HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-04-18, Page 2tssasemmstaiasse
-VARMS FOR SALE. --Rate bargains in farms In
nosh,County of -Huron. Impart) at ono& WM,
CAMPBELL, Blyth. Oat. 1774-tr
", For side, corontolions story and half house,
with cement cellar and cistern ; a good stable and
nearly two acres ot lend ; immediately nerth of the
Egutonciville mann. The land is well planted with
large and small fruits. Apply to Wm. fcr.ntorr.
43-ZO- ACES TIMM FOR SALE.—In best wheat belt
ea in Southern Manitoba. Ninety acres ready for
wheat neat year ; 60 *area hay. .Good new stable
and granary. Twelve dollars per acre, Several
other I-optoved and prairie farms for sale. Write
CHAS. E. SHAW, 111X 17, Boisetevain, Manitobs.
'LURK FOR SALE—Lot East half 26, Concession
1, in the Township of Ilibbert, 8S miles eatt of
bank hero For perticulare apply to Mita. ELLEN
CFCIONNELL, Dublin, Out. 1791.
ARM FOR SALE.—For sale 'Lot 27, Con-
cession 4, MoKillop, cortteining 100 sores, all
of which tit cleared, welt fenced, underdrain
a high state ot oultivatio:n. There la a good
prick house, large bank barn with stone stabling.
plenty or water and a good orohaed. It is within
two miles of Seaforth and within a mite from a
school. Apply on the premises or to Seaforth P. 0.
WM. GRIEVE. I757-tf
MIAMI FOR SALE.—Farm in Stanley for sale, Lot
r 29, Cincestion 2, containing 100 eores. All
c.ear but la acres of herdwood bush. It is in a good
state of cultivation, veell fenced and underdralnei.
There is on the farm two berns, with stabling, and a
large dwelleig house. It is conveniently situated,
miles from Clinton and mile from Baird's sokoll.
Address all inquiries ta JOtIN rdoGREGOR, on the
prenaises, or MRS. D. McGREGOR, 2nd Concession,
Tuckersmith. Searotth, Ont. 175841
.11 sale, the farm of the undersigned in the Town-
mo• ndvi le. The farm °cantatas 29 sores, ell cleared
except 4 acres of good hardwdbd bush. It is all
ftneed. well tile drained, and in a first eine
sten of cultivation. There is a good frerne house,
with kitchen and woodshed, and stone cellar full
size of house. There is a good bank ben. with
dem sfabling. and good pig and hea hones. There
is a good young bearing orohard and a lot of orna-
mentil trees. There is a never failing Wel at the
house, one at the been, and another on the farm.
It is one of the most convenient and comfostable
place) in the township. and will be sold ttheap ani
on caw terms. Apply on the promisee or addicts
Fgmondville P. 0. HERMAN BUBOLZ. 17834f
"OARS' FOR SALE, ---For sale that very eleairable
_U farm on the Mill Riad, Tualceremith, adj Aning
the village of Egmondville. contaias 97 scree
needy all cleared and in a good state of cultivation.
and well noderdrained. There is a cemfortable
brick cottage and gocd barns, with root cellar and
outbuildings. The buildings are 'Ruda near the
centre of the farm and on the Mill Road. It is well
watered. and plenty of soft water in the kitehen.
It is conveniently situated for °hutch and school
and within a mile and a half of Ssaforte. Will be
sold cheap and on esey terms of ova:tent. Apply
to the proprietor, ROBERT FANSON, Seaforth.
r sale, Lot 22, on the North Boundary of Hay
Township. This farm contains 100 acmes, 85 sores
cleared, the rest good hardwood bush. It is web un-
derdrained and fenced. There is a good stone house
with a No. 1 cellar ; large bank baen ; implement
shed; sheep house 70x75, with that-cla-s steb:in
and root cellar underneath ; a good orchard; oo
wells and cistern. There to 12/ acres of fall wheat
sowed on a rich fallow, mattured ; 40 acres
seeded down recently, the rest in good shave for
ma• rkets, churches, echools, post office, etc., and
will be soId reasonably. Apply on the premises, or
addreas ROBERT N. DOUGLAS,Blake,Ont./668x8t1
r 9 and the west half of Lot 8, on the 12th conces-
sion. or Bronson Line, of Stsnley. This farm eon -
tains 150 acres, all of whieh °leered, except four
acme. It is in a state of first-class ou'tivation, well
anced and all underdrainecamostly with tile. There
is a large frame dwelling house es good as new, with
good slone foundation and cellar, large hank barn
with. stone stabling underneath, and numerous other
bulklings, ineladieg a large pig house. Two good
orchards of. choice fruit, also nice shede and orna-
mentat trees. There are two spring creeks running
through the farm, and plenty of good water all the
year round without pumping. It is well situated for
markets, etturches, schools, post aim, etc , mud good
gravel royale leading from it in all direotions. It
within view of Lake Huron, and the boats oan
seen ramming up and down from the house. This s
one of the beet equipped farms in the °aunty, an
will hetiold ou eesy terms, as the proprietor wants
• retire on account of ill health. Apply on the prem -
see, or addrette Blake P. 0. JOHN DUNN. 178441
ILIABBE FOR SALE.—For sale, Lot I, In the Town -
r ship of Tuokeramith, Conoession 3, 100 acres of
land, 95 acres desired. well un ierdrained. Splendid
farm for grain or stook, well watered, a running
spring the whole year runs through the farm. Aiso
on tb.e hrm is a splendid bank barn, neer y new,
which ie i30x54, wall stone stabling underneath.
Also frame house 24x18-, and kitchen taste, with
good atone cellar, and two good- wells. Thi I pro-
perty is situated in a very desirable locality with
splendid gravel roads to market, only 3S miles to
Seaferth. Also a good dwelling home in Seaforth,
situated on Coleman street, olose to Victoria Park.
This house is composed of 8 rooms, well finished,
plenty of 'hard and soft water, and kitchen 20)06,
with pantry and wash room attached, and a good_
woodehed9 A good stable 24x18. All of this property
must be sold as the undersigned is meving to the
United States. All particulars coneerning this
property can be had byeapplying at Tin EXPOSITOR
Mee or to the proprietor, JAMES KEHOE, Sea -
forth. 17524f
Hardware Store.
Spring Goods.
Complete nook of ready mixed Paints,
Wall Finish, Whitiag for house cleaning.
New stook of Spades and Shovels, Garden
Rakes, Hoes, Manure Forks and Draining
Get our prices for Ellwood Woven Fencing
Coiled Spun and Barbed Wire Staples, ete.
Builders' Hardware, Nails, Looks and
Barn Door Hinges.
Special attention to all Galvanizsd Iron
and Tin Work, Eavetroughing and -Furnace
S'lls Murdie
Counter's Old Stand. Seaforth
Upholstering a specialty, and up-
holstering coverings always on hand.
- Also Window Shades fitted and put
Curtain Poles, Pictures and Picture
All wronas made right in every de-
partment ofour work at our expense.
Undertaking Branch.
We have a large and varied assortment
from whioh to chooae in time of need, and at
pricea that have been a matter of agreeable
aurprise to all who have dealb with us.
Two fine hearaes on hand for. summer and
winter use. Night calla at my residence,
corner cottage in rear of Dominion Bank,
will be promptly reeponded to.
When llen Really Do Not Want to
th• Heavenly Banquet Their
Are Poor Makeshift Reasons—It
Tabulates Gives Many Exempt
Evading Obligations ter God -115
'4Go to
of a
Entered According to Act of Parliament Can-
atia, in the year 1902, hy William Bally, of To-
ronto, at tho Dep'c of Agriculture, Ot
Washington, .April 13.—In th fol-
lowing discourse, prepared b Dr.
Talmage before his illness, the folly
1 and danger of postponing tl e ac-
ceptance of. the gospel invitatlb e are
exposed on the text, Luke xis, 18,
"And they all with one conse t be-
gan to make excuse."
After the invitations to a lev e aro
sent out the regrets come One
man apologizes for non-attenda e on
one ground, another on anaher
ground: The most of the regrets are
founded on prior enagements. So
spread, the invitations were arcul-
ated, and now the regrets _co e in.
The one gives an !agricultural rea-
son, 'the other a stock dealer' rea-
son, the other a domestic reason.
AII poor reasons. . The fact ;was,
ehey did not want to go. "Ancith.ey
all with one consent began to Make
So now God spreads a great ban--
quet. It is the •g-oepel feast.,! and
the table reaches across the emis-
pheres„ and the invitations go iout,
and multitudes come and sit owa
and drink out of the chalices of od's
love, while other multitudes d
coining, he one giving this apo
and the 'other giving that an!,
"find they all with one conse • tl be-
gin to make. excuse." I propo po
far as God may help me, to ex Min.e
the apologies which men mak for
not entering the Christia.n life.
Apology the first : I am not eure
there is anything valuable in the
Christian religion. It is pl aded
that there' aee so many impostions
in thie day ; so many things that .
seem to be real are sham. A 44:led
-outside may have a hollow ide.
There is .so much quackery in. yes
ics, in ethics, in politics, that Men-.
come to the habit of incredulits , land •
after awhile, they allow that i clred-
ulity to . collide with our -ho
But, my friends, thin re-
ligion has made a peetty goo i re-
cord in the world. How iany
wounds it has salved ! • How. 'any
pillars of fire -it has lifted in the inid-
moom struck .deserts it hath t pled
into. the gardens of the Lord ow
it hath 'stilled- the chopped ea !
What rosy. light it bath- sent et am-
ing through the rift of the e rm-
.cloud What pools of cod]. wa r it
hath gathered for thirsty Haga land
lshmael What manna. whiter tha,n.
coriander seed it. hath dropp.e
around the camp of hardly b sted
pilgrims What p•romises it ath
sent out like holy watchers• to eep
ers into the sepulcher ! 'hat
flashes of resurrection. morn
Besides that, this religion. has Made
so many heroes. . It brought fi4um-
merfield, the Methodist, • across the
Atlantic ocean with his silver ituni-
pet to blow the acceptable . ye. i• of
the Lord until it eeemed as if a our
American. cities would take! the
kingdom of heaven by violence 1 It
alone, in. a continent of na ,bar-
barians, to lift the standar oil civ-
ilization. and Christianity; t ade
John Mitten arno-ng. Poets, Ra hael
among painters:, -..Christopher Veen
among architects, Thom deen
among sculptor* Handel anaon mu,
sicians. Nothing in religion.? Vhy,
then, all those Christians were de-
• ceived when in their' dying mo eiat
they thought they saw the castles of
the blessed, and your child, .• ithat
with unutterable agony , ya put
away into the -grave, you Wiill..:eVer
see him again nor'. hear, 11.18.
voice nor feel the throb of his .34(laingi
heart. There nothing in reli ion ?
Sickness will come up.o-n you. non
and turn on your pillow; no. lief.
The medicine • may be- bitter,, the
night may be dark, the pain m be
te the sick-rOom. Let the Pain -
stab; let the fever burn;• curse i a,nd
•die. There is nothing in relighen
After awhile death will come. !You
will heae the pawing of the pale
horse on the threshold. The pirit
wilt be breaking away from I the
body,. and it will take flight— hith-
er, whither ? There is no God no
ministering angels, to conduct 5 no
Christ, no heaven, no hothe. rdth-
ing in religion ? Oh, you are inot
willing to adopt such a disxna !the -
And vet the world is full of fkeps
tics. And let me , say there ie; no
class of people for whom I haite
warmer sympathy than for ske
We do not know how- to treat t 4ena.
We deride them, we caricature them.
We, instead of taking them by the
soft hand of Christian love, .c
theta with the iron pinchers of ec-
clesiasticism. Oh, if ,you knew hew
those men 'had -fallen away sons
Christianity and become skeptice you
would not be so rough. on .thten !
Sortie were brought, .up in hames
where religion was overdoae, The
most wretched •-day in the week • was
Sunday. Religion was driven into
them with a triphammer. They _had
a surfeit of pra.yer meeting -s. -They
were staffed and choked with. eate-
chisms. They_ were told. by their
parents that _they - --were the Worst -
children that _ever lived because they
liked to rideedown hill better than
to read "Pilgrim's Progress." They
nPver -heard their parents talk Of re-
ligion but with _the corners ofeI the
mouth drawn down and the Ieyes
rolled. up. Others went into skepti-
cism through maltreatment .oneI the
part of sonic who professed religion. -
There is a man who says, "My part-
ner in business. was couspicuougi if
prayer meeting, and he was officious!,
in all religious circles, but he eheate
ed ine out Of $3,000, and I don't
want any of that religion." Theit
there are others who get into skepti-.
cism by a natural .persistence in ask-
ing questions, why or how ? How
cap, God be' one beieg in three ! per -
Neither can now' • can God be a
coMpleto sovereign and yet man Ex,.
free agent ? ee They. :,----ext; under-
te atitt et- P4 ettner _can a They
c ni ot understand why /1. holy God
1 ts sin come intcer the world. :Neither`
can: I. They say: "Here, is a great
itsfeItery; here ie. a dieciple: of fas-
s i0 e frivolotie n. id godless ,' all her
day ; she lives on to be an Octogen-
t stleing her chil,dren for God and
indispensable • se mingly to that
houeehold; she.
dies.'' The skep
explain that." '
'Bellies into ekepti
feet I have trod
Way. I knew whi
Thar are men ih
t who would
of dollars '
to the old
c tXt ed, but hell)
When these men
e evidences
fore, I adds
ad you bY t
old times
mother's ,k
ng prayer' co
ig and. gave e
ts the right ti
Di41,1b when it
long ago ,t
nr pains at
ill never h
ed t
join her in the better .countrsf told
you never mind,., you Would be bet-
tor -ilry and , by„ nd by that dying
c' ucl where sh talked so lowly,
gets a cancer and
either ean I.
men reasOn them -
ism. Nyith. burning
CD, that blistering
ured into -one hour.
the arid desert of
the tongtie of the -orator _or :weaken-
ed the aria of the ineClianic or' scat-
tered the In...iefe of the lawyer Or in-
terrupted the sales of the n.erchant.
They tolt their doors against it and
fight it back with trowels and with
yartist cks and cry, "Away with
your religion from e..ur store, our o
our ',factory!" They do not, un-
dersta,nd that religion -in this . work-
day world will help you to do any-
thing you ought to do. ,It can lay a
keel; can sail a ship; it cansbuy a
cargo; it can work a pulley; it can
.paVe a, street; it -can fit a wristband;
it can 'write a cohstitution; it pap
to the astronomer as his telescope,
to the chemist as his laboratdry,
give their thous, the mason as his plumb line,
if they. could get carpenter as his plane, 'to th
iof their fa- Ets his Marbles, to gr. andfather
are not to be cart- staff.
d, and ,not through. I Other persons apalogize for
rough their hearts. tering the' Christian life bah.
eally do come into is time enough yet, That is ve
God, they will be those persons who - send regee
to the. cause of say, will como in perhaps at 11
who never examin- or 12 o'clotk; I will! not. be lsere at
f Christianity. If, the opening .of the banauet, biut
se men., and women will he there at tne elope." _Slat. yeil
away into skepti- Not yet! Now, do not geve y
no sc9f1; r other . doleful view of this life. Therel iS no-
hen- yo,u knelt at grace of God, that tends tow rd •
ee arid said Your doleful' view of ht man life. 1 ha
d thole other. days. not much sympathy with Addison s
oft sthlen;;,Inivaetdeihoeindes where he represent s human life I as b
description of the "Vision of Mirza,"
.was hot and with both ends of. the bridge covered with
rned to dust sooth- clouds and, the race coming Ore t e
d With! that voice most of them falling down throu
ar again istil,ess you the first span and all dr them falling
down through the last span It is a
very dismal picture, I' have
much sympathy with the Spaniqh
good and the earth is good; • th4t,
which is bar -Lis tetween the earth
and the sky." But, while We as Chri-
tian men aro bowed :to take a cheer-
,ful view of life, we must. also confees
that life is a great uncertainty and
that man who says "I -can't beco e
a Christian because there is time e
ough yet" is runeing a, risk infinit
Be net a,mong those -who ,give the r
whole life to the world and hen giel-e
their corpse to God. It ,does ot seem.
fair that while our pulses a
play of health we serve ours
serve the world 1.1 11 d then ni
at last the present of a con
does not seem rig it that we
ship from coast to coast. earr
goes ler ourselves and ill(
the ship is crushed in `the ro
to coo the shivered timbers
great thing for a si
how inuch mins: g
chi d
as h
ot Oi-
se it
I, rile
s—by all these memories ask
to come And take the same re-
. It was good endugh for .her;
good enough for you. Aye, I
a better plea: By the. wounds
he death throe of. the Son of
who approaches you in infinite
with torn brow and lacerated
and whipped 'back, crying,
me unto me, all ye thayabor
re heavy laden, and will give•
er persons apologize for not en -
the Chriefian life because of
of their tempera -
admit it ie harder,
o become Christians
but the grace of
Or some people t
than. for -others,
God never came_ to a ino,untaln that
it eduld not. climb 4 to an abyss
ata it could nett fathom 4 to a
bpild ge that it' could. not break.
wildest 110
Ara an sands h
rent tumbling fr
viiiihgeel as been ha
a id
rse that ever trod
as been brdken to
The ,Maddest ter-
m mountain shelv-
tressed to the mill
and the 1 Ctory band, setting
usand shut les all a -buzz and
ter. . And the wildest, the
tiest, the: mast, ungovernable
ever create, by. the grace of
may' be subc teed and sent out on
try of kind less; as G-dd sends.
kugust thunderstorm tio water
ild flowers down in t
, with nattwe tempest
ea that he
ie. look Iron
mE.ty grow
gged _steep,
graces intey
of brambl
nce tried
Christ w
e grass.
ous as
rat out
-ests of
g st. on the eta unit of.
find pastu age in
and rock. . Con-
ne grace ,has lifted the runkard
from the :hand of the Ftssassin
he faase keys from "the burglar
n thehpestiferous lanes of the
met. Ole danghter of sin under
in lainplight and scattered . her
w ampler guilt. with. the words,
sins --are fOrgiven; go, and sin
er persons; apolog,ize for not en-
, the Christian life be ause of
or farmers. I ,They do n t know
ature df :soils or the peeper ro-
of crops, ?Their corn ils short -
the stalk and smaller lin the
They have ten less' bu hels to
the .. cre than their neighbor . But
t ere are so many poor 1 enters ?
intrei ants. They., btly at the wrong
tiine. They get cheated he 'the' sale
of th ir goods Every bale of goods
is- tO them a bale of disasters. They
fa.l. a ler awhile and go out of buSi,
n ss But wilt) declines to be, a mer-
e an becanse there are so hianY in -
co ip tent • :i Merchants ? There are
thole ands 1. pf 'poor- lawyers. 1 They
ca.nri t; draw a declaration that will
s tan. the test. The cannot ;recover
just ,. twinges. They cannot help a
defen ant scape from the eininstice of
hie p rsecutors. They are t le worst
inepe intents .against any • ase in
they .are retained.- B t who
es to be ,a lawyer became° there
o many incompetent lawyers ?
here are, tens of thousand's of
therel!are so many unworthy
tians. eNow, I say it islillogic-
Poor ' lawyers are lathing
are nothing against medicine ;
farmers are nothing against ag-
sors of religion meg hothipg
fi gel
ft cirri
let a
I p,
1 terin
!the 1
ar I8
c se
CI ri
al i
attabeist our glorious Christianity.
elelmess will come, and we will be
piaihad out ' tOward the Red Sea,
w 'c' divides this world fro n the
Chrie ians but the rod of fa th will
wave. back the waters, as a. co inand-
er wl eels his host.. The judesitent
wi11 -come, with its I thunder • shad
sole i lilies. . 0.11, then we will not
etap nd -say, !"There was a mean
ClriS ian; there was an impure
Chlris ian." In' that day as now, "If
lulu i]e wise, thou shalt be. wise for
lloine shall bear it." Why, my broth -
'a) .,far front being ein argument to
teep e ou„ away front. God, ought to
)e .an argument to drive you to him.
01 pOor doctors, t te best place for
in tenIterprising merchant to open his
Store lis in a piace where the bargain
Mak.* do not itriderstand their buei-
nesk,, 'and the beeet place for yau who
Want to become the illustrious . and
- -lomplete Christian, the best .pla.ce for
. ot, is to come right down amang us
-he are so incompetent awl se in -
,:ons is tent sometimes. Shisw us how.
,i• Other persona apologize fpr not be -
links .as though religion muddled the
nails 'of the esicoentant ar ripped
e in fu
•Ives an
ke Go
ing cal
re when
t et] fifty
nation .
its and
yet ter t
v Much
have -been • if he had ,rep
Years before! My= fi iende,
never get ever these proCra.
but after awhile will 'Type
then it ,tx ill be a8. though
come at the .very :tare."
this, you_ will enter heaven ith only
half 'the caPacity enjoy].) ent. and'
you will never reach. /thrones Of glory'.
on which you thigh have b en sea -1
ed, but which yot. ill neve%
We wig never getso •er pros rastin
Mere neither ,ti Su. nor in ternSh
which there is no retreat. Tie sha
eternity ! This m n- en t ved es roll
presen.ce of the I in ragget with
sin when you Inas aye 'this robe Cif
to pieces against h throne of ,
the cribes of God ate at thi hone
An Intere cin
The Prench-Can di n forms a mos
interesting etudy or the sociologist,
and ideals. 1 -lis countey was fair;
ly conquered in 1 59, and ever since
a grievance again t he Government,'
but he has lear led .a trice worth
two of that. If 0 rade. could be
in fifty years_ t 11 4 i'rench-Canadia
Not by the musk t, but by_ his bi
family and by hi uiet pe sistene
in acquiring and cle ring land. -
bec for every Unio Jack that float
'there are ten tric lo .s. This th.encl
sin descent, Engli•h Canadiens ,are
tale] ; it has noes litieal significancee
t hey are assured. And thoogh th
oltriiLloyalist may growl at the dis
play of a foreign flag, the flag 'nice
There i:: 00 roasoi why it ehould rid
Ily so long as 4'rcifich Canada i'
LI ieet loyal enou6be
The Seats have ever been trenchant alibi s
of the style and theol gibal views of the ir
minister, and I *as milt, therefore, in --the
least surprised when t .0 . ther evening, in a
suburban train, 1 he rd two douce looking
dames discussing the p re n. " Wee1,1 hewn,
heard him yet,' said ne " but John was
truth, I could mak' ne th r heid nor tail 0'
what the buddy was d 'v ng at," replied the
for when he Cara' ham h declared that the
new minister was eit er daft or deep —he
Fast in the meshes ofl dread Rheumae
flan% and rife despair' ed of, but South
American FtheumatiC Cure freed him
—a cure that never fails.
" My son was so bad arth rheumatism that
we thought he would diel,•sd great were his suf4
ferings. We tried Many remedies but they all
failed, and not until we pr ured Sou .h Atheri4
can Rheumatic Cure was t ere a sign of reliefi1
Three bottles of this frande t of medip nes made
St. Henri. Que. It relieves in six hours. 68
People Escape
The ITorture of Piles
An Dri Chasei Ointment Is the Only
oldave and Guaranteed Clime Igar
his Wretellied Disease.
ere penally very little Bata:fac-
tion in consulting a physician regard-
ing a case of piles. In nine eases out
of . en he will recommend a surgical
opeiation, forgetting, it may be, the
risk, saffering and ishysical as Well as
fine cial expense which this treatment
ent ils. For this reason very many
peo le are going about in .misery with
pkinlei e,. belileving that they cannot be
cur d except by means of the surgeon's
lt is :to such persons that this ad -
ver isentent will bring good news of
gre t value. Dr. Chase's Ointment has
nev r failed to cure piles and it is re -
cog ized the world over as absolutely
the only preparation that can be relied
upo to cure every form of this fright-
yonle should
suff thie wretched Uneasiness and
neu e torture of burning, itching piles
wht n is so easy to procure Dr.
Chase's Ointment. Nearly every dealer
in iedieine keeps Dr. Chase's Oint-
rnei t and you can apply it at home
wit lout any inconvenience. If you
pre er send GO cents to Edmanson
s & Co., Toronto, .and a box will
ent postpaid to your address. Ask
your neighbor or d'ruggist about this
re arkable remedy.
. A Quaint Scottish Village.
N whaVen, on the Ffrth of Forth, is
olai ed to be the most famous village in
&eland. The migin is lost in antiquity ;
for I nturies ib has resisted the changes of
tim Queen Mary arrived at Newhaven ,
fro France, and the house in which she ,
elep is still shown. James IV., founder of ;
tbe Scottish Navy, constructed a dock ab
Ne haven, and from it the Great Michael,
the argest ship then known in the world,
was launched. The inhabitants are of Mem-
ish rigin. They are superlatively cleanly ;
thei old tumble down holism are scourer'
Juni e and oat. Fishing is the sole industr
and he balk of the fish is sold by the Ne -
Edi burgb. " Newhaven fish suppers" 84.e'
renowned over all the world. The village ,
hot s make these a speoialty, and many
tour ate indulee in them for the novelty of
the biog.
A I cly in writing of hcr faith in Dr.
✓ n Stan's Pineapple Tablets cane
a d they cured her.
D . Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets is not a long
tedi us treatment, They work in nature's way-
-quic Sly, effectively and Oarmlessly. They're
han y to carry. Take one: or two: after eating,
they prevent stomach distress, care the worst
case of Indigestion and Dyepep'sia, keep the
'ner centres well in hand, and they're' pleasant
ilea en -born healer" too. 6o tablets, eace 7a
I. V. Fear Druggist, Seaforth.
— o matter how busy one may be, it is
quit possible to always find time to attend
to o e's toilet ab night. ODe should nob
sim y drop one's cliathes and tumble into
bed, else neither one's self nor the clothes
will ook attractive in the morning. Have
plen 5, of hot water and give yair face a
thor ugh laving. The result will be as
refr hing as an hour's sleep.
Dr, Agnew's Ointment can
c unt Its cured patients by,
13 t in no one skin disease has it so many
aim a marvellous mares as in cases of Eczema—
this enatious skin disorder which has -
man. a physician in seeking after a cure. One
appl tion puts out the fire, takes away the
itchi g, stinging sensation, and after alew appli-
catio s the eruptions begin to dry up; diminish,
and ventually disappear entirely. 'The beauty
of th treatment is, it leaves no scar or trace of
'the t ouble—but a skin as Soft as baby's. Cures'
• hen an invalid's ak
brok n from lying in bed
be o great nee : Get e
shell and remove the the
to t e broken part and
form IV a temporary sk in
n chafed and -
the following will
me new laid egg
skin very oareful-
ly the moist side
it will dry on,
and giving greet
Na tire posts her signals all
along the line. If the kid-
neys are faulty she gives
t e sufferer' the sign—and
i Ps an unmistakable one
T e world owes loYalty tO the science trill ich
poin s at life's gravest .dangeri---and tells her to
aver them. South American Kidney Cure is a
cent 0 preventative and an unfailing cure for any
and 11 forms! of Kidney dileat-c from the most
incil ent to the most stubborn and deep-seated
case ---2a liquid :specific that never fails. It
_I. V. Fear, druggist Sea:forth.
— t is well to leave the piano open now
and ain, especially where there is a fireer
whe the room is sunny, as this keeps the
gum er than damp, and itehould be tuned
be a dry one as nothin ruins a piano
regulrrly to keep it in good order.
are a
Agnew's Liver} Pill* are a
commit and safe Liver Reg -
1 tor—They stimulate diges-
n, and counteract the too
mmon erro'r of over -eating
the G
ed wr
OM 'after dimier—Ne inconvenience—
y act pleasantly -40 doses in a vial,
er have that tired feeling if you keep
iver active, and Dr. A1gnew's Liver Pills
liver specific. 25 cer4 vial contains zoo
I. V. Fear, druggist, Seaforth.
pe day a man was B
eenmarket, Dundee.
,Everything in the b
an went over and p eked tip a card.
an called out—" ay that down,
twopence." I
hnny—" Hose old as Methuselah,
?" Aunt—" Nine hundred yea
I" And how old ar you, auntie
ng by eight hund d and sevent
He saidyou Were a old as Methus.
Mug buttons in
He was calling
was b ing condemned for
a apes or, in defence said :
think hat in this board of
the w k end half do nothi
of -fact, gentlemen, the rev
oard of directors
ad management
" Perhaps. you
ireeters half do
g. 1As a matter
rse is: the case."
Nobby Th
for $prin
The styles for
brae ftk
blood -
simnel -
Hs Spring and early Summer
attraetive and c tohing than ever,, and our stock of
Are the 'nobbles
leading. fashion
of - our outfits,
Spring suit. -0
are CM
blood is
to take t
ard fa
and most upto-Cdate to be pie ed lip in the
arkets. You can't help but leo
rticularly when it is topped o dressY -one
by a natty
me in and see.
For orpid Liver, Flatulence,
Cons ipation, Biliousness and
Sick Headache, TAKE
15 01;
-Mild, Quick -acting,
ess, do not weaken,
lways give satisfaction.
A most reliable Household M dicine, can 'he take at any season, y Adults or
All druggist sell "BILISTOUS."
Furniture beam than Ever.
On account of great redu.c 'on in expenses, and manufacturi special lines
we are now able to put furnit e on the market cheaper than e r. All intend
ing purchasers will do well to c 11 at our warerooms, where full nes of up-te.
date furniture are sold a right prices.
This department is compl te with a large selection of the best goods, alta
obliging attention given to thi branch of the Imsiness.
Night calls promptly at ended to by OUT ilIndertaker, Mr. S. T. Holmes
linery .'Pepartirent
You will ,find the very newest and most up-toldate goods in the market, 4.nd
it has become a standing fact that prices are always right at this store,.
- If you need Lindleums, Oil Cloths, Carpets or Lace Curtains,
you to have a look through our Carpet Department.
Boys' Clothing this week.
_ _ Another large shipment of Waterproofs just received, in
for Ladies', isses' and Gentlemen.
t-- ,
le II
Magnet cream Separ tor.
If you want the lien Cream Separa.tor ru e, the
easiest cleaned, and eav turnei, buy the agneb,
the only separator nsde with the bowl sup orted at
both ends. When ou have oth r makes le on trial
send fcr the Mag et, and try 1 . A trial ill con-
vince you that it is Ahead of al other mak e. It is
the simplest; and ettongeet mach ne on the market.
Co., Guelph. J. E. WILE ATLItY, Agent, s Hook,
Ont. 1786-13
The NicKillop Mutual Fir e
Insurance Colnpany.
toot, Inspector of Losses, Seed rile P.-0.
lock ; Thome" Sneer, Bruoefleld • Joh B. Mc.
n, ; James ACeourno.11y
ROC Smith, Harlock ; Roble. McMillan, forth;
ville P. O.; George Murdie and John C. orrisoe,
liugiartrit°rees desirous to effect loam/men r touts.
rot other bust n will be protrptly attended to on
pplication to any of the above °Moen, 'Adrenal it
hetr respective post ofeees
McKillop irectory for 1E
RICHEAL MURD Reeve. Winthrop P. 0.
JOHN S. BROWN, uncillor Seaforth P 0'
CHARLES LITTLE, Couocillor, Winthrop P.
OLOMON J. SHAN ON, J. P., Sanitary In
Leadbury P. 0.
d P. 0
I al
co 0 174. r
i&,, ligi%-•m.1
sew 1-1
P 41 Lit ill
et -
gill 0 -
1-4-4 Crr-
the latest styles,
01.1 g
1:i ne
1.1 norm
PI isms
Money to loan at 41 pe
ity. Apply to JAS. L
r sent ott good farm fleet)/
Don't buy
have seen She
third to lless
Machine, tut
phcsper bronze
attachment, fo
Top of Una
to ,put milk.
the &lel -wear
balancing bow
-white pox celai
Discs are -An
The M.gotte
put on withou
will not fall
Melotte bowl
other Cream
-whieh means
increased na
We also h
Drills, Windm
aratoxs, also
goods at A.
What peep
bought a Mel
it has soot
and easiest run
Seeforthi Feb
1.180 lt theta
and :turn it era
aeen. It 'oasis
Bearcrth, Fe
Ass Melon%
-given the best o
that thne we he
and the Berm
years old this en
way of aldzont
Abraham. Hue].
Foarorth, nib
moos -01 Cxes
chaser. ist.
ranch easier t
There la no
Trains leave
Mixed Train..
1213Epraseeng*t; fere.
behalf of the
on Saturday.
concrete al
Lot* 13 -and
signedi alter