HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-03-28, Page 6I
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i . FOR I= M,E$ I
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I � FOR TORP13111-LIVE11(
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1-� L
� . oRIEvx, y. s., honor graduate of Ontario
_� -N,etering.ry Col ' legs. A. I Ji3oad"S Of DOMMUL
'YEN .
: womals treAted. We romptly attiendwd to �, an
; r
. IT,
! vbor4ea moderate. � Yeter nary Vantelry a speouUNT.
� once &no residence on Godericb atzeet, one door
; , 1 of Dr SootV# 0 Mos. Seaforth. 1112-U
L .
: i— A . — .
: . :
I �
: . WMAL L
. — 1-�- ,
L :
i Cm,voysinoor and Notary
I arrtitter Solicitor.,
I .
! rablic. MoneySoloan. Oftice over Pickard's Store
I L628L
- ! Main Strook SeAtOrth.
� .
I i . .
i I . R. � S. HAYS,
i z � NotaryL
t "lister, actfoaltoi. Conveyancer and Pubho.
! SoUtor for the Dominion. Bank� 0&38 -in rest 01
� I
�� 1DOmainjon Bank, S i eatorth. Money tO lor.m. =5
. I -
f . 9T, Barrie.tex, SWichor, ConveYanoori
! [ M.
t �
I i & Notary Publio,. Offices up sitairs, Over 0. W.
1 post's bookstore, Main Stte,,t, Sestarth OnUrlo.
. � : 162.7
i . _7 �
; - ! _�__ Solicitor. &a
-ff MRY BE&TTIE, Barrister,
. I
JJL Money to loan. Ofrlae_��dyljs Block, Sea.
� ar&h., 1679-tt
� 7 - I I ___
i 1,1 ARgpW & G" -ROW, Baullstera, Solicitors, &a
� ,
� XX cot� fKan.Lta'. 0, SL and Square Goderieh, 00.
I : J. T. GAR&o.v'r, Q. 0.
I . I
� 1676 Cn&RLn GAuRow, L. L 9
� - t �
I �
- I HOLUZSTEDi Successor to $US Isis firm 01
� i I
i F. KoCaughLey h Holmeated, Ba"%Ier. Solldia,
� Vowey�zncer, and Nothty . Solicitor for the Cax
1 wKwBauk of oommerce. Money to lend. Farn
I jar Mgt. OMMi in Scott's Block, Kiln Skr"
1 iSodom. : �
I -
i i - I
I �
a � ,
� ;
: -
� �
. � U,RTISTF-Y. I �-:
! A r -
. I I -
- I - .4
1 . -
; F I
� �
; - DENTIST, ,
�; Graduate of Royal college of Dental'Surge:ms ot. On
: %oldo, post gractuatt cour a in 4 ro-vu, Wid Uridge worl
i 0. Baskt ll,'ti 33hooil, Chicago. Local anasrht ticii. 1k:
I fisiolm extraot�oa of t-th. office cver Duminioi
I � 13�3nk,. Eeafoi th, 1c rint. ey occupied by G. F. B I cc
I i 1 1764
i F_ — I
- i 9. 1'. A. SHUERT, Dentist, graduate of thi
� DRoyal College of Dental Surgiaous, Tozonto,hlso
hboor graduate. of Department of DeutisUy, Toronto
� univ ix-jity. offiae lit the Patty block, nonsau
Will visit Zurich every Monday, oommenuing Mon
, . June iss, . - 16K
� L
. ILL R. R. ROSS, Dentist (Successor to F� W
I 11 DTweddle), graduate of Royal College of Denta
. : -hwzeons . of owarlo; drat class honor graduate 0
7z - z I.M,bnto Unlvels�ty ; crown and bridge work, aw
� Ali the mo, -t modan
: lotd, work In all Its fOrMS.
I cotbods for painless filling and painless extracUon o
: teeth. All operations carefully performtd. a file(
L Tweddle4 old sUnd, over Wild grootry, Sealonh.
: � 1640
� i I
. i
: .
. , KEDIOA-6.
� -
p .
: I �
i I Dr. John M.cGinniLS, '
I ! .
. Won. Graduate L*ndon Western University, membe
: '". Ontario College of Physicians and Siarxem
� .
. QlkWL ind Reeldeace,-FormorlY owupied by Mr. Wn
. T%ekibrd, Victoria Street, next to the Oathodo. Choirc
. 'd promptly.
I jg-ftht.calls alvUnde, 1AUX12
I __ __U
. ;
. .
I I Office over Johnson's Hardware: Store,
; Saaforth.
. i
. � ALY,x- B-Tarxz. H. I I. Ro.s. M. I
� i 1772x52
! I
� : .
I ! Night calls attended to at the (..Mae.
I ;
. 4 ;
I —
I 71111. F. J. SURROWSIF
A .
� .
i '002 resident Physician mad Suirgeon. Tor3nio Gox
� *I&I uospitril.. Honor graduate Trinity Unlyaralk
. �as000aber of the College of Physicians and Surguox
� � Ontario. Coronet for the County of Huroi
ZpMos and Residenee-Cloderiob Street, UO of U
4atuadiss 0huroh. Telephone 46.
. .
. -1886.
. ;
. :
� -*odadoh street, opposite Methodist churoh,fleafortl
. i . .
. : .. _:
. 4. 0, iCOTT, graduate Victoria and Ann Arbor, an
. ! mwaber OnUrle Oollegi of Physicians sm
. I
; [ Surgeons. Coroner for County of Huron.
I I -
. . 1P. MACK&Y, honor graduate Trinity Univerelt.,
I I told maiallst Trinity Medical. College. Mamb4
- . -
L, : I GoliTge of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario.
I . ! . 11183
i . I __ -
- 4 .
: . I — - -
. . i
L . :
. . : MaLEOD'S
_. . I i
I . I
. i
- ;
... . System Renovator
. .
: I
� A, specific and anUdo%e far 'MpUrO, W'Sk atid In
: v, riahed Blood,, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness. Palpab
. = ot the Hesirt, Llvw Complaint, Neuralgia, LON
of MeMOTY., L Bronchitis, 01-onsumption, Gall Stous
I J:%%nd1O6,,, Kieney and T-Trinary Diseases, SL V11111
10%noz, Female Iriegulaxieles and General Dablllk�,-.L
. . i i i GAWRATORY-Golerich, Ontario.
. �
..: - 1. MeLEOD, Proprietor and Man
,. I. .%
: I �
1 i fact-urer. I .
: �
. ! gold by J S. RoBzwrg, Seaforth.
. tsu-ti .
! � . L 1.
: .
. I
- -
. Zle-instle Fistala"A Poll Eldi cc", 91red -
Is a now, sel andfla A cerWn remedy..
NO COST F IT FAI.:LS. In 15 to
W-lt*;t0"yfQrtWPW"a% almlarsa.hsa
tkItib, � S
.. �
I 36 Front St. West. Toronto. Ont 0
__ -
. � . I __
. The undersigned %violies to annouu as to the. publ
- � U4 having bought a largo quanCty of the three be
I . Nrunds of rt;d cedar shlngl(a,L and by putting a liber
. idiscount for cash, is prepIreft t I Xit them to cu
. Umcra at. prices that defy comp(tition.
. .
. &LAMB'S Lumber Yard, Seaforth.
� -
! Uaving In stcek at the- Seaforth Lumber N arJ
� very large riluantity of all the different lengthq ar
. *fJoitbal is prtiy,ared to fill any bill that is yraevat,
of the, very, beat gnarity of Hemlock.
: S. LAMS"S Lumber Yard, SeafoLrth.
. ! 'E. I,
. ,
. Having bought a large quarit;t.y of li:nu from
. I %%e firm in Muskoka, I am getting pine drew
. hoth sides E r one side, for siding, flaorIng, oeffinj
: mride plank t.�r water troughs; spruce and balia
� for gravel boxek Fght and durable. Aloo wbi
CAAar shlnglu-3 X.Xxx, and XXX and XX of bEat mal
In Muskoka. Iarge stock always on hand. .
. S. LALM B'S Lumber Y,ard, Seafo rth.
. .. . 17N
i .
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. 1� - i. � '! ! I. 4 � � THE HURO I IiXPOL
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I � ' I - mwners of a cOonial Im oby, bu V 3 on matt
I i .
A LOYAL TRAITOR,- 1 . i . �
. �� i I r .. be, taught you� ore v Ith gen. ten ,en now.
; 1 2 � . ; .1 Among such there In bu, i ene answer to what
: i ; . �
; ' i i I yon have just d6ne.' A re you pre )&red to
I;y wl"IAX beLEOV EL&D-IL: � 1 :
I I okJwibh his -
. : i .i
; I
: . � . : � � . accept it, 1dr. Paget ?" He NJ .
. - � � �� but- the
� , ; : : native drawl alightly ex gers, 41 - �
CHAPTER I. r . � � I
, I I . � . . 0 cold fire in his eyes tol Anoth r a ry. ,
I �
11 No, no ! I wa's to have the winuet,'� I . �16
. . I � I � Hal bowed ironcally, " Wi h t 6 great-
! W
wotested laughingly. ! I I 4C7 eat pleasure in the worl M' :
-46 ic, I vow the minubt was I - Waller answered the 3ow with is, grave
The reel, R I 11 , ,
nine". cried Had. earnestly. "Ithan'b*en I - dignity. "Intht Is Ishall sAv good-
, : . - . 4 -
3 . L I �. .. . Y( Ili good
roral : I , : . night. 1
sad me a, selnnight." i .., Gentle"= I - � ive in
. 11 And me as loog again," was sny qu.�ok � ; . .!. -_ I night. I tr I ust this y tleman's con. a
I 1 - ,?4?g gene this r0oull.
letort. I p � I 'I duct will not be repo a outsi . fi
; t
91 'Twas so long i -ince I had forgot - you ; ' AV, A& � It smacks vastly of re no, but on will t
I Ibc , tr
both." says my lady, demurely. ; Ipp I bear it in mind,that he a in -his oup�s. I ask n
-Faith, then, we be here to refresh, a , 3UR d � thesilepee of you all as speoial U,vor. Mr.
; t .
.1bort memory,"' said 1. ; I Paget, my friend will w It on YOu: tO-mOv- d
yjistr� �s out 1, of ! Of womanly health would be esteemed ly , !
,as Peggy laughed Sit r row � 1(
&anciDg eyes. To how many more� she had ag.priceless by thousands of suffering ind with that he wx i gone, L autenant b
promised the mintiet beaides as I 'know not, *=e,h. F,ach month sees them moan- Grosamith went with hm, but at opped at f.
� .
but at this moment up cameCapts-an Waller, ' jug in a darkened room, At, the best the door to snarl, 11 Da nn yov-d i6nin you s
. I
of the Buffs, �rilliaut in Pearlot uniform and . tliey,_ eadurt pam every day. At - the both for A pair of half .6 iged r abet i, lacking C
� - - �
go* lam 1 � . I I _Worst the paift becomes torment. � a to be I i the cam!) of the, a
I I I"he oecret olf womanly health i's in gwn I"
, only Mural
- r 0.sult dince it with both, and I'm not 1 .q ominly, orgauism. in a per- traito "bin il.
m -e that ru dance it with -i either of yioiiu," 1 iig' the r . Often I have no&;d I �liav if one has on
She said saucily. " Captain Wall0r, do you , y healt4y � state. This can be done hand an affair of honor %a ohs mote r of one's
be judge for m Here have , I; prom6ed -T)r. Pierce's Favorite Pre- opponent oames to the r thr . all
I - � the use I -
these boys a 0entury age to walk' the min- I ription.- It re ulates thle jperioc* dries the veneer of civiliz%ti D. Wle ooked
. �
net wit - h thejLz� X w,. wi;h whom shall I # . .. drMns, heals: tilflammatiOn, . b it Grossmith
. a �� ebilitating every inch the stentle 9
t ?11 � t I . I : 6 ulceration, and cures female weak- -- Faugh ! 'twas PIS, a h J ruren from
go ou . ' I
', Boys W aried Hal and I together. � ad
� e . It makes weak women strong and the rankr. Nor do I d )ur pwa con-
" Am I to decide with whom you shall - k women well. duct as being in any w Ly cc rect, though, L
danoe it ?, liball the decision be fiasl ?"t', he ' suffering from chronic forms perhaps, 'tin some pal ation
. ; , Women; that we were
asked in his, slow Eagliih -drawL � I I �f disease are invited to Consult ,Dr. but bol's who had not rot I irned to hold
I ; -
We nodded assent. I . I - e rid-
f?ierce, by letter, free. All co ti our liquor like men. I ideed We�ller was
Captain Waller looktd from one to the i .eace is held as sacredly confidernr aToand the only onos of' an who i ame oi it of ithe aff,Air
other of us lei.,urely, almost insolent in I'w6manly confidences are guarded by that night with credit, � ' rid when al and I -
the supercilious candor of his moldering ,x4ict professional privacy. Address Dr. rehearsed the story di`inally nexti morning tt
� i
eyes : - I IR4 V', Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. to each other the thipg that galledl us both 61
44 i decide. then, that both �lai i mo are out- I ,ALecept no snbstitute for Dr. Pierces was the fact that we had beh4ved like H
lawed by age and further that 'twosie unjust . .. lVoconte Prescriptiom There is notil- yokels and let the EnglIsh captain i carry off h
to favor Mr. browther at the expeaso Lf ,in � the honorr. I
I ' ,if else t�just as good" for womanly I
Mr. Paget, or viQe versa. 'Tim thqu Plain I m -
that Misi Waugh can dance it with' nei�her , , ents. During the course of the ormmi g Lieu
I oi gufficred for more than ten years with tenant Grosamith appeared as the bearer of t
of you, but since "twere shame thsl't ot . hers female weaknoms of very bad form," writes a cartel trom the o ptaia to I [al. who t
should lose the pleaeure of saeipg, in � the mts. p. marwood, of Treherne, Thracdonald Colt promptly referred him me. Wit i mother
. I U�oake 1,j4nitoba. el used Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre- I
mlnuet the beat 4ancer in the town," n and I Golden INTedical, Discovery' with kind of second the affii r mig'111b h Live been a
bold to remind her of a oubseqgent! eugage-1 I lai
. . results, I am able todo-All ruyOvrn Wutlic arranged Without S 'Me �tittg, I Oki, eN en under
ment, one, made within the memdry; of In, am. now. I do. not know how to tihauk you enough - detected a 0
. , . , Grostmith's shifty evxaious, f
M v decision,� therefore, is that MaN Wiugh fo� the kind advice you have _�cnt. me by letter.
. capt4in Waller, Your remedits did for rne mote than all other odesire upon the pirt of his principal to ac- E
shall walk t6, minuet with - , , ddctoxl*s tuediciUes, I e tala-eu lots of cept some slight apology from P t i con-
� . and I ha� I " in
who deelsres. himself her most do0ted ! and . them.11 .. b hgij manner el
: . � sideration of his youth. But 1
1 L
I , .
obedient." I I ,Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure bill- of the li1outenant was o insaffer ble that t
'Tia comical how lad� of give ,way � � . . . erture came to z �ught. At ,my first
twent� 104sntss. . my ov
� .
. awkwardly before the ea*y smile ot a �man W-r.j�4U.4-11M � I b
L -_
� .A I I __ hint of an -adinstment I I
of the world. Now we stood in oneasy I em- . ts Oh of �ourae, L%rd, es . Captain e
. �
barrassment t& lot our renior bear! amay! the I �ark4atpcdy4wriagbyfdatide. Porw,eutlyl I 'has instructed me to say ble will be
. lowt' the iedy �p i just am the dance wao endi.-ig. Wa ler
.- 1� . I lt,1114 . - I glad to aoceptan apology. If he is afraid 0
priz-.. The �apts�tn bowed . i me. let ps be gone if! you have had �
and coolly gave us his shoulder 1. Z I -30 I
I ut a nPas here."
gey his arin. :I declare the Ultow di I IN �e ;,gh. We have no bu i " I int rrupted, b
Pr � � i I , rk;s! ku � Ilenly and follow'ed me to the ' go too far," I int
renely he fairly took my roath a, vay. .! I : "�i yl
so 2; b 4 ii Peggy pmeed us on the artn of Q�p- I hau litil Yaonu gave him the ull bionefit, of t
No.. doubt he thought us colonist �.oqtiea,and aOOr- ;
I I � taini 'WSAWI both exioilazated with' the mytevexktYtb�tsinchel. 11 he d )aire for a I
for that matter perhapit we werel . , . ie comes from m an I not my
� Miss Peggy lAnghed back over �hqr agoul- dt,OC134� ThereLwas adi%inely piquaot.�,tilt compromis . a
'L . . I 1�ith to;the litble nooe she turx)ed saucily to iii , principal. Y�u will ri memb th.0 he is
. der at Hal a glum face, and bega4, fortt !I Alackady � Are 3 on 6o�a ]am I og so oul a boy. " I . I
to ffirt atrocio"y with the capton. ; It ea#ily ? And id the dumpLa, gal? Fie, fie 1" 41T.He was old enoug'l k A, 9 rsed lot t
was very well foi me to rally ]Elal� on his � of
I . . , . alip chided meririly. , i treason last night, aid to hisulb yfriend
graveyard glpoE14 bat I da're.ital I should I N.Tobodyliktatobelaughodat, and least grossly," the man - re1v rted, , irith ihis cold v
have been as, dumpish ai hie if I biaA been in . I Ifni
. - .. of le -11 can a ligh-ten�pered I$d who has been Ismile. ; _. I 1,
' liettish lax,le mini. ince I tb I . ;
love with the cc 4 h her I susoose �� ted rthat woirettd in 0 contest for a lady's favor ea- " If you put it that wiy I bar nothing b
I was not in 104wit I - of him. Hal- more to say," 1 answered, v6� 'A re dy
, h t to-' r I - 'dullte to have her make moc4 I f1l , I a
20was only hor w�y, and t I& 7,, row the lo4ked at her In dumb augeg' and pasw�d out I have gone bqond my lastr iotions. Shall
sanpil.ine ntilght fall tin Hil Paget as warmly irski-ig. As v�o descewled the stairs I Lewd we say at four o'cloack behind the Chariton .
as it did to -d -ay, �pon the Ec:%rleu Juniform' Oi . i . I
, 'er'. .; the even voiceof Wsi Pego, call " Money- Woods ?" I I
the'king's 0 L '�, he sc L 001 , . mq,6k " for the next dance." "Agreed ! And don't forget th 9 doctor, a
: She'w" but ill jUlt cut Of the sc " � Mr. Crowther " This witt,h the coarse sneer I
� 11 ' She doepn't care a rush for me. She 4
room.akud,d3, t! be presume4 that the . .
,-discovered a
. Lewly, lat ghs at me, While I am th6re: and forgets leering evilly icroEs h a fece, s3 levilishly
. in3olent ths 'mptation
I child was de ighted at her the monjenD my back is urned," he cried t I wrestle I with a te
power to make ra'en like her. N&Lurally,, she m( ajonj�t4aly. � - - . I I
was. flattered St the sttent2iou� 00 tiie macar. p � to thrash the 6110 w w [iere N i stoo 4 1
ahrugged my sboulders.1 W et at t:he appo nted place a ad time,
oni officers with �Itheir d au�y airs, an, d gr ces, i .
I their Macklin lice and elvgan� � roo ded - 'A rl'a'way ! You should feel encour. I Af ter" we had arrangec the pl elimi aries the
, � �. 'the trouble to lieutt-nant pr seoltbatwealsot eat
I rviffls,thev�eab�urn of their qompli 'ente ag d. tilho doe; not take I urn
fduch sit's Isugh at me. Mai k m � y words ! She .will with the smal swords to ke :P 0 it Of the *
and ii,ht ir off4hanq reminiseences � cold.' I Se0e tea ptDmptlj, bu Waller t
. I grow tired of the red -coats one (if these days, ,
an i &IT10119 beau�ias, rob one cof I id w Be nded so
: Swore was to bt compared wi s hli4rebs toi Peggy is io� 1horough littl�, ptatiiot at heart objected so ah rply a w";
I Per-gy. She hao a great eagern"a for I life, if 1he only kndw it. Heighl) ! Areyou for warmly by H that ol i r aU r &band- a
im . I
. _ hdme ?" t . oned.
and e erything� as yet was t#nged �-ith . I
.V �. . I It No, I 06u1q not sleep. Let us tyarn -in I 'i By Joire, there i9l Mo meeting too many t
P � iti her . ,
roseatebue. I A peore of eggya were hoa 1* ! I as i & standi. I will li� kve no more dragged o
� �
to 18OLP up at the notice of � a 14ment. !She at Watson's fO1'r an r., q " * I
. . We founda Place at card re.idy for. us , into the th g," di clared thel captain, � F
waa ready td eiri or 14ugh wiLh ' le as full , and L I 9 i t
I at the coffe �
of play " any kiWn and searce7ore to be . I a h use, Pla ed quiE-ze for a 'quickly. -
I I i .
� - . � I I.time. Thero aa,more dr: king than there Waller en aged reluctantly, al with
. Wali,ress Peggy di I not. kuo i F, ne�ded hDuld ha've been, and by t e time a noisy fierce, nervous. energy, but 't wauAs arly ap. I
I .1 I
but a Epark to vot wder a Liza, o �rty of cffioera from the rotat broke in on ptrent, as I hid exp ted , that th lad was
Jus: we were all somewhat xcited. There no match for his oppo ent at
would have 'been more bary of er mocking' Jw wiue � spo.i�all around, and then they suspected that- the E aghsh capt�in could t
. I �
ccquetry that evening. L-ke r.. W&uRb,' , se Aled to p-'qqent. ' . loo ftL ad quivz.). 04'ptain have abored more thai once, but h? held his
. our �fat hers, too, were T ri i�s, but Hal a,6d I NN slier mas aff�c na those at Lhe next table, hand and fought on t a defeusiveol content !
had long ain.te 9�urrend red ou hearth at 0 � . '
: very bright-eyed, merry and . free of i, at. to parry the attack ?resoeutl H I
discretion tol, General ashingir I and" bis � ' & cou"
1 w4d vill sense t 0er de. .1
rithien al$ ough --we hUll! - l , . .
als h f re .,I, enough to know tha 'it was tinned to proem a In ilye,r oi
� quented ory houses oci rasionall 7, we o afed jtilne tojeave,but Hal was not to be movpd`i -Eided that he
I � I �ould ' no i safelj r hold, back any a
osortly at be: tieo' wl.ich bound u i . to ina Aion fronri hia p1mcei Much drinking and high lomger, or the 1fire of' battle crept - into his
. .,
. �play'woire the brder of the night. Indeed, it blQod, for he began to ;hrust imself. They k
sudattbed'aily;sneeisi�.ndianvnddea lung � -
at the suffering P:atriots by well 'led drai I Mg. . I w xe one of Oose mad carniials of folly into went round in a- half � zole, t en ck again
� . T li . � .
i �w ichyounamen someti,4s diift' a time �over the same ground. The lay as faster
k.� .. a 0 1 1
. W en reckleistoleviltry may now, and moro�' deadl,y Bud only the cap - I
- -
. I strolleWilto! the card- room 1for a ime, , I . I carry them to � 1, & hairlos a
! a y Ten thal am tinged, missed ma
and when I came back tome tw4lity millutes + i desi ,a to make this clear t
- I . au 0 h . I � he x�irit of misrule which breadth, and Olipped " '
later found 11alin a flistaut loorner, stl ill � L I - I slippery
I .
. glo-ming on Captain W &Her, W40 Was gain L prevailo�d to be respongible for thl endirg to grars. al ho�ld back ike tegen,lemanhe 8
L night of license. "i in eavil3, for his
dan2ing with Ulan Wau 3,h 3,ndNo�crned v stly :Lbat I - Severalof the cooler was, an waitpol, broadi g b
amused at theas 'er of ihe ei4y lad.! It . h(ada r:4,ade their excL-s-9 and departed after OPpone to rise. Th first hdab Of L fight
� 9 � a ime, ,-Convinced that affair's had gone far had died out 6f him, a d left him LVVibh the
struck me &E no Isugbing matter, for 1 new WRSL Pale
the impulsive apirit of my , friend, and to, enough', but Hal eat on dogf edly-und I, of ebi'll fear of d4ith in his heart.
� J I i cc arse,; wi th h i m. to the lips, but he e6Dc d up q mietlj in readi.
L solved. to get him from the rqotn; I I . . i � He nust have
i .
As by ha azArd, I a� ed �over toi him I apare you the detaills of' thcs.3 hours of. ness for the rdnewed a btack *
pb L I � . was on u astiol of time
I I � I I I . I - udbridiled weakness. At least one of those known that it' a q
- 11 I
I I .- .
. � I present'! has often bitterly regretted his share till the EagUshman would stri Ee home.
. . - �" I i I -
. i F� i !In it. More than one man lay under the Stepping forward, I suggested ths i the fight
i � 1 . I �
I . ;
� ; . .t& lea 4sleep in sodden- drunkennees. Suf - be declared closed. I Sch h done all that
� i . F� .
! i t � '
I * I fl e it to eay that the irevi. able quarrel was necessary, under tie cir matancea.
i I
I L i , �
I . ..� .� . a
. 11 I � I
. . I -_ C . � a red out euddEnly like a rocket. An Rog- Captain Waller -h Itate Perhaps lie
. I A . !
I :t � .! 1liah offiPer named Gros,mitto bad eV,t aotne read oaright and was oved the gallant
! ! I ,I .
I I I Johif at �he motives of the Americadleadere. bearing of thel lad wh se eye unconsciously
i -AFRE Waller endorsed it. carelessly, add�vg : eadedwitlihimtox eewithmei Onthe
: i ; - �, . I
I . 1, 11 Fdith, the colonies 'Would have a Kioil other band, he was I h t witi anger. 9qhiB
�CIIFN 4LD colonial youth�, had fflo ted hi n, had str*ok
- - L . Go orge �of their own if by any means they
. I . � i I i him, and now by curalid luck had � 'Ound the
Does your horse I;ktecl 1his ::ah uld win. Were it not for Washington � chance � to spare him life. I hiak the tiemp-'
. .1 I � I arld his ilk the people would � submit fast
. . .1 ; ' enougV' I' . � tation was strong in b im. to i how it was bat
oats" ? What a differo�,nocc ibc- Theq v�as more of this kind of talk -and a chance. �
' .
I � a . i : - -
I � I � mlich,%�ors6. . Lieutenant Orgasm .h laul bed. " You are
I tween the grain -fed 11 a": n d ithe Hal Paget sauntered to the manttl � and rather young,� Mr. Cmwthei, to affaiis of.
I . � It .: � . le ned an elbow on it, then turned to me _ honor. If ' rem6m bar, tb ere w La a blow, -
� .
- r8t ! :nd I have Yo'�' her sei n bloo d nor, beard an
� I i I w th a 6urious smile breaking on. hi
. grass-fed horse! T,Ihd 19 � f, a face neit .
� . I � I pologv." �
. . I I 1 4 'd ke q,iite clearly : I . =I I
11the : o
strong and f ull of gi ' . to I H&I flashed at the mplication ick the fel-
. l I I 7nd &al was saying, � Rio, 'Mr. Pitt
*er, I . L . - I as
. ' m kde this 4toz t. I F I were an Ametican low's manner, and cried sterny, On
. second gabby, weak and tilred t I �, gaSrd,_,CtPt&in Wallei ?"
I I �; J!E I am an Enelishmau, I would never lay .
I ; They fell to it a0ain. T and came
out bcf�re he begill S. The do . wn T�y arms while a foreign troop remai a- �,
, . . a( upoll' thei eoil-Lever, never, never V I abortly. Hal.missed a thrust in 0dr e, and
* i . .
fee'dino, �nakcs the dlfferen� C dire say the words are not just correct., but before he could recover Waller pfialk-ed him.
0 : I I C. � .
' ' yqubavethitue'rise. Well, I take offmy bat Hestood a moment,quite will1with his
Children are r.ot ali�-�e aer. to,41r. Pitt 0 the greatest'of livipg*Eng- word raised. whirled round on hii heel, and
I I � )) .
� I I :ank into my aft". t the same 'Imoment I
llUhiinea. . .
U f
� I
One is rosy, bright-d-yed, I 11 � ? gailoping thr h th)e timb,6r,
' ' . The 4raw�ing, insolent way he said it wag heard horses � on
� ia ilap i4,1he face to every officer present ; but was too busy even to woudor who it
I - is 1. . . I �
of life and lausy-11 ter, abothc k - 11o, it ivas a- declaration of in
Z� , � might be. I tore opeck the Ataine4 cambxia
. �
pale, weo('k and dull. , Tahe f q'ed- ,or ,of tre;aeon, according to the p,..iat ot a.hirt, and the: doctor ,,,dres3ed We wound.
I � ; : vl'l�w. At once I got to my1feet and joi . f
� ned Upon examinastion be pronot need It an ugly
ing again is responsiWq. hijin, ptlishing my way th ough the furi. cut, seriurs enough, but Inot necessal ity
- I -
> �. � .
I OU a offii!ers. It appeared &� if -we v dangeroue I
i � I
Sickl cbildren nedd spe I 1211 soberred in a moment. , , �ere all 0me one fl.ished ast �a, and I
y I 1 , � Peefeently Gros. � . �
., ' . I
feedin.cr. They (Idn't "feel Qe � r stinith insde, himself beard, through the - . .____ I .
I I turinult.! .
. .1 � �
J11 1, I " A Jursed traitor opoke the words in the uKte�v COWP�r in the (411*
0 ts . ..Cot' -I's E1yiu1s5Qn .-.1ods 1
, *r I 1 3 Pla� e,
w fir t � and another has �repeated them," 1� Ridlhn*33 I h thei Wood
j t the r1ifflit riehriess' to their' he screamed. I . I . i
. - :
U _S_ 0 r . I A Juestion i . I . . I . �
I P 1 � DI definitiono,,Eir," I rapped A-zid Health." VIIN01 I ni--d St I �th In
ocl-lct. - It is like graiti, to ,6c 10 shortly, for like Hal, Ii �Wds now pa I t1te Wl�ole Syste711 !z
� a t I .�,eri Dr.
- .
- . t ; all fear of consequences. 1 " Patriot and ' Chnwe*x INtrve ' Pood.is Usled. -
� horse. 'Fh c ch I d gCtS.__ 11C�'N' traitor -they are the revere' sides of the Paleness of the gurris, lips aj-id ins1_-:'e
. . ! 0
(,eSti611 ,, ,n.?' - ;
I .
appetite and strc ng di, 1. i I of eyelids, nervousae�,:s, weaNnesz-,, ill-
. . Z�p ND I ,' Come, cme ! This has gone far enough. I digestion, headache and des��d-.-iley
-ion'� Is Ill(
'. 0, we are'none of us i qnite oui : �vea I are tl,.e symptoms comiril n to chlorusis
Scott's EiTiuts �)te St4b m r el ,
i i � tohiight. Let us &ink our! diflic L ie in a I -and anaernia, ..
� '
� u
than food,p It is 4 strqn,g bttlmper to the King," pu� I Waller, good.! These symptoms Indle1te Ithat the
I , I �
. �
� �11 na�,,redly. ' . blood is thin and watery a��11(1,:).�:i not .
� ere -g xyznp-
medicine. It . rouses' up A were objections from aeveral, but contain suffIcient nourishrron t-.
. ! - ) Captain prevailed. . . toms that disappea�r when Drf Chase.s
children, puts ne %v fie h on- t.31.11 th I Nerve Food is i�sed to Quild i up the
19 rho glasoea were filled, and we sto body and fill the shri%-,-Iled I arteriez
* ; . od
. I
oneSand red blood 'nto 'ale 1wi iting for the toaat. Befollie Captain Wal. l. "r
,I i with rich, xed. life-8ust'A -ihg� blood.
I . I seriw officer Dr. Chase's Ner,%e Focd is 151)OC1,711
� . P ez, who chanced ,to be t��,
, i �
I ones. It niakes childre-n grow. 1pri isenti could speak the signal Hal broke tormula' devised y fol, till d!S-
I � - . I e., pecial.
I .
. . � : ,on �0 abruptly : I eases arJsing froni an ex1lausttoft con -di -
Scott's EnitilIql0li 111"kes oidi- ' G 3orge 'Wasbington-a ccess to, fi i m !,! tion of the blood ILnd rIt rves, and has
� � I
- - - d I tS an (I raised the gloxas to his 1�ipa. � provdd sigaially succes.,4 ul a$ a cure
. __ nary foo do 'i' _ for annetnia and chlorosts. f -
I I . Waller struck his arm 4harply, spilling I
� I
� w .
`X�l t I I In fact it car.m,t fall to mire these
� I I ; : the wino, azid young Pagat!toased the leas
.. duty, r I I ailments, because It goei dir"ectly. to
I , .;. I f .: inhistsce. Theaaptain.w�nt white with. form new red'corpu-cles in thr blood,
. �
ii - This pictute repr,o.ients *n er ick t 0 tens - e silence' that followed, and so nourishes nn� reE tores the sys-
the '1'rade IMark of Sc'pttls bu . t he very composedly w . ped. the drops tem to health and rigior. I
Emulsion and is oil ' tile froin hIA. face with a handkerchief. When
. I It is of inoalculable wcrth to ivorrierl_
I . . I I
Wrapper of eviary bott1j. he spoke his, face wa's quite 1 natural except i suffering fro:ini the weak iesse and ir-
z � . .
I ., i I . . I regularities pecull- 'to t ietr ,slex and
i I Send for free *ample. i fill. a liffle tremble in 1,,. Il kvew he was, iM ii r
- T I ed! bv tha
. I controlli.og 4imself by an ir I . grat-ful'l dnio'n-
i I ' u effort - of the* Is evidene - S
k - SC�QTT &,-B0W_N1t. . I i: -Is publi!-Lbea irorr time to tinle in the '
. . � klaily press. ' . � .1
1 � ; - .
� ; 411. the glove of Helen, the comb of this I . I
. TOR031 [TO : Dr. Chasv� _N -dr -%,e -P6)d, the great
� '; yolpngcockerel must be out," he said to hill � blood builtlei and rve . e totittive: 00i
c,oc and $t. ill drugg*ts. cotnpanions with a strained lightness. - "r" s
I . eent:5 a box !at all zale s, or Edrnan-
: t ;
I ! to:Hal, "I presume these re the natural soul Date,� 4 Co., moront , .
. . 4 ; i � . � I
. I : . !` q And 'I - I
: I .1 i � :
I . � � . .
. . - I I i I � .
� , �
I ; ! � I I . i � I : .
i � � .
� . i '4 ! . �
I � � C I . . . I
- . I . : ; ., J i
� . I 11-- I I -
. I . �. ; � i I . . . I . :
! a � . �
. . � I I � , I I � . .
, t MD
keep �11. , �,1�11.
"re u -
` al
t w it
and, idi h
I 1P �1. fe
sirk ,
I k r
I I , �
I I � � ! : : .
� . I
: I .
� i . I , . i I , i .. .�
I - . I I i I I I
. . i : : i � � - I I
i I I _. I �
� i : C I . I
. I � I ! . ! f
: � i I .
I - . � �
I 6 . i . � i - t . ,� I ;
� _. i . . � I 4� . I . .i I . .
.. ! I . : . .� ,
. I I , I . .1 . � ! . � I A -
I ;.
� I . : � . i - I
. I I � - i , i ...... ... __J __-__-_-_--d_-_.1_...�_1.____
.. -I -1 - - - . � .. _ I � . . .1 - , , - � _.. I i.1 1.1--1.1i, . .. ...... - -..,. .--"",-*,--i--,-,-.�.-��--�'..�---Li-.-.
— - - . ; * I I _____�
I . I . i , �
__ 1. f from- the military, prison. I did -not even CAREFUL "WOTIRERS. ; -
I I �
. yl � ; . I I
. i !
. I know no was a prisoner. � � __ : .. _. � �
. 0 You do not hippeu. to have anything to JQShould �AlwaYa be �Pr0a-'Vod I A nifest TUE
. I - you 9";'asked the captain, i tO - .. 0% - �
. . I I eat witbyou, do . Prozpvlly L, .a - bj2aeto
! . wi�h a glance at the hamper. " I have not Tre 41 th - Minor � . -, � -
4 1
and there in Ailm of I :: � L"ittl's �
. I . - brokeb fast since. yesternoon, I , Olaes. .
. � ��, 'of, , , 14# I
. 4 i that within me doth proteat." I . - . � . � sorofte .
! We banded him some chicken sandwiches I - - -, lex-TbO Blw
I - . No mother can ho thst her chil,ill,u - P - 't.
D.Ating U
and poured a cup of wine. I - will escape all the minor . ailmautf. I � � '. . � �
,,I give you heltith, long Me and h&ppi. . that . The siring B063C
. afflict little ones, aud she should be ,we- . - -
-7 ,h 11 he saidi gallantly, and Pre- I ,4.,,,i.g sud b1601
I . neas, Miss Wang , F"d to troat these illi instantly when the -
11 - � - . / � �6 - � -41"
I . A tossed off the wine �ergency arizer,. Atithe rmxne time x0gi. -bia sm vasay
I- .. I � " �,;� ez � th. - fi, I ,
__ - - , . :
- � � I .1, . at of the amdwiches he made poor Imy - .
. B V - thetntelv0s
Thekidneys erscannot'he too careful what ,19� tt WAVE, Au
re simply kidney disor�e'M' , work. I , their little: ones in ' way of in ;me - I Ati , ve J �
Iter the blood of all t6e,, shouldn't be -pm not' quite strong," he explStuede I "em. , fe - 3.d pime,68i
here. The blood passe's; thro, h the kid- the prison air hoe Dootcors have long pro sated, against the UG I boilas W
. 11 t
, t
ISI"tbi I .- aratiou,swi 15a ,he blood Our
. , , " I rou"ole � ep 30d -, ,-,
eys ev ry thriu� minute if 18 kidneys Jauntily' tit;. I had a wound which of t'h' ff-illed ' . ,:�
I Of taken my a they are still used and WITM� &1&4-M 4 aver the I
D their work no im. -�` or cause not heaIrpeem- - . I ing fris- )roperi-alli 01'
C did �uexxcy by mothers. Thme prepu%UW* - laxge ., - �
sorde can remain % L Irculation In truth, the Man W" mazifestly Ill. , .i. jizture ba� do
-that titne. Therefore if your . inviiriably �contain opiates, whieh drU saa tb ,vapura blon.
nger t an- The grizly baud of death w" reavaching out, stupefy th* li . To hi . .
, out of order your kidn6ys have ttleagnme " to temporary Out, �
lood I. . for him, and nobody knew it better than . see'l "Stunia -AU4 V1
y are in need of . or sleep. yor all the or ailments J 11t.. - � � r_ 0
iled in their work. Ue Captain Walldr himself. Pouibly he might tle onavft�" is no idnl i ' I 1601 W f.pW. � - 2,00 -Ne -tbe,re 1 1 ;
timulat on, . Strengthening or dactoring. ' - I. i P11A pil=s
yet be *&-#ad by good nursing and the best. I )le Ram , ,� ;i
ne me, licine will do all three, the finest of treatment, but if hea should be rmliptured, Ily as Own Ta itud tb* V_ & Ilk our,& all di�ea
. L -tab -no optas � - ,
rid nio! t imitated blood triddicine there sold under& gus to 0 or-
. they might order -his coffin gad be dono I I � t1ood byprom
. -or other liarmfia d ThOsaa&_of tiii� 19 I � � �1
: a impassive .blood . 1
1 ,with it. � Yet he fronted with th F
I are now Use no other idlm# fok - _: the � , frorn:s'
- . I their lit, , If Vogt! 1,
� fearle4suess of his class and race whatever � Zter.
I - 9 tie ones, aud a who b Me it ITIA, - . � M -AW �
of ill his fortune might hold for him. I - pt - .0 I ..&r1r0jn �
I � � _ n'. out
" � w Rid's eyes shine brightly on him. HO its; pro and safe ac t; on fuls __ if I" if V
_W. - �sar_40 7 -,
dd s, 1� himself, and terms.u1mrs. G-eorgosl. Kil A Win trNath and 4ei
- I was a ma of the name temper Ont., saye : " I have i med � a Oft-- . . U-9 DIJ I
� he knew how to appreciate a gallant f0e. . , � . L - fWed 4OUb, . �
, ... L .. .and. 1'�baai
lets in my ous-3 fort 0 t, , a b .
" ly man. ,sincerely that thi am i the beet ' ,care yo, , y -611iol
-- I
"By God, Captalln Waller , I think vou ever used, aW 7- I ,,Fd b1oldi.
K 4 I 0 cine I hav for *,Y little Ohft ;. ,.ieb, r
. � have not been well trested. This shall be I ini,astert M (
I They act promptAly a thel results - West a
P � I . are 4, 01- Aef
lGOk6d into. Why were you not in the hot. . ways ban daL I ;;;; ink 1 notbers shook 9?z UjLng T)r- "evid
pits)?"iihe zries, warmly. keep th -Tabletricor vtaut4� in the hou".jr vu in &Vary imr,
S . The knglishinan shrugged bia shoulderi. � I .
. . Baby's . wri Tablets are is positive care f�jnpl#ss which W.,
. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill� 9. air. - W nNrar xny body,
, , __ - C I_ _b k io Complaint for such troubles ax ce je, sou:r stomach, in.
. ,a" nothing of whieb
r : Waugh. white The fiotpitals were full Of sick and wound-
PeJ tel see Mistress Peggy digestion, eoristipation, simple fevers, dl- - ,,.d I was- eaisill
. I �tbo,
0eath, plamp down on! her knees beside ed. When there came a vacancy there tr- ;
I rhoes,andworms. They break up col& ! m,edicipf-s- b�ut
at. ! were always those who needed to more prevent or, mp, . F I U)y wife UrRed �We
*1 You poor boy ! Yo� poor boy ! Oh, bhajA 1. It was] no reason why rahould ,and allay the irritatior, " I got a )181
eompany g the cutt-mg of t6eth. &1d by I -pille. -,
ave the r murdered you, Hal !" take precedence because I chance to wear t 25 centZ a bO,T,0; ae,nt .VMS I had used -t
druggists a . post Paid 1 i
ported his eyeo gmiled faintly, and the shoulder bare. They were. for sending 4 Wrad to 'health. Ii
He o 10 on receipt Of.. 'cc, by addirosaing The. Dr. I _Z k I
to his lip3. me. The doctor would and I wouldn't. 1. I lear. I �hf
,-ied to �Vake her hand Willialng' M- eArilleliMe Co., ilro&ville, Ozttrit, i �W_a O. :
IL ap ared that somebody had blabbled The more obstinate of the two had his way, . I- - e �
P � . I mord for Oet :
% "I I
0 voungl Waugh about the impending duell il fatth. No, no ! Your prisons are all one 01 1) : �.
- . I . ,offem � I
an ... .x
.4xe r
nol he hid chanced to mention it to his could ask, under the circumst - Mr." � e You .- rowmg. 111111111111 - p 0
I � -
a�er, w�o bad straightway. peri- Whereupon my lady Peggy 1ean3 forward I . I wd tbr-tt,bsir 0
� i W! I
. Growin girls and bo ars I
ya -4o not allw�j.s �
us manner made him bring her to the place. with kindling eyE9, end says, impulsivel.7 : . .
are I all&, zhortzi�8;01 I
realize th t It is while th :gLrr0*i1nn2Cr 1 2 i
While we waited for the oarriage to take 69 We understand, Captain Waller. 'Twas that they sre formir-g their res for Alvr vion of -the lxo�ari
al hom,-, Captaia Waller came forward in all obstiracy.waa it rot? Youhadtheme- . , - .U60,4
1 1 1 life. Dr pinkthe i4ioulderoalittlenwM . 1 g4,. Vitus' d#
rnbarraAment to make his explanation of grima, but of course you were not really ill, 1�ft make theIU4
every day droopiogthe be04AN 4DUO W#lk% . I t I
be fact� Lard, no ! Oh, a touch of prisou fever, , -source, of 001WA
She cu � him short. 11 I do not care to mayhsp. Nothing more! Sir, y' are a standing unevenly, eo ths;V, one hip sidm V ' I � aiwaya.b4sp
- . ruo.-e than the othe I plus -, r,
I the" defe-As ewav �
rd or is a name good fraud. We see through you. 'Tia what I &A I '�' Pink Pills -
' �
earabo tielsir. MU . I - .1 iaw, - I
nough f m it. I care not what you call it-" we rebels call heroic, this obstinacy of correctedhow Will five ti�.mesjz bard= � 'em - vierj
aia flushed to the roots YJ 9 I ten yeara,, A graz6ful,emb� -cairliage. W .- P.Per ka le . -, -
lnl� I �
The H iglish capt yours. � Aor sent bf I �
. I
I and anereet, straight- figurit i are a pleasure , ,
: !
I his hi dr. I The captain bluslied like a lad, and Allies 'behold r and ' I L bolts for VJ501
" I be g you to IjAieve �here was no foul peg - � ddenly self-c.onscious, d .w to 11,04 eiisor" 4nd ,are, Worth I
� gy, grown su, I Mg striving for, I A I I . liftme viedicio 1,1
low mtr.. . t Miss ' . back in confusion with t e e. r L An easy way to pn atice I � L . 11 . - it L . i
1, Fdu ow ! Wash not a broy,and you cheeks. She was ever one to. x"pmk at I . � t
' . tv start right. Ju8V - I L on I e . . . 1n �
- �
reline4l .o arms ? Do no - speak- to me, air.. might be in her heart and to ,sco e house, wa] k up to t e wa: axd see flat � ,.� wa
,shall -b kte you always I -if you have kill- herself after-war4falor her frankhess. . I ch it -at "m - � . ft V. , 44.
.0 e your tooev�. cheat and � ose tou .
dihim." . Quite plaialy her heart went out to r - I
I . - *WAY. Kftp ,_� ...... — _:
" are unjust, Min 1 Waugh.` the cap- Englishman on this oceasiov. There as �theu, in tj 'at attitud ', walk I
c yourbead up and your 6heic -out, and your .-
Riain'laulvered, sturdily. "I shall leave it something both captivating and pathe I DIEST 11
* h Mr. Crowther to inform you that this shoulders and back w�i _t#0 We vf- thewt L - I I .
nL about the gayety which eat so oddly on . I I .
I . Aelves. L I I _mm�
an none of my seeking. He forced it On him6, so atrikingly incongrugus with the I . .�
No one can regret I b more than 1. " . transparent, blue -veined hands and the A sdho(d tescher 1 Sad io instruct hor : 'IThe U10*�Xlg
L . *12 to . alk alway"11 aN.' 'L lor 1"t wol
If: .trying to look ,
assitfed her that the baptain, did himsslf burning eyes set deep 1, in the cadaverous PUP! - I � I .
barel justice. . 4ch in the over the , I p of an iilbagia4y oSn* It ., i I �
� I I lags Ju _ I I _el i � A
. � face. She arranged bim a coo L I -1i was.00 adv,dicP4 for- ]at !_�
�al o6ened bii eyes to corrobomte me. - bottom of e w are . n front o thern. I ., i I
, h, head.-miomd. -Dbj21t'think then �
We I right, Peggy Captain Waller . - it kept t . 1 7
. ease, and waited On him, with a pretty con- things; are ,of no ,value. T60yadd to - -BILEFams. - mo
s quite ameless. I brought it on myself, cam that must have been balm to theapirit . yftr7 -
nd I'- *th a feeble little laugh" I am of t* he officer hLilagering greatly for sym health an, your attractiven, ; two tyuka it �
I 105a. _gfield, h" =01
- PA_ I � -
it . to whidh verybody;0 iould heed*--$"- ,jIgg pum
. - liaxeft 4
. - .
ot goio to die thi8 time-� thy. - He accepted -the.. PoSiLtion 0f invalid - , .
I -di not. The wooi i4d - healed nigely,. . � day Read W!ay - vill no doi*b b
-He with a little humorous, shame-faced!,laugh 9- ! I ; t I - -
I I � .--
I - ------- �_ I i , � -tiers Attende4 -1,14
' �
rid six i reeks later we slipped through' the at us, but I never douked he found healing ' 1 ; L morth- If filiond
ihish I nes and joined e army of General in the sound of her v6ice and the touch of � Avo A Deoey ami Oad Loza&. 0
. I . I . � .- . I : I I . levaryt,ft i
� i r . I , i I 9
Nashiri� toe. hat hand. L , — ' ' I � Tort : $,. * rt I - I
. .� .
. T I i'very
. ____17 . As for Master HA he behaved perfectly. 7 - z �
I i I -
CHAPTEt Il. I had an old notion that he waa on trig be- � I ". Z011001118 - ____. I _�
. I -- � . El
)IX � , i 7 DVES 'dj I -
0 a of Min WA XAM -1, . .
. kv we passed dow o the water front fore the tribune, , ugh's judgmenti , ' . for 16.050.. - ri
V9 D soldiers crossed our mth, butween them not consciously, perhaps, but by some pro- Is oxi Every; 1Paakaff48'Y01L � _ I ,
aigging Btitish F;oldier in ragged regimen. ceas of involuntary' instinct, rather. I - � . __ 11 dlale,-oa the -,
Purdhwe. � � aelling tvar! F-tu
Is. Peggy looked at m B enquiringly. found her looking rellectively sk him more I � .. -
I . I ,Uutt4id State a. -
I There wasel jail -break last night from than once, and I remember thinkbig what al: � ; � � - -
h, � niffit ary prison," I mplained. " Two strange chance it would be if the app4�sr.ii bomepwfib loving merchants buy Pack- L lue logo from t�
. I
I . - age dyes �o supply: heir tomers witir -4-now left. Othl
fficers' and s6me priv%tA* overpoweFred the sues of the man be deemed his rival (should . . . I - . it I a -Is
uird.aUdscattered1hrough the town. Thos mark the. occasion of hiB L,riumph. Certain- that are No poor sad , : at it requires, . �were caukh
t, -to 4011-1 hiff
ion I _h�
�_ . I fully threol - ep . T I
h! rig vii a daringly con ived, even to the' ly Hal tram rising to �he filtantion, splendid- I packages f giv *116 eeiae d tit
_ . - � � obtaiiied from - It :41 -
. - -and nefint " of color is --wi- h his =171,
L . �
�o nt, of madness. I sulpose they havo just ly, and I trusted Mi*trtu Peggy to appre- . . L 11 I I 'jappliv cf _
. ,DL
Might t iis fello* and ar a taking him back." cQ4 it. . i - . I 0,110 p"ka _e of the D. , Dyes. Then I
. I F 1! . -, I
Juringthe past' morth the British had "Ishall remembodr this always as one weak d�ye ear at : i0e sold U � ArS
pn --me very __ .
.. .1
S I 6,gBut: consunien at ten cep, V1 , And three A - .
vikettati d the city and me hmd moved in 0 paradise," the aptain told us. e f streg I I .. !i packet, ,�n,%& - _ - . . L
. t a&y Of price." tt allatrepp. bUv�oud Dy6. of tho Villag4 h
: -
ske poe assion af ter a rying year in the L May I ask where are bound for, IAeu- Any wo nan who is! urged by -a merchant Aeritlem an. *1
�ed;g 0 rhere had bee heavy casualties tenant Paget? are stfil driving out ito . .L
L ! - earned. -MiA
0 ar line officers in -the - last twelve sea, and My rem I rance :plaoea the rebel to buy th( weak and �zdulteiated -d - ve& re. - I . ,
aths, and in , coiaa!qqqnc6 both Hal and I pnison onahore." � . . ferred to, hould swou y refaineto -be lawindt , 'Venter, Is M�ov�
no�,. . . � L � rr- mereh=�-. -
wor our o ' I - After the hard. 66 Are_you so an I us, then, to get back led. . trouble . d irrit4tion of tem. .. - ter.
. camn be a ad 'by -always log the INS. *ad store in _joii
h1ps o xctiv0emmEervvIc0e7, ;we were all glad bliehe ?" asked Hal, vp 1h a strange smile. - . - - . - .
I .. ''. ttire
, ,Pat- :: q
Mond � y k � each,, ;e..; when- i Ue -Aw fu '
io get bick to the comf9rts sni gayety of I I Not at all. I �;r quite at your servize, 3-y00U L e e Ti a n &am e 4 Dialm(nd Dyes " yea ind will be* V
-army none, I- vow, and &wait your eor venienoe " Waller an- I I : 1." �_.n I.. .
. � 'in, ��
ity life, and of the whol� tooted. � - I . . popular = .
r10 z I . - -
. 'h duty wit, swered, politely and indiffe 0 are1ully 1? I ,
W1 mo 0 eag to sandwic h . rently. From ' Dye -Mat amol Rag Patterms rieh- 'Juite A lot 0
g Dtmoz . .. � -
A ,ure th et and Rio C have guessed ,o I -
so al Pag rowtli.4- his manner one, woulo never I or -1 on -the beat qttality of Scotab this.-Mmition # i
t hanc-,d that one of the f"bionable diver- that he had,found ;� the prision, a hiviDg weasian, be or -der ad b
. . -i _V %ua�d. ASend for 4 voy and �� �
i a of the se" haddock fishing- death. � � 'free shee � I weskj, wlhero -_ �
� � nt On Met To Paget we seemed to have given up the shoes of designs' to *a t from. 13=d 11 I?
as t 3e we ,of 7- yo, ever on the . your add an to the: Wells,: Richarboon & I Hired helo, A - I
a ch I or a now .a ' t o hire the direction of affaira by common concent, and Co.. Limited, 20O.-M-0arittin . 8t., M . .here. Lum - " ,
in - - ; '
Ic �ries a fishermen andta*Nk'eD,nv'.`p'1a(y of the' - ontrea), 4 ...
Ir that young mein kepV us still head out from : . -_ -
. 1 r
P. Q. . I I 1igh wager.'
ro Mh lie. This morn g we three were the stiore. The black hulls of the British � : % I
� . -
bound o i an adventure a -the kind- �, fleet loomed nearer. i I looked at PeM, _& . L .ftom liere ..
.. , -1, "
I I . auptli ch,
Just For Fun. ;
"Slid diks !" I exclai ad, as I trord my She turned, to me at L the same instant, With I _. I 1.
. !
W y gin i,rerly ong the ttoon of the away. happy, understandi g eyes. The English You shc uld try -and be a little inoregentle, I I �
I Al � 'i � 1, �� J I
. .
� 1
[11 boat 640ldZ bh Ift- ughof his c.fficer lay with hia f�3e toward the shore, , Reginald, said the mc ther of j�nobztreperoux . I � -1 �
or.ano8hall I -tons unconscious of th x ible WIA us that Vhe I .
as I 0 six year o �d, "The I,,
M to to ball I a thl do ke - e prp imity of the fleet. I .
so, e of - illem , o the Ian iag ?" meek shal I inherit tj ie -e . . you -know." , I This is teorr
I ,Presently a shot plumped into the water I .1 L
96 . !An,d 11st good w0i aid it -- mat'? anorted ! �iof 14eeds J0,1
No. Let'be! The will -do to, spread some fifty yards to toe left. Thery was a e ni�!� 1 _$
� .
along th botiont to keep Peggy's feet from second puff of smoke- from the t4de of the - __ spirit, � wrath*lly. 14 You'A 'Auty to I � I
. make me put it, in t6 bank �rsend it to the - -
ottingwet. Just lay tqat basket over here, nearest ship, foll=fed by another splash � � . . L Pvliou7e 6�v
Leathen, (T -divvy it up .with; sitter Sue, Or I , .
Ellsesar ! 'commanded H�1. . and a sullen roar. Paget waved a white lay it away to use on Sundj�p.11 Theum P131
� .
.. *
Yet a short while and we were away, handkerchief. The 6,sptwin got to a sititing � I- -N,lothiug J � nno
fleet L _�_ 1 �
leaving, he negro C!wn&r to grin farewells nature and -looked around toward the , liniment, el i
� ; an -L
- ' I A Lond)11 eXqllibi� went into a Wvgb � I
at us fr the wharf. Ha,I)swung out the Ext instant he wheeled on Paget, eagerly, , End rest& ,rant. ... I - i zec"sary L
sail, ani we e&reenedl merrily heaward. inquiringly, , - ,, a sy. am an extbauge, and 'was . _,ure 11
with at' unBpoken question _. I - - a e 83
1was a mo I far 'from I leased A� ith -Che manner 112 which I
rning to make glad the heart of staring out of.hiseyeo. his order was filled. -Do you call that a . -ftu zure Te a. -
y uth, a ad we three for !the time knew n(it a The fresh wind sent us cutting tbrough I I 4rge boitt
� s"Forth 1
was an i nrequir.ed love. �nd -Mistress Peg h a cutloo as that is ,an invult .. - 11 l-,
veal clitlelt'p" be d waiter. --- I
I . ande4 of the
care in i 11 the world. Hal forgot that, his the waves with & rush, and in ten minutes ,, Why, sue .
� V more we drew up finder the shadorn 'of a. .!If req i
tile exisance of love-siok swains. Ravol-ti. man-of-war. . .. fig a , vetisig calf � the British �, ; 4
. I , ", I I M i I
�� .
tione aid battles and! heart aches were IcinvirL"', The waiter hunghis head fQr a 'o 4 i �1
. "I have an Euglieh officer here for you " - - I I 1.
I M. recov,erod himself and said, in - TEM .001U�-Cj
I �
iiefly, -to the middy who I 1 144 L
vp wshed ' Irom our i9inds by the fresh breez%. explained Hal, br oment., but
rtone of re--pectful; apology -. I realily I at imndesbcr�
& id, in n emory we: spanned the years that' came to the abip"a Side. " He escaped from dn't inti rid �to you,, air." I . Members 11 _
ai palrate I us from the days when we had � I W , 21
b mn ebi'Ldren together. Careless y4?uth bub- - prison lss� r,ight." I . I is— - I ftting -
. Captain Waller brushed, saide the hot AM
badup,Lnd exulted in i.e. I tears which scalded to his eyes. He mur- alowtv Dying From Oatar,rb. .*ry I
I While I wtis ar . . : ! ,
rangt] ig some tackle this I 1 MAN engaz
muredsomething apologetically about the Thousal4dearein this terrible condition, 1vork thet,ow
k�ife sli pp ed from I my h i6nd into the mashes fever havin t&kLen -the pluck out of him. but doti"r, ieal.za tbet! dan ha - .
Lg .gor. If you � ve - V-17. I LiAdA*Y-
01 the hst at'my feet. *I.groped for it a Peggy wag openly crying like a child, dis- the, sligh-toioqt� taint of 7 catarrii, would !:,t --not .
moment, then tossed asipe the thick folds of dsining any att*m W'ige . . Tiasolintion *VA
pt �st concealment. The be ' comments Cat!arrhozone tmat. ,a 7.1khe Z.Utn
4tting n mi search. Pdggyg&ve &little Englishm - . I ng
I an writing our hands -in a silence MeDt now. and be pe rfectly �nreoI in a, short � grading ro
ream, and 1� nfewts t being start -led my- ' � I I _40
. which meant more -than words. To Paget time ? This pleamal remedy �curles withou* I I peddi-_1 in V'a
:� If-foi I had noovered a man�e foot. he,guipea out . . the use of drugs, xU mizars 6r snukis. Yor, I I couneil ! �1
� lotz� _��,
J draj ged ' th( fishing gear aside sad from ' I can't say wha-t 1 want to say, Mr. inhale the medicated vap which spreads, ,,
under a. tarp'!661 - � � N -deputat;onlo-k
in uprc so the figure . �
c1f Ok Paget. You'll have to take my thanks ion to all p&rts of the breath a zo.r.gaus, k-I'llt . Cirtric" - 4
mmu in the uz.form of a Bri*6 officer. faith. you ' 1. , ,ht.. .
. . mad surfxce#� i 7 tirae with -t-�
oved-my life once ,before, and tbe'germ a and beau I he in'... � 11
f I i
Dirty, Unahavela,. unkept, one mhdt stain I nearly killed'you for it.` Fve always elt 'Catarrhoz Me clears the th t an . , brid " - I
from head to f6ot, ,% Lb the hectic flua�i of like a eur about that. Now YOU, give me stantly, aj 3d never U:L's to t � .... . the mott ob- - - . _V) ge alm*15]
1, conceal i -13A
fever in his facoio, there maonfronted us, -with more than life, you know. I won�t forge� stinate oalarrh4l, Ian and iffiroat Acouncil a 'IF
the beat bow in' his re rtofy, a shadow -of * � - , , 1, .
. . I till I die, that'a all I can Bay." A trialwi', I demonstr vtethe ivane of Catar- -
our former well gro med scquaiatance, �_Varalliveiyfi
. Thelsattime I Saw Captain Waller he rhezone, ,v rbi eh sells I or $Li* a b'0616, twaill � AVIOU of it'lae
Captain Waller. We tarpd at him i(L S was waving a h%ndkerehief * to us from the s:ze 25c, at Feweo (- rug,tt,G, v. 8"torth. or.
)0 g sile aep. hagria d not speak on his - � -after ,i6btai0i
dock of the H. J�i. S. Thundoarer. How-. � by mail ft om. N. C. I 01 -son 4��, .
.1 . J,fA,.J Kiag3toill- for that DYLL '_
. ever, I have often heard from him einbe. o.atL&rit.. - i i , . . P14
f , tbcugh no doubt ii, was lurking in his I I
i I the L ��'..
. i �, , i ask .�
heart. a Bat down c h the nets with the OUIL last week there came to Trio from i i t 1� .
I y . * . i � % 40,xumitttei 1
gieatest f assurance ia Up World. Indeed, 86nex a drawing of his two sons, Hal arid ' .
L . .A StorY bf th� War. I I � d I
; �
we were the ones wh6 Moked fooliA, much Richard. In the eyes there is a look of their I name ,as ]ao
ai urchihs do whe A reg,i.LM ent of
n c a mastar in father that promice-i well Lfor ir J r&V Sco� i i-sh Ai .. &-nder, notea I �hipg elai I .
6u� � .11 '. I -1 :
. "., 1 .
a( me pr- nk P.b -,. school, for thot F.ry in ietion, oring tL�e Je*t 3ustalluea I
d, on I swear the We did nob, make fL merry party on the I I I -ter on ,001
at use of embarrassment was his rather than of one bat Lie were a Liddoen] L sieen to break I 2 lx� A 1
. homeward way to the,.ciq loamps.for night - -
01 irp. I L rankE andrun ia all'direct 'm The offic- bo�r, but- I
� 2
. had fallen lobg ere:� we reached land. but I , I "
I-Dez'ji lited to me�`et: you ere as wel shared in, the at *"L�pedv, and. -up* I t1�01itibilit -1
998in, Mhs - perhaps we made upin hapt3i'hess,for wbat I �� - 1 I
� -
lg . ' . ti P � -to I I L � I
P gy, Ihough I fgar the manner of aren y, made zo ..
my welaakeninsuirriati'M I eat alone at"'one 1p St -tem urge the ill � .
, men undt� them into line ir! . -by � I
aAnounc, ment is something unexpected. T'htir behavo 1.
. end of the boat, and they in the darkness st . , I 14 : � I
B)NWIB I np, I regret 0 utrude on a private' was -a NuTprige to overybc od� on the fiell,: I �
I - . the other. Bab - when we came under the 1LDf ! .. I I �
. L
party. 3*y the word;; a d I nhall step over. and after the battle Vras Dvi r the colone : ��
� in�� �
. shine of the lights I did not nead any words ,� - ;
� � Z �
board. . confasiJi., mys�lf an uninvited guest," e S,� the regim�at wtvs Su4imone 'before Grenerall I i i i
tot Ilmett JHal hide � - i .i and, I
ome to his own at I i . -
hi � couel ) ded, mirrily. Roberts. 1 I I ! - I
I I last. I 1 L - lAzativ, � - .
"Gipain Waller!" Icried. "'Z)unds. I 49 What the devill was � �1-e matter with . �o . , !B L
L I 'Old J:n on
. TUE E -ND. i . 3i
1) " ask a Bot 5 i -25 Ceuta.
man ! Vhat are you doing hi�ree ?. � . . 1 � your reginient F , " I
is �Z. I I I — 64 Well'" replif the 0 14al " tbere J& 1� it� I
I Eggs 1, a pertiaent neatim, Mr. Crow.; 9
� ell afraid. a i -
A Gent16 Hint. Mat a Man I tb ' t I
ther ! "o say the truth, I have been play. n ' - ! ta Of I .
. t I
, I
lug hid' -find -seek with some fellow rebels In our Ptyle of climate, with its � Ra:.tehmxi�a bullet b 7 we re steered into � It - . .
suiden I ilp--py- L
I 1W.. I 11 OF-rzc
of youro. I find them very keen to follow a changes of tenierat.ure,-rsin, wind and.sun- &'field liteis �ed. wil waspenestij, . . I 81
I I 0 -
. and yon. ., kno-vv, Geileral. 1we were ,all in: 71 .vill 7 - - . .
trait." at ina often intermingled in a single day,- 3311 i I ` - -bu __e
, kilts and V'Vith bare 1*99. I eaview ..
" But here -in the city -what business it in no wonder that, our children, friends � I I � I
j . .
have yot here ?" I a8ked him, still iii the and relatives art so frequently taken from . _16— ."b*u1bsr -
dv.tk. - � � - I I . . ketper,4 ..,
.. ; . . us by neglected coldO, half the deaths re- Poarfect 1'4 .aR Points. I .
the w6rld, . , - ; -1 �
�: " Not) in air" be answered, sultingdireetlyfrom this cause. A bottle Wells Rh!hardso co -'a 1411roppmecil 1 Ahx. m
� . I
� tl . "Unfortuiately, I have been of BaschWa German'Syrup kept about your I Butter ior J) never;tarus butter to a recl- I A4,Gray, - I 1 . X, -
p 1, , �. �1430r..
in romadei your friends of t' . G �
lEa.mbr?e fa pe I .bat, but -horge for immediate use vill prevent serious dish or cky ting,-. i ijgi�_es the true and,l � - Re
t .i -r .:, . I . 4 FlAneevis
1.tri. t1made &sift to t ke -,',L French sickness, a largd doctor's ,bill. � and perhaps Ti June tint � � -
i that 10 al I - .
It appears, h wever, "hat , use 0 . three ,or four doses. ta . ed in �'ot and cold � we�atbe a '",a* I urray 31 . I
leave., ad still to . t I 'am death, bythe 71'Yit miors 1`hn WIL'. � -
destine remi in a guest of the For curing; Obneumption, Hemorrhages, not taste t e butter, �color 1 L i J00ib 'A 11 AL - ,
. , the buttermilki i, , Ab .
. I
Alme riba is. Your hosp tality is not to be Pneumonia, Severe Coughs, Croup or any and has- n Offensive #mell lilne other -col ' - I a . --- .0
- " ors', �
be de�i�, I.,, '. . its E I Arbitrate�,n �
" . I
. I
. I � disease of the Throat or LUDgS. nee ee Wells, Wohardson &_
a ' 'Cc'* L.4 Improved But-! Ault. . -
. :
I 4 epy !" Peggy frAmed the words is simply wonderful, as your druggiit will ter Colorl never be6 amoss x1tricid stale or I I I. " 'k _. �
L lo M
vi ith her white lipa, bu Piget answered her 11 � I : L Ifences
I I I S.0 1, .
�., te you. Regular size, 75 cents. You can sour. U i� the only ` feet 661or .for msk- � I A443- f-111mida,
quickly, in a low voio�e. "No, no I He get Dr. G. G. Green's, relialble reme-fles at ing perfect. butter. I.Cr all� druggiate ind I 1� :
. - L
� RoberVa drug'store, Seaforth. � : - Utrmi;,Q tin j
must ba Foe of those w o emped. last night j. S. general de4ers. r - I I � .
I �
I I i I i
. - I � z
. e 9
L I �' I i I W, . I
. . : i -il �
I .� I ; ; 1 . t. �
. � ;
I - . f . ;
! L I
i . , ... I - i . I
t � .1� . j I L � . ] i
— .
i,;. ; . . �
i . I i I i . I . I ; I
iI I I L . .
� � � Lt L
0 1 b x � I L .
- i I i i
� � . a � i . . .
ria I �
n 11a
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1i i
4 1
D lgqr*
-9 . 1,�'ibf
� so* *�
(I !J*e I
, * W�se i
u Ig before
)� I 11
U I i I I
� 0
I .1
it I
� I : I i I � .... . I
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