HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-03-21, Page 5RE. ye hav de 22 d > of $2,000 wit firms as Charles A. 1 prices like for $1 a pair, a pairs an wholesale Ofl rush. orth St. Patrick, an admirable with close at- aogeneenta for tters of detail lion of Reeve sing members rii'heit plan of elaborenion. eite G. T. R. It was deemed Lloverninent to post at that is careerieg erene attathed to pas e under crane, leaving The moving ;ationary crane LI liues that are e" as one man rernment crane :etery crosaing oute by some - 1111, besides the e new site is :ail crane and are a few of Eked Iristitown McGinnis Mr,. Mra. and Bullard, sty and Gums, Williams, Dr. K,enna, Messrs. MeKenna and hn and. Mre. sre were many s whose names rdclale, of Stan- ttie Iast week, trinity of Pale- ma.king them market. -Drs smash up when He was drivs mai, which took railway track, landed in the After some r S3 were rescued aone the worse a badly broken delivered a fine lenday. - Alex. -Mr. Peter Me- ek of fine °nee doffatt, of Chat. hed in the Pres - Sabbath. Mr.. ery services for ae spring weath- is quickly as it that if March go, out like a ris year. Rsid has :sold d zoncession, to le flame emcee- ne of the best in acres and has on mice paid was epossession next ie best sales ever hat • at Mrs. J. n, on Tuesday - sold. for $9S, ne montha old, ere exceptional, ones. Other at good prices,. a, was the ane- the- faculty of le people. - of Mr. taeorge f his very un- curred in Min- i:umber woodes some way fell, V. Kenny and wood one day pa.dden is doing his hay prese. pressed a very and straw.- siok people on vicinity. We tstored to their _ Miller intend Poale be sold at ;lit front, for -1.9fa ee _ MARCIT 21, 1902 • Blake- issms.-Mr. Alexander Manson has once snore retuiTted to the parental roof, aecom- „partied by his wife and family. -J. Dens - 'more and R. Nichol visited the Boyce Bros. on Sunday laet. Mits C. B. Thomson intends going to London in the near friture.-Mise Bella Yule, who has for some i timeM been visiting at r. Edighoffer'e, has returned to her horne in Fullarton.-Mr. 11. Talbot has been busy outting wood for the Johnston Bros. ,for the past week. -Two deer parsed through r. [John Howard's prem- ises on Tuesday last. His eon, Henry, who thinks he is an expert at the deer lasooing, took after them. He followed Mom on their , trail for a time, brit as they saw him ap- 1 prea.ching, they asparated and fled. -Miss : Capling, teacher of the Drysdale public 103°01, is on the eiek list at present. We hope to see\ her around again -Mr. P. Durand, jr., of Dryadale, pasted through ' our burg one day last week on Ms way to , London. --Mr, and Mrs. Edighoffer were in Dashwood on Sunday attending the funeral ' ',of their grand child. Winghain. , NOTES. -Mr. B. Ransford, formerly of Seaforth, has the position of teller in the Dominion Bank, here. -Mr. Frank Gut- teridge, of Seaforth, was in town last week. As Mr. Gutteridge carries on quite an extensive business here, he is looked , upon as almost a Winghamite now. -An ex- tre. room is being arranged in the public 0,84°01, and another teacher is being adver- tised for, to begin work after Easter. -The Prohibitionists a West Huron held a con- vention here on Menday.-The Baptists, of the Walkerton Association, will meet here , in June, and the Provincial Grand lodge of .Orangemen will bold its next session here. . ,On account of its pretty surroundings and , good railway facilities, Wingham is becom- ing a favorite convention centre. -The 'West Huron Prohibitionists have organized as a separate pMitical party, and mean to make Ihernselvea felt, in the arena of prattical -gentles for the fhture. Mr. George Elliott, M Goderieh, is president, and Mr. D. E. Munro, of Auburn, secretary of the organiz- ation. Following the example of the_old politiced partiee, chairmen have been ap- pinted for the different municipalities. What effect thisdeparture may have on the corning contest it is difficult to say, but, jadging from the enthusiasm displayed at the convention here on Monday afternoon, it would be well for aspirants for political honors not to leve the cold water men out of their calealatione. Mr. John A.Nicholls, organizer for the Dominion Alliance, was present at the c nvention, and also deliver- ed stirring addr saes to large audiences in the Methodist church and the town hall on Sunday and Monday evenings respectively. iesie.e.a. • I , slow ; le‘mbe, 5 to 10e lower I sheep so ree and litre g ; chi co lambs, $6,60 to $8.65 ; to O good to hoice, $6,45 to $6 55 ; °s to fair, $5.50 to 40 ; sheep, choice handy wethers, $5 65 to $5.90 '• common to ,extra mixed, $5.65 to $5 90 ; culls and coMmonn $4` to $5 ;, mixed export ewes and wethers, $5 to $5.90, ; yearlings, good to Choice,' all wethersi $5.75 to $5.90. 1 1 ' ' SPARK—In Wan' y, 1111 March 14th, thi wife oil Mr. Johd Sparks, of a stn. MAINPRIZE.-In Brussels, cal March 11th, the wife cf Mr. Robert Mainprizi, of a daughter. SIMON-At the Bronson line, Hay, on Maroh 7tb, the wife et 31r Conned Blown, of a daughter. FINKBEINER-In Creliton, on March 8th, the \vile of Mt. George fankbeiner; of a <daughter. ' GINGERICH-At the Bronson UDC, ;Stanley, en Mereha ath, the if,, a 3.1r. Chris. GlagerIch, of a daughter. BOLGER-In Morrie, on March 3rd, the twife of Mr. 111=11111=1,61MINNIIMMINNIIIIIIIININIE • Berths. The as Bolger, of a deuehter. , ,• / BROWN -1n Crediton.. on eatereh 5th,--1he wijfe 'of Mr. amuel Brown., of a EOM I WALKSR-In Tuckei smith, on March bth, the wife of Mr. James Walker, of a naughterl 2 • MASON In Ble th, on March 7th, the *rife of Mr. WM' Alava, of a son. . • ROUSE -Lin Blyth, ou March Oh, the i Wife of Mr. 1ftJain a Rouse, of a sen. j KILLqx GH -In Clintoo, on March Mai the wif a of Mr. W. A. Killough, of a son. j COOPE -In Clinton, en March 12111„ithe wife of Mr. . T. Cooper, of a Sen. ; NORIA/ K -In Stephen, on Mardh 10alia the wife e Mr John Mor`ook, cf a ,;•1112. 1: BOX -In St* phen, on Idareh 71h, the avife of Mr. Alex. Bex, of a daughter. 1 Marri 0ARDIFF-MENZ1ES.--e0n • residence of the btide, es. 1 Manch 9th, tit the f ontly by Rev. afte Musgrave, Mr. 'Richard Albert 0 itiff, of Citcy, to Miss ' Ellz tbeth Menzies, of MoKillop. ' t PATTERSON-BROWN-A brid 's pal ent, 'Grey, o D. I. McRae, Yr. Rio Meg ie E., daughter of Gre • PROCri R-MoMURRAY- hride'r arenis, hfcr as, on Mitch 13ih4 by Rev. Marl Praetor, to Miss Mr.,Robert McMurray, all 0 the parsonage, Blyth, v. -D. Regal's, Mr. John a Bricker, both of Ford- * , WO, at the, residence o Rev. A, H. Brown, on Gray, of Morris, to Mks McCrea, Eq • t tho reeiOenee of Mr. horo, on March ath, by Rev. A. Stewsrt, of WI Rs church, 0 n on, . John C. Stewart, of Si Tail. formerly of 9 WHITTING fl A M-ELLIO the bricleat tither, ou Gonne, M. A., Mr. guleip, elle, a seanabe Ell ott, of Goth nth to WAIT-0-GORDON-At th the rendence of the March Jeth, by Rev, ard Patterecn, to Mies Mr. john Brown? alt f 0 0 t the residence of the Geenge gauillan, Mr. Maggie A., daugher cf of Mot is. ARGUE-BRICKER-At on Mardi . 5th, by Pe Argue, to &It s Ethtlin , wich. GRAY-MaCREA-In Belg the bride's p vents b March 51.11, Mr. Rieher Katie, elaughter of Wm STEWART-MeTAVISII- Geo•ge Scales, Londe. MARKETS. ...----- SEWORTH, March 21 1202 fall Wheat (new), Standard-. 80 73 to 50 73 one per boehei_ 0 39 10 0 89 pees par bushel.- .... 0 76 to 0 76 Berley per buehol_ - 0 50 to 0 50 Better, No. 1, loose- - - 0 16 to 0 17 Butter, tub_ — 0 16 to 017 Eege per dot-. -0 0 11 to 0 12 . 2 16 to 2 15 PLOW, PDX' ..33 per ton new 8 00 to 8 50 Hey „ Hides per 100 — - 6 03 to 6 00 0 30 to 0 40 0 13 to 0 14 Patatoes per -instil (new),_ - 0 35 to 0 40 Salt (retell) pee-learrel—.. -..... 1 10 to 1 10 Weed Pea 00rd (limg)- 4 00 to 4 26 Wood per oord (short).. _... 2 00 to 2 25 Apples per bag- 4 140 to 160 Clover Seed- ____,4 60 to 5 00 ' Timothy Seed _ 2 00 to 3 00 Pork, per 100 a0s4.. 7 60 to 8 00 Taleew, per lb_.-.— — 04 to 0 05 -1- i Dittiry Markets. TORONTO, March 18 -Butter -The feature of the market at present is the almost com- plete absence of good butter. Even cream- ery priats are bard to find, while the low grade and medium dairies are ao numerous as to be a nuisance. Prices are unchanged. We quote --Creamery prints, 22 to 23o; solids, 21 to fh)lie ; seconds 18 to 20o ; dairy pound rolls, choice, 17 to 180; large rolls, choice, lre to 17e; tubs, 14 to 16e d l ; medium and. 10 to 12ie, Eggs --The market haseitiffened up a litele,as the farm- ers are beginning to hold back. The roads also are bad, land deliveriee are delayed. The present cold snap also increases ex- penses of marketing eggs, as freights cannot be trusted in, and express is much higher. To -day eggs were bringing lne per dozen. More -REAL, March 18 -Cheese -There is very little business, brat holders are firm in their ideas, and there is a probability of higher prices. We quote: Finest Ontario makes, 11 to llge ; finest township makes, • ; fiaest Quebec makes, 11 to 14c ; undergrades, 10c. Butter -There is a fair trade at steady pricer. Finest fresh cream- ery, 2o; fine held creamery, 21 to 21se-e ; creamery seconds, 20 to 20ie; western dairy rolls, 171, to 18ic. Eggs -There is a good • demand, but receipts are large and sales are at 14 to 15e per dozen. • ad ford, to Miss halm ale- snley. -Al the residence of arch 6th, by Rev. C. R. Fred, G. Whittinglca•n, c f a, to Miss Sarah Ellen eship. manse, aVingbam. oii Max& 13th, by Rev. . FOrrie, Mi. Alonzo M. wait, to Mrs. Catherir s Gordoa, both cf Lower Wingham. FINDLATER-INGLIS- t the residence of the biide'e brothel', by Re A. Stew4rt, on March 1th Ma George Findl tier, e'f HCatick, to lilies Inters. c f Cerrick. 13ENNETE-WRIGHT-A biide's parents, on U. Andeis n, Mr. Richer to Mks Mary Rebecca Wm. Wright, of Janie REIDLAITKEN-At th p. rents, Glenannen, o J. Weet, Mr. Ne 1 Rei Eldest daughter of lir BROWN-KRAEHLING and . Mrs T. W, S 12th, by Rev. Wm. P cf Blyth, to M.,34 CI N EXPO ITO AUCTION SALE Town and Village Property in Seaforth and E rnandville. The Exoeuton of the jestate of VatentinerBoehler, ate of Egniondvilkei deo ased, will cffer tor sale, by hemait ;Brown, Auotiorieor, on Saturday, April '6th, 1902, at 2 o'clock p. n ., the fcllowing property: d Plite're-Lot No. 8, on e North tide of God rioh Frects in George Sp,erl g's etirvey of part of the Tows of Seaforth, oonto ing thereon a large 2 tory ,C1 roomed fraine house, th akitcheto stone fo nda- tibn and miler, hard an soft water. Also a cot sge, with stone foundatlo and woodshed att had. These houses are i a convenient...el ion. SECOND. -Lot No. 8, 8 uth elle orStanley a reet, ho the Village of E onclville, _contsining j one. quintet' &ere. On this 11 is a la story- brick houee, with good cellar, aura r kitchen, woodshed, etable and ,orohard. TRIAD -Two and bne-h11 cies, jparb of farm Lot No. Ili Conceselon 2, H. R. Se Tuokerainith, knowti the Southerly pa.t of Park Lot No, 9 in the -Villa e of Egmondville. This is good lend, suitable fo building or for oultiv Mon. The s le will be held at •e said Lot No. 8, Go erloh street, i. Seaforth. TE S. -Ten per cent. o the , nrohase money at ta e of site and the b lance ;within*, dee% thereat r. For furtlior parti niers 'assely to JOSEPH W BE or T. X. BOE LER, Exeentors, or to J. L. K LLORAN, Seaforth, So Witter If or Executors. 17.-2 t have dispose of my hardware, tove , and tin business ii Seaforth to M sere. Chesney & Smiley, desire to expres my :thanks to ply many customers for their past favors' and patronagii. 1 can fully r com- mend the new firm'! and bespeak for hem a continuation of t1fe patronage you have extended to me. AjI outstanding ace nnts must be paid at one, as the old bu Iness 19 must be wound up. , S. MULLETT & go. We desire to soli+ the petronage of all d as by ices, 'lett time. e in late firm the n sidence of the 'eh 5111, by Rev. R. S. G. M. Bennett, of Howlok, Wright, daughter of Mr. rdno" of the bride's ri Mar .11 6th, by Rev. W. , of Fatiel, y,te Miss Agnes, Thorrias Aitken. At tile reeidenee of Mr.. can, ia Hulett, on Merckj ohs% tir Isette H. Brown, . , seeMeest daughter of the, late George Krat Wan of Monis. SMALLAC iMBE-SHOBBROOK-At the residence ot the b-ite'e parents, Huilett, on March 5111, by Rev. T. 13. Cou1and Lrndesb9ro, Mr. W. H. Smallaeonete, cf 0tysts1 Cita, Manitebe, to Miss. Lydia, third daught: e efetir. Jarnes Shobbrook. Deaths'. . lifeARTHUR-In Grey, ortMarch Lath, Jessie Mein:, tosh, reliet of the late E. J. tioarther, aged 55 years and 7 months. CLAKKiON-In Toronto, on Merch 17th, Charlee, Clarbseo, B. 44t., tate principal of Seaforth Col- leigiate InetitUte, aged 67 years AITCHESON-In Roxboro, aljeliillon, on March 17th, .Rin lict of tiee late -John Aitcheson, aged 86 years. GOLDTHORPE-In Coltiorne township, on Menai 1V..1, Thomas Albert,' infant son of Mr. and Mre, A. J. Goldthorpe, agtell 13 rnenths and 3 days. STEWART-At the lic, se of Refuge, Clintoneon March 8th, Atdrew Stewart, aged. 74 years. McKEOWN-lii Clinton on, Id areh 13th, Mary EMI, wife of Wm. Molicoan, aged 63 yeate- HOLMES-In Wingham, on Mania Sth, Eliza Lane, Wife of Mr. Thomas Holmes, aged 67 years. SOUTER-In Egroondvil a, en, SISTal 17th, Thomas Sutter, aged 73 yeare. 1 Seeds. TORONTO, 14aroh 18 -The seed - business is now beginning to change from one of buy- • / ing from the armers to one of selling to the country mere ants, in preparation for the seed time. s a result, the quotations of most interest to the farmers now are those of the jobbing trade. Local wholesalers are now quoting by the cwt. for sale to country • merehante, and their figures are as follows : Rsd clover, per awn $4.50 to $5.75 ; alsike, $10 to $17 per own and timothy $7 to $8.25 per owt. • the oia customerS of the late firm, a many new ones iT will favor us, an stria attention to hilliness and right p we expect to merit he same. Me. M will remain with the, new firm for a Our tinamithing department will charge of Mr. Edwfirm, and Mr. Cheri Soole, of the lest rd Latimer, of th of Johesen Bros. CHESNEY & SM1LIrS. TY it TS 1`.1 'DULL FOR SERVICE, -The undersigned has ou D Lot 4, Concesaion a, Hullett, second lot Meet of Constance, the Thoioughbied ;Durham bull, ” and". 40066; to whieh a inated, number of cows ivi I be admitted. The re giAeredipedigtee will be shown inten ling breeders it d.eired. Ttt•a-s 51, with the privi ego of retureina 11 Leeeas&ry 2horouhbd cows $4. H. COLCLOU?H, Proprietor. 1788x4 Live Stock Markets. leoNDON, England, March 17 -Cattle are.enchaoged bus weak at 12i to 133-c per pound (dressed weight) ; refrigerator beef, 10e per pound. inveitrootl, March 17 -Canadian cattle, 6c1. No sheep, Trade slow. Moserneei , Meech .18 -Business was ex- ceptionally slow at the East End Abattoir. There was a !fair arrival of ttock and prices showed no material chane, with probably the exceptioa of cattle. Butchers were not anxious to buy, as they are undoubtedly awaiting Easter trade and stock. Many cattle remaie ursald. Cattle -Quality sat- isfactory ; demand slow ; quotations 3.1. to 5:1e, the latter price being paid for a few head of choice ; two prime steers were sold at 7e per pound ; the poor and lean cattle had little call, being quoted at from 2 to 30 per pound. •Sheep and Lambs -Quality fair to good ; demand medium; quotations at 312 to 4 ts per pound. Calves -Quality fair- ly good ; (notations weak, from $1.50 to $6 per head were paid, according to the size and quality. }legs -Demand fairly brisk, with quotationa at $6 per 100 pounds for seleeta weighed off the cars. , - 1.\TOTTIO• ______:„. 1 • Tenders will Le receiked far drains in MeKillo about 6 miles to lengt , by jobn Ca Morrison, cies to be opened by the Co nen kn Thursday, the 10th if Apr% it 1 o'clock in he ft3rnoon, at Leaclbur. ,. Plan , profile al d ep cities i0110 00.11 be seen t Clore's efecee 9 he dr ins are near Winthrop atld $200 cheque to be eent with can e eben anyt' rec. 0 tender until eecurity is given. - - JOHN C. MOItallviiIrSinOtNhr,0Cpl,epra,0. 1783 MISHTER OROGAN Talks Business• Clancy is a gre whin he has bin tub it's; red hot. I din but he used to liv moVed up here, an' t blowhOrd-e8pi0a16 in' japon th' woine whin taw iwhoy he *thud be sic, iniMitehell befoor he mebby Wit accounts fiir r Whin I reit h'm I ti Monde' morning knew by th' nay h ha .his hat cocked over hisorf ear that he Ihadlalther found a foive dolilar hill, or ilse ie ha.d bin leothurin' sm th' rifurindum at h' Sanitatium. Afther we had exchange gratein's ad' satisfoied oursilves abcut th wither an' th' physigal ceeditien iv thi djifferenb mimbers iv ,tatir rispiotive fan ilier, he began to dilecierse ()heist th' baEinisa 1 capabilities iv. Sayfort's buithess mir. "Silyfot1t is th.' loivCliest bu i- niCe °intro in Wistilrn Oatary, cutsoide iv' 0- ronty or St. Josepl 'a," he says, " Jist ta a thrip to Clinton or Gatheridge or Slitr ford or Kinhurn ' nOtiee th' paiceful prisaion ' that p;evlaila in thim places, tide come back tq Sayfort an' gaze on di crime. 1 Jist ftake a 1u1 at th' m ni shalt shtouks i dry-goodee an' millinu an, horse bla.nkit an' so on, 0).' in our double baerelecl s tores an': • compare prbices Wid other towns an'ye'll nct w de!r that we do ' businiss. ; Sayfort is • to -date. Vo can' git anny buld fashio 2 ebbi di in our ahtore. Fur inshta ace av a , men wants an huld,fashioned ahtand up collar, we'll say, All he's got to do is to go to` Clinton or Gath,eridge an'say " Give me wan iv your latest shteyle shtiand-ups mini- ber sixteen or thereabouts," an' they'll h4nd ye a mildewed eenthrivancemade, in Gur- many in sivietytiix. 'Tis pat\ this way, Grogan," he says, " tilt principal busin!ss iv Wistern Oatery is :lone in Sayfort, an' Tim- ot'y Aiton's. Av coonse I don't say we do it all by anny manes, they do.enough in al' other places to kape their hend io, but we have th' big ind iV th' bunch an' always did. Can ye git a betther-fittin'!suit iv clothes annywhere than ye can in Sayfort ? Can ye git ehaper or bet her dry-gonde anny place ilse ? What ma es tit' ladiee iv outsold° towns come to Sa fore fur their tailor-made Sunday clothes? Whin ye go into our ris- tyrants ;on a tot day an' atc fur a bowl iv eine-creme, do they hand ye a mixture, iv corn al Garth an'llast weksee shkini intik ? Not much. • We're up-to-date in ivrye'ing an' don't allow yoursilf to furgit it. An' did ye iver see a fouler ,distp'ay iv ladis's an' gintleinia's foot -Wear than Richardson an' McInnis do 'se alnewin'ejitt now?, No, aur l • An' did ye Ivor have Jimmy milli ye up a cherry flip t'' GROGAN'. 0 BeFFALO„'IkAarch 18 -Cattle -Beat steers, 15 to 20c higher; good to choice butcher grades, 40e higher ; prime heavy steers, 86.40 to 86,35 ; choice to extra, $6.25 to S6.40 ; good to choice shipping do, $5 85 to $6.15 ; fair to medium, $3.25 to $5.75 ; coarse rough but fat steers, $5 60 to $5.85 ; fat smooth ateers, dry fed, $5 45 to coarse and green steers, $5 to $5.50 ; eheica to extra fat cows, $475 to $3 ; fair to geod do, $4.25 to 84.65 ; canners and cbmnion, $2.50 to 84.115; mixed butchers', fair to good cows and heifere, $4.23 to $3.25 ; chdice fat heifers, $5.5n to $5 S5 ; common to fait, $4 to $475; butcher bulls, $3.90 to $4.40 ; vests. &eine, $7.23 to $7.75 ; common,$5.50 te $6.50. Hogs -Shade stronger ; Z7101:11 • Yorkere, $6.40 to 8645; light do., $6 30 to $635; mixed packers, $6.45 to 56.50; choice heavy, se 60 to $6 65 ; pigs, good to choice, 6A0 to $6 20 ; roughs, $3.80 to $6 • stage, si4; to $4.50. Sheep and Lambs -Market ro o More S ON OATS OR SEED GRAIN IF YOU USE OUR Formal -de -1i at: mi da de fa go tel an vi oKi RING - Spring time is in the every turn, but to bask inery show rooms o of our Spring Minims otees in Blyth and vi hiois fanciee or the co geous. -Other seasons t of our opening displ thing of the kind ever it to the store on Wed in review before you. It no limit. A4—friends o en oy the freedom of our This departm.ent is u ie ced milliner. o supplement the a eveni g, we will uslins ou are cordially in Pe ne da sit s (FULL STRENGTH GUARANTEED) We sell tbe best and purest artiele that is manufactured at 50c a Pint, half Pints Full directions for use on every Get it at Fear's Drug St BEAFORTH. 'P. S.—We 'are noted for h only the best and purest drugs Market. 5c. bottle. NO 3731.1 -Y - I LLIN ERY • ts bea its epi NEXT Dare e F air 'at -this store. in the fullness o WEDNESDA. y Opening, when inity, all the mi linery g mg season. Ou_i• milline e have won uns inted pr ys, but our effor s for We attempted in Blyth. B esday will make reception da Y f strangers, hosts how rooms. der the able in tractions of our 1 ake a special sh this emal r one an r guests a nagement illinery wing of dimities, It'd gloves, drrperies, etc. ited to our millilery open.n.g. OPE NING. ,ty .a,nd freshness greet you ndor, you iiust visit oat MARQH 6th, the first bion will isfold to her or and ri hness of heri n • - y display Will be simply ise for the ivealtlh and exT nesday next Will surpasS t why say more when a 'world. of faishiondem pass all. Our in are welcom. , , of _Miss S vitatiori knots to come and towed, an ex-: pening displays on Wed- ew Spring Dress Goods, -• CA.SiI.A.INTJD 441sTM ON & CO. uo re, andli/ng in the what LAOS CAINED FOR Ern EXpENDED LEX. W ON'S EAVER BRAND Naa e yae EOIA.LLY 'COISTCENT ATED). TS SMUT 1 GRAIN: IP 444444:4441344-44-4 armerS themselve have proved it., and recom end its general use. Read some Of them say • •1 Erucefi ld, January 20, 1902 lex. Waspy], Druggiet, Se forth. OM' Sir,: i 1 tie ted my peed oat ; last s ring with " Beaver rand FormaldShyde," and an p'eruied to ce:tify t at t e meets were highly ea s (*factory to me, my caop eing enti ely fie e ham s ut, and the yield eing; I am quit :Rice, Eevet1.1 b rebels per acre more t an i1 otherwi e would have b en. I may algo say t at flan my e perience in 193', when f sprinkled e e ed:with a polution of For imaldehyde, and 1901, hen inimereeel it in" Beaver Brand." I am con- eince that much the better re Its ii I be obtained faom he latter ' process. I a , youre eincerely, "HO AS FRA8pR. , Fat the ber alit of thene w o have not tried Bele c- Brand j Fcrmaldehydo '1 am pleased to say tbat 1 had -great satiefaction ith it last year. I 601VC thirty actes with seed tre ted with your For. rale .11yde and: had no smut o the crop. Besides he i ain in tumid, 1 contider t at the cle in straw phlci I had foefeed more than repaid all my lab:r nd ixpt nae. .1 - Bowed one fi Id which I did not :ea , and it tecte.full of smut. I advise all the far- er. o use the "Beaver Br nd Formaldehyde." RO IAS COLEMAN, Lot 2 2nd Conc.ssion, I rtSill'itBleav;er Brand Forme ldehyde" from Mr. Re n, lash year, and fixea al ley oats exct pt the ret , Wo bags eowed. Thera W8 considerable smut n t1 part sowed by the two b ge, but non i In the oat Would not taink of eo ing again te ithout fast .reating my eats with this mixture. ROBERT Mob 1 L related with " Beaver Prand F' a tei , I sowed one bag which onla place whete I had any em treat' ei eeed Was sowed. .Nes 0E00 it with as gocd results. T not had lots of emut. I would my aa s this storing without rat treating them in th away. JON C. REID, Lot 12 and 13, Beyfield 11QIii :lead yourj" Beaver Bran Formallehyde" last yea and willIcertainly use' i again. la 1910, ray mut and the threeh- year I had no smut at head in my' narley, ided if I had treated ER CLF,aRY, Lot 6, 110 LLAN, Lot 1, Concession , Mullett. t year, I (owed about Rev nty acres with seed Imaldehyde," and as, die not treat. The b was where the un - y all my ri .ighbcra o of them; who did n A take $25 and sow oat were, I hilleve, one-third ing was 0 sickening job. Last all u my oatsland only an od wh ch I think I would have av the ioed a little stronger. PE CO/ 20E8'08 3, Tuckeremith. p I ro glad tr to able ray 1 yott " Beavi • Brand Formal exc eded my jxpectations. ' i p0 nd bottle o oughly treat 50 to 80 Ftill directions' are on We will inLepay.expres 0 tario. il ' It1 thee from emu uSe, while cab ti eating, wer that f have- gtand taing, fanner te us Goshen Line. 01 uated a p Mai clehyde" ., and the clean straw wae a eelight to th I sowed for green feel, without black with smut. Alt who usel 11, ct, had cquallY good results. It's a and I can honestly recommend every it. WILSO.N ARMSTRONG, Lot 11, mil bottle of " Beaver Brand For- est year and belted all my oats but oae hashele, vhich I sowed in a strip in the fi 11 on e emcee day This etrip was very smutty, wheeeas e rest of t 6 field was almoskentirely free from ut. . I wou d not eow oata without ming it and :nod reco mend others to do akewIse. PETER OH., Burn dale, Ontario. I am quit pleased to have the opporturity of 1 Oting other armers know what I think of "Beaver rand Form Idrhyde " 1 got a pound bottle from in. Seats & o, Bruceflold, last spring and treated alt my oat e nd barley feed, an d was well pleased ith tha reeulb. As it was the firet ercp I have had or some 'ea a that was clear of emut, and I give the eradit to" B ever Brand Formaldehyde" and intend to trycn n y cora also this year. For all the cost or t toible I think 110 farmer should eow without it. A EX. MUSTARD, Brucefled. aek ine what suecese I had with "Beaver Form Idehyde" laet year. I can say that I not eow cats without first treating with 1. I am a thresher as well as a ad a - good chance to see whrt it a and I threshed all through the centra tie I set fall and winter and aould tell be - running half an hour en oats whether d it or not. I have never heard a man ut said he would use it again. ROBT. kersmith., . Paul's Station, Perth Ce., Feb. 18, 1902. Wileox], Seaforth. larmLi3r and id. My ine f rstaeren ore we were they had use rho u et it Tu Ma Alex. car Sir: :Your inqu ry to hand aelo the success I had wi'le ho " B ay* Brand Formaleehyde," which I bought f you last epiing. r assure you I had the beet of uccess. I ;neve not lost one bushel of grain by mut, while year ago, I lost heavily. Smut was not quite so bad this season as last in this vicinity, but I think am within tbe mark whect I say that by rteieg a pou d of your Formaldebyde' I Hayed one undred bt she's of oats, whits the pleaeure cif thresaieg t e clean grain was worth more than the additional I ber of treating the -seed. I know of no other rem y fcr smut that is (to safe or easy to use, • t the result of using cr that I cu E0 beartily recommend to my ftllow telly de" very much fermere. J HN WORDEN. y oats were entirely ' " Beaver Brand' -- Clailftlair Main and. Market Sreets Seaforth, Ontario. • Pickard' GOOD NEW 5 The Largest bry Geo4a a Clothing Concern in Four Countles. .. For Economical B4ers. • 44-1-144-14444-1-1-144-1-1-14-1-44-1.4 • H you desire to be economical, you need. to SITIO W what extra va4ues we are giving in all departments. Of course: you hav read our announcements about our new arrivals, and gat ered from them that this store is full o tie brightest and ne est fabrics which the, woild's best m. uufacturers produce but before we can give Spring good icpei display, it will b necessary to make a -clearance of all es of winter goods, regardless of cost. • We cannot enter into details, but - several triking evidences appear in the lists that follow: Is Dr New Spring dress fabrics. The vogUe for sheer, thin fabrieiS has increased, the silk a d wool -veilings, crepes -de -chine, colienne and. albatrosS, are exhibited in all the leading shades; while for tailor made sui)s we are sikowing all the new shad4s in English and French venetian cloths and summer weight home- -7 , spuns and. ch.eviots. Other specials are our royal serge rn black and navy, war- ranted fast dye, will not spot, cockle or shrink, at 50c a yardi Our Blenheim cloths, a new suiting in all colors, two special lines, at 65e and 95c, a good wash fabric, are the most sought after goods for Spring, and. have gained a textile supremacy which mark them as style leaders -kr 1902. Just to hand all the new merlawns in all colorings'at 2c a yard. Linen batiste in plain and fancy pa,tterras at 12c, 19c, 25e and. 38c a yard. Colored dimities from 11c up. New Scotch ginghams, sil;vor sateens, chant - brays, prints, etc., all riche in stosk. • • Fur Department.! Fifteen only ladies' A_strachan and Bok-haran fur jaekeits, to be cleared Itis' not a question of price, but the goods have got to go. kiso all small furs_ muls, ruffs, etc. ss Goods Depart ent. costs 1,5c, and is sufficient to thor- ushels of oats or barley. A half pound bottle costs 40c. ach bottle. If. your deale has not got it, Or der direct. charges on five pounds o more to any express office in s NO a P ison. Ill a fatter received from Prof. Har ourt, of the OntariolAgrieultural Col - lee, GuelPh, he says: " Considerable experim nting has been done at this in- stItution sOth Formaldehyde, and they have alw ys g‘l, first class results; they have neve t• foun1 anY, injurioue effects upon he siop, and it could not be in- juirious when the grain is used for feed'•g. Secure your supplysearly, and treat you Se d before the rush of sowing beg'ins. It will take 110 harm if kept fir «ee1i before sowing, but see that there is the cut of.a beaver on the label ant tha it bears thensame of Richardgoti ArInDis Sole Agents ,for Totkound Sh es for Men. FbRTK Cie). 'see, .4 CI t1 71.0q CM, 2) ir.,;;,_ g gq r„. 0 ,-,- (D C7) 45,-. ,:17, Z He no c.P (j) es iv C‘ p ..o., P-• "I cje ti ta, p •w- trni ". Z 4 , ,..a. 8, (-D ol -I. 1-21 CD - et es Pilig CD C2. en 011ii1;1 Q•_. a) 0 ":1: - a `-• 50: m 01 Fel, s3 (1) Wig se 71 3 tliti Co o way Wil UQ - , o ce aa g A.c) ... litili....i PO rn ra cn .P.11 ....i' .... 1.0 ...• CM 0-4• 0 `sJadd nO asJoH • EX. DIZTT c a - FIRST DOOR NOliT-11 RE OF PICK ARD'S, ST FORTH. The Great Ca h Store. VeAleitAitAAAA44;NANteSAeltAIVVVVY Twenty men's fur coats, seven coon coats from $25 to $O, assorted eizes. • Intending purchasers next year, it will pay you to see these oods. Five calf coats left, nice dark colors, two be sold at $145i0, and three at $16,50. Also wallaby, wombats and dog coats, not at you' own price, but nearly so, A few sleigh robes left in stock to be sacrificed. Carpet Departme SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK— One hundred and fifty only lace curtain samples, from 8e to 100 eanh. A number of Brussels -carpet sample ends, from 11 to 1.1 yards long, your choice for 80c each. New carpet squares to hand in wools, inions and tapes- tries. Many specials, in rugs, also short lengths in tapestriel, wools, unions and Brussels. Staple Deparbreltit. This departRent was never so strong, never so Well •propared in staple values as this season. Specials for this week: A line of white quilts, worth in the regular way $1, special price this week 79c. Fine bleached linen table cloths, 21- yards in each, sort'hing special, to clear at $1.75. • Special line of gloss towelling, 18 inches wide, for 6ic. , A special line of insported English Oxford shirting at 12c,i A bargain table of remnants; something special in our 12e Sateen pints. Clothing Departmnt. • The ruo-at important feature of a suit, no matter What hei pattern is, if it fits and is stylish, it's right. The question of fit teed neer keep men from wearing our elothinee We handle the best readymade hing that is made in this country. Our largely increased and increasing busiiezs shows that they • are right. Why not avail your -eel of this opportunity to res well and save land black 20 oz. worsted suits, first-class 4nings, all sizes, yourself money obnleuye Our Crand Sprin; Miliffiery Opening • WILL LE IIEL WedOesday March ii6th, AND FOLLOWING RAYS. i;1 display a large assortment of all the latest Trimmed Hath and Bonnets. When we w styles in • Our millinery department is still under the able management of Miss Motrison, who is so well and faverably known to the ladies of Blyth i and surrounding country. Much time and thought has been spent in sectiring the newest novelties in tyles and trimmings, which we are sure will satisfy the most critical observer. A cordial invitation is extended to 8.11. ovvvwviviotoAosissivvviovvoil RIA BLOCK, - BLYTH. D. M. McBEATH, jElP ETC, for $7.45. The best readymade suit in the trade, all sizes, special at $9.75. Many specials in boys', youths' and children's suits; ad' sizes in inen's tweed ants at 75c per pair, a few odd sizes of. faney wore,i, eel pants, regular $2.50 goods, for $1.50; all the latest styles in hats, shirts, tier.„ ete., in etcels. . i Ladies' Departmerit. T14.e big rim we are having in this department proveslholw quick ladies are to app ciate good values. Specials in ladies' shirt waists for this week A special line, made of good quality print, colors in Pink, dark •and_ light blue grounds, with pretty stripes, in all sizes, at 50c each. ',, A special in sheer lawn waists, in colors of linen, pink and pale blue, tuck- ed front and back with hemstitching intervening, special 4 si.. B4iste waists in linen shades, also pale pink, blue and i oxblood, buttoned n cluster of tucks, r TIGGS FOR HATCHING.-Egge from up-to-dat It/ farm range Barred and White Plymouth Rock Prices reaseneble. Theee birds are all bred fr imported etook. Satisfaction guaranteed. Call 41 Lot 9, CcnceCeion 3, Tuck( ramitio cr nadress H sall P. 0. W. L. MoLAREN, Henn% Ont. 1788-1 'DULL FOR SALE. -The undersierned has for eaik a thoroughbred Durham bull eleven months old, roan in colcr. He is of the law set blocky type gob by pedigreed stack of extra quality now in my tea- sessien. Will keep my noted etooa bull, Duke (1 Henson, for service, oleo a pure bred Berkshire bear. Terms on Applioation. I have still left, a lot_of those excellent new white Danish seed oats, also a few'of those bug,proof peas free cf foul scede. JOHN EL- DER, Hensel P. 0, 1788 tf n_ down latest he back, with French valencience insertion betwe leeve, special at $1 38. rge discounts on the balance of all winter goods. enty-five per cent. off all flannelette wear. o specials in wrarpers at 96c and $1.35. 1 the latest materials in all-over embroidered lawns and muslins. L dies' embroidered lawn ties, to sell at 25c each. ew collar points is the latest,. at 8c each. Mantle Depart nt. 11 the latest styles and materials are shown in this deiartment in ladies oostur4es, separate skirts, Spring coats,aisc., extra values; it will pay you to see th m. UCTION SALE OE' HORSES, CATTLE AND PIGS. -Mr. A. II. so man bas received In- etru-tioris from Mr. John Mealonnell, sr., to sell by Putale Auction at MeConnell's Stock Yard, Dublin, on Tuesday, April 1st, 1902, the following property : Ore 3-yeavold driving mare, 1 first prize thorough- bred helfer,8 yeses old, got by imported " Defiance," and bred to Peter MoKayie Imported bull; 10 extra good ranch cows, some calved and others to calve about time of sale ; 4 steers rising 3 years old, 10 steers rising 2 years old, 3, farrow 00146, 5 2 -year-old , heifers, 1 grade bull rising 2 years old 1 brood garasa and 7 young pl. ge TERMEL-All a of $10 and ad under, dash ; overthat atnount 6 monthe' orediton approved nctes. Five per cent. per annum off for eesh on credit amounts. Sale mat. 1 pa m., sharp. JOHN McCONNELL, freprietor. 1788x2 stock Hi Millinery • Departmont iss Sheppard and assistants have -returned, and ara, daily placing in 11 the latest novelties in.millinery. 4-#44-44:41-#443-4-4034-44-34-3-# hest prices paid for B .4ers Eggs • and Wool. M. PICKARD & CO. IMPORTERS Opposite Town Building, onnior Main and Markt ,Sts. Seaforth, SALE REGISTER. On Tuesday, March 25tb, at 12 o'clock, sharp, on Lot 8, Lake Road, Stanley, one mile South of Bayfield, 40 head of cattle, farm, farm stock, implements and house- hold urniture. W. G. Johnston, proprie- tor ; . S. Phillips, auctioneer. Oa SaturdPayork , Oa Friday, March 21.st„. et one o'cloek p. . m, at the Packing ',EDAM, Hatpur- 0, :Sausage Machine and. inter & Stewart, nroprie- wee auctioneer. On Monday, lYle. chi 24th, at one o'clock p. tie on Lot 17, , neession 4. L, R. Tuckersmith, tw Miles east of Kippen. Farm Stock, Ini)lernente and Household. Furniture. Geolgei McKay, proprietor ; B. S. Phillips, au tioneer. , lareh 291h, at 1 o'clock ID .,- on Lot 14, Concession 2,,Tuckersinith, Farm Stock. John Stroug; Proprietor; Thorrla.s Brown, Auctioneer. On! Tuesday, March 25111, at 1 o'clock, p. in., on Lot 10, Coin...onion 5, Hullett. Faun Stock and Implements. Robert Clark, proprietor; Thomas Brown, auction- eer. Or p. Grei Tto Saturday, March 29th, at 2 O'clock ., at the store formerly occupied by & Macdonald, household furniture. as Brown, auctioneer. eta Vats'Barre other articles. tors; Thomas Br On at day. March 22, at one o'elock p, , tp Hotel, Sfaaforth„ We.ggone and Buggies. T oases Brown, auctioneer. , cb1 28tat eff at Ho eto,locriLsp: a 'Proprietor ; Thoman , On Friday, Ma •ma at Varna. etc. John liar Brown, Auctionebr. a