HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-02-28, Page 6—, � , 119 , , , - — , .. - ­ ___ - f - - ; - . V _-, 1 - ___-_t_ ___ ----.------ ____ . . i I, ,,� �N 1� ; � � �,_ . . I ,; _ -F ; � I , i - � � I � � . � �` ) I I I I - � �� �F � �! I . " � I_ I �_ _,�­;, � T - �t,,, - . r -if - . n. �, ` , . � � - , - ,_ �� I � i ­- _-_ , -1 i-,, I - . , tlu!-T� , � - �, F -, .- � � - . . - t u , -1 - � �-1, _!",61 . �_z �� � � ­ � � - _ , -i--_ � ____­; . 6 � � 7WK-77777��__ --- , __ - ___ - - - --- I ­ -� I - . , - � - � t ;;_ -,--- :. - �� . , 71 � � C1 0 14 U3 1 IR IN S mL3 Pu- 'V"' P, I T Y I � � . � , - . Cenulne I . 013"I. �ft Carter ts - 0 .,% ,0"6 Little Livt;r rillse . I ; Must Bear Signature of . 0,!�;7 1'� - I . I . ( I _oe . lae4r��Iao� See pac-Slinija Wrapper Below. . ___ �� . j Taw7 sma1i and as oabj : I . %a t4ke ag ss.ofw- i . A a � #Pt%; FOR-NUUCHES � n"r , tin! ERS Fa DirnmEm. iti ITTLE . FOR 8111OUSPIES I . .. � ' VIW,r7 FOR TORPID LIYER& � , , , C , , , � I '. R _ : P1 LLS. I FOR - CONSTIPATIO9. � . . FOR $ALLOW SKIN. � I � . FOR THE COMPLEA10N a CvXa%� WU3M r "W"t. T . I r, h In" .- - I � .It� I vqx�_ -revitame .— Z�--=Xrw­ - CURE StOK HEADACHE. - ; VETERINARY . � I iI OH -N,- GRIEVE, V. S., honor graduate of Ontario Veterinary College. A.11iseases ofDomestl 4zilmals trea-ed. C.Ale promptly attended to an tlisrgau moderate. Veterinary Dontstry a specialty. , 0111ce and-r-,s-Jetico on Goderich stroeb, one door I . of Dr Ss�atYa office, Seaforth. I 11124f I - ,c E — I L - . LEGAL - _ - p JAMES L. KILLORAN � I .arriater Se.l.icit.or, Couveyaqcor and Notary ftbitz. Money to loan. Office over Pickard's Store . 0 , Wu Sbreat, S.-&!orth. 1528 : , � , � i . R. S_ H AYS1 I I J3;,ffl3ter, S31icltor, Conve% arjoer and Notary Public. Solicitor for the Dominion Bmnk. Offi:)e—in rear of . Paminion Bant, Seaforth. Money to loan. 1235 � — I J11 31, BEST, Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, * Notary Public. Offlues up stairs, over C. W. Fk�,dt*e bookstore, Main StreJ, Sesforth, Ontario. � -4627 - — - E ,n NRY DEXTTIE, B&rrieter, Solicitor, &a. j_L Money to loa;a. Office-3ady's Block, Sea. oxth. 167941 ! . . G; ARROW & GARROW, Barristere, . ffollcltore,� &c. (;or� E:anji�tcn St. and Square, Godericb, Out. . J. T. CAP -Row, Q. C. 16-16 I CHARLES GARROW: L. L. B. � iisor to the late firm of - ilo IIEST"�D, oucces, leitor IF esied, Barrister, -Solt I bo,;"y11,1t2'1,U,9�,yd& 21,10Dti-my . Solicitor for'the (Ian iiftu Bank, ef Commerce. Money to land. Farm tar IWO, OQ,ce in Scott's Block, Main Street *i4larih. F I - . . . - DENTISTRY. I . .. r : . ' i ; F W. TWEDDLE, � I I DENTIST, . Gradwite of Rayal College of Dental Surgeons of On- tario. post griatiat-i cour-e. in (rown and bridge worlr , #A ijask(jr,s Saboul, Chicago. Local anaAhetics fLr M- . ees extri6otion -of tetAb. Office over Do�inion kl, Eeaforth, fcrmtr;y occupied by G. F. B,l en. � 1761 : � i R. F. A. SELLERYi Dentist, graduate of the Roy&l College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also . nor graduate of Department of Dentistry, Toronto - ujverajty� Office in thw Petty block, Hens%% .vi, it Zurtch every Monday, commencing Mon. ilay. June 19L 1687 i I I P R. R. ROSS, Dantist (aucceasor to F. W. I Tweddle), graduate of Royal College of Dental eons of Ontario; first cla3s honor graduate of P-19, - ' Iroronto, Univeisity ; orpwa aud bridge work, also gold work in &I! its forms. All the moFt modern �netftiods for painless filling mud painlesstextraction of � keeth� All operations carefully performed., 3 ffioe Tweddle's old atand, over Dill's grocery, Seaforth. � - 1 1640 - - — - __ I I ' � REDIOA-U. I - . . Dr. John McGinnis, � glai.. Graduate London Western Univer2ily, membar *1 Ontario C�dlega of Physicians and Surgeons. Office and Roslaotioe—Forincyly occupied by Mr. Wm. - rlokard, Victoria Street, next to the Oatholic Church WNight calls %'.tended promptly. . - , __ __ � DRS- BETHUNE & ROS� - . . Office over Johnson's Harftare Store, I - I � .ALxx, BETausr. Seaforth. I1_ I I. Roes, M. B, Nigat . calla attended 0 at the office. . . DR. F. J. BURROWS, iazie resident. Physician and Surgeon, Toronto Gen. st3l Hospital. .Honor graduate Trinity UnIversity, marnbar of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario. - Coroner for the County of Huron. Offloos6nd Residenco—Goderich Street, East of the - afethodial Ohurch. 1elophoue 41J. 1385 . I . : DRS. SCOTT & MacKAY, eHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, Ikdsr1ch atreet, opposite Mothodist ohurch,Seafortb ' . 41. G. SOOTT, graduate, Victoria and Ann Arbor, and ; member Ontario College of Physicians and : Burgeons. Coroner for County of Huron. P. X,kcKAY, honor graduate TrInHy University, gold medr h2h Trinity bledical College. Membor ,_ College of PLYFAclans and Surgeons, Oniarlo. I . 1488 — � � McLEOD'S . I I i 'S - tor � k, ystem ,Renova I : t —AND OTHER— i � I I -Z-6TED - REMEDIES. j i - A,zp�oolfo and antidote for 'Impurej We%k and Im poverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpata. Uon of the Heart, Livoi Complatnti- Neuralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Oonsumplaon, Gall Stones, Jhiiadjce, Kt,,ney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus � Dince. Famale Irieg-ularleles and General Debility. . I LABORATORY—.Goderiob, Ontario. I I J. X. 3(1cLEOD, Proprietor and Man't) . : facAuxer. T : Sold by J S. Ro.BuRTs, Seaforth. 1! . iai-tf . � 7 1 . . . i . � � - THE SEAFORTH , ­ I , INV . � musileal..- ffistrument . : - I . Empow-um. - I - I i � � . 1 EBTABLISHED, 1873, 7 I — Owing to hard times, we have con. cluded to sell Pi.-anos and Qrgans at . I . I . I Z Greath Reduced Prices. y I 11, 1. - . � . Organs at $20' and upwards,� and Pianos at corresponding prices. � � . , . . 80e Us before purchasing. . " � . I - . - . � I ­ . . . _. 0 1-4 ^ r-" : ZwTl, ]BROSM . � I - . - I I - I , . � - i I I . � . .1 - . I . � 1. . - . I I - : : . I I I 7 I : . . I . . : � ; . . ; ; I 1� . i � - ; I I _ � � � " I , - , � , , . . r :I � �- __­­­ - ­ - � - ­ - , 1��._ ­ -.11-1 I .­ ­ � �Ij � t- ­ -, - I - - ­ .ff - - - _­�� ` — nTo��­ � . - I I -r- . I - .I � '. � I - . j .� I � �!� . �.- I . t I � . f .­ .­ 1- I - , � I �11 - . i_ 1 e4_� � - � . I I � : i . ; . It I , I - . I. � �,, I .1, . � . . � z � � L I I . I I . i . I � I � : : � � . , . I . , � ., I . _'. � � ! I I I I 1. I . . I . : � I 0 � ! I 1� : . . . - __1 - _­­­­ ­ ­ - I ­ ­ - __ - � --1 - 1- I I ­ ­­­ � ­_- ___ - --I---- ­­ --- � ------- . ­ I I - I � . I I � . . . I . I - - I � I . . I . . . . . ! , -I.. . I I I - . � _�� - . - - , I . d I . � . I t I I I ; . � I I I . . I . . �� : ; � Z 7 � q - ... � r - . 11 i I � --- .. i . � i i � � � . , I , . � . . . . . - p . I - I : . . � - , i I ; I . . I I I r � I I . � I � : �, I I . I . I I ; - I . � : I � . - I . . , - - � : , � - . I I ; I * � . . : . I i � . . . I .1 _. . � '- � I �­;A­_­ ---_--_,--'' — - :� ! � - f ­ - - . - --,---- ­­ .- I i - -] -4 - � I f . . -,---,., ­­ � � . .. - I- f . I I ­ -I--,,-- --1- i. - - , -_ ­___ � , I . . i . - . I - - I . --- ­ - .­ d . . I . Z . � . . � I - � I . I I � . I - � � I I . � I I i � I I - . � I ; I I I i . 11 � I � I - � � - 1� � - ; - . i 1. . ! I � I . ! . I � 1. � - I I I I I � I ; I I - . I � I . I ; I f I . � I . I � . : � . ! ! I I i � . i � . � I . I I I : . 7 , � i � � . . . . I I r � - - i- - - . � � � i I � I � I - � . -i I I I ! i I � . ! i i , � � I I - � I - i � . I . i i I ... ! I I - I I I ; _� I i I 11 - . . . i , t . S ­ - . � I � - I 11 - . I I I � I . � I I I I I I I - I . � ; I i . - � - . I . I : - -H � : ; � ­ . . . I i T E . . � I I � z � I . I . I i � I , I 100 . I - I I _Fz;__� . � �i i I. -4 ., I . I ; � . . . HER FIRST A41 I 9ARANCX I i � I i I . I ; I i fic -----I I . I I I 'R. I , I I . 1 V-43 eel* -BY RICHARD WkRo, T�G DAVTS.� I I , - . i I � I It wayj at the end of tho'Arst act i of' the I i I � I � - , fit -at night of The Sultaua� hind 6vary mem- , it is an ei � 1 day for the . wtf e a4d ber of We Le-eter Comic � Opera - Corn . . ; P"lly, mother when ;�she sca,us her wo n _. ace. from Lester himself down: to I the wardrobe in the . , . mirror!, and asks the q estio - womauls son, who would� ha,ve to work if t, Does it pay? Does it pay,to C�11'�le' 9 I re aich w �h I his mother lost her place *� i 11 health and 11 ppluess . ! � : 1 anxiety. . : � 1. � I I to wedded lovO 11 But There is perhaps only one other pladb an - I there is another ques- feverish as it is behind the� scenes, on 1 the .. irrhtjy� k t i on which r Z, I I first night of a comic. opeiai' and that is! POE- , - ! takes recedence of c -4 Oe last zight of � . sibly, a nevrspaper o5e, o I � Does ipt pay ? It is - a Pt e3idential campaig . f hen the retlurns - I this: tl Is it neces- � are bt i ag fla,,hed on the 41 Was ouWde,i and I . I sary to sacrifice the mob is howling, and �Uie editor-in-bilief ILI% I . . � . health abd happiness is expecting to go to the Court of St. 4mes - , 1; to wedded love?,'? . � ' if the election comes his w�, e 0 1 1 , y, and th irwe- I Half a million women boy is batting his wages t4t it won't. Such . answer, No I They . � nights as these try men's I souls, but yan � 1 have been weak and Bibber passed the stage -do r,mau-,1,Vi't " as .. . i I iav(� 'been made I . ! calmly polite 1% nod as if th piece hw �%een . . f 0 - strong by Dr. Pierce's , running a hundred night !, '14 the madager . . was tbinkin . -6 .. Favorite Presc tion. g up souveni i the 0� ne un- . . ri . They were sickp and dred and fiftiet�, and the! 'r tt Vivorite Prescrip- , a.3 usual begun to hint foe. a now set of I I � Cos. ­ .tion" made them tumes. The stagedoor keeper hesitated - I � .,�! ,� andwasloat,and.VaaBibber stepped Into :: � well. It will do the the unsuppres.ed excitement of .the �laee same for almost every - I I I . ith a please - d aniff at the familiar s� b1l of I % woman who gives it . W � -M . paint and burning gas afil thef duby odor - - . a fair and faithful . ' ' I -%veak that came from the scE na � I)fts abo*e. , . trial. It stops - Foramomenthe heeitaled, in the croar,- eiling drains, heals lights andcoufneieu about him, and Uiled inflammation r4nd ulceration and cures to recognize in their new! oaturnes. � hi� old female we,%.kijes�. It tratiqualizes the I acquaintanecs ot the co:jip ny, bul-,'be � saw nerves and encourages the appetite. , I Kripp3, the stage-mana�ellr� in the dente,e of ttr expected to �become a mother, and a the stage, perspiring an ip.1his shirtisle�ves, tbreatened miscliance greatly weakened me,), . " , � writes Mrs. U. ,k. Nations, of Witts Springs ., 7 , I as always, wildly wavij!' �an arm �0 tome ase returned. . : . - I $,ear'ey Co., Aitk_((aii my old disc one in the flies, and � 0 oiling VVIthl the My husband got! atiother doctor for me but I other to the gas -man in the front 03tr�nce. seemed to ju*t 4ra along and get no better, . I 4. ��, � . ' ' I f At last I told the 1 or that if his medicine did The stage hands were a i in the goeng or not help me� I Wo.ild go back to Dr. Pierce's , the first act, and fighting W -i h the � se� for medicines. I'd14 io, and by' the time I had � I i . , the second, and draggitagig I ut a canvas ifloor taken them -on month I could do my own . 1. 11 shitig, and tended my of teisselMed marble, an.4 turkning a�i t�rone housework, oxc�lpt wa J _ r , 1 , t�irden too. I wos Aouter than I had ev�lr been . and'a practical pair of steps; over .if-., 1 and hile Nvaiting, . ab ,'s coming since my first I i � - as the Si . aimiog the high quaking; -walls of 4 p, lace I)abv came (this u w xt,.h child). She i henithy cilild, and abuse at whoever carn� in their! wa . is now eleven in tiths old and is a , . )) . , . As for me, I , el as young 110-tv as X did at 11 Now, then, Van 135b�er, , � .�h , ted eighteen years' age; ain thirty now. I can: Kripps, with a wild glance !of reed . gnikion, cheegully recol nic tid Dr. Pierce's me6icine to 4 t ;to I as the whiLe and black fi dre! catne,' I ards all suffering �Nvo ukind.), I I I I . him, " you know you're he I only I ma in Doctor Piett"cells Pleasant,'P814s cure . � New York who gets bah na I here �t,o-n hf. biliousnes's AtI4 4ak headache. � . [l .1 I Batyou can't Etay. Wwelr, it, l6we it, I . I i can't you?" This to the man in i6e tes. � I :., fessor, and to sogg at that he came. to the " Any other night goes, Ot :pot this- n ht I I . ' theatre only to �tah e the star to tas for his * I can'D have it. _ Wb re �s th6 ;b I ing sins. Arid t is the second cc t�i.ari wap., for the oentre entrance ? Pidn't I � iel 1 you 1 I ill . � . I . . unknowingly� ot so very far wrong. Les. man—" � t ! I I . . i ter, the comedi n ind young Van Bibber V an Ribber dodged tw( atilge hands who 11 were Steering a �sccne at ira, 8tepiped over had known e4c other at che urdversity, the owpat aal it unTol. di and� when Lsater�,o 0oic and gift of mimi-cry had. through a group of anxio 1, hispaki I made him thoj�ad r in the college Lheatt 1-' � tape,, ng ( hor- ,� ). cals, and lat�r,j-when he had gore iipon the tie people into the quiet o t 0 star A ressing . i I 11- stage, and h d b ' i cut off by hii family e "' room, ! I * '' i. I even after hqh d loe3ome' famous, or on ac. The star saw him in th' lb'ng mi ror b&- , fore wbich he sat, while H a �dresstll,r I tugged count of it, Va�i Bibber had gone to visit . him, and had f uri( him as Simple and sin - at hii boot8,,and threw u" Jjlis ll�n s deg- , � perately. ,, . care and bo3j I as �he had beEn in the days � ,� . I of his b d ir a successes. Arid Lester, " Well," he cried � o,b - I" na �ion, Liasty pu t, I ' in 1� I k rePt I , 'tj I 99 '�t ? i for his par j ad found Van Blbber as areweirlitorare,wen,, , Ar, b ey in likable as diO very one else, and Welcomed . their seats still, or have tA e fled V' ' ' . � . " How are �ou, John 01 4id Vz�i'n Bibber .his quiat vi,i�a youthful hnov�ledge of . * i . the world as ja rest zelief to the br,isLerous I � to the dresser. I Then he � rg'pped into al big , - camaraderie I 0 his profe8siotial ucqaaitat. arm-ebair in the corner, a�, d � got ,IV I again ances. And hel' allowO Vat Bibber to scold with a protesting sigh, toi ight hisici ar' be - .1 . . hirn, and to reinin hirtr�f whdt he owed to tween the wires aroundi Xe gis ' bu,ner. - - � 11 Oh, We going , very well .1 woufd�'t I ave hims-flf, and tq,ton h, ev�n whether it hurt come around if it wasn't.i If th� �'res of ornot, upriijb�sfib terside. And in time ! " � � . his admitilmd ',t nd ing*bis friend's occasional I it is as Rood as the first !,,,act, yo . ine dulb 1_. , 13� ,; worry." � , i comments o t #3 age mat teis of value, as com. . I edom ing from the �� oint of view of those who Van Bibber's uneballengpd fri i be- �, hind the s.,enes had been a sourcel of much look on at t4 , b 1gam ; and even Kr1pp3, the . . I �, , comment and perplexity, o the rn�rrjbeis of vaterain, re&i ed- im wiffi respecb-after he. the Lester Comic Operp6 Con�pany,: He ha:d had told hirril that he 'could turn a set of , . - made his appeararice them 4uring! 6ne hot purple costui6nws bl A by throwing a red' night of the long run of th , pro :�'D�s hum. light on theo. To the company, after he' I v came to know the , he was gvavaly pflite, to) , ' .1 mer, and had continued be an almost nightly visitor for -several wleeks.- 1 t .first and, to thos(iwho Tnew him if they had 11 it was supposed that be w I " . babk Dg . the overheard, .� usingly commonplace in his I � piece) that he was the " Aticrel " i a those ponversation4' He unders'.00d them better ,- weak and wealthy indiyidllu'als' 4"rd' called thah they did th(mselves, and made no ,vho allow themselveKto )a ill d in6 I Up - mistakep. !Vhe wonen strifled on him, but ply- . ing the finances for thea xic'a expe'imentis. the men wero susp .cious a A aby (if him , � . I But " he never peered. ti roligh the cu tain until they saiv thal be was quite as shy. of hole to count' the house, ri�mado' reqnent the women, at d th 2A they made L, i m a con - trips to the front of it t4 look at 'he box fi-dant, and Cod. him all their woes -and sheet, but was, ci� the co4triary, just as un troubles, anoexhi it6d all their little jeal-� , I . disturbedon a rainy bight as.:O`n� those ousies and atobitims, in the innocent hopa � when the 41 standing room only " slliOl b �lock- that he would! repeat what !they 11 ed the front entr-an I ce, tb � i supposition was Lester. Theyi were simple, unconventional, diEcarded as untenable. Nor did,�'�e show light-hearted., folk, and Van Bibber. found I � the least interest in the prima do na, or in them vastly Wbre enLertainiDg and .prefpr. any of the other pretty won�en of I: toni- ble to the ii ence '-of the deserted club, pan where the tting was down, and from in Y' ;-M did not know � them, npri7 diA he qi 5 ake an.y effort to know thera, a was wb8UQ8tbe VA ulafhabitues had departed to . I not until they irquired co � the other s:d,e or to Newport.. He liked side of the theatre that tb nperning. him out- the switig of I ey learnb what a .t e ht bright music au it I I 11 t6rou h the open d figure in tho, -sobidl life of: the city: b really came to him I I oor of. the I was. He spent most of his time ift' LeE ter's dressing roorn,i and the glimpse -he goc of I . the chorus poo le crowding and,pushing for dressing -room smoking, aiadil in encouraging ' Lester's dreseer to remitiWe wh�n� L&,te - a quick chang up the iron stairway, and � . Wai on the sta ;,e, and this s�clueion �nd: his the feveriell e ellAf oxygen in the sic, a;nd � I clerical attire of evening �rEis3 led the second the pidtureF(ju I order of Lester's ward. comedian to call him !SAter's fa!t�er con- robe, and tho'wig and swords, and the I ! I I Z . I I mysterious Eu , rticles of make-up, all mixed — -_ .1 I L - I I I 1 I together on F� tray with half -finished cigurs . I t I and autogr�plt bookv and' s � . it notices." : l�t wished he was . :!! nd Is f en , . th,,,d clever enough 0 b a artist with talent t I ! I I , . I � _� o I i enough to pa�,J[ th neonscionsly 'racefu'l I I .. 9 I I I . my _M " groups in the sha pl� . divided light and r shadow of the i a a Is w them. The t t I z�'. ors I I t brilliantly col, r S ja'nta�st'ically c�.)thed' . � i girls leaning itip i h t a bare brick wills of � . . i the theatre, or i I . ; . 1� �pering together in cir- Tt is a sad tbin(y le cles with the'r � rms� close about one another, to S( ' r X ' 0 . or readiDg apa t anh solitary, or working at I!. I ; � 3 � 1 1i "' ht. - 1. . ­ fruit trees spoi I ed i b,y the�! , & some piece of ney er y as i � !� : ZP they were in'; a rool,iDg-chair in their own i ­ " , You can always flell t lib M, f 1� I oyll flat, and noi 'ile n n against a scene. brace, � I I 1 it ll� . 1 � . I with. the gl a f stage and the applause the rest., They fte�,rer d N�ejj of Ill . e houEe�'113t b bind thew.. He liked . I ; i to watch th'm coquetting with the big i : I . * afterwards but st��J- � SMC11 and Breman details I fro m the precinob engine- . . f_1 hou . ae, and clin Ying desperately to the car- I- , , i , I ; 1 5 . I I : . sickly. I . � 1 tain Nv ire, or * '�.h o 3e of the chorus man on ;: - ,� . ' : I I � - . ; � � . I Oe stairs, ori t� awrij the phlegmatic Beene- . . . I , shifters as thby triti , to catch a minute's . it Is, worse to Isee a � �lli ht � i 1, sleep on a pite A cat vas. He even forgave e prima do� in strike diildr�n, IlGood i� h e_ I I t1l th ' a a's at dling at bitn from the � : i - . i � I stage, 1&8 he atc od vs Aching � her from the is the natu-ral ri,crht of c1lildren. wings, and sr I bi ed bi ck at 7h I er with polite I . : cynicism, as th 'ug he did not khow and I But somel� of thepi do t, :,et she did not kpo�iw that her smiles were not I n t ( I I � - � I . ,::) for tjim, but to disturb some more interested one in the fro�n'tl row, And so, in time, the their lights. Whille tbc Test i . . t� i � com, bece,ty e so well accuatomcd to him ! . .1pany gro�v I bicr and strang, one St , 9 tbat�lhe movea ,n an,l about as Unnoticed ae ; ! 0 . 11 1Y the stage. maili gar himself, who prowled . si-nall" and we,ak. . . around hissin'g " hush " on principle, even : I i . I though he was -he only person wild could �. , I sc�tt's E_-11;1L11-,io,n caii stop fairly be gai& o to be making a noise. : ;, . . I Thr. second a�t was on, and Lester cs,me I I I r that blight. T1 `­ ! off the stage an 3 Z> IUC as ,no � ran to the dres8ing-rcorn : : and beckoned �v�olently. 4' Came here," be reason whv�SLICIA ,-I Child,iilio�fld said ; "you qu�ht to see this ; th�,childreu ' � I I I V I I -stay sma I I , are doing -their I turni on want ,to bear 11. SCott's Ei � u hi, " . I . '11 1011 them. They're, greaib." � is a medicli e with 10'ts . ()f Van Bibber: �,ut Mli cigar into a!t umbler � i I . . . _�. and stepped ou� into the wiogs. They were strength in 1 , the kitid , of crowded on botp sides of the stage Nwth the 1, members of the, company ; the girls were . strength Itl ,� t t. makes ItI1,11 gS tip-toeivigy, wit� their hands, on the aboul. I . I i : ders of the meD!, and making futile little grow. , I � I I - I � I . . . leaps.,into the air to get a better view, - and I i - ,M�,�_eq 'others,, were kn�eling on one'knee that those Scott's F�111LII$iOlj , � i - .i behind',,:might 1 see over their shoulders. L children groiV,, ii -takes thern dat There Were ovet a dozen children before �the -_ I - ` I .1 foot -lights, WiL4 the prima donna in :the makes them eep, Makes tl4m ceutre. '.She w�s singing the verses of a I . 4 I . i play. Give �tc Nv�ak 6hila a � song, and they )were following her move.. � c �;ments, and joiJingin the chorus with high I i i - . . I I piping voices 1 Chance. Scott's En�ulsiOln N611 'They seemed entirel� too . - __ - I i much at ho�61 and too self-conscious! to - . mako it catch �p please Van BibPer ; but -there . : � I I i ceppiom The one exception was thel�smallest i i *. . . "-vv t1i the restl - of them, a very; very little girl, With long II I 'his picture � auburn b air and black eyes. .Such a very .. 11 ropresent S littl . th Trade Mark of ,-Scott)s .e girl that� very one in the hoase 104- - ed at her ! nd then looked at no one El mulsion and ii on the else. She wa' 'apparently as unconcerned ; wr*pperof every �6ttle; - ' I 11 to all about be. p excepting the pretty prima '' I � - St . -h she were by a piano, at - . 04 for free 3ampfa. I donna, as thou� . . . I - home practi ing 'a singing lesson. She - SCOTT �& BOWNE, - �t I I Beamed to thinCit was some new sort of a i I � . � I TOROXTO� CANADA game. When �he prima donna raised her ; : - i e P111 I P , � sIq a � : 0 I I 0 a . r � Pot I � :" II � arms, the child raised here; when the Sce I ;tnd $r. I all d ! �­ttggists. - prima donni court6i-ad, she stumbled into I ; � I � I I one, and straightened herself just in time'- to . i I � ; 11 .. - . � i I I . � ? �. I � - ! " : I i I � . i I : i � ! i - I . . W ato-4 1 . .1-9 � . I Mix- V —E RK7=1 - by. . I 1 3 .jwr�, 111hkWAW ra A �. - :1 Rig 1% mi Z ot t ie ou Is out of her eyes, and to see that he f, ritrial'onna was li�ughlilg At her, - and 9 I D 81nile a] eerfully back, as'if to say, 11 W �, redoing )ur beat anyway,-. aren't we? he ad b� g, gentle eyes and tw wonderfiql im es, a d in the excitement )f the dano- 3g a' d sit ging her eyes lajughed and fl.tshed ad he di plea deepened and (Iisapp"are�4 ad teappi ared arin. She wi a as hap:p, ad i anoc( nt looking tie though , t were .ninis i thB mot flog, and she was playing school t akinde -garten. From all over the house he womenwere murmuring their delighti, ndthe men were laughing and palling heir mustaches and nudging each ottier to I lbolk at the littlest one." " b �1 I �1, The girls in the wings were rapturous in I heir, tuth afiasm, and were oall�iug her ab. ardi1v ex wsvagant titles of ndearment�, ad Akit g so njuch noise that'irippe atop - ad rinni g at her from the ei trance. ano i )ok 'd bai k over Us shoulder a i he looked � -hot , he b ireatened fines and ca Is to. ewrl Bhes real. , And *hen she h 0 finisho.' nall an ' - donna and the child- Bn r��nf ofiltoth:tKrelim, & � g there was i i, roar f roai , �e Nome "hat went to Lester'f head like .1 � rine�andaeerfiedtoleap clear across tbb )otl�ghtsland diog, the children ba�e4 ' I � I gall] - ' ! 9 ' . 6$ ,hat settles i ie 4r in a sup� rose A r9ar of - trtumph., "I knew that bild would catch therri. ' Th to w.�re four encores and then the hild.-en a�'A Elsie Brouden, ! the prettly I rim 6-dona's, came off ju i1a and; happy, rith the littlest arms f ull 0 , girl's of - flower �, rhic i the management had iriull kindly )ret otight prepared for t4e pi ima don . ", ut stbf.ch, that delightful young person and he delighted leader of the omhestra WO asse d 6 ver to the little girl. � ".'?qll,�' gamped Miss Brougl ten, as she ame�'. up to Van'Bibber laugh inj , and wi�h ne,Aalid6nher side andL brekthine ve . I d uic#1y, I will you kindly tell' me �vho 7, ne loa�ing woman now ? Am I the prinja oun . , or ani I not ? I - wasn't hi it, 'wits 91) � I � . I � 11 You �are not,"said Van Bibber. i H( turnaA from the pretty pi ima donna � I L nd bunted up the wardr�be Woman,, and , er he wan�ed to meet the Littlest Ad 4 1 ' lirl woma , who w&a tjj! ti� the wardrobe , ji! ' a g wildly about., and. as delighted as . houklithey-were all her own children, told .. . ium��W;co e into the property-ioom, where � . I he 'hi � ldr,n. were, and which had been h a �1" , Red ilato a dreaking-room . tl.iat th�y : 1i wbaby themselves. .The six little &ls 7er-inaix different stages of dishabille; ' ut boy were too little to mind that, ' ijd , "an Pibber was too polite'to. observe j. � . I . _1 " This i3 the little girl, air," sAid the, ,ardrobe �woman, excitedly, proud at behig � �e i eans,of biiagiiiig, -togpther two suph r6n inent! people. "Her name 'a Madeline, � I pe to! the gentleinan,, Aladaline ; he . I pan! a to 611 you whtkt e� great big bit oo� 3 made."' � I ii I . TI e little girl was agated on one of the ash ons of it double throne so high from � . [ he round that the young wom,an who was ull ng off the child's tilk stockings ild utt ug woollen ones on in their'plaae 4id"Iso ,R out stoopitig, The young wom'n )okir d at Van Bibbet and nod ed son�e- V Ph��t 4bubtfully hind ungra3iousl and Van '" - db�er t,urndd -to the little k1referenoe. 'he�:Y,oung woman's face� Was one of a type i ha6, whd'tpo familiar tb be pleasant. ! . - . � ,E'le ook the Littleat'GirTo small bandjin � . is a2 sh�ok I b solemnly and said : 11 I am er�glad to know you, Can I sit up here , eeirelyo , or do you 'rule aloaq' ?" � , - P). . " Y so me,'m—yes, air t� a0swered the . I . � ,ttl' girl. i I : - � � . � - � an.'Bit her put his band � on the arms 1 of § he hrone and vaulted up 'be6ide the &I, 11 pulled out the flower in his button -hole . � n� gave it to her. . I I I . Now,11) pro ! mpted ,'the. wa � rdrobe W�o- 1 6% =,­ w6at do you, al -y to the gentle. ,,,,, . . - � la . . I � . I � ."1Th&n1Kyou,_4ir," stammered the little I f . trI , I I 1 4d iShe Is not rhuch used to geiltlem�n�s D6ibty,;-' explained the woma:k who 'was I ul.ing on the stockinge- ­ I " I see," said'Van Bibber. He did,bot . nc W exact Y �4&t . to s, -%y next, And yet a , vanted to talk to t 0, chod very pauoh, 0 1 inch more ihan he generally wanted � to -, I Z L all to most Young -wo m(§n,-,Whq showed �] no es.tation ia talking to him. With them� he _ ad� no diffi ulty 11 whatsoever. I There � as , , W, d611 lyin on' the top of a � chest near . he ,.and� e picked tbis'up ani surveyed 6 C iti-lall . " Is thfs your" doll ?11 �he , I I- : I Sad. I . I . � f"jNo,"paid Madeline, pointing to- ., .one t_�e children, who was muo4 taller than er�'elf ; " Ws 'at 'ittle durl's. My doll he'o -ead. ,:" . i "�,Deiar .el" said Van Bi�beri He inside I mental note to get a live 6nelin the moin- 11g, land t wn he said : " That's very sad. V�it thi i heir-appare nt ?"!� . . i e litt e Airl looked- up -at hi , and our - eye -birn intently and critically, and then mil d, with the dimples allowing, as mu!ch a to say , bat she understood him and op. I �im entirely. - Van Bibber. a6s. I 7ered thij sign language by taking Made. �ne'A hand in his and asking :her how sAe Ae bein a great aoxess, and how so' n he oul begin to storm because t t, hot grap er hadn't sent the proofs. e - i ( I . :) smile a it, but Madel�iae awne a 've�Fy olitB andlo�lee I awil, and closed her eyes. I . ran Bib r':mov,e up loser, and she leanW %ter ntil er bar� a oulder touched his rm, and , ile the I woi nan buttoned on hier . bou, dly artiall shoes, _- ie let he , curly head Lll on his elbow and rest there. Anyntien. eropeo le had shown confide ice iii Van ibber—n t in that fozm exactly, but in the Line spiri --and though he wai used to be. Ig t note , he.felt a sharp thril of pleasu!re ) th tou(4. of the child'd head n his ar�n 2di�the*armolaspr�:)f-herffiin,ors around ie. [And he was conscious of a � keEn w3nae : . ., . . . I Pity and !sorrow for her rising in him, ll�c4 he -c shed by thinking !hat it wa:ff . itir�lywal ted, and that, the child wa's . � lobably p 3 4ectly and ignorantly happy. j � ".Look i I tbat, n 'W,)' said the wardrope 9ma�, - ca�ching sigobt of the child's c1cs4d r0ida I "11 net look at the rest the lit�)e I lara,! a][l Oat excited ihey canit�fatand still � ! I I . . � � I � — I ! W, D8106 y Afflicted., � . 1 4,-i ney j� i� th Kid Dims - I 11, - t 1. , . I , � ton In �ihe Blad ter,' ixutc ritin'elice . � . . I aPd Pains in -the Back __,iX1 0 fla CtLr R,eluk-k-able Cure Effected by Di-. Chnse'a K1dne3,_�[,jvt.r pit,, . 11 q. I., Mr�,- AVrf . Boyne of 19 mc(I I . j ree stredt, oroPto, s3y8:---1 -was afflided sever�_ r 'with 'Hidney disease, stune ill tl�e ladder. 11 icontitience, deposiui in e rine-, sel-pre , pains in the 1,acl�, at4d - , trai.hs oyiar the loins. i ,"-a,, so bad . L iat1 haq.; to get up two or three tiM03 � - k t an cou then 0111Y matte 'at. witIL great Pa' .n. � � tv , ; "I aough long a sufferer. and unable I ). ',,. rk, I was confined to rny bed f r I . g tha� tin% I o_U ht I could not Dossibly' endu�e � misery, It v -as then that 1 be - in !to use� ,�. `Chase's Kldne�­Ltv�r ills.i� It is -with gratitude a . y iat �. they have I . free i me o that I s ' I f all the4e rniptorris, and #ia4e me 9, well man ould not think of being wthout i�v. lias'e's Zidney-Liver Pills in tjj� )1-,E�., a (1, can also recommend D I �. hasi, se r"sdSv�ufi of Lin, -ed an -1 Turper�_ , . n e i, n , ". Chase's Norvq Food As !ryisupe��Ilor inedicir es.11 ; ,� I In , � I �everi :town, Vill ge ajid� to wnsh� P � Ill C na ;1 just suck cures are dat y 1, br by Dr. Chasel's idn Y -L i r Pills. T ey are no exper�_ Ent bu �0 kidney 'nPdicine that li�i,s ood he t�-st. One Pill a dose, 25 t" _)c a Ix. � t "�tel flc,alers. oritdinaii-ori, Dat a . � - Co To 0' Ito. � T � . I , ! : � f i I . ; [ j L.- - ; I i i %) I � . i . - 1_ - . I 11 1111 I I 111111 � - �111­; � - I I 10 �___ _�__, — - � _______________.� I I I !=�_ " I - I , I I ' ; I _� :jqo itrp vince will -show a ljolid front. The Hon. tle of the tired mind, the weary I , . war . I I . I i . . . . . - . - v I . . 4 1 George W. Ross has given everything a rea way. the planniDg. the revoll ing and de. -1 - 1; : � I able man, could look for. We. -do not volvibg for the daily doing. _�_ __­ - .. � son ___ I � - - . " ,j�,tl ope� '] I want rn� . ..a] I � � a walk -over', The line of'battle is , The lavyer wins, and we never gee hjtn� � 13ac . I ; distinctly market out. 'An7 man who will racking his miod with new law and brud - -, � . . ling .Perlgl I . vote for a Provincial issue, and'refuse to up on old, struiggling with technical points � t H M . . � coffie out for a: great moral reform, has no and lat�st decisions. � i � . ! I I ; oand in him, and will be of no weight to The doctor ,�ins, and we little utidetsta,nd - - V4 ­ Et'v.1-S�,". ., -,. I . enforce prohib � ition. It will test the real the uncertain 4our. the precat ioua life the -1 I .g;�elien 016us I � sentiment of the Province? Surely the self-sacifflzes, the depression of , I 0 the ever. I 11 for publbv , . I I �011ve , I � . � church of God possesses more -power and en- lasting grind -alust the 'grave, the new , ,),add,a Kid"'Oy � . I � - I i i thuaiaern than the combined forces of the bacilli, the iiei�gtoxiues and treatment,, for � . . it reatl�s i � . is Rheumatism otthe bacic� liquor traffic. United, the battle is ours ; science moves �nd he inubt move wit'll in part & f , r I � I -- it. 4, For a 1,?,Dg -7 The � cause is Uric. Acid di6ded, the enemy's." - The writer vi ins, but we do not sEe the I T,couble And * tt I � in the blood. If tha kid+ . a I trembling hand that pans the lines that 1 155d a dreadfu�� t . i I neys did their work ther ' brinas the teajrs. We do nat know the . . . would be no Urid Acid anj_ DIAM'OND DYES - . I .-o bad Sig t-0 Pr`e' i - source is purilli d by sorrow a little ;160 , thau I reat thing, b . * no Lumbago. Make. thet GIVE SURPRISING RESULTS. Success is a ut success only � - the morilix. 1. tip in . kidneys do their w!ork. Thd - comes through apparent defeats. -9 I sure, positive *nd onIX All Garments 4nd Materials I . � Wj,en I went to � We seethe �eaults, but the causes are 4? since , cure for Lumbago Is I I � I _eo,rV - . : Made,to Look as Good . nearly always �A. I . gill2ey P111B � h . � aB New. 0- , I : I I 1�. i I .evrtr. NIT b0ld ' I I � I T - 1, d wt t I - he ]P'ain of Bore Feel,. - - 'Zonnalyan ai 1 9 � ' ;4 T I ! . Do not for a moment imagine that because Justabout the most tantalizing of all- - feel it roy 1 . .; : I goods are colored over witih D.1'amond Dyes _', 1 . pains comes from sore feet. To get relief staurrIcut I - I I I Do'dd- Is � _ I I that they will look shabby or old. Wh6ii bathe the feet rin warm water and then rub, =:;��, � ' - I � Diamond Dyes. ar6 used, your garments or them with Po! on's Nerviline. It pefietr&t% � . goods, be they, heavy or light, will have the through this pares of tne skin, takee out the I 11 � lit Rmt, , i 44 freshness of new materials," and their sprenbsew, reduces swellings, invigorates the. - VA - , i - W, I . : bright and bea�atifut colors cannot be sur. titdd muscles, tonesup the circulation, Rua �_�_______�___+__ Kiedney - - - , I passed by an thing direct -from the dry prevents the f6et from becoming Sore agaffl. . DISTIP-3 � goods store. �ith a little care in following Nerviline is 4 protection .and safeguard I I . . ! I , ,_:::_:::_�_1___�__1__ I the dirdet,ions for using the dyes, and thor- ,p,gainsl the pxins ani aches of the entit.e I � ' � I oingbneis in pr6saink the goods, you will be family, and c*res rheumatism, neuralgia, IThe fO11OWih9 P1,6 I Is � � L I � � delighted with, the perfect succes3 following toothache, ete.' Price 25 cents at Fjar,*� for ins' '.V�,e ; I � t I � . i the use of Diamond Dyes. drug, store, Seaforth. - ; i 111111 .ave you seen the pretty designs in Dia. � I I . late.1 . . I -cp � - I I I I _.�_ m0nd Dye Mat and Rag Patterns? if pot, PAINNS T3ND I . I I � . to get their hats on, and she Pat as uncon. send a Pt a tal Card with your address, and . Ar- _NOTE& — X10 I corned as you please, and aft?r making' the The Wells & Richardson Co., Limited, 200 Beware of Druggists Who Sell 71 viryst is thejO hit of the piece too." 1i Mountain Street, Montreal, P. -Q., will mail . � � I . � � . , 9 imitations Knowing Them to - f S -Mi" ,Luar�, ' � - ' She's not used to it, youlsee," sail the you, free of cost, sheets of designs to choose I 1A I I ; V. . I [gall. -o - t - $6, 1 I=At Reu I . , Z young woman. knowingly ; she don't frcm. ! beSuch. ­ V� � i . t - 81 - - �-ii - know what it me -Ana. Jt's at that M uch- . i - 1 ,,. Mary? , u . � I ., L -week with Mr* a : - , 7 play to her,." . Momlizings. I - The Sometbi,Dg Just As Good,11 which. , . � . - --Mr. Amoa Do,' Th -s last was said with � a questioning (By our DrysdalY.correspondt nt is a poor and worthless imitation of life say. . , . )_ r Ifevor.-Min B.; glance at Van Bibber, in whom she still According to the items of the parst week iag PAine�a Celer� Cornpf)und is foisted on - � . on Friday. a . . fter- . I � I I feared to find the dieguid.ed agent of a which have been appearing in our- local pa. many an unsuspecting :buyer by di%honeat . marys, ,%nd Ni Children's Aid Society. Van Bibber only �era, we liDtle wonder why tho village of and greedy droggists and dealers, who have; ; -V . 0 enner, who �_A! nodded in reply, and did no� answer her, grybdale can�' boas�j of its moit excellent not the slight st interest in the welfare of I , because he found he could not very " well,- correspondent'. They are flooding the the Eick and afflicted. Their thoughts are in Varna, retur' j - I ,CP_d,:j,8hier retur' r L for he was looking a long way ahea� at columns with bright sentiment, which greet wholly centered on extra large profits ; ib is, I ,Min Lou 8bb6r i what the future was to b i ' t the c6lifid- the eyes of surrounding 60zens. As the a matter of ic diffetence to thern whether - I )r1D - . I .on No -day latt- - ing little being at his aide. a$doof the! evil- Dryadaleites have for some I i me past be you or your friends live or die. We h&A-a. � I . I I ' en . I � ; � . � I knowledge and temptations. that would mar deprived nf local reporters, it 4a not aston- recently come iato possestion of one of the . � 17 - I I uty of her quaintly oweeb face and . - � 6 00-t-arr# , the bea, . ishing why they should not rank -first in line imitations re�erre� to ; we bave bad it . � I th our commer I it 806neej atmec its strafige mark of geriblenese .and r4fine. wi cial statesmen, They are - chemically e amined, and find i. unfit for ­ -, � - � I � 6W.islied ii A ment. Outside he could 6ar' his f�iend certainly e ' p.ed with all modern con- I'Mman use, ,-i festif � Lester shouting the refrain o . f his; new tropi� quIp . The large � I I rity of our dr . �Muderq ,obsolote veniences, and being endowed wi,th great '5"' uggls% are �_ I . cal. song, and the laughter and,the �and- mental power, these correspondents may- honest and Z pat�ctio men, and -will never, . Azt�'Mal � - clasping came in. through �the ,wings � and 'well hope to become worthy rivals of condescend t�' sub3tittition or deception., � dr4ging, -'spr#0 , I - kespeare, Milton, Scott � , Brown ,and YOU Shot a - . linen" are an 4tt open door, broken hub tumu.ituouL-. I I Shi i ild, �,'owever, when �ny one 79 1 Ai I 11 Does she came of profes6onal people 'I" Porter. 1 gests the 11 S-�metbiug Just As Good, or . :110tpenetratP, Van Biqber asked, dropping!iato the 'vern- . A man of polite imagination is let into a, offers you a �Ile imitation .for the Painers - . jup2vi. Aor peribe4 . . I 'ch alone can meet � , 4 . acular. He spok 3 sof Lly, not so much! that great many p1pasures that the vulgar are not Celery Comp und, whi ­nqE��'iad bro�,cb he might not disturb the child, but thalt She capable of receiving. He can con�erse with your case, at 9'nce resent his impertinence,, � Qj cataTrh ba*e,�, , - � I I . I - .ve his Otore loy- might not undarstand what he said. ' - a picture and 6nd an agreeable companion, in an lea . All honest�andstraightv . tZA30is the a - �. 1. - " Yes," the woman EkjEs�ered, � sh�rtly, a statute. He meets with secret refreA_'�­ 11orsy�ard druggi3ta gladly recommend Painil.s . - 1� ltale _'., ­ ,_ I I � - and bent her head to arnooth, out the *ld'a in I Celery Comp6jund to their customers, and ,tbro � ­ I stage dress across her ki3een I . & ent in a; description and often a greater speak with leasure about the woAderfeD - 14le- i _� � "I'll I I tiifaction in the,prokpact of fields aild I . � ­ �, I I - Van Bibber touched -the li�tle girl"s head sm3leadows, than another does in the sELme cur(s it; = e ected. .... - 11 - ... I � kills1h germ,_ I with Lii hand and foun& that sbe! w&3 possessioD... It gives him, indeed, a kind of Beware of t e "Something-:J*v�� As Good"' 11 - -cleais - � a - . �� I - 11 I . : - I asleep, and*so let bii hand iest there,!with property in'everythiDg he sees, and makes and all imittir-113. See 4--h-OT'.. the ,nam"a . I -and , cures 13 I , � � . i I I . - :.1. " - doi-ve, pleaitrx . "Are4__are the mos d parts of nature ad- PAII n wrappig,740:'battle. I I L I . the curls betwe(m his fing're. I t uncultivate ITEIS is 4 . - lkff I I 7 you- her mother ?" he asked! , W � � -.'., *�,__ .1 - -tzojio. TWO : 0 1 . 1, ith- a slight minister to his pleasures, so that he looks I I I ...'. ,:­�...__, � '�' !0ze �5 tente. ] F . , � I ; W i� .."_ 'ttLr - inclination of his head He 4elb 'quite con- upon the 0.0d, as it were, in another light, A Nigilt e Among the, � I I 11 . � � I rth, vrjb$1 : fidpnt she waa not ; a leambi he, hopedi not. and di3coversT in it a multitude of .charms 11 , I 8-eafo , � 1, Drifts , I I . The woman shook hbr he�ad . . � Bton�. ont. - � j i . "' No,'!' she that conceal 4hemselvcs from the generality (By out.LcsJbury vorrespoiidej)t)� I i ! said. I of mankind. Mildcats are becoming num- I . 41-1--, - is W I I ; What a dai or Ein hour will bring forth' 1>� � Apul LT -Grey c ho is her mother 9" : � erous in this I vicinity, and it is cowaidered cannot be for�told' mid 'perhaps it was walk � :4 ' . L The woman looked at the� slee'ving, child, safe to be well armed on -going through � ,e ..... I'll, P . . . to have it so. I TWe eve�" of February Oth, " -it . DI -09 Of re -- and then up at him almook defiai'tely-. "I Ida thickly Wooded defiles. � . at waou i i wagInild an4- s6mtwhat ple"ant, Bud thez -_ bpUw. Thel't- I Clare was, her mother," she I said.1 - ! ; *_ - . - .- � � , . I next mornin� a h6vy-Iiiq snowstorm WA41 - +the Assessmen'-ju - . Van, Bibber's protecting hand left the pbild FEVER'S VICTIMS. largely .in eiidence,and, to make mattem -,� -WAS �onfirrfievd w as suddenly ag thoughdOmething bad burnt - I ' - -- ` -1 worse lit wa� court.44iy. in -Seafortil, and tition from Rub -A it and be,drew back so quickly that� her ' Z. I . li..­ - 4., - � 3 L ab ­ of the hatives, your oorreB� - . . oui'a & I _� bead slipped from Lii arm, iand she a oke , The After Effects Often Worse - tL � I �,presi�nted, mr,inj I � and raised her eyes and looked up at �11 . pondent amo ig he 6umbar, were rcquesW­ ­ .� %a knowit as 001 . � Ilelp to decide the o nerzhip � , --- I .ed ,, . I him Than,the Diseas:e Itself. to attend an� e 0 . � i, . � �.f- " a m4ioi �uestioningly. He looked back at. her !with I I - I � of sheepovet which three or . i , _,d - a glance of the strangest concern and of the i I I � -ested -have zig � L . � deepest pity. Tlied he a 'oped sqd drew A Sufferer F9'om the After Effects of Ty. residents dov, In near the jampin -� ff ;Lplai3e I � -r,eev,O w -as ."ti I 1�1 I her .1jowards him very tande ly, put fier head phoid TOM of His Deplorable Con- : - L in McKille were at logger eaL is, The . , _ j � ) . -the towu4hi � . . - ­ . back in the corner of bis ar , and watched diti6ii-Appeared to be in & L party lef t At. laylight, and, thojou ey out a . P. � j , 11 A - :aPpointed tole; her in Pile'nee while she sini ed d 1, Rapid Decline. to town was dold and dismal, -but .hervvvise.'. . - propo in - . rowidly and I - , sed Ars! . ­ -;- �: I � - 11 ; L uneventful. Long before .Winth, op wax, . M seconded bv L'M went to sleep again, . I The after offects of some troubles, such as i . - I I I - I " And who takes care of her now V he fevers, I& gri' pe, etc., are frequently more reached the )arty were s.ulffe;iag. aeverely� -Zlerk proepaxe;a, -A I , asked. . � serio a In thei suits than the original ill- from the sew , re cold, with the lexe ption, of , ,;.- -be a�nt to � V� � [[[[ lir re - the ladies v#ho wet -e alongj and. like the , ,elerl' . I The woman straightened herself and seerrf- ness, and the patient ii left an almost " "I I _�, Win. , : Lar Y declared the never -felt AIL'se �� _11 L ML dtobians,ithe y _ - edrelieved. She saw that the stranger had phyEical wre�ck. In such cases as these Turub I r L� .1 Send ­�4 - . the cold a it. (of cou Be women never ' ' --tierk vn� A� recognized the child's pedigree'ana knew- wha� is need 'led is a tonic medicine, to en- . I 11 :� A Z I I feel the cold When they are on an outivjand_ _-­_ --- I ravii roiA` t, her story, and that he w a not goinig to richen the blc'od, strengthen the nerves and . �,_ I _� ____ __' '-*u , i -4 4- � __� . " -o � i " . 1. ). It was abouv'tbiB Jim thas comment. on it. "I do, s�e,said. "After put the syste�n right. Mr. L. Barnhardt,a warib to go ­ I '---- __ - , pptite 7th � �6 - the divorce Ida came to I me" shie �isaidl,- prosperous young farmer living near Well. your humble s-,rvan,t undertook to � rub, -Vi -_� � ��aud not psid ifoi 9 L - I speaking more freely. " I used to be i' her .and, Out., offers proof of the truth of these icicle, as he supposed,j off the -side off his L I I I I 0 i ' eventaa. I Hy discovered that it was, _ .. And'ask that, U company vOhen she was doing Aladdini and L sbatements. !Mr. 'Barnhardt- 0ays -.-"Sorne .head, but I - treasuntr,-��41� I . I which had como-In 7contaot witir isecoudei by 17T4 then, When I Stage "d f � of his ears 'victor. The -- left the . and starts .to years ago while living in the United States, Jack Frost -Jack- being the I 'Navy -eenjeratio I keep an actors' boarding hoose, she came to I was attacked by typhpid fever, the after - . r: - � I . . me. She lived on with us la year, uut�l she effects of v*h proved more diatislirous to party -lef b town shortly after � 5 p. in., �nd - 1-� 4 - T-auy, for .us- -01, died, and she made me the t i on thawthe fever itself, and and soon found that the Toads -were Ina � 'L: purpses, and tb guardian of! the mV conatituti deplorable cc dition and much worse than. tb - child. I train children for i the stage, you for mouths I was an al'most total wreck. I . - e tnedical b eal � . know, me and my sister, Ad& Dyer ; you've had no appetite, was haggard and emaciat- what they, w ,re in the morylinig, and Aboxit -1z � ,. ib�.v 1!xirnbull, 430, � the time th � shiriiag. NUitland river,'Wilh- , . I � -tie hearn of her, I guess. Th6 courts. pay us ed, and apparently bloodless. I h%d violent . - . 416* P . - . for her its elevated banks and .mammotil �steil � - zzl� - -the#extmee- " I . I �4 I . keep,,but it isn'b mu'.6h,, and I'm ex- and distieseiilg headaches, and my whole bridge was 1hed night -had thrown its -111this 'townZil irt on her from I - 1, pecting to get 10at I apen appearance was suggestive of a rwild- de- ea 'i ! . A 7 .. . . - � - � j ... � a zurn er � i w at she makes on the stage. Two of hem eline. I trie4, no less than three 'doctop-s. dark -mantle e . -1. � . - . I 1�other children 'are -my pupils ; but �tbey but they failed to benefit me. At tbis juilo. _Poor horse.%,�Ifl which, there we. . U ,A ---- �. _ paido the "I'll . � � , � , � 111. I can't touch Madie. . _ nuinAer in be procession, m ued 6 M . -towoship h i j, She is a better d ncer ture a friend'of mine mentioned my casettcf lunge, pant nd flotiuder on at �:& rate � -of _Xlar�b. - and singer thaniany of therri. If it hadn't another phyaician,�and he suggested that I P 1 7 . . - been for the Society keeping her back h should t speed fully equal to a silail�s gall Tf " I i.. I a e . , ake a! course of Dr.. Williams' Pink � I . op. .,is ; I.! . would have been on the stage two yeara�ago. P11h.. - I too�k this advice, and found it most continuqd fori a couple of hours, and finally . . ' I - I ' I the processio came to an entire ) halt, 4nd A�subject ..... She's great, she is. !She'll 6e just as good satisfactory. ,,, Almoet from the outset the , si as her mother wap.') I I � pills help6d nie, and continued their use un- the mellane o' intelligetwe was fla.bhed baek - I wer-Wils thottg 3:t , : ` 11 � I ; --- I Van Bibber gave a little start, and winced til I had t�k I I that ona of L 'e horses ialhe fronrteEim bqd, Ahd�'eompetem t � I ed about a dozen boxes, whei4 I ,. . visibly, but turned it off into a cough. felt mysel ;ully restored to in, becorn . e'entir ly exhattated.andihad .collapsed. - I 4t ,all I i I � . former . � - I -Ines M itt "And her father," he Said,', hesitatingly- health, and �ny weight increas w4a speedily unloaded,and AfOr � -, .premoriptions; i, 'i el to 165 Tbia sleigh I W � " does he-" I a while the mian got his driver on his feet ,Q10. If yoi� h pounds. i have enjoyed the best of health 'J'y I I �. " Her father," said the woman, tossing ever siDee, and I will alway "_ and, as luck would ll".e'itl, he soon found -s WHI-fill your -Oxr� a, back her head-', he looks after himself, he hims' Pink Pills t ', ve .Dr. Wit. Eidiugi Out D this Eidin he drove, STA you to give Ui S� , he praite 4h,ey so rich � 9 , � i � does. We don't ask no favots of him. She'll deserve." � ly declared hetould eatop tbere 'just, as long. . 4uei - are th.'e - a e o et! Iowa cc; Atay in Ve - - ow`Ost, i get a oDg -without him or his folks, thank These pills are a ce tain cure for the kfter � ' - I j i � you. Call him a gentkman'19 Nice gentle- effects of fevet, middle of the road:' It was dien th t the 11 S , a gr and pneumonia. . f . ��� AX. I a ru -af . man he is ?" Then she stopped ,b Ptly, They make new, rich, ed blood -and streng� modesty of the other teamsters aEs. ted it- � / P*xne�s �CQ - . "I gueEs, though, you know him,' she then the nerves from first dose to last; and aelf. Nloneolltbernwi%nteda leadiagplace- -. I -greatest And -h added. " Perhaps she's a fr,iend of yourn ?" in this way 11hey cure auch troublcs an in the front .�ank, the back benches were �- -_� _.id � ` � ekipeople .. 1. I . - 1. 4f . gOO4 enoug. r them. With some prompt- , i 1w. ­ 10,11"WA froin th I juBb know him," said Van Bibb'er, anaemia, netlralgia, rh�umatism,, heart I - M .� I 4 wearily. . ­ at last o e of theni was persuaded tov i I � I I weakneE�s, kidne,� and iiver ailments, part. ing, - thm� AG lot , - _1011 - , He sat with the child aslee move onand he others followed., and Asoom � � ?� diee�se. , � 41 Re ' 'p beside !him ial paralyeis, �6.'V4usl dance, etc. They the lights at Leadbury. were visible as welt � while the woman turned to the others ! an� also cure the functional ailments that make - I F I I mair,ently I _: - � as an immense pyramid of 'snow, which in - � - ly __ " __ . , dressed them for the third' act.. She. ex' the lives of Eo:�maay women a source of c4n. ' - � Alld kladdaey�v ... - _11 the darkneEs somewhat r embled the Rain- . I plained that Madie would not appeai i4 the stant misery, and bring the glow of heallth ' � hies i - I -- - er last'act' only the two larger girls, so'sho let to pale- , bow City at the Pan-Amerldalfi. This was 1 Fall - , t an if,allow cheeks. O�her rd � . - I- -_- I 4ea celer C - her sle�P, with the cape of Van Rib�er's onio pills are` mere imitation . allei insurmountable, and the party, took to the i I - � a of this great � 11 .86ty,011rim -1 - - cloak around her. . : I fields, but, horror of borr6ra- filthough fbe : =1 � 2u 56 . I medicine, and', the buyer should see that the � - - �y I 1, � Van Bibber sat there for several ilong- fall name, 11 Pr. Williams' Pink P found their:w y i�lto the field, they- cc�ld I . . V. FEAU� I .- ills for �;- ... .1 . I � �� minutes thinking, not find their way out ja � .- and then looked' up Pale People,", iLon.every . gaiv. After driVing ­ - ' box. Sold by all z I � I . 14 - � 7 ' quickly, 4nd droppad his �eyes ag -as -deal 0 r Ben I around for some iinie,46 councilof war was- ' � � � &in , era in medic t, post paid, at 50 I � quickly, and said, with an effort to s�eak cents a box or six%oxet for $2 50 held, and scu�ts were sen ;out in vaii6tia di. , I - A,x A x) b i t) d s - I by ad- _� .. %1 S., quietly and urconcerne dressing the Dr rections, who succeeded -lin finding a 98P . A . "( dly :,! " If the.l�ittle � . Williams' Medici�e Co., I ; .. , I dress which I - girl is not on in this act would you .1 mind if Brockville, Ontario. 1, which lead t( the conceision.1 13oon -after � �cand - i , presentb& � . . � : � � I � - ... 11 I � � �Q. I took her home � I have'a cab at the - , � this perils an� dangers met in on ever - d. , Inembers of ' a ". .. yban i I I . � 1�0_ ; - stage -door, and she's so sleepy it seems a ' . The road way- 4ppeared to -be fall of snowl in - ' vhio,h we�tnl . . pity to keep her up. The sister � on a The Winners. --, I many places t le fence -a were covered. The - "I DE,�p. jrR_jV 'e� I y �oke � . � , D,_� It's a great thing to be &.winner, . I ;- . � . I __ j N . � - _. _. __-e one could put her to bed." i � passengers in ihe fii stAoigh, in, which j was k - - herelate of Ic &rl . " Yes," the woman eaid He gets the cheers an -9, 4he long end of seated, all got off, except A clerical,-gint, of- � I , doubtf 9 ' PerItAt the 40 411y' the parse, the', hand-shai6is and the scare a hum _C� " Ada'a home. Yes, you � can take her .- I orous tu rn, and of whose A�� cedento 'offiefal positl�v_�;.l . I ,a . -hiag is known, with ti -1 - � I-- i. .-express] .� around if you want to," I heads in the di ily paper. little or mot I 0 je,XZf,F4 [qg o -, - - She gave him the address, ' I That is the 'winner in sports. tion. of -his statement to the -effect. that'his- -, - �� - and be sprang � - � 41 11 � IL�in� I , down to 'the floor, and gathered the child . I 'a -_ , It is a great, thing to be a winner [in poli. father was an 14 ,glishmau and his mother' "a, I , Of Off[ea. Fr�lni I up in his arms a ties. He getsi the votes, the lifted hat, the white woman, This ch . f :.�� F gr.1 . nd stepped out oil the staae. . . ap sat -on in ,the - ;� egation : , 54:y,o The prima donna had the centre of it to her- proces3ion and the bonfire,eits in the House, sleigh ; the an w wah up to our waist, -and - _- ,� . . You have I . ' �___� . beek� M, self at that moment, and all .the - rest of the and tacks the Ietters M. P. or M. P. P. to it circled are.. ind in a manner resembling: ,, - i - I . , - company were waiting to go on, but 'hen the end of his!�uame. . the Niagara *hirlpool, and then ascended 1 . �� . I w I m ! they saw the little girl in Van Bibber's a&ms It is a great'thlng to he a winner in busi. and,lodged i � faces, in an attempt to . � . I they made a rush at her, and the - . an- ness. His coffers fill while others fall, the pas rseloulirttle of whom eou - .1. I I . � a the bo , , Id be seen � I girls I . .1 1 � ed over and kissed her with b shoi of store enlarges%� the help increases, and the I except for ears. IM mrpose bein -1 ��_ i I ­ a.grea - the _g to, � I 11 - I �� . . rapture and with many gasps of delight. bcyers. go to gurope iustead of .New York tramp the roa ahead"i 46611 my"If budden. _ . . . 9, - . _. 44 alone. : � i Don't " said Van Bibber,_ he could not . ly.brought to standstill,and,,14 glancing I I I I - . n3b.)3 , # ,I tell just Y. is Do It's a great �hing to be a winner at- taw, back, I notice a burly old jxbb i- I. I y I ir4notanding � V� 6- . 7 ot ?" asked, one of !the gir1q, 16ok - P Why, I to hammer th jury with logic, to �armade on the skirtis of my p Wd wminkwithout I .1 .) � I . iing zup at ll�m sharply. . with eloquence, to pierce with 'ti d any apparent �nten n of ,C k, big PCs!, - . I I :� - go . I . '� She was asleep ; you've wakened her 11 pys 'r:l- an tion. it was .- ,�� �� - i bum with iro " to play with th:j ie logo then that the , I i p m y- y A, r , I � he -said, ge6tly. ' I .. � _,�_ I - .1 , � - I as a cat playa With a mouse, while the other make-up, and hic A eat feather in, -C - . � . � . . i lawyers, whose clients ar6 few,' sib I envious. my cap, asaert d itself. Here was a feRow - . � . I(Tabe Continued.) i � � W I r . M� , 'th!*n to be a winner 1%s &:doc. de it orate y tr adiag on the tail 1v me c6at, I i I � .. I � ,v ' I 0 � I - It fa a great' . � lib 1, - � Sol- , I As Suro as Y tor, to visit the 81% and save them to' ee and I would h, ve undoubtedly pasted him I . ene- - 181 I � I 11 ou Are ]Born i the pallor leave and the eyes gro� briollt, had it not bee4 that my, back was towards � 1�al')P- and 1 ni . Putnam's (!era Extractor cures all kindo of to hear the words "J'm feeling wef� moin.,, him and a ma I - 4 ,dildr,e, moth snowbank between Us. � il - . pai6les8lV is well as prom per as 0-0 Ing! e I . Thtre is 1�_U! ptly, cures radi- writer, to see the picture and piin it -11 Xr. John Mcoavin, � . C11* as weil as quickly. The greatest corn to tell th , . t W0111 -,&. kind-hearted .gentle- - V1100 . - � - i '� e people what they know, And help main, 6aine with a lantern and wo;ds of en � Pin 4�6� raiser on t9e Worth American' Contin nt, the world along. -_ - - . I cour�aezneut, - 1), '-'�Or'e thro.at ' ' �-.oriis -and warts in a shoTt time. � ril . qq , � . Ctires It is a greatthing to �be a win' I a When tbin�a fwere 11 U th gloomiest, : ,ie . just ask iro'ur druggists if i . 49 well as other help, and -as- �3 , i * -4 * h the worst I _�_, thmenat i -. - . .-this isn't so. Rut you cannot moJld the iron unless lb is sisted.us thro drifts4 16 was . . I., the I � . -.W � . � - I j druggists all sell it. If c, you . areee at a se.L melted first. ,'� about this tim that 1, !a compa-07 with an, .t 11 I � '01 - I OMIC I - , , I tance fromD. drug store, �seiid Awenty- ve The athlete wins, but we do not eee the other, staitod o wade through thb snow o1i I ' ' �. al cents to N. C. Polson & Co : 'Kingston i or exercise he took, th s, the rub. foot, mentall-�,� pondering' in my � mind'. is 1 A ape -cresol- e a:po- to Fear's drug store, Seai�r!tfi, and ge it down@, the careful diet, and the early this beloved C, ada the bright and gla,Fii09 � M11.4 - - post paid. � - I � � ` Is � I . I I I hours, �. - I I 'Crps6 - . . place which iters, poets and pat4ots pailnt­ � � I , on . i . 4,23r --s. - -- � � - �� � - The politician wine, but we do not know it. _. to ke a long story shott, we ar--- "My'slat - -Rev. M. C. C er�n, �&Stor of' ille still hard hant for v6tes, the pl"din riv 'hovie , My before midnight. and all . I �Cftf.'SOLFXX ��� ,, 6 the . ges - � I _1� I Preabyteriah chilrch, Ha'rriatlon' .. . ­ 11 � on a reaenb arguing, reasoilugo, the rebuffi, the unkind exhai�ed, . the exceptionof the -clerical : X -ecorninen ji , . . � Sunday, in � the course of a 8;rmon, said : words, the men who bbre,who want a job. chap, who was as gay as a meadow'16rk and, F, I I giet. se I - I . I - "I hope the temperance -peoplel of the Pro. The business man wins as sportive as � youthful canine. �' I - - � I - I I � ,but we know lit. ;k - . . . i I I I I � . - I I � I - i I I . � ! �, . I � : A � -1 � I . - . I I . ; ; i I - : - i . � . , ! . I . - .� � -.1 . I I � . � . - I i - � - I I , . J ! i . : I I I ,� - -, I � i i I ! I . . - � : . . I I . I - . I � � i I I � �; � .1 11 �__ - - � I � . it I I � . i I- : I I � I -L I bag N� Se # 'I f M j� - � � �� � I . -I,- - � � I ____� . I I ; . :1 I i - - -- . : I I . i I - � i � I I I . ­ � I � I . . � � -1 � ­_� _ _ ! � - , _ i .- . I - ,I � - -6 . I I - .11, - - .1 � - - - I - i � . , ­ -1 .- - - _., , �, � ­ . - _j. . i� . I -1 i . i �, . I �� � i - I ! i I - � � -1 � I I J I I I 11� - f - i . � t I 1; � .�__ i - . . . � i I a-_: . I ­ ­ , -1 . ! i.- � . - - - - - . _----___,j-- ­­ U_ �. _jj_____ " " - 11-1-- �_, v _� .__,_-A-___ ­ -----" - . - � � - ­ ­­' _... - � ­., L., ­-_­ � _11 - __ J � _ ----------- 1�_____ - L��_,_