The Huron Expositor, 1902-02-28, Page 3Alien's
ting BalSean
The best Cough WIedicitie.
should be the first' thought and
ust be rigorously insisted
pon when buying medicine.
f r upon its safety depends
o es life. ALLEN'S LUNG
ALSAM contains no opium
th any form and is safe,_sure,
and prompt in cases of Croup,
Colds. deep-seated Coug!es.
Try it now. and be convinced;#
room for new
,eds n
ry ete.
E4ginnsl meire,
ts, and fancy
ce taken at
quickens ;the-
re spirits and
•arifler known.
1ring special lines
ever. All intend
il lines of up -to -
he best goodst and
!` S. T. Holmes
o• re.
•aady received.
nd colors, also
ceived, in the
ys' Clothing,
avy Rubber&
nan facturers'
iean a savi og
(itch eg
,ste nowadaye, the
nearly equal in
If there is any
J.y none can excel
titintI etrer yout
,',:precisi)ri and ac-
.; plain awl fancy
J ,
[.„ eweller
ineathina spell
[ he Spring trade.
it i$ just poesi-
keep you ee4llg
[ isn't pante, per -
at or vet. We
'ar clothes. Just
rs' institute-
- lite an rarnierst In-
icu' rirn! and t:ri tred
etanto on the nth of
Marie, rted Wiethrcp
• day at I 30 and aso
ad to tienee meetinge,
`ergand en thevehtetie
• • ter a fair addition
ne reemiterehip of thee
• retary.
FEBRITART 281 1902
-,4-tee -tat. e
"I had a terrible cold and could
hetkily breathe. I then tried Ayer's
-t Cherry Pectoral and it gave me
mediate relief."
W. C. Layton, Sidell. 111.
.447, 7•4FH.:.
How will your cough
oz.', tonight? Worse, prob-
ably. For it's first a cold,
then a co -ugh, then bron-
chitis or pneumonia, and
at last consumption.
Coughs always tend
1,4 downward. Stop this
downward tendency by
taking Ayer's Cherry Pec-
Three sizes: 23e., enoegh for nn ordinary
rata; teee., jest right for broncbitla, hoaree-
flees, hard colds, etc:: ell, most ecouoraical
lea -chronic Cailefi and to keep on hand.
J. C. .A.'S`ER CO., Lowell, Mass.
Hardware Store.
Portland Cement.
Get our prices for Portland Cement
for silo walls and floors for summer.
Coal Oil.
Best Canadian Coal Oil 15o per gallon,
in 4 or 5 gallon lots, for °Asti ONLY.
Ameeican Water White, 22c.
Sills & Murdie
Cotinter's Old Stand. Seaforth
Pond's Extract
Over fifty years &household remedy
for Burns, Sprains, Wounds, Bruises
Coughs, Colds and all accidents lia
ble to occurin every home. —
CAUTION—There Is onht
one Pond's Extract. Be
sure you get the genuine,
sold only In sealed bottles
In .buti wrappers.
The Royal Victoria Life Insur-
ance Co. of Canada, head. o ce at
Montreal, with a capital of $1,-
000,000, wants an agent for BEA-
FGRTH and district. The re-
muneration to a good man will
be made satisfactory. Apply to
H C. Thomas, superintendent of
agencies, 6 King street, West, To-
Befan After' 'WOWS Ph021110ainel
The Great English Remedy.
Sold and recommended by all
druggists' in Canada. Only reli-
able medicine discovered. Elz
packages _guaranteed to cure all
/orals a Sexual. Weakness, all effects of abuse
or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of Ta -
bunco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt
of price, one paokage Siesta, $5. One WiaPleaga,
will cure. Pamphlets free to any addreSs.
The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont.
Sold in Seeforth by Alex. Wiison,J. S. Roberts and
I. V. Fear, druggists.
Cowen on Sense In 5Law.
When we are told thatc every law
must be enforced:to the Ietter thongli
the heavens fall, it has a brave soubd,
but a wise regard for The public geed
demands that the laws i be 140 execut, ed
that the lteevens maynOt fall. The
maxim that "the extreme of thd law
May be the extreme of injustice"—
"summum ills, -stunted injuria"—IS of
venerable age and has had the. approv-
al of the best jurisprOdence as Well
as, the best statesmahship of many
centuries. lt is not mere `"sophistry"—
as somewhat hastily, I suppose, it haS
been called—hut it May Well be quoted
In support of the applitation of simple,
common sense to complidated and pee
plexing exigencies. I think there is not
a government in the Werld, not even
the most censcientiouS, that does not
refrain frola : rigidly en4orcing to the
letter some aws standind on its statute
books, either because they are anti-
quated or because Such enforcement 19
practically .;iiispossible ol.kt if 'beneficial,
would result in evils greater than thoSe
which thoselaws are to ,prevent or re-
press. ,
Special Attention
to Horseshoeing and
General Jobbing.
Goderich street, -
Prepnring• ,Thates.
The preparation of 41'101 dates Is car-
ried .on largely at Awabl, and as the
season had now comnaenced 1 took the
opportunity to obsetar.the process and
was' taken round the actories by th
sheik. The dates_ selected are plcke
before the are quite ripe. The fae-,
tory had a" chimney but fifteen feet
high and Contained SeVeral open, cir-
cnlar, coppler boilers, capable of hold-
Ingitive gallons each and nearly full of
water. Into these veSsels the dates are
put and allowed to sinamer over a slow
fire. As the water in' the de-
creased from ev'aporation it was filled
up againa but it gradually became
inspissated by the extraction of the
juice of the date. The fruit is left in
the water about half an hour and IS
then taken out and ap&ad on mats Or
cloths in the sun to dry, after which it
becomes hard and a a pale red color.
It is exported in large quantities from
Muskat to India.-
- - Seaforth
You May Need
All Bowel
It is a sure, safe and quick 'remedy.
There's only one PAIN-Rit,LER.
Two sizes, 25c. and 50c.
Us th.e .!aine
heUniverEal erfume."
of the Hand cerchief
Tpilet and Bath.
ftfse all substitutes.
#016,14_410.* :41t
J. young thorooghb edBurham butte, wi h
regis digrers, and rea y for service; two red
teo or ind one ran. Appy to DAVID HILL Lot
27, Con ion 8, Hibbert, St�a P. O. 1766.1f
D_ _
tierou hbred Durhem bu le eligible for I
tat 11 BULLS FOR ALE.—For sale, t
ittration, 12'td 18 nontb old, one dark roan . t e
other Liget. Apply on Lot 25, Concoselin I, L. B.
Be Tucikerseith, 1 taihesi enth of Bruce& d.
JAMES PA ERSON, Bruce eldla O. 1780-
—T re red and one i'ou, fanglike frcm 7 to 11
months c d. All eligible for tegistrato. Bred from
'Rosati le bbett," one of the beet e'res in the Pro-
vince. 1 leo IL e young heti rs and cows, all suite le
for Ibrec in . Apply on L�t SO, Concession 5, s-
hortie, or ad • re sra Hurondae P. O. TII02137707
MORE 80 . I
Snrerival of Ore Primitive.
A Philadelphia philesopher thus eX-
plains the general-mieference for a wall
table In a restaurant: 'TrimItive man
ate in peril. The.casetlear, the saber
tooth tiger, even some; warrior of his
own kind, was apt at any moment to
leap upon him and ,tcy devour his food
and perhaps himself. Therefore he
took his meals with hiS back -against a
cliff or in the corner Of two adjoining
Cliffs, if possible, and; with the open
country before h1.; :That, you see,,
was the safest way for! him to eat. Ile
could not then be surprised.
"And we still have inais that men3ory
of the primitive man, end we still un-
consciously, when we. Sit down to our
repasts, Choose placeSthat give us a
wall for our protection. That and not
a desire to see things is what causes us
to pick Out walls and Corners. You can
see as Well from the haiddle of a room
or from' any other plaCe, you know."
A queer Mareinsee Custom,.
In the Loo Choo islands there are
Some curious marriage customs. One
consistsl in the bridegrOom going round
to all his friends' -honses and permit-
ting them to dress hint up in.any ridic-
ulous style that they -fancy. Some -
tines the happy naaneis arrayed in a
gayly painted kimon.o, the sleeves of
which are tied up with a string laden
with bells, toys and trumpets. A mask
is then put on and a red hat, the "rig
out". being completed by an empty ker;
osene tin, yrhleh rattle e noisily along as -
he walks, accOmps.nied generally by a
crowd of children.'
A car load of the best Red Cedar Shingles
bought, before the rise in price, which we
will sell at
XXX 74; and xxxx 78c.
This is a snap in Shingles, so call and get
your supply while they last, ae they cannot
be replaced at this price.
North Main Street, Seaforth.
The IlicKillop Mutual Fire
Insurance Company.
r J. B. McLeanPresident, Hippen P. 0.; Thomas
'Fraser, vice-president, Brueefteld P. O.•, Thomas E.
:Hays, !boy -Tress. Seaforth P. 0, W. 0. Broad -
tout, Inspector of Losses, Seaforth I'. 0.
W. G. Broadfoot, Beaforth ; John G. Grieve, WI
thmp ; George Dale, Seaforth; John Bennewels,
Dublin ; James Evans, Beechwood; John Watt,
Herlock ; Thomas Fraser, Bruodield ; John B. Mo.
Lean, Kippen ; James Connolly, Clinton.
Robt. Smith, Partook; Rol* MnMtUan, Sestortbi
Jamee Cumming Egmondv e • J. W. Yeo, Holmes.
vine P. 0.; George hlurdle and John 0. Morrieon,
Partite desiro-as to effect Inanranow or trate.
rot other husinese will be promptly attended to as
pplieetion to any of the stove officers, eddreeeed
heir re rpeolive post office,-
blocky - t311
-were ever o
tonere in
alV1C9 all
The Pim ernel.
The eommon pimp rnel, "poor mat's
weather glass," has the; disadvantage
of being a native plant and has been
almost completely eXpelled from our
flower gardens in favor of exotics
which are rarer but lack much of be-
ing as pretty. The, pimpernel is a
charming little lloWer, which opens
about 8 in the morning and closes late
in the afternoon, hut; has the remark-
able peculiarity of liadicating a com-
ing shower by shutting up its petals.
tcun dia, fit far
belie re A L Thcrougbbrz
lstc*'tc1 1ed1 re ea, and hem
uler e ine and several o
Apply on a 25. Canoe
emith, cr a dress Seat. eth
E Eight choicely bred Scotch nd
topped Shorthorn bills ; the th ok
h kind; gocd colors ; as good s totes
er d in the Province; also COWS kd
111 by Import 'd Red Dui e; also hei er
t oderete pa es and easy terimnei..4D.
N, Ethel, Ont. .
BALL—Fc r Bele, f (I'M
orrice : also cower . nd
d Durbamr, w;th r g•
the bust and most p pi -
them are trize winne re.
on 4, H. R. ere Tire ra
. 0. II. Crich. 1709 tLf
an lea o van Durham bulle,frrru 9 months to 2
years ol • leo a few Durham heifere in calf to he
eelebrst d3 ock bull, New 'iYear's Gi't. Tiee:e oa t e
are tall ilret lass with registered pedigrees, and thc
heifers hreidue to calve in January. Apply on Lot
24. Oon eaten 2, L. B. 8. Tuokerstnith, or Bru„ e -
field P . WM. CHAPMA . 176911
rptElOblAS BROWN, Licensed Auctioneer for iirter
J._ Cunt es of Huron and Perth. Orders leftat
A. kL Campbell's implement wareronms, Seaforth,or
THE 'EteostrOR Office, will receive prompt attent on.
Betide ion guaranteed or no charge. 17C8 f
A 11Ct IONEERING.-13,. S. Phillips, Liceised
Auctieneer her the counties of Huron nd
Peril. Being a praotloa4 farmer and thorou hly
understand,ng the Yelt1 of /arm stook and imple-
ments, {places me in a better position to realize good
Prieela 1 Charges moderate. • Satiefaction guaranteed
or no pte All ordrs left at Howellat Lot HI Concession , Bay, will be prom tly
isepost °feeor
Mended to 21 1709 at
j_ n Lo 26, °encomia
a tber ug bred Tamer°
bred Ya
be :eamitte
ef zertioe,
he undersigned will
5, L. R. S., Tuckers
u PM also a this
men Pm. A 1m1tad number of sows
to eaoh. Teims, $1, payable at the -
or $1.50 if crhaged. JAMES GEMM
will '
A Sehool Por
n Parifsaspirants f
el tective force are t
5 hool, where, day a
t through varier_
pley become proticleii
Intments or show .t
114e detective instinct
_the students first 11
u. e of their eyes and
o the lessons consi
p mil .in a- brilliantly
o furniture and orn
1 taken to another
t make a sketch of
h s left, indicating
tl e objects in it. He
a a face for a mi
q ired todescribe th
t c eyes, the gener
a terward is requir
p otograph Of the
s veral hundred 'othe
Iu educating the h
p aced in a dark r
any curious and
hese he feels over
seription of them.
'er even the slightes
1 to let him hatidle
and then tell what
lamoncls, rubies or
f course, an exerci
anced pupils.
P10°reSERVICF.—TLC uodereigned wid '
Lot 29, Conce,sion 11, Hibbert, a Thor°
bred or ehire loar t
llreited number cf sows.
service JOHN ELGIE,
DEBSHIRE PIG. —Vie undersigned has on Lot
9,' Concession 6, Staplay, a thoroughbred Berk -
shite Pig, to which he \sill take a limited numb4r of
sone. ' Terms—el, with the privilege of returniiag if
necessery. JOHN OHAIIMAN, 1780.4
MaICI FO The undersigned WS on
_ Lot 2 1, 51eliillop, a thoroegb-
bree Yerks hich he will admit a limit-
ed nuiub erms-75e, payable at' the
time of se privilege of returning if •
neeeeel ry. .1 EVE. 1782 tf
O1K8 IRE PIG.—The undersigned having dis-
t pose of his label< hog, " Roy al Harry,' has
purchacel from Mr. Davis, ot Woodstock, a young
unproted Yorkshire pig, to which he will admit
for ee vioe a limited nt minx of sows. Terns, $1,
with he privileze of r turning if necessary. J. B.
HEN ER ON, 'Huron R ad, 'euekersrolth. 178x4
g h.
WhI3h he a ill ache t a
Terme„-81 at the ti12. o of
bite burst, Ont. 1771' tf
Once when passing, through a ,ceme-
-tery in Lenox Ellot Gregory was sur-
prised to see that the menabers of one
old New England fanilly had 'been bur-
ied in a circle, with their feet toward
its center. He s.sked the reason for
this arrangement; and a 'cvit of that
day, daughter of, [jr. Stowe, replied,
"So that when they rise at the last day
only members of their own family may
face theta!"
Wore tlie Dine.
• The great writer of military songs
was looking for ' inspiration.
"And yon say that six of your SODS
wore the blue?" .he interrogated as he
halted at the door of, a shanty. "Were
they ca.valry or infaiAry?"
"Nayther, sor," responded' the proud
mother. "They !wori polacemin.".
'1Ditfally Granted.
Tolniny—Ma, MI I have two pieces
of pie this 'noon?
Ma— Certainly, Tommy. Cut the
piece you have ln two.
Ell tOvoyeising.
"Is your traii-eling lama enterpris-
"Enterprising? That man could sell
a carved ivory cardease to an ele-
, Ccncession
ire Boar, to
r of sowe.
a ice, with th
r positions in the
ught in a regular
ter day they are
exercises until
Lt and reeeia e a
at they he e n
In them.
re trained in t
their hands, 0
ts in placing t
lighted roorn ft
ments. Then
oom and requir
the room he j
he position of
Is allowed to lo
R n and sweat
have no effect on
har ess treated
with Eureka Hare
RCM Oil. It re-
sisua the damp,
ers sitthaendleaptil
able Stitches
do ot break.
fNaoe ottioglichs:ait;
and ut. The
bar css not
onl keeps
loo like
we rs twice
Y ?te
ute and then lie-
• color of the ha r,
I form, etc. lile
d to pick out a
ace from amo
nd the student l is
ore in which ttre
unusual objets.
and then write a
He must rem m -
details. One test
gems in the dark
they are, whet er
hat not. Thi is,
e for the more td -
Plays In In tallments.
In nearly all the I rge cities of Sp In
e theaters sell ti kets for separ te-
cts of a play. The plays are, as a it le,
f the popular oscari ty, plentifully, n.
t rspersed with seng and dances.
re, in short, a sor of variety en
tainment, with a sle der thread of p et
mining through t 4 ere. They be, n
arly and end late, nd large numbe -s
f performers are e ployed. Seats a .e
-cry cheap, and fe people would ca e
o sit out the whole erformance.
The result is that it is possible for
sum to buy a ticket entitling the
urchaser to see on or two acts out •f
ive or six. -.The c nsequence is that
vhen the curtain c mes down after a
lot a large portio of the audienc
eaves the house an seats are Warned
tely taken by newcomers who hav
een waiting- for t ie end of the a t
nd have taken ti kets for the. nex
yen in grand oper and -classic dram.
his practice obtai s in some of .the
panish theaters.
One Co141 Saved.
Logic Is logic, wh ther it touches t ee
fCairs of nationaan a cold in the ilea
'he conviction, say e Tit -Bits, was for
d upon a Liverr ool woman who. e _
coachman, although he had been ill f Pr
several days, app ared one morni•
with his hair closelIy cropped.
."Why, Dennis," j said the mistre ,
"whatever possess d you to have yo ir
hair cut while yoi had such a b d
"'Wall, mum," replied the unabash d
Dennis, "I do be tukin' notice this long
while that whiniver I have me hair c it
I take a bad. cowld, so I thought to • e -
self that now, while I had the cold
on to me, it woulC.. be the time of[ i 11
others to go and get me hair cutt n' "
done, for by 'that Course I would save
meself just one co -1d. Do you see the
power of me reaso in', mum?" '
every here
in ca
ali si es.
Mad by
SALE.—A seven room house, with shed and
convee lent y situated to Main Street, to be
'old o • reseonahle teems. Aeply to 'MRS. It. ARA -
BIRO 0, Seaforth. 1784x1
b ed from impel ei feeek ; 6 years old; brown
SALE. -4 pure brf d Clydesdale station,
in col r. Appy to GEORGE MARTIN, Crow -I -Irby, or
to JO N MotrONNELL, Dubler, 178041
Lifted Up Forever.
Alazzini, whose name is associated
I with ,the liberatiol of Italy, was once
uld have taught in
Archibald & Cudmere's
m.A.P oRmum_
• Arehileald & Cudinere will offer f:r eel° by ubhi4
Audible at their etab1ee, in the Town of See orth„
on t '
SATURDAY, MARCH 1st, 19021
At 1 o'olock p. m., shtrp,
,.bout 35 draught colter, from two tO five year old
leo a few good driven and worm's. T is.
Eight months' credibt will be given on turn sittin
piar ed joint nctes. A discount of 4 cents nhe
o 'a will be allowed for oath. ARCHP.A7JD 45
UD ORE, Proprietors ; THOS. BROWN; Auction-
eer. 1783-4
The grape has more sugar in it than
any other ,fruit, ,nearly fifteen parts in
a hundred beirtg shear. The peach
has least, only 1, per cent.
The higheet point to which man can
ascend without hie health being very
seriously_affeeted 1+li.500 feet
Every Wotnan Needs It.
There are times when every woman is tormented
by itching skin and would give anything for relief,
There is a preecriptiott known as Dr. Chase'a Oint-
.ment, which 44 a prompt ireilief for there suffering.;
Women prize lit both for their own use end for its
onderful effectiveness in curing Baby Eczema,
ald bead, ohafing and the venous skin diseases o
el ildhood.
..—.Tho debt on R.hox church. Stratford,'
hal thie year been reduced by .$2;000.
Relief in One Dose, Cure in OneiDay
25 Cents per Box at all -DrtigOst.
For sale by Alex. Wilson, Seafortil.
1 i 1
asked what he w
"One thing, at ny rate, in all," re-
plied Mazzini, "an that is some knowl-
edge of astronon4y. A man learns
nothing if he has not learned to won-
der, ,and asfrononhy, better than any
science, teaches hint _something .of the
mystery and grandeur of the universe.
"Now, a man who feels this will soon
feel something of his own greatness
and mystery; and then for the first
Una° he is a man."
Why le ,Wept.
The extensive tutbority of parents
under the Chinese laws is well known.
A. Chinaman of 'forty years, whose
aged mother flogged him every day,
she tears in the company of one of
his friends.
"Why do you weep?" he was asked.
"Alas, things are not as they used to
bel" answered the devoted son. "The
poor wonaaWs arms grow feebler ev-
ery day!"
Didn't Work.
First Suburbanite—I hear that neigh-
bor of yours adopted that hired girl of
his so as to get her to stay with the
Second Suburbanite—Yes, and now
his adopted daughter wants to stay in
the parlor and play the Piano all clay
and let her mother do the housework.
MS FOR SALE—Ba o bargainsIn farms in
he Toweselps of Hullett, Mords,iand Wawa-
, unty of Huron. Inquire at trace. WM.
BELL, Blyth, Ott. 1774 tf
VEL.—On and after February tith; gravel from
y pit. on Lot 31, Coneeteion 7, Melii 1'u will
cents pi' r ts yd. THOS. DODDS. 1782x4
BER.FOR SALE.—Having dieter:mei of saw
mill machinery, we sra now offering f -r saln the
fan-cr f san e. The building is 60x36 feet; there
tt e 1 pees 9x 2 inehee, t 6 feet leng„i dependent
of fra e; would mil this separate it desired ; neat-
ly 8111 timber is rock elm. GOVENLOCK BItoS ,
Wint cp. 1782-tf
is al
24, C
GRAIN FOR SALE—The undersigned has
cr sale a qtrantity of Seel Grain as f llowe :
rie Barley, Bawler Oats a d Peao, The to eJ
clean endlfree from foul i,eedsa. Apply on Lot
noession 8 Hibbs rt. JOHN FELL, 8taffe P.
modioue and comfortable residepee in St39.-
for4h, reeenty occupied by theenderdebed, wi I he
*old or rented. Aptly to ROBERT WILLIS. Fee -
tort . 17E4 If
,OE D OATS —Tho undersigned ips for sale on Lot
0 16, Cosocesion 2, Hay a quer ter (renew Danish
WM a mate, highly recommended by Wm. Rannie &
Son, of the Tor3nto aced dere. Also 6 quentity of
grafi pre.s, a fair yielder and bug proof. Ibis esd is
aloe of 01 noxious weeds. JOHN ELDER. 1784 4
"Doesn't it make you the least bit en-
vious to see what elegant furniture
Mrs. Eyetly is putting into her house
next door?"
"Not a bit. My husband says it will
be sold by the sheriff within six months
—and I'll be there to buy."
Ills Means of S4pport.
Magistrate—What is yOur vocation -
1 mean what do you do Or a living?
"Ale yessir, yeSsir; I uhderstands yer
now, sir. What ;I does for a livin' is,
my wife takes in washin'."
ash1 and thorough', aived.
eve oomeacen-senao rxi theca
not exoeteve. No aus
ustratearearr '.'istreatiAseetraeton 111.
lute cursor Lump jaw,tree if
yonnoomicask for PBarosmp..hichainet 811041151
88 Front St, Watt, Toront Oat.
Somethings In C4mmon.
Visit& (in museum)—Why don't you
get a giraffe?
Manager --Can't afford it. They come
too high.
- -^r-clerkigge
Don't use steel knives for cutting
fish, oysters, sweetbreads or ;brains.
The steel blackens and gives an un-
pleasant flavor.
oem is That on His
orlon of a S trik-
'ill Poen).
)'table poem of
t n the resur-
whic app ea t -ed
u ova Antologia ,
the great Italian review. Vario u
translations have been offered of
but the following, merle for The Liv-
ing Age, is being widely copied, and
is said to be a fair reproduction of
the beauty of the original of this
striking piece of work:
(Scene :—ear Bethany. Lazarus
is sitting on the edge of the grave
half naked, with lirribs still entan-
gled in his shroud. He feels the
quiver of 14_fe contending against the
torpor of death: Within him. He
sits motionless and, speechless, gaz-
ing at thelight'as though half
blinded. Opposite bim stands Jesus,
erect, with uplifted eyes. A little
farther off stand Weiertha and Mary,
divided between joy and terror, not
. venturing to cone nearer., The
apostles form another group, and
there is a great concourse of peo-
ple. It is a bright, still morning
in spring.)
Cries of the multitude:
}Cost Notable Ir.Ocent P
Itesurrretion-LTra Its
Ileatti i
Quite the most n
recent weeks is tha
rection of La arus
originally in The .1\
BIG OBANOE.—$5,000 will purffiaee a first -
1 class 100 acre farm in the township of Hay,
wi hin three miles of the flouriehing Vi lee c of Ilon-
a] , one of the best market towns in Western On-
ta o. The soil is d'ay learn well fenced and un-
derd. eke!). Thereto a goof orchard, and plenty of
neYer failing water; a good, comfortable dw ening
bons° and frame ban and stabling, 35 by 86 feet.
A ely on the premises, or addrees IIeneall P, 0.
T Otia5 I. AIN°, proprietor. 1782 4
ARM FOR SALE.—Lot 1, Conceesiten 13, Tuek-
111 containing 971t acre; • 17 acres of good
bah; the remainder cleered, well fenced and in a
gold st..te of cultivation. It is well watered with
sp Inge. Suitable for grain growing or grazing.
Ox the faint is a good barn nearly new, 74x4n, an a
st ne foundation, wi•h good stablinf for cattle and
hereto, the stablee have cement flats ; a hen house
20c16, a good log house with frame addition. Coe-
ve lent to churehes, blacksmith shop, store and
poet office. Four miles from Hensel], 10 from Sea.
to th, and 8 from Exeter. For tenni apply on the
preening or to Chiselhuret post office. JAMES
C NNOIL 1784x4
Wonder unheard, _Unsaid!
Lazarus wt.).* was dead
Is there—is !living, instead?
My brother!
My brother:
The Apostles:
fil ARM OR SALE —The undereigned offers for
sale Lot 7, Concession 8, in the Township of
S anley, Huron county, containing 100 acres, 85 of
wa ioh are cleared and in a high state of cultivetion,
t e remainiog 15 acres being good hardwood bush.
On the premises is a brick house, 24x30, &tie a frame
kitchen, q0x26, with good done cellat underneath, a
pod bank batn, 50x60, with wing, 30x58, octagonal
ETa, sheep house, driving shod and wood house, also
t o wells, an orchard, and a uever-failing apiing
creek. The farm is well underdrained with tile, well
fenced, and is one of the best farms in the county;
isl nearly a'l seeded down with grass, and has been
fer a numb(); of years ; situated a i ten half a mile
from school, and ri miles eon Brucefield ; will be
Old cheap and on easy terms, as the proprietor is
g irg to retire For particulars apply to IIECTOR
EID, Bruotfield P. O., Ont. 17804f
If thou art a master,i be sometimes.
blind; if a servant, soraetimes )deaf.-
A Card.
We, the undersigned, do hereby agree to
refund the money on a il•cent) bottle of
Greene's Warranted Syrup of Tar, if it fails
tocure you; cough or cold. We also guar-
antee .6 25 -cent Pleve satisfactory
orinoney refunded.
Alex. Wilson, druggist, Seaforth, Oat,
(Trade Mark.)
For Lung Troubles,
Severe Coughs, Colds,
Emaciation, Ecc., &c.
Few systems can aselmilate pare 011, but
as combined in " The 1/. 8s L.", it is pleasant
and digestible. Will build you up; Will add
solhelealpoth.unds of flesh; Vf/ill bring you back
• 50e. and 1111.00 bottles.
of Cod Liver Oil
There's life In the cloy!
From the toils of the grave he is break-
ing away 1 •
Aye, the flesh is a ivel
But the soul is aflar—
Nay, there's red 43. the cheek!
Strike the iron
While ifs Hot
is good advice.
Burdock Blood Bitters
This Spring
is better advice.
During the winter, heavy rich
foods are necessary to keep the body
warm. When the spring comes,
the system is clogged np with heavy
sluggish blood ; you feel tired,
weary and listless and that
gon no -ambition feeling takes
possession of you. If you take
Burdock Blood Bitters it will
regulate your system, put you into
condition and make you feel bright,
happy and vigorous.
In the eye there'a a start
A man of the peo le:
Of all our everds cf ainazement :,-: SIGN
nears he 1not ore!
Like a soul In ut er bedazenaent
Beholds the sun. OF THE
A woman:
It gave me an 1 cy shiver
When he ease from under the pall!
When the flesh begau to quiver
And the white cere-cloth to fall!
A tottering old Man:
Oh, mietty Jesus, hear me,
- And mercifully be near me
When the few days I have to Ilve are
If thou, when I am sinking
Wert there, , kind Sir, I'm thinking
Me, too, fronr death to life Thou might'st
recover !
A ce nthuutasrillootn
Ag0: 14
Who would Itavgeikritriteorrs; e tohr such --ft life as
Ladles and gentlemen, thanking you ail for past
patronage and now that a new season is at hand
wieh told you know that am still in the business,
ready to do my best to give you every satisfactien
In doing your work in the line of cleaning and dyeing
gentlemen's and ladies' clothing, done without being
ripped as well as to have them ripped. All wool
goods guaranteed to give good satisfaction on short-
est notice. Shawls, curtains, eta, at moderate
prices Please do not fail to give me a call. Butter
and eggs taken in exchange for work. HENRY
NICHOL, opposite the Laundry, north Main street
' The Farmer
The Gardener
The Housewife
They cost a liCtle more. They
are worth a great deal lore
thanthe ordinary kind. old
evOrywhere. 1902 animal 1teo.
Windsor, Ont.
A mother:
Oh, Jesus, fail rnle net!
My siNsvr;olusghde—d' what
Another, with a sick child in her
A lesser thing eel: I;
My little lad Is 111—make him not die)
on thy Marti ha', brother!
Mary; '
1Brother dear,
thee herel 1
Look on th c loving frienal who brought
Lazarus, after gazing 4ew seconds
Master 1
upon Jesus:
Cries of the multitude:1 _
Wonder of Wonders! The knot's untied!
Fate is beaten, and death defied!
We hear him speaking—the man who died!
TL a ehzoahAr, us
op m: saster, what bast Thou done?
- He hathtler'elsed thee, dreaming one!
Knowest apt thy redeneption?
Lazarus, Wearilea vaguely and dis-
Oh, Master, I obey
The eyes that irge me. .
Speak, ant mak known Thy will.
Thee have foil wed since I saw Thee
And f ollow still.
Meekly, Thy lightest sign.
But if thus doelie I ...have been alwaY,
Wherefore that angry word?
What deep offence is mine?
Why (lost' Tho scourge me?
The Apostles:
Alas! he raves—the man to life restored!
w:refoie, Master, awake me
Out of ao sweet a sleep—
And all eo well forgotten?
Since first, mine eyes uplifting,
I looked on the hollow shifting
Pageant of earth,
Never did overtake me
Repose more deep: --
So sweetly had I forgotten
My human birth.
Oh, Master, wherefore awake me7
Around me RS I lay
Creation 8S911411 undone;
There was ne night, no day,
No time, no change at all,
heard no faintest echo of any tone e
From this dead vale, funereal,
No vain deSlire disturbed
My trance, no memory turbid,
No sorrow knnwed roe bere,
No sting of share remorse felt I, no fear.
Of so greet peace
Why wilt Then me deprive?
Why must I rise and wrestle
Where the cruel sunbeams dazzle
My shrinking sense,
And the cries are an offence
Of the tortured folk who live?
Leave me, my Master, free of pain.
Buoyed up bayidovesonie death, and light as
Let me but nestle
In my grave again,
Like a creature of the wild wood In its
Jesus, looking fixedly upon Lazarus,
and speaking sternly:
Man, but thy heart is cold, and, man, thy
courage feeble!
Base are thy words, and base Is thy dis-
Art thotruesalone in the world? Is thine the
only trouble?
Art thou, then, sIsterless and brotherless?
Who art thou, to have won the wages of
peace already?
Who art thou, to have loved. much as a
mortal can?
L:g,sttera'usyt—ing on, with .faith serene and
Bast thote then, done enough; and suf-
fered enough, oh, man?
Why do the vain waves break on the cliff
ascending sheerly?
Why do the worlds revolve? Why do the
minutes fly?
Why does the grass of the field grew green
and wither yearly?
Why dokingdome fall, and men be bora
and die?
Mine is a ball to light and life. So hear 1t1
Call to valorous work, and the strife
Whereby men grow.
13p, thou lingering, languishing, cowering,
pitiful spirit!
Out of the grave with thee! Gird up thy
loins and go!
'Dieu her bast
$500 Private and Company fands to loan at
$700 lowest rates of interest and in surds to suit
$1,000 borrowers. Liberal terms as to repayment
$1,500 of
$2,000 R. a HAYS,
83,000 Dominion Bank Building,
$3,50Q Seaforth, Ont.
$4,000 1776-16
(ere -
o wl
VO cn
cm Pa
eq -
1 -1
Pa cm CD
It;:r4°- mai'
Pp 73
et -=75
_ co CD
et" 0
co co
n CD
Aden's Salt.
Aden, on the Suez canal, does 0,
large business in the export of salt
secured by evaporating sea water.
The Handiest, Quickest, Cheap-
est and Most Reliable Servant
For your private and general busi-
ness is A TELEPHONE. Try
The Bell Telephone Co., of Canada.
pcooti cotton noot Compotma it
As suceettefttlly -used motithli by over
.u._ ,000Dadies. Safet_effectrtaL Ladies ask
your druggist for --Cook's QM& ID* ,eaad. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pins And
ImItatIoriS are dang4rous, r riealTio, 1, $1. per
hor'tlita, 11,10 degrees stronger,11perbox. No.
tor ',mailed on receiptof pike saidtwo*4ents
stamps. The Cook Company Windsor Ont.
fairallos. 1 ancl. 2 sold and recommended fall
responsible Praggists in Csinildsi.
Sold in Beatnik by Alex. Wilson, 3,5. Roberts and
L V. Fear, dreggiste.
Great Bargains
The Seaforth
Tea Store
Ten 110. of Sulphur 25e, ten 'het of glober wits for
25c, 10 lbs. Epsom Salts for 16o, 6 lbs. honoloto cod
'fish for 200. 0 lbs. prunca for 250,6 lbs. raisins for 250,
5 tbet. dates' fo2So blbe. broken "Wag-102rgot
6 lbs. figs for 25e, 6 Iht. rice for 200, 1 110. Rio iree
for 600. Just roccived another oar of
Eiger and llgbt coffee sugar, which whU bo so
ld at
wholesale p ALSO 50 wells of Mande= imp
house syrup, which will heIteld at $1.16 s Fell; luso
New Orleans mousses for baking pr!w- • and
other grades of syrup. Dried alllOketi lerringi Ikea
box, or Swo for Zar ; lake herrings. Labrador her-
rings and salmon trent. Just received 3 packages of
china, crockery and gleaeware, direct from the old
country potteries, all of which will loe sold at greet
bargains. All kiwis of teas--hlack, green and japan.
Aliso a green Ceylon tea st 25e* lb.; I can give you
teas from 10c s lb. no 40 SOo a lb., gu81'801ee4 te gait
you or money refunded. A -cordial Invitation extend-
ed to all So call and erret tome of the weatbacgains.
I am still receiving Weston'e hmad daily !rota Tor-
onto. The highest market price paid IOC all Vila% of
poultry. A. 0, Attia, floafortb.