The Huron Expositor, 1902-03-21, Page 4THE if a delegation of ten thonsani or so of ronto, refers equally to a ery other munid NEW ADVERTISEMENTS those who so long clamored for tAriffireform palilty in the Dominion itrid if Mr. Fitz. o the Parliame t.b�ildinga WrThengarobetween the parenthe- ost aft 3Y each would march up t vF I& ' and the telepliQue at ick's bill becomes -h the and put in a formal onei denotes 106a 11 a of the paper On whic objedtion t the,5� course advertisement wing found stem is removed from 12rovifileial to Do., now so strenuously. urged from t a ojposipg by oil eg tioo . could min I ion control, as the U, ftlng-D� MoReath--5 xUrnery 0 ra�ilways have bee t . and Son -4 quarter. Possibly suc-i a del Clesxing Sa e -P- Willis be organized. Bnt those wh oula Com- o �H Mdanery Openinir-WoRinnon and C3-6 -we *ill have another hi'g� and saucy moa- rhtto go quletl. about No More Smut, -I, V. Fear -6 pose io have the rig pon us f6m whose encroach. op y imposed U,� Mullett and G)-6 their affairs confide�t that, however slowly 4_4 Cild of Thanks t, 4, p -Thilty ]Days' Sale-2-0beeney and. Sinilay-­8 me ts there will be I circumstances may oblige them �to gp, how� praltically, no redress Bull for Stle-John Elder --b rdful they may feel theinselvea &0tr Holid wui. Somerville -5 Sys— SpilngTerm.-W. ff. Sha%Y-6 over 2e'd to be for the security o� ilittr. he Ottawa dorrespo f the Toronto constrai Bull for S(rvice -H. colclousch m, min- GlJbe of Thursday, aunkiiinces the appoint. Ste est�blished under the old ayate' i r CAR Feede 9, oto-S-Ruld and WI'83u--8 raters wi yet direct leghlatiun 'in �eepiug I Rotice-J. 0. xorrlson-5 meat of Hon. J, T.'Gar�qw, of Goderiob to L quarter of FM fcr Fatchlng--W. L lftLaren-5 with the professions of f a cent - To Gardeners -G. N. Kirg--8 ury. The people have the tight tot'depena the vacancy on the b4ch of ibe Ontario A it*� Millinery Opilittig-E. MuFaul co­�S upon the integrity of the w&tchme Coiort of Appeal oe�ueed ��y the death of the 61_1 in the i-1, Sptiug Goods -Reid &ad Wilion-S t will continue tb so do. Grogan Talkq Business -R. and MaInni" gate, and no daub Mr. J:uatice Lister. been late Pend. ab all events until ther y openioir--Win, Pickard and Co -8 0 hag Dish Cloth SO&P-8 de 0 1 given some Eign that, their cong n'd isill- Btrgaln"-W. H. Willis --S bestowed. AWtirn Sale -J. L. Killoran -511 Avotion S.ilo—Johrt McConnelt-5 Notwithstanding the apparentl� �Misa Beta uug, of Sea QonfiA f orth is OTES, M. Ba!dwia-8 ent talk of a comin, increase in the tat il opa Spring Add -G. Iff 9 th guest 6f M ra. R. H. Collins this week. -own er�e Sale of Fonny Artiofe%�Ladies'Ald-g rates, we believe it will be clearly sfi un �it Harold Jarvi&Coucork-3­8 he fuiieral of Mrs. 81rah Ann Hill, wife long that attitude -�f t�riff r Notice td�Dcbtors_q, Mullett -8 this normal 0 - of Ar.. George Hill, took place to the Eke ter Piano Tuning etc -2-0. M. Baldwin C" A formerstowards the ministry arecoinpletely cei ietery �n Monday, alia, having died at1er Builders' Attention -R. Cudmoire and Sons. S justified. There are Liberal. imerkibers. of Clocks,, Jewelry, F. DalY-8 hone herp on Sxturda 1�,, aged 66 years. - Change of D"Acm--J. W. Beattle-8 Parliament, however, who i�ava, fefib, tbbn�- ho we b to Mexico some It MI. W. Yeo, who we selves open to a less favorable jddgafent. m'Onths ag'o'to seek rest ad b ealth, returned S io perhaps, not astonishing that for - some Monctay in a ve weak 'condition - on or unwisdbm of a I t blio men the wiedom -bere of T ree yoong men nam Kirk, mem P�' jut be d ker by an line of policy is to el giv a family 6f trappers in in xater Worth, were of 109 its seeming utility as a mean be re agistrateb. Sri�ll and Gregory on power or a continuance of power. 1, orn 1�1 f T eaday charg�d with having robbed a JA WAFORTR, FRIDAY, March2lat, 1902 S these aver just now that the L�uri r th(slilie. They were defended by Bar - try must go in for a protective tari , ifthey tahbuiy, who supceeded in' couvino- di South Huron Reform Convention. would reti-in power. But Suppose hey di i.�tlrh.8 j,,ti... that hio clients were inno- cefit of what would be that poWer? Powbr to -Jamee H. Grieve has Liberal I tho offence. Mr. Fred Ress, sr., who was the ' for d things they have oondrinned oqher*. I ta ff - an thei position of tr� veller for a London the LegiRlalture, ing 9 Po er to give the Ii *a to' 'tb�' prof - nominee in Soath Huron for w Cc p Company-, but wilf: still make Exeter the capdidature on siona by wHch they obtatned the confiJan�e having withdrawn from hii i home. -Mlek are. Hindford and Elliott to act in cpntradin. of the, pzjople ? Power f ill health, a convention will be shpped alcsr load of h�rses on Tuesday'.- siccount o tion of the. principleti in which thef ia thex The Sutherland -Innes 8 ave works are fun - held at Reneall, on Saturday, March 29th, Jampbe hearts believe? Power to set an a if ning agaiv.-Miss Edit Beers, of Smallman U Bit 10 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of re- unblushing perfidy to all politiqans wl o -1 1 � __ 17' &Jngram 4 m, London, w a home on Sunday, :4 a selecting another may com 'a after them ? Surely tNis is n, it oeiving his reaignatian, ad anlearig a solo very,,� acceptably, at the desired. To retain power on such cbndiLiG�9 vice, at AGia street Methodist candidate I everling Bel dignity of otar demo- Altl, I] U T i J W church. tk'-p - .1 � i tend the ould be to reduce the I Meetings to select delegates to at eratic iestitutions to the level of tl�.e syslte�m A SAD �AFFAIR.-A ivery. sad occurrence vention shoald' be held in each polling under 74ich klFgs changed their T�ini3ker's, (ion startled 6e village 0 1 S aday nioruing, ies, or both, on a peraonP Thurad or their po 10 -1 if iabdivision in the riding on ay) �at u av to, and when it was reported t one of Exeter's 4 i �'I I - -him or on the demand ',of a f or i citizens Oldest and most highly respected Uarch 27th,, at such time and place as may where the only issue was'the pa�SsWg of the *0 fou nd in a dying oI;4iiq'ition on his own ba. designated by the chairman of the divis perquie,,it a from one set to another. We Wi' premises., Iliam 0. Howard, a mason by -he �V: trade, was well-to-do, Of excellent reputa- ion. The representation of delegates at the have notpunk to that level. even laf ter t Three dele orgies ofthe pariod horn 1878 to' 1896." tion andia I.eading mbmber of the Main oonVention will be as. follows street Met �h­ �i h, but of late his ho,diBt urp. gates for the first fifty voters upon. the last 8ession-1: nervous syatern has been sho4ing signs of The Last S:il xrenaed voterb' list for the election of _n undor a. breaking up, and he! has bee The last eeasion of the &eFeiat �egialati 'a w--mbers for the Legislative Assembly and -pbysiolari'a treatmenty, but no indication ISO about fi 0 arm was broughu to ai clo al fif ty or was given that he contemplated the act one delegate for each addition g, 661 membors is life c4 Sunday morning. o'clock lost Saturday evonin which cnded h 4 1 fraotion thereof, provided said fraction is not I �4.d a with 1his family as usual, . � A ­ 4 _g - less than twenty-five. joining i a singing "Auld L%Dg qyno " and He had breakfa t 9 t6i­ a d theniwent to thes�able. As.he did'not formal the National Autbem. Thp 9 prore a return when expeoted,'ihis wife went but, id 'not take -A )n pr I ceedinas' however, di blood on the floor Thb Dominion Parliament, ti 0 :but only to 6 od pools There wi 1,. a hat 0 unfortunate victim place until Monday afternoor nd evidences t The �rincipal feature in the Dominion faces in tie was in the loft above. 0 She at once sum no doubt, be a good many new ]Parliamedt during Cie past week was igh life was,not -the ed assistance, but,Ahou mon to 1rdin Hoi�ard died in a few y delivery of the Budget apeech, on, Monda new legislature, and some went i ut yetextinct, Mr. Sacred precincts of the legiala�ive cha -st4ined Fickle thereon the minutes,, A blood showed last, and the sub2cqufavl- debate e i which the deceased a �,ur aye, Dre to r6- the peon hir�manri r Xr. Fielding has been a remarkably fortun. bar, o S t d venina, never turn to id as M. P. P's. But ,inch i� life, and sought dd4th., He wa% in his 57th year, and oi'e Finance Miuister, and has had plain and leaves a wife, one son 4nd three daughters. ical w ild. me.of particularly life in the polit The funeral, on. TtieAay, was largely, at- P�Ieasant sailing in comparison with so The ses�ivn *just closed. was' a �usy b a, tended. The Iridepeiident Order of Odd. his predecessors, He has, year after yeb6r, y so daring the past few dalk. fellows of,,Wbich he w*s a member, followed congratulate., the coun- and especiall b3en in a position t The. measure which, perhaps� or ated the the remains, and took pharge of the service try on a buoyaut revenue and a. eurplus,year t the grave. moat iaterest in the country. aqd the least 1�jy yeai growing larger, while bi.a predeceE ure ie sore 0 a rug With, a receding I Ui _- -�;- x - Bly�h- The bill and its a6companyiDg is,ons for a i I NOTES and an annual a7d growing deficit. wa '' Mr�a. Richard Somers, who is had t ' t gl reviynue disoussiob in the Leg*s�'aL t liquor pro ter brother, Mr. referendum vote on thel Uh, b acemv, salient feature of the speech was a stgte. visiting -Murdoch Camp. mant that there will be no changes in the This measure was ficialily P as bell, of Seaforthi; hadl: the misfortune last till after the Inter3olon- Government had introduced it.' Sev week, while coming ddWn the stairs I to slip t%riff this year, fio and break a couple ol ribl, also to bruise t ridments were pr(-p:,ied, �ut Ifailed ;o isl Conference, to take place after the amc- herself ia�otber places.! We ire glad to! re - 0 receive the as -.eat of the House,� an�4 the b 11 emony. It was 6,als port, however, that sho is now as easy as Kings coronation car as made law on a straight p:Lrty� vote, e c. can be expected. -M r. �Robert Douglat. who gintiouncedthaI the estimated surplus for W arter NL I r.' voted with Oe Go i- has rd"a a blacksmith shop here for the last the current year amounts to 85 800,000,with CePt that anted : his 25 years has retired' having r an addition to the debt of $6,000,000. This ernment. -Oa the bill gran"ing � nearly a shop to 1�r T Pollock', a young man from Idies Hanfryn,' half million of dollars in rktilwa' hq: we hal no doubt, will make ar as y;subs i!s a, very Satisfactory showing in so f is 3. Mr. I the surplus is concerned, but it would be the Oppmition leader was deserted by fo r a success of the busin )ouglaa in� to his tends deVoLing L all hlii attention. �T 1 *ery much more Satisfactory if the anotince- of hia followers, who voted withi th� gover - I grboery and bakery b sineas, intending to ment because, p3rhays, their cona�ita i0ent had been made that the surplus won d enci a i make it more of a gueyess than' ever. -Mr. 13 tie be u%ed to reduce the existing debt. Mr. are interested, more or Its i, in or�e * of t C.,Campbell, who held, a responsible poei. Borden, t�e leader of the OpposiCion, re- schemes to be aided. The ratific 'Ition of a tion in Mr. MeBeath'4 store here for �the a half, I It Monday morning ated 8 mc t past yeat .0lied to for Lind r. Fieldirg, and announced that pulp z wood concession ore �Say, where he has secured a good id Inent would be moved, bat he did breezy discussioa of the sessi D. M r. an ameE situ'ation: 'in the dress poods department, of Whitney ciharactexized the: . transactio Mr. Sutcliffo a large dr r goods store. ria not hint a� to the tenor of , it, except in ao buti t�e Ho e will be greatly missed Jn social and musical far as his remarks might indicate,, The. gigantic public robbery," u circles, in . which he aken! aA ratified it on a straight party ivo6, Iax 4as always t di&CUSEiOn is still unfinished, and N -ill,' b cept ;pro active part. He h*s' been Is prominent that ably continue for several days. Mr. MartEr thii time both spoke'and membervf lIs choir for yea'ra, and St. Andre voted in favor of the Governtritntl'ineasure. was always ready to ;vo a helping hand in 9 His let a number of friends Sound Doctrine. The amendments to the miniopal law concert work. J 'ill greatly miss him, Pat the beat %ishea nId Unimporiant, and w The Montreal Herald, whiah by the way, this session are few of all gb with him'to his new home. -Mr. 7 ia naw,ond of the moat ably conducted Lib. the same may be said of the' assessment John Babkirk, who 44a been workingl in oral journals in Canada, is sound on the taw. It.i3 the intention, if tha lGo'vernmexit Exeter for the past six:imonths. was visitling old fLiends in town this week, before leaving �rade question. It, is no equinter after Pro. are returned to power, to thordu(ghlv revol�_ In a very able article in a recent tioniza the aEs-siment law, taking the re- for Galtj where he haa.Aecured a good steady �el-tion. position. -Friday of last week was our- Iaat issue, it refers in very Sensible terms to the port of the Assessment Commki'asion, which horse fair of the season1land ag the roads had rasponsibilities which inuat necessarily rest was recently completed, as a basis. Tfai:�'s dried up.; there was a IiiIrge crowd in town Up -)n the Government in a matter of this a work which is much needed. and can t and quite �& number ch�nged handr. With - d 7 I out a doubt, there havAN been larger crowds kin.l. No matter how firmly they may be attended to too abov. Ila at these tairs this ye�r than ever before, ve been pledged to tat iff reform while in In so far as the atanding of the rties arp which certainly ought Pa 1 11 0 be an incentive for op osition, or how anxious they may be to concerned. and judging from outside the officers to continue 16hem another year. - in tagurate their� policy when they - come in� view, we �hould say that honors 4re abou t Miss Kate Foy, separa�e school teacber, of Samforth, was visitirig her aunt, Mrs. ti office,. they must, in the interest of the ea3y. The Government have, Bit I�ast, held Charles Hamilton, over�iSunday._-.Dr. Milne, cc intry and the public good, take due re. their QW11, and the Opposition hav� made no who inte n -de erecting a 1 . ne office and drug gakrd to the situation as they founi it when gaim. The "free and indepeadI6nt " wi store on the stand whi he has cc I cupied as they came into, office. To make revolution. have thei� innings now . very shortly, prol an office, has removed I is stock of drugs,. bte., to the book storO. and -has workmen 4ry changes which might injure or cripplc ably about the 5th of June, I I I employed tearing doWri the old ;building. Important manufacturing industries waich He intends erecting a lt�ndsome. building as hid been built up largely by a protective A Dangerou MI.': soon as possible. -Mrn. il&. M.'Babb, of Tees - S lis�ring her parents in system, no mat -ter how heavily that System water, is at present v The Toronto Globe makes the if'ollowiD6 town.-Nliss A. M. Anderson,'wbo was be irs upon the country, would not be the timelyau,l pertinent ref visiting in Teeswater fo'� the past week, has part of wise statesman ship, nor - would it eirence to a lbi�l returned 'home. -�-Tha inilliners are -all back I which hmel, been i-atroduced into 'the Domio. to town,land busily e�bgaged gett , ing their popularize the general policy'of the party, ion Parliament by Mr. Fitzpabri* kliniatf�r various places ready foril� the spring opening. which the Government- have been pledged as, returned to carry oat, with the people. Such char 0! Juqt*ce If it i3 as ther Globe ' %s&ys' it s -Mr. William Bell, who was out west with 9,313 legislatlio� of the most dangerous hind, and hors home gaturday and reliorta as maybe made must be made gradually the west �Iutted with I- horses. -There was being introduced and supported an I with due regard to the welfare of all ,�M a me"t- theusual�number of goung fdllow3 drove nt, there is',g :i ber of the�Governme &ve da�- into our v Ilage from on�side places on �un- coacerned, and in such a manner as to ac, day. A couple of them).' from Senforth :got ger of its �econxing taw if not. �,igorousl�y c.omplish the most good and the least harm. protested agatimt. The Globe sayq rather bols.'erom, so Cc stable Barr thought It also points out the immense p,,ecsure that the beat place for them 1would be the Jock- -r. Fitzpatrick is propasiri a� 0,',tawa u in r. h!iah they were. kept till evening. tel� p) Is being brought upon the Government by to declare. the operations of phpue cl- There is no dovbb bat.' that our constable ti`ie manufacturing and favored inatituticils, panies " works for the general benefi6 f , ans business, as out.4. me lers will. certainly f they come here not only1to, maintain the preeent, #rotective Canada." This will involve the a'ttlemeilt find out to their Sorrowi 1 0 of all que tions re,'garding the � er�ctl-ad 'f po'icy intact, bat to materi%lly increase the on on the Sabbath and cari��, on the. way -they t e on poles and stringing of b . Iffire . have Peed'in the habit olf doing in the past. - protection already afforded. And while this t a -'riv Council of Canad e" Alderma. Sothera and Wife entertained the U T�der t le pg brought to bear on the one a�ell pho e thimble club and their fti(nds, last Wednes- premure is bei,� rovitions of the act the af le, it p,,iqtg out the apparent laxity o . r in- Company could plant poles and string wire a d on every street in Toront6in, deflahce of tf a ay evening, to a soclal hop. -Mr. John difference an the other. It accounts for this Wilford, Who attended�l the Orange Grand objections of the city authorities. !Such an 1Lodge at Petrolia, last eek,"waa elected to 0,pparent indifference -upon the supposition iavm-ion Ion the right of local Salf-govern- the offic6 1 of Percept for the BI ; ack that thoseaffected injuriously by Protec. ment is not jo be tolerated. . Tlhe t He is an 1 'r nights. acUvo Orangeman and inciple Df clemarcation between' Federjel tion havel faith in their representatives that pr ound to rise to the t dinunicipal authority is to be is _�p:-Rev. Mr., Pen - an found I �n h%t I and Rev. Mr. McNair, of Dungannon, t -iey will'stand true to their profesEed con- the separation of the Iong-di,;titice a act pulpits on Rev. d victions pf half a century, and not only inter-proviaoial telephone b I ex hang, §unday last. usi�ess- a M . McWMr gave two ane sermons, dealing trunk -line operationp�frorn withstand the assaults being made upon. thole of i a wi h thl educationO, question. -:-.Mrs. th= by the ProteotioLiits, hut that they purely lo�%l nature. It is proper �nd ne ce 3- Proctor a4d daughters 81ttanded the wedding Sary thatl the telephone trunk lines should of their'a cle, in Belgra.Ve, last Wed n�iesday*,. will fulfil thess pledges which they made be under �1 Federal control. ' it i, equally M sars. aton and She.�rington intend �ad- be!ore bLiOg placed in power, and put in proper th'at the city council shoult bOnti6l d aging I meeting her ."a 'next Tuesday even - the erection of poles and wiree and the , operation the principles they have so long in , in he interests �! of fruit -growing. constructionof subways for -urely locall-M sers. ndrewSlcanond Frank Metcalfe an I so earnestly advocated when the oppor- telephqui,p communication. Ta e�uggestic n ��t t . t. There is no doubt tuie time comep. The Herald. &179 notes, that af ar also going o assis c tizen who discovers la 'tolephone bu what ��Ibdre will be large crowd, as all lineman neroacbiag on his bohleiv w th unfeigned disapproval, the utterances ard and 'th3 speakers understa�fid thoroughly the of some of the supporters of the Government, cutting the tops off his shade trees must go! of the various �inds of fruit. There tothe Privy Council at Ottawa, fo� redress gr)wll)g who, since their party has come into p:)wer, ia x1so promised a mutiical programme in :1 is too abqurd to require argurneqt. INI r. cc inectioi ! i, �,-o no person, should miss it, as' have becorre recreant Lo their former pro- Fitzpatrick, we are Sure, does dot �xpect to ev ry person is inferest6d in fruit, it. not i teased principles, and are now advocating control pi�oblems of that sort Ir m the De'- 0 growing, in the eat ite a nun - th tbg.-Qu thatvhich they formerlyso strongly coa- Partment,of Justice. bei of the, Blyth Epwor�h League 4ccepte i demned. It concludes, its arLicle as follows, This is,� simply, the history of th4 railways thiinvitaltionof Lond4sboro, on Tuesday ani it would be well if some of those weak. being rep�ated. Some years., ago 1 the Do. o4ning, ��but on aoco*nt of the storm F minion, u1nder the same p e0ithef there were not 9 many as woul I w kneed Reformers, who are now squinting so a ae, Q over otherwise, have gone. Those who wet t strongly toward a protective, policy, would the control of the railway� of the' country ce�tainly were. well pai& for their Uip, as cut this extract out and paste it in the and it is t�ince then that a J�� the exai` erating thdy all had a most enj4yable time ard in. I . ep crown of their hate. The Herald says encroachments on the riglkts of th munici. teid inviting their . LobdF-sboro frierids up he'e in the near futurel�*-The Blyth floqr alities and the publi�., ofl which qomplaiDt To miaiters who have been bombarded P mills intend making thoir first Shipment I for months with the viaws of manufactur is now being so justl d h ve bee n floir, the begini ers y ina a, iing of 4ext week, to Q)a i-6 w6uld proba:)Iy be an agreeable vAriation legalised. JVbat the Globe says atiout To. bet'.. --Mr. and Mrs, Isaac Brown returne 0� 4- w 40 _ Y, ri. or 4 leol 0 es 7 7� MARCH 2 1 1 1902 �URON EXP SITOR. from beir wedding trip Monday venitig. - oomm] ttee. We had no idea thcU:pro%erty H'S'LEADING SHOE ST RE. Mlpi,' oseph Irwin, who has been viai ing was so valuable in our little illage, an we r a I as in Brampton f or the pie six =ks, Ancer 31y regret that we are not property e retur ad home Monday eveaing.-Hirvey owners. We trust the com ittee, will be his 'M Citig ton, ho has been employed in Lack. able to make some satisfactor, r arrauge*nt. _V01ed by I jj� Our Lucknow Stock And R, now or the past few months, is ab present it it o)mes to the worst, the 3ommititee can vort - 'g=day i asil visit -i ig hie -elations in town, bef 3re leaving purchase ground in a suitabl( place;and; get for th'ie wee , where he has secured a good power from the auth6rities -t) sell the�bal- Has arrived, and, as we are greatly handicapped foT ro m, !we hae D h 'jewelry store of Mr. Ma- &nee c f the village property c ff, and lr� this o bee'a v'41' iar: io atone time was owelor for fricient, funds to pay for the cided to dispose of it in short order by means of a way r dee on ed w h*r -1 a ello awl grouno for the scalet,.-On Wedn6i9day r. but who is at present doing a )6t I!,ag- b0a 9 ago - out west. -A a of - night;1 owing to lack of water, the eleo'tiio I r bush other BIG CLEARING SA E's B y youag ladies, Miss Eli4a Tatnan, ight as not running, whicb�l with the foar- as nited in the happy boads of matri- ing of the escaping water through the broken -T etaly 105 -oil - on.. last Wednesday afternicon, at. her dam, land the Egyptain d 'Anese of th -he al. OomMen,:Wng Saturday,11 Marchi 22n -d. fF th4 r's residence, bjy Rev. Mr. Peuball, to night,!, our little village woreik very di�m h . William James, a pr 9 appea�ranoe. - M�iex W. Munr a has retu�rned i tool ogres dve oun AL A, A, for farm)r, w10 has rented Charles H10wo'd . to Milverton. -A magic lant rn lecture� an- firm, whic i he intends moving on at once. titledi "Here and there in Scotland," Will be This sto, was bought at a low rate on the dollar, and -CG.Asisis of $2,000 UU90#" ]a Ere visiting given! by Rev. in th t -agent the happy coupW it. S. G.'An argon, 'An a footwear, the product of such wellkn -8 all On in Friday p 9, near xham.-We reab%rian church, Friday enitig. worth o Seasonable WU firm r. amets: parent . 2 '? M Macready & Co., Dayfoot & Co. anc Marles A ope to see i a�e sorry t state that the Rev. If. B. Tty- drew iller, of Morrisbank, as- rented !his 4T. D. _1�ing & Co., a -i I r, 16 reti.ed Presbyterian mi later, who farm.to J. D. M iller, and wil I shortly move The entire stock must be old in 30 days an I prices like Ahrens & 00. I b age. -Mrs, S. our r Will do it srace m)ved Intotown, is at tiresent very to his residence in this vi' i these tick,'vith )ut slight hopes of recovery. Play rd, of Toronto, is the guest of i� her I %dies' Oxford shoes, King's make. regular price 8140, for 75,3 a pair. t 11 Mr. and Mrs.J. Staflord.-R. Black -1 pareri a and 11.75, for $1 a pair. ]'%dies' buttoned or laced boots, King's make, regular, price $1.50 spentl a few days last week ; n Toronto, on Clinton. Girls' buttone or laced boots, regular price $1.25 and $1.50, for 7Bc arild $1 a pair. I -buainw -Mrs. Babb of I eciawater, and ; I Ti E NY, v WESLE'y Onuitom-On Sun- Idea's laced b(oto-, regular price 51.75, for $1 a pair., dayl 9,jh i at., the congreg-atioi , whicii 'for Miss JAnderson, of Bly tb, were the guest a of chance of buying your Spring shoes at le6 I miss "Us st week.- -A second vote, Don't n iss this an whol-esae f6rt -five ears has worshipped! n the Rat. , ry Miller Is . I taken in the Presbyterian c iurch, on Sun-'. ces. 00me early in the day if possilAre, to avoi the aftern3o.n rash. —34r-' pri toub iry at eat MethodiA churel , celebrated day, decided, by a large ma- oriby, in favor *Afqrths b" the i penin af't6eir new churoh. the Wesley of having an organ placed in the church. chnr 3h, hich has just been completod. SON, S ILLIS & ifth �'ne huro is a handsome brick adifioe,- and k As i &I onu ent to the gen6toBU5 and liber- 00iistance. vxtanjiv� b! I a alit3 of th congregation. The edifice cost M sERY. -The ricbeg I and grandest easals, whicL have been going the rpunds, Irishtown. The panegy�ic On St. Patrick Ll as at& displ y of the season of 8 ivg Millinery Northgraves, I WWI an, i4 W rieighborhood of $1" 000, nd tbii has d with, which many of the grown-ups have by Father admirable ad rather a severe tassel, are getting �at- discourse and was liaten?d'ti) with close st- ql I an p vided for except S2,000. The ill I a at The E. McFaul o.'s Store, Sea- and no� �hui.h Dioper will comfortably seat 460,, W t, er, still many new 6nes are daily coming tention by all'present. *hie iu;ludes a seating, of 140 ia the gal-' for ri on Wednesday and T1 ursday, March ndertheirgrip.-Miss Bells, MoLean,'WhO THE L 9 a 11gelntlits for tued for, t,-0 26 th nd 27th. Note thetime Eo es to favor l0ry and the choir chancel commodatips ome time has been in Clinton, is now qm a them with your presence. They are your r s opening up a street tr here,en 35. IThe auditorium is s3atedabemi-oirculir ng under the parential roof, where she 16 crane 22 to Iriahtown a�e 0 atters of detail days to see and adrriire, and learn whit to bidi 1he W.� �nd ias Is coellent acoustic advantageri, the urposes stopping for some nme--Egg already under the- consilderEtioa of Reeve you he most becoming hat would coaf. AU done traction being suzh that no matter 1788-1 agono are now on the rounds, a sure sign Sadlier and the other eu erp rising members in whei a a hearer may be he in not far from the NCTES.-MiSS JUlia Shaw, of Seafortb, of spring -Messrs. Cooper Brothers, the of the council of Hibber . . Their plan fpres, )her. The opening servio a were con- past weei, disposed of a span of young action is'now under pro_� of elaboration. a sew was the guest of Miss Beila McCulla recent- ess � 1 duo A by Rev. J. W, Livingatm, a foi-mor ly.-Mr. and Mrs. J. McGrcgor have gone horses to Messrp. Archibald & Cadmore, of Owing to the heavy gra4e at the G. T. R. goo( _109 a favor �aslbr of the congregation, and president of to C1 nton to reside. Mt. ,-Gregor has eaforth.- r. John Strong, of the second crosting west of I161sh'to it was deemed Riltron proh bj�. 6e 'Lond n conference. Special and ap- conceesion Tuckersmith, has a sale of stock inexpedient by the Fed( ral Government two gone to take charge,of the butter,.factory 40paa�e pol tit prou'riate music was furnished at each diet here. We are sorry to lase such good this (Frilay) afternoon. Mr. Strong has erect a letter -bag oacciftZg rat at that . I rahir, by a large and well t allied chcir. t too much stock for the 4nantity of feed be point. When a fast - tra Ji is career' them citizens, but our best wiahes go with them - 'ox f o - or jit, a onday evening a splendid entertain- Es on hand. -Mr. Win. Cudmore is doing along over asteep grade thel crane attach to their new home. -Mrs, i!,. Andrew re- b is; of me was held. The opening 83rvioea were business at Alvinston. -Mr. Cudmore has to the mail car is liable 4 -ith(r to pass under of f Iniost impreasiM and i,3tere3tiDg nature turu d'on Saturday last, after vititing- Lon disposed of over 2,000 tons of hay since hill or amp over tbe� statiol ary a I ane, leaving of don I rends. -Mlrs. McEwen, of Leadbury, �ation. n 1wera,attended very large cogreg%- coming home from the old country last the local mail -bag ntou �he�. The moving violitio6i - -psi 1-b 0 EpeE Sunday here, the gues 5 of her tister, season. The oftener Mr. Cudmore goes to crane mst a roach the 9 ationary crane, Mrs. Campbell. -A large Scotch granite the old country, the more business he dLoeg, PIP 'a 9 for 'h i ta;l lines and Mon ment has been ordered and is to be on orizon t ot on lines that are What -effect %h' 0 ell for the enterprise of our Tuc kersmith arse d to the memory of th late John Me- which speaks oblique, or " sla-utingd! 3ul*.-, as one man Ing 100n,*t RITFRS' �NTD BUILDERS' ATTENTION,- MillAn, ex -M. P. -Some of Canadian Pao pie. -Building operations are put it. The placing of a Go tit crane buil-iing 0 e ations will 'going to be btisk in this v - the, ing Spri g is alinoFit here and peol'o attended the Epwort League liter. . icinity the coming 440yards east of jhozonvent On eon, commence. You will find its a the' cl I 4-trid. summer, by � the. present indications. There shortens the' Khig'h mail ioute some- ivit4l a full 6UPPI of, Beachville Lime, Iatb, Port- ary ntertainnicilt at Londoeboro on Mon- be and Colueb, AiB Y r M Paris, &c.. are ocil cheap. day evening last, and . othe took in the is no better evidence that we ara under the thing over 300 miles peva=, im, h� to tLonorg pr banner of go: d ti� Grand Trunk roadbed , the ..Pe�, site is ir Tog- 10ic ly give us a c. 11 stid geb oui lees before con rt at Seafor�h. All reporb a good Call l pur(huing elsewhcro.. R1 Cudmore & Sons, Hansall, : � . eve an we a ite or a ni a a the, 1788-18 tim -Miss NallPy McMichael ok the fl-ag station. antopi at the League Sanda' evening. The Dublin. ent at t le: y NA a _f 110 WIDL dd dnotbLr apring'ceasonbas opened and Lea Lie was also favoredwith a quartette. PERSO L few of wit I such an immense stock �ai The: E. Ma. Busy That expresses about all we have the promine eo let at vi eited Irishtown a M - and Mrs, Stanley, ipf Holmeaville, time to say --except to mention.our DUN- th at I Co. Seaforth, have, t6ey wilill be kept last Sundav r. eGinnis, Mr. �ver 'calling on friends in the village last us I basy, busy. They propose letting the ness. And our business;, just D -Ow is to re - a -Ich and April vi inds do all 'Ohe blowing, wee.. -Mr. John Parish, 'of Jamestown, mind you of the . grand exhibit of New and Miss Killora �d Mrs. DA epen Sunday last at the par�ntal gome here. Mesdames Devereux, Navl) and Bullard. he 7 --Will do the selling. The!e's no. other Spring Goods 'nd New Spring Millinery to - Mi a. D. VQrgUEon is -very ill at present. a le and the Misses. Dunn,. AcS.toy and Gunn, no i plam in that town for (_)arpeits, Lace James D.Ale, expe te ome -this be seen at our millinery openings on Wed- of-Seaforth ; Mr. -and Mies W illiams, _Di. attains Dress Goods, A1,11inery and is nesday and Thursday of Easter week. Oar week from Clinton -hospital, he havin gone and Mrs. Michb1l, Miss -1 MA lenns, Messre. Re dy-T -'Wear clothing. 1788 1 9 openings are'cidways appreciated by the fair tber sometime ago.-Miew Tot McGregor Woods, Canning, Jordan, McKenna and eall wbt CCIDE -T.'-Mrs. George Payne, who re- is vi iting friends in Godarich townah* eex or they would not draw Such crowds- O'Connell, of Dublin ; John :�and Mrs. .3jkto per iid ghter, Mra.1'James Mc- this eek.-Miss-Diake, of taffa, 6 visi 1P would they ? -The E. McFaul - Co., Sea, Downey, of -Mitchell,. Tbere were -many, b t' forth. 17881 'asrley� . LLLLLL )01 vell, at with a painful an� sierious ac- ing ra.-%R. Hotham. other visitors from a die anc- 'whose names 'id, �nt one day recentl She I had i i hO' Ink- NoTEs.-The concert was held here on we wereanable to procure. Y. ort une to slip and fall, breaki g a bone in Monday evenilrig, in. McKenna's hall, for the r As V arna. i8ii of a bell for the new Roman Catholic Flour,, r._ law, ier hip. she is over 80 year of i 6, the cef eld, - *Y I chur b. -M. Williams made a tri to Sea. Bru cc den t i a all the more s 3r i one. B4g�ins for Saturday and next week. P ATIS Pies. -Mr. W ey, 1 assessor Thirt. p L airs ladies' b on bocta, Pes 2J 3 and 8J, forth'on business since last issus�-Mlss NOTES. -Mr. William i rdoeh* of Stan- lies rn. ChEsh sthroep f uckelsrflibb, has completed bis ul r $1.76 and $2 g cds. for Stiper pikir; 30 pairs C&sh,of 8 isiting at Mr. and ley, received load df cattle last weak, abors for reg eaf6rth, is v it ainty of Pais - girls, aced boots, Size a 9 11 to 2, re0jular 81 to $1.15, for sad in tl�ie vi r Jhi i ye He gives us the fo lowt g inter. pair; 30 pair@ men's laced boots, all sizes, re- Mrp. John Quinsey's, of Logay.-Andrew which he puroba - r, $2,'for #1,25; 18 pairs xnen�'s dcrigola gaiter iByerl, of McKillop, has sold his farm to ley. Mr.M.Urdoch intendF ma -king them P, Ind 31st ng iril ormation,_ gleaned frcm the saEem- W gular r $2, for 11, eizea 6 and 7 only. The above are ready for the old co�ntry market. -Dr. ne: it roll, TherwAre 40,712 acrea in the 119mi, Louis Becker and has purchased the Huron stir I lbotel, where he intends to do a promisili Armstrong met with i tea 3mash up �per V 8 etock vi hich we must o1cai out at once. W. when �om�nrihip; and of this 37,250 acres are clear- 1 1788-1 9 u 11% bcob aivi shoes, Seaforth. jUlayergeed.. d. I The value of the real prc arty is $I,. trade, the chan to be made on May first. returning home on on� ay, He was driv- :1 a On 'a again it i necessary for us to an- y ing a younog 59,1660 ; personal property, $4, Tennas sale, conducted b and spirited animal, which took 75 ; taxable Mr. J. J. M 00 tm noun6eSpiog Millinery Openings. The E the: rail track, Olt 101) Inc me, 1,200. Persons rated as residents, A. H. Borman, auctioneer, turned out very fright atsometbing near waly ,3 ;c - hildren between the ages of 5 and McF01 Co., Seaforth, will hold tbeire on successfully. Tbe total receipts amounted to and - making a bolt, t4ey : nded in the 6-:404 ; between the ages of 12 and 16, 258, We� 'esday and Thursday, Mareh 26th and $1,000. Mr. Borman makes a tip top &uc. deep ditch on the road Icide, After s9me 27th Art is al ways shownin the hate they �n over 16 and under. 21, 18d tione6r and is bound to take the Iroad in the difficulty, the doctor and hoisa were rescued disp ay, and on thtse special days their a 'no he worse P74 male person3 between the ages Of 21 and near f utu re. -Miss Hattie Walker lef t b * re from their perilous posit . ion. ne t Touo5qTe 60. T a were 36 births ati!d 6 deaths itore will present the appearance of a 1,egu- on Tuesday for Seafortb; where she will be for their adventure,,. e 11 a a badly broken of the maiA lar fairy bugg Mr. an ng the year. There are 3, �72 acres of -land. Come and admire. All are for Home time with her -friend, Mrs. John y Alex. Mustrd: delivered a fine -flete absenoe: . i - U in Seaforth on Mbnday. -Alex. welcomeand none more so than yo -Are, 0q,dIand ; 389 of swamp and land, Muir.- eorge W. Simons has been on the gelding try prnts -horses.-Mr. Peter M- 1788 1 n 65% acres of, orchards and gardens. nick list ever since our last issue. . We hope handles some good -grade aaclinei No f he c eat and 22 or 11 pa M to be, a I ml 1. in the �in the business cirel' his week. -Rev. Walte JO`ffwtt� of Chal.- a are 3,005 a 'res of fall vi rEs.-Mr. John Hart �aa disposed of 1e will soon recover� as he is much missed Gregor also Neposed r of fine ones htei boilers. There are 2,809 days, statute hie b, ac)rsmith shop and business - i as of our village. t We quiote labor. There are 1,748 hors-es16,148 3&ttle'- villai a, � to Mr. E. A. Eph, d� Ay I mer, , who mer's church, London, peac r ad In he Pres - i Y . X I b erian church here I at abbatb. Mr. ,.6; 8 hog , and 675 Sheep. Tile population takeF possession n 0k. - The -4 price poun, I r frishtown. Yt lailry paid was $1,300. Mr. Hart purposes: go' Sawers conducted anni ereal y services for- ia X ur more than last year, biit there is 1nR Your speci I days a -re Wednesday and M . Moffatt in the city.�Thii spring we&*- zoIls. thoic o,: r medium - Jecrease of 86 in the adult; po�ulation. to Se ittle to res'ide. We are sorry to lose 'Thursday, Ma �-ch 26th and 27tb. Rement -as rb(re were ten more births tha a yeir Mr. d Mrs. Hart from out village, an they er,has disappeared abo F60 bar them, for i in � those days The E. MoFaul go thab if liar 11 ind two fewer deaths. Ther have made many friends during their two came, and -the old' ad a an in reaie , I Co., Seaforth, have their Spring Millinery 2,725 in the total value ;' t er --691. -yearef residence here. We wish them�' every come'in like a lamb it ill go out like f e. are iOpenings. T iere are some beautiful hat iouccess in their new home. -Mr. 'James I creations tbiseason and you can see -every- lion is likely to come tri: 0. thi a year. Prose mo a cattle than last Vehr ; 82mor horlea The pongee -of -n (fix 38 nore pigi-4, and 16A fewer sh( ep. Arm i t rong bs s been laid up with an attack , thing to beat advantage on these days. 1. o ii, you - of la grippe, but we are pleased to say that be trusted in, I 11HAT ()ULVERT.-P.ER ED 'Make it a point to join the- throngs of Stan�ev�-: he i. able' to be around again. -While FA OLD, a -.i been a T _RM -a tor -eid hi a aware the song -has ang all over millinery admirers. 17881 Mr. a sold theltownsbip of Tuokeremith by sorhe of the bringing his horses in from water that other H, Id be counc a a ilver!t at Mr. d ay, M�. ST.- PATR1yk1,-'8- CONCERT.�Tiae special his fine farm, on the 6con concession, to M wo illors that th r. James Keyes, of the Parr, line, 1 OINT-RE 07 icape from serious inj service, held ifi the Catholic church here, on -Mr. J_ames Aikenhea., f t)) same very little bu .rian a corner was far too lai ke 9nd that had i narrow as ury. Sunday evening, was attended by a con- Eirn. The farm, wi i -a or a of the beat in their Ider.4, i ,'-inch sewer pipe would have inswere He was kicked on the Shoulder and breast 0) a 3 d ig a pri" bhe�purpcae at a far le . as cost i Now thi by but,.foirtunately, no bones were gregation numbering from 675 to 700 people. the township, contai ��j'0 cres and has , on hi h 3r *a a ma Aer of opinion but Ue f , resbet of brokin.-Mr. A ' ew left for Pilob Mound, Thethree grg�d altars were ablaze with 100 it excellent buildings. The � pi ice padd I Was At vari. colored olive lights, similar tv those $6,575. Air. Aikenhead, possession next 140 fine4t iast week fairly settled the qq6tion. Now, Mamtoba, on Tuesday. We wish- bim a getsL the presei it culvert is not too I irge ' and if a safe "ourney and prosperity i . n his new that attracted7 so much attention last year, fall. undergra4s. 30 i rich t i le had been prib in i 6s place, the horn at the Jubilee services in Rome. f The air A 040 -OD SALE.-OnO, f th i beat sales ever trade -at 0"', IoW13shLjLp W ti at at Airs J. 22a - �fift wal,er would have overflowed t �Ie road, per- was rendolent with the arorna of cab flowers I held in this t 9 ; 31 Oaus*ng serious damage ;b the road. Kippen. and otted plants in bloom, and all the J. Cameron?ia, 4th conceoeicii it on T-ifesasy. --creamery *eo worsitlippere wore a sprig of green in honer A pair of two year old sold for M-.-, _rOIl8 f JL71 Ito-. Hay, Corn Conveyancer -while a pair of Le a months aemand,, �ixt h�� con il has certainly mad( no mistake D' missioner and of St Patricki At 4 o'clock an iirchestra, of &Ives! bir his in iter. But I thint the c6uncil willo�inortgagesand-deededrawniup. Moneyloaned n1nepiqees, including the "harp of old bronght$38. Theaepriloesare RX-peptionalp At 14 to I$ -- mad a mistake in the p -ice paid for at t6 loiVest rptes of 1piterest. 1740-tf ing but the animals *ere .'good lErin," began-& soul stirring march, dut ones. Other FlWaie a cul erts. They coat -too rich money. -ND FAR -At IMPLE. !which four sanads of boys,arrayed in black, animals and implements gold at good Priem ol doub they are lot by ten er, but the- T T. Me3lis takes this opportunity of thankin ISN ny customers and the pu )He gar cralli for all and searlet costumes, filed in. Tbomas Brown,,of Seaforth, was th; ue- We n drers are very few and parhaps combine his white, Yioleb I t He is again at hid post, attending to to the right and left of the sanctuary. tiolieer. a -ad he seems to havV the facul�y of To og Aherthat the have their 6 n price - in Pas 'I ore. RoNT0. y the i ts of ell in the way of p1bw and implement- With the precision of soldiers trained they, getting the big bids out of th, apeole. is now De he end, I think if the council would find repah g. A full Ane of all plow repaire; on hand. executed some intricate movements, an ingLrom e ibe mster cd and employ compethrit men to Ban( Tour implt mente in good time, so that he I t be out of humor in the busy im r -passing before the illumin. country qLari will e. All breaking and : a io, I he wo k, they could soon realize the ac- bugg j and wagon work will raceive the best atten- ated altars, they formed the letters " Vane Winthro�,. ieed time. U4 dost f one of these culve0s And thus tion i A all lincs of sualthing. A good stock of nesw Jean." The blendigg of so many colors NOTE.-,. -The many friendsf MK. George 'Most intereal in We 11 in to use the money. britNated to plow blways on band. A few bargains while they bl d agnificent kaleidoscope�. The Love will be sorry to hear df his very un- Pf the jobbii . a' . wit more economy. 4nd if 138b Iii 'second hand plows, iod plows, one horae !h �h, wi they gard I pi6vrs and iron harraws, all in good order. '=r, V". 71bert -McKeon, Was assisted fortunate accident, which occurred in Min- Allow qu voaIA ape d a few days lookin after this Noc ;-ip work tolerated. You will always find Tom y Rev. G. R. Northgraves and Rev. W. nescits, while working in the� lumber woocu. o o . i oft of w rk it would be wc �h I more to read fcr bu6ines:; at hi3 old aT. MHLLIS, 1 the�n tba a week of -canvassing before the Kipp 11. 1787-3 agarty. Th' Baer d oncert was one- of While loading logo, he n liome wa W41 Red clovoj%. el c alection a d be of more benefit to �the rate he very beat ver heard in this district. breisking his leg.�-Messrs. Kenny V0 to '$17 t NorEs.-John McGr6gor, of Tuckeramith, 'o adequately deactibe the blending and J. Pethick had'a�bee ou�ting wood one Y er zcwt. 1, pa ere.- N 013SEiWER. whc as on,a trip to the old country, with 6 voices, some NeSpaden is doi-09 a at i pment of homes, on Friday last r6turn- inter-blendiing: of '16 of them last week. -Mr. W. G. well trained, and all in perfect time and a rushinR bueip;ess w th 1118- hay pr.es#. ad tame. John much enjoyed his trip and ;une, to portray, their preciiion of attack, I During this last inorith he pleased a ve'rY Wroxeter.- loolislas if he fared well. As a result of �heir admirable phrasing and ihading, re- large number of, Itons Of hay and straw.- -G �VE AWAY. -An acei ent,'which John Bull's beef, heis Several pounds better 11indilig-one now of t he ripplig " foun- There are quite 4 number of tick peop le on are unchm 13 ca 6 nearly having a tragic enaing, occur. in WE ght.-The fipe, spriuls.weathar of the tains of the waters of life," now of the the list in and around this vicinity. WO ..pound �-d r§I he�nill dam, on Wediiei8day afte past week fixed up the roa Dust flying red'at t r- �hunders of the judgmnt day ; to !soon be re tored to their 100 13er 13 u describe hope they will 4 - P rimp. W ile some of the mill lbands were and tie bees and flies buzzi6g round in the ill this would require more Space than that usual healtb.-Mr. and MTa.' Miller filtend UvER1 0-( att riding to the gates,'a large Plock of ice midj of March ii rather an unusual occur- moving to Dabli' next *ek. 0 r1e fo bee me detached, and rushinul down the ran( 'r our fair Caftada.-Mr.and Afro. Osusdly reserved for your rustic reporter at swi t current with treinendous orce, carried Geor a O'Brien, of Hay, during the week, Ceptiontdiy 4wi,y a large portion of, the w)6d work of wam isiting at'the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tilere WAS I the datp, Two df the assistaus, Mr. Thd`�. R. B. McLean. Mr. O'Brien wag in Mani- Hemphill, sn, and Mr. C. Reise,J had a very toba I aet summer, and took up 480 acres of B1 Re bval� ale -ow-es(ape from losing land, for the Purpose of locating his son@.- -the exoc, ti allXjolag 0 nar.. thei lives. For 4 �unitely indeed-, for them, the top beam of Mr.[ Will Armstrong, who was 6ompelled to awaiting - lay big hammer aside for a tt-ne, through an J -the structure did not give at lh6 time and IN FULL SWIN -c I wttle Tel rif they were enabled to pull themselves up on accident, has again returned. to his post and tb The platform on which they'were work. 18.111AKing his hammer ring as usual. -Good men- are now getting Stationed in their 2ng -pt away. -y piece the -head of �ht I was ee Piece b acture gave way, and by night the go place i for the Summer months. No man, nly ab out 20 datir m re befOre relino 09 at 7c pe*g P CI od, who a able and willing to work, need go My$ 0 Vl I old Orn, t3at has stood the tea � for so many had i44 aFs, was gone' No wate' long ookiing for emploi-ment.-Mr. G e*orge Yt 11 force ever Stock must be reduced- before We ove. per iptou d.� McJC_ 6y, of the 4th concession of Tucker- lelined toc much or it to withstand, but it - - - - - - good - ol d not I Leeist the heavy ice, 1which was sndtb�, the past wisek, Fold his 50 acre farm led a'tinst it with terrificiforce. At Mr. Guy Colwell, of Tuckersmith. The PRICES THAT CANNOT BE DUPUCATED: 9 d y gobd- irr a of wrAing, the damage cannot be eati- price receive was $3,200,'which is consider- he ad, bu , it is feared it 'A ill. bi � ireiy heavy. ad a good figure. Notwithstanding the s double dress goods, to be sold at 15c A yard. p..er Black has arranged for atekin from the large emigration to the Northwest, farm F ce�nt all -wool dress goocls, 46 inch, to be sold 4t 39C !a va rd. S 14, ttic light power, so that M numerous prope ty in Huron county seems to be on eventy�two indh table linen, worth 50c, for 33c a -yard. umomers will be supplied as usual,. the ri a, whicligoes to. show that farmers Ten cen art muslin, beautifu, quality, for 7e a yafd. OTES.--John Harris, jr., let � for Carman, still ave faith in Ontalio for farming. i itoba, on Tuesda irig.-mial, �We h ve nob heard as yet where Mr. Mc- Eight pieces pure linen towelling for 5c a yard. y �, morn �15 t<) N1 H mphill is the guest of falatives in 'Ka iroposes making his new home, but Twsntv�five dozen gents' shirts, all -kiuds, white an(I colored, lo be -Sol at We 6 y our correppondent would ask Mr. McKay 9C t :6 iiston.-A. Sherrit, of Ddn�ford, V�c. eagh. -a county, is visiting his uncle, Jos come eph to take Horace Greeley's advice and G nts' an(I boys' caps, worth 40c, for 19c eacb. Zn. -.A., scale company was: ormed in the west.4--qMrs. R,,bprtThoib ho for some I � - Ont, for % I pson'17 wenty-five cant ladies' corseto, steel filled, bias 'cut, Etial,911t fr -coarse ge a couple of weeks ago, i. d a sat �f time �ais not been in her usal health, the 'procured frot Wilson Past �veek went to the Clinten hospital, ac a pair y Scales were In wherq She undervv�ent an Operation and, at la,,e cartains for 98c, $2.50 1 A Son Toronto. There was no ifficuity a�ce eurtains. for !$1.50. in ato extran e g the Sum of $2)5k ith Which to pro- la ecounts, was�dbing as. Well as could be 1:4'Big reductions for the next 20 days, I -do, IZA U.", the scales and to erect! a uildin to expected, conidefing'the critical operation. $4 g5 Mrs. Thompson's �many friends here will Hil heat prides paid for produce. plade their in. Bat now the c mpany are face to face with a dif4culty i h y *did not hope 3olon to Fee her home again, in much 6x a act to be called I upon t) encounter. . d healith.-Miss May Bell, the past 45 'mpr "' to D'(se parties havinj saitab' wee vieiting at the home of Mrs. Foot, on Miss yes h the scales could be ere not I.rn., and with other friends. Is, EAR-*OYD G t as disposed to aesist the com heir Bell returned borne during the week, hay. �en rprise. Talk 'about the the it)g enjoyed her vipit.-Those who have pob rising Suddenly last week, that is been busy the past two weeks making SEAPORTH11 syrup are now having a -lay off, on account he&vy 0 ibg to 5he way property we t up when. KBN'A§ CASH; gar BUTTER, EGGSs POTATOES TA -to the owner was approached y tl: e:acale of the sudden change to �cold weather.�Thq I r j� ti afo 7e 11 d ad 5 F—T! THE if a delegation of ten thonsani or so of ronto, refers equally to a ery other munid NEW ADVERTISEMENTS those who so long clamored for tAriffireform palilty in the Dominion itrid if Mr. Fitz. o the Parliame t.b�ildinga WrThengarobetween the parenthe- ost aft 3Y each would march up t vF I& ' and the telepliQue at ick's bill becomes -h the and put in a formal onei denotes 106a 11 a of the paper On whic objedtion t the,5� course advertisement wing found stem is removed from 12rovifileial to Do., now so strenuously. urged from t a ojposipg by oil eg tioo . could min I ion control, as the U, ftlng-D� MoReath--5 xUrnery 0 ra�ilways have bee t . and Son -4 quarter. Possibly suc-i a del Clesxing Sa e -P- Willis be organized. Bnt those wh oula Com- o �H Mdanery Openinir-WoRinnon and C3-6 -we *ill have another hi'g� and saucy moa- rhtto go quletl. about No More Smut, -I, V. Fear -6 pose io have the rig pon us f6m whose encroach. op y imposed U,� Mullett and G)-6 their affairs confide�t that, however slowly 4_4 Cild of Thanks t, 4, p -Thilty ]Days' Sale-2-0beeney and. Sinilay-­8 me ts there will be I circumstances may oblige them �to gp, how� praltically, no redress Bull for Stle-John Elder --b rdful they may feel theinselvea &0tr Holid wui. Somerville -5 Sys— SpilngTerm.-W. ff. Sha%Y-6 over 2e'd to be for the security o� ilittr. he Ottawa dorrespo f the Toronto constrai Bull for S(rvice -H. colclousch m, min- GlJbe of Thursday, aunkiiinces the appoint. Ste est�blished under the old ayate' i r CAR Feede 9, oto-S-Ruld and WI'83u--8 raters wi yet direct leghlatiun 'in �eepiug I Rotice-J. 0. xorrlson-5 meat of Hon. J, T.'Gar�qw, of Goderiob to L quarter of FM fcr Fatchlng--W. L lftLaren-5 with the professions of f a cent - To Gardeners -G. N. Kirg--8 ury. The people have the tight tot'depena the vacancy on the b4ch of ibe Ontario A it*� Millinery Opilittig-E. MuFaul co­�S upon the integrity of the w&tchme Coiort of Appeal oe�ueed ��y the death of the 61_1 in the i-1, Sptiug Goods -Reid &ad Wilion-S t will continue tb so do. Grogan Talkq Business -R. and MaInni" gate, and no daub Mr. J:uatice Lister. been late Pend. ab all events until ther y openioir--Win, Pickard and Co -8 0 hag Dish Cloth SO&P-8 de 0 1 given some Eign that, their cong n'd isill- Btrgaln"-W. H. Willis --S bestowed. AWtirn Sale -J. L. Killoran -511 Avotion S.ilo—Johrt McConnelt-5 Notwithstanding the apparentl� �Misa Beta uug, of Sea QonfiA f orth is OTES, M. Ba!dwia-8 ent talk of a comin, increase in the tat il opa Spring Add -G. Iff 9 th guest 6f M ra. R. H. Collins this week. -own er�e Sale of Fonny Artiofe%�Ladies'Ald-g rates, we believe it will be clearly sfi un �it Harold Jarvi&Coucork-3­8 he fuiieral of Mrs. 81rah Ann Hill, wife long that attitude -�f t�riff r Notice td�Dcbtors_q, Mullett -8 this normal 0 - of Ar.. George Hill, took place to the Eke ter Piano Tuning etc -2-0. M. Baldwin C" A formerstowards the ministry arecoinpletely cei ietery �n Monday, alia, having died at1er Builders' Attention -R. Cudmoire and Sons. S justified. There are Liberal. imerkibers. of Clocks,, Jewelry, F. DalY-8 hone herp on Sxturda 1�,, aged 66 years. - Change of D"Acm--J. W. Beattle-8 Parliament, however, who i�ava, fefib, tbbn�- ho we b to Mexico some It MI. W. Yeo, who we selves open to a less favorable jddgafent. m'Onths ag'o'to seek rest ad b ealth, returned S io perhaps, not astonishing that for - some Monctay in a ve weak 'condition - on or unwisdbm of a I t blio men the wiedom -bere of T ree yoong men nam Kirk, mem P�' jut be d ker by an line of policy is to el giv a family 6f trappers in in xater Worth, were of 109 its seeming utility as a mean be re agistrateb. Sri�ll and Gregory on power or a continuance of power. 1, orn 1�1 f T eaday charg�d with having robbed a JA WAFORTR, FRIDAY, March2lat, 1902 S these aver just now that the L�uri r th(slilie. They were defended by Bar - try must go in for a protective tari , ifthey tahbuiy, who supceeded in' couvino- di South Huron Reform Convention. would reti-in power. But Suppose hey di i.�tlrh.8 j,,ti... that hio clients were inno- cefit of what would be that poWer? Powbr to -Jamee H. Grieve has Liberal I tho offence. Mr. Fred Ress, sr., who was the ' for d things they have oondrinned oqher*. I ta ff - an thei position of tr� veller for a London the LegiRlalture, ing 9 Po er to give the Ii *a to' 'tb�' prof - nominee in Soath Huron for w Cc p Company-, but wilf: still make Exeter the capdidature on siona by wHch they obtatned the confiJan�e having withdrawn from hii i home. -Mlek are. Hindford and Elliott to act in cpntradin. of the, pzjople ? Power f ill health, a convention will be shpped alcsr load of h�rses on Tuesday'.- siccount o tion of the. principleti in which thef ia thex The Sutherland -Innes 8 ave works are fun - held at Reneall, on Saturday, March 29th, Jampbe hearts believe? Power to set an a if ning agaiv.-Miss Edit Beers, of Smallman U Bit 10 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of re- unblushing perfidy to all politiqans wl o -1 1 � __ 17' &Jngram 4 m, London, w a home on Sunday, :4 a selecting another may com 'a after them ? Surely tNis is n, it oeiving his reaignatian, ad anlearig a solo very,,� acceptably, at the desired. To retain power on such cbndiLiG�9 vice, at AGia street Methodist candidate I everling Bel dignity of otar demo- Altl, I] U T i J W church. tk'-p - .1 � i tend the ould be to reduce the I Meetings to select delegates to at eratic iestitutions to the level of tl�.e syslte�m A SAD �AFFAIR.-A ivery. sad occurrence vention shoald' be held in each polling under 74ich klFgs changed their T�ini3ker's, (ion startled 6e village 0 1 S aday nioruing, ies, or both, on a peraonP Thurad or their po 10 -1 if iabdivision in the riding on ay) �at u av to, and when it was reported t one of Exeter's 4 i �'I I - -him or on the demand ',of a f or i citizens Oldest and most highly respected Uarch 27th,, at such time and place as may where the only issue was'the pa�SsWg of the *0 fou nd in a dying oI;4iiq'ition on his own ba. designated by the chairman of the divis perquie,,it a from one set to another. We Wi' premises., Iliam 0. Howard, a mason by -he �V: trade, was well-to-do, Of excellent reputa- ion. The representation of delegates at the have notpunk to that level. even laf ter t Three dele orgies ofthe pariod horn 1878 to' 1896." tion andia I.eading mbmber of the Main oonVention will be as. follows street Met �h­ �i h, but of late his ho,diBt urp. gates for the first fifty voters upon. the last 8ession-1: nervous syatern has been sho4ing signs of The Last S:il xrenaed voterb' list for the election of _n undor a. breaking up, and he! has bee The last eeasion of the &eFeiat �egialati 'a w--mbers for the Legislative Assembly and -pbysiolari'a treatmenty, but no indication ISO about fi 0 arm was broughu to ai clo al fif ty or was given that he contemplated the act one delegate for each addition g, 661 membors is life c4 Sunday morning. o'clock lost Saturday evonin which cnded h 4 1 fraotion thereof, provided said fraction is not I �4.d a with 1his family as usual, . � A ­ 4 _g - less than twenty-five. joining i a singing "Auld L%Dg qyno " and He had breakfa t 9 t6i­ a d theniwent to thes�able. As.he did'not formal the National Autbem. Thp 9 prore a return when expeoted,'ihis wife went but, id 'not take -A )n pr I ceedinas' however, di blood on the floor Thb Dominion Parliament, ti 0 :but only to 6 od pools There wi 1,. a hat 0 unfortunate victim place until Monday afternoor nd evidences t The �rincipal feature in the Dominion faces in tie was in the loft above. 0 She at once sum no doubt, be a good many new ]Parliamedt during Cie past week was igh life was,not -the ed assistance, but,Ahou mon to 1rdin Hoi�ard died in a few y delivery of the Budget apeech, on, Monda new legislature, and some went i ut yetextinct, Mr. Sacred precincts of the legiala�ive cha -st4ined Fickle thereon the minutes,, A blood showed last, and the sub2cqufavl- debate e i which the deceased a �,ur aye, Dre to r6- the peon hir�manri r Xr. Fielding has been a remarkably fortun. bar, o S t d venina, never turn to id as M. P. P's. But ,inch i� life, and sought dd4th., He wa% in his 57th year, and oi'e Finance Miuister, and has had plain and leaves a wife, one son 4nd three daughters. ical w ild. me.of particularly life in the polit The funeral, on. TtieAay, was largely, at- P�Ieasant sailing in comparison with so The ses�ivn *just closed. was' a �usy b a, tended. The Iridepeiident Order of Odd. his predecessors, He has, year after yeb6r, y so daring the past few dalk. fellows of,,Wbich he w*s a member, followed congratulate., the coun- and especiall b3en in a position t The. measure which, perhaps� or ated the the remains, and took pharge of the service try on a buoyaut revenue and a. eurplus,year t the grave. moat iaterest in the country. aqd the least 1�jy yeai growing larger, while bi.a predeceE ure ie sore 0 a rug With, a receding I Ui _- -�;- x - Bly�h- The bill and its a6companyiDg is,ons for a i I NOTES and an annual a7d growing deficit. wa '' Mr�a. Richard Somers, who is had t ' t gl reviynue disoussiob in the Leg*s�'aL t liquor pro ter brother, Mr. referendum vote on thel Uh, b acemv, salient feature of the speech was a stgte. visiting -Murdoch Camp. mant that there will be no changes in the This measure was ficialily P as bell, of Seaforthi; hadl: the misfortune last till after the Inter3olon- Government had introduced it.' Sev week, while coming ddWn the stairs I to slip t%riff this year, fio and break a couple ol ribl, also to bruise t ridments were pr(-p:,ied, �ut Ifailed ;o isl Conference, to take place after the amc- herself ia�otber places.! We ire glad to! re - 0 receive the as -.eat of the House,� an�4 the b 11 emony. It was 6,als port, however, that sho is now as easy as Kings coronation car as made law on a straight p:Lrty� vote, e c. can be expected. -M r. �Robert Douglat. who gintiouncedthaI the estimated surplus for W arter NL I r.' voted with Oe Go i- has rd"a a blacksmith shop here for the last the current year amounts to 85 800,000,with CePt that anted : his 25 years has retired' having r an addition to the debt of $6,000,000. This ernment. -Oa the bill gran"ing � nearly a shop to 1�r T Pollock', a young man from Idies Hanfryn,' half million of dollars in rktilwa' hq: we hal no doubt, will make ar as y;subs i!s a, very Satisfactory showing in so f is 3. Mr. I the surplus is concerned, but it would be the Oppmition leader was deserted by fo r a success of the busin )ouglaa in� to his tends deVoLing L all hlii attention. �T 1 *ery much more Satisfactory if the anotince- of hia followers, who voted withi th� gover - I grboery and bakery b sineas, intending to ment because, p3rhays, their cona�ita i0ent had been made that the surplus won d enci a i make it more of a gueyess than' ever. -Mr. 13 tie be u%ed to reduce the existing debt. Mr. are interested, more or Its i, in or�e * of t C.,Campbell, who held, a responsible poei. Borden, t�e leader of the OpposiCion, re- schemes to be aided. The ratific 'Ition of a tion in Mr. MeBeath'4 store here for �the a half, I It Monday morning ated 8 mc t past yeat .0lied to for Lind r. Fieldirg, and announced that pulp z wood concession ore �Say, where he has secured a good id Inent would be moved, bat he did breezy discussioa of the sessi D. M r. an ameE situ'ation: 'in the dress poods department, of Whitney ciharactexized the: . transactio Mr. Sutcliffo a large dr r goods store. ria not hint a� to the tenor of , it, except in ao buti t�e Ho e will be greatly missed Jn social and musical far as his remarks might indicate,, The. gigantic public robbery," u circles, in . which he aken! aA ratified it on a straight party ivo6, Iax 4as always t di&CUSEiOn is still unfinished, and N -ill,' b cept ;pro active part. He h*s' been Is prominent that ably continue for several days. Mr. MartEr thii time both spoke'and membervf lIs choir for yea'ra, and St. Andre voted in favor of the Governtritntl'ineasure. was always ready to ;vo a helping hand in 9 His let a number of friends Sound Doctrine. The amendments to the miniopal law concert work. J 'ill greatly miss him, Pat the beat %ishea nId Unimporiant, and w The Montreal Herald, whiah by the way, this session are few of all gb with him'to his new home. -Mr. 7 ia naw,ond of the moat ably conducted Lib. the same may be said of the' assessment John Babkirk, who 44a been workingl in oral journals in Canada, is sound on the taw. It.i3 the intention, if tha lGo'vernmexit Exeter for the past six:imonths. was visitling old fLiends in town this week, before leaving �rade question. It, is no equinter after Pro. are returned to power, to thordu(ghlv revol�_ In a very able article in a recent tioniza the aEs-siment law, taking the re- for Galtj where he haa.Aecured a good steady �el-tion. position. -Friday of last week was our- Iaat issue, it refers in very Sensible terms to the port of the Assessment Commki'asion, which horse fair of the season1land ag the roads had rasponsibilities which inuat necessarily rest was recently completed, as a basis. Tfai:�'s dried up.; there was a IiiIrge crowd in town Up -)n the Government in a matter of this a work which is much needed. and can t and quite �& number ch�nged handr. With - d 7 I out a doubt, there havAN been larger crowds kin.l. No matter how firmly they may be attended to too abov. Ila at these tairs this ye�r than ever before, ve been pledged to tat iff reform while in In so far as the atanding of the rties arp which certainly ought Pa 1 11 0 be an incentive for op osition, or how anxious they may be to concerned. and judging from outside the officers to continue 16hem another year. - in tagurate their� policy when they - come in� view, we �hould say that honors 4re abou t Miss Kate Foy, separa�e school teacber, of Samforth, was visitirig her aunt, Mrs. ti office,. they must, in the interest of the ea3y. The Government have, Bit I�ast, held Charles Hamilton, over�iSunday._-.Dr. Milne, cc intry and the public good, take due re. their QW11, and the Opposition hav� made no who inte n -de erecting a 1 . ne office and drug gakrd to the situation as they founi it when gaim. The "free and indepeadI6nt " wi store on the stand whi he has cc I cupied as they came into, office. To make revolution. have thei� innings now . very shortly, prol an office, has removed I is stock of drugs,. bte., to the book storO. and -has workmen 4ry changes which might injure or cripplc ably about the 5th of June, I I I employed tearing doWri the old ;building. Important manufacturing industries waich He intends erecting a lt�ndsome. building as hid been built up largely by a protective A Dangerou MI.': soon as possible. -Mrn. il&. M.'Babb, of Tees - S lis�ring her parents in system, no mat -ter how heavily that System water, is at present v The Toronto Globe makes the if'ollowiD6 town.-Nliss A. M. Anderson,'wbo was be irs upon the country, would not be the timelyau,l pertinent ref visiting in Teeswater fo'� the past week, has part of wise statesman ship, nor - would it eirence to a lbi�l returned 'home. -�-Tha inilliners are -all back I which hmel, been i-atroduced into 'the Domio. to town,land busily e�bgaged gett , ing their popularize the general policy'of the party, ion Parliament by Mr. Fitzpabri* kliniatf�r various places ready foril� the spring opening. which the Government- have been pledged as, returned to carry oat, with the people. Such char 0! Juqt*ce If it i3 as ther Globe ' %s&ys' it s -Mr. William Bell, who was out west with 9,313 legislatlio� of the most dangerous hind, and hors home gaturday and reliorta as maybe made must be made gradually the west �Iutted with I- horses. -There was being introduced and supported an I with due regard to the welfare of all ,�M a me"t- theusual�number of goung fdllow3 drove nt, there is',g :i ber of the�Governme &ve da�- into our v Ilage from on�side places on �un- coacerned, and in such a manner as to ac, day. A couple of them).' from Senforth :got ger of its �econxing taw if not. �,igorousl�y c.omplish the most good and the least harm. protested agatimt. The Globe sayq rather bols.'erom, so Cc stable Barr thought It also points out the immense p,,ecsure that the beat place for them 1would be the Jock- -r. Fitzpatrick is propasiri a� 0,',tawa u in r. h!iah they were. kept till evening. tel� p) Is being brought upon the Government by to declare. the operations of phpue cl- There is no dovbb bat.' that our constable ti`ie manufacturing and favored inatituticils, panies " works for the general benefi6 f , ans business, as out.4. me lers will. certainly f they come here not only1to, maintain the preeent, #rotective Canada." This will involve the a'ttlemeilt find out to their Sorrowi 1 0 of all que tions re,'garding the � er�ctl-ad 'f po'icy intact, bat to materi%lly increase the on on the Sabbath and cari��, on the. way -they t e on poles and stringing of b . Iffire . have Peed'in the habit olf doing in the past. - protection already afforded. And while this t a -'riv Council of Canad e" Alderma. Sothera and Wife entertained the U T�der t le pg brought to bear on the one a�ell pho e thimble club and their fti(nds, last Wednes- premure is bei,� rovitions of the act the af le, it p,,iqtg out the apparent laxity o . r in- Company could plant poles and string wire a d on every street in Toront6in, deflahce of tf a ay evening, to a soclal hop. -Mr. John difference an the other. It accounts for this Wilford, Who attended�l the Orange Grand objections of the city authorities. !Such an 1Lodge at Petrolia, last eek,"waa elected to 0,pparent indifference -upon the supposition iavm-ion Ion the right of local Salf-govern- the offic6 1 of Percept for the BI ; ack that thoseaffected injuriously by Protec. ment is not jo be tolerated. . Tlhe t He is an 1 'r nights. acUvo Orangeman and inciple Df clemarcation between' Federjel tion havel faith in their representatives that pr ound to rise to the t dinunicipal authority is to be is _�p:-Rev. Mr., Pen - an found I �n h%t I and Rev. Mr. McNair, of Dungannon, t -iey will'stand true to their profesEed con- the separation of the Iong-di,;titice a act pulpits on Rev. d victions pf half a century, and not only inter-proviaoial telephone b I ex hang, §unday last. usi�ess- a M . McWMr gave two ane sermons, dealing trunk -line operationp�frorn withstand the assaults being made upon. thole of i a wi h thl educationO, question. -:-.Mrs. th= by the ProteotioLiits, hut that they purely lo�%l nature. It is proper �nd ne ce 3- Proctor a4d daughters 81ttanded the wedding Sary thatl the telephone trunk lines should of their'a cle, in Belgra.Ve, last Wed n�iesday*,. will fulfil thess pledges which they made be under �1 Federal control. ' it i, equally M sars. aton and She.�rington intend �ad- be!ore bLiOg placed in power, and put in proper th'at the city council shoult bOnti6l d aging I meeting her ."a 'next Tuesday even - the erection of poles and wiree and the , operation the principles they have so long in , in he interests �! of fruit -growing. constructionof subways for -urely locall-M sers. ndrewSlcanond Frank Metcalfe an I so earnestly advocated when the oppor- telephqui,p communication. Ta e�uggestic n ��t t . t. There is no doubt tuie time comep. The Herald. &179 notes, that af ar also going o assis c tizen who discovers la 'tolephone bu what ��Ibdre will be large crowd, as all lineman neroacbiag on his bohleiv w th unfeigned disapproval, the utterances ard and 'th3 speakers understa�fid thoroughly the of some of the supporters of the Government, cutting the tops off his shade trees must go! of the various �inds of fruit. There tothe Privy Council at Ottawa, fo� redress gr)wll)g who, since their party has come into p:)wer, ia x1so promised a mutiical programme in :1 is too abqurd to require argurneqt. INI r. cc inectioi ! i, �,-o no person, should miss it, as' have becorre recreant Lo their former pro- Fitzpatrick, we are Sure, does dot �xpect to ev ry person is inferest6d in fruit, it. not i teased principles, and are now advocating control pi�oblems of that sort Ir m the De'- 0 growing, in the eat ite a nun - th tbg.-Qu thatvhich they formerlyso strongly coa- Partment,of Justice. bei of the, Blyth Epwor�h League 4ccepte i demned. It concludes, its arLicle as follows, This is,� simply, the history of th4 railways thiinvitaltionof Lond4sboro, on Tuesday ani it would be well if some of those weak. being rep�ated. Some years., ago 1 the Do. o4ning, ��but on aoco*nt of the storm F minion, u1nder the same p e0ithef there were not 9 many as woul I w kneed Reformers, who are now squinting so a ae, Q over otherwise, have gone. Those who wet t strongly toward a protective, policy, would the control of the railway� of the' country ce�tainly were. well pai& for their Uip, as cut this extract out and paste it in the and it is t�ince then that a J�� the exai` erating thdy all had a most enj4yable time ard in. I . ep crown of their hate. The Herald says encroachments on the riglkts of th munici. teid inviting their . LobdF-sboro frierids up he'e in the near futurel�*-The Blyth floqr alities and the publi�., ofl which qomplaiDt To miaiters who have been bombarded P mills intend making thoir first Shipment I for months with the viaws of manufactur is now being so justl d h ve bee n floir, the begini ers y ina a, iing of 4ext week, to Q)a i-6 w6uld proba:)Iy be an agreeable vAriation legalised. JVbat the Globe says atiout To. bet'.. --Mr. and Mrs, Isaac Brown returne 0� 4- w 40 _ Y, ri. or 4 leol 0 es 7 7� MARCH 2 1 1 1902 �URON EXP SITOR. from beir wedding trip Monday venitig. - oomm] ttee. We had no idea thcU:pro%erty H'S'LEADING SHOE ST RE. Mlpi,' oseph Irwin, who has been viai ing was so valuable in our little illage, an we r a I as in Brampton f or the pie six =ks, Ancer 31y regret that we are not property e retur ad home Monday eveaing.-Hirvey owners. We trust the com ittee, will be his 'M Citig ton, ho has been employed in Lack. able to make some satisfactor, r arrauge*nt. _V01ed by I jj� Our Lucknow Stock And R, now or the past few months, is ab present it it o)mes to the worst, the 3ommititee can vort - 'g=day i asil visit -i ig hie -elations in town, bef 3re leaving purchase ground in a suitabl( place;and; get for th'ie wee , where he has secured a good power from the auth6rities -t) sell the�bal- Has arrived, and, as we are greatly handicapped foT ro m, !we hae D h 'jewelry store of Mr. Ma- &nee c f the village property c ff, and lr� this o bee'a v'41' iar: io atone time was owelor for fricient, funds to pay for the cided to dispose of it in short order by means of a way r dee on ed w h*r -1 a ello awl grouno for the scalet,.-On Wedn6i9day r. but who is at present doing a )6t I!,ag- b0a 9 ago - out west. -A a of - night;1 owing to lack of water, the eleo'tiio I r bush other BIG CLEARING SA E's B y youag ladies, Miss Eli4a Tatnan, ight as not running, whicb�l with the foar- as nited in the happy boads of matri- ing of the escaping water through the broken -T etaly 105 -oil - on.. last Wednesday afternicon, at. her dam, land the Egyptain d 'Anese of th -he al. OomMen,:Wng Saturday,11 Marchi 22n -d. fF th4 r's residence, bjy Rev. Mr. Peuball, to night,!, our little village woreik very di�m h . William James, a pr 9 appea�ranoe. - M�iex W. Munr a has retu�rned i tool ogres dve oun AL A, A, for farm)r, w10 has rented Charles H10wo'd . to Milverton. -A magic lant rn lecture� an- firm, whic i he intends moving on at once. titledi "Here and there in Scotland," Will be This sto, was bought at a low rate on the dollar, and -CG.Asisis of $2,000 UU90#" ]a Ere visiting given! by Rev. in th t -agent the happy coupW it. S. G.'An argon, 'An a footwear, the product of such wellkn -8 all On in Friday p 9, near xham.-We reab%rian church, Friday enitig. worth o Seasonable WU firm r. amets: parent . 2 '? M Macready & Co., Dayfoot & Co. anc Marles A ope to see i a�e sorry t state that the Rev. If. B. Tty- drew iller, of Morrisbank, as- rented !his 4T. D. _1�ing & Co., a -i I r, 16 reti.ed Presbyterian mi later, who farm.to J. D. M iller, and wil I shortly move The entire stock must be old in 30 days an I prices like Ahrens & 00. I b age. -Mrs, S. our r Will do it srace m)ved Intotown, is at tiresent very to his residence in this vi' i these tick,'vith )ut slight hopes of recovery. Play rd, of Toronto, is the guest of i� her I %dies' Oxford shoes, King's make. regular price 8140, for 75,3 a pair. t 11 Mr. and Mrs.J. Staflord.-R. Black -1 pareri a and 11.75, for $1 a pair. ]'%dies' buttoned or laced boots, King's make, regular, price $1.50 spentl a few days last week ; n Toronto, on Clinton. Girls' buttone or laced boots, regular price $1.25 and $1.50, for 7Bc arild $1 a pair. I -buainw -Mrs. Babb of I eciawater, and ; I Ti E NY, v WESLE'y Onuitom-On Sun- Idea's laced b(oto-, regular price 51.75, for $1 a pair., dayl 9,jh i at., the congreg-atioi , whicii 'for Miss JAnderson, of Bly tb, were the guest a of chance of buying your Spring shoes at le6 I miss "Us st week.- -A second vote, Don't n iss this an whol-esae f6rt -five ears has worshipped! n the Rat. , ry Miller Is . I taken in the Presbyterian c iurch, on Sun-'. ces. 00me early in the day if possilAre, to avoi the aftern3o.n rash. —34r-' pri toub iry at eat MethodiA churel , celebrated day, decided, by a large ma- oriby, in favor *Afqrths b" the i penin af't6eir new churoh. the Wesley of having an organ placed in the church. chnr 3h, hich has just been completod. SON, S ILLIS & ifth �'ne huro is a handsome brick adifioe,- and k As i &I onu ent to the gen6toBU5 and liber- 00iistance. vxtanjiv� b! I a alit3 of th congregation. The edifice cost M sERY. -The ricbeg I and grandest easals, whicL have been going the rpunds, Irishtown. The panegy�ic On St. Patrick Ll as at& displ y of the season of 8 ivg Millinery Northgraves, I WWI an, i4 W rieighborhood of $1" 000, nd tbii has d with, which many of the grown-ups have by Father admirable ad rather a severe tassel, are getting �at- discourse and was liaten?d'ti) with close st- ql I an p vided for except S2,000. The ill I a at The E. McFaul o.'s Store, Sea- and no� �hui.h Dioper will comfortably seat 460,, W t, er, still many new 6nes are daily coming tention by all'present. *hie iu;ludes a seating, of 140 ia the gal-' for ri on Wednesday and T1 ursday, March ndertheirgrip.-Miss Bells, MoLean,'WhO THE L 9 a 11gelntlits for tued for, t,-0 26 th nd 27th. Note thetime Eo es to favor l0ry and the choir chancel commodatips ome time has been in Clinton, is now qm a them with your presence. They are your r s opening up a street tr here,en 35. IThe auditorium is s3atedabemi-oirculir ng under the parential roof, where she 16 crane 22 to Iriahtown a�e 0 atters of detail days to see and adrriire, and learn whit to bidi 1he W.� �nd ias Is coellent acoustic advantageri, the urposes stopping for some nme--Egg already under the- consilderEtioa of Reeve you he most becoming hat would coaf. AU done traction being suzh that no matter 1788-1 agono are now on the rounds, a sure sign Sadlier and the other eu erp rising members in whei a a hearer may be he in not far from the NCTES.-MiSS JUlia Shaw, of Seafortb, of spring -Messrs. Cooper Brothers, the of the council of Hibber . . Their plan fpres, )her. The opening servio a were con- past weei, disposed of a span of young action is'now under pro_� of elaboration. a sew was the guest of Miss Beila McCulla recent- ess � 1 duo A by Rev. J. W, Livingatm, a foi-mor ly.-Mr. and Mrs. J. McGrcgor have gone horses to Messrp. Archibald & Cadmore, of Owing to the heavy gra4e at the G. T. R. goo( _109 a favor �aslbr of the congregation, and president of to C1 nton to reside. Mt. ,-Gregor has eaforth.- r. John Strong, of the second crosting west of I161sh'to it was deemed Riltron proh bj�. 6e 'Lond n conference. Special and ap- conceesion Tuckersmith, has a sale of stock inexpedient by the Fed( ral Government two gone to take charge,of the butter,.factory 40paa�e pol tit prou'riate music was furnished at each diet here. We are sorry to lase such good this (Frilay) afternoon. Mr. Strong has erect a letter -bag oacciftZg rat at that . I rahir, by a large and well t allied chcir. t too much stock for the 4nantity of feed be point. When a fast - tra Ji is career' them citizens, but our best wiahes go with them - 'ox f o - or jit, a onday evening a splendid entertain- Es on hand. -Mr. Win. Cudmore is doing along over asteep grade thel crane attach to their new home. -Mrs, i!,. Andrew re- b is; of me was held. The opening 83rvioea were business at Alvinston. -Mr. Cudmore has to the mail car is liable 4 -ith(r to pass under of f Iniost impreasiM and i,3tere3tiDg nature turu d'on Saturday last, after vititing- Lon disposed of over 2,000 tons of hay since hill or amp over tbe� statiol ary a I ane, leaving of don I rends. -Mlrs. McEwen, of Leadbury, �ation. n 1wera,attended very large cogreg%- coming home from the old country last the local mail -bag ntou �he�. The moving violitio6i - -psi 1-b 0 EpeE Sunday here, the gues 5 of her tister, season. The oftener Mr. Cudmore goes to crane mst a roach the 9 ationary crane, Mrs. Campbell. -A large Scotch granite the old country, the more business he dLoeg, PIP 'a 9 for 'h i ta;l lines and Mon ment has been ordered and is to be on orizon t ot on lines that are What -effect %h' 0 ell for the enterprise of our Tuc kersmith arse d to the memory of th late John Me- which speaks oblique, or " sla-utingd! 3ul*.-, as one man Ing 100n,*t RITFRS' �NTD BUILDERS' ATTENTION,- MillAn, ex -M. P. -Some of Canadian Pao pie. -Building operations are put it. The placing of a Go tit crane buil-iing 0 e ations will 'going to be btisk in this v - the, ing Spri g is alinoFit here and peol'o attended the Epwort League liter. . icinity the coming 440yards east of jhozonvent On eon, commence. You will find its a the' cl I 4-trid. summer, by � the. present indications. There shortens the' Khig'h mail ioute some- ivit4l a full 6UPPI of, Beachville Lime, Iatb, Port- ary ntertainnicilt at Londoeboro on Mon- be and Colueb, AiB Y r M Paris, &c.. are ocil cheap. day evening last, and . othe took in the is no better evidence that we ara under the thing over 300 miles peva=, im, h� to tLonorg pr banner of go: d ti� Grand Trunk roadbed , the ..Pe�, site is ir Tog- 10ic ly give us a c. 11 stid geb oui lees before con rt at Seafor�h. All reporb a good Call l pur(huing elsewhcro.. R1 Cudmore & Sons, Hansall, : � . eve an we a ite or a ni a a the, 1788-18 tim -Miss NallPy McMichael ok the fl-ag station. antopi at the League Sanda' evening. The Dublin. ent at t le: y NA a _f 110 WIDL dd dnotbLr apring'ceasonbas opened and Lea Lie was also favoredwith a quartette. PERSO L few of wit I such an immense stock �ai The: E. Ma. Busy That expresses about all we have the promine eo let at vi eited Irishtown a M - and Mrs, Stanley, ipf Holmeaville, time to say --except to mention.our DUN- th at I Co. Seaforth, have, t6ey wilill be kept last Sundav r. eGinnis, Mr. �ver 'calling on friends in the village last us I basy, busy. They propose letting the ness. And our business;, just D -Ow is to re - a -Ich and April vi inds do all 'Ohe blowing, wee.. -Mr. John Parish, 'of Jamestown, mind you of the . grand exhibit of New and Miss Killora �d Mrs. DA epen Sunday last at the par�ntal gome here. Mesdames Devereux, Navl) and Bullard. he 7 --Will do the selling. The!e's no. other Spring Goods 'nd New Spring Millinery to - Mi a. D. VQrgUEon is -very ill at present. a le and the Misses. Dunn,. AcS.toy and Gunn, no i plam in that town for (_)arpeits, Lace James D.Ale, expe te ome -this be seen at our millinery openings on Wed- of-Seaforth ; Mr. -and Mies W illiams, _Di. attains Dress Goods, A1,11inery and is nesday and Thursday of Easter week. Oar week from Clinton -hospital, he havin gone and Mrs. Michb1l, Miss -1 MA lenns, Messre. Re dy-T -'Wear clothing. 1788 1 9 openings are'cidways appreciated by the fair tber sometime ago.-Miew Tot McGregor Woods, Canning, Jordan, McKenna and eall wbt CCIDE -T.'-Mrs. George Payne, who re- is vi iting friends in Godarich townah* eex or they would not draw Such crowds- O'Connell, of Dublin ; John :�and Mrs. .3jkto per iid ghter, Mra.1'James Mc- this eek.-Miss-Diake, of taffa, 6 visi 1P would they ? -The E. McFaul - Co., Sea, Downey, of -Mitchell,. Tbere were -many, b t' forth. 17881 'asrley� . LLLLLL )01 vell, at with a painful an� sierious ac- ing ra.-%R. Hotham. other visitors from a die anc- 'whose names 'id, �nt one day recentl She I had i i hO' Ink- NoTEs.-The concert was held here on we wereanable to procure. Y. ort une to slip and fall, breaki g a bone in Monday evenilrig, in. McKenna's hall, for the r As V arna. i8ii of a bell for the new Roman Catholic Flour,, r._ law, ier hip. she is over 80 year of i 6, the cef eld, - *Y I chur b. -M. Williams made a tri to Sea. Bru cc den t i a all the more s 3r i one. B4g�ins for Saturday and next week. P ATIS Pies. -Mr. W ey, 1 assessor Thirt. p L airs ladies' b on bocta, Pes 2J 3 and 8J, forth'on business since last issus�-Mlss NOTES. -Mr. William i rdoeh* of Stan- lies rn. ChEsh sthroep f uckelsrflibb, has completed bis ul r $1.76 and $2 g cds. for Stiper pikir; 30 pairs C&sh,of 8 isiting at Mr. and ley, received load df cattle last weak, abors for reg eaf6rth, is v it ainty of Pais - girls, aced boots, Size a 9 11 to 2, re0jular 81 to $1.15, for sad in tl�ie vi r Jhi i ye He gives us the fo lowt g inter. pair; 30 pair@ men's laced boots, all sizes, re- Mrp. John Quinsey's, of Logay.-Andrew which he puroba - r, $2,'for #1,25; 18 pairs xnen�'s dcrigola gaiter iByerl, of McKillop, has sold his farm to ley. Mr.M.Urdoch intendF ma -king them P, Ind 31st ng iril ormation,_ gleaned frcm the saEem- W gular r $2, for 11, eizea 6 and 7 only. The above are ready for the old co�ntry market. -Dr. ne: it roll, TherwAre 40,712 acrea in the 119mi, Louis Becker and has purchased the Huron stir I lbotel, where he intends to do a promisili Armstrong met with i tea 3mash up �per V 8 etock vi hich we must o1cai out at once. W. when �om�nrihip; and of this 37,250 acres are clear- 1 1788-1 9 u 11% bcob aivi shoes, Seaforth. jUlayergeed.. d. I The value of the real prc arty is $I,. trade, the chan to be made on May first. returning home on on� ay, He was driv- :1 a On 'a again it i necessary for us to an- y ing a younog 59,1660 ; personal property, $4, Tennas sale, conducted b and spirited animal, which took 75 ; taxable Mr. J. J. M 00 tm noun6eSpiog Millinery Openings. The E the: rail track, Olt 101) Inc me, 1,200. Persons rated as residents, A. H. Borman, auctioneer, turned out very fright atsometbing near waly ,3 ;c - hildren between the ages of 5 and McF01 Co., Seaforth, will hold tbeire on successfully. Tbe total receipts amounted to and - making a bolt, t4ey : nded in the 6-:404 ; between the ages of 12 and 16, 258, We� 'esday and Thursday, Mareh 26th and $1,000. Mr. Borman makes a tip top &uc. deep ditch on the road Icide, After s9me 27th Art is al ways shownin the hate they �n over 16 and under. 21, 18d tione6r and is bound to take the Iroad in the difficulty, the doctor and hoisa were rescued disp ay, and on thtse special days their a 'no he worse P74 male person3 between the ages Of 21 and near f utu re. -Miss Hattie Walker lef t b * re from their perilous posit . ion. ne t Touo5qTe 60. T a were 36 births ati!d 6 deaths itore will present the appearance of a 1,egu- on Tuesday for Seafortb; where she will be for their adventure,,. e 11 a a badly broken of the maiA lar fairy bugg Mr. an ng the year. There are 3, �72 acres of -land. Come and admire. All are for Home time with her -friend, Mrs. John y Alex. Mustrd: delivered a fine -flete absenoe: . i - U in Seaforth on Mbnday. -Alex. welcomeand none more so than yo -Are, 0q,dIand ; 389 of swamp and land, Muir.- eorge W. Simons has been on the gelding try prnts -horses.-Mr. Peter M- 1788 1 n 65% acres of, orchards and gardens. nick list ever since our last issue. . We hope handles some good -grade aaclinei No f he c eat and 22 or 11 pa M to be, a I ml 1. in the �in the business cirel' his week. -Rev. Walte JO`ffwtt� of Chal.- a are 3,005 a 'res of fall vi rEs.-Mr. John Hart �aa disposed of 1e will soon recover� as he is much missed Gregor also Neposed r of fine ones htei boilers. There are 2,809 days, statute hie b, ac)rsmith shop and business - i as of our village. t We quiote labor. There are 1,748 hors-es16,148 3&ttle'- villai a, � to Mr. E. A. Eph, d� Ay I mer, , who mer's church, London, peac r ad In he Pres - i Y . X I b erian church here I at abbatb. Mr. ,.6; 8 hog , and 675 Sheep. Tile population takeF possession n 0k. - The -4 price poun, I r frishtown. Yt lailry paid was $1,300. Mr. Hart purposes: go' Sawers conducted anni ereal y services for- ia X ur more than last year, biit there is 1nR Your speci I days a -re Wednesday and M . Moffatt in the city.�Thii spring we&*- zoIls. thoic o,: r medium - Jecrease of 86 in the adult; po�ulation. to Se ittle to res'ide. We are sorry to lose 'Thursday, Ma �-ch 26th and 27tb. Rement -as rb(re were ten more births tha a yeir Mr. d Mrs. Hart from out village, an they er,has disappeared abo F60 bar them, for i in � those days The E. MoFaul go thab if liar 11 ind two fewer deaths. Ther have made many friends during their two came, and -the old' ad a an in reaie , I Co., Seaforth, have their Spring Millinery 2,725 in the total value ;' t er --691. -yearef residence here. We wish them�' every come'in like a lamb it ill go out like f e. are iOpenings. T iere are some beautiful hat iouccess in their new home. -Mr. 'James I creations tbiseason and you can see -every- lion is likely to come tri: 0. thi a year. Prose mo a cattle than last Vehr ; 82mor horlea The pongee -of -n (fix 38 nore pigi-4, and 16A fewer sh( ep. Arm i t rong bs s been laid up with an attack , thing to beat advantage on these days. 1. o ii, you - of la grippe, but we are pleased to say that be trusted in, I 11HAT ()ULVERT.-P.ER ED 'Make it a point to join the- throngs of Stan�ev�-: he i. able' to be around again. -While FA OLD, a -.i been a T _RM -a tor -eid hi a aware the song -has ang all over millinery admirers. 17881 Mr. a sold theltownsbip of Tuokeremith by sorhe of the bringing his horses in from water that other H, Id be counc a a ilver!t at Mr. d ay, M�. ST.- PATR1yk1,-'8- CONCERT.�Tiae special his fine farm, on the 6con concession, to M wo illors that th r. James Keyes, of the Parr, line, 1 OINT-RE 07 icape from serious inj service, held ifi the Catholic church here, on -Mr. J_ames Aikenhea., f t)) same very little bu .rian a corner was far too lai ke 9nd that had i narrow as ury. Sunday evening, was attended by a con- Eirn. The farm, wi i -a or a of the beat in their Ider.4, i ,'-inch sewer pipe would have inswere He was kicked on the Shoulder and breast 0) a 3 d ig a pri" bhe�purpcae at a far le . as cost i Now thi by but,.foirtunately, no bones were gregation numbering from 675 to 700 people. the township, contai ��j'0 cres and has , on hi h 3r *a a ma Aer of opinion but Ue f , resbet of brokin.-Mr. A ' ew left for Pilob Mound, Thethree grg�d altars were ablaze with 100 it excellent buildings. The � pi ice padd I Was At vari. colored olive lights, similar tv those $6,575. Air. Aikenhead, possession next 140 fine4t iast week fairly settled the qq6tion. Now, Mamtoba, on Tuesday. We wish- bim a getsL the presei it culvert is not too I irge ' and if a safe "ourney and prosperity i . n his new that attracted7 so much attention last year, fall. undergra4s. 30 i rich t i le had been prib in i 6s place, the horn at the Jubilee services in Rome. f The air A 040 -OD SALE.-OnO, f th i beat sales ever trade -at 0"', IoW13shLjLp W ti at at Airs J. 22a - �fift wal,er would have overflowed t �Ie road, per- was rendolent with the arorna of cab flowers I held in this t 9 ; 31 Oaus*ng serious damage ;b the road. Kippen. and otted plants in bloom, and all the J. Cameron?ia, 4th conceoeicii it on T-ifesasy. --creamery *eo worsitlippere wore a sprig of green in honer A pair of two year old sold for M-.-, _rOIl8 f JL71 Ito-. Hay, Corn Conveyancer -while a pair of Le a months aemand,, �ixt h�� con il has certainly mad( no mistake D' missioner and of St Patricki At 4 o'clock an iirchestra, of &Ives! bir his in iter. But I thint the c6uncil willo�inortgagesand-deededrawniup. Moneyloaned n1nepiqees, including the "harp of old bronght$38. Theaepriloesare RX-peptionalp At 14 to I$ -- mad a mistake in the p -ice paid for at t6 loiVest rptes of 1piterest. 1740-tf ing but the animals *ere .'good lErin," began-& soul stirring march, dut ones. Other FlWaie a cul erts. They coat -too rich money. -ND FAR -At IMPLE. !which four sanads of boys,arrayed in black, animals and implements gold at good Priem ol doub they are lot by ten er, but the- T T. Me3lis takes this opportunity of thankin ISN ny customers and the pu )He gar cralli for all and searlet costumes, filed in. Tbomas Brown,,of Seaforth, was th; ue- We n drers are very few and parhaps combine his white, Yioleb I t He is again at hid post, attending to to the right and left of the sanctuary. tiolieer. a -ad he seems to havV the facul�y of To og Aherthat the have their 6 n price - in Pas 'I ore. RoNT0. y the i ts of ell in the way of p1bw and implement- With the precision of soldiers trained they, getting the big bids out of th, apeole. is now De he end, I think if the council would find repah g. A full Ane of all plow repaire; on hand. executed some intricate movements, an ingLrom e ibe mster cd and employ compethrit men to Ban( Tour implt mente in good time, so that he I t be out of humor in the busy im r -passing before the illumin. country qLari will e. All breaking and : a io, I he wo k, they could soon realize the ac- bugg j and wagon work will raceive the best atten- ated altars, they formed the letters " Vane Winthro�,. ieed time. U4 dost f one of these culve0s And thus tion i A all lincs of sualthing. A good stock of nesw Jean." The blendigg of so many colors NOTE.-,. -The many friendsf MK. George 'Most intereal in We 11 in to use the money. britNated to plow blways on band. A few bargains while they bl d agnificent kaleidoscope�. The Love will be sorry to hear df his very un- Pf the jobbii . a' . wit more economy. 4nd if 138b Iii 'second hand plows, iod plows, one horae !h �h, wi they gard I pi6vrs and iron harraws, all in good order. '=r, V". 71bert -McKeon, Was assisted fortunate accident, which occurred in Min- Allow qu voaIA ape d a few days lookin after this Noc ;-ip work tolerated. You will always find Tom y Rev. G. R. Northgraves and Rev. W. nescits, while working in the� lumber woocu. o o . i oft of w rk it would be wc �h I more to read fcr bu6ines:; at hi3 old aT. MHLLIS, 1 the�n tba a week of -canvassing before the Kipp 11. 1787-3 agarty. Th' Baer d oncert was one- of While loading logo, he n liome wa W41 Red clovoj%. el c alection a d be of more benefit to �the rate he very beat ver heard in this district. breisking his leg.�-Messrs. Kenny V0 to '$17 t NorEs.-John McGr6gor, of Tuckeramith, 'o adequately deactibe the blending and J. Pethick had'a�bee ou�ting wood one Y er zcwt. 1, pa ere.- N 013SEiWER. whc as on,a trip to the old country, with 6 voices, some NeSpaden is doi-09 a at i pment of homes, on Friday last r6turn- inter-blendiing: of '16 of them last week. -Mr. W. G. well trained, and all in perfect time and a rushinR bueip;ess w th 1118- hay pr.es#. ad tame. John much enjoyed his trip and ;une, to portray, their preciiion of attack, I During this last inorith he pleased a ve'rY Wroxeter.- loolislas if he fared well. As a result of �heir admirable phrasing and ihading, re- large number of, Itons Of hay and straw.- -G �VE AWAY. -An acei ent,'which John Bull's beef, heis Several pounds better 11indilig-one now of t he ripplig " foun- There are quite 4 number of tick peop le on are unchm 13 ca 6 nearly having a tragic enaing, occur. in WE ght.-The fipe, spriuls.weathar of the tains of the waters of life," now of the the list in and around this vicinity. WO ..pound �-d r§I he�nill dam, on Wediiei8day afte past week fixed up the roa Dust flying red'at t r- �hunders of the judgmnt day ; to !soon be re tored to their 100 13er 13 u describe hope they will 4 - P rimp. W ile some of the mill lbands were and tie bees and flies buzzi6g round in the ill this would require more Space than that usual healtb.-Mr. and MTa.' Miller filtend UvER1 0-( att riding to the gates,'a large Plock of ice midj of March ii rather an unusual occur- moving to Dabli' next *ek. 0 r1e fo bee me detached, and rushinul down the ran( 'r our fair Caftada.-Mr.and Afro. Osusdly reserved for your rustic reporter at swi t current with treinendous orce, carried Geor a O'Brien, of Hay, during the week, Ceptiontdiy 4wi,y a large portion of, the w)6d work of wam isiting at'the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tilere WAS I the datp, Two df the assistaus, Mr. Thd`�. R. B. McLean. Mr. O'Brien wag in Mani- Hemphill, sn, and Mr. C. Reise,J had a very toba I aet summer, and took up 480 acres of B1 Re bval� ale -ow-es(ape from losing land, for the Purpose of locating his son@.- -the exoc, ti allXjolag 0 nar.. thei lives. For 4 �unitely indeed-, for them, the top beam of Mr.[ Will Armstrong, who was 6ompelled to awaiting - lay big hammer aside for a tt-ne, through an J -the structure did not give at lh6 time and IN FULL SWIN -c I wttle Tel rif they were enabled to pull themselves up on accident, has again returned. to his post and tb The platform on which they'were work. 18.111AKing his hammer ring as usual. -Good men- are now getting Stationed in their 2ng -pt away. -y piece the -head of �ht I was ee Piece b acture gave way, and by night the go place i for the Summer months. No man, nly ab out 20 datir m re befOre relino 09 at 7c pe*g P CI od, who a able and willing to work, need go My$ 0 Vl I old Orn, t3at has stood the tea � for so many had i44 aFs, was gone' No wate' long ookiing for emploi-ment.-Mr. G e*orge Yt 11 force ever Stock must be reduced- before We ove. per iptou d.� McJC_ 6y, of the 4th concession of Tucker- lelined toc much or it to withstand, but it - - - - - - good - ol d not I Leeist the heavy ice, 1which was sndtb�, the past wisek, Fold his 50 acre farm led a'tinst it with terrificiforce. At Mr. Guy Colwell, of Tuckersmith. The PRICES THAT CANNOT BE DUPUCATED: 9 d y gobd- irr a of wrAing, the damage cannot be eati- price receive was $3,200,'which is consider- he ad, bu , it is feared it 'A ill. bi � ireiy heavy. ad a good figure. Notwithstanding the s double dress goods, to be sold at 15c A yard. p..er Black has arranged for atekin from the large emigration to the Northwest, farm F ce�nt all -wool dress goocls, 46 inch, to be sold 4t 39C !a va rd. S 14, ttic light power, so that M numerous prope ty in Huron county seems to be on eventy�two indh table linen, worth 50c, for 33c a -yard. umomers will be supplied as usual,. the ri a, whicligoes to. show that farmers Ten cen art muslin, beautifu, quality, for 7e a yafd. OTES.--John Harris, jr., let � for Carman, still ave faith in Ontalio for farming. i itoba, on Tuesda irig.-mial, �We h ve nob heard as yet where Mr. Mc- Eight pieces pure linen towelling for 5c a yard. y �, morn �15 t<) N1 H mphill is the guest of falatives in 'Ka iroposes making his new home, but Twsntv�five dozen gents' shirts, all -kiuds, white an(I colored, lo be -Sol at We 6 y our correppondent would ask Mr. McKay 9C t :6 iiston.-A. Sherrit, of Ddn�ford, V�c. eagh. -a county, is visiting his uncle, Jos come eph to take Horace Greeley's advice and G nts' an(I boys' caps, worth 40c, for 19c eacb. Zn. -.A., scale company was: ormed in the west.4--qMrs. R,,bprtThoib ho for some I � - Ont, for % I pson'17 wenty-five cant ladies' corseto, steel filled, bias 'cut, Etial,911t fr -coarse ge a couple of weeks ago, i. d a sat �f time �ais not been in her usal health, the 'procured frot Wilson Past �veek went to the Clinten hospital, ac a pair y Scales were In wherq She undervv�ent an Operation and, at la,,e cartains for 98c, $2.50 1 A Son Toronto. There was no ifficuity a�ce eurtains. for !$1.50. in ato extran e g the Sum of $2)5k ith Which to pro- la ecounts, was�dbing as. Well as could be 1:4'Big reductions for the next 20 days, I -do, IZA U.", the scales and to erect! a uildin to expected, conidefing'the critical operation. $4 g5 Mrs. Thompson's �many friends here will Hil heat prides paid for produce. plade their in. Bat now the c mpany are face to face with a dif4culty i h y *did not hope 3olon to Fee her home again, in much 6x a act to be called I upon t) encounter. . d healith.-Miss May Bell, the past 45 'mpr "' to D'(se parties havinj saitab' wee vieiting at the home of Mrs. Foot, on Miss yes h the scales could be ere not I.rn., and with other friends. Is, EAR-*OYD G t as disposed to aesist the com heir Bell returned borne during the week, hay. �en rprise. Talk 'about the the it)g enjoyed her vipit.-Those who have pob rising Suddenly last week, that is been busy the past two weeks making SEAPORTH11 syrup are now having a -lay off, on account he&vy 0 ibg to 5he way property we t up when. KBN'A§ CASH; gar BUTTER, EGGSs POTATOES TA -to the owner was approached y tl: e:acale of the sudden change to �cold weather.�Thq I r j� ti afo 7e 11 d ad 5 THE if a delegation of ten thonsani or so of ronto, refers equally to a ery other munid NEW ADVERTISEMENTS those who so long clamored for tAriffireform palilty in the Dominion itrid if Mr. Fitz. o the Parliame t.b�ildinga WrThengarobetween the parenthe- ost aft 3Y each would march up t vF I& ' and the telepliQue at ick's bill becomes -h the and put in a formal onei denotes 106a 11 a of the paper On whic objedtion t the,5� course advertisement wing found stem is removed from 12rovifileial to Do., now so strenuously. urged from t a ojposipg by oil eg tioo . could min I ion control, as the U, ftlng-D� MoReath--5 xUrnery 0 ra�ilways have bee t . and Son -4 quarter. Possibly suc-i a del Clesxing Sa e -P- Willis be organized. Bnt those wh oula Com- o �H Mdanery Openinir-WoRinnon and C3-6 -we *ill have another hi'g� and saucy moa- rhtto go quletl. about No More Smut, -I, V. Fear -6 pose io have the rig pon us f6m whose encroach. op y imposed U,� Mullett and G)-6 their affairs confide�t that, however slowly 4_4 Cild of Thanks t, 4, p -Thilty ]Days' Sale-2-0beeney and. Sinilay-­8 me ts there will be I circumstances may oblige them �to gp, how� praltically, no redress Bull for Stle-John Elder --b rdful they may feel theinselvea &0tr Holid wui. Somerville -5 Sys— SpilngTerm.-W. ff. Sha%Y-6 over 2e'd to be for the security o� ilittr. he Ottawa dorrespo f the Toronto constrai Bull for S(rvice -H. colclousch m, min- GlJbe of Thursday, aunkiiinces the appoint. Ste est�blished under the old ayate' i r CAR Feede 9, oto-S-Ruld and WI'83u--8 raters wi yet direct leghlatiun 'in �eepiug I Rotice-J. 0. xorrlson-5 meat of Hon. J, T.'Gar�qw, of Goderiob to L quarter of FM fcr Fatchlng--W. L lftLaren-5 with the professions of f a cent - To Gardeners -G. N. Kirg--8 ury. The people have the tight tot'depena the vacancy on the b4ch of ibe Ontario A it*� Millinery Opilittig-E. MuFaul co­�S upon the integrity of the w&tchme Coiort of Appeal oe�ueed ��y the death of the 61_1 in the i-1, Sptiug Goods -Reid &ad Wilion-S t will continue tb so do. Grogan Talkq Business -R. and MaInni" gate, and no daub Mr. J:uatice Lister. been late Pend. ab all events until ther y openioir--Win, Pickard and Co -8 0 hag Dish Cloth SO&P-8 de 0 1 given some Eign that, their cong n'd isill- Btrgaln"-W. H. Willis --S bestowed. AWtirn Sale -J. L. Killoran -511 Avotion S.ilo—Johrt McConnelt-5 Notwithstanding the apparentl� �Misa Beta uug, of Sea QonfiA f orth is OTES, M. Ba!dwia-8 ent talk of a comin, increase in the tat il opa Spring Add -G. Iff 9 th guest 6f M ra. R. H. Collins this week. -own er�e Sale of Fonny Artiofe%�Ladies'Ald-g rates, we believe it will be clearly sfi un �it Harold Jarvi&Coucork-3­8 he fuiieral of Mrs. 81rah Ann Hill, wife long that attitude -�f t�riff r Notice td�Dcbtors_q, Mullett -8 this normal 0 - of Ar.. George Hill, took place to the Eke ter Piano Tuning etc -2-0. M. Baldwin C" A formerstowards the ministry arecoinpletely cei ietery �n Monday, alia, having died at1er Builders' Attention -R. Cudmoire and Sons. S justified. There are Liberal. imerkibers. of Clocks,, Jewelry, F. DalY-8 hone herp on Sxturda 1�,, aged 66 years. - Change of D"Acm--J. W. Beattle-8 Parliament, however, who i�ava, fefib, tbbn�- ho we b to Mexico some It MI. W. Yeo, who we selves open to a less favorable jddgafent. m'Onths ag'o'to seek rest ad b ealth, returned S io perhaps, not astonishing that for - some Monctay in a ve weak 'condition - on or unwisdbm of a I t blio men the wiedom -bere of T ree yoong men nam Kirk, mem P�' jut be d ker by an line of policy is to el giv a family 6f trappers in in xater Worth, were of 109 its seeming utility as a mean be re agistrateb. Sri�ll and Gregory on power or a continuance of power. 1, orn 1�1 f T eaday charg�d with having robbed a JA WAFORTR, FRIDAY, March2lat, 1902 S these aver just now that the L�uri r th(slilie. They were defended by Bar - try must go in for a protective tari , ifthey tahbuiy, who supceeded in' couvino- di South Huron Reform Convention. would reti-in power. But Suppose hey di i.�tlrh.8 j,,ti... that hio clients were inno- cefit of what would be that poWer? Powbr to -Jamee H. Grieve has Liberal I tho offence. Mr. Fred Ress, sr., who was the ' for d things they have oondrinned oqher*. I ta ff - an thei position of tr� veller for a London the LegiRlalture, ing 9 Po er to give the Ii *a to' 'tb�' prof - nominee in Soath Huron for w Cc p Company-, but wilf: still make Exeter the capdidature on siona by wHch they obtatned the confiJan�e having withdrawn from hii i home. -Mlek are. Hindford and Elliott to act in cpntradin. of the, pzjople ? Power f ill health, a convention will be shpped alcsr load of h�rses on Tuesday'.- siccount o tion of the. principleti in which thef ia thex The Sutherland -Innes 8 ave works are fun - held at Reneall, on Saturday, March 29th, Jampbe hearts believe? Power to set an a if ning agaiv.-Miss Edit Beers, of Smallman U Bit 10 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of re- unblushing perfidy to all politiqans wl o -1 1 � __ 17' &Jngram 4 m, London, w a home on Sunday, :4 a selecting another may com 'a after them ? Surely tNis is n, it oeiving his reaignatian, ad anlearig a solo very,,� acceptably, at the desired. To retain power on such cbndiLiG�9 vice, at AGia street Methodist candidate I everling Bel dignity of otar demo- Altl, I] U T i J W church. tk'-p - .1 � i tend the ould be to reduce the I Meetings to select delegates to at eratic iestitutions to the level of tl�.e syslte�m A SAD �AFFAIR.-A ivery. sad occurrence vention shoald' be held in each polling under 74ich klFgs changed their T�ini3ker's, (ion startled 6e village 0 1 S aday nioruing, ies, or both, on a peraonP Thurad or their po 10 -1 if iabdivision in the riding on ay) �at u av to, and when it was reported t one of Exeter's 4 i �'I I - -him or on the demand ',of a f or i citizens Oldest and most highly respected Uarch 27th,, at such time and place as may where the only issue was'the pa�SsWg of the *0 fou nd in a dying oI;4iiq'ition on his own ba. designated by the chairman of the divis perquie,,it a from one set to another. We Wi' premises., Iliam 0. Howard, a mason by -he �V: trade, was well-to-do, Of excellent reputa- ion. The representation of delegates at the have notpunk to that level. even laf ter t Three dele orgies ofthe pariod horn 1878 to' 1896." tion andia I.eading mbmber of the Main oonVention will be as. follows street Met �h­ �i h, but of late his ho,diBt urp. gates for the first fifty voters upon. the last 8ession-1: nervous syatern has been sho4ing signs of The Last S:il xrenaed voterb' list for the election of _n undor a. breaking up, and he! has bee The last eeasion of the &eFeiat �egialati 'a w--mbers for the Legislative Assembly and -pbysiolari'a treatmenty, but no indication ISO about fi 0 arm was broughu to ai clo al fif ty or was given that he contemplated the act one delegate for each addition g, 661 membors is life c4 Sunday morning. o'clock lost Saturday evonin which cnded h 4 1 fraotion thereof, provided said fraction is not I �4.d a with 1his family as usual, . � A ­ 4 _g - less than twenty-five. joining i a singing "Auld L%Dg qyno " and He had breakfa t 9 t6i­ a d theniwent to thes�able. As.he did'not formal the National Autbem. Thp 9 prore a return when expeoted,'ihis wife went but, id 'not take -A )n pr I ceedinas' however, di blood on the floor Thb Dominion Parliament, ti 0 :but only to 6 od pools There wi 1,. a hat 0 unfortunate victim place until Monday afternoor nd evidences t The �rincipal feature in the Dominion faces in tie was in the loft above. 0 She at once sum no doubt, be a good many new ]Parliamedt during Cie past week was igh life was,not -the ed assistance, but,Ahou mon to 1rdin Hoi�ard died in a few y delivery of the Budget apeech, on, Monda new legislature, and some went i ut yetextinct, Mr. Sacred precincts of the legiala�ive cha -st4ined Fickle thereon the minutes,, A blood showed last, and the sub2cqufavl- debate e i which the deceased a �,ur aye, Dre to r6- the peon hir�manri r Xr. Fielding has been a remarkably fortun. bar, o S t d venina, never turn to id as M. P. P's. But ,inch i� life, and sought dd4th., He wa% in his 57th year, and oi'e Finance Miuister, and has had plain and leaves a wife, one son 4nd three daughters. ical w ild. me.of particularly life in the polit The funeral, on. TtieAay, was largely, at- P�Ieasant sailing in comparison with so The ses�ivn *just closed. was' a �usy b a, tended. The Iridepeiident Order of Odd. his predecessors, He has, year after yeb6r, y so daring the past few dalk. fellows of,,Wbich he w*s a member, followed congratulate., the coun- and especiall b3en in a position t The. measure which, perhaps� or ated the the remains, and took pharge of the service try on a buoyaut revenue and a. eurplus,year t the grave. moat iaterest in the country. aqd the least 1�jy yeai growing larger, while bi.a predeceE ure ie sore 0 a rug With, a receding I Ui _- -�;- x - Bly�h- The bill and its a6companyiDg is,ons for a i I NOTES and an annual a7d growing deficit. wa '' Mr�a. Richard Somers, who is had t ' t gl reviynue disoussiob in the Leg*s�'aL t liquor pro ter brother, Mr. referendum vote on thel Uh, b acemv, salient feature of the speech was a stgte. visiting -Murdoch Camp. mant that there will be no changes in the This measure was ficialily P as bell, of Seaforthi; hadl: the misfortune last till after the Inter3olon- Government had introduced it.' Sev week, while coming ddWn the stairs I to slip t%riff this year, fio and break a couple ol ribl, also to bruise t ridments were pr(-p:,ied, �ut Ifailed ;o isl Conference, to take place after the amc- herself ia�otber places.! We ire glad to! re - 0 receive the as -.eat of the House,� an�4 the b 11 emony. It was 6,als port, however, that sho is now as easy as Kings coronation car as made law on a straight p:Lrty� vote, e c. can be expected. -M r. �Robert Douglat. who gintiouncedthaI the estimated surplus for W arter NL I r.' voted with Oe Go i- has rd"a a blacksmith shop here for the last the current year amounts to 85 800,000,with CePt that anted : his 25 years has retired' having r an addition to the debt of $6,000,000. This ernment. -Oa the bill gran"ing � nearly a shop to 1�r T Pollock', a young man from Idies Hanfryn,' half million of dollars in rktilwa' hq: we hal no doubt, will make ar as y;subs i!s a, very Satisfactory showing in so f is 3. Mr. I the surplus is concerned, but it would be the Oppmition leader was deserted by fo r a success of the busin )ouglaa in� to his tends deVoLing L all hlii attention. �T 1 *ery much more Satisfactory if the anotince- of hia followers, who voted withi th� gover - I grboery and bakery b sineas, intending to ment because, p3rhays, their cona�ita i0ent had been made that the surplus won d enci a i make it more of a gueyess than' ever. -Mr. 13 tie be u%ed to reduce the existing debt. Mr. are interested, more or Its i, in or�e * of t C.,Campbell, who held, a responsible poei. Borden, t�e leader of the OpposiCion, re- schemes to be aided. The ratific 'Ition of a tion in Mr. MeBeath'4 store here for �the a half, I It Monday morning ated 8 mc t past yeat .0lied to for Lind r. Fieldirg, and announced that pulp z wood concession ore �Say, where he has secured a good id Inent would be moved, bat he did breezy discussioa of the sessi D. M r. an ameE situ'ation: 'in the dress poods department, of Whitney ciharactexized the: . transactio Mr. Sutcliffo a large dr r goods store. ria not hint a� to the tenor of , it, except in ao buti t�e Ho e will be greatly missed Jn social and musical far as his remarks might indicate,, The. gigantic public robbery," u circles, in . which he aken! aA ratified it on a straight party ivo6, Iax 4as always t di&CUSEiOn is still unfinished, and N -ill,' b cept ;pro active part. He h*s' been Is prominent that ably continue for several days. Mr. MartEr thii time both spoke'and membervf lIs choir for yea'ra, and St. Andre voted in favor of the Governtritntl'ineasure. was always ready to ;vo a helping hand in 9 His let a number of friends Sound Doctrine. The amendments to the miniopal law concert work. J 'ill greatly miss him, Pat the beat %ishea nId Unimporiant, and w The Montreal Herald, whiah by the way, this session are few of all gb with him'to his new home. -Mr. 7 ia naw,ond of the moat ably conducted Lib. the same may be said of the' assessment John Babkirk, who 44a been workingl in oral journals in Canada, is sound on the taw. It.i3 the intention, if tha lGo'vernmexit Exeter for the past six:imonths. was visitling old fLiends in town this week, before leaving �rade question. It, is no equinter after Pro. are returned to power, to thordu(ghlv revol�_ In a very able article in a recent tioniza the aEs-siment law, taking the re- for Galtj where he haa.Aecured a good steady �el-tion. position. -Friday of last week was our- Iaat issue, it refers in very Sensible terms to the port of the Assessment Commki'asion, which horse fair of the season1land ag the roads had rasponsibilities which inuat necessarily rest was recently completed, as a basis. Tfai:�'s dried up.; there was a IiiIrge crowd in town Up -)n the Government in a matter of this a work which is much needed. and can t and quite �& number ch�nged handr. With - d 7 I out a doubt, there havAN been larger crowds kin.l. No matter how firmly they may be attended to too abov. Ila at these tairs this ye�r than ever before, ve been pledged to tat iff reform while in In so far as the atanding of the rties arp which certainly ought Pa 1 11 0 be an incentive for op osition, or how anxious they may be to concerned. and judging from outside the officers to continue 16hem another year. - in tagurate their� policy when they - come in� view, we �hould say that honors 4re abou t Miss Kate Foy, separa�e school teacber, of Samforth, was visitirig her aunt, Mrs. ti office,. they must, in the interest of the ea3y. The Government have, Bit I�ast, held Charles Hamilton, over�iSunday._-.Dr. Milne, cc intry and the public good, take due re. their QW11, and the Opposition hav� made no who inte n -de erecting a 1 . ne office and drug gakrd to the situation as they founi it when gaim. The "free and indepeadI6nt " wi store on the stand whi he has cc I cupied as they came into, office. To make revolution. have thei� innings now . very shortly, prol an office, has removed I is stock of drugs,. bte., to the book storO. and -has workmen 4ry changes which might injure or cripplc ably about the 5th of June, I I I employed tearing doWri the old ;building. Important manufacturing industries waich He intends erecting a lt�ndsome. building as hid been built up largely by a protective A Dangerou MI.': soon as possible. -Mrn. il&. M.'Babb, of Tees - S lis�ring her parents in system, no mat -ter how heavily that System water, is at present v The Toronto Globe makes the if'ollowiD6 town.-Nliss A. M. Anderson,'wbo was be irs upon the country, would not be the timelyau,l pertinent ref visiting in Teeswater fo'� the past week, has part of wise statesman ship, nor - would it eirence to a lbi�l returned 'home. -�-Tha inilliners are -all back I which hmel, been i-atroduced into 'the Domio. to town,land busily e�bgaged gett , ing their popularize the general policy'of the party, ion Parliament by Mr. Fitzpabri* kliniatf�r various places ready foril� the spring opening. which the Government- have been pledged as, returned to carry oat, with the people. Such char 0! Juqt*ce If it i3 as ther Globe ' %s&ys' it s -Mr. William Bell, who was out west with 9,313 legislatlio� of the most dangerous hind, and hors home gaturday and reliorta as maybe made must be made gradually the west �Iutted with I- horses. -There was being introduced and supported an I with due regard to the welfare of all ,�M a me"t- theusual�number of goung fdllow3 drove nt, there is',g :i ber of the�Governme &ve da�- into our v Ilage from on�side places on �un- coacerned, and in such a manner as to ac, day. A couple of them).' from Senforth :got ger of its �econxing taw if not. �,igorousl�y c.omplish the most good and the least harm. protested agatimt. The Globe sayq rather bols.'erom, so Cc stable Barr thought It also points out the immense p,,ecsure that the beat place for them 1would be the Jock- -r. Fitzpatrick is propasiri a� 0,',tawa u in r. h!iah they were. kept till evening. tel� p) Is being brought upon the Government by to declare. the operations of phpue cl- There is no dovbb bat.' that our constable ti`ie manufacturing and favored inatituticils, panies " works for the general benefi6 f , ans business, as out.4. me lers will. certainly f they come here not only1to, maintain the preeent, #rotective Canada." This will involve the a'ttlemeilt find out to their Sorrowi 1 0 of all que tions re,'garding the � er�ctl-ad 'f po'icy intact, bat to materi%lly increase the on on the Sabbath and cari��, on the. way -they t e on poles and stringing of b . Iffire . have Peed'in the habit olf doing in the past. - protection already afforded. And while this t a -'riv Council of Canad e" Alderma. Sothera and Wife entertained the U T�der t le pg brought to bear on the one a�ell pho e thimble club and their fti(nds, last Wednes- premure is bei,� rovitions of the act the af le, it p,,iqtg out the apparent laxity o . r in- Company could plant poles and string wire a d on every street in Toront6in, deflahce of tf a ay evening, to a soclal hop. -Mr. John difference an the other. It accounts for this Wilford, Who attended�l the Orange Grand objections of the city authorities. !Such an 1Lodge at Petrolia, last eek,"waa elected to 0,pparent indifference -upon the supposition iavm-ion Ion the right of local Salf-govern- the offic6 1 of Percept for the BI ; ack that thoseaffected injuriously by Protec. ment is not jo be tolerated. . Tlhe t He is an 1 'r nights. acUvo Orangeman and inciple Df clemarcation between' Federjel tion havel faith in their representatives that pr ound to rise to the t dinunicipal authority is to be is _�p:-Rev. Mr., Pen - an found I �n h%t I and Rev. Mr. McNair, of Dungannon, t -iey will'stand true to their profesEed con- the separation of the Iong-di,;titice a act pulpits on Rev. d victions pf half a century, and not only inter-proviaoial telephone b I ex hang, §unday last. usi�ess- a M . McWMr gave two ane sermons, dealing trunk -line operationp�frorn withstand the assaults being made upon. thole of i a wi h thl educationO, question. -:-.Mrs. th= by the ProteotioLiits, hut that they purely lo�%l nature. It is proper �nd ne ce 3- Proctor a4d daughters 81ttanded the wedding Sary thatl the telephone trunk lines should of their'a cle, in Belgra.Ve, last Wed n�iesday*,. will fulfil thess pledges which they made be under �1 Federal control. ' it i, equally M sars. aton and She.�rington intend �ad- be!ore bLiOg placed in power, and put in proper th'at the city council shoult bOnti6l d aging I meeting her ."a 'next Tuesday even - the erection of poles and wiree and the , operation the principles they have so long in , in he interests �! of fruit -growing. constructionof subways for -urely locall-M sers. ndrewSlcanond Frank Metcalfe an I so earnestly advocated when the oppor- telephqui,p communication. Ta e�uggestic n ��t t . t. There is no doubt tuie time comep. The Herald. &179 notes, that af ar also going o assis c tizen who discovers la 'tolephone bu what ��Ibdre will be large crowd, as all lineman neroacbiag on his bohleiv w th unfeigned disapproval, the utterances ard and 'th3 speakers understa�fid thoroughly the of some of the supporters of the Government, cutting the tops off his shade trees must go! of the various �inds of fruit. There tothe Privy Council at Ottawa, fo� redress gr)wll)g who, since their party has come into p:)wer, ia x1so promised a mutiical programme in :1 is too abqurd to require argurneqt. INI r. cc inectioi ! i, �,-o no person, should miss it, as' have becorre recreant Lo their former pro- Fitzpatrick, we are Sure, does dot �xpect to ev ry person is inferest6d in fruit, it. not i teased principles, and are now advocating control pi�oblems of that sort Ir m the De'- 0 growing, in the eat ite a nun - th tbg.-Qu thatvhich they formerlyso strongly coa- Partment,of Justice. bei of the, Blyth Epwor�h League 4ccepte i demned. It concludes, its arLicle as follows, This is,� simply, the history of th4 railways thiinvitaltionof Lond4sboro, on Tuesday ani it would be well if some of those weak. being rep�ated. Some years., ago 1 the Do. o4ning, ��but on aoco*nt of the storm F minion, u1nder the same p e0ithef there were not 9 many as woul I w kneed Reformers, who are now squinting so a ae, Q over otherwise, have gone. Those who wet t strongly toward a protective, policy, would the control of the railway� of the' country ce�tainly were. well pai& for their Uip, as cut this extract out and paste it in the and it is t�ince then that a J�� the exai` erating thdy all had a most enj4yable time ard in. I . ep crown of their hate. The Herald says encroachments on the riglkts of th munici. teid inviting their . LobdF-sboro frierids up he'e in the near futurel�*-The Blyth floqr alities and the publi�., ofl which qomplaiDt To miaiters who have been bombarded P mills intend making thoir first Shipment I for months with the viaws of manufactur is now being so justl d h ve bee n floir, the begini ers y ina a, iing of 4ext week, to Q)a i-6 w6uld proba:)Iy be an agreeable vAriation legalised. JVbat the Globe says atiout To. bet'.. --Mr. and Mrs, Isaac Brown returne 0� 4- w 40 _ Y, ri. or 4 leol 0 es 7 7� MARCH 2 1 1 1902 �URON EXP SITOR. from beir wedding trip Monday venitig. - oomm] ttee. We had no idea thcU:pro%erty H'S'LEADING SHOE ST RE. Mlpi,' oseph Irwin, who has been viai ing was so valuable in our little illage, an we r a I as in Brampton f or the pie six =ks, Ancer 31y regret that we are not property e retur ad home Monday eveaing.-Hirvey owners. We trust the com ittee, will be his 'M Citig ton, ho has been employed in Lack. able to make some satisfactor, r arrauge*nt. _V01ed by I jj� Our Lucknow Stock And R, now or the past few months, is ab present it it o)mes to the worst, the 3ommititee can vort - 'g=day i asil visit -i ig hie -elations in town, bef 3re leaving purchase ground in a suitabl( place;and; get for th'ie wee , where he has secured a good power from the auth6rities -t) sell the�bal- Has arrived, and, as we are greatly handicapped foT ro m, !we hae D h 'jewelry store of Mr. Ma- &nee c f the village property c ff, and lr� this o bee'a v'41' iar: io atone time was owelor for fricient, funds to pay for the cided to dispose of it in short order by means of a way r dee on ed w h*r -1 a ello awl grouno for the scalet,.-On Wedn6i9day r. but who is at present doing a )6t I!,ag- b0a 9 ago - out west. -A a of - night;1 owing to lack of water, the eleo'tiio I r bush other BIG CLEARING SA E's B y youag ladies, Miss Eli4a Tatnan, ight as not running, whicb�l with the foar- as nited in the happy boads of matri- ing of the escaping water through the broken -T etaly 105 -oil - on.. last Wednesday afternicon, at. her dam, land the Egyptain d 'Anese of th -he al. OomMen,:Wng Saturday,11 Marchi 22n -d. fF th4 r's residence, bjy Rev. Mr. Peuball, to night,!, our little village woreik very di�m h . William James, a pr 9 appea�ranoe. - M�iex W. Munr a has retu�rned i tool ogres dve oun AL A, A, for farm)r, w10 has rented Charles H10wo'd . to Milverton. -A magic lant rn lecture� an- firm, whic i he intends moving on at once. titledi "Here and there in Scotland," Will be This sto, was bought at a low rate on the dollar, and -CG.Asisis of $2,000 UU90#" ]a Ere visiting given! by Rev. in th t -agent the happy coupW it. S. G.'An argon, 'An a footwear, the product of such wellkn -8 all On in Friday p 9, near xham.-We reab%rian church, Friday enitig. worth o Seasonable WU firm r. amets: parent . 2 '? M Macready & Co., Dayfoot & Co. anc Marles A ope to see i a�e sorry t state that the Rev. If. B. Tty- drew iller, of Morrisbank, as- rented !his 4T. D. _1�ing & Co., a -i I r, 16 reti.ed Presbyterian mi later, who farm.to J. D. M iller, and wil I shortly move The entire stock must be old in 30 days an I prices like Ahrens & 00. I b age. -Mrs, S. our r Will do it srace m)ved Intotown, is at tiresent very to his residence in this vi' i these tick,'vith )ut slight hopes of recovery. Play rd, of Toronto, is the guest of i� her I %dies' Oxford shoes, King's make. regular price 8140, for 75,3 a pair. t 11 Mr. and Mrs.J. Staflord.-R. Black -1 pareri a and 11.75, for $1 a pair. ]'%dies' buttoned or laced boots, King's make, regular, price $1.50 spentl a few days last week ; n Toronto, on Clinton. Girls' buttone or laced boots, regular price $1.25 and $1.50, for 7Bc arild $1 a pair. I -buainw -Mrs. Babb of I eciawater, and ; I Ti E NY, v WESLE'y Onuitom-On Sun- Idea's laced b(oto-, regular price 51.75, for $1 a pair., dayl 9,jh i at., the congreg-atioi , whicii 'for Miss JAnderson, of Bly tb, were the guest a of chance of buying your Spring shoes at le6 I miss "Us st week.- -A second vote, Don't n iss this an whol-esae f6rt -five ears has worshipped! n the Rat. , ry Miller Is . I taken in the Presbyterian c iurch, on Sun-'. ces. 00me early in the day if possilAre, to avoi the aftern3o.n rash. —34r-' pri toub iry at eat MethodiA churel , celebrated day, decided, by a large ma- oriby, in favor *Afqrths b" the i penin af't6eir new churoh. the Wesley of having an organ placed in the church. chnr 3h, hich has just been completod. SON, S ILLIS & ifth �'ne huro is a handsome brick adifioe,- and k As i &I onu ent to the gen6toBU5 and liber- 00iistance. vxtanjiv� b! I a alit3 of th congregation. The edifice cost M sERY. -The ricbeg I and grandest easals, whicL have been going the rpunds, Irishtown. The panegy�ic On St. Patrick Ll as at& displ y of the season of 8 ivg Millinery Northgraves, I WWI an, i4 W rieighborhood of $1" 000, nd tbii has d with, which many of the grown-ups have by Father admirable ad rather a severe tassel, are getting �at- discourse and was liaten?d'ti) with close st- ql I an p vided for except S2,000. The ill I a at The E. McFaul o.'s Store, Sea- and no� �hui.h Dioper will comfortably seat 460,, W t, er, still many new 6nes are daily coming tention by all'present. *hie iu;ludes a seating, of 140 ia the gal-' for ri on Wednesday and T1 ursday, March ndertheirgrip.-Miss Bells, MoLean,'WhO THE L 9 a 11gelntlits for tued for, t,-0 26 th nd 27th. Note thetime Eo es to favor l0ry and the choir chancel commodatips ome time has been in Clinton, is now qm a them with your presence. They are your r s opening up a street tr here,en 35. IThe auditorium is s3atedabemi-oirculir ng under the parential roof, where she 16 crane 22 to Iriahtown a�e 0 atters of detail days to see and adrriire, and learn whit to bidi 1he W.� �nd ias Is coellent acoustic advantageri, the urposes stopping for some nme--Egg already under the- consilderEtioa of Reeve you he most becoming hat would coaf. AU done traction being suzh that no matter 1788-1 agono are now on the rounds, a sure sign Sadlier and the other eu erp rising members in whei a a hearer may be he in not far from the NCTES.-MiSS JUlia Shaw, of Seafortb, of spring -Messrs. Cooper Brothers, the of the council of Hibber . . Their plan fpres, )her. The opening servio a were con- past weei, disposed of a span of young action is'now under pro_� of elaboration. a sew was the guest of Miss Beila McCulla recent- ess � 1 duo A by Rev. J. W, Livingatm, a foi-mor ly.-Mr. and Mrs. J. McGrcgor have gone horses to Messrp. Archibald & Cadmore, of Owing to the heavy gra4e at the G. T. R. goo( _109 a favor �aslbr of the congregation, and president of to C1 nton to reside. Mt. ,-Gregor has eaforth.- r. John Strong, of the second crosting west of I161sh'to it was deemed Riltron proh bj�. 6e 'Lond n conference. Special and ap- conceesion Tuckersmith, has a sale of stock inexpedient by the Fed( ral Government two gone to take charge,of the butter,.factory 40paa�e pol tit prou'riate music was furnished at each diet here. We are sorry to lase such good this (Frilay) afternoon. Mr. Strong has erect a letter -bag oacciftZg rat at that . I rahir, by a large and well t allied chcir. t too much stock for the 4nantity of feed be point. When a fast - tra Ji is career' them citizens, but our best wiahes go with them - 'ox f o - or jit, a onday evening a splendid entertain- Es on hand. -Mr. Win. Cudmore is doing along over asteep grade thel crane attach to their new home. -Mrs, i!,. Andrew re- b is; of me was held. The opening 83rvioea were business at Alvinston. -Mr. Cudmore has to the mail car is liable 4 -ith(r to pass under of f Iniost impreasiM and i,3tere3tiDg nature turu d'on Saturday last, after vititing- Lon disposed of over 2,000 tons of hay since hill or amp over tbe� statiol ary a I ane, leaving of don I rends. -Mlrs. McEwen, of Leadbury, �ation. n 1wera,attended very large cogreg%- coming home from the old country last the local mail -bag ntou �he�. The moving violitio6i - -psi 1-b 0 EpeE Sunday here, the gues 5 of her tister, season. The oftener Mr. Cudmore goes to crane mst a roach the 9 ationary crane, Mrs. Campbell. -A large Scotch granite the old country, the more business he dLoeg, PIP 'a 9 for 'h i ta;l lines and Mon ment has been ordered and is to be on orizon t ot on lines that are What -effect %h' 0 ell for the enterprise of our Tuc kersmith arse d to the memory of th late John Me- which speaks oblique, or " sla-utingd! 3ul*.-, as one man Ing 100n,*t RITFRS' �NTD BUILDERS' ATTENTION,- MillAn, ex -M. P. -Some of Canadian Pao pie. -Building operations are put it. The placing of a Go tit crane buil-iing 0 e ations will 'going to be btisk in this v - the, ing Spri g is alinoFit here and peol'o attended the Epwort League liter. . icinity the coming 440yards east of jhozonvent On eon, commence. You will find its a the' cl I 4-trid. summer, by � the. present indications. There shortens the' Khig'h mail ioute some- ivit4l a full 6UPPI of, Beachville Lime, Iatb, Port- ary ntertainnicilt at Londoeboro on Mon- be and Colueb, AiB Y r M Paris, &c.. are ocil cheap. day evening last, and . othe took in the is no better evidence that we ara under the thing over 300 miles peva=, im, h� to tLonorg pr banner of go: d ti� Grand Trunk roadbed , the ..Pe�, site is ir Tog- 10ic ly give us a c. 11 stid geb oui lees before con rt at Seafor�h. All reporb a good Call l pur(huing elsewhcro.. R1 Cudmore & Sons, Hansall, : � . eve an we a ite or a ni a a the, 1788-18 tim -Miss NallPy McMichael ok the fl-ag station. antopi at the League Sanda' evening. The Dublin. ent at t le: y NA a _f 110 WIDL dd dnotbLr apring'ceasonbas opened and Lea Lie was also favoredwith a quartette. PERSO L few of wit I such an immense stock �ai The: E. Ma. Busy That expresses about all we have the promine eo let at vi eited Irishtown a M - and Mrs, Stanley, ipf Holmeaville, time to say --except to mention.our DUN- th at I Co. Seaforth, have, t6ey wilill be kept last Sundav r. eGinnis, Mr. �ver 'calling on friends in the village last us I basy, busy. They propose letting the ness. And our business;, just D -Ow is to re - a -Ich and April vi inds do all 'Ohe blowing, wee.. -Mr. John Parish, 'of Jamestown, mind you of the . grand exhibit of New and Miss Killora �d Mrs. DA epen Sunday last at the par�ntal gome here. Mesdames Devereux, Navl) and Bullard. he 7 --Will do the selling. The!e's no. other Spring Goods 'nd New Spring Millinery to - Mi a. D. VQrgUEon is -very ill at present. a le and the Misses. Dunn,. AcS.toy and Gunn, no i plam in that town for (_)arpeits, Lace James D.Ale, expe te ome -this be seen at our millinery openings on Wed- of-Seaforth ; Mr. -and Mies W illiams, _Di. attains Dress Goods, A1,11inery and is nesday and Thursday of Easter week. Oar week from Clinton -hospital, he havin gone and Mrs. Michb1l, Miss -1 MA lenns, Messre. Re dy-T -'Wear clothing. 1788 1 9 openings are'cidways appreciated by the fair tber sometime ago.-Miew Tot McGregor Woods, Canning, Jordan, McKenna and eall wbt CCIDE -T.'-Mrs. George Payne, who re- is vi iting friends in Godarich townah* eex or they would not draw Such crowds- O'Connell, of Dublin ; John :�and Mrs. .3jkto per iid ghter, Mra.1'James Mc- this eek.-Miss-Diake, of taffa, 6 visi 1P would they ? -The E. McFaul - Co., Sea, Downey, of -Mitchell,. Tbere were -many, b t' forth. 17881 'asrley� . LLLLLL )01 vell, at with a painful an� sierious ac- ing ra.-%R. Hotham. other visitors from a die anc- 'whose names 'id, �nt one day recentl She I had i i hO' Ink- NoTEs.-The concert was held here on we wereanable to procure. Y. ort une to slip and fall, breaki g a bone in Monday evenilrig, in. McKenna's hall, for the r As V arna. i8ii of a bell for the new Roman Catholic Flour,, r._ law, ier hip. she is over 80 year of i 6, the cef eld, - *Y I chur b. -M. Williams made a tri to Sea. Bru cc den t i a all the more s 3r i one. B4g�ins for Saturday and next week. P ATIS Pies. -Mr. W ey, 1 assessor Thirt. p L airs ladies' b on bocta, Pes 2J 3 and 8J, forth'on business since last issus�-Mlss NOTES. -Mr. William i rdoeh* of Stan- lies rn. ChEsh sthroep f uckelsrflibb, has completed bis ul r $1.76 and $2 g cds. for Stiper pikir; 30 pairs C&sh,of 8 isiting at Mr. and ley, received load df cattle last weak, abors for reg eaf6rth, is v it ainty of Pais - girls, aced boots, Size a 9 11 to 2, re0jular 81 to $1.15, for sad in tl�ie vi r Jhi i ye He gives us the fo lowt g inter. pair; 30 pair@ men's laced boots, all sizes, re- Mrp. John Quinsey's, of Logay.-Andrew which he puroba - r, $2,'for #1,25; 18 pairs xnen�'s dcrigola gaiter iByerl, of McKillop, has sold his farm to ley. Mr.M.Urdoch intendF ma -king them P, Ind 31st ng iril ormation,_ gleaned frcm the saEem- W gular r $2, for 11, eizea 6 and 7 only. The above are ready for the old co�ntry market. -Dr. ne: it roll, TherwAre 40,712 acrea in the 119mi, Louis Becker and has purchased the Huron stir I lbotel, where he intends to do a promisili Armstrong met with i tea 3mash up �per V 8 etock vi hich we must o1cai out at once. W. when �om�nrihip; and of this 37,250 acres are clear- 1 1788-1 9 u 11% bcob aivi shoes, Seaforth. jUlayergeed.. d. I The value of the real prc arty is $I,. trade, the chan to be made on May first. returning home on on� ay, He was driv- :1 a On 'a again it i necessary for us to an- y ing a younog 59,1660 ; personal property, $4, Tennas sale, conducted b and spirited animal, which took 75 ; taxable Mr. J. J. M 00 tm noun6eSpiog Millinery Openings. The E the: rail track, Olt 101) Inc me, 1,200. Persons rated as residents, A. H. Borman, auctioneer, turned out very fright atsometbing near waly ,3 ;c - hildren between the ages of 5 and McF01 Co., Seaforth, will hold tbeire on successfully. Tbe total receipts amounted to and - making a bolt, t4ey : nded in the 6-:404 ; between the ages of 12 and 16, 258, We� 'esday and Thursday, Mareh 26th and $1,000. Mr. Borman makes a tip top &uc. deep ditch on the road Icide, After s9me 27th Art is al ways shownin the hate they �n over 16 and under. 21, 18d tione6r and is bound to take the Iroad in the difficulty, the doctor and hoisa were rescued disp ay, and on thtse special days their a 'no he worse P74 male person3 between the ages Of 21 and near f utu re. -Miss Hattie Walker lef t b * re from their perilous posit . ion. ne t Touo5qTe 60. T a were 36 births ati!d 6 deaths itore will present the appearance of a 1,egu- on Tuesday for Seafortb; where she will be for their adventure,,. e 11 a a badly broken of the maiA lar fairy bugg Mr. an ng the year. There are 3, �72 acres of -land. Come and admire. All are for Home time with her -friend, Mrs. John y Alex. Mustrd: delivered a fine -flete absenoe: . i - U in Seaforth on Mbnday. -Alex. welcomeand none more so than yo -Are, 0q,dIand ; 389 of swamp and land, Muir.- eorge W. Simons has been on the gelding try prnts -horses.-Mr. Peter M- 1788 1 n 65% acres of, orchards and gardens. nick list ever since our last issue. . We hope handles some good -grade aaclinei No f he c eat and 22 or 11 pa M to be, a I ml 1. in the �in the business cirel' his week. -Rev. Walte JO`ffwtt� of Chal.- a are 3,005 a 'res of fall vi rEs.-Mr. John Hart �aa disposed of 1e will soon recover� as he is much missed Gregor also Neposed r of fine ones htei boilers. There are 2,809 days, statute hie b, ac)rsmith shop and business - i as of our village. t We quiote labor. There are 1,748 hors-es16,148 3&ttle'- villai a, � to Mr. E. A. Eph, d� Ay I mer, , who mer's church, London, peac r ad In he Pres - i Y . X I b erian church here I at abbatb. Mr. ,.6; 8 hog , and 675 Sheep. Tile population takeF possession n 0k. - The -4 price poun, I r frishtown. Yt lailry paid was $1,300. Mr. Hart purposes: go' Sawers conducted anni ereal y services for- ia X ur more than last year, biit there is 1nR Your speci I days a -re Wednesday and M . Moffatt in the city.�Thii spring we&*- zoIls. thoic o,: r medium - Jecrease of 86 in the adult; po�ulation. to Se ittle to res'ide. We are sorry to lose 'Thursday, Ma �-ch 26th and 27tb. Rement -as rb(re were ten more births tha a yeir Mr. d Mrs. Hart from out village, an they er,has disappeared abo F60 bar them, for i in � those days The E. MoFaul go thab if liar 11 ind two fewer deaths. Ther have made many friends during their two came, and -the old' ad a an in reaie , I Co., Seaforth, have their Spring Millinery 2,725 in the total value ;' t er --691. -yearef residence here. We wish them�' every come'in like a lamb it ill go out like f e. are iOpenings. T iere are some beautiful hat iouccess in their new home. -Mr. 'James I creations tbiseason and you can see -every- lion is likely to come tri: 0. thi a year. Prose mo a cattle than last Vehr ; 82mor horlea The pongee -of -n (fix 38 nore pigi-4, and 16A fewer sh( ep. Arm i t rong bs s been laid up with an attack , thing to beat advantage on these days. 1. o ii, you - of la grippe, but we are pleased to say that be trusted in, I 11HAT ()ULVERT.-P.ER ED 'Make it a point to join the- throngs of Stan�ev�-: he i. able' to be around again. -While FA OLD, a -.i been a T _RM -a tor -eid hi a aware the song -has ang all over millinery admirers. 17881 Mr. a sold theltownsbip of Tuokeremith by sorhe of the bringing his horses in from water that other H, Id be counc a a ilver!t at Mr. d ay, M�. ST.- PATR1yk1,-'8- CONCERT.�Tiae special his fine farm, on the 6con concession, to M wo illors that th r. James Keyes, of the Parr, line, 1 OINT-RE 07 icape from serious inj service, held ifi the Catholic church here, on -Mr. J_ames Aikenhea., f t)) same very little bu .rian a corner was far too lai ke 9nd that had i narrow as ury. Sunday evening, was attended by a con- Eirn. The farm, wi i -a or a of the beat in their Ider.4, i ,'-inch sewer pipe would have inswere He was kicked on the Shoulder and breast 0) a 3 d ig a pri" bhe�purpcae at a far le . as cost i Now thi by but,.foirtunately, no bones were gregation numbering from 675 to 700 people. the township, contai ��j'0 cres and has , on hi h 3r *a a ma Aer of opinion but Ue f , resbet of brokin.-Mr. A ' ew left for Pilob Mound, Thethree grg�d altars were ablaze with 100 it excellent buildings. The � pi ice padd I Was At vari. colored olive lights, similar tv those $6,575. Air. Aikenhead, possession next 140 fine4t iast week fairly settled the qq6tion. Now, Mamtoba, on Tuesday. We wish- bim a getsL the presei it culvert is not too I irge ' and if a safe "ourney and prosperity i . n his new that attracted7 so much attention last year, fall. undergra4s. 30 i rich t i le had been prib in i 6s place, the horn at the Jubilee services in Rome. f The air A 040 -OD SALE.-OnO, f th i beat sales ever trade -at 0"', IoW13shLjLp W ti at at Airs J. 22a - �fift wal,er would have overflowed t �Ie road, per- was rendolent with the arorna of cab flowers I held in this t 9 ; 31 Oaus*ng serious damage ;b the road. Kippen. and otted plants in bloom, and all the J. Cameron?ia, 4th conceoeicii it on T-ifesasy. --creamery *eo worsitlippere wore a sprig of green in honer A pair of two year old sold for M-.-, _rOIl8 f JL71 Ito-. Hay, Corn Conveyancer -while a pair of Le a months aemand,, �ixt h�� con il has certainly mad( no mistake D' missioner and of St Patricki At 4 o'clock an iirchestra, of &Ives! bir his in iter. But I thint the c6uncil willo�inortgagesand-deededrawniup. Moneyloaned n1nepiqees, including the "harp of old bronght$38. Theaepriloesare RX-peptionalp At 14 to I$ -- mad a mistake in the p -ice paid for at t6 loiVest rptes of 1piterest. 1740-tf ing but the animals *ere .'good lErin," began-& soul stirring march, dut ones. Other FlWaie a cul erts. They coat -too rich money. -ND FAR -At IMPLE. !which four sanads of boys,arrayed in black, animals and implements gold at good Priem ol doub they are lot by ten er, but the- T T. Me3lis takes this opportunity of thankin ISN ny customers and the pu )He gar cralli for all and searlet costumes, filed in. Tbomas Brown,,of Seaforth, was th; ue- We n drers are very few and parhaps combine his white, Yioleb I t He is again at hid post, attending to to the right and left of the sanctuary. tiolieer. a -ad he seems to havV the facul�y of To og Aherthat the have their 6 n price - in Pas 'I ore. RoNT0. y the i ts of ell in the way of p1bw and implement- With the precision of soldiers trained they, getting the big bids out of th, apeole. is now De he end, I think if the council would find repah g. A full Ane of all plow repaire; on hand. executed some intricate movements, an ingLrom e ibe mster cd and employ compethrit men to Ban( Tour implt mente in good time, so that he I t be out of humor in the busy im r -passing before the illumin. country qLari will e. All breaking and : a io, I he wo k, they could soon realize the ac- bugg j and wagon work will raceive the best atten- ated altars, they formed the letters " Vane Winthro�,. ieed time. U4 dost f one of these culve0s And thus tion i A all lincs of sualthing. A good stock of nesw Jean." The blendigg of so many colors NOTE.-,. -The many friendsf MK. George 'Most intereal in We 11 in to use the money. britNated to plow blways on band. A few bargains while they bl d agnificent kaleidoscope�. The Love will be sorry to hear df his very un- Pf the jobbii . a' . wit more economy. 4nd if 138b Iii 'second hand plows, iod plows, one horae !h �h, wi they gard I pi6vrs and iron harraws, all in good order. '=r, V". 71bert -McKeon, Was assisted fortunate accident, which occurred in Min- Allow qu voaIA ape d a few days lookin after this Noc ;-ip work tolerated. You will always find Tom y Rev. G. R. Northgraves and Rev. W. nescits, while working in the� lumber woocu. o o . i oft of w rk it would be wc �h I more to read fcr bu6ines:; at hi3 old aT. MHLLIS, 1 the�n tba a week of -canvassing before the Kipp 11. 1787-3 agarty. Th' Baer d oncert was one- of While loading logo, he n liome wa W41 Red clovoj%. el c alection a d be of more benefit to �the rate he very beat ver heard in this district. breisking his leg.�-Messrs. Kenny V0 to '$17 t NorEs.-John McGr6gor, of Tuckeramith, 'o adequately deactibe the blending and J. Pethick had'a�bee ou�ting wood one Y er zcwt. 1, pa ere.- N 013SEiWER. whc as on,a trip to the old country, with 6 voices, some NeSpaden is doi-09 a at i pment of homes, on Friday last r6turn- inter-blendiing: of '16 of them last week. -Mr. W. G. well trained, and all in perfect time and a rushinR bueip;ess w th 1118- hay pr.es#. ad tame. John much enjoyed his trip and ;une, to portray, their preciiion of attack, I During this last inorith he pleased a ve'rY Wroxeter.- loolislas if he fared well. As a result of �heir admirable phrasing and ihading, re- large number of, Itons Of hay and straw.- -G �VE AWAY. -An acei ent,'which John Bull's beef, heis Several pounds better 11indilig-one now of t he ripplig " foun- There are quite 4 number of tick peop le on are unchm 13 ca 6 nearly having a tragic enaing, occur. in WE ght.-The fipe, spriuls.weathar of the tains of the waters of life," now of the the list in and around this vicinity. WO ..pound �-d r§I he�nill dam, on Wediiei8day afte past week fixed up the roa Dust flying red'at t r- �hunders of the judgmnt day ; to !soon be re tored to their 100 13er 13 u describe hope they will 4 - P rimp. W ile some of the mill lbands were and tie bees and flies buzzi6g round in the ill this would require more Space than that usual healtb.-Mr. and MTa.' Miller filtend UvER1 0-( att riding to the gates,'a large Plock of ice midj of March ii rather an unusual occur- moving to Dabli' next *ek. 0 r1e fo bee me detached, and rushinul down the ran( 'r our fair Caftada.-Mr.and Afro. Osusdly reserved for your rustic reporter at swi t current with treinendous orce, carried Geor a O'Brien, of Hay, during the week, Ceptiontdiy 4wi,y a large portion of, the w)6d work of wam isiting at'the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tilere WAS I the datp, Two df the assistaus, Mr. Thd`�. R. B. McLean. Mr. O'Brien wag in Mani- Hemphill, sn, and Mr. C. Reise,J had a very toba I aet summer, and took up 480 acres of B1 Re bval� ale -ow-es(ape from losing land, for the Purpose of locating his son@.- -the exoc, ti allXjolag 0 nar.. thei lives. For 4 �unitely indeed-, for them, the top beam of Mr.[ Will Armstrong, who was 6ompelled to awaiting - lay big hammer aside for a tt-ne, through an J -the structure did not give at lh6 time and IN FULL SWIN -c I wttle Tel rif they were enabled to pull themselves up on accident, has again returned. to his post and tb The platform on which they'were work. 18.111AKing his hammer ring as usual. -Good men- are now getting Stationed in their 2ng -pt away. -y piece the -head of �ht I was ee Piece b acture gave way, and by night the go place i for the Summer months. No man, nly ab out 20 datir m re befOre relino 09 at 7c pe*g P CI od, who a able and willing to work, need go My$ 0 Vl I old Orn, t3at has stood the tea � for so many had i44 aFs, was gone' No wate' long ookiing for emploi-ment.-Mr. G e*orge Yt 11 force ever Stock must be reduced- before We ove. per iptou d.� McJC_ 6y, of the 4th concession of Tucker- lelined toc much or it to withstand, but it - - - - - - good - ol d not I Leeist the heavy ice, 1which was sndtb�, the past wisek, Fold his 50 acre farm led a'tinst it with terrificiforce. At Mr. Guy Colwell, of Tuckersmith. The PRICES THAT CANNOT BE DUPUCATED: 9 d y gobd- irr a of wrAing, the damage cannot be eati- price receive was $3,200,'which is consider- he ad, bu , it is feared it 'A ill. bi � ireiy heavy. ad a good figure. Notwithstanding the s double dress goods, to be sold at 15c A yard. p..er Black has arranged for atekin from the large emigration to the Northwest, farm F ce�nt all -wool dress goocls, 46 inch, to be sold 4t 39C !a va rd. S 14, ttic light power, so that M numerous prope ty in Huron county seems to be on eventy�two indh table linen, worth 50c, for 33c a -yard. umomers will be supplied as usual,. the ri a, whicligoes to. show that farmers Ten cen art muslin, beautifu, quality, for 7e a yafd. OTES.--John Harris, jr., let � for Carman, still ave faith in Ontalio for farming. i itoba, on Tuesda irig.-mial, �We h ve nob heard as yet where Mr. Mc- Eight pieces pure linen towelling for 5c a yard. y �, morn �15 t<) N1 H mphill is the guest of falatives in 'Ka iroposes making his new home, but Twsntv�five dozen gents' shirts, all -kiuds, white an(I colored, lo be -Sol at We 6 y our correppondent would ask Mr. McKay 9C t :6 iiston.-A. Sherrit, of Ddn�ford, V�c. eagh. -a county, is visiting his uncle, Jos come eph to take Horace Greeley's advice and G nts' an(I boys' caps, worth 40c, for 19c eacb. Zn. -.A., scale company was: ormed in the west.4--qMrs. R,,bprtThoib ho for some I � - Ont, for % I pson'17 wenty-five cant ladies' corseto, steel filled, bias 'cut, Etial,911t fr -coarse ge a couple of weeks ago, i. d a sat �f time �ais not been in her usal health, the 'procured frot Wilson Past �veek went to the Clinten hospital, ac a pair y Scales were In wherq She undervv�ent an Operation and, at la,,e cartains for 98c, $2.50 1 A Son Toronto. There was no ifficuity a�ce eurtains. for !$1.50. in ato extran e g the Sum of $2)5k ith Which to pro- la ecounts, was�dbing as. Well as could be 1:4'Big reductions for the next 20 days, I -do, IZA U.", the scales and to erect! a uildin to expected, conidefing'the critical operation. $4 g5 Mrs. Thompson's �many friends here will Hil heat prides paid for produce. plade their in. Bat now the c mpany are face to face with a dif4culty i h y *did not hope 3olon to Fee her home again, in much 6x a act to be called I upon t) encounter. . d healith.-Miss May Bell, the past 45 'mpr "' to D'(se parties havinj saitab' wee vieiting at the home of Mrs. Foot, on Miss yes h the scales could be ere not I.rn., and with other friends. Is, EAR-*OYD G t as disposed to aesist the com heir Bell returned borne during the week, hay. �en rprise. Talk 'about the the it)g enjoyed her vipit.-Those who have pob rising Suddenly last week, that is been busy the past two weeks making SEAPORTH11 syrup are now having a -lay off, on account he&vy 0 ibg to 5he way property we t up when. KBN'A§ CASH; gar BUTTER, EGGSs POTATOES TA -to the owner was approached y tl: e:acale of the sudden change to �cold weather.�Thq I r j� ti afo 7e 11 d ad