HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-02-21, Page 6� � I I i ; . �� . � I I . ; . . . , I � I i . I I q *1 I I I 11 � . I . . i I I . : � I � � . ! � I : i - � 1; I I . I . i � I. . ; ! . � � I I i - �Lz=��,__ - ­ - - -�� - _-�_411_ 1�_ ___ � —.-- , 4�_ — �_,_ — __ � � � ., _-71'7_r_,. ­ _­ ��, il - ­­ -I'---- '7'-- —.- . 7 �Ir- 7- . i � I .. I - .. _� I __ I I � I . . - : ; , z � : i , I - : � I i . � E I . i , . i ­___ - — 1_-_-`- ---"-- - ­ -_ I i - ; . : I I : . . I ) I . - � i � I I - . I � I I i . 1, I . - : i . I I . i , . . i ; . � � 1 1 . I . � I - . I! . ! : :1 I ! C I I i � I . t ! � � [: I i f � 7 i , � q . I I .� . I il � . i � . � ; , � i � I : I- I . . ! K -URON I i , I .1 ; , ..Ex's 0 1 1 ! . I � � � i TH � R 6 ­ � I 1. .1 loommomm� i I , _= _. i ..--- . .--;-..--I- � — I � —!i-!— - — i i I I _____ � ! . I I pat the second,,- - r her b o , w . . THE GR�MEN PPIS. � ; I nuenve a � : 1 1 would be of so use in helping to i ; - - __+__ i . - , _" h � , I ,' * the handles of a wagon, and drov fly SYDNEY 116'YAN t'RESTON. � I , _6 � ,�, .:;; ,:: r — 4t ql�ite pleased at my isuccess, : - I - - . ABSa0LLT3",E ; __ I rN � __:�;_ My good bumor did not last Ong, � - . 1 7 .. - I of the vulgar jo6ulai iby of the few p -S OA� Ulm I lrwm He wes a IiLtle old man, clad only ill . I . : - . � met' In going 4own a.steep h 11 m3 , . It � Pop tio, as ctrated on the h ridles I : trousers and sHrt, buL even with due at . . 1 llowcm.e for li's light upparel, i he speed with ! � i � which he ran was H : Me=g I brought the ; : :, I I 11 suddenly proj 'bed thems.elve� abo [ I '9 EU�. HuT I mower baek triumphantly, eling confi-Jent-1 ___..__=.=? I mar6'8 earls, when a man, who ivas I � i .- - � 1. i - I t I shouted : ! ; I MC.go-sowma � fzom the look of tertor on �is face, that he _". . . I at I � . Look at your. bell -band !" '- would not return. , 11 I - I had no chance to'. reply, foi the Genuine Shortly afterwar& the bcy whom Arthur 11, ] ­ � . I had hired,to milk appeared, He was dirty . k I *11, ,� was rattling down hill at a i te t . . - damftk. ' d I was riot tilt aU prepossessed by 11 ,f .. �! him far in the rear before I co Id h looking, _i_ - ., Aar--qm 31 an ' ; '1� I �. My belt was I1111 15 his manuer-. He d�,du't ev an. Irnow enough I I . quired what he meant . varitch","or to touch f is cap when but � _. � . � black silk one,.',% iLh a heavy Aael, ri, . � I I a rike to hir ...; ,A� I I . I . I � was quite voluble In ex ana I Me, an I ., i. " � I I and not likely to attract attention, . I followed his movement $wit h interest. The I � i 11 the country, so 1--ooncluded that the . I I - . cow, who was ptatu�'red- in a small field ad. � , � 6ion was.a catch _phrase epitomizi . � � _ IXT . P � rural concept ion of ,% it, and not o slits Littlu-4-- Ll Wer P n"'I S 0 � joi��Dg the orchard. looked vicious, and a I 9! - roped dangling fromiller horns added to tbls 66 ! ul by that artiole of clobbirg. This w effect. Carryink a a � harp stick with a carroi 0 firmed when I 1111 at a email h ,who Muot Bear Signature of I , , of SONS � me wit1h the same idjoti.j rema:k. stuck on the end, he entered the firld alo I - I I - . � ____ I called, perauabivel� : " Qc-o 108T . . I Nothing gives 'I i6gly replied bi, asking him w iere ,�� NotIning t stes good. It , . 1 �e5; bose." The effe0t was surprisirg, for tbp pleasure. T e anind is � Citill alid sltlg� �� his hat, anA if 4te motfier knew he v . z / animal e ecled her, tAil A0 charged bea gish. The will! is weak. I,ittic things J My. urbanity almost failed, ho wave . -1 . . war at thd boy, who Oed pmcipitatell- ' a "'an fii a top �uggyo dressed -1 [ke - down cause� reat ir6tation. What's the niat-'; . I I a tt p "it I *r, drew up hio horse and beg n so clam redoverithefebee. She t a � the � tt - see Nc-simllo wrapper Below. and E L 'r? : rhe pr babn ies are that : � r belly -band-' A suddeL,ly'On finding! her pr, -y haa as a e,, stonladi is d the liv�r in -1 11 My friend, you I . 11 � I ,,Yes, I kno�w,ll I' mapped. - and be poked the Enick tbrough the Once, I .� : � x nU a3ad as easy I volved., I I I to as supro waving the carrot I i ke a flag of -truce. .a Dr.: I � ierce's Oolden Medical Disco� ' your,owiD.11 .. immediately canted hostilities and began to I 11 . ,ery � I 11 Your bdllytband is---" he i � makes nlal�mf lo is run down and �is� 7 . q ran NUOUNG eat, while he secured the rope and If,d her �!rited feel i%.e a new being. It qres � dogmat ically. ! , D 0 barnyard. She followed like a . 11 Where did you get tha ha � I away to the I . . FOKDIMKESt� � iseage, of ,the stoniach and otlier: or�j Dh sudden passion, dri,v iug I FVQ pet sheep. f . , shouted wi I _. gans 0. dige tion awd nutrition, stirs'tho il away. . I I . I FOR BI "I You see, sir," he explained, " the boaq, : � . . i I 11ME - �Ffflt TO%1D LIVEIRi, . he showed me just how-slWd a good cow, sluggisl[l IIV Into actioll, and increases 11 As I passed t a village tavernt I he , IVER and dot2b mean no harm -f u' he says cowo the aql ,vity of tlie blood-uiaking glands, il of the customary loafers exclaxm, 6 . - PILL& FOR CO STIPATION- does better if they aih'; crossed, so ll�e oo thal there Is an,abundalit supply of � him 1�, There 1was a loud j�ffa : eir � 'STP'D "V"'t�- T 0 'P'* ' FOR ULLOW SKIN. k.etches. bar twiet S day , cst Jike I do- rl�. puree, �i ,elt bloo4. . ; 11e7er even looked at the men, hiviDg � r 1 � FOR THtCOMPLEXIONI - Remember, Tommy,' siyi he to me, ' MiO., Mr. *ward, �qcobs, of marettgo, crawrord quite accustomed to attractin* at I - . . � . Co., la& atia, is rites : " Aft ter three years of sit f- ; _ - . " � I - I ni. a WATU C. - I it seemed as it ithese country bumpk l 411109U31W 1AU&T V e ter,Milla don't any more'n know a cow from le and- malaria I gave tip, - - I '.. , fering witli lb.er troub P64 I -veptime. I _ r seen a gentleman before. 1 I E 25 gelft ruxely Teptame __ a horse. s-) I leaves her in our care. Tre.3 all hop! S of e ev. getting stoat again the last � i neve . — 2 chance trt your luedichte. I imot tried'� d t th stoical and as I eat -down JamEw-l"MMOMM?z her like a lady ku' she'll a t like one. is �, or er , CURE SICK KEA0AGHE. � motto," says he, ILI bat you, Tommy, a all the hoine joloctors and received but little:,,, for th: par els, �1 heard a loud §onv I I I . relief. After tt�kinK three bottles of Dr. Pierce'.,4.: : . so y an i net I reot 'Ir Golden medich 1piscovery and one , I n , a stack of boxeg. in � strong on manuerEl, OU b t ,,vial of his" going On b in I 11 $ it; l� ai gentle as if you was her own etilf. " 1� 'Pleasit it Peil�ts I I an, sfout and hearty,'"It , 1, IL'a t 1 dalmdest joke th VETERINARY .. ' 6owed " a OaCtil-nitory voice decla I I smiled to think of Arbaur'd siandard �f due eat ... ely to volir wonderful ntedicines.. !�! - I . . I �� . I � � 010T GRIE'%*E, V_ S., honor graduate of Ontario lady -like behavior, and instantly resolved Dr, -lierce's � Common- Sense Medica , recogni7,od it SO be1011giDg to the) you ' * J . � . tung iooS 9 -in" J Voter'nary College. 4J tiseases of Domesti that I would repay L im for his remark abod q, Advis� . cotita, , large page , - named Mason, who sold me the pi d to an I I oil receipi ' - STItnizIs I re�rtd. C41a prolnptlY at;%eude me by teaching hm cow to Comport her6e f paper. covers, s sentfi-re Of �' 11 Ye see that O ty feller that's ,-)n A trItarges moderate. Voterinary Dpntstry a specialty I ond-cent stanips to pay expense of 1 1 place thought, 6ur hogs was blerk ); decently, according to my own inetboft. 31 1 (iffice and r-,sidextoe on "urich: utraet, one do( tillailing ontio. A,ddress Dr. i i cause they .was 6 tbetle eati I c rrot of Dr se.o-w5 office, se-iforth, 1112-bt "Treat a cow like a lady," I muz mured, custoti�. alid el - A , � he come." (La�ghteri') " Oilloo i ,it I ierce, 10tiffalo, N. V. . i _77— . - � ___ when she beh%ves like ore." . I R. V.�. r I I ;rse, I - . I learned, as I watched opt -rations, thit .---- -1 , ! ___ ;, etalotoverthire this summer an � � LEGAL 1� othe plays � i . * sad to chase them like ol' Nici-b — . Lady Jane had three that sbe. portablf article Would have been Ileft in 21 u — � - , worked regularly tivice a diar. The next hours. ' I � knowed the short cut home, yo4 bet. JAMES L. KILLORAN, �� . bleikel'd come I ver pretty lippy,, bu f was to ki,;k at the � milker wGri the stool Tile Jones b�)y must have sp,ead the, arriatcr Sollettor, ConveyanQar ' and Notary was brought.. If hoi rzscapet:I, he -might,' newe that Growier was loose, for we were: man'd t,ell b te was agoin 0 shu . . PnV1i,3, Money to, lo,vu, office o,Fer Piokarcl'a Sb,oze ' I sow in with thel,crowbar becaus she' . � after etroLi.zg hei lovinglyi and sayiui-i dW urbed, a gain by marauderr. Even ' I malu S tra�t, Seafortli. i 1528 dSC1L.-Oboss,'71t,it downiAi-hp-hi-feeb safety, not i I the door off'n the hinges gettin o6t. I the. bail, r, butell er and grocer ref used to� , I. I as silo %ould ,not do it twice�� The Jones - come i4iide the� gate, ani we had to f7h, Of derision ) 0 But when the� at R. S. HAY,Sl , boy eE.c % . ed. and stibLia.- down, proceeae� dowii t. the real for supplies.. Alan 0- F-iir apples, he 'Come down and dwor �� Eirrieter,.ScliQttor,GcLnvevanc��r and NotaTy Public . P e, - � P' - 3 V pass�� trooper, an' talied da . golimtor . t,irth.eDjwinioci7B_%z)k. Offi�o-ih rear oi to Joop h r tail itbotit, his neck.--. . 11 Sh ; ere-b:v stopped to call gut, 1',flow d Them . Magee, so Paw . 6 f, at home for a Nw days -then as see 1)jvain�ouBanli,Seaforth. hlonc�yltoloau. 1235 - don't otire how the ffiea bit(s,"Ihe sai 1, 11 - , "' The goneraj interEs', 'was qAw' . she feels her t.12il a restin! there, btit if soli plgs * ; seen the Alerkels goin' bff he let th - I pleming, to m.e,i for they bever f,xiled to"! ST, Barrist", Solicitor, Conveyan00r, don't fix it t.hf,'Il slash everh s -Ain.' " laugh . r agair." (.W 1 laughter.) " law a X� 13- th g,)Od-�natvred deiight wheti'I del' ore i i -iotsry 1*uhlio otticeo up �,atilrs, ovor 0. W. He milk q,iiekly, but I was (Ii,guste4 . this way -Merkel dbn'thave to in PA;1.'v- boo'&-iwra, Mam' Stre,t, 80�forth, Uiltarlo. scribed my mebliod' of fe�'ot, i nil thclvl� i with, the grim3 on his bano� -�,. awl made up ; li%ia' off theplace, arl'if our he sge 1 1627 ,growth Of the I animals. ;,',`c'ags'io`n ally W'I I I � my inind not to use a dr 1) of the milk. farmer,u ould ac ' faedin' over' there, he needilt N � . pb my in itation to com6111 - -' ' -he remalrkei : ' I enough to gredge it bi cau 8, �) he'i pre ' - nearly f 11 � mi but he - EN,tY DEkTTIE, P.Arritt -, Sotiei�,,or, ft Wnen the p3il was nearly f in and i'llspect t�q'a invariably had; t ' al-cluey to loati. offil'o-Jadj's Block, SC I Z� ElSoica likes awful well to ps her hoof in the b I on�t ihave A i Vi ork like u . . lW94f wild 1-bbi-ses th4 couldn't I ( ' . if I . ! a left oil t i fixed, an' d ortn. I f dou' I I pail when she's bein' stripp'-d." . 1! ers.", (Applatu An' if h - __ 1 � . road , �'gnl ceemed content ith. a cur,ory� � )) A- !�OW & GARROW, P,arrist4s, Soliq1tors, &C. Even wi he Ppokla the foot came sliding - V1 them hogs,; let him keep lem ut. C, view. from the ivagon. Gr --iry�,.,' . I i r � . � � ,�wler was v i I ,�;or� lianAi-ton St. Dod' Sqn�Te, Guclerich, out. along her belly, cau I ioutil feeling for the f - - . applame.) i I G f I flenoll ; he would sit on t,b,e ground, war ' - y I o � J.,T. GAR Ow, o". Q. v(,,:e 1. He pu!��!ed it, aw,y Ea.3 iDg " C) -o ging his tail slowly, and gazi at strangers`� " Well, this :reeny thinks t�hey'r I !,I 9 - 1676 CLIVILLES L &Rttow, L. L B. . � j: kel's au' d r i ves 'em into the yard, a - miost trioOrnful and lopging txureE�� , 11 bassie," sootLingly, aud sh -, rot i ,nedly da. `with a � a — situted. I . I I em-Jec-ruslem ! - ji,ky ! (Roo ni�#:-�KEST?_D, vuC00820i to a Iste firm of - t -ion. f k yearned to, be petted, yet no, We had a delightful eveLirla eDj,)5 I yells) an' shuts'em up. Paw F.3en F 7A3_,Aughr,y & fflolmested, arriater, Bolieltor a? in one showed any i� Y� illinguesai to gratify Ills IDD *,ay:tncer, and Notaty - 801"elsor for the C%n the luxury of swincrivg i,i liammochs und r I i�'! Vznestq, au' jast went ia an' begun nV . z� I . db,sire. j I � ) 'to luad. Fum' the tica in the mootiltghl. , 1 -had !-et Gro w ., era off, wh(n the faller rushes out adlau Hxnk a? Commerce. Mono . . joy zat�. 0,;:0 in .goott's .Bi ek, Mato street er free in case any more 'tn%rauders rLhout�i Th� :1 orning 06fter we ax i ived a you ng � hr,use and takes' him for a tbieF. A � saaforth. L man drrve up %,�j h feed for eale-quil.e op. I __ - be p�o%vling ab-)ut,, nild, lie lay contented�ly portunely, f9r there was nnb enough on the says he, I d'ye mea , � b comic' in b?o 1i I on I he grnsq bef i le us, s � we were cl nite light to steal my pigs 1'." (Easti:iash Dh-N.TISTRI I . place the lw:llb t%irio days. Ile sai-I Inc nime ., , I � startled when he Jumped :up with a mighti was William A-11,ison-, atid,, as I ii 'f tther's � . Yourn !' yells Paw, rarin' up. I y I I roar'atid d.zi%ed cff bo the 3arr'.. From t �e hilgi ha L 4 bqon 6trilen�, they bad decided t : eiin' iOjit, the' hogs is mine ' T I . � I in � F W. TWEDDLES ,(I�iea'.i that arc 93 1 concluded :that he was ,�,,Il off I . 1 1 bou q fare Pekw can gib hil coat off to hit ti DENTIST I en ir-Lued ia ea, i ig one of the young pigi, be t , Ble f4ed 6heap. ��ht his whol; he sees him stoarting to loose t a A � , I On- 0 o o . . F , tock, al though : he couldult, be induced-tid a -j-.- P -0 of lit: I Sl.r,ears of a arr'iyincy at the place I' found that the- t when a gii 0 . ) to the 1).,srn nn'.1 the dog wa4, I�glits for the ro t 11 . , u r � I u. to. of R.-yal Ce,le, -4 rl� sounds proceedei from tile inside o , f 'tile d - rive ul . . right ki Is of th gate the pint .,iits -t,..1io, posL 6rA-,-u,t, cour-e :it. rox . and beldge %A -o ' .ar, Hz��., IV. ,,.,,to,.;!, chicaga. 1.0 la,na9.-.h,ti,3j f,r c)aained. He shid thab his horseki were in buildl:)g, and through zh3 ightly shut door of he near bu3ts arlaughin', but h 3 ho jai�llettl ex'r..et:o'k of tue1b. u,t[ec6vc,rD3minIon 1, the hill ) of b-:)IL�rig at the approach I%rg tant, ,zeaf j.t;h by G. F. B I vo. I recogi izel the vLi_e of the Jones boy. I .. 11 the fellow to keep 'am, an' makes io . ,, i. r.u, v y �r occitpiva 1:761 He was alternateiy shgut i i v f L.r help, an , dogs. ; . � Nex't mornin' h sends me up to se � - . �n My ( xpet i nents in feed illa were mor � swearm , at me for letting the dog loose. Ii I n 'Sock it to him, Bill,: if he biteV sa R. F. A. SELLERY, Dentist �graduate of the -1 le I t�-�,, tl.-ibora% than I had intendod at first, for Il I � I DRoyal College of, Dental Sur�lllons, Torouto, also diragged him forth, d, lialrig Grc'w ' me, an you bet I soc P k�q. it." I got t , acov r decided ,O -teat ten diffe'ren� rations on sol, half fur the load, an �vye didn't pay boaor graduale of Department ot Dentistry, Toronbo elp with diffioulLy, and di e�_ I a 1-7 Mary young p . Univeraity, office in, the Pett�,l block, Renaall. ed that h had a covered Wakeb containiii "I igi ; rio I chaified the mother three at the .�ill. , (�avi)us ejacuil . . Will vialt zux'cu every Monday, �,ommclnnlng hion- . . �1, I" , 1587 a pair of rabb;t-. They leaped i to a post in the pentre of th4 yard, and the! " Our hogs is gcatlia� fed free, an' , - - � , day, June lat. � . Growler ran c-ff in p _ urauit. The boy lhowle� ten youil'a Once t10 this surro4noliog fence, atk .g * '. to claim d�'mage , an'-" - I T "ine stopped sudde ly, - with hia ! R. R. R. ROSS, Datitiub (,iti c . louder than ever, and decla ed that the r al-�di i tances Japart. In phis way I w, �! I , a r � ) . I y I 1� I : �. I � �Vz��4a�,,:::�P�-/ � t te of Ro & . C31leg ol of Deutal Med o num$er each orip,-on'l kaep am�; wide open, as 1, emer ad from beh : DT-weddle),.gractuaw of RO) & bits behn-,ed to -him, but Lhe e%ideace W ena I I burgeons of Ontario; arbt clads ouor gradu&W of o 6VD, and I haid- the account )f the f6od eaten.' I I the bontrary w, s *, conclu. � 1�:, boxcs, and stood � ga, ing at I i al � T-,roato Univ,ars-ty -, crowa r-dre worki algo . a lu Jorm-'t. ALI tZ mo5t modern sat6fact ion of accing that the young rascal I had lie merL48 Of Weighilg thb porkere,"I through my glalsiep. I Kold v,orkin oo : I L 4 and PA niesaeXtractlon of did nat escape -with iiis booty. I dizchaTgod so I m, V ured the irth tmice daily andl: " Willijan, (fear," I said a etly � uluthods. for pa'nlcoa fillin.- . I 9 - - , � I � Jet-tti. All operath;ns c%refully v c rformed. a i cubic iuchss.�! �) fr` him on the epot, ia epite of hij trump3d-op calculat d the lincreas !: smart boy, runi home and tpll P w th T,�._-ddlfj's old zi�%nd, over Dilre gmc,ury, Sestort.h. I �, .. 1 1640 exatiae of haviog takerl. a :ihort cut through They al rays mq�asured legs elore breakfas � of his hogs will' leave to -night. 1W ; my - place on his way , home from INI asoW& than ia he evediou, but that was the Onl ; range about thelbilance wben lie p ___ I � n - - 3 L . � i I - XEDIOAL. tie seemed gtad that I allDWOU Ulm 1.0 90 fact, tha: didn u,woh lie aA waver in a file, - Inerkel-s claim, Sna the amount wh I I - . - before Crowler gob tired di,yging under tracting anner. Number ten, for instance, � ewindleil me cup .of." � . Lhe barn, in a vain pursuit of 6e rabbits. costing ine 17 (eats a daylh�only earned .h' There was no��rther laughter as . . I . I � I Dr. J innis, I was unable to sleep 46c several hours cent and four fifths at the � nd of a, week., out with my basket -nor was I ann �11 ohn Mc I � . I I : 110n. Gr&duate London Weiitern I niverglly, ineWber that night, thinking about ,�he utter absence Numbeir five wo Id pay tw sevenths of hi� � returning, by idiotic allusions to rn� . � . . . I - 9f _Oatarlo, College of Phyelolans and buroo 8. � T� Wn of honesty in the neighborhood, 1 could board U, a brie period, an then hypotfie., el, for I forestalled every attempt I . I Onize and Reqidence_F�ormerly o(i 3upled by Mr. M. - ' 11 � � I _� ara, Vlotorta Stract, next to k 1.3 Catholic Church well undeistand, why Arthur and M,atil cate bilp nture 1proppects -to a hopeiees eix"i, proa6hing persons to spring the lo � . I . ? � I A Pick were unwilliog -to leave the place without a tent. U . iree an4 (ight deciested in s!za---j, b derisive injunctions to come of � � ;_ arNight calls ikttended promptly � . ; .y . . -, _. .. 1.m � __ __ n1s a I . L I,---- - - - — tenant, for, if I had, not been there, not � a while me, eatilog. three c� day, wa inquiries William Ya ters -11 . - --' - I I .1 - c .� � f DRS. BETHDRE L R:OSS I � . . honesbeitough t pay back 4,leven arid a halfl nearer relativiw I I ill i � ., I �1 1 cents In seven daye. I . In Lhe place of going direc ly � i ()flicu over Johnson's HN11 ware Store, Alarro -, #. � I dr I I I beg; it to look on them ��it,h logs enthu-11 ove a few miles further to a bowa seafortli. I . 8 � there was a drt g store,and bougb,t . ., R. it. Po5s, M� B, I I t i'sm, b. t My Eucc(s; with;L-Ady Jane '.V.ils�l packets of emerald dye,, returning i 'c. BKTllrsF. a ab 3ence of the Jones - bo3 j, Ai -F.. . ­­2� . � inspirit'X �g. Th ; z I . 11, _6_1 ' ' �& . lent apirite. I thought it better not - I I 0010 sidei. ag his rty apyeaLiance, was not a � . h " - M 0 ,N'q V oalls attcuded to at',"'! (',I" �( - atter ffir regreit ; but i lie ebulous i lea of, - a ____ Mo ke . I tion the matter in hand to Alice for I ­ � I - . ______ . i . . lyql� . . a habit of makirig trivial and it rele . __ � - ." ­,� - : - � o1ciog 06 milkiij,r myedif became an impen" I - " g�� - I I - I �, - - , jections to my r � � - %___10 �S ati ve d a i y. an d jalso forced me to app'y my, I _pcsl, original schem 11 i � - DR. F. J. SUPIROW81 4c 11 liapp, � . � r I All ivell "a � .0.6,3 ra3idenAPkyslolan and surgeon, Toronto Con- i I newly'a Jolved theory of how a cow hhouOl causing futile dipm-slons. I atiii nospital. lionor graduate Trinity Univerialty, � ' � . : bo treat � d. I . . ? I had become hardened to labor, o t 4 �ons of ftin". That 1 is 1he rco�ul, r � , not have fi�iihed the work tha Lig sa,imb5rof the CollegO Of Phyfilolano and SurgL . 0 1. waq, a parfe�il euccess. When I sallied ontaria. Coroner for tho 0ounty of Quroln I I � ,,�zzL 'dence-Goderich Street, Fast' of th� ' out to capture h r I carl i A tile stick with- when it wa� done, I Raz'ed with 'pi . __ I ;11 i I mad ae.az report fi-olli the iiionkcy cacyc , delight at ten -little pigs 61%d in shin i . r!tuodist Chuich. Telephone 46. I I Z:), out a cal,rot., and when -fe walked iito the I - i . . � 1336 . barnyaH afew hautes latE green. I regret the limited on � � there were no ,ted . t 4 . I I . - of Barmini's Cir�cll., eA,Cr Since two 01 I dye, for there was not en -)ugh to cc a � . ions as to which of us should be � I � � I i. I : , . I treated i ith de ermce. � 11 vast expanse of sow, so I Only did � I � I I . - . i flie keepers lx�gan closing thl � I �� and ears' with a'! dab in the mo th, - 11 PHYq-1CIANS AND SURGEONS, - - I 10 She be iaved with decorurn while I milked,j, " , 40af,riah. stree%,, oppo8lto IdtAhodlet churab.5eisforth I - . the yawr.iag cave rn from lookit g so 11,011keys with � Scott's, EMU but whei I gave up there w;,s only a q,iarc ally pink. At Midnight I ur fast . 1 � � . � . of milk a my peil, while Lsoly Jane had' � ,OTT, vx4duato Victoria and Ann Arbor, and I i� but one pair, and drove them t3 the I j. a. ar, the bthE r nine. I had reasf ii to- feel ag- . . member &Ltario College �f Phyaciaus and S1()11. Constim pAioa -was carril- 1� or rather, led them, fo ooke � artzgeous. coronor for County,of aurou. W grieved, liaviDg worked as haird as a locomo-1, ' . - I � . 4 1 - 1: me as a fountai ii of . nourishm4 nt, a � 0. MACKA,Y, honor graduate Trinity University. U710' Off M-0 third -3 Of , ffiel-1-1 tiVe firer -an for 36n h6ur and a qtmrter, and"! lowed like a flock of hungry hei: a. 9 -,!d mcdalNli Trlr.ity Medical College. Member In, I . I Ly, zed a �, her lacid coun.-enance 6utpici-( � College. of Phyelcians olad Burgoclas, OnUrlo. I "I cusly, tr1ing, to diiioc the means she himi was to start them i a the direct on ( . . 1 1483 even" ycar and tli(� CiFctis 11,Lad i on's &Ind go lbd held ; bat they w(uldn I J c' �" - taken to cut-cT the supply between th ' I . - I I ind I returned to the h '1'� "" I __ — to bm- liew one . . I reeervoix and the ouLlet. $he chewed hcr� ot: 9'3 v' . � - .S. . cud W4 placid indifference' but I detected1l; my heels, their hoots clatt,rin� -a I Mr;LEOD'S , . I " stones at the kito'hen door. , %ees ab ut the corners of her.mouth, e CQ4)Jr accident- " ' ' When we reached the road fc r the __ On dav a k ,� , Ir*9`11 cle � .1 t% I I X � � fmvestir 01 C_xpt(sted exulltation. Yo - I : System Renovator : �� f 'A time, I carried !One of the largest . i old swiiiffler 1" I exclaimed threatehiogly �, I . fire -!orackers, from a stock that Art - alh, brok-c a bottle � of Scotts C ou've beefi pl:iyti3g m i Lh cards -up you� a _ -AND OTHER- F I I . i y . i evidently provid�d for celebral.ing ' � TESTED - REMEDIES. P_' n i Lds i o n near thc 11,,Onkel I 'h eve !" � tiotal holi,lay, and awear of corb. � I � I gpqu ours in :a vain searel � I : � I - my charges were bus with the oort � 1 a in 0 D) g 1'�' rtllu il books beforf , y . - � ,& avoclifto and anticlotoi (or Impuro, Weak and Im. cacre ancl the monkeys cagerl I 11 rtllu '� agii3ultur I the fire -cracker to the sow'dileg, and � I � : vl3ii.!bcd Blood, Dyspepsia. Sleeplessness, Palpata 0 1 .� 21 !) ficidingm' I I -o lthe rnybteripus niecht�Dicisrr I Von r-,, tho uez,rti, Liveu, Domplaint, Neuralgia, Lou - .ue , . - I hich hp b, ill A my effor a. At 14et m - I I of Memory, Bronel I I nee, - - I . -0i 11tio, 0onsumption, Gall Sto lapped it Up fronil the a we", 1� : i r/ it* t 'floor W ttl[.a(ted b -ks or * ey, * , I ,I iC,1C ,� L /0 I I I Jxuadjoe, Kioney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vltul y blue pencil mO . Nearly upme . . . I .r . � � Dtmoe, Fonlate Irleguiarioicis and General Debility. r I he matiOn of t a *rekly I aper, auX'I d - ­ W . : I LARORATORY-Goderich, onsarlo. 1�) z,--,, I . -61fith orkrht-S P19C. ThIS -HUCICSt0d the �%.that it ' is I . I,> , covereci I a Ptc ui ce of Arthur'd oracular ollis 1 a:2 I . I . . " I . I .1 J. M. T&LEOD, Proprietor and Man'U mlo-Ilt (1() sertatioilb,to T .9my.Jones. 1 Treatyour eolv� , I _ flIC111 or 'OCI., Since I �.. y," , Severe nnd Torturin Ca I � I � Z) � b 0. like a' read with Idefisior. I fele I � - I facturer. I - compateir to no ruct the a her of the cow�. BrIuJit'x Dl-,sci-xe-A Jug' lee thell the monke"l's hl_ive received I � Suld by J S. RoBE=s, Seaforth. I . lady pa�i glrapb, but the next let: i a a fl!)od Pence Certilacs to the Cure . 160i4f . . MI'Lllar doses and the keepers of ligbtic� i m difficulty. 1, Chnsc*n JCIdney�Liver 1111s. - __ —.--- n . . l' . , I I ' The fo: lo n morzilog, when I stoo,ol mr". James[ Dellihunt, a much r - . report ve ry few cleaths f rom with a 6 I paillin front of L%dy, Jane. I. ea rosidlunt of CDnsecon, Ont., st THE SEAFORTH i , Wore the .riump� , ant smil'e. 8he sighed and . "I was a sufferer from Bright's � � I . � I con,,, will) t loll. � Of coul"SO it S chewed � ier cuO dejectedilly-the ironicl0i for several years, and at thlies t I I dimples; lad vapiihed. If " i refleetecl�! t'res of 1-nlnd and body were alfn , V - .1 ` , yond endurance. The pains ,were I .� ' up her mi u Oan � Musical - Instr umen t clicapur to bLI Sc tt's Emu - A( I � a cow, Olds � I, . � t'umP,' head between the shoulder and I . : � sion than new monkeys—and - her ace b placidg a sack ofigrain,across he the 'whole spin,e, � concentl . -a ing p I ­ r _ I I I � 1� I I loipp." � I '' the kidne7s, where I was nei�er I -1 _"' 1UPORITim. t1lat suits the lcircl[3 IIACI-1. I To jrd , turn to* the pigs --they becary. e e� .1 JVAA,T� � i I . ­ � . � ' ly free from pain. When .1 got I wl ba;teful iacubus.' I had no chance for rcqr� the inorning I went about berit i Coils t,1111 Pti 0'1�n iu monkey I 'ti -ea I . � S reation,1 r my ,mew en up. in ee . ' nearly ou e. gave me gi 1. . ; � � . I i-ag and: ateri�g, wtighibg rwions an to urinate, andl at times th wat � ESTABLISHED) 18,73. and in inan is lie same disease. a8uriil, �-not i to mention maddening, .L I _ ime very scanty. Medicines see ed t - ­ If yoU 11a\ -C ,� I I I the bla4F :iLtie or no effect in ia-ly C se, A �01- -.I,-,- t111 -C, i bi I I - ,Ltell_ problemtl , in 04 ic inches -and , I-,egan the use ,�of Dr. Chas -'s K I rd times, wo have con- I which fell up n ime at the �end of a week, Owing to ha t . I - f 0 - Liver Pitts. Th'e flrst dose ieliev I � . . � � I I I duded to sell Pianos and Orgam at ed '-with it cali )-OU ;v, as, the, for , 14ot an abso�luiely crushin -.nd five boxes. extirely cured I � . . - , onp. ; I 0: -_ I ! � ! ave no pains in my Icidneys, a. . I � -1 take the hint? I had � ecid d mot te di8t1arb the heap olf 'o as good a day's work as . . � ' ..... : i ! Greatly Reduoed Prices. This I pidure represents stiaps t, �� t rthur call& harness, ana ould," i i �Allr. J. J. Ward, J.P., of Coaseco ! when Ali a in delted on sen Eric, me to the - the Trade Mark of Scott's 1`11 . . � I village I - aup)lies that she had overlooked , :fles th.it he � knows M- r. Dell I . Emulsion and is on the 9 . 19 - . � er of every bottle. I was rat i er a inloyed, but i t was out of tho Latellie.,11t of his c.ure to be corre � I I -1 I Oruans. at $25 and u war(% and , wrapp , question . .o walk sa far, and I went uuwiIt`.! i ue Rnd without exaggeration. It - � 1 C-1 P . � . 11� oollh�,.h to trifle with new-fangled I I . I -Send for free: sample. iDgI3 to tqe e able to prepire for the trip, : .1 I ; pla-aos eL corresponding prices. I I , Incoi ,,vhen you can get the tOst . w � . - . SCOTT & BOWNE, Alice fol edlMe in about an hour, and lbe',] : provqn Itind. Dr. Chase's Mdhe) � 1. S3e usbefore purchasing. gan to or! iciso�, �n a way that did not init ' rilis� onc� pill a dose, 25 cen-.s a 0 � i 1 4 , - - CANADA prove myi empet, for I was taking a grelai! de2l6rs, or Fidm%nson, Bates I - I � - 5oa and $i all druggists. deal of tr; able to o0lige hei, She declared 1, Toronto. Agents wanted for Dr. I 11. I . . I . I I that ther4 should be two stilaps around the 1 last and complete 'Receipt rook SCOW BROSs _� . . I ij . I I mare's Y*s% but in epite oU her protests, I . I . I . � I I I I I � I � -f ! i I I ; ? I . , : I ; I . . I .. . r I . I � - - . I . I � � . I � _- I I i I . . 3 - - - . � I " I I . i � !� - I i I I . . , i I . ;. I I � � . I � _�� . I i � - � � . . I . . I . � i I � - . " - � - . i r � I I : I - � i ; I � I.: . I ! � I t � ; i � . . � ; I � � I l.. . � � ; I r � I I i . I I : � � . . I . � I I � ; i . . I . f � � I � . I - ,., .. f I I , i - I . 1: - � _: . �, 1: , . . I � __ - - ��. - �1_ - . - ----I----.-,- ____­ - - _ _. ­_ - - - � - . 1 .'' � _; � � ­. ­ - ... ­ ­ - ­_­ , -, __ - _L_1_____,_ ____1____L'i . _­ _­ I- - ­­ ;%� - �1_ _17-111 _1-1-1- — ,­ �__ _�_"_­ ­­.1FW'­ 11M.- _­ ,-.,--,-.--,---,---,..-I...---.-..- ­ � I _--_11 ­_ . I 1 -7 , - I � . I I � I I - � . I 'I ; � � � : I I . . . - I 1, , _ : � � . ; I I I ; I � � � . � . I I 1 .: I . i 11 - - : i - , I .i 7 . � 1 � I I � . - i . I - . : I � � I q : I . I . ! I ; � - i I - A - - -_ =_ � I . ! I I � . i - I . . . �_ - ;_ ` - I. I : - . 7� _- I - - i -_ � I . - - � . I . I . - I i ? I : � , . . I vor_ , 11 I - I i . i - - - I I - - � - , I I ., I . I I I ­ __ I i , � �,��__ I -- - -­ - - - - - , - -, . ! - — _ . - - - I z , , " � . � � _ .. i- . I . . I � . I . I u � � � I - - -I � . , 1. : I . � I I � � I . - i t - � � - � i : - . i � . I I - I I I � I f . . . I . i i I � � ,. i , , I i �, 11 i ­ I ! : I , � I � J I . . - i I � I ! ; I MIT � � � ; ! V ': � � - - I r I I . ; i . ! I . � -___X' I I i . I � � I - � � ��___�_M � ,--- � - - :;��J . . I I UARY 21,9 i I i � � ; - I .FEBR I I _qn - SJVSAM­i 4 ITOR I i I I _ I I � I 1110011m� ­--n�­­� V I �— I f — -----m 10110w, - - . - . __ a, ' . I . I � are � . done, or inquired *limb I intended doing Mason trudged homeward with two I . . I I 13 ince we lef r, home. green pig,j repoafing un*i;lIngly ins, b0#1114 V,wqvs 0 i I . rftW. . old up my hands. ed wheel -barrow. The, , � t - I -11 1 . She hadn't- even noticed that I � litt,113 feet- - I . I . I bad pattered so cheerfully d # -'Whio� � I I - rout] , a away . , - I �.! . I were green I . i Own the r4g& a", B- i � i Worse' I had heard her laughing % ildly to after a. supposititintis benefactor, were "'I I because , .* I � I , - I , th, � I ­ ' -ack ia a 1 14,04 , la,e to � eople I � . � .herself on two.000asions, when she thought � I securely, and travelled b ra . I in B10 " atten- I I was out of hearing, and, on asking her the, --nil s)rrowful posit i m. verma - - . , which,, . . � . cause I she answered, eVaEiVely- ­ � Artb ur Merkel drew a breath Of relief. ftl- ` - -or . nd a sickenizig dread, I I joy of bome-criniiag d(n1endiug unan ve the . . With faint hope a � I I -& . -2 . . - t1m.: , , � I I appeared at dinner with my coat turned ia- he retraced bis stepi, cheered by the kiQy a 1.4st , asairig, t I - I � . - knife. .My 11 . Tor th . - I side out, and ate pie %ith my solicitude of the genial old soul V,7bo Pitt - I ­ 44. .0,61ery Cow I ­ vt ife looked unconcerned. companied him to borrow the lawu.rao'ce�l "I I - � ,e to . . "Vlg-o;� , �� . tv � �Ohw vehicle i �. That afternoon I went down to the road THE END. 11 �rszk W rh"1101`71 . . I 'i .. hat left . in of Kidney at three o'clock, oil I gazad'longiogly in the -*� . ­ Ino , I 3 a sy pto . direction of the station, hoping that Arthur HINTS FOR UIPME9. , - 8&t -.Weo - . Discase. A well-kno,wii ave arrived on the train . -it . a utoi a plain loctor h s said, "I never and Matilda might h . brallght A buckle, retinad post-mortern ex- from the Nortb. When. at last they actu- . �csse e blessed , evell in Lminati inacaseof de.uh 1 ally appeared in the distance, I ran joyfully HOW to Pre-servEl Health anci 50 .of piane:ri j I - 's I - expres. 'rom, He rt Disease with- � to the house to tell Alice to oat ready to Good Color. nfined to thu. ng the start for home in an hour. I chained Grow- -co - � )ut findinir the kidneys - I I jif*�SlVlnz mod . - d forth . wereatfaurt." TheKidney ler, gave the pigs enough food to keep thern Pale, Sallow, or Anaemi . ,,.,n§Fter -of tlie I - nedicine which was firbt om- , quiet, and hurig a tag on the inside � of the c Girls Restoredto. r,hesiolk, ­-`e`t---1 - pig-ven door, marked " 0. 0. D. $7.00, and the Bright Freshness of Youth by jo tLeath and c saluted Ile marketi most s . Natural Menna-Good Health I hmil- . ul for Heart Disease and daii;sgea." . - -tholmud a to It he got Arthur around he looked Within the Reach of All. I I - ,11 Kidney. Troubles, and Wben I showed , . ja W,Ortblege- . ; � 6 *bell he saw the hens From The Sun, Orangtville, Oat. I � .1 . I as out. � ost Wid �Jy imitated Is . qatite pleased, bu . - I'll, � ­19rViAes and Pi . - I �, r, when T I lis Ching his expremim changed, and he Mieris Maggie Brownlee, of Ora�ge 'If I I wboar kii I . Vile, *--. 'bas'aared qwm%� ' � For a a volang lady well : Own to thii rM.- � . . I Minis- � - 7 never thanked me fbr my trouble. � , It, -is to tbio: . 1 4ews lemnly, i -_ I them all on plain ortbe town and greatly esteemed by allrj­ , � I P0 d's mbment I wished I had set _W -celeq 4001AP11 I I . . ; mud-tarLIeW egg@. acquaintancer. Like thoussadg of ogwr ,a�tenuou to'ev [ ' - , �ook at I That is one reesoii why I decided to let roung girls throughout; Canards, 11 from W4!skneru I - I Kidney hinifind everything out for himself ; an- cmulee fell a victim to.ana-e - " �* '_ , , � ; - MIA or w" IiJU4 aeumilo naisted, . . I othef Is that I was too pressed for time to blood, and for a time, as she says lemit, gas tloo�d 4 . I . ,- I ,gras a . � 1 talk, and still another tuat I hate all Ports feared she would never again enjo ,kij . Mimi , Apy 1buble, oll I I - of explanations aril discussions. BQt%,1&9 I health. Expeziertpes like Min E ___ � ffis .... ro ---- A -tera bava.potw, I 11 rapidly . � . �,p * stood on the bs,ek of the- ear, with Alice compot fait to be of benefit to ot _er - ew .,And vermarnent , - I I safely seated insidel' I -was suddenly impell- anadmie girls, and forft�his remon-,& 9ji , * , 41001m ard onei _� - __ 6 ad to -call out the nevrs that the Jones boy consented to give a at&temerit ' � I- �ftl + "'hi . ' to the Stin. 0.01'suo'bardiseal I That's the fuse, hastily departed. I arrived 666 the was dismissed, and I, bad to smile at Ar- publication. if, My illness "I � - clorly ,do f sai-41 - so but I house just �n time to calm Alice's feats, for thur'a look of blank bewilderment. MY Brownlae, I.' came on %+cry graduall � � . Y1. I imany of Your i ' I - become she had been awal �ened by the explosion, sloile Vanished as I entered the c&r and atfirst it merely seem us the __ � � SA ugh is , .been made WK r tention. Although I was pos Itive there wasn't going found A'lice in a paroxysm of.faughter. � a feeling of depressiop and til*dnew, -1 I -ing virtues are . ins had, to be a stotm, I thi iught it better to' clone � My feats returned in force. ."Alice," I kept getting worse, however, and ficany � - * i ablea pbyzi-eii . ave my. the windows, as .fjh( requested, to avoid dit- whispered, in a tone of suppressed agony, to give Up a good position. I wao -at ti _a .(),�Jary Crompat to wait cussion. � have ra ely enj,)yed such a re- 11 what is it ?" : 1�� . M t . I troubled wi - th a throbbing, racking 't.A. If yon are W ereation Areshing slJaep. .� . 11 Thank heaven !" she exclaimed. ache ; MY appetite gave out p -the I-eaea. I . ,�of disease -or -a . I U .X. � P� � The next morning I was surprised 0 the "I That's over." . ertion I i red me, .and my heart would but -1 .ritable, aleeeAp er was number of"�eople,pa as ' ing north -walking or 11 There, there," I said soothingly- painfullY. My limbs seemed to fecil-.like - ge Of rAind'z' I I red. I driving, thoy werb All in a burry. Wonder- " What's over ?" 'weights, a -ad At other limes there Wai a, - I ,well .the uitti, ng man ingly, I hbi led a ma3. "Ain't ye heard !" he She laughed again. " Your farming- sinkingsineation wfiAjeau scarcel�-,&. � - X feed. inquired. 1 11 Come BIODg dowil-greatest have you had enough ?" � icribf,. . I was treated bya good do 112 � ctor-itid HOW NE carkel's show on eairth. MaBOD'S hogs got into the 11 Indeed I have," I replied, earnestly. took a, -number of remedie'a, but without 4y : Ili th e- id -ark -- - . � el'o be. taties and �Icked off the Parii green. Little I I TbOl)i" she said, "it was worth while improvement in my conditioni.aill I lftiar : tpark Avznua g when uri'd all turned gmen, an' th' old sow's bs. to let you have your fling- But, ob, Archie, to fear that I was doomeidto beat invsl& � the coronees I'll they7ve ginnin'." � -it was awfully hard to keep quiet -you did Oaed�y a friend who -cilled to see me zpokp � ... XV � 3 Merkel I diln'tifeel intim%te enough with the such funny thin " very h i ghly of Dir. IV � of lbo _NOW 1.1 . I i go. a ill arns' Pink Pille., "a , lert State raw ut they Masons to �isit e I thought1lie old And tbii time I laughed with her. . what she said intereste my mo 0 much B some 4 . � ther a J� - WWY. I ­ . I wzg. man wouldip 'h ",and - 'that:ehe bengbt a few bo'Xia" I beggll Uk� the le, *y Then robabl� ive me the particulars . . . . . . , �� r P. . � b the ol' when he ca�ncle over 'to settle, so I declined ing thein, and in the co4rae of a fs� - kt;, ;;; jz That rerril t the oil the inxi"aticn. : 11 CHAPTER III. W %ft I : I there was no room to do%bt that tbay w . are- .er, -m-mbly sia< - d broke Tile revEla,ions of character that I heard THE VERDWT. helping me. I COW i auied taking 'the Pill% -. . - w , - LimitA I . -estern . . (Shouts through thoa mediuir� of Bill Ai&8on did not The village store was crowded- on the for a couple of months i I , . . or -more, when I felt : , railway maum . ' I up the give me a ' Od op'la;1on ot the natives, nor evening of the day the Merkela returned. as well and stroDg as ev�er I had been. Itit, r 4 r*e t an�� 1 . an D .1 . , ra _� . � I � 1 3 like a, di I my furrhoer expdkences. T.,�:ere 'was the home. It happened, providentially, to be about a year since -I $&,011a up taking the pill@, ' flor his fare, ps ' I � _ ,. - fed 'am a3seasor, fal� illitanc -% blatirit-boor i Saturday, Fo there was a full turr.-aut, and and I have not since ifel� the _; - "' I � . * need of fifl� - - s! -,ow, but prp''I n as he I was dr;iag prab,em-3 in cubic m'easure. mcst of .the participants In, the incidents madlich3c.- _ I think i5r. "Wi'llimns, pink Pius � I Thi's wwal�;] � am Out meat one dl�y, w I a Afice was in the kitcb. connected wiLh Archie's sojourn were able a grand medicine, and 'should ba taken'by-, - . ductor, And bf, flys ib's an whe to all pale andfeebl � � I 9 n 11 heard a peculiar �rumbling And ,testify to their share in the stirring e girlF21 r -sudden thnugl . i. . ake his boomiag voice -an inconsequent noise, sug- events. � Dr. WiJi.Am!,' Pink Pale make '04, rea - . I ri the ,w�RBterner, - ts some gesting the note of a' human bum,ble bee. ill Ea'o gone, but 'is works aft"t .gone," blood % ish every dose ta'k4 ill, thus reetorm- -,,,--I It'?' " . I mean Steppiag to the door, curiourdy, f heard sa�id_ Simon Pdtch, b I itterly. 11 - Ee called me the bloom.of bealt,6_and the brightnue. The west-rn L ttY well Alice exclaim, ia a tone of incred U10119- per- a I hold sinner, an me a deact.11. I Clear freshness of yoqAh to pajeand sallow , q I . I aselre, replizd : "" Tie! 9 farm- plexi.l.y :" � . figut -I' 'ec Ulers, an' jerks t' 'andle away. Through their action.on;the blood th 49 1 1 ey zero � ,� Aha," 499il I . � I - t want " You w%nb a tab�lo v, Hed '& knocked 'im hover for tupperence, sucli'diseases as ? ; . anaerai nervolieneEs, hea. ' fare,� yon U'llift (More " Yes, a -table," ��c" voice ri but�l turrs on ma 'eel an� walks hoff." . fif 11 umbled, per. - ache� rheumatism, dl� epsia, St. � . p vitue- I' . -oalev�n t,y� , ' � � ii emptoril " You'd 'a scooted if he'd had the dorg dance, heart treubles, seases of the kia� I - Y.- � � .! I a Mar- I pee or frame with in- loose," sdd another man. 11 I druv ia to I � I , 7 red around thedo _. I neye, etc. Those �ills & so cure the-Silments . Just A I ,- 11 with a look at them hogs, an' have a Nugh, but thst make the lives of P-0 many women $ � � n7 gives creased interest.. i A tall, gaunt mail, i h s But if folloll�y . I to .and sandV bear',], dressed in a linen -duster . long when I s-ien that brute a-sittin'-oa his hams constant misery. F,ald �rq boxes, the wrap- - . the bull an� lickin' his chops, I most fell ciff the per around wl it,�h be . the - fu , �ex-tra,expow*4 . are � � it n - boots, and a comica stra0tat sto6d there. � . ame ,D,r. � catarrb. t� tol drive My impreision was hat he wore abso utely wagon into his jaws, anj . I couldet raise no WilhlAmW Pink Piliti for --Pa-le People, ean the Throat, 0 of the no cloth4 bat the rticles mentioned. laugh." I be procured irom citugg to, or will'.. -be sent � l4bgs b,ecolne " I I 11 What,' J . 1, I was up to the. houre te-Jely," said t.hq by mail, -post p%id, at 51� . I �- - ' "We h ve all inds,' I said, sa�%ely � . an's a boxorsi)e� � -so quickly 4of ad day- 1. * batcher'aboy, "fokthefirst time in three boxes for $2 50 by addiessing -he Dr... - , � uffling ) " Kitchen itable, di iog ta�le, sewhi i g table, weeks. Mr. Merk6f, he looked: pretty sick. I.ia.mb) Me P � t wit i The iu?,pecto;r. card table, table d' ote-' I - ii-icine Co., Br6' ckville, 04tritrio. � blaLh- . . i I He asked me to tell him plain if anyone ! . I Neville, AayA � I "That there'll d ," lie said, edging him.. 'a , - . �remedy I �ha*( t hea ba- , I were killed by the dog when he was gone. . Township Councils. - self in.--ano flinbirg a lArge flat �book on I I 'kill - 0&tarrh of 0f a clam, ,No,' says I , there wasn't no one to STA-ZLE Y. -The townibip council met ,on, -, i)leated -to reo org, an' the dwiag-poom table. I immediately cal. m -for no one'wouldn't go in the gate. Mr. ' I )) Oulated th� number of eutic iachas � .) Monday of last, week, with &1I the mem. I iemed-y. * .1c a to the - tat i� OOJ: - Boomer,' says I, i:was round aLsassint', . an bers pres-al. Mr. F. W. FArneembe, cjv[t� ;:a him, an' ned. C�upultiug the book, witha pencil the dog took afterihim, atO be had to giD so - gainst -Cold$, . . : engineer, from L-)ndon, was also present .10. -be used whi Ilers to in tis h4d, he Uclared, emphatically : quick that he lost, � three days with cramps ,i I r home. 4' Your na'�ne is Ar(hur Merkel " - I in tLe legs. � " i - I I thwt "Reveral technical points -on drainar - ihes;tre, or at r ' The Missive tone 1 id not admit C n- 64 work, came, up and were fully, dismsstd, - rhozme'a.ud it , !o ,t 11 feed. ol ri�e( You bet that I'd make him feel Lick," wa Is (lecided to go on with -the L-)ga-n d I _ , * - 4 eaut,64 � Fs he to tradictinn, and I w�s. mch sarp, d. to said Billy Mason, I I for Boomer's rated his - ZAMM - . SIZ9 denv the assertion, so I said, faintly, at once so chat a repart .concerning tame': --forth, ,or b a en an' a if ; place two hundred Ll,gher this year, an' Paw roM engineer _+ 7 , . Yee ?" i I , f will be zeet iired as ,soon .%I,-, . ftOL ' on . , -- more'n 1. 0 aye he's goin' toi-make him. pay up for that ible. ,A deputa;tion1rom 'the D ,rucefitS , _� 134 . ations.) , . 'You have tw 0 ildren," he troared, If, L' then turnin' Poss' - : q - I � eller keepin:l our hogs, a - � �-. without lo king up. � .. � 11 - public library., comit tin, L iot. Meearp, Friveii- : , Paw's . them into the tatties." - 9 . 1: Filsb*i - - I was avlechleas and befowl couOgat my ,IT bElieve," said a meditative listener, and Graham, wt-ited upon the council, �&nd' , I A I rematki mouth breath an ' d' nanV voice raing out from the is Ile turned them pigs green. When .I was after. discuesing the meri! s. of the same, thir I Morehead Cit. indt 'lil' " council voted $15 for the good wotl;, Colin* � kitchen, 1'�, Vd've-* no,�hing of the kindt_'w(,'ve hurryin:l down the road that mori.iu� he-- liable partieis be 12 , : ! � . - - silently only- I � . � cil also discusked the resolution of the beart - I . � . I h&iI8 me to know what's up, au� when I tells Vaccination, I bat the . Bogue souncl, f him to come along an' see the green pigs, he - I I . school of fislij -Both ol� ad."'heAnterruptiad, striking Out of he,%Ith concerning 4 4 anentry. I" Name your livestock." I : question was teft over for the ilemt meeting. I -ha , my I chuckles, ,in' says he seen all the green pigs . The auditorrs' report of � th�- towrIls I - tlind gutt I 11 Three Lhousand4ii hundreA an I fifty- he cares about." � hip .46- - vloiniv� His at mobt . I e'll ar- two rab6i�s," I anowered, fiercely. - " At- 11 Paw says they was pL,inted when he counts was received and accepted and hand- , I � - _bana_and,s:4r, aye Mr. least there'll be, t at number before this -seen 7 am fust," said Billy Alason, 11 but edtothec,erktogetprint-ed. Theauditwo, 11 . 'turned out ab time next ear.", `1 � ; were cach.psid $8 for tbeir.mervicer. The . , I I � i an' Short ereek, a ich yon to � when he smelled �em he knowed better, . next meeting of, the council Nkll be held xin .. le . R%bbi a- ain't ;ive� stock,"' he anarled. when he seen th!Anr,ide o' the Bow's mouth . � : -ligh, whilih ��WA [ passed " Horses, 4aga, cattle' sheep, etc." - he lit out fur old 'Jike, the cow -doctor. The March 10,h, be&nuing at 1() a. .In. � I The lucky I J HAY. -Council met at: call of reeve, oyed,in "They'r�very'ma�chl alive," I contended. minute old Jake twigged 'ern he said the T46 I - -� closed in the I I app%r- "Yon Oug4t to see �w . .0'Wingtothe inclemency of the we :1�u 'i them ork their, noses green had at the linin:l off'a their'livers, an' st-betu-3- 1. � lie could -h of;ap. when GrovO,Ier is at a meal and theygeta if it hadn't come through the skins they'd only -a qu.orum was present at this ineoting. , 1-tities to thab,' I - At tber(quest of-t'ho board Of he&1tb0.LQo) - na hour -jest like measles. , ­ -1 H W jest, chance to &O their heads out." - � ha' bin dead i reeve waa author:,71�d to i�sue a 11roclarnation . is,seides bayi . I . ' ' - 1 . or by I had basin spread i ig % n � sw4paper� On tile Th' ol' sow was the wor-qt, because it didn't - ] --fleb.� �Snd, .z4vt 0 - L ' in accordarte with �the Vutein 'i h vind la� - �, atitl� L - ' - on and table, and,im he atsred id".astoniab-mlent, I come Out i igbt,'her skin bein' toucher, and silo � rettlam it - lifted his �at by the tape"rilig cro'svii and he made her swaller two pounds or baki.n' oculwi ..n A'ct, (cliapter!449 R. 84 0.) ,and learned trma � home I placed it g ntly on the paper. i soda. Jet-1-us-lem ! She also warning people to give notice of twy Ad'ditionsi fur, ­ . � I . V, . I swelled up tre-, case of smallpox 1hat may .exist In tbO - r &h for -iabipm where " Ah," lisa i i, meditatively, gazing at the MeDJus - households. The Eiu;ffitors' report was pre- � 4 I : _; - . a Id, z 'In shirling surlace of his head, "'bald aw a coot! 11 E:?e a deevil 7 ',e dooed it 'ieself," sented to the council and the -accounts ,W,ere� . i the most Tema i Simon Petch maintained. 11 Eca"s a deevil � I _. tbi-i 'part -01. n excel Do you kn?w that :wearing a hat in the I examined and finally andited by the' . Poet, i - � waile .­ tq man- house leads, to baldness ? Are you a n' blerkel'o to blarrica for bringin' 'im -'ere. . "j. . . __ "j. "j. � she had the danger . of coniiinuing the habit after E6311 'pologiZ3 aifore §imon Petch sets foot cil and signed by the reeve. After paniag: � I ' i I I a number of accoun a ithe . ant ob f 191) : 1 t 0 council adjourned - r - baldness al.perveneB I - i on's Ilace agen." ,� � �' � L'ADITEMI � , 41 fly to meet at the call of the: reeve. . I I es,thus � He I at me silently. I I dad's goin' to give Ale'rkel fits," -Tne board of heal i composed -of Dry - I T�e up: protected .surface conducts the the Jones boy's Ueble began, " about me Buchanan, mad � th, There if� . I could h, -at down ard," f continued imprelssively bcia' called a thief, an' my rabbir,s beia' ical health nflicer ; -Jo8eph 44 . 7 . - I . Snell, D. Spencer and Alex. MtEweri, cure -ali lit,, but, and softe Ing of the btaia follows." ! . took, an' hb'ti gotito pay me waoes-" members of the board; Pet6r Lamontj,_ I ide and " Jee- o6haphat !' I ' he thundered. � - . " Say, boys, here he connes" down the ' W00_( I reeve ; James Bonthro,n,rsa 'tary inepecOr, I . I - mering 11 Besidw," I went on, " ladies are �pt t;o road," called a tin from the eoor, "an' e"tern oi�,i sion ; H. , Zi=erman, 144ps0- . - W-00Y)s P PPIY Of think you are not accustomed to pqh�e so. he's got two dogs a-runnia' behin �. " . . TOC . . . I ver the ciety.13 I I _i I . There was a sudden stampede of the tor, western division, and Fre4 Hesil, sr., - � A rernarkA ' ; - - . I . 'Mondty.L . � _� , aer tail . 0 1 secretary., met at the town hall x n . 11y, and -has * He reached out wi,h Hi left han& f r his - talkers: Ili the middle distance Arth r e w I'. - . " Mr. Snell -was appointed chairmay. The , � M ra. . ra. to keep hat-[ held,it with ni� right. i , i -Merkel was plait ty visible, walkiog bur" inep"tors were adviied �'o makeu thor-clogli. - been s, * - ufferq! natur- S4 Willy -t qd�e � bitiops ?" he riedly toward the group of men who were inspection of the la�ffiool pren.iies, filaughter, -the race,* 101 3ned all snapped. ' . � I absioibed In con emplating his approach. ., - Tear#. Ili-trj . 1, 99 so They saw him w Eel abrupdy, and, throw- howLes and villages of th� tow-nahip 1darle't. , toad- 11 Certainly," I replied with alacri v` . �, d upon �, the early part of June next. Owing td'4#6 -t-13 4,elplhir -h-4 nd fol. that you may not �ba detained. ,,ftorsee, 1139 up his hands'. with a frantic gesture, existence, of ,�_Taflpox in the towmblp, Ul batei. I none-cattlB, none-3heep, none-t0o green stoop to pick Up ometbing from the road. : - . I I _! , board of heal-th rt queste(I thecouncil of hol � Fi.tittly ,ghe gy idea pigs.,j : At that instant h a follo,wers retreated, and � I - I I I . �, I - t b f Mas- 11 Two what?" I an exclanint,lion o " Pigs !" arcsi from the o Issue a proclamation and declare sectim a& beei �cur,.e I 3 : � 15 of chapter 249 R. 81 0- 1-897., to b0b-a- -11 Xidne . . L sbart, I I Green - -pigs. " � � ! spectators, as they obtained an unifit ' I , � _v Pill*.. terrupt- force. i �� � I I . `5 The doeb - p"Ick at He closed L -he book with a baiv, ' I - I-ou ed view of the animals. . ; , I ,cured. I b , � . A " _ t th " 0. �____ I the flAg will p%y f 3r tbij," 11 he 'growled. 0 Arthur Merkel was too di.traugbt to ob- . kitchen door he paused in bij headl exit, eefve formalit las. " If anyone here owns GOLD IN YOUI� GARRET- - haj tripea ev,e 0 1 At last 1,�re%� second and pointed triumphantly to the Ii pas- these brutes," he shouted, as he approached, � I . r- , . - , I began a' tr4eatj 006111101a ture. 6' Yc: u t6l� Me you didn't �a ,%,a no " let him take them away. I've tried to In D-iany thousands of ' arrets -and Attim, - Ine- I ow -4 . . I bur had horss nor cattlo-aiu�t that a horse � I " : I drive them to every point of the com- women have gold st9rca IWAY and are Bat. the 681- I i No. )) . pass, and they still trot after me ae if I was aware of it. It i3 n ,)t ia 1 coinw, n1usargetwa Or -Xidney Pill$, '. . . I 'e- it in I While As What i it then ?" their mother." bars that the e1d, neither is - ! I i gold is b ' " i �_ The An "A mare -and that," I continued Anticip. ; bank notesor bonds ; it is there in the fQrlrr- ..: It ;2 n't cattle'; it"s a cow." �� In the dusk of a summer eVeLiag Billy of cast off and faded- clotting, garments -"& 4 1 Atated lighting , atingly, - - a� . . I I 1.110mey, 4ow if I had hi tb F_ re, but -1 i 4 roving eye,spied ________.__...._­__­ _­­____ matet iAls that can- be t1urued into a gold I I . any a third aui,�nftli in the, lee of the harp., . 11 I Wm=,______ --- value by the nee of Diamipind,Dyes. . T. . negro ev,e I .. I L . . guess," he said, exultantly, 11 it and that . I ' At a cost, of ten cents OU can rb-color %- I race to which . . y rin � . a - ----- �the n I OL30. makes cattlo-you lied." I I a dress skirt, jacket, cape,1 blouse or waiBte ' 11 I e& . I . � . .1 I � � -15 bi* kins I had to, ad mi t, v s 1 1 looked, that� ib cer- and make them as good and-stvIiah as a6w - elghtand hip se of �ainly resembled a dun -colored yearling M Hal -T ones purchased in astore.ii With.oneortwo, - I a r., a re" . of t!Ae I r;sing, packages -of Diamond Dyes you can give%, . I C ,heifer in tb.- act of' hind -end fore- y - " P). -- - - I -Ora,bg itX - I b 3- ID r. most.. I kn' w, however, that the o tbtr end rinem I new his and beauty to your husband's 01(ero 'Tbe.Q�_ -An, - I . was under the 'barn, with rabbi(-ot-the- 44 oat or -sui, thrown aside, 1 ,perhaps for thO, __ Uv_e I e- I 1: �h.ls ,_ -1 I had a ivery sevtre sickness - ' c I half -w- . espect- brajiD. I w,iistlid-there was a violent up- that took offl"all my bair. I ptir- raggatherer. Yourcottoll and,.W-001, rAgir .. I ly e 1. � I aLez-:-- heavbl, and Growler: came boun over re -dyed with Diamond D�es will mak011p' - V - - I'm th 0 , - - cbased a ­bo Cr 1-1 air bee.m rema*,8 (" 0 1 lttle Ayer's 3'se a s'- the interveoing apace. The asEe r was handsome mats or rugs thob will add to t* t - - 0 � I -R Vicror and it ibrought all my bair , he tor- ' i. g or- comfort of your home. All the work tud',� . M. dri, - brigg I very long, and bEing in light marcisogn, back a - " � 'or v .0 n*#.M ost 1)0- der, reached tb(- gate;' in half the time old gain."I transformations suggeste& w9l give you re- W, in rn� I W. D. Quinn, Marstill-cs, I,','. I � - �can do X, . 'He didWb even stop there, Is that have a gold val: . of do-vvil Mason made . sull V.S. . �. touch the . I I acrosz but fled do n- - the road, swiftly and silently, -_ . __ 1 r. . - kiii; - 1.1 entire- as if mollate bi le. . One thina is certain,_ New Sea-SickaeOs ReMedY, I Alice is g on one in IlL .1 . F E up In ritle :nDd':y8eCri * d* positi,)n, Profeisor Heinz, of the UnivergitY 0 f ' over but she danced with , alight at the light. Ayer's Hairri Vigor makes iscovered an i-11" The jarst,01, Erlangen, claims to have ai I I ­ . PIL The third week of ral holiday might the- hair grow. 'ArLhis is fallible and very simple i antidote '694184t . a. I or ,,%,,: 3 . - �. I to -rfgaiu O ha% .0 li . I -nese. "I Draw % 1��ng and vvoro,t* 1- t-i n I 0 have aecamed dull, but for' the fact that sea sick bt-Sin � . .i 40 . i z I because it is a hair food. _ At S"u & tS - I ..e-, until mest of Arthur's hens became broody, and I � breath at frequent intervab." he says.. tilis, - these I eQu , � I ith t - � . idney- was kept ba y providing them with aggs foe It feeds the hair and the - . d� I: I I I . you will never be troubled wi � . tUguet . 9 U, � " I A ed me, hatching. went to considerable trpuble to hair grows, that's all thel-e malady." The reaeon, ho -explains, i4 170 . lent� Fl�iln I I SuRarft. r ine. I obt in a var ad assortment, for I wished to I � cause the iaitial cause of oea-sickness ii to' 4 ­ - n d ca n lea the ilace wall stocked, knowing is ---to it. it stops faffilIg - be found irra lobe of the brain,the le"itivo- pelftia, Urer I ' Rft4.ion . tte� I ever th U expected; appeirance ofliving a I . ad, . * - -1 oU the hair, too, and al- nesiof which reacts on the tomath . f � - *- ' Ion of the I .Au mem6ntos df itly stewardship, wo - I- Co,or that when fresh air is breathed, at -C ue_nb� . n, cor- most interes, ing to Arthur. I ways restores - to I intervals the blood becomes i arg , th. .<"oel iv.,snexal I . � . 11 ihunt'z I I I I' 1"roiltration, I ct and The last W : ek, drag�ed wearily, for I had gray hair. � - I -oxygen and thus the offen4in- � a a - 4_0 I -47after another seems notbing unul Ual to dq, and 1 was troubled, seneitiyaness, -He adds that has InIaO kBov M_ Aagt I , . - ' __ - $1.00 4 We. All drufZW I neveral'experiments on _W medi- besidcs, &be t Alice. ' I had been too busy __ _____ - - � � �Orlce. P".&J.- ed and toi notice�soo er that she was not Hke her. Pose,of proving the effi - of this novel � If your d � " - Ii.. r _rag let cannot BUT -- - . . ,Ply yo% I remedy, , e -Liver Belf, and'-stoties of the effect on the �mind of fiend usone doW and we W1 1 cazproft i�nd boa Also comp.1 tely cuftd -Ov' _, 1110ber*Ve d, lox, ��al ,the routine of farni life haunted mq. as I yociabottle. Ra13ure*PLnd;ly*than.r_ eralpemns who need to be sea-slak Wh"' log I & Co., saw the quie�, almost listlelm, way in �rhioh ,I your nearest express ordee. A - Q,tii, I aver they went on :the w4ttr. mr-111. he "'hase's J - C. AYER CO. - , . , Lowel I 40. sheworked.' I recalled with alarm that she ____ - - - ______ nts out that -the ant Mote eosts n0t3)11l9)' . I 1. ! - - � - .. ; hadn'll; once Ajected' to anything I had . and "n be, tested by any one. . � . I I I � .- � I I v . � � 11 I m I , � � I ! I I - � . I I . I . I - � � - � - H 11 - -, — 0 E I wilwa �m 4 y 11* *14 I I i - . I � - i - � - - . I I . . . J I - . � . i , - I .1 � A --. � . I .t� .1, - ,� I - � . v . -;-.-. � _,�,­. - ­­ I I �i . . I I - - __ . -­ ­ i: . -_ . : I . . i - 1! I � . I �� . k I . I ... - 'i ­� _­_­_­___­ --- ­.- - . I . _ "Qi.�