HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-03-07, Page 77. 1902 world and their fel. in your caae is thet erve eight days in rectiande 3,1* any statements. court. id, Ensign Crawford. that I am not reach the cottrt room, rine by the officers. inch to have time to. oorts before 1goisrod will take tibouti course, I OATS let ,bat that will throve' " to -morrow morn - f" as" ked the emigre_ uset"-isaid the court., U be there waiting. trintendent that you c. He will be ex.' inaeh, your hortor,"' his het up from the r Homes and a.rd the Joyful hat COMPOUND' LE WELL AND G. Canvass would kottsands Are ured not heard in some Compound and inf. r the diseasea and be connted as newa- dere, nor are they intouch with the of the tinaeei ass ilf that were eere Paine's Celery d thee early epring an overw helming, tardine the implicit. Ii this greatest ot Ct. would show the ople whirs are being iervonsneast sleepleae- ition neuralgia,rheu- kidLy and liver dia- Painete Celery Conn, hint, and happy re - r tat spring is with fine weather and new d encouragement to LI and strong, tery Compaund for a stoniett every debiliti y man and woman. idy and sallow corn- aeaIthy color, with unclouded brain,. the e aleeta. clear, fresh the body, will be uaer of Paine's W- et no subatitute or te name PAINE'S is. ette. Weadonai easier to °etch a cold hout jife insurance . qapy o anxious to die rich, .d like to live rich. nate. Eat respcit3e for all arises from impertin- y. 'mil bridegroom are it is natural to in taken up with each Pa, when Let's wife it did he do it" Mr. look for a fresh one, I harged with murder for a public office, :ople learn about him re. you saythat Mrs. ere on the installmene on-" Yea, she had t a little with each." trions old geatleman -" Do you take `ocarnan-ii Weal, I dinna ken yet." he is having his OWD do anything with suspect that she le id a man can do no - 0 arguing about who field of corn, when er-" Well, look here, !ern wiih one stalk er." Be jabbers r I've seen a field of re and none yonder at tarried man was in father -in -late with st Hee behavior. cried the iracible on hearing some of Eenties. "if I hear dieinheiit her. mpla i ate. Tat one day on the r, ejoying gamut- -gent' men attracted fiellawed him elotely Meeting him, till curi- al, and comingi quite he said in a confiden- ge ye a' in se bit ?" Das Thought. rods conaideratien and selection of a reliable t to whom- you can go assurance that your inestly and faithfully t yet determined who the future, we ask tier clruge andrned1. and our prices the pound, the, woricits lily medicine, makes thousands of testi- eanadian people prove can se surely banish, ery Compound per- aiem, neuralgia, liver nd reit-toe-ea all im- Oar &took of ud ia always fresh ; its. Seaforth, Ont. rernams of an un- - isat week, ori the west of the junct:on egtions of the body g the track for over rtain at what hour accident occurred. identification. a Churn or butter, why spoil ionernon and impure Richardson Ca's or '' gives butter the iade that no other never fadea from the viI.substitute. At• iving the kind thaie aid by all dealers. 1 MARCH 7, 1902. NOPE FOR CONSUMPTIVES. HE HURON EXPOSITOR. •••••••••••m••• rwrikk Frow the Ravages of This Scourge May be Stayed. •IeS•latt••••••••• ,Statistics Prove That More Deaths 'Occur From Consumption Than From All Other Contagioua Diseases Combin- ed -How Beat to Combat the phew. The ravages of continroption throughout Canada is something appalling. In. the province of Ontario, where statistics of deaths from all diseases are _carefully kept, it is shown that 2,286 of the deaths occur- ring during the year 1901 were due to con. teamption, or about 40 per cent. more than the number of deeths cmourting from all .other contagious diseases conabined. These figures are startling, and show the urgent) necessity for taking every available means for combatting a disease that yearly claims ea many victims. The time to cure con- sumptioa is not after the lungs are hopeless- ly involved and the doctors_ have given up eopt, Taken in its early stages, consump- tion is curable. Censumption is a melting disease of the lungs, and, at the earliest symptoms of lung trouble, steps should be taken to arreat the waste and then stop the 'disease. Consumption preys upon weak. new. Strength is the best measure of saf- ety: Dr. Williams' Pink Pillet are the best tonic and strength builder known to the medical science. The record of this medi- cine speaks for itself and proves conclusive- ly that taken when the symptoms of con- sumption develop they build fl, Strengthen and invigorate the petient to a paint where -disease disappears. Ie proof of this take the ease of ildege St. George, of St. Jerome, Qtie., who says :- "Abaut a year ago I became greatly run- -down. I lost color, suffered constantly from headaches and pains ia the sidea ; my appetite left me. and I became very Week. Then I was attacked by a cough, and was told that I was in consumption. The doc- tor ordered me to the Leurentian Mount- ains, inT the hope that the change of air would benefit , me. I remained there for some time, but did not improve, and return. ed home feeling that I had not =eh longer to live. I then decided to wee Dr. Wit. Hems' Pink Pills. After using several bot- tles my appetite began to return, and this seemed to mark the change which brought about my recovery, for, with the improved appetite came gradual but surely increasing strength. I continued the use af the pills, and daily felt the weakness that had threat- ened to end my life disappear,until I finally was again enjoying good health i and now,as those who know me can see, I show no trace of the illness I passed through. I be- lieve Dr. Williams' Pink Pills seised my life, and I hope my statement will induce timilar sufferers to try them." These pills are also a certain cure for the after effects of la grippe and pneumonia, which frequently developes into consump- tion. Through their blood -renewing strengthening qualities they also cure striae. nese heart troubles'neuralgia, rheumatism, stomach troubles,kidney end liver ailments, and the functional weaknesses that make the lives of so many tvotn6 a source of con- etant misery. There are many imitations of this medicine, and the health -seeker ahould protect himself by aeciug that the fall name, "Dr. Williamai Pink Pills for Pale People,» is on every box. Sold by all dealers in medicine or sent, post paid, at 50 cents a box or six boxes for S2 50, by ad- dressing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Oatario. • The Referendum. The Presbyterian Review says : ir We have not heard from the liquor inter -este what opinion is entertained upon this hill From those who are working hi the interests of temperance we have heard a chorus of protests and approval, varying in intensity and volume. Some have urged that an ef- fort be madeeo secure the withdrawal of the bill, others urge that pressure: be brought to have the measure amended. The burden of protest is directed against the demand that there ahall be at least t ne -half the votes polled in favor of the bill that were polled at the General elections in April. To us this demand seems an eminently fair one. Such a measure must be backed by public opinion before it will be fairly enforced. If it iiiknawn that the balance of public senti- ment is in favor of the prohibition of the edema and that is pramically what this measure means, there will be less diffioulty in carrying the measure into force.. " We believe there are more in the prov- ince of Ontario in favor of the suppression of the saloon than there are in favor of either the Liberal or the Conservative party. Oar business is to see that thee come out in October next and poll their vote. There has never been such an epportemity for temperance sentiment to declare itself. We should not let the oppertunity slip. Show those in power, whether the Liberal or Con- servative party be returned, that temper- anoe is not the fad of a few sentimentalists, as we sometimes hear it said, but that it is the conviction of the people of Om a.rio." arrival of two neighbo , who drove the brute off with pitohfor a* ?Ars, Gray is badly hurt, a wound in the neek requiring six stitches. Her condi ion s- said to be critical. Her is a Because you hevenib the beet reasou why eight away. It 'will cu melees youe breaeh so h Ing so poor. Cetarrhc cure for Catarrh, Brett recommended by doctor certain cure. Mr. Hen oldest druggist in Halif ozone gives satiofactio It is eimple and Conveni joys fully three times t Catarrh remedy eold in ozone is guaranteed to yeti can have eeeer mon $1.00 for two Months' size 25 cents. N. C. P ston, or at Fear' e drug s Another New Y • For the third time si Park avenue, New Yor leas of human life. Fie in the New York Cent street and Park iAvenu dynamite explosion in subway at Ilst street, a day, was a fire which oc avenuelotel, whic killed and many injured hotel fire since the Wi The fire Was first Beal; morning. The I hotel guests, who had come tivities to -be given in h More than 500 persons' The fire was confined pr and sixth floors, near t shaft. About the tin4 covered the lights went dors were tilled with unable to find their w ened hallways, jempe or ran directly into th of the bnilding. I It is t counts for the large los the hotel was not defier adians were perste at 't were hilted and others Stops ihe Cough and Works off The Cold. Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day. No Cure, No Pay. Pike 25 cents. Oararnar-0-.....a•-•-•Nr °inter., aed Catiarrhozone is ou sheltie' wee it e the Catarrh that avy and your hear - one is a scientific- hitis and Asthma, and druggists as a y A. Taylor, the x, 'lays t "Catarrh - wherever ib goes. nt to use, and en - e sale of any other he oityi" Catarrh- ure, and if it fails y returned. Price treatment, Small Dion & Co., King - ore, Seaforth. The Rust on Grain. The now notorious barberry shrub was' the topicof discuesion at a meeting of the Agriculture Committee of the Legislature a few days ago. Mr. Joseph Goodfellow, of Barrie, who has devoted some three years to gathering evidence against the " wolf," as he called it, gave evidence which he was able to make graphic and interesting. • A number of other practical men were called to give evidence as well, which was sup- plemented by Prof. Loohheed, of the Agri- cultural College, Guelph. The oharge against the barberry is that it causes relit of the very worst kind on wheat, oats and other grains. Mr. Good- fellow brought samplea of the ripening grain and the threshed grain to. show what it was capable of doing. Prof. Loohheed states that the -barberry is scientificelly recognized as one of the chief parents of grain rust. As the law stands, the shrub cannot be grown within 100 yards of farm property. The Miniater of Agriculture is introducing a new bill on the subject, and the total ex- tirpation of the shrub in Ontario is a possi- bility. How It Is Done. The firat object iulife with the Canadiae people is to get rich " ; the second, how to regain good health. The first can be obtained by energy, honesty, and saving; the second, (good health) by using Green's August Flower. Should you be a despond- ent sufferer from any of the effects of Dys- pepsia, Liver Complaint, Appendicitis, Indi- iteation, etc., such as Sick Headache'Palpi- tation of the Heart, Sour Stomeob,Habitual .0oativeness, Dizziness of the Head, Nervous Prostration Low Spirits, etc., you need not suffer another day. Two doses of the well- known August Flower will relieve you at once. Regular size, 75 cents. You oan get Dr. G. G. Green's reliable remedies at J. S. Robert's drug store, Seaforth. irk HolobUnt. ca New Year's Day , 'was the scene of t was' the collision al tunnel at 56th , second came the tie Repid Transit the third, Satur- rred in the Park 20 persons were It wee the worst ear eyrie destroyed. ebOut 11.30 in the 'Was crowded with o attend the • fes - n r of Prince Henry. •ere' ia the house. ncipally to the fifth ci eievator and air the fire was dis- out and the cord - °ire. 'The gueets, through the dark - froth the windows emit 'tempt portqine is fact which ho- of . life, although yedi Several Can- e hotel, and some juried. etert ch. its .itipleasant coz! lug thirty drops of a little sweetened lieves the nausea, athiu1atthg powers, enabjles it to com- iges hon. Nerviline an a million times tomach and bowel 11 Ore you. Price stplie, Seaforth. A Sick is always relieved, an sequeeces averted by la Poleon'e Nerviline ii water. It instently and by its soothing anld calms the stomaeh an plate ite process Of has been prdved more t the beet remedy for troubles. Nerviline 25hents at Fear's drei -Mrs. Jamul Gray, of Lorne Mills, Rock- wood, Wellington county, met with a seri- ous accident on Wednesday evening. She was putting her cows into the stable when one of them attacked her, knocking her down and goring her. The infuriated ani- mal also stamped upon her, and would doubtless lave killed her but for the timely The Princess ad a Narrow Esea e. A despatch from Lon on, England, dated February 27th, says lhe Pi iacess of Wales had a very narrow esca e at the Shire Horse Show to -day. The wi aing stallion, Hixton Tom, was being led do»n the ting as the , royal party was leavini, the inclosure. The cheering scared the an mal i which got al- , most beyond the coatr 1 of the groom. life• made a dash for an exi , through which the prince and priacces, w th the other mem- bers Of the royal party, were just abeut to pose They appeared totally unaware of the dan- ger until the shouts o warning from all ,parts of the building atjtracted their atten- tion. Then the prince s, who WM nearest the animal, realized be4 danger and stopped short. The stallion r shed by her royal highness, missing her iy a foot or two only. It was only by the ekIll of the groom, who managed to pull the ankmal to one side as it dashed past the itoyal party, that a very serious and depltrable accident was averted . A PERMANENT CURE', 1 A Plattsville Lady Cured of a Very Severe Case Four Years i Ago. PLATTSVILLE, Oat., March 3rd-(Specia1) -Mrs. J. Barnett, whpse remarkable case has been reported in nearly every news- paper in Canada, still continues in good health. . In the aping of 1898 he was a physical wrec14.nd a few weekietreatraent of Dodd's Kidney Pills made her la well woman. Many people then believed that her improvement was only temporary, bat all such htive now been silenced, for she et today in the, thank. ful enigyment of a splendid health. e Her former symptorrie have been d,escrib- ed, as follows Nervousness, Rheuinatism • in the left arm, pains in the small of tie back up the spinal 1 column, and back of t e head through the eyes, the left aide of the b dy and occasion- ally the right aide as well, no appetite, and could not sleep at night. Dodd's Kidney Pills cured her. been a member of the Ohnrob. 1.13 is time, asid Mr. Livingstone that the church atop- ped,pandeling to th'n irreligious element; which encourages people to remain out of the church.. Be said, further, it was rot right that a man who has led a bad life aind given ace support to the church should be given a. Christian burial. • A Proclamatin. We possess all the modern and up to -date facilities for conducting a reliable and first- class drug famines,. When you favor us with your doctor's prescription'our beet efferts are put forth to make thab prescrip- tion what your physician intended it should be -professionally correct in the minutest detaile. PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND. This medicine is giving mart -glom' results to sick people all over Canada. The won- derful cures -affected by Paine% Celery Com- pound dining the past year speaks volumes in fever of the popular medicine. Thous - andel who have suffsred from rheumatism, neuralgia, nervous troubles and dyspepaia, noweing thepraises of the medicine that hasoivEn them such hsppy rusults. Atsex. Wresoet, Druggist, Seaforth, Oat. • -Henry Armetrong and his, wife and two, children had a narroW escape from being - burned to death by the fire Which totally destioyed their hous?i near Cardinal* not far Sam Brookville. he family were sleep- ing downstaira, and the fire had consented the Outside ltitchen wean they were awak- ened by theory of one of the children. There was time to save only a few artiolee. Eeen the dog wale buried to death. Didn't Wait the Job. A bookeeller in Cle eland advertised for a porter. A big muse tar Irishman walked into the shop and gla ced around ; finally his eye rested on a bigj sign over a table with books : " Dieletsi Works all this week for $4." The Irishma. etio., it thoughtfully, then. edged toward th n ft-ont door. The floor.walker asked pis Bantly if there was i something he wanted; Ind the applicant remarked, with a bee wai d glance toward the sign : "01 come n t gib We' job, bet Oi'll not care for it. ioltens kin wurruck all the week for four oilers if he wants to. OM not." And the isirr strode vigor- . ously out. We Look For Your Trade. Serving the public with care, attention, honest goods end low dep.% has ' given us a high position dmongst the druggists , of Can- ada. We look for yo r teade, and will use every endeavor to make yea a regular Ons - tomer. 1 i . Our auppliea of pur Drugs, Medicine, Toilet Preparations, P rfumes, Brushes, Combs, Sponges, ete., wil interest you. Peiee's CELE Y COMPOUND. d to fill your orders -banishing medicine. d ,4rttles, we strong - keel purifier, nerve Ider. Paine's Celery rentedyt it has been used in all parts of seeds, and has never We are fully prepar for this populer diseaa Knowing its powers a ly recommend it as ,a bracer and flesh be Compound is no new tested and succesefull Canada by tens of the J. 5. RORERTS, Dirti Small Town " It's a smell villdg " Is it so small tha store." "(-)h, entailer than an emporium." SHIP "HARD AGROUND" A istressing skin Wiens. had • Ip'Dr. Ag - ell I nigh wrecked* his good Health," bu news Ointm nt cari• to the rescue and it's timely aid relieved the dittress and brought him afe to land. 0. H. Howard, a pr rninent steamboat man, of Rangeley, Maine, rites :-"Enclosed find thirty-five cents fir a b x of ,Dr. Agnew's Oint- ment. I bought a box in Portland recently for a distressing case of ski disease i and it did me so much good that I w nt to try another box; It iS the only remedy that has ever given Me any relief and 1 belieVe it will cure me" 35 cts. 31 1. V. Feat, dr ggist, Seaforth • -Jake Gaudahr, t slippen on the ice wh at Rat Portage, on F ing, smashed a bone i and cut his face badl Gaudaur will never r will be bedfast for so broken is the one r clavicle feigning the piece is broken right e celebrated oarsman, le curling at the rink iday night, and i fall - his right shoulder . The docrort say w a boat again and e weeks. The bone toning out froth the rch of the shoulder. A ff. •1 To Cure ar Cold in. One Day Take LaxativeiirotnitiQenine Tabletet All druggiste refundthe money if Mails te mire E. W. Grove's igna.thre is on each boh. 25c. -While a patty from the leity of 1Belle- villa were crossiog the bay oti the ice,la few nights ago, in a,bus eh route to a wedding in Ame'iasburg, the vehicle • upset, and et lamp set it on fire. The 'members of th party escaped with difficulty. The bus wet con- sumed. They did nob get to the wedding that night. e • Wants too young to take medicine May be cured of croup, whooping cough and ccIlds by using Va.po-Cresolene--they breathe it. 1 1 • -The debt en Knox church, StrIttford, has this year been -reduced be $2,000. -Sir Charle Tapper and Lady- upper have received invitations to attend 1 King Edward's cor natior. They will 1?e ac- companied by iss Tupper. ' , * On e LAXA-L11/11 PILL every ri4lit for thirty days maim, a complete Mae of biliousness and con- stipafion. That 14-juit 26 cente to be cured:. A Marvello Having a direat,and con • liver and kidneyDr. Oha positively cute ,many co cannot be-reaehe,d by any • its extraordinary success nese, Ivor corepaint, B kidneys and stomach t thoroughly overcome by t One pill a dose, 26 cane; a gist, Seaforth, Ont, 4 Big Nairne. .), they call a whop a hat. They call a store s Medicine. inuous action on b oth the e's iliidney-Liver Pills will tplicated ailments wifeh othin medicine, and berme and popularity. Bilious. ighhe (Melee, deranged ubles are promptly atid s great family medieine. box. -Rev. James Liv ngetone, president Of the London Methodist Conference, intends have'the Methodist) to begin a movement t"huroh adopt the Ronan Catholic church rule, which provides that: no man, at death, burial if he has not shall receive a Chris MARITIME EXPRESSIONS. Wised In a Metaphorical 'Sense, They Are Quite Common. Maritime expressions; used meta- .1photically, are, in fact, very common. '%iire say a couple are "spliced," a young man, is the "mainstay" of his family, .an intruder "puts hi's oar in," the mem- ber from Wayback "steers1 through," a man is "hard up," sometinees "taken , aback" or has "the wind taken out of his sails," a toper is "slewed,," a loafer ' "sbins a yarn," sometimes 1"tries the other tack," and a ruler "steers the ship of state" through troublesome times. This last metaphor is extreMely an- cient, by the way: Horace refers to Rome as a ship at. sea, and Plutarch ,q says the Delphic ;oracle referred to Athens in the same way. A Tamil , saying embodies a like metaphor, "The 'soul is the ship, reason is the helm, the oars are the soul's thoughts, and 'truth is the port." An old collection ' of English proverbs contains this one: "'The tongue is the rudder of our ship." A Malay maxim says, "The boat whieli ! Is swamped at sea any be bailed out, 1 'but the Shipwreck a the affections is final." Aristophanes, Plautus and others use " an expression which comes down to us as an English saiv, "TO row one way and look another." An old Eng-- • lish proverb (1614) was, "It is not good to have an oar in every one's boat" - United -Service. "Lifting the King." One of the picturesque English 'coro- nation ceremonies which have been discontinued is that of lifting the king. Ill the old days the monarch always slept at the palace of Westminster on the night beebre the coronation. The regalia, which are still, technically speaking, in the 'dean and chapter of Westminster, were,brought by them to • Westminster hall in preparation for • the ceremony. These were arranged on a long table, th_e crown, the scepter,. the spurs, and SO. on. The king when he descended from the palace to West- rainster hall was lifted by his nobles, on to a marble' chair. The lifting of the king into this chair was a survival of the old Saxon custom of carrying the king on his shield. The custom survived up to the time of the coronation of George IV. When the monarch AWLS seated in the chair, he • at once directed by pointing his finger = which of his nobles" should carry the various parts of the regalia to he ab- bey, and the proCession began. -Lon- don Tatler. •-Through adecieion of the court of ap- peal in Buffalo, Mrs, Olive A. Sternaman will receive from the Metropolitan Life In suraece Company, of New York, the amount of the policy carried by George H. Sterna - man, herhusband, whom she was accused if murdering. As will be recalled, Mrs. ' 'Sternaman watt arrested in Buffalo about four 'years ago, following the death and buriel of her hisband in Caneda. It was 'claimed that site had poisoned him. She stood Niel, was convicted, and was awaiting exemition in the Cayuga jail when ae order came granting her a new trial. Oa the second trial she was acquitted. ' The Metro- politan official e refund to pay the amount of the policy c rried by the alleged eaurder-; ed mate and t e widow brought suit. The' lower condo d aided against her, and the' case was carried to the court of ,appeal, with the result that a decieion was handed I down reverting all the decisions of the lower courts. HAGYARD'a YELLOW OIL cures spraine, bruisee sores, wounds, cuts, froetbites, chilblains, stings of insects, burns, scalds, contusioul, etc. Prion 26o • -.A young man named Edo McKay was poispned by eating canned chicken at Cal., gar, clue day last week. He died soon after pertaking of the poisoned meat. • DR. LOW'S WORM SYRUP i3 a safe, sure and re; liable worm expeller. Acts equally well on children or adultS. Be sure you get Low's, -035. Coventry, medical health officer, of Wiedsor, and one of the most respected residents of that place died on Saturday, after a week's•illness of pneumonia. • • MILBURN'S STERLING HEADACHE POWDERS cure the worst headache in from five to tWenty utee, and leave no bad after-effects. Ono powder 6o, 3 powders I0o, 1Ci powders 253. How the Peach Was Proanced. That the lescious peach has been de -1 rived from the hard shelled almond can = no longer be successfully denied. It is said that the peach in its origlitial soil was a virulent poison and that he Per- sian warriors brought to Persia some of the seeds and planted them for the purpose of poisoningethe points of their 1 arrows so as to render wounds caused', by them to be fatal, but a change of ; climate and soil produced' a fruit which is not only 'Unions, but Is es•,, teemed exceedingly healthtill. The Building of a Life. . Life is a building. It rises slowly day by day through the years. Every new lesson we learn lays a block on the edi- ' Deo which is rising silently =within us. Every influence that imPresses us, ev- ery book we read, every conversation we have, eitery act 'of our Ommonest I days, adds !something toi thb bit 181blQ building. -4. R. Miller. . !yet Put Oat, I WAS 110t 6tIeCessful in the attempt to eject the ict,ok from my house. But what nettled me was -the utifilt- fled demeanor Of the woman. "You might at least have the 00 breeding to at 'put out,' tl ; 'cried' and left the kitchen,. slamming. the dor be- hind me.-PlIck• • Why He Nita.s Rejected. The soul of a rajah who had been released from the cares of this world and an uncongenial wife presented himself at the gates of paradise. "Have you been in purgatory Yet?" demanded Brahma. "No, but I have been married." "Enter then. It is the same thingi" At this moment another seul arrivedt who begged Brahma to allow him also to enter.i • ftly, softly. Have you been in tory yet?" , but neither has that other 1e1. low. ° He died the same day I did." ry true, but he had been mar- ried.' "Married, indeed! Why„ I have been married three times." "A ay, then, to the lower regions!" said rahma sternly. "Paradise is not tuad for imbeciles." itS purg CCN A Man's Success. Ever think what "success" in life means to a man? That he work -like a dog as long as he lives and send his wife abroad and his children away to scho 1. Then when he dies he mint lea -v4 a competence for his "loved on,es," in order that they may Con- tinue to live without work. Ever hear of a man's loved; ones being critiebsed for failure to do their duty toward him? But from the time the boy is eight years old to the time the man Is tottering with old age he never picks up 4 book, newspaper or magazine withOut seeing something with refer-, enee to his duty. But did you ever hear of any one owing a duty to man or bOY? • • • A Wasp's The female wasp spends the winter in a torpid condition, and when spring arrives she hunts up some sort. of sheltered spot appropriate for a n6t. Having selected the retreat, she Pre- ceede, to lay within it the fottnda ion of a home. For this object earth v11l :not Serve her turn. - The substance of Which the walls and chambers of the house are to be composed must be none' other tlian the finest paper, made of "Wood pulp, mixed with a sort of sizing, worked to a pasteand finely spread in sheets.' Brief Naval Message. One of the briefest naval dispatches ever penned was 'Captain Walton's message to his Chief, Admiral Byng, after the defeat' of the Spanish fleet off Pape PassarO in 1718, and it ran thus Sir -I have takerand burnt as per mar- gin, going for Syracuse, and am, sir, your obedient servant. J. We.r...ToN. A Director. "They tell mej that Jim Muggine is one of the directors in a big city cor- poration now," said the grocer. ,"Yes. I seen him las' time I was down to town," said Mr. Medd=ergrass. "He directs the envelopes fer the firin." Some men wake up and find them- selves fatuous, while lots of others stay up all night'and never eVerl get a glimpse of fame. • TRAMPs ON THE OARS. i The Box Car In Often Entered by Springing. the Door Off. The box car is often entered by springing the door off its iron way at the side opposite the seal. A party go- ing one way will do this for 4 party going the opposite direction ;Ind then, when all are in, spring the door back again. Since everything externally is in ithe best *of order, long trips may be:made in this manner without dis- i tur a.nce or interruption. ow and then the prisoner is ex - pod d to danger of starvation. A case of 'this kind has been related to me wh re only the accidental =yisit of a tra n hand saved a man from death. Arailroad accident, whether by wa- ter or fire, is a very serious affair to passengers of this sort. You have doubtless read more than once, as I ha e, of tramps drowned like rats or bultned or crushed to death while steal - inn r4des in this fashion. Riding the tucks is done in varions Ways. A: loc motive engineer of my acquaint - an e has shown me the precise spot fron which ha had taken out two men at One thne. It was on the rear truck of he tender. They were resting face do nward on the truck beam, with jut eleven inches of 1 vertical space for their bodies by Ictual measure- ment.' , Four per cent of sailing vessels and 2te nor <Int (,f steamships are lost in yi4tr. The Forbearing. Dog. • good dog is the best friend a man can 'have," remarked the tobacconist to the wooden Indiatt. "When you get sick, he doesn't tell you what to. take, and when you get well he doesn't tell you how much- worse belied th9 same disease," The Crescent: as an Evelblein. he crescent has been known since tine out of memory.' In ancient my- th logy .it decorated the foreheads of Di ea and or Astarte, the Syrian Ve- nn. In the days of Rome's greatest glory the _ladies wore it as an orna- ment in their hair. Since the founda- tioiof Constantinople, the ancient By- za tura, it has been the emblem of the city and as such adorns its walls and public buildings, besides being stamp- ed on its coins and postage. The legend which accounts for its universal adop- tion in Turkey, and Constantinople in particular, is as follows: Philip of Macedon laid siege to the city in the year _840 B. C. ile chose a night of unusual darkness for the pro- poaed assault, but was foiled by the Mt4011 suddenly breaking from behind a ploud. In commemoration of this prdvidential deliverance the crescent was adopted as the symbol of the city. The Mohammedan sultans were slow to assume this emblem until Some one rinIntioned that it was the symbol of indreasing greatness, power changing as fapidly as the phases of the moon. . Too Strong For a Jury. "'You can never tell what a -jury will. do in the way of awarding damages," said a lawyer. "Some years ago' I happened to be present at a meeting between a man injured In the big rail- road wreck onithe Lake Shore, at Ash- tabula, and representatives of the road. The man asked $25,000, and the rail- road had offered $17,000. The man told his story, and It was a terrible one. It seems that he was caught in the wreck and held by one foot, which was pinloped down. The wreck caught fire, and the flames crept toward him. Firemen and others around saturated his clothing with water and placed wet blankets over him, but be was not released until his foot was burned off. It was a grewsome story. "One of the directors of the road was present. He took the claim agent aside and saicit 'Give. that man $25,000. If he tells his story in court, he will get damages enough to put the road into the hands 43f a receiver.' He got the money." - Get Rid of #It If you have catarrh, why don't you try to I get rid of it?. The fist thing you know it will/ go drown into your lungs or stoimach and cause serious tronble. Yu should use Vapo-Cresolene at once. i Tim cure is so easy and scJI pleasant. I You put some Cresolene in he vapor- , leer, light the lamp be eath and breathe -in the vapor whil sleeping, thait's all. The healing, soothing vapor, goes all up through, the nos quieting - inflammation and resioring th parts to:a healthy condition. -Doctors rescribe rt. Vapo-Cresolene is sold by druggist everywhere. A Vapo-Cresolene outAt, ineluding the Vapor1zer and Lamp, which should last a life -time, nd a bottle of Cresolene, complete, -6 1.5o I extra stp, lies of Creso- 1ene25 cents and 5o cents Illustrated b oklet c. tain- ing-bysicians' testimonials free upon reobest. VAro- -:prsorAttm co, reo Fulton St„ New Yo- k U.S.A. Recommended and sold by I. V. Fear Druggist, Seaforth. i hlo Thanks Due. A minister went front Kansas City down into the country to pr itch. Be- • fore going into the pulpit h asked if any one interrupted with "a ens" and other ejaculations, i as he ould not , stand such interjections. H was told • of one old woman who al ays made herself heard at all good p ints. She tvas staked on this Occasion to desist, and she obliged for once. t the end ttf the sermon the ininiste met her end warmly thanked her f r bolding her tongue. ' "No need to thank me, n need to thank mei" sbe exclahned. "You said uothing whatever to make «e shout!" F Comes That Way. A young minister who was naturally of a shy disposition was rather embar- rassed at his first martiage ceremony and unwittingly reversed the usual order of the service, thus making the bridegroom promise to love and obey his blushing bride. • The error passed unnoticed at the time, but shortly aft- erward it dawned upon the father of the bride that a mistake had occurred, and he said.to the minister: , "I believe, Mr. you have made John promise to love and obey my daughter. Ah, well," he added after a pause and with a ely look at his bet- ter half, "I suppose it won't matter much. It generally conies to that ally- way."-Peareme A Story of Stevenson. Robert Louis Stevenson was par- ticularly attached to the "v" lin Ilia name and utterly averse to th a "ph" form of spelling. Letters of admiring autograph hunters did not often draw ..him, but ohe day in 'Samoa a letter ar- rived containing praise so judicious that he said, "That I niateeenswer," Then his eye catiefit fhe envelope, ad- dressed to R. L. Stephenson. "Step hence, Step -ben -soul" he cried and, crumpling the offending missive, flung it on the fire. He Didn't Have to Kneel Down. Flora -What a lovely ring! And It's a lady's ring too. Horace -Yes, I thought you wonld like it. Flora -Why, Is it Or me? Horace -You are i l'ady, aren't you? ' . Flora -Oh, dear! This is so sudden! Last Fate Worse Smith -Poor We hard time of it, divorce front him, Jones -Yes, and Than His First. Orly is having a Is first wife got a ou know. e has a hard time paying her alimony; I suppose. Smith -Worse than that She is his • present wife'h dressmaker. I Two riCrials. Tess -Aren't you gong to choir re- hearsal tonight? Jess -No. "You'd better. NV' 're going to give, that new hymn a tp, al." "Can't. I'm going Ito give a new hin3 J1. trial myself." ! A High BallOoln Ascension. MM. Siering and Berson of the Meteorological Intitute of Berlin have -lately ascend° . in a balloot of 8,000 cubic meters Capacity to the great height of 3,800 feet. Suc- cess was possible only because the aeronauts began th breathe pure one -- gen at an elevation of. about 21,000 'feet; • Keep Busy. An unhappy fife is an idle ne. Those who are happiest are the m st earnest workers. It 18, folly to sa that we can find no labor. Life itse 1 is a stu- pendoils task. It is cowardly however, to shirk labor by feigning ot to see It. Each mortal, if he doe his duty, will have a busy life. 3tost Unusual. "Jigliy's a queer fellow. Itfe bought a 'couple of tickets froth] e for an - amateur theatrical pericaellance for charity." "And he actually used then?" "Not' only that but he s ys he en- joyed himself." -Catholic St ndard and. Times. Put Him In the Shade. Hewitt -What becanie the girl that you used to say was tie light of your life? Jewett -Another fellow came be- tween me and tbe light.. The Toil. "I should like to ask you, Mu Reiter, " ? as a successful literary mach what Is an author's hardest struggl "Staying successful, young man." Admit occasionally to yOur friend that he knows more than You do. It t gives him a great impressi n of your discrimination and good sen -e. , • It sometimes happens thlat when a man fails in doing anything else won. 11.0 marries well. - THE MOST NUTRI IOUS Epps's C eoa Prepared from the finest i selected Cocos-, and diatinguiahe every- -where for Delicacy of lFlavonr, Superior Quality, andI Highly Nutritive Properties. old only in quarter -pound tina,I labelled JAMES EPPS & CO., Limited, Homceopathic 'Chemists, London, England. F Epi)s's C coa BRE AKF.A.ST-SUPPER 1765-26 Found at Last liver pill that is smalliand euro, hat acts gently, qu kly and thoroughly, that does n t gripe. taxa - Liver Pint possess these qualities, and are a sure cue for Lim Complaint, Otnatipation, Sick Head- aci e, etc. ea • sin or Cute, Wounds, Chilblains, Chapped Had, Rheumatinn, Stiff Sainte, Burns, Soilds, Bites of In- sAeete, ,ieCror:p, Coughs,‘Colcie, Hagyeird's Yellow Oil wri be found an excellm ent reedy. Price 25 cent* U de , If a ehil-1 eats ravenously, grinds the teeth at nights and picks its noee, you may almost be certain nt Worm P tains its Own cathartic, DLew'Pleasas omp, thiremedy eon- s It has worms, aid:__.*..should administer without deity r. rill -mina Sterling Headache Powers give MUM prompt relief from monthly pains an1 leave no bad after (fleets whatever. Be sure yo ge) Milburn's. Price 10 and 26 cente. All dealers. • -.4* • a. - B itith Troop Oil Liniment is unEu-pass9d by any Thirnent on the market to -day. It le coniposed of healing, Soothing, and cleansing ve stable oils and extracts. It is put up in large bott,lies fo: the omen price of 26 cents. Es • ow • The essential lung -healing principle of the pine tree bee firally been succesifully separated and re- fined into a perfeot cough rnediefue-Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a guar- antee of eatisfaction.- Price 26 cents. Asaismasse dt LandsOrl SEA.F1P"1 '.ONTA 10 DEALER IN .ALL INDS OF FURNITPRE UPHOLST NC -AND UNDERTAK INC. Upholstering a spe4ia1ly, -and up- holstering coverings always on hand. Also Window Shades fitted and put up. Curtain Poles, Pietares and Picture Framing. Alt wrongs made in every de- partment 4 our work :a our expense. Undertaking Braaoh. _ We have a large andi v&ried assortreent from which teichoose in inie of need, And at prices that have been a ma ter of egteeable surprise to all who haye dealt with tee Two fine hearses on hand for summer and winter use. Night call.4 dt my reeideece, corner cottage in rear of Dominion Bei*, will be promptly responded to. _ JOHN LAND1,1130ROUGII Those who Ehave' used Laza-Liver Pills soh% Biliousness, yspepsla, r say they have no equal for relieving and curing Constipation, 13 oic Heads* Coated Tongue, FoUl Breath, Heart Burn,Water Brash or any disease or disorder of the stomach, liver or bowels. Mrs. George vvilliams, Fairfield Plains, Ont., writes as fol lows: " As there are so many other medicines offered for sale in substitution for Laxa-Liver Pills I am par- ticular to get the genuine, as they far sur- pass anything else for regulating the bowels and correcting stomach disorders." r Laza-Liver Pills are purely vegetable; neither gripe, weaken nor sicken, aro easy to take and prompt to act, I I SEAFORT1,1 ONT. STORE UN:bp THE II Our direct connectipus Will save you time aid moneylfor altpointei Canadian 16rth West Via Toronto ari Chicago • Britieh Columbia ad 'California points Our rates are the low ' t. We have them suit everybody and PJLLMA TOUR- -ST OARS for your oomthodaton. Cali ter further biformatIon„ Grand Trunk Railway. Trains leave Seaforth taid Clinton Hations se allows: 'tome Wirer- siiroarn. Mmes. Pasitemer.....-.... 2,40 e. st. 1166 r, Passenger-. e.1.2 P. M. 1027P M. Mixed Train.._ _ 9,20A. M. 10.15 A. IL *red Train.-- - 6,J.5 F. M. 7.051'. M amine EAST - Passenger_ . * 7 68A. M. 7.28 AM,. Passenger.. .. /3. 11'.81. 166 P.M. ilized ., 4,40 P. 4,26 E sseeng r. • mixf,d, Wellington, GreT and Brace. Gore NORTE- Pa Ethel • 8,07.e. M. 130 r. O. Brussels...... 2.11 2.10 • Bluevale.. -... 8,27 135 Winghant., - 8.38 3.25 Gonna Sown- PXasenger. Mixed, S,65 A. lt. Wingbam. •-• • • I, • • et• •6.68 A. n. Sinevale -......- 7;02 Brussels.... ........ 7.18 - 7.28 41 London, Rur QOM NORTH -- Leaden, depart. . Centralia__ ...„ Exeter- -.......... Hensall Rippen- • ... • • BrUiCefielda. • - Londesbora Winghata arrive... SOW. SOUTH- Wingbam, depart.. BsXave. 9.17 9.45 10.02 n and Bruce. Peng ..0 8.16 AM•4m. 4.40 J4 -4. 99..1484 5.55 920 • 6.0 .,. 9.50 6.25 • • • 9.68 6.85 • • 10,16 0.5 1033 7.14 10,41 7.23 1;6455381rateengad:s..Ther87. r. 11.10 8.00 7.14 • 7.22 05 78.. ,4 2 47 -4..2657 8.415 45:0249 8.89,154 68.6:231.142, ...I re. I.. •414. - •01 .11,• • • / i• a1tl$0111 woo • • • • • Brumfield .. . . . Elppe11- Musa - t*ter.-- ..- .. stratis• • 2 -•,•• • London, fr-rive --..