The Huron Expositor, 1902-04-18, Page 3a -,re re 'ale in the ee te e one Robby Aer ieciai. Hues MI intend Of up -to - goods and iloineee aarket, and . wilI pay test stylee, 'TR 3 kN farm scour tarrister. Sea• 1712 -if APRIL 18 1902 " I first used Ayer's Sarsaparilla iit the fall of 1848. Since then I have taken it every spring as a blood-purifyingand nerve- strengthereing medicine." S. T. Jones, Wichita, Kans. if you feel run down g are easily tired, if your t nerves are weak and your 1 blood is thin, then begin 1 to take the good old stand- ard family medicine, *- .Ayer's Sarsaparilla. 1 It's a regular nerve lifter, a perfect blood builder. $1.0 a bottle. Alt d ' Mk your doctor what he thinks of Ayer Sarsaparilla.. Ile knows all about tilts grand rad family medicine Follow his advice and we win be satisfied. J. C. Anift Co.. Lowell, Man. THE 1902 MELOTTE MODEL Don't buy a Cream Separator until you have seen the 1902 Melotte Model. One. third to less power required than others. Machine cut gearing of gun metal and phcsper bronze, and are fitted with a brake attachment, found on no other Separator. Top of tank only 44 inches above floor, easy to put milk into; being low down, has no top -heaviness to cause vibration, which is the chief wear of Cream Separators. Self balancing bowl, bawl casing coated with white porcelain, more durable than tinware. DisOft are aluminum, which will not rust. The Molotte handle ean be taken off and put on without wrench or screw driver,- but will nat fall off. A great advantage, as Separator handles should be put out of the reach of children when not in use. The MeIotte bowl spindle has only one bearing, other Cream Separators have four or five, which means extra wear. Reduced prices, increased capacities, sold on eaey terms. We also handle Farm Implements and Machinery, Deering, Wilkiason, Noxon Drills, Windmills, White Engines and Sep- arators, also Totten goode. D. MeCALLUM, Seaforth, Opt., J. D. WALKER., Staffa, Ont., Agents. All goods. at A. Campbents warerooms, Sea - forth. What people say abonb Otis Cream Sep- arator: Seeforth, February 26, 190. -Gentlemen: I bought a Melotte Separator two years ago from J. D. Walker, and have run it twice a day ever since. it has ant nothing for repairs. I think it the best and easiest running Separator on the market. I an well satiefied both for durability and ()lean ekim- ming. John G. Spreat!.. Seaforth, February 26, 1902. -Dear Sir: I have used a Melotte Separator two yeare. The longer we -use it the better we like it. We can sit on a steel , and turn it eadly. The e is no apparent wear to be seem It leeks as good as new. Geo. A. Gray. Seafcrtb, February 25, 1902. -Gent tem en : The size 1 Melotte I purchated in November, 1899, has ghen the beet of satisfies:Mon in every respect. In that time we have separated 126,C00 pounds of milk, and the Separator ES13 turned by a boy who was 12 !rears old titian:mate If I had to back to the old way of okirernieg, I would go back on the cows. Abraham Hugill. reaforth, February 26, 1902.-Aftcr trying eeveral makes of Omani Separators, I take great pleasure in recommending the Melette to any intending pur- chaser. 1st. It dces all claimed for it. 2nd. It is much easier turned. 3rd. It le easily cleaned. There is no waste oil to come in contact with milk, cream or utensil,. William Aberhazt. 1787-18 LlnE THE GENUINE . . MURRAY & LANMAN'S Fleriga Water THE UNIVERSAL PERFUME" For the Handkerchief, Toilet and Bath. ... REFUSE ALL SUBSTITUTES I - TME TABLE. Grand Trunk Raillway. Trains have Seaforth and Clinton stations allows : 44011443 WBST--- BEAPORTIL. Passenger ........... 12.40 r. er... Passenger_ .. .. .. 10.12 P. W. Mixed Train.... -. 9.20 A. M. Mixed Train.... - 6.15 P. M. GOING EAST - Passenger.. .. .... 7.53 A. M. Peseenger.. .. .. - 8.11 P. M. Mixed Train ... _ .. 4,40 P. M Wellington, Grey and GOINO NORTH- Paeeenger. Ethel. 8.07 P. M. Bruseels.. _ _ 8.17 Bluevale.. _ .. 8.27 Wingham...- 8.38 JOING SOUTH- Peseenger. WIngham 6.63 A. re. Bluevole a. re.. __ 7.02 Brusseler... .. 7.18 Ethel .. 7.25 ART FOR CONVICTS trutque Solution Offered for Prison Lubstr Problem -How "to Conserve the - Products of Free Labor. To -day a solution of the vexing problem of prison labor lies at the very door of the Anti -cox -evict ;Labor League. It is sopalpable and signi- ficant that 1 cati but marvel at the neglect which our reformer8- haVe shown it. IIas it ever occurred to our interested friends that soli' •say- ing can play an important part• in the .great question of -prison reforree Let me begin with the do facto ae- sumption that there is dignity in la- bor both in and out of prison. It seems that the question basat last been narrowed down ab to; what work the convict shall be Olen tee do. My suggestion is that work which shalt serve to reflect e, higher Ideal of existence, a better definition of what life is, what it, meansand its ultirnatum, is what is fleeced in our prisons. , One visit to the Illinois Ih4niten9.- ary is quite enough to: set aey hum- ane mind thinking. Under the merci- less lash of greed the convict :is driv- en hourly, daily, and you can but wonder what reason he has for ,50 much haste. You 'might .he led to think that his life had been ehorten- ed by some of the wiles of foiltune 'or misfortune and that he must c!if needs crowd two years into one to: catch. up. In the years 1850 and 1860, when • the Joliet, prison was being e built a relative of mine being a guard therein, 1 used to follow squads prisoners en into the 'great' , steno quarries, where I saw them Slaving in the torrid sun until they !ittropped from prostration. Thirty Ott forty years later I made tours hrough that institution and watched' the dise eipline to which the men •were seb-i jected. It was the same. Tile betty was being punished, and nid ono seemed to .entertain a thought tha the menial prisoner was pOsSesSed 011 a soul worth Faxing. . Time goes on. and our abar agitae tion developthe fact that the goads turned out under the state c4ntractS came in direct competition with the labor of honest citizeus. Thee' is but natural, a working out of the inevit- able law of human progress. Nowi is this not proof that 'something very radical must be donee -be done, CLINTON. 12.55 P. it 10.27 P. M. 10.16 A. M. 7.06 P.M 7.3". 2.66 P. 4.25 P. Bruce. Mixed. 1.40 P. 2.10 2.35 8.25 Mixed. 8.65 a. rs. 9.17 9.45 10.02 London, Huron and Bruce. 11210 NORTH— London, depart •• Centralia ...... • • Exeter... Brueefield- ... . . .-...... Oliston- lendesboro BlYth ••• ea art • • . • . • . Belgrave_ • Winghanr ewes- Soots- Winghatri, ...,. Belgrave . • ... ...• - • • er Londeab-oro.... O..-- . Braeefield-.... • - 111ppert... • • • •-• Flensall-•••• ...- Exeter ... • • ... .• .• Centralia.. _•... - London, Passenger. 8.15 a.m. 4.40 FAIL 9.18 6.55 9.30 6.0 9.44 9.50 6.25 9.58 6.83 10,15 6.65 10.83 7.14 10.41 7.28 10.,66 7.27 11,10 8.00 Paesenger. 6,5S..L 8.15 r. 7.01 8.40 7.14 3.55 7,22 4.06 747 4.25 8,06 4.49 8.16 4.67 8.22 5.02 8.85 5.14 8,46 6.28 9,87 a. M. 6.12 ,g To Cement Contractors. Tendera will be received by the undersigned, on behalf of the Tuckersmith Council, until 10 o'clock on Saturday, Aprie the 26th, for the construction of concrete abutments ler the Sproat bridge, between Lots 6 and 6, Concession 4, H. It. S. Plans and tipecifteatioun may beseen at the office of the under - argued after April the 8th. A, G. shill.i.aE Clerk of Tuckersral1b, Hensall P. 0, 1790-4 mean, after all the mooted eXPerie relents of mere muscular labor have been tried in vain? Let me state my theory ie brief Instead of work that shall produce the greatest amount of goo -c4 why • not plan work for the conviet that shall, take the longest possitee ti to complete -a work,: for exempt that, shall contain ideals just a MU above the prisoner's artist:le powere of. conception? • Under discreet tutelage articles ot great„ beauty cd4.1d be .turncid out. Let the idea of perfect workbe the one object in view. Let thO best of discipline prevail andlet the worie embody an ideal of symmetry, finis1i and design. Very sterile indk:ed must be the human sOul that conld no be made better 1;iy means thus e ployed, which is confessed1:0 the on aim of prison discipline aftei we hav sifted the matter to the bo*om. What might we do with these arti cies of value? Adorn our. publi buildings with them. Sell them t the wealthy classes to adorn their homes and use the proceeds thus dee rived to buy raw materials for more goods like them. Set thena. up in our parks and boulevards arid let them serve to elevate the ideals and tastee of the multitude. In all conscience they might better be -*destroyed out- right than to allow our prisons to turn out the necessaries of common life. Only a few of our leading- minds seem to see what the present situe- tion presages. It means I that mere body punishmer alone is wrong, out of da reality t talteo e and uri- After WI rk or Exercise Soothes Ured meanies, re- moves sore- ness and stiff- ness and gives strength. Don't take 01 preparations re ries" Pond's Melt generally centel poison. body a feeling of comfort and Weak, watery witch linzel 0.sented to be "the same act, which easily our and "Wood alcohol," a deadly STFOR SAUK. TU1RLE YOUNG, BULLS FOR SALE. -For We, three young I horoegbbred Durham bulk., with registered posligr s, and reedy for service; two red In color and one roar. Apply te DAVID HILL, Lot 27, Concession 8, Hibbert, Staff& P. 0. 170541 ' — IMMIX BULLS FOR SALE.-rOf sole, two thoroughbred Duelnon bele, eligible for reg. etration, 12 end -1S months old, one clerk roan the ether light. AE;ly on Lot 25, Concession 1, L. R. Se Materiel:tit . le, mike touth of Brumfield. JAMES PATTER ON, Beuceileld P. O. 1780-tf MIIOROUGHBRED DURHAM BUT FOR SALE J.. -Three Jed SO one man, rangine from 7 to 11 reorethe old. All eligible for registratJore Bred from " Reseville Abbot , ' one of the beet s ree in the Pro- vinee. Also the yousg heffrre and vows, all suitable for I breeding. Apjlly on Lot 30, Conoession 5, Os- borne, or midges' 11rendaIe P. 0. THOMAS CUD, MORE & SON. 1 1776-tf B'OLL FOR SAL .---The undersigned has for sale a thoroughbred Durham bull eleven month. old, roan in colt r. BO i of the low set blocky type got by pedigreed st4 of extra quality now in my pos- ses -Sion. Will kes my noted etook bull, Duke of Heneall, for serviste also a pure bred Berkshire boar. Terms on applicateen. JOHN ELDER, Lot 16, Con.cesin 2, Hay, Himmel P. 0. 1788-tf Christian, and that public eentime t is tiring of shutting up the crimin 1 and then turning him loose a wer e vagabond than when he commhits s crime., Once show an, erri tg meet I how poor in spirit he is i.M.d Vo i have mated - out to him a; tgret t r . punishment than can be pOssible iin any other way. A person whoa is hardy enough to conmait a cri e Is hardy enough to go to priSon or be hanged for it, and very of ten with- out a grimace of discomfort. Now, suppose that the - crim nal shall, be confronted with an, :educe ion rather than. body labor wholly. As soon as a glimmer of light, is nce let. into his soul the remorse hehen i, suffers will then amply .punish : ire for all his misdeeds, wherees if he remains in total' derkness . he has been made worse instead of better. When this glimmer of light has retch- ed his soul, then let him come 4 up higher. Let him be given Work t do that is refining, elevatiug. . Let our prisons build eu ierfluoas articles which Only the ii�stI wealthy people can afford to buy. Le the ne- cessaries of life be produced by the artisan whose sense of 'right, ding keens him outside the prison weele, I_ do not need once to refer to . ultimate effect of this upon socipey. It could not help but. be a 'be l terrnent -.: from the first. 1 These are high pressure Aimee, teed we are moving forward at a furious pace. To keep abreast with the cle- velopments of social reform we ealst think hard and fast, be huniiane and love our :neighbor as - ourself. leen though that neighbor in his blindness goes out and commits a e Une : against civil law. The doctriee of an ' eye for an eye did very well ages ago To-dateit is out of place and barber- . ous in the sense of pure justice. -i -Al - wenn. ALI Therher in Chit -lige' .Reclurd- , 'Herald. . IFYOUT T OUpLED WI 'BILIOUS SICK rAp*C YSPEPS gni-v(1,1c iiRC_Vifilit igtou oLear PRIC, C1; Ur Cheap Pat:et:awn. An ingenious method of obtaining a eputatton for pat rib t cheaply has been invented by etetaim publicans.. On theiii• shoe) fronts they hang legends to this effect: 'So long as the war hi :eolith Africa 'lasts I forbidany lenglisbnian to enter my prernis,es." The tree of this plaeard is, it - is said. entirely confined to houses .of a class that never enter- tained an Englishman in the course of their existence. Your Neighbors tTse It. - If you are not getting- a fancy price for your butter from month to month, the fault is your own ; you are not ruling the right kind of butter color. Your . neighbor's 2011 their butter to advantage because th4y use Wells 'Riohardson & - Oces '-‘ Improved Butter Color." .Follow their examp e and your butter will - prove- mo** attract ve in the future to expert busfeta. Poor utter colors cannot make gilt•edged, butter, AITCTIONEERS. rri HOMAS BROWN, Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties Ot Huron and Perth. Orders left at A. M. Campbelre implement warerooms, Seaforth, or Tr* Exerenroe Offloe, will receive prompt attention. Seetisfaotion gua nteed or no cheep. 170.0 UCTIONEEING.-B. S. Phillips, Lioensed It Auotionee for the Gauntlets of Huron and Perth. Being a practical termer and thoroughly understanding the value of fano stook and imple- ments, places me in a better position to realise good prices, °bargee moderate. Sathefection guaranteed or no pay. All Orders left at Herman post office or at Lot 28, Conoession 2, Hay, will be promptly ttended to. I 1709-tt STOOK FOR SERVICE; tiOAR FOR SEetyl0E.-The undersigned will keep for SSIVIOS at his premises, in Bruoefleld, a thoroughbred Improved Yorkshire boar. • Terme. el, payable at filme of eery*. GEORGE HILL. • /786x13 0 PIGBREEDERS.-The undereIgned will keep on Lot 26, Concession 5, L. R. S., Tuokersnah, thoroughbred TAX;WORTH Pu e also a thorough - red YORKSHIRE Pm. A limited number of sows will be admitted to each. • Terme, peyable at the time of service, or *1.5011 aluurged. JA.MEEI GEMMLLL 1008-52 Dm FOR SERVICE. -The undersigned will keep L on Lot 29, Conceasion 11, Hibbert, a Thorough. red Yorkshire boar to which he will admit a limited • number ot sows. Terme.--$1 at the thee of crvice. JOHN ELCtIE, Chhelhurst, Ont. 177141 IG FOR SERVIOE.-The undenigned 'hart on Lot eel, Coneeseion 11, McKillop'a thorough - red Yoriethire Boar, to which ,he willadmit a limit - d ntunber bt sows. Terme-75c, payable - at the ime of sereioe, with the privilege of returning if eoessary. Hugs T. GRIEVE. ' 1782-tf .11•11111MMO You May Need For.aimXitey Cuts Burns Bruises Cramps Diarrhoea. AI Bowel Complaints It is a sure, safe and quick remedy. There's only one PAIN-kILLER. PERRY Devrit. 1Two sizes, 25c. and soe. MAD A GOOD IMPRESSI?N. A Case of W le Developed N*ve, Co plaid With Wit. "The e is bs lute wit in some men's Perve," sal a usiness man to a re- porter. "M p rtner and I, 'with the intention o ex ending our business, about a year ag decided to send a rep- resentative through the south. We looked over the field Carefully and finally picked feet a young man who was possessed of good address and who, we felt sure, would do the work. "He had been convivial in former days, but his deportment had been such for a year, that it made is feel confident he would elp the proper thing. He was given 41406 for eepenses and was started out On the MieSion. It was the understanding that he was to make a daily report oU his efforts. "Two months itassed by, and we nev- er heard from iim. We telegraphed repeatedly to di erent towns that were on his itinerary,' but, not a word cOuld be learned regaziding his whereabouts. Finally one dayi. hurried telegram, collect, came. It read: "'1 am not sOling many goods, but nen making a fine impression. Wire $100 quick.' "The nerve o the fellow got our nerve, and, do y u know, we wired him the $100, and af erward he made good. We have never 4skeU him what he did during the two rcionths, and he has never broached the subject to us. It was the wit that Pleased us." Soft Harness Nature' e 'Wend The common flea leaps own length. To show man six feet tall would h distance of 1,2 mite is about in length, yet it the tip of its then, letting go of a vessel six 0 feet ne-quarte has been all in it dth a jer inches i equal this a man would out of a well fr And equally s among the pia 'well known st tried the grovvi When it was measured twen cumference, he around it, with The power of t ed by the weig being fixed to t twenty days o harness was .fi _potinds. On th ed 5,000 pounds UCTION SALES. A UCTION ALE OF FINE RESIDENCE KNOWN rtie AS ILLSIDE, IN .13EAFORTH, _ AND HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. -On Thursday, April 24th, beginnin at 10 o'clock a. no, there will be an AilOti011 Fele f Household Ftimitu e, consisting of tables, chairs, sires, bedroom, sets, earpete, raga, curtains, stov e, kitchen utensilt,- SI °boards, china closets, bililard table, cues and ba.I18 double seated buokboarJ, f ed boder,, lawn mower, &c. On the same day wit be sell, tiniest previertely diwosel of by private salq, the residence known as " Hillside (part of Lot 5, Concesaion 1, McKillop). consisting of about 5 ac of orehard and garden with all kinds of fruit, 60 bl ok walnut trees, 'water supply from town Mains, tennbs hewn, shade trees, and in fact everything t� make a desirable and attractive home. The home is eerysittrly butte cf brick; with !gate roof,finished in wood, heisted with hot water, bath room, het an oolci water. bard and soh water in kitchen, bieliardarootn, open fireplace', in cellar. There is a goo-ct frame carriage home, woodshed end chicken house. The above e ill 'be sold without reeerve on Thursday, April .24th, unless the realty is sold privately.- en any event, the hotheshold goods will be acid by auction. Any other particulars can be obtained froni E. C. COLEVAN, Seaforth, or THOS. BROWN, Auetionecr. 1790.3 A SPLENDID CHANCEa-IMI the opetty in J. conneotion • with the .Winohe'sise Carriage Factery will be sild Cheap and on easy terms or will be exobanged. ter foam property, as the proprieter is anxious te retire from business. The property eon. Edots of three acres of good 'arid, on which 18 a good brick residenee, a frame barn arid driving ehed, a lot of fruit tre and plenty of hard and ref b water. Thia is a MOli desirable place for re retired farmer cr any person eferIng a comfortable and convenient borne. The cowl parcel consists of a quarter sore ef land, on w oh is a good fouls- residence and two large carriage shops, two stoner, one brick and the other frame and in winch S large and profitable bushiest lab Ing done. A better oppertunity for a good. preen. Min to sten buelnees could not he desired. Both relelencee are heated by formeree. These properties j will be diapered of together Of se rattly. ' Thoy are situated in tbe Village of W nohelga, In tho Township of Unborn°, whichis the centre 01 one f the best and most prospereus farming dist ate th Canada. 'The propeny la con- venient to e wore ehurchee,pNit office and schools, and IR o'i ths analfl road lording from Exeter twat. Marys. Thbs is ' ohanee which is nob frei790exnatly offered. Fes fur er particulate apply to the pro- prietoreon the p miser), or iddress 'Winchelsie Post Offloe. IL KORI SON, Proprietor. m a dept range thi ts and v dent of g force ighteen y -seen fixed a s a long le e squash Lt it lifte e lever. d, two d ed on it, nineteen 200 timeits ke agility a ve to leap a The cheese • of an inch seen to take mouth and , to leap out depth. To ave to jump of ,144 feet. gaare feend getables. A nature once of a squash. says old and Inches in cir-- rt of harness er attached. wasmen sur- , the weight When it was ya after the t lifted 'sixty h day it lift - You can make your hare net'. as, &oft R3 a glove and at neigh as wire by using EUREKA flare nese Oil. You can lengthenitimlife-make it het. twice long as It Ordinarily , oulde Mu eh Ad The printing strictly guarde fact -which ap About f the Bib work' in ears stra reflect on the nisch1ef Bible might bring about printers and tie two u Oxford, and arabrldge world - all the Bibles p United Kingdo except by special lice e. A f the question a se whet "spirit" in Mat ew iv, 1 12, should hay a capital been previousl, printed one, and, altho 441 the w ously wrongly tlnted, it after the rutin bowers a es araithe kin is printe solemn council:that leav use the capital 1 tter. Nothing sant oned by 1611 may be cli nged wi something, akin to revo places where B bles are n este e is the -most existence, a ge until we n Inaccurate The king's iversities of give to the inted in the some printed w years ago er the word and Mark i, '8," it having with a small rd was obvif was not until the universe s had met in was given to authorhity hout creating ution in the printed Verdi and Ilia A Verdi was oncie traveli railway carriegie with non; commandey of the trict. They , ot into which soon turned on music, and tie general, know his comp ion, ex enthuslasttc preference aly. "I, can har ly go so replied the othe . "For frontiers, and I give the preference jver Itall "Indeed, sir," said the ly. "For, my part, 1 wo German , operas in the act of ‘Itigoletto.t" , "You really dust ex following you any fu grou d," repl ed the co ing a littlei. "I am Ver mirer. I g in the same eneral Tour - Ravenna dis- convereatiou, he subject of who did not ressed a most or that of It- ar with you," e, art has no erman music n." general testi- Id give all the orld for one use me' from her ors this poser, blush - 11 11 rile* Chief Sesame. All the great families f living things have a domiriant sense. We lead our life ly sight arid make rtifielal lights to re der ar ess tole able. But the creat ire -: 'hopi next to ourselves we prefe , th do, lives in I very different MAT ree. i dominant sense, lilfe that of m ny tther ipradrup ds, is tlge very one v e mo st neglect, the sense of smell. The Iog 'ill track his master, never liftin ' up his ead to earch the dis- tancoz ; oft n with hair ialling over his eyes he f llow on, not troubling him- self o sh ke it aside. It ther fish. shee so f light ,entir the go r out. CI racy geth Bi Ci ty p ay is c Ha ara rme In ler ay und 11 otl b e ty f f t of that gla rortg wh and generally known that in the keeping of' gold- uch captives die: from est. As fish have eyes they cannot'endure the $ vessel thee are in an lace, as is evident from ph they lash about and ound until fairly worn H iping Him. ' der Chael y --I told dat lady I was ly tr inf t keep soul an' body to- ly T netts Win r. . 4, di . d she say? der harl e -She gave me a safe - u. makes, a poor liwkfue her. Z oes like new. Up.40 of pare. heavy- bodied oil, es- pecially prepared to WWI.. stand the weather. Sold everywhere 1st cans-e.n strew emotemnr. IMPORTANT NOTIOEh. frO RENT.-Ocod hundred SOle farm near J. field, chcke land, good buildiega. fly to uc W. SCOTT & 00., Brelleld,' Mao to rent fly aerate astute land, bete een Bruieffeld and eltel Ali. pply to W. SCOTT & 00 , Breoefield. 1178741 00.5 FOR HATCHING.-Bgare from utto date ferm rtnge Barred and White Plymoua Kock). noes reset nable. There birds are all treed 'rolampotted eteck. Satisfaction gneranteed. Oen at Lor 9, Cencerition 8, Tuokeram th, t r aedre s ii en- : It P0. W. L. MoLARKN, Henn% Out. rtes- • t 1\TEW FEED STORE AT BLAKee-We e ill keep ill on hand a eupply of Flour and Mel kited. Flour exchanged for wheat. Chopeing do e every Tuesday and Friday. Geve HS a t JOHN THIReli. 1786 tf • VATANTED -Experienced man to take Cherge tf X X generaletr re,,or will sell interest if ijref veld. ,Best locality in A loma, lising room.* in oo n. al n. State experience, salary, etc., :sigh rate erre,. D. M. MeoKAY, ric re 41, Mead nnan P. 0., Port Finley, iAlgoma. - 1790x4 . 1 , • t I The Surest Remedy is Allen's Lung Balsam It never fails to cure a SIMIE1.11 COLD, HEAVY COLD, and all BRONCHIAL TR IT- BLES. Large Bottles SLOB. Medium Size 50c. Small or Trial Size 25c. 11 Endorsed by all who have tried it. FOR SALE. . DUGGY FOR SALE. -A geed top buege, Dever- ") mix make, nearly as good ite ne v, run nee year. . Will be sold at a b. mein, Apply to JeMES fUROILL, Egmendville. I 1789er CALVES FOR SALE, -About twenty-five choicecalves will be offered for sale at Brueefi H. ea .Tuesday, April 16th, at '2 o'cleck. GEORGE CFI ritP- 'MAN, . . I I HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. -For eale a cone tenable oettage on Weet William atteet, S$. forth, cte p. Apply to HENRY BEATTIE, Seaforea, ° , lir RS. G WAGE BATES, Beyfiald. • 17941 1 .: ,i TERSEY8 FOR SALE. -60 4 -year -01d, freshly 1e) calved, the nicest milkee I bave ever ow, Id, 1 2 -year-old, I due to iAlva in Octeber, 86 060 ; . - Both registered. G. A DEADKAN, Btuee's, 04 1. • - 1791.2 Debt is, tik any other trap, easy enough to g t nto, but hard enough to get -out of,-"- W. Shaw. _ _ _ A Card, We, the undersigned, do hereby agree to refund the money on a 50-cenb bottle 4 Greene's Werra ted Syrup of Tar, if it faihe to cure your eon h or cold. We also great antee a 25-oen bottle to prove eatisfaotory or money ref d Alex. Wile le, druggist Seaforth, Ont. DUFF PLYMOUTH EGGS FOR SALE.-4ggetedfiel atm LJ the finest strain of laying stock; i1789.0 winter layers. My blIds have won prizes 'here ever "hewn. Eggs el per setting. J. F D 13Y, 1 Scaforlb. Cedar Pests ter sale at Lie- t's Yard, Brussele. All pegs 84 feet tong, god size round. All green and ael round postai Price 12 et nts. P. AMENT, Brune -lel I 1790*, MILES FOR SALE. -We haye on hand te quantity 1. of tiler which we aro offering at redci prices to wake room for the coming season's UM e, sliver 8, 4, 6, 6 and 8 inch. Tuck* an.ith Brick and Tile If Wotke. J. & J. SPROAT. 1790x3 I STALLION FOR SALE, -For saleia draught stallion.- rising two yearscid (bass animal, girted 64 fe4 at 20 moot built in proportion. Apt ly OD Lot 23, 11, lieKi)lop, or Winthrop post Office. POLLARD. Canadian A di -m- old and 011oasilfm JOSHUA rao.4 MIMBER FOR SALE. -Having disposed ofaw mill machinery, we are now Wenn for sale the timber r f some. The building is 60x36 feet; there e 18 pelves 9102 inches, 36 Ifeat long, i dependent of frame ; would Fell this separate if deei ed ; near- ly all timber is rook elm. 1GOVENLOC Winthrop. • • 1782111 SEED PEAS FOR SALE. -For sale, about, 800 bugle le of first- lass aced peas, nearly free Own huge. 90 cents per bushel. Apply on Lot 17, Oen- cession 9, Maintop, 2 mile() East of Winthrop. JAMES JOHNSTON. 179114 A UCTION SALE OF PIOS.-On :Saturday, irrn 19th, at 2 p. m„ at Dick's Hotel Stablesee&- forth, 6 brood sows about to litter, 12 pige 2 months' old, 10 young pige 6 weeks' old. MI to be eold without reserve. EDWARD BIBB& El,Proprietor; THOMAS BROWN, Aectioneer. • 1719i T_T 00.3 FOR SALE ANDI FOR SERVI0E.4The undereigned has on Lot 24, Concession 9,, Me- Killop, a thoroughtred Yorkshire pig, brad by Be thonr, of Burford, which he will sell cheap. ,, He is five yeara old and is a first -elms stook 134 Also a number of 3 oung stock. He will also keep for service during this season a young pig of the Im- proved Yuckehire bed, purohased from Nortlium• bF1 land COOL ty. Re* an excellent animaL Terms,. plyable at the true of service, with thepriv- ilrge eft retuning if necessary. MELVINJ. BLeld- SHARD, Winthrop P. 0. 179x4 FIESIKABLE GRADAND STOCK FARM FOR SALE. -Being South half of Lot No. 12, B. D., Township of Ashfield, detaining 100 acres; about one mile Eouth of the Village of Luc -know, Where there is good railway end other facilities. A never failing spring rear the barn supp les all the vaster required. A large orchard of choice fruit trees, about 20 acres of choice timbe r. A large baniebarn and a fine brick mansion, bard and soft water. I The fann is well friend with cedar and wire fencing, has been! under pasture for some years. 0111 ag, bed inability to work the sole reason ter selling.l For further particulars apply to JOHN muanoutti B x 61, Blyth, or to JOHN G. MURDOCK, merithan , Luoknow, Ont. 17905 IA1460, ffirifE PILLS, FOR WEAK rEopvit. AND THOSE TROUBLED ikinTH Palpitation Throbbing or (rrL _eglular , Dilating oet * Heart, DlOalniesil, !shortness of math, Distrelps tter ex er tio n._ mothering rr ing s MIMS or Pa n through their: ,, end He_art. M•rbid Coridtt_lop or t o Mind, partial ,Paralysis, 51cosorv im noes. Nervouese. Anemia!, one- rai Debility. After;-Efftiots of OP*, LOS9 Of APPOtites, eta. Rerrkember Milburn's Heart and Nerve PIII9 Miro the worst cues atter other remedies fall. . ! Laaa-Livor Pills curs Coast PERFUMES AND H How Flower Scents, May B In Three Ways. Pure violet essente is sal pecially suitable to nervous it must be obtained from ALTH. Obtained ti to be et - people, but he flowers - themselves, not front the chemical imi- tations. Chemically derived perfumes- ere irritant, poisonous even, to persons ef especially sensitive constltution. True flower scents are obtained in. three ways-tirst, by spre • sh blossoms lupou glass thickr smeared with pur grease, kitting th Ktand.hi t the sun nd as they wil replacing them uni1 the grease Is as Ifragrant( as the flowe s; second, by repeatedly !in- fusing fresh petals in oil, and, third, by infusing them In ether. width Is then distilled to a dry solid As this ;solid selle for abut $250 an ounce it is easy to understaed why the ether process, though far aid away the best, is net commonly use But the scented grease and the CRS nees made by steeping it in pin* sniri are never cheap. After all the scent possible has been extracted from the grease it is Still fragrant enough to malte the very finest perfunied soap. 1 , All the icitrine scents, bettgamot, ne- rol, orange flower *ater, Err refreshing - and in a degree stiMulating if properly prepared. To make a last g perfume some animal base lis essenitial-musk, civet or ambergris. 1 Getting it1 Moral Debt. Philip p. Armour, milli noire and philanthr, pist, continually warned. young men agains getting t into debt. He loved free men and desp sed slaves. When asked if hel admire a certain brilliant orator, he said: "11 may have a superb 'voice and fine pr sence, but can't you, hear the !rattle of his chain? That map is not free. H is under moral obligations that demo alize him. He is not speaking the deepest thing in his soul, end I haven't tirae o hear -any slave talk. I want a man ts be just as free as I am." On another occasion he s id: "Don't get into debt -I mean more debt It Is bad enough to get into ebt finan- cially. There goes a young man who Is mortgaged. That young eean is leg- ging it along with a debt, nd it will take twice as much power o get him along as the man withou a debt. Theretare other debts and bligations that are embarrasiing .in leir entan- glements. Don't get Into de t morally, my boy; don't get into debt so that you may not exercise our free' om to its iimits.0 The an Is SOdom on The sur dot not keep goo Is almost! alw ys to fast or Once' about the milddle of just on ti e, then iot again middle o June. 4t the be September he join the clo time, andl lastly once more 1 cember. Now, it ould see were stalrtled at t e way he lected us. In Febr ary he fel til he wae fifteen minutes lat beginning of Morella he had five minites etjf hislloss, and month is over he jvlli have to within five minuites of the Meanwhl e the day ls have bee longer v ry rapidlY. We be with ourInights lotger than We end t with o r days lo our nights. In the one mont added to the length of our da and twenty minutes, a bigger any other month clan show. 8. C. Schmucker he -Ladies' H nal. Time. time. He too slow. pill he is efore the nning of k a third te in De- as if be had neg- back un- . By the made up efore the aught up schedule. growing March ur days. ger than we have an hour ain than rofeesor me Jour - The Going to Theater nee. Will some one please explo o the "go- ing to the theater face" of til average New Yorlcer? The question i suggest- ed by a long experience in lob les while the auditors are palming into -+be houses for the 1 evening performan es. The writer stood folr nearly an h ur engag- ed in . the seemingly hopele s task of discovering "the cheerful the ter goer." But in they poured, men an women, each and every oue with fir es set jaw, gloomy brow and the look of despair. Perhaps it is becanse the lon distances traveled on crowded ears and the thought lof an equally une rafortable homegoing make a night at the thea- ter seem just a bit like wk to the residents of this narrow sle.- I The Turnip. The seed of the globe turn the twentieth part of an Inc ter, and. yet in the course months this seed will be e the soil and -the air into 27, Its original bulk, and this to a bunch of leaves. It has by experiment that a turni under fair conditions Imre weight fifteen times in a mi nips growing in peat groun found to increable more t times the weight, of their day. p Is about in diame- a a few larged by ,000 thnes n addition eeu found seed will se its own ute. Tur- have been an 15,000 seeds in a There is Ditlere et. City Editor -Why do yo say, "He ran intO the police station ruffing and blowing?' "Puffing" and "blowing" are synonymous. Reporter -Not at all. Th re's a vast difference, for Instance, be ecu puff- ing a man up and blowlxL him 'ups An Intense Adapta ion. "Tbinnerton represented an Indian brave at the masked ball." "Oh, was that it? I have been labor- ing under the Impression t at he went as a feather duster." Luck. • I am a firm believer In luck. Why, some people are tro _unlit& that were they to travel _backward they would stub their toe. Old age makes a specialty of discov- ering lost opportunities. - Chicago Nrws. Turns Bad Blood into Rich Red B1 od, This spring you win need something to t4ke away that tired, listless feeling brought on by the system being clogged with impurities which have accumulated cludng the winter. Burdock Blood Bitters is the remedy you require. It has no equal as a spring medicine. it has been used by thousands for a quarter of a century with unequalled success. HERE IS ROOF. Mrs. J. T. Skine Sbigawake, Que., writes: "I have used 13artiock :enters as a spring medkine for the pa st ur years and don't hink there is its equal. 'lien I feel drowsy, tired and have no .11 .e to eat I get a bottle of B.B.I3. It lies the blood encl builds up the con- - nee bet ter than any other reinytiv," SIGN OF THE .rere CIRCULAR SAW ID lar 0 re Orr 5,- ..r 0-.4- rx.iIin 0 2.t. 21 5 g CO e+ 0 0 0 .,„ . :1. ...."7.< C ,..• ,.4 ffi On cr i a tz r itlit 2 Lvill, wog 0 al. -n fir: 7:: Mil E r f* G4,. sir tn z al 0 tv g4 en 01 I,4. Cn 1:1j i •r"- 0 a'4-1 3 Z - • es lig, -4,,, fe;q1> ti ,s. vo = :),•1 t'ss' a) i re -4 MI '''-` ect 6" ti) ..r, -7 a; m Pabr = -m- ' - . 1 ti 0 aq 11111 ° *9- 11 O5:00,54 — CO M ' - m ,,„ _ (D Si tVG";* 0 ..... ...t. m ei.0.-3 i :,„„1" • %., 0 Vog 3 , 13 eliFQ- , p ts' pc:4 - og la, cp. le 02 <0 Pr ' tigl (3) tr= cp 0 % I ,.. ..-3 /1111 o I:1) Ei. 07 tit Ce 2, 5 "4 or eg. P f213 0 - .p. • ig crq 2 — F7t?,-. co asib. . -5 cs - %e rat 0 = Ce 0 liiihk tr ID Eire) ti = 5' cad d e._ o 1,1 02. ra MARRIAGE 1.19ENSES ISSUED A THE HURON £XPDIIT3I OFFICE, SEAPORTS, ON ARIO, NO WITNESSES RQUIRED. cp 0 , CD CD 0 (I) 744, Jo* 'aZIvhi.Q'iIv Carpentoe #cineys. . ntering fa nob n ette.y trade. The —oans4aut reit,ohi sad down, the ting and stooping over are severe strains on the kidneys. lie wonder a carpenter exclaimed, roc anti , that every tin h4. ' drove a nail it seemed as though he was teeming his own back. use DOARIPS KkIney Pills tow on the first sign of Backache and is able to follow his brads with comfort and profit. have bad kidney and urinary troubles for more than three yeant with severe pain in the small of use haekend_ln both sides. I could not stoop -without (Moiety, and l_herd severeu so- ralgio pain in both temples. Miiillthe adver- tisement of Doan'e Manse tins, I got bore They have given me quick relief. removing tbs pain from the back and sides, and banish!nf the neuralgio.paine from my head, The a. 7 difficulty is now entirely gone, Iva fro& am vigorous in the mormngs, ends -mime In every Yea. sincetakingtteasp- Buil-Or, E. Manus, and The Pressure of Business Is greatly_relleved by the nee of the LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE. You reach 'our customer in a few noon& and MUCH can be accom- plished at oest of LITTI,,E time and trouble. The Bell Telephone Co., of Canada. 100100kPe COttiln 304 mp ,0001,sdieS. Beef effectual. desask your druggdst for cook's COM feet Con- ' . is successfully used mond:iv by over 0 -Una poesg. 'rake no oihelr, As all Ifixres, „..-ills Aud. imitations are dangerous. !'ciee,140,-1, el ur bo 8; NO. X, 10 degrftaa sttnnger,e8 per 120X. ie. i or 2,nlatiectsnzeteipt of Price and two 1-c.ent stamps. The Cook Vompany Windsor Ont. girNn". 1 and sold and reconamendod ty all respoasible Dragerete £t.kese.wee. ,ifkild in &Worth by Alex. Wilson, J. B. Roberti and 1. V. Fear, draggle*. _ .