HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-04-18, Page 7L1902: that rerniv.._ 'ace e'• ek'enta colo lye 161' eettortt' • aPi‘rt 80 the - Mete that have by the same -prised at the phoning from made of the • of differeat for the tiny snd mend theta grow larger 3•1 and knee8 re Waehed they Percale, °mks. lar lend of are,* &ad the little Kla Ohl get, Ter make good he little girl* *oh the itettw who oin make how to slake a in nine awe in while ctuitt, luta for her- dolt th Year while ongh to tell he: - le dressmaker's y slur may be in rill alwaye be to aectimulate rriceable gar - until You are te up lest roora sto have tee lamPtiore. sirth are respell. hati is tracieable one cures more dies. because it covered that is the root of the f the lenge and riate every par- iah its healing ean t last ten an thirty min - ie inhaled. It asseges at once, arid erradicatee e system. TWO: trial size 25o. st, Seaforth, e n, er- thitario. are Mild. Lographed. ✓ sat before a it month. This ne Draper. In errees anrieunce-e ' action of sun- ther, the dis-' per, afterwards iversity Medical riments with a a subject. In, eight be clearer h a. Eine white result of the exietence, and is reire in England. ,eged that they erre's discovery, Il founded. Mise ate it bears have :of that to her - q being the first ID, and to her first woman ever • Mother nn play coughing approaching at - t, or sicknese of it your bottie of and neck with al doses of ten- oned water every ant any serious ,in reliever equals. is a• neceosity 'in iottIes cost only ruggiet, Seaforth. tainess. • Carlabs.d physi- place in the world V'et this is what ,aunts of the sick ient, after having. mined by the doe- inetructiona as to ed with this in- tking, yen must ears daily ; three m." After a few -again ia the con - d how are you ?" I should be all "but your er- n -milt to fellow." sr slid catagori- area- cigarie a day. it." "Bat doc- sineem Wouldn't I every time I at do you smoke e ?a the doctor n'tit you, yent- a day said no ught they were gan mipon them, a taken to- amok - ter Gazette. of Life f fiefy-seven and siovirs down, vie - progress of de - Lending o/cl age gor is to take rrozone keepa up ormation of red, clearness to the and apirits test .• To take Fer- ing from ten to- e boxea 50 cents, ruggiste, or Pol- ia. are Certain. Feel Better. nectiout, used to f the late Dr. morning • Dr. ched. After a. fast he called an • servant to him ndl and tell Sim - notice on the o iII to preach aid Sam, donet gib him a trial - The argument e preacher start - returned to his ter. How you he opened the ter, Sam. I am I knew it ; gripping until nee; I knew git dat sermon Pain? rorn excess of -aria deranKed kidrieyo, . pains ia the sides tIadder mad urinary ard painful to be Liver Pills act direct make them actire, ese failmeete. One oine will do 3-ou a- • y religious con- y poor man? Do ones r Mend'Oniy by sight, iF APRIL 181 19020 • . . 0 EXPOSIT SPRING DEPRESSION. eople Feel Weak, Easily Tired - and Out of Sorts. you bilust Assist Nature in Overcoming • Thia Feeling Before the Hot Weather • Months Arrive. • ia important that pole should be healthy in the spring. The hot sanuner is coming on and you need strength, vigor and yitality toresist it. The feeling of weekness, de- r0SriOn sad feebleness which you stiffer P . . - Iron' in the spruig, is debartating and den. genus. You have been indoors a good deal througle the winter months, haven't taken the usual amount of exercise perhaps, your bleed is sluggish and impure and you need a thorough renovation of the entire systern. J a other words, you need a thorough course of Da Williams' Pink Pills. If you try them you wiU be surprised to note how eigoroui you begin to feel, how the dull leisitude disappears, your step becomes elastic, tha eye brighteus and a feeling of neW strength takes the place of all 'arevious feelings. Thousands have proved the truth of these words and fouled renewed health through the uee of these pills in spring time. Oat of the many is Miss Cassie Way, of Pleten, Ont., who trays i—ce A few years ago I was cured of a very severe and pro- longed attack of dyepepsie through the use ee pee Williams' Pierk Pills, after all other medicines I had tried failed, Since that time I have used the pins in the spring as a tonic and blood builder, and find them the beat medicine I know of for this purpose. People who feel rundown at this time of the year will make no mistake la using Dr. Williams' Piuk Pills." These pills are not a purgative medicine, and do not weaken, as all purgatives do. Whey are tonio in their nature and strength. en from first dose to last. They are the best medicine in- the world for rheumatism, seta - time, nervous troubles, neuralgiaandigestion, anmmia, heart teeublem 'Avoids, aril hum - ere ia the blood, etc. The genuine are sold .only in boxes, the wrapper around which bears the full name "Dr. Williams' Pink :Pills for Pale People." slid by all dealers - medicine or sent post paid at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $.2.50 by addreasing 1 .the Dr. Wiliam& Medioine Co., Brockville, iOatario. gitt won Oxvositat DISTRICT MATTERS. [The followina local news was intended for last week, bat came to hand too late.1 Constance. SauooL REPORT -.—The following is the -classification of the pupae- in Constance pub- lic school afterthe spring promotion examin- ation : Senior Fourth—J. Button, D. Hall, Ephraim Clark, Evelyn Clark, K. Jamieson, G. Canapboll, A. Campbell, W. Taylor, E. Andrew. Junior Fourth—M. Adams, S. Riley, E. Lawrie, W. Armstrong; B. Dever, D. Dever, R. NicIatosh, E. Button. Senicr Third—J. Riley, N. Sutherland, 0. Sather - land, S. Sath,erland, J. Jamieson, H. Arm. strong, J. McMillan, E. Taylor, E. Col - clone, H Gle.e.er, F. Parish, E. Campbell. .Junior,Third—R. Jamieson, 0. Andersen, St Rile}, T. Armstroug, C. Mineola C. Dever, I. Coates, Id. Lewrie, O. Coates, L. :Cook. Senior Second— W. Lowrie, B. Dun- lop, la Dunlop, G. Lwa, a Anderson, M. Armstrong, Ellen Taylor, R. Milkier', Fran- ces Riley. Junior Second—R. Lewrie, M. Riley, E. Riley, Vera Cololough. Part -Second Claes—Jack Iliachley, W. E. Coates, B. Glazier, Er. Campbell. Firat Clasa—J. Parts, Hazel. Lindeay, 1.r hall, Hell, A Pollard, T. Riley, G. Glazier, Coates, S. Clark, N. Shiela, M. Shiels, M. Dunlop, J. lieniersen. Average at- tendaneee67. M. D. Weir, Teacher. sun me, sir ?" Contraetor---" Oh, Preqr, exouse me, I really—" M. T. 0.-e." Bib wait a wee. Supposin' that 1 wis that kind o' a man; hoo much wid ye be ineained to Changes at Balraoral• Considerable **angels have been and are being made at Baimoral, not only in regard to the staff of royal servants and retainers" bat in connection with. the Castle and ite surroundings. The departmeate more im- mediately occupied by the mernbere of the Royal Family have been entirely redeeor- ated and refurnished. In the Medina of the late Queen everythiniwas very plaice eon - aiding of tartan hangiags and cerpets, end the moat homely kind of furniture, With practically no color on the walls, There watnot a single colored picture at Bal- moral, all the works of art being steel en- gravings, mostly Lendseer's, Taus only ex- ception to this was in the email and stuffy smoking -room, the walls of which were cov- ered with the cartoons of "Ape", and "Sty, from "Vanity Fair," put up for the amhee- ment of Her Majesty's male guests. Al) this has been changed; and the appearance of the interior is much brighter. Some etructural alterationa are aloe contemplated, but these may not be taken ea hand for some time. A new feature of interese will shortly be added to the Balmoral policies in the shape of an extensive deer park, seheoh is at present be- ing enclosed ab Iavergelder, ab3at a mile above the Castle. ha firat occupente are two fine ataga, sent from the Regal Park Jet Windsor. • The memorial by the tenants and retainers to Qaean Victoria is now complet- ed with the exception of the inacripticin, whiali hes yet to be cut. • , HAGYA.RD'S YELLOW OIL cures all pain in man or besot ; for sprains, cuts, bruisea, callow lumpP,. swellings, inflammation, rheamatism and ncaralgia t is a speciffo. • To Cure a Cold in One Day lake Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablete. All druggists refund the money if it faits to cure E. W. Grovtaa signature is on each box. 25o. Wit and. Humor. —Some people fini it easier to pay compli- ments than bills. opponent, to wear a dress of dark colors— black preferred. Nothing trice the player more than trehe confronted by an adversary :arrayed in blight colors, while - a light or !white dress offers a background againet !which thabell becomes invisible. When :playing in peblic I invariably wear a blsok, loose blow." I THAT aching head can be instantly relieved by •Itaking one of. MILBURN'S STERLING HEADACHE t POWDERS. One powder, 50 ; three fer 100, ten for ; 26o. Spring. • (Written for THE ,EXPO8XTOR.) "Born Of tempest, wrought) in power, Stirred by sudden hope and fear; You meg find a myatia flower Ia the springtime of the year." Spring has come. How peasant it is after the king cold winter. Allnature re- vives and young and old feel the influences of life around, in grass and tree and flower. After the long indoor life, .one enjoys a stroll through fields and woods.. The leaves are yeb in the,bud, the aun shines =obstruct- edly into the forest and tiny formeare peep- ing up everywhere. Oa the sunny side of some knoll or log, or perhaps ,beside nom° friendly feagment of rook, we find the little Ispring beauty (Claytonia), very pretty in- deed with itscrimson pencilled pink. white Weds ell the more dainty and delicate be- cause they have come so early. The Here atioa, too, with its broad, downy greeh leaves end blender scapee bearing nodding white an plait fiewers, is already in• bloom in favored nooks. We know of no more healthful or pleasant pastime than a stroll in the !woods at this season. :All boys ant girls :should become acquainted with our Canadian wild flowers. The inflaerne is eleyating, refreshing and refining. GO out m earl 5) epring, meet d 1 th names of them as they come an earze e eaob. Friendships thua formed are lastiog. Oace you have identified a fiewer it is :a friend. forever. You meet them everywhere. You C1nnot be lonely ; you ettil be as happy —A man's character is often sholeal Dy asmold en be, Flowers anti plants have their mos. -t-hey what he coaiWere A —Lets of people witi forgive their ettemies • but won't stop lying abut them. —Do not leti your want of euceees des press you; but struggle on. Labor hard continuously and you will win in the end. —Life, upon the whole, is mach more pleasureable than painful, otherwise we should not feel paia so impatiently when it cornea. —He—" What did your father say whoa • you told him you were engeged ?" She— "Oh, you must not leak me to repeat such language." —" Is your husband a good provider ?" • asked the sympathetic visitor. " Indade he is, mum. He got me three dew Places to wash lase week." —Mark Twain has added a new maxim to the world's already large collection. " NO real gentleman will tell the piked truth in the presence of ladies." —The bore—" 1)3 yn ktrow, Tennysen'e poems carry me completely away.' Miele Pert—" Really? I'm awfully sorry we haverae a volume in the house:" 1 —She -d" I told father youwanted t� see hlm the next time you called." He -1 - What did he ay ?» She—" He said yoe could come on ; he wasn't afraid of you. —Jess—" te she so very plain -looking Tess—"Well, I should think et% Why th, • girls who went to school with her wooldn't oven let her appear in the photograph taken of all the pupils." —Then and now.—" Yes," geld the age1. pastor, wearily,-" I've juet been celebra ing my jubilee. Twenty-five years ago, at • my semi:jubilee, every one was blowing his trumpet in my predee now I've got to ao all the 1st:awing myself." —" You are not cold," said the Mental await ; " you just think you axe." "Thin it, do I?" chattered the gentleman with the • blue nese and the shivering limb& " if that' e the case, I'm doing zorne tallthink- ing juat at present." Usborne Council. °outwit met April 5th. All members present. MinutES of the last meeting were read, approved and signed by the reeve. 'The following pathmesters were appointed for the cement year : Ward 1, ---William 'Henry, R. N. Treble, Ceorge Bus well, Paul -Coatee, James Fra.yne, F. Davie, J. Hunter, Wm. Rowoliffe, S. Brock, John Coonish, W. iCouttis, R. Woods, M. Eiford, R. Drought. Ward 2,—T. Horton P. Case, W. Hog- gatth, J. Hodgson, Nit, Oke, R. Dawn, W. Wood, R. Stewart, G. Jeffery, R. Homey, M. Clark, W. Monteith, H. Anderson, T. Cann, J. McQueen, eM. McTaggart.' jr. Ward 3,—W. Taylor, T. Brock, J. Horn, IF White, H. Rodd, C. Camm, J. Allen, D. Deriding, R. Edwards, T. Elliott, D. Daw- lion, R. Davie, J. Glardiner, C. Whelihate Ward 4.—W. Traquair. Hanna, H. Pas: - more, J. Thorepeon, W. Berl, M. Thomp- son, J. Stewart, W. Crawford, J. Duncan, J. Gilfillan, W. Gallen, W. McGill. The raatter of bridges and culverts were thor- oughly considered and laid over until next /meeting. Acceunts, amounting to $4L55, were pearled and orders issued in payment. Council then adjourned to meet May 3rd, at 1 o'clock. F -Mortemv, Clerk. *REGULAR ACTION of the bowels is necessary to health. LAXA-LIVER FILLS rue the best occas- ional cathartic for family or general use. Price 25o. Any druggist. • Grey Council. The regular meeting of Grey township council was held at Ethel, on Monday of last week. Present, full council. Minutes -of laat meeting were read and passed. Moved by Livingston, seconded by Turnbull, that Robert Bell be appointed to run the grader for 1902, at $1.50 per day and that the grader be hired to anyone wanting same at $L50 per day and they to pay the man running it, who is to be Mr. Bell.—Carried. The fallowing applications for township clerk read: Jacob Kreuter, A, Reymann, and John McIatosh. M oved by Turnball, -decorated by Fraser, that John McIntosh be appoiatecl clerk and thatea by-law be passed ratifying the same. —Carried. By-law No. 181 read lat, 2ad and third time and fleetly passed. Moved by Turnbull seconded by Livinston, that the offer of Stimson & Co., of $501 for the debenture iissued ineder the Greig Municipal Drain' be accepted.—Car- aied. Moved by McDonald, seconded by 'Livingston, that J. B. McImuohlin be paid the sum of $L50 for damage to plow, Mor- ris contrail to pay the other half as the plow was broken on the boundary line ploughing out the roads in the winter.—Carried. Moved by McDonald, seconded by Living- ston, that the following accounts be parsed and orders issued on the treasurer for the 'aatne.—Cari ied. F. S. Scott, postage, salary, Greig municipal drain and miscel- laneous, 883.16; John M. Davies, salary as auditor, 1Q;aTrueman Smith, roads side - ^line 1, concession 7, $1 ; Wm. Slemmon, made, removing newer pipe, $2; Malcolm McNiohol, roade, lot 23, conoession_3, $L50; Alex. McDenald, roadr, drawing tile and culvert concession 2, lot 41, $2.25; J. B. McLanohlln, roads, repairing plow, $1.50. Council adjourned to fist Monday in May at township hall. ANXIOUS MOTHERS findi DR. LOW'S WORM SYRIA' the best medicine to expel worms. Children like it—w-ornis don't. • —Midlothian town councillor (to con- tractor)—" What, sir ! Dae ye suggest that 1 wad tak a bribe? Dae ye dare to in- ME1111.5 OSTRACISM Foul breath and disgusting discharges, due to Catarrh, make thousands of people objects of aversion—Dr. Ao- new's Catarrhal Powder Re- lieves in 10 minutes and cures Win. George James, of Scranton, Pa, sayS "1 have been a tnahyr to Catarrh for twenty years, constant hawking and damping in the throat and. pain in the head, :very offensive breath. 1 tried Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder. The first application gave instant relief. After uaing a few bottles 1 was cured." 50 cents. 73 I. V. Fear, druggist, Sriaforth, The Game of Ping-Pong. In these days everyone has hia or tier idea on the subject of ping-pong, hoiv it should be played, what racquet should be used, and so on. It will be iateresting to onto read the article in the Lady's Mag- azine, on "The game of Ping-pong." by Mies Constance Bei:dock, the let Queen's Hall champion. "Ping-pong has bounded into popularity mere suddenly than any other game. It ' is inexpeneive, amusing and exciting, a'ad offers a greater scope for activity than any other indoor game, besides rimming the great charm of sociability. " In playing ping pong, women are more on an equality with men than in any other game, and can fairly compete with therm This gives it a great advantage over Belch game e as cricket, hoekey, tennis, and many others in which etrength and swiftness in running are required. "Phe initial difficulty is, of course, the Choice of a racquet. One has to decide be- tween the different merits of vellum wood, wood covered with vellum, wood coveted with eaucipaper, wood coverer' with glen, and even with steel ! Each kind is warthly recommended by the player who uses it, and declared to be _quite the besit Naturelly • the choice i3 aomewhat bewildering. "The service i3 a most important point. The player ehould endeavor to cultivate a swift, but safe service, which is difficult to take, anias certainly a help towards Same players have an undoubtedly brilliant service, but sacrifice several pellets every game by attempting too much It should be borne in mind that accuracy is more important than brilliancy. If You cannot play your service with: certainty 1atid find yourself constantly makillg faults, i is better to take the humblereo rse and • beautify the earth ; give honey to the bee, feed to the birds, medicine, food and cloth- ing to man, and glory to God who made them. "1 ferand that lily's bloom - When the day was dark and chili; It smiled like a star ia the miaty gloom, And sent abroad the sweet perfume Which is floating round me still. The blood root, in opening tits snowy petals, has shed sepals of the same color ; its broad, deep green foliage is very attrac- tive. It is one of the earliest. "Dawn, gentle flower, from the morning earth; • We will gaze and wonder at thy won- drous birth." A few sunny days will 'bring the tril: Hums and dog's .tooth violets and Dutch- man's Breeches, Squirrel Corn, Marsh Marigold, Avemone, (wind I fiewer), pepper root, (tooth wort), and .rnahy more of the early varieties of blooming beauties in uh- expected places. • "Natures gems on Welke and braes, Petty tints unseen rrniung." To those who would sse the beat of Our flora, we would say go out early. It is true the summer will bring hosts of flowers, but summer fi ewers for the most part are comes° tied lackahe delicacy of texture and color found in early spring flawers. A. M. Bluevale. to safe service. "Otto gyeat fault I have noticed aniong beginners i3 that they move about too much, which is 'a very big mistake. If you go round to the side of the table to play the stroke your opponent will naturally return the ball quickly to the opposiee side, and you will find it very difficult to get roai d in time to take it. It is highly necesniaa to guard against the inclination to dash con- stantly round to that part of the table to which the ball is corning. Most balls' can be taken quite as easily while standing at the end. . "If, however, a ball pitches very • out of reach on one side, or very close t net, it may be necessary to move now again to that side, but the moment have played your stroke you shoal quickly as parable regain your poeitioe at the end of the table. With regard top the subject of suitable dress for •ping-pong lay- ers, although several enteeprising fashion papers have already published 'Modes for Ping Pong,' I do not see the necessity for any partipular style of dress for the guile at present. When playing, however, at a public), or even private, tournament, the player should be eareful, in justice ta her Found at Last. A liver pill tha is small and sure, that ants gently quickly and thoroughly, that &ma not gripe. taxa - Liver PUN possess these qualities, and are a sure cure for Liver Complaint, Ccnstipation, Siok Head- aoho, etc. For Cuts, Wei.inds, Coilhlains, Chapped Hands, Rheumation, Stiff Jointe, Burns, Scalds, Bites of la - sects, Croup, Conghs,I1Co1d8, Hagyard's Yellow OR villidealers. ee found an excellent remedy. Price 25 cents. A Milbutn's Sterling Headache Powders give worden prompt relief from reonthly pains and leave n3 bad after effects whatever. Be sure you get Milburn'. Price 10 and 26 cents. All dealers. --- eep the line dem re The c it in thi declares is to co f eqaduet that one resents. erecter is formed. life, and by ib the we are to be judged r the other of Men recognize Great Teacaer ia the life that Some Dog Train d dogs are a nuis noe sometimes. they pe slat in showing off t eir little acts at mop °Anne times and making trouble for the °Veer. Two lieu's ago a man bro ght a fin: -look- ing ape 'men of a Bordeaux dog into the waiting room at Toronto Ju otion and asked to have the animal shippe to Montreal. The d was ecured with a tout ohain,and his man er tied him up to a baggage truok. Be lay own and went to sleep and the travelle passed out. Short y ' before train time el eggage man satiate ed up, ceught hold of ne end of the truck and, without noticin the dog, twitched it around. A rattlin of the chain links rew his atten- tion, and he looked around o see a bunch -looking dog flying hrough the air. Id move the dog was upon tunatoly, the chain checked tte.ok.before it could sink its e baggage ma as anatomy. e man piked p a club and t the dog wLIs nob to be in - e had been le t to guard that card it he wouI4I if he loot his og ! go man dare he eould not Peed and all t upon the bagg • of angr Before him, b the ani ivories The adve,nc iat track, life. The The tr in ar e to be cried ere tea e ca rail witY men he tr e co t, fo eas nto t agga d, b d. nd g rave bagg and board; the b EverP hundre stream in an bar of him w away truck If a chili eats ravenatuly, grinds the teeth at nights and pioks its nose' you may almost be certain it has worms, and shouldadminister without derlty Dr. Low's Pleasant Worm Syrup, this remedy eon - tains its own cathartic. • ar, B dtiish Troop k)il Liniment is untu•pass by any liniment on the linarket today. It is composed of healing, soothing, and cleansing vegetable oils and extract'. It is put up in large bottlea for the mall price of 26 oentS. -.0•• The essential ung -healing principle of the pine tree has litany een successfully separated and. re- fined into a rfe3t c3ogh medicine—Dr. Wood's Norway Pine S rup. Sold by all dealers on a guar- antee of oath,' tion. Price 25 centr. The, Soldier's Choice. During the Franco-Prussien war, two col- porteurs er distributors of Bibles and tracts, were posted at the railway station of Gies- sen, to geeet the soldiers when • the trains stopped for meals, and to supply them with good reacline. 046 day, Mr. Craig, their chief, received news that botth men had been refused per- mission to ntinne their work. He was 200 miles avtay, but he hastened' to the spot, Oa eeting the station master—as he hirneelf gret that hi badly as to " Oh, the rich the and you as Usth story—he expressed re - men should have behaved so e dismissed. ' have done nothing wrong, only they annoy the soldiers." "Did thel soldiers say they were annoy- ed 'it" Mr. Craig asked. ":I dia not ink them. Men, of course, don't liae ban books thrust . into their & henWhen they are hungry. I know I shouldn't. So I put my foot clown. . "1 'thou like," said Mr. Craig, quietly, " to know hat the soldiers themselYesoay. Will you al ow me to make a teat? Here is a taste c ming in with soldiers. You have your tables epreed with wine and re- freshments. Favor mc by loaning the use of 0,40,6 tables at which I will place my two meniwieli o r books at each. Then if you will mit two of your men at your tables, ' you and an stand behind without saying a word, and let the soldiers decide whether they want he book'." . The stat onmaster aasented (mite willing- ly and the rain came in. The men, stamp- ing, singing, swearing, jumped on the plat- form, stretching their lege and eager for food anal(' ink. Some one saw the books and cried "Hero re the bookaagein 1 We have not seen any for a week." 1 There was an instant rush by large num- , bers of the men. The lieutenant, on a hint I from Mr. Graig, ordered them not to jam. I but to form in line and file past. Eaoh 1 soldier heldout his hand in glance, and with bare head received a book. In an incredibly short time most of the men in the company had marched past and had taken a (may of the word of God. In the Meantime, it is said that bub few of the Boadicea had touched a cake or a bunch oe grapes, or even a glass of wine, "We aiin go no further,' said Mr. •Craig to the istation-master, "our books are gone. 1 think you have still something on your table ." Tao sea ion master, who was an limiest man, gave:a loud laugh, and grasping ' Mr. Creagai hand, avid, "1 am beat—dead beat. I didn't think the men cared for these things. Your men may return to their work." Tho taa to.blee are symboliii. The de- cisions they involved confront men con- stantly. There is no escape from - their challenge: One gives that which fee& the lower Matta*, the other that which feeds the soul. and 'there is not a man who does not instinctively or with deliberation choose I ggag ime pou L:Lin t ort he s dim fter Or 110 not injure the se the truck. e baggage had gemen's should. The dog refueled to let the unfasten him to take him on in. -He Was eft behind, and meu were ia is quandary. hey approache1 the truck one de of ettniae bono and sinew re collar and gagged himself o get at them. Finally a mem- mily of the m n who owned overdid, ani th animal was led eying guarded an old railway ely twenty ho re. 11=1 . firiggitt. Pup onn woman tea her in one of .he grami iar schools in Brooklyn was peal big f her work he other day. t tat unless a p ,rson had some -1xpe ienc in teaching 1 e could scarce- . 01 derstand how mar 'clously stupid :owe chilt ren were and what peculiar kes Ordinarily b .ight children :.lonledme make. • To illustrate her poin she told three st ries from her own pers nal experien Ts:- One day, on aJan23 age examination, the follow- ingt-As o le of the topi s: "Name three kind.. of s ntenccs .and rive examples." MIS is th ) way one of t c children met thei j robh m. Ite wrot "Declarative, inter •ogative, impera ive. 2+2=4. 9x2-7-1.8. 13-6=7." On ano her day one f the questions itt:ft gra' mar examination read: " cam ot se it --.' Complete this sen- tenC by t sing the word-. plain or plain- ly. ive -our reason." One bri ht Youth Wr "9 aunt see it plain cari e it L too far away A othe tion as to Hut son r hire a ly t sine goo In 6 alec the Lee tqua age TI the firs ites the lati a p of tin system, parialyzi the te this answer: .' Reason: Be- , scholar ansvered the que8- why tbe Dutch settled on the ver by sdying, "So they could lace to wash.". lent • • •••MeMMINININIUMINI• 7-7 - fffIDD CLASSIFICATION. TLe ay a Ctirload of Trample Want Designated en Mexico. In Mexico the billing. of railroad freig it requires a knowledge and pre - Oslo which can only be attained by yea of practice. Thil4 is due to tbe peeu iar classification of various arti- eles nd the different rates of custorq) dub s. A case recently occurred which seve ely taxed the ingenuity_ of the, stet' n agent, - although he finally sue - reed d in meeting all requirements. rr town was overrun with tramps, and he council determined that steps musf be taken to rid the city of them. It was finally decided to. round them up and ship them out of the country. It would be too expensive to purchase i tickets, so they coneluded to hire stock carsi and ship their tramps as freight, The cars were procured, and by the aid f the police the titimps were gath- ered but then the question arose as ig. how the shipment should be designated on t -e bill of lading. . T e term "persons" could not be use as it would conflict with the state law relative to proper Etccominodations for the traveling publie, and it would also be in violation of the company'0 rule governing the rates. of passenger tra c. "Marketable ' coinmodities" wo ld not do, as that would subjeet the arload to a heavy duty upon crose- ing the tariff 'Zone. Agan they would WIT§ to be classified as " erishable" or the spatcher might ord the car side- tra ked along the line. B t fortunately. there is a custom la which exempts cer ain kind's • curfosities from duty, ud 86, iifts mu h emisideration, the tramps were_ bill d and, forwarded as so many. . hun- dre weight of "periShable curiosities—. up t to eat." I , ' , , .„.•,..N:(. Curing a 1inelirt. * .-:'. -Y''. I 14 said that a Harvard mat-. *lid wa eisiting Paris in some innocent wa offended a club member, who pr ptly slapped his face, the French- ma)a expecting, of course, to receive a ehellenge for a duel. Instead of this prdceeding the Harvard' Man turned an looked for an insta4 at his ad- ve sary, then quick - as a flash p_ulled • ba k his strong right hand and sent the fellow rolling acrosS the floor, breaking the bones of .his nose in two pieces. After a few weeks, when, the French - m In had sufficiently recovered from th incident to disco;ver what had hap - ed, he issued a formal :challenge to American offender to fight a duel, and, being the recipient Of the chal- lenge, the American was Permitted fel select the weapons. i e promptly chose a baseball and, bein an old pitcher, threw with an accura y which resulted In the Frenchman's getting another. .w4o-nd on the nose c ring him entirely.) Of the love for dueling. ' . , • vila of Excessive Smoking. Ile good cigar, used temperate- vo o three times a day, may be -ed y the average adult man to adi antage, excessive indulgence oki ig is very harmful. It is only sar to recall one's first cigar and rof fund effect it produced to real - hat t e smoking of tobacco in. large titiee is trifling with a dangerous t, says the Baltimore Sun. - to chef effects of smoking a e from nicot'ne and empyreumatic oil, the • bei g an active poison—a infin- al uantity will destroy afe—and tette ,I which is the rank ccumu- n in the stem of the pipe, is also tent peison, one drop on fiat tongue cat having been fatal. T e nico- and the oil both act on the ervous hough differently, the iiicotine g the heart bY, its a tion on brai , while the oil confin s itself fly t the Efpinal cord and t e motor es. will part of vic •es the dly so. Is ' ch ner 11 the de • thus be seen that no m's equipment esca ect of tobacco .ie exc Railroading Terms. aro ding terms in Engl nd and Aeric differ very widely. he Eng- lil wo Id speak of shunting a train. We call it switching. 14eig t trains' they call goods trains, coaches are car - ria es, onductors are -er-Oae s, engi- ne rs a e drivers, trucks are boggles an fr ight cars are w go s. The Dr tish lways say station in teed of de �t, nd in that they have the bet- ter of s. Rails they call in:tals and tr cks ermanent ways. The,, do not • ge thei • tickets at a ticket o ie ce, but at boo king office, and th smokestack of the It comotive is to thelm the chim- ne . railroad man gol g from one co ntry to the other finds that' he has to lear an entirely new, set of phrases ab ut is business. A Chameleon's Hite. _ he ite even of the laitgest chame- le n do s not fetch blood,thougb the te th have indentations. .1 often, says a naturalist, provoke them to bite t4ie in ord r to observe their habits, end ooly o ce, when one caught me be- t • een the fingers w here the skin is te ider, was I really urt. On this oc- casion he thing beld on so persistently d fir ly that I co Id not for some ti ne pee my finger At last I eras o liged to call some •ne to get it offby f rcibl opening Its n outh. Even' then It did ot pierce the s in. Its teeth are aofie and regula , hut the dotted t 'angi lar impressio Of the little teeth as v ry red and isliect for wine inut s. roes des n ork. t •ot p oyer tie el k ew tbe he ei th f rget about man one to Pe hi Do Your .W *It Well. bly you thin your employer t notice you o know about yqur The writer of this was talking ler evening to an ,extensive em - of labor, and he talked most of ening about his workmen. He 11 about every' one of them, from d man to the laborers, and not- ir good and ad points. Don't that your e plover knows all em. When h needs a new fore - r superintend nt, he knows the select. 1 Flight of th Swallow. A s •allo-w, flying for home, made 1[10 n iles at the rite f. 128e miles on hp ir. Ti be re ca th th - _ How New York Sleeps. VW York is a city of infinite variety. ere are those who have beds with - sleep and those who sleep ;without s. Three thousand of her winter idents slumber in the cradles of the al barges that eonee each year from o canals of New- York state, from o great lakes and Lake Champlaiu tO end the winter month Er moored in N w York harbor. In the tenement di tricts a man, his .Wife and his four o six or eight or ,niere children sleep i a single room, aid one who goes out the city finds Many a device for mber and repose.' On Washingtoli street, on the west side, where the Tks, the Greeke, the Assyrians and the Egyptians live near neighbors to it c lony of Irish, is a queer little orien- t I hotel on the top floor of a tenement. Leslie's Weekly. a 51 Rome's Churches. The guidebooks are responsi le for e popular impression that th4re1 are 85 churches in Rome, one forl every dty in the year, but that is a mistake. TIbe exact number is 852, includ ng the f ur great basilicas outside the walls. esides these there are about 91 chap - es connected with monasterie , nun - n ries, schools and 'private pala es and aj large number of shrines ere ed by dIviduals in different parts of he city t fulfill vows or Show grati de for d liverance from peril or si knout. here are 68 monaatie establis a mente, for monks and 26 for nuns. The Umbrella Consciene A correspondent contributes t the series of umbrella myth g a smart shower a gentlem as unprovided hurriedly ove a quaintance whom he chance s me distance ahead of him carr mbrella, intending to ask if h' • e permitted to share its shell as almost up to him, when s e other turned' around and nifty look thrust it into his ha anished.—London Globe. His Weak Spot. Casey—Did ye hear about poo Flan- ery ? Cassidy—Sorra the word. Casey—Sure, the big stame h mmer in the foundry dropped down on his hist an' killed him. iCassidy—Well, Oi'm not su prised, or he always had a wake chist , RISTORI AS A DIPLOMAT. How the Great Actress lyonGort- : chtikof to Her Ca. :. e. RiStori was chnrgecl With 1he mission of bringing round Prince ortebakof to the side of Italian uxlityI when she_ went in 1860 to a play at St. Peters- burg. As the court was inmourning she Was commanded to cone . and recite' "Maria Stuarda" at the Winter palace. Mme. 'distort redited her great part and electrified the court. The , czar shed tears. Alter she retired from ' the room . . where the• imperial party , was to a saloa filled- with courtiers, the czaro- wile brought up Prince portchakof and presented. him. He hadl something to say about tbe emotional c erecter of Ristori's recitation. He WO dered how she could have been eo de ply stirred by the sufferings of one wljo had per- ished"so- many centuries ag "I was not thinking et er," cried Ristori. "I -was thinking of a living and. discrowned martet sup liosed to be dead, but 11-vii3gi I was thin -ing of my beloved Italy. I wanted, -ender the image of 'Maria Stuarda, to represent. to the minds of their iinperia majesties reel cause of Italian independeece and unity, and I thifik theY vibrated in uni- son; with my petriotic efforts. I now want to 6:Nivea you, .Prince for I am. afraid you think that Italynl ust not be i resascitated, though she hasaisen as if from the dead and is full of life, ener- gy, hope." , Gortehakof answered- in diplomatic conemonplaces. A_t length h appeared moved by Risto,ri's eloquenc " and said: "I promise to i'efer the mater to his Imperial rnajesty. You have not plead- ed in, vain." i . .• Itelp' h Waldo Emerson's seree. ,. : llieVe is . an old tratilti91.4 thAt tells lio v Ralph Waldo Emerson the .a -e of fConcord, once went on a vild, reek. les spree. Weary of alarcu Aurelius, Alcott and the serene heigh s of Con - cold, be resolved to make a lunge into the vortex of &tine and folly ha a great city to see vice and the vicioes at close range and thrid learn by ea lerience of • the iniderwornL lile went straight to the sal on of one BIJIgham in Boston, in those days far- famed among Harvard Student§ as the aboriginal inventor • Of mere "fancy ; dr nks" than any -One sineq the days': ' of Father 'Bacchus. Bewild redI by the feetiye scene and the endl, ss 'list of beverages he had Dever he rd of, he as :ea Brigham which One 0, 11) whole bibulous catalogue mliight relied on otal of ex- sible time, nother Duren whO ook an to see g an might r. He ddenly, ith a ds and Cigars and Tobacco. I There are between 1.500.0 2,000,000 brands: of cigars sold ountry, and your average hinks that every brand means a mit kind of tobaceo. As a ma fact 150 is an outside estimate fferent kinds of tobacco that rocured from all Femmes. and •e erts can't tell some of these air Special Attention co Horseshoelug and General Jobb Goderieh street, -Robert Devereux OLACKSM1TH And CARRIAGE 0, MAKER &IV' Seaforth The Se Tea St forth re Is now sight at the front with a very large stock of all hinds of garden and field seeds, all fresh seeds, and will sell as cheap as the cheapest. I will name a few of the seeds, which I have now in stook. Red clover seed, alsike elover,timothy seed and a full line of marigold teed, long red sugar beet, yellow globe and mammoth long red. Also a large stock of ample top sweed tur- nips, dutch set onion*, yotisto onions, Abel - lot onions and large mons;ealso great bar - gams in all kinds of groceries and dried fruits. Six lbs. ne figs for 25m 5 Ito. new prunes for 25e, lbsgood raisins for 25o, dried apples, 601 per Ile. ; evaporated apples, appneots, evaporated peaches, ex- tracted honey and corith honey ; :alo Deets maple syrup by the kalion or quart, auger syrups, black rimless e and coal ail. I bave afrasthan fiShyectos.intsto k which will be sold at for 25b, Igo. 1 Labr Zdzlaker°herring12 s 15oper dcz., salmon trout, 5 per Ib.; 5 lbs. bone- less ash for 25; 2 bo es herring for 25o, also china, crockery and lassware will be clear- ed met at wet, A cordial invitation is ex- tended to all to cam and get some of the ic good bargains Biglest price paid fer fresh butter and eggs in ea h. pr trade. 1 A. G. to impart the largest sem perienee In the shortest po be wbich devout inquiry genial Brig - who at once took in the situatioe, Is said to have replied,. "Oa, I guess a ghss of lemonade would be the right tiring for you!" Supplied tbe Want. N. certain Writer while in Saa Fran- , cisce visited the:new house of au old fiend, a gentleman of. Irish .extrac- don. The hostess evidently took great pi ide in the house, the fuenislOngs of wilieb were new and be utiful and gave every evidence of taste and re- emement The writer wh has an eye , for the beautiful, gave uns latedarraiee (0 everything he saw. • "But," lie said, "I am orry to see that your house, beautiful s it is, lacks one ornament. which no should be without." - ,"What is that?" she as -ed brisuspi- ciously._ i"A pig," replied the waiter, with a setisfied chuckle. i The hostess' eyes 02.41 d. t did," she said indig mntly, "but ypu have supplied the want." and n this moker differ- er of of the an be -en ex- it. I once u don't ices a I I Prn-c-,:::,5:ty. "1 never for: '.t .r that hear." remartc.c.d , "No," rejoined tluyi r, yo give any of 'yot • ehapoo " Tlut Wicks—There s. IV a In to re- strain the theaters from pahteti e- those mossy jokes in their programmes. 'Hicks—You don't have 1-0 read them. .Wicks ---.-No, but you usteelly have to listen to some idiot behind you reading+ and _explaining them. Irish house • English Names For Towns. , Many names of towns in England. 'rave been appropriated for a similar dse in this country. These names fre- nuently indicate in themselves the ori- gin of the tovvus. For instance, names 0 tiding in "chester" or "cester" or "cas- ter," such as Dorchester,Worcester and 14ancaster, undoubtedly apply to sites of old military settlements or camps, and the termination is derived from "castra," the Latin word for camp. if the name of a place ends in "coin," like Lincoln, then it too, Is of Roman origin, because the Lathe word for col- ony is colonia. When the syllable "by" 6nds the word, like Rugby, we then know that the Danes are responsible for the name, for the. Danish word for town is by. Judicial Differentiation. Dipper (at wayside triveru)—That was -.1Udge Close, who just took a solitary At the bar; know him, I.suppose. tripper—Oh, fairly Well. pipper—Exacting fellow. I owed him 4 eine!' hill at one tiara, and, being tied Olt aetbe time, 1 went to him for a lit - 1:I e indulgence, and he wouldu't eve -a a•iive me thirty days. Oardcase (interposing)—Excuse me, ....1lentlet1en, but I had: a little different , . e:Sperience. I didn't (ewe him anything; '0 MI Ire gave me seven years. AULT SEA.FORTIT. • Notice to Creditors. In the Estate of Tho as Souter, late of de Village ef Egm ndville, in the -County ni Huron, Retir d Farmer, deceased. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to R. S. 0 1897; Chapter 129that all pertons having claims against the estate of the eald Thomas Soule; who -died on or about the lith day of March, A. D. 1902, are -re- quired, on or before the 21st of April A. D. 1902 to send or deliver to 1 R. Riots, Etq , or -to W. Cameron, Eta; , Egmondv* le, Ont, the Executors of thc last will and teatime t of the said deeessed, full particulars of their chi s, and the nature of the securitias (if any) held b them, and that after the said date the said Exe itors wilt proceed to die - tribute the said estate emoagat the parties entitled ttereto, having regard o ly to ouch claims of which notice shall have been gven as above req3ired, and they will not be liable to any persen or persons of whose claim or olahni notice shall not have been BEATTIE, Seaforth, Sol". itor for Executor's. re3eived at the time of -fit h HENRY Doled this 1st day of 24 pril, A. D. 1902. 1700-3 ZTO MOM- ] Notice is hereby given that a By -Law Was pas=cd by the Township cf M Rillop, on the 14th day of March, A. D. 190/ provi ing for the issuing of de- bentures for the amoun of 82,836, for the proposed drainage on Lots 24 to SI inclusiv,.., itt 91h -Con- CeSidOn, and Lots 25 to 3 inclusive, in 8th Concea- slonend dee ening Mai and River to same ont'et itt MelillIop, and that such 13y Law was rep tered In the Registry Office of die Town of ()oder-1th, in the County ot Duran, on tile 26th day of 1Lrab, A. IL 190/ Any motion to qurh or Set aaide the same or any part thereof, must b made within one month from the date of tagist ation, and cannot be made thereafter. .1. UN C. MORRISON, Cleric. Dated thia 2nd day of pril, A. D. 1902. 17914 Peculiarities of the Opossum. The American oposeum is one of the most curious animals living in the United States. It is the only one that carries its young in a pouch like the kangaroo. It is the only animal- that can feign deatb. perfectly. It is re- aaarkable for bangiug by its tail like a 'monkey. It has hands resembling those of a human being. Its snout is like a I hog's, while its mouth is liberally fur- ' nisbed with teeth. Its eyes are like a , rat's, and It hisses like a snake. Too Attractive. "New, here," said tbe salesman, "Is a very fine umbrella. The handle, you will observe, is especially,attractive." "That's just what I 1N -ant to avoid. Every umbrella I ever owned has been entirely too attractive."—San I•'rancisco Pest. To Little °fit. "Don't you think 0e:cac1ed a very poor sermon this morning?" asked the lietehworaphreenecxhpeerctoedf atheeorndpelaiicnoelnet from "Yaas, I do," drawled tile -honest eacon, "but it runs in my mind thet live heard worse, ef I cud on rickol- lect wher' it wuz.". (Trade Mark.) of Cod fiver 00 W. i 1 vavaunAmmgE, AKE YOU STRONG! MAKE yeu wELL: Dr.Burgess, Med. Supt.ofthe PAIL. Hospital for Insane, Montreal, prescribes it constant!7 and gives us permission to ruse his name. Mies Clark. !Supt. Grace Hospital, Toronto, writes they have also used itmitlithe best result& 50c. stud V1.00 Bottles. DAVIS A LAWRENCE CO., Limited. J, L OKIE, Life and Fixfe Insurances, Loan and Real Es ate Agent, Valu- ator, &e, Oceover Hereley's Drug Store. BRUSSELS, - - - ONTARIO. 1784-13 A Wondelul Preparation "Rokco Cereal Coffee," pure, whole- some, nourishing highly.recommended by leading physi dans, Rocko is equal to 40c. coffee, ha only costs ,i-, the price and is used at mals instead of poison- ous teas and PO lee. By constant use Ytk/ CO CERE4L COFFEE will give you im, vigor, vitality, energy, health and Strength, ani is a positive cure for dyspepsia, indigistion, ete. 10c. pack- ages, 15c. lb. or 2 Pis, for 25e. For sale by ALL 'GR °ERR For sem by Beattie Brea, Seaforth. 1788.8 SEAFORT DYEWORKS Ladies and gentlem:ii, thanking you all for past patrensge and naw th s new season is at hand wish to let you know hat ram-stUl in the business, ready to do my best to give you every satisfaction in doing your work in he line of cleaning and dyeing gentlemen's and ladles clothing, done without being ripped SS well as to h ve them ripped. :All Wool goods guaranteed toive good satisfaction on abort - est notice. Shawls, curtains, etc., at moderate prices. Plesee do not fail to give me a all. Butter and eggs taken in eXchange for work. :HENRY NIC,HOL, opposite th Laundry, north Main street. I 11391-14 Thrfte' 4'fre? 1000r8 P110113110ap Vie :Great English Itemeeitt.3.4 So d and recommended Wall: dry. gists in Canada. Only reli- able medicine discovered. $1.1c eige8 guaran4ee4 to cure rat tomis o Sexna Weakness, all effects of :abuse or =excess, Mental Svorry, Excegslye use:0110--_ boAl00. Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on reeeipt of price, one package 41, six, $5. :One willyleage. siz will cure. l'analets free to snyeeddreeff. Tke Wee4 Compeay, winaerj-ent. Sold in Seaforth by Alex:. Wilson,J. S. Roberts and I. V. Fear, druggists. SHINGLES I -- A Cat load of the best Red Cedar Shinglee bought before the rise in price, which we will s at XXX 74c, and xxxx 78e. . This is a snap itt Shingles, so call and get Year supply while they last, as they cannot be replaced at this price. ••=1.1.1MI N. .CLUFF & SONS, North Main Street! -• _ Seaforth. 174 -