and patterns, and colors, as our� ten dollar line*. It �,�t any number seen that anythingwas wrong until the,fire 60 years. He had been in ill 'health for man of some education, but utterly -de8ti-
. , of police so, the dirty Conference would *6 in session for the coni- . ,
� .
� i �
� ! -111 fit the lon'g man or the short man, -n . .ir th -looking, pletion ofu few itelne of business, the read. had burnt through the floori g ju at above several months with nervous prostration. tute. He was seized with an epileptic fit
No rusty or blue. R . iv the lean ma nd dwell -*go, lazy D
; . I - I
� in our stock of N i � . '$7.50 hirlo' fao'ed men and Women i d the uncare ' he furnace, and it took some time before it 6 eaves 8, w I I 1. . � I .
1 THE MICE ing'and approval �of. the inute's an t a.
,aw � . zitout man., . t . M '
I I I . I .
� . - time of. death. The deceased
� is of rich jet black. , ; for, I children gave ale the �hivars �and hearing of the stat oiling report.. was put out. . . -Thomas Dodd, who lived near Potters up to the
� � � � � I -
. I . south branch of the Thames, near that city ' E3
j �
s lustre. . : . . loo ad behind me every few steps I too to I . e 43 claimed to be the son Of a lAer
; .
I i : I 0 -I--! +_! !_++4 i i ; i i i i !4 � � The appointmen a were'as follows : -Iffia. David Agar, of the 12ad line, burg, 'ast of London, was drowned in th an
I . . � � 1-1 - . . . � �[ � . Mor land, and had ore friend in VDTOnX , f8
I � be �.ure I was all righ�. I brea 5hed more ree- - ,ria,ldied on Monday of last w- ek, after
I � � _: , I . " ! I . it bearin the name of
, �. Haist ; Waterloo, an illness of two weeka, leavin- hei husband On Monday. Dodd was 23 years of age and carried a Testar ien 9
I I z This is our lowest priced m6n's Ulu. We have � too ly w: hen� I got to the Strand but I a n't ELDER -Berlint . n
z � I - I .
's. Carpets, Etc. . w � . � , was suffering from melancholia. The'sup- Smith, Canton, ( �hlio. . . I
. � 1 $4,502 — fo I d,t4e Old Carioaiiy Sho�. L. H. Wagner ; [a 'Iton x. F. Brown; and 'eight children, the youngest, a, baby .
I ! . much respect for the personal aippeapance. of our fellow- "' rly our last Th, .
, � 1 As it often happ , tho day I did 'Roe the Toronto, I. M. ko i; Camdon, E. -H.'Be&n - two weeks old. Deceased was a a#ghter Position is that he committed suicide. —At an early arEday morn. --
� t . � I I an ' he was !kind, '�—Last Friday afternoon the brick! house ing, the faltb3fly 0
. ! men to ask any one to wear a suit at a less pric'e- than fou.�fifty, find we believe oldplace, I -waq not Itoking for it.. - I think Rainham, H. L. Morn 3r and D. H. Wing - of the late George Fell. S - *lv Mr. and Mrs J. it. Newm '
' ; -
: I .
' 'Wpets from i I t - ing on t a outakiris of B-,roekville,
'ht our '
id whei bay t � we aie not far astray when we say the man whi-o-buys a loiNer priced suit istde- it was the day df thel Lord Mayor's �Show, Morriston, J. W. Bej 6n ; Blenheim, S. M' motherly person, good neighbor, a kl her of Mr. A. Crozier on the third concession of man, liv
,h :�tVou U wo � i ,� .��-.,, I L -_ , . '
ey will 'be a n . � I ,servedly a poor man. If y'ou ask us -why so ? our , 1,e simply and I had one up unemipboted demise will BurforJ, about two miles south Of PdUCIBt011, Were awakened I y a, crackling noise in the
i xford otree be sincere,y� egret- .
, ' answer, 18, ,that, I I 9 . t to see Hauch ; Heopeler, M. )lem;,stLfttiagara, S. I . !
: I � n the r�wn; Gainsboio, IT. S. al ; Arn. ted. ca I hen, which an found to
is make choosing easy, � I ",methin t F I ,ught fire from a defective chimney and kito be in flames.
! 1 -throws money aw�y. He does not get value for his mou(�Y. Hb looks poor, � g,,,and hen decided to go 0. I— : I - With all the c dn� The family were arous6A, but the flames ,
; p 'i I and Killaloe,-E. M. G
! very moderate. We. 7 ; Str 'and after the crowd had left the! latter � ril i8chle� ; Pem- Oil Wednesday, 16bh inst., th� me of was completely destroyed, - .
I � -4,31,
� ; o rapidl, tbat,
ri2es also on Brussels, : I and his looks do not belie him, Our four -fifty suits are inacI8 of pure all -wool street. � I must havel- reached Lincoln's Inn 9,ke, G. H. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Aikens, of N 7`io - �
I 1 1 . b r olle H. A. Thomas; Golden L . obam, �ents. The loss i4 about $2,,000, with small spread a - the inmates barely
I . i
� i insuraace. � - ight clothes. There were I
I escaped inn t-beir
cloths, will hold their shape andl color wel�, and th, - t from the same Pat- park from a differe ' was the scene of &� .
lveEs. I � - By are cu. , n',,b street than on the Wagner ; Rockingham, 0. G. iiallmau. . I pretty and h ter�ating I -
. � - 11 I .
I I former walk, but, at , i event, when their;
. i " I a mea
. � terns as our best Emits, and will 1wear like a bo4rd. �� - liway, as ,I was! going WEST DISTRICT—S, R. XNEGHTJOL, PRE- daughter, Mi 3a 1 Mary . '.—Two men were killed -and one seriously no availabl of fighti , ng the fire, and
d. assortments and a ; I
; , � � Idest landmarko,
. ,
I . . THE PMCIE44s5o o of the park entrances, I notieled the SIDING ELDER.—New Hamburg,-fE. Burn Carolina, became the bride of I 1r.1 Neil injured in Halifax last Saturday as the , re- the building, ont -of the o
�Ums in 6 and 12 feet : :, I . as '
. ! � � u .
I ! � sign Old Curoaity Shop,"'ou a little low and S. Krupp ; North Easthops, '4. Eby o Patterson Haines, of Owen Son' d. The a It of an accident on the street railway. Was -allowed to b arn to theground. A Por-
-- in 1, 1J, lj:t�, 2`1 and 4 i . i: J. I .
ii I nooit, in the The men were driving 'In a wagon when they tion of the conte: its was saved. The build-
-., I I I-4 Z + 1- I 4 !_+ 11 i ; +. � building at the opposite corner, and you Tavistock, D. Kreh;Stratiord, W.10 Rahn; ceremon� took place at high - .� '
�ok over your rooms � . � .
I � .. may be sure I hurried to' it.. ,The p�ctures Sebringville, C. S. Fia rtoD, presence of the relatives and near friends Of collided with a street car. They were ing and contents were insured for $1,300.
L't. use something froau. � � 00 A fine black worsted dress suit, made to your kb iner ;- Viiltai t thrown out and the car r wheels . passed over The fire at I arted an old Are place, - which I I
. I I � - 0 wn one sees of the shop axe just like it, i The H.'J. Holtzmann ; Middleton, A. D. Gizoh- the bride and groom. The ceremo0y, yvas, c up. apart* -from. the pipes -,
It. I ! $15. measure, and tailored in the regul#r first-class .-way by larger of the . windows ,was NO of D�o'kenso ler ; Milve , rton, J. H. Givnzebach ; Mait- performed by Rev. R. Hobbs. 1. � ; them. had been boarde n I I
. .
I sou I venirs, pictures of the atit or's � , ome, cl�oi Wed- —Shqtiff Heywood, of Woodstock, on dropping into he ace6dialation of soot
: _
� I ttv. VC-ry beat workmen. We have other higher priced goods, but for all prac- ,land, J. G. Burn'; Zu.-ich, W. J. Ylger ; —A very pleasant event occurs , . I -ey.
. I 1. the old shop, and all : the' quaint- ell& at;ters ,iDashwood, J. 0. Mor o k ; Crediton, 0. D. neisday evening of, last week, at th� home of Monday arrested James Kelly, of Debec, wbiallfell into i. from the ,chima
I . I . �
: of Interest. : tical purposes this fifteen dollar suit will look as well, weaij as long, in fact has : ol uniVers&lly known. Mrs. J. 0. Millian, of feloniously assaulting Frank W. Burns, —Captain Re � n Wynne. a veritable
I � � .� that, have become a ,Damm ; Aldboro, E. Inacker. Wingham, an her for I I
- . I I ', ' in
� 11 the iequired qualities for the finedress suit. This pri6e will fipply to a big RESID"- eldest daughter, Misi Emma M., d united � United States customs official. Bums at- land mark in the'F8 C
. a , t, While1' was standinj 1ooking in t 1 - t. atharinee community, �
i f ,�e ,,,.mi ' No.,, -T,, DISTRICT —b . . WINO, P . ri .
0 0
Ireely, ; - - I .a one 0 V � .
I variety of fancy colored worsteds as welL We are simply�making a leader of a dow a �ittle girl, who wa in marriage to Mr. Georg:, Fciw r� of Salt. tempted: to stop Kelly's smuggling Canadian died on F day e ning. Deceased was born
. I ING, ELDiR.—St.. Jac, 08 J A Schmidt; I . � . �
I 1 I I v g v!e verpool
- . playink about, came up .to -me an said : Elmira, H. H. Leibo � , L. K. ford. The bride, who i n I W y � _yearn ago -and
. I � i number of linps at, the price, and the fit and finish of these is guaranteed to be I �' Dsto�el, a a by potatoes across to Maine. Burns is badly in Li , En � d,, 68
1 1 1 �! came t St Clit
I I ; 11 Did you come Eidt ;Wallace, H. D arlamm , Normanby, her uncle, Mr. J. M. Millian, look d icharm- in-ured and Kelly slightly no. i ea, in 1852. - He found
S I X . all the way sorose the big I . l'o ' -
6 Jig L. � In 11111 a lakes, and at 19 `yOara
I I he best in the land, and if you are not pe'rfectly satisfied wb, pn you & sea �jiub,to see this car'daity shop ?17 &ns' D. H. Brand; Carrie : and Walkerton, L. i in � a suit of blue, with a w kte silk Mr. Harcourt, Minister of Education, emp yrl C�t O
; I -
1 $15e00 t *m' " . wilt lay the oorner-stone ok QaeeWs new ot age w" proba. ly the youDgefit captain On
call forthe finished garments, you pay nothing. THE.PRICE . were 1, I I Oh I no, not just to see it.' Then Wittch and ilaist ; bodice, with chiffon and applique Mingo � . .
! � 11W � said illeo " Are all American ?" and -I E. F. Mildmay, F. I . yandPhysica Building on April the lakes at that ime. iOu'retiring from 1.
.1 �. . yon � . Mey4 ; Hanover, G. 1'. 1�aiat ; Port-Bigin; The ceremony was erformed by R` ; � J W. Minerelog, I
. answered, " No, I a a Canadian." Then Robertson 30,.1. .. Queen's College authorities have marine life he d d himself larg6ly i to
. - D. Wider; Chealey, Or. Isrown; Elmwood, . - 1 t
E 13 . she went bacl to the others, %Ld I heard W Zimmermann ; Parr Sound%. E. S. —Mr. and Mrs. Youill, of Win ham, re. leased the residence and final groundis of the the study of eco min questiolis, and was
. . her�Bay, " She says she isn't an American." 1 * Thursday of last late W. R. McCrae, for ilikii'as a woman -'a the leading Bpiri in the agii"Ation a few
. . )) Moye�r'; Winnipeg, W. E. Beess ; Rosthern, ceived the sad news on . I I.. .
,RINI 1113NIG S I son with the college. years ago for a u ional currency, or beaver-
� L is I Then a boy said, 11 Lknow better, Rhe is A. W. Sauer ;. Alberta, C. 0T. Kaatz, week of the sudden death of their -in- residence;in connection, -the tug Robb,
i I I Fifteen i� Updred Then back again came the'girl,to say, me Ze law, T. F. Thompson, of Sagi law. In —A city merchant in Chatham, troubled by back money. . � wee on:
*�;LINS 11 i I . Bat— this report would be incomplete .
S 1. ..] ; I pointed out the knowing one, " He says withoi4t at least a mertion of the ordination company with his family, he went t 3 Florida his conscience, paid -S25 duty on goods he which was employed as:& -gunboat -on the I
I ." J . � �! . �
�. . n - : � ;1 . � you are an Americam" I thought it not services of the Sabbath, The misaicnary to look after business interests there. On bad smuggled some months ago. This is Niagara river at ille time ofthe Fenian Raia, �
I � "
JES, I ; . :. _J1. —TO ;rofth while to continue the argument, so meeting of the 'afternoon was especially their way home they stopped a't Tr)y, Ohio' only the-�econd case on. record in Chatham and was the prin'bipal organiz5r of the Ni-
. . .
INS, ETC. . .. . . I ,� said, " Well, I am' not'an American, I am a blessed by God. No � ouly was there an to visit a daughter,"and leaving h� a family where a man has paid conscience money, agars district ,,_N aran Volun I
I it Canadian, but if he thinks differently he can enb onto !Saginaw. but the Customs Department in the city ation. He le as a, daughter and one .
, 1. earnest consecration o � hear-ts and hands to there, Mr. Thompson w I �
t so i
� i ,ii,, . ,,I-.,.,. -:� have his own opinion." The little girl looked the work of the Lor�, but the spirit of He was- takell ill on Sunday and oE Monday* frequently reoeive small sums from women. brother. __ - 1
, .. . � 44
k ! :: .. � me up and down, tbe�,. as t0ough . she ,too " Take my spirit and my gold " was clearl passed a*A). —The dibath took piece last Thursday of —Galt ig the 13,st plapee in Canada to re . w
tore Often. . .1. "' liteen Oialldre.d y ;
I :
. . was hardly convinced, but I ouppo ge Ameri- —Mr. Samuel Phillips, one of tie bldest one of Woodstock'8 oldest gitizens, in the ceive from raw Carnegie aa offer of 7
�: 1� . . . manifested in a multiplication of liberal I .
P!able or not at all ; in - , 1: . her.. gifts for the* up-buildii ig of - the Kingdom of residents in the township of ! Idt died person of Solomon Dean, aged 73 years. funds for the er otion of a - public library i
� 1, " can or Canadian was just the same to ,le ' ;
. I. I. �V .1 I . :
I . . �
�-t keep anything- not , 4 . ! � , I Then the little one chatted away about the - Christ. The total sun k contributed. for this at his home, on the 9bh conc�108 k on Sun. Deceased at one time. ran' the old match building. Last week Chairman Alexander.,
. . f � ; , . I
�� . : i o; Z .... years bad" charge of of the public library board, was Yaotifie I
� mr, ; :. .1, % - pictures� and said they often came dow'n . o,over $5,(00, of which amount day, 13th inst., in the 75th year of his age. factory there, and for d by � . .
.. :: ... purpose wa
If- I . � .. A I there to play, and they liked the Old Shop over $176 vas brought by the children of Deceased was widely known and g eatly re. the toll -gate on the Governor's road. Two Mr. Carnegie's a 3cretary tb at if Galt would ; I
: I . � ,I I
� . k�� ;`� !I ugh a and four daughters survive him. furnish a free site and the council agree to
� V ++4+ . �-. .,� best of all. Finally she grew bold eno the Sunday schbol in their mass meeting. spected, and in the early days of s, ittlement son
... . . - .I. . 1, � I - . � - to ask it I had any pennies, and, as I had Glory to.pqd and great praise h people was one of the most prominent in 3n in, the - —Daniel S. Palmerston, of -the firm of spend at least $1,750 a year on mainten., I
11 I - I he we to A Madden', died in Simooe, on ance, Mr. Oarne -a would give $17,5M for a i
.. I two, gave them to her, and away a nt
- - Is a very nice varieK to have to select I I of Chealey for this I earty co-op�]ration in township, and when the gravel mad was Palmerston . if 11
I I quite happyo. � - the interests of the Conference ; and to built between Goderich . and Luck lo w, Mr. Friday night'of last week. The deceaRed ,public library bt Uding. Ab a ineeting 6. 4 .
- e . . . [it I from. Scarcely any �wo alike in any one 0 of Norfolk's leading men. For the library b-,)ar( Mr. CarnegitN offer wa's i i ,
. I 1 walked through the little low door int the, choir of the congregation for their ear- Phillip.s� in company with the la;e'James was one . 11:
- size. You see styles in Shirts in our store that you will �ot see anywhere else the; outer shop. It was full of bundles of vie ce Mullin, of Belfast,. got the -contrai it to con- many years past he had been identified with unanimously ac 8pLed, anda, committee was .- �
. . a and inspiration in song. Conferen I I 7
� ,, . t parts in affairs of the county, a appointed to .wa on the town council a -ad
. old 1papers that were sold to the people in adjourned to meet- n Dashwoo on the strurit the road. He was a prom nent Or- prominen 1 "
- in the,;ie parts, and the prices are not above the average. 11 . � . . - ich - I
� I ' . vicinity, and, so no one was - �, angeman. . . member of the board of directors of Nor-. a%k for the sory resolutian wh Mr. , t
I . �
.� around,: I rap third Thursday of _April, 1903, and the I �'
I . THE PRIdE75c and $1.00., - an, and I k Union Fair, and forthe past ton years Carnegie requir betore his (,ffer becomes .1 11
I I I � � d in fol i
I ped at a door that was partly op —Qa rest is being man feste 1�1
I UL . � . meeting was di after prayer and the , ite an inte ,4 -
. . �
I 1� ant in president of the Fair Board. effective. Galt at prtsent. has A free public I I
- I
I I I � through which I. could hear voices. A = � xpedr� - -_
!i . benediction by . . hop. the pTopos�d sugar beet e �
A A 0 — h A
� - - - - - - - � - l� . short, asout old man answered -my knock, I Brussels neighborhood dut i og th, i i -' * Ctiarles Hagar, a farmer Of L Sandvwio library, with over fifteen hundred teaderv, I . f
� I I . . . d I coming ; .
L � I I . -
0 VS CO'L I and said he was sorry he had not noticed Huron Notes. I season. Amongthose who will take' 5 uarter -South, -near Windsor, � who was knocked bat the building ii very small and unnalias I
. . . I � he i
I my being in the shop, and asked me to come * acre ploto are theL following : James Spier, down and bitten by a vicious BOW, which factory. i .1
I —Lucknow- will hi,ve a Victoria 'Day I
� I and look at his pictures. The room itself . John Robb, Allan Adams, John Lawson, stirred up in a brush. heap in the woods —After a forl nighVs illness, Rev,, Arthur 1 Z
I celebration ion Monday, May 26th.' �
� T
. 2L Bargami n - ays 3icture, bein small, about four by . &go, died -of his injuries Rill Ringlaud. Mulholland, ,archdeacon of ' - ,I
- was a I 9 . . James'shurrie, James Russell, Al an Speir several months i '�
. test Cash 1 —A brass .band has been d i Since the attack he has Grey, passed away sot his realdefice, Owen �
. dow in it and a - . and Robert Nichol. in Morris, an� L. Hol- Saturday night. . z
. six, but there was a wia I �
I . . Dashwood, to be known as or8allIze In �-_
. 11 the oronation -
11 I bright -fire in.the old 'fashioned grate. On linger,' Win. Armstrong, Charlei Ruzall, eat in a chair day and night, being unable to Sound, Saturday night. The deceased I
ji brass band. � : I ' . �
. I - i � His abd p d open in clergyman was one of-tha best -known r.eal- ?_
I r the hearth rug sat a great, sleek, maltese . James � Burress, J. B. McLauch in, Neil lie down. omen was ri pe �
0-t - —E. J. Jacklin ha M lis 180-6ore farm I 4
,S .0bore. . oat, and, in a high-backed chair, an old wo- Ta�gart, Peter Robertson, Hugh W. several place@. % dento of that se tion. He was �ordaiued by z
I d �d Morlda ' on the 5bh con'cesgin 0 Grey, to Mr. Job^n' Me' ;
� . 1� y man was sitting knitti6g. The walls were McKay, Jamea Lynn, James Str*-Chan, J. M. —Advices received from Montreal state the late Bishop tmhan in 1-849, as a mis- �
I * Vo�bson and that the coronation contingent from Hong sionary rector for Owen 8iand, and a large �
I - ;� . at covered with pictures, and also a table Jackson, of near Che yj for $7,500. Knight, R. M. Doqglas, H. M. � i
one who . . _____00_ AAAAAOV~� J . Sergeant Arohie cQnarrie, son of Mrl .i - �
� If the pem . _n1ar.the window. The old man was very — Conrad Michael in Grey. - Kong will go -to England by way of Canada. portion of Grey and Bruce., I i
ot make it pay,, it is � ' j� cordial, and would -insist on my looking at Hugh McQuarrie, of th, has been selected , I . . . , and since that I
I - ' —The following is the statistics -of the The contingent will leave Hong Kong on time has been R entified with :Sb. ,George�s ?
Could -not. Bat we . � as one of the coronati, contingen�. y�, 14th, in the C. P.'R. steamer, EmiDress- church. His early ploneer work was most 4
� AL MAGNIFICENT RANGE. OF everything.,' I told him about the children', township of Usborne, as just recei 'ad from - Ma I i
- same enterprising . i . 11 - 1- -Mr. J 1 .
;. I — . J. Wrighb, of. the -Point Farm
, , and he saiii, in a disgusted tone, " Oh ! Assessor Miners, for the year 1902: Amount of Japan, and will arriveat Vancouver -on arduous, and wl *n the whole section, was .
� Malcolm I . � il . hotel, has leased the Park Ii6iilset, In Gode- - f
k_—Messre. . - I it . they are getting too bold and saucy, and it , of taxable income, $500 ; value of personal June 4th. They will spend several days in one vast forreat erodeonhorsebackthrobgh lrz
. rich, and I bis_.a4mn�ler.' I ra
1112son were in Zarieh 11 ' will ran't t . =
- is all theifault of those Americans, for they property, $7,500 ; aures Pf land clear- Montreal, and will sail for England on the the woods, , . nistering to Cue spiritual I
I n
h. � I n
r tht
c, I
I �, 0
I I op I
-1 I timpe
I Zr":
fri h!
I � 11
'I b
, D� 11
, BI
� '". J
i go
i �
'r 1 1 1
10 aTy i
t 'e
, .
Le 1 $ 'I
: �d
" It
ilvh 1��
'I 4 1
4 )11
I ti
V te
� )
"I i 1i
, "
* ,
"I'll I ,I I '_ ` I I - - &-l", �`, �
I- I I - " - 4", .."; ,
I 1I
I I — Hotlel Clarendow I T,
ess, last week. . -Mr. Can4xi, of the . - 38 ourement, 42,6781 ; Patisian on June 14th. wants of the 'early settlers. He received �
.. I come around in�pleasure wagons and throw , - ' 1.edl .227i ; other mea I
Clinton,-- tas_diip.os�d_ of _hia. -interests ,to ' - �
pennies to the children, and laugh while ; I - value of real property, $1,818,400 ; wood. ' —Hon. Thomas Robinson, speaker of the the appointment Of rural dean and then T
, L
11 L IDIES9 CLOT So Messrs. J. Veikfug`11'a S: Mahon of L6iv Nova Scoti canon for Grey county, and finally arch- A
er. . � J � they abramble about on the pavement for I , land, 4,023 ; swamp land, 724'- orchard and House of Assembly, Halifax, at i
. 11 don. . , , ___ J, his brothe
& Mc- I i 7 them." Iquiteenjoyedmy talk with the - � ' �,� garden, 6274,� , acres of fall whe t, 50324 ; died suddenly on Saturday: at r's deacon. In 1892 he relemquitbadthere.3tor- T
a. Bawden id Shire I . �� old man, and went off with a package of —Gladys Besaiia Bell, dau'gfit�r of Mr,, tot4; value of real and personal pro party and residence, Dell Rapids, South Dakota, of ihip,of St. Gcorge's ehurth, and since lived I I
' , ,
. � �Mr. Robertson, is 79Lh '
f their splend � I John Bell, for"m6rly of Wingham, died in, a lungs. in .retirement. Deceased was in hi -
� ha pion ,-, to Bir- If you buy o knd fit your 5arments at pieture post cardeandabook of sketalies. i . ? taxable income, $1,821,400 ; male persons hemorrhage of th - =
9 . afrn;h An vr;rllx I T h ins� a erl 20 ears - C 1.
I I I l� I I of Dickens' characters. I .T s . .1 F� J . �_ from 21 to 60, 509 ; children betm an 5 and immediately after Due adjournment. 0 L a year and waro a :tive of Ireland. 11
T I- on. Thie horsa small charge,, � � �
� Olin t " � Some may that old place is not the orgi- Deceased had �een ill for six months. . L i .-, 1.
� .. � I 1 12, 664 ; over 5 and under 16,298 persons, Legislature, left for the west, where be I 1� -
He is 8, horse, of im- 1 2 9__#__9__9 , T- I pe . a -Mr. Fred. 'Davis, of Mitchell, has pur- 4 - 4 A- i
L o I i i i -6-W 6 a e 0 * a � . ple � bogs, hoped to regain his health, which had dur-
betaince and is said �4`+ P+P14-1-H +4 I I I i . nal shop, but I don't see why some . business of the Hotel 2,242 . cattle, 6,327 ; sheep, 1,01 ) ; Mr. 1. � Ti Langford has been appointed
I .- I
'! . are always t� , - Elms Farmers' Matual
I "id no � - I so ready to make known eir chased the stock and 4,318 -' horses, 1,813 ; births, 30 ; � taths, 15. ing the past six months been shattered by a director of the
iorse. There - . * doubts. That place is old enough for any. n Goeeirlo , from Mr., Jonathan . d;sease. . . �
� , "t ke 1 ml eted his - - Fire Insuran�e C ,ompany la'Ahe lace of Mr. . �� 11
I one, �,.gb vicinity, and even if it from the -
'a 0 t ' on you g me:
0 . I I ; Id uiiusity Shop" it is a to the death
I � � 11 ery a �Jua ClookiDg old place,and ,cepted for service in o.uth Africa, namely - following figures are gleaned : Namber of keeper whose mysterious death .-of some - .
� � � - - I . I � . ad int Ge ell, ill Wilitel, Joseph acres cleared land, 43,519 ; wood Is Ad, 3,825; �.A Str&tfor young man, aceompamied ;
__ I i a ' ZoBWan. 81 I
n very shortly,, bis 11T -1 a It to a Blaney, Charlie Boye and Jack
a Cadmore of Huron I i l'i ay, " Oh ! it is old, orge Twitch 0 - 6,131 ; totil number � , its, had a rather uiipleas- �
h" made a good se � . - � Miller, and will -ake ofisession on May at. -�ullett'a assessor lias co -The medical man of Brantford differ as Thomas E. who movey
:a enterptise will be . We are Leaders in Men's land Boys' is , is -Five Clint' - n have- been so. duties for this year, and fram thi roll the �
. n he southern i '4 bort time ago,
" of James Quirk, the hotel II6?t1r_ c Onalf,
3% 0T_10M=T_ a . of what u a wamp and waste land, weeks ago has been causing a good deal Of by iwo young I �
:ng to c('11 luot the I I 1. but then they say A isn't the original Old -Mr. F. G. Sparlffig has diap+d of his of acres, 53,476 ; value of real -proper talk. At the inquest one doctor said a the ant experience- an drivIDg.home from St.
, ++++-1c-1�+++++-1 ++++++ 1 � ,,.�l . �Curiosity Shop." It is a pity, when there . ty' death was id t I and another may it Marys on Sun 4y evening. Tfie horses -
$1,906,300 ; value of perional roperty, acell �
cil have decided to _1_+ I . residence, on Patriot street, Wingham, to .
- I I �are so few of the old land marks left'that could not possibl; &be to. Crown Attorney �� r �-
,� � I 1 $3,700 ; total value of real and 'personal ' took fright and ted to run away, and �-
m th% south bound- % . - ' -_ �t
I -
. ,
manpe.-While tak- r - I I . �� . I the London county council must think it Conductor Qork, for $2,500. Mr. SpArling property, $1,910,000 ; male persoE from 21 Wilkes has asked for an adjournment for before the driverbould get control of them �� .---
i I � . 0 . , will live in his residence on Minnie street. eke in order that a farther inves- -
I . necessarT, to pull down the very Apacial I - two we the rig was overturned and the occupants I
" �� I n . - tigs ner left on the road, No one -wm hurt, but I -1
'ed one to fall , bou ht four richly bred iShorthorne from children from 5 ; bir.the 0
8641 -
I - W ,,Ir I andsin goo 9 ale! O one f! 1 2,563 ; dais tute gianted tli� adjournment till May 5th. they all knew ey would have walk
I . �
Is on, mood�jy Mr. - \11� one . they aA only kept ` clea _Last weekf - D. M1111le & 8011� of Ethel, to 60, 646 ; children from 5 to �21, 861 ; . tion might be made, and the coro
'.� his Grei -e a t d repair,.their historic interest to 16, 621 to I
cut. -Mr. and Mrs- I Mr. Brown, of Ot.t%Nv a ; rom, Herb, deaths, 21 ; population, -
, , � - their beh I r F 'his
on, ace, the guests Of . I �� . I . I w0i1ild be excuse enough for Wright of Guel , I nd another from a gen- labor, 2,775 ; dogs, 361; bitches, h-) ; cattle, -The body of Warren F. Burton, ba ris- home. Ortunitely a gentleman on,
I I .: I . doo".r to a modem shop. Surely London is ph � 4 27-7 . ,'-, horses, ter, of Hamilton, and son of the late Chief way to Stratford made room In his buggy-, - .
I .
Is week.-MiSs Beta � Off tleman at StOhoma i. --7,476 ; obeep,.2,112 ; --hogs, J A ..
. . 4 !k . �
- . uest such a hu I - # .1,922 -; acres of orchard, 644 ; ,aor: a of fail Justice George W. Burton, was found on for t a ladie , a d the you g J -
the g ,of Mr. (ST-TOCESSORS TO GRE & MACDONALD) . . wealthy enough to keep a - few old plac -Mr. J. 9:'�Durilii , formerly of Lanes b a w n man had � 9
. from those who are in to to use t, 3,860 ; number of steam bbers, 15. the track at Broute, a statio6 on the 0. P. walk the rest of the way alone. � . .
. t
,his �Va-ek,_Thomaa ': Ashfield towns ip,,vas re4ently presented whes, W . i, . i
. - I ;�
<.� - every inch of ground for money -making bl, it is '- —Mr. Win. R. Crone, junior commercial 1-f
, . .
d la acres in the vil- T . --The following are� the statitiatics.of the R. between Toronto and Hamilton. .
that they don't care a snap for association wi bh a silver headed cane by the Hespeler H..
4 master of the Central Business College, ,, _
I rd. Han, ThOm" d Stand, I Retail Mercha;nts' Association. Mr. Durnin township of Stkpben, as received by Asses. supposed Mr. Burton *alked to -the rear of If-
. -
I ,� or'4ntiquity. . Zz-
I 11 I r the year 19W,: Number of the car and lost hiz balance or stepped off I istratford, died in the city homplital, lost A I
4lty- jm,ajdtobt*P- -Was --- - - , . i -
I . . - S. McL. ham a proepeoting tour through sor Guinan fo . �_
, ! one n - _63'of woodland, the pla,tfo When founid the body was week, from &auto peritonitis. Mr. -Crone ,_.I� I -
( . - aorbe of land, b6,789 ;aci rm. . �'_,
Dr.) Rollins thib- I Wang . -
� , - - tern &nada. . extinct. . Mr. �Wax 25 years of -aga, .and was formerly a - .
I ' , � . . &red, 48,170. ; total badly bruised and life quite . I . �
ate manager of the I sim. A- 0 1=?., r_r - I - John Krein, an old resident of Crediton, 8,619 ; acres of land ole . . �,
. -There was an exciting runaway in .- I .�
: was Jn town - last I .. I party, 81,197,5M ;`-value of Burton was a clever lawyer and very hi �- , .
- morning �sst week, majorit t the value of real pra, .fhly btudent in the.Qollingwood Collegiate Inati- , -
i Stratford one which has paseed. over to th ailent ' - a I i . -
I I L_� 11 " . ��
i 1, . a and 7 mon't1s. The personal and taxable incoxne, $10,000 ; esteemed in Hamilton. He lefaves a wi ow, tate. He taug�t in the publio .schools for I __
riptious for Stock. in I I miracutogely did not prove serious. � Mr. T. advanced age of 80 year I .- 'O entbreit. the ; � .;
at of 2 . � - I by his 8 -year-old son, sad event occurred en Tuesday of last week, value of real and'personal property, 81,800,- one son and two daughters. soma time, and ,three yeiirs ag - � � �
nk -The funer I � Buaiuet� College as a atuldeat. After � 4� -
� !;t J. Msy�.'$'iiccompanied � ��
f -Harvey Brothers,, . I I r of male persons from F-60 --�rAt - Cypress River, Manitoba, Brace Central . - I-
t F a few! d&3 a' illness, the deceased 059 ; numbe 21 to 1 - �
. I d i J -011102 . I I T
. . I . 1!ess mola-e wah dr�Ong a rather opirited. horse, and af ter ont I 'I& oat or lynx on bin completing his �oursebe secured a,'p It* . i .
I -
- In mdking remittances, use Dominionl Exv y a i thell Sundiy previous. years old, 884 ; number of mali persons Campbell killed a wi � . - .4
place �from the. rest . f wishing to make a call at a house, tulled up 'having b;en to chur 4
1 he in the. Aidtfi Business Zollege, 7 1
�arve I Wednes- I � - from 70 to 80 years old, 71 ; number of per. farm. It -appears that the animal was && t4me r .. I
y"T on i I to send oney. at thle side of the street. There eing no *, -On Monday of lost w4ek, a happy M'ar-., where be remaiiied �-� �
I orders, the cheapest and safest way - ns from 80 to 90 -years .old, 13 ,- number of noticed on a bluff not fir from the house by Trenton, N4w 4arney. -
ce" had sold hia � . St. James' Memorial so - 1�,
. 11 . I I . . suitable place to tie the horse and not wish. riage took place at t] a -to ur to Canad 4 .a!s 1;
. March, . . � I %I popula. Mr. Campbell's little boy,who, not know- one year. Ve I t ned a ud w 9� .
, is Lizzie Croys. persons over y a a old, I ; � �
. 90 6 r toti J - I
. I ' Stratford. H6 . ��
. year a -go In � .- ing to leave the boy alone in the rig the' church, London,'whi a M a � 1,
. - tion of the township, 3,978 ;- total persons ing what it was, began to throw sticks and appointed t*- hpr -W w" -a - - � �, - I
amity, had moved to . STEWART, Agents, two got out. Mr. May spoke to the ocon- Jale, Iorm�rly o Enj land. but who has ro- I . . i.
I f I GREIG & I - I in, A an and Gen amassed on roll, 1,286 ; number1j:of dogs, atones at it. A dog then appeared on the first-class teich and Wm held in high I � F�
�week ago word calue- I I I pant of the house for a minute or two ana aided- with her anal m rge - _11S. ,
th ;i, .�
I -
I 0 1 "�
. � : � I 99 b The ,-remains -were _�, ,
I been ill I ' ; bitches, 3 ; cattle, 4,831 ; shop, 1,305; scene, and the eat "took to a tree." Mr. esteem y p � �,
a, he-ha,viug �% then returned to the rig,but the little fellow Petty, of Hens�ll,jc r thei past six years, 404 FT
� -
funeral was largplY i i C. P. R. TIC 'GRAPH AND EXPRESS, I hogs , 15 ; horses, 1,772 ; acres of orchard Campbell, hearing of the animal's presence, , taken to Notta;�& c interment. d .i-.
I 7 _ was ahead of him and had just got on. to , was united' in man isge with Rev. W. J, � ,16 1 � - -
I . I � - . :1 : : I i _'. ___. - �
I ! � I.- 14 i ! I .
11 has been visiting I :, I I ; g
. c � -1 I I ; . F � k�tll
I 1! I . I I I 'to, , I ; -
� I I . , . . I . . . i � - I
I he past , � - ; -_ . � 111-
11 during t � ill I I . I ! I I I
I I i i . . � . - . � � z , -
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