HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-03-07, Page 4If QN E 4 TBE #R' 1POLSITOR MARCH, 711 ft t the� supremacy irrcsp NEW ADVERTISEMENTS was not as strong as it is now, and the daut e moo," tl� aiseer ective dim no on.' Is statemeltit respecting a hou e. -Li. "A. Stewart and E J. 8 packman- re is was nA nearly as popular.' In fact, the of jaitizan r polit�c�l* considerations. it 1280f r verene and verierfition is not to be are in Toron;o thwi_ week attending the mil- SEAFORTH'S LEADING SHOE STORi. figuire between the parentheses after each Aff The attribute so iliuch to dfie church as to I;nery openit go.—On Tuesday evoning Mr. no doubt bat the advanoed senti eve, dencites *he page of the paper on which %he merit on may �ako time, butl e Pre liet that the peo f &On the born life o 19 membe�rr. The riter Joseph Cobb [edick, who gave up 'piviession advertisement will be found h th?.t question io-day is due in no small -de- ple will:gome out oil top irl the end. And probably finds s own off�pring lacking in of the flou'r thill On Saturday, gave, an oyster bo,P� -cej -5 raga G n�giehardsoa and McInnis !Ile ould supper to'him former employees-, _sud th!ir A. ITo-.8akeep -r Wsntod-Go�. MaDonald-5 praceipt and example has be been faithful show to parentz gres to his efforts and advocacy. Both ly Jib would bewisdam', for t4e present repte- thAt-filiel respi )t which children s� Houee tot Sala-gxposlP r Office -5 New. Trunks and Valise, from oentativ!,es of the peO le to i ake this matter If we mistake not, the wivesi. A, pleasant featnre of tho affair, no -Mrs. W. S. Foster -8 -t Washtvg Do writer is pa 0onfil ed:old bachelor. showing the good will xisting between ars 10 ad true to the temperance cause. iWby .into co fart! Pressure of Business-Rell Tolephono CO -5 neid6ration. their idol Girls Wante t-Farbes Knitting employer and men, was the presentation to - - - 04 A A A 0W then this abuse ? We 6an'. understand abuse A few sessions �bere was another The onse Mi. Cobbledick of a gol ring with Odd :ygde Wall Paper -C. W. Papat-8 090: ing a a eampt ' e of the none a 'o ow Feed Store-Jobn Thirsk -15 fro:ft political parti -Ansi tiuch as the Mail ent something of the being i u now by a me 'men who, 1?o yo -a intend to make a trip this Spring z 'trugglo in Parliam ed ic -villm Fellow and Mason emblems on it.— Irifih Concert -2-8 lot tal If 80, YOU niay nee(1- LV 9 Aa 0 of the prement one. An effort was from r Girt Wanted -Noble Cluft-8 ani World, whose object ia to unit tNe nature. th po Itions, should have more Mr. Melville, formerly of Melville & Mor a new, Trunk or Valise, and wi, will make it i h your 11wbile I wort ; a. How do you do It?-Gre; and Stewart -1 son, aoytiere gas machine manufacturers to 9 extreme temperance and the extreme liquor being made to foTce� the r iilwa sense. Rev. Birks, of Colborne Stree here, has tab en the position'of tinsmith with of new trunks and' valises Spzinz 0,309-D. M. MoBeath-6 companies buy them from us. Our first shipment the Pat Remoal S.T.-I e rjyd and Co -4 element against the Premi�r so as to injure to permit the tight �f drainage through or In Methodio�lt abur London, is reported to' Hawkins &,Son. -Much sympathy is felt arriv d this Nveek, 4nd it is our intention to sell them 7�at such --R. Willis and Son -4 e T runks and Valises him politically, bat that e should be sub- over their p�oparty �vhere ft was neceseary' have said in is sermon, last Sunday night., -or Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith, of Spring. Wall. Paper -Alex. Wilson -6 prices'that will quickly dibpose of them. Auction SaI3�-Arcblbald and Oudwore-5 farm, over the lose of their little girl to Was also, if we recollect Rc Ve bope jectei to abuse by those, wpo profess big to do no. This bill hurat that 41 the -ai Gove' -J- H. Whe tley-5 rnment had broken Ustry bg Creaw Septrator vo, an v from dipht ria. -Mr. Jamei H. Grieve left and lv�lises are made by a reliable Canadian factory, they are 9 y ledge made era ce is acme- aright rele �ated to the tender mercies of INotloo to Credlkor8--Geo. Buchanali-5 such ardent friends of temO ever olated every p" d in Monday, where he has ob. These trunks d Stock for Sale -A. G. 8milllo-6 thing that is hard to acoo at for. We can the railway committee a d it has not since t on I solid and durable and well fini hed, and we Warant tham Oats and Bulls-Jobn MqQkieen-6 tl�e rohibi i i ion of manager of the tweed I I iordsts. No wonder.) he 10a r �dou he p At -fib Bu4ness Ctiange-G -5 Who, to 4t a in woollen epartment in Kingsmill & Cu's to anything on the markEt. Bilying for _Qpo:t cash (as - ; i V -1 - M. -B Idwin & Cc say to these partieE that t�e ar�itray and been resurrected., 1o�l t has become of it ? said -t at ther in so much bribery and d Faim to Rent -Tobias Nwh-5 I 1�' unnatural course they, are pursuing isZoing If the people only looked' store. custom), 17e are lu a position to sell you a B,,ar far Service -George Hill -5 after their own eorruptiq� at el otione whea men standing Marbleized Tron me& Jones -6 vastly more barm to the,cause they Obam- interests half as well as the' rai so high On thell- party will break solemn Tr rith hat box, strap hinges, size 28. ikiches, for ;�;2 10 New hinato Store -_2-G M. Baldvv in & C3-8 Iway compan. pledges titlipunity aid throw their un�'2, ibg h000, toi sw-mois. --8. tion that is lik inch, inch, $2 50; 34 inch, 83 a 32 113rgains-4-J. F., Daly pion than any legiala 61y !to be ies look after theirs', it vi olild be a good deal � ; 30 promise e winds when they get in a NOTES.- he contract for carrying tho jRsmnde­,r,-R.,,D 00 _al, � 61 Lai.; r arr J - better for them. The retitions that have squar6 trunk �� i vern should 1have mail between Brussels and C aubrook, for n W1 any other go', meat. There is 4 large el 6�ment of teinper- beon 13o' ring into P stood man to his -eeshould the next term,. which comm'ences o' houldier 401] ravee-8. Itcoe ga n the r� k ith iron battons, for $3 a 30 inch R eeux---& enacted by the present or tight PI ., Premier Rose metal �t g __ . 'I -arliament; this session lik6 a ns� H for 2 Shoesi, oW-4-W� H. Willia-8 orn! egis- eat on, would se id Seed -A. Youn4-8 4the c' trtle guard qu em to f0t, ance people who fully approve of the I on have brolligh stmight p'rohibitipo mesia. first of Ma has been awarded to Mr. are, if no % i ch t e sanction of his ministry, Huethe- r, of 'Cranbrook. Chat -lee Alderson eed' Clats-2-Hamliton and Kenilako-3 TkLESCOPE. VALISES. lation that Mr. -Ross has submitted to thei inAicate that they are be3oming more alive then ap a private member, and if defeated in is the preai6np mail carrier. -A little child of 5yidate PU, Notlee-Dr. Pa'l ster-8 ytiesent ft Auction Salt -Robert Holland -5 Legislature, and this abuse of him will have to' thei'r interestt-,4 If they would only look the'Rous he co ild have gone -to the coun. sorl'i is at present Eufferi Our pliZeq Photo Frameil-A, Winter -1 Mr. Silas Jack ng Telescope Vdlises are the handiest and cheapest Valis,es made. is tt I 65 -bill a strong tendency to disgust and dishoarten after their representativt snow, and see that In the flirst place, Mr. k of diphtheria. ----:Alex M try with is from an att; cents and -upwards, �Lccording to size all sizes,no W_ ti. no intends going -A V1 'R WILLIS SON SEN. V these people and to cause in their -minds a they 4o their duty, they would have more Birks has made a etatemcn,tv- which is not Neil left on Tu(sday morning for Sault Sve.. true and, in the second place, -he talked Marie, wher� he will work at his trade feeling of antagonism to thote who are now proop4ets,* of success. W the people keep -n_Qnslense,�, How could Mr. Rose, Premi,�r bricklayf-r. D.'A. Long &Is IN ` so loose tongued. r1h stheir 0 es open for this cattle guard bill and of the- overnment, bring i It, o two. I ere is a i y n a bill as a irfr:a wee demand to )ember I As we have alread d foi,- bri kI there. -he The wise course for these -parties priva _T to,ipur- see how it oomcs out. y sai funeral of 101 0 SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, March 7t,h, 1902 low in our Viol, sue is to sto their abuse- accep i b would U-teti b 3 well if some men wouli Mrs. John Sma�lldon, an old resident, of the M p t the befit -Since the above was in type we notice r. W. J. Miller has for th present in ved Rog ers, -given and go; t The act that Mr. Cowan, of Emex, has introduced a a 41, think mot and talk lose. 106h.�qonceui�,n of Grey, took place to Bras- n 0 revereno.e. The address f Aov.- D,� Lny that can be dwelling recently cupied by Mr. of Fodwicb, on "I The rue ai�� 9 of aftern on. ml seb -�ce&etery, on Wedneadjay 0 The PaxIiaments. the caa, be carried --under' exi.5ting cdadi,6ions if bill on the drai McKenzie. -Mr. F. Marshat, having sold Sunday school," was very fine ind iriage ques tion. This bill a ' -yearsof a.ge.-Jdhn Donaldson Led. The own the princip! vill go --to 67 0- final address was by W. H. Kerr,etilitor of th,, Mot of the time of the Dominion Prl-a- those in f S 'uth Huron Liberals. wa$ in 17orc n to this week, attending hair his dwelling t' Mr. Mill�.r, i tends re tiog. prpvi3ea that the agrieved party can act by The anAual for the preseut.-Mr. John M. Be] ruseels Post. ttrid bore rath MO ting of the South Huron nets makers' convention. -Two departments er peculiar ibis id merit has been taken up during the past work 1 i earnei 10 The first thirig to be done means of the Prov,.naial machinery, giving London las week. -Mi, James 11 w in title, " Our R Reform sociation, as constituted for pro. of our Ech(iol were closed on Monlay, I oyal Comrade." di _Ud�ond� B and cKinley, w o ir week coasidering and. diacussing priv the noice under the Ditches and Wat courses vincial in Doses, was held in Miller3a hall, for the� f fumigating to u -'s -who 4) a &to is to have representatives elticted �4t his sister, Mrs, h ave take ou: friend long to point out urpose -o -their brother, Mr, C bills and in committee of tiapply(, that is approaching elections wh will! see diat the Act, in Ontario ensall ;n Tuesilay last. The attends" been visiting that Comrade should be ; that t %ri,d i, nee rooms, owl g to' th diplitheiia, scare.- I the and proceed to h rles t6e earler Adi Redmond, intend shortly returning to the we form His friendship the conEiJering and passing the proposed ex- law is effipiently enforce if it B ould be- i out going to y large, and it was extremely The eveDf g tervice in Melville church was better, the draiaacrosethe ralway with was unus that m3ny had turned out, withdrawn I list Sunday, owing to the,pastor went. -Mr. T. J. Berry has sold his black closer we cling to that Comrade the safer gratifying", penditures for the coming finaneial year. cime operative, and no ni!htier .w.�ioh party 'the expense of appl ing in person to he t Shire stallion, -I' Jubilee Victor, to Messrs. we are from teAmptatitin. y many coming TLg diAllinces over roads being bothered with.t'hroat trouble.-7,-,Jamea He showed us -be in Most of this work has been ' ompleted, and may c power at the time, When this Privy Council Vanae,Rat' and Hill, ot New Hamburg. tba A HArFy at Ottawa, for permigsion- wbicb, in inany aces, w6re a Ballantyce was at St. Marys on Wednee z t in affliction or distress that Comrador e is dinary he proposod acb� the railway cor- a ad day, attending the funeral- of Mrs. Fra- d hopeful, a weighs OvEr a ton. He is pronouncel b if �ths *-eek; me -should rally their forces, ir- !Under t ble. Tlie ting waa*entbusiastic a our comfort i- , ol it does not seem as if there could be mu(h is done, they This hors - coming five years old and u ill be our bet friend, n The Government have, no feet their orgainizition and go into th a _d y age, and finally., when we come toT' moa to do. b b. I thel feeling displa e auurs It igh, a rel4tive, who died on Mon -day. croFs the 6; Oratim is pat on t1he same footing as oi� i y first class horsemen to Louis,s, well for st�acess ai the approach . ;g election, Heart Ir+Ie was the cauiie of death.- be one of the best dark'valley of death, our Royal � Comrade mpor 'BlArliug, to as the election of officers, John F�rguhon made a business trip to To- and lii�hten the D bf tant bills to introduce this session, tle determined to win. Finding fa.ult'with other land owner, w1ith this exception T'he The Brat busin w horses in Canada. The Piice paid for him will be there to meat us A and after the Budget is iatroduoed and die the Gav'ernment, abusing the Premier be- ailway has the right to construct the drain which resill was $2,�500.-Mrs. Simpson was in the vil- way for us. The ch a follows : President, M. f ronto -A oir, a union one t ted I s teikk, couple from Goderich whf h I 's le Wa ssed there is not much else to engage -the case he does nt glye them just Y. M cLean' Sea Prth lt V ice. presid erit, were t"i i marriage, a.t,tbe Methodist lage, on Wednesday, renewing acqus�int- practised under Rev. R. S. G. Anderson, an what'they crops its own prOperty, but the farm6r an J. .0. Sta4bury, Xoter 2ad vice-president, parsonage ednesday evening. gave several suitable selections, i - fi- n g, bears only that. part�,', of the expense which The ol attention of the legislators. want, and holding bear garde meeting' I W an�es. 0. K l.lbfiei8'h Hay 3rd six-preei tent, cers elected were,permanent secret�ry. oba. me hAt Toronto, griod progress has been made such as that in Toronto last we6k, will not- he would incur ordfi arily if he built a dfaid Wm.Levil, Cl Wroxeter- +tis -% r-ea6urer, A. Wroxeter preside W_ if. secretar-t Hartley, Brucefteld. witli business,, and it looks as if prorogation secure victory. But if the temperauice,peo. where'thpre was no� railway all. This G. Smillie Tuc�ersmith. ' Ttie followiag BRIEFS. -Mrs. C. Stewart' of Aylmer, Gregg, Gorrie. The n ift meetingl" will be large BWO Mig era the ground very thoroughly lit take place nexc week. Most of the ple abandon this noneeneeL .*r. Little, of Varna, has pur- held in GQrrie. fill, and go to work as bill eel and were appoi at a i ct�jairmen for their respe6i ive 'NoTr-4 virbiting her mother, Mr.. E. Sanderson, on chased t�6' c �ne"r hotel fro weddlvg��- eter a Elda Hazlewood is in committee work is well unler way and the we have suggested,; unitedly and should be made law 4t once but it has been municipali iss Tuckeramith, John' Alo. m the Fdchestate. Main street.-Mis I _'t We unde�rsta nd that 14r. Wilson, the pres Alba Nevin, Kiopen shortie, Win. Monteith, - Toronto this week, attending the, millinery IYL tnGovernment measares have all been, intro- minedl,the will not on win theirvictc submitted to the tenoer mercies of the rail- Thamei eter, F. W. Gladinan openin a. -Dr. Cowan, of Heirriston visited ry, ent occupant, intends moving over to the frislitown. duced. Oae of the moat important of thefe J y 9 0 U� bat they will ensure tLe rigil. and efficient way c�mmittee and t will be unusual with Stophei �,Xe R%tz ku Dixon house. -Mr. Albert Cameron is busy his brother,Joseph Cow6n,on Monday,- Whenbuying asuitof clo�beai'or your trued is that'for the regulation of electric rail. va ; Hay, t -ba ��i Zu ich Stan bn m enforcement of the law when it ii put _iato such, Ugielat i)n if it' is board of again this Peter Lmont r ley, Jo cutting stra%y and grinding for farmers in The Tudhope Carriage Co I pany, of Orillia, oy, instead of purchasing a suit that will i this vicirliby.! Albert is a hustler and it presented their agent,. Henry Armstrong, do, buy one that giWanle,s, Varna ;�IBayfield', Dr.. Stanbury will stand the i ways and the appaintment of a railway com- operation. sessibr would be ba Id reax.and the'lippy 460 Godeii!h tbwnsbik, John Torrance, P a roads indeed that he con tear it is sure to get. The E. Mcpanl C-, mittee similar to the railway ecimmittee of orter's here, with a fine large sip list week.- v, Seaforth, sell ll all r. MoDermid Sea -Mr. Robert 0. Cook, of Heneall, ,�6d at Thomas boy -a good suits cheap, and Hill ; H fortho not take hisi engine through. the Privy Council, at Ottawa, and which The:Cattle Gaurd Questio n in, F D. D. Wil 01 MbCartney has leased the building next ihe and -kilo a 0 dit6rial Notes' and Comment's Hemphill's or. last week. -Miss Jean each suit, they sell, through its goodl ervice, pre d tl�n expressed his- tha'nks Post t fo mben Pao :9. will have the right to decide all disputes -as Parliament. The t -e ' office from Mrs. Marks, and intends Davidson is the' nest of friends in Palmer- they expect to sell another. ect e_J - At ��e annual meei,ting -of the Canadian 9 1186.1 0 him in n 9, for tiaie ho or h ad don using I r a show room for the McCor. Way to yyoff I to right of way, freights. and such like mat The caittle guard question got a good air, es eleliti ston.-Mr. and Mrs. 0. Smith spent Friday JOTTIGS.-The Grand Trank �atching petiss ociation, heIJ last week in mick Alan any. He has on Ottawa, him presid at of Ithe bum will mk811 uf uring Comp associ-ition and he in Bruseels.-John Douglas placed a new post,for the Irishtowp an tera between contending COMpatiie!l and be- ig in the Dominion Parliament a few days illicad i th M that' hand a LiCe xhibit of farm machinery.- vho has left d Baechw��,d letter Mr. E. M.:G f the Goderich he would endeavor to ko ed here from Ottawa last �FPriday_ tween the companies and individual-. �yq 0 furnace in the Methodist church last wee bags, arriv It is ago. In fact, it -was the subject of the first Si' fill the pos tion in� 4 manner that would be Mr, James Boyce recently Teceived a a�r which is a decided improvbment on the Th goal, was clected resident, and� Mr. Ii. ew appliance looks like a c'�ss be- Spoil r, P, ad of farm implements which he has diE- former one. -Miss Annie Muir has returned t an excellent measure, and one which will do diviEion which took advantageous to t e good eause. 10 is, pla2e Ja the H'Oufe J. P�ft piece, of the Forest Free Pres 11 He took ween a rapid fire pora-pom and a :blotbes- run. hop' pu t chtoproteetthe public from the rapa- thissessiop. Tbediscus y most of the t'�esetl.f Ittu- posed of to neighboring farmers; Jim does from Blyth, where she has spent some horse. It will be placed in positibn this, In sio,�, arose on a bill first vice-president,. )th have been con- ation, and �xpresal the belief I Dot'let the glass grow under his feet. -Mr. am J those whol were resent at e meepog Wm.'Baird of Hamilton, and Mr. Wm. city of the railway promoters and corpora- intr9duced by Ali. Mouths. - Owing to the mild weather, week, so that e're long THE Exro,,jiTolt wil, Lanca r, the member ees in staut and active mam�erg of the association th the hockey 'Match billed for: Saturday, be. reach Irislitown and Beechwood after a few Ri tioug. It i 3 approved of by both sides of for Lincallri. -The objee 11 earned their pre- of iLis place and minutee'run, instead of taking two days as Baird, of getowu, were here this week b of �his bill Is to for -years, and have we would individualy inter tween the juniir tea eat themselves 0 In h' -ie up earnestly and acti ely fro attend the House. Tha prohibition bill can amend the'railway act so as to make railway ferment. Their brethren of the press gen. m now unti illg� t e funeral of the late Jo n Wingham was postponed. -Mies Lizzie it does b the old route. I the close of the! y The erection of a for its eecond reading on kVednesday. There -ally will unit t d i elctiq , that they wo Id have Cameron. espite the state of the roads, Greemn, of Wingbam, was the guest91 Miss new flag station on the �G' companies responsibIg for th! of er. .e in qx en ing congrauctla- the funeral as very large, showing to so dehtructi,)n rand Trunk here a ton 0 e,. tory oulthe me Mary Hazlewood for several days I& -at' week, will also be a boon to th travelling; public. is n ttle �cir other -animals that� may stray on pi� night of elebtioi ecessed -now) ot much change in it from its original ea tions 'tot Messrs. McGillicuddy- and Petty- the eatief 9t1i a F lebrating vie u ece.! - extEnt the r pect in *which the d oall Whe at t He strongly urged -The London Imperial Aloving Picture Henceforth, the people of this vicini! shape. The basis upon which the vote is t c IN �y xvill aotv per bu-*41 0 to their tracks through the en as and thorough a6d syq ema ic or --timmunity.-Mr. George Company will give an entertbiarrient in the be able to visit- Seaforth and Dubliti with- pttle- as held in he a Tgaulzatio d fortunate to get or bushel outh Munr his large icc- be determined has been changed froin that guards not being kept in a rop�r state to Rev. W. J. Clark, pastor of the ned a ilchemp, which, if followod�anhe town ball, on Tuesday nexi�.-Mrr. Henry First Out being c6npeled to roll, lur rtey per bvs�* felt a ch, plunge, at the approaching elections to the vote prevent their doing so ; in Preab an ure, w6uld r in victory. house fi ed illat before the soft weather Smith left for Durham, on - Tat siay, to I i saiter, ther; words, to addrees. 8tirring and ho came. ThoA who have not secured their at- climb, careen and dive over roads abound- -B*Wr, -,tub- t! terian church, hondom in r addresses were also tend the funeral of a brother. -The Rev. E. ing with yawning piteb-holep. The trades- -z,gp per dot polled in the last general election, and the make the law the same as i was prior to at mperance meeting in that city, a few d supply will have difficulty in doing so, the elivered b Mr. ess, the candidate, A. Hall, B. A., who for the Lst ten years hoia men, artisas, bankers,- merchants and pro - 3, 8 ch I.A everlingf; ago, said ii"He bad read, Premier by Mr. D. W' water being s-) high.�bdesers.' MoOonnell been in charge at Bervie, has been- appointed fessional. m6nf Ssaforth and Dublin will date of taking the v,ote has been changed 1888. TIJ3 is wh t a -Floizr. er 100 kA a go numbers of ilson, iSeqforth ; Thomas per Aon no p an Gorrie also profit by We Irisbtown flag station� -y the farmers have been , it Rosa' speoch on the referendum bil - by the Bishop as rector of Fordwich from October to November. Mr. Whitric etitioning for. The fcarefully� Fraser, Sta ley ; Peter LAmonb, reeve of d Caldwk are at prevent teaming cord Dan Id M aw mill has BUM-- -h Hay Dan wood.�The spake for two hours. He opposed the bill law has been twice amends sinoe'188S, and, t ro,ugh, iand before .6ai.ing any other com- Ounis, Exeter; Dr. Me- a full Supply Of and Wroxeter. We understand it �as the uring the busy dsys of �umnier apeeidly d Dermid �no 9. iSmillie logo and is r nuingeveryday. MrMustard unanimous wish of Hensall Peter the people that he should or whenever the, wagon roads are bad—A. r b ram e -proper y and his interests- lere.- er eolrd� de * of con- ' tion. He tavors as an al- to the, compan im Dashwood 'and oth 'a. Af ter pass n COINTENTION.-The 11th !annual meeting yric on St.. PatrickL will be given and placed. himself on record as beiag: ep- each time it hal been made more favorable' m st,had, decided for himself that ib was McKay,� Tocke 1 ith ; Jacob Kellerman, baii-his-hand full attending to the Bay. receive the appointment. grand sacred concert, followed by 4 Posed -to Prohib- and less so to the fairmers t honest effort ofan honest man to deal i g be field -proper . pane- fairly; with an exceedingly difficult ques- following. The wheals e now the best mQ' 9 ternative policy a more strict enforcement As the law now' panics a r; 4 S W3ad� roord stands the com re solutiors, which were briefly veysince :of the Howick Ud,)n Sabb �th School con- Columban church, I-rightown, t)i �, und y A - lee tipn." We venture to say that this would spoken to by the movere and seeonders, tbo fro Brucefield to Bayfield, We vention was held in the Presbyterian church afternoon, March 16th (St. Patrick'i Eve pp of the license. I%w, a, decrease in, the practi�!ally, absolved from respon�ji_ bs� the [candid opinion of three fourths of any- meeting was brought to a close - mention this fok the benefit of intending -on Wednesday of last week and wa number of licenses and the removal of the bility, and shou' 10 peo.ille of this Province, if they would Moved bi D. D. Wilson.'aLd s'econded b travellers. 8 fairly at 4 o'clock. -Two robust but dirt Id- animals ia any wa Otra -The subectof Prohibitionii y,faced J . Fork, per -1-20 11�i y Y. well attended at the morning and afterno Bulgaria paseed through Irith- Tallow, per commissioners a k and be allowitheir reason to over-w(zigh their pre- S. Smillie, 6at we, the Reformers of South' not causing uc excitement in our town, aessionp. Rev. R. S. G. Anderson occupi d town last week en route to New ()ut&rio. ad nnual meeting assembled b g to a , in our I nmble opinion, we think the the chair. At the morni sesmon, on Y The Bulgarians are evidently very ro-hich at- influeuces. The bill ii still under discussion jured, the company can not be held rearon- subject in all its bearings. declare our�full confidence in the 'Goe supporters ol Prohibition are making a fatal two papers were rea rid inspectors from political upon a railway trac killed or in- jadices and think dii-paiisionately of the Huron, in at the time of writing, Mr. AartEr hay.'139 eible for damages. vern- d. M so Jean, Davi - tached to their native soil, judging from the mistake As a result, many of the merit of Roo. G. ky. Rose, and to express ons, in some places. If Prohibition is to son's paper on The teaoe�s' obligati Z amount which - they usually bring over the floor., Companies have removed their cattle guards The liamiiton Times says,: The Grits our approvo,l and appreciati b0 bad, the 0 kly way is to present a united their class equite steady ty on of the pro. es," was' an excellent one. M r. with them. -A player who took part in the of Prussia, who is on a, entir ly, and in made -a !fair and reas greSSLVe, front to the toe, and not; by dicker and e other places the oU it onable; offer of Senate wise and' benefiLial policy of 9 Brethauer'a paper " How bcs' :to promo;e foot ball match -here on the 21st ult',, finds pt In grAdesre Go�vrnmen�, and jangling. -Mr. A. McKenzie, of the Sault th lowr&0, visit to the United SLtates, the Can" guards have been'replaced'b'y wooden 41a, reform,landaaked the Toiiea to aid in i our- I the tompermice sentiment �in the Sandi y fault with my statement that the gan& W" selves to us$ Our we further pledge 18 visiting atithe 'home of his ptrents e e Utmost exert one to send In school," was carefully prtp�red and illu holcl cre adian aid of the fallp, at Niagara, on Wed-, which are ab3olUtely ugeleas as the Tories refused the offer,iwith jeers and a draw. He says it was not a draw. lie e am .4 M the i,Gover4ent a supporter from Tuckeramith.-Mrs. W. cFarlxne, who pap r e, W�`y should t Huron at thle approaching election. of Miss Annie Sparliog, of Gorrie, _L f s3orn. out) nesday. Re was welcomed by a delegation protection. 8, o beeti decide by cpresei6ns o South trated. At the afternoon ab3aion the claims tbo ame for his Bide beeaii�so th,_ Of. we .1 9 It has I hey has visited in the n6ighborbood during the csery 8 other side kicked one goal through; wh6i a Iias, frJrri the Leilifilature, led by Hon. Mr. 4 Lter, retur ed to her home in Manitoba some of the courts, tha equeal r1ow that reform by qhe blow process Moved by,, Fred Hess, seconded by Thomas w1" special mention. The paper was entitl d ,ery, Is o t under the law 48 it his goal -keeper 4' wasn)t looking." �'Tbere- Harcourt and was presented with an ad- now stands, the cc of nature has, about,"wrestedl from them the Ffaaier, tha,t , we desire to embrace this last week. -14 re. John Aikenhead *16 VISILI'Og " Infant class work." It wasfull of- spleh. fore, I stand corrected. -Some of 014tr path- 47 to 18a - 4 mpaLit:S are not leven p b oppbr ressing our deep sorrow relatives in Detroit. -Mrs. Morton and 910, did suggestions, showing the writer had I's dress, which, had previously been adopted by responEi-ole for Lich they defied the repr'esent- to of exp masters- Estened to a brief butt t Ub% 14c e poill -ed. the maiatenance of [their a the people.�" Thisi is all very true. awl regrety�t the loss we have sustained, thorough knowledge of h the Legiblature. iv of Mooaomini' Manitoba, return d home this or subject and hid curtain lecture in church here,- last fences along th(ir lines ili-a propelr gta�e e since our la' week. They! were accompanied by Mrs. suu"y. of t reform which has been accomplish. Or� et meeting, through the death of evidenuly put into ti -Y sqggesti�n They took their roast the bestsof good with larger -x� J . prac ice vei ing in repair. ed i Dot the kind of reform the Grits prom. Archi Mortou's son 'in-law, Mr. Marshall and wife which she gave to the me .1, Spence .:26-c6 with a, Thus there is another' menace to bald Bis�hop, who had been our e aug. Dr. I humor. On Morldaytlioy duatied their -war sed to bring about if they, were given the kno family. -�L-Miss McAlly attended . the of Fordwiph, being un%ble I to be pris-3ir t, paint, and now they are out Id the �, dard beartir and representative for 41t0a eaorogichmebt look' ;ng for The Premier and Prohibitionists thefarmer and an 6t1i his opportunity., Nat' e; wedding of Miss Kate McTavish. of Kiiicar- the chairman read his p%pe# on 11 Music a Evoryth g 1.3 we k, to A -_ the condition - are and the peolife have ly,� quarter ?f a century, and who di e, th Ir. !John Stewart, of the Sur -day school." The! paper was well "have your loins girt about A ith ' trat 01 About the best abused maii in the Pro. r"ghts by. the corporations. Mr. 0, �herefore, ye tillers of i�he a 'I L deast- given!them the opportunity they asked for, nvolriably led us t We � Ja Vince at the present time is the Premier of ec'8 bill iva3 iatended, in a to and, if they filil to avail themselves deeire to ex end t tford.- iso, MaggiJ Ross attended the h Some measurl; of that o1ryaiiop and family i received and considerable 4 scussion f6flo, v- and have all your saake fences flatt0ned to Oatatio. I And, strange to say, some of] remedy,. these inj� oppor�unitY of fulfilling their promises they our sincere sympa hy on account, of their weoding o as Alliston, Thames Road, on e�d. Open parliament, coo ustices by having the' law ducted by tl is the ground before the irate paithmasters up- iiet is very fir sac;ere thosp who are Lhe most liberal with th m36de the same as it w a I efore W�dnesda last. -Mr. G. Graham and sifll- Rev. I McKelvey, 06resting I pear on the scene. caret ny longer place blame for delaly on great loss and d b avetnenL. Also that was very in a r 11 t place at I - Urio colore tego ob the T riev. a copy of ution, f;igned by the eing tiiis er, Miss k1le1i visited in Blyth this week. deed many questions b ' abuse are men who should be temperate ini jo�-tioliable amendments we -e m de 6 it. president an I d see__ tary, be tra. :d There is gladness in their gsdnesii when d mismitted to answered. Mr. McKelvey arves gre' t all thing8l� and especially in speech. At al Triere were I a I they're glad, white 1-01 to. no real obiiations urged to, 'the Th-e'London Advertiiier s4s : "As. soon Mrs. Bi)hop� praise for the able manner in, which he co tfi n. meeting Of the Oatario Branch of the Do�' bll when it wa as Hensall. . - There is sadness in their whn 104 to 110%., 9 before th House. The 0 prohibition deputation came out"of ducted this part of the programme. At 11' I Aave a Havin they're sad unde.�� minion Alliance, held last week in Tor 1�ok, great bargains. the evening session, the- laige church But the gladness of theirglaidnefle quiet ,4 Premier"Rosel room, the London delegates, 13taWey. purchased the 4arnom busine3s from Mr. U. iaeo�,,, onto,. matter in dispute was as to whether it should xet is, with an a vel audience. creamery, re OPITUARY! I al� going to a 11 at c-st for the next 30 days Ha - Or the sadness of their madness be dealt with directly by the House, or be I neas, Rob Co&, first paper was by Mr. J I n tewart, of -21J to 0- to coiisider.the. prohibition bill introduced' who reprtgented a prohibition league the - �-Oa Sabbath last, March es, 131krikets, Whips, Rup, Bells. well filled ttenti oh rhe 21ici; waited on' Mr. J. P. Whitney, lesder of'the o and examine 9 Howick, " How to retain the young people Vestern into the D?gislature, and at other meetings referred to the railway m there p9s3ed[ away after a long and liag�ruiadj Dods before purchasing elsewhere, as I Is nothing to their madness when they're, co ittee - for Con. illness, John� Cameron, of'the 4th concess n a dollar slived is a dollar male. mad. held elsewhere for a like purpose, some sideration and report. Mr. Sutherland, OPP08i -s:%tia- of 81,anley, ii Alin a line lot of in the Sunday school."' This an ever one ition, and told him of their di, I n the P8th year of his age, e_ b, -9 and 609, which cannot be our dairytubojl� een said, the Gover iatroduo�d by the ied was Ili nativle of Fortingell, Pert pa3sedinihecointy. Will be sold very cheap, come 12 to 16c. ;j D eautiful outte, very intemperate things have b� reprefientitIg -faction with the bill ceae - known, is a difficult subject' to hand nment, moved: that habire, andl see fc r youst elves, W-JwM0ljr,Hea8%ll. there is a diversity of opinion on that mat. -On Wednesday of last week, Rev. r. tendency, A id most of these intemperate sayii - were' th 3 bill be referred to the .1 Scotland, m4ere h' was born in 1844: When 1CC1113 ai way commit,. Premier. Mr. F. W. Daly sd Professor J. 1773-tt ter. Mr. Stewari handled aimed ait the Premier of Oatario, who in young n1 the question Fear united in marriage Miss Caroline X equite ie em 'grated with his parenti; 2 tee. Thig motion was by Bowman, the 0,0W bas4ls of wheat wanted. -The de- ver well. After reading h'- gly opposed Bpokesm-eu - OU the who Battled f rat in Glepgarry, but in a short as increased so extenhrqly dnr- ti y paper be car- Rowland, of Elma,daughter f the late troducel the bill into the Legislature. party,1 asked inand for our fl r b I . 1 � The the promotor of the bil Mr. Whitney i ed us back to his childhoo days, and- 'John Rowland, to Mr. Albert J. ipp, a, 0 ing cur tbirto y he was prepared to do in 'the -irg MW4, c cacq-icri'ly we are in great need of l4a 'kge, with a prosperous and much respected young farm- others, but on what time moved West it -the Huron tract, and cimears in business in the Heneall biLl does not meat the views of the. extrcme 'a his energetic and pointed a division the motion waa c�rried on a vot settle& on lot 23, second concession of TORONT10 I - a enty thousa d six Q matter. Mr. Whitney said the su St ti� tw bushels of whest in the next certain peculiar owing of tb ruil ht arm,, e er of Elm&. The young couple will reEide del wmg of the: so-called temperance or Prohi. I of 90 to -50 and to �h.e c ' bject was ley Deceased I iv d first on the --farm lot vice ro, for whic 9 siyed offet, bitirm part ornimittee thei bill still under; discuseflon by big -colleaeues, and )4".8econd -cbnc a * 'T 0 we guarintee to pay you the very plainly gave us to uadeiptand bow e on the Rowland homestead farni, l4th con- . y. Heace the abuse of highed ma ket Irricep. B ing us a load and be con- <11ilet aud 4-41 hi I that b a uld make them no definite p a asion of Elma, which Mr. Qaipp recently ticallyo, thel was sent. e 0 e Ion, now owned by Mr. rom Szotch parents of the oidcn time a ce sa Nott, but formerly by vinced. Thankirig you one mod all f --r your pa*,t at P-6 on Mr. -Donald Smith, Premier. But. while theseplirties unite in -(1whether or'i'i -it it will again see the Eeiit,." , We venture the predicti' of Clinton. 1yor t 6 last twenty-three years atronage. He4ry Cook & Sons. their bairns observe the 8�bbath day i h purchased. P 17 6-2 mie' -o� day this session it i ed he ilived 'ror 15, fourth concession, and .their attacks upon the Pre r. because he I Ilight that the P�OhiLitioriitls who are dissatisfi on lot LOCAL Bmi:Fs.-Mr. Babcock, of Toronto, luoted At QA A J difficult t itb Mr -1 Rolls m ill �have much less reason he'r4 he died.! De eased was welland wide- wag in the vE lage Ui� week visiting Uj Alsike a 1i; In. Just, the kind of bill It is too,freqently the e&' a:y to lie eat fified with. Mr. Whitney. -1 b has not gtren the so that the - i ly known Ug y a r 1: w 0 SR. the wanted and they think he should h ve way conmittee is the g and a highly respected member of brother, Mr. G. N. Babcock, dr gist A given, there is not half a dovan"of them who bills.of this kind, A very remarkabl convention was held 80cietv. -He 4as a Presbyterian in religion Mri F. Reese, precentor in Carmel Preaby- whic are likely t �nake o ol and a'Reforroer in politics. He leaves a tek ian church has organiz-A a singing class. ese pric. can ast week. It is known as the at friction between the Oovernment an Dacesised has a agree as to the kind of measure th 0 which in Tor! a -Mr.Wm. 7Re Wido-W to LMoOrn his lose. Stoneman B1 oval Sa :)flt the was in Go' rie and into. Thi�l should be given. Ea " stude�trs, volunt brother in n part 6f last week and this ch one has an opinion corporations, are relegated, and few o hem eer convention." It was Califo nia and a sist�r, Mrs. walto visiting samples --of -his owa and is anxious to have it" adopt. ara ever returrected. CoTnpose� of delegates from all parts of the George Bairdl of this place. - The funeral acq4aintanceal.-Business is somewhat! quiet for lots of la� 0 owing to the brea We hope it will not to k plce on Tufsiay, to Baird's cemetery, king up of the ro'ada.-A �11� And yet these parties all United �tatee andbanada, and there were uniLe in be the eme with this one. Indeed it� V� ill I - atill was larg ly attended b syd[ipathiz:ng number from here iatef[ded attending the uain i y 600 du Y 0 , Il delegates presen t, The Ir ends and equo intances. S-,4tieh concert held in Sta gentatives fro the The services ffA on Frida Tono- ab g the Pemier'beoause he did not be the duty of Ghe repre, ae'redi' IN FUL SW I 1MG., y give t,hem jn8t what they wanted. objecb�of the movement is to interest, the were con 6d by e evehing last, Iit rural districts of Oatari duct E. H. Sawers, and ut wero prevented owina to but 0. to to s -3e that it is the, pall bea�rers ere,J A. B. Gilmour the i very bad tate'4f the roads. -Mr. sn4, the other side, Ur. Ross says that him- resurrected I students of univerFities, colleges and other W As the law now is, the farm.. seats Ge6rge Campbell, D. aird, T. B. Baird: Mrs. Ru�s3ll, of z Wy township, were in the tralak hel seff mad his colleagues have done the best t1h of lbarning in foreign missionary work, ey ers are subjected fo a grevious inju in the�w4rk of b king all nations and peo- athes Thomebn an Job Baird. stip'e at rin the 'village last wo9k, vi 3iting, their parents, Mr. and.Mr9. 11�4rt Moir --Miss Nettie could uad6r the ' Qircumstances. Tfiat� th4 tie hands of the railway companies. The ples to a knowledge of the gospel. This is Fulton was in L' r movffig -1 I f�� , Only about 20 days 0 e �before re are not legislating for the extreme- Urnper- amendments to the law, c6mplained oi done by securing volunteers from these in- Ovklon recently attending 0" at 1�xeter. the: millinery op6hings.-Mr. and Mrs. TORO-NTO ance people or for the extreme anti -temper- an outrag atitutions 'to engage, p3raiially,in t e upon the rights of the peopl 'It d work BRIEFi.-MlicGulleh the fancy skater, de- An 'net Pop�, of Plattsville, were here Stock mu�t be re the lo in. the interests of tl e as foreign missionaries, and t3 nee their ir- 9 d�ced before we move. cail -ho a srna�l arolvd at the rink on Frida part of lUb = and this, visiting his y isses Treble are goihg to brother r. Pope. -Miss Bell, of the He s in litter has been allowied, to remain imrpoee �ho whole people, Atime fairly i is, not creditable to Parliament thal, the flutincelwith others to get money to be de- evehing.-The M 08 it is voted ito the work. !, The conv(iition called st4t a dreesm6kinA sho in the premiaea London R� adi purchased Mr. G. Arnold' islation, has been prepared on this La,3io so lo3g. p prima The peopi forth a g eat deal of enthusiasm iii, Toronto, lat�ly occap0d b -A. Q. piano at the auction sale on Monday last.- PRICES THAT CANNOT BE D-OLICATED: e'aV,,e 13OW in oa4ne8t.. W. Johns ma6t can d:) They demand a ohaDge" -ariol a me4ings were largely at- Bobier, of I een appointed chief Rev'. G. Jilwitt attended the funeral of a and is the best, the Govern and the i a right to i,-. �om' of tte members m Friday ageot for Oat4rio for the Empire cream sep. relative, a Mr. Oliver. at Staffa, on Habbath Forty pieces double -dress g in the public interest, irrespective of section and they ha��,e 9 tended. At the claiiii ' eetings, on 1,�xAer, i as b rov 8 vf ..a med night las oodsl, a be Sold at 1,'5c a yard. era. or class.. Now, this, being the Cabe, what to treat the matter w when a call was made for funds arator and has )a ed fitton's new: Etore'� afte600n last, -Mise'Dolly Moore was in I 1 4 Ar4,ught ho fty cent all -wool c1ress good, 1 3 inch, to be Jold at 39c a yard- ith levity and, aLhers to aidjn carrying on the work, the large Ite the C�ntrsh hotel, for a show room' Fi we can assure nem. reason ii there to. doubt the sincerity or with indifference, but Bum of $1 0,305 was pledged, to Cliniton last -week viiiting �relatives.-Mr. iven in 0 �, Seventy-two inch tab r- be g* 2 hsi Main �streeb Methodist Epw le linen, worth 50c, for 3316 a yard. truthfulness of this. statement ? equal-ammuts for four yearF. Several of rth Louis L. Harold has sold h�s dwelling to Why th-0 it is not viewed in either light b the the a League held a,very succ6silful oyster noocial Mr.1G. D. Arnold. -Mrs. W. R. Hodgins Ton cent art muslin# beautiful qi,�ality, for 7c 4 yard. y! lAb4criptions were very large ; two 0 8 a n TuesdaY evorning. -The Independent or. and'son Geor are in Kin' should thii statement not 'be aqcepted'in people of the country. It i , re 11 t re. Eight piecce-pure linen tow" a I'very wei orestb a k Thi iOR 'M elling for 5C a yard Yi -e for �2,OQO each, two for $1,000 each, der i0f Purpose havinj an "at Hodgins' sint .-Thli friends of Miss Min. 900d derne4 goodfaith The entire legislation of the important matter, especially for the and abo'u� a dozen for $100 each. Twenty-five dozen g�nts' shirt.ql 7 Government in the past, would arapi�, juatity era. And, in addition to th _4rm- a I kinds, white and colored, to be 4old at hot �e " at the'ir I�dge rooms, on FAda Die Sheffer, w o recentl romove& to Toron. �Qpentri y y the e pecuniary evening. 1,a ir�eeting of the board of to, : ill he plia se to learn that she 39c each. bxiylpg h -Ati all parties in doing thie� Aside froin this, considerations involved, it is si Comm:nting on a[ letter which appearea W mply, the ma4sgemeat,of Cav�an Preabyteiian church, now! a member of the Metropolit�n church Gents' and boys' ca�,,-, worth 46C, for 19c each. E X110.�TTOR, 4 C eks !ago, Mr.1 G. Staiibury� barrister, was electqd choi of that] citY.-Mr. Rolandi (3admore 11ty-five cent ladies' corsetp also, is the personal recordi:osr the Premier, commencement of the struggle between in Tif �, ouple of we Sev6 the Heri1sall Obseriver sa5s- 11 cha rmau.-Mlas Rall, of'Bra 0,�eel filled', bia'8 cut, stiaight fron�, for He has be�n a consistent and periiitent the people and the railway 0or A rather utford, who has purchaetid from Mr. James �Coxworth 445G 9, pair. pbrationa humor hasibeen the g�c r N te rl M El w ed y -at of Mr�., Amos, returned his �illage lots, on the weat 'aide of the AUJI temperance advocate for thirty years, for a for supremacy. The railways have nic4tion appeared in one Of $1.50 lace curtains for 98c, 82,Mllace curtains for $1.50. dbeer), u home on Monday. -Se�craj of- the Liberal railway tracl.-Mias Luia Moir was i white raid77� Ion-er time than some of those who naw ine-iduo our ex�hancgoemi m1aust wl ek, in wLich the wrlittr, n i - by degrees, frorri here attefided the annnal meeting a," Exeter last week, -7isiting. friends. -Mr. F. 0 V , usly and 9 12rBi- reductions for the next 0 da s.- encroach- critiCille him have- had an existence. He has i- over the capti,on of resbyteria' y upon the: rights of the pe:)ple. n,' bewailA Herisall on T,meaday.-Wellington Johns, G. Arnold's auction male of ho id for produce. 1 tig elt P ousehold goods, Highest prices pa at 6 wh has been done a maolij if not -more, to propagate a The People are now becoming the condi�ion of th I earthly chur�!h vhdch �n the tailoribg buain(si here on Monday afternoon, was well attended live for o e ears: has closed his shop, and and fair pjiceo were realized.-Leakn ser- 2 healthy tempera=e, sentiment in, this Pro. to their own interests and this cattle g' he is so clondeacendin'g as to h I will orior with his sh tl ove out wcst.-Oa Wednesday ices are being held in St. Paul's churc ard v �Tnrvla no an:& nf-.bar in ;n nhUn. Ufa fn,A flaaf.;A" -11 1, I na e. He 1013 a for� t.IA —A 1.4 .4 1 h for Wee ooked upon as a teat B' i V, V aye or ev in lasti, Axr..Joseph ireart, of Exeter, every Wednesday evening, and are fairly �`s to tho� doctrinal , i L I i sermon and the singing of iend of the w arrie 'to birs, Hubbard,,, of Tor- well attended -!—Mr. Thomas Mellie� of Kip - He has be" llo fair-We6ther fr which is really supreme in Parli ament i the Psalms , iiiatead of hymqs.' When Davd ont at the r4idence of Mr. Pe4t. � Rev. pen, was * t�egvi!lage, on Friday temperance �Catlse, but for years he has de. people or the railway corporation d Browh, B, D., tied a a. If l'it is calls for rath an destruction upon his C enemies, oi�responkive cord is awakened in the 0 edncsdayl. the� knot. Idle Mc] ain vitibing her brother, lities and his time to cultivat- found - that the latter have th est evening of last wleek, Mr Mr. m. Me ay, before returning to Bat. voted his al�f e a i tro ing this sentiment, and a good deal of his hold on the people's representatives, the bosom of! the i i ter. He looks for a Sy ey Sanders� married Miss Hatilie Gould, tine U, Dako Higgins, of near th fin it pasFiveinstead of an active Chriatianityan Exeter- Exet�er, was i e i d hot of the co-gitracting parties beink the villag thi week, visit. work was d�ne when temperance sentiment -will be for the people to take the nceespary would,ha�'e been a g9od Jew under the old ite They ar' livio Thomas Biseett's ing her mot ter, Mrs. S. B. Humeston.— IjEA-RO i SEM Zg�BTJTTER, EGGS, POT coTHE TAKE' N AS CAW. transit 8,,, 41 lee Was bil 'Were --Offor-� A - , I