HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-03-07, Page 8IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII3 - � � � 't I . i . i . I �. 1, . 1 � - . . i � I I I . � - . I I i I 1 . I I � " � . � � - � . � - I � i I � I I I I 1. � I . i � i I . . I i � � �1'1 . � � - I I . � I I _- I 1 �o I I � � I . , . I . -, ­ '­­­­ --- I , il --- , , -_ I ­ I - �­ , � — - � I - - . � - - ­ - . I � I . . : __� . � - - - ­ ­ - I 1, I - - - � -lr—. - __ -1 — �=Ntmoqr_ - - f=� --C--"... , � . - I 1- . - � I - I � I I : I t , I -Z - � . " � ­ - � - - � - ­_ I , , I Z��� �� 4-- -i--4 �-�- -----lx­-*A­­=����: � , I I i I - - -1 - , �z , ­ I - __ -, ­ -, ­­ W., f . ,f . I . � I � . - f 1. . . . Z � Q, . , . ! - : I . ­ I . � I ; - ; � � . I , � ! . I . I : . . � I . '' , I , . I I �111 . � r77� I I I i - - . I - 0- 1 . ! � I i . '. ; � . t : . . o I - �_ - i � . - I . - . ­ . - I ­ � ; . - � ­ . . . . ; i i � I I I * � . I I I � . - I � � � � � I � I I I I 11 : � . . � % I : ; . � .i � I � I . i i !._ . � . I - � ,� i . . - . i i- i � . � . � i I I I . � I : . I � i I . I . . . � - I . . � I � : -7 q 1 2 . I I 1 � - I � a . � I I I � , : - . � , � � .i I � , . � I * , . . MARC— '411902 �, I; I � : ! - � � � I �� � ... - I . . �. I � ,� . HErXtON i "POSIT It : : I I ­ — ______=�`_ '_ I .� i i I - , : 1 ; THE � I 1. � , " - � � . - !._�­ I t! —_ , -,—Ww I -_ i 8 1 � " I mo�-- - � I � . __ ­ - ­_� . __.:���� A services - 11 , - --- - --- , � i on of hi,j long and failthf �r __ - I i i --- - � I ; I appreciati I - - - .- � I I I - earl' g cattle, wei&hing 3,375 pounds, school called : ----,'-- �-- 1 7 :feet, eight iuohedp four y in . Boars of the , sometbi, d a polittaid pounAh, and girthing is last week. � the teachers and ot - 1 - 0 P. P., for Emob Huron, addresse . stands sixteen ha do and three quarter for $105, They were d6livered him on Wednesday evening of last "I 109, %10% �� � . I I � !� I 7 I F . ineeting, in Brampton, Peel 0ountyj last , and he Mr. Thomas lugles bought a fine mare the upoll k, I I "It'. We Will Show You 9-ut floot sy! 0040. t Mr. Den. TV , i I week, and was on a similar mission to Hal. �inohes high. -Combined with substance, the superintendep , . 1 is i 1i � other day and of course he haa to pay a fine week, when I I., I . . � I _Io.� - b � . I style to perfection, and is man, on behalf of the school presented hitu . a . I, . � , , 0 . . I L I dimand, t, is week. -Mr. J, W. Beattie had � has :Iti idity ific ce for her. -Mr. William Wallace Bold k M."in, 44 o 1 � not at all dear, � orses are I I il . I I !*Hr� Robert Wint6v - the way b ow pri bte , and Rqv. Mr. gL Bargains in W., A I I I DISTRIO d'AINTO purchased the interest 01 . - Is s-.eere the other day. to Mr. Hal- with a -thodist hymn booL I .t I- � , T� : RS. : ated him with a opy of Doug� � I- �� . . � I 'L � � in the meat businese of Winter & Stewart.- selling, This colt was aired b Mac Tau per eight fin per pound.- Svran prose . I . - - . I ., �, 3015 I I I I Mrs. James Sitnpaon hal,sold her house an:1 and Kennelmorth dam. Ue Me era. lida,y, of Harriston, at 4 cents a' discourses and address 'a. The com- I ft 9999FX .i ' 1 4 . in their ol oics The busiest place in tbij part of the country lag , 11b ' � I � ADP of the, t ur siores o Scott ate to bb congratulated evening. -A , � "I Bo��UD OF Tk3ADP, �A me0ing f �and, in Egraoriolvillel'to, her spent.s, very pleas ) I I sal S:�Iip' W Paper. 4el I I . the 0ouneiI 0 - Nellie Do V*er. as. they have a mate for this colt that hey at present ia our saw mill, There is a oon-� pany loople from orestville were In this store every � ff I shoda. i i . I t � Board of Trade will bp I on, John, for $1,500. -Miss I I at nd cOming party of young F I Insurance policy I . -16 I: I - I ON ., March liths, i . . 11813 inr zed $200 for.� &at stream of teams going to a against chamber o i Tuesday Z, who hao'been visibing vib the parental have refu � , demand fo . the the guests of Miss Alice Du on Thursday faction which ma� . 4 ally dismjjs� I -in desired that a lar ' —0 from it. There is a keen e ,y alueover yo1r1W,, � I — at. 8 olelcok, when it� 9101 �ome, near Seaforth, returned .to Toronto 1. I merally soid be. night. -Mr.' -Roberb Simmi , chase. You runs, _ - I'll e ,,ad others be present' � J lumber made here. It is 94 .. , be entirely ftii4o DmOlinery openings moms. ank' Bluevalej has lately been ppointed chief . I - number of ratepayers 4 this wtiek, to a,ttend thi . fore it is out. -'The direotors, of Springb . I of with whatever . u buy � here befori I ! � 0 -- Al be brought up for In a very f the waterwork olepartment -_-M ; . I - Irnpor,tant questions v , here.--�-Mr. R6bert Johnston, of E:Nst Ws- N r.,s. -The country roads - * A � consider our d ' done, � III � � factory have rented it .to Mr' Wenger, of engineer 0 - a I.. I I - This week we have laid Out 10. discuation. � I &nosh, near! Blyth, has many 'friends b�doc nditionaince the ths ]miss Mary. atter man,and now London, at a g6od salary. is old friend I I I w . . - � I . - . mong cu . ' , who has . been W Ayton, the famous b ' � I , - i ' . _ I I - . . r readers who will regret �O learn Reid vi�aitio a, Sunabin% has ed to bear, if his advance- In buying a good aqiclel no matter v*4 1, ctly i . 9 uother cheese factory will be converted into here will be pleas I I _ 4 � - ,I ,patterns, which we will sell at exa f6ilowing were ticket� Ir &rlock.- -The a � is, one in oblige� '�to p � TRAV.ELLEus. , The . f his dontinued illness, and ;f that t4ere are 1 retur0d to her homIg us& atract for delivering ment. I I --- �� I � . � . . I a butter factory. A on __s,_ - Am I - � � Half Price. ed to distant iutB t is week by Willi%m ur, Blight hopes putertuined, for hii r000v;- � item in last week's Br�ussozls H AMCOR 3ern. I et to Messrs. Horton � than what � an i�feiior! artiole - 'Welk I - I : , . ­ - - . � � � . nt of the Grand � 1,600 blocks of ice was I Londesbori). I; . 5 I I . Somerville, p wp. lg( 1 ry.. 'We Also regret to lear of the illness ing a foob ball match never, cam off . �. all & Hubbard, of the burg, And about a dozen . I . cost; but we 1e6l we -.Are gett- , - I U11p . _. , ve � ... I � � I - � . I . I � . -i .- i h regulailY Trunk Mrs."Johns on. -Mrs. M full money's woel'th when we b�­ i; , - I i These papers aTO wort . Railway : � exars. Willis Story .sitij �rtin, 'of ChO- and the writer of the ,item made ver mis- loads were taken down when the soft weath- NOTHS.�-Mr. ' and � _q . I 1: and George 1) dd�, �o Fargo and New lam, is vipi I g Rev. and Mrs. Larkin, at leading, statement, And one which WiII7 have er set in andoent their 1! I rk aglee. it will tertained a number of their friends on Fri- best of anything, And that in *Ut :1 , ... I : V1 ] I Ne per roll, but, until sold, you may Rockford, Wort ak:ita ; BE Will Beat� Ae manse. -We regret to learn of the very to be �corrected as the writer is well known. ice@ not day evening last.-mi3s I ice Moon was always have to O bwk, - . '.. I . � I . I bean unfortunate thingi;the ice d 1. 4r you -the . . � . buy them for - tiej. to Detroxh ; as iiii a. Win.,' Reeves rand evere illneas Pf Mro. M. Broderick. -Mr. It is 6 strange thing he* the truth cannot . f her friends I i � : � ' 0 i � �� . MeSpaude , McKillop, to Boisse' I � � again become q ipossible taken by surprise, when a I 0 -d a tiamend'o 1 , I � Samuel I �, obert Roberta,Ahe veteran eag-in,94 of the - i -_A lot ood enoi gb,as it is iii sday This store has'earno I ... , "I I � ., from heroli drove to her hom . , t, . '11 ,aude be to d even In foot I ball matches. toget along without i P .:11toth choppers are tatioa .for itaelf! by giving a P . air, Gref of auMon'sales coming, welcomed and 40T41 . vaini Manit3bi ; $if Feter BI water works,�has been seriously ill for a off now. -Mr. E asom � . rig. They were ,nine W �� �, � . running and doinR excellent work at 3 cents eveni . A ' � '. �1 . 5C -per Roll. - township, to Uoor�hqi d Minnesota ; Mr. week, but his condition is! pornewhat im. iv mc ving to Holmeaville this week. - bag. -The ice on I he lake this year is of spent a merry eveDing -Th Leagae 1! re- worth of goods .ter a dollar, %Da i# 14 ! .I -4. very sick man. - *_ per Soclay on any time YOU �4011't �JthinjK �- __ I ! Win. Smithers, to EnOer in, North Daikota; - . Act 1W, I y� � , , H �yl , p� Ill, 'i * " J � � 'Uzi I all Ito 6 i � kumd Is , * 13 ( - I L � h I , I; el - very infexiorquality-----�Rev. Mr. Potter,of paring A good prol -1 roved, althotigh,hia is still _tramme for their t now about sqM11** ; I Ceffings and a -Marchcam bilike a lamb,and,acqor ar ow, a * - � Borders to M&tCh- Mr. James Rime ' s d sister, of Walton, _ d. � Port Albert. f n, preached in the Methodist the 170.-Misos Ferguson, D r doll r back.. Bm 1. i , Da ois - Mr. Jame ing to tradifion, it should go oat like a �,, ek t of Miss Fanny Merchaudue. : I � ;: North a I i to Hftnnsh� J, Jo!, izws.-Mr. James Hunter, of Luck- spending a we , as the 91161 I I i . . 7 - church here on Sunday. He woke once a . i . . 1� � - Scott, to W1 Ipeg;,dr. ames an rY,t6 lion. -A young daughterlof Rev.1tural �now, visited here for a few days last week J ekoon, returned home on Sunday last.- I - . ­ F I . at S,la popular pastor here. A Zxquisite Wasir' abric& , I , I : akotim or some _ , - I : - Hamilton. N4rth I : Mies Chesney, Dean Hodginw has been seriously ill f -0sving to the state'of the roads Is Mine Grace Radford, of nuar Blyth, is at � � v . f , — 0—. . . i I N . tel , to: Liverpool, M's� !days, but hopo's or � I i . I I I ,I John street, §eaff or � e now e t irtained for her day, there was no services in the chlurches I V arria. , present visit i ng her friend, Mine R- Young* Perhaps no previous sesson h thia,atorg,*- i ,� - Chean? fisilas om I . baly, the '32chmaker, hasi - e is able to be around I ! I lort and � on Saturday, - I . , P I , Ilt REMEMBER . here. -The ice on the river broke u last - Unless you are abs uty � . . J. Melvill . seen such dain tintsn� delicacy . - T -HE PLACE PAPST'S andwirleptbin thek.unmirin England. iolately bea proof ---!Mrs I ;t moved to Cardno's block where he will' � 44 i 1� ! I � Satm.-da , but owing ,to the atfirdy e orts of again after her illness. � charming effect us vv� are A - - I . � -to-date ,store. Mr. Bolger, I I I the -beauty of those daipty Dimities, Mus- � - . 8 0*40!1� 1 � I have a neat, up , Some o? the men, i b' passed `6vo: r the mill . - - � . g.- Naturall feel pleased. I I DEATH OF I MR. J DIE! TaoBirso.,L;.-Mr. remines, line and other pretty colored Wash Fabrics IM :e fe beal ing the p . ! I Y 11 _* I � � I � the jeweler, tends occupy IsImage to property.- I Dubhn- al , BOOKSTORE, SEAFORTH. I I � dam without guy ( i shoppers have given u to believe Vat � � I I John Thompson di�d t russels, on Monday vacatedby �r. Daly. Both are ushing) shown at The E. hioFaut Co.'s Store, Sea]- . - i I � I Mr. Willism Riobaroson was unfortunate -_ ' tor f . - . I - NOTHS.-Mi$16 MAY WilliaMB Was S V13i we lead all others in the vanift*x- ;� last. M I I an old resident 6f Gf forth, will surely entice You into pu . i . I _ I r. Thomps a w ener ti young men and we are p Seed to idayt . . 9 Tillie Alke - . ier or 25 years pre'. I ge I e I h to loose a val4able colt, last F� If you want material foi. rclla�� � Mitchell last Fiid, ,do tent - f thda popqlaji�� ! Seaforth. He llveo� Best em mov,tag upwards. -Naxt 1 Sunday I 8'ruoug l . a handsom and beauty,10 L t� Ing . t I ' ay. - ""' which, even at t4is early d&I 1sW � 1 , I '�, . , i .in -�Mr. and Mrs. eorge - 1 61 h returned to Toronto, a �_ _ DOMINION BANK. inflammation. .178 ,�I,ejr a few weekW � vious to rem vivg 0 Brussels two years ago. will be ni;s4ionary day in. the Methodist e dress, they have . I v� f I �! . � ,. . L � � � Clark, of Loyal, werosvisiting relativ here al I ro L -Mr. Borman aboutat, their hot. , 11 r tj - . e years, .�porW . NOTE9,—D of the Varn v eit under the parent& 1, I i � He had beenin po6r lea, h for Born church. R -.w.: Mr. Wallwin will give a r t. .9 I .; I ,; I C A PITA I (Patd Up) - $2,500 000 1-1!-.3 6.1. . 4T.M,.;^" Of the ; : n 4 1 ;,.,,Ij� last Thursday. -Douglas McKenzle ret med r. Little 9, hotel, ego last Monday. li I . . Im L) I., 4_1 j.. n�.,... wits in SebriuRville on busin I I I --I, 11 _', . I Ming trou , W, L, = . of the greL%u xyliss onary onven ­ has purchased Mrs. 160 a 0 , - . micaue Muslims. da�nty %_; aulrim, , , ,6. i - I � - . , I I . 1 to Goderioh on Monday. 'He takes t , of 11 . � REST, $2,500,000 heart. ative of Blenheim, 0-'c- last week, in Toronto. -The centre� store iaj I i I � field, paying for it 83,000 eigh. -Mr. Wrn. Aikeno passed sway a his farm - some Dimilies, �ser i I . . . . . . � I ' vlcsEi_e� � 11 .11 - - I ford county. I He leaves a widow and fa . residence on Tuesday morning. Although ------ "I'll 11 � ing-8 � � in - Carduo's hlob� is �being fitted up ve�ry nice-!! � � posses ion Che first of May. We are 'sorry - ,.� ; ily orp. Two daughters, Miss ly. Mr. 1,6aioyol will move into it' as Boo'nl� Tuckersmith. ; 3 . 0 : d'oeased had been ailing for some time, 1is. pretty Priuts, and so On, will- - � I i � . two , I of grown up a . o lose Mr. Little, as he � was a go d citizeu, 0 ular than evei, if th I I Scott, died re- ­The� WE_�T E.ND NOT�! .-The thaw of last t d mise was unlooked for, He leaves to POP ,at Could I � , U. � - - Maggie and Mrs. Job a improyamenta are completed. nd ran the hotel in Arat-alasa style. I Miss � e I � I i ­ �'Lll , � MiLin Street, Seaforth. very -Some 'a ' laid up for the past mOu f a loving rid devoted hus- ' T . mall cently. The remaime were brought to set- band will be'a't the rink this (Friday) eveu-� week has left the ro�� Is in bad sh . ape. As been ru the loaso loving si Go�ds- I I � I n � I I _' . Ina Andrews h New'Black Dre � r ent of t e farmers here a ing in a supply band and father, & wife, four sons and a I ..i I . - forth on Wedne. d x fdr inter . ing. Good 'I ice.-R,3v. F. , H. Larkin will ering.-Mr. J. Harn-, ; - I - . anf) I . A General Banking Business trans . �� 1-oularly, at Of thiso week.-�r. E. Steadman, of Pe- week, but is now recov' - daughter. Mr. Aikens hid lived in the. � , �i � - ­ � � (tery- The vin part'. h :� was on a week's visit to I We always have a I brilli�ut oil �, I acted. iFarmers' Sale Notes collected, Maitlandbank ce address the,y * ' well, who Kincar : sna ato 0 '� was vislbWg his brother I here, )ighborhood for the past � 0 years, and his "I'll, ....... i yet 4, � an same at lowest symoath3 -of many w 11 I e extended to Mrs, Sunday eveiflifig service in the PrOlaby�ria t!011-. le", dine, returned on'Tuesday, and reports ter- D( Assemblage of B! ck Goods, . . t] . 11 I - ' ^1 Thompson and family, who have I em so chtir'ch. His�subject will be 11 Ma4ing th( returned home Ise week. . Miss I Emily fible roa,dg. -Mrs. James Armstrong return- ever kind and upright ,principhs had won ,a, � � I -thin rates .9 . A h .4. 1 " V4. -1; .1 w Dg y0g gas --. . � 11 I � T _AW"4_ I __ . orely bereav 3d re(er bly, and espe(.ia,lly the MOA of cne�a�eelf.-A pair of v hand. Tdrner. of Clinton, spent lasu week ith re- ed . on blonday from Drumbo, where sheivag for ni many warm r er a, w - -,r 7�, ere Is 180 '" ' i -_ I � I Drafts sold on all points in Canada, ; bick Ise bf eE ba -ef t of fiusband- and I �, Yr. W in latives here. -Miss. H. Pickett, of Clinton', ' mourn big lose. His remai Eis were laid to things are at [their 4e's"t, IL 6 ,V " I _ % ormer, w some fox t- triers, belorging to I visiting her dau biter, MrP.R. MCCOOI. - � , __& ,1, ' - the United States and Europe.. , -_ , � twodaughterswitlina rietperiod. Pickard, got 00iSO iv !and die woke he guest of Mr. A. Cantelon last week. 9 . rest in the M?thodist ceme�ery, Mitchell- lustrous folds #.i�ve Promise of luft 1 ned in Bonje wi . —0 , . illillu i A , . SAVINGS' DEPART MENT.-I nterest 3 3otbi M as Mary Marti' ends here refined apparel ! rid � I - ­_#__ on Wednes ay. -I -Master J, Arjhl�e Si n visited fii I Mr. Edward ,Litt went o' Stratford last 11 - the weaves . � � � - '. � - stu � and give um i allowed on depc�sits of One Dollar and TitE DEDA" .- h( third of the series of the young 22 - Of Mr. Jat�nes Siott, fell! this Lleek. -Mien Harbry, our school teach- Bayfield. . onday, to attend the fu eral of Air. Ort an interesting dy � � � � ; k, -satisfying choice, J � . upwards. �� ,as laid up wiW'�& bad dold this .�Yeok, i,Duzing my absence in Europe, my prao�,, eise, of Watburg. Mr. Weise was well I t I I debatesi and r the aaspioes . of .- St. James' from a tree� 'which he was climbi�'9* cu er, v � I I � - � �� . ' duties.- i h ving worked I a � able to he tice in Ba3field will be tsken ohar,4c o1byDr.-Goorge � R. S. H AYS, W. K. PEARCE, Literary ety, ( Ckn ie o ff on Tuesday eve n- d 1 � Pretty silk -and -wool C*enadinea I Wed n�esday, and was oonsi drably hurt. I but I a again ttend Mauning Smith, who will occupy my Coen o ce. inown in this neig borhood, ha, I : . i Spe -Miss Marnmie Weber has 0 . S a Mauager. it i . I All accounts unpaid by March 1 h , wi be given ito , lustre clinging fabrics, and I Solicitor ing IS10, in t eir h ,Nore a large audi- - ; . 0— ; ial services have been held at Turner'a ith Mr. Litt. * ,-- � I I . I . . . � i . r � - 47 � � Is $11 Rosolved that the ' lisi .oi Mr. B. B. Higgirs, of Bra c e P r ence. I for, t e past'week, at ofare being continued : who Is f turned to Seafoftb, after a very pleasant ' job. ".4 Th . Next week we will Pi ve you a . ,ei!e't'�'* fabrics with ,little lust*e tare b4g*Q I - �b Ott and Rev'. 9'. A. 'y isit among her old sohool mateL-.-- ,- 812 aa art njust One," was ex- � this 'Week. -Miss ' . p3wf r 3d to make ,all cc] to 8i and give u� 8( . rhe I - , I Attend the Best. war of I . iroods,'vi-ith reptlar and eale �rlccx. seek Our potters ' � WAL PALLISTER, M. D,, Ba �l -2 I 77( 3 1 NO to sell freel�y. , : I c B Id ". �eot n �i t I I �fl d. � � I ceediDgly well handl d I y the various Speak- � for priec3. Nly, the Watchmaker, on: the right Stealman are delegUes to the cc I given by Mr. F. W_ I I n nvent on at ' ocialistic lecture,- ' I ,.. - . � , ��� ; I ti " If I . � - '' i� i � I . � - I � ill ---- side of the Btrodt, in the Cardno block, Seatorth. it n t BLOWS. -The 0. 0. F. concert -have I . '. . ­ 1 . ­ era, the lelders, ejera. Killoran and 0 1 . . I I Oflenn and'Mr. Simons, wa , I I Ill . . . . . . "I 3 i Lun4, - to well attended j - ; . ' Other New DrOs Gob& . I __. � , ,4e ! 1 4 Broderic " apecia,113 d 3tinguishing them. WAS11IN(,� ,A -ND ScRvIiBi�,,G.-I ,am prol ,�i 46 been held on the evening ofTriday last WAR 'despiLe the very bad roads, which prevail. /,; ! 11 � I 0 . . ­ � j �' i I b arod to takq in wash*ng and do bbing an( . one' a' postpined on account of' bad weather. -Miss I M them again. ; : . 1� . I " - selves iv e 1handl [n c of ibeir . subje-A. soru () . � We should like to hear fro' Colori -and in Blacks, - 13 � . , . 1 C nce. I - t - Both in I �� . ER, J1131104 6'reel, ' . I eeks. - —[— , I . . � � L w �ng debates of Kowe cleaning. MRJ. W. S. FI)ST. * Get our rio . —0 I I . . .� Ll I I I . - as one of the most Interest New Trunks and lral,sas. zzie Ferguson is home; for a few w I . In in Tic— i- � CASHMERES �! � r STRATFORD, ONTARIO. the series, and the audience showed their Seafcrtb,opposito Barton's Wackinilth shop. 1786x2 before :buyl� W. H. : Wiiiis, Sesforth We Age Miss Rots, BlYth. I I ) I Po"s - I f,�Stj Staubury, w 0 has bee I I I : � I "That Irish Concert," March 17th, IF.- (a Pbsci ronto for the past few onths, came - home I 8 :1 1�. , A schoo-1 well known from one end of appreola i f it ly frequent applause. %n opans at I Fert moralng� for Goo. A. S ater shoes, �or men, Victor haw last week has I NOTES,-Ma.nager Laing,[1of the Bank' of LUSTRE LELECTRAS I . t'On O' ' r'a drug Store Monday. ladle I L in � - I'l Saturday. -The �h I ; - The finE - icli side produced-- � - , and Granby rubbIrs. . 111�1-4, lasb ] � ZO Canada to the other for its superior work 41 &c�tionls to wh Match lObh. � -1786-1 !l . Hamilton, received the saa intelligence, on VENETIANS I F AMA 14 ; � . Students admitted at anv time, Graduates the beat argument,1 w),s left in the hands of . � T1 ey are - ready to rush things in the calr- made the roads almost impassable. -Death I . I - � - I � - 11 - When pass nor Our s'bore Jast look in this oFaul , Thursday morning, that hi i father, Rev. Dr. VOILES :1 � SERGRR . Wtite for I . 8, and et lepartment . in , The E. M CO- a has once niore-been in our'midet. Oa Fri. . - - readily secure employment. the ref�ireea,j as in former debate window andseet4h'ebargp6iiiswearecffe-i:ng forthe � Laing, of Duada,s, was in t3e Toronto Gen. , I cata,logue. their decision was; gi vem in fAvor .of the Nbore, Seaforth., Already isomegood sales day of last week, the whole community was , . and ma�y ot4ers. , ; I I - balance of March. We Invite tver3'0r e in to eee our 8 ittle later, busy will �shocked to hear that Mrs. Lindsay, of Cral HoapW%L-having a critical operation - I : � - . � n6gative. T e pleasure )f the eveniag was ritora. 1 Cime in and look around, it will cast -you have be n Made and EL � I ' Come and admire. I i � � � � J. ELLIOTT, Principal. S performed. But, before Mr. Laing ,could i � - W.. Daly, the WatcLniaker, Cardoolta -block, be no word for it, New Carpets, New Lace' Goderich township, bad passed away. he, � � � . . I - f - tinder Ne ': , 1 4444-62 greatly enhanced by mt eical selections on nothing town clock, Seaforth. 1786-1 leave on the 3:46 train, lie received ,or I '. : I � - the piano by IMrs. W, 1'. Ballard, and � a . . Curtains, New Floor Oila, New Art Oraper. had been slightly indisposed for several,daya , ' A Carpet Hint �! I I A R E -_N1 I -N -DER. -Again I wish to re'min I . that hi3 father had diedat I o'clock. Al- . . t I I l soloi)ymr. eck,bothofwhich were duly ies, 11 at ftiend bringing prices a d in but nothing Serious was expected. 'During I � � - I I I , ' - . � . you of haviDg your buggies painted. You will BOX 3 . though Mr. Laing has only been here for a Oarpets ra ; I .. *yb2&J3W � . Not What You Spend acknowledge by the a.0 'eiice. . time and morey and secure a tefter J)b, by bavin � ' frienA making patteing, *1786 1 Thursday night she became much worse and short time, he has made a in umber of friends, - a into me ey. JW -hen b.. 3- . . r - � . . - . I them , done no I w than later on, at tt. DLvereux'j N TES. -Mr. J4 so Wheatley, of Mar passed away about midnight. Mrs.Linds certain that you are dping the,JKA.10�1 I I 111, , � . MY � I I � - � � I But what you get for what you ------------ r-- I . - I . - John who will, sympathizs with him in his Bad yourself that can be d Is. . - - � apend, that counts. The best GOOD 8,;,ciml, TOft ME WEST. -Mr. John Carriage Works, Seaforth. 1786.1 quet e, Michigan, is visiting at the h me of was the eldest daughter of the late bereavement. Rev. - Mr. Laing and Rev. �n . 1 . I 11: 0 1 Ik +. . 4 I .av-e � sti,i-O . LIOT�e Ve V dgrja , ,in. � av X vag: vent I .ud �] Armstrong, )ne the prominent far era of WALL IrAPER.-.as we are the Largest Ji Drown, of bhe Bronson no, ton e y - .." . , is the cheapest i a the end, so it I . I- his rother, Mr. George ,wileatleyl near Mr. McLean, of this place�. have been close You will -find it a safe rale to Al-WAY4 a&' . � 4 . � thirty years ago. she, with her husband, re- , zuit i Pilot Moundi Manito a, shipped a car load porters of wa�l paper ani ri-ketical workmen we aila here -M i so L. Snel, is visiting. friends in, I .friends ever. r,ince tbeir 'ollege days, and ' what this store.. sh*vv4 And itiff-tubs befon 1 - is with a ed to sell a�t lower pricei than any oer Lindsay an erich ti �wnship and settled on � . '� t . I . 6 cents, per I an �elt his loss reatly. He gave placing -your or er-Aelse hare. I - il i of fine stock from thi J al ation, on Tuesday. P" I I ous Tor nto at present. - -Mr. � fami.' moved to God s in.�'ff, 00UQty. PAPER, HANOINo r,,;. Mr. McLe ' Avy;sad - able 1 � . Henderson s Photos. Mr. Armst�ropg is a former iegident of Stan- Kiddly; give USA call and we can prove it. J Graves ly b, 6ve got comforta bty settled in the r new the farm on which at a lived until her death. I I ,- - . I uite a synopsis of Dri L- ing's life at his all kinds of thii wan d Carpets, tims, I III I I I � - I � � one of the foremost stock Co. ' ' 1786-1 ' hom!, recently vaceted by J. F. 8 %plea, Her husband, Mr. J ,men Lindsay, died 15 , . it to.- . ZZ,'Crayon andlarge work a ' ley, but is'l now , - � . - ! tnd&V evening oervice._.L.Mr. Holmes, of kinds that are fullof 1worthAnd aet. �. ' , raisers of tjhel Prai6e Pr vince. Amorg the Onb car laad of o rei ide in years ago. She lea ,es two BODO and two Wingham, is atpresen � 11 � . ­ .. Rsyy -61 specialty. . � Redpath's granul�tsd who, with his famiy, has gone t nagi g the bank ness, are here. � � I � - . . I . . ;. lot was a 8:tallicin put cha, ed from 13awden�& sugsr�ust-zecelved to-dity,ard t1l. further notia.- n,twho died in Now daughtei's to mouri the IoEs of a loving � I � ' I - I . . rth. -Mrs. B a r.;&� h, here, in the absence f IMor. Laing.—The , .. I I I I you, - � wi I give, for cash, 23 pounds f,)r St. � It pa3 8 to'dea I Sell, "t a .4 McDonell,�Of Exe er ; fine mare, bought YOX city on Fehr was a Sister f mother. Her remai � Were followed to the � . Th I � A h. 'I b the "Maple Leaf Store," as we have bargain' I thimble club 'entertei ned 4 number of their Vow -must See emi. ; . . I J., P. IIENDERSOI�N, Seafort from John; Farqu ar, of near Clinton ; two a I Mrs� He'nry'Colelouglr, of this place, Mro. cemetery, on Sunday, by a large numbei of i I I . . 11 1 1 , 49 J A U*.11, 1A every, day in otaple dry gocds and groceries. I � I . . I � , friends to a hop, on WeDesday 6veniag. of � � .1 i Abe* 1761 J& 0 11 I 9 I 14 .4 t.h .." I nTTT> WrVTXr .J n 1111 IrTiDrn A TAJO - 900�A 00 us I rO LU Im 11 . Dill, Se.ifor'h. I 1 I 50-1 ' Brennan paid her sister Juere a v , I 811 ='am "-15 � . IiWat week, at the beautiful rezidence of Mira. � I � A-4 - . � . L - - I more, SeeI an: a bull bought from M r. summer and was acoompanied by e b ___ - . I V � - Buie. ' There were about 50 in attendance, OUR NEW VT S#TE-ENS �� I . We have moved aerms the 'street into th i T�L - I I I'" - _ I . IMPORTANT NOTICE 1 woods, ofln0ar L,ndesbo'ro. "He als:) pur- ' I � F � ; ' C.%rda'o block, and in order to intriducc t3 you cu , banq .-Many old friends here extend their � W14throv. and all enjoyed themselves, immensely. The OUR NEW Al�T.MVSLINS � I . chased fromI Mn Ja'mes Snell, the well now place of buzinesia, we WEI, f,)r tho balance ef sympathy to Mrs. Grich, of Clinton, whose wing shoe3i for mea -George A, house being large, there lots of ro6m for � r - I I . Now 81 w 9 I known sto*�man, of HulIett, the fine youug 1 March, offer you s.iiie of the bigge t snaps that yo I . I . hue and passed away On February l6bb, �b Slater's are thff best, with�ut a doubt. - Look In our OUR NEW A�T SOUARES � . � � . I W. N. WATSON, SEAFORTH, bull " Star of o ni 3g f2aa," ifor whigh be 1 have ever hA the opp3i tunity of procuring in thi , rich's maid south w:ndow. W. H. Willis Seaforth, Sole Agent all. The only drawback v as the absence, of OUR NEW L�NOLIWM-S., , I - anu- I Wl $ their home in Cliaton. Mrs. C on oes tar m, n, Victor!& oboes for ,,the Blyth'harpers, they hAvink another en- . � part of thee iiint r 1. See p.mtors for price& 0 � I � Awent for the "National CreamSep4rator,"ir paid 817;-)'. 1This b ill t * rat prize !4t the Watchmaker, Carduo's clock, Setfor'�b, 17 1 for Geo. A. Slater ab a cpk I I 86-1 I nam�e was Miss Ann Cooper, oldest daughtIr ubbere. 1796.1 gagement,i Mi�3 Allie Bi nnJ't­ is Vilitin - , . . I � xictured by the F.aymond Sewing Machine Company Seafokth fall1fair a6 i cA first at the No I w spring shoes for. mpn-George I. of eorgo Cooper, & former resident d1f this ladies, and GrAnby r , .- _g Departments_ 6,how � Theoe New! I of Guelph. The universal favorite, simple and beau- We don't know much about the drug Mrs. J. S. Habkirk, c" Bruseels.-Mr. i . . e, Great 1��orth� 1.10 9-1 � -,! tiful in desigm, few, parts to clean easy to operat w(stein fair I dericb. His Sl,twa are the best, without a doubt. Look i I Mrs, B. Sue,1 has rented he�, farm I : . I - W. H. Willa, Seafor'uh, So — in of. business,, leave that to the druggists; we Murray, of Soiaterth, mo ed to town : i I , � f merit than any sire took:firs!t prizp I our sout!2 window. p 'cNer five yeirs to Thom . I . � I reliable and durable, more points 0 nd e. iplems at London, Ifo f Or as M;Mich-, "not Goods. � I other separator, D, pertect skimmer suitable for from . . for Goo.' A Sli�cr shoes �for men, Victor14 don'b know much about the meat business, week, and intefids taking hold of the engine I .. 1 -41- dam we i so a priz3 It " b4ra. Snell has so6ured . J � L .� � I . 1F while the winner, Mel, Ifor $250 a year. - r . I � . ROIDtRI'148 and LACES i ; . . two to twentv-flve cowe. Call at my 6office and ex- . a took bad to E r, xoeellst'�' fs)r ladies, aud,Gnar�by rubl)e ca. 17864 1 leave that to the butchers. Perhaps we at the gri at mill as soon as his arm gets EMB I ­ Amino the "'Nailonal" before purchasing a separa- -1 ; I h line stock goin t . d t t. , She lia.vea shortly to join , i . i L I ( enea don't know anything much about anything strong enough to work with t. —Mr. Thee. . cu a . . � tor. Soidon easyterms. of the coun4, butlit hows that the weltein A. Young,.' Seaforth, in buying clo ' ver and —Miss Stanley Id � HOSIERY �n&QLOTHES . . thuothyeeed. Aquantityof cholte Seed on hano. hef'ohueb%nd in the west. Jones is also coming back to town to live. I - ' � buyers know wb�er � t� clome whaq %hey All StA,lc*s scels iu Stock. 1 1786.1' � too the topic at yeague, Sunday evening else but the Dry Goods business, but we o LETS and �NDJ�RWEAR 11 -VV-- W. -VV_.A_r_E`S C-) INr, want good Stock. I L I i I I . I � � know 6 heap About, it's our business.. Our Tom' is a genial, go6d hearted fellow, .and CORS I L 11 . . I � I The De V bead linerg i1I i last. I will receive re Thor I . . _ General Inaurance Agent, and Dealer in Ee.vint, - I I T One Sisters are , � -0 I new stock of Spring Goods is here, and we ' f warm , tion. e is TRIM MINGS aind Wr11TE WE" L i a I — I I the St. Patrick's night concert. These ladies were . I 0 11 Z i -- Machines and Bicycles, � . - know how to givb you the beit for the least some talk him startiv in the butcher ' I t .. LOCAL BAIE11S.----5 iza 't9tewart, of' V,g. under the sole mana,�gment of Shipmant for th Usborne. I . 0�to. : . NORTH MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, I t re� I ., Seato'rtb. business. If to does, the is no doubt heL Our Spring ]a �' � i I t Of consecutive SCAS311J. 1786-1, money. The E. MoFaul Cc 1 I I - . : 1630 mondville, roturned on Thursday nigh , I � A �OTHER PIO-N�-Eli;R GOXE.—We refer to i 178 6 1 - fi t class hutch r, I - . I last week from a plea at t visit to friends in I GIRL WA-NTPD.�Wanted,i a good ,gener9l - , '?, I will do well, as he is a fi Is - - I ! the ate John Cameron, whose death oc- , 11 England.— What trat I - at W,0�1 servaut glyl; good wages. Aptly to �Wr. Nobl�,. Farmers' Inati. bi&Ven'Lo, we're a; ter. I f , ot, Manitoba —Mr. NOTES, D 't forV'ot the' 4ving teamed the businos' i le we hay. we�li bold; Wh . . Counter's Jewelry Establishment, ,the Cypress River di ti , Cluff, North Wain Street, Seaforth, 1 1786-2.1 curr d on Sunday, February 16th, at the tTia *�n the inthrop school howe MissA.Daupeentertaine asm%ll�number �, i ; L I i � - tute mee, ing in I � Sproat and M R F ost coptem- � born of his- brother -in-law, Mr. D. McInnis, Will Lb of ftiends Friday evening. sinton Broth- . i I I I � , GiRLs.—If you want work write to th, this (Friday) evening�---�Boab ridirig 0 ! � SEAFORTH,o plate doing a.big buid ment 15uild- , �L, , . . .t . .1. .! * I -_ � 1. 1. POILB&S KNITTING MILLS, of Hespeler, Ono EKet at the age of 84 Veare. Mr. a4d - - ere have finishod buildinge , a ten-fo: lot brick . .11 77 . . ing daring the comin 1hev �hslve They sire advertiAng for girls, or fain lies with bo) . V . Cameron went to visit for a short time the order of the day i the. water keeps M i I i � . - The Engagement Ring * being a - I _!L I I under their tannery, �nd can now work i � alreadi on of 5 brick and girli frl-m t'iirteen years cli up. Nice work; Witt ing.—Mesers. d W. "'I i piece of Jawellery about which so 7 contracted fo t I � friends in Exeter, and were to have with safety on the inside,�—,The Methodist . * ! . A 0 a 4 silos and five ba n — e are good wages; your ply every wiek, eta. Write theirjl� Reeves left for Boissevain, Manitoba, on � The ; . . i - 0 tions. ' � I T much- interest oentres, � I 1 1786-,2 i' retu ed home, wh(n he was stricken down. Epworth League. received An invitation from � . corre pleased to learn t at 11 , S. Jacobs, who has I Tuesday. As these boys were quite popular � I i fL ot in, SAvle uood in nualitv " I Mr. a eron was born in Arovleshire, on I A the Londesboro Lea2ue to Nitit them on � fi � I ) . - J . been laid up for some time, is now recover. Uar repair ehop is now running,, to iv they wi be greatly issed by a Large Off, e ai then cameo the price. We can . r you a chance to have your wheeliut in sbape MoA the I land of Tyree, in the year 1818, and of friends around- her�. -Owing to -the very *arch 17th, %�hiah they have accepted, and .. .: I I . give you any design Of satting and ing and we hope to se him around all rijht the season opens. Hindly atten to this before th6 came to Canada with his widowed mother , � . . � intend turning otit in full 11 force. They Are JN4 F. litv.41 Ubi I �� I � c' I highwindone day-l"t week, Mr. Jainfe . I � ; ': any combination of stones. soon.-Tbe mani, fii-nJs of Mrs. George rush ; aleo i emeniber th4 'we do all khids of r in th year 1820, t the city of Kingston, also prepaiing a iaried pro'gramme to assist' - I I I � 'I I i - � � - . - : ; The WeddiDg Ring, is a very im. Ewing will regrot �to I arn that sbe is still pairing, satisfaction g-daranfeel. Go:). M. Baldwinj wher thev lived foi -ten years, moving from Henderson's birn was.blown over. -Mr. R., their Londeab ro. friends.'- MeEsrs. Watson I -ory . I . � - .; . . oe" .� i �, ! ; T ! 8eaforth. McCutcheon, of Dublin, visited friendo'in �4 . s Co I . .1. confined to � herj resid ance -through - illness, I 1 1786-1 I I � . I � portant piece of Jewellery. We . there to the townal ip- of Dalhousie, in the ; end Emigh sbipp�d a car each of pigs and oat- - L� ._ - - I - , I "I , . although we are glad 1 o Bay her case is not �Special prices in Watches ,during our this village over Sunday. i f . I i . IV, ': - have them in all quali-ies of gold, . . count of Lanark, I a going to the town of � tie Monday. -EditoriBrad in r t . T - ! I I. I I -1 i . ` . , opening Wo at Daly's, in the Cardno block, Sea- (From an Occasional COrroepondeat. i , , i and fully guaranteed. Oar repair -serious.-Mr. E. M. ILE ipprell, of St. John - . Pertb, where he worked so house carpenter I . ) � 'hii trio last week, better �ble than ever to Cf.pth7s Gt �� � � t, �t ca , . . I forig, 1786.1 1 � - � � _,- i New Brunswick, Mar r,j me manager for the ITE,ms. - W ia-throp is now experiencing Nang, ­ ' i . ". � , � i department is strictly up-�o-date. � for 14 1 He ailed for three years on its 0"6nduct his 0apar.-Same of the citi I � I q i I Ontario Mutual Life Insurance Compauy, Timothy and Clover Seed. -Choice re'r I Dual inundation, caused by the rece I -0 ! I . f r . - � Lake inet"ar0io, was I volunteer at the time an Int during the recent soft pelli cleaned their ; I - , , r f . . . . - olemned timothy and 00M NA at Hamilton & Kcr.;' thaw. -Eider Brown� we understand, . in- ' � Dry Goods 'Store. 7� - , _ � . Is � I I W. R. COUNTER, . � . Manager spent Sunday with 11, a brother-in-lavv,, to r. lake's, Seaforth, 1780-1 i of the rebellion but was never taken into . Ode*.alks of snow but there are quite a num-. � . i - sas.'I .. - James Cowan. -Tho I e ple of this district . active service. H, i was married to Mids tends c ntinuing the meetings begu� in the _ . _ � . I 0 . � I ' � - . I I U ; lk f rVA 4- 4�U. Did you ever consider the money you are . I e L __ - I I A RA VIA— ber that as y.qt have n�t touched them. ; . - I -.6.. VVUIAVV&t F I - r barrel ]-its? Jud � Effie M o1nnis, oi ate r of Meosrs. . and J ohn _Anterests o v o o ca e WL .".9 J �:, e o pus a by-law cc pel- 'surprise p %rty, ; t en a sido 100 � . Ic,slz)g by not buSiDg suga in � u 't . Beene of a r V_ .. . I a trad'aal ,that �1 e snow diiappeared consider, and then call at the " Maple Uif St:)reV McInnis MacGregor, in the school house here. Elder qg 'On"' 0 ' , I � t' UUNLb TELL was r-. , P . I t I of Exeter and daughter of Archie I . _ the &,'izdnFj'that have the granolithic of ,young peopl) ff lorn S xhimith, canie I - - withiiut�'any flevete flac d, whereas in many and got pilces and you ,41i be sure to take a. barrO McInnis, of the township of D&Ihousie, in Brown is an enthusiac evangelist, and will, A� k. t. ean them when it gets spend an evenin a e , Yingint with theirAd - - I ` , ., le.." .1 Twelve teachers, 80 typewriting otheF�KI:a7* pecial, y in . some of the home with you. P. Dill, Seafortb, 1786-1 1 #1 jo: I I . - ' w the year 1850. ter ependin.va. short time no doubb, meet with grand success in big a's late in -the season ae'thial.-Quite a party teacher. Mr. ,an Mrs. 1 Johnston -were - neighboring ta con 'try was inun- New Trupka and Valises, Get our priceo. new enterprise. -During the recent atorm f, . � I I machines, 367 Students in day sea '_�B a � with hi I atIrried wife, he went to the ;om here went out to Mr.:Craig's residence, equal to the occa��ion and soar a fto�siiii#* dated, railWay tVr'aftf .Ice was- stopped and b�fore buying,, W. H. Willis Seafcrth Sole Ager4t ' the barn Of Mr. James' Henderson was . . . ,a I _� � sions, 102 members in the evening state of New York, where he worked on a in Mortiq_. Monday evming. to enjoy 6 ' b t at holft, A classes, 31 positions filled from much damage was doi e by' severe . floodi!.- for Geo. A. Slater shoes jor m�-i, Viotoi-ta oboes for . I make the compaw v f el rig, I ladies, and Granby rubbers. 1789-1 11 farm f or the Bummc r to earn a little inorei to blown down and redu1cedto a total wreck. dance, taking with them �thoa harpers, who Food� time was spent, by alL Mr. Johnktft� � January 294th to February 2nd, in- Owing to the unf,4voi able weather and al. start them in their new home on the IM The property carried no insurance against axe getting quite a reputa,ion for their 'ex- .10;� and his � er TV; I e erf ul Waverly see4 � . is a Jollygood fel youn frieu I I dicatethe conditions now prevail- .moob impaesable sta Of the roads, Arabi. I " win& -Mr. Win. �ianey, master of the h , I --_-_I- -,; I outs at Hamilt: a & Kerklake'ip, Seaforth. 1786.1 'i cone( asion of the township of Usborne, thon cellent mutic at dancts, in these parte. -T IS took this way of, shol,wj Audi* 1-p _. T. 9 .... .—Mro �r, ..:� V,_-, '-. " ing in the ' bald & Cudxbore'ii sa f horses, on Satur�- I 0 ' Orange Iodize here, visited Toronio last a ool trustees held their regular meet- a er, - -10 z� � . � I 1-1 - ., � I - - only known the Harou tract, where - � ch Ab I 11. �_. . � Choice roll- butter, 18c ; No.- [I as I . -10 i 1. ­ ", day last, *as ra'thei slimly attended. Al WAINZTED. e Mgt .Bell, or., and Mr�. Thoma"a . r � - nilnk or I fox, 8360, Our slaughter sale of Dre 9 movf.dtbe same fall, 1850, Here, in - e week, to ins�ect som 6f the lodges in that in Industry hall. Friday evening of last I i , ;I �, I - . . I . week, were at C�e n bu i ,for 'tte F , �, Central Business Oollege, number of .sales wer I at' ' city.- He says the O�e pol ' , made, however Goods during January an,l Fetru Axy, is worth oomi �,g bin, ' ice force : f 7eepk,, and considered the -applications ol - I - � I prices ranging from,� $10-0 to $180, These miles, to see. G, E. limo, Wingham. 1777-11 wild4 rness, they rai Bed their firs b IoR ca I ' 0 ,VOr , . I new school - roomn . con , a with -st. . I I I TORONTO, 7 i . I . �j whio I was never closed to anyone ia ne d, Wi�throp might 6 d , omployment there, ncipalof our school and decided to Andrew's church. I thai is wanted --b:#, I I gentle en purpose hav6v, another sale cu' Al 1. . �1­;. Cho atranto f +h- nit —Mr Thics I . - 4 I i�� i Ata I . I : I - .- I i I . i I , : I I I - ;_ tU,�, A -,Vv -0 4 . : R - - � I ! � . - I � " � � ; - , . I d I PR# I het# alld I - - , , pfnwl ; I I ! � I A strong, reliable school, wbich - I y PAR)IERS.--.11.1 07juy SL e and u cleama a farm, and taking an active part in 5 .1 . . . Accept tharb of air. Daill y, 61 Erin, who few days` .aleighing m have f! brick on lim t 1. ; . - - , groCer7 oto ,L I I . I . � Tbursday riexb.­Mes�rs. Scott Brothers, ' JL r bought and so!d'at MoGlinnis' .er an this 3 ale I � I yon may enter at any time. No . , I CI"Vl - . '10, all t) at pertained to the. interests of he Grimoldb3, - d filer, of comes highly I L and "we have no ground. - The comff'ittee9who canvessoO i who have been iii bu�i a6aa here for 30 years, selforth. 1783-6i I . I I V_ . I i . I . vacations. ' Write for circulars. � county. They retired from the farm lin place, has, we under tand, accepted a situ- doubt be Will soon get the school up to, its congregation for & ibsorip ions, met WA- I I - have dilspos'ed of i th i r I musical instrument For sale in Egnionolville, one half acre �f ation as for te filing departme . I . I the, as � _. L ' I Thorough by mail. i 1 1879, and moved iqto a, nice little cottage on I . .nt, in usual high standard of excellen'ce Mr. grand success so, th b the work Of -9 . I BaldWil], who will g od land with comfortaYe frame residence therc:)b, I I I business 4-9 � Mr. Ge r 0 � --I .1 . " Ask for sample lessons. t)th Oncession of Udborne, whq,re' they lived connection with the saw -milling bukiness, Baille' is to start as. piincipal after the buil - 11 . . i � also good Et'hble bnd plenty of hard and soft *ftter. I Y di,dg will be Du ed forward at once;- - Z � I 11 ,1-1: ! This property fit well bitUaLel. Pos8esstoa given o com I was rising fti,.nd, Mr. Jes. V%ster holidays.-Thomai McCreight, who Mr. T. N. Fors�,, h'. the past week, has b"-' I Address, W. H. SH' conduct it7 in co n I n with his b-icycle fartably ev, er since. Mr. Cameron owned by our enterp . . I AW, Principal. business. Mr. Baldoir is a .pushing young, � . ; - I * � any time. R. flicks. - 1785T31 nevei treated y a doctor in his life until Smith. -Messrs. Sam. MoSpadden and Win, hasbeen railroading at North Bay for �tke receiving very femp ing OLaers for bb -_ , I Youge and Gerrard Ste., Toronto. I business man and sh4i uld sell lots of in4ru-' I - ; I ­ � I . t within a few ays f bid eeves started for the Prairie Province last . past otix months, returned home Fri& driver, at - 11 : . III �eeps sh� kin J_ � I . 1686-62 Monte. He � NEw MU610 STORE. —Pianos, Organig, " L I 1 �4 . � . I � � 4 I . _b ; � will be Sesisted by Mr. Thomas: is mu�jo goiap about " usual on the Friday previous. Tuesday morning. ' What is M-oKillop's loan L I M 0 ' ' L is agaia b I I tot of � Music, and'ever3thing found in a flr6t-cla! , q evening for a short visit. head. —The h . Brown, the ,band �eaol r.—The liquids, � a ture ; also Sewing Machir e -a at right prices. G.�o, He was a gre�t rew ler and .enjoyed big Bible. is M &nitoba� a gain. L � � I , I f � L� r'' .1 i . I I I I —0 I ard, w � �h . R P. Rill'ib : THE -CANADIAN the Cre ily Dairy I Cd pany has declared a� M. tbidwin &:.Cc, Fealortli, _9 . L I in our mill y I I a � ! . 1 1786-C � In re 1 , on he was a Presbyterian, in poll- . . � 7 -the xaw.�*, - - � rat and fi.a,1 divideni t the rate of 7 3 101 t ., Kippen . usual place, at -the I ead Of , L, I 0 1 I I . � 16, t Ir I ties, Sibera4 H), with his aged 1wilow, � Bluevale. t -oil Axow,= I i Bank of Gom'm-erde! ,'o'ents on, the dollar. ,1 Is creditors numberl - I - Fronk -,Mann, ofthe village, was, Mr N . . AIR ­rl a"a an.f-A­r A -_ .A .4. i ARCHIBALD & CUDMORE'S k e celeb,-ated th6ir go'den wedding in March' D. Hay, Commissioner and Conveyancer ; ' .- r- - - I . I 4 0 BRIEFS.—Mrs. Wm. Messer is attending wills nior awes and deeds drawn U Money loaned day lait navitiff, a V Sit at the home of Jv . it � .4 - - � . .. I . 9 - - . . I r, ! (hildren of their own they her father, 'A r. McAllister, of" Turnberry, at the lo ivest rates of interest. I Haiparbie-y. F100 ! 1 4 auction sale of horses by Messr . Archiba d 1900, Havi 17404f James. Mulholland, . . . I � � : ,CAPITAL(PAID Up) � The total dividend aaacunta, to $768.20, so i o* Mrs, Thoma4 Hawk. . . oiq;w , adop':Sa tWO' 1EIS, I I .1 9 , ; - . I I ' i . 6 of purposes, in a coul ) .... that. it will Ibe seefi that the company was� & Cqdmore, at their stables here, was he d- who is very' ill. -Miss BF ssie Wright, of We b6lieve that there iA only one grad' Is of 1 weeks, - q � Eight Million Dollars $8 D00�000. , , ina, Df Utibo no, mol MiEs Lily Howard. ! I � i . head over. heels in' deb5.�-Mr. James Scott on Saturday last. There was a splend�d Jamestown,i has resumed her duties as as- merchandise that gives I the unexpected Manitoba.. -M r. Ro )ert Thcimparint. Of I - I I . Rest - - - lot Of horped offered.for sale, but on accou,J�lb His widow, w o fo.-.52 years was his faithlful sietantdres4makera Mrs,. Bailey's. -Mr. and satisfaction to the buyer �nd reflects credib London Road, has F Eirebaspd from Mi. W�, Ft., i . 1 3 r $2,OOOjOOO. left this weok on 4 b3 Jn(S3 trip to Mani, I . and 6v1pg o6mpal ion, still survives li�m, � I I . � r � i I I toba.-Mrs. Wm.; c' i rlane and daughter of -the very diiagreeable weather and wor�e t Mrs. Milton lWatson� of Sunshine,were vibit- to the merohant. That grade is the bcs�,. , Berry, of Brumfield a tbreO.year-old dA14A , I � � , I Al . I 11" I . SEAF)ORTH BRANCH, who ha en vi� ti g 'riends and acquaintl� roads. the attendance was not"so large " R His I uneral, 7hich took place On the 1$�h ing at Mr. Thomas Stewart's on Monday.- You find it everywhere iu The E. MeFaul which bide fair W give the (Ulat to - ; � '? -, ult., from the ho'. -.n( of Donald ]SloIn�is, . I last year. However, there Was a very"f " a1st Fri- Co.'s Store, Seaforth, an s2e it to good ad. comia � foll r A general ances i Ackerlmit !or a few nlont,hs,' , V Tile Methodist churo�h,choir spent I ' g in h 1 . � r, Win. Ar t - � �_ I . ' � �� � Bain.king businoBvis tran- ,4ded by bi3 pastor, Rev. C. P,,Iet'cb "" I a 4 6 � I - 1. � started ondAy ' o minji for their holme attendance ani some 20 horses were Sold,' b atte ' , r � day evening ver I $gently together, at the vantage in their New Sp,ring Dress Goods, who is nurting 1601-0 and,- Zia V Mi I � - �, viacted, Farmers' Moctsix discounted, �1. 1, artin and a large'numiler "arpets, Cart : ,_ r zl=ln - : I e - -anit a. a Lordship bh6 very satislaotory prices. As will be seen' ',y home of Mr, an(y P, -Mrs. Cotton 'Wash Fabrics, 0 aine friends in Fulla ton Re . M� - Shfi*r 0 MAD I � 'rid Gv V � a in Oak Lak' , M _ ' I ive I . I Mr .Albert Hughes. I I nd special attention given to this Bishop of Huron bas� arranked to visit th ' the following -li3b several purchasers ca e of 2-nd'e'vin' rela 13. . . ervi,ces in the bfetl* - ( � i . John.Rob!r�e?n, of roxeter, spent a few and Ready -To -Wear Clothing. 1786 1 - "Clinton, conduct d i � - � collection 0 Sale Notoss'. . I from considerable distances. The'followi i . I days it th i i , vici 9 i ty, callin ' on her numer- i —mr. R,- B-1 lall ; Deanery of Orou, inil ay. for confirmat= 9 , 9 NOTES. -Miss Alice Whitman, on Monday dist -church herelasl Sabbath. , ! � I I I � i � SAVINGS BAN K. -Interest allow. Rem 11, �f sahs were made: ToJohn Wilson, McK 11 one fu ends, who wer all pleased to see her purposes McLean's good ei� � Ora have been diiint - CS, 068 fOIIOW : I Se a�forth, Sundhy I 0 v Lakelet. last, went to London, wbere elle . , iffrAl d on deposits of $1 and upwards. 1 3 year old �gelding ; John P-qbV,, Morli-i, B EEZES . JO n looking, so well.- r'.� Will Pearson, of remaining for a time. Miss Whitman goes 1-�nd acts . . him in getti"Irg homo. 1 4:�- -7� May 41,h ; i Clinton, Monday, 5th ; Wipg . --rhe auction sale at Mrs I I I � r Special facilitioss for transaction Of ham, � � year old mare ; J. Crerar, Grey, 3 year O��' Wingham, visited friends here on Thursday to take in. the latest fashions and defiijn� in tho-material for ',he: neW_house he pu � . - I I � - Tuesday, 6th veter, Wednesday d, . . Bell ', of the 17th, held on the 21st ul .., � � 6 . ne� � I ­ . rr . a year was . in ! :Lusiness In the Klondike District. 7 th. �'M r. G-' . J. Sut erland, the genial 4no: mare,, John McItinnon-, Grey, 3 01 , , ttended by a -very large crowd as the of last week. -Mrs. George, MbDonald and the art of dressmaking in order to bs up' o- erecting tbiS r iummeri 'Kind neig bc , Money Orders, payable at any bank, issued I . . I a* the mare - Mr. Ba,lfour, Usborne, a pair Of � - ;, following ratoe.:- . very efficie�t correspon4ent of Tnr�, EXPOSIT y . I wea er was �decid edly 'favorable. Every- Miss Mary King visited Dr. and Mrs. Toole date, for the ben'efit-of her oustomers, when make maDy a b:irdbn 0asY arid Makfi I ­ I i . OR at B . she returns for the r TIS 9-- -1 I . 1 -6 1 � Under $10 .08 .12 "ens4ll, wa's iu town on Tuesday last year Olds and a working mare; Ste thin sold well and the proceeds were much on Saturday. -Miss Alice Duff left on Sat epring trade, M' . worth livi n -Mi-is IV -at Mellis, W:h , - - I � - , Downie, Mc',Killop,�3 year old mare ; tax �i_ urday to commence iher duties as schOID1 Archibald- McGregor, w has be been spending a week-wAs4'frie6do ;in ZXO� -- - ; 410 tO �20 .10 $30 to $60 .14 and made. a! pleasant call on several of hii � in a vance of what the proprietress anti I . ho en for I � I � F. HOLMESTEW I Broadfoot, Tuckersmith, 3 year old gelding 11 teacher Elsimore, Bruce, Coanty._ . rr tioub - r- . F. 0. G. MINTY, , friends here. Mr. Su herland drove eve] pate . Mr. H. Torrance, of 10,ifford, was . many weeks in the hospital at Clinton, has ter. has returned b me.' ,The inis -- #A� , AV I Solicitor. � . Manager. fr6m 11 016 -hub," to ake the early traiii Rollie Kennedy, Tuckeratnith, a pair of 6 the eactioneer.-O:k Friday la3 Percy Patterson and George Aitcheson were now raturned'to her home and is again ,en. of St. AnAnew's LhiLrch,. met Ott Tuad, - ! Lr. T - I .. - 1624 year old geldings ; . John Armstrong, Pilo, ��ir.M&ndroi in Molt-sworth on Monday. 'Miss Brunton A "� ... -wxk- � . wff� eaiit, but,on ac -.0111 nb of the very bad ro d4 . ranee conducted a sale for I I joying her usual health�-Buggies have last, and had a ...goo iing. The � . I ­ - - - t � . . he did not gQt here in time. By the w Mound, Ma,nitob.i, a pair of 3 year old fil Gowdy and the we; kther an roa a were of Tar', wae the guest of "her cousin, Mrs4 , again taken the place qf cutters, w I le I I ltre� socilety � , Y -1 . era in - -Another old settler of Hibbert town- Mr. Sutherland. in Me 1 outh, was a Iie3 ; James Hogg, McKillop, 4 year 01 b d' they c)uld 110e. H wever, t9ere w a J. Fawcett, last week. -Mif s Ida Churchill means bad roads for eithq.-Mrs. W. W, getic, and are doirl 400d 'work. .� pupi O 4 ship passed away on Wednesday morning of Mr. George E. Head r I mare ; John MeWann, Seaforth, 3 year ol as . 'n a, �,areorowd c ut and everything w gold t has returned home, after a few months' ab- Cooper, with her sister,,' Mrs. James ,W. measles are v I nt in this neigh I I - I 0 ,-proprietor Of ;h a fa . I �� 4 - ( teach t Iding; H, Taylor, Hullett, a 4 year o ' beba . . .. I r a � 'fair fig are ';A very pleisant sence.-Mr. J. -Duff :has the contract of McLean, the past week, w6rr, visiting at the bood, and, as the epi de�iio� seems to . � last week, in the person of Win. Aikene, at Commercial hotel, i h7n he wag ng Se Idl ve evenin - - �. . i - . � ; the hame of his Son Alfred. Mr. Aikens t gchod� &� driver-; James Simpson, McKillop '3 Yeari, , . *_;�: mes Ritchi'3 I parental home of Mr. and Ibirp. Da iel Bell, respecter of persons, very few homes are 'e's' . i I he young idea hOiW i O hoot, in a J . was ispent at ibe h e of Mrs. Ja drawing the cream to the Bluevale butter n I . * . of -a Inild . ! 0 a e to be. 7 ; I red. with I old jeldilig' Alel""illop, Pam on t e e venin ay I . sold his farm last fall, and , reti hi's Mancheater� in this e ; James Cowan I factory this sealon. Several teams will oat app, a�ra J Itunty. -M ss Ma bel I 0 . h min of !the 21st ult., wtien th 3 be 9f H y. -Mr. Robert ,Uurr , who was caping. The dise ; I i : 3 year old gelding6 ; Finlay Stewart, Gode*'1 reqnired, as the proapis ge 0siting in Howick with 0 son,William,has form. � I : J . wife to spend the rest of his days with his ,McKenzie, of Goderi �h,' is a' - -members of the McIntos I 111, � i L � ,. guest at _ members and x 'eta are that a lar - � .­ . , i - -fr9nize the fmotory.-Miss . . *--+- - - I I I � I I son. Hri was born in Nova Scotiat and 'Thomas G. ScotVa.-Mrs. W. G. Will' I I rich township, 3 year Old filly. Meag".� choir met a d presented Mrs. Ritch4i number will poi 1� r�eturned home. -Mr. and rm. Robert Fish- - . 1 4 came in infancy to York� county, Canada confined to bed through illnees.-Mr. Archibald & Oudmore'will have another sale� , - I! : . P . daughter, M WilliAn J. McLachlan, wit I Maggie McDcmough, Of Wingham, visited 6r, from Worth Dakota, who have been -At the Stratford poiioe court, the -Oth � - I I . - q . � keromith , bec I ' mp itnen, -e6 enrY WAS "'a' ' I West, and from there, in �844, to Hibbert, 'thony Tindall, of r'ue' , says t 4 on Thursiay, the 133th in�t., when anot � , co I tary land con ratulatory ad. Miss Aggie Herbert last yreek. -The Misses visiting friends here*for the past thr day, the ease of- Re K *e.. H r : , where he took up a lot of bush land and Mr. Chapman is ju.,il ten years oub in the very fine lot of horses wiJI'bs Offered. .. reso and a beautiful in 5e clock as Jessie and Winnie Potter,,, of Wingbam, montlis, have left for the' r home, carrying posed of. The pi ivate prosecutor., 2 I . 0 - � . � - _f . . I . - 'Jkw'b - . converted it into a prosperous home. He matter of the.early Spring which ws inpri, spedt last Thursday eveni g at IR, N.Daff's. I I ­ - I i cu enir of the, leamant relations whic . - with them the beat wishes of - a hoot � of David Busch, of Ellice, obarged Mr- - ��� I . . . I - dall as ys existed w ile they sang together - � friends, for a safe jourp'ey.-Mr. James Henry, of the as -me U wnship with 0 ��� leaves a widow and four sons, two here and tioned last week. Mr. tT � 1w is' .1 at present.- . in 'ye it �;�; IE[ullett. Mr.. Ww. Smith 11 0 1 : two In Chicago, and one daughter De. thirty years ago when the particularly earky SOME GOOD COLTS i-,- HuLLF,-.T YET. Mrs Ritchie And !amily treated all thoa Mr. William Stewart, - or., has for Mustard h" sold to Mr. John MoMann, of 1n-onev under false atenceg, in thAt 01 � ceased was found dead in his led 'in the spring was, and that forty years ago there Mr. Robert McDole, near Walton, sold t present in a very hospitable manner an many yes;rs been a faithful and diligeDt 'Seiforth, his heavy team him ; horse whi W. tu!ch Claims t4be, I , . . I of ho,nes for a ch ifor * � mornirig. He had bee -h ill for sometime, but was no spri.Ug at a I until, the middle, of the Messrs. Scott Brothers, near Londeo,� afte! bidding r. a rid Mrs. McLachlan, wh worker ,in the Methodist Sunda�y school. good figure. James know -a' how to fit up big unsound, izettiog in exchange ther-9 . . I A I I 1. . � his case was not considered serious. As be May. He pays that it is Particularly im'. boro, a two-year-old colt rising three,for the, leav 3 for theiz hom B in Winnipeg on Tues Since the Methodists 'and Presbyterians" in boises to bting the big pr'iees.-On Thars. not * Jfor 04, and the pro,4ss of six vords . q � - e I wag in the habit of taking some patent I' d a union a' of Mr. . wood. The one wai finally settled by. Jgr* pressed on his mind fram. the fact tha� A snug sum of $170, which is counted a good�', day, adieu, &I returned to their hoines at a 1864, forme chool he has constant day last, the home Jind Mrs. W. A � . _. . � , . medicine, it is thought that he took an over� was just forty ye�ars go since be came out ptice for a colt of that age. But this -is w sessmabloi hour. -Mr. J. Darrock sold klr� ly been a helper either in the capacity 'of Johnston, the efficient and- mudh esteemed Henry agreeing to h4ndbaxk 08 U0% , I . i a ,see, o h sion, sups, in I teacher of school o. 14, � tanley, was the , I I . doze, which caused his death, - to this country. -M . Arcb�,lbald Hislop, M� colt of great promise, weighing now 1,506 W"PSM W 1 f t e 17th ,,Oonce.x tendent or teacher. To show their - N take bae-k the horse. -1 I . F � I � . � I I : . -1 - � J . . I. . i I � ; - . 1. - � . - 4 ; . I . � 1. � I � � � : . i i � � � . - .11 . ; I - . I I �, , . . . . . 11 � I I . M .� I � �" :1 I �' .., . � I - : : : �1 3 � �� I ! . � I . � . i 11 - I ____ ` ;. I � i ! � .. � I I - : - :_ I I I : . ; . ­ - - , I � � . . I - o I . . � � e I i IL , r � _-4 � I I . I I I, � . I - ­ . - � I I ! i . 11 4 � I I e� . I I � .� � i . :�. . I � . . I 1 ­ -_ - . q . i I I I - I� _­ . . ! I - ­ I . � . . . � i � � . w . I � - - 2; . . I � . - � . . 1. I _____i_. I',- I . � . -_ i . �1 I . - I - I I �__ � . . . . i . ; � . � � . ;. - � �� . I . - I . I ­ 1-� . . � i - . � 11 � I I � I �­ . i � i I . - I - - � I I : I . I . � -_ � . . - I 1. - ­ _ ­ I I . - i � I . : . . I . j, .- -1 � � - , - - . - . 11 ­ -4 1- . . I - � . . I . I . . : I I . � .1 I I ; I � I I ". I � I ! . I I I I . ,� . � � I I : I . . i � : . . I i : . I - : � � � I . I - � ; - I I . I . , � , . i i : � i . . . � - i , . I . I I - � . I . -­­­ , ­ 1-1 -­ -1:-----_. ` ­­.- L . I'll, - ­_ --,-. - ,. - M7 - . - -,-- -----_----I - -M -1 __ � . ; .1 � __ - - __ I 1. - I _i- _. . I . ­ _­ �­­i I 111. " _ ... I... i--- L - ­ - _­:'_-__' --I..- __L_- 1-1-11, ___­ -­ ______ J _11 ­ - --- -1 I—_ �, ­ _. .,,_-. � __­ -;-- - , Wkwifn