HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-02-21, Page 3L 1902 irr.,0414_1114,144/Rmommek ea VS 001:11 Ws, OQat siertit etc. gings, mews and fancy ce taken at SOR, rIPPielffelOPOsiem IIIS v Attu' s titalmideseseeeen--1,..ke Ever. ang special lines ver, All intend lama of up -to - a best goods, and Er. S. L Trolmes T F- ore. ady reeeiveJ. id colors, also tdes. Embroideries,. eived, in the .rs' Clothing, Lvy Rubbers. acturers' 2R1:1 a saving of LYTH., We now mak fenee that . It is just who town fens, grave RUNNING FOOT. cu1ars4 We als�. ees, falkervitle. Ont. s, thave isre !sheets unnertain- or the bed neEri to go ,theinSelvee, ,n of one of ere yea cen k! -ted into - a rete. " ft/tit:en I. , ny --r e's 11-l; L:t111.Er er fc r raIr.by rabee Toea ot sttroitte :II 1st, 1902, . rp, Air t'a five sears Old. wc rk Tett tree- ! t leen on furni-ibing :Ires- of 4 cents on the ARCHLIS eLle tt• I;ROWN. Alleti0n-- It7 4 e ,I3RUARY 21 1902 The Whole Story In la letter : (trennr Davis'.) From Capt. F. Loge, Police Staten No: 6, Moutreal:--eWe frequently use Penner Devist Perre-Kieeen for pains in tt;e tese, etterentatiser, atif nese, frost bites, chil- blains, cramps, and all afliictions whIcit befall men in our position, 1 have no hesi- tation in t-aying that Pam-Ktizun, is the est eentecly to have near at hand." Used. Internally and Externally. Two Sizes, 25c. and 50c. bottles. CENTRAL Hardware Store. Portland Cement. Oat our prices. for Portland Cement for silo walls aid floors for summer. Coal Oil. Best Canadian Coal Oi 15a per gallon, in 4 or 5 gallon lots. for Ont. -a ONey. Ameeican Water White, 22. .mod Sills & Murdie • HARDWARE, Counter's Old Stand. Seaforth The Royal Victoria Life Insur- ance Co. of Canada, heal office at Montreal, with a capital of $1,- 0602000, wants an agent for SEA- PORTS said district. The re- muneration to a good man will be made satisfactory. Apply to H C. Thomas, superintendent of agencies, 6 King street, West, To- ronto. Wivt'` After' 'Wood's Phosploaino, The Great English Remedy. Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only reli- able medicine discovered. Sie paekages guaranteed to cure all rorms[ot Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse err excess, Mental Worry. Excessive use of To- baccos Opium or stimulants. Mailed On receipt of price, one package V. six, $5. One wilt please,. sic Lat. care. -Pamphlets free to any address. Mao Wood Company, Wind804 Ont. Sold in Se- forth by Alex. Wilson,T. S. Roberts Ana L V. FLar, druggists. Oar clirect connections vrill bave you time and money for all points. Canadian North West Via Toronto or Chicago, British Columbia and California points. Our rates are the lowest. We have then suit everybody and PULLMAN TOUR .ST CARS for your accommodation. Cal for further information. Grand. Trunk Railway. Trina leave Seaforth and Clinton ertations 4,)pie WEST— SNAFORTH. Pas4er:4:J_ ..... -... 12-40 P. ht. Paaeaneer.... _ _ 10.12 P. M. Mixed Train.... - 9.20 A. M. efixed Trein *16 P. M. Goma E.,,,,ar__. Pasa‘reiget .. .. .... 7.53 A. M. Peesenger.. .. .. - 3.11, P. M. Mixed Train.- .. .. 4.40 P. M A STORY OF ORREST. NM= 2 THE GENUINE RRAY&LANMAN5 Row the Peppery A.0 r Squared Am-. counts With Oe Critic. Many years ago &Win Forrest, the celebrated actor, when in New Ydrk, was in the habit of dining at, Win - dust's, a •noted restenrant on Park row that es --as a favorite resort of ac- tors and literary men. It usually hap- pened that Forrest wotild be joined by friends and that the little group wotild sit together at one tale. On one oc- casion it chanced that an Englishnlan with a reputation for conceit and im- pertinence, who had keraped acquaint- ance with the tragedian, was one of the group. Early in the course ot the dinner the Englishman began to make critidsms which he considered pleasantries about Forrest's conception of certain roles. Encouraged by his own appreciation he gave full play to his humor and Con- cluded each of his intrtinences with, "Patdon my freedom, r; it's my way." To`the astonishment of all who knew. Forrest's irascible (Reposition he bore the Briton's offensive remarks patient- ly and seemingly ignered them- as far , as possible. When, hOwever, the ants. were brought in by the waiter, he tpok eeveral cracked waleitts in his bend and, walking over to ie Briton's place, -jocularly snapped the successively in the face of that indiv ual,llgbtly.Say- ing after each shot, ardon my free- dom, sir; it's my w ," and snapped him out of the restau ut. • Centeoe 12.65 P. tr 10.27 P. M 10.15 A. M 7.06 P. V 7.38 A.Id 2.66 P. I& 4.26 P. Wellington, Grey and Bruce. Cior.iel NORTH- Passenger. Mixed. Ethel 8.07 le M. 1.40 P. /4 Brussels.. _ .. 8.1.7 2.10 Bluevale .. - 8 27 2.85 Wineham_ - 8.38 - 3.25 Gecee Soren- Passenger. Millet Winishatu 6.53 A. at. 8.66 A. llf Bluevale _ ......._ 7.02 9.17 BrUBiel£1.... ...... 7.18 9.46 Ethel 7.28 10.02 London, Huron G0050 NORTH— London, depart.... ... . .. Centrella • al • Exeter ..... Henaall_ . ..... ... Kippen Brueofield Londeeboro . Blyth_ ... . . Beigrave_ Winglartm arrive.... - Gower Searle- Wingham, depart Betgrave Blyth Lo ad egboro Clinton Brueeffeld.. ..... . Ktppen- Mendell- ,-- Exeter..........., Centralia.- ....e... — London, and Bruce. Passenger. 8.15 A.M. 4.40 P. • 9.18 5.66 • 9,30 13.0 9.44 • 9.50- 6.25 9.6E1 8.33 10.15 8.65 10.38 7.14 10.41 7.23 10.66 7.87 11.10 8.00 Passenger. 0.63 a.m. 8.15 P. M 7.01 8.40 • 7.14 5.55 • 722 4.65 • 7.47 4 26 • 8.05 4.49 • 8.16 4.67 8.22 6.02 8.85 6.14 8.46 5.23 9.87 A. M. 6.12 Special Attention to Horseshoeing and General Jobbing. Grewoonte Foot 11 Legend. Where did football originate? Spree pee ?le give ancient I hester, in Eng- land, credit for bringing the gteat winter pastime into kxistence. There is a record of ifootba playing in +hat eityi In the year 1540, but Chestlans believe mea In-. . a legend pf uch lier date. In the tenth genti ey, it is sald, =a pane was captured and beheaded by.. the citizens. .Some °lir began kicking the head about the streets, others followed, and it tvae discovered that this formed a new and decidedly ,fas- cin ting sport. This was repeated wh never possible, but as enenqles' heakis became scarce and the efiter- tainment of kicking them, more diffi- cult to procure it weal at last arranged "for the shoemakers Yearly on Shrove Tuesday to deliver tte the drapet, in the Presenee of the Mayor of CheSter, one ball of leather, balled a football, of the value of 3s. 4d. ot above." There Is evidently a fine precedent for those concerued tit the game "los- ing their heads." Robert Devereux BLACKSMITH and CARRIAGE opp MAKER Queen Seaforth (loderich street, - r Relieve those Inflamed Eyes! Po\rid's Extract 1,1-e:laced one -halt Nvit.1i pure eoft wetter, -1;e,r!ierl treorreutly with dropper or 0)0 :cap. t`e• eralgestilnr m111 1 removed and thepain mel imbunniation instantly relieved. (sAUTION:-Avoid dangerous, ire -relating Witch Hazel preparations represented to be "the santeass' i'oudts Extraet which easily sour and generally COntaill "wood aleo- Ine,” a deadly poison. e . %.. ectle FOR 7 if‘J"Ail"' IP" THE HANDKERCHIEF •„. 'TOILET ec BATH REFUSE ALL SUBSTITUTES STOOK FOR BALE. tidunie, about 4 *reeks old. or Lee. They G4 FOR SA,LE.-The!rundersigned has on his r f him:min:Road, TOkersmith,. a numb I' of tra all well WO. JOHN HALLIDAY, Ecrinond- vine. . . 1782%3 TCC POR FOR SALE.—One light drite.ng ward, 5 Var. old ; Sound ant gentle ; a beauty ; %Ile a 2Ayea.ree1d oob pnry. Are ly to DR. FERGUiteN, Hensel 1781x4 THE HURON EXPOSITOR. E YOUNG BULLS VOR SAL.—For Sale, tee young thoroeglthred DUthatu bulls, With d pedigrees, and reedytor crevice ; two red and one roar. Apply to DAVID HILL, Lot cession- 8; Hibbert, Sten P. 0. 1766-tf II HAM BULLS FOR SALE.—For sale, I two oroughbred Hallam bu ls, eligible for 'reg. n, 12 and' 18 months old, one dark roan the igi t. APply on Lot 25, Concet 1, L. R. Steramith, 1 ants routh •_of Bruciefield. TATTE.i0N, Bruei &Id P. 0. 1780-tf 116ROVIGIBizpED DURHAM BULL' FOR SALE •Three le End or e roan, ranginr frurn 7 ta 11 n oni Once. 1-ir b MOR ',tree other Si. JAM Miracles of Warfare. Until war ceases, Which will be the greatest miracle of all, it will always be the exhibition ground of miracles. How can a bullet t tincture a Man's coat behind and before or piece his boot and sock and be gravely shaken out of both withou wounding him? And what mysteriou channel does this human body contai Which leads a bullet dexterously atound the heart, a hair's breadth from the seat a life, yet never Tending it—a phenomenon veuch- ed for by more than One army surgeon? Shells have burst thunderously be- tween the very legs of soldiers and left them still soldiers. Pompom shells of - two inches diameter have passed through legs and arms without shatter- ing the bone or burs 'lig at the impact, though there appear Ito be literally no. room for such a ixteldiful performance, in filet, a history of be escapes in war Would be wild rea ing even after a course of itunchaus n. A New 4anger. A story is told In a neighboring town, says the Troy Press, Of the well meant efforts to do his dut of a hostler em- ployed by a lecal do tor. It so happen- ed that the doctor was attending two cases on the: sa-me street, one house which had just been blessed by an heir and in the oth r existed a slight case of scarletefevera . The doctor instr cted his man to take a "contegious disease" card and tack it up on the ho se where lived the fever patient. Unto tunately the Mes- senger made ,a. mix up in the loeation of the house, and w Xat was the aston- ishment of passers y to read' on the house where cooed , a lusty newborn infant: "Contagion Disease, Keep OUT." A Thonaartd illion Suno, Lord Kelvin once made some inter- esting calculaltions qt 'e probable total amount of Oavitatian matter in the visible univerSe. He sh wed that if 25,- 000,000 years ago 1,000 000,000 masses, each equal t oerI3un, had been dis- tributed thr ugh a sphere abon1 18,- 000,000,000,00b,000 Mile in radlui they would now. , have etc( uired velocities about equal ft, those Ito own to be pos- sessed by the stars elsisie to us. There- fore4t is probable that he total amount of gravitational matt -r in the visible universe does not di er much from that of 1,000i000,000 e ns. %Minded Fariliar. "You wretch! You miscreant! You worst of villains!" exclaimed the hero- ine at rehearSal. The heavy! eellaiu, ivho had just join- ed thecornPany, loo ed patiently ag- ;grieved and iticl: ' "Excuse me, is that n the part or are erou acting as stage anager." SHINGLES A ear load of the beat Red Cedar Shingles hoinfht before the rise in price which we will sell at 4 X XX 74c, and xxxx 78c. This is a snap in Shingles, so call and get T ott r supply while they last, asthey cannot be replaced at this price. N. CLUFF & SONS, North Main Street, - Seaforth. 1743 old. All eligible flt ragistratio-. Bred triim tile AbbOtt,” one of the hest s rea in the iPen. Al -o 8.8 young he't re and cows, all euitte.le reedirg. Aptly o r Lot 30, Conoeseron 6, Ps. or addresal Hurondaer 1'. 0. THOMAS CUD. • & SON.177641 0 SALE. -Eight eho eely bred Seeteh nd each tcpped Shorthorn b. ; the thiek b ock et) liph kind; geed colt r4; as good a 19 AR 'eie er offertd in the Provinc e ; also cows i bette in calf by imported Pee e ; also he ler /Are 1; all at n oeerst.: rektor end easy term.. D. E & SON,tEthel, Ont. 177 I- f LHAM CATTLE FOR SALE. -Fc r We,fcur .ourg bells, fit kr Icerviee : ho cows end h Alt Th. roughbrsd Darhamee w-th rag- pedigrethe gird fr .p the beet and moat pop. mine, add eev. ral o them are piqzerwinn r. on Lot !26, Conesse on 4, IL R. 15., Tue cr ad reit) Seafc rth . 0. H. CrIch. 1769 t ROUGHBRED STOCK FOR SALE -Two,ve 1 nd two than Durham bulle,fr in 9 Menthe to 2 Id ; eta°, a fele Cur am heifers in oalt to the ted atcek buil, New ear's Gijt. T1 etc e tt c fir -t clasi with (les e ed pedigre e 2. and Ithe u are due to calve 1ii January. Apply on let cession 2, L. R. S., Tuelterernith, or Br cm 0. WM. CHAPMAN. 1761 f lett re ut, Appe iuit1. y SCR crieb are at htife 24. C fe'd As JEletImate of Society. Aecum—YOti dont care much tor so- ciety, do yeti?' erabbe—ICP. SocietY is nothing but a ridiculous shool where every nobody. Is taught tojey to be tsomebody.' Not so "Amelia," :falter love you." "Oh, Herbert," s' hands together, time it has taken cego Tribe lie. Porn Is just.o.a, trj*Ig to excited Isy ether 0 heard of Putnam's P Extractor ? Cures q others pain -Make complain -not so wit 'gists sell Putnam's. N. C. Poison Co., addressin Canada or receipt of 25 Cents. Sudden. the youne, man, "I ciHINESE HATS. Queer Bend Coverings That Are Worn In the Celestial Empire. In China the retainers and guards Wear special hats to indicate their of- fice. The ensigns wear a wire struc- ture resembling a sugar loaf and a rat- . trap. It is a foot high and of no earth- ly protection against sun or rain. The chair coolies use a hat something like their employers', but flatter, cheaper and without button or feather. The boatmen have a storm hat niade ofrat- tan and bamboo, which is never less than a yard in diameter. I A servant who is scribe and valet I combined is marked by something that, looks like a two storied or three sto- ried cook's cap of four sides. The pre- vailing color of the structure is ver- milion. A mourner wears a turban made by fastening a long cloth of grayish yellow hue around the head and allowing the ends to fall down Ibehind to the small of the back. An- other style Covers the head, temple, ears and back of the neck and le a car- , icatere upon the steel merlons of the .middle ages, descendant of those tall hats upon the heads of the captives that are drawn upon the papyri and tombs of the pharaohs. Still another funny shape is one which lopks as,if ft were the remnant of a felt. I4i from which the brim had been ir egu arly AUCTIONEERS. THOMAS BROWN, Licensed, Auctioneer for the Courtlee of Huron and Perth. Orders left at A. MCampbell's implernetit warerooms, Seaenth, or Tins r.xeosirori Office, will receive prompt attention. lektie action guaranteed or no charge, 17C8 tf CTIONEERING.-B. S. PhillipAuctioneer for the counties of nron and it Liored ert Being :a practical farmer and 'thorou lest nind standing ! tho value of farm stock and irciple• 8ezIt.1u, places me in a better position to realizegood price. Chargris moderate. Satiefa.ction guaraiieed or n pay. All ordera left at Hensel' . post office or at I bt 98, CO12006E400 2, Hay, will be promptly tte ded to. ! 1709111 1 e said, clasping her what a loig long ou to say so!"—Chi- a lenaper he nerves as temper ; user. Haven't you [ ialess Corn' and Wart ' ickly and painlessly ; en swear -the ladies Putnam's. All drag. r it can be stilt by ingston, Ont.,[ to any he United States, on ! 1 t bred be oe STOCK FOR, SERVICE. PIG BREEDER8.-The underaigned will 1eop on Lot 26'? Concession, 6, L. R. 13., Tweeter/in 1th, roughbred TAXWORTII Pia, also a thoro h- Olikannen Pro. A limited number of WW1 Will mitted Ileach. Terms, 01, payable at the rvice, or 1.6011f charged. JAMES GEMM LL. 16082 FOR SERVICE.—T1 e undersigned will kcep on Lot 29, Conce-sion 11, -Ribbed, a Thorough. red Yorkehiee I oar to wbieh he eill! adnet a I mi ed number et sOwe. Teoll2.—$l at the Mel e of iierve. JOLT ELGIE, Chite hurst, Ont. 1771-U PIG.—The undersigned hie on Lo 9, Corioetisten 6, Stanley, a thoroughbred Berk shid Plg, to NV41101,1.0 en' take a limited number o soni Terme-el, with the privilege 91 returning i riece ry, JOHN CHAPMAN. 1782 4 ' fru tor *it t1131' FOR SERVICB.-The undereigned he on f Lot 28, neeesion 11 cKillop, a then ugh. ork,hire Boar, to whieich he will admit a imit. umber of sow: Terms -75c, payable at the f sertice. with the privilt.go ot tcturning if try. HUGH T. GRIEVE. 1782 tf i--- --ii-- ;I RKSH1RE PIG.—The undersigned bavin dls• posed ot his stock hog, " itcy al Harry;" has atel from Mr. Davis, of Woodstock, a youtig ved Yorkhiro pig to which he will idmit rvice a limited nihobtr of sows. Tc: s, Olt the privfl DEMON, Huron Road, Tuekeremith. 17 3x4 e ze of returning if necessary. el J. B. I torn. - Douala,' no n Priziter Stephen A. Douglas, althou h not recognized as such by the craft, was a one thee printer: The story of how he and "Long John" Wentworth came to.; • gether on a printing proposition is still afloat, but In such close quarters that It is not often heard. Mr. Wentworth was printing The Democrat hi Chicago in 1838 and struggling to retnove an indebtedness of about $3,000. Douglas' called on him one day and said that he had some haedbills that must be print- ed a t once. "All right," answered Mr. Went- worth, "but the facilities of this office are limited. Do you want ten or a hun- dred of these bills?" Tbe "Little Giant" said he believed 200 or perhaps more would be needed.. "Very well." was the respoase. "You will have to turn printer yourself if you expect to get them today.' The bill was set up and placed on the hand press. Then' Douglas was given special instructions how to handle the ink roller. A big -apron was put on him, and he performed the menial work of roller boy, inking the types, while Mr. Wentworth worked the pres. oi 111171 ga li ton 'pee 1 ?cl eats 1th ?)4 aee Anti inc414 ;net Ow0 Vir 'net( a :nee ierad iand 1:gvm° i PLICATION will be'reade to the Palliate' Canadre at its next session, for an Aot to e a company undsr the name et the h and Lake 'throe Ship Canal Company,' ceseery power.; to construct, operate and canals, se Ideated Is to make acct build wat.e.w y from tome PCint on- the E. of Lake Huron. in t le Caunty of Hu ton, in the Province of Ontario, t3 some *point ke Erie (between 11 mio Harbor and Por Bur- in the County of El in, in mid Province with' r to vary the ab.iv routes ehould furth r enr- proi e it advisable , and to dredge, d epen, or lower, the -levels of, or otherwise ire rove, xisting water 0011TE09, and to form and - reate connecting links as may be found recess ty to and complete, throughout the oritiie di Lance en the said tenninial pointemn Lake Ruron • ke Erie) a navigable channel of a depth ot • not than fourken (14) feet; and power a 30 to re all or any .the works or improve onto • ary or useful on stid 'lake% at and be• • said terminale; d to construct, o trate, aintain all workia distruatures neceoeary or t in ocienection wit such waterways; .to bulld, re, operate, maintal 1,own; lease, or oth rwise se- of terminals, ha bora, wharfs, docks, piers, rig -places, water lo yards,- elevators; wire - 3, dry-docke, rectory ire, and other stni tures, locks,,dants, and all wotko incidental ereto, alio to met as we ehousemen : to co skint a for and to trainee and use hydraulici, -poen c, and other power, and for purposes• f irri- !ga ion, to lease . or othe 80.0 Clifip040 Cf paid works iand'pint ers ; to acquire i wn, beetle and rape; , ' e by loahle electricity, or ot mitre; steame er, bat es, or any other vends aril I riles in connection there, 'wilt and for the purpoe of navigating the lakes, pie•St. Lawrence and oth r rivers and the Gul ; and a lecl Poe er to own end o ote deeen -going at ame :s etedeo-dispose of •sane; with power to seeptire by lethase, expropriatiore •r .othertri e; lands tor pur- e° es 3 of the cempany, ntil d to er:robe thereof ; to lie4 and colleot toll, t take, use, and dis me of wat r for the turposa o said canal, for irrigation !pet oses, and for gener ting hydraulic, elee rics or other powers, and to tr nemit and dispose of the etre for a 1 purl:mace and • with all ne esiary ;p were to ocnstruct an• operate a line or linos if .railway and tramway (of either standard or ' 0orrow .gauge) also bridges, ferri 9, telegraph, and telephone eel*, in anneal -ma wit 8 the said. enterpristr, and the right right to calmed w th and enter hip running lakangements over any: and all railways 8 tuated within a distance of et mil:s from any portion of lettid canal ; and also to a psire and use water powurs, land elect. operate, and maintain electrical work !and appartenancee for t se and transmission af leo- trloal power for the o ration of the.said tai way land versals- and haulage 1 same, and for other ,ur- with power to p release or otherwise ate eize ,the shares, debenturee, and securities. of Gina( or ireilway companiee, and to sell to, or exchange_ its . a iciun m securities with such companies ; and to il urrfing ; on ilninhering, milling, traportation and tot ileginess ; t3gether wit ouch other pow re and 11ti i'egea, includirg the no. . preference Waltzes, !at -nment of tbe above ISOlieltor for applicants. entreat, 27,11 Nevem er, 1901. nt cf 0001- ts St. ith - navi. stern or of 101) DIES They- tray a light that's la and brit. alidnit. No odor. 'Many $tylea._$01t1 esTINcriv Criticised the Wrong House. "Pee made bad breaks before, but I certainly eclipsed all previous efforts out in Clevelaud the other day," said a well known business man. "A business friend met me at -the 'station and said wo would drivearound a bit before gee- ing to his new home. He slowed up a hit as we drove around a curious look - Ing mansion in which'several styles of architecture had been mixed with ter- . rade results. I was forced to exclaim.: "What fool was unkind enough to up tht monstrosity?" 'My host en took me to his club for di leer. He s, id in explanation: 'Fe will di )e here, because I have a heada be, and the fresh paint odor of . my new house in.Prht make it worse.' . "The ext day an ther friend showed me my est friend's new house. It was cite mo strosity of th day before." issue of boodes de may be necessary Weide. M. S. LON fo -" UrC3 the AN, 9 e Handiest, Quickest, COeap- t and Most eliable Ser4ant For your pre ate and genera ll brui- nese is A TELEPHONE. ' Try it, The Bell Teleph ne Co., of Canals. McKillop ectory for 1 0 HEAL MURDIE, 11 ve, Winthrop P. 0. S. BROW, Councillor, Beaforth P. 0 ARLES LITTLE, Coinc KES O'LOUGHLIN, Councillor, Beechwood .0 lillor, Winthrop F. O. • 7,13 HIBALD MeGRICGOR,OouneMor, Setifiirth p:so HE C. MORRISON,-Clerk, Winthrop P. Q. VID M. ROSS, Tram rer, Winthrop P. 0 LOMON J. SHANNON, 8. P., Sanitary Inspector. Leatibury f. 0. ' Pl A Wily Afghani% n. A man was once condem ed in Af- ghanist n to have his ears sli ed off as .a minoif punishment. He had a power- ful fri rid, however, who was much attache I to him. This friend be •ged the late ameer in duly Submiss've tones to allow him to perform the o eration, a favor which was granted. 'However, the amateur begged the . meet* to show him ,what portion of each ear he wished to be removed. The ameer accordingly touched them light- ly. Whereupon the ingenious—and coue- ageous-eperson proceeded to quote a passage in the Koran Which .said that anything touched by the representative of the Almighty became sacred. The despotIsmiled grimly and forgave them both. 1 IMPORTAIIT NOTICEM: FSALE.—A pera I br.d Clydeedalr gal Ion, 01 bred from importellistoek ; 5 years old; brown In color. Appy to GEORGE MARTIN, Crorusray, or to JOHN BacCONNELI., publ.n. 17ritett 'DATUMS FOR SALE. -{Ra e bergeins in faring lo JJ' the Townships of Mullett, klor it, and Wa 0/9,. nosh, C. linty of liorce4 inquire at t rile. WM. CAN1PBEL1., Slyth,Obt.1 1774 11 RAVEL.—On and aft4 February CO, aye' from k3f n y p t. on*Lot 31, Coneeseion 7, Mali] wrIl • 0. 1 2 The Kicker. They're telliug a heavenly story which, they say no more than does jus- tice to the "kicking" propensities of the Togus veteran. The old soldier dies, so the story goes, and after death he marches up to the gates of heaven, He hits the dor a thumP, and St. Peter peers out thro igh the wicket. "Who are you?" asks the saint. "Pei an old soldier." "Where from?" I "Soldiers' home et Togus." ' "We11, you 'nay. come in," says saintj "but I don't know as the ph suit eou.". the e'll His Hope. "I ape," ,said the ser ous man, that you 1 aven't been bettin.en.lthe ra es." ope so, too," said the young men with the red necktie and the restless eye. "I hope I will wake up tomo row and intl out that the wholo thing was a wl d dream, but theie'sto use hon- ing," ger Slt t� ti ping Of Absorbing Interest. Do you find it an inter6 ? Oh, very. I'm 610 anxious t e end that really I can't help nearly every other page., sting get skip - Advice, Ad lee is a good thing, but it will al - way be something of 1 nuisance until the ivers of it nem t responsibility for - he. 'bad as readily as theytake cred't for the good.—Saturday Evening Posta refuel Gree to cu antes Or mc Al A Card. , the undersigned, do hereby agree the money on , a 50 -cent bottle es Warranted Syrup of Tar, ifit fail e your cough or cold. We also gaa a 25 -cent bottle to piove satiefactor nay 'refunded. x. Wilson, druggist, Seaforth, Oot, CLOTHES FOR SMALLPDX. T0 Avoid the Dis..ase Wear emooth-leneed Garments and Flannel- General press 1 Hints -If ear144) yr :41rou'iri be Porr;03. 1 —What shall I wear t o avoid Sma.11- Pox?" is theifi Medical essing (;ues.1 ion of Ulu 1 ClUIr. .t ical advise is 'short and to the lothing th at holds as little dustasouter oint.• Wen r smooth -fared - Ossible„ for it is in floating ,_ dust that the danger of contagion lies. • or underclothing wear flannel. It romotes . circulation ' in the skin •1 lid surface muscles, and • prevents hills. As a chilled body is highly susceptible to contagion, flannel un- derclothing will -preserve the wearer f sem infection when he would other - Wise -inevitably fall a -victim. , The medical point of view in re- gard to prevailing fashions isi inter- esting apart from sniallpox, ! espec- ially in connection With other dis- , eases that are - rife at the present time of year./ Dress ought to bo de- -sligned mainly for. 'warmth, but as a latter of fact, many mcn, and all [ noeninte.. n, sacrifice everything to orna.- To begin with the head. That mem- ler of our anatomy, having a warm, z atural covering, ( and being excep- t.onally well supplied with blood, t eeds scarcely any artificial covering except in exceptirmally hot or bitter- ir cold Weather. And as the scalp erspires freely and requires contin- ous renewal of air, any headgear • orn should be porous. The proper ead covering in -cold weather should e soft, not tight, and well ventilat- e That is to say, it should hare bb ill. elillb 111-111)ER L mill, maol In' er t f store. e 18 p'e"es I frame; would , all timber fintbrep. 1 EFD GRAIN 5 k r sale ary-urie Bal ! all c laan 1, Coneeesion . ta r-3 are. FOR FALE. leery, m e The 1 9x 2 inehe kel th is reek e A siva. 1 "..., r 1.0..,. 1 , ' i 1 . , , •' 5 5 1 t 4 P. 4 1 e r , 7 11 - r 1 , Hing dispeeed of ore now offering f I' sale uilding 14 80x34 feet; , t6 feet long 1 dei enrIent a separate if deelled -, in. Go-YES/LOCK BlierS 1782.tf saw the there nea has nowt.: s- el Lot a For 4 27. • eres. wr Sea. FORRALE.-The a quantity y, Bent ei mei tree fr *Ili 8; Hibb. 1. I undcr3igned of See i Grain as f Oats at d Peas. The foul . mei, . Api ly on t. JullS FELL, beets 178x4 [ARM TO RENT.- the r cf renting L .t Pr Miele The farm eau 0 aores seeded te ,r E14 Vi 1 be zee to for a lorZn artier part:out ars at. NELL, Constance P. ' e, , E1ARM TO RENT. -T. C Carve 41ion 5, ilcIpl 'he farm is a I In A go l'iti Title:drained, and hes 90 Yin' be rentee fr r a trm lart'eultre apply on the ..rth P. 0. etneeCIEOltGE undenegned is desireus . 2, in the 114 Canceseion, eine 10a aer-e, aid there , ek the bulunt e is pleughei. of yea' a, if desired. ly to Mi12. BENJAMIN Ont. 1781 rent, West h lf et bot oe col afriii.g- FAI s ;le of coltivat dr it a good brim et 'honee. ot y ars P e• lurch. mernees, cr ediresa Dillels . 1763x4 I , The Surest Alien's Luno It never fails te COLD, HEAVY all BRONCHIAL BLES. Large Bottles $1.00. Small or Endorsed by all Remedy is Balsam cure a SIMPLE COLD and _ 9 TROU- Medium Size 50c. Trial Size 25c. who have tried it. Am, HOUSE j -lining rcom The sold t:eh. Conce Hu are termer, terms Will F. A .tt within sen, ta.rio. derd never house Ale THOMAS EIARM _12 but All about wheat. barn, good w Rice, n LI) LIAR Al! Stanley, which the On kitchen, good ei'o, two creek. fenced ie for from sold goir REID, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE AND LOT FOR home and lot on St. Thomas ahu ., ar d there is Ple li lot is !won planted, cheap. Apply td SALR --Ft r sale, f fame J rvis street, Feaforth, ch. The hauPe contains ty of hard sed so t vreer. with small f' rd. P. WO JOSEPH ATKINSON, Fes- 1781x4 ad. s x be in 6 h the 4 ARMS FOR SALE OR TO RENT. -Le the 6th Onnereslod, Hul ett ; Leti 12, in Pion, aul'ett ; Let 10, in the Sth Coilgsaitlon, 1, te The e tarn s eeeh contain lete 'Ise all ceeded to grater. VI ill be told on reaeonab!e and .if net keld wi I be rented, Fin and pat titulars apply to tbe executors: of C. T. Di le. MRS. ROSANNA 'DALE, DALE, or C. J. DAL, Executors. 1 1781 5, the ets, and further f JOHN BIG 0HANCE.-S5,000 eless 1e0 acre lac three milee of one of the best m The rail ie eat aitet. There is- failing water; a and frame barn ly en the ptenfeee, LAING, prop _ mill purchase a. first. in the township of Ilay, e ilomiahing Villas e ot Mon - rine towns in Vleeetern On. loan', se* 1' fenced and um a goal orchard, and plenty of good, comfortebler dw -Ring and stabl'ng, 36 by 81 feet. er address II evil P, 0. ittor. 17S2 4 13, 10 acme under-drahred 60 with orchard thin a blackemith les from he FOR SALE. For sale, L31 11, Concession Frullett, an Aiting. HO acre. all (-Pared wbieh =is • 11 timberel with hard wood. an well feoced. There are acres seeded to grass and le aerer .of fall The buildingare fair, ipeltiding a bank etone slat:log undereeatb. There is a and a ire er felling epring 'le ell. It is mile of Hat Mt, Where ie. -a- etore, pott. she,, school, temeerid Within five the prospe us village ef Blytb. Apply remises or ad' teas W. 0. ROSS, Blyth, OnL •, 1781x4 bale a/ter rem the ba she we nearl a 13, -se eh g. t FOR SALE Lot 7, Cancession : ron wuety e Lared and Min .5 acic4 Temis a is 20x26, ith k Lain, .0x60, p house, . 14 an oreh. The turn is nd is cne Of a 1 Eeeded niter cf years 001, aria tl, ap and on retire For rucefield P. -The undereigned Lifers for 8, in tlie Township of containing 100 &tares, 8i of n a high stati"-of aunty ttion, being good tordwood bush. a break house, 24x30, Wth a frame gdod atone ci Ile* underneath, a with wing, 4x58, octagonal ' tying abed and weed house, also rd, and a uever-failit g spring 1 ell underdreieed with rile, we I tl bell farms in the creenty ; doe with grew and has bees ; si-=ted el ir n half a mile miles f -on. Bruccfield ; will be cue' ter is, as the proprietor is y to partieul reinnto H 0., Ont. i780-tf - a s 41 . ... pr. forlInsane, and' rtas wt. !DAVIS _ A • -0' ade Mark.) Burgess, M /rives us petinissiofl (nark, es they hav ! 50c. & ' / . • of Cott L14e 011 - v TONE .YOUR NERVES I I"[GIVE YOU AN APPETITE] MAKE YOU STRONG I MAKE YOU WELL I fed. Supt. of the Prot. Hospital treal, prescribes it constantly PO use his name. upt. Grace Hospital. Toroeto, &leo used it with the best rase I es. and $1.00 Botticei.1 1WREN0E CO., Limited. readyito In ..._........ i SEAFO Lad es and gen patre age andnov wish t let you k do my b l dni g 3'our work gentl men's and ladies' nippedas well as goodsi guaranteed est notice. newt.% pieee Nesse do and Or taken racqo , opposite .• TH lemen, that ene t ip to to net in DYE WORKS 1 for past hand beeriness, dyeing beteg All wool on short. moderate Buttei HENRI genet 1691-ef thanking you all a new seam is at tint I am still in the to give you every satisfaction the line of cleaning and clothing, done without have them ripped. -: !give good satisfaction curtains, etc., at fail to give Fete a call. 'exchange for work. the Laundry, north Main . 1 , -----.... SPAWNS , sible Fpavin can be posc Ringbones. Curbs d Not painful and never information about sent free to horse owners. Ask for pamphlet No. FrOili St.,Web41.61rantaithlia — ' NO worst 45 minutes. u as quick. a I d. Detailed n�lu method rite today. In lilting Bros,,,Ilteals4s,06 ured la Splints bag this 10:1 Mt711•111711•1111111 $5Q0 $7�0lowest $l,O0 $i,5q0 $3,000 $3,50 $4.01O MONEY Private and rates hot rawers. rf erincipal. R. 9. HAYS. Dominion . _ ___ _ ._ TO LOAN. 1 to 1 an , ter su repayme Ont. 1778-11 Company 1 .nds I of interest and in Sums Liberal tents as 16 Bank Buileing, Seaforth, ... , !,veral inlets for fresh air at the des and a fairly large _outlet at le torn In summer the straw .hat, f the American type is the only On -cot headwear from a health point. f view. All collars are a hygienic abornina- on. The neck is always in- motion 1 id continually changing its hape. ence it should be quite uncovered, • have a soft .flexible covering irliCh would adapt itself to require, lents. Any one wh-o wishes to have clear a head should wear the ' lowest o collars. In the region of the -tie, ain, we utterly disregard health r UPPeeke-ance. Fashion decrees that IC mustcut a piece out. o -f our waist-- • ntt inthat important spot. Result: ) onchitis, pneumonia, consumpticn, ughs and • colds. To do the sensible ling-. we =' ou ht to either wear ' aistcoats butt(t Ding up to the neck ( Ind very beconiing they are) or sub-- itute a broad and really . warm !ail for the little piece of , ribbon mnionly used. !Although men are not open to the c large of tight lacing, they generally n ear their clothing; too tight round t le lower part of the body. One of 'tie laws of healthy dress is that f ree 1 ovement of the body must not be it terfered with. In 'foot covering we sin most deep- ] against the principles of hygiene. The single fact that the foot is not :4 'lowed to come flat on the ground c tmpels the Whole spinal column to msequences, A great anatomist, clieS its natural shape with serious a who has ii spected over 5,000 wo- n en's feet, declares tie has not once met wi Lk pair shaped as nature made them. As for the -corset, a phy- sician, who shall be nameless, says that not all the famines, pestilences and wars. of the world have done so much injury to the human ra-ce a",s tlhis instrulnent. I ••••••••••••••mm•••• Late Winter Work WI -tit Bees, IAn. important question about bees in winter quarters is, shall we con - Inc them to their hives? If the (ead ones in falling clog the en- tirance it does not make any dif- inrence if they are fastened in or ot. In One case they will die gainst the wire cloth, and in the ther they will get out on the floor, itieishelevs, or about the l'OMB. niddie. Fit is untidy and disagree - b10 to have dead bees around on floor nd shelves. [. An extra space may e given b ion? the frames for the hat they may not, clog up .e. With the Simplicity .an be readily furnished by ts:urning he bottom board halm -ide up, piating wire cloth over4114e.' wetting at both the front and baek .nd, and fastening the bottoM boards lNiV-IihInieLgtishall we remove bees in el e.to summer quarters? When hey do not get too restless I let them remain i.tt the cel1ar4 until sof t ria.plem and willow furnish pollen. Set them out early in the morning of a warm,- miid day and Move .ach hive -quietly, . that they - may lot be disturbed. When possible lace on old stands. After they are all out watch the weak oneS .;,;,lid •top swarming- and robbing. Spring i dying - i not a disease, but it is ,'auSed by late, cold. stormy ' wea- ther. W a.k colonies are generally 'affected. It is much worse after old winter and ' disappears ch of settled weather. It's not generally felt before ti sometimes continue until _ erican Agriculturist. ------ Bits nf Science. James Stalin writes to The Lan- , cet that superfluous hair can be re- :reds this be s - he entran THE CANADA Bli,,SLIESS COLLEGE, CHATII4M3 ONT., has given you In three preceding 'genes of this paper, testimonials from three or four of its for- rcer pupils, whore cc mined earniirrs Are $11,(00 per annum, an averl.ge of Se,,760,, We now give you the fourth, Did you see the othe s te it, Mich., Jute 24, 1899. C. MoI eaten, E q., Chatham, Ont. My Dear c -it: Yours of the 141h I -et., to bend, and 1 eaause of businees, you will perdon my delly in making retie. I am pleseeed to note the wonderful eueeese of the Caneda Bueinetta Ooll ge, rind, as me mind goes back to some 18 Yen'n tan, And I n'In then pertn'tted to be one of Prue struleets, I wish to en- sure ycu, with a grsteful lutale, that I have never regretted the nutty rleasant and boopy days 1 spent in your stioxl. I say rleaaant. hecteofta I si-vare found yen trait et ult. one arid kind to ell, ad happy beceuse I drat learned front _veer the true erinelpies cf a busirees etteer, and WI& Is 1 V0.4 0'4 ed um -4U) adopt. Wishine le ou eve re thoesse,..1 -era, Sir, yours truly, A. A. WILSON. f• raeerbr ot Istomdb, Ont. Mr. Wilson is now with a lime raper concern in Boeton, Mass. Yon will see that he attributes his success la Ale to the fug. thet be took Beaune with us. If you eannc.t p-ssitiv oune to Cloth to we can giVe you it strut -Mon hy MAIL, at your houre,in Book- keeping, Shorthend, or Pentrumeldp, through out Mail COMM) Department. Duriog the pest leer 304 of our pupils secured good pesItions. Them: com- bined earnings are closet° TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLL 3R -S (1200,000) Scheel re -ere ts Thursday. January -Zn. Enrol yourself with rue and rot assured that success wit come if you do your part honertly aed pereervingly. Write for catalogue, or MAIL COURSE CIRCU- LAR. D bicLACHLAivi & CO. Chatham, Ont. • 1754 SIGN OF THE - SAW hard, on appro effects ar March an May. -An 0 cp moved from the face by X ray expos- -tires of ten. mi antes at a time on \\I. two col sectitive days for about Wet' • S Dr. See of the United States naval oinierN- ttory in Washington has con- cluded measurement of the planet Mercury with the large telescope of ilia t in4itution. Its diameter is found . to i be\ 2,658 miles. 11. has been observed that when liquid carbonre acid is allowed to es- cape intr.; a, stbut canvas bag in the dark and by its expansion to freeze into a snowy ma s the effect is v ac- companied by a -p, le greenish violet light and electric s arks. Stag and Fox itteunde. In olden times stag h inting was a favorite [amusement of tie nobility, and the dogs used in su h sport, part irreyhounds and pal t blood- hounds, 'were given the name of stag - hounds. Foxhounds] in like 1anfler, were trained to hunt the wily ani- mal, from which they gained *heir distinctive a.pPellati0L1, amigroasargaININKLACCCIIX pew • rhe McKiI1p Mutual Fire Insurance Oompany. FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONI.IY =8NSURED co J. B. McLean, President, ippen P.O. ; Thomas Fraser, vioe-president, Bruce eld -, Thomas E. Hays, Secy-Treas. Seaforth . 0. W. G. Broad - foot, Inepeotor of Lowe, &forth P„ IMAM° . W.0. Broadfoot, Esaforth John 0. Grieve. WI . throp ; George Dales Seale ; John Banneweit, Dublin ; James Evans, 0 hwood ; John Watt, 'fetlock, Thomas Fraser. 11 osfleld ; John B. Mc. Lean, Kippen ; Jamas Connrily, Clinton. RohI, Smith, Earlook; = Re • Xelfilinn, Beafarth; Julien Cumming Ignitadv W. Tie, Ifoloass. dile P. O.; George Kurile Jobs 41 NOITiflOn, auditors Pettit s, dadrons lo ft beeniewei 0,lesee. othte bedpans will be sellsoded Ioes ppbton ion to any of the it •allows, addressed V heir irremeolies vost metres MARRIAGE LICENSE ISSUED AT THE HURON wawa OFFICE, SEAPORTS. ONTARIO. NO WITNESSES REQUIRED. XCook's Cotton i: o t Oontponna Is successfully 1 : 4 monthly by over 0,090Ladies. Bee e eetual. Ladies ask your druggist for 1 Cotten lest potrna. Take no other, as Mixture/I, pills and mitations are dangerous. Prise_ frIcia, 1,21 • r box; Ill'o. le, 10 degrees igtr • uger,,S per box, No. i or 2,3ne.iled on receipt o Iprice and two Seen* ;tamps. The Cook Oonapany Windsor, Ont. VW -Nos. 1 and 2 sold Ana recommended by *11 responsible Druggists ill21=1114.16 So1dathataL Lo Seforbty Alex. Wilson, J. S. ilobertg and I.vFear, drug Great Bargains TO BE HAD AT The Seaforth Tea store 25e, 10 lbs. Epecen gatWf = lbs. boneless cod Ten lbs. of sulphur Zit,,,itenirs;of gloher salts for figh for 2613.2 lbs. pruneestor ,2 lbs. raisinalsr150, 5 lbs. dates for 22o. dies, brain sodas for 25e, 6 lbs. tga let 210, V lbs.*. for '220. * IMO toffee for 150o. Jug remised, another osr of Cluallkied sugar and light coffee eugar4 - sold *t wholesale paoe. Alth 60 pells Or Maori= sugar honest syrup, which will be sold at 11.16 * pan; niso New Orleans rnolassea for itog purpoeen, and ail other grades of syrup. Dr' smoked herninga 16o a box, or two for -26o; lejto Labrador her- rings -and salmon trent., .3' remised 2 packages of chink crockery and •' .dissot from the old country potteries, el ot w oh -via _be -sole et goats bargains. All 'dodo of 4eal-0024k, green and -Japan. Also a green Ceylontes a4 2to a lb,; It= give you team from 10o sib. uotOleilalb,,iruaranteed tosuit you or money refunded. A oordLai invitation extend- ed to all to coil and 24 uonie af the great 1,641111m em still receiving Wetistsr brad daily 1 rem Tor- onto. The highest market pelos paid for alt kinds of poultry. A. G. AUL; Spat \ G. sEAFoRT11.