HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-03-14, Page 7- � - - - - � - . I � -1 . - . - - __ - � - :. - ­ . I I I I I 0y_r 7 A . - . . I , . I %---t � I - . � � � JL4* 4 . . I __ I I I - .. , I - - -1 I I 1i ­ -1 11 -, ­ - . - , - , - - - .... ' ited by the . I 0 I ruilitt4i . _11- � .- '_ -_ . In r IRCH .14, 1902. . MAI . - 1 Wearing that ,0,- --.-- W��� I I i ietorl'a I � I - as im t� - Oro . - I -, - ; . - " 1-9 Anded that the 'h- am, and he . iW _ -1 . . . . . AV4L�. .40 Apair Nuvion ftylvoitot ProVed � - - ke, Ron Of a U et�z. to I I- - Z_41Z i . . I 4 Halls and he, ljo- _! I I - ar his birthph W 7_11. in _iw - —, I DISTRIOT MATTERB. ,I ort. For, nece I tu p ar- 144 LY :&a & ses,ma - 23 - It in the � 4 Prohibition - �rs medale for servirm� : , ad the, 11rdian . Zk*4 DEAR EXPosrroR, - Are Prohibitioxxista 1�utbw �� �'i g t a relief . 41 . satisfied with the way Premier Ross has I � o! �� � d to hi�r;a by Queen. _V -7-.k � , 10i W-7 aia to be the dealt with Prohibition ? venture to. s%V -that a great many are not. -What more do L only 4- I rac I 044 - 'a. . *ft they want T This, question is asked by - - ---------* .every fair minded- Prohibitionist. When . . -------- , .� . - I - REWa -710Z . thePriviCouncil decided that each Pro. y AD Vince could enact laws on this line to sulb � ­ YW Little 1 tbenuelves, what did we find, before the - ones 10,14 Premier had time to consider what was beat eli I - - I GorxtemLted amX1 I*-, ior the Province 4 Men of different political . appy. � - �_�_ - ,Opinions, Conferences, delegates and many - � � - - .: others, rushed at him and demanded that. a � crosa- 34 I , - 11 .. � . a Irritwelft - "' no' W -elk even it - -'-W- Prohibit tion bill be passed at this sitting of L-gi%laturb, whether the Majority - of the I I BY Sympborns of hr - - �,- . 1 Q* �__ . pe�ple of Ontario were in favor of such a . alue". It is a t I - 0 17 I 04twitS bill or not. It would not, be' fair to pass , . ; - Av: on, and ha.is riot ft viftk� i, � _,,� ,such a bill without * the people's consent. On I no othervay� a + - Wednesday, the 120h of February, the by crossnest. aU4 - I - Premier brought down for its first reading roes give -%him Bs�. � �. the eagerly expected bill, which, if passed I ty will. soon !171. , m ake, bin - 7 - cans upon the electors of Ontario to come ipy. bez-auft' they i&-104 .Outgrme time in November and say, an a outh,., ease ii -*-'-- I.S: 4W ,V,j&V_ I . _ fair question, whether they want Prohibi. 'the dP hlig'Gbatirta , te littk -4�i_ . I kly. These Tablets" , ion or not. If a majority of votes cast t - at the last Provincial election are cast in - 0 needeforher 1ibt1.]!*__ " er I , November for Prohibition, the bill will be - 0. " *_ i der children to .- - _ . come law on the 4th of May, 1901, the � MOK&Y-t P,_�sew, - . - - ,a Y0, N." clansea of which I will not here take apace The Premier deserves credit for I _ - I Baby 1% .k Own Tablek-,k - to relate. bill, the in have ever uE led f .% or iraming such a and mainly way �fty"_ y baby was. f, !h tro, tour m0X1Q,**--._-- abled With, - - , � wbich he put it before the House. The speech lasted nearly three hours, and he � . ' in�� I , . :,. I i '' , - - , -� his food as goo � U-, _ � was listened to with keen interest by every 1 , , � U* - ['at I gave him mau , I i W I . � - *W *... i I , I ept -IW-, hune-ty-aad ks , - " . member present. It in altogether likely - the Opposition will adopt & differnt policy - - .. I IT, Z*� I �80 suffered - _- � � ; I firol; But, differenti as it -may be, they cannot . b�� -, a , - i � lag Urn -he f I �&a " ,, in a bill that will give the people more bring . a. fW t .... - ' � I Pg ceased and his bo- X,_ - lvek* - I justice than the one Premier Rosa will alto - gether likely put before the people next ­ rid I must s5 -y that AzW1, - � I the Tablets I havr4 W t�- November. - ARCHIE 0. CAMPBELL. t. ,,s baby than I had,wM I - I My' —0— 7 obildren-11 Ey � � . i W *b .2 aT7 RMA - , - . Y a Own Table ta. � NERVOUS TROUBLES I I 11 ,JW i - J�k;,-there is. no, telling -wift 1. I I - ikkarise. � . � , I Makes. Life a Source of Constant � � � & a ta- � � a; r ia cure for Al - Misery. li, tie oum frach, � At i 11� digestio. colio� diaqhaes I z I . . - , � A a ver� � ,�, � - a They kut- ' " , � The Sufferer is Constantly Tired and Do. , 4 �t; croup, and, allay the, 4- . 11Tr, i presseq, Will Startle at the Slightest I . Lying the catting of testk_ f I Noise, and is Easily Irritar.ed. I ader r. guaxantee to, mat ­ � . I [AM There is no torture more acute and iatol- � i er harrafal. drug, and di. � � - N �- arable than nervousness. A nervous person - ' I may be given with abol�� � is in a state of constant irritation by day n by . � I : and sleeplessness by night. The sufferer ' 'ents a' b pos - I `4 a ULU t � starts. at every noise ; is oppressed by a - I - . -ice., by a,d ' . hSIV k 0 ��g T , feeling that something awful ia I -oing to f , ., r k ane CID B oo ville, 0AWK � happen ; is shaky, depressed, and, although ---------- 0— 1 in a constantly exhausted state, i-3 unable � , � I I 'Lool Reports. to sit or lie still., . � � �T_RY­The monthly I . - I � ren-ork i � � N o. 14, Stanley. for Fobr*. - f Ifyouarenqrvousor worried, or iuffer .z om a. combination of langour and constant ir . . Namea; are in order ,q. � irritation, you�need a nerve food and nerve � , �, -188,,-D. C. Grasaick, 1L. y. � tollic, and Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are abso- . Whiteman. Fourth Class, lately the beat thing in the world for .you. I You will find after taking them that your & � I It JoSie MoReath,, Id. I �-F_ Kyle, W. W. Gent. J eeling.a of distress and worry are being � � ' Jr. 3rd, -B. Gem, rapidly replaced by strength, corrfidence and . - ,h,well. I �ood, Emma Alvir, Sr. 2o4 11 a feeling that you are on the road to full and complete health and strength. Get rid 1� r. H. Jones. Jr- 2nd,_M� t your nervousness in the only possible way I McBeath, Ecta JarroW ic i, bi cBea�th, Hanna,h Diw [ -by buildiLg up strong, steady nerves. � � i amllers, ia the- moiiW,r L -,., I - I � Miss Ina Doncet, B&r,h:uy gt, N. B,, hays : " Words fail me to adequately express what Vera : ,Fliftb, Charles Grst- ' I ' IowetoDr. Williarnu� Pink Pills. Iwas a MoBeath ; ar. 3rd, 'Pr � t * - ,a � attacked by Ia grippe, the, after effects of � - rama, Alair ; sr. 2ad, Jean IF which took the form of nervous exhaustion. Ld, Murray Fisher. -W. X 1' T The least, noise would stairtle me, and I her. � � . l I would tremble for some time. I used sev- � FtT�The following is the '�, I I oral medicines, but they did not help me, , � loar and February exam. I and, as time went on, I was gr(,wing worse, - a szetion' No. "(rt Ribbut., 'L. and was so nervous that I 'was afraid to re. � . Boa, May MeNsught%, ,- � � - T . main alone in a. room. I slept badly at 11>-Uz,A� Raby Robertaon,.. Robat ,� I nighD and would frequ ntly awake with a a W I i \orris. Jr. 4th,-Maut ' � .- ! . start that would compel me to scream. The tt& McN&uzhte,n, MAO -; trouble told on me to each an extent that .... � oabertson,. Willie Wordah-,- " - _ � my friends feared for my recover3. At this � , �.. Sr. 3rd, -Mabel Si6k -i ... � - ! I time my aant, urged me to try -Dr. Williams' t, Luella -Brintnell, UM i Pink Pills, and after using eight boxes I 0. � " -Bella, Drover, Edith Mau l was completely restored to heath. I feel �rtsoa, Bert Vonuar. Sec- - �; � � that'Dr. WilliamB'Pink Pills saved my life, � my, Smale, Carl Stonems'n j * I , I and I sinobrely hope my experience will Dra -Venner and Thomat -1 benefit some ot,her sufferer-" __­� , I LDrue MeNaughtor. P-,*'* ] i i 7Theso pills never fail to restore health . E 11 A14 . Hoggartb, Then= J - ,is and strength in cases like the above. They � � I on. Sr. Ist,.-Thoms* - �� make news, rich blood with every dose, I - ' xen, Willia BrintneU. 44 1- 6trengthen the nerves, and thus diive die- audson and Annie Westlakt. 4 1� I ease from the system. Dr. Wipiams' Pink I.km, Teacher. I i I � L � Pills are a certain cure for rheumatism, - � �-The following is the stand- I i sciatica, partial paralysis, St. Vitus'dance, - ,in Nto. 10, Hay.. for Iffit i indigestion, kidney and liver troubles, and � I . Faartfl claaa,-R41ift t the ailments that make the lives of so many . - F athron. Willie Moxvrtui , - women a source of constant Misery. BLight ' �Francfs Coleman. M I ';� - aw*�J ­eyes, rosy obeeks, and an elastic step Ia . - . class,-Weffloy Coleum V., I ; - certain to -follow a fair. use of this medicine. ' � ,abbie Patterson, TAU*, -1 Ia - Be sure that the full name 11 Dr. William ' , : r rmstrong. Sr. 2ads-Al- . �. . Pink Pills- for Palo People," is on every box : Arthur Coleman, Ms' [ U, you buy. All others are imitations. . If � 1 � I Todd, Bennie Elders 10y I you do not find these pills at your dealers, Jamie Murray, Victol-4 1 they will he sent paid at 50 cents a L zoss-.50 � , Vr. I i Rfimeliffe, Nellie Ro � t box. or six boxes by addressing the I ' .pe , Alex. Mousm-J-,_ Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, - r r. . I I � I Ontario. 0— � e : i- Woman Rules. f 0 - . Grey Council. - ' ' A calle Minikci, off ft 1, The township council met .on Monday of f India,l a most peculiar i I last week, in the township hall, at Ebbel. L _d-369, foe a woman is lord i � All the members were presen f, Moved by '. The �vife is the re". - � � i I � � Turnbull, seconded by Li�b:igeton, that we, . : hause. 'S,ho owns it AR i � �. thecou-noil of the township of Grey, desire I Ir :, while anything that her to place on record our appreciation of the ,- rks. very hard, can - e&M ��.. long, efficient and faithful service rendered r wealtb. Her husbauit ' I to the township by our late clerk, William and when she IngrgleAt it, Spence. That from his wide knowledge of . er. name instead of t#f I musicipal affairs, gained In the school ol I prac ticai experience, he was to wisely : 11— � I ,able guide successive councils in the discharge of . � I ork far Prafft 7 11� their honorous duties of legislating in the ; F aer for profit, you should ' � I 7 - 00's ! best interest of this towns4ip. That we, and our predecessors in office know, me ells Richardson & � ,3 1 C alar " Will add from _ , those who have not sat wAh him, at the ' � I - i ad to the value Of , Y"r I iraperfeatly � il �cosnoil board cannoti the quality atid value � of those services which he rendered to thii nd prePa"4 I I the value of b11tt0r 80 i � township in his office of clork. Accurate in ,r L J't be aol& All priZe but. F� -11 his clerical work, wise in counsel, he was at the same time kindly and affable to all. . - elle, Richardson. & Co�* I That his opinion on munici�al matters, in r CoLlor. 7), � ' I - ,, � council and out of it, were the result of - ---.o-------- r I t �� -careful, intelligent and matureconoideration, Dul - L ' - Story. I - and when once formed were firmly held, but I a man who � uffdri% Was 1u- ' , always with a generous regard for those of the earth always UnderL. r I � - others who differed from him. That we . - merit3 Were revealed, Or 1. I teel that perhaps a too conscientious dbf- .1 a hosf i Ia stroke. OaOL , charge of the duties of his office was in some Ambaasidor to IE413P I , measure the cause of his untimely removal 11 1: C, i,ipi, who treated ag 1: - from our midst, when we fondly hoped that Alm with daliberate "' " I not only we, but our snoceesors in office I I -e trick Wai? _.Jot t% LL I or: t, , ` - I I would a -till have him for counsellor and I I r1q. - I , � ,guide. His absence from our council board i I � 'rl 8(,*e Crispi ore da3tt'-_ -1 will be felt by each of us. until the passing V ivtin,g, throwing at th.a � � � yeara have filled our laces by newer me,a Wat I , , Lrunted good moriving. i 11 .. , . who know him not. we realiz,3 T,hat I . . i 'he door without', Moving. I 11 L , ' the council and township have lost a valued , d 0ain granted P'L i � I I . � I and efficieut officer and we a personal friend . J . 0; a 11 never moved," I by death. That we desire, as personal taffeiia I bat hia rii4eildsS Was re- ' friends of the deteased, to extend to lik I a-Ged, to gat up and re- ! L !, . atanding_a& I . widow and, family our sincere sympathy ho L the sorrow that, in the Provide�ce of. God, -Mbassador ___ L I in t -he beginning. I , . I has come upon them, w401 knowing that th%b sorrow is too deep and personal iii ite - I fe. i Children's Ail S06 1 ' character for our sympathy to do more thau ,the a ve brought to light a, 1 ; I - ia I th* .in a small measure rel ieve. -Carried. Moved by Fraser,L seconded by McDonald, Phat irt - . . I � o of destitation r. I some 'Years ago that : view of this township having given thef sum ' � I shack on the, 4nh lin0s. Of $35,000 to ap.Fist in building the southeria - , F � I a. a pi, iabla condition 0*� 11� , , I I I extension of the Wellington, Grey & Bruce -P'-I-ilw&y, and- that said railway now cariiei � � d on T4urfrday the msm- i -holv ,. brought' � �al I the produce and passenger travel of thii found to.- a !ULG the World, Who VvOre�, I ' township, bat from the present train sar. 'vice t ,ke animals than huinau i it is of very little benefit either to us 01 .to the company running it, as no one can gc i suffering t . � w.'s 10 X & I ack, which to any point west Without staying over . � 'I � one bed, of rough.board0o - night. We would, therefore, ask the mana. . . ��� Ae fire,, which was SUP' 4 I 'Cr r 0 ge f the 6',rand Trunk. Railway, who novi controls and is running the same, that ir -mates, warm. The Oc- ,_� I their Own and onr interest they put anothpi t,her,, Mother t,,�.,o chir­ V. . -'- I " , � and a, dog. , The: total � 1 i �, trs,iu on the said branch running west, ir the morning and east in the evenin'.- . , - .rnily was one� joat per . � to.w,nship! 9 �Carried. The Grey drain by-law was reae n them 4y the � I I - 1gure4 . he family. Which, f , i- , and, fi nally passed. A by-law abolishin$ , Ahe dog tax was paesad. The pathmasteri expenje of a6oUt V fPr I. . I i 11 __ i I . I . . - I � � i ; f . I � , i I , 'i . . I rare Rippointed and " the I% Alton rep , orb . - -A A petition f �rom �t =4hers asking �that psi. 6 line 2 "d . # con- ' Buion. 1, be opened, was T+ired � t: �he . I I I �� )eve and Councillor Fraser tb, enqal �� and , meeting� of , I . i ,�ort at next aoufi�il,i oved y Livingston, seconded by, �JopoWd� that pplications for the podti;6 lof clerk10 ie. )ived by the olerkalp to t4o Alai Monday kApril, 1902, at.a yea�rly isa,14ry'of � 0175, , ad for this year pro rats 4 td time ioapu- �ed, said position of � cleik to : cover all RtieVeqnired of suchoffi �ei by the Mupl. pal ct� the Municipal 111detion. Acts the ltohei and Watercourseai, 1 Act ! and, the loiers' List Act, unleoa t6� ,txpenses of �I - terat' list. court, are � lesi than wbat is owed by the judge of sud� 0 -i, and for I other services that he m4i tuu�e to per- , � ,rra such fees or charges sa'� lowed by the atute, or afterwar I to by: the iuncil -Canied. After p Iig a number lancounts, the counoit adj ` ruea to irneet ' J I h) first Monday in April.,' I . i I &�k : � I . i . a . "! I � . I I - I I � - __- .. - . I !! , - . " ..... t I y : � .. - --,-� --v ruk gf-�� fh,r V - Apt CAL - I � __0 G , - .,t .;. � 4 U I ea" h , 0_1 . - S I I . I : � i " ' ' ' UT TO ROUT AN ARMlY 03�i FORDUDABL3 ; . . I .. I . I . TIOSPASZERRS. , - I I � i : ; ustipation, DlzzLuess, Fa4'a I uzder Vie �. . , , I Shoullder Blades, Slek 11sad4che Depressed I a- lity Feeling, Bloating 4fter E�tln' � . .�, _D qb� t I . I �and IiVonirda, rosiin froMI, an InO;,ctive ; :� . I ­ . i Liver. I � . � . � I , � t , , Dr. Agnew's Liver. Pills, � Fo lit tie r Red .4 . I ��_ I _ � , 'o cen6 �vili set. you pats. at a cost of 1i �ht in short order. Piles oi testimony to I . . rove it. Vials 'containing!'; x�o pilll� 25 - i. 7 I � � � I mts. . � : � I 1 37 1 , I I. V., Fear, druggist, 14 oAh. : : I � I . I I � , � 0 - � 1 � � I - I * � Preebytery of MaWand. I � . � � � The Presbytery of Maitlan&met In wil�g- I 4m. on Tuesday, hlt%rch� 4th, � 4� 10 a. ! M. 4 the absence of the Mbds�jt r, !Rev�. '!A. � I � I : �`iller was appointpd Mode*Mr pro tem. I a roa f " ' .qr. Pecks communication v�A d ra � I I I �, Napauees intimating that 14%ay wished to I a lists of books sultab�ld , Sau'day Ire .. �for ' - es they could dd;86 byl apply. ,J'ct*ol timrarli f. .1T6 �taiisti6�11 report was - .esented and referred W the' � committee on atiAics, to examine itlandrepdrtin May. Fer loon Millar was receiVed as il at udept study- , under the care of the'Prespyter . . It, was % y teed to apply to the Generdl Assembly for ;rmitston to receive Rev. C i Rutherford, te of the Presbytery of Nas��%Ni iw York ' i a minister of the Rreobyte.qan a iurch in xnada. Congregations thA; had not re. I )rted re church prolp, arty w r� asked to do , immed The commitkee appoiitedi I J � bring a revised order of b qilneswreported 0 the report was adopted. ,� The. Presby- �y will meet four times in tboyear instead Itive, the Novemb#r and J&.4'uary meetings . . - ang cancelled ; the Prasbyiielry to meet on Le third Tuesday ill Dac4z�nber instead. ov. S. M. Whaley and �;R. 19. Little, wem ),pointed members of the 8�6od's� com rdt- . � ' ' I a on bills and overtures. 1! Dr. Murray �s appointed convenor of i64 , re�ibytefy's _ , )me mission committ0e, an r. iloss pvenor of the augmeutati�n; b 1, � L cc m as. � ! ' Iv. R. Fairbairn, Dungampou, resigned .0 charge of Dangarnon and! Por Albe'rt. i.i 6-e resignation was accepfles and V. . � I I M. Whaley appointed mo4e]:.at6r of 1the ilbancy, with instructions -to de6 . lare �flh a - . I Apit vacant on March. 23r6'. The reinit 'commission of Asiambly 1' " a approved. was agreed to disapprove 6 the revised do for social worship. The� Ir port 61 the reabytery's Sabbath schooV ,�vas adopted ;, I ith its recommendations. Tft�i reports � on oung People's Sociatic s and ,1110 .; church: life id work were also readla d adop�eA. � �r vs. MacLennan, Perrie, Wh�ley, Miller � id Rosa were appointed coiiin iss�onees! to ie General Assembly, alono' with Elders �m. Mundell slid D. J. Mqro:iis n. The xt meeting Of Preabytory ,was �ppo*ed , I � at ,be held in Molesworth on, "Way 120bb,i ; � I I � ),30 a. m. 7 I . .i I .1 i I i I 0 -4- 1 1 , . I . The Cost of Kno 11 1�dg e - i': . : Mr. Carnegie is fond of tell n$ bo ,. he .*as ice askod by the editor of a opul%r maga- 6i 0 . ne for an article cg,kui, Ation, ia LWuees " says 4. '. 1'�'. . L:Iknz,er in - the I �orld's­ 'Work. j I % I "Well," said be, "I thiik I - could . I. ! . rite that article. Bat 'am afraidthe . t: - n ace I'd have to ask you ��Woul be :too J) � � I I . gh. 1 1 . �fOh, no, said the delighte(I 'editor, With zion of a magnifioe�t Is feature, " in an � I rly number ; "I'm sure we could arrange iat satisfactorily. Nsmeyonrowlhfigur6.11 " Well," repliad Mr. OarnOgie, " I ]could %rdly afford to do it for lesalt'han five tiLil- ondollars."' He smileld a.:Iittlia,t�4ht I the editor's face, and t6tl *ant out-. No, I must - withdraw tha't. I W�a�: I lould put into it has cost me much � m6re ian that, and, of coureit, you would hot pact me to sell ,it to you at less than . 8 t.., 2 r : . . . I As the diplornatist puts it, " t4e niag.oti- � � I luions fell through." : I � t ;, — ; : t . I f �. To cure a cold in a ln�dight_ e V"-Cr000- I . I . I 1'e. It has been used extensiv ly duting m � ore . I i�n twenty-four years. All Dr ggist-q- � � I � i - —0- � ;: I � ' '-Mr. Thomas A. Leonard(, of �'Volfville, I �ova Scotia, a d,elegatc- to; the Studenth' onvention, in Toronto, dropped from' a Loving train, on Monday rr�ornin4 of 'last ' leek, and sustained a severa,,fract-qre Of bhe kull, Peveral of the partielbs penetrating ie brain. Air. 'Leonard 6ad &:i C. 11 U. ' ' �ckett but by mistake boarded thei G� �T: R. . ; ot express for Montreal. Be discoveired ' is error after the train had got under way, ­ ' ad in his excitement determined �to �IiXbt ! 1, 70M the car. : J i . --------7-* r i i To Cure a Cold in Pne Pay ! i - 'ake Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets, ' All rVists refund the money if it fails tc? cure ' � . W . :. Grove's signature is oo each'box 25c. 1 . 1 , f . - I � - I . - . -, I . I . I , i , -Short-IV after 9 oploo 1, on, Monday iorning oif last -week7 4'k srs. I Hogg� � & ,ytle's elevator at Marl os4 Station', near ,indsay, waa,deatroye by fte. Only a few P11 . I a.gs of grain were saved. 1�iThe wind Was irtunately blowing away�'.from another rge elevator, and the .V'im,, house: and se buildings were saved 'wi h difficulty 'he building destroyed Was 4zed sa'sware: ouse for clearied and seed 'rain, and, con - I � I . �ned a large stbek of p as, ieatj qats d buckwheat in big,Fy readij fowir�l deliveiv.. 'he estimated loss is from $0,0000 t� 1812,. : li I 00. I � i : " I � � __ , I I I , � I I 11 AGYARD'S YELLOW I curies spr no, bruises nes, wounds, cuts, frostbit , obilblain , @�Wg# of i geots, burns, scalds, contusioui. ore. r oe I -26b I 1 , , I ; I I I -Mr. .Frank Pedley� Su&rintmdent of , � r,hmigration for the Domir'llon, a atqd be - )re the agriaultural committee, a O�tawa, ' fe*. days ago, that 1 j 1 had .7,997' set or$ �riv�d in Canada from, thei Unit d States I uringtbeyear endiug,Iun��30lm 1-�;2,026 pmestead entries were .Ina0 IbIs t settlers ,-orn thit United Statep,� repo'dpeuti 46 � tot�l f 8,104 pers,3na, and the sabei of I d', made ompanies y the department and! raitway 4 , Deettlerefrom1he UnUed,StAes account. d for 6,931 persons, wilioh, ..'With 2,361, who . rent to Ontai io and Queboc� I : f TA 11 . I I f 17,396. 1 . i ! I I ! . � � 1 1 i . : — -.0 - . � i . . I -At the Provincial sale Of! tho -ou4hbreu attle &t Guelph last wee4,',thero were 73 borthorn bulls sold, rdalizi!ti� F, ON or an I erage of $98.15 eaeb �e 7 ' �10A.62 each, 'At �,485, or an average of i ,tyear's sale the averago, Ifqr ,bulls. was �II23, and 'for femaW, $92.�& At this � par's sale the highest prIced bull �� came � I . I � I . � . � I : � I I I : � I", _.. . ,- - -, - - _�, _ �_,� I I - � __ � � - - - - - : '. . ­ 1��! __� .4. -4 — I ' I � � " , . ; t I tWO 6,TORIES� ,fromthocount of Simeoe and .was pur- � HER kQE H�'R FORtUNFI, 1; . -1 , 4 � � I � - . , I I� � . chased for thetAgriou tura .,ollego for $315. ; . . _ . � I . The: ui# highe �1`i � ' priced bull Was a yearlingv, �Wh r The Seao�d One 0�veued Goo 0 . . I . I � � bred bv .Mr.- Redmond, of Millbrook, whloh�' ' � I i With tiie Firit . 1: ; and -Easy'! Position.. . - 0 ; sold f;f$23' ' %nd another, some wouthaL, .. I I A youni Mali W ! as telling �necdotes I - Do � � S11 0 WRS d 'Sweet looking girl, with an �� I �; u ger,' kfrom same ow t $180.1 , I � i , to a clrcleo and. one of his listeners was In Smith,'] ex -M. P. P,, oj,Sott�b ntario,i � : I , fair a pink idid white complexion as I Im 6. h I ' -in-law. He related o 12 sold a wag &� ,,wow in ,ever Aes1red, and, was chatting � � Ills moth'er ne he highes priced fe �d � � I - f I ne I thre year-old. mrs 11 Wed Ing GIft XTV."I� With one"of her ow -n sex on a Stateni! ' nPout a 111 ra]. A woman ihal ded. - 1. , I - I She rou bt, 1$21 0. Auothe�� from' the same I :Isl&isd ferryboat, N�hlle I w4s scate-d! : The uildeirtaker at 'the close of the 10 rJicold for 1 �M5, and was boujht by Mr.! w r.ear that I coulA no't help I bearing, � 1 services at the house Mid to the be- ., 7. � � . il , of Ethel, Huron cqu�tj ; $05 was the f reaved hu�band: . - oute a price p�d for a heifer calL ,I 2Sev �ral tfmes my truant eyes'dc,3erted 64you � p I imy paper and stole a glanc� at the I . .VIl ride : @I i - I i . t, fT,the,,flrst ..tarrlage . . � i 11 Iface that was so attractiTe. twIth. your 00t er- - aw. � I � 1� I ( . � i "I deelhie to ride *1th that .WoM9n," DRj LOWS W H SYRUP 19�i a safe, sure and re 1� 'It was the luckiest thing that CTer I 1i Act �r. ' i I able! Nvorm expell", r. ts equxl�y well oil childr(n - , the 4idower. ,"She has made my, or adults. Be surt you get Low's �' blappened to me," she said to ber com " said - �. � � ! I I - . . I I i panlon, "When I went Into that Fiftb i life miser4ble. To i4e with her would I - I . . . _�_* i '' Averme store just to, buy a comb. How � spoil all tl�e pleasuie�of the occasion:`, : � liews Not,61 s. ' . . All lauihingly appre0ated the hu- � ; little I thought that I wo,tild be werk- I I �1 . I - . Mr. John C ameron, rec6ntly appointe& 'Ing there at.greatei wages than I had Mor of tpb story! Oxcept the V I . ' ; , .puzfg I pasti�navter of . Andon, has 'entered on the er hOped to carnl: I hesitated about man7s mot,her-in-la* � . I ! V i � duties of his � office. 1 toing In, because I feare'd the prIces "Why don't you: I . S�dj �e . I , tugh?" I I ie lasked. .Would be too bigh, but I did go n -1 ; � Hou�e, the ott ,er day, that the work of I . . lion y Fisher, stated in the - in a :d "It was a good stor� I taking the cans as had -alrea i - boat the coun- came out 'with a. comb witliout paying "Oh,11 she replied,, '� was thinking- bf try $940,410.i . i k cent for It. And� better thkn all, -1 another .story about colored minister � . - -Samuel � CDchrane, of London,� . was elgin I I Lwho prayEd one da orra I in like this: crushed to doath� on Mond�y of last week, Monday as .4 saleswioma1l. "'Ob, Lord, sen' �9 a ralil. Thou I I by wbrick wall at which he was working, "I was nearly discouraged 'before i icnowest dat de craps Is a-splilln'. Thou fealing on him. � i . . i � I that, for I was_ getting onl $4 a 'week,, knowest dat de cat � -The death occurred, on Monday af ter. and we were awftlly pinched 4t home, . , hills am a-petishW fol water. Sens us noom of last we k, of one of; the oldest r i I i eal- but my luck chaAge'd on that day, and tk rain, 0 Lord. N�t one ob yer drI7, dentA of Woo ock, in the, person of Mr. . I I -it was Friday too. - Fortunitely for. jm6, zles. Ben' us a downpour, a gully Charles L. Beird. Mr. Peard was the . . ..wash-. oldest and the I�st of a well kn6wn family, the store was crowded wh�n I went In, In', a tiash liftin' r4ln.' I : which settled 14 Woodstock, some, 60 years' and the proprietor � left his desk that "A -n old marnmy tri, the back part Zif ago. � t - stands In . a little ri*lled ol corner an'd the churel called o t' "Look h ar, par- -Cous'iderab e damage w1as done by a came to wait on me', I noticed that he eori, whuff ol yo' pra dat a -way? Why flood on the 1G ad River, 4t Brantford, on looked very sh1rply at me but not at yo' pray for a tiasb 1, ftin' raiii? DoaW � y Saturday and Sunday of1ast week. A all in an impudent r I �Lanner.� .. . , large: iron lidd ge being eriected over the I . � - yo' 'memb !r dat I d�4e bury dat triflin' I � 91 9 . Pardon me, rul9s,' he said, 'but I I son -In-law ol ;mine; I#st ,week?' "-Chi, river, about & u ile frorn the! city, was shiftt d ' I I . . on t4e piers nbc ut two inc�'ea bat was not am ooking for a ypung I y to assist cago Chropicle. 1 1 . I I - . . i . . I otherwise injar6d. ' me In the store he�e, and if your eir- . I ' ' I -4 very siLd accident obourred, at :Can I CU stances are such that you wouI4 How to make y �rself Invisible. born, near.Dunnville, on �aturday.* of It r4e-arto"r the place I', would like to have ' Purchas� a new pot, i�lsh; mirror, i I . week, when Mi -a. George - Brooks i and her you consider it.' ; ') . - 6gate, ateol and t Ader. "Couvtm, I 9 . . youn � g son v�erq drowned in the' Odwego I "I was wonderfally surprised, but black cat4a dead prie ,will do. At the � I oreek. All the details are aninown, but h thanked . h1w, sayin 4 that I knew notb. r3troke- of inidnight f1h your pot at the " is believed that the mothe met her death 9 . t, , ivhi!q attempting to save he� 809. Ing about the businesa. fountain, 'ight a fh,� and put the pot I i I .1 1 " 'That doesn't �aatter,l he re'plied. Ion it. Pla(e the cZin the pot'and hold . 0 � , - i . ­.. i � 'You can soon learn' it. be frank, I the lid on -vith yo -at left hand� Remaln ! - 1 ) T i THE Y10ST NUT"RITIOUS J i � � . I � would Ilk to have, -account of � ror twentY-four ho .j In this position � - I - � ' yoll 'r , e 01 A : i , 0a your complexion. tou k ow we sell rwithout moving, sp aking, eating or EP 's, S . Ae I all sorts of goods kor the complexion - drinking and be es_becially carefill not' . . � P a I F . and articles for beiutifying, and your to look behind yoh whatever noises, ; . � I I I . face would do more! to make sales than you may h ar. � Prepare rom the "est selected ; , I , . 0000g, 11 nd distinguished every- I all of the argumehts and representa- � At the ead of thilp time take bff the where for Delicacy 'of Flavour, tions that could be made.' pot and pl ice the contents on the new, . I . I Superior Quality, and' Highly "Well, the result was that I got a dish. Sepiira�e. tho flesh of the eat I $utritiv Properties. 1 Sold only fine pla*ce, with, �qsy work, at $15 a from the boi)ys and throw the fortner . IA quarter;g.und Was, labolled ,. week. My hours_a�e short, and I sim- over your left sho�lder, saying, I'Ac-, I I 4AMM .1 & CO., Limited , , ply.play the agreeable while selling elpe quod tibi do, :et nihil arriplius." tioniceorat ic Chemists, London, I I � i f goods at an Immeriqle profit. I wouldn't Then place each bo4e In succession be- - England � I I ' I � I let any of the co6coctlons touch my tween your teeth on'the left hand sides I face for anything, - but the customers , looking, in the 4Lirror - meanwbile, essed by my cOm- Those which p�oduc� �ao ffect must bo , , 0 EP � 'S ( 0 1.6 1.1 a 11 il � I �, . i - I I P I I I ,' plexion, and the proprietor Is satisfied. thrown ov r th,& lef� phoulder with the I I i � I li So am L". , scarcely elvil but ,.Very necessary re- , � . KFAST-SVPPER : � . I � BREA I . � ! i I it mark give above. � . I 1 1765-26 � - � I i � f I � POULTRY 1POINTERS. Retain that bone -�I�ch��vben placed � �—* � � I . I , Milbum's St-!Tlft g Headache Powders give women t between the teet promph relief from wontblY pains sad leave n o b,,,,d � A close, unventl ated house Is em- , disappear 9'rom the �njrror and, having a er effects whMe ver. Be sure !you geS Milburn a. Price' ,O ind 25 bente. AlIdealare. I phatically a foul �=se secured this, the objoat of your eXDerl. I - - - . i ,Ground or crus4d 'bone Is a good iment, retire from' the room backwaz-44 � B-Atith Troop�o Liniment is uinurpissad by any I I . � he�ln rket to -day. It Ill com d of iform in which giv I liniment on t to � e lime. _ n I nd cleaniting vegetable Po" I e arranged so that - I . healing, soothi�g, .119 . and: 1� The nests should P. . extracts. It is pu up in large bottylP for the sm.111 . I prite of 26 cents. I I 1�the fowls can walkl In on them. 04orm and �Dlfjeaxex. : � . . �, I : i I � I ()� i __ 040. j Bran Is a be4er �eed for f owls than The Afed�cal Record s authority f . . The.essantinl Ju g-bealing prbialple of the pine leorri because it contains more nitrogen. the staten ent that the odor of ifew tree has fically belf'n succeefflu'ly: Eeparattd and re- �i I ' � I Inown hay is tin indipation of pyoemi.9, fined Into a Nrfe3t cough dicine-Dr. Wood's! 11 An excellent feed! for young chicks io . � IT . � Norway Pine gyru D. 8014 by,lldealdrs on a gusr- a I -typhus is indicated 'by an ammonia'a - 1'eracked or eoarsely�, ground ,wheat for I I ' autee Of satisfdotion . Price 26 ce�ntq ' ; I 7I 6e first week. smell, Jaundice by a Injusky one, yei- I � I - - _.... J! I I I low fe, ver y the odot ot a bun barrej', V C und at Last.' i 11 A cock that fig ts and pleks hIs I ' i : ates every time ed is not hysteria by a sugge9tion of violets &- .1 A liver pill ths.til a small and on e, thit acts gently, . . . f ew IDI! his hens' ! pineapples, . tl� t f b r tbp quickly and thorodghly, that doe i nob! gripe. 'Laxa- '� good breeder, an intermi ' e 3 1 smell of fresh baked,' ' d � Liver Pilli possrs3 these qualitiet, aao are a sure %ggs will ever hate . � ! �ro*'n b ea and - cure f &r Livcr coLi plaint, Cpiati 3ation, Sick, Read- f R � , . I measles by one like ftesb pick d feath- ache, etc. I I I . I Cane or sorghum seed can be fed t6 . � a . I I � - I ---------go a __ I __ R ers. � I � � I . I .owls to good advantage. It stimu- In ch6lcr� the odor' t the r For Cuts, Wounds, OnilblainE, Chapped Hands, ,o ,kin is am. ates e. -Ig prodtictio� apd in maDy ways � � Rhellwatimi, Stiff Jointq, Burns, Seblds, ]Bites of lo- I monlacal. It is acid W what is ,called secte,'Croup, Coup hs,1, Ids, HaKyakd's Yellow Oil s good to use for v�rlety. . � - - � ", 1% . milk fevei,' acetofolfmic ,in. rheurna will b� found a# e: : remed P I Oce 25 :cente. ri,or a good bree -er select a rooster � I . All deplere. � ! _ q I tism, partl2ularly in he region of the . - .0 0 ii � - ,vith plump, full b east, broad across i �. ' If a child eats ravenously, grin�s the tooth at be back, wide bet een the legs and engorged articula__ is; dt new baked - � nights and tdcko it i nose, you nia . y almost be certain hat crows often, Icud and long. bread in Ecarlatina. J it has-,. orms, slid illould sdmln�Aer witbout dd -y I ! odor is that of the f�llow deer; in ty- Dr. Low's Pleas'W Worm Evrup; this. rew6dy con- I, Jt Is a good plan to mate up the I talus its own cith Adc. i � phoid fever it is that bf blood. ' I . owls early, for occasionally one of the ; _* L W I � It seems somewhat, . . - . - I . ens -%vlll want to sit during the win- . I , -The curing rooms for ol eese to be estab- . er, and it will be b st io ha-ve the eggs the smell �pf the Plague resembIeo , . . I lished by the Dominion DOpartmentof Ag- I Tady. � ho - ney. I : . - r rocIrville , In ,ersbll,*St. Hya- 1, I , � . - iculbural, at B, . 'i I I . . � . J I - cinthe and Co,v ransville, ar expected to be I'� Pig For Ma I *rlage iFee. Mom, Buy' ' Itum Is Made. ' � in operation by June let.1 The aggregate �' 41 . �_ Bay rum is m'amul!"tured i� I)bmln. . l� A Lutheran. mtdlister I a western IL . I cost of establishing and equipping theIrL will J lea from the dried Oaves of iPimenta I . L �jMaryland town told ine an - - . be iri the �eighb,orhood y $920,000, By amusing ' iterls. Ba rum is procured by dis'tilla- . I of the = ring rooms the cheese c' a be I to,ry the oth-er dayj" fiaid A gentlemim yl I . I 1 4 � . tion a:nd this in a very�slmple manner. =at a lo,W'e - ternperatut a. resulting in a I o a reportiLm - �118oidaa time ago as this � . prod ul t f , I cl or b3dy and wilder fl%vor, �Jnlnlster was wal � kli i ig along a street of The leaveE are pick6d from the trees L. I ­ I � , . �Is. state they a;'� ir eat the precise demand of �' ld, German i dvanced'to- ou ito, 01 11 � I ,Ithe town an, o , and then dried. In t an I's will the Pritish pxblic. There will alsio be ]�ward- him with extended hand. The placed in the refoft, *hich is then 9-1 larger yield 9 * cheese, th�s giving 412 In' I'minister sh6ok t� hinaef, 'bit' remarked filled with water, aA ' I creas'pd value h � the milk, to say nothing of 4hat he could' not re�all - his name.- 10h, distillation Is carried on. The -vapor Is, an alded valueper pound o!f cheese by im- ,, -German, 'you remem- then condensed In the usual way and - provWg the guglity and Preventing a lor� � �yes,' �aid the old I . fromlshiiakage� I ber nliel I am the an who gave YOU forms whot Is kno�vn as "bay oil," a . _Lr. R. W� Hillyard, � 1 i 5ra � VelliDg immi- ,,a pig when you married me.' very sinall quantiti of which Is re- � gration agent of the Dominign Goveramenflo il "The minister smiled as he recalled quired for each pun�heon of rum. The . I arriv , d in Obtl . wa recent . ly, f rom Fort, W I- - �J the Incident, and I � 0 he was about. to manuf . acture of bayllrum Is carried on I liam to which �point h" h1%d e cortad the � I at the northern endl of Dominica and , ' I " ask about the - wife the Id German ' first jirnmigraut� batch. of the sessoii.� He proves a very lucrative 'business to I said. 'Now I tell ybu what I'4 do. I siiya immigration has commenced this year i When you married me, I gave you,. a those engaged in It,11 as the plants'are fully two months ear�ier thin last year, and I plentiful in this distrIct - I pig, so I'll give yqu two pigs If vou . everything points to a lively boom the com- �, . - � ing isea,son. The first lot t�onsisted of :over it now ulamarry me." - . � I I I ' tj I � A QuallfLed MeJection. 200 sturdy, w�l.to.do looking peop'e - , --.4- I - "Hello, S � � ' ' it - . - J� Looking Oult ForiPapa. While a majan were British, there �Iwer'e - imms, old manl I hear your Y, � also t Finlandero, Galliciana-, .and Russians A sweet little mal(I of f�'ur-years was editress friend has rejected you?" .� amou them 'A' few strapping orno - "She has. I propooed to he in f� let - 9 - d '"'ca distressed the dthEr evening because . have already bje� placed_;,��Lt wts� at 615 I ter, and sl e sent it 'back to lie with 9 - . � 4- ber father did not come home to dinner � per month an. board. 10 bile out- we$- I . Ve ha�i e read the inclosed UU on time. Her grawnup 41ster said to 1 note saying: I � Mr. Hillyard 'learned tb4t about 7,5,0 � � I �_- h inte�est and thank you � I I , MS. with 0= American farming popul�'tiorl ,from the her: . . . . �__ - - I Northern and Western States'dve caloulat- � "Papa Is naugh,y, and -when bel� for your courtesy sending it TtAx . � 1. reject T 109 to settle in our Northwest during the � conies we won't give him R'lly tea." ed, holvever, go we have already, 1 r I I coming season A large lot of farming : I e offer ot a contributor ,who I I . � . iAThen he did cornei, the sNter sent the ., accepted fli � of the L i -upon ft sinfflar theme�"' lands within es,sv driving i distance . teapot out to the kiichen for fresh tea. - , m,rote us I . Oanadian Pdcific Railway have been boug' t � i . - ; I , ` The baby looked dii with a tioubled' . 0 . - I ., .5 out by shrewd Yankee farmets au $3.50 t I I . I I , 85 an acre, who calculate!, their property face and stole, softl to b�r own roora. - i I . will be worth $10 .an a 6re wi,hin two Shortly she r�turn d with somethingil . ; A LooklAhead. I I , . . I I years. I I squeezed upin her Iny fist. Going up "Well, ,harley, lias your ,wedding I - I i . I to her sister, sbe w ispeftd: day been s2t?" ! � I I , i I r I i I "Annie, , I'll give ,ou, all my pennies "Yes, oli chap' il bad my flancee If yoil'll give papa �is tea." a�ree'to b- n0arriedl on her birtlidai." I � 'That dc es have 4 little rom antid fla- V) 0 , , � , I And, opening her 4and, she'displayed I I � r I I all her ca'refully 1hoarded pennies. I vor." � � I - ' 1. I 0 'i ; I "That V-asn't tho Idea, you se�. I I Allm nts,. I . � was thinking that lone prese t wou d I � I � - I . 1`011ticianx. answer foL- both a4niversarics.` I i Women are. pom- -What's the dIfference be- i . : i : - ! I 1. . . , . I I 1� . ing I to undetst&nd Phil BrIck , _.� k I . . ,., . tm-een an bonest and a dishonest poll- , i. . , I i I k . thatithe Bhelincho, tician? I . lafixmon� Tests. .. . � I � Vk . Headaches, Tix'ed, I I \ - 1,"l ga and, wehk PhlIO Ifer-Onel sin politics forthe Put your fin-er bqhlnd the stone �and ss i M I 1) look at ft tbrough the diamond -as I , I , i , S I I� 8 I - IM 8 from which go6d be can do Ills fellow eitizenm,! I 11 ­ they � suffer are due xvh I I e the other is lin potitfes for any! tbrough a mignifilng glass. IfAhe - I .. . 'l __ I y6p will be unable to _. _. to wrong oction of amount'he e.an do hP fellow eltizeniL stone Is genuine, the kidneys. . ; distinguish the gron of the skin, I but . __ ­ �.. .. . ... . I FS - _. I - .1 with fL falge. s . toneAbis WIll lie plainly . . � I . (" % .11, PLOAFA - - �oiied. , . - 'A.., � K14ney Pills " 91 High visible. Furthermore-, lookt ' ug' through I , I . an said, handing a real d1araond thei Oetting to ever�vls- This the salesiu . � � are 6be-ra,6st reliable remedy for any form I .,is also an alse stonL-. ulit 11110ther pactia", excel- Ible, whereas it Is with a f : of kidney compI . . , ain't. Thpy drive away � . I'. I - ains alid aches,i make women healthy and le"t Silbstit"te for coffeo. It.19 VerY - i, . . I wo i n Eap y---Lable-to enjoy life to the fullest. - Wholesome. It O'Llb-0.91red blood." in LIverpool re,pently sh: : . NIT& 0. H. Gillespie, 204 Britain Str6et, ­Ifnven�t you so'l Vt1fln_-,'1 Rsked the with babies met t�gether and' a -eed St John, N.B., says: I V01111gr wo-11,11, �,%--'111 . I tile eLri-ings, "that to vote WIliethl -was 'be prettlest Inflant - i 14 1 had severe Iiidney trb�ble for. Which - ' , us bh;e 1110013?"- IDach bab3 got one Iota. i � nis Z I I , __ I doctored With a number of the Ust . i � - — - , I I I physicians in St. John, but received little - ' ; i - . � . relief. Hearing of Doan's Kidney Pills, I 11 Shelf". Ill the Oeenn.-_ � i We hav � neveroft as great tro " beean their use. Before itaking them I It hns ,been estitated that if the! In the daytime as e have Imag nid coiild not stoop to tie rn� shoes, and at 1� rhizopods, which s crete Ilviu,- sbellh! wben ly!Dg awake t n, ghts.--Atebison times suffered such torture that I could not , �, In the ocean, are as �1 numerous down to' Globe. . . . J , turn over in bed without assistance. D6an'a ' -a deptli of 600 'feet 4s they are near the4 � � r � Kidney Pills have rescue4 me from L thim I , ey tm sact] land . i i . face there are or!er sixteen tonsOf � ' Of all i on . I ' ut are d, ue . b terrible condition, and removed every �paia 07 'per cc 1�1 y. checks land I shells or earbo te I of lime hi the uii-' I I '_� , na , I it e - I I �, Wne M i!e Id I I )�, 8 t �ae .� C , I . I I I I ,�, I I i it Ia I � 4h h .�- , , , .. I -, , .��r� *,nd �ache." � p square mHe of, 0111T 3 'Pel'ceut b -T Qteo and kold� � . . i _jar fathoms of e"ry � I � I . _; I ! I the -cceaU. . � - I I -1 � ��,, . � �__L_ 11 I I . . . � � i � � I' 1. ; I : i i . I - i 1: �� I . I 1. . . � . i . - � -1 I . I � I . I �, . I I I � . I i I � I . I 11 I I - I I r . I I I � � K91s i I iii�___ � . I MEW Germs. I � = That"s precisely .what � Vapo-Creiolene does. You I ' light the, vaporizer � the'� . I vapor of Cresolene is given , off. Not, a disease germ. . can live i this va,por, yet it can't, possibly harin * e -Ven the youngest - child. just nalturally I breathe-fifthe vapor; it, destro s tho - ! y germs of 1� grippe, hay,, fevet, infla- . . enza, and 1wRo0P'1ng-coU'gyh. 4t's the � � . conimon �sense treatn)ent : for all troubles of the throat and b�ronchlal tubes. � - I � 0 . Vapo-Cresolene,is gold b druggists qerywhere. A Vapo-Cresolene outfit, incTuding,the Vatorizer and Lamp, which should last a life-tilne, and a bottle of Cresolene, =hplgAe,.$i.5o; extra su lies of reso- . — . st I . ing ysiclans! testimonialq free i�,� on re 0 .t, APO- RKSOLENE ., i8o Fulton St., New Vor , .S.A. Recommended and sold L! . ar I Druagist. 8eaforth. I I . I Perth Notes'. ' I -RobertEeattio, of Rlli�, hex purchased . Mark Kelly's farm, in Kastnerville, paying , therefor $7,5W.. I � - . -Diillingin the gas wells� at 8 I �. Marys has been stopped at a depth I of 1,�50 feet, , owing to lack of funds. I ! ? T -Biirglars broke into ale's' bakery shop, in Listowel, the other i t,� but only secured 87 cents and Rome can Y. � -M�CarthyL Brothers, of J Stratford, are under arrest, charged with setting fire ,,to . their store, in that city, on IDecember Pth I I - last. . I - I -) . -Early Tuesday morning of Ia$ Lt Week, - burglars broke into the dy.eing iestablish- ment of W. 0. Elves, of Stratford, and stole clotb in i to the - value of about $50. � I -A case of smallpox has broken out in Elms township. The victim, is Mr*. lJaMUeI Adair, of Oxbow, Manitoba; Who is on a visit to her brother, Mr. W 1. Hol imet'. . ER Mr. Wm. Puachelberg h sold his farm in Logan, to Mr. Wail Well, jr4 for the sum of $5,000. Mr. Pasahel berg intends to EIva up farming, L and will probably locate in russels. � i, -The-friends of Mr. and Mr#.1 Thomas Daly, ef Morningtou, recently A presente.. them with a parlor suite on t a eve of their departure from ­Morningto�. They have I been active members in-Ithe Milverton Methodist church. I : ___ - __ I t — S. i AUCTION SAL� �� . . I ' J. Landshorough, I i i J, ;e% S _- M"A Fy''. R" T I I i � L � 'i -ONTARIO— - � i � I i , DEALER IN A�,'L KINDS OF L . I I i : SM :10ft'l. - rU MITURE .1� , I � I I I .. a 00 ; � i a : . U � M LISTER -i NC i � i . ; : . � J i i -A�D- i , i I . . UN D;E*TAiK I N Cw It 1! _�_�_ - - � i iz I Uphohterin "' , � 0 a �Peeialty, and up, enng coveringsialwa,ya on hand. Also Window Sh�des -fitted and put , f i! UP. : Curtain PeIeS3 PiOures and _Plctura . I � Framing. i i All wron a -e � . I . - � gs m d !, ig it in every de- paitment of ou,r.w L, at oilr expense. I i 11 __-�_ � . � I I � detaking Branok - We have a large an� varied assortment from which to 01:0056 i� time of need, amd at prices that have been a�matter of agreeable surprise to all who 4ave dealb -with uy- Two 6he hearses on hand for summer and winter use. Night calls -at my rosideriM corner cottage in re�r �� of Dominion Bam'k, will be promptly respo�, ded to. ` - JOHN LANDMOROUGIff- ONT. E R T � H IES- 0: -PQ i __ A TTNRESERVED AUCT1024- 8 LE OP FARM i 4 , . U STOCK. -Mr. F. EL Scott h" 4ceived in- ! ; "r ] : r . , ollau . .1 . � structions frdm Mt. Robert Hollau: to sell by Public to Auction o3 Lot 24, Concession 14, Afcllk�llop boun- , i I . dary, on Wefte3dly, March 19,1902, at � o'clook P_ � q - 1z 'i - m., the fo3owing property, viz: H6raes.-One � - keavy draught; hcrae rising 6 yeari o!d, ne driving r4c li . � �� horie rising 7 years old sir6d by 011ve Wilkes; I 41 i � - I - . gelding rIsIng 2 years W14, sirei by lexas Guy. Q , - I I Cattle. -Three cow,i supposed t3 b i In eal�t I faTrow �� t . � � I cow, 10 steers rhing 3 years old, i heiferil tieing 3 ; _ . years old 1, earlinx ateera,3 I .1 3 hej!era 2 years old, 5 yearb i . - heifer calvIes, 2 steer calves, 10 re p! Ia, 3 broGd N L I I 8ows, to Ittter about the first of pril �here will 0) T I sF7 � - . N pcsitively be no re3erve. Term -Allov . d s 11 10 glis of $5, ;. 9 and wider, cash; over that am"U'lit 9 m . , credit e!!i G I I I ,_ � %ill be given on furniabing approv jointno'e's. A N �oi I � ; . I discount at the rate of 5 per cent. 0r annum will be. L " () . > � I allowed off for cash on all cr(Wit imount;9. ROBT. I I A HOLL�ND, Propri.etor; F. S. S065, A tioncer. e" () I I : . ��_ ul� 1786x2 I I L ;i I L � -N. � , M" 3 li, - . , - nLEARMIG . SALE OF FALR� -STOCK AND pog a � -1 . * U IMPLENENTS.-James Jones has received in- c, 1 . � � . � I . I I . . ; structions from Mr. Wra. Pusr,b 'berg, to sell by " L§ ; I I public Alletion,Lon Lct 33, Conce on 10� Logan, on 5 i ;:u - . Wednesday, M4rch 19, the foll-j*dl g, 01me ware rts- 09 - I It, - = t L .1 . Ing 3 yestra old, 1 h:)ree flainx 5 �eara o d, I aged L' It , h . . . . mare, 4 cows suprosed to be In ealf, 2 ne, calved � - . o, I heifer euppoeed to be in f, He ag 8 years It so 11 . cow I , , (lid ; 4 beffers rising 8 ,V eats old I ste(r rielog 3 . . r . years old, 6 Wves, 7 well bred ewoo, I ran , ,op, 4 ft L= ' - 86 her months old, I broad sow in pig, about ,3, 5 34 I L I it ge-se. One Masoey-Harris binder, 6 foo4 -out, with 9 . trucks (nearly new); I Maney- 11. -foot U an .�3 �� . Havris in wer, 6 ,%E c �� cut; 1 pes h0vester, I combined tin. Itoroe rake', Let 1i ; I � 1 dho, I gang, I Bet Iron harp. 098 ew), one 9 I - I . Matssy-Elarr!s No. 7 plow (ne'lw�, 1 Cookshutt . " No. 21 (new), I biayc'c (nearly new land roller, 1 1 0 H L , , - - as '11, �d',Li immi IV, I beam scale, I new wagon, I truot. Y, (n 0 1 vw=4 __ - gy, I cutter, 1 1 foist d ble team i 0 ileighs, I top bug . 9 new pair boh- P* i: 9 I I harness, beavy; I a I . -15 et ligbt Soubie harr eso, 2 sets m I L � . . , - g . I , � 11 -1 I . single harneii (one new), ledok-stove, I = atue, � Q z R � I eausage machine, a quantity Of Im iber cedar ,v-,mft I - I 1' LS 1� i I . . .4 . rots..and r4119, wood. Sale at I 1 Wo ock V. W. WU P I I . I 1 3: A c rm -All E,ums of S5 and unde;, 6sh � over Oat m I I A I . amount 12 months' credit on fu�aishtnk approved ! I . 9 joint note?. Four per cent. off for cash; on credit I � .11 amounts. No rederve &8 the farm! is solo and the 1 ,� . I -1 Proprietor is retir�ng. WM. PUSICHELBERG, Pro- 00 so I . I V1 , prietor; JAMM'JONES, Auctioneor. i 1786-2 ,III . I ; 11 I F , 11 ­ - __ I I " %4 17 . 11 1 = H . H I - BUSINESS 1COAN-GE I -, IM rn- 1.1 � � � I � 11 z I � . �� =_ 0 "o `\1 14 The Swiforth Musical bstru- *@ i J i I � � ill � 11 - - I - I z _., � I . '51 - * .i 1� ment Emporiam., . lv I I . .�! - _—, � go �� I > . H 'I : � i I I 1, Scott Bror.,having disposed of this old and '8 ! � . �� 1-1 ' ' I : . I if I popular business, together with their entire I I H I I 2 � � . stock, to I . no ; ". I 1i I : I . , � " ! ! I - - n - I . - . � 11 .1 G. X BALDWINA 0 3E I , - 11 . I 90 � . 't, . 0 __ :. � I � � ; ; Z' I � - I , :, ,-, . : have pleasure in recommending themew pro. () . .� � �! .- . 11 � I - � , prietors to their numerous !customers and I H - (0 'I Wanda, and trust they will �extend' bo the � I , ' ' 4 t 11 . �; -1 new firm the same measure Of support they (O I - A - have for so many years extended to them. a � i 4-1 �, I i :i - I � . � ': :1 � 11 ., - SCOTT BROS., S&forth. __ ! i �-, � , . td fl � 11 . I I � .1 . — . A �! � � I �, i I , . ;� I il 11, In conueWon with the above, , .. ;0 , 11 - � . ., 4 . , . � 11 I I . �. G. M7 DWIN! & PGO. __ � -1 . : . . I � � - ' .� Beg to state that they will iiereafter' carry ;,: 1. , I I ii , on the obove business in all its departments, . z � A 'I _01oak, &d- - - - Q__ I in their store, in Carmich"I's t . I __ i; I ,� 1 4 il joining th4 Royal Hotel, Seaforth,'iand hope I ', "31 , to receive a liberal share of PubliO patron- TIM I T` SLE. - - - � I . It . _� 1- � .. . I .i age. , . __r - : . I In addition to a large assortmerit of I � ; a - Grand Trani: RailWay. - I - A MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Tnins lesvil Seafoldh and Clinton It-ii"Ove AS I ��, � , Ilt I .1 Of all -kinds, and the very bes't makes, they ollovre I i - ii . - i � B1 LTORTH. . aLn"offl. I I �� will carry a very large stock,of Jonto WXff- . j I I . " - I 1 Pasoengar_.......; !,.to P. X. 12.56 r. V_ Ar. - I ,. I; Bicydes and Sewin ' K�chines, Passenger .... .. I i t 12 P. X. 16.27 Is. M. : �1�1_ - 9 Mixed Train.... - � .2o A. X. i0,16 A. AL "ll: . . �, In all of which lines they can give! bargains Wxed Train ...... . - up P. M. - �, 7.06 P_m I . I -i � . 4z much as oannot'be had in any other est%b. GOM4 EAM- -- It . i * A Passenger.. .. ...1, '13 A. 3L 7.88 A.M. lishment in the county. Just glve�ue a trial � , it - I Pamenger .. .. .. �+ ,F,.0 P. X. . 2.65 P. 3L -1 il . 7 . and Eee. Remember the pla'c�-Caimioliael'w Ilix,ed Tl&iR__... _ .;. 4.40 P�. M ,1.25 F. IL I . I 1. I I � � I . Block, SEAFORTH. - I . ! - i . , I - ; - i ., 1, I I . � � a . : � - I � WellingWA, GP)Y -and Bruce- � i G. M. BALDW114 d� CO. -Gome woymall I passsj� Nfted. 9 . gaf. I ! I Ethel._ _ _ 1 8.07 . IL 1.40 P. X_ I - � � N. B. -Remember, we do ;bicycle repair. Brumels.. .. .. 1 . . � ; 13.17! 2.10 1 I 11 ing, &c., as usual. : I Bluevale.. .. .. J 8.271 2,25 - fl - Wingham.... - : 8.38 1 1 8.W I , ,-, - � - 7 i GOING SOUTH- : tawngler. i Ifited. 41. Tenders.for Drainsio LWIngh&M ......... �_ :0.53 A� *. 8.0 A- 1L I . � , Bluevals _. _ : 17 02 917 H . I j .'.­.�- - -18 9.45 J11 Tenders will be received at the Glerk'i office Sea. Brussels- �. ,. + ­ i. , - i I � - forth, until APAI 2nd next, for the conotructi;n of Mhel- - - - __�­ 4.28 '10.02 11 I . I 1; cettain drains within the in-)nlcipsli�f. 1 Plans and � .0 i '11 I speelfications to be seen -at the Clerk a office. The "_ lowest or any tender not necemrily sccepw. WX London, 4urok! aud Bruce- . T! . . E Issm r. �� ELLIOTT, Clerk. 1 17854 Gorse Woura --- � � 9 I S. 14 A. -m. Tot; r.X .i lAndon deparlk�. _ ' A , � I -!:: 9'18 5-�b6 fl, . . 08nj"_!­­' +-"'_.4 I !11 I i Notice to Ore'dit 6:rs. � lCzeUr__.....4..­ i_ P.130 6.0 R I , .. L 9.44 q - i I � Heanll_r-­-� ...... � 1� - I Kippoll ....... ­ ­ ... ;!.. V.60 &% 11 . ­ , In the Esta, V of Alexander Buchanan, late , By �* .4.N.. _9,L68 * L&33 _- . ­ . of the J'illage'of Housall, in the County Oubion..- _�­.-W.. 10.16 610 - � 11 E,ondesboro -..!.. ....]_ 10,39 7.14 - L of Hurca, GeDtleman-, decease,4. , . �Blyth_L - __ �.,...4.. 10.41 T. 1% : . . , , - , , 7.37 - Notice is he. -eby ven. punuant to R.; S. O., IE67, 801gr6va- ­ i - 10.60 � - . -11 -1 I I Chapter 129, t lot alriperions having clail:ns spinst t4v-1.0 11.10 Me --- � the ektate of. the Leald AlexAnder Buchanan, wbo Gome EFOUTH- . - P"Pown- V , L 1 died on 6r aboot the 21st of March, JLO. IM, are Wingham, dopart.. - .1 - 0.53 A-19- 106 V- X 4 - y before the lot of Apffli A.D. 1902, 1301 fbisve.....­ .. -4.. 7, , .-a 40 �1 requircd, on ? 01 -& I to tend dr de3ver to Dr. George Bueba xv, Zurich, Ely .. -1 ...... 4... - �4.. 7.14 .66 P. O., Ont. oi, to Alexander -Buchanan ip - I P. leoloro..:.. t:. - ., - 7.22 4.106 I I snd L _ ' 4.25 1 I O., ont, the kXecatolsof the last will Clinton - _ ... . :� 7.47 Lt- �� UlCnt of the *1d deemed, lull partioul of their Brucefleld ........ - ...14. &05 1 A-49 I .1 , I 815 � 6.57 I - * clabna, and the .nature -of the seoun lee (it any) Kippen . ...... �..-.---J, - i:22 5.42 � lield by them and that after the mid. te the ssil H0nsQ1_1...._.__ ,,o I 6.14 , I" I . 8185 1 1 � . Executors wil proceed to distribute the said estate . rxoter_ i..... . - 8.46 5.28 � atnongg,t the rUes entitled thereto, b vlag r ard ceatralla.... .'. ". L.,.* .1i - I ., , I OVly to ou aims of -which notice ohs i haveten TaMon, (4rrive) - - ­+ - 9M 1. M. 18.12 i w � I I . - 4 i-. I - Ivon u kb.o rt quit ed.-snd-they will ot be Hal le - L il i L . �_ r , to any n4or persons of whooze clal of clahns I 1i � ; q 4 notice = not -have been received a the timeof :� . i such ,Idistribu�ivni GEORGE BUOKA AN. Zulleh The Pressu-71,e of Business , : 1 I I �� !I , , P. ,0., ALE�. BUCHANAN, Hensall IF. O., Ex- I I 'A I � i ecutcra. i I . Is greatly rellev� dby the use ,of the i I I- - T; TE LEPHON.E. i � il � Dated this-fth day of Marob A. D. D06. .1 I � I ' LONG DIS �'CE 1. 0 1 ;. j . � 11 I ! L *W3 - resel -L or in A - few � . 1, i I . youi, custm 7� 1 Yon i A - � i . H tan; be scoom- . 4 I I R i , . . eeeonds aid MIR I i � � I z LL N I I i 1 MONEY TO LO pli.bed, at' cost 1 )I LITTLE time ancl ' LEI . Money to l6an Lt 41per sent on, gw�d UM occur trouble. ; J U 'i _ . sea] , U . Ity. Apply 0 JAB. L. KILLORAN�'B r, I I Co., of Canada, �� ; I 17124f - The Bell Tel phout - forth. . I � i 4. I � I i A - I 9 __ - � 11 . - . I - 5q I . I � I . I : � F � I a . I . L ; - . � I ti � - I L i . � L J I 1. . . i I i a . . ? i . - � I . ­ i . � � . L � , . - � � � , I - - . ; . ? � ! , i . � I . I : � __ - I i � . __111 I - I A ! r I _-_ - ­- - L- � . . � - ­ . . � � 4 I � I - � i ! . - I T � i �i : _ I ; - T , � � . - � i .. . . . i � I - � : I . � . L ; � - I I . I . . . L � - - .. 1 1 - , � . � � . - . L � I : I , - I - . I Z . I - _ ­ ­__-gkii -_­___.__ I �­ - - __ �, - ­ '" - -- �, I I I �1 � . _­ __- ­ � L - - ---Mil - . _. ._ 1 ,-I-,---- ­­_­ � - �