HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-04-11, Page 2-
ARMS FOR SALE.—Rare bargains in farms in
the Townships of Mullett, Mortis, and Wawa-
nosh,County of Hum, Inquire at curie. WM;
CAMPBELL, Blythe Ont. 1774-tf
For sale a etommodlaut dor and half' house,
with cement*eellar and_ Attlee ; ateottetattle and
nearly two acrenot Isnd e bninediately north- of the
Egutondville manse. The land is Well planted with
large and small fruits. Apply to Wm. pr.morr.
°MA= FARM FOR SALE.—In beat wheat bent
-t1 outhern Manitoba. Ninety scree reedy for
whest next year; 60 stores hay. Good new stelae
•and granary. Twelve dollars per acre. Several
other inproved and 'prairie "farms for sale. Write
OHA.S,E. SHAW, Ben 17, Boiesevain, Manitoba.
innUSII LOTS FOR SALE.—For sale, 200 acres oi
mintyAll . v , maple , breblac
eeh„ k
jUliti bush Iseult;n timberthe township of Amabel
°, Brace
birdie and halal . One mile from a saw malt, and
geod. shipphst fealties, Good investment. For
' further pattionlars apply to GEORGE A. TttaNsit,
Bruoelield. 1785-tf
OMSK FOR BALL—For sale Lot 27, Con.
caisidon 4, IleEillop, containing 100 acres, all
of *Mehl/ dewed, welt fenoed, underdraia d and
a high state of oultivation. There is si goad
prick house, large- bask barn with stone ',tabling,
plenty of water snd a good orchard. It in within
two miles of Seaforth and within a _mile from a
school. Apply on the preeniees or to Seaforth P. 0.
WM. GRIEVE. 175741
EIARM. FOR SALE—Farm in Stanley foresle, Lot
_IC 29, 0..noesiion 2, containing 100 sores. All
.near but 1% scree of herdwoodbush. It is in a aold
date of cultivation, well fenced and unclerdralne
There is on the farm two Innis, with stabling, and a
large -dwelling house. 11 18 oonveniently situated,
miles frone Clinton and mile from Baird'a
Address all inquiries to JOtiN MeGREGOR, on the
premises, or KU. MeGREGOR, 2nd Comets:don,
Tueaersmith, Seaforth, Out. 1,758-1f
.17 Wethe him of the tendersigned in the Town-
ship of Tucketienith, adjoinhig the Village of Eg-
mondvi le. The farm contains 29 scree, U cleared
except 4 acres of good hardwood bush. It is all
well fenced. well 11:0 drained, and in a first dies
stet° of cultivation. There is a good frame house,
with kitchen and woodshed; and steno cellar full
size of house. There is a good bank beim, with
steno stabling, and good pig and hen house. Ther
is a good yeung bearing crohard and a lot of oriel
merit 1 trete. There is a never failing vnel at the
house, one at the ban, andl another on the farm.
It is one of the most oonvenient and ocmfo:table
placee In tbe township. and will be sold oheap ant
- on caey terale. Apply on the premises cr addreis
Egmondvil.e P. 0. HERMAN BUBOLZ. 178341
MIAMI FOR SALE.—For sato that very desirable
• farra on the Min Read, Tuokeramith, adj doing
' the v liege of Egmendvill 11 oontaice 97 semi,
nearly all cleared anSi in a geed state of cultivatioe,
and well underdrained, There ie a cenitortable
,briek cottage and good barns,•with root cellar ani
• outbuildinee. The buntings aro, eltuated near the
centre al the farm teed on the Mill Roadit is well
watered, and plenty ot soft water in the kitehen.
It is conveniently sitneted foe ohu-ch and, school
end within a mile Raid a half of Saaforth. Will be
sold cheap- and on esey tame of payments' Apply
to the groprietor, ROBERT PAXSON, Seatorth.
✓ sale, Lot 22, on the North Boundary of Hay
Township. This farm contains 10e aores„ $5 sores
cleared, the rest good hardwood bush. It hineell un-
derdrained and fenced. There is a good stone 'house
with a No. 1 Geller ; large hank barn; implement
stied; sheep house 70x75, with first -dais eteblin
and root cellar underneath; a good otehard; oo
wells and cistern. There is 12,1 aores of fall wheat
sowed on a, rioh tallow. wed manured ; 40 &ores
seeded down reeently, the reet Ir,, good shape for
erop. This is a No. 1 farm, well situeted for
Markets, churches, schools, petit offioe, etc.,
, will be sold reasonab'er. Apply on the preinieesinr
' address ROBERT N. DOUGLAS, Blake,Ont.16013x511
9 and the weat half of Lot 8, on the 12th courses -
on, or Bronson Dine, of Stenley. This hem con-
tains 150 acres, all of which is °leered, exeept four
sores. It is in a state of first-olass ounivation, will
fenced and all underdrainedoncetly with tile. There
is &large frame dwelling Irene° as good as now,
good stone foundation and cellar, large bent(barn
with stone stabliog underneath, and numerous other
buildings, inaluclieg a large pig house. Two good
orchards of choice fruit, also nice shed° and °non
mental trees. There are two spring creeks running
through the farm, and plenty 01 good water all the
year round a ithout pumping. 11 is well situated for
markets, ohtivithen schools, post offiee,eto , and good
gravel roads leading from it in all directions. It is
within view of Lake Huron, and the baste on be
mem pasaing up and down from the house. This is
one of the beat equipped farms in the ceunty, and
will bosold on easy terms, as the proprietor wants to
retire on account of ill health. Apply on the premi-
ses, or addrees Blake P. O. JOHN DUNN. 1784-tf
DARN FOR SALE.—For sale, Lot 1, in the Town-
• V ship of Tuokeremith. Concession 3, WO acres of
land, 95 aores cleared, well un terdrained. Splendid
farm for grain or stook, well watered, &
spring the whole year runs through the farm. Also
on the farm is a splendid hank barn, new y new,
whit% is 60x64, with -stene stabling underneath.
t Also fnune house 24x/8, and kitchen Mtn with
good stone °ellerand two good wells. Thlt pro-
perty is situated in a very desirable looality with
splendid gravel rods to market, on's, 31 miles to
Seaforth. Also a good dwelling:home in SeafortO,
situated on Oolemsn street, arose to Victoria. Park.
Thia house is composed of 8 roman well finished,
phnty of hard and soft water, awl kitchen 2ext6,
with psntry and wash room attwitted, and %good
woodshed, A good stab`e 24x18. All of this property
mustbe sold se the undersigned L liming to the
- United St .tes. Ail particulars conoerning thin
property can be had by applying at Tux FocrOarroa
Office or ti the proprietor, JAMES KEEIDE, Sea -
forth. • 1752-tf
Hardware Store.
Spring Goods.
Complete stock of ready mixed Paints,
Wall Finish, Whiting for house cleaning.
New 'stock of Spades and Shovels, Garden
Rakes, Hoes; Manure Forks and Draining
Get our prices for Ellwood Woven Fene'ne
Coiled Spliog and Barbed Wire Staplea eta
&Indere' Hardware, Nails, Locks and
Bern Door Hinges.
Special attention to all Galsranized Iron
and Tie Work, Esvetroughing and Furnace
Sills & Murdie
Counter's Old Stand, Seaforth
J. Landsborough,
-Upholstering, a specialty, and up-
holstering coverings always on haud.
Also Window Shades fitted and put
Curtain Poles, Pictures- and Picture
All wrongs made right in every de-
putment ()Four work at our expense.
Undertaking Branch.
We have a large and varied assortment
from which to °Loose in time of need, and at
prieee that have been a matter of agreeable
surprise to all who have dealt with u?.
Two fine hearses on hand for summer and
eiuter use. Night calls at my residence,
corner cottage in rear of Dominion Bank,
will be promptly responded to.
LL Thi
The Itightlest Thiel: Is IOftentimes to
Say Nothing and 4o .o(hkngl.StroUger
Than any Bitter or ea. east c or #e-
v•ngeful Answer to trong la he
Patient Silence— ttoa 's NV flu?.
EnteredAceoraing to 24t, P rlia ent oft
ada, in the year 1902, by Whllnbw Baily, Of 11
root°, at the Dep't of AgriI9LIl.UrC, OLi.aWa.
Washington, April 6s --In ;the 1 le
lowing discourse prepared '1 by r.
Talmage before his iOnesei a, vi id
glimpse of the splpn or agia glor es
Of heavenly life is esent d; .te t,
Revelation, via, 11 ''There : was -i-
'once in ! heaven abo t! the space of
half an hour.'' -
The busiest place eie the unive se
is heavea. It is th is ceri; re ltn ,
Which all good inflae cies start; it is
the goal at which f a 1 !good, resu ts
arrive. The Bible re resents; it ,. as
active with 'wheelsa d wings and
orchestras and prac ssions. mounted
or charioted. But tm text 'describes
a space when the whe Is ceased to r 11
and the trumpets to sound and he
voices to chant. Th riders on th.3
white horses reined • their charg se
The doxologies were ushede and pi's -
cessions halted. The hand . pi oxrilst I
was upon all the stile dora.1 "St6P, ,
heaven! " cried an oxnnipotnt voiee,-
and it stopped. For1 thirtyminutes
everything celestial sgoold still.
"There was silencc ih heaven a.bchit
the space of half an our."!
From all we can 1 arn it, is the ,
only time heaven ev r stopped. It
does not stop as either cities for the
night, for there is oo night there. I
It does not stopfor a plague, for
the inhabitant neve . says, "I am,
sick." It does not Stop 'for ba
ruptcies, for its inhabitants never
fail. It does not istop for impalas- ;
able streets, for there are no fallen
snows or sweeping freshets.; What,
then, stopped it for thirty 'minutes?
Grotius and Professor Stu, rt think I
it was at the time _of the destruction 1
of Jerusalem. Ire). Lord thinks ; it
was in the year 311 between the '
close of the Diocletian pe -secution
and the beginning of :the vars by .
which Constantine ga teed the throe°. -
But that was all a guess, though a
learned and brilliant guess. I do not
know when it was, and 1 do not care
when it was, but 'of the :fact that
such 0.0 interregnum of sound teak
place 1 am certain,. "There was Si-
lence in heaven abbut the1 pace of
0 -
hall an hour."
*.nd, first of all, aveti learn; that GO !
ani all heaven then honored silenee. t
The longest and :w dest !dominion ;
that ever existed ier S hat oywhich '
illness was queen 'Or an eternity !
there had, not been a Sound, World :
making was a later day occupation.
F r unimagieablet ages it was a -
in • te. universe. . (.1 o#cv)was i the only :
beIng, and as there ., as n6 one to ;
speak to, there , 'WO' no Utteranee. )
But that silence lees 'all been. breken i
up into worlds, and -6. has ;become at I
ncisy universe. Whri de- in Upheaval, ,
worlds in congelat'' ne worlds in con-
flagration, worlds ,.iirevolution. ,
If geologists aref r ght—and 1 be- '
lieve they are—thete has not been a
moment of silence ince the woeld :
began its travels; aid the crashiag
and the splitting and the uproar and
the hubbub are ever A progrees. Bat
;when among the; eu ernals . a voce
cried ':Hush!" and f r half an haur .
heaven was still, ; sil nee waa honOr- .
ed. The full power f 'silence' many ;
of ats have yeto eern. We are
told that when 011ds was arraigned
"he answered not a Word." That
silence was louder t ao a,nee thup-
' der that ever shd,ok thp world. Of-
tentimes when we ate 'assailed and. •
inisrepreemeted the mightiest thing
to say i's to say nest ing aid the
mightiest thing ta dc) is to de ' noth-
ing. Those people who • are: ;always
rushing into print to get themselv s .
set right accomplish also -thing b t 1
their own chagrin.; : Silence! iDo ,
right and ieave: the :results wi h :
. God. Among the grandest lesso4is .
, the world has ever leahned I are the ,
lessons of spatienee taufrht by those f
who endured uncOrtiplailingly pernoln- i
al or domestic or poli4cal injustice. ;
Stronger than any bitter or :sarcas- .
tic or revengeful ;answer is the' Pa- f
tient silence, k %
Learn also frern my text that
ven. must be an eventftill eald ! acti1ve
place from the faet that it could
ford only thirty 1 minietes of rece se- I
There have been events :on earth. a id f
-in heaven .that seenied to dernanffi a ,
.Whole day or whole week or whelie
year .for Celestial! consileratioh. 0
Grotius was right and this ,silence ,
occurred at the Hine oil the destruc- i
tion of Jelusalenat that! seenq Was Se
awful and - so proliongedthat the ha
• habitants of heaVen coUld not, baare
done ,fustice to 'it in !many-iweeks.
After tearful besiegemena of the to
fortresses of , J ertleaiem, I Antonia arid
ilippicus had been goiag on for i; a
long while, a RoMan spiffier, mount-
ed on the shoulder of: another sol-
dier, hurled into ;the, 'Huth* :cif the
t temple a firebrand, tied the temple
I was all aflame, and :after ectetering
many sacrifices to the iholinees Of
God, „the building iftielf became . a
sacrifice to the rage oil man. ' The
hunger of 'the people ini that : city
during the besiegement le -as , ep great
that as some outlawst wkre peesing 'a
doorway and inhaied •-tSe odors of
food they burst open the.l doPr,
threatening the neother -Of the.'hpuee-
hold with death , unlesis she tga m
them some food, and she toole then
aside and showed; them that it w s
her own child she was cooking f t
the ghastly repast. Six htindr0
priests were destroyed on , !Motet
Zion because the 'temple beingt gone,
there was nothing for !them 'to .de.
Six thousand peonle in ! one cloister
were consumed. !There were 1,106,S
000 dead according tie Josephue,'
Grotitts . thinks that this was th'
eause of silence for half an hour. If
Mr, Lord was right. and this ,eileace
WAS during the Diociqtion persecu-
tions, by which 844,000 Chrilstiants
suffered death from swerd and fire
and banishment and exposure,. , why
did not heaven listen throughout nt
least one of those aschIL years? No!
Thirty minutes! The fact is that
the celestial program ?'s so crowd-
ed with spectacle, that 4-te can Iaffoed
only one recess in; all eternity, and
that for a short space. While : there
are great choruses, in which all hen,-
ven Call join, each *out there hiss a
seory or .0 v.the mercy peculiar 10'
itself, nd it m st be a solo. i .1 row
,can hea, en g t hrough with all its
recitatives, w th all its Cantatas,
with all it grai d marches,- With ail
it•s victori ? E ernity is too shoet
;to ' uttei a 1 the praise.
-In In ;e4t 1 etreen spared thirty
minute, bu, , Will never again
'spare one ni ute. ' In worship • in
;earthly ; ch rc es where there are
many th t kc p rt we have to coun-
sel brevity bnt iow will heaven get
on rapidly extou h to let one . hun-
dred and 10 ty four thousand get
: through: ea h. vi h his own. story and
then one h 'n re ' and - forty-four mil-
lion and. t en o e hundred and for-
ty-fouribillitOetl,a d then. one hundied.
and for ty-f urt teillion? Not only, are
all -the trit mphs of the past to be
but all the triumphs
to coMe.• at only what we know of
-pod, but hat we will know of Him
after • everl sting study of the deille.
11 my text had s sid there was slilence
in heaven foi t irty days, I would
not have b c .[ s11ar11eti at the an-
nouncenSen , u1 it indicates. 'thirty
minutegt - Why, there will be so
many filien s f to hunt up, so many
of the1:re tly` g od and 'useful that
we will w nt to see so many of the
intcrutscble -thin s of earth we will
need expl hied, se many exciting
earthly ;ex erienees ' we will want to
- talk over, and all . the other spirits
and all sth acs will want the swim,
that there vii be no opportunity for
cessation. Iroev busy we will bo
kept in ha in pointed Out to us, the
heroes nd heroines that the world
never ft11y appreciated—the yellow
fever and hdlerte doctors who died.
not flying from their posts; the fe-
male nurse who faced pestilence in
the lazaret os; the railroad engineers
who stayec at their places in order
to save th ti air, thoughthey them-
selves peAshed. Hubert ;Garin, . the.
master ininer,, who,landing from the
bucket. at the! bettom of the mine
just as he heard the waters rush in
and when on& jet k of the rope would
have lifted hitn into safety, put In
the bucket a. ibliped • Miner who want-
ed to go to hs eick clench and jerked
the rope for hilm ' to be pulled up,
crying, "Tell !them the water has
burst in aad level are prbbably lost,'
but we "Iwilseek refuge at the other
end of the right; gallery," and then
giving the cdm !land to the other
miners till they dined themselves
so near I out, tha the people from
the outeide caul cenne to their res-
ctie. Tile reuleit des of men and wo-
men! whp got I no crown. on earth we
will t want .to see when they get their
crown in heave . I tell you heaven
will have no! n 'ore half hours to
spare. .
My Stlbje et - als ilLpresses me with
the immortalifty of a half hour. That
half hour meriti ned in my text • is
more wsdely *n wn than any other
peorlifedof .the
the calendar of heaven.
the wl olef hours of heaven
is measured oiff, none of . the years,
none of ; the cell uries. Of the mil-
lions of ;ages Past o4d the millions of
. ages to ',Ooziest n t ane 1$ especially
measured. off n her Bilele. - But the
half hour cf piy ext is made intmor-
tal. The �nlyl p rt of eternity - that
was ever mea ur rl. by earthly- time-
piece was me st red by the minute
hand of :me tet. 0 it -the half .hours!
They decide (VC -yti ing. I amnot
asking What yoi will do with the
years or nianIth or days of your°
lifebut what o the half hours? Tell
me the historly 1 your half hoUrs
and I will telly u •he story of yetir
effeole life on e rth and -the, stOry
of your,' selole li e 1 eternity. The
right oil w on thins you can think
In thirty minute , the right or wrong
things you can s y in thirty minutes,
the right cr wr ng things, you - can
110 in thirty Min ttes are glorious or
baleful, Wuhan or desperate; .
Look out foe t e fragments of timet
They are piece's f eternity. It was.
the half hours he wean shoeing horses
that made Elih Perritt the learned
blacksmith, the iaif hours between
prafessienal call as, a physician that
made Abercromb • the Christian 'phi-
losopher, t 6 li 1 lours between his
duties as cheIol iater that Iliad*
Salmon P. Chess clijef justice, - the
half hoters betw en the slabs lasts
that Made Henr Wilsoi vice, presi-
'dent t of th Uni ed States,' the half
hours betw en ct nal boats that made
James •A A. tirfie d president. The
half hour day fort good books . or
bad books, the all hour a day for
prayer Or ne101ence, the half hour a
day for ihe ping others or blasting
others, the half lour before you go
to beelines arid the half hour • after
you :return rein usinesse-thrit makes
the -differ° ce between the scholar
a,nd k the gnor nuts, between the
Christiao nd th infidel, between the
saint: and he d mon, betrmen tri-
umph:, and a'4tstjrophe., binftween hea-
ven and" h 11. ; The inost tremendous
things Of .'our 'Vie :and mine were
certain. .' al- hu ts. ; The half hour
when in t e par onage of a country
-11. 11 W -Ie i
imbiii.ster resa ved to beceme a
Cludetian hen t lid !there, the half
I; eiteicted to become a
preacher .of th h i oselel, the half hour
when 1 lirs rehli ecl 'that my son was
dead, the I alf!li ur 'When I stood on
the top of rtyllie use in Oxford street
atsd saw our cIhl rcla burn, the half
hour in hie). -entered Jerusalem,
the half hour in which I stopped- on
Mount Calvaty, the half hour in
which 1 st od k)n Mars hill and about
ten pr fift en lot lerhalf hours ' are
the Chief ti nes my life. You may
forget the lank of the exact years
or most, of the i nportant events. 1 of
your existe ce but those half hours,
hike the ha f luot • 'of my text, will
be iniinort 1. II o not query what
ypu will! dc with the twentieth cen-
tury, I do lot; q ery what you will
do with this year; but what will you
do with all - next half hour? • ' Upon
that hinge. ytitti- destiny, and dur-
ing theesome of you will receive
the gospel Ind Make complete' set. -
render, and dueing that others of
you will ' in ke final and fatal rejec-
tion of the fel' and free and urgent
and impassioned offer of life eternal.
Oh, that! the next half hour might
be the most glorious thirty minutes
of your earthier eXistencel
Again, in ' text suggests a way of
studying he veil o that we can bet-
ter understs lid ' t. The word "eter-
nity" that •0 Cah hendle so much
is an Mune sill -able 'Word. Knowing -
that WC cot Id not understand that
word, the t 11)11. uses it only once,
We say, , "1 orOve • and ever." But
how long is "for ver and ever?" I
am glad tilt t uiy text puts under our
eye heavIn or tl irty minutes. As
when Yon s e a, great picture, you
put a sheet of paper into a scroll
and lookhrough it or join your
forefinger t yOur thumb and look
through the cirel9 between, and the
Piot re Dec rises n ore .atense, so
this niaste piece of heaiven by St.
tTobn s la re iMpressive when ' we
take Only hirty minuts of it at a
time. :Now, we have 's mething that
we u.a4 come .aearer to 'grasping, and
it i cie gullet heaven. When we dis-
cour e aboht the !multitudes' of ' hea-
ven, it =St, be ahnost a. nervous
shoe r to 'those who have all :their
live been ' crowded by many people
and Who want a eiu let 1 heaven. For
the ast thirty -Sive yeasts I have been
tiger of the time in crowds ,and un-
der ublic scrutiny al.' amid excite -
filen s, and I have sem ' iiMes thought .
for few weeks after reach heaven
1 w uld like to ga liown in some
quie part of the retell , with a few
friehde. and for a ..itt e while try
coin arati e - solitede.0 Then . there
are hose hese- hearing is so . deli-
cate . thalf they get ree gatisfaction
whet you lescribc the trash, of the
. eter al. ori hestra, and they feel like
sa.yi g„ as a good woman in Hud- .
son, N.Y., said after I hearing . me
spea of tJ e mighty chorus of hea-
ven; '!Tha must be a great heaven,
, but what v111 beco so e of my poor
hea ?”, Ye , this h If hotir of my
text is a s ill exper enc0. "There -was
sile 0 in ea,ven for half a4 hpur.''.
Y u will find the nhahitants all at
hon : En er the K ng' palace and
. take only a glimpse fp' we, have
only tirt34 minutes for. all heti:Yen.—
"Is that . esua?" " es,1
" ;Just under
'the air a ong . his orehead,"‘ is the
mar �f a ¼vound m de byastettunch of
twis ed -br rubles, a il. his foot, ors
the hrone has on he rout:1(1.o! his
inst ps an ther m rk eaf, a ,wound
mad by a spike, an a scar on the -
pain of he right hanri and a scar
on t -le pal of the leit thand. But;
wha a cotntenance! *hat a smile!
Wha a. grandeur! I 'hat's, loveliness!
Wha an oVerwhelin ng look of kind-
ness and grace! Wh h4 looks as if
he h ed redeemed a •odd) But come
on, or our thne is hort.„' Do you see
that row 6f pal, ces? ; That is the
Apo tone I ow. Do rou See that long
rea,c of architectur 1 gleries? That
is Martyr row. Do you ;see that im-
men s structure? T at ie the biggest
hou c in heaven; • -Eh t is "the house
of I any mansions.", Do you see that
wall Shade your e es • against its
butt ing splendor, fo ' th t t is. the wall
of b •aVen, jasper at the bottom and
tune hyst at the to S e this. river
roili lg through the hea t .. •61 a the
grea metropolis? 'hat is theriver
cone ening, which th se ; who , once-
liv • on the banks of the Hudsoii
or t le Alabama or he 1 hine. er the
Shannon SE y, "Wd I ever saw the like
Of ti in for clarity e d s) eon." , Pass
down thos bouleva els be gold and '
i1t mh mt and s
napphire „and see those
ntetinitatble streets buil'. hy the Are
hit( ct of iihe unive, se into homes,
- over the threshold or which sorrow
eve steps and out of whose win --
ow.. faces, once let c with earthly
Sick/ ess, iow look 1 ullicund with
limn irtal 1 ealth,
"( 11,, let. nc go .in and, see them!
,•ou ay. N ). you ea mongo in. There
are i hose w lo gmuld never iSonsent to
let e ott colee out a; eine . You say,
'Le me. , etay h .re in this place
Whet e they never in where they nev-
er 1st flea where. they never part." No,
Doll Our 'time is sh I. our .thirty
• i
1rum +-onCom
ar almost e Coe - on!
• Ve must get a back to. earth hefore
:. -his hall hour of hsaycnry Eitence
irea, cs up', for -in y ea mortal , state
eau' cannot .micitire the pomp and
tple.i dor and s. res nan .e when this
half hour of silence s e ded. The
da.y will cone when you can see hea-
..hea n full blast, bu no now. Re -
Mein XT we are mots al t and Ca tl-
hOt maitre the full roll .of heavenly
!ham onies Ind cane it e LcIu.re - even
the Aleut I eaven fo mPre than half
an hour. I ark! Tie clock in . the
toW i• of heaveu begins to strike, and
the half ' .hOur is ended •
, u how will You spend the first
'haif hour of your heavenly citizen-
ship after you have one in to stay?
Afee • your prostrat on before the
th o le in Ts &ship 0 him who made
it p ssible for you o get' there a.t
all I think the rest f yOur first half
hopr in fieefiven will d passed in re-
ceivi ns you reward if yOu have been
fait Hui. I have, a . teat gely bcati-
fu Iook containipg ho ° . ictures of
the 1 usdals struck ' iy t se English
Gov t.nment, in hono of great bat-
tles. These medals re pinned over
the 1 cart o th'e ret rnet:-- heroes- . of
the army n great ccalsions, the
royal famil present an - the royal
bandplay lig—the rii1ean - niedal,
the medal f the mu illy, the Viet r-
ite C -oss, ti e Waterl o :medal.
h 11 hour i I heaven in s mel
your first
way you w 11 be 1101 orad . for the
eartl ly stetggles in which you won
the ( ay. 8 and up •eforo all he
rove, house of heave 1 and receive the
it1SLQ, tie wh le you a e announced as -
victor over the draft aid freshetssof
the furni field, victo over the temp-
tatit ns of the Ste& Exchange; eice
tor over profession 1 allurements,
victor over domestic infelicities; vic-
tor t ver mechanics . hop, victor O'er
the . torch° se,- .vic or over .honie
wort -ante -as, victor over physical dis-
t lasses, f vie 'or over helleditary 'de-
press nine, Nictor ove . .'in and death
and tell. 'lake the hedge that cela-
leutes thos victories throeigh our
1.0e1 Jesus Christ. 'eke it inl the
pree, nee of 111 the gelleries, saintly,
ttne,eic toed (1(vine. Vhile all heaven
cat n 5, sT1 ese are they who ciente
ou tf grea - tribulation- , and , bad
he macs washed net made white
in the blow of the qmb." i
aryL Davila wife of
Stratf rd, died on Satur
ult., after a seivere Hines]
The d °easedv as a clan
David Deo is,iof Sheffie
ren. he weeks native o
Galt, 701 the lest of a fa
emigr ted to beseecda wit
but al little girl. The
Sheffi Id, at which place
John Lloyd took plac
Lloyd removed to Stratfo
five years ago. ' Besides
band, he deoersed leaves
in,John Lloyd, of
ay morning, 22nd
of about a week,
hter of the late
d, a village near
tly of five child -
South Wales, and
her parents when
family settled in
er marriage with
Sir. and Mrs.
d about twenty-
er serrowine hes-
e family of two
No boating about the
Niehols—hs believe
Cure for the Heart
and he says so stra
bush for Aaron
Dr. Agnew's
cured his wife,
"This is to certify that I tight two bottlee of
Dr. Agnew's Cure for the h art for my wife Who
has ben for twenty years a great sufferer from
Heart isease. She had ore benefit front it
than fr m all th1 doctors 't hone attended her,
Ind I nn pleased to give his certificate Of its
wondeful cured e powers."
Aaroxi Nichols, eterboro P.O., Ont.
It relieves in qiirtyminu 67
I. V. Fe4r. druggis Seaforth
Case's Ointment
A Food for the Sid
Ait A.neiseptiesOestler ,Vishaeht*SO
jr ApayarAtenisig "I and Bar
send. mot oval,- cure* g
Voinn of • gebinsF ,Sktn Dl�efl
If the extraordinary' value of
Chase's Ointment were thoroughly
derstood thera wouid not be a farni y; in
Canada that would he without it id the
houee for a single day.
In the first place It is a food and
beautifier for the Skirl; and is so nre
and pleasant to use that no lady will
delay in 'applying it. ' It' removes pim-
ples, hlackhea s, •and all sorts of dis-
agreeable and disfiguring skin diseases.
. In the sev*et cases of eczema, salt
rheum, fetter, ; scald hda.d and other
itching- skin ruptiona, Dr. Chase's
Ointment affords lnstaxt relief by al-
layingthe buening, stinging sensat ons,
and will permanently cure it ap lied
Dr. Chase's Ointment is the stan iard
ointannt the world over, and is so! ar-
vellouely ,suceeeeful as to far sur ass
all rivale. Ask:your neighbors abo t it.
There is not al single community in
Canada but hal' some eases where this
remedy has -wOrked remarkable c tre.
60 eents a box; at all dealers, or Ede
rnwrison. Bates 8.r. Co.. Toronto.
Only a 'Letter.
It is impossible to estimate the good that
may spring from a little act of kindness.
It may be only a 'word; a stray thong t, or
trifling fa7or, but it often carries a bl using
to one that thinks himself friendless.
have not fOrgotten the eircumets ee of
a young man in the army who reoeiv d no
letters, and when his cemrade eaw the tears
fill his eyes when 'the, mail arrived, he rote
home to his mother, and told her 0 his
orphan comrade.
Mother,";he *rote, "do write to; im and as his motheri3 dead, do mother im a
Very guiokly a letter eame to the oung
man. As it was; handed; to him he aid:
"Ib is not for me, 1 have no one that cares
enough for me to -write." .•
But when he opened it and saw, My
dear son," he bowed his head and wept
like a ohild. Then lifting his face, hea!ming
with smiles, he Bid: • "1 have got a
Is 0. Modest way of .telling of
the itorture that thousands
, of people have suffered from
Skirl Diseases—before they
learned .of that wonde ful
healer Dr. Agnows Omtm nt.
But "gone wild with joy" only faintly ex p esses
the deep Meaning in the tliankful hearts the have
been relieved from skin tortures by this gr,atest
of skin healers. Have you Piles ? Salt Rh um?
Eczema? Ring -worm? Pi rn pies ? Has baby
got Scald Head? Have you any eruption if the
skip ? One application of Dr, Agnew's Oin ment
will help—a few will cure—it never fails. . ets.
. 63
L V. Fear Drtiggist,.Seaferth.
—W. S. Thornton of the firm of Thorn-
ton & Dauglae, one Of the prominent 'busi-
ness men of Stratford, died very suddenly
on Tuesday of last week. Deceased was in
good health up to the day of his death and
about one o'clock that day be went iato the
wash room of the Windsor hotel, when he
WU taken with a fainting spell. He was
immediatelFput to bed, but never rallied.
Deceased was 46 years of age and unmar-
le the.key-note of a ha.ppy-heart. Dr.
Von titan'. Pineapple Tablets ma.ke
and goep the stomach sweet, be.
causo thyy aid digestion and pre-
vent ferment.
Stornadh ferment induces I nd i gtest ion . Indi-
gestion produces distress after eating, weight in
the stomach, wind on the stomach, loss of appe-
tite, diziiness, " nausea, itnpovefished blood,
catarrh of the stomach, sick headache alld uany
other disorders—but Dr. Von Stan's pineapple
tablets nip the trouble in the bud, and prevent
the seating of diseases. •Eminent physicians pre-
scribe them. Sixty tablets, 35.eents. • 64
I. V. Fear, druggilt, Seaforth.
—On lt,titraday afternoon of last week,
Mr.. Wm, Gill, one of blopkton'i oldest in-
habitants passed to his rewird at the age of
yeare:8 months and 3 days A year ago
he was confined to the house 'nearly all win-
ter with grippe, from which he never hilly
reoovered. Cancer of the stomach began to
develop during the summer, and all winter
he had suffered untold agony. For months
he could not take any i solid food, and the
last few weeks he could not take anything.
You' Can't Be
An Offensive arttath and Dis-
gusting Discharges, Due to
Catarrh, Slight Millions of
Lives Yearly. Di,,. Agnew's
Catarrhal Powder Relieves
in 10 Minutes. '
Eminent nose and throat specialists in
daily practice highly recommend Dr. Ivg-
new's Catarrhal Powder as Eafe, sure, per-
manent, painless and harm!ess, in all cases
of Cold in the Head, T. nsilitis, Headache
and Catarrh. It gives rclit f in ro minutes
and banishes the disease like magic. • 65
- I. V. Fear, druggist, Seaforth.
-About sixty frien a of Mr. John, Seheig
gathered at the home of Mr. John Hein-
buoh, South Easthope, the other evening,
to bid him farewell -on the eve of his depart-
ure for the West. Mr. Swung is very wide-
ly known in Downie aid. South. Easthope.
He was presented with a handsome gold
watoh and chain the address being read by
Reeve Herold and the !presentation made by
Mr. Alex. Clark. I
Was averted by the timely use
of South American Nervine—
Doctors did their best but
were powerless.
tIr. John Lee, of Pembroke, says :—" I had
indigestion. I had lost my appetite. I was run
down in flesh. I was so sick that I feared fatal
resoles, and was almost, in despair because my
physician seemed powerless to cope with the
clieeeee. 4 was induced to try South American
Nervine, I received so much ben e fi t from One
Janne that I persevered in the treatment, and.
tooley I am a new man and ane cured com-
pletely. 66
I. V. Fear, druggist, Seaforth..
—Mrs. Malcolm, wife Of Mr. George Mal-
- .
colm, B. A. of the Stratford Collegiate In-
stitute staff: died on Saturday,, 22nd ult.,
after a few weeks' illness. Besides her hus-
band, she leaves one son.
•'.—Mn George Kerr has sold hitt faxm of
100 acres, at Poole, on Which the tile and
bi iek yard is situated, for $7,000, the brick
yard and machinery and one Bessost's wood
included. Mordour Brothers were the pur-
'The styles
Are the n
leading fa
of our ou
Spring sui
for this pting and "early Sasozkf ew
r oearl ate ni
ill catching than ever, and ourit
bbiest and most up-to-date t
non markbts. You can't he]
fits, particularly when it is
•Come in and, see.
be picked ap in the
bUt look drissy in one
ped off by a nobby
For pure blood, a bri
complexi4m, a keen
digestionj and refFeshi
ht eye, a clear
petite, a good
g sleep, TAKE
ver, quickens the
eIttiriaae:usestiyouim, tbphrireoes the health
tens the spirits and
LOOD purifier lolOwn.
Sixty-eight Years trial It ve proved it to lone the most reliable
All druggists sell "BRISTOL'"
Furniture Che,per
On account of great redntoi.in'elxpenses, and ina*ufacturing special lines
we' are now 4b1e to put, 'urniture? en the market cheapei than ever, All intent'
ug purchasers will do well te Call at ouir wareivoms, whOre full lines of up -to -
dap fumiturp are sold r.t right pries. 1
ar-nEti: 1:10-7,1:Ktit"..6-11:15.7,1tia.:01211
Mit M...JKIT\Tai.f,
of the hesi goods,
tly attended o by our Undertaker, Mr. S. I, Bine..
opposite the Methodistt churh.
,ginThgattention eerti9rtmneginvtei omplete With a large seleetio
obli. to this branch of the business
Night all; pro.
Ooderich str et, Seafort
OUR SALES 9F-----mimik
Form -al -
This past week nearly cleaned, us out, but an-
other supply has cometo hand: As we buy
from the!ioest factory in the world, and have the
advantage of buying 'fdr cash, we can supply
the best and trongelt Form -al -d hyde at 50c a
pound, or 25c halt pound bottle Full direc-
tions on every bottle.'
L V.1 FEAR, the Oruggist,
In Our MillineryDep-
led Lino euais, Oil Cloths, Carpets or
You will fin4 the very newest and most up -to date
it has become.d. steal, fact that prices are always ri
If youiq
r 1
you to have al took thro gh our Carpet Department.
Something very sp cial in Boys' Clothing this week
Another large ship lent of Waterproofs just receixted, in the latest styles,
for Ladies', A' isses' and Gentlemen.
ods in the raarket,
at this store.
Lace Curtain, it wfli pay
ra 13LoOK;
Magnet ."..eain Separator.
If you want the litst Cream S parator made, the
reeasnidestf cerleathneedal, staandri:3keney turned, buy the magnet),
the only separator kende Viith the bowl supported-atboth ends. When You ahnadvetryothiter nitialitearialiefmaionneatilnel_.
vince you that it is Mead of all otin r makes. It is
Ont, 1786-13 and strongest machine on the market.
klanufaotured by tbe Petrie-Tarlor Manufacturing
oe. Guelph, J. If. WHEATLEY, Agent, Hatiock,
rhe ISIcKilloprrilutual Fire
2. B. :McLean, Preeldinitb Itippen P. 0.: Thotiate
Fraser, vico-preaident„ Brieeaeld P. 0.. Thomas E.
riVss ae0T-Trem geOnrithtP. 0. W. 0. Bror.d.
foot, Inspector of LOssee, Bee:font P. 0.
W.G. :Brothdfoot, Seafetirb; John G. Grieve, WI
throp ; George Dale, Beater& ; John Bennewels,
Dublin; James Evans, Beechwood; John Watt,
Pennock; Thomas Fraser, Bre:mead ; John B. Mo.
Kippen ; James', Oonnollne Clint0h.
Robt. Smith, Nerlook ; Rohn MeMillan, Beeler-S.1n
James Cumming. ,lreneeonde .8 ; .7. W. Yeo, Holman,
villo In 0.; George ItUrdie aud John C. Monism,
Partite desirous to effeot Ineuratioes or Irene.
*et (IWO busineee will be promptly attended to ea
-ppliciation to any -of Ole above ofeaels, addressed to
.seets reepeotive -voat °Poen.
MeKiliop Di
Leadbury P. 0.
ry for 1901
eeve, 'Winthrop P. 0.
noillor, Seaferth P. 0.
ter miler, Winthrop P. 0:
Beachwood P. 11
• COnnoillor„ Sosforth P.0
Clerk, Winthrop P. 0
r, Winthrop P. 0.
J. P., Sanitary inspeoters