HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-02-28, Page 2tr„
Never Misse
d Me
says Mr. Harry Fawcett, of
.128 Slater StreetOttawa.—
" In its annual rounds I was
surely counted in as one of
its victims until I learned of,
and had used, that greAtest
of Grippe Killers—
; For the •past three yrs I
have used them with the
most beneficial effects—the
first year to cure a genuine
case of Grippe, and the past
two years as a preventive.
have proved the treat-
ment effective—and it has
never failed to do all that is
el ittle`d for it.—I highly re-
commend Uwanta Capsuk
for colds -and Grippe.
Ali. druggists, or direct from
TirtliTANTA 1049Pqr CO., Ltd.,
Ottawa, On.t.
25 cents d box.
FOR SALE -The house and grounds belanging te
the late S. G. MeCaughey, earner of Church and
Centre streets, Seaforth. The property will be Bold
cheap scd on easy terms. F. HOLMESTEO. ttea-
forth. 1784-tf
For stele, a commodious story and helf house,
with, cement cellar and °bairn ; a good stable and
nearly two acres of lend immediately nsrth of the
Eginondville menses The teed is well planted with
large and mall trait.. Apply to Wml. ELLIOTT.
-- --
020 ACRE FA,11.31 FOR SALE. -e -In bee0wheat belt
0 in Soulhorn Manitobs. Ninkty wares ready for
wheat next year: 60 acres hay. Goad new stable
and granary. Twee dolia,ra pee acre. Sentra'
other i err oved and pra.irie farms for sale. Wille
CII&S. E. SHAW, Bax 17, Balesevain„ Manitoba.
ESAR31 FOR SALE. -For sale Lot 27, Con
U cession 4, MeKillop, eontsiaing 100 mores, all
of which is cleared, well fenced, underdreie d aed
a high stet° of outtivation. There is s goed
prick house, lug& bauk barn with stone stabling.
plenty of water and a good orcherd. It 14 wlthii
two miles of Seaforth and within a mile from a
school. Apply on the premises or to Seaforth P. ce
Wit. GRIEVE. 175741
.FId ARFOR SALE. -Farm in Stanley for Bale, Lot
29„ 0 neesibit 2, containing 100 acre. All
Near but IS sores. of herdwood bush. It is in a :rood
state of Oultivation, welt fenced and undardratnel.
There is on the farm two berme with stabliog, and a
large dwell-sg house. It is conveniently situated,
miles from Clinton and a mile from Baird's schoel.
Address all inquiries to JOHN MeGREGOR, on the
Ipremiaes, el. MRS. D. IdeGREGOR, 2nd Cerieeasion,
1Tuckersmith, Seaforth, Ont 17584f
J' sale. the term of the undersigned in the Town-
rhip of Taokersed'h„ adjoining the Villege el Ea-
r:cloudy' le. The farm contains 29 acres, an, el:arad
except 4 term of good herdwead bush. it is all
well farmed, writ tile drained, and in a first clus
state of cultivation. Them is a good frame house,
with kitchen and woodshed, and atone cellar full
size of house. There is a good benk bun, with
Ftme stebIing, and good pig and eel hone°. There
lie a good young bearing orchard and a ht of orne.
iment .1 trees. There is a never failing we 1 at. the
house, me at the barn, and another on the farm.
It is ona of the most convenient and comfortable
places in the township. and will be sold champ ant
on ELM terms. Apply on the premises rsr addreni
FgmandviEe P. O. neardate [WHOLE. 17834!
M FOR SAL -For sate that very desirable
farm qn the Mill Read, Tuekersmith, adj rifling
the valage of EgmendvilleIt oontarie 97 erre „
IanenarlYWaeR bared and in a Rood state of cultivatlo I,
nderdraiaed. There is a comfortable
brick eott a aud good barns, with retie cellar and
outibuildintz The buildings are aituated near the
centre of e fatal and on the Mr.1 Road. It is well
watered, and pl ety of soft water in the kitehen.
Ib is conveniesi y situeted to: iihu-ok and sieroot.
land within a mil and a half of 8 raforte. Will be
Isold cheap- and I en easy terms of peymena Apply ,
to the proprietor!, ROBERT FANSON, Seaforth.
i t 174841
1 ,
I U sale, Lot 22; on the North Boundary of Hay
!Township. Thiele:am contains 100 acres, 85 acres
bleared, the rest good hardwoed hasb. It Is well un-
derdrained and fenced. There is • god stone house
with a No. 1. cellar, large bank 131V11; lEargellltrit
?had; shecp house 70x76, with lirst.ola a initialing
and root eater underneath; a good orchard; 2 go. d
ells and cistern. There 1514 acres of fall wheat
wed on a rioh fallow, wed manured; 40 &ores
eeded down recently, the rest in*lood shape for
rep. This is a No. 1 farra, well situated for
•inarkets, ehurehes, schools, past (Moe, etc., and
will be sold reasonably. Apply on the p-emises, or
address ROBERT N. DOUGLieS,Blake,0nt.166Seett
MIAMI FOR SALE. -For side, Lot 1, in the Town -
JI ship cf Tuckeramith, Concession 3, 100' acres of
land, 85 acres cleared, well un terdrained. Splendid
farm for grain or stook, wen watered, a ruaning
Hpring the whole year rens through the farm. Also
en the faim is ti eplendid bank barn, ne ir y ne v,
60x54, with rtme stabling undernea-h.
Also frame house 24x18, and kitchen Bele with
r.reod stone cell tr, and two good wells. Thi i pro-
perty is situated in a very desirable Wealthy with
splendid graval ro -ds to market, may. al miles to
Seaforth. Afee a goad dwelling house Seafort
situated on Coleman street, ()lose to Vieteria Park.
This heusa is complied of 8 roams, well fiftiabed,
earnty of hard end. sot water, and kitchen eex16,
with ntry and wash room atteehed, and a pod
woodehed. A good stab'e 24x18. All of this property
must be sold as the undersigned is moving to the
United States. All particulars eoneeraine this
property can be had by applying at Tug Exeueiroe
Office or to the proprietor, JAMES KEEIGFC. Sea -
forth. 17524f
- -
9 and the west half of Lot 8, on the 12th concie,s-
s oa, or Bronson Line, of Stanley. Vile term ecni.
teins 160 acres, all of which is °leered, except 1aur
acres. It b in a stete of first -Wass ou tivation, wsll
fenced and all underdrained,mostly with tile. Taera
Is a large frame dwelling house as good tie new, with
g-od sone foundation and cellar, large bink bun
with Beene stalatiog underney.th, and numerous other
inatings, includieg a Lugo pig hamar,. Two geed
orchards of oholoa truit, also nice shade and ores
'leeriest trees. There are two sp dog creeks running
through the farm, and plenty of good water all the
year round aithout pumping. It is web situated for
Markets, cherishes, scheois, post ofe T, etc , and geed
gravel roads leading from -it In ail direetione. Is is
within view of Lake Huron, and the boats on be
seen peeping tip and down from the house. This is
one of the beet equitiped -farms in the ceunty, and
will be sold oneesy terme, as the proprietor want e to
retire on amount of 111 health. Apply cm the premi-
ses, or address- Blake P. 0. JOHN DUNN. 1734-tt
Grip -Quinine lablets
• Ward -off, break -up -
and cure colds of
all kinds. Every-
body catches cold.
Everybody needs
Grip -Quinine
Tablets (chocolate
coated). When
you feel mean. take
Grip -Quinine. If
you want to feel
fine, take Grip-
Ouinitte. The best personal and family
medicine. Relief in. a dose. Cure in a
day. For sale by dealers generally. Price
es cents.
I For sale by Alex. Wilson, Seaforth.
Sem to loan at 41 per lent on good farm femur
ity. Apply to JAS. L. KILLORAN, Barrister, Seal
forth. • 171241
Viewing. th. Christian. Life as
There Is Consolation in th
the Warrior Ha. 3Iany Cel
pathizersi-How Wee T
a Co' bat,
Idea That
aria* Sym -
amp tatlone,
May Be t1kenedi o the Ilona in the
Entered According to aet, of Parii men of Can-
ada. in the year 1902 by %Vl1han Baiij oC To- •
mato, at the Dept cif Agrieultu e, Mei et.
• Washington, Feb. 23.-This
course of Dr. Tannage, is full (.41 in-
spiring thoughts for those wao inn('
life a. struggle and sinews that l we
have many celestial sympathieers;
; texts, Hebrews xi, 1, "Peeing ;I we
also are compassed about with so
great a. cloud of Witnesses;" Lpoi--
lathians xv, 32, “I have 'fought With
beasts tat Ephesus." •
• L
Crossing :the Airs by the Mont pen-
• is pas e or through the 'Mont Oenis
tunnel, you are in a few houirsj set
• t
down at Verona, Italy, and in. • few
minutes begin examining one of s the
grandest.ruins of the world-, the lAin-
p hi theat re. The whole bullet Lug
sweeps around you in a circle. IYou
stand in the arena where the t.oin-
hat was once fought or, the. race Irma
and on all sides the seats L rise; tier
above ger, until you count florty
eleseationa,- • or galleries, as I • Ithall
see fit to call them, in which se) the
senators, the kings and the •2 ;000
excited spectators'. At the side43 of
the arena, and under the' generic.. are ,
tha cages in which the lions anl ti-
gers are kept. without ' food t ntil,
• frenzied with hunger and thirst, they.
are let out upon 'some poor vi tine
who, with his sword and alone, is
condemned to meet them. I 1hink
• that Paul himself once stood in 'such
a place and that it was not only fig-
uratively, but literally, that. ha had
-fought with beasts at Ephesus
The gala day has come. From
• the world the people; are pouring
Verona. Men, women and chil
Orators and senators, great men
small, thousandupon thoultends
came, until the first gallery is Jule
and the second, the third, the forth,
the fifth -all the NVtay up to the free-
• teeth, all the way Nip to the thirtieth,
all the way up to the fortieth. Ev-
• ery.elace is filled.; Immensity of aud-
iende sweeping the greet circle. Sil-
euce. The time foe the contest has
come. A Roman Official leads forth
the eiatim into the arena. Let him
• get his sword with firm;grip into his
right hand. The; 25,000 set ;breath-
lessly watching. I, hear the doer at
the side of the arena creak open. Out
plunges the hall etarved lion, his
tongue athirst for blood, and. with
a roat that brings all .the gal cries
to their feet he rtishes against se the
swordof the combatant. Do you:
• know howstrong a stroke e man
• will strike when his life depeede . up-
on the first thrustof .his ;blade? The
_wild beast, lame and ,bleeding, links
beck toward the side,of the erena;
then rallying his wasted strength he
comes up with lier'Oen_i eye and more
terrible roar than :ever, only t be
• driven beck witjh a fatal ; wound,
while the combatant comes in with
stroke after stroke until the mon-
ster is dead at his: feet, and thii 25,-
• 000 clap their hands and utt r a
• shout that makes the city tee/ ble.
• Sometimes the _audience camr4 to
see a race; sometiMes to see g- adia-.
• tors fight each other, _until th pee -
pie, compassionate for the 1al1cu,
• turned their thumbs up as att appeal
• that the 'vanquished be !spate(' and
sometimes the cOmbat was wiUJi wild
To One of the Rofnan arephithleatri-
cal audiences of 100,000 people Paul
refers when he say, elk+ are .1 com-
passed aboet °with ' so greet a icloed
of witnesses." The direct reference
• in the lase passage is made : to a
race; but elsewhere shaving discussed
that, - I take. now Paul's fadrorite
idea_ of the Christian lifeas; al coni -
bat. - .
bat. . .
The fact is that every Chrestian
man has a lion to fight. Your e is a
bad temper. The gates of the ice- ena
have e been opened, end this -Lig* has
come o;tit to destroy your soul. It •
has licerated yo e with man $ a
wound.; You have been throwneby it
time and again, but in the Strength
of God you have arisen to drete it
back. I verily, believe you wile con-
quer. I think that the tenie4ation
is getting weaker and 'weaker. 7 You
have given it so Many wounds: that i
the proepect is that it will die, ande
you shall be victor,, through
Courage, brother! s Do not let 7 the
sands of thearena dhink the blciod of:
;emir soul! •, .. .
Your lion is the passion me etrong
d rink. You may , have contended
against it, for tweniy years; but; it is
strong of ,body and lthirsty ottapgue. i.
You have tried to fight it back with:
broken bottle or ennity wine kiask.
Nay, that is not tee weapon.; 1With.
one horrible roar he wen seize thee
by the throat and irend thee !limb
front limb. Take this weapon, aharp
0/1(1 keen -reach -up i and gee it :from
God's armory -the, sword of i the
epirit„ With that thou mayest !drive:
him back and congher! .
But why specify When every man
. .
und woman has a lion .to fight? • If
there be one here eel° has en5 nesete
ting sin. let him speak Out, for l him
Neve 1 offended. I:If you hive not
fought the lion, it. is because you
have let the lion eat you up. :This
very moment the c mtest goes • on.
The Trajan oelebrat on, where 10,000
gladiators fought end 11,000 wild
beasts were slain, as not sb terrific
a struggle as that Which at this mo -
Lucile goes on iu ninny a soul. i The
combat wils for thel life of the 1o4;
this is for the life of the soul, 'Mat
was with wild beasts fromthe l jan-
gle: this is \Vail the. roaring Innt of i
hell. . . . .
Men th ink • when they (loultend i
against iivl evil. habit. that thiay have
to lig-ht rt all alone. No! They stand
in the centre of an euunenSe cieel.4 of
all !
sympathy. Paul had been reciting
the nannis of Abel, Enoch, Noah,
raaui, nrah, Isaec, Joseph; Gia -
eon and Barak and then says, lene-
ing- compassed abont- with so: great
a (load of witnesses."
•-Before I get throtigh 1 will •ehow
• You that you fight in an ;arena.
around which circle, in galleries a*Ove
each other, all the kindling eybs and
ail the sympathetie hearts ,t4
eges, ano at every sactor,
elause of a great multetit(
Fere comes dawn th hut
man can ,number. "Being
ebout`wleh so great a do
On the first elevation of
• amp h the a two on the day
• bratione eat Tibeeius or A
the reigning king. Ho in t
arena of epectators that
Struggles and M the first
lery, as 'I •• shall call it,
King, one Jesus. On his
many- croWns . The Rom
got his place by COld bloo
quests, bet our King. hath
. his place leier the broken h
• M. and the tears wiped a,w
1 .d d Th int
eou s le C tie . . e o
eat, with l folded arms, ind
to wheth(ii the sWordsman
lion beate but our King's
'Ise all wIth us -nay, unhe
'n the fig
end down his voice is he
eot! I wili help thee! I wil
in thee by the right hand
e!" ;
j' They gave to the mn ei
in the o1en time food t
their blocIde so that it
eiloeirly end that for a 1
the- people might gloat
ecene. Bee our King ha.
lei our wOunds,
his bone, ; flesh
. his blood,
Once he Ithe o:
;ion with orie p
oatant's ; 'swolee and wit
intiv caugbe his shield. The
his knife ;from his girdle
the beast. ; The king, sittin
gallery, said: "That was lo
The lion must be slain by a
' Other liens were turned out,
poor victim fell. Yeti cry, '
shame!" tet such meanness
Ring in this case is our br
he will pee that we have
He will foeibid the rushing 0
lions thau we can meet. 1
suffer us to be tempted ab
we are able. Thank God!,
ie in ehe ]gtellety! His eye
es. His heart is ;with us.
will &lever 1.1.
Whet put theirst
I look alga*,
. 4aliery. !There they are
I that swung the sword at t
I Eden, the -same that Ezeki
I aolding the throne of . God
hich I lbok, away, for th
; i - ifisuffereble. Here are
itihl angelsThat one watc
r'arth; Wisone protect
that one hes; been pulling
f temptation! All these a
ers of lightt
i el .armade on
,. annacherne's l
eap of .185,90
aer ehanted .
o'er Bethlehem
t le s h ep her d s .
s ood in the b
serenaded "the i
I see him come
into the arena
it, shouting unt
tiering ap-n).
O that no • ed
oilipassed A
Id of wit- , NV
he ancient .
of a celeSk
igustus �r t�i
le great c?
meek our I be
LivIxie gala .d"e.
Pistr Tne great tneong or tile
-tyre! They- had hot lead pour -
down their throats; horses were
tweet to their feet, and thus they
re pulled apart; they had their
gues pulled out with redhot
ehers; they were. seeved up in the
es Of animals and tben thrown
the dogs; they were daubed with
bustibles and set on. fire! If
the mertyre stakes that have
s kindled coeld be set at proper
; our tances, they would make the
midnight all the evert(' over bright
ead are
-asl noonday! Aad now they sit
n mperor •
con_ yo der in the martyrs' grilery. Por
collie tO , ;.in the fires of persecution have
ge e . out; thkswords are sheathed
arts heal -
a, ei the mob heshed. Now they
y and the• w tch is with an, observing
ffe eat as
r -the
r of con -
don from
to Jbelp us
14.lI 11
s eength-
ttte. arena
for we are b
of.,.his flesh 1
icient ampl
aw caught'
ld flow
er time
e. the
ne of
lood of
ittteatre a.
t e corn -
his other
n an took
n I slew
r n the
1. fair.
and the
But the
t ler, and
ft4ir play.
tJ of more
e will not,
\le,- • what
he King
ere ; on
s hand
"Blesse1 pre they
rust in him.'l
and I see 11(i angelic
the angel •
gate Of
saw up -
Ind from
guard -
d a pat-
e child;
soul Otte
hose drove the Span -
he -rocks. T $ turned
vieg host into a
cerpses. T1 ose yon -
he 'Christina.' carol
until the chant awoke
These at creation
!cony of ;he
ven and
pet hy. They know ell elle pain,
all the hardship,- all the anguishe all
et injustice, all the privation.. They
. -ca mot Iseep still. They cry: "Cour-
I" The fire will not consumeeethe
•tifoods cannot drown; 'the lions enn-
1 iet deeour. Courage down there
ia I
ithe trena!" . _
v • ; ease'
s hat! Are they all lookinge_This
hoer we answer back ithe- salutation
, they give and cry, -"Aerate sons and
danghters of -the fire!"
look again, and X see - another
ga lerya-that of emin t Christians.
WI at strikes me strangely is the mix -
in en- companionship ; of those who
o±fl earth coeld not agree There
is 'Albert Barnes and lax und ., him
. th preebyterywIto tried him for
he erodoxy! • Yonder I re Lytham
Be cher and the chu ch court that
de ounced him! Strang than all,
.th re are John Calvin an • james
Ar init.s1 • Who woul h ve thought
th t tliay would it 1, 1 vingly to-
• ge her? There are 0 or e White-
fiCIId and the ministers wiio would
no„ Jet him come into tl eir pulpits
bebause they thought him a fanatie.
There re the sweet sing
la y,
Is ac 1
ba ' d of
Sc td
Bill7h. se
gel zed;
ve by
:tia is ate looking into th
Ouf str
thc c91
. lax, 's 1
fer fron
ilnh eyr op;an
. thc, el. bu
1.5 Tope
ontgomery, Chalice Wesley,
atts and Mrs. Si ourney. If
had •had n� en sic before
ent up, they W uld have
the singing. An' thero the
missionaries-Da,v d Abed,
of China redeemedt and John
• of India, sived; Ianl David
,• of the aborigin . even -
and Men. Adoniran Judson,
raYers for Burma took flea -
violence! All th se Chris -
ggle is nothing 10 theirs !.
n Christ's cause •elffer from*
? ' They walke
y molintains. D we stUl-
the heat? The, sweltered
sa Do we get I fatigued?
nted, with none t care for
t cannibals.• Are we proece
They were anat iconateze.l.
thee look " from hie r ga 1 -
see us falter in the pr( s-
An 1
e an(
ence of the lions 11 seem 19 tear 1511a,C,
Watts e 'dressing us in his old hymet
.on1y a itt e changed:
t you be carried to the: sees
Un Ilo •ery beds of etesp
he's fought to win the erne
ed through biood,N setu-i?
ewborn wor d wrap-. W ht e.L;
ed in theissWa.ddling clothes of light. Fiai
ler than
el. To II look
vas dig- lel'' Of
,r of the thse in
lieerd o
of the
sand an- ho e fan
tphim. to th',Y
mend to at our tafblbese,danhdi A(‘:(enuNivIltlin
1( rgottea us? These f e 1 here
;17inothers started us or. lin: road
And there.[ holi
eell, is Mieheel,
' cb-mmand nn- ea
nity, but :I thi
• 20,000 cheriets
tan thousand ti
gels. I thleik 0
the archangel,
the seraphim, c
the cherubim, until all the
db-rs of heteven tear the coM
glo forth on th high belles
HINow, beteg on your lion
can fear? the spectat
a, gene gallery are our Inc
s; „all give ;his ngels charg
thee, to keep t -tee in all ti
They shale b ar thee up
nds lese, t ou dash
ainst Ston
'I' and might
the archang
they host
one is lea.
of 0 od an
nes ten eh
oe gives con
ind the ar 1
nd the ser
agaen, and I see he •r l-
our departed, '.Lin' - OF
the other galleric • we hove
, but these we hi era eh,
Hier their fares! Thcy sat
.ed to 1110
v. IlnNe.
angel to
lower or -
and and
whliat be
! Who chi)qt.(11
rs in the nitflitTP'"'
or ,ose.
de. -Ile
y Nee ys.
in their
thy foot
a . Thou shalt tread
. upon the liou and adder; tie' young
libn and the dragon sht It thou
: ;Though the (1.• ena be cro ded with
„temptation0 lwe shall, witlfl the an-
• gelic. help, ]lseri e them. dovVn in the
name of oine 0 od and lean on, their
failen carcesees 0 bending throng
of bright.; an clic faces iud swift
wings and eigh ning foot, hail you
te-day fro* th dust and st.ruggle of
• the arena! ,•
I look again and see th gallery
of the prophets and apostl s. Who
are those migh y ones up yonder ?
Hosea and Jere uiah and Daniel and
leaf ah and Taut and Peter and ohn
and JamesThere sits Noah, Waiting
-for all the world to come into the
axtk, and epees, waiting t11 the
last Red Sea shall divide, nd, Jere-
' miah, waiting for the Jew to re-
turn, and • John of the a ocalypse,
waiting for the swearing o the an-
gel that time shall be no j longer.
Giorioun Opirital' Ye werle bowled
at, ye ev-ei.e istoned, ye. weee ; spit
upon.' They have been in this
fiht themeelves, and they .ara alt
with us. Daniel knows all about
P0f/1 fought With beasts at
Ephesus. ;
. .
En the aneient amphitheatre the
p eple got :so- excited that ; they
ve. uld shout :from the gall eiee to
men inthe exena.: "At it again!"
"Forward!" ; 'Dee more stroke ! "
"Look out!" ' I "Fall 'back! ' . “Huz-
za! llueze!'s So- in that 'gallery,
prophetic and apostolic, th y cannot
keep their peace. Daniel Cries out,
-Thy God Will deliver thee! froni the
mouth of the ' lions ! " Dee id ex-
claims, "He will not suffer thy foot
to be moved!" Isaiah cal s out:
"Fear note I ani with thee!, Be
not dismayed!" , Paul -xciaims;
" ictory through our Lor( . Jesus
CI rist!" That throng of prephets
a d apostles cannot keep s ill. They
melee the Welkin ring with shouting
and hallendides:
I look again, and I see th gallery
olthe martyrs. Who is tie( t? Hugh
Ie timer, sere enough! He Would
not apologize for, the tru di he
preached, and 1 so he died, 1 le night
bqare swinging fioni the brpost
in perfect glee at the th tight ' of
eMancipation. ' Who is that army
of; 6,666? They -are the Th ban le -
gable who died foe- the faith 'tore
is a Jaz ey .host he .magnifice it, &r-
eale-, 884,000, who Perishe for
Christ in the persecutions 0 Diocle-
tian. Yonder is e family grout),
Felicitas of. Rome and her children.
WiWe they . weee dying for the faith;
she stood encberaging them. One
woe), was *befitted to death by thorns;
a/lather was flung from a ro k an-
ot ier was beheaded. At last. the
na thee _ became' a martyr. •They are
al together, a family group in
Heaven! 'Yonder is John 13 Word,
,who said . in 'the . fire, "We shall
h Ve a merry ,supper with tlte Lord
to night!" Yonder. is Henry 'Voes,
who . exclaimed; as ee died, "f 1 had
iqr1: 11e0S, they shohld all LOLL Mfor
\\( 11. `1
kn yv ou
sot ro w S,
' A .:S' IVII
litt t 1
. with the
t the, seen
.phdpes ai
e lery of 1
,i es ge
i Throngs
- s 1nel 1 \
of the
eyes bete
het tee b
Jto v tem
v • ,
d u rat •ed again? Ilo
eV -c feel lonely again?'
for us d angels for "us a
;Ants an apostles for us
rt so lis of the ages f(
glor fid kindred floe
give 'pthe fight and d
of ( od, who didst die
No ye angels, whose
bad f rth. to shelter us!
Are they caxeless
-miles of us?
do they 'lookwi
ce as to whethe
his Nettle of life*
• the cloy thiy lef
• the agony of the
bough years in 11
- faces.' They ren
They speak ou
tch this light • fo
ere Deese,: ov
majesty and ; the
•! Gallery th
1 ang-els! Galley
d apostTes! Gallery •of
0 elle ry of eaiti ! 0 al-
eends end kindred! 0 ma-
ireles Of light t nd love !
throngs! • thro
o ever stand 1.
as to
knd those
11 stolid
We win
us. They
last fate -
axon, they
elliber our
L [leaven.
joy of
of ero-
gs! .1Tow
le .gaze
universe? Myriads ; of
ning on us! 111y4i ads I of
ating 111 Sympathyl for us!
1 we ever dare to in again?
hall we ever • became.
shall we
ith God
ed pro- -
and , the
✓ us; and
is-• shall,
c? No;
to save
wings are
NO, ye,
se warn-
ved pnes,
o receive
n the ne-
eds ie the
Ve ma.y
roes. .A.
• ;roee
end cried;
ants put
rid asked
" •
prophetsi and apostles, wh
• i71g43 startle US !; No, ye 1
rhese anins :are stretched
us! No we Will. never -su
y heel. ers, shall we die
01' Ilse, to join our fric
gal cry? Thromeh Christ
cone off male ;than eouqu
sok ler d -ing he the hosed
up n bed the last moment
!II tea h see!" • His atten
him: Mac_ on his pillow •
him; why lie ;shouted "Here
I le a ill he rol I call of Ile von, and.
I iv ts a
• nswern
ing - to e name!''
I Wkindei • whethez. after 11 is battle.
of this ()Vol. our nue es Will
be, •a 1 h. d in the muster roll of . the
• pai chttmt1 nd Oorified and, with the
py 1 of Feetie 11 breiakitig Ilion our
sou e, shtIl ere "Here, bele!"
86 th
A tio
• e
, ad
Th "ea
is Jac
thie pi
Pys epsh
beadaclhe a
herves N
would be c
vealed to m
South Ame
put back th
Of mil ons
I. V
The re
e is thel
ore of
y faces
meri an Nervi
ote or the 111
duced by hu
rush 7 for an e
and run n Way
ountsible for
checi and pu
ny o her caus
n. •
, indig sten, consb
e the prime causes f
ture foretold the st
mpelledto live under
dieal science the favori
cart Nervine -end its d
bloom of perfect health
ho `do honest toil. .
Fear. druggist, Sea
Cattle in Aber
oval of the Britieh
Canadi en c ttle is evidently a 1
Scotland, s shown by the foil
from reo t iesue of the North
remit riot, a paper which hats
p3sed the
" stores:"
"A, rath
societ ,."
adian eatt1
ptibli hal
of the local
free a
r onion
laould t
'be rem
dmiesionf of
debate or
e restrictio
ved ?*) was
, New Deer, under- t
literary society. T
C 0 P
ation sick -
✓ broken -up
in that we
and has ree
e formula -
ay joy is to
in the faces
mbargo oe
V0 issue be
wing item,
Bzitih Ag
rongly op
a literary
te on Can-
eld in the
e auspices
e local pa.
e ,L11."0--k7t. ce.,,e 0 i
ZE-...--.... •1
. 1
Dr. C age's . Kidney -Liver Plils, one bill
a (lose, 25 centsl a Nix, five boxes for $1,00.
r. Ch se's leyas Food. 50 cents a box,
els: hose for ee.50. 1 Dr. Chase's Ointment,
11)cents a bOx. Dr. Chase's elarerrh (etre,
24 cents a box La'. Chase's Liver Cere.
50 cent 'a bet le. ., Dr. Chase's Syrtin of
Linseed' and T rpeatine, 25 cents a bottle.
All except The last two will be sent pest-
pa!il on reeeipt Of price, by dmanson,
lin ft,: & Compii ny. Toronto.
"TAIVOSEMInumeirt.' '
pers state that there was a large attendance,
. and considerable interest was taken in the
debate. .Mr.-Mi1ne, made -builder, support-
ed the nAgativei and Mr, Godsman, of Mains
of Fedderate,, the affirmative. Mr. Milne
made a.-,b1.4.e speech in favor of Fir side,
pointing out the injury that would be done
to ertrill farmers and crofters who depended
mainly on their stock for a living, were
Canadians admitted but Mr Godsman, who
argued mainly on free ,trade theories, was
one tOo, many for hint, and in the end carried
• the affirMative by a ;considerable majority.
The great majority of those present were nob
farmers at all, but the vote shows how opin-
ion may go, even in tees large cattle breed-
ing country."
As a Bystsm. Renovator and Blood Builder,
Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills are eupplantinialt
others.. Bo great has been the demand
that 1, 's hard to supply it.
. ' s
Cure C nstipation or Nervous Headache, deer
the compIexion, rid it, bf eruptions, yellow ski),
coated eo igue, etc. Act- easy -never gripe, sted
the after ffects are a positive pleasure. In vials,.
.40 pills ea cents; xoo pills, 25 cents. 2.
.1. V. Fear Druvgist, Seaforth.
-A rather unusual s;ght was witnessed
in Stratfdrd, on Monday afternoon of last
week. A cow had been brought in from the
country, and when at the junction of Erie
and Ontario streets became enraged. The
man whoiwas leatpng it lost his balance, ornd
was dragged down Ontario and Huron
streets aa tar as the long bridge at a gait
wtich was anything but slow. He was un-
hurt, hoWever, a d managed to bring the
beast to al round urn by getting the rope
around a tebgra h pole.
14' -
F-Chey,t a-1.:rri roves • ire the
w ( i t.ii g is-- egsi- of its wietinis until
stulrr., .tfr its pangs by South
Arilattiera Rheurnatic Cure ----
It reeiievess in six. hours • and
ciarc.s.4 i Eli ono to three days.., '
. ,
Mrs. Gel°, Smith, of 62 Charron St., Point $t.
Charles, Suffered ten ibly from Rheumatism :. in
her joints' 'I:he . pain was killing. Doctors'
medicines temporarily deadened. the pain,' but
effected no perieenent relief.' She began taking
ii,itith American Rheumatic Cure and whell she
bed used SOur lioat!es was absolutely cured. , 28
I. V. Fear, druggist, i Seiforth.
—Mr. Hugh Porter, of Atwood, met with
an unfortunate accident on the Atwood rink
.1aet Thursday afternoon, which will cost
him the sight of an eye. •Porter was play-
ing in a hdokeY match, and while in the act
of oheoking another player from behind was
caught by a terrific smaph across the bridge
of the nose and the right eye from a hockey
stick, The sight of the injured eye is en-
tirely lost, and he may lose the other
through inflaMination. I
Tho Heart --that great motOr,
of the 1 human anatomy—
never falters in the perfor-
mance Of its lawful fund -
tion, till through overwork,
disease stye hold on it—then
it "goeS on striko,"—an•d
rightly So. .
Dr' Agnew's Cure for the Heart is the greatest
of agtmts that medical science has discovered as
a heart-helPer. I No phase of Heart Disease it
will not " spy out " and relieve and cure aim oat
like raagic. WI at are your symptoms? Suffoca-
i ag, fluttering, paipitation, acute pains, thump-
ing, r)Crvousneiis, restlessness. Try this great
freatment-it never fails. 27
I. V. Fear, druggist, Seaforth.
- e
—While playing in the barn the other
day, little Livingston McDougall, of Staffs,
had the misforitunnto get his hand caught
in the cutting box. The (loot& found it
necessary to amputate the second finger.
—A quiet wedding t ' ok place at the -
dence of the bride's father, Mr. Jaes Per-
ry, Stratford, on Wednesday afternoon of
last week, when his second daughter, Miss
Annie, was united to Mr. Jan T. Reid, of
Moreington. 'Rev. E. W. Panton perform-
ed t e ceremony, in the presence of the im-
med ate friend of the bride and groom. 1
11/ g 111E1194
Eight yeas in the toils when
South Ar4ierican Kidney:Cure
gavo his liberty. • -
Michael Innen reat in the newsimpers of
South American Kidney ure, and a hen doctors
tried hard and rid fai1o1 to cure him, he, with --
the faith ofe pr phet con, menced the we of this
greatest of 'Kidney Specifics. In his own womb :
Gravel and Ki ney Disease had been the bane
of •my life for eight years. Thanks to South!
American; Kidneiy Cure to -day I am a well man.
I wish I doula ve every kidney sufferer within
ibe sound of lay voice for long enough to
teu itl
I. V. Fe r druggieb S'eaforth.
of h
John °obey, who Inid reached the
old age of 102 years, died at the home
s daughter, Mre. ,Patrick Dewan, of
.lown line 'etwee'` London and Bid -
• Sto
1 and WO
Laziktive Bro
lead in one day.
25 mats,
s libel Cough
ks off The Cola.
0 Quinine Tablets eure n.
No °tire, No Pay. • Price
FEBRUARY 28 1902
a4ghater Sale.
For the 'Next 30 Days
We will offer Rpecial bargains in sprier to make room
Spring goods. Great reductions in
Dress Goods, Furs, Underwear, Tweeds; Coat-
ings, F1ann4lettes4 Wrapperettes, Hosiery,
Boots, ShOes, Rubbers, Crockery, etc.'
Call mid see oinSnaps in men's' rubbers, leggings, men's
heavy shirts, horse blaaakets, dinner sets, tea sets, an fancy
Best goods aklowest prices, farm produce taken
highest trade or 0844 price.
iIuinpIireys & N
For pure blood, a bright eye, a clear
complexion, a keen atppetite, a good
digestion and refreshi. g sleep, TAKE
BRIST9L'S Sarsa.pe‘ril
It arouses the Liver, quickens the
circulation, brightens the spirits and
generally improves the health. '
Sixty-eight years trial haite proved it to be, the most reliable BLOOD purifier known.
All druggists sell -BRISTOL'S."
Furniture Cheaper than Evert
On account of great reduction in expenses, and manufacturing special lines '
we are now able to -put furniture on the market cheaper than ever. All intend'
ing purchasers will do well to call at our warerooms, where full lines of up -to.
'date furniture are soldL.- t Iright pries..
,41t X oiXeigyealaggiktiaagaM{K,SA
This department is Complete with a large selection of the best goods, an
obliging attention given to this branch of the business.
Night calls prompOy attended to by our Undertaker, Mr. S. T. Holmes
Goderiph street, Seaforth, opposite the Methodistt church.
The Grat Cash Store4
volevoiwoev ;•ftwwww.A44Arv
Several consigtfm nts of Spring Goods already rerived.
Dress Goods in the very latest weaves and colors, also
Prints, Muslins, Gottons, Shirting3, and. Cottonades. '
Direct importations of Curtains, Laces, E.mbroicieries,
and Ensertions.1
500 pairs of new 13oots and Shoes just received, in the
latest spring styles formen, women, and. children.
February Bargains.
Tremendous snaps in men's and boys' Clothing,
Tweeds, -Underwear, Boots, Shoes, and Heavy Rubber&
Lraidi.cees.s' Fur and ploth Coats at less than manufacturers'
• We need the room, it' yiyu require the goods it will mean a saving of
money to you.
D. M DMoBE TH,PRET011:0__'LYTH„-
•The Question,
of Watelles
, Is largely a matter of taste nowadays the
various makes being Eo nearly equal.
time keeping qualities. If there is any
difference of degree, surly none can excel
the timepieces we so confidently offer you,
that we guarantee their precision and ac-
curacy for five years. In plain and fancy
•cases we have an infinite variety.
'iocid Pair of -Pant
• routsi
1.0 Iloree
• I ;
This is an off season in our business, just a breathing spell
between the winter rush and the hurty of the Spring trade,
It is a little early to talk Spring clothes, but it is just possi-
ble that you require an odd pair of pants to keep you going
until you don your Spring clothes. If it isn't pants, per-
haps it' is heavy underwear, or perhaps a coat or vest We
can do Wonders for you in piecing •out your clothes.•Just
try us. It will -be a money saver.
FER,ArIA.311_Elt 8, IS EAFOR T.H.
Life and
and Real
• ator, &c.
Off ce over
Fire Insurance, Loan
Estate Agent, Valtt-
Ifursley's Drug Store.
• 1784-13
East Huron Farmers' Institute-
Speceel meetings of the Fast Heron Ferment' In-
stitute, for the discussion of agricultural and Isheired
eubjeets'will be held in Constance on the bth of
i March ; Matlock on the 6th of .4fareh, and liVinthrep
I on the 1-th of 'March, nog, tat% day at 1.90 and 7.30
, p. na. All are et rdially invited to these meetings,
I and the Executive look for -• large and enthneiettle
attaedsnee thereat, liked *leo here foe a fair addition
ofrepresentative tar#,ers to the mernberehip of thO
, Inttltule. GEOBOW ROOD, Secretary. 1781-2.
A ea
your 2
be re
*dile le, 0,