HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-03-21, Page 64
--Nmmmmmmm M=d
Cen u1ne
Clarster S
aLivap LU Uittk V.;X P S9
musi Bear SIgnature of &6 Flff�mlle Wmpper Below. to Uka #A sal.w.
JOVN uKI"-yb, v. is., nonor grauua6ti v, vabaltv
Veetorimry College. A.11tesaaesofDomeoti
VDIMAIS treated. Calls 'promptly attended to an
ct&rges moderme. Velerinaty Dentstry a specialty.
tr&-f� and raiden.ce on Go,derleh istreet, one door
of Or Scott's office, Seaforth. 1112 -if
arrHisber S leltor, Conveyancer and Not-ary
11'abdo. MoDe , to lorn. Office over Pickard's Store
jt4p, HAYSI� I
B %rriister. Sol! dUjr, Coove3 ancer and Notary POW0
Salle.tor-for Wo Daminion Bank. v-th --t�'Ia Mar oi
D-�n-dmon Bank, Setiarth. Mooey to loai�- 1235
----------- m- DEjT, Barrister, Solicitor, Couveyanaer.
J- Notary pu,-)!ic� offices up otairs, over 0. W.
PapdCs baokbtore, Main Stret, Suaforth, 0=4rlo.
1627 _H]..E2�RY BEATrIE, B%rrlLtar, Solicitor, &o�
I&Quey to loau. Otfice,'Idy'a Block, Son'
GDIM. ARROW GARROW, B&yristers, Solicitors, &c.
Cor. "IaW ton St. and Square, Goderioh, Ont.
J. T. G.AAROW, Q. 0.
CuAinEs GA-Ritow, L. L. B.
sucoewor Jo the late firm of
& Rolmosted, Barriatfiz, Solicitor
L'anvoiyancer, and Notaly . Solicitor for the CL*n
"6%nUankoftuamerce- money to iond. Yarn -
tog, &ale. 01400- In Sootils 11;ock, Main - Streas
cr:t1u;tc of A.-yal Colle6e of Dental Sur,;e3no of On.
post gracluit.- cour e In, ro.Vu and bridRe ork
ljadLtIt1zo Chic3go. Lo eal ana,3 ht tic i I. r
painlego extr4t.oi of ttnth. ottiveuvorDominion
ZAuk, sotirLp, t. rmk r y occupied by G. F. B I CO.
DEL F. A, ISELLERY, Dentist, graduate of the
U;Ilege of Dental Surgeons, Tiatito, also
h,�zjor graduate ol Department of Dentistry, Toronto
-u-z,.iversjty, � office in the Potty block. lbjwWil
: Will visit zurion every Monda.y, L-ornmencizig lion:
day. Julie ist, 15b7
NIL R. R. I ROSS, Dentist (aucoemor to F. DTweddle), graduate of iloyal College of Dental
burgoo,ns of louwato; urbt class honor graduate of
3:0rento UnIv4Xs ty ; orowu and bridge work, also
gold work In � all Its forma. &11 tile mitt modern
anethoda for painless filling andi pAinics-3 extraction of
Seeth. All operritions oarolully performed., 3 Mao
w -eddle's old etand, over Dill,111 gj,*ocury, Saaforth.
Dr. John McGinnis,
ffox. Qf#Auate I don Western Univoralty, membel
at oaj%flo of Pb�alelans and So-geous.
Ofilee and Reoidenoo--Former13 oc�uptcd by Mr. Wm.
ftl1wd, VlotbrLim Street, next W tho (;ashado Onurob
AUrNightl calls attended promptly. 10SX12
0111 - BrE H IN, & ROSS
Office, o er Johusi)n'a H4rdwaro 6tore,
Seafortb. - H. 11. Vio�Ls. 5f. B,
cal'Id vttcriod.to at the offize.
osts ts5ldent rbetciak- and Burgeon, Toronto Gon
*tul liogpltal. Llouor grada3te Trinity UnivoWy,
mamobrof the CoUege of Pbyeichne and tftirgeow
Ontario. Coroner for bho Couly of Huron
�Dffioe and Reeidauce—Godef'.Lh &ruet, Eatt of tn(
4pitnodiaL Charch. - Itilaphane 46. DRS.ISCOTT & MacKAY,
PH.TSICIANS AND SVRGEONS, 1,�Adttoh stro;let, opposite Idetbodlet church, Beaff orib
J. %. SCOTT� gra
Auate Victoria and Ann Arb�r, and
member College, of Physicians sud
Sargeonal Gurozier for.0ounly of Huron.
E43KAY honor graduate Trinity 'University,
g�.-ld meWltltet Trinity hiedtoal coa,nce. Hembei
College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario.
S t� - ator
ys 'm Renoy
ilk apu.:Ifto and antidote tot impfiro, Weak and Irg
pov---�nehed Blood, Dyspipsia, Palp*ta.
4ion of the Eleart, lAve: 0owplaint, Neuralia, Lost
W moulory, RToUcbftl-'4 4;owamdon G-11 81-0000,
JAuadtoo, Ki-ney and Urinary 'Vitus
D.Ado,,. Fuma:e fritegulairioles and Geural bebtl;Ly.
G&P-ORATORY—Goderich, Ontario. J. 11. NeLEOD, Proprietor and Kanu
by J S. Ronmrrs, Seaforth.
Fasily and thoroughly cured
'Now, coutm.on-sonse metilod;
not I N eure, no
SAT-TWO'i 1=11. III -
you ask for Pamp 4a 1�
BrO&O chemi 4
FrOnt St., We.t, Turont,?, OnL.
TMe iar—k
The widerar.ped Ald-lies, to announ,?e to th, pulilic
th-A having bought a 1srge quarit-tY ef tbo thee best
br4zt1r4 ot red cedar sbingks, and by Re' a libe,al
diicomo for �ca�h, is prepared t) sAl them to cus.
t -WC174 At rr Oca that defy competitiqu.
S. LANI EYS Lumber Yard, Seaf orth.
11aving in stucck'&t the Senforth Lumber V, rd a
vi.ry lare qu�-ntlby of all the dWerent lcn5ct Its and
i. hith-, is pr-�-ared to fill any bill that is pt atented
cl Mic very bes quality of lleratock.
S. LAMWS Lumber Yard, Seaforth.
Oraving bou -bt a large quanCty of p'ne trom a
1-trge firm In hfuekoka, I arn. getti-ig pine dre3sed
both sides c r one side, for s:dltjg, flooring., ceiling;
wide plank for water trcughs � spruce and balsam
for gravel boxes, I'ght and Jurable. Aluo white
1cedar shingles XXXX and XXX and X of bLst wake
In Muskoka. Large stock always on hAnd.
S. -LAM9S Lumber Yard, Seaforth.
MARCHI2 ta' H U RON ES rill OSITO Bogus B er Loeses, T 01, I'd go an' flx beer. It 'should Nervous Depre�ira-� 11 Jig ing daily on roabt beef and LOVE AND 6HIC Mist H. S. T., in d ereal ar The method (if -B1Ur1k31er—y.o'iieedn'iell eber�tliag, but ste and EstitnaliV9 the PES NO all right wi 'Nilliame an be noted, however- that,the porridg popu BulleVw. -hot q;40 the -NT M lar with Londoners is to. WEITF, I'X, clac.too JOUR WA dey gets all dere money ; den -tell Casais, she tiole, for he Scotsman pairitch" requires killed in this South caP.y FRAX 1-Z It. The little fellow �h, an4 only the free and bee' marry at ilize young man Microscope, a hardy: stomac Anotiter Woman Who Uns round howling farce. Attet an engagemeat �Iaririg wm_ SUE It wbo open lifee lives in his happy Highlands e3- dry wanderiDg Kaffin fini their Wav has blown idth all roun' a,' his strength, and t he who a do Lib, abeadedes'rian, Microbe was all the name he,b ad kne",' g wine be del finqi3' kin' ob g6n'lernao." grill� a'ales him' to digo at it. Health, Strength and Allgor In the the Bfitish camps,. an i a Iligger, -wfio Olt., and Deacon White I in �pite of i. an uusav6�,,'y downy tufts S 1 nif-.47 affabli; 'obdereo'Ireekon Voe of Dr. 0harm's Nerve Food. cannot count up to t n, mg; is f4cestioned, reputation for arp, fi�gsold his cliiig to the dan( Pd ayhim�wbatyolowe hirn oil d, h k Wome�a Know Rettei Than Met). bij unsupported say�io acceptedl t-_e1j
the city -d- p "S 0 To women e.specially Dr. Chase's Thousaudo of on commas. chickens and tru. in lion stem. Accor eek. 0 he country home On, one occasion par cro4e still W015 to the o acle of ene, anon do taters 3 o' sal' latt' W In the management of t Nerve Food Is proving to lj�% a very sion. For this asoni Mi Igreat ble I, old clothe although he was a sharewd h* 1119 gw no Deed'hit now to fix up Wde weddi dairy wid the making'of -butter, women ssIn-. So many women are eut Writer, tbrougl� t ie bolti dhood mott er a v Chi, I low dat's � all buY MY DainO know bett6r than men how �he work should verwor, found himself nearer �o the enerny th�u wh� e weakened and debilitated by o b
working young maln. [ B"t D.� does not watit him, ine,be hli3roaeope arter is. Now, what be conducted to pay. Womlen who make worries or diseases peculiar to their man in the 'BrItish co 4mul the fie had a doughter,'C&�ssia.� ild I ell 41 ,Where beWlth i-u�
i But ruother wc i Vink?" the best �gilt edged butter,. -know that W-6110%, sex,, and need tb* assistance of just confined to one bill and after the lul. --
One gunday morning Micrqbe dalled t t yo, I Soft the 01
o6'n,s only ansu er was an d'ved ButteiColor" such a resitorative as t is great food scooted this valiant 4.artior ruf3,hed the a different stor y-, She he dea expltg- Richards)n & Co's 11 Irrpr of women sre iV6 Snort, ould a t be Joyme� u e (he didi�% have 11 bq. the White cabin! as usual. The, deac4b, has noticed th which could a I illtO is the Safest an I best to a , and always -64 cure. tion alone of bopeleagnei z I
bimself came to t1he door, btit looked �,,o V e 1-ungs, a nd Mrs., M. A. McCrea, ry Hill, Ont., erving ax a
uess of th words. Btit he draw out &.roll of bills, p�rt the kind! thit has No Mud or Impurities— which wasin camp tmt. visitor over in mar4ed disiapprOval. if 6he saw hial ii w' f'whiuk be qQuatod and gave to M icrosc(-p-. the kind, that gives the true J une tint that *rites "My system N�rah all run down but be didn't find a downed Dia Why ain, yol rouu� ha' buy bett�r -flushed with his al when began to iie Dr._JClh�se'ns Nerve Yet, afterwards _,ing,cl the pro$er
never faaefi. I i a al despatch to cWt, M icrrobe?` h6denianded, -gruffly. 11 Yo, T4e youpg'snan !io.se to h a feet v ly effort and strugglin-A to ,enre for feinii1c.
"I'd6k �yo', e said "we's Food. I was weak and t ervous Oftice, it was stated that in al, Pink F
slie fi liten to show, Ogielf on Ounday, %ps. and rn out that I scra thirty-two ere : stifle the.cough vi�g ty good frien's, I see. ' Now and felt so tiro a B�ers w 0
0061-fbi'61 houRetl I g mj� Af a t the 9�ine be h E183tric Lines and,'Farm Pro eially sit a chu�uh followed it, she'd eel an, flu' cassia, an' could scarcely dr y e bou coul4n-'t make it obt until Ch�xbk'&- in ea I reckon I better go roun duc6- house. It seemed Impos ible b�r medi(�.IiI7 69 blonty too ReArce ft.' clo"dea now, di how tiluch shei wan�ed Mike up'bout de-weddin'." for me to (our dubky waRon dover) expitine& �etlf and waiittd th0se weaker nigger� he e, eon Microbe r(s 'pond d hj I iy. B 4t. him, The Woodstock Exprets, in comment iag get rest or sleep at, nig t, and I felt ing to another 41 0 co that litts that I was gradually g owin D46 wh r's Cast i I? I' :a to'er'O"Ier." attended the oper- who is
weak lun made :A +0 on the suqoiess -woman
Dre 8 York over there. 111re �errible li%r. -I speo, yul flu' Wr rouq on do b k that s1sa nll�ht NeW ation of an electric line connecting 'Wood- and more nervous and I rltab�le. Since M -S Ff
strong beginning the use of Dr. lChase's Nit-rve come in camp that: t bne wn&tell I is "ab, pe-elin' tatera ful�aupperi" he answetd The Price of a Paokage- of stock and Ingersoll, says AD the time se hini. -e 1t ha plenty killed. Get I plgnty sooff. of -putani.
n de s eve testimolly riscontentedly. �! Yu�l kin 9 )�o ea kt: DIAMOND DYES- the railway'was built there were not lack. Food I feel altogether differ nt. lawful. terrible, d nee fight at all. -Ae at, TIMA" t a who foresiaw that in a short graduolly strengthened my norves an 10� kr 0 t r � w . ! or roan' de cabin, vi, as yo, I Obs in io prophet lunF's, a-uld be grosa built up my systern wonderfully. I- liar." Tt-&Vs how :ithe BritiAh 161 Igr i -grown and as Microbe was half vr,ey cross the fl time thet track w I coulgh, Itenior- 'Nomen-9f evel pool I condition kiDoW sleep Nvell now, and am being thorough- ge nee" Departmeb t *ets much of its V how 'bout dem hun'od ehi0kens yo �w that it is poafjible� the rails torn up or lefb to ruut in their rha4e eakriess. flom e i ef�tored to health and strength. I mation. e 0 bel'e-vc It Is the best medicine to be if you donsteli5�e i -a de� pi aet ly r And yo4'rl a banky is ready to sell? I cooP up L a 'en�aciatioft With the aid of XD ax n� Dyes to ; make a places, but such gloomy prophets are always trou ni
11 Nu but I kia doop d, ight�" orn to -n on bandwhenever any new undert ki -Ar-q4en
46 I me to'so, 11 therell is no medicine so healing and SO now drees for ten cents. '% 'I' 9 is h:3d for the reckon yo' b6tte0. F428 ti Piercels! Gol0en yen to their entir in prostreas and whenever there 0 an ekort- W "at suffiercr fi6
�stxen hening as Dr. Ladies uae'DiarnoOd E Dr. Chase's Ner've Irood, -730 cents ft Drugging i, now ; Vbe be rouni. iu de tnOWLia' 1.1 ihy Medi al Discovery. It is e$pecl I !�tjsfaction, 'advantage and proth. There, being made to move out of the old ruts, and box, 6 boxes for $2.50, at all dealers, or carom- Which -W`6111d*'�
big viliggirl. M iso, wilfiame This lothsome is
an' Ml�?Bukk- �or children, building,u not find in strike off in a new path, and, as is usually !Pdrnnnson, Bates & Co., Toronto. 2`0 is caused Around the he4rt.
%11 valua ble p w iwiio reason why you, too, w that invade the ai!r passages of Jerdefis got a -hea* I's wine cAe he cameo the prophets of disrs'er have ebodies wi�h sound, healthy flesh. I Is D,i tmond Dyes the same aid to economical t -and lun to deseri togedder." proved to be fa',,e propfets Rrid electric throat cau be cared �Wy ersaimea tbe�ao
if ationg betn -accustomed to'good food and t. entir ly free from alcohol and- narc cs. and stylish diesbing. you prefer to gera
lndujitq�iotwly. over I, lines are beilog projected- ia all parts of the iahalqtin of adair. Stomachi4-- M--nds 10-111
uying Ttio G*ssia was bending �%W nter before this, my oldest boy (wb is a -new dress for ton bentE inistead ' of b a Guernseys, though highly cines,;atonliz Pau of pattAtoes whtll M icrbb� step Sid u O)n - years old), had a terrible co g1l; - province, nd there is no doubt that the care. & are in 'Wholly unabl
now i early! five - liole winter and all suiurner,ly a;lnew one at EL cost of.frDm five to ten dol farming Comm, uture e they fai reLch the caute 016
the porch, closing the 400r,esirful � bobi 4d be hid itiliew Dyei-, and unity of the f will look thought of In the Uaited States, have never caue and wa's AI
Vnitei j. w. itarr, I la!rv, buy, a package of E ismond ga' ed'aufficient foothold in Canada to en- him. E"ilently 6�e h4d hoatil his voice �.sq., of Cameron, screven to theselelectric railways for the marketing in trouble� Catarrh�cz�,neissuocesifAiLbecooli�- through the #m
eo.� Ga. ltphyS diand n th- -y lit icians did hirn. no goodiand ver tle work yo I can make your old she looked up rogqi,h] with� an 0d,(1 SP&C LIU post bf their produce, and for assistance irk carry- able our farmers to jdge their suitability - it is inhaled to tviery! part of the *%tmw -My appeli-w Uft
look like a now Dne. With the for this country. Both n y wire and I could do did hiinlany g od. d Send a they, and their organs, and has ov�er to ki' in her eyes. I re. your'Discovery I had cured niyi cou, I 50' & iug od the work of agricultu A 11 Howdv iasia, 110 come; to talk 'bimt ic y, when. evotyl.hing else faile I ote card with: your addreas and The W nce;of farmiog being taught ia schools q1t s3 reltives, the Jerseys, are -especially heele the iriffit ed� thaues ar�d �M�
quic 1 Prer C y ) P I kichs-rdsoo do., Lirrieed, 200 Mountain sc'le t* what'i t le yol lab' Sun 0 mfni ray Ife to bring 113ni back from th co try, t r ou free and colleg,�s dedicated to the purpose, and adap ed for the prnduction of fancy butte droppings in t a :thro��. Ostarrhpza�6, ed me .4, the It vingctirriediiiiittlieretosecif.t ech.uge SEreet, Montreal, P. Q., will mail Y or cream for a high priced - city tfade, and treats more th U I
Satan- a mo thousand queiv t�i, d in a:
)nd agriculture placed on a par with the pro- 0;
woul do hitit good. We ere designs of DAM( 1. �
ow. b ul� of cost a full range of it of Canadian herds of these two of the muco I spect-yo's t to k r nah,. 'a., nt the time. ect� fessionsi and with elebric lines running the MOPI V us surface i6th iever -tug,
She brought hitu 0ack ted, 46 na u r Iiiiii your great ' Go,den Nled- Dye Mat and RtAg Patterns to make eel n lab' Mi-wobe, she iijteri ,,I i fter givin, ghl the rural diet.ricts and placing the broods are, 1 thiak, used for thi i purpose. taken through the inhater, and weire hel.
lie entirely rccoveiied.,' thron 1%� Ical I iscovery' ror a time, ions from. urij. The Ayrshires and Holsteins seem to be stant relief. It perfectly cureg Quit 1-Yo's nuffia bqt a boy k'd� inhabitants in direct and- dfily comm la ddy say." aThe Common Sense Bledical Adviser pularity! among the' general Asthma, and B-OnAiiis. I'S Ole as yo�, C"4a."! , , : oation i4h the ouraide world, there will be gaining in pol o- staiiip3 to ow am; that tin�
ak sent fi-�c oil receipt f Play dairy farmers who su: p -)rt the cheese fac tr at Dat ain't counk iBoys�aiu' grow Kaisor Wilhel 's Lug,age 8, and e 'meat for $1.0.9-. Small S*Zs 25". I I less crowdiLg into towns and chie t*Qd with the dair the b�--t
expense of customs and iii -ailing 0 Ilv. and creameyi!s, y Fear,s drug --*12 0 Kai er Wilhelm, vs -heck be iiavels, carri(s store, S, at orth., �or by -1
gals. Dey &in' so a mw'lrt al I a less inellinatilon on the part of farmerW sons tories -do*n,.
UPS -r lild 'i Q cent stamps for p L -bo I Shorthorns are likely to.divide the greater
Tigh %Du� do Smart 31 One- self, N 0. P,don & Co., Kiugstou, 0.1,t. "I reckon yo aiore luggage thafa-tfie diviae SiLrah her to eav6 the farm and take any employment . bs*. I
I book, or SQ stamps for c I P -q of the dairy field between them. The ness," be agreed biir, not"liout de lub. lotl ovind. d- [ ; I 11�d his wardrobe�ca� Would make tier cOl�l they can get pr4rivided it be in a town or a been lub yo, mighty, IoTg; tims C.13 dres Dr. R. V. Fie�rce, Buffalo, N. wep ui� lo d beggai � aper Hultat(ios are U-kely to do better on the level ection oiltru o ineagre au city. Whena firmer can get Liine Story -all right, ork Leg;,- Y,,' know'dat, on'y y0i &in! tiell."', every day, wl�en' he uiu'put his children on lands, with flsh pastures and plenty of I 0 ; A* FROAT TH -1-have Yta%'b a Q 6reles-, hRht enough to dist nguish, the , and the .4 1 41TO N TIMBS. .)y lab, io 01 'The Empero,0,j'MS4tE1 ot the robe �he trolley and send lJhem to school, when winter food, -while the Ayrabires should, I a too inuz 5! -M
hand for ed inan. T�e in, the e�ening, it he wishes, he may get. n think, fiad more favor on rolliag or ng bee ate yu3 �fix ill all, my W , 1 -hatiA , I _
marketing coops, whi h we�re . billy VV h ile walti forl the J ude in 0 ar
I &in' neb oyerwork assistant valsetsise . - _ P\ -1 thoge who AVe &I
Microbe. yu'o a ifilgey IT r1i eboy an' I i Ak use. He looked'froin one to ihe other bcubt-, I er of the leisur the trolley. and o to the neareat town to a lands, because of their great activity. the other inornln� a me lawyers got iLto- , I ��T I . sider the'�usy bee a memb 9 -41 bealth re4toring
a' "git' nv-eration on th yo' bAter'dataway d ar dder )oy ro 'p. fully, or lie must b,gin at onco to concert'or'an opera, or to spend the evenin But, while certain well defined dff.-r- co old Peter
C are. But do man I marry's gvL ij10, bab U'st ncad," and at the fAame time not elo antlago characterize the varibue breeds mortgage and ot ier mortgages. T,Jhey U -
a t It isn't that the Ktiv r is a fop. He is with a f,, i -nd. half of- the drawbacks of ences may ot of
-ben go b ri�z? tKe deacon. But when thel dea6un's yet it may be well to remember thab there ally d i ifted to ch itti 4 montgagee, and vuto clo's so I aih' feel i 8 ickler sal, to elitquettie and refuFes to at am -and rezbor;rk -1
10 farm lifib %ill ba r ' oved. In Borne parts of
cho'ch up" udder place :1 heavy wpgon rumblol out to hii babi a I the for more than tw) cons( cutive.- days in oud -the U-il;ed St&, Whei e trolley lines run is much greater difference �between indi. the barristers, a I m!mber of a -p
rozimt, �vvay -they zuri,l Ai
I's givine bab ple next� morning the chi�kei s were �11 re4dy, 1 f the sam'e �breed than he- legal firm in thebit�"told Str'.Jnge:_0 u, y Ving. spot where clothiog exiencies may be ap� tbrougli rural di' ty icts, farm life has been vidual animals o 'IR 'Al ijiments . , yj d soldier, w When wa'a Is gwitile 'and he he'P d to Inad6sm as USU61. t,breeds. 'A g,)od cow is a An ol ho 1had lost his leg VW bealtb to p�-oximately forecer, �lence thts-) ears in revolut�oniz�d. A, baggage car attached to tween differen b in de Ae vi�lk-. Yu'll � le P gA.Itic to kir, 61,11 I kin fo' 4ein." the ti�e eyes (it lihe w-.rdrob dep-Artinent. I car enables the good cow no matter what her breed may be. and had a on the stump, cotfiddfo,
a de beh,L Man 't . the ofthuary pa5songer 'Peg -the heart, ' daddy hab trucl� on. 'it, deaco edled, iLf I er t�e la'st coap �+as 10 ded� holds I been let d_ Therefore,l,.t each man select-, & breed that bim on -e -Aay tht t DB ws in 10'ro There is no man 6 Eatope 'who farmer to loact h�3 milk cats at hie gate an �ki&4 and 1,
-H ;W kase-kas,,--yo'know. 81;'�! ahl gi�t %hea, .1tnd hq had chnibed tb his Ecat ; 4,'but you he considers best suited -to his cnd i'ions widow who had a ht�le money� 3 n)oro hondrary andactu%l military and n8h send them into the city, where they are tial psaraly-ois,' E�
Sbe gave I im. a Ack Juok, lettiDg er ko n�ighty an datJ I Ln- I milk dealer for dtliver L9t him buy, or breed to, to ge t a cork leg. to' put on atyle, but his t q. biv �Hckkns am plent�, v' I commissions �han the Kaiser. He cL handed Lover to 06 yo and stick to it. . I& sare you gAt 0e.
drop instantly. m4k�s de pri6e 16w. nd V rhs t he . needed w&s ; yu, mub,n be 41 lsl� bF avail�ble bullo of that breed, a not the price.
iaz. 11 t travel mally in his oWp laud or and the Same w Lb 1.ii other products. He the r, " Dr. Willianlis-
n' fl,teli` to ni %ri d,)x EbB if thi�y ain' fo;dh muc '.irbpean (ountry withut run- is enabled to obtl continue to gr6de up hii herd to This lawyer said le on ewry b3x.'
Don Yo' ai iii any Cther It tnia electricity to aid him in a higher �,�Obld lend it, to him it- F,,'ks cou 0 13 lyka�i i3d 0h, dats all right.," eatily; "�o jet,,' g; The he would fl*shed. n�ng up aaaijaiO� some order -to which he doing his ploughing and other work that degree of excellence year by year. a c4attel mortgage ont-4., Yf)" dealeop a wa agre4 ought to fix thtir tru to all Y(,' kin, deaco, ii�i' di.n take out yd' I belo makea farm Ide'o hard and laborious ; In practice followed by imme farmers of us leg. Th. 9 d to, and, more i 9 .50 Cents Cl per (1pa a farmer who has a trolley hl
9 *
hem bulls first of one breed and then of another,
I'd gwine do dat ht i M.crobe t.)) travelling what re than in earnest. �hei mortgage wA*j drw*.k ddres-,,i -Ig t U 1, At L6 10 per c'ut the eve -ool. clared s.-.urdily. "I Wi VIDo 9) i Me, all -I ax, an r knovi s w s'icri, the lif and- up, but not regiser4d. Auyw. plli:i or uniform ae may beed ; and he takes line run a faial to all plans of buildinj up a h ola. t,
V ning past his door ii pictured w the i 0 away iosa I didn't know bi ilt er. O, tA f. dencra imiled. r thable herd of grade iet got the leg an , �cn the wido.w. WJft a,pride in being 4ways prepared for a sar- ideal life, a ver Aroadia, in wbi-.h the some, uniform and p o
Rwine begiri to get tV1i!&( r'! I d4 butt Tt�e old inan bad many custome're ar�png 1 i y . Iq 1 ). I totial Elren if onlyl piiasinp! healLby, open-air I ife and simple joys -of the I cows. and that ii just what ,m��st farmers the couple were ms-,jried the I-Awyet'sigiftfun ta of the (i y, and trj'�dsy I I morier m4wnin" AnyL ing 4 z)a, ca��58ia the v, ealthy reiiden, in whose rogimer t country are combined with the advantages ro'luire. The averageiman does ed the bride was the M�rtgage'ioa the groo-W, tl� ugh agardscu town not ne is Cirrie, bu� ie cis lid: ivent frum houd to house IiO was eli- c2 - v ; n the uniform of pure bred fema will do better leg- She di I not lift her �yes �Ij is C do ' the lee ; in -fact jabilant., for burae wis g0o he old . s ra,)k lib likes to and diveisiane with the city. Even if voice wm steady. . . I d B ube reginient btf:)re showing himself upon trd I )ley does not accomplish all this, it will with good'gradts. The breeders of pure- 61 N -j gal aiu' gwine'mar�y a raan W a the uiii0le of the afurnoou he" had aoldl Lbc or 1 66 1 t�e platform and acknowledging gipetings. help the farmer to marketbis produce and bred stock, are, like the porti born, riot Warts Versus Moles. �e ,eu
sickness name�." sh .1 i ed.. 6i last, c ticken anti turned hia ni, le's head 0 rld made. He must inherit a love for animals
3 , i The sarpe panctili,ust ices ii ot s:!rved by put him in -touch with the utzide wa Are either a mar i � beauty ? This wouS DISTU'l
with wii-e 'bokit yo' name Fhe NeLt Low6rd honta, I is po-.kets heavy and an aptitude for baudlisg them, other- be &.sugges,.ive topu or debating socit him i i al mtAters of c rem6nioui dresp. relieving tte bxyrenn(si and monotony of ned And ai!he tu fo'kg -say hit'd nuffiu' biir, N siek4efs n in t, iae bi3 investment will prove unprofitable, For the infr of such, let it, be kn6*--,
Ailver hev ha brought. I
f F - , i Two complete outfits a e always provided f&Tm life ; and there is no reason for doubb- w all kit2 ob ketebiu' Cirogs ll�k m0a�lo 4d, avray; a f�,,ure which had kept � with�n f�#r him, one-btiig kept it the palace or. on- inry that i- i time thetrolley may accomplish and all hi.3F-ff--)rt8 a d i tappointmeCt. that Pctnsm"e ess Cum gxtractor m- VoTES -The yaller jAck att' eiiternper �btryu iL, blockhrLwoof ki,n all"throughithe &Y 0i yacht,the other be.qr stationed in
�16&nada What, it hag done in bome favored F. VV, ]XODSON, moves painleeely arts In a very shom,
dat.'s bad; No gal- 111 5ry defri t,'inj atpppl 9 at the eame iomei, wiGh �rhe olptem, 'Toada comple Lei
%�ardrvbe oar whi-A for a paii of his pri- regions of the United States. Live SLock Commissioner. time. Druggists mho sell the best alwsp- �dat* i U, gA Vjct of tell car of stock lie!
Wall, den, if hiL 8� 0y, 't i i4g a P.-ic of 011ie ens vlite Lrbin and is reid r for service at a -ba my name no m6' h1oney.: Aly warr n upon which an impri�tibla va!ue 11ad !-en sell Putnan&b P& n1t so Corn H xtractor. ninment's Police. Agood many
turned, away 41:so, entering a st,16el eli, SboU14 gib hit kai�e ob& name' ah� 'heah a dod�or placed�. The story i,j hatinot Too la�',7 to LiVe. current i Germany t AcaESL"E!iY FARMER. How It Is I)one. T
tell, an' I 'spects�she done �r?tmit- �90k. � I which led towards the baEi-.je-9s purtio 0 -able. we will hV
K lorg 59"'. owing to Some se3ident, it was The first object in life with the Canadian gwine 'quire 'bout hit, "' i� �Wd la�k yo,' 1 �y!, L110 (Aty- R!--aching-JhAb the in -an h1i tied The lcz;eat man in 6caitland is ailb� and -8 few tag'y den I's gwine git, anuddet jnarnir� dai,'d i b� he c:inie a b,�ok store. T�ia u ce . @sary to detach the wardrobe. car from Sl6k in Harve6t Time -Doctors people is to "get rich" ; the second, how have been the Linto n joinei' who. after u- th line W a
. i tge imperial �rain and Atauh it C-) another to regain kood health. The first cah be' on mighty fiae au� nice. Ling el4e? he entered Fall-Dodd's; Kidney Pills peated dismisala from his em.playment',t 0
Any t�via. Tarough some ty istake it W&3 lost, obtained by energy, honesty and sa% ing ; y 4th hu on T��
. ]� [rl , '10 V id master, was I t �,Iength forcfbly lrok Yayok; I ain' g1A I ap mar If DO wto L i' e, bobk what ',,p!aiD d no amount, of freivz, -d telegraphiDg die, Cure'Elim. the second, (good health) by using Green's a plalal
my daddy say so. I'so; d e o Wy �e clerk. " his coffin by bi, Zopmatea and carrie gone to the wasi
9 names au' b6 sAd to t e' Auguat Flower. Should you be a depprnd.
k b*1 e cc a collector of She rahed her eyes W 13 un 44 C On e. a
ith !a- eta 44 R u' hab or vered iLs wber ab,)uts until for burial by wayof a jjke. 0 t go f or;a idle fl -13h of arohne3i and AriumO f7pose 0� A dictoDary, yoti mean -like thit, c�stom-,on the frauti-r -eported a car lowl CHEISLEY, Oat., M:&r. l7ib.-(Specil)- ent sufferer from any of the effect" of Dye- y J bhe met a fmme -, who atked if the a o unclui-ned thei6irical. 3roperties. . John Fletcher, a farmer of thi!s place, has pepsia, Liver Complitiat. Appene i�+ fi, Indi- gvviae gi Y 'd bp!)ho hit, t got Aliorobei Rrohibition vut4
�t Deacon Whito L� �ay yas to, 1* int( was deed. - I gestion, cte., anch u Sick fleada-cbe, Palpi- of "'but We crobe-whi3haiu' hisi�naqie�-whd ain gn� hiz V' -tlhe custorner atok'ed, anxioi4y. been a sufferorwith L-imbag6 and Kidney No," was tha reply, 2' , Pa Trouble, which the b tAtio'of the Heart, Sour 8 Plom acb, Habitual - I ofil)g for litt 11.0
fur 'nough ahead in t. to :buy CIO$ lowiti, to fl.L if l'i.78 f I Anflas nalne-Wilthl I ANLDS F1 MT. I 9 -THE ESTIMA- eet physicians failed to burykim. !Te is th *t Uzy hehould 1. Coal i venesp, Dizziness of -the Head, Nervous 3) ST cure, or even relieve. 33. : fitten fo' Sunda b, iva mea�08 SD' L'i gm, yo' know." I 'l?,Nr JUSTICE allowed to lir. TION OF A PROM I � roptration, Low Spirits, etc , you need not y He i -i a farmer, and during last harvest P At the farmer!s re, luest they took of UU7. TO: 0=4 Colse I is," sturdily. I b!i�n lub,�6,' The cler� Stroked �is nious'achd.. OF TIIE PEACE. he was particulrly troubled, so uch eo as !u es ml�,ty long time, a�� mi(Flity ha d i- -er-� sup (Be �ou night call it" sic4nfs� lid, wht-n theJarmer wked the 1, zy vae ffer another day. Two don of the well- d ke known Augu%t Flower will relieve you at f,6i
an when a wan lub datawiq; he g W'11 -3 6 name 11hat [way," he relplic-d blandly to ma -his duties during this busy time he thouaht he bould eat twoor three boild once. Regular siza, 75 cente. Yon can get He opened a b"� �AINXS CPIL UND� almoct impossible. .-Doda's Kidney P,Ils potatoes. a. W-. Grovelt i
�nyt'ina. A i dar.uW Y'ori'llak m,a do dise&Ee ger,�n, you sce, " LtR'Ycompo came to hiq relief, hotmver, and he ban been 'Are they peel A F; irquired the m&u. Dr. G. G. Green's reliable remedies at J. S. 11 N.). dat's all, Microbe,i"johe said tr ov� and tu�ned several P%gOR. 11 Toere 1. 1-4 1 , - 1� -
i well ever since., He tells everybody - Robert's -drug store, Seaforth. No," repli th a aritter. �nl hab a n8lmt: �he M a'rl L Spring lKedicinel 1:1 ly. " You' j-)15' git ah�ad,� Mjc�obs' b,!nt over' tht bo,)k eagail hi ad I was troubled A harvest with Lurr.- 0 dat hiu' no 64wesi to �hit Ab, wcel, just Ntthe funeral.pog'0% ian eyes �b Banishes Long Btan-ding Dys- i -, 6 arry 44 y daddy to t4v he a, Cal' ii; I y tiie' �'dat's him,' sbo," he ej -Clllt�ted ba,o and Kidney Trouble. My "urine was The Pious lRoer. . I i �pepsia and tomach of a very red color. The best medic!d men ing buelp"S 1
den Is& a%a=ka?,e' 'fore i �y�,' gi�s all d%t His Pyeq ran down tha i We have �mall patience with those who -.A- Food for y y 1 Kuwe - . w H
done yo' gh i to bo A! 111i4bty sh a ead pq Troubles. could dopothing for me. Finally I got. some rh that -of Wte'ther it is brall f dg loss of ineut -tick I'st
Pa ge �'o' recko, ' dar's auu4-.ier rami; contrast the piety of the Boer R io ory.-Ialtbulr -.on the man," and with a sudden ri'' pluRof laug f6t Ic but out t. i;kjaeah rt' b -i( Dodd's Kidney Pills in Granton, and they to&n.%ntrate ha I or biodlIv wotkndo ivA rno�� w I prov the God fearing British soldiers. There are r. he me's Nerve kood will ree*#�- -has moved hi s --ture to Kirktom
he caught upthe pan 4rJ p AaLoes' ed t�' ba juot what I needed. wral dbill Y D
and he mked;m tho3e on buth sides, we doubt not, who
meani bently. Yo'ace, Do not allow� dyapepsia, indigestion and viltroldtlincener 3,heilthaudstrenjtM �Throu
ry short iime mV bac , ilk.
In a� Ve k was as 9 P )-ared within the cabin. know rnat who neither'fear G' d nor regard man, but it in the,bl od and ile vo, it resche a rri;took 41 a 'lame stomach t,roubles to cuDtinue tb( ir body. wall as ever, an.1 thie 1% 3 a' 11 LY'ary for his fath0r.�
:idney Disorder had -Pa
iffleV144*4 kVht-n Alicrube bad rp4l�-Iie(l ome t-� an' no* he;,s a�huntiu' fo' de right; ono." deatroying W'ori as ou enter the glad 1, )iko a glaam of lightin adark cloudtoknow Q1t1i0b0dv,1ndoye 4mriC3 W"Icji-Q ch,ckon8 had gone ro. st, �but it; was' 11 The �Ierk lo, -)ked at'01c book. 0 n-pletely gone." and d a ase. While mature is arousing fro' . i Ppring, tine. M that hil-3 L-0yLwith was besieged every he sa�d N] ierij - nucro- Le st oe-," day a mi�-.efirg was held for pr her winLer elumber of death and putt iag on ayer, where The I ffi ssig Line. The Cow That Pays Best. . . . . . . . micro hoAr woul PNE,croscope dti'l Tuat'i a -brighter ati-.1 more cheerful g%rb-while Ganeral-Wlii�e wai almost invariabl ia i i Ing rim I I t - �18 VILI. 07 Bobby wa ts wz it i 3g the regulAr woekf� a scien ifia narn,-." I the birds, the rills and the brooks are 1. y- (M itten for Tn g EXPOSITOR attendance. General Warren, we are told, inen are t13ik1i1g
I nl-- it -ion, for' t it th6 old dlLya Wbia, - I
11Ni sieknet:s nor nct,"in Hdin' babin' hit I oui-ly sitiging their peana of we'loome t01 a The question as tai which isi the most is another 11avelock, a man. of prayer. The -Frank Ridg� i i dar 91' new life, so should mc -n aiIi women eudeavc I r Weileyan anl otn'eir c%aplams hAd tneir tomponiti,ma 8idew.6,11
profitable coW is one that canno'be decided part of the Pchocl exerciscs every Friday'
SiXo,� indeed it's j,ist a Scientific inatru.
w camt off the disease, and pt of communion sorv;c3 oa V -e 3andR. 'to Harry R st
I in any arbitrary manner. There are so &tternooa. chat ne%y fife that enables them to appre(i There Inay be a form of rell' ion where many circumstanct sand contingencies to be g The subject of Bo by's esasy was M i it be sbowei h*9 teeth. e the joys and beauties of an I ew-born taken iato con -i leration, that, thf ter all i's there is liula of Re power, &nd we think a Manhood and he i bed to end it with S� 10 James B*lf
this wee 14 I
'IF De. I L eckou hit'al all I hu, Van]: ason. ai io H� 13 -FT* isaid and wii6ten on the suhj.icb,. each man gnod deat of the B-)er piety i3 of that sort. poetical quoz �6 gnawed- bi -fidug -01 -a -b! ThegTeAtepriing ema dp�tor and liber elL on Lij Own We bave heard Kruger described, we know i
yo ate must decide the (fliEs.ion larg holer, cratched I hmd, lootied at, '00,
4 that evtrvig,� as zo-)n- sis Deacoil or from. the commo dioemes of life I y 69 -ers h
not with what truth, as monions 11,on would vot 6me- avtaira 4
udgment. He will find it necesaary to etiling, but the quo'ta W Pe 1wact I! ting upon hia frout porch U -tine's Callery. C')Mlp)�)un Tested for years cot i J or the nature of his farm ; the euit- bandi% wboso motith is ffiled with Scripture Ing Gyrup.-J P
Never �of "uch �a gl tiDg over the pe.ofiw of the day, he hear,; b�- the ablest phyaic-.,ans and always triuni- I I i 3 pnektt-i A ith btibea.!' --Oaly the just Thenhe tumed t(i his -eldec ipter. is �f ol
� 11 abillity (if his buildings' and implements ; an( a i-ii(4, firin ctepi, and looked up to he " X%cbel," he atid, " whaVil the 11A 'I'can det i!e, but we eee neither th&t o,'111es rr. H2 IT
Ile pbant i�i overcoming fiii nes7b, i5 'is gl"ly the cc.slj of hired help, if such is rt quired ; �udge of a. f ter � is Hono and U l?' Microb -or il4ioroseclpe-enter the yard. after r and 4htm# �i(yn for a niodicii c did yot r cummendod by the great majofi.y U aleoi juitice nor patriotism in : tradueing the fro in Atwopil 1 t]
Go(ld be,�in' Aliatobe," he Ck)l,-(I, hoal' the proximity of a good market o In no conditior, riie,?` U'urtaq
c;I men from day to day. virtues of our kinsmen and countrymen and e JP 1.1'a younger *W fiaished products, and many other detaih. cr Al.arl yo' lenme. I d""J gi,li, iMr. J.)hn Mackerzi), Justice the merits of the enemiet-. ly Anighty tirf,� Pillitt' all, dem chickent, It is one thing for the self -i ig'hteom uno� t d Well) i t's 'a ocd si,411 for pitably The comp%rative advantages of beef growirg magni q 0 c and she prompi Ppace, an.1 Clark of the Tow6ship of Sam- and dair ing would probably be the first Vinegarevie r �c tchez leis. p. -1 11- cons;dered by a farmer who wat jst opleof the Ljrd, h y Scott's E,111ulsion. ThIle body I . . I r d tit, I b,!eu br� ung vo' morie �Iak and Brooks, Oat., Says tuous Boers to say "The pe T, 11 doup� Pa d 4k Williams an' l -ht B*I'Ukl-- ,i'l You will think me ungrateful in not, abo ut to wake a start i -i caffle-raitiag. Men the people of the L,)rd are we," and to in- Blanihard Ott
W t1ey stl: hrip father mr. has to be* repaii7ed 11 -e� other "Datsallright. R� . I oner acknowledging Lo you my eutire whohav,)hadlangexperiencein either of voke the imprecations of the Psalms upon On Ma4Matic Hea 1 got6A,,don 11 el,)ery (lbe., HeT cure from dyPpepsil through the uFe of these lire3 are not likely to change to the the British.. It is another and better. thing uob is rI) -ken st d 1 v- Itten duri -&r tbfe- iftwii sund - R iny.,t, riou in ethcj tf treating a rut this t take di, cheer an' be, 8 6uyt, 40,molioyq do j -as i.3e and walk uprightly before G b� 91 P other line. involving as it dots, chavgis in Od- Tbe west !,tuly r4 ma 0le ciises of mt-gattio
hings and Scott's 17t,,, ul'sion 'is Celery pompowid ; but when I tell to 2 Dar. Vo%v, lt;ls Pee, 3, gib me I �yo hu, -'et d N u that I -Buffeted all Vie tortures of dys. farm ro, iae, in varzety and management of The record of Greit Bii-aln ia dealivg with whl.�b bave ctme uu( it -he noile of the writ sr hayl; 'Chicago, for,wl
the n' -two h��i-,'ejd at st.ben:i ernts, rnh, 0 bt en thoee I n wh1k h )r. Chaw7wOIntmwA vr" ilf 9 oubject races in India in Ceylon, ia China ledicine diat, do C S f 'Ict-' 13 p i 41for fi7e years, and duting -that - tinte errps, in buildings and (q-.-iptrents, without This pr piaution seei 69to pove)s 14-
uftbe, is to hAVe
drl,lir, a�l ten per 0'�-n'ojff lcabesl h vilog taUen most of the great remeei iS a good (teal of delibi-raiion. That beef. in Cansda, in the Sodd&D, in South Afric if ia a c dollar &tA' q;xty cerilo, i :Rto[p.ng the dreand I' hin;, brnin r sentationd d I , , in These poor bodi��s Nvear out 318,twel YLVIR" a vert-ist. , tie the only -sure cure for the production c,,ii be carii3d on with a smaller and"in administering justice, in Ehowinlg� Sal heuir and Kczema, mtd wl%�;u :ui d reourif, Suth trouble,
date rig f. Ifere'd vo'lmouey. h rii le complaint wiih h6tto or no bonefit, exp6nditure for labor and ut�mils i i perhaps niercy, bestowing a higher, civil;zition,. ia m2kes the curt thoro ag,l � and pianawnetat.- Hom� iauch did je e�fs' gft?" he askoil. I as detcruni 0 bis cured before I Would giving the Gospel, is a record of which we from worry, fro m o ver-wor'k j true, and It c6rtainly does uot "quire th J es' 4e wj me, o co S�, e anarted, y b6 sai i fled. im to buziaess that dair 'r
0 some ) I he great, remedies may feel proud. Ttie history of the Boers Take Thin i�8 as They C=3 -
I constant Atten )30 I tell one. piussorti wbuld give me a little reli f wl i!e I whs itb
fron'� The' W thin P yl g iionelong, dark Catalogue of oppression, Y Does it rbia t(-A:ty ? i it dark 5411- one prio�, an auudder �us-,4f)n't; fol anudde' alking thern, but as eooi as I Ptopped them 3NEXT TILE O' cruelty and wrong toward thebapless native gloomy ? Ttiat i3 &N right, there must be, In the re 3�1
price, in Vo 9 No.sal, I iwaa &a bad t sever. 171(STTO-V OF lift-EED. ,�nd Some of th'c nc�v races, o! fl i grant, 41) J* patice and tteach-Ery to ome suormy d46y�, Ta.morro* the 'Toroutio, aft )r'
'dat k1uy jib man." It will, I think be generally conceded by I
! rg, or idisar. Nlicro�;o drun)wed me When I cnmtnf,t.,ced t4kiog Paine's I Culery fair-ruinded nien tb&t there i3 no the O-)Llandera and ffie stranger witLia the %ill have a eilver ini , near Ji- found a &�
Ompound I futly expf-cied Lhe s me re- be,, t- gatep.-Chicago CanadiLtn Amezicary. togethf r. D es I le 'Eun S'l i, -.e not
Ones are not xvell mad nd PativelY uPOn li. Ellj,)y Ail knees wilh hiz,ficgers. w&s breed. E%yeiytking dependis on circum. -alm V
8111tS, 39 My COLfldenm in all medicines 811LE-hine. To-nin rrow may �be bright ae racked I "I be'ep in City inys I t r - -1, a Y'l ho a Shaken ; boi, from the first dose- of the stances A breed that proves highly satis- Are you weli ? E: j Y--ouc'health, and the -te all of the old ones ow. I 0f c und I ft:lu ' bettE r, and afte-r tg.kivg y i � to the bpst a iv intqg urgent. nounced, I preQently ; '1�yo' Pee, I I 0; factory'in ohe dist,rict ni-A be found entirely Are yu ` I h., b: Lwo r, Iiii tin' a �ook to sLudy, �n, %yo bot!las I thought I was completely 'Insti-ed to 6T�rent environin-n". Oil Then i-, is n. du froni lono usao,e. y y -i( mbiehte be patient Au( Of Z7) zi Tbicke zi plebty lif i to f,)tir breedr, of bEef cat,le, viz ': 8horthorns, p ctired, but to mKke the cure certain I took el ful! Are yf)u free lRIVAp do ch i ek en 1);tt le m!sre. It j, now over two flerefordii, Ocillawava ad Aberdeen Augns, a soI ro-uble, Timn A 8 a thanksgivirg --Y- Xnents
0 �. 0 But uh"l -ine ati0y haveattained p--pulirity in 0-it)ada, and vy burd 'y ACK
Scott's Enwl,sion fikes all de aail, an s') yo, don 10'r
b a, v v. �# ye�ars 811106 1 t(-ok the la6t t4o e, and have Are you carrying he ens for- your- A me jN1 icrobe JIU had the 1;:Ls-Isymptum of the disease io OLIY thefirst rntn'innedcan besAidtobe I'll-inds. It does-, tbc��,ivork both -eelforotherh? `h n A is day for 1bY Vae Utan
I D,ttV11iu' matter jeJ nn. a4 way. J c:w, from my own blc�s-d ex generally db�tbuted. The others may roll'ing cff i 0. cf artwasoatwhenituk�Tny c�ic!�ris tola for b-ef- production, our bt rd na at the f ve, PLrlenco, rec-rinmetid PainCs Celery Com- ACH Cro-bs. anul01
inside nd oLit. It �makes soft �ouae do s 'low dty jps buy a t1, z -n p%J 4irid aq ate elite and �a very pleasan,, and even surpass them under cenain con- pa 111rious othsr
50 q6ents";, air, nnd !do n, x' hutise tn�dieinc to take.") diti us, but the quPcri,)r milkirg qlia)ities p Stop�,- -�Eie -Cough �oncs hard, thin b1m, rad, f"' _ U
A � I done bu*ei' de tatne, ai,2 d nf-x", an' dl� of the Shorthorns, atid part i -whirly tf the off. The COld- The �
weak hina, -�(y - x, an' , hen bime by II'looks u D r n' see a Givin Up Parritch " ? and Wom greal 'A
stroi.,,, holl 6W ilf I . gridep, have &cn them an unc(Inalled
yo Jee' alload, dab 'aplaink hi,. 1 b�en I rl ii;11 1SIQzaine tt�blj,ts cure d
popularity afhang our farm'ers. Where feed -'Purpose. I Iq a PhLces full. 0 ri.] N flic best nla- to sell at lits' de same ho�tises yo' dmDe -sell we are told, remark3 the London Glob�! h pl�vl Jul and the country firb too high or col in one day. cure, �*io Pay� PlieO- i i -1 'Would mow
at. But *hen I Vir-lis it�jober I lio,ws I bet . that oatuleal portidge is going out, of fashion broken, they are likely to prve sat:sfactory 25 cents. I * If you have Backacbe you have "Atude terials a Ullec t1i tdlill(y ter keep right. ou dat wa I in 0 pa, 0 y fu' o's hqd 'spei. in thO l4ig�lAnda. To t ie bumbla an ati. beefers, and it) addition i I produce a fair Kidney Pisease. ' If you neglect ti iencoiute!1lifi',EoI jes' �ka-w roun' arn-, Upset Teachsr. The 11 mi iog 8 -tithron, parrit,h i -a as india.4041bly t�mount of milk. The "ee with which good Backache it will develop into 13 -Appea-1 tol yo'� done sell de la ) cticker. i �, I wy ee.
�nd the patches *cl.on't sIrw �v li-I A u' I ai 8'ociated with uloud-mapped bea.9 as tho bulbiof this breed can be proclAred- for sometbing' wors4 la a cortain v TIZe Sund amd frie0d, ighty gW dat Done ainr i -Bright's Dis- e I thrOLlcrh thC lle�vglo� fotch lees 6en 51) Ekirl of the liagpip-, nO it of ei-ris (j iits as grading Purpoaee is also an argument in itF1 teacher had been tell�n hii cl,*s3 all -fteceseajy f.
Z:)-- W.of health. ease or Diabetes. There is no 0 -he other.snrts are co the downfall of A,Iatn. At the -close high rs 60 " dpnts a pair, any t,mte eitficuir. t IrPlIf41,00 .1 11,ghlntiet"m dinner ftvo-. Breedets of t use rubbing and doctoring our dith, There wltg a lona tile hu 1pi3eiz)nhein-vitedil-ii',si:nsin tho OrAde(i tb� No one ha. noe, the.0 a Rk Y'
s to his tull-1. c) tat)le v i h6ut i s bol of teall I ig P�Irridve piratively- few, and the (,p' pit,�n ty for back. Cure the kidneys.-I'here is
?) t' p Wht yQ' gwine do 'bo�t I ir. Nliwc-h, asto th; nk of & derman without, his, polemy, caoine iA Small when one desires to Felect a Nihody epoke untl Che bail hoy of fhe Issue �of the 'A;
is only -one kidney medicine but YOU call do it yot rself—you 6ii, n g%% ill 3 b� or.a FTindu without hi gres. Aladi6,kl mer, bull. kuy what 14 PlAc-dly.! " Pte In the colder p3.rts of Canada, an it cures,Backache everT fiTne- h0a up I.is I'and. 44 "'t1l, Jabr -keJ the uaeh�r. pleavc, y -'Aw an' 1 ain' car to hai d:sputal w6 be:ive, are agreed -that mote w rk can on the bare p,vifures. of the mountainous it ? 11'aL � Sir WiWa 0 . 1 fambly. ow doo' gt t4 M,
b ttle. t�oni in Id , I - and the ti, yo, g4 be,done on a few pciviyviorths of o,*t.s than [distritti, the G-3.1loways and West High. you tell me why Rve never cak the igradu MACL" a t e deacon res-, storm4y to I 61 ou'l arimal food worth na many siilling-, 1%nders �hould prove servine- ble, on account each, memels, ?" Tni3 upsqt the oft e8ted, a v f 6',O 1 and we have L!)rd Is' il-val k'a neat and well of the i r hardiness and activity. til e8f hi-fw3elf
This pic4piirc- represe k Not, " Pas 6 t'ing P de be,' w beatev. - k r,,!i i he had to co of it A a
the Trade I [a of Sco t's yo'. S'064e I go toll Miet Williams an' known retort to Dr. Jobuson, that there are An g the doi-y breels, the Aymbires, D 0` ddls cause isht'd Adam' (Nad 'eui). saw tle yourv-- t-a:fte -the r&L-
It ' dem: tudder �fo'L no'boracis in the world like ow -fed Plngli,h Hu Ile B b -l -d lsteio, r, a , some 0 WI Y 4: ernseve and French OdAmp. Emalsion. 'and is on t1a 1u, I . I estimated ng ob ? i I" yo see dar g�,ivo h.o�ees, and no men in t h 3 Wo. ld like pnr. Canaffians sre field in - conE i ler b!o e -e hp tar �,O? dde -1 ridge fed &ots, to reminii uj what oat -meal The laVer have been alo t unkuown ovit- MILBURN-% STEREINa (if t 86 Ste Ir wrapper of tvcry bottle.,' 10(* ra an a ralil, an' mlyb` J�ike
S�inebody be ran out de t' wn, an' don I ha4 ha' done for the hardy r ce of H lighla si4e of 0c province of QaLbeC Until the last cur the worst headAche' n from fiva to twOOSY Send for frz� sample- 9 9 id 1DA. e paxderspr� 0 . I rl"" ut., 8, rni I -ave no bad!afJcr-zff4ct9- On the self to matry ?Assia anyvi-ay, jes' to Iceep, her That the �resent race o I Sent-i4men shbuli year r tivo, but they are row attracting 3 pawd,r3 110 3. 10 pow efil 2053. SCOTT & 4 by this mub'cl
ftoin feelinil bad. Ain' yo� ace dat turn away from the dish of tht i c fat -hers tit, co., s*derable attezklioil� Undcr ad vene imlf- f� � �k t
VOR CANAD I The dea0on fell heavily �ato bie slal�. th� very moment wben it is becon i )g gen, eretims-tanewl, Buz as �cantj paetures, lach -Nlr. Joleph W his itsttd bh The- vv�or
Yo be�n mighty Bni6rf," he Pnecied orally Iir-palar witb Eng iihmen, seems, too, of proper winter feed a d care, etc., they 1 1 and lot. in Brodha�, to Mr. Henij 50�. Mid ti.all druggists. 44 - taktu 00 nr)w what yo' gwine mahe me do?" i i6xplicable. unless it is 'jbat they wish to probably yield a g,rcsitEercentage cf prcfit formerly of Fullar The price paild W-111 . a
44,1 a 68=(). ellrdnlitte� i
in' i ne make yo'.do nutb a, dca�ion. re�urn the flkttery of our imilbation by din- thsin thoze bmeds whi 1h have for gener- 4E
T T-
- I
10 I0
d g n(
ot�' meri�,-al
,b era SDI
Ito k