HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-03-07, Page 2•
dean ` ` seeding time for
catarrh germs -7 -that dis-
gusting plague Which taints
nine -tenths of the human
race --and when you expe-
rience the first " sniffle.: r
feel the faintest dullness in
your head, or have watery
eyes, resort to
They act like .a charm in
clearing the head, relieve
leadaehes, reduce in$amma
tion, heal irritations; head
Colds succumb to the treat-
nent surely and quickly.
Your drti gist should have it. If he
hasn`t, order direct. Enclose 25c. to
V' .Ai ifs CO., Ltd.,.
Ottawa, Ont.
G1OR SA.13E -The house end grounds belonging to
the late S, G. McCaughey, corner of Church and
Centre streets, seafo.th. The propetty will be lend
cheap: and on easy terra& F. HOLMESTET1 Sea.
ji For sale, a enremodious story and halt house.
with eement cellar and cistern ; a good stable and
nearly two amp or lend. ; immediately north of the
Egreoudvilie nonose. The land is welt planted with
large and emelt fruits. Apply to Wm. ELLIOTT.
1767 -ti
oeft ACRE FARM FOR SAL —In best wheat bolt
e) in. Southe>in Manitoba. Ninety wires ready for
wheat next year; 60 sores ay. Good new stable
and granary. Twelve doll rs per acre. Several
other i nprovet ani prairie farms for sale. Write
CHAS. EE SHAT , Box 17, Boissevain, Manitoba.
ratARM FOIA SALE, For Bale Lot 27, Con-
t' ceaeioa 4' McKillop,: conteinine 100 aores,'all
of which is cleared, well fenced, unc erdrtin^d; and
a high. creta of outtivatioa There is a Road
orick ':house, large bank been with stone slabl1 g
plenty? of water and a. good orohard. It i;: within
two miles of Searorth, and with`n a mile from a
school„ Apply' on the premises or to Seaforth P.: Q.
WM, GRIEVE. , 176741
ARII! FOR SALE. Farm in Stanley for We, Lot
C mesa -ion 2,. containing 100 acres. All
e.eat but 1S cores of hirdwood bush. . It is in a geed
state of cultivation, well fenced and undsrdra`ne4.
There is on the farm- two borne, with stabling, and a
Marge dwell ng hoose. It is conveniently situated,
miles, from Clinton. and I mile from Baird's soht nt.
Address: all invitees to JOEIN Met#REGOR, on the.
'misers. el. eRS. D. Mot1REGOR,2nd Conoeesion,
T uckeramith, Seaforth, Ont.
AI$M FOR SALE.—Lot 1,; Concession 13,. Tticsk-
ersmith, oontaining 971 aores, ' • 17 acres of good
bush;` the remaindez cleared, well fenced and its a
good State of cultivation. It is welt watered With
springs. Suitable for grain growing or grazing.
On the farm is a good barn. nearly new, 74x43, an a
stone f oundation, with good stablin r for cattle end
horses; the stables have cement fixes a hen house
20x16,1 a good log house with frame addition, , ton-
venient to churches, blacksmith, shop, store and
post °Mice. Four miles from Hessian, 10 from Sea.
fort'h,land S from Exeter: For tenses apply on the
prom es or to Chiselhurat post: office. JAMES
CON OR. 1784.e4
Id Sale, the farm cf the unde;sisrned in the Town-
ship of Tuckers n1th, adjoining the Village of Zg•
rnondvi le. The tarns contains• 29 sores, all cleared
except 4 acres of good hardwood bush. It is all
well fenced, well tile drained, and in a first class
state ate cultivation. There to a good frame hoose
with kitchen and woodshed, and stone sellar full
size -Cf house. There is a good bunk beta, tr`.th
ttone stabling, and good pig and tel house. There
is a good young tearing orchard and a lab 0f orna-
rentol tree:. There is a never failing we'1 at the
house.. one at the barn, and another on the 1asrni.
It is one of the mosb convenient and comfortable
places in the township„ and will be sold cheep rani
on cagy term: Apply on the premises er adieus
FgmoirdviIlo P. 0. HERMAN BUBt)LL. 1783- f
AL?I FOR SALE. -For sale that Very desirab e
✓ term on the ?dill Rad, Tu3kersniith, adj yin#ntl
the v41,lage of E inondville. It oontaics 97 acres,
nearly all cleared and in a good state of oultivatipp i.
and veil underdrained. Theta i8 a comfortable
brick ;cottage an4 good barns, with mot cellar and
outbu idinge.. The buntlines are 11tuiteel:rear the
centre; of the farm and on the KM Road_ It Is w'ell.
watered, and plenty of soft water in tb.e k1tth n.
It is conveniently ettuated for ohuroh and sell of
and within a mile and a half of S *forth. Wilt b3
sold cheap and on easy terms of payment. Apply
to the proprietor, ROBERT' FA61S0N. Saatorth.
1-` sato, Lot 22, on the North Boundary of /Tay
Townehip. This farm. contains 100 acre;, 851 aeras
cleared, the rest good hardwood bush. It is well un-
derdrilined and tensed. There is a good atone house
with a No. 1 cellar ; large bank barn implement
shed; sheep house 70x76, with first -eta 8 sfteblingg
and root cellar underneath; a good otobsrd ; 2 gold
wells and cistern There is 12 sores of tall wheat:
sowed` on; s rent fallow', well manured ; 40 aures
seeded down cocently, the rest in good shapefor
crop. This is 'a No. 1 . farm, well siturted for
markets, churches, schools, post office,; eto, end
will be cold rcasonab'y. Apply on the premises,; or
addressROBERT N. Dt)UG4LSS,Blake,Ont.1669x8t.1'
'DARK FOR SALE.—The undersigned offers !for
• sate Lot 7, Concession 8, in the Township; of
Stanley, Huron county, containing 100 sores, 8S1 of
which: are cleared and: in a high state of cultivation,
the remaining t 6' tierce being good hardwood; bush.
On the promisee is a hick house, 24x30, with a frame
kitchen, 20x28, with good stone cellar underneath, a
good bank barn, 50)(60, with wing, 30x58, octagonal
tile, sheep hats°, drivingshed and wood house, aleo
two hells, an orchard, and a never•failirg svelte
creek. The funris well underdraiced with tilt, Wel
fenced, and is one of the b3et farms in the county
ie nearly a't seeded down with grass. and has: been;
for a nuitsber of years situated within half a Mile
from sohool, and se miles Econ. Brucefleld; will be
sold cheap and on easy terms, as the proprietor is
goiegb to retire. For particulars apply ta; IIECTOR
REID,1Brucefietd P. 0., Ont. ' 17804f
T ARI FOR SALE. --For sale, Lot 1, in the Town-
▪ ship of Tuokersmlth, Conoeesion 3,.1100 acres of
land, 95 (scree cleared, well un ierd ratnod. Splenetic'
farts for grata or stook, web watered, a mttuning
epring , the whole year runs through the, farm.. Also
on the farm is a splendid bank barn, neer y nee,
hich : ii 60x54, with stone stabling underneath.
Also frame house 24x18, and kitchen Mete, with
gcod'stone colter and two good wetla. This pro-
perty ie situated in a ver}: desirable locality with
splendid gravel roads to. market, on'y 3 - miles to
Seaton h. Also a good dwelling house in 4eafoxto,
situated on Coletnen street, close to Victoria Park.
This linos; is eempoazd of 8 rooms, well finished,
plenty+oi hard and sola water, and kltehen 2040,
with riantry and wash room attaohed, and a. gtoi
woodshed. A good stable 21x.18. All of this property
must be sold as the undersigned is 'sewing to the
United, Stites. All partloulars concerning this-
hinproperty can be had by applying ab Tire Exrosrtoe
Oitice or to the proprietor, JAMES Kg/0E, Sea -
forth. ; 17624f
Cures any COLD or COUGH
en a few hours.
Fi>r sale by Alex Wilson, ilson, Seaforth.
lioneay to loan at 4} r cent on gqood farm seem
sty. Apply to JAS. L HILLMAN, Barrister, Res;
forth. 17120
A Siirnpl'e Illustration Tak n From
r . the Barnyard=
Ret. Dr. Talmage in This 'Discourse Takes
an illustration From the gen and leer
Chickens to Show the Cotafort and,
Protection That heaven Affords to AII:
Trusting Souls, 4
Entered. According to Act of ?arliar Bent of Can-
ada. in the year 1902, by Wiiliarn daily, of To-
ronto, at the Dept of 4. riiiutture, Ottawa..
Washington, Meech ch 2.—A: familiar
illustration from the barriy trd ie epi
'ployed in this discourse be 7)r. Tal-
mage to show the comfort and pro-
tection that heaven affords to, all
trusting souls. The text is Matthew
37, -Even as a hen ',gathered
her chickens under her wings, and yq
would not." ,
Jerusalem was in sight as Christ '
came to the crest of Mount Olivet, a .
height. of 700 feet. The spleedora. of '
the religious capital of thei whole
earth irradiated the landscape. There
is the temple. Yonder is the _ king's
palace. Spread out before his eyes
are the pomp, the wealth, the Wick-
edaess and the coming destruction of
Jerusalem, and he bursts into tears
at the.' thought of the obduracy of a
place that he would gladly have
saved and apostrophizes, saying, "Q
Jerusalem, Jerusalem, how °fedi
would I have gathered thy children
together, even as a hen gathereth her
chickens under her wings, and ye
would not!"
Why did Cheist select hen and
chickens as a simile? Next to the
appositeness of the comparison,
think it was to help all -public teach-
ers in the matter of illustration . to
get down off their stilts and use
comparisons that all can understand.
The plainest bird on earth is. the
barnyard fowl. Its only adornments
are the red comb in its head-dress
and the wattles under the throat. It .
has no gfandeur of genealogy. All
we know is that its ancestors came
from India, some of them from a
height of 4,000 feet on the sides fof
the Himalayas. It has no preteesion
of nest like 'the eagle's eyrie. It has
no lustre of plumage like the gold-
finch. Possessing anatomy that al-
lows flight, yet about the last thing
it wants to do is to fly, and in 're-
treat uses foot almost as much as
wing. MusicianS have written out
in musical scale the song of lark
and robin redbreaet tend nightingale,
yet the hen of my text hath nothing
that could be taken for a song, but
only cluck and cackle. Yet Christ '
in the text lettered while lopking up-
on doomed Jerusalem declares thee
what he had wished for that city was
like what the hen dbes for her chicle:
Christ was thus simple in his teach-
ings, and yet how hard it is for us
who are Sunday school instructors
and editors and preachers and' re-
formers and those who evould gain
the cars of audiences to attain that
heavenly and divine. art of simplic-
ity! We have to run a. course of lit-
erary disorders as children a course
of physical disorders. We come out
of school and college loaded down
with Greek mythologies and out of
the theological. seminary weighed
down with what the learned fathers
said, and ,we fly with wings of eagles
and flamingoes fmd albatrosses, and
it takes a good while before we. cite
cone) down to Christ's similitudes,
the candle under the bushel, the salt
that has lost its savor, the net
thrown into the sea, the spittle on
the eyes of the blinel man and the
hen and chickens.
There is noi much poetry about ,
this winged creature of 'God men-
tioned in my text, but she is , peore
practical and more motherly and
more suggestiee,of good thinge than
many that fly higher and wear
brighter colors. She is not a prima
donna of the skies nor a strut of
beauty in the athle of the forest. She
does not cut a circle tinder the sun
like the Rockyreiountain eagle; , but
stays at home to look after family
affairs. She flees not swoop like the
condor of the cordilleras to trans-
port a rabb.it from the valley to the
top el the crags, but just scratches
her claws sho pulls away the ground
to bring up what is hidden beneath!
'Where the breakfast or dining hour ,
arrives, sbe begins to prepare the re-
past and calls all her yotieg to par-
I am in- warm sympathy with the
uneretentiotte old fashioned hen be-
cause.. like most of she has to
the start the lesson which Most peo- .
ple of good sense are slow to learn
—that the gaieing of a livelihood ,
plies work and. that successes do not
lie on the surface, but are to be Am -
turned by positive and centinuous
effort. The reason that society and
the church and the world are so full
of failures, so full of leeferse se full
of deadbeats is because people aro
not wise enough to take the lesson
which any hen would teach them
that if they would' find for !, them-
selves and foe those dependent epon
them anything worth having t h Cy
must scratch for it. Solomon eald,
to.the ant, thou sluggard.7
say. go to the hen, thou sluggard.
t he Old Test tunent od compares
himself t an eagle stirring up her
nest, and in the New Testament the
Holy Spirit is compared to a des-
cendingedove, but Christ in a sermon
that began with cutting sarcasm for
hypocrites and ends With the parox-
ysm of pathos in the text compares
himself to a hen.
One day ia the country we saw
sudden consternation in the behavior
of old Dominick, 'Why the hen should
be so diseurbed we could not 'Under-
stand. We looked about to eee if a
neighbor'e dog were invading thi!
farm. We looked up to see if a
see notheig- on thei''grounil that
could eerrorize; and we could -we no-
thing in the;air to ruffle the feat hers
of the hen, but the loud, wild,, af-
frighted cluck which brought all her
brood at full run matey her feathers
made us look again around and
above us. Whett we saw t hat high' up
and far away there was a rapacious
bird wheeling round and round and
down and down, and, not seeing us
as we stood in the shadow, it came
nearer and lower until we saw Its
beak was curved from, base to tip
anti . et was ft haw e inttt. LII In
chickens . were' under old Dollen e'
wingse and either tie bird of re
caught a gliznitsee ,of ug or, not tib)
to find the brood hut died under Win
darted back into :the clouds. S
Christ calls with eltt earnesttlea
to all the your g. Why, what is t
matter?' It is 'bright sunlight, an
there :can be ne danger. Health is
theirs. A good' home is theirs. Pier
ty of food is their.%
lifee is theirs. But
to call, calls with in
urges' haste pre say
ought to be lost.
what is the nTtttir.
there •are hawks of t
aie there are '+tal ur
their prey, them
redly! to plunge, the
allurement ready. ',to
see tee peril. ow
urgency. Now lf see
Would that Christ r
take Our sons rend ch
shelter as a heti gathereth b
chickens under her. Wing."
Fathers, - mothers, older brothers
f t sister s and , ,_ _ 1
Bache 's, be quick al
• prayerful and rrnpori
th chickens • ur .der- r
Swath se1u ols o [ America and
Greeee Britain withinthe next thrre
months sweep an thlir scholars in
the kingdom. Whom they have , no
under! charge i t uncertain. Concer
ing that scrawny, puny child th
lay irk tile- cradle many years ag
the •father dead,. many remarke
"What a. mercy if tare Lordwould
take the childi" Ar.d the " moth r
really thought so toe). But what
rospect of Ion
'heist continu
re emphasis an
not a second
le do tell is
Ah, now se
beaks of -cleat
re are clawe
bitch, Now
understand, ti e
he only safet
ight this da
ughters into h s
d earnest at
childe for et became world renown d
Ceristian beerate re and one
God's' most illusttious servants
John, Todd. tome ber, your chil
' What you o for them s
chilelren you =1st d quickly Or ne
er do it at all. "Wh have you nev r
written a book?" s id some one to
writing two and h. ve been engag:d
on one work ten ye rs and on tl e
They are my e week."
But we ale need the protecein
wing. If you ,ead nown when you
hood what wee ahe el of you, would
you have dared to undertake lif ?
With enost life I as been a distil
pointment. They t 11 me so. Th
have not attained hat which th
expected tO ateain. They have nut
had the physical nd mental vigil.
they expected -Or th y have met with
You are not •a, forty or fifty or si. -
ty oe eeventy er eighty years of (tee
where you theeght you would b
I do not know anyone except myse f
to whom life has been .a happy cc e
prise. I never' expected anything, and
so when anything came in the sha e
of human favor or comfortable pas
tion or widening. field of work it w s
to me a surmise. I wee told in t e
get anybody te hear me preach. u
less I changed my • style, so .th. t
when e found .0 -tat isome people
come to hear,me ft was _a happ
surprise. Bat mosit people, accor
we all fleed shelter from its tempest .
that 'you fleet took for a wagon
crossing a, ;'bridge, but afterwaed
you said, "Why, that is thunder!
And, sure entergh, the clouds' wet
being convoked foe a. full diapasO
ing ,down ehe h avens, and the
wei. closed. But ehe sounds above
were : not mote certain than the
eotinds beneath.. The cattle came to.
the bars and nioa.n d for them to be
let down that bey might corhe
home to shelf r, a d the fowl, wh
ther dark Bre ma or Hamburg r
and take them nder the weg n
house or shed end ad them all hid
under the soft fea here by the tinle.
that the first pl eh. of rain etruclk
the roof. So ,•ther are sudden te -
pests for our Heoul and, oh,, ho
of bankruptcye or sicknesp or pees
thicken and blacken, !and sOme
run .f or seelter to a -ban
but it is peer s elter, and otheis'
run to friendi a visors, and th
faie to' help, ceher fly nowhere si
ply beeeuse they 1 now not where 1.,
go, and they Perisl in the blast, bet
others hear a die, ine call sayii'
eCome, for cell th pgs are now re
come.'' Andliwhi e the heavens :ale
thundering teitor the' divine vol e
proffers mercye and the soul coin s
under the broedipg.care of the A
chickens undee her Wingee
The, . wings ' of !my -7 teXt suggest
war/are and that, s Whait !most foNs
weal The feet s that this is a
cold roeld whethei you take it litee-
ally Of figuratiVel We have a big
firepleee called. th pun, and it has a
very ihot fire, ,- an the stokers keep
the cettis wellesth red up, but mueh
of -the year we ea mot get near . ert-
ough to this ilrep ace to got Warin-
all the time. ,For et not that it , is
north pole and th it the arctic is
not Ise destruetiv as the antarctie.
Once in awhile th arctic will let
expl)rers come ba k, but the .antaree
tic hardly evet. Then at the south
nole a ship sails ill, the door of lin,
is almost sure to 'be ehut againet
the south air
people at
ged shiver. But
this is a cole
• its return. So 1
lions Of people at
many Millferis, of
north is a prolo
when: 11 say tha
world 1 chieflef mean figuratively.
(Unary term of
shoulder," - get
d try to borrow.
ay have beim ale
d see the there
50 degrees beloe!
which till a. inoe
.en a warm roOni
iestion and se
chaff before
as myself is cone
word of complaint
- by day and see
commueities freezing out men and
women of whosn. t world is noe
you 1 Want ito
meaning of tin! ot
reeeiving the '‘col
out of money at
thought and s
:zero, and in that
ment before hied b
Take What is .,an
: on some public q
your- friends fly a
windmill. As far
cerned, have no
but I look off da
anct nowart
some p
I ever
meanesri .
got into' T
happened to
and the best
happen rto .t
But n;otlCe
take thest
Ah, th hen
have w tche
rain. ha
ing fro es. •
or aim st s
and whta
the you ig melee her wing if a dog
a man come too near!
brooding Christ takes
• us. What flood of
tears that didnot clash
y soul? What beak of
not pierce his vitals
Cerberus of hell was
a el
i de
li '. .i_t V
n U
I ea
to depreciate and de- !
execrate and lie about and Liver Complaint.
This is the best !world
into, but it is the
el that some people ever
worst thing that ever
them was their cradle,
thing that will ever
m will be their erave.
that some one must
rm for the chiekens.
!takes the storm.'
her under the pelting
seen her in th.e pinch -
Almost frozen to death. .
rangled in 'the wlaters,
light she makes. for
And so the
anguish and
upon hi ho
torture di
What beirein
not let ent
or them eomething to
Sr walk over her wings
1 their tiny voices, but
answering' pluele She
took the sterm for others and per-
ished. ;'Poo thing! Self ,sacrificing
oven. unto d ath! And' does it not
make yeu ti ink of .him who enduree
ale fee us? So the wings under
which c me for spiritual safeey
are blo s attered wings,' are night
shadow d w ngs, are tempest torn
wings. the Isle Of Wight '
saw th gre e of Prindess Elizabeth,:
brook Oestle her finger on an open
"Come eine° me all ye that labor
and aro hea laden, and I will
the whip!
My -tOre h s. its strongest applice-
tion foe people who Were born in
the country, wherever eou may- now
live, and th t is the majority of
you. leett c nnot hear my text with-
out haeiing 11 the rustie scenes of.
:the old farn house come back to you.;
Good old da •s they. were. You knew,
for you had not seen the world.,
recali the 1.).00ding hen and
chipleens. wi thou t seeing also thee alitc-sil;
and,, the haemow and the .
-shed and th house and the firr&de:
with the bi baeklog before which'
'von sat. , d the neighborS and the
berial field t wedding and the chep
snowbare nd hear the Villafee
that ce'led .fou to worship and F'Pe-
ing the ::hors s which, after pulling:
you to chur stOod around the,
old eta! boar ed Meeting hoese- rind
. those w?io.s it at either end of the
church . pew and, indeed, ali the
scenes, oe yo it. first fourteen 3 -ears,
and :yeti- hink of what you werO
then and of what you are now, -Linde
all; those. eh tights are aroused by
the siglie of the old hencoop, Some,
of you lied ietter go back and start
again. In hought return to that
place and h ar .the deck and see
the oetepread feathers and come un-
der the Nv'eg and make the Lord
your pcirtim Lind shelter and
warmth pi eparing fon everything
that mey c me and so avoid being
classed amoi g those *described by the
gathereth h chickens under her,
, wings, ()eel 3 e would not."
woman -ho
reply was:
, My father is
ns itd eel vh
thee, and tl
in e. leeter
and Heaven,
of sin end sorrow and have been
makingl for the brea•kere. Thank
God„ the tide has turned. -Do
you not feel the lift of the billow?
The grace of God thet bringeth sale
and, in ehe words of Boaz te Ruth,-
commeed you to "the Lord God
of Israel under whose 'wings thou
hest ceme to trust."
Fe 'ching Compliment.
She 4 -as net from Chicago.
aneer me," she said. f
"Hifi ein I to know when yottlre
`'1' always stamp., my feet," she'
answered. •
)0okee down at her dainty;
isn't Own for a stamp on either of;
'sad abandoned her home
s 'deploring her wretchL
she did uot return, the
"I dare not go homee
so provoked' he would*
istiale man, "I will eesl
so he wrote to the fa -
e reply came back,' and.
marked outside "Imme-:
nside saying, "Let her
e all is forgiven." -SO
tion for you is marked
on the. outside, and in-
ritten, "He will aben-
n." Oh, ye wanderers
d happiness and home
.come Under the) shelter -
Some of you he..ve been
drifting in the tempest
Mr, Sabin inmuts himself against the rava
ages Of Indigestion and Dyspepsia.- Dr.
Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets a safe
"Policy" to carry. They prevent and cure,'
act 9.1tok1y said a convenient "vest pocket's
"After trying nearly everything the Materid
Medica recommended for Indigestion, I find Dr.
Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets to be the only abso.i
lute specifinfor bis most distressing ailinent. It
;certainly ms proved so in my case. 1 give you
authority to quo.e me if it will lighten sonic other
tary ef Vermont Mutual Fire Insurance Com-
pany, Montpelier, Vt. 6o tablets, 33 cts. 32
1. V, Fear, druggist, eleaforth.
Thoronghbred Stock by Auction.
A large crowd of cattlemen from all Parts
of Canada Was present on Wednesday of
last wee*, at the'annual Bele of the eegise
tered stock, which took place in the Winter
Fair building at Guelph. The eale was,
under the auspices of the Dominion' Cattle,
Sheep end Swine Breeders' Aisociatien,
end was renounced the most successfel yet
he fellowing are some of the sales
Shorthoen bulls—Rosedale Victor, No. 40, -
General French, 32,769, sold to George
Tucker, Prayton, for, $100 ; Royal Prince,
frroublemomit and Obstinate Ailments
Which ield Promptly to the
Searching' and Thorough Action
of Dia Chases Kidneyal.iver Palm.
In nearly very family:there is more
or less suff ring from liver disorders,
biliousness a d headaches, and no home
' rangements. Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver
Pills are wo derfeley prempt and effec-
tive for' all such' disorders as well as
for dysPepsia. and constipation. They
are the gre -test family medicine ever
discovered, es is teetifled to by thou-
sands. of people.
leaulkner, 8 Gildersleeve place,
Toronto, saes:—"After doctoring wieh-
out success eor biliousness, liver—com-
plaint and sick headache- for over three
years I am Vad to testify. to my appre-
elation of r. Chase's , Kidney -Liver
rst they seemed a little
being both searching and
their action, arriply repay
ilence by after results.
better in every way, and
's have entirely disa.ppear-
recommend them." .
dose, 25 cents a box, elan
Eemanson, Bates & Coo
Pills. At
strong, but
thorough in
any inconve
am feeling
my head-ach
are certain13
and I freely
One pill a
dealers, or
MARCH 7, 1902
Slaughter Sate.
For the Next 30 Days
We will offer special bargains in or ler to make roona for new
Spring goodS. Great reductions in
Dress Goods, Furs, Underwear, Tweeds, Coat
Boos, Shoes, Rubbers, Crockery, etci,
Call art see our snaps in men's rubbers, legginA men's
heavy shirts horse blankets, dinner sets, tea sets, ana fancy
Best goods at lowest prices, farm produce taken at
highest tradle ortcash price.
linitiphreys & Son,
38,242, sold to F. W. Thompson, Port
Lawrence, Neva Scotia, for $185 ; Red
Cloud, 36,486, sold to Wm, Shaffer, Berlin,
for $105 ; Loid of the Valley, 37,804, sold
045, sold to Pis Torrance, Lueknow, for
$110 ; Royal ellington, 38,896, sold to E.
V. Thompso , Guelph, for $130 ; Lord
Roberts, 38,7 1, sold to Hugh Thompeon,
Magneetaware $105 ; Duncan Stanley. 37,-
324, sold to V'. Switzer, Teeswater, $115 ;
Sir John A., field to E. Doughty, Eramosa,
C. Mills, Preston, Minnesota, $100 ; Roan
sold to Hugh Gibson, New -
Maple Bank Sentinel, 40,880,
oberts, Eden Mille, $100 ;
udge, 39,113, sold to Jobn
ham, $165 ; Crimson Cruick-
eold to Thomas Scarf and
Sailor, 40,613
Maple Bank
Howson, Cha
shank, 40,581
Son, Durham,
After the tortures Mr. Norton
passed hrough to have the
absolut release from sufrer-
ing that South American
Rheurna,ticCureafForded him
—I1 relieves in six hours.
" For three weeks I lay in bed suffering most
terribly and utterly helpless from Inflammatory
Rheumatism," says Mr. E. H. Norton, of
Grimsby, Ont. a' When all . that the doctors
could du fai;eil me, I was induced to try South
Alio:Hem. Rhopmatic Cure. After taking one
bottle I was not only able to lea.ve my bed, but
I. V. F ar Druggist, Seaforth.
—Dr. T. A. McCollum, of Dannville, has
been appointe superintendent of the Lon-
don asylum, ' succession to the late Dr. R.
M. Buoke, t salary of $2,000 and resi-
deuce. Dr oCollum is a very well known
practitiona i the Niagara Peninsula, where
he has prac d his profession for the past
quarter of century. Dr., McCollum is- a
many-sided in* n, but is said to rank as the
best surge° n the peninsula. He has
never cease t be a student, and is es eel -
ally mimes ed inbotany and natural hie ory.
He is a rp oienized authority on fish and
uame, mut aS been chairaian of the pro-
vincial coin *ion since its establishment.
He waS at eltirne an unsuccessful candi-
date for the House of Commons.
Do you have that dreaded Bene
tering and palpitation—ever
feel as thourrh eVery heart
beat woUld be the last one?
If you do, yowl, heart is strug-
7--and needs,help.1
Dr. Agnew's (*.ure for the eart will bring it's
" strong atm " to your rescue -Tit quiets, 'soothes,
steps pain in an incredibly: short while, and will
cure the most obstinate Heart Disease—no Matter
how deep-seated. One dose gives relief in thirty
inelite monastery, at Falls View, Niagara
Falls, was killed by a Jersey bull Pomo
time on Saturday. Brother Seigi, who was
employed as a farm hand, is supposed to
have gone into the stall where the bull. Was
kept to feed him, and foxing:I him loose.. The
bull attacked the brother butted him down
and tramped him to death.i The bull was
never known to be a vicious animal. The
monastery authorities had the animatr dis-
posed of by thooting tom. after the acci-
"011. -:OF GLADNESS"
BOuth AmeOies,n Nervine has preyed
Itself e oll of gladness " to many
a net" e-elok sufferer. It eta,rts to
work t -the fountain -head or, the
gtonas h. :helps to assimilate the
:food, rontotes healthy circulation,
stimulatea the flOw of rich. red
blood, accelerates the aetion of the
organs. .
sick head -ache, dyspepeia, indigestion, and all
,gjedred while:as. It is the vary nectar of
I. V.°Fear, druggist, .Seaforth.
—Win. Burnison, farmer, of Deceu Falls,
while engaged in shingling, fell from the
-roof of his barn, a distance lef over 30 feet,
on Saturday, and sustained fractures of an
arm and ti4h, and was otherwise badly
—Jacob Sinkhanti, a man aged 62, living
in Berlin, met ;his. death at St. Agatha,north
of that town, by falling into a well, en Sat.
urday. ire was putting in. piping,, and had
let himself down to within 20 feet of the
bottom of a 75 -foot well, when his hold gave
way. He lived only four hours after being
brought to the surface having sustained
fatal. internal i iij u i et. ire leaves a widow
and family of nine 3bildren.,
Secure Relief In '10 Illiuntes
'And a Radical Cure.
Does your head ache? Have yeti pains
°over your eye!: Is there a constant drop-
ping in the th at? Is the breath offensive?
These are certain symptoms of -Catarrh.
Dr. Agnew's !Catarrhal Powder will cure
most stubborn cases in a marve4ously short
time. If you've. had Catarrh a week it's a
sure cure. If it's- of fifty years' standing
it's just as effective. 33,
1. V. Fear; druggist, Seaforth.
For Torpid Liver, Flatulence,
Constipation, Biliousnees and
Sick Headache, TAKE
Safe, Mild, Ouick-acting,
Painless, do not weaken,
, and always give satisfaction.
A most reHahle Household Medicine, can be taken at any season, by A.duat or
All druggists sell "BRISTOL'S."
Furniture Cheaper than Ever.
On acount of great reduction in expenses, and manufacturing special lines
we are now.a,ble to put furniture on the market cheaper than ever. All intend
ing purchasers *ill do well to all at our warerooms, where full lines of up-to-
date furniture are sold ct right prices.
This department is conaplete with a large selection of the best pods and
obliging attention given to this branch of the business.
Night cal)s promptly aMia(led to by OUT Undertaker, Mr. S. r. Ilohnes
1 11144%
.1 lik"•111i
le leeeeeelettalseeee
Page Woven Wire Fen -cc
is the only reliable fence for holding stoek owing
to tile continuous coil or spiral spring. No, 7
"Page" wire will withstand a strain of 8,000 pouts ds ;
ordinary No. 7 WirE3 'Will only stand ' a etrain
of 1,700 pounds Common wire when coiled or bent
will straighten out with the first strain anclremnin
so, Pagefences are now very cheapa-and you know
they have always been the P'age fences are
used by all Canadian railways.
The Page Wire Fence Co.. Limited, Weikel -villa Ont. 4
The Question
of Watches
Is largely a matter of taste nowadays the
various makes being to nearly equall
time ,keeping qualitiesi, If there is any
difference of degree, surely none can excel
the timepieces we so confidently offer you,
that we guarantee their precision and ac -
,curacy for five year& b plain awl fancy
cases we have an infinite variety.'
:Wft. -BUM% Jeviellerl
..17.4A1110r.g, ONt
Ocld Pair .Patts
This is an off season in our business, just a breathing spell
between the winter rush and the huny of the Spring trade.
It is a little early to talk Spring clothes, but it is just possi-
ble that you require an odd pair of pants to keep you going
until you don. your Spring clothes. If it isn't pants, per-
haps it's heavy underwear, or perhaps a coat or I vest, We
can do wonders for you in piecing out your clothe& Just
try us. It will be a money saver.
Tenders for Drains.
Tenders will be received at the Clerk's office, Sea.
forth, until April 2nd nexte for the construction of
certain drains within the. niunieipality. Plana and
specifications to be seen at he Clerk's office. The
lowest or any tender not necesiefey accepted:- WK.
ELLIOTT, Clerk. 1785.4
Great Bargains
The Seaforth
Assignee's Sale of Valuable Brick
Store Property, in theTown of Sea.
forth, County of Huron.
The undessigned Assigree of the estate of M.
Jordan, of the City of Woodstock, formerly of the
said Town of Seaforth, Grocer, will offer for sale bY
ublio auction by Thomas Brown Auctioneer. on
attirday, March 15th, 1902, at 110 o'clock in the
afternoon, at the Commereill Hotel; Seeforth, the
following property : Part. of Let No. on Main
Street, in Cloak:dock's Survey cf part of the Town of
Seaferth, containing thereon a valuable brick storee
'with oonvenient reeidence overhead and lint clues
brick stable in tear. The whole premises are very
convenient and admirably suited for businets, and
are well situated on Main Street in said Town of
Seaforth. The sale will he subject to a reserved
Terms.—Ten per cent. of the purchase money to be
paid down on day of ssle and tte balance within SO
days thereafter, withcut interest. ' For further
particulars and conditions of sate apply to STEPHEN
LeMB, Seaforth, Ontario, Assignee, or to JAMES
L. KILLORAN, Seaforth, Ontario, &Bolter.
1785 3
McKillop Directory for 1902.
JOHN S. BROWN, Councillor, Seaforth P. 0.
CHARLES LITTLE, Councillor, Winthrop P. 0.;
A.ROHIBALD IloGREGOR, Councillor, Seaforth P.0
JOHN 0. MORRISON, Clerk, Winthrop P. 0
DAVID M. ROSS. Treasurer, Winthrop P. 0,
SOLOMON a. titiANNON, 4. InVeder%
Leadbury P. 0. -
Tea Store
Ten lb'. of sulphur 25o, tea lbe of gleber smite for
25e, 10 Me. Eresom tialts for 25e, 5 lbs. bonelese cod
fish for 26o, 5 ibe. prunes for 25cen lbs. ranting for 25e,
5 lbs. dates for 25e, 5 lbs. broken -sodas for 25c,
6 lbs. figs foe 2E0, ti lbs. rice for 25o, .5 lbe. Rio eetreo
for fake Jura received another est of granulated
sugsr and lights coffee -sugar, which will be sold At
wholesale prime Also 50 pails of Atacrieen suger
house eyrup, which %ill be sesid at $1.16 s pail ; ids°
New Otleens molasses for baking purPosses, and ali
other grades of syrup. Dried smoked herrings 16e a
box, or two for 260; lake hereings, Labrador her-
ring') and salmis trout, Just received 3 packages of
china, crockery aud glasswere, direct from the ffid
country potteries, all of whir& will be.sold et great
bargains. AllIticds of teas—black„ green and Japan.
Also a. greets Ceylon tea at Ifso A lb.; I eats give you
teas from 10o a lb. no to 50o a Itt, guaranteed to suit
you or money refunded. A oordiel invitation extend-
ed to all to oall and get some of the great bargain&
I am still receiving Weston's bread daily from Tor-
onto. The highest market price paid !Or all kinde of
poultry. A. G. AUL; Seafortb.
genes -
awe t
be inat
be ai