HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-03-07, Page 31902 fs ds, Oc osiery etc. gings, mi s, and fa itiee_taken ey flAm4"0"61 Ilis 1 ;by Adults er ting speoial lines !-ver. All intend lines of up -to- le best doods„, an �r. S. L Holmes 11 -VT. r _— ire Fence olding stock owiog rat spring. No, 7 rainot8,000pounds; sly stand a etrain vheocoiled or bent t strain and remain leap.and you know - t. 'Page fences are 1. Waikerville. Ont. 4 - (aches iste nowadays, the nearly equal in If there is any dy none can excel fidentiy offer you, precision and ac - pian an•1 fancy • variety. Jeweller,s ONT 3an breatiting spell the Spring t rade. Lt it is just posed - keep you string isn't pants, per or vest. Vire Tar clothes. Just Afe-A 11 Lrga s al) AT forth re olbs of gleber teete for lbe. boneless cod Z50,5- Pre. rejoins for 26c, - broken sodas for 26e, or 26e, 6 Ina Rio coffee her car of granulated which will be sold at ils of American auger Id at $1.16 a pail ; also eeking purpose* arid all d smoked herring16a Et trrings, Labrador her - a received &package:5' ot re, direct from, the old eta ivill be told at -great '-tilack, green and aapan. b a not I on give yore guerantetd te suit. erctial invitation extent:I- I. of the -geat bargaino. bread daily from Tor - rice paid for an kinds of MARCH 71 1902 TIEE HURON EXPOSITOR. /vly wife had a deep-seated cough for three years. I purchased two bottles of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, large size, and it cured her com- pletely." J. H. Burge, Macon, Col. Probably you know o cough medicines that re- lieve little coughs, all coughs, except deep ones! The medicine that has been curing the worst of deep coughs for sixty A years is Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Three sizes: 26c., enough for an ordinary coid: go_ juet right for bronchitis, hoarse. nessbard colds, eteall, most economical for ehrooic cases and tit keep on hand. JO O. ATER 'CO., Lowell. &fags. CENTRAL Hardware (Wore. Portland Cement, Get our prices for Portland Cement for silo walls ana floors' for summer. Coal Oil. Best Canadian Coal Oil 15o per gallon, in 4 or 5 gallon lots, for CASH ONLY. Ameelean Weeps White, 22o. 1 Sins Murdie • HARDWARE, Counter's Old Stand. Seaforth ARTIFICIAL ICE. Principle Upon Which Thin Conanitoda ity 31nnufaretured. The principle upon which the manu- facture of ice is based is that a, gas when compressed gathers heat enor- mously, and if robbed of Mt heatand allowed to escape at a future time it seeks to regain its heat by withata,w- ing heat from its surroundings. Am- monia gas is generally prefeered to others because -it can be liquefied With comparatively little pressure. LOA re- moving the water from cdmmen am- monia by distillation anhSroas ans. tamale is obtalued. This is compressed - by a combined steam pump!and a com- pressor, and the resulting liquefaction induces heat, which is economized hat circulating water about the vessel or pipe containing the liquelledeammonia. Thus the ammonia is cooled and. the heat largely transferred to the Water, which Is then 'pumped back to the boiler that supplies the steara pump. The liquid ammoula is then carried in a pipe to expansion coils that fford plenty of room for its evaporLt1ofl, when it begins to return to the,ga eous form and to draw beet from It sur- roundings, which gradually re uces the teroperature. Proper veseas of' water are placed in contact with the expansion coils, and in due 1me ice is formed. After Work or Exercise oos Soothes tired xnuscies, re- moves sore - nese and stiff - nes and gives the body a feeling of comfort and strength. Don't take the week, watery witch hazel preparations represented to be "the same as" Pond's Extract, which easily sour and generally contain "Wood alcohol," a deadly poison. Two Wrongs. , A clergyman, lecturing on ''Capital Punishmeat," took strong jgdounda against the death penalty, argning that while it was wrong for a maul tO com- mit .murder it was but another wrong, to -kill the murderer and that - two wrongs never made a right. "At least," said be, "I neyer }heard a bu one cliaei where they did.": Anti he, • e. I E_ 'T H E , N ' N MURRAY $L.. VAN MAWS . ••• 4 ;71,1C4' • ar 'Teat" UNIVERSAL PEPE-1_1a Ea ild14 t: HANDKERCHIEF TOLLET&BATU REFUSE ALL SUBSYITUTES, STOOK FOR BALE. HUE YOUNG BULLS FOR SALE.—Mor sale throe young thoroeghbred Durham, bnlia, wit regi red pad.. igrees, and ready for service4 two re color and one roan. Apply to DAVID ILL, Lo 27, C./mem-ion 8, Hibbert, Stag. It 0. 17064f ir\URilati BULLS FOR. SALE.—For irate, tw If thoroughbred DLITInall eligible] for r letration, 12 and 18 months old, one dark roan th Oth lit.. Apply on tot 26, Concerti u 1, L. o eremit . miles Fouth of ruc S PATTERSON, Bruccileld Fe O. 1780-tf -a3t, IAM • Be courteous; • , A visitor at one of the many Chen- taueuas, which are held every sum- mer, and to which so many resort, was great,ly impreised by what he heard and saw ". nong the a.ssembled ' thousands, During it sojourn of two weeks he heard' many lectures which were of the first order, and many en- tertain—ents of unusual excellence, but sOatthoW there was -a. more last- ing •impression made by another at- traction. As memory turns back to that taief summer sojourn, a charm is over that delightful scene. It con- sists• in the fact that he did not meet a single person Who Seemed to he impolite, or cross, or snappy. Ev- ery question of inqpiry received a civil • answer, rudeness of manners ! was left outside of the ground, even • the gate keepers were •gentlemen and • always on their' good behavior, and from the little boys who sold the daily pothers no itaponte answer ever came. There -was no .place for selfish- ness and manners. , These. ma& seem to be Ilittle things, yet the im- pression. froin them was not insigni- ficant nor transient. Tae recollection of that occasion is not a crowd of ' rude people, struggling to have the best of everything for themselves, re- gardless of the feelings! and Tights of • others, but of pleasant faces .of old and young indicating 'readiness to do • good to each other as they had °P- i portunity. • d t The people are in denaaiid every - k where who have a civil tongue and • polite behavior. They can command ✓ better wages in anything they • do, and justly so. In Evanston, Ill., a , • ; medal is presented every year to the-: • cabman who La most courteous. Many d miniSter has held his place longer • g" I than he aoula otherwise, not by e.-• . great talents, but by the tact of hav- t. r• tag "a. pleasant way with him'''. ev- erywhere. There is nothing that costs so little. that brings such large re - Fri OBOUGHBRED DURNAII5BULL8 FOR SAL -,.—Three ied and one row, ranging m 7 to 1 , months old. All eligible for registratioe. red fro'. Roseville Abbott," one tbe best &roe ffi the P vince. lao five young hula. rs and crows, eultah for ,bresding. Apply on Lot 80, Conceselon 6, U borne, or address Hutondale P. 0. THOMAS Cu ,mouE& SON. 1770•tf t4?P. athe LE.—Eight choicely bred &Vetch a I. JC licetch topped Shorthorn bulls; the thi . blo' ky ste Bah kind; geed colors; as good a lot we e dyer offered in the Province ; also cows a hei rs in calf by 'imported Red Duke; also hell r al es ; all at nooderate prices and easy erne. MILE & SON, Ethel, Ont. 177141 URHAM CATTLE FOR SALE.—F011 sale, to 13 • yourg bone, fit ter *envie° : also cows a het ere. All Thoroughbred Durham, wIth r fete ed pedigrees, and 1r3m the best aid mos• t uls strain', and several of them are pri e winter Ap ly on Lot 26, ConcxeMon 4, II. R. ,.., Tuck em th, or add Tees Beak rth P. 2. H. Crich. 17694 OROUGHI3RED STOCK FOR SALE —Two r and one roan Durham bulle, from 13 months tle over 2 years old ; also a few Durham belle prdceeded io relate the followiag story, T to turns. pr0su merit: In t o ecee , d'A man. entered a country grocery, 111 atidLtile heifer° are t° calve uut u 11, COVAIOV CA DINS They give a light thane rich emit/rile liana No odor. Many style& -Sold everywhere. mablY In support of his argu- a II 1 t th 1 brated stock bull New Iteart's t • T:te oatt'e are all -firet chute with regisetr:red yedla Where a riumber Of the villagers- sat 1 eifi? ti;,°O; eCtuc2e4tioar Clalc;I: Jam ig.i'Virri around on barrels and boxes,aid ask- ed if two wrongs ever made al right. The response was `Never.4 So ' thought till recently," con4ued he, "When I met a: stranger who asked me • to change' a five dollar bila; for him. I did so and after his departere found the bill was a counterfeit. So I kept It tilt the other day and shoved it on a fellow greener than t." The listeners exclaimed that those were two wrengs certainly, but they didn't make it right. "Well," replied the man, "they naade , me all right." The Royal Victoria Life Insur- ance Co. of' Canada, head o it ce at Montreal, with a capital of $1,- 000,000, wants an agent for SEA - FORTH and district. The re- . muneration to a good man. will be made satisfactory. Apply to H C. Thomas, superintendent of agencies, 6 Sing street, West, To- ronto. fore. o' phospionni, The Great English. Remedy. sola and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only reli- able Medicine discovered. Biz packages guaranteed to cure all forms of Sexual Weakness, all efteeta of abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use olToe baecoropium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price, one package $1, six, $5. One will pleases six Witt cure. -Pamphlets tree to any address. Tato Wood, Company, Windsor, Ont. Sold in Seaforth by Alex. Wilson,J. S. Roberta and V. Fear. druggists. Robert Devereux BLACKSMITH And Special Attention • to RRiike Horseshoeing end CA - dee. General Jobbing. MAKER 2:017 Goderich street, •- - •- Seaforth English Jewelers/ Trick. Many working jewelers with whom articles are left to repair are very tricky individuals indeed, andwomen are their chief victims. A grealtdevice of the working jeweler, so far ;as gold chains go, is to take off the hallmarked fastening loops and to substitute for these an exact imitation in metal, -so, that these should always be most care. fully examined. In ladies' lockets the jeweler fraud usually takes out the gold inside rim which fastens the glass, and of course he puts hll a a she' substitute. Where au article sent to him contains a great number of toter , - ably small stones he will take one or two of these out and put in imitatioa articles specially made to deceive, says Woman's Life. A working jeweler has been known to make pounds a week by taking away the hallo:larked masa - bars of gold alberts and replacing them. with brass. These remarks only, of course, apply to the small number of • black sheep to be found in this as hi • every trade. The Whole Story in letter t 9 altterAl el? (room' Davie.) From Capt. F. Loye, Police Station No. r, Montreal --"'We frequentiy use Prime- ) .'..is' Parn-Krooze for pains tea the stom- a Oh, rhettnbatifin4 stiffness, frost bites, ebil- Latrine, cramps, and all alllictione which befall men in our position. I have no hesi- tation in saying that PAUT-KUJ111 is the hest remedy to have near at hand." Used Internally • and Externally. L.Two Sizes, 25c. and 60c. bottles. AUCTIONEERS. SOMAS BROW , Licensed Auctioneer ter the Counties of II ron and Perth. Orders lett at A e M. Campbell's fin lement warerooms, Seatortb, or Via Expostroa Offi e, will receive promplb attention. Satisfaction guaranteedor no charge. ' 170841 A UOTIONEERING.—B. S. Phillire, Licensed ti Auctioneer for the counties o nron and iii Perth. Being a practioal farmer and thoroughly understanding the value of farm doe and imple- ments, places me in a better position to ealize good prices, Charges moderate. Satisfaction guaranteed orde or no pay. Allat Lot 98, Concession 2, Hay, will b promptly relefk at Het:mall per office or ttended to. • 1709-tt Deeadenee en Penmanship. "While the .people as a whole may write more legibly than they did a gen- eration ago," said an old writing teach- er, "there are not eo ninny really ex- cellent penmen. The multiplieation of business colleges bas improved the handwriting of a portion of the public, while the invention, of the typewriter has made it useless to acquire extra skill in penmanship. „Tfese was when the first class penmen cotamanded high salaries, but now there IS such a slight demand for good -Writers that the mar- ket is overstocked. No penman cen coropete with a typewriter, and so the art of superior penmanship is gradual- ly dying out and will semi be lost". • SHINGLES A car load of the best Red Cedar Shingles bought before the rise in price, which we will sell at xxx 74c, and xxxx 178c. This is a snap in Shingles, so call and get your supply while they last, as they cannot be, replaced at this price. •••1•••PP.TRI N. CLUFF & SONS, North Main Street, - Seaforth. 1748 rhe fIcKillop Mutual Firs Insurance Compry. FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSURED Mama, J. R. McLeanPresident, Kippen P. 0.; Thome, Fraser, vice-president, Brucelleld P. 0.• ' Thoutas E. Hays, Belay-Treas. Beaforth P. 0. ; V. GI, Broad. toot, Inspector ot Looses', Seaforth et 0. BULIMIA. W. G. Broadfoot, Beaforth ; John G. Grieve, WI throp ; George Dale Seaforth; John Bennewels, Dublin; James Evans, Beechwood John Watt, Hsi -lock ; Thomas Fraser, Bruoadeld John B. Mo. ' Lean, Kippen ; James Connolly, Olin n. 0 afillari. Rnbt. Smith, Matlock ; Rot& Malillian, BeafOrtki James Cumming Egmondv :e ; J. W. Teo, Holmes - villa F. O.; George !Auntie and John 0. Morrison, auditors Parties desirous to effect Institutors or haat* fob other business rill be promptly attended to os upplication to Any of the above officen, addresred br hell te3P*0tiVe lard aces, STOCK FOR SERVICE. 110 PIG BREEDERS.—The undereigned will keep on Lot 26, Concession 6, L. R. S., Tuokersnalth, a thoroughbred Lumen:In Pio, also a thoroogh. bred Yorterainere Pie.A limited number of sows 'will be admitted to es.oh. Terms, $1, payable at the me of service, or $1.601f 'charged. JAMES GEM1A 1608- 2 1310 FOB. BERV.r.—The undereigned eep r on Lot 29, Co cession 11, Ribbed. Thoro glo bred Yorkshire 1. ar to whieh he 1l idin b a limited number 011 sows. Terms.—$1 at the ti • e of service, JOHN ELGIE, Chite.hurst, Ott. 1771 tf llnaERKSHIRE PI .—The undersigned, has on Lot 9, Conceseion 6, Stanley, a thorou hbred ark - shire Pig, to which he will take a limitaluw. ,r of sows. Terme—$1 with the privilege a return ,g if necessary. JOHN CHAPMA.N. 17:- 4 -DIG FOR SERVICE.—The undersigned ha on Lot 28 Cone skin 11. McKillop, thotough- the g if 41 bred Yorkshire BoIr, to which he wl I admit a 1 ed number of grwe. Terms -760, payable a time of Benicia, w th the. privilege of [ return' neceee: ry. HUG T. GRIEVE. , 178 Our First Canst1 Locic. he first canal lock built in America Is freserved as a relic near the present site of the Sod canal. It was built by the Northwestern Fur company in 170o. It is 38 feet long and 8 feet 9 inches wide. It had a lift of nine feet and a depth of two and half feet. During the war of 1812 it was badly wrecked. The early d'al• fur companies used this little Waterway to lock down their small cargoes of Valuable furs. ATORKEIHIRE PG.—The ndere1gnethaVingl dis. .1 posed of hi Btock hog, "Royal Harry, haa purehaeed from 1r. Davis, of Woodstieck, a y nog improved Yorkehire pig, to which be will mit for service a limited numbea of Bowe. Term , $1, with the privilege of returning if necessary. J. B. HENDEReON, Huron Road, Tuckersmith. 178 x4 Pictorial Wash Lists. Pretty old inventions are our modern wash lists. The , old German house- wife had an odd way or keeping track of the garments she gave out to be washed. She had a dicture of each article and wrote doWn the number of everything opposite to dt with a ptece of chalk, which Was rtibbed out when the article -was returned, to be used again the next week. It was really a pictorial and perpetual :wash list. THE otHHHIATOH • • Brutally Cruel. Three men were standing in frOnt of the postoffice and to them came a fourth. One of • the theee did • not know the newcomer, and -stepped aside sliahtly, but he , overheard the conversation. "Well, John, how's ;things?'' "Poor; very IV ear . 1 haven't had u. thing to do for three weeks."' "Is that so?" • "Sure. • If this streak of bad luck keep sup have to go out of busi- ness."Instead of conuniserati OD, the oth- er two.men grinned, and one said, in an unfeeling tone: "I don't care ' if you never have work." John shook his head sadly 1 and passed on. - The listener was shocked. He had • never heard anything so bluntly cruel. In a few moments tie- expressed his feelings somewhat warmly. "He seems like an holiest and deserves encouragement," he • Both men laughed outright. concluded, ,Said one at length, "if You want to give him a, job, yOur're wet - come. ;He is an undertaker." DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS, 'What Won Her. "I thought she wee gOlug to marry Tom?" • "No: Jack." "Why, she told me Toro was willing te die for her and"— "Yes, but Jack offered to mak.e a good living for her." ConstervirOon d Energy. "You say iyou tever gossip?" • "Never," answered Ntiss Cayenne. "When I feel disposedi to hear ,my neighbors discuseed, r merely mention a name and proceed tO listen."—Wash- ington Star. o- ea-a-fd,teeet •flilaPnRTANT Ntr*I0Pai. InIOR SALE.—A seven room house, with Shed and JE lot, coneeelenty situated to Main Street, to be sold on rearronoble terms. haply to MRS. R. ARM- STRONG, sesforta. • 1784x4 LiOa SALF.—A pere bred Clyderdale dal Ion, Ia bred from import ei sock; 5 years old; brown In color. Appy to GEORGE MARTIN, Cromarty, or to JOHN MoCONNELL, Dublin. 1780-tf VARMS1FOR SALE.—Re bargains in farms in the Townships of Bullet, Monte, and Ws wa- nes -10 County of Huron. Inquire at Luce. WM. CAldrBE1,14 Blyth, OLt. 1774 tf The original kidney speciflol for tho cure of Backache, Diabetes, Bright's Disease and all Urinary Troubles. Don't accept something just as good. See you get the genttine To Cure a Coaronuirns.Twenty-Pour DOAN'S Selling Out. Custom Was renowed AccOrding to Mr. Coath, a railway contract& now engaged in important construction work in Burma, custom alone has dictated the -position of the flange on, car wheels. Some experiments recently made by him go to show that. there are sever- al advantages in using wheels Iwith the fiatiges on the outside of the rails instead .of on the inside, as is now the rule; He found, for instance, that a pair of wheels having outside flanges would pass round a curve of twenty feet radius without.. derail- ment. or locking, .while quite similar wheels with the flanges on the inside will ja.m, or if the speed is too great at, the moment of entering the curve will leave the track. A tar having bothaxles pivoted at the centre would pass round these curves easily when the flanges are outside • the rails, while it left the track when, they were. on the inside. TIMBER FOR SALE—Haeing disposed of saw inili micbinery, wteare now offering f r sale the tanner rf mitre. The building is 60a36 feat; there e 18 Veres 9x*2 inches, 86 feet long, i. derendent of frame ; world eel' this separate if detired ,• near, ly ell tixnber is rock elm. GOVENLOCK BROS , Winthrop. • 17824f HCTBE FOR SALE OR TO RENT.—The ceim- modiOus. and comfortable raeidence in Sea. forth, reeent'y occupied by tbe undersigned, wilt be sold or rented. Apply to ROBERT WILLIS. Sea. forth. ; 17840 SRED 0AlT8 —The undersigned has for sale on Lot 36, Coot:mission 2, Hay, a quaetitv of new Danish White Gate, highly recommended by Wm. Rennie & Sone, of the Toronto seed store. Also a quantity of greet pets, I fair yialder and bug proof. This E eed is clean of all ioxlous weeds. JOHN ELDER. 1784-4 4?00D unde deuce toe HANCE FOR A BUSINESS MAN.—The eigned offers for sale his Ettore and 'nei- ther with the entire etook of gencrel n orchandi e in the village of Constance. Cons ance is a god butiness c eat e ann. ie surrcundei by one of the best and m: se prosperous agile:laurel d'.e. triete in Canada, sod thus offers a rare chance to a good business man with moderate capital. No op. pesitiov. For particciare address THOMAS AN- DREW, Constarot. N. B —Patties indebtad to Mr. pdrew are requeetid to pay up at once, not later than, April .et. •1786 tf LI HUNG CHANG'S WIVES. The First One, Though Alive, Woe Looked Upen its Dend. The one romantic! complication in the life of the late Machiavelli of China; LI Hung Chang, is amusing or tragic according as one may ahoose to look at it. Earl LI early in his distinguished career took a wife. During the Tai- ping rebellion his wife had to fly to the interior for safety, where she lived for many nionths without commueleating with her husband. The Chinese states- man meanwhile, thinking his wife had perished with other victims in the mas- sacre, enlisted the sympathies of the eMperor, who ordered a magnificent fallen'. The empty coffin was follow- ed to the grave with all pomp and ceremony of state by Li Hung °hang and representatives of the emperor. After a period of mourning Li Hung Chang took unto himself another wife and settled down again to domestic felicity. Then the first wife appeared. She had narrowly escaped the massacre and had been living with her family. Mrs. Chang No. 1 took exception to Mrs. Chang No. 2 and wished to be reinstated as principal wife, for the law of China does not allow polygamy. Li Hung Chang was In a great stew. In despair he applied to the emperor. The emperor said Mrs. Chang Ne. 1 had been accorded a state funeral. Therefore, to all Intents and purposea, she was dead, and he advised his min- ister to ignore her, which he did: As women are treated as mere chattelsein China, the first wife did not Oensur, but went back to her family, among whom.she died. Chal LARGE BeiTLES irc. MEDIUM 50C • TRIAL SIZE 25c A few table sets 1€ fb to be told at 26c. Tea sets, regular 93.76 for $2 60. Platte, potato (Mhos, metal pieta] to be sold below coat. Only a fee% Ladies' guantlete left to be geld at 6o. Table oil at 18o per de yard, regular 25o, men's top abiregultr 0o, now 35o, don't forgot that our shoes are the heaped in the ecu nty, aho our Flannelettes, Prin Cotton and everything in that line. The Voidable antern, regular We, now 650. Twenty -Wee f Red- path granulated sugar for $1. Don't fo et the place at Harlock. 1776,13 • J. W. WHEATLEY Cold Damp Weather brings in its train Grippe, Colds, bughs, Catarrh, etc., which are often fore- runners of the dread disease -cons ption. Grip,Quinine Tablandprevent ancure all forms .of thr lung affections, andaounteract ti of exposure lof all kinds. Grid- Talqets will prevent you ci taking if tised after exposure—They ``bre and cure a.cold in a day. -. A tablet to -night will Inake you all right. All druggists sell deem. 25 cents per box. For sale by Alex. Wilson, Seaforth. at and effect uinine cold" k up" REAL ESTATE.FOR SALE. BUSII 'LOTS FOR SALE.—For Pale, 200 acres oi bush land, in the township of Arnabel, Bruce ceunty. .All virgin ti nter, beech, black birch and hemlock. One mile from a saw mill, and; good ehipping tacilit:oe. Good investment. For; further particulars apply to GEORGE A. TURNER, Bruoefield. 1786-tt • Franklitt Set The North American. Notes ! and Queries say the first printing press in Montreal was, set up by Benjamin Franklin in 1775, in order to, print manifestoes appealing the Canadi a ns to cast their lot with the colonies farther south. The press Was not long in operation, and Was removed to the -United Sttltes, but the Vault in which it was set up is still stand- ing. It is in the Chateau de Ramo- zay, a (Dahl t old buildiog whose his- tory is contemporary with that of the city, and which is carefullY pre- served as a relic of the French re- giine in New France. Franklin's idea from the' first was' to include Can- ada in the confederation, and he , Wished to include :Ireland ate well. Nis journey to Canada later,, . how- ever, convinced him that thee was no' possibility of the Canadian pos- sessions joining in the revolt. SEAFORTH DYE WO KS Ladies and gentlemen, tharrldnit .you all patronage and now that a new season is 1 There is no leek of so-eidled curet! f r rish to let you know that I am still in the e corns. The vegetable, animal and mineralready to doniy beat sa gr In doing your work in the line of eleaning kingdoms have been ransacked for cures. It is Er simple matter to remove 00rna with... fienUragenwisened Itedlelveleotting, ohe witholl :loon/ out pain, for if you will go to any drUggi• st - geode guaranteed to give good . . al„,on short or medicine dealer and bey ,a bottle of PI- 1 est notice. t3hawls, curtains, to., at moderate rieee Please do not fail t,o giv .RBENitutteyr in 'asset. 1 14 for past hand business, %faction dd eing me* nam's Painless Corn and Wart Extract and eggs taken in exchange ter work. and apply it as directed, the taint; is don NICHOL, opposite the Lanndry north It C -et " Pntnarn'e," and no other.' 1 ^ I OE A BIG CHAN .—$6,000 will purchase a first - IV elate 100 acre faun in the township of Hay, within three miles of the flourishing Village 01 Hen- sel", one of the beet market towne in Western On- tario. The ECM is c'ay icam, voll fenced and un- detchairon. There is a goo3 orchard, and plenty of never failing water; a good, comfotteble dw Mug ul has and frame barn and stabling, 85 by 88 feet. Apply on the prem'ees. or address antral' P, 0. THOMAS LA1ING, proprietor. 17324 ED I O. I Nervous Bilious Sick Periodical Spastnedic HEADACHL.pe Headache is not of itself disease but -it generally caused by some disorder of the stomach„ liver or bowels. Before yba can be cured you must removel the cause. • BURDOCK: 110110 BITTERS dataiinsr coiitan The Man who originated the eft quoted inmate, "Stuff a, cold and starve a fever," either did not understand what he was Writing about or be has been widely misunderstood, to the great injury of multitudes who have acted uponthe absurd mailm. Presuming that the author of it was a physician who knew something of the nature of colds and the action of remedies, he must have spoken sub- junctively and not imperatively, and theu it would read thus: "If yon stuff a cold, the -consequence will be that you Will be thrown into a fever as affi result of the stung treatment of the cold, and then you wrn have to starve the fever." This is a true and sensible interpreta- tion of this commonly received maxitut which has done as much harm as any of the 'thousand and one popular er- rors which prevail on medical subjects. Witholit dwelling on the nature or cause S of colds or on what physicians call the pathology of these disorders, we will say that a low or even starve- , tion diet for a few days, with the free drinking of warm, mildly stimulating teas, Is better for a cold than any drug, or combination of drugs.—London Fam- ily-Dector. LIARM IN STANLEY FOR SALE.—For eale, Lot U 9 and the west half of Lot 8, on the 121h conces- sion, or Bronson Line, of Stanley. This farm con- tains 15QaereB, all of which is cleared, except Leer acres. 11 13 In a state of first-class ounivation, wail fenced and all underdrained,mestly with tie. There Is a large frame dwelling holm as good as new, with good sbone foundation and cellar, large bank barn with stone stabling underneath, and numerous other bulldinge, including a large pig houee. Two good orchards of choice fruit, also nice shtde and orna- mental trees. There are two epring creeks running through the farm, and plenty of good water all the year round Aithout pumping. 1 is well situated for markets, °burgher), schools, wet offi 30, ete , and good gravel roaes leading foom it in all directions. It 1B within eiew of Lake Huron, and the boats can be seen passing up and down from the house. This is one of the best equipped fume in the (minty, and will be eold on easy terms, as the proprietor wants to retire on account of ill health. Apply on the premi- ses, or addrees Blake P. 0. JOHN DUNN. 173441 Too Generous With Advice. Some persons keep advice for gra- tuitous distribution, and give it at such length and with such energy that all f Pee agency Seenis - lost to the one addressed. A well-bred reti- cence should be exercised both in asking questions and. offering advice, respecting every one's natural desire for independent thought and action. The elders are apt to dogmatize, ex- pecti.pg their ViCWS to be accepted withont, qUeStion, forgetting that their correctness is nu I so . evident to those whose minds aave not pass- ed through the same proceSs.-- Lad- ies' Dome JourIlal. lio;iv t-2, Renovate velvO.t. French hal)pau. rubbed in lightly will remove gr1 ease sots frvelvet; or the chalk ina.y be drool led on , and allowed tc reumin for twelve hours. To restore the pile on velvet hold it very taut over the steam 'i. from a pan of 1.)( iling water, keep ng . the right sid on top and having some one besid you to brush tbc pile up witn., • stiff whisk unti it looks as it should. If this pa -t of the work is carefully done the results will be most satisfactory. 1—Ladies' Home Jo alma (Trade Mark.) ! 1 MAKE YOU WELL! of Cod Liver 011 1 1 TONE Yff1LtIVEPRPVENI E 1 MAKE YOU STRONG! Pr. Burgess, Med. Supt,of the Peet. Hospital for Insane. Montreal, prescribes it constantly and gives us permission to U58 his name. Miss Clark, Supt. Gmce Hospital, Toronto. writ es they have also used it with the best results. 50c. and 81.00 Betties. DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO., Limited. • A Card. We, the undersigned, do hereby agree to refund the inioney on a 50 -cent bottle of Greene's 'Wlarranted Syrup of Tar, if it fails to me your cough or cold. We also guar- antee a .21 -cent bottle to move 'Oatilfactory or money refunded. ,1 Alex. Wilson, druggist, Seaforth, Oat. " The geaforth Flax Mills. Flax Land Wanted. Wheat Does Not Grow Wild. The existence of names for wheat in the most . ancient languages confirms the evidence of Its great antiquity and of its cultivation in the more temperate parts of Europe, Asia and Africa. From the evidence adduced by botan- ists of high standing, it seems highly improbable that wheat has ever been found - growing persistently in a wild state, although it has often been as- serted by poets, traYelers and histo - dans. Ira the "Odyssey," for example, 'we are told that wheat formerlsr grew in Sicily without the aid of man. Diode- rus repeats the tradition that Osiris • eb found wheat and barley growing pro- •Ili! 1 mituolisly in Palestine, but neither thi nor other reputed discoveries of CW wheat growing wild seem at all credible, seeing that it does not ap- pear to be endowed with the power of persistencyt except under continued culture. - will do it for you. It regulates the stomach, liver and bowels, purifies the blood and tones up the whole system to fuli health and vigor. SIGN OF THE' CIRCULAR SAW 0 %Mg aft cn Tbeurdersigfled having purchased the Sratorth Flax is now prepared to make arrangements for sowing this season. Land will be rented by the acre, or will te telten by the ten. Mr. A. Geiger will 1 e at Dick's Hotel, Seaforth, each Seturday dulling March, from 11 a. m. t 4 p. no, to strange with fE4111OTS who want to paw tisx tt e coming season, or arrangements Inv be made at any t me With Mr, James Dick. Good o*eur seed will be furnished. GEORGE McEWEN, 1784 6 Hewed P. O. MONEY TO LOAN. How Nan and Nature Vise Gases. Man uses the same elementary gases as nature does, witb others that she det== doee not employ with the same inten- tion. Both use oxygen for eustaining OW& combustion, but nature uses it system- Mr atically for construction, which man does not. Man uses hydrogen for coin- bustion, as nature does, but not for construction. Man takes advantage of nitrogen for concentration of energy. Nature takes the same advantage, by which nitrogen, though negative, be- comes the most important of vital structures. But she does more. She makes nitrogen constructive as well as concentrative, an art man bas not attained. - 4.N.Ad 000 Private and Company fends to letur at e700 lowest rates of interest and in sums to suit $1,000 boirowers. Liberal terms as to repayment $1,500 cf principal, $2,000 • R. 9. HAYS. $3,000 Dominion Bank Building, $3,500 Seaforth, Ont. 1776-16 $4,00Q Notice is hereby given that a By -Law was passed by the Municip ' Council of the Town of Seaforth, en the tenth day of February, A. D. 1907, providing for the issue of det ntures JO the amount of $3,700, for the purpose of psylng for the corstmetion of certain - cement ,1dtw1k8 10 the Town of Setifcrth, and thee sueh By -Law was registered in the regiatry °Mee of tbe County of Huron, on the 12th day of February, A. D. 1902. Any motion to quash or set aside the same, or any pert thereof, must be made within one month from the date of registration, andcannot be made thereafter. WM. ELLIOTT, Clerk. Dated this 15th day of February, A. D. 1902. 1784 3 Massachusetts Suneratitiozis, In parts of Massachusetts it is thought that if a girl puts a piece of southern wood down her back the first boy she Meets will be ber husband. In Boston if a marriegeable woman puts a bit of southern wood under her pil- low on retiring the first man she sees In the morning will, so says the super. stition, be the one whom she is to Marry. .& Minute ter Bo Late. Sweet Wife—Oh, Herald, the hail clock just fell and narrowly naissed mother. Kad it struck her she would have been killed. - Herald (aloud)—You 'don't say sol (Aside) I always did say that clock was slow. Merely an Opinion. "There's only one thing more rash than meriting for money." "What is it—marrying to win a bet?" "No—marrying without. money:" IIMI• • Even flo., Little Elmer—Papa, what Is It that makes a statesman great? ' Professor-Broadhead—Death, my sou. —flarper's Bazar. MARRIAGE LICENSEE.- ISSU ED AT TIE HUMS EXPOSITOR OFFICk, BitarOATIA, ONTARIO. NO WITNESSES REQUIRED. These pills Arc 2.e specific for a diseases arising from disordered nerves, weak heart or watery. blood. They &are palpitation, dizziness, smothering, faint and weak spells, shortness of breath, -swellings of feet and ankles, nervousness, sleepless- ness, anemia, hysteria, St Vitus' dance, partial paralysis, brain female complaints, general debility, and lack of vitality. Price soc. abox. • 1 J4 LECKIE Lif =and Fire Imairauce, Leen and Real Estate Agent, Valu- ator, ac. MT over Eureley's Drrg Store. BRUSSELS, ONTAgii.3 • :)QUE-dniagistiortasktafstas -Bart tea- 14roiees-cattott _ ., issussessfauttod : osoisipot.tiareeetteetuat ' es nek :sent Itenoother, as en atistureatainsatta imitstsonaaredaugeroue. rkiligolia Tellper - box e leT.,..4,,i/eiegreeagtrongereaspe box.. a. t or 31 i on receipt Of prloeiand.tiwo Ifeetne etautpat !The Cook Comperay Win4teorj OAS. sar--tios4i and 2 sOldendreconnaeu ed oyall respossitae Druggists in Canada, I . • Sold in Sesiorth by Alex. Wileen, j. I. V. Fear,tdruggists. i er. • er -