HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-04-11, Page 8I � �10 - f", i � - _i.. . i - � � . I � �­ I � . , ,� .. I , , �t '--- - , 8 — - . � : tiring From Re' m 2 � 9, . I sugg,furon I - =in " 7 I � � . - ; I : . z I � � .. I I . � I I : I � I ; � . . , I � - . I I I , ! , . I . � I � ; * . I -- i i I � . � � � I � , I , . I . I � I I , i . . � � . � - I � I . � I I % I ! - . I i I � - I � I � 1 ; _: I - , - � , � - � , , - _ _ _ r - , _ _ _ . . . . . . _ , _ _ _ _ , ' . , i .- _... - . . . . - I I ,� - - I ­ - 7- -_ ­­-, -,-. - . I _ . _ , . , _ , _ , . � . , _ , . _� - - :; :' z— - : i i I . . . - .- 1 t,l . I � , - � � � . � : � I I . . . I � I - 1 4 - . 1 , � I . � I ; . � I i I . I I . I . I . I i I I . , I I I � I ; I I I I I , � � % "Mmime, I&WL - __. �M_��� � � - : � a JULAU .L.L L.J .1111.11i Jui.AAAL Wl,-F^ %piLqw � I � ___ L - .� ,a . . - - - . I L . 11 . I -_ - - -_ - -_ . L � I , I I L � ,, I - � � I I � --- - I I __+ I I � . I I - L i . - , I 6 . I i I - - '. t � . . i old acquaintances, having accom.� vicinity. —T e weather llerl� appears to have , ' * r V 1 leaving, Junior leavin . seni r leaving and Presbyterry to the widow and family f:l'the ne i ,t of humor for the pasib two Al�ays An X -1011's. ' - in . - iefthe remains of her �brother, the late�, been greatly ot I L L t 001tov #t matriou lation,(hig 9 �Irtns 1, 2, 3 and late Rev. J. B. Taylor, formerly paiii of pawn is � been veil., cold I h� weeks. The weatber h, I mr, b b i ince Fra - ,; P � 41 must be sent to- the insueotor before May I Sb. Andrew's church Luckno, I nk De Cantillon, which were broug .3 C hint, has brolight all seediria to a ."� I I .... � i � . q BUSINESS I DISTRICT. 4 �IEMRB:. _. ! : I I [r,75-,� 71�gy, Llff,,��'u �� ,_ tgLk_� -99- I A I -, - I I am C"ellin Cr all Iny Stock JLt cost � 0 and In many cases less than Cost, ,espec ally Wall Paper, whielf I am selli , .ng at e-\-P-etly Half Price. L�ss than' Cost also applies to the - Win�,dow Shades and Curtaiu Poles which I have in stock, � i ; � . I All: Stationery at Half Price. , , 'R !nm(mber this is a Genuine Clear- , , Ing *1 . out Sale as I am retiriag from � business, and the bulk of. the stock � inust be- sold this month. Every article in my a . tore to be sold at t�e above prices, but for cash only. I I . � Are you taking, advantage of buy- , ., I ing � at cost ? I - ; 1 1 1 Ca We PAPST, . The large I st Dealer in Books'. Wall � - Paper, Stationery and Fancy � I � Goods in the County. i � , —1 ... . I . ' MINION BA,NK. Do , � CA OtTAL (Paid Up), . - $2,500,000 RE�T, - - $2.500,000 SE�AFORTH BRANOH) L � IMain Street, Seaforth. ' A, General Banking Business trans- act6d. Farmers' ' Sale Notes collected, , and'advances made on same at lo.west rateP. D . -afts. sold on. all points in Canada, the J�nited States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT.—Interest allo, ved on deposits of One Dollar and up rrds. . , S. HAY&,.- W. K. PEARCE, I Sokeitor Manager. - � ____ . . Not, What You Spend IL . � But what you get for what you i � spend, that counts. The best 1 is the cheapest in the end, so it � ! L is with Henderson's Photos. : : itg—Cre-yon and large work a i : � specialty. I I J. P. HENDERSON, Seafortb. 1 1761 f Yo,u: take no chances w . attend the Popular . . . Tn&vELLERs.—The folloUing were ticke, ea to ,distant points this 'meek by Williai Somerville, railway and sleamehip ogent Mrs. M. C. Che ney, Jo�n street, to D troit ; Mr. Alb:rt Moro'uzs. Tuokqsmitl to Sault Stp. Marie ; Misi &gnes Fergusol Egmondville, to Bay City, Michigan �-e, M and MrF. john Hart and fandily, of Varn to Seattle I Washin,vton ; Urs. John K -i loran and sister, to Ann At bor, Michigan. — - 0 FoR,-aEieSEAFoRTxi Boy KILLED 11IN V W&P..—AMODg the Canadians killed in t] epgagemeut on March 31st, at Klei6harl , river, South Aftica, was Private W,. ' Peters, of London. Private Peterii0 is . native of Sesforth, and lived here .for number of years. Re in a ,nephew -of im John Oldfield,. of Tucker"ith. The mai old friends of the family In Seaforth ai vicinity will regret to lear of his death aj will extend their heartfeltilymgathy to t , bereaved relativen. Priva e ., stern was member of the second Can than contingei �� , _ —,,p— FoR THE'WEST.-The following perso were ticketed to the Nort"Iwast this -wee by Messrs. , Greig & Stewart, 0. P. agents : Mr. and Mre. Jaines Watmoia a four daughteirs, of Tuckezomith. to' Moc Jaw ; Miss Torrance, Egmondville,; to 1Y Leod, Alberta, and Mr. George Lynch, Winnipeg ;*Mr. Moffatt, 'who has beq'11 v iting in Bayfield for the p4st three' wee] to his home in Moose Jaw,'Northweat Z ritory. Mr. Watson a6d family E going to the want to reside, having taken land there. His two sons Prentweat a we ago. Miss Torrance has s( cured a p6siti as teacher in a school in' the McLeod d I trict. � . : . � � METHODIST I r2NTERTAI__\_MEN2-T. —The Met odist church was well fill led last Ifrid ,,evening, when Dr. Potts, of Toroiit4, ( livered an address on �-'Palpit and �'evi � and a good musical and literary progrAmi was rendered by local talent, assiot�d Miss Bennett, of Sbratfurd. Dr. J?ot who is one of the cleverest preachers iln t Methodist church, gave ME hearers- an V drefa that was both inter ting and ' he � , ful. The choir gave several selection&' thi with the vocal solos of b1i3s Bonne Alessra.. W, G. Willis and Walter Picks ' and the recitation of Mrs. J. C. Gre. helped to give the audiEn3e a mcst �ellj( able evening. . , . I —0 CAUG11T ix TAE MACIIINERY.-Mr.. W James, until reoGntly an employee iDf t Bell Engine Works here, et with an i fortunate accidE ut in Lond Dn. A press 4 spatch says -. 11 With his right arm ','dra, completely, around a lathe,, on which he m working in the shops of tb e Canadia n' F Engine Co., of. Lond . a arlo, I illil James, of Van s1reet, was ound bylis f low employees. I James w cleauinco, out i 1, . pump with the aesistance df a lathe a: A b only been at work aohort time after idinz wboi the piece of iron , ped. Bef�re � was aware.of it his rig t arm was ;a t grip'of the machinery and was draiwn until it made a eirouiu of the latheJ , I machinery was hastil 0 1 and Uan y "'o i extricated frorn his une ,iAble daiti( i The resul t was a severe frartNure of t94 wri ''I'll, I , fl. i which member had almost been tor# fr -2v . I " I f 1 4L the'arm, " The fracture was reducelid a . I , . I,- Mr. James has returned to work on �1_a i . I 1 . . P,,n I �� only r(quiring the servioe of one hand a � STRATFORD, ONTARIO. arm, Mr. James' old frien do - here hope I �ou are sure to get the beat business or will suffer no permanent injury from t accident. I _. shorthand educatign. This b the school a-- - . Wfi,3e graduates are in strong demand as Couseir, �A speci%l meetiog of the con tZhera in business colleges, and as sten- 'I was hald on7-Thursdayemnillgl&flt� 1Y ogro,phera and boak-keepers for prominent, ci I Richard Hammitt was al I pointed eii&6 business firme. Write for catalogue. at the waterworks, as successor to the 14 . W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Robert Roberts, t Wary of $360, a ye i- The te ' 1 4444-62 free bourse, light and fuel' 4der - . . George Murray, of $6,290 Ior the c#atr tion I of -the sewerage, we I a a,coepted, p IMPORTANT NOTICE! I.N . � videA. he will use the larger tile fraip' I I I . Ginnis' corner to the -recreation gr.bun ; W. N. WATSON:, S.EAFORTH for $510 addili'&nal, and �furnish- sicuri i I . . I I I ), satisfactory to the town fdr the comoled, e ",Natlorml CreamSeparator, 11131111- I &actured, by the Raymond SewlnF, Maohine Company of the work, the work to ,'be completed , , I A .; of Guelph. Th,�� universal favorite, simple and beau- the 15bh,:of Oatober next. ;A commun'leati tiful in design,'-'aw parts to clean, easy to�, operate, was received from C. S. Andrews, o�aimi roli4ble and durable, more points of merf t than any other separator, a perfect skimmer suitable for from damages caused by the wi%ter floodZrig. t I -five cow:,, Call at my ctr - , � two�,,o twenty ice and ex cellar of hie store, The matter was rder , awi�e the "National" before purchasing a sopra- to the street committee. 9�he balanee!� owi I tor.7 Soldon eaqyterm3. y I 1 . to Mr. F. Guttexidge, due, trom last� ea -V_ UT_ W. 'VV-_A_rTS,(DJT, work, namely, 1$315.03, w4a ordered' to I ance Agent, and Dealer in Seiving pai Oeneral Ins *d over. The ehairman'i of the board,� ; �Zchincs and Bicycles, -health was instructed to 4 once intervi I & - i 4ORTH MARN SZ, SEAFORT11, Mr. W. N. Wateon in r�fe ' - 1630 plainto made about coxt4in drains. T, I , taxes of certain partieg mr�ro rmitted a L � Qqi�nte ',% Je ry Ugtablig�raeant, the collector instructed t9l Q911got the h 'r wel i . & ! e at once, and return tHe roll as requir . . t I fTq� r I - 9EAF()RT_9,. by law. It'was decided �o place vi la� I � � 'I T.C' I e t, agagement Ring', being a tile culvert on the nort� road, 01 . PO4 P:ece of JeWellery about'which go Coleman�s' grove, as soon 4s posbibi! T ; much intereat centrcs, must be council then adjourned, to' -meet at t -be �. . I I � correct in style, good in quality,. of the mayor. � � I � J . . - � then cames the price. We can' � � � i . - , � give you any design of setting and DE,kTrt oF MR. GEoRaBIDORRA-N-Ct. —� [ any combination c,f stones. is with the sincerest vorr6�w that We ti . � The Wedding Ring is a very im. week record. the death of Mr. George D61 ! portant piece of Jewellery. We rance, of McKillop, north U Seaforto. NJ Y � have them in all qualides of gold, Dorrance was in church th4 -Sabbath ' � befp � � and fully guaranteed. Our repair last, and while there took a sever6 chi � dep3rtment is strictly up-to-date. This was but the forerunn 3r of prietimon - W. �. COUNTF,R, . � . . Manager which was Puooeeded by inflsmq'patio . I This complication proved too much gor i i - I beat medical skill -and th most at�entl I - � . . r nur4ing to overcome and he passed aWa I 1 THE CANADIAN I y! Saturday, after less than a week -'a jllno� � r. Dorrance was in the very prime.," of 1 Rktnkof Com.mercel m . � manhood, being only 41 ye irs of agej was a most genial and co4apanioneibfa in CAPITAL(PAID UP), whom it was a pleasure to i�eet and to", kno Fight Million Dollars $8,000,000. He was shrewn in businessi. but was OW v . ; I of honor and was w�ll liked ah"d � Res't, : - - - $2,000,000, 130" servedly respected by all iwho enj6�,ed ' I I . acquaintance. He was tlie third soii of t SEAFOLRTH BRANCK late George Dorrance, an was born �n t � � A, gener&3 Banking business tran- homestead farm, immedia ely oppas' 'Ite t sacted. Farme,rs' Notes discounted, one on which he resided and where be die I I I an special, attention given to the He was married to a daughter of the It . collection of Sale Notes. - John Cowan and leavcs a widow and �fami SAVINGS BANK.—Interestallow- of three children to mourn the lossi of I ed,on deposits of -$I and u,.pwards. ever loving and attentive liusband and ki 1. - Soectwl facitities for transaction of and affectionate father.. A§r. Dorraur6e w b�iiiinexs. in the Klondike District. a consistent member of �hq Seaforth Presb � - I I K6nuy Orders, payabler at any bank, issued at the terian church, having been'long a useful a ! � roll wing rates:— valued member of the managing comMitt i Under $10 .08 .12 His death will be deeplyl regrette4 by 1 $10 to $20 .10 .14 very large circle of frien 8 and relativ F.1 1101,MESTED: F, C. G. MINTY, � � Solicitor. Manager. The remains -were interrediin the Mlitlan - � 1624 bank cemetery on Nlonday� 4 I . . 4 f - - i I - t. — z 0 � � P(-BLIC A.ND Hiew SenoOL E.XA111'21�]'MG � i Free Show —The following circular h4a been is�ued � ir � the public school inspectots in thisi coun � And also the very largest showing of in reference to the dates %nd place a4�nd c,o Viaxos, Organs, Sew Machines and ditions under whieh the taidlournmerexa, Bic,7cles ever seen in, S�ugaforth. Hear the inations will b he : p e . a. �Eligh sch ol ' in trance, 25th Jura . '� in . gra uaphone and watch the other fellows le, 8.45 ., ab G6deric I imi;ate no. Always on hand, a complete Exeter, Zutich Bayfi Id I sa I � unga aitoqk of.Musical merchandise. nou, Kintail, K Heleens n Cre ton,f � � . Our stock of mueie includes all the latest West Huron; and at Clin on, -S. Mort aon�s, two-steps., marches, waltzes, etc I ., Wirigham, Brussels, Wroxe�e,r, F�rdwi and, come direct from the publishers. and Blyth for East Huron. 'rtJ; juni n '. Also we have on hand second hand leaving orpublic school leav rig, July 2a Pia os, Organs: and Sewing Alachincs at 8:30 a. m., at Goderich,, Exeter,' 3-iinta , ver ow prices. Our second hand Bicycles Varna, Heneall and Durigannon fo,lr W ran from S,5 tip. There are at present about Huron ; and at Clinton, Seaforth, W�ingha 50 -to choose from. All are fitLed in first. Brussels, Fordwich and Blyth f6r E , class shape before leaving the store.. Huron. Applications on proper f�rm, REPAIRING OUR SPECIALTY. gether with fee ($,2), for paxt ono jun leaving or public school leaving, oust We have the hest repair shop in Western M Ou�ario, and can handle ,satisfactorily all sent in before May 24th. These forms m be obtained from the public sohoAa, inep4 kinds af Bicyqle repairing at short notice, , ' -alad umbrellDs, guns, lawn mowers, in fact 4or. Junior leaving,'PArt 11., senipr IeE auy old thing. Knives, scissors and lawn ing, matriculation, pass and honor, comm cial diploma and commercial apeci�liat e MO � WOrs sharpened, at the same old stand. aminations, July 4th, at i3oderich,'�Exet I I - '--- Clinton and Seafortb. Ayplications for e 1G. M. Baldwin, Seaforth. trancemust be sent to the inspeetbr on � beforeJunelst. Thefee is $1, to 6 p.- - ­` 1 General Repair Shop. June 23th. Applicatiotis for publi� soh I � I I � ; i � .: � . .. ­ . I - f . I . I � . . - : t I I - I . , I I : . - - — - ­_ , . - . — — - — - . I ___ — I . � - �_ . . . � T. i; I . . � r . . t I I - i . . I . I . � i i � , ( I 1 4 . r . L � i -,-.- 1- . - ­ - ­_ ­ - - . - I - . - __ I � - � _� . ­- � - a I - - . . . - ­­­ - � I . � I Z 241h, accompanied by the neeesiary fee. his resignation of that charge a Mai le t here bn Thursday last, for intermeno.—Outl ,an we s - I 0 : s IN 101: IT'Luile 00 I go applioationa can be receive(kj)y the in. within the bound0l' of the .Presbytary.� A old 0iend, Mr. Charles Aberhart, of Staffat staud-still. 1 . i i . : i 2 -0- I I � _.- __ speot ora after that (late. Those! who intend call was submitted by Mr. Anderem from was 'in town on Tuesday and, paid his sub, : . i . - . - � . the thir,, Wrox)ter- ; � b- to wfite at any examinaticil Centre in the the congregations of M anehester an� I Smith's scription to Ti-iE ExposiToP. for I I vio'. Than, --Now', 0 Rev- in , B-. A. tieth time.—Mr. B. A. Fox, of the Bank � NOT Mr if Wixigbat, i I- . Hadsoi �, o . � . � westbrn� inspeotgral divirdon �of Huron, must Hill, in fav r of . A. E. .Ca 1, . ES- 7 1 P ; a f ull, The ti and promised to , ,ith . ter, Miss 0. aq n, a ' nd'th6ir appli4ationp giving name i $800 _w nee. of Commerce, has been elected president Of ed her sis de, last week.— I I � I � I - of Mr. W � aaoue gave s, very : - The 80"aW was susbained. Proviel na ar. the Beaver lacrosse club, in place � = Junior E)worth i ]-R=g, n :1.�—�x.,:X: A ��Au_� I to J. Elgia To inspector of public schools, . I I D_ Goderich, a ose who in, I tend to write in rarigements were made for his ind ation in H. Willis, whose business interests prevent 9u.3cessful ent�rtainmen last Friday; night, _ - . � .. . � 'to . � - 3 h division to D. 'Robbi [inspector the event of his accepting the ca 1. I � Mr. his accepting the'othee.—We would again after which a 1 upper w a gwen: the embers Never , ave we been more auxleur to ha '. 1 3: toe taster ) I I ent of the i uainted wft ve of P . pointed convenor of the remind our readers of the Huron's concert of' the Lent e, in t basem you, acq h our New 6�OW blic schools, Brusselo. � Books, contain- Henderson was ap * r. ing ritihg, drawing, or book-keeping are home mission committee.' Motors. Fletcher in Cardno's ball, this (Friday) evenio& church.—Bert,, hIcLeo , .of Pinkerton, at- th:u those we have in stock now. i - %, ! � I rnish the e ' oa;Satur- comes, we don't expect r* __ I T _you ,to �* � �I� i�ot o be presented, as in former years, at and Duncan were appointed members .o, the Tyrolean Yodlers, who will fu rit tended the far eral of h brother, it ' , . . and o v I most f&4orably spoken of A. Pa' Smith ou wishes just because we Wgrit yert - the entrance examination. * Candidates Will Synod's committee on bills *' reB, tertainment, are day.—Messrs ulin and T ; _� - ' ' e merits of - the concerb u.—Deal h, again - do 80. to. �e al ipp'lied with -papbr and - ink 1�y the, pre- and Mr. Shaw a member of the Ai se , ly's, by the press and tb I scent Monda, - in Hamilto � � - . � , siding �examinero ; but they must 'bring committee. The' following wert e ated warrant a fall hous-.—Mts. John Ktllora� Jainfed one o., our citizans, last wee. r, in the.' We k.u)w tbat.our business affairs ii OfA0, � . . . LE , General Al a "bl : andl 68ter have gone to Ann Arbor, Miehi� f Join McLeod, a much r 30pecbed* pe, ..ticul&r inter _ . Chei - own pens, rulere, leadpenoils, etc. commissioners to the e .y , person o . ept to you un%W � � hi i , : � I � � . 8 her, k1r. T. Ryan, for� n i -he yft ; I 0 i Dr. Stewart, MeBars. Musgrave, & ero, gan4 to see their brot . � young ma . Qthough,deceased hai I been a can do better re thtn. elsewhere. � . �1� ; ' � 1111, I �ufferer from onsump n MOnth0s That im why we want to u I . I I 14PRO-A-ZI) TRAIN SERVIQE.—Some� weeks Larkin and Shaw, nisters ; and M' @are. merly of Seaforth, who,We regret to learn,i* . . Irge upon you, tjl� '1! igo la joint meeting was hIld at! Berlin, of Duncan, Tom, Raid, MeQaarrie and Mi rdie seriously ill.—Mr. Wm. Turney, who has be was able to go ar nd until within % f t that we give as much- :fit M � . . � .' �epresentatives of the Berlin, Watecloo and elders� Mr. Davidson asked and ob 4ined occupied the Case farm, adjoining Seaforth� week of his diath, whic occurred Thpraday In ey as we p .I'm . _ . - I I � ' Me 4ftern � con. - T1,he funer 'which tock� place I , I - - on the east, for the past six years, in movt� I . t6tford:'Boards of Trade� to confer with leave of absence for two months. r I I Be nt profit to oursel � k 0 I . , i ely a btend. 1 VO4i W x . ed. a ounts to somethiag � iiii Passenger A ent M. C. Dickson, of Lean . was nominated for! Mode -at l� of ing to town this week. his, lease havrog ex� on Saturday af, ternoon,, %a larg , Owing to t . . . 131 e'Grand Trunk Railway,; tegarding an im. - Assembly. The next regular meet: rig ��is to pired.—Mise Maggie B. McLean, . who . has � Mrs D. M. t ' Nis,gara, is, visit- verly large volume of huain6p. _4 ' - I a - . ; � i - I provement in the morning , , �!l and I passon. be held in Clinton on the 8th of Ju �y. ;1: I . . been teaching- at Huntingfield for the past i, g her mother, Mrs. John Gib16—E. Then again, we have never beat, in Is UUAt � service betwoen-.8hratfOilnd' .Toronto. 0— I � . three years, has gone to London to take up azlewood t Toronto, visited at his home .Position for a very ,large . I I . r , I . arewe I supper a course in Westervelt's Business College.— � ere, on day.—Mr. and Mrs. A. Robert- EV I erythiag that we wan - 8 r * 0114AL . . fh4's asked that a atrain lo ive. Toronto at F,kREWELL SUPP13H.-A f . F;io ted"t10 . , V I - -06 �ftt I :: :,3 I 8:301 as at present, was tendered F. C. G. Minty, I �q. 0 � late Owing to the scarcity of good beef oattle on have moved their household 4 ffeots to seems to be here. And all 44 a � .. :,s a. in., .iDetead of I ! I 1. I - ev. ,.�: . .. I it, � ire they will in& Ee their things have been selected witji - � $nd 1 -reduce the iunning time,'Obd Dhat a manager, of the Bank of Comme ice bere, the butchers in town have decided to ratao , ingliam, wh I . 11, � I 1� I . 1i . . ! .9 eQ a oar be attached to train No. 4 at � "at the Commercial hotel, on Tuesday �iBven- the price of meat. after Monday next. We , e � � � 11 ome.—O. Reim has MDved into th) cottag groat care, they are being adii - � I . - P&tt4) - , p . . unding � 8 lately putctimsed from Mra. A. n, aJI! who see them, and noted lo -- - n' - Str4ford, to be used for pa'seerig6ra. between ing. About 60 of the busi an P'rofeii- notice that the butchers in the surro � . k, 1. , - I . ,r 11 - . ord and Toron�o. Me. Dickson prom- sional men of town and a - number of farm- towns took this step some weeks ago.—Mr& n hloaday.-�-Miss P�rser returned from styles, the &Fs3rtments, t i ; I I e q . - ­- . I I - R .therei &�,ound W. W-. Thom&on, and family, of Carrii eir home in �ort Hop6, on Monday, w I ve I . - to lay fthe rriatt�r before the n�auager, ere from the neighborhood gatherei here the prices. We want - - �� n� ; i 0 . --George -1 * 16 o 11110 ` I an ithe pointa int�_rOated are in Ii that the festive board and a most pleasE nt ,,even- ford, are visiting the MisseaThomps P.Maia 4he spent the Eastek vacation. and know about every 1 in �7 , ­ . is I I .� . a was spent. Meosrs.��Renderson & De street. They. will also vii it; friends in - f Arthur, was in the village, on Rate. I � . . I" he � may secure the j much, peeded improve- in . etten 0 1 . : I Lo Cromarty, Exeter, Elimville and London, _ Sp ' . I � I eGoderie* Boaid-of Traide have LZeey excelled themselves in the excellence I I Thursday. -The annual vestry meetinp was t I , _1 � ber,ter' service of the spread provided, and we re sure while Mr. Thompson in taking a course in held in th i . - - Millinery. Activitv. . also %aken up the matter of !a I . � . . * e 'Episcopal chureb, on Friday . . - 48- bet eeri Stratford and Goderiah,-milore- par- every person fully enjoyed this part of the the Normal College, at Hamilton. -M iso I rolve his I - '. ; I - � . . evening. -Rev. R. S. Q. Anderson 9 Spri ng,,bats are in activity now Burt -en 11 w, �ic rly with reference '�to the� tnorntil)g programme. After the tables had ' bepn 0 ;arrie Hoffman, daughter of Mrs. J. Q �ecture, I I Here and there in-Scotlaud," se. 0*1 � " ' Dr. trat going weat, W, e tblak there is room cleared, Mr. F. Holmeeted took the Zir, Hoffman, formerly of Seaforth, has gone to . I I tern views i James- in mind, and thought and se,1111291 -soft �� 1 X . � .� �ompanied by magic V aro -actively -worn, And ,as U _�� 11 � . . __ for ecided imprpve mlent f � this �direotion. and for an hour or more . song an I Speech Pjhiladelp��w here she has entered a bool; town, . Monday night.1 The choir of the . I .. � - al) , p . . m4terials and -the ideam for cii At ,resent, no person, unlods con1pelled to, followed each other in quick succei sion, and pital to take a course, in nursing. -Mr' j Presbyterian ; church 1 here suppied the most stylish hate and bonnets I i 11*46 e ' The James Scott has returned from his trip t , India ma so use of that tr4ia, nal a pers�nj is, just good -fellowship reigned supreme. ; 0- music,. in their usual sty'le, but owil ig to the V � , I '. � . taste and discernment ha,re leaned tbt,t *t , , 0 n speakers were a unit In their expressions of the west. Aisagreeable weather there were very few �Wg , I 4bo t as far ahead by goj�g on �the noo right here are litse th ' . � � . I t" train, so far as the titn - - - _.d � prich at regret at the removal of Mr.- M �nty; from —#— - I I n- attendance. I I . at larisfy Mit I I I Oer the Seaforth, but it was a matt Constance. ; I � pl6ase. Oar milliners are .eve,, � one�o disposal is doncertiod, tjn er of graoifica- . � 1 I --4 I , , lazi. I I oua to combine th i ' tastj -M . . . . . . . . I present system it is next to impms le to go tion to his many friends to l4iow that,i even When in Seaforth why. tire yourself run -f Dublin. . eir & i 11 .... . I . i - I thel materialsmith your ideas., and 11tow , �� . ': b' to �.he county town, and .'t u8iness- though he to leaviug town, hid abilities ning from store to store in search of dry� � Attractive goods coupled with attractive them create lovely milline I ry. f av ecognized by those in eluthority, goods when almost anything and everything, , . . I , ,UW- ond get back the same dadv.� The di,itance 'have been r es, is a, combination Usually il Testible, yoUr orders early, as t� . 10% 1i I 4 a of things r'o I e departirtmt Lis only a and that his removal from Seaforth means you can think of, a d hundred p i _�itt �,; between Seaforth a riob ' and such you will find: at The E. McFa,ul rubhed and time ii needed, as* ' I , vtry U 7, � I little over twenty I ri�iles; and it is libtlo to Mr. Minty a promotion. The � speeches you cannot think of, cau,�be had right under � I "' Ohokb of a disgrace ti -a'16 our tra�n servica were plemiagly varied by songs bj: Mbisrs. one roof, that of The E. �&Faul Co,s store,,, Qo`8 store, beafortb, in e Wash oods De- moE-t go from the ttimmees handg,ib r � - Id t ik ; I � � b, Will I tot permit of mpking#e re�urn jour- W. 0. Reid, H. Town, Will hIcLeod'! apd The departmenteare overflowing with. new .1 armen t w e more aiijectives perfect shape. t . \ . I I r - . I I i to, i W. G. Willis. Mr. Minty has been 'man- Millinery, Laces, 1 Dress Goods, Trimmiugs,� fhan we KaveaVocuommiind to describe r the I � �eyiia one day, leaving anyl t mel for busi- � � h, �IES�� We think that ohd I uld thE towns manager of the bank hem ,for the t � five Wash Muslins, Carpets, L%ce Curtains, and beauty of these dainty fabrics, and 7et �hey The Blackest Blacks. , � I � pas i. � ' I 6d. I the line take united - actiob, redres's years, and during that t"ehas gained2 the endless other g6ods. . 1791.1 ,� 4e strong and Bervicab e. The pr ,ces will You will find. them in the Dross Goods %.' . ��� , -1 - � 1p. 0" � confidence and esteem of the busi, ae8s men NOTES. -Mr. and M-ra.J. M. Taylor, of'! Xict keep you from having a ver.r pretty pairtment in higher r qaality, better -_ _� it, �ijh"t be forthoomi . n F.! I . : com- summer dress. - 1791-1 fiaish and lower cost. A most .1 . . . I � I - . I -Of to*n as well as that of the fa:rn,. ing � Harriston, visited at Mr. - Wm. Snell's las4i � uni ­ . , I tt otive iater , NOTES. -'George W. Simons spent Monday combination -but it:Fs� the u i 1�he mountain flu�e and 1pinel v nity. � lie has taken an a eat in week, and also attended the marriage of Mr.' " ulikely if , th"the g �n Yod'ers. eve - ent Of the I � a the Classia City, on business.-Alro. Cal- this sort that i-9 all the tiine happeniq x( played wi _ reatest!skill by t o Al�l � ry movement for the advancem Taylor'saister, Mija Snell. � . � I I , ig, rhe�e ara, thoh, native iqtrumeot and t a perform- � ie and daughter, who went to the North- �own, and while we regret his rekn waI4 from \ . � he�re. We are talkipg: about hands- � � I 01116" - ;y. �ra are all ttained muoicims of t, e lit Europes I d home on Tace. � pid,Ame�rican reputation. To.!n ght ay) uDe!, Seaf orth, we can heartily recomy iend him McKillop. vest some time ago., returne . black dress materialo,ito which.we A - i to tbe people of Waterloo,for wh ch � town ' .., . fay evening. -It is reported here hat the : � - o of the Huran Footba,l Club. 1791-1 . ways give'az'much car 0� for the eolerg M lee - I I . E-NTERTAINME-NT. -The Women's Foreign 'atholic church . people have : l: ought a 1. -,the 4u8p buying a piano ah�culd call and see h His once( Boor her J for the 'wool. ' No i rusty or lil' � e left on Wednesday. . e � . I : us* - T la Gei is Mr. Parkes, of New We8tminstf r, British Missionary Society, of Duff's church, have ioce of land opposite the G. T. R. station, blacks to be found in our stol _. - ' Peop � id, Sealorth, He � �ells the -hard. � I rk of Now th � . � ; . ' r, t e:Kperi- M r. J oh n McConnell, for a ; c 3metery.' A rich jetbluk I a �tei I �i i t zmmp-,, LtnL p i a n 0, 1791-1 Columbi:%. This.is Mr. Parkes' 4 engaged Rev. Thomas Wilson, of London, . Gd.oda, every yard iso . � . � Rugs that will hatch t�hibitio'i birds, once of life in Ontario, all � his time ; kince to deliver his lecture inth6,_church on the will now be independentof the Irish- that never loses its lus I �re. I . I e- , 10 targe in size' and i evening of Wednesday,� 16th inst. M r., people. -Messrs. R. Walker, William � I roir two j;ous cf Black Miaoro conning from England having been ':spent on I rup standard cc&)n I ! � '11 the besl� lay. s c -f lar egga of the Pacific coast,- -We trust that i his stay Wilson illustrates his lecture by lime light ay, Alex. Albert, Adam . 1"ounder, For Your' Flool-s, Carpets, Zte. ra s It 'fowls, satisfaction iarante6d, $1 I . � I I I . - I .; , " setting' -in Seaforth will give him 6, most Ifavorible views. He has some 75 beautifully colored Ernest Trethemely and George W. Simons ' ir 3 Also a full ,line of beetue,peral 'supplies. eeswax i - We hEi:ve always bought our Carpets f . d. Wir. Hartry, Eciforth. - 1790 impression -of the province,geueral , and of views, illustrating well-known bymnsi I pent Sunday in Seaforth.-The people of . . _Mai . ' � I � I I : � e , and, m�hea you buy in. I 1 MA-N-CIOLD SEED -Gate Toab, ("'i ut yel. Seaforth in particular. As a tang ble token which will be shown wh&' the hymns are r1a town are rejoicing over the co npletion grains from us, iii -Y in 11 � a,, I y �ill be AU wool. ; ban, an er of Lhe I busi- boitig explained. � This lecture has proved ��� f their flag station. They think they are . � I Intermediate, Tell�%�- lcvla� d 'Rennie's .of their appreciation, a numb Oar, choice patterns rn�ke-choonng $an - . ?I i, ! !c0fizut Sugar, Mangold ,for 02h) P611 Hamilton & Ker+ ut- exceedingly intems'.ing and is most highly, ... ow independent of our industrious little _y I I . ne38 Men and friends of'Mr. Mint, prose and the prices are very moderate, W_ ,- � I . I . � 61 Jake a, Senforth. . � 1 179:-1 poken of. It is expecte4 that the Egmond� �village, but it vt ill soon take a back eeat, as � -8 i I . I . ed him with a handsome 'silver ti service a have very low pTiCeal also on Brusse14 " Good: girl wantod in am A fa I e . to � mily Apply on Wednesday. ; ! la : ville choir will be, present. to furniih the 4 is only something at prisent. T&�Estzies and Velvetel. . . 4 at Tur EXV081TOR Office. I I � 1790 . 0 i � musical part of the programme. The lac�- 10— - , � � I ; - I ,h ! ROM, TO REST. -To r6nt OCAL BRiEFS.�Mr. John Pro R, Wely ture will begin at 8 o'clock, when the ' Port Albbrt. , Rugsaire here in good 'assortment � : I ' , the r sinence L � . . . I �' �' I I w an:d j' ' I I street at prcs��b occupied by Mr. of Clinton and forme0y. of 2wiph, is church should be full. I ! OBITURARY.-Mr. Thomss Hawkins, post. . r Ine 0 ,no eums i, in - -an 1 12 foot - � obert iGovealock, Posqcs3i�il on April 10th. now employed in the furniture fac dory !here, ; 9— I . I I master of this place,'died Mondav evenin widths ; Floor Oils in 1, 1J, 11, 2 land 4-, , Apply td, Tilos. BV�RkXIVFT, Sckforth. ,1787-tf ' I ill L, 91 i � )e , � - and intends removing hisfalmily to town -as Drysddle, 10e 31st ult., after an riess of,- one week's - yard uidths. Look ?ver your room - . EED CORN.-Juat re fro _ L -in. V I . ,ceiived a car of feed soon as he can get a: house.- rs.� (Dr.) I !It, M4. Hamilton & Xcralake, S66rth. 1791-1 Steele, of Tavistock, has been vi � tin BREEZES.-S,-edinj ii�almost at hand in -duration, during which time all tEat could and see if you can�t ujie something M- � ' I , To GARDX -.-10,0 I I ' L g her thi3 - vicinity, although during the .past 'be done was done, but his work on earth our Carpet section. I I _ - IMS 00 5c packa e seeds mother, Mrv. D. McGregor, of to wn. -Mr. ,, � I I I � at 10-pickages for 25c. Clovee, Timothy, week we have experienc d rather vintery iwas ended, and peacefully his spir .t passed � � p Ooose Wheat, &c. for salo. G. 9. Ki,Nc,,,Wfngbam u . ! . -.- b . SPelt', George Lynch, of the Dominion Ba k, re- weather.-Nli8a Celina ffitrand has again re- ,over to th� silent majority. The leceased we Iew Goods of Interest. I � � 1788-0i ceived notioe on Saturday to i oceed , to ' � I , . � i � � p turned to Seaforth. -Mr.'John Johnston, of 'Was born in the North of Ireland, in 1824, i I � il innipeg on Tuesday, to take a p3sition in Goods �hat are selling free' - . � I Blake, had a number of 0 1 The : Alpine Yoolerti' idoncert 'to-nigbt W ,�attle dehorned, on ��d while .but a boy, came to this � o untry I �y_ �, ��i �' Vriday)�rromlses to b� the tjoat of th� sea -on. the bank there. Mr. Lynch is a native of [ � 3 his west farm, one day , t week. Mr. H, with bis parents and settled in Lon 013. In -_ DRESS STUFFS � . I _,� ,_ herever tboy have perforwod, the tiud,ence has the Prairie City, although he has resided Howard'bad the contract. -A number of P ompany with his father,who wa-3'appointed FANCY SILKS I - I I ; d bcen cll�' rmed by thLir li�cho and Ycd1ing smigs. hare a good many years. He is a clever, � I � P I i I . � � the fair sex have left- this vicinity reoe , 1791-1 ntlYp Crown land agent, he came to this village in � I . t n- . � steady, obliging young man,, and will give and conacquently some of our young men 11843. and started in the nii business, PLAIN SILIiS ' 0 �� Par sale iri Egmqndvillb, one hal' I DAINTY LACES 11 - - ' a good account of himself, wherev3r he goe are looking rather sad. ' : HANDSOME TRIMMINGS r �ood-land with conifort%ble frail)o realielim thelcon, 8i 0 . ! . with a general store ia connection. He re. ,- - We are pleased to see that 11r.'Rober . I . 0 also good tt%ble t-nd 1pfenty of ,hard and soft vater. - a I -bained in the store -keeping busin as until TYLISH MUSLIX8 TMI propetty Is we'.1 situatel.; Poasessloa'given ,tt � b � I . Powell, who has been cobfined tc his resi- Zurich. four years ago, when he retired ftoi a active RT DRAPERIES 11 , 1 4nytiniv, R. Hicks, I 1 1785-5 dence most of the winter, -is now 1 Is to get . ar, : . I I 0 life. In 1855, he martied Christ na Ben - I 4 Weare sole agents for�� the king� of silo about town, and we hope that a@ the fine, OBITUARY.--It� is with feelings of th , UCE CURTAINS, E 1C. 11 .... � 2 1 : I I c: roe, the genuine and orly "Ohio Bai]4." G. E. warm weather comes around he will greatly deepest regret that we announce the -death nett, who, with four sons an -1 foui daugh- I � 10 log, Wingham. I I I 17E9 . triprove.-Mr. Douglas Wilaon,'who had of . a highly esteemed ybung inan of this fers, survives him. The dons are I r. T. R. � Visit Our Store Often -i- . � � ; I - �0- All parties owing the late firn'l of 8. I ncighborhood, in the person of Mr. Henry .Hawkins, of Cameron, Wisconsin Wifflie, . � - � been spending his holidays at his home 11 . I ; . � i a- ulle.tt & C3. and preferring to pij Mr. MuEett Ijowald, who pissed over' to the better � ..of Chicago ; Harry, of Sault Ste. Mirie, and Buy what seems reasonablo or not at all ,-:4w � " I here, returned to Toronto, on urday. - I . . - . I Is, imself must do so at oxioe, as tii� books ivH1 soon be , . ter, who teaches sahool in � A,ehfield- every instance don't 4ep anything nob, - t 11%in rith(r hands'for oolleadon. S. gullett, at Brown's orchestra, of Sealorth, were at land, on Sunday, 6th inst, at his home, near tel daughters are, Mrs, G. S. Briater, oi satiefactoxy. I - . 1791.1 Olinton Friday evening, furn shing the I � � he rey & smHay's, Seafortb. this village. The deceased had been nick I ! 0 , � I . for some time, and death i came aq � a h �L Vancouver, British Columbia Mro. William : I I . . I WANTED. -Eggs 12c,. 13ring you,r butter music for a fashionable dancing p %fty there. na z .++++ -: ! H ; q 1 - L b releasa from the sufferiogs 4 this w(cpPid &�ray, of Port Albert.*; Mrs. A;lbert Jordon, I 11 0 ln&eggs to, Wing,hran and get thAt $60 pail.r suihe. This aggregation of musician -a giv) universal He was the oldest son of Mr. Bartol How, of Franklin, TennekSge, L and Tess, who � If I - . . I leo�� E. Xiog. 1791 - satisfaction on such occasions and their, 9 I : � n . : . ald, and his taking off, at the early age:of[28 resides at home. The 6.tbrling q4iities of - I .I - . -Th- e i . . .. �� i fioua3 wanted to rent ot buy in Western services are in great demand.-Ainong the; . . � � - I . I widely , I h rb of the toNva, suit �ble for eu years, is partimlarly sad. He is survived be deceased gentleman areL toq . � . " Jill fani'lY. Apply at names of Canadians wounded i i the late �uown in tb I .. - e, �bc;F.X1,oSt1,olt orricF. I 1791-1 I three smalll children, the eld- . i I - . I fight in South Africa, we notice Itab of J. by a wife and of r, is locality to need 'aLy Corn- . I . . 13)i i The Lon4 n Advertiser says : " N1r. G. Gunn, son of Dr. John Gunt , of Ailso, eat of whom is oniy six *earn age. His ment here. - Rev. Mr. Goldberg conducted E w �, me I. FA . UL ri hatim Wilion las) nlghh gave remains were interred in the Lutheran the funeral services, which were largely at-' - I - . . . . . * , I hi3 Ee iL Craig, and cousin of Mis - I - — � -3 cf lime- . I I bi ght viewo, illuBtrating hymns and songg, at Ki ig � s Jean,' nn, w o I , cemetery, on Tuesday afternoon. � The pall-bearbre were his six � . re . cited at the Methodist ladies'co bert here, The sin ,tended. . a large 3,udionoe, * - ___ Di,,,y Goo ca. 0 �iif 1,30t Presb) tzlan church, befc4i o e Messrs. W. S., Renr , Willie V Tt was ral-qEssry to place ebars in the aljles to a short time ago. Lieutenant Lc �u den, who cerest sympathvof all will be extended to ; ewe y C� . modate the eroNvd 080U.S1 In Egniondville who was alwo wounded, in the same engage- the bereaved wife and children. as well as to . nd�Joh.' P. Hawkins, and John and Harry ' W Pras.byterian church, Aprl 14th. 1791-1 ment, is a cousin.of Mr. Somerville flamil- his Parents and brothersand sisters. I .nii io— I C4- th's Great�st CaA I'll, I NOTES -Mr. M. Y. McLean, of Seaforth, I lif � Don't forget that Will AlcLeod, 8,eaforth, ton, of the Dominion Bank staff. -Mr. - . i : h, has 11 en Mr. Passed through our villai e, on Wednesday. T.uckersmith. i * fias A large stook of Muelo and �iusf al Ins i uments, Kirkpatrick, of Guelp Dry Goods ,.Sl6re, I 11. �leu a8cut fQr Gerhq,d lit intzmon plianQ, �1791-i George Lynch's place in the ominion - -Mr. John Hildenbran I has disposed -of . book in- our South widdow. Me "a shoes, - , , I 4ved our his house and lot to Mr. Michavi, Meidenger, All sizes, regular $2 EO, for $1.25 per palr, on 896tur- F� � - - -_ _010100000 ec I S:EED 00R -.,,-.-W6 have 'ust rece' Bank here. -The sno�vfall on M) day - had . -e I I _ L g4 r seed corn. Wa hwL- tho Bailey. Compton's, ything but a -spring1ilre -appear L ce. I We and has moved to the' 14th concemsione-r- day only. This is con Aderably below wha sale cost, � �MPORTANT X�TIIQES. -1 �'AVhiot'c CaN -Ytllow Dont, Longte lo,A,, and other good an � �ut we -are determined to clear out every pair of � I flo rns. � Hamilton Keralsk , Seaforth-. 1791-1 are ar onday - jurplus stock. W. H. Willis, Seaforth, ole agent I . f, I & certainly I D Rev. C. S. Finkbeiner leaves on M ,� h( 00 , )ayingulp forour f- M' ch next to attend the annual Conference, I . � _heam wefktber.-Mr.- Alex. lBroadfoot oved his . , for Geo. A. Slater shoes for ]i and gen emen. ALVES FOR SAL'E-Abou twe'llty-five -0 I I ' *11 be offered for al I Mrs. D. L. Anderson will sell privately a which meets in Chealey.-Mr.- Fred. Hess � - I I C , 7e at lton ! � � 179.1-1 mWeg wi part of h(r furniture, lit,luding agood cookin; stove, family to Liatowel thii'week, whe e he has I - Brucefi 11 I Tuesdayo April 15th,st 2 o'cloo . GEOROR 09AP- , On May and Satti-day, April 11tb and 12th, at her purchased a furnitilre and uailerte,king ban turned out eight top buggies thin week, , Let's Get Together. -We've got the car- MAN. : , Vol : I I iteei2aceonGoderich otrat,firtt doorEast Of -the- business. Mr. Broadfoot is it reliable, and bass number more in course of.manq- pets, you've got the,:floors. Guef 13 if we I I � - It Methodist parsonage. 1791-1 facture. Mr. Hess makes an excellent rig A"hould talk it over a little together, you'd USE AND LOT FOR SA�9--Forssle -9 W1111- . I I I 1. pushing Voung man and thorouE by under- . 11 - ; � ii I P*6ilhofer's Alpine Yodlers will ve con" and one that is ,,almrays" in demand. -Mt. come to the conclusion ,you ought to have Rofektable eottageon we it illiam street, Set , I � " L stands the furniture business. Vl'e re ret forth, clietp. Ap RY1, W � r - yrt lo%-org an opportunity ta hear the ,b ..Iutlf,l and Mrs. Amos SchweitX, who have been .the carpets', too, now., It's time to think ply ta HEN I BEA,TrIB_, Seafortlh I lo.-ing4 Mr. and Mrs. Broadfoot f, -om . Aea. . . or MRS.:G&ORGE BATES, Bayleld. 1791-9 - ' r zchol and� Yodling songs of Bavaria, WEI t miss Visiting relatives here Jor the past few about buying and ynu will find our carpet . — F . -- r 4hem.. To-ulght (Friday). I 4 1791.1 forth, but the Listow�l people wi I find in weeks, left on Tu6iday 'for their home in 'department full, and r ch with good va SALE -00n 4 -year-old, fr,vwy � " CROCKERY MAT6rfs(%�A. Young b them excellent citizens, and in 14% Broad. I !nee as . Cavalier, North Dakota. -The residence of ��D new:BrUESelS carps , Velvets, Tapest i cahed, the nicest milker I have aver ow,nedk. 11, t ries. . teeeived a variety of odd pieces of assor' .ad colors, foot et business man ,in whom t ey may $60; 1 9-i,.r-old, due to calve in October, .40. I Mr. Win. O'Brien had a narrow escape Woosl, Unions, Hemps and a good assort- Both rW.sUred. G. A, DEADMAN, Brune s, Out, I gukta'blo for matching. Cor(red vege'able dishes, place every oonfidenc6.-Dri. Fowl w, V. S., from destruction by fire, on Tued' ' of Linoleume. . , The E. McFaul - Co., - . -2 11 lattere, bakers, bowk, ours, saucers and plates. � . � ham returned from Toronto, the ter n in the . 1791 � I � I 1791-1 ' Smoke was noticed issuing from the kitch- $caforth. . . 11191-1 - - . h( , ' Veterinary College 1pring closed, and has ! I � V( � Geo. M. Baldwin & Co., Seafolrth, have resumed *bin practice ,here. -Miss Scratch, en, and the fire put out with a few pails 'of 'I A GOOD THAAr.-Mr. James Chc: aey, of E ALE. -For sale, *bout ,a een appolutel sole agarta for the celobrated Maron water. It was fortunate it was noticed in I . S bwht li of first. 1393 wtd p m neavly. free Mn or , Risch pianos for the Wc,t. A. full stock of these commercial teacher in the Colleg is te Inati. time, as ten minutes more and it would the 2ad concessign, L. R. S., wh) is an bugs. 9D cents per bushel. ip Fs and other pianos can be s3on at the 81g Music tute, was unable to � return to I er duties - ' ardent admirer of good horse flesh, ias just cession �.9. McKil'op, 2 niil.�s�Fast of Wintbilip. b 'Stom. 1 1791 aft�r the Easter holidikys, on - account of have been impoEsible to have purchased a very fine padr, corn rig two 'JAMES JOHNSTON. f 1791-8 I - i ___ . � � 1( 1 EARLY SEFD POTATOE$.-We hal.Va just illifeas. Miss Birdie Stephens, oi town, is- w-fiouse. The cause . of the fire is amystery. 'Years old thiij spring. Mr. Cheane3 looked I - - 11 �� - at �rccolved, direct frrun Bisbx CC anty, the 'fol!o%,ing taking charge of M ias Scratch's m c rk at� the _*_ - around a long time before he could be ALV98 FOR SALE -1 will ,be in Lesdbury. oll .� . . � � I -) - in &af3t* w arietics : Farly Rose, OhI6 Junior and 11%,ly Collegiate. -Miss Eva, Acheson, o! 3odert6h, � KAppen. � uited, but at last he struck Mr, Jame C SAturday, April 12th at I I o'clock I Zwball. Hamill�On&.KerEilakib,Seaforbb.. 17911 . . . Is on Tuesday, April 16th, 911 4 0$lock ; i; Ifea"11 on � - . I I It i � visited her eNter, Mrs, J. C. 4',mig,- this D. Hay, Commissioner and Conveyancer - oir, of Uaborn6, who had just ;what h� Friday, April 18th, at 2:30 'o'clock, w.1 -h a load Of 0. I Look in our South window. Mon's shoes, week. -Mrs. F. W. Twaddle and children wills, mortgages and deeds drawn up. Me wanted, and he was not long in stilriking a 11rat-claas oAlves for sale, IfU011 RICHNO", .,i �11 &1Z03, rotrular,$1.50, for 81.25 per pallr,-on Satur. . ney ]i - I novt 1. ay only. Thi" is_�cnslderably Wox wholesale cost are visiting in ToronCo.-James VVillis, son at the lo -vest rates of Interest. 1740-tf argain. This pair of colts were tired by Newry. . I I . I . - - he utwe are deternilned to cleaIr out every pair oi of Mr. Robert Willis, and Lewis cDonald, FARMERS � AND BUILDERS' ATTENT-yo.N.- ride of Glasuic, and Mr. Chesne paid a . UCTIONL%8ALE OF PIGS -on LS%turd�T., A,Xr1T he iurplus 6tack. W. H. Willis. Seaforth� sole.agent son of Mr. Lewis McDonald, cf Walton, Spring to almost here and building ope ations will i y I A I I ood round figure for them. : ITth, -at 2 p. in,, at DieWi Hotel Stablmlsw h 'o I r Gv3. A. SI.Act 6hoes for ladi � e and gentIvaien. left for Detroit on Monday, wben they will Boon commeace. You will flnd us at the cld Wind I , —0 - forth 6 brood sows about to litt!r, 12. pigs 9 LnOfithlf I d. i : 1791-1 - sr. :prim- with a full suppl-y ath, Port- . I I i � Witt � push their'fortanes. MkF. Cou't ,,of Beachville Lime,L � Bayfleld.' old, 10 young pige 6 wceks' (ld. An to be #61d McLeod, Seafortt'a, sellk Gerhard. land Ceineat, Plmlst6k. of Paris. &c. , We sell cheap. i � without reEerve. EDWARD SIBBMS, Propr1aidr; I i ,"I I so before - . . �ill at the 1�indly give us a 6- and gob our pric : John Fraser, Conveyanc( � � .i _. Anan planoo. Sout h side lof Counbeeti jewelry 1r, Notar� Public,. THOMAS BRORN, Auctlonecr.� 1701- , te �Ielntv ary teacher in the publie school, � E � . 9 I " oto. 0. , I I U91-1 home of her son, Mr. A. Coulter, o.. Dg6r8oll, purchisiag elsewhere. R. Cudmore & Sons, Henall, Agent for ". nadian Express Alrircy Orderil A li e I - � I a Int'l.Z - onb. i 1788-1S, t ALE.-Ut Ras half 26, 006wo" , I ; and was unable to resume herdutit after the amount of money to loan at current rates Of . ARX FOR 8 � an I Two Cmts 01- POTATOE�1'1 WA -_N1 -ET'). - To ,% nq1)3uzht in befcea 2 o'clock tuesday, 1 April - I _1�rivate funds. . . . 1791-tf F 1, ta the Townehip of 111blert 311 milp e3it of --- �"e I 11th. holidays. -Miss Dorrance and MA18nQowan No�ri,_;.-Mr. kabert Kettle and Miss Seaf3rth� L-aT) orchard,tAvo jzo�d welis ndgood - a3 r : BLOWS. -John Bailey left for Clevelan-1 if . . _ ice,45 cents PLr bair. Nono tiken,after above of Toronto, and Mrp. Horgan, of gersoll: Mary Moore, of L-3ndon, the past week � , b. i . I P bank br9n. For particulara at�ply to ma, , )ELLEN ... y. te� B. B. Gunit, Seatorb I 17911 were here .attending the funeral of the late . were visiting at the bome� of Mr. William, o Thursday of last week. -W. Reard has DOWNEY, 225 PmEpeeb Strect, Ma,rq�ett, 11lChip.1) ; - . � I ! � - oil � nd : &.os FoR H,vTcM_N(%-J,Eggs for hatebin G%ofg'e Dorrance.-A couple of It ntlemen, Moore, of the village.-Mrp. RobeK'Elgie, begun work on Mr. John Torrance's fa T11GUAS GEARY, _Seafoith F. �O., (r BNAN�A .90 1� - 9 ) . rm ee. 4om the foll3wing troede, whict'� Legho�ns, g-ood $skill - of Hullett, is paying a it with her son, buildings, in Godetich tov�nship. - O'CORKS.LL, Dublin, Ont. i 17,91- -- - toct, - introducing fire," a patent re extin v1sl Hr.. Tor il 4 � , extra good layers ; And6lusian, rode oittere, and larize eg4a. Price per littinK­ 75 gul her,- gave an illustration of the effective- Mr. Robert E'Igie, of tuckersmith.-Mr. rance will have his barns up to datein every -R:S g1036t layers $ IrOG$ FO . es pop-, Susiorth. �� : of their preparation, -on the James MeMordie, the foep part of the week, r� e a" was ][I undersigned has on Lot 24, Concession 0-blo- cents. William .1 quar�b at pect.-Mr. Neil McGill, of Stsnley, d. I p 1 1791.1 D09 1 Franz Heilhofer iu one of the ablest im- the furnicure factory, on- Friday Afternoon. was paS i ag a visit at the parental home. -t- �n Bayfield on business on Friday of last Killop, ,A tharoughbrad Yorlishir) pig, ]7r --d by � parsonat3ts and mirnics i ,a the E They had a small frame structure erected, Rev. A. Stewart, of Clinton, on Sabbath week. -Mr. John Yr.o, of Holmersville was Br. thou 4-,. of Bu�ford, whichhe HI sell chelp. He t1ge. Ills oppor. ­ 0 Is five yoar3 old,and !as first -0 astookp-g. AlsoA, 14 alty of sceing the lealing men of Europe has which they sitturated with, coal oil and then last, in St. Andrew's church, delivered two in town Monday. -Dr. Stanbury was at number cf yoikQg stock. Be will ald-O lw,30 for - tuo,,,, him to study tieir ' 1. -4- �.,; nippeanince .and char. set fire to it When burning furiously, the grand gospel sermons. Mr. Stewart, as the Reneall at the Reform convention, I at week. service during thij oe&Foa a y u f tbe itn- f I to-i3tics and represent .heitt is n3 one else can, ' ­ I I I D nI tPrIogin'lorthum- c i 1791-1 �eparation was thrown on the flames,whibli ,' , , r. Smith's wife and family arrived here roved Yorkshire bfeed, purch se Mi, I � �0'-aight (Friday). V years pass by, only becomes more eloquent 9 . t . . ; it immediately extinguished. Kill fire is as he has lost none of his �old-time fluency, Tuesday.' Mr. James Whitton left for his wlindCounty. Reis an exeel lent animal. Terml, I . I . -$I, pivable at the time of s,rvlce� with the Tly- - " n � PRESBYTERY OV HU ko,.\,,-+-Th is I re8bytery a powder, which, when it -comes airiness and-I)ower of utterance, and his home in London last Friday. -Ed. Bake .. ry. , M-Evrti J. BE'Ali- I r it �ge f. f returr,ing if necessa m- ineit in Clinton on the 8th �nst. The report with heat, generates certain' gaaes, -thus ex- subjects are of the oboicest.-Mr. and Mrs. left here for Chicago, Monday. --Charles SHARD,� Winthrop P-0. 1191%4. .— n.. on S-abbath schools was a 'bmitted by Mr. clading the oxygen and thereby it aotheritig John McNevin, the fore part of the week, Falconer will work On th6 Government I - _�� $111c" _� b I OLEA,RING AUCTION SAL1910F FARM R I anies Hamilton, oonveuo . Adopted and the!flames. The-testproved entirfly iiatir,�­ were vidting with friends in 01 liaton. -Mrs, steamer, Petrel, for the' summer. -School U ANI) IMPLEMENIS.-Mr. 2G. A. Turner lbWa"s- , i h a op af �t n- rdered to be forward d t the convenor of factory to a number who saw it. --Mr. W. Thomas Elder, 9'f Tackersmith, was, the ened er the aster ho!H&yo.-M1*38 iobtructod Mr.'Thomas Brown to sell by Publi-We 01, he' Synod's oommi6tee. �, The congratula- Johnston, of North Main'street, Its so'f,*r past week, spen4ing her . annual visit with right 8 t he holidays at her home in Aucton, on his farm, adjaining Bruoefleli an RIAl- elry ere extended ire. Stew eafort � day, April 18th, at one o'clock p. in I the foli h I ions of the Preobyt 'r to recovered from his recent severe llness to her mother, M, art. -Mrs. Henry b . �r. Holman attendeJ a teachers' 0 he Rev.' Alex. Stewa t i A., on his hav- be able to be about again, -Mesi i a. L. C. Wagner, with her son, Mr. r George Arriii. meeting at Hamiltov. -Mr. Henry Weston rt3-,- H01LSES.-One :matched team ,6 YaOrs ... I Pror driving ma e Sy4 I , k old I �:&rs old, � driving colt S.YOAI* . I 0 ng, conferred upon hiFth - honorary degrie Jackson and E. Case have returricd from a strorig,the past week,were visiting with Mr. , has leased Uharles Simms' farm for a term oldt by � King Stanti I dtiver 7 years OM �, . . d Of Doctor of Divinit, ,- b the so � gate of ti ip to Wasbin gton and Philadel p hia. chire .. E. I -D.- Win. Armstrong, of the village. -Miss -Of lyears.-Mr. James McDool died about CATTLEL-Five; newly -calved o0vis, 7 Cows to - � I = il Kn'ox College. Xtra Polled AfiguB bull S yearp old, 2 farroW eCOSs I ots hom the report on vizion court was held herf on Mon y when Annie Murray and Miss N. McGregor, who two weeks ago. He had bet -n an ir valid for so"- 1 d ateers, 4 yearl Wye- . � I a ' . 14 two-yOar-ol I go, 5 ca]ve3, es h#ch life .and work we e ordered- to be only a couplp of, caaek came up r trial. 1were a ending Easter vacati n at their years. He served for a number of years 1:6 hags, I brood :8ow. IMPLEAd Ts.-Oae D606119 m rilated for circulatior am rig the p0ple of Owing to the illness *of Judge D le, Mr. homcs, returned to their studice at the British army and had several medals, of binder, I moxer, t hs) rake, I bay- . 1yo F I a er, 16 hOe ­ � I f -�- 1 , 2 3s . ui�jcoogregatio&, includi g a recommend- R, S. Hays acted as presiding ju ge. At ihe Normal school on M Duday, the former which he was very proud. He leaves a &hoe drill, cultivator and seede comb 0 1 - � I set fran harrows, 2 pl:iws, I a X plow, 1 kangarm - to titizi to do what they can o have the vote the court in Clinton .on' Tuesday, Mr. F. at Toronto and the lattei at Lond011o-Miso' widow to mou i atwwbid, I . . . � I rn his 1posi-Rev. Ar. Ma, plow, I ecuffler, I faidining I bagger _ ,I . _ io orAhe probibition of the �liquor t;affio as Holmeated acted for Judge Doyle.--The're. Mary E. MoMordie, w W -as % 1� Neil attended the Pr��.sb tery meeting at Tow'd blowtag cutting box I Joliette grind4r, I I 0�.nding a b arge as possible. Mr. Lai -kin gave 4 report mains of the late -Frank De Cantiflon, form. pleasant visit among. frie�ds here er E Clinton on Tuesday. -Oa SabliatE last, in 3-.hois3 tr'ead power, 1 land- il er, I . Empire cm*m, I ajr n 11the statistics and finat: ces of c . - I I ast. . separatof, I circular saw, ..truck wagon, JMeW � ongrega- erly of Dublin, were b " ght here on Thurs. er, has returned to her a hool in London.- St. Andrew's church,, Jones Donaldson, wheels, 1 lumber wagon, L pal* scales, 2,T)LO p3ujads . - I C. ;ioOs for the post year, showing that there day last,- froin his h 'rP, in To nto,: . for The brick for the new sc000l room,. for St. James Campbell and Dona.d McKenzie were capacity, with platform attach neDt -, ,I democr6k I 0 16 I V. a an increase of mem1mrs and - of' contribu. interment in the iamily- 1plob at -ishtown. Andrew's church, is now1being laid od the ordained to the eldership. -A pe -4tion to open buggy, I top bugg I ro id cart I Plir bOb' � er- doili�,for mieE' I I ff, ei, hay 'rkekA,1061L I ions, as cc wred with last D�ceased was a young man witi a bright ground. Mr. Robert 'Thomson, or., was the license commissidners not to grant a iielghs, 1,�cutter, grave box 1� � X.- I . . 8hoN,ele,tndabostofe.heraniile!� Thiawholswill � � ea�, the total _oon�ributi no for, missions future before him. � He was just in the the first to break the ic .-Mr. and Mrs:. license to the River hotel, is being signed lit' ithout raae the pro;ridar � I _ ,- er hi,o Isiat year being $71,535 and the total for prime of life, being only 26 ye& i i of George McKay have q w got settled in 6y a large number of ratepayers. -3 ames I E D ivtly be sold vn qe, as 1111's of $5 Ana � 7 age. . I a9r.ented his farms. TERM.- -All st . =.- - deeply regret th om � - Johnson started for under, oash ; over that amount 8 .monthe' Credii -60 � - 11- .. I urpoees $43,580� A r olutio n� iespect- He has many friends who will eir new h e, in the v Ilage, and are be Manitoba, with a car - � He -appraved" ' t tem. Adiscount of 6peroeuLl* O'. the death of Dr.' Robertson was adopt- his early demise. -Mrs. Terence O'Nbil, of coming better sequainte with village lifr'. load of nottler's effects, on Tuesday. jim no I _r Aw� � � 77 z, - . . annuiu will be allowed for cWt on creffit anlotlii ,�� -, I', .� C a 61 h iw � 01 u I � b I . I , b I rd -, I � a 50 Ill I r u &� on , - 0 , 11 : , 4h - , ,f I 011 I � i;l C I I 0 if � , I tu , z�t -iltj ( h utiti � ' ' rybody tt) 'i , % , Ind 1", I g we -h ve he - 01 i , I a I " - i I , I 0� A � � i .;11, �i' I Tip, o in � . !hey I Town � �e M arr r B I r � � i( d.1, The clerk'was al ao instructed to con- Montreal, formerly of Brussels, is a ending -Mrs. Wm. Westoott, o� Seaforth, the past dx eta to return t�_Ontario short y6 bu BROW -NJ . . � p pe t if G. A. TURNEft, Proprietor; THOMAS .. . ,_ 00 e , in suitable terms, thelsympat-by of the a few days here Visiting relatives and re. week, was visiting amon friends in this he likes the want he will settle the rI . 1' Auctioreor. 1791.1 .� . I � � I ! I ; � � . � I . i . I �� I ,I � i "I'll , i : i I . � � : I I'll , . I . 1� I I I . I � � � i .. I I � 4 i I I I . . . � I I ! ; I . I � i . .1 I � � I : I I , ! i - I . - ­ - I . I � t . � I I i ; - � I I � i - .", �.. I I I . i . . . _ ,� . . � ! I . I I I . : - -_ ! . 7 � � , - . I - ... . � I - I � . - '. � , ­ I �. � - � � - ,�,I� r - I " � ''' - . - 1. - �_-L- 1� li�_�A I 2 6 i 11 # . ­ ! �41-;...r. ; I i .1 . , . " .� -, - , I . , 4 �.: - I I �� � i � . - - , .�!_ - , ­ __... ­�11_ - I -1 ­ - - - -, �' __��_ Z%_';,,,.�I� o I -�M��__W.4."' . I I- _* :,�_,���,__ -+�4,-�_,;, , I I . I ! I ! I I . . � I I � . ,1. � . !_ I � I t . . � . : � . I I : I � � I ; . I ! � i I i - I I - i . i 1. � I I I*- I i I . i . . I 1 i - � . I : � 1. i �. I - I . i i f I . I - , I - I + - I i I i , I"I I : . - I ! i I . - -_ I i - .. , � ­ ___ - 1. - 11 ­ ­­ -L -.-,!- ---11 - - ___ ; __ ..--.-,--- - _.. - I .1 .-.I- -1 I � .1 � I . . �. - - �. " ___ - __ . � I NIA&W WW . I I WInen N in justide to hi in, by the most 0 � ,arepositively I - . $-I 00 suit- -of . 10. : made of. I 0 had; never thi 31,0t ask you to, I prove it to you I � � fooEsh State= I we are w,611 Ww, and, therefore-3� a ,have a d,oubt 0 I back i4p our A § 2 — - � . � - . if YO , wkaT, or if Y9 - to find it -will . Ehovn. Ve� And ae to pri =1110FI-M-009 9 FTT� k I IQ