The Huron Expositor, 1902-03-14, Page 3a for new•
gg, men -s
nd fancy
taken at
pedal lines
All intend
of up -to-
t goods, and
T. Holmes
athing spell
5 just possi-
pantiz, per -
vest. We
Ahes. Just
e beautiful
*all and s..«.
'ration e -
1eS8 tf P say-
Lon i- agaitt
tr•,.:ntres in
ublic with
tor r.Jade, tier
v the Magnet,
stepported at
-es left on Mat
. id will con -
nae e. it he
the market-
MARCH 14 1902
"One of my daughters had a
terrible case a asthma. We tried
almost everything, but without re-
lief. We then tried Ayer's Cheery
Pectoral and three and one-half
bottles cured bet." -Enuna Jane
Entstninger, Lanenville,
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
ertainlyeures many cases
r asthma.
And it cures bronchitis
oarseness, weak lungs,
Iwhooping- cough, croup,
q winter coughs, night
i coughs, and hard colds.
Three sixes: 25e.. enough ter en ordinary
vete; litice ease right for bronebitie. Wares-.
nese:hard colds. etc.; 01meet economical
'ler chronic eases anti to keep on barrel.
.J. C. AYER CO., Lowell, Mau.
- •
Hardware Store.
Portland Cement.
Gat our prices for Portland Cement
for silo walls and doors for summer.
004 Oil.
Beat Canadian Coal Oil I5o per gallon,
in 4 or 5 gallon lote, for CASH ONLY.
Amedean Water White,
Sills & Murdie
Counter's Old Stand. Seaforth
You Ma.y Need
All Bowel
it is a sue, Bale and quick remedy.
There's only one pA1N- KILLER.
Two !sizes, 25c. and 50e.
Curiont Meth t dm Tha Pets -ail In.
Some P reign Co entries.
in this favorld land of he free every
lovelorn swai . has his in way Of
making love at d poppin the questiola,
but in some fo eign cows ries the peae-
entry has pe Wier and; traditionaey
ways of per ioriuhig t oee pleasing
funetions. A ong Hun elan gypsies
cakes are use. as love I tters. Inside
the cake Is a coin, whtci is baked la
It. The cake is flung t the fevered
object of one' affection . The reten-
tion of the c ke signifies acceptanee,
but if it is fin g back with force it sig-
nifies reJeetio ;
The Japane e lover wiehing to make
known the state of his feelings throws
a bunch of pt0e plum flower -buds let°
his loved one' S litter as he enters ltr to
go to a friend's wedding If she tosses
the blossoms lightly out, the suitor
knows that he is reject, but If $h#
fastens them to her gli die it is "Oh,
happiness!" With him.
In some perts of Spelt' the yottng
peasant look unuttera le things, but
speak unfl he has beee
e girl nei her looks eo
e sees. iite in the coo
e the yo th knocks at
oor and a -$ for a gourd
Is of cours given to him
e crisis. If he is inv
ir within the porch 0
axden, he is an aceepte
this eiv it, is not lex
he goes way knowin
ected. If e is accepte
neral eel • ration by th
bride to e in honoll
skint° g s a -wooing h
house of t is loved o e'
seizing t object of hi
her long strong hal o
ries her ay to his h
ent of sk s. No matte
e girl ma reciprocate h
ons, she leeays makes
stance a d tries to ru
Me this 10L4 the sake
e cone -en •utilities of E
The Royal Victoria Life Insur-
ance Co. of Canada, head office at
Montreal, with a capital of $1,-
000,000, wants an agent for SEA -
FORTH and district. The re-
muneration to a good man will
be made satisfactory. Apply to
H C. Thomas, superintendent of
agencies, 6 King street, West, To-
wore ANT. Wows phosishounit
- The Great English Remedy.
Sold and recommended by all
druggists in Canada. Only reli-
able medicine discovered. Siz
packages guaranteed to cure all
forms of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse
orexcess, Mental Worry. Excessive use of To-
bacco, Opium or Stimulan . Mailed on receipt
of price, one paokage el,8 , 55. One will please,
lat cure. Pamphlette ree to any address.
The Weed C pauy, Windsor, Ont.
Sold le Sea forth by Alex. Wilson,J. S. Roberts and
I. V. Fear, druggists.
Special Attention
never tries th
accepted. T
speaks, but s
of the eveni
her father's
of water. It
Then comes t
to take a Ch
seat in the
suitor, but 1
tended to hi
that -he is re
tiler* is a g
family of th
her betrothal
When the
walks to the
parents and,
affections b
her furs, ca
Of snow or
how Much
suitor's affec
show of re
away from
preserving t
kimo society
CARRIAGE to Horseshoeing and CARRGlee
General Jebbing. MAKER
Werke' street, -
• Seaforth
Avoid dangerous, irritating Witch Hazel
preparations represented to be "the same as"
Pond's Extract, which easily sours and often
contain "wood alcohol," a deadly poison.
et Was •yinir 'to "tie
Friendl uij Do -y.
was stop di on Washin
ays J. T Trowbridge
by.a f eed who Mase
g nation • etnent: "Wa t
in town. have just eee
I asked are, le ;
otype fou i deg, just arOu
Come ale g. I'll take yo
he autho of "Leave cf
loomed o ; large in
as to se almost s pe:
I was Oiled with sone
of won* ••r and' asto is
had bee' invited to me
ing Solos. on.
a large, :r8.y haired a
ed, plain dressed ma
•f sheets a# desk in a 1
ce, with iank, enwhol
elbow listless
men was Wh
ere those of b1s
as a scarcity f
riSing to recel e •
we all remeined
ekly looking 10,
1 Whitman turn -
'You'd better se
evening." After
tman explained:
y I found at My
trying to cheer
en, him with
at but curiou ly
stration of hese powerful
early poe0s':
dying 11- ther 1 speed find'
e knob of the door.
• • • •
seize the descending' inane 1 raise
with resistless wi1.'
O 0 0 0 1. •
Every romn of the hotilse do 1 fill with an
armed f orce, lovers a one, bra. rs
of graves.
How the P
One day I
ton street,
The Atlenti
this startli
Whitman is
him!" Whe
"At the ster
the corner.
to him."
Grass" had
human, an
euch feelin
went al if
Socrates or
We foun
gray bear
reading pro
tle dingy o
some looleinig lad at h
watching im. The
man, and tae proofs
new editio . There
chairs, and Whitman
us, offered ne his, bu
standing e cept the st
who kept big seat un
ed to him nd said:
now. I'll s e you till
be had go e out W
"He is a f lendless
boarding p ace. I a
him up an strength
magnetism " a pract
prosaic III
lines in th
To any on
A ear load of the beat Red Cedar Shingles
belie tbefore the rise in price, which we
e'l at
xxx 74c, and xxxx 78c.
Thia is a snap in Shingles, so call and get
your supply while they last, as they cannot
he replaced at this price.
North Mahe Street, - • Seaforth.
• ; •
.. . r
Florida Water
For the Handkerchief,
Toilet and Bath.
risitese YOUNG BULLS FOR BALE. -For sale,
three young thoroughbred Durham bulb, with
regititered pedigreee, and reedy for seevice ; two red
is calor and one roan. Apply to DAVID HILL. Lot
27, conceseion 8, Hibbert, Staffs P. 0. 176641
UR:HAM BULLS FOE SALE. -For sale, two
thoroughbred Ddrhani bu'le, eligible for reg-
strstion, 12 crud 18 months old, one dark roen the
other -ligLt. Apply on Lot 25, Coucestion 1, L. R.
Si Tuckeremith, li relies Fouth of Brnoefield.
AMES PATTERSON, Brumfield P. O. 17E04
-Three red snd °be roan, ranging from 7 to 11
n outhrold. All eligible for registration. Bred trona
1' Reeeville Abbott," one of the beet e're in the Pro-
v nee. Also five young heft, re and crows, tall suitable
for breedieg. Apply on Lot' 30, Concession 0, Us -
hero°, or addrese Hurrendale P. 0. THOMAS ODD.
MO E & f.L. ilf_114_.1121Ltt .
A :141.E.—Eight choicely bred Scotch and
4 .
Scotch topped ehorthora bulls ; the thick
ky stelish kind ; .gocd colors; as good a lot as -
e e ever offered in the Province; also cowe sad
el era ha tali by Imported Red Duke; also heifer
relives; all at nodor.5e paces and easy term. D.
MiILNE & SON; Ethel, Ont.
- 1771.4f
hei ere. All Thoroughbred Durham% Vieth reg-
9rURHAM CATTLE FOR SALE. -Fee sale, four
ic ed pedigrees, and from the beet and most pop -
young belle fit for eervioe ; also cower and
ittla - strain!, and several of them are prize whim rd.
Apply on Lot 26, Conces'
sion 4, II. lt. 8. Tilekcr-
OW1th, or uterus Seat( rth P. O. H. Crich. 1769 tt
. ,
1 and one roan Durham bulls, from lmenthe to
a little overill years old; also a few Durham heifers,
in dalf to the eelebratededoek buil, New Year'sGift.
Ttefe estt p me all firet edam with regiefe -ed pedis
gree, and the heifers are to calve in about JUlys
Ap ly on le..rt 24. Concession 2, L. R. S., Tucker
tan th, or Brueeilold F. 0. W11. CHAPMAN. 118E-4
STOCK OR SALE. -One heavy draught liraod
mere !rising 6 years old, with four Imported
orossee ; weighieneally 1,700 pounds, and is in foal
to T. Berry's celebrated dr e stallion, " Bleiedon
William." 11$he is a very deeirable animal and Just
ete kind tdhread the high priCed horaee sa much in
demand at ethe prgent time. Also one thorough-
bred Shorthcra bull:, obi', 16 months old. V Bret -
Ye les Gift" Let 11,, Concession 2, L. R. S, Tuck -
7 hadiVedual and got by cur stock bull, h' New
Or mith. A. 0 SMItLIE, Henan P. O. 1186-2
The McKillop Mutual Fire
Insurance Company.
1 It
Point* About n. Good Horse.
There are some poit$ which are lfaI. •
uable in 4aorses of vertr descripti n. :
Tho heaclj should lfe •proportionat ly
large and Iwell set 04 The lower j w-,
bones oho Id be su,iciently far ap rt
to enable the head sto form an angle
with the $eck, which gives it free ge o
tion and 1 gracefulF carriage and I rer
vents it eating bee heavily an he
hand. .T1e eye should be large, a li tle
prominent and the eyelid fine and t in.
The ear s ould be sn all and erect mi
quick in Motion. The lop ear Indic tes
dullness and stubbo •ntiess: When too
far back, there is a dieposition to 1. is -
J. IL McLean, President, Kippen P. 0. • Thomas
Fraser vieequesident, Brocelleld P. 0. ; Thomas E.
Reef 'Illecee-Treas. Beaforth P. 0. I W. G. Broad -
took Inspector of Losses, Seaforth P. 0. ,
W.G. Broadleaf Seaforth; John G. Grieve, WI
throe; George Dale, Seaforth; John Benneweis,
Dublin; Jamee Evans, Beachwood ; John Watt,
Ekdook ; Thomas Fraser Brucelleld ; John B. Mo.
Leen, Elppen ; Jamee Ocinnolly, Clinton.
Reef 8rolth, Harlock ; Robt Maltlflsn, Seafortbi
hats Cumming Egmoudv •e ; J. W. Yeo, Holmes.
rill -0P. 0.; George }Wroth, and Sohn C. Morrison.
Parties desirous to effect Insurances or Usu.
tat other business will be promptly attended to es
3r.l1catien to any 01 the above (Moen, addressed la
resPentire post °frees.
m' good
crops tomers---so each year the
grown greater. That's the
= secret of the Ferry fame.
More Ferry's Seeds sold
and sown than any other
1. kind. Sold by all dealers.f,
190Seed Annual FREE.
crops and customers have
Seeds make
D. PA. Ferry & 00.
Why the Shipper
nate It
hat is the Va
pre s agent in a B
keetn eyed custom
hire a package to
cite. The man ad
ewer at once, but
card on the wall t
state the value of
1 If 1 state the v
,Ipany pay me that
•paciltage is lost?" a
"Certainly not, u
to be its value," an
'"If I state the v
greeter value if it 1
"You will have
question," replied t
"That isn't neces
know the law," sal
company is trying
fair rule, because
Way. You are righ
my statement can
case of loss you
but: my statement
the i court would s
ped' by my declar
"If a shipper sh
shipment, thinkin
weelld reduce the
ha' e to stand by
yo r notice is cal
do that very thin
hipment `No valu
wel. meet in the co
eqeal footing."
ePHOMAS BROW, Licensed Auctioneer for the
Counties of Htiron and Perth. Orders left at
A, M. Campbell's implement wareroome, Seaforth, or
ets Expoinroa Offloe will receive proropt attention.
Satisfaction guaranteed or no charge. 1708-tf
UCTIONEERING.-B, FL Phillips, Licensed
Auetioneer. for the counties of liven and
P rth. Being a practical farmer and thoroughly
derstarading the value of farm stock and imple-
ents, places me in a better position to reline° good
p ees. Charges moderate. Satisfaction guaranteed
or no pay. All orders left at Heiman poet ooe or
all Lot 28, Conceesion 2, Hay, will be p mptiy
:tended to. 1 09-tt
Would Not Deals.
V a lue.
tie?" asked an ex-
soadway office of a
✓ who had handed
e sent to a western
ressed did not an -
lanced at a printed
at reads, "Always
our shipment." 2
lue, will your coin -
amount in case the
ked the man in his
OAR FOR SERVICE. -The undersigngd will
keep for servitie at hie premises, in Brocefield,
thoroughbred Improved Yorkshire boar. iTerms.
-,41, payable at time of service. GEORGE ?ILL.
ro PIG BREEDERS. -The undersigned will keep
on Lot 26, Cenoession 5, L. R. S., TuokeremIth,
thoroughbred TAMWORTEI Pro, also a tblorough-
bred YORESRIRli Pie. A limited number of dowe will
be admitted to each. Terms, el, payable at the time
cd serviCe, or $1.54/11 charged. JAMES GE &MILL.
DIG FOR SERVICE. -The undersigned wil keep
I on Lot 29, Celecosion 11 Hibbert, a Tborough-
bred Yorkshire 1 -bar to which heewill dmit a
lineited 'number of sows. Terms.-41fat th thr-e of
Service. I JOHN BLOM, Chieelhurst, Ont. 177141
A Cnrions Beat.
According to a Chinese legend, t ere
lived in Canton 200 „years before Christ
an artist' named LIM Kao Poung, ho
won an immortal reputation owin to
the fact that he Was able to fashion
out of a bean pod a boat, complete
with rudder, sails, 'nest and all other
necessary appurteeances. Moreover,
on the exterior of the boat were en-
graved various mains by Confucius..
For thie masterpiece, it is said, the
Emperor Tsi Fou pnid him 1,000 .taels.
A Questioit of Prlde.
"She *inks she is entitled to a di-
vorce, biat sh#.tron t Seek it."
"Religious sCrup es, I suppose?"
"No; .41rai1y'prid "
"How is that?"
"She's afraid it lfouJd make a genea-
logical angle that would destroy the
value o the family tree for future
Proof .z.sative.
Timid s -I'd ge , married if I could
find a s nsIble gir1j.,
Simki s-1 kno a nice girl, jt I
don't Wilk she Wants to marry. At
e. le
rge, she must bo a
oduce me„ will you?
least -she refused
Timkins-By G
sensible girl! In
-New York Wor
At Good (".,Orn. Remover.
A merest of cheapens,. of efficacy, and o
promptitude, is oontMned in a bottle of that
famous !remedy. atn,am's Painless Cor
Eitraetelr. It goes right to the root of th
trouble, there acts quiokly but so painlessl
that nothing is known of its operation until
the corn' is shelled. Beware of substitute*
offered fii r Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor
--safe, ure and pai leas. Sold by all drug.
gists. -
10 FOR SER4ICE.-The' undersigned
Lot 28, Cone don 11, bleifIllop, a t
led Yorkshire Bo r, to which he will acimi
Sd millibar of SAWS. Terms -76o, payabl
ime of eervice, With the privilege of ret
eceseary. HIJGH T. GRIEVE. '
has on
a limit -
Fat the
rning if
782 -ti
less that is proved
wered the agent.
lue, can 1 prove
ask 'a lawyer that
e agent.
:Try, for I happen to
the shipper. "Your
to establish an un-
it works only eon..
when you say that
ot bind you; for in
an ,.prove the value,
would bind me, for
y that I was 'estop -
ion as to the value:
uld undervalue • hie
that thereby he
charges, he would
his statement, and
ulated to make him
. You can mark my
stated,' and then if
ts it will be on an
Th. Mile
How many mile
lifetime depends
ni4ch he walks a
bue the man who
ere a vast numbe
dies. Some men
sone four or live
te . a man w
ail lies to be thi
cc4ver 21,900 mile
man who walks t
vo walked 82,8
-man walks b
m les a day just
h use, the office,
and from the c
men who w
ds that at the
cevered 54,750 mi
sixty 109,500. Fr
ly speaking, be
onths or a year
uhable to walk,
net he affected ma
'Now, the circu
tt the equator is
therefore a man
'has averaged
be was able '
enough miles to
earth four time
any miles left
These pills mire all diseases and dis-
orders arising from weak heart, worn out
nerves or watery blood, such as Palpita-
tion, ISkip Beats, Throbbing, Smothering,
Dizziness, Weak or Faint Spells, Anaeesii,
Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Brain Fag,
General Debility and Leek Of Vitelity.,
They are a true heart tonic, nem foe
and iblood enricher, building up an
renewing all the worn out and waste
tissues of the body and restoring perfect
health. Priee 50e. o boa, or I for CMS,
at ell druggists.
Selling Out.
Ws -Walk.
a man walks in his
aturally upon howl
day on the average,
walks the least cov-
of miles before he
alk two miles a day,
nd some as many as
lks two miles a day
ty years old, he will
At the same age a
ree miles a day will
0 miles. Almost ev-
een two and three
In going abaift the
he shop and in going
rs, etc. •
lks \flve miles a day
age 'of thirty he has
es and at the age of
m this should, strict-
subteacted the few,
when he was a baby
ut the result would
ference 'of the earth
only 24,899 miles, so
ho at the age of six -
ye miles a day since
walk has walked
have. 'encircled the
and have a good
ver toward the fifth
A Clever Witness.
At the X. quakter sessions a petty
ied. A well known
who prides himself
cross examining a
odd looking genius
ease was being t
criminal lawyer,
pan his skill i
witness, had an
upon whom to op rate.
"You say, sir, that tbe prisoner is a
"Yes, .sir; 'caus13 why -she confessed
-"And you also swear she was em-
ployed by you etibeequent to the con-
"1do, sir."
"Then" (giving: a sagacious look to
he court) "we a e to understand that
;you employ dish hest people to work
for you even aft r their rascalities are
"Of course. ow else could I get'
ssistance from lawyer?"
The counsel on y said, "Stand down."
London Tit -Bit.
Ton can make yeet.r
nese hi -
as eoft no a., love
end as tough as by
wing EUILEKA 4 are
sass 011. Yo esta
lengthen its life --el
last twice as lo as a
'ordinarily would,
Mr -
r. s new. 3dcWar
almak? poor looking yboded oils „ep-
ly prepared to Maw
floId eve mehs00
On 0828 --RU sire&
Istale111.1111AL 011, NUM
housekeeper wanted. Apply to GEORGE Me -
DONALD, Box 33, Brucetlele. 17864f
LIARM TO RENT. -To rent, a 60 acre farm on the
r 41h Concession of eficlielop. Apply te MRS.
B. THOMPSON. Bi) th, Ontario. 178541
VOR SALE. -A seven room hie 'se, srith shed and
Jo lot, conveelently situated kj Main Street, to be
eold on returnable terms. Arply to MRS. R. ARM-
STRONG, Seaforth. j1781x1
DO% SALE. -A pure bled dlydeedale starlon,
bred from import el stock; 6 years old e brown
in odor. Apply to GEORGE MARTIN, Cronin -by, or
to JOHN MeCONNELL, Dublin. 178041
Making A loys Is an Art. •
Great art is r quisite in making al-
loys. It is true that they are readily
rormed by meltIng metals together in
'a crucible or le properly constructed
furnaces, but it is necessary to insure
perfect fusion and to prevent loss.
'Zinc is a volatile, inflammable metal
and easily catches fire. Indeed it is not
at all uncommOfl to find that two al-
loys of exactly the !same component
parts differ ver materially in proper-
ties in consequ nce Of a difference in
the mode of preparat1ofl or in the care
'bestowed tion ibem.
=dime and comfortable rseideace bo Sea-
f:rr•thh., reeently occupied by the enderaigned, will be
soli or rented. Aptly to ROBERT WILLIS. Fes -
1784 tf
NEW FEED STORE AT 13LAKP•..-We will keep
on hand a supply ot Fleur and Mi I
Need. Flour exchanged for whot. Copping chre
every Tuesday and Friday. I Give us a tnal.
JOHN THIRSK. 1786 tf
1 1. to rent a conifer -table frame house in Seat.rbh,
near the Collegiate; Institate, occupied by Mrs.
&liege -Pleat oretly lo ated ; good garden. Apply
on the premises or at Tez EXPOSITOR Office.
TBER FOR PALE. -Having die Fed of saw
IMmill machinery, we are now offer! g fir sale the
tanaer c f same. The buildlog Is 60x6 feet; there
a- e 18 p:eces 9x12 inches, 16 feet lorg i derendent
of frame; would tell this separate if deeired ., near-
ly ell tirnber is rook elm. GOYENLOCK BROS ,
Winthrop. 178241
SEED OATS. -The undersigned has ter sale on Lot
16, Concession 2, 'Hay, a quactity cif new Danish
White oate, highly recommended, by W. Rennie &
Sonr, of the Toroeto seed store. , Also a quantity of
grass pose, a fair yielder and bug proofi This teed is
clean of all noxious weeds. JOhN EL ER. 1784-4
1G1ARM TO RENT. -To rent in tte Towes'alp of
I! McKillop two excilitnt fame, bet g net hall
cf Lot 17, Coeceesion 3, contaleiog 0 acres, and
South belt of Lots 16- and 17, Concession 7, con-
teining 86 acres. Both ttese farms lire 'ceded to
grass. Plenty of good watt r Ayply to TOBIAS
NASH, care of Bredwer & McLaughlin, Whitney P.
0., Ont. 1783-2
Sensational Irearnres and Much Danger
SSI the Lives lelnaters-11hy
hey re High -Priced.
The life of an orchid hunter com-
bines in itself alil the most, sensation-
al features of texploratiOn in -mitred-
den districts, ciften infested by fero-
cious beasts aud by even more 'sav-
age natives, mild in many cases high-
ly malarious and disease laden. The
rarer orchids are generally found in
the most inaceeseible spots, and in
the densest and most marshy j un-
glie. Even the natives avoid the dis-
tricts into which the intrepid orchid
hunter penetrates in search of his
floral quarry.
A few years ago eight orchid bent -
ern met at Tapeatave, and then sep-
arated in sear& of specimens.. Within
a year only one of them survived,
and he had spent months in the niost
pestilential swamps, from which he
emerged with health permanently
impaired. One of the others had
been captured by native priests, who
drenched him with oil and burned
him to -death on their altar.
The expense of collecting the , or-
•ohids and ge ing them at ast tnto
the salesroom As very great For ex-
ample, a fine orchid is found in a
very out of the way part of Colom-
bia. After being gathered the plants
are wired to elticks and nailed inside
box:7s. These boxes are- co iveyed on
a journey of Several days t Bogota.
whence another six days' journey
takes them te Honda, whe e they
are placed on rafts and conveyed
down the Magdalena River o Sava.-
fortr4ght's journey - where
the steamer is awaited.
"When at lasite after a heavy out-
lay, the consignment reachrEnge
k J
sernel has for sale a quantity of New imrreved
White Ligomo Oahe They were i moor ,ed two years
' ago from France by St, ele Briggs, of 'Torotte. Also
2 thoroughbred Durham bulie, registered in Can -
adieu Herd Book, 1 two years old, color red; 1, 10
months cld, odor roan. Apply to JOB N IdeqUEEN,
Lumley P. O., Ont. 11804
./-1 undereigned offers for sale his 8 era arid resi-
dence together with the entire stock of gcne:al
la erchandiae in the village of Conetancle. Cors'ance
Is a go. -.'d burinees centre and is surro tndei by one
of the best and oar st prosperous agr oultural die-
tricte in Canada, and thus offers a rm}
a chance to a
good business man with moderate capital. No op-
poeitiore For particulars addrees THOIdAS AN-
DREW, Constar ce. N. B.-Partiee iridebted to Mr.
Andrew are requeeted to pay up at otroc, not later
than Ar ril lst. 1 178541
A Curious uneral Ceremony.
It IS said that when Alarie, the con-
queror of Rome4 died that "a river was
• turned aside to make place in its bed
for hie grave a d when he was buried
. the water was gain let into its fornaer
! ;channel, and tlhe prisoners who had
' helped to bury ilm were killed so that
no one might nd out where the con-
, queror of Rom4 was. buried.
The river thu turned was the Busen-
to and the place near Cosento, Italy.
A few table sets left to be sold at 25o. Tea sets,
regular 28.75 for 2200..Plates, potato dishes, metal be sold below cost. Only a few Ladies',
guantOts lett to be sold at Co. Table oil at 180 peri
yard, regular 250, men's top shirts reguber 500, novel
gto, den't forget that our shoes are the cheapest
in the mu nty, also our Flanneicittee, Pr nta, Cotton,
and everything In,that line. The hest sta le lantern
regular 90e, now 650. Twenty-three lbs. of Red
path granuleted auger for el. Don't 'forget th
plate at Matlock. -
1711 13
, . J. W. Wit/UTLEY
Ladles and gentlemen, thanking you ell for past
patrenage and now that a new season is at bend
wieh told you know that I am still in the •biesin
ready to do malf best to give you every satisfactie
in doing your ork in the line of cleaning and dyein
gentlemen's d ladies' clothing, done without bei
ripped as well as to have thorn ripped. All
goode guaranteed to give good saUsfacteon on short-
ed notice. Shawls, curtains, eto., it moderate
• prices -Please do not fail to give me a Mal. Butter
1 and egge taken in exchange for work. iHeri.ttY
. NICII opposite the Laundry, north Main street.
will positively cure deep -Seated
A 25c. Bottle for a Simple Cold.
A 60c. Bottle fora Heavy Cold.
A 21.00 Botthefor a Deep-seatm! Cough.
tit Sold by all Draggle*
Origin of ponnesticated Degs.
The Eskimo dog is derived from the
wolf. Doubtless the first dogs which
were trained to serve mankind were
the jackals of Asia,: which are to this
day very intelligent and docile when
tamed. There was 4 kind of dog kept
by the ancient Egtiptians which was
evidently obta.ned by breeding from
slenderly built Species that is wild in
Africa at the present time.,
Fitting Resentment.
Cholly-When he told you, deah boy,
you hadn't sense enough to pound sand
itte rat hole, what did you do?
Fweddy-I told him, baw Jove, I
hoped I had too much sense to pound
sand in a wat hole! Why should any-
body do so widilculous a thing as that,
don't you knoW?
The first ci incorporated in this
coustry with ch.l.trter and privileges
was New York which was granted Ito
Dapera in 1064.
VARMS FOR SALE. -Rare bargaies in farms in
V the Townships of Hullett, Morris, and Wa we.
nosh, County of Huron. Inquire at cnoe. WM.
CAMPBELL, Blyth, Ont. 177441
land, quite h411 the speciMeDS Will
be dead, and in Many caSes - the
whole of thew will be too ar gone
for recovery. The Orchid impOrter
hap always ti -.1 be prepared for heavy
losses. , 1
Twenty-seven thousand 'Mil:table
plants were sent horneton no et cca-
sion from Colombia by Mi. Roezl,
and of these billy two survived 1 the
voyage. Theywere- sold foIr 40gui-
neas each -not a high pricel when one
considers wh4t they had e st.
Until the plant flowers it valhe is
purely speculative. Its sp cies is in
Most cases relEedily deternin ed, but it
may present some variati n which
will greatly enhance its Va. ue. For
example, a certain orchid -with a
pirpie bloom' may be wort
five shillings, but an ex:an1 lo of the
same species 'with white flowers' will
rea.lie :£100 at auction. 'The, value
of a plant depends upon its rarity
and novelty oven thore thai upon its
b eIaluat.1 y.
year ago an orchi
nOw and unknown :species,
the packing in which som
plants were Sent home. N
Where it cane from, and
while it continued unique:
hunters sought everywhere
not till seventy years late
Another orchid arrive in 1854
without anyknewn place of origin,
notwithka.nding persistent
search, its native habitati n has not
been found yet.
Some years ago two or hids1 were
found in the Zoological G rdens on a
heap of rubbish. They ca e in the
packing with some South American
monkeys, but their plac of origin
has not yet been discovered. -Harms-
worth Magazine.
BUSH LOTS FOR SALE. -For rale, 200 acres oi
bush land, in the township of Amabel, Bram
county. All virgin timber, maple beeeh, black
birch and hemlock. Ono utile from e saw mill, and
good ehippicir facilities. Good investment. For
further pal tleulars appy to GEORGE A. TURNER,
Brumfield. 178541
9 and the west half of Lot 8, on the 12th conees-
sion, or Bremen Line, of Stanley. This 1AIM1 COD-
Wm 150 acres, all of which is cleared, except four
derefl. It is in a state of first-class ou'tivation, well
fenced and allunderdralned,mostly with tile. Tbere
is a large frame dwelling house AS good as new, with
good a rone foundation and cellar, large bink barn
with stone stabling underneath, and numerous other
buildinge, including a large pig house. Twa good
orchards of choice fruit, also nice eheele and orna-
mental tree& There are two spring creeks running
through the farm, and plenty: of good water all the
year round without pumpbngf It is well situated for
nrarkets, ohurehes, echools, st office, etc., and good
graVel foals leading from it bi all directions. It Is
within view of Lake Huron, ,and the boats can be
seen passing up and down from the house. 'This is
one of the best equipped farms hi the county, and
will beeold on easy terms, settee proprietor wants to
retire on amount 01111 health. Apply on the premi-
ses, or address Blake P. 0. JOHN DUNN. 1734-0
A Card.
We, the under igned, do hereby agree to
refund the money on a 50 -cent •bottle of
Greene's Werra ted Syrup of Tar, if it fails
to euro your cou h or cold. We also guar-
antee a 25 -cent bottle to pove satisfactory
or money refunded.
Alex. Wilson, druggist, Seaforth, Oat.
(Trade Mark.)
For Lung Troubles,
Severe Coughs, Colds,
Emaciation, ac., ecc.
Few systems can assimilate pure Oil, bat
as combined in "The D. & L.", it be pleasant
and digestible. Will imilid you up; Will edd
solid pounds of flesh; Will bring you back
to health.
50c. and 1111.40 bottles.
of Cod Liver 00
, of nuite
arrived in
one knew
or along
for it, but
• was it
Talk of a Breakwater Betwo n Labrador
and Newfoundlan
One of the most extra° -dinary en-
gineering prOjects yet pro ased to
the scientific world Is th• t for clos-
ing the Belle Isle strai , between
Newfoundland and Lab -odor, b,v
building a breakwater a ross it at
the n.arroweet part, wher the chan-
nel is but ten miles wide and 180
feet deep. The benefits to be de-
rived from such a sehei to are that
the shores of Quebec, Anticosti,
Cape Breton, Nova Scotia and
Prince Edward Island would become
veritable gardens, in which 1 semi-
tropical fruits and vegetables would
flourish and that, the portion of La-
brador west of the ca.usex ay would
have ft climate aS salubrious as that
of France, being in about the same
It is estimated that th work pro-
posed would cost $3O,0(10,000. This
is a, formidable sum, but in view of
the demands just noW that Canada
spend $5,000,000 In in roving the
St. Lawrence rciate the larger sum
seems less appalling to the projec-
tors of the plan. Nor is the under-
taking so formidable as ight ap-
pear from a superficial view. It
presents no engineerin difficulties
such as have beset many Projeets al-
ready carried to a succe sful issue.
What 'Would have to bq done un-
der the planwould be to start a
dump and carry it acros the strait,
with a. convex ctirve toward the At-
lantic so as to better resist
the chafing and pressure from the
floes and bergs. The causeway
would have to be b-uilt with rock,
as earth would be wash d out,. but
Labrador and northern Newfound-
land abound in rock. Hills, moun-
tain ranges and bowlders irmumer-
able are to be found la abundance
and it would be simply a case
of blowing down the hills and
carting the debris to the dam
and dumping it in. The structure
would have to be wide and high -
wide to prevent the waves forcing
through the interstices end high to
prd'yent them sweeping over the
parapet and washing across the
roadway. But this • ould only
be a matter of expens the more
money the better the, d m..
of the diseases that afflict
humanity are cansied by the
accumulation of !impurities in
the blood. I •
The greatest Of all blood
purifiers is
It cleanses th 6 system from
the crown of the head to the
soles of the feet.
If you are tro:ubled with
Boils, 'Pimplesi 1)1spepsia,
Indigestion, Coilistipation,
Biliousness., 1jeadac1ies,
Scrofula, Eczema o- any trouble
a -rising from 4isordere4
Stomach, Liver, Bowels or
Blood, give )3, r ockl Blood
Bitters a triaL e guarantee
it to cure or m n y refunded„
• • .
eeee Private and Company finds to loan at
$700 lowest rates of interest; and in sums to suit
$1,000 borrowers. Liberal terms as to repayment
$1,500 of principal.
$2,000 R. 9. HAYS.
0,000 Dominion Bank Building,
$3,500 Seaforth, Ont.
$4,000 1776-16
Maillop Directory for I902„
MICHEAL MURDIE, Reeve, Wuitbrop P. o.
JOHN 8. BROWN, Councillor, Sestorth P. 0..
CHARLES LITTLE, Councillor, Winthrop P. O.'
JAMES O'LOUGHLIN, Councillor, Beachwood P. 0
ARCHIBALD lioGRE,GOR, Councillor, Seatorth P.0
JOHN C. MORRISON, Clerk, Winthrop 2.0.
DAVID M. ROSS. Treamirer, Winthrop 2.0.
SOLOMON J. 8HANN01$, J.- P., Sanitary Inspeeter,
Lerdbury P. 0.
Chinese P013
The Chinese pen fro
m.orial has .,been a br
soft hair and used to
ously fortaid letters o
time Mame-
h made of
aint the curie
the Chinese
Th. Alps.
The Alps cover a sp
square miles. In the
their source, fiowin
North Sea, Bladk Sea,
e 01 00,000
rivers have
into the
and Mediter-
Cures Coughs,;Colds, Lung
and Bronchialaffections that
other remedies won't touch.
MR.THOS.e. ShelTlf, Caledonia,
Out., writes A year ago .1 had
a vary severe cold which settled
in my lungs and in my throat, so
that I could scarcely skieak louder
than a whisper. , I tried several
medicines, bet VA no relief until
I used one arid a. half bottles of
Norway Pine Syrup, which com-
pletely cured mei.'
zee. a bot le ot five f r
Life and Fire Insurance, Loan
and Real Feasts Agent, Valu-
ator, /to.
Office over Huralefe Drug Store.
• erseee
qook's Cotton Boot copouna
leirticoessi' lair used rionthl,/,brovor I
t rteek's Ceiteslibei
your . 11 •
ilessil. Tske no o er, as all Mixtures, p1115 a
imitationS are da us. Prise. No. 1,41 er
boi 74o..,iOdegee5 i1tronger,IsPer box.
1 or 2,nis1l ou reoelp1. of price and two Secent
stamps. The Cook Vonlpany Windsor. Ont.
gir-Nos. land 2 Sold Sad recommended by all
responsible DroWtsl #. Canada.
Sold in Seaforth by Ale*. Wilson, J.S.Beterti and
1. Y. Feu, druggist .