HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-03-28, Page 8-
I '
- •
284 1002.
Retiring From
genie:tie Inetinnau:n
For the past: twenty-five years, I have
cerried on a successful B000k, Stationery,
Wall Paper and, Fancy Goods bueiness.
Commencing on
every article in my store will be offeeed for
riale at COST, LESS THAN COST, and in
many caees at ONE.HALF REGULAR
PRICE. My reason for so doing is that I
am retiring from bueiness.
This will give the peoPle of Seaforth an
oppartunity to buy
Of al) kinds
at prices that never have been offered before
and are not likely to occur again in many
The biggeat values will be in the
You may have thought that you would
put oft repaperiag your house or some par-
ticular room this spring because it was
going to cost too much. You will change
your mind now after you have seen the
values I am offering.
Watch tor the -large sale bills and prices.
Conte in and see for yourself. Everything
sold for cash, No goods onapproval. Your
money back if goods are not as represented.
Fuller announcements later.
If you ever bought bargains in your life,
this is ens chance in a thousand to save
money. A little money will go a long way
at this sale. Tell your friends that you are
going to take -in this chance. Advise them
also to do so. In the meantime do no buy-
ing of Wall Paper or Window Shades until
you have had a talk with me.
The largest Dealer in Books, Wall
Paper, Stationery and Fancy
Goods in the County.
CAPITAL (Paid Up), - $2,500,000
REST, $2,500,000
Main Street, Seaforth.
A General Banking Business trans-
acted. Farmers' Sale Notes collected,
and advances made on same at lowest
Drafts sold on all points in Canada,
the United States and Europe.
Allowed on deposits of One Dollar and
Solicitor Manager.
Not What You Spend
Bat what you get for what you
spend, that counts. The best
is the cheapest in the end, so it;
is with
Henderson's Photos.
ImPerayon tind large work a
J. P. HENDERSON, Seaforth.
Agent for tlae "National Cream Separator," warm -
/Lectured by the Raymond Sev;ing Maehine Company
et Guelph. The universal favorite, simple and beau-
tiful in design, few parts to clean, easy to operate,
reliable and durable, more points of merit, than any
other separator, a perfect ekireiner suitable for rota
two to twenty-6NQ CONV4. Call at my office and ex-
amine the "National " before purchasing a separa-
tor. Sold on. easy terms.
17cr_ 1\T_ "W_A_11'SC:01NT
General Insuranoe Agent, and Dealer in Sewing
Machines and Bicyolea,
trot txpoollte ov4 I time between Paris, London Vienne, and
Berlin. He annually devoted a couple of
months to similar work in eaetern hospitals
and oolleges tn the United Statee. During
RIE4 the year 1901 Dr. Evans was Vicespresident
of the State !Medical Society, and he is at
Counter's Jewelry Establishment,
The Engagement Ring ' being it
piece of Jewellery about which so
much interest centres, must be
correct in etyle, good ia quality,
then cames the price. We can
give you any design of setting and
any combination of stones.
The Wedding Ring is a very im-
portant pieoe of Jesvellery. We
have them in all qualities of gold,
and fully guaranteed. Oar repair
deparement is strictly up-to-date.
advance sale of seats for the Itarold Jarv ti
concert on Monday evening, indioatee a fu I
house, ench a house as the merits af th a
concert deserve. Of Harold Jervie we nee
say nothing. He is, and alwaefe has 'been, a
great favorite here. Miss Winlow, I collie .1
made her first appearance here a short t
ago, and created auch a favet•able limpre
sion that her return is eagerly looked fo
ward to. The funny part Of the preigram
will be eupplied by James Fasers whi e Mi
Dunlop, of Hamilton, will apt as I acco
panist and will also sing in' a duet with M ,.
-........---ee 1
tended meeting of lacrosse enthus este,
the council chamber, on Monday venin
the Beaver laorosse club Was re-organii
for this season. The following officers were
elected : Honorary priaident, J. H; Broa
foot ; honorary vice-president,
Spring Term opens April 1st.
/2. ENT??
1491.91ede AP"
All business colleges are not alike. Each
should be judged by its own work. Our
school occupies a far higher level than the
average baainess college in Canada. Write
for circulare.
. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
Te write an add, but if you wish to buy,
rent or have repaired a Piano, Organ,
Bioyole Sewing Maehine see
G. M. BALDWIN & 00.
That is their businese.
We do all Bicycle repairing and cleaning,
and have only men to do the work, no boys,
The difficult Bicycle repairing is easy for
us, and we guarantee everything.
G. M. Baldwin, Eleaforth.
General Repair Shop.
-Mr. W. H. Davis, son of Mr. W. R.
Davis, of the Mitchell Advocate, has pur-
chased the Beeton World.
Pearce ; president, W. II. ;Wallin; • vice-
president, H. M. Jacksona seeretary, IfenrY
Beattie ; treasurer, Robert Wilson manat
Baker, D. McLeod, W. McDongall, . John -
ger, Thomas Hatcher ; horaixiittee, H.
ston and P. Mulcahy ; represent tive t
0. L. A. meeting, Harold Broe.dfieot an
Ed. Jackson. It is the intent1on of the oln
to enter the intermediate selies .of ; the
L. 'A.
WHO IS HE ?-A despatch from lChicagb
dated March 23, says : 'A man slupposedi
to be J. McGregor, of London; Oat rio, WO
found dead in hia room at a Sheldo street
hotel to -day. Gas was eseaping rom an
opsn jet. The man had not uddressed,
and lay on the floor beside the bed,
in such a pcsition as to indicate that he died
struggling for breath. In hi4 podiets we's
found a bank book on a London Ontario,
bank, bearing the name of a. 1N13Gregot.
He also had. a mileage book from ILondo
Ontario,'to Winnipeg." FroM London it s
said the local police have learned very little
in regard to the man. He had anlaccount
at Moleons Bank, London, hitt the bank
people refuse to give the timouut. •McGre
or boarded recently on Talbol, stefeet, b t
the boarding house people alsn kn w little
of bim. He is supposed to hate al brother
living in the vicinity of either; Egmondville
or Seaforth. 9 I
' ,
Mr. James Atkinscin, son of' h r.'; Joseph
Atkinsonaof Tuckersmith, is ra dly rising
to the topaand is me ing a narhe fok hirnse f
in the United State . Mr. Atkinson h e
been one of the prof sors in the Ioiva Stat
College for some ye s, bub he leatiing th t
position for a more la rative ode,as editor f
an influential paper n that iitite. 1 In eh al
connection, the Daily Capital, of Deal Moines,'
Iowa, says : " Profs sor James Atkinso ,
of Iowa State Col ge, has tendered h e
resignatioe, to take ffect April 1, When he
will take up edito i 1 work en the Iowa
Homestead. Profese r Atkineon has bee
connected with the a rionitlral departme t
of the college five yleers, and hes render°
the institution and the state excellent se
vice. The college can ill afford to lose him,
but the salary ie much larger than l the col-
lege is able to pay." i We congratulate Ma.
Atkinson on hie adVancemene, and truet
that we shall soon hear of his bearing climbed
still higher on the lai der to fame. !
, • 1
A laziosomE STO E --The , enterprisingl
firm of Greig & Stewart, clpthiers, etc., of
thia town, have now taken ipoaseasion of
both stores in the johnsou block. They
have removed the partition betiveen the two
stores, thus coiner ing it into one large
store, making one o,f the largeet and hand-
somest businees prem see in thie part of the,
country,and undoubtedly., the largest strict yl
clothing store in Western °Atari°. Th al
additional store ronne will give them ext al
facilities for the diepley of their large sto
of clothing and men's furnishinge. In a
dition to their large tetail bust:nese, they
a large wholesale trade in clothing, and use
almost, the entire eecend story Of the blo
for their manufactering plant; This wee
,they' have added several netv machine
which enable them to turn but clothi
much more rapidly aid at a less cost th
formerly. We trust that these enterprisi
young men will continue to prosper; a d
epread out until they are classed erasing t e
large manufact9rere of the country, -
' , . 4'
learn with a great dee' of pleasure from the
Owen Souud papers that :Mr. Thomas
Murray, B. A., has succeeded ' to the prin-
cipalship of the Collegiate Institute of that
rapidly growing and prosperoda town. The
eatery is $1,500 a year. Mr.: Murray had
been mathematical master in the Institute
for five years, and his promotion now to the
responsible position; of prinoiPal by th4ei
who are in the beat position to judge of hie
qualifications, is the best guarantee of his
effioiency that can be given. ,; Mr. Marrey
is a native of Tuckersmith, and is a son lof
Mr. James Murree', ex-treaeurer of that
township, and now' of Ilense.11. Mr. Mur -i
ray's predecessor in the Owen, Sound Testi.
tate is Mr. W. H. Jenkins, B. A., who hail
held the position fer eight years, and who
has repigned to take the position of regia.
trar of the educational coundi' ' suoceedieg
Mr- Paokenham, who has accePted the prin.
cipalship of the Toronto Indestrial schoeli
Mr. Murray has many Mende am,ong Exi
l'OSITOR readers who will join with us in
congratulating him on his advancement. ;
• 1
gentleman referred to in the following exi
1 tract, from the LaCrosse, Wisconein, Moen4
ing Chronicle of March 8th,•is a eon of the
laEki Jeseph I:vented McKillep, near Beechi
Dr. Evana was nob appointed as a Repu li
wood, and he has many old friends,in Huroli
who mill unite with TI1E EiPOSITOR in ex
tending to him the moat hearty oengratulat
titans. The Chronicle says : • " Goneinor Li
Follette has signally honored Dr. ',E. Evans
of this city, by naming hint a member of
the board of regents of the State University
for the seventh congressional district,' t
succeed Byron A. Buffington', of Lost Claikes
can, as was stated in an evening pEt er u
I 1
Present chairman of its progrernme commit'.
i tee. At preeent, he is aeoretaey of the La
Crosse °aunty Medical Society and a Mem-
ber of the hoard of ednoationJ In both of
these capacities he has shown la devotion to
;public duty eeldom found in ;one so preoc-
1 oupied with private affairs. He is bead
surgeon of St. Francis hospital. Hie pop-
ularity as a eitiZen is as great as his success
as a medical practitioner." ;
was appointed ae a Democrat.,
always been a Democrat, and his! 'select on
was made in view of the fact, that lae is erre-
inently qualified to represent that :Ileanch o
the people. It is the theory of the state in
naming members of the board , of regeatS
that the University belonge to all °las
alike, and that the people are eatitled
representation on the board, no mat
what their political views may =be.
Evans Sas been a Praetitioner in a-Croise
for fourteen years, aiid the rapidity with
which he came inte prominence, beth ati
professional man and a citizen, aretimfficitint
testimonials to his qualifications and to lei
high character as a. man and citi'zen.
Edward Evans waa born at Seaforth,
tario, Canada, March 7thsa860. He ree
calved a liberal education -it the sehoola
Canada, matriculated at the UniVersity
Toronto,- and later taught school flee yeah;
He then entered the medical college of Mc
Gill University, at ,Montreal, and 4raduate
in 1887. lie set a new high water male
for seholarehip, both far the class In whic
he graduated and for the Univerty, eras
ing the highest foriner average_ ich w
made in 1824. Thee mark he Made still
atands. In liecogniti6a of his evoik in the
Univereity he was' presented with a gold
medal by the fax:utter. After prapticing, a
year in Seaforth, lie:ctietne tei La Orosse, and
opened an office in July, 1888. • He has
practiced here with flattering suceess ever
since. In 1896 he spent six monthe in the
study of surgery in Europe, dividing hie
Hamm. WED. -A very nice home wed.
diog took place on Wednesday last, at the
home of Mr, and Mre. Wm. Copp, Goderich
street, where, their fourth daughter. Miss
Mary F., was, united in marriage to Mr.
Samuel Little. The ceremony was per-
formed by Rev. Mr. Walwin, and was wit-
nessed by a oodly number of the friends
and relative of the contraeting parties.
The memo° over, the company partook of
dinner ; and afterwards left by the afternoon
train for the east. They were accompanied
to the train by a large number of friends,
who went to bid them good-bye and to wish
them a, proeperous voyage, ndt only to their!
western home, but down the ,stream of life.;
Mr. Little is a former resident of Seaforth,1
but for the past 18 years has I been in Mani-
toba, and lie ne of the prospe ous farmers of'
that Provin , having a sple did farm and
a beautifugh me to which to take hie bride,
near McGr or. Mrs, Litt e is a most
estimable y ung lady, and evill be much
missed in oh roh, musioal and social circles
here, and sh leaves a host Of friends who
will join THE EXPOSITOR in virishing hereelf
and- her exeellent husband a long, happy
and prosperdus married life.
Theetron est and beat Fornealde-hyde is
scld at Fear's d ug stare, Seaforth, for 60o a po
Harold Ja via Concert on ;Monday even-
ing, Mardi 31 Get your seate now. Plan at
Greig & Stews& 's. 1789.1
Edeseoti HATCHING. -During the hatch -
_tee [lemon. W ite Leghorna, eXtra,good stock. CA
and Bee them. 75c per setting. 'WM. COPP, Gode-
rioh Street, Se forth. 17894
Time for painting h at • hand. Don't
forget that She win -Williams Paint, is positively the
be3t paint that can be made either .for outside or
inside rk. Yhether you do the work yeurself or
not, see that y u have Shcrwin,Williams Paint put
on. Call at d r store and we will explain it ta you.
Caesney & S ley, Seaforth, successors to S. Mullett
& Co. 'I 1789-1
Miss Loid Winlow, cellist, will take part
in the Harold Jarvis Concert on Monday evening.
Get your seats asly, so as ,reat to be d s appointed..
PI an at Greig Stewart's. -- 1783 1
Snaps in second hand Pianos, Organs,
Seaing Maehlues and Bicycles at airnoat any price at
the Big New Wait Store Seaforth. Muelo at Job
prices, 6 f..ir 25o. G. M. Baldwin. 1789-1
TEA AND COFFEE. -The demand for our
coffee and 490 black tea is inereasleg every day. A.
Young, Seaforta. 1789.1-
$1,000 worth of eurplus stook, boots and
• shoee, for gentlemen and girls, at 60 cents on
the dollar. The above dces nct inelude our new
epring goods, hich, by the way, are the finest ever
biought into Seaforth. W. II. Willis, Boots and
Shoes, Seafort
Like a go d man, Dish Cloth Soap, there's
not much said, but it does a lot et w:rk. Ladies,
try it.
Houss TO RENT. -To rent, the res1i7n88exn2ce
on -North Main' street at present eecupied by Mr.
Robert Goveelook. Posaession April 10th.
Apply to Tnos.IBURNETT, Selforth. 1787-tf-
TO GARDNERS.-10,000 5c package seeds
at 10 packages for 25e. Claver, Timothy, Spel:z
00380 Wheat, &o. for sale. 0. E. Kix°, Wingham.
For sale i4 Egmondi ille, ()lee half aore of
good land with' comfortable frame residence thereon,
also good etable and plenty of hard and soft eater.
This property is wen eituatel: Pressessioa given' :at
any time. R. Hicks. 1786-5
James Fax is a whole host in himaelf.
Hear him Monday night. Plan at Grelg & Stewart's,
Those wiinting anything in hardware,
tinware, granitware, &tares, eto., da we 1 to call
on us during t e remaining two w6ks of our gale.
Chesney & Seaforth, succeeeors to S. Mull,,tt
& Co.
We are agents for the king of silo
warns, the genuine and only " Ohio Bailey." G. E.
King, Wingharn.
forPoure tittiethy seed at A, Young's17,889e1a-
holidays, on Thursda
Monday, April 7th:
has disposed of his h
Mr. John R. Govenlo
west. -Mies Alice H
is the guest of her au
There will be two
church, Seaforth, o
8.3as. na. and 10.30
there will be a seem°
on the " Rusurreotio
ation of Christian fai
Fliday in Ste Thom
ni., and 7.30 p.
Easter day, commen
ehoir have prepared
church will be nioel
-Collection foe the
meeting on Tuesday
,-Mr. Will McLeod
popular oomio veers
inimical instrument
Ceunter's jewelry s
Mr. Win. Dill met
on Tuesday., He w
et the windoW, whe
one of his ame-
bas beenin the stat
busineas here for ov
of the finest establi
this western oountr
from business, and
with the view of its
possible titne.--Mr
disposed of the red
Mr. W. Hattry, t
also disposed of his
railway, to Mr. MI°
moving here:from t
$1,000.-A young m
lives in Hibbert, a
•boundary, had his
while playing footb
'itf Silver Creek, nee.
oided to remove to
Mr. Wilson has bee
ing her furniture an
sale, privately, on
Tuesday next. -Mi
returned on Wedne
the winter very ple
Chicago. -Andrew
Milling Cotnpany,
residence, on the
High stree6, and w
The town watering
first time this seas°
W. 0. Reed has re
known friend a
World, published d
Yat Bo Publishing
cisco. It is quite a
is about the BiZ8 of
ly printed aied we h
ary.part is very in
Henderson had the
right hand amput
factory, on Saturda
intends selling the
his household effect
Thursday, April 24
perticulars will be
Huron football club
brated Godleis for
of Thursday-, April
have played in 21, er
crowded bousen an
meet in Berlin two
appearanoe. Look
-Mr. W. Hale, so
gone to Eau Clare,
a pod, ion at hie tr
Mr. W. McLeod p
ronto this week. --D
to Sault Ste Mai ie
his position on one
ern Navigation Co
paying a visit with
ent.-Mr. George 8
peg on Thursday.
in the west with th
Manitoba or the T
Kehoe left for Tole
where she will rem
her daughter, Mrs.
sorry to learn is in
number are taking a
holiday exeureions.
had the misfortune
taken off by a ma
factory, on Thursda
few weeks ago that
Somewhat similar mi
of the Methodist 8
their anuual entert
V Pre
k an
. m.
of Inlet, the found -
h." --Service on Good
rob at 10.30 a.
end services on
8 la. m. The
nubile and the
ated with flowers.
fund. Vestry
at 8 o'clock, -
I; 0
reopen on
ge Stewart
nd stook to
s of going
M. Best. -
St). J amen
Sanday, at
he last mass
. Coreoran
' oh
ing a
t, i
ith a
13 he
r. C
. has
wo h
e to
n na
11. -
11 00
ily b
ve n
op of
h, a
in an
for f
de a
d a b
r. W
f the
e w
o h
nd a
Although we are at the present time
running off 61,003 worth of surplus stook at 60 cents
on the dalar, we do no6 neglect our new spring
stook of shoes tor ladiea and ge tlemen. If you
want the vety newest up to -date shoes for Epring
and summer Wear, this is ce-tainly the leading plAce
for that class of goods. W. II. Willis, Seaforth.
Kindly remember all accounts owing the.
firm of S. Mullett & Co. must be tett led at once as
the books must be olosed. Mr. Mullett will be found
at Cheaney & Smiley's, Seaferth, summons to S.
Mullett & 0o. 1789-1
A $50 Parlor Suite given away with a $2
parcel of goods. Call and see. ill E. King, Wing -
barn. 1789
The duets of Harold Jatvis and Mies
Dunlop are alone worth the prite of • admission.
Cardna's Hall, Monday night: Seats nom. on sa.le at
Greig &Stewarb'e. 1789-6
We guarantee every pound of Form alde-
hyde to be the best and strongest that is rcihnufrie-
toyed, end we sell it at 60o a pound at Fear's drtig
stcre, fieaforth. There is none tettor4 1789-6
AftedIMonday, March 31st, all aocounIts
wain the late firm of Winter & Covin will be put in
the Dominion Bank for edliction. R. WINTER.
0411. WasTen.-Wanted a first-clas1a73m9-illk
and butter cow. Must calve in September or Oc-
tober. Any breed ee long as she is rind. I. Lang-
sirath, Seaforth.
MCSIC, • Music. -Mr. Will McLeold7s,9xtlhe
well known comic vocalist, wi I open a music store
in the premiae3 now occupied by W. R. Counter, and
will keep on haul a complete stock of fdusioal
Instrumenta and Music, all Of the bun and
latest. He is also agent for the Gerhard Heintzman
Piano. Ile aeks the liberal patronage of his hien&
and the publi •. Remember the pIace end the Map.
MeLeon, Seafor.h. 1780
To keep well poeted in local happeninge-
and the latest styles in fine footwear read Mr. Gro,
gaa's spicy adds on page 6 and see our windowe f Jr
the newest cartoons and the Meet styles ia fin e
ehoes. You will find our bargain couaters laaded
with the best snapa in town. hiehardson & Mc-
Innis, Seaforth. 1789-1
LOCAL BRIEFS -Many of the farmer§ of
this vicinity have been plowing this week
and we have heard of some who have sown
grain, -Mr. Herbert Morrisma has opened a
bicycle repair shop hi the south store of the
Holmested block. -The members of the
Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian eburch had
a very nice and varied displey of fancy and
useful articles on sale in the store formerly
occupied by Greig & Macdonald, on Wed-
nesday and Thursday, and we are pleased
to learn they were liberally patronized.-
Mre. J. J. Patterson and little son are
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geor
Petterson and intend speriding some w
here. -The fall wheat and clover are sup-
posed to have come theough the winter in
good shape, and with favorable weather for
a couple of weeks will be all right -Mr.
John Richardson, of Winchelsla, in Usborne,
was in town on Tuesday. Mr. Richardion
is an old and highly respected merchant and
business man of that place, and his friends
will regret to learn that he is about to take
old Horace Greeley's advice and " go west."
He has disposed of his blacksmithing bus!.
nese to his brother -In-law and leavee on
Monday next for Moosornin, Northwest
Territory. -Mr. Herbert Box leaves shortly
after Easter for the old country, where he
will take a good position in the English
warehouse of the Canada Fueniture Manu-
facturers. Mr. Box is a olever, steady, re-
liable young man, and his many friends
will unite with us in wishing him success in ly,
his new sphere of labor. -Mr. 17;arry Cowan, pa
of Mount Forest, was calling on old friends ni
in town this week. -Mr. VV. Middleton, de
the popular ticket agent ab the station, has co
received a promotion, and on Tuesday left In
for Netistadt, in Bruce county, where he
will be station agent. Hie position here
will be filled by a gentleman from Strat- W
ford, -Miss Alice Mulcahy, of Toronto, is ye
home on a visit. -The Collegiate Institute for
and public school closed for the Easter me
5 -
TWO MORE. -Two mo
respected residents f
been removed from the
during the past week
week the serious illn se
son and Mr. William Pin
ville. They have b th
then. Mr, Manson 'die
Mr. Finlayson on Mond
the former were interre
and the latter in Brucefi
Manson was 76 years of
of the pioneer settlers o
only retired from his far
years ago, and took up h
mondville. Mr. Finlay'
er in Tuckersmith, hub
Egmondville for a good
was but 63 years of age.
joyed robust health for a gond meny years,
but be has been better this ast year than
for a long time previously, a d his friends
were beginning to hope that e had recov-
ered when his last illness Overtook him.
Mr. Finlayson leaves a widow and one
daughter, and Mr. Manson 1 eves several of
the estate of
have not been
particulars of
our personal
say that they
d beyond the
tforward, and
mg, w.orthy, useful
eve t em.
e tlill zonfidence
welli known and
tends starting a
mtudo store, in
Thellittle son of
painful aocidente
nding on a chair,
fietnlidi offfs,nobyregekooindge
W. Papst, who
eare, and has one
8 ofl the kind in
deci ed to retire
ing ub his stook
al i the shortest
N. Watson has
now occupied by
Hartry. He has
use , south of the
ull n, who is m-
ush' of Grey, for
ed Connors, who
f the Iriehtown
men Wednesday
re. J. G. Wilson,
orth, having de-
orthwest, where
me time, is offers
eho d effects for
y, Monday and
aret Prendergast
fter having spent
w th friends in
te,aso the Seaforth
d the Kidd
of Market and
upy it shortly. -
as out for the
We nesday.-Mr.
from some un -
f " The Chinese
t e Nan Hing
any," San Fran-
ity n its way. It
XPO ITOR, is neat -
do lit the liter -
g. Mr. William
the thumb of his
at the furniture
. E C. Coleman
ead residence and
ubao auction on
d 6f which full
nex week. -The
ng ged the cells -
rt o the evenidg
his compa ; y
other towns 6
a return engagle-
afer their fiest
rther partioularts.
Ir. 'A. Hale, hiss
nein!, where he 4s
Wood carver.-
sinese viait to To -
1 Stobie returned
uesday, to resume
boisbe of the North-
-Mrs. A. 'Hale is
to friends at prima
went to Winni-
11 selend some time
tion of locating in
ries.-Mrs. James
hio, on Thursday,
or siometime with
and, who we are
health. -Quite a
age of the Easter
. G orge Stogdill
Ve nother finger
in the furniture
nin . It is only a
tog ill met with a
ne-The scholars
sebool will hold
ent i this (Friday)
e of the -old and
his vicinity have
cones of this life
e entioned last
f r. David Man-
aysen, of Egmond-
passed away since
on Saturday and
yl he 'remains of
in Egmondv il le,
ld c metery. Mr.
age. He was one
Tu keremith, and
there about two
a residence in Eg-
n wise also a farm -
he bas resided in
me.ny years. He
He had not en -
to oi Mr. Ward, who had taken up his
res d noe in Carbe ry, Manitoba, writes, on
the 1 th of March, as follows : " We left
Se f rth on the m rning of the Mb in a
he v rain. It w s fine weather all the
wa o Winnipegj where we arrived on
Th 1 clay afternoo at 5 o'clock. We ex --
pe t d to have to emain there over night,
al h regular trai had 'gone. But the
rail y authoritie sent otit a special train,
so w . only had a sib there of about two
hour and got to Carberry about 11
o'clo k at night, and there. was no one at
'the s ation to meet us. Father . had _come
dew to the regular train and, as we -were
not n'it, he concluded we would not be
alon until morning, and so went home.
Ho ver, we hunted up' a policeman and
he p oted us to the house where father and
Ran olph were keeping "'batch," and where
we 1 und things very chnifertable. The
wee her was very mild hen we arrived
at C rberry, but on the follewing Friday
ther was a regular blizz rd., The neigh-
bors say it was the worst hey have had for
year . The sand and en w 'blew so hard
that a person could not a e e yard ahead.
The front door of ,our ho se lis coinpletely
ono ed up. Some of the stOre doors are
also snowed up, po you me we have had a
som what cold reception to Manitoba after
all. We cannot fitly yet bow we will like
Ma itoba, but I know I Would like to be in
Sea rth very mulch better."
a family, all of them grown
manhood and womanhooct. W
furnished with additi nal
either gentlemen, but rom
knowledge of them we can
were both men well in orm
average, honorable and a raig
in every respect, good li
citizens, who enjoyed .t
and esteem of all who k
Star makes reference to
and esteemed reeident o
tleman who Was well Irn
in the county generally.
Mrs. W. W. ,Thomeon,
for 80010 The
Tuesday afternoon, abou
Shepherd, one of our
and best known citizens
denly from heart fail
gentleman had been in p
months, and about two
turned to Goderioh, after a severe illness in
London. Six weeks since the
again appeared, and Mr. Sb
took to his bed, and a couple
he was moved to the residence
ter, where he received t
the past few days he see
RD.+The Goderich
he death of an old
that town, a gen-
wn Seaforth and
Hewas father of
who resided here
,:tar ; says " Oa
9 O'clock, Jamea
longltime residents
pareeed away sud-
re. ,The deceased
or health for same
ont e ago he re -
old complaint
ephard again
ot weeks since
of Dr. Hun -
e beet of care. For
ed to be improv-
, and the reports on Tueeday morning
re that he was better About 2 o'clock
nurse asked hie how e fel , and 'he ans-
red, " Still better," nd t e lady started
the next room. As s e ne red the door
heard tter patient br athi g hea,vily, and
ning quiekly to the b d she found he had
Bed away. The late Mr. hephard was
11 -known throughout urei , as a member
he firm ief Shepherd & S rachan, who
a large trade throug the eounty in the
ties, seventies and ightiee. Although
partnerehip was dis olved many years
,the partners remaine the losest.friends
death claimed D. C. 'taachan, and that
h should cross the riv r of eath sudden -
though peapefully, b fore ge had im-
red their faculties, is ne a those coin-
ente that we cannot understand. The
eased had been a me • ber of the town
ncil, and was a mem • =r of the Collegiate
titute board."
COLD RECEPTION. Minster George
rd, son of Mr. John Ward, for many'
ma resident and bus'ness man of Sea-
h,1wholeft here with is mother and other
Inhere of the family, o the llth inet. ,
N TES. -Thos. ;Smith ia visiting relatives
in alt and Halton. -Mrs. Miller intends
hal mg her milli ery opening, on Thursday,
Ma le-27th.-Messra. Kernahan and Vance,
of, arriston, spent Sunday with friends
her .-About sixty new °lames wereplaoed
e public library las week. -After an
ilia so of about .thre weeks, Mee. Cowan,
wif of Joseph Cowa d vision:court clerk,
passed away.- The fu eral, whioh took
place on Monday after oon, was largely
attended. -The Junior pworth League, of
the Methodist Church, purpose giving a
,colncert at an ear y date, Misses Jane and
Ellen Smith ha e open d a drese.making
s o in the Sam erson lock. -R. Thom").
, of Brussels, pent Thursday last in the
vi 1 ge.--Geoege Calder has returned to
taw -A large n mber of the farmers and
vill gars attende R. Black's bee for draw-
inig tone for th new drain, on Friday. -
DOA E. Ralston, f Harriaton, Is the gueet
of h r ooesin, Mi nie Hemphill. -The young
me of the village held a progressive euchre
par y, in the Od!clfellosv's hall, on Monday
nig t. -T. P. mith, eye specialist, of
E o a, epent edneadety est the Gofton
h u e. -H. Arm trong expects to have a
ler e delivery o agricultural implements
her , on Satur M. Gallaher, of
Gor ie, occupied the pulpit in the Preaby-
teri n church, n Sunday, during the sh-
een e of the R v.iR. G. Anderson, who
was in 'Whigham -The lecture in the Pres-
byt rian churn on riday evening, was
vet. well atte ded. he door receipts
arn unted to tw lye do lard, which, We un-
deretand, is to id in t e purehasing of a
new organ.
$1,000 worth
0 , for ladies, ge
the del'ar. The a
BOri g goeda, which
bro ght into Sego
Siao Seaforth.
f sarplus stock, boots and
tlemen and girls at 60 cents on
ova deo not include our new
by the way, are the finest ever
th. W. H. Willis, Boots and
I he Easter sho ing of br ight, new goods at
Th E. McFaul o. s Store, Seaforth de-
sk. es more tha passing mention, surely.
Th•fir every eels tion this season has been
Made with full knowledge of prevailing
a yies, and the due care exercised ia buying,
i snree for you t e best and newest goods at
t e lowest oonsi ten° prides. 1789 1
ReV. Albert t i cKeon became pastor of
Iriehtown six onths ago. During that
time the Catholies of this pariah have con-
t ibuted about ,000 for the diocesan and
p rish debts and improvements ; they have
o ganized a choi and ore estra, whose fame
and influence m y yet radiate beyond the
*fines of Mc ' illop end Hibbert ; they
have also organi ad and trained a juvenile
b rid, vehose de ortment in the sanctury
e kits unetinte praise from all present ;
moreover, they ave purchased and paid for
a double manu 1 resonant church organ,
beautified the riest'a house, repaired and
i proved the ateam heating appratus, and,
b tter still, they have br ken all previous
✓ cards by kee ing the orporative of the
c uroh up to se mer heab ever sinoe last
tember. F thee MeKeon olaima no
c it for himsel ; he attributes all these re -
a a to God and to the generous co -opera -
t of the warm-hearted! people of frigh-
t •
NOTES. -For ome time the ourfew.bell
✓ age at 9 o'cloc p. m., 1* a warning for
a 1 pedestriavs to say "Igood-night " and
s art for home In Stratford, however,
' Curfew shall .inot ring again." In that
ven belated citizens are tanned with an oak
ingle, after vehich their gallop home so
st that they only totich the round In
li.gh plaoee. Sheriff Rosie and udge 0%
Loane had a close call a ahort time ago. -
The Grand Trunk brakemen between Strat-
ford and Goderich are said to be rehearsiag
a new harangue ; here it is ; " Irishtown,
Irislitown, change for Beechwood, MoKil-
lop and Hibbert ; cabs and trolleys on the
north side. All :aboard !! Toot I toot 1"--
Fischer's grand muse, aerenged for choir
and orchestra., will be rendered in the Irish -
town Catholio church. next; Sunday, at 11
ol'olock. Divine service will conclude with a
sermon on, " Christ is Risen." Seats free
end all welcome, -There is no truth in the
report that Jimiiiilart and Joe Downey tried
to move the Du lin opera house up to Irish -
to wn.
HI enlisall• .
LOCAL BRIEF -Mr. 4. H. Beek and
'laughter, Miss ary, returned to Hensall
ihis week. It will be remembered that
hey, together ith Mrs. liBeek, left here for
anitoba esver 1 years ;ago. The change
as partly take in the interests of Mre.
keek'a health, b t after r 'siding in the west
flor a time she t ok a °ban e -for the worse
rid passed a ay after , a comparatively
hort illnets. r. and Mies Beek's relie-
ves and friend are pleaded to see them
ere again, and hey express themselves as
int as pleased t get ba,e1r.-The temper -
Fee convention held in I Miller's hall on
riday afternoo kat, wa4 largely attended
end a good deal of interest and debating
who were to def r any actien until such
haracterized th meeting. Several resolu-
tions and motio s that were passed daring
the course of th convention, were with-
rawn at tbe cl se, and the intereets of the
onvention left i the hands of a committee
times as the candidates veere &men for the
eloming electione. -Divine service will be
eld in St. Paul a church, on Good Friday
orning, at 11 'clock.- r. Wm. Craig in-
t ride leaving he e for Ma itoba, to join the
✓ at of the famil , the fi et part of next
eek. -Mr. Ar old Maearthur, who is
rosecuting his studies ' in London, is
ome spending his Easter
1r. Billingsaof o. Thom a, the hnewidlara-p-
ointed manege of the Molsons Bank, has
tered upon his duties, and comes here
ery highly relaommended, and will no
oubt make a w rtby snc essor to Mr. F.
. Kern, who haa secure a similar posi-
t on with the So ereign ank, at an ad-
nce.-The R. Pickard Company have
urchaeed the at ck of Mr. G. F. Arnold,
d have alao caned the store for some
onths, and int nds carr ing on the two
s res. -Miss Be glass, o Laurier, was in
t e village hit Week, speeding a couple 'ef
d ys with friend .-Mrs. ;R. .Bengough has
b en very seriou ly ill dating the past week
o so. -Mr. Danpan McLean, of Manitoba,
ho was vending the winter • months with
✓ latives and friends in the neighborhood of
Ch,elhurst, left here clueing the past week
for the West.-Wa are pleased to see that
Basil Edwards has recovered nicely from a
eevere attack of illness, and is able to go
arOund again. --Mn. Beek and Miss Beek, on
their way from Manitobee vidted Mr.George
Kydd and family,fOrmerly reeidents of Hen-
sel', at Winnipeg. They also visited leff.
Beek's son, at St. ,Paul.i---Mr. George Ing-
ram has sold WS dwelling and lot, at
the rear of ltbs store proPerty, in the village,
to Mr. Riohard Wyrrrin , whose lots adjoba
Mr. Ingram's.- r. M tchell's family left
here this week, for . den Grove. Mr.
Mr. D. Urquhart -Mr Enioe Carina and
Mitchell had hezfor Rime time Miller for
Mr. Abner Jo ton left here the first
of the week for
fortunee in the we t.
of their friends assembl
see them off and t win
The lecture given\ y Pr
the Normal Sch
church, on Frida
well attended a
subject of the le
Wireless Telegra
chant proved hem
and clever lecturer on ;hese two subjects.
His instruments and appliences are among'
the beat obtainable, and lvere objects of
very much intermit to the audience, as he
demonstrated with them what we had read
about but had not the priVilege of wianee-
sing. These advantage" were summed up in
the hearty vote of thanks, moved at the
clase of the led re, by Rev. G. If. Long,
and seconded b Re*. G. Jewitt. -Our
milliners here ha very attractive openings
during the past ;week -Mr*. Dickson and
Mise McDonnell,! of Exeter, accompanied
-by Miss Dickson, weee here this week,
visiting their rothe' a. Sugar making
and seeding re no
of the day ! with!
Mr. M. McPherson, of ,Sal
is here vieiting his broth
Pherson. --Our cutlers, !wh
ard in the recent Contest, t
each a stiOe 'silver medal th
tankard, but were not p
time. The boys aatura.11y f
of them. -Mr. and Mrs.
were in Exeter during the p
their gen.-Miss 'McHugh
during the past week vieiting friends, -Mr.
R. Speare who 'purchased Mrs. Sheffer's
restaurart'businees, had ice cream for the
first time this week. ,It was pronounced
very good. -Dr. Fergueon's little girl con-
tinuee to improVe, though slowly, as she
was so very week. -Me. Charles A. Red-
mond was in London the past week.
s • '
- bublua.
Does. -Mr. Jannis o'Co
rich, made a flying visit to
home, en WedneSday last.
liams :spent Friday in S
friends. -Rev. Wm. Fogar
in Seaferth.-Miee '3„ary
friends in Mitchell, on Thu
G. T. R. agent, W. E. Si
his holidays, hi3 :Om
by Mr. A. Evann,
A. H. Borman is improvin
place by the erebOnn, of a n
oba, to push their
uite a large number
d at the station to
them all Aimee's.-
noipal Merchant, of
ndon, in Carmel
evening last, was very
d mlich eajoyed. The
tare wale 11; X Rays and
hy," and Principal Met -
elf t a painstaking
the order
e farmers. -
on City, Idaho,
r, Mr. A. Mc-
. won the tank -
is week received
y got with the
epared at that
el quite proud.
James Murray
et week visiting
was in London
nell, of Gode-
his old country
Miss May Wil-
aferth, visiting
y spent Friday
Wallace visited
sday last.--Onr
ons, is asvay on
being filled
f Brampton. -
the looks of hie
w fence. -Frank
McConnell shipp d a tine car of hogs to
Stratford on Mo day, for he Whyte Pack-
ing Company.- eorge, W. Simons, who has
been confined to he imuse or the paet tan)
weeks with the g ip, is able to be around
again. -A. Borman is kept busy theta days
loading hay. His storehouse is blocked
up, on account of hie not being able to get
enough cars. -Mr. and Mre. Gaorge Roek
left here on Wednesday evening for Kin-
cardine, where they will spend a few days
- with friends and relativee Mr. Rock has
been sick for soine time p st and has gone
to Kincardine for hie healt .
Londesbo •
$1,000 worth df surplus tock, boots and
shoes. for ladies, gentlemen and irls, at GO cents on
the dollar. The abhve does no include our new
spring goods, which, by the way, litre the finest ever
broughb into Seafo It. W. Ef. 1 Willie, Boots mad
Shoes, Seatorth. 1789-1 _
NOTES -wr. T. H. Cole is the the fo
tunate one to seoere the job of grading e
roads. -The For eters have resented the
selves with tier e handles e new ch ,
coating them $11 .-A gran concert will
held in the Meth dist chum here to -nig t
(Friday) when ev. Mr. Coupland will
show some lim -light dn stereopticuin
views. Mr. A. Lawrente ill give sonte
selections an th phonogr ph. All who
mias this will miss a tre t. -Mrs. W
Lyon spent the past week wi h her en a
in Dungannon. -Mrs. Woo s, of linton,
spent a few days this week visitirig
at the home of Mr. Brogden.e-
While Mr. James Grasby w starting for
home from the herein Sun ay night, his
horse became f i htened, th owing hiin out
of the buggy an runniog aw y. The bug
was broken bu no serious accident ha
peeted.-Mr. VA b is buoy t is week dra -
Jug loads of wh t from Bly 11.-A number
from here were tertained t the home of
Mr. A. Elliott, Tuesday e ening last.
NOTES, -Mr. Wm. Reid, oldest son of
Mr. Andrew R id, had the misfortune to
lose a piece of t o of his fing re on Monday
last, while se beg wood w th' a circular
saw, at -Mr. J. cAsh's, ne r Verna. -Mr.
Eph, who bought out Mr. Ii&t's blacksmith
business, took poeseesion Tu eday last. Mir.
Eph comes bialily recomm nded, and, no
doubt, :he will keep up th former good
reputation of h predecesso It is a good
stand, end we ciel assured that Mr. Eph
made no mista e in coming to Varna. -
Mr. T. Johns • a engaged ith Mr. B. IL
Gunn, of Seafo th, to run a eddling wagers
thil summer. e oongrat late Mr. Gunn
on securing the eervices of s eh a competent
person as Mr. ahne,:and be peak for ',him
big trade, for: dm -is a haat er.
MAGISTRATE' COURT.- ast Saturday
morning, the to n hall was peeked to the
doors with bot town and e untry people to
bear the trial against Mr. Wm. and Mee.
Oakley, of Gre , for whip ing the little
girl, Elsie Va dyke, who has lived with
them for the pa t year. The charge again t
Mrs. Oakley w e proceeded 'with first, a d
after several w tnesses had been examine
G. F. Blair, on ehalf of the accused, plea
ed guilty of be offense, whereupon t, e
magistrates im deed a fine of $20 and coste.
The charge ag iiiet Mr. Oakley was with-
drawn, as there did sot appear to be suffi-
cient evidence t convict., The 'coats will be
in the neighb ehood ef $100, owing to
several outeide actors being calle6.
No'rEs.--!‘some person or persona entered
A. Straohan's steire on Thureday night of
last week, by p ying open the back door
with a chieel, alma from Speiran's wagon
shop. About $ in change was taken from
the cash &awe , and a pair lefNo. 9 boots
was all that- w s missed. Upwards of 40
learned matches were left lying on the floor.
There is no clu to the perpetrators. -The
next and laid h ree fair for this season will
be held on Tim day, April; 3rd. --The an-
nual sawing consest takes place on Friday
afternoon of thi week, when some well-
known salvers will take 14rt.-Rev. Mr.
ROSP was able to take his piece in Melville
church pulpit la.st Sabbath morning. Rev.
Mr. McCrea, of Crenbrook, officiated in the
evening. -W. H. Kerr was tn Toronto on
Taeaday, where a dekgation met to make
arrangements for the annual farmers' ex-
cursion to the Guelph Model Farm. The
date is fixed Ior the 20th of June. -
On Thursday of this week, Thomas Farrow
attended the funeral of Mrs. Farrow's
mother, Mee. Pardy, of West Nissouri town-
ship, near London. The old lady was in
the 90th year of her age. -Dr. J. II. Mo.
Naughton and wife of Pen Yen, New York,
were visiting frie d's in town thin week.
George Roberton, of Clinton, was here for a
Magnificent Spring
Conceits Obathered
from the Best
EfF.21.13E3 •
All lovers of new Igo°
grand array o b
nave for 'sprits ad
Ourastore is lite
geode -never
been so literal
to -date, salabl
a will appreciate tle
autiful noveltiee ess
_ally packed I with saw
in all its history km
y filled with ;
articles and St
Captivating Colorings in Musing, ea
Dimities and Percales, beide'
mine, snowy hi Cotton Stuffs,
Dress Goods, ellehorate Drum
webby Lace r artistic
in Draperies a d any other thinge
as worthy of ote,
atbhneedlievwvaheluetenhabotefeapedreYonleillasPeritwre. heeeHneeieautikielawrneailts.
get it here.
Plain Colored Dress Goods.
You need, but a g
.iar than ever
and go, but
finished Cash
zone, Satin
lose friend&
staple stuffs. I
nee to know bow taper.
theY are. lityles eon*
the emooth-facsed„
erig, Venetilians, Atli-
loths and 8isrges never
They are tht ablaut
And popular amotg the later W3MtVell
the soft elin ing Voile's, !Taffeta
Crepelines an Efeebres,
And here they are all of them ;1 new mikes,
new finish, tter weights and littler
pmrai ceeds, atnhda n et roetma ii3quiasyat esi sea 8.0;1 ottBuul td: ete 04, ;$
e better val e than you
can get elsew erel
They are all of bena„ uniting their testi-
mony as to t e beauty, variety, quen.
tity and quality of our newimpring week
Sentenees should paragraphal-paragrOin
chaptere. e and you must .be satis-
fied with c ld type hints here, will
talk over the rest at the emintere.
We ha,ve endles onantitiee of. Mains,
Ginghame, Chearibraye Per.
oaks, etc., "ti the very beet -of 001(16 -
tints and in the daintiest; sprays and:
florets, dash , stripes and apota.
Millinery ht to the Front„
It leads in style, quality and price. Oar
spring hats a e rare beauties. ,
The little touch o elegance here, the dainty'
turn there, ive; character and *di-
vidnal taste to our creations and pro-
ductions. Th y are different from others.
as you will s e.
The Itf St no as Always.
'and -
In this store yo
bring good
goods in rea
will find the prices thst
quality and dePendables
h of the most ec000tai-
The.. •
Dry Goods Co.
(7 4th' s reatest Gas
Dry Ooods Store.
few days this w
Lacknow, spent
o'clock on Thum
pretty wedding t
Mr. Robert Ma
daughter, Miss 1
marriage to Wm.
al roller mills.
by Rev. John Ro
of the immediate
groom. The hap
a. m. train for T
elt.-R, W. Matheeons of
unday in bowie -At siv
ay morning of this week a -
ok place at the hom of
nprize, when Ids el e•st
lien A., was unite Ina
If. Stewart,of the Netion- '
he nuptial bow WO tied I
a, B. A., in the Wilma, ;
friends ef the bride 'and '
y couple left on the 1.16a ;
ronto and other plaees _of '
on Tuesday, on
Cormick and
popular agent be
a big delivery of
Some sixty wag
escort and the E
in the procemio
week to the haus
occupied by II
Johns has zetal.
with friends in C
Who has carlied
for some time, le
where he will pr
He will, howev
W innipeg. -A br
day, tvii.h his ssi
farming in the
Guelph, has been
-O'Brien.-Mr. G
ter, of Hensel', s
in town. -It was
Messrs. Hanford
load of horses, in
Stanbary was at; Heat%
legal bueiness.-The Me.
lvester companies, whoter-
e is Mr. Wesley Snell, bed
machinery on Wednesday.
na, headed by a mounted!
eter brass band, took pert
gh McKay. -Mise Vine
-W. J. Ford moved this.
on Andrew street, lately
ed trotn a pleasant visit
inton.-a-Wellington Johns,
question, last S livee raateeeentplessenoewd btleoodat:
in Manitoba, but
that this is no
Brown, B. D., pr
able to make ste,
longed at the T
Friday. -Mr. Nir
soli, have been th
George Barnwell.
Michigan, are vie
O'Neil, at presen
Yea, which took
was nob unexpe
couple of menthe
a very weak co
business here as a
years, and was
death. He leave
The funeral too
Exeter cemetery.
n a teoring busnies here,
t on ,onday for the *eat,
bably ;take up s ranching.
r, first visit friends in
m Bagshaw left on Mon-
e and !family, to take op
weste-Mr. Beirnes, hf
emploYed as baker by Idr.
Orge Sutherland and sae-
ant GiMday with friends.
reported last ;week Old
& Elliott had lost ear
denied.-Reve C. W.
ached 'on the prohibition
bbath evening, and wee
emente from the pulpit,
hich did not go unchal-
mperance tenivention,
Mama and wife, of I
guests of Mr. and rei
Mr. end Mrs; GAWP, of
ting their daughter, Wm-
. -The death ef Wett1.1).
lace TUeaday me
tad. )1e went 130Ut
go, but returned lately in
dition.; He bad hem in
merchant for a couple -of
ly 29 years of age at bie
a widow, but no children.
place on Thuredisy,
2 ST014B
splendid al
Noll be
to Disko
of -ocerY
know psi
,took, wad
000.i° to32
bny or no'.
Ishs 06rnte..A
are inatle
wo hay:
and fav
and ea
all shs
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