HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-02-21, Page 24 s. Children. Never Catch Cold Mrs. Tabb lives at No. IA. Charles Street, Toronto, and in speaking of the, Messing UWANTA GRIPPE CAPSULE 1. treatment has beeii to her- self and her chirclren, says: I strongly recommend Uwanta Capsules. They have proved. themselves a never -failing remedy in our home for Colds and Grippe. I would not fed safe with- out a box in the house." At yoixr druggist's -25 cents a box -or by mail direct, TITWA.ATTAL Ce CO., Ltd., Ottawa, Ora. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. VOR SALE -The house and grounds belonging to U the let° S. G. MoCaughey, corner of Church and 'Centre streets, Seaforth. The property will be sold cheap aid on easy terms. F. HOLMESTED. Sea - forth. 178441 ROPERTY IN EGUONDVILLE FOR SALE. - ▪ For Bele, a emomodious story and heti house. with cement cellar and cistern, a good stable and nearly two acres oteed; immediately north of the Egalondville menses _ The laed is well planted with laege and small !mite. Apply te Wm. ELLIOTT. 176/4f 020 ACRE FARM FOR SLE. -1n best who belt e-) In Sou hem Menit oboe Ninety acres ready for wheat next year; 00 aores hey. Good new stable aad granny. Twe'see &oilers per acre. Several other 1 p-oved and prairie tarsus for sale. Write CH S. Be SHAW, B x 17, Beiesevain, Manitobe. 175741 EIARM FOR SALE -For sale Let 27, Con - 1 ceesion 4, MeKllop, conteiring-100 ares, all of whieh is cleared, well fenced, underirei id aid • a high straw of cultivation. There is a good prick house, large hark bun with stone statOrng, plenty of water and a good orchar& 1 is withi two miles of Seat'orth anti wItiOn a mile from a eehoo'. Apply on the premisee or to Seats:nth P. 0. WM. GRIEVE. 17674f tIARM FOR SALE. -Farm in StanIee- for sale, Lot ,i1,2 ea, 0 aces -ion 2, containing 100 -scree., All e.ear but Is sores of hardwooi busk It le in a Stood state of cultivation, well fenced and uncleniralnef., There iron the farm two berns, with stabling, and a ; large dwelt ng housq. It is conveniently eitturted, mile* from Clinton and mile from Baird% soloolL ;Address all ingeirtes to JOHN MeOREGOR, on the ;peemises, or MRS. Dr. MoGREGOR, 2dd Canoe -mien, Tockenaeith. Seafortle, Ont. 175841 VARA' IN 11.101IER8MITFI FOR. SALE. -For ; stle. the fasm et the undersigned in the Town - hip c 1 Tuckers z h, edjoimng tte Village of Eg- ineoedvi le. The farm contains 29 acres, all cleared eXespt I acres of good hardwood bush. It is all well Lneed, wc11 We drained, and In a dist elms , state of cultivation. There is a good frame house, ; with kitchen and woodshed, and steno cellar full ; size ot house- There is a good intik ham, with 'tone stabling, and good pig and nee hnuse. There is a good yaurig tearing- arch? rd and a I et ef Orlir- ynenttl trees. There le a never Wing ee 1 ac .hr house, 'ne fit the ban, and anotter oe the farm. It is one of the most convenient and csoinrotteble placer ia tt e township, and wilt be Bald cheap ant on teey termApply on the prembee c r addters Feentondvilie P. O. RMAN BUBILZ, I7o' .ti DARK FOR SALE. --For sale thet very desirable U farm on the Mill. Bad, Tulicersmith, adj dning the vUlage of Egmandvillo It confab -A 97 aore nearly all cleared and in &goad tat.of ouravati and well underciraiied.' There ie a comfortable brick cottage and geed barns, with root cellar and outbuildines. The builliege are littnt3d near the centre of the far:n and on the Mill Roast. It is well watered, and plenty of soft water in the kitehen. It le eneveniently situated foe ohu-ch and wheal and within a tulle, and a half ef S 'tante. Will be sold cheap and on now terms of neymen`. Apely to the proprietor, ROBERT FAbTSON, Saafocth. 174841 LIARM I.N HAY TOtVNISHIP FOR SALE. -For U trde. Lot 22, On the North Boundary of Hay Townsh're. This farm contains 100 scree, 85 sorts cleared, the rest good hardwasd bush. It Is wen un- derdrained and fenced. There is a good stone houee with reek_ 1 colter; large bsuk ba -n; implement thed ; sheep house 70x76, with firat-ola s steb'ing and root e• liar underneath, a good orchard ; 2 go, d wells and istern. There is 124 scree of fall wheat sowed on a rieb fallow, wen manured ; 40 acres seeded down reec.ntly, the resit in wood shape for crop. This is a No. 1 terra, well situeted for markets, elaurebes, schools, post offices, etc.,. and, will be sold reasonelOy. Apply on the peeniees, or address ROl3ERT N. DMIGL td,BlakesOnt 11368xitt Vls, ARM FOR SAVE -For sale, Lot IS in the Town - ,U ship t 1 Tuckerernith. Corureesion 3, 100 acres of land, 95 acrets Weer. d, well un -erdrained. Splendid farm ter grata or stook, well watered, a ruining spring the whet.° par runs through the farm. Also on the term .13 Ek. splendid bank barn, new y ne v, e hich ise 00.64, with (-tine stabling uaderneath. Also Pratte house E1x'8, and kitehen 18xl6 with good doei cellar, and two good wells. Thi, pro - i perty is oared in a Yefy desirable locality with t splendid ' ravel ro.ds to rasrket, ore)* ay miles to Seaforth. A's e a good d,velling house in Seafort a, situated on Coleman street, CiOde to Vietnria Park. This heusi is cempast d .of 8 roNns, well finish..d, pitnty of hard kritt soft water, and kitchen 20xi6. with pantry and waeh room attached, and a good woodahed. A good stab e 2.4x18. !All of thie property must he sold as the uodersigned is moving to the United St .tee. All particulars conoerning this preperty can be bed bY eoplying at Tine, Exeosrrea Office or to the proprietor, JAMES KEHOE, Sea - forth. - . 17624f 'OARS/ IN STANLEY FOR SALE -For sale, Let ✓ 9 and_the west half of Lot 8, on the 1.2111 conces- sion, or Bronson Line, of Stanley. Tale farm con- tains 150 acres, all of Which is eleered, ex ?ept 1.ur acres. It is in a state of Brat -class cu tivation, w 11 fenced and all underdralned,mostly with tile. There is a large frame d +selling house as good as new, with good. eione foundaticn and cellar, large bankbarn with stone stabling underneath, and numerous other buildings, ineladiag a I trge pig. 13-luqe. Two good 'orchards-ol cholas- fruit, also nice shade and orna- mental treee. There are two ep ing creeke running through the farm, and plenty of good water all the year round without pumping. It le well situated far markets, ehadhes, seheo,s, post WE eta, and good gravel roads. leading from it in an direatione. Is es within view of Lake Huron, and the boats esto be seen passing upend down from the hou3e. Thii is one of the best equipped farms in the clunty, and will be eold on easy terms, as the proprietor want a to retire on aeocastat of 111 health. Apply on the premi- ses, or address Blake Pe Ge JOHN DUNN. matt Grip -Quinine Tablets (catocooaers COATED) Grip -Quinine Tablets ere all sorts oi cold and damp weather diseases. Grip -Quinine retains all the curative virtues of Quinine, with the disagreeable- ness left out. The Chocolate Tablet form makes it pleasant to take, much nicer than capsules, and better iu resells. Remember the name Grip -Quinine Tablets. The genuine are in boxes only, _with ;Dog's Head Trade -mark. Refuse, all 'others.' Price es cents, at all druggists. For sale by Alex. Wilson, Seaforth. MONEY TO LOAN Money te loan at 4i; per eelet on gocid fann seem ity. Apply to JAS. L. KILLORAN, Barrister, See: forth. I71241 'TO THE GLORY OF GOD IMPORTANCE OF RELIGION IN THE DAILY AFFAIRS OF LIFE. N ALL THINGS CONF SS HIM C Religion as It Living Guide of.Life Maks e tho /Hearts Glad -How to fib 1 Itellgic into Practice- The ; le ork ; earest alt Rand -The I:elision of Eve a -day Lille -God's Commsen Rivaling:se Entered Aceordingto let ef Parlia rent of Ca , ada. in the Year itie by Wiliinat ally, of T toato, at the Dep't Of Agrieutteu , Ottawa. . Washington, Feb 16.-I t his di - cOurse Dr. Talmage advis -us to d our best in the spheres here ! 0 are placed and net wait o ser‘e God in resounding positi n; text, I. Corinthiatis x. 31, "Whether, therefore., Ye eat or, drink r what- soever ye do, do all to. th4r. glory Of i God" . With the apostle in thiS text sets forth the idea that so cots mon an action as the taking of od and drink is to be conducted t4j t.he glory of God„ he proclaims the Portantle of' religion in. the ordinary affairs Of our lik. in. all ages of the world • there has - been a tenderity to Sot apart certain days, places: and ()CM,. &Ions fer worship, and .t,.() think those were the chief :realutS in which ,rellgion was to act. :Now, holy daars and holy - :places have their import- ance. ' They give opportuni y for spe- cial perfrisisnce of .Christ an dut ay ud for egaling.Gf the rel gious ap- petite, but they cannot i take the place of eontinuous exeecis of faith and prayerln other woe s, a man cannot be so much.ed a Oh -istian on Sunday that he can:afford to be a worldling :all the rest of, t.he 'week41 if a steamer put out for outhamp- ton and go on;e day in that direction -and the other six days in; • ther : di- rections, how tong before a e steamer will get to Southampton? It will never get there. And,:tho gh a man may seem to be V0�Uii heaven- ward duri : the holy. Sab ath day, if during tee following six days of 1.11(1 week. he . is ' going t • ward world and teWard' the fies1 and to, - ward the devil how long ty'll it take him to reach the peacefut harbor of 110kIN en? You cannot . eat so much at the Sabbath banquet that you can afford. religious abstinence ;the other. six days..Heroism and pri icely be- havior on great occasions are no • apology for lack of right deineanor iri circumstances insignifica. t and in- conSpicuous. The genuine Christian li'e isnot. spasmodic; does; lot go by fits and -starts; It ti-iiis O 1 through 'heat and cold, up steep 1'notnitains solid itleng dangerous" declitVities, its eYe on the "everlasting hill crOwned with the ;castles of the bk1ssed. I ptopose to plead for .evoi ,day • re- likion. . - 1 • • i in the first, place We want to bring the religion of Christ into our 0011- i21 versatimW e hen a dam br aks and tW,o or theee villages are e,l -erwhelni- ed, or an earthquake in Scitith Amer- ict swallows a Whole city, then peo- Me begin: to talk about he uncer- tAinty of life, and 'they in.gine that the3r are engaged in poSit1 vely relig- ; ique conversation.- .NO, You may ' talk abotit -these things and have no grace of God at all in yottr heart. We ought every .day ' to IA talking l religion. ;If there is •any4 ing glad about . t, • 'anything . -; beau ti ful a about it, anything ; important about it, : we Might to be courteously discusSing; I have notieed that men 'juls:t, in pro- portion ct. their -Chriitinn! leXper ie nee : is shallot •taik about funerals . and graveyards and tombstkInes and deathbeds. The real, gen4pse Chris- tian .man; talks chiefly allsbet this life and the great eternity beyond' and not so much about the insignifi- cant pass between these two resi- dences. And yet •hOw few circles there are ;where the religien of Jesus. Christ is ;welcome. GO into a circle even of Christian people, Where they nre full. -of joy and hilarity, and talk about Chist or. heaven and - every- thing is i'r r ediately'silen4d. As on a simuner day' when, the fOrests are full of :lif ! chatter, chirrup and car - z,12 --a mig tY chorus of bird harraOny, every trt, branch an orchestra -if a *wk' aim ar in the sky, every voice; stops ant the forests are :still. Just so- 7 have seen a lively rei.igious cir- ced on the appearance of like religious eohversation. -ta.d anything tof saY save me' old patriareh in the he room, !who really thinks. that sonulthing ought to he said un- der the circumstances; so he puts one foot over , the : other and 'heaves -a long sigh and says,; "Oh, yes; that's se, that's so!" . My friends, the rei igion - pf , Jesus ' Christ is Something to talk about with a glad heart. It is brighter than the waters; it is more „cheerful than the sunshine. Do mit ge around groaning about your religion. .when you ought. to be singing it or talk- ing it in cheerful tones Of --'‘ oice. How often it is that we find men whose lives are utterly inconsistent who.at- teinpt to talk religion and always make it failure of il! My 1riends, we must live religion:, or we Cannot talk it. If a man is ceaaky end cross and uncongenial, and hard in his dealings andthen, beginto talk about Christ adidheaven*, everybody is repelled by lit. Yet I have heard stick lien ' say in whieing- t ones, "We are miserable simian's," "The 1-‘ord bless you.- "The ,I.ord filly° mercy on you." 1 heir coinVersatilon inter- lardea \I itll such expressjons, whiCh Meatt no thing but et:Ult i rig, and cant- ing is the worst form of hypocrisy. If we have really felt the religion of chriSt in our hearts. let Us talk it; and talk it xvith an illuminated coun- t( nix nce, rementhering t hat- when two Citri:-.t in II people to 1 k God gives spe- cial attention and writes down what they say: Mi'lluelli ii',. 16. "Then they that feared the Lord spake often one to ;ALAI -ter, and the Lord' hearkened ;end; 'word i 1 . and a book of remem- bra ere 1105 Writ telt." ! Again, I reffierk xx e must: bring* I he rel:gion of Chrst. hit°. our -einPloy- ,,,t.s. --yh," you say, "that is very well if a !Man handle large stuns of money o% -if he have- au extensive traffic.: but in 1110 hatable work in life tloat 1 ant called to the sphere is , too small, for the urinal of such grand, heavenly principles." 1 M ho ' told you„la)? Do you 1101 know: that Clod watches the faded leaf on the brook's stirface as eertainly as he does the path of 0 blazing sun? And the moss that creeps up the side of cle silet any thing -- No one perhaps s corner of LIlO rhcIi! upon pod i lof:-OrOgoit tigo the h01) car a ith ratio do i4 lile seem to help fr-oui that of help you, be 'driagge is dr:i!LWir1 you, ias curb ;to t, YOU tire 0 he will le sitting a religi;on place is pia day's tainly ne •aa 1:01 wh and eotil thousand Mire it churehes [ISMS as muen impression t ankful. Llut every -day ought to *mind as the waying tops .1 pine - tuid L banon cedar, •I lder, cracklin under the , sounds as 1 ud in ' God's snap' of a wtrld's conflag- ten you have anything to ' ble it may ; 3is there to our work is en God”' will Simon when If your work he will • help at the well woman. If : ustora house, d you, as he led Matthew • the receipt Of customs. A hat is not good in one t worth anything in an- -n • The man who has only 1. kes everything? •from the anis:in:ti- nges in his pecket cer- e in the sod to the seraPh on the OS the guidanee of religion th one, so we go on eating, drink - rattles the keys of a Wink ink'and enjoying,' but never thank - abscond With a hundfed , or seldom thanking, or, if dollars. 1 I nking at all, with only half a hoWever hun , God is alw • clo it. 11 fisherman, t as he helped 1 Gennesaret. water, then hen he talked e $amaritati gaged in the 0 0 a. thanksgiVing day. We do not ognize the common mercies of life. have to. see a. blind man led.by dog befere NOe begin to bethink rselves of :What a grand thiing it to have- tindimmed oyesighti _ A.Ve ve to see some weunded man hob - ng on his crutcli or with his pty coat sleeVe Pinned up before learn to think - what a grand Ji ng God did fOr as when he gave up. healthy use Of. our limbs. We a' )4 up g , 'F:es in the pasture up to its ,eye Iti 1 i; Clover, yet never thinking Veho Ices the cloll'er, tied as the bird i."•ks up the wbon from the furrow ' thinking that it is God '' Who p so stupid that nothing but, the sfortunes of others can rouse us to our blessings. As the ox e those promlinent in - the . eho aeon): to be on public OccaSioes very' devout Who do tot pa tjhe p inciples of Christ's religion into pract, ce. They are the 11104 .in, exorable f creditors. They are the rinos-C gra ping of dealers. They are knoWn as .sharpers 'on the street: .TITIey- device every sheep they can catch. A country merchant conies in ta buy spring- or fall_ goods, and lin gets it to the store of one of these 1Professed Christian men who have .i.-eally no grace in their hearts, and he is; eon pletely swindled. He is. so .OVereome ,that he cannot, get, out of town dur pg the week. ' He stays in townov0 Sunday, goes into some ch-ureh to get Christian consolation, when wilt l, is his amazement to find ,that the .'ery mail who hands him the poor .lox in the church is the! one who relic ad hiln or his Money! But lnevee. Mit d; the deacon! has his black coat anal )w. He looks solemn and !goes -honi , 'talking about `.,:the bless- ed serm-n ." If the wheat in ,the churahes . tould be put into a hopper, the ; first turn of the crank 'weld(' make the phaff ffy, 1 ,:tell you..:.Seme 'of' these ;oen are great sticklers ' for gospel pr4aching. They say: , ' -You - , ,stand thet•e in bands and serplite and gown and pr ach-preach like an anget-au 1 we st. nd out here and' at.. - tend ;to bosiness. Don't mix things. Doti'l -get , religno and business -in ;the Same: bucket. You attend tO your matters, : and we will attend ' to , ours.' They do not know that Clod , sees ever cheat they have practiced itc;thle la.t, six years; that he can 'oak -thi•O gh' the; iron wall of their fireproof :Itta.fe; that he has, c unted every; disl onest dollar they ha 'e . in ' their ,pocilet. and that a day ot judg- ment , will come. : . There ate many ChristianS who say: "We are ' tilling to serVe t od, "Init want :to do , it in these 'out which we at' talking, /e ns so insipid trul monoton- e had some -great oc4asioin, , lived •in the thne Of Luth- lad eon Paul's traveling . if we could 'serve dod on. ale, we would do it'‘ but n tl is :ever3,-day life." •. J t: a, grat deaI of the - rp- -Id - kr ight errantry of life )peared before the advance Ictit,a1 1 age. There is, how - id ;of endurance and great it, blit it is in 'everyday are ,A.Ips to scale, there ponts t;o.swim, there are; trave, but they are. ail no. This is the hardest. irt3• -dem to bear. klii4.- that any work' ( )d to ,do 'in -the; World ,is en t. set'Lle for yOu- to do. The, (-4 ne; little flOwer. Plato 1 ers is not 'ashamed to 1 0 Which I have now nearlY but it ran something like said spirits of the other O back .to this world : to tody and find i a sph0,e 01 e spirit Caine I and teok, the king and did ;his work; arh• t came and took th and did; his t work; hsses came, and he the fine bodies are thei grand work ist othing- ileft for me." orepliedi "Ah,; the b eft for you." Ulyssessaid, hat?"- .And the reply Was, Of a common man. (king Work and for a: cominon A good _ fable fot tfie just, as good a fabk - for ell•er we do, let us d 4 to. rWhether we eat I: drink °Cf. itdd' to bring thel 1-eli- ' 1 ' hrist into our comMonest or severe losses, fctr beia for trouble Oat shOcks rthquake and that blasts rm, we prescribe rOigious n; but,. business man, for annoyances ;of last week of the grace of Ghia did "Oh," you, say "tl-tese too sniall forsuch applica- brother, they are Amp- -haracter, they are souring er, they are wearing • out nce -and they are making Ind less of a, man 1 go tiptoes studisi and see him ' statue. lie has a chisel , land and a mallet in the nd he gives a very gentle ck, click, cliek! I say, n't you strike harder? " replios,- "that would shat- atue. I can't do it that nust do it this wk.' So on, .and after awhile the comer out, and everybody Ors the studio is charMed 'felled. Well, God has Your • process of ;develapment, little annoyances and veia- fe that are chiseling. out prtal nature. , It is click, ! I wonder why 1 some '-idence 'does not come -and strok• prepare you i for we do no spheres it and it see ous. .11 n if we ha.d er, if we; commtniz' a great we admii th.t. mando have dist. of this ro , ever, a .1i1 a Chi erven* ;Ilife- IT1101 ,•atie fiend, 1: fires to 'around IA kind 'of n Do not gives i yon too S:nat4 whole ua take car0 had a. fa f i•grit t en lie 1 world coR find - -work. O bodyl of a other spii of a: poe awhile 1.7 and ; There is . , some one has heeni "whey§ "The. 1)00 conun0 rewatd."; world an the clime or what the glory Again, gion -of rialS. eavement, 'like an 0 like a st ,consGlatit the Sinai how );:o_u you appl trials are ing 3!our' .your 'tent your pati you less - into n sdI shaping in one: other, • s stroke -c1 "Why "Oh,!' he ter the S way.. I he Work features that ; ent - and fasch soul -unda and it is tions of 11 your, click i great prO with- one Heaven. not the by stroke st le sOrro itt laSt y for angels NoW, b those, atm soul imar administo The $crai. tinles pr clip of ance 'may* - not lat ni acr making :( Again, of Christi ings. Wh the =Intik ernors tus sellable 14 e body after Sat taken, taken. And st 'one h, no,. God says that is And Sc) he keeps on of little annoyances, lit - Is, little vexations,. .. until shall be a glad Spectacle and for men. careful to let none of yanceS go through your tigned. Compel 111111, to to yoUr spiritual s'yeolth.. h of a sixpenny- nall; sortie- uces lockjaw, and i! the most intinitesithal .Ainnoy- damage you forevetl. Do ✓ annoyance or perplexity s your soul Without its u better. e must bring the rkigion Iinto our commonest bless - the autumn comes and sts are in and the goe;;; • procialllat ions, we aa, churches and *e are very 91. he! -Lr t . I compared 'our indifference to the bi te, but perhaps I ;wronged . the hi tte. I do not know but that, ong its . other instincts, it May ve an instinct by 'Which it recog- es the divine hand that feeds it: le not know but that God is, -ough it, holding conununication th what we call "irrational crea- n." Who thanks God -for ithe a the fountain of life,. the bridge _sunbeams, the path of sound, ,the at fan on a hot summer's day? 6 thanks God for this wondeFful sical- organism, this sweep of the vi -ion, this chime of harmony struck in o the ear, this soft tread of - a in riad delights over the nerykus ti 1 sue, this rolling of the crimson t74e through artery nd • van, th,s drumming of the :h art on our march to inunortality? ;We take all these things as a Ineitter of coul-se. ut suppote God should withdraw SC eoglMon blessings! - Your body' uld become an inqUisition of tor- e, the cloud would, refuse rain, rv green thing would crumPTe up, the earth would craels open un - ;de' your feet: The aj.r would cease . , lit. healthful circulation, pestilence w uld sWoop, and every house would; be, ome a place of Skulls.. 'Streaincsi w4uld first swim. with vermin ctn t10n dry up,. and' thirst and husnIgIcei: and anguish and despitit would lift their scepters. Oh, compare ; a a ;life s that- with the life you live i w'th your families! ; Ils it not Onto Ott, with 'every worfl of our ' lips ' al(l with every act ion of our ) I fe _ W bega II to acknowledge • tlicse e),n-yday mereies? ?'•Whetl(iiett)-, 3-000 t'ort1t 1. m drino h r ttlha 1 soever ye to the glory of (lod." Do 1 adiriss a man or 0, woman who has not: re were(' 10 (t 0(1 0111.! single offin-ing , . oftisl\llks -laisp'-'reaching one "Than!..a);iving D ty and announced my text ---'-- " 111, give thanks rwo the', 107 he is1 good, • oi. Ills inert' f t n- (11 reth forever." 1 (lo not. know W let her there was allyt blessing 00 ti 0 sermon or nOt, but the text - w rut straie,lit to 0 young n.lin's In art. Ile said to hituse:f as . I laittd the text: " '011 , -give thainks• ! tint° the Lord, for . he is gcod', - AVIly, I. 11S.VC never rendered hint hey tl anks! Ols, et. hat ran ingrate "I h, Ve been!'" can it be, my hrother, ti at you have been fed by the pood lr nd of (IMI all these days, ! that y( u have had cl o thi an* and shetter a-1 d all tbe beneficent surroundings, 1.0 (1 3 -et have never offenal your teen ti God? 011, let a sense of the 'di- , Ni100 goodness shown You in everyilny h less i ugs n1 e f t, your heart, and r i f eo a have never before uttered ;One cf, rnest note of thanksgiving let this hIti the day which shall hear ; your Sc ng! What 1 say to one 1 say to a, 1. 'rake this practical religion I ht ve recommended into your e1-ery- (41 y life. 'Nlak-e every day a Sab- itath, and ' every meal a sae). cement atlid. every room you enter it iloly 10f holies. We 111 1' have work to do; let us. be willing to :do it. We all li tire sorrows to hear; let us cheer - f! Ily bear them. We all have hat- Ites to fight; let -es courageously 111!1-1 1 tliem. 1f, you want ' to die ir gill, you -must live right. • Negli- g thee and indolence will win the hiss o everlasting scorn,' while faithful - 'mess will gather- its garlands and v40.ve its scepter and sit upon iti I won" long after this earth has put op ashes and eternal ages have be- gan their March. You as() hoine to- day !and attend to your little spli re. o ditties. I will go home and at - 1 nut. to my little sphere of duties. 1 very one iii his own place. So ctur eery step' in life shall be it , ttephal march, and the humbi 1,st fzetstool on which we are called to s t. will be a conqueror's throne. ; Railway I ies. * , 1 'Egypt has now over 2,000 miles of r ei I e ays. . 'I' i 1 ree new railway lines are pro-, cleft in Turkey. . ' The employes of the Michigan Cen- t al have voted against, the •pension .1: :111 proposed by the management of il 1 lti.t, -in road11I to.inobile insPection car fer , ' 1 ta is' of road overseers and track hist , clot s has been put into use by 0, puniher of railroads. , In many respects the Canadian -Pa- cific 1:x11way is thcl most, remark - :0 le (f-esta in the world. ' Without (hoisting cars it is possible to tray - (1 front 1 Ittlilax to Vancouver, which- . ; i. a distanee- of "3,662 miles. , OLID FOOD MEANT AGONY Dy. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets cured her Indliestion-made her Stomach Aron* iand welL To -day she eatsoanything she v18Ii�s, enjoys it and suffers no pain. Its. Ellen Butler, 37 Collahie Street, Toronto, ered so from Indigestion that for years to put it of solid food in her stomach meant agony ro hours. She had tried many remedies witlanit a y permanent relief, but when she commences' u ng Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets she iminecliately improved. After taking three boxes she was able to eat anything without the slightest distress. Sixty tablets, 35 cents. 24 1. V. Fear,- druggist, Seaforth 11 a. • T reatened Over Production of Cement - he January number of the Stone min - tans a warning against a %threatened over - p eduction of cement in the United 8 ates. T ""e manufacture of &anent has been increas- in at a very rapid rate, and the production is aid to be in excess of the :demand, not - w thstanding the great acti.i'y that hate c14ractei1zed the building trade during the pe two -or three years. The older esab hrIIied companies Imre built up a very large anid peniperous trade.: and the preisen ia that the newer concerns will be driven An Ed!thes Opinion - 1 ' Of! the Marieilous Res or titre gatalie ides of rir.sells e ve"Food. ie.a ; . - Mr A. , R. Fa cett, 1he wel-known editor and pi oprietor of h Leader and , Recolder, Toronto Jun tiori. As ittes :- "It lc very ,selgit_m tha I, nce.a medi- cine of any ca:seription. but thz,b't;pring 1 got so badly! -ian do vn arri out of ,sorts generally that I 1)came some- -what alarmed. i Chan n to read a teStimor_ial about the es Its derived from Dr. 01 asel Neiv Pocd, lions a 7eptl .man 'it heS case eeltned to be tdent cal with My 01., n, I purchased 0 bate; --nd c2nTrelenced u l -t4 IL ,. "rr'':: reqUit Wel e. - lin - y., maivellous. ...wa benefited p.ort lb fitst, and soon ; c*.to cd to my .usus.'• °op. health. I :eVet felt botter in ins life than I do low. To t4dIt tha sim le ,truth, I did ot have ve....y g;r:at fat h in any medi- ;rood but now 'I have o iesitation in •Ine mtil I used D... her's N,erve -trong.:y r commendin this great rioely to others, as LI 1. aliatile and er- e:, ti) 0 remeaY• ' Dr. -Chasers %:erv reztonati field Er hosts his road Do onreJghly It nd oyereorne co ts a box, A 'ateS & erve not!l. the great -e and loOd builder is t cures 'Wall ports of Gadua1ly and builds 1P I the system wroknessi and disease. all deal rs or Edman- OMpaTLY, T ronto.. to for'e their product upo the market at all sor s of priees in co4equa1iee of the fleeces ty of obtai log caeh returns, which many if them; must have. 'phis tendency to too apid expansion is e pedially apparent, our 0 ntemporary thinka, in Michigan, where he number of new ,concerna started during the past year has-been! very considbr- able. In that Stnte there is{ a probability that if all the neW oompau es Igo into Drier - ()Men they will net only produce more than ts oran be mold, but it is aleo pos ible that the the plants operated will be milish too large for the supply of eann iv) materiaIin the State. Abpr sent there 18 a tench noy to seize upod every Ieposit of so•callecl marl ; but not all the marl is suite for the manufacture of eemen , and it is very pitohable that too Haled oriminat ion has been exercised in this respeo . Th/43 state of aff.0.1 May be true as far s the Uiited States isjecncerned, but there Is no doubt that a goodmarket can be found lin Canada for the product of all the Canadian factoriels, both those in operation and prospective. i It Will be hard to over - stook the nierkelt with atiVI , a standard artiele as cement, whose use as beilig extend- ed in all direttions. ! • ONE OF' THOUSANDS atIvras a martyr to Sick a;d1 Nervous' Head- aches caused by Consti sltion, ur.fit for business on an average 2! days a week, kIorie pills Ihelped me, ihat Dr. Agnewiii • Liver Villa! at :10 eta 4 +int cured me. This is my own testi:ton and it's it fact. /tor I neverlosa an ho Cr mies a Meat" This is the Written testimot y of a. well known Toronto journalist -you can have his name if you want it. Agnew's are h best pil s and 12% :cheaper than any othe . 40 pills 10 Cts. ; xoo pills 25 CtS I. V. Fear' Druegis , Seaforth.: --I4a1 estate deals have erous :in Ellice townshi Brunk, of Musselburg, has and7, on the 12th coueessi taining 200 acres, for $5,0 know the farm think M cured a 'bargain. Mr. sold the Old 1Rankin fir Mr, Henry Gropp, for $4 in tarn has bought out M farm df 300 acres for the Mr, R. Finnegan has sold lot , concession 2, to M of 31etnervil1e, and Mr. F chased Mr. Frank Ruston' concession 3, &lice. The latter farm isamid to be $6 • been quite num- lately. Mr. C. purchased lots 6 cf Ellice, ecu. '0 People who ci Brunk has se- erge Kerr has of 100 acre S to 300. Mr. Kerr . James Tiim's slim of $16,00. hill • farm, part of . James Smart, nnegan hem pur- !farm, hit 14, 11rice paid for the 100. ' , THIS, VIETERATS FIGHT, in Vie: days of tile Revolution lie Was on ths side of Victory5 in later years surrend.rdto. dizoxtee, but SouthAMerican Kidncy Cure g vie him, his liberty. Mr. A. Williamson, of incardine, Ont., a Tetern a i 31 the A nterican wari and now customs c li,:er, 'town ch-rk and a proMinent citizen, says id i'i ) lith Amel .in Kidney. ' Cure :-" I have f euid it a avontlerful specific in my case. I stiff red a great 'deal from Oadder and Kidney I- ro!,le:4, and one bottle entirely cored me. I thin li it a boon to mankind," Cures in all stages and gives relief in six hours. r ' 22 1. V. Fear, druggist, Seafprth. . • -41-Mrs. Emilie Wade Cuffe, widow of the late David H. Cuffe, one of the pioneer real - dent* of Sty Marys, and mother of Mrs. M. Slack, died at her home, iflthat town, on Monday of last week, aged 91 yearn. The deceased lady had been in oor health for 1 many years, and had been onfined to her home for a long time.ivi.Cuffe was a nal ive of Ireland, i and came to St. Marys in ,1854. Since the death of beehusband,about ,twenty ybars ago she had lived with. her kleughter, Mre. Slack. " ' ' , A GIFT OF 500 ACRES - ,Would be no temptation to Mr. I Boomer in exchange for pr. A new's Ointment, Itching Piles of seven year standing I took to themsalVes wings after a few applifeations. Mr. M. Beerner, of Knotmaul,.Mieb., says In a letter of recent date :—" I have had Itching Piles for seven years. I have tried most every - Thing that was ever recomnie10(1 as a cure, but never gut the lo.n>t bit cif relief mntil1. used Dr. Agn•-w's Ointnient. 011(1 1 ihaven't words to - opres the thankfulness I feet lcir the gcat, cure. rwpuld rather have the wonderful Lure than 5oo acre e of Lond. j5 cents. • 23 LV. Fear, druggist, Seaforth. • , . --Another old figure, wellAnown in Mit- chell and yi lofty, has peeled oat of sight. Mr.. John Withel, of_Fullatton, and a faith - fel meinber of the Methodist congregation, pasSedi away on Monday in ruing of last 1 week, iit the age of 64 year*. The: decemed bad' suffered f rum asthma fOr he past lthree or four -years, and for the hust year or two he was quite. unable to leave his home. He leaves i a widow and groWii up family to mourn his departure.- - I --,--K tharine, driughter o r. Itiobort Mor l ClaOheity, late of ' Mitchell Was Married at her father's home, Stratfoi- On Wednesday evening ollatit week, to Mr. T. W, Hamil- ton, a prominent Young Grand Trunk Rail- way fireman, of that city. , Stops the Co4gh and WoriFs off Vile Cold. LaNiltive Bremo Quiaine Tablets cure a cold m one day.. No Care,I NO Pay. 1 Ptiee 25 dents. • -4rumorwas recently lin circulation in Mitch ll that two young Wei were intoxi, elite&lThe license inspectlor took up the case, bit was unable to verify the rumors 75-7 'T.131{,UARY 21._ 1902 -aughter....,S les For the Next 30 Days We will offer special bargains in or ler to makosroom for new 7 , Spring, goods. Great reductions in Dreiss Goods, Furs, Underwear, Tweds, Coat i- t ings, Flannelettes, Wrapperettes, psiery, Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, Crockeiiyi, etc. i 4 Gan and. see our snaps in men's rubbers, leggings, men's hea y shirts, horse blankets, dinner sets, tea sets, and fancy dishles. , Best goods at lowest prices. All farm prOduce taken at hig est trade or cash price. . II. Iluipbreys &' Son A LTO..1,& For Torpid Liver, Flatulence, ConstinatioA, Biliousne.ss and Sick 'Headache, TAKE R1.$TOL'S Safe, Mild, Quick -acting, Painless, do not weaken, and always give satisfaction. ONt most reliable Household Medidne, can be taken at any seasim, by Adults or Children. All druggists sell "BRISTOL'S." rniture Cheaper &aft 'On account of great reduction in expenses, and mannfa4uring special lime, iwe aie now able to rut furniture on the market cheaper than e*er. All intend ing purchasers will do well to call at our warerooms, where full lines of up -to.; date4furniture are sold tt right prices. iLfX t:tDrlit3i= - "ICTI\TIDM shis iepartment is complete with a large selection Of th ii best goods, and oblignag attention given to this branch of the business. ; ight calls promptly attended to by our Undertaker, 4r. S. r. Holmes Gode ich street, Seaforth, opposite the 1VIethodistt church. 13TMADFOOTI iBOX & 00.1 Prii and late • Tw Lad prie s. e need thel room„ money to you. •.-The...Creat Cash worb000kAN~AAAAAAAwm Several consignments of Spring Goods already received - Dress Goods in the very latest weaves ancl colors, also ts,'Muslins, Cottons, Shirt1ng3, and Cottorta4eS. Direct importations of Cartrtins, Laces, Finbioideues, Ensertioris. 500 pairi; of new Boots and Shoes just rec9ived, in the t spring styles for men, women, and children. February- Bargain*. Tremendous snaps in men's and boy' Clothing, eds, -Underwear, Boas, Shoes, and Heavy Rubbers., i.es' Fur and Cloth Coats at less than manufacturers' f you require the goads it will mean a zaving AANYVVy D. M. McBEATHPRETORBIA00K BLYTH. Ararareirayorerarawk 1 piimummona 1 11111111111111,1111 411111111111111111 _ _ _ Page Metal Ornaniental Fenc w-e'wnla yards. orchards, etc. It is wanted for door yards, division fences in wa lots, grave fence- that ornamentai very showy and surprisingly cheap I* is inst what Jtost think of it. Let Us send you tell partieulatos. BUG Is 20 ch. PER ,UNNING •FOOT. painted and retails at only ; make farm fence, poultry netting, nails and starlies. The Page Wire Pence Co., Llinited,WIslkerville. Set A Pig in Bed. , .4=.14144-4-4-3444-4144-444444-**** W for half an hour prevously. It removes all thauncertain- - it HAT a comfort it is, after retiring these cold nights, to have had. a hot water bottle filled. and placed betweenIthe sheets 1 Ly asto whether you are going to warm the bedior ' the bed going to chiThyou. And it saves a lot of time, you don't need to go o bed till you are ready to sleep. These reasons ought, in themselvee, 40 be enough to induce every family to become the possesscir of one of hese inexpensive bottles. While for a, stuall additional cest, you ean get a coMbination one that can, in a moment, be converted intoa fountain syringe,an article that should be in every houserhe xf Queen Ouality " of these goods are fully guaranteed and are for sale by ALEX. IL SO RD'S, 11-1, SEAFORT, FIRST DOOR NORTH OF PICKA Th s dog's head trade-mork 00 ,ev ry package of ,the. genuine , ip-Quinine Tablets Th kind that cure coughs an& fol in twentysfour hours, " or sale by Alex. Wilscu, Seafor h., Archibald & COrneres ANNUAL til4E --OF- 3EI 13#8 irS SM.A.M1 ti,P.Er- r ibald Cudmore will offer ter eale by Public Auction, at their stabler', in tbc TOwn ofSwtortb, SATURDAY, Atiec10eMk,Rp. ind,rilsht,"irept; 1902, OD I, bcut 86 draught colts, frqui to tO Bye sears 'Also A few good drivenand worke is Tisanes-. ap4-1Atrhotvinedcinjetibnitctee e; 6redl.e will koatl ilteirtct4ee loI) 0nl:181311":thellfg dtrilt- atil be allowed for ea h. 'ARCIIIIIALD ki CUDMORE, Fr ot teetors TR(2 3ROW1V, Auction-. eers 1704 ance Non 006, FORT ma be H agen rent orexi bine° isfr. ins - :AWES Golfo 3 ooiNG lithe th *ORM Wine; -