HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-02-14, Page 4A 1902 I311W 14 Fig TiEDE HUR01 EXPOSITOR 4 r. and Mrs. J,-,seph Upabal-t—Rev. j1r M the their b meeting on re%d to Belgrave and Londesboro V.8 I$' "t liam Tiread ited dred8 of times to throw the publ' ofiet �0013 X13 from the' older' g his offence, and the fad of same thing on h ediately after.a, cAllister addressed the train, ib being impossible to got through. McLennan, on -A NE W ADVERTISEMENTS in, bad roads V�ould- be largely #one 1,1 Home Dairy� Mr. McMillan made , an nn',a eo er. his heing an � ducated man is all the inore sto!r n -has given no very good McGregor, at Ga cpital, Clinton na eet- T This country has alreadv t the evening in he Grand Trunkagainst him He should be aiiowecL to away with. -The b cable I$ Gille are usum y N reports ner impror rl n �he tn. sa short service bhrough it all, Saturalay evening eepening te ngh, thereby rendering ing,.Rev. W. J. Went, M. A., gave 9 I �dflpW by :Mr The figu-e betwee- the parenthetes alltar each expended millions of dollars 101 A -A his ful rm, and the :MiniHWr of nob broken soon Web the train haibeen yet, as it, be good news to her man.y friends her*._�_ _or I - I ,Icr on which the lb I � . I ita roe,. an denotes tho page of the p% I and lem effective." d d Messrs. Peter King nd Will 'being the Is Doe, n the job more diffi �q pshallL of the village tt* at will be found I thematerwas, improving transp I �tatlon and jii�'Llae should firmly refuse to,'acquiespe I until 10 o'clock, instead of at Mr. and Mrs.,U h(tvarilseme $ BRIEF 8te art sing solo', did not get In ' ttended t! Of Fur Sala --Greig & Macdonald -1 in providing competition, and- �Ili I the eitu. tlie,Rbilurd Ad sentimental appeals which 7.25.—Mrit. D, B. McKinnon in at present past week, a ne funeral ibb rin to Rent—Mrs. George Durie-5 continual are Oow bait 9 made 10 him. If Dr. �' ar. Mi' ersmit very lo* from a second stro e of paralysifi James Hoggarth, 0 H I ort, Mr.& Tjpshall!"' oved�l 9* A -kaon-5 a,.ion,instead of being impr 0romarty. --a. 0. D1 nee in commuted,� a pree'dent ast sijten—mr. Win. Side bo a few bigh andg of Ontario botSle's sen4 0 was attacked one day I in ar w �ho E. McFaul Do Goods Co., Seaforth, with which she weelm o2e Aew Good+ -9. KcFa-a Co --S ly growing wors3.. Nor in it n eary that Rvfiioh will have ��n inju'rious h and +­ Im i O swilu-be set, E� � I - -to_itdvenesa that they Wt"Ve been in business long enoug ago disposed of his te f Young horn otton Sale—T. and J. Purcill-5 po�eesffi so much I week while she was in. her room all alone. oes was n't delivered --them at Clinton try. His or Of we shon are quftpnce in' the coun ime, Dolt only deterilb�a 2ouih to know that " The mill "D Annual SAllc—ArehlbsOd and oudmore-5 Id incur this enormous! c xpeudit rJ40d to make, but have I are wise el The girl found her there, but they de On Monday 0��:which giind with the water that is Pao b 2 before A number of horses, lit thin neighborhood' .1i)eeial Sale -2—R. Willis RUA Son --S which Mr. M&oL%ren proposes Iiii order to aln�bnt without excuss, big sentence iq Jug been looked know how long she' -was in that tate has k1pring Goods—D. M. McBe -th-5 and the law ihould be allowed to take its ms,de- their star epportunity for closing olit upon as an idea'. one, more 9 good 6 - oval Sale—Learoyd and Co -6 beautiful, more and that our being found. Thq- telegraphed f6r their havB -changed hands reciontly t effect a.remedy. The Dominion Parliament I 11 - __9 i, regular couNe. our of Mecs' a d s to �fi, broken ssortments -son John, of Torontol.who came'st once and ores. VV�at is it that a farm or h Orozan—Rlch� rd;on and Mclunis-5 roomy and mor3 wonvenierib for shoppertz. Come 111 I ng Mrs. pose of that does not bring a good pricel— fablto School Financtl Stwement-5 now has the power to provide th, remedy UP , �1 I L � I ns' furs 9 during Fabruary, idad t .6a of Now Spting*Goods. WoMe is now here, but at '0me of writi _e Important change' have �%keu Immense quan t'h *y will only do ib,; and the I cost to e. ome very rtunit for buying atThe low,4t _r Cheap Note Paper—C. W, Pap@" th y 2 seems toi'be reiting emier.— The instructorsf the� at the tell . ...... av� d. T. R. Syeteni�-W*M_. Some7vill.---8 are expected ric week. Come and learn your OPPO McKinnoi yo bg ford, ein f t e The E. MoFaul Co. %& �Ioads left town. one are findibg the atten � a i'�`c e !b�o w 10 NW Mol bel lz-5 pliee in poll &al circle@ at Ott � a duriii g the rioles ii now. two, Farm tc r sAle—Henran Bub o.) ntry v.vill be only trifling., t)t th h styles aai[l� woiaves,,of the most 1784rl,, aday evening Clearing Slide ­X te-� KadolpbL-8 i - tb in go,'fresh th looms. Vfor h. wanosh!, the other for account of -the bad roads =ow tin" mission u 3lothe that pal t week, Hon. Davil Mille. ban r 4gnid I �bionable for Bradnock%, in Wia -of aF Put Prlces"4—w. If. Will't-8 point a railway com )f �hoi stoi n's., in Hallett. Both Mr. Win. Chesney, ille 1783 1 account Georgoi Thompsoi mondv JOTTINGS —Oa Of e a position as cattle wanto—j. McGinni" commission with sufficient po 9 and the Iiii seat In t 10 Senate and hi oad, In crowds had a splendid time. --i-Tuesday even- l again on his rounds in a To Farmera—zT. 1tcG'nrjis—S Net ih�ch raged all last week, the r s are 6pnection with ids out n Cabinet, WEST E$T) is s.—The Latorm of I *mister of: [notice in the Dominic, il being unable�'to Mrs. T. d clut-vas assessor T4c�eramitb grievances which Mr. MacLaren points w el�, filled the tid�,roads with sadw.—Mr. a vory bad state, the ma log Mr. and W. So tt entertains for wast -dur* will soon di3appear and the mi�li�,ini of dol- allniol has be,"ea appointed to ithe -Suprerne ith a severe cold. ;get' through � only about half the tiine. It &,nuinber of young People to a hop," at Ing the week, calling in th village, Mr� Bob4rt White i, Wd up w . !b be induced j�yabie ime. — Chesney appears to en y, is w )9'laia up wi �is a'pity that people could not to which everybody had an en ork, and t� jars which are now lost to th farmers- and CburtBendl. Ron. Charles Fitzpatr(ck, of th -14t. aeorge Ti has be( I week but is now re. !erect wire fences all along the centre roa,4.' air day and there was people are just as Plea 64 to ba -v -c h p1jedfisy -for the Wednesday was our drob r ducere of Ontswio ii W regtor6d'to Mp'utreal, ho has been Soli tor-Goneral d Mrs. Da`�id clear, bright into thi-ir homes.- -A y:personsw -workidg; I P w b0 been a ointed Minister Just a mekog.—Mr. os. 'The infant child of Mr.' an v a splendid- crowd, as it was he h p 8b Ic( V, . Plewes, who is disp Of: in- day. Quite a number of sun1lull The railway oompanido only laugh a ow bad better take and implements this Bruce died very suddenly last week oeses changed not got their fill of a EAFO them. sucession Mr. Mills. Mr. G. Carroll, i. g of his farm tock IRTH, FRIDAY, Feb. 14th, 1902 W. P. Hollaball their depatture for o. 'or iquarters. at., remeclies'nuoh as Mr. MacLpren propases, of,Kamour' ka, Quebec, beoo a a member eek, will reim e to the Canadian Sault, ;flamm&tion of the lungs., The parents 40e hands at f y prices. sno h �thel sympathy! of the community in, their broug a som of his stock of cattle1 and by bat they fight tooth and la�l against the kge in brick of, the Cabi et, and is success to Mr. Fitz- vi here he wil 'I 0; ZI making wit hti e The A ment.—Mr. a;iLd Mrs. disposed of them at 4very gg ad prioe.—Mr. 1 Var na. South Huron. of a railvifayi commission. Patrick as olicitor-Goneral, The two On- a relat ive, Mr. k thotb, of Witiollarn. gad. �bereave al�poiutmeiih ery pleaeaub eveuin.�# en- was greatly surpr Bed this week Kellar gave a v, Crittenden g of the Liberal As. tario vacan ies in the Senate, caused by the Cift-R'0ii. NOTHS. 'Sunday, February l6ib, iMol � one he had Character can't he bought, must The annual meetin their f i iends be bu 10i f Ire Ir T�is, in itself, should be a a lit to con- ITurner, joyrr�eob t a number -of by a brother calling on him whom ilt, 1"t, constituted for vithdrawala Mr. Mille and the death re- m ill be annivert 1611y Sunday at the e E. Md'Fa-u socian of South fluron, as Laren and othe6 like him of odoiiob, wiJ evening. lately, and all report having spent not seen or heard of 'for thi�ty years -and Th I ry Goods 06,, e.aferth vice Mr. Mae cently I NJ' . Allan, have bee a filled by the churob. Rev. 1) J'Daniels, of G = M,;r le time.—It is, the inten are building for-th f at4re as well as for . Provincial purposes, will be held in Miller's t t a very enjoyab tiOn thought wlts dead. efficiency and efRoacy of tIlLb last Damed:-appoinboi a, that body of Mr. James ach at 2:30 p, im. The aervice at Alm% , i I ! Some tr ids builders ab"t the p congregiiti6n the present. have jab h%1 -I, Hensall on Tuesday, March 4tb, ab F i� I be withdra� '-on that date. The pas. j of the Cromarty Presbyterian �meay. It is, &Isa, no doub� due to McMullen, lex-member for N)rth Welling.! 9X.,nory re been -put on 'sale—New� Laces, -New F Z_,9 tar will oomme a series of eVallgeliFAtio t to Overhaul the ch V2X19U this vir arch stable in the opting, i ,M. I o'clock p..m., sharp. As thia is -the last .1 'i * r. Wm. Gibson, !X�member for Lakelet. .1 I . , ppositionoathep&rtof thelrdiway com. ton* 81 been appoint. broiderios, New Prints, Oinghamo, Fawns Lln6oln and Niagara. nk of the o� rviecs the fol VAag week at Turners 6�p- �and already a committee has *M The , Ili: ower mill meeting of the, association that will be held 0 ap- rk. BREIMS.—The On M, Sheeting% Cottons, etcl.,� Large mpo Panics that a comm hic conducted for ed to raise funds and look after the wo . rt&�- w ission-has �not becn two Oatadp vacancies in thv Senate brings Pointment, w h will �be Ritchie's barn, near Belmo'e*. was blow" tione of spring goo'do are jexpecteil o -ar.rive, before the Provincial elections, it is partiou- Mut-dlong 'ago. Mr, MaeL%ren -is a the numbelf of straight Liberals un to 38. Of s me weekE. OBITuARY. ---;.We are ono6 again rerninded A set Monday. There 1.3 V� A 's JF - - T u a ee a C ULU n an U11% 11 larly deaired that there be a large attend- ' I TnE ELE CTRI G &ULWAY. —16 would seem of the uncertainty of life arid that even In. y"I member of 6e Dominion Parila, ent, so also the remaining 43 several will give the 01ov- must have been soffi( kind of a Aefeeb about from Glasgow, Seotlan 1. on in � the etnment ar� independen an o a ti� at the members of the council are opposed the midst of it we are in deatb. It! this we, ance. Every polling sub divisi �t eupp I - )po!ed to a ta d any kind ohe Toronto -th it, as they are oul i Mr. McL3au, the editor of, to the a GATHERTINGS.—OWIT g to the big storm Tho flallOwl may not W able from- advarni 3 age onstril ion of an electric railway refr. to the death of Mrs. James Haggai Of a storm.—Mr. Orville Rainsto6k.returned r1olinu should be represented at this meet- a 'which occurred on Wednesday mornitig, of last week, the roads i i till directions V.ere Zang bal World, from which we ma t the above- 'through t hip of Tookersmitli. W nitoba,�his week.— en- t�.nd. Th� Government, therefore,- to all alone to his home in 'Ma ing. PoSee, sno * 1 last week, after an illness of over one mouth. quotation. May we not hp[e that they intents and. pur 1W a majotity in hink that is m �miitake on, their part, as riston aii-d Palmerston �pork faotor- completely blocked. 3carcely. --any pereon I a. husband a d a The Har ther fact that the She - leaves behind her ventured out.of doo 8, consequently, olur 1-T- of t a The Ontario Legislature. will make a'move to relieve t�el people from the Senata� e can be no 6ubt re not working at present.i No doubt usually busy villa a stand. value of farm And village property largely family 6f grown up sons ard daughters t IP13 5 ge, almost at -8 tanburY h tl� labor, and Deep an4 very a tiouste this is the cause of the flatte ing in the price ua�btor M,,G incere TheOntari:) legislators are getting along the diaabilities under whic regret will be felt depends on the �convebiances provided by mourn . the loss of a kind and affdo still. CO Oe deserves A. H t' of wife and mother. The eo through t6 municip I coun ;Is for the marketing mes, of of pork these days. When they do start ointed but on are J -a., credit for the way hepluoged on throug11 I Canada cli account of the very nee oll other good 'ac 'a with the business in good form and tb6re. which both halve so forcibly y ker- gain the Toronto millionair a ;P�ill chuck' it v on his Xaily trip to SW asslEtance of. the farm prod e, not only b if neall; William, who lives in 1 T mountains of suov seems to be no reason why an early pro. May they not expect the tidden and dnexpected death of Mr. J'ualio, ornith ;. Joseph 'and Herry at home'. One to,.them and try, if ossible, o'put thern ou forth. Monday and 'Tuesday being keening the o i�lary roads in good order E—Wui. an, of Ford. members from Huron? Therl'( is no portion Lister, of the Court of Appeal, whic 'daughter, Agnes Leirshman.lives in Algoma, oU business McLac rogation should not take place. The Gov- took for lraitc, but 4) 1 I sci litate the ennveyanoe large gangs of shovellf rs teams were vift adn6ek. of ortle, were in e� e ells well in of the Domicion which BU A more from her are at ho widb and T. Br Piece at his residence, in oronto' early Of -articles f6r E; lel to the large outhfdii mar, and Mary Aap and Eit - I . . breakig the roado,and riow-thitige are=.000%-,, ity this, week buyiu ernm'ent see'm' to have their buain y in their laq r acing the vinini z hogs at $3. 50 'd been kets, railway disoriminati thi couLies. of r hum hand and- are bi inging forward their meas- S1anday morning. Judge Lister. ha Steam r iUvays have done thi3' to a remains werelai I awa a t.—The mill ard is g:4 -ting well filled me' -oever -car loaldsor H uron and PeFth. Why i i�lhen that the certain extent Ithe p%et, but are rapidly place on Friday last, n the Oro arty 1�1 w y Charles Peid sh wee urea as promptly as they can bei dealt with, at w(irk, 4t 0.3goode Hall, on SaVarday, ourge f with logo. They a rted cutting las� k. i being supereeded 1by the progress that has 'cemetery, followed byalarge,cotic o cattle tb"Toronto on I xesda�r —Lenten -fer. pastv I t ice are E,ilent -�-4gam we ho D o6tion' in the chop- the usual rush will be representatives from these coq. f 0"o 11 to 6:30 0 clock, 'Returning li�me at and it now looks as if been made iii th mechanical use of electij. relatives and friends. vices will he held in I t.J6hn�s;cbur-dh, �w when in Parliament and we o4 � hear from Pl"g. I Mr. Brown gotnothpr chopper and be� continutd, 'Clock, he hkd dione I avoided at the close of the eessiou The abo t 6 r vv)I�h his �ity, and the coluncil of the banner township ing it at three cents -per bag.. Wedudeday evening, i n4 will-'. I rilrat amily icular "f Huron should i1iot lend thcie influence to Dry6dale. s runn . Ing,= i Budget debate was closed on Tuesday nightp them outside? Let them sp0ale out in the f' and was in, a pl�asant, even Mr" during 1ent, weather )e 'A VIA& -'clock, Scott, who in the -interval went up to 4 cert, under the aus ioes of -"'Cour r, essi House and in the party caucus where 11they rno d. HE retired early, before 8 o �ry and block It'le wheels of progress.—A - irpi ion XT93NIS.—Great. storms have pre aTel per bag, is again down;, � to two ccuti. c4u tv i resulting in the first divikion of the E; cents i I y will 0& short! y after ATUAYER, No. 264 Canadian,,Or er� of Foresters ill can be hoard a6nd where theirl advocac comphined of a �iolent_ thiough this tractof countrydiiiing th Past They are a little foolish t 'f the can b J, be be1d in the town all� Varna, on W6J_ CO og in which the Gavernment aame out with a �ia. Thii i continued until about 3 �'clock �y be of some strength. If ft.he" will do -so p week, blockading the highways every here, stand it the farmers! will ot rem6ustrate 11 SundaV sed froin thin nesday evening next. Mr. Harry M, Bm. luevale. thus- compelling the farmers t majority of I I on. a straight party vote. On morning, when he pa 0 use thisir with them.�Last �,aturd Mr. Bennet i� �y ill Molkbd at Wednesday, bey will Boon be joined byi ot era and 'the life. Dea6 was due to some�form. , heprt nett, of Toronto, and M�. Wi y the Premier introduced the t. �e time these 'words are shbvels in order to allow the passing 1 wa - Rattan, the greatest hooter ia Rovirick, shot �We N OTES. —B t disease. Air. JuUice 'Lister, or F ghting y iood wo r*k will 1i back Seaforth, popular comic mi. be -store. eagerly expected temperance or Prohibition gz grow and w.e,*i I soon bave priute the b3xi social will be almost a farer to proceed on his journ!ey.—A number a wildcat of prety fair size,�Iat the of J . L ste 27 as he wis familiarly kn wn a's d) present. Mine Addie R�thweh; of Seaforth, &Ipolitleiax, was a native Canadian- are preparing the remedy applied. Wfiat',, o -�youl !say reality. The (Womittee WO of our Drysdale youths spent a very OnjOY- Ernest Mahood's -place. - Th�feline had been bill. It adopts the Manitoba act, with the avil) The Taylor and Exeter TOM 1tached. gentlemen ? for the event, al Bursa us that nothing will able time at Mr. Alex. Mousso's residence, seen bV several 'and -tertorize the youlo'947- will pr&side atthe piano.� gi are b6en born': n BsIleville and was 59 y are of Dawson orchestra wi' . live choice seflectimm referendum All persD.na who on Thursday night of last week.' Mr. Louis �8 an animal be left undone 1 give the company a good sters in the community. J a a He practieed law in S�rnia for many on the violin and man ol�v. A big time -ig C last Rut- I on the voter&7 lists for the approaching time, and in 0,31certainty of this promise Stelck viaited our burg, on Thursday ot that is well out of the way, nd 'M r. years befoi e his appointment Ito the bench expected.—Mr. Little li�ns been, busy put� general elections are entitled to. vote on the Editorial Xotes and 06mwe3ltS being fulfilleci, volu may ret4t happy. Ti week.—Miss Celina Durand, who has been tan deserves- credit for hii 8 ill in following I I three y go, and for �me, We don't need it very bad the" 61 t are be rep- St. Valentine'z Inight, Friday, February spepolirg a few days with her parents in this it up and giving it: ita-death', blow.—John Ing "Plee- referendum.. The measure, in order that The Toronto Mail says a. drunken China- o doubt 'It -will come in very ro�oen e vyesu Lambton in the Dooiri)n days, but n 14th. scene, 4ester's hall, Bluevale.— village, returned to Seaforth last Thursday, Scott, with a gang of utting and a good: yot 'lity men, is a the act may become law, requircs that a man would be a curiosity, that city. Prliament. He was &� Man 'of good!ab, handy during the sum n months, o' an ii visiting at N. F. toyeBame her studies in the Collegite In- skidding the timber:in the Carrick bush.— many p4cf abd great �orce of chaticter, and wall pop_ MiS3 Ma y number of the elec,orate equal to at least This is a good deal more thlan! can . be truth Gerry's, runs I .—Mr. and' Mrs. Hugh atitute.— Quite a namber of youths Of this Lexy,,, the threetVc6r.-old daughter of Mr. yet and Are fellow repre- ular with bis constituents and rn -half the numbar who vote at the general fully said for many who holditheir heada a Ol bqrg spent a very enjoyable time at I-fr. J. p asters all, Pentativea ton both sides of p Rose, uf the b? �dary east, celebrated tbe-- Brown, has a ver badly disfigued face one y Dublin Howard's residenee, last Friday blood opened Alp I good deal higher than: poor, L,�, �fth anniversa of their wedding in their evening-- at present. The doctor ea*e it is I Two more weeks on� y-�o get winter boots" elections of 1902 must vote in favor of the bill. of The recent frosts have formed solil �ice on poisoning, but he does not! appear to be and elioe3 at cut prkeep. Don'tvasa thin -store Uin new� house, on ay eveDing last. ; The voting willtake place on the 141th of Huron 'Note are -of last Awee Since the last general ele6tiFl in Ontario, Corot I with everythiag else that Lake Harc-ii, and many of our farmers able to master it, asT her fao' is. nearly 'all need o1beavy ru-1bera, soN1, o felts of any eseriji. 6ourse, in O-,to,ber, Tne law, it aaric,tioned by tb e e 'played 113hing. —Mr. Jo eph Mero dis- discolored. It started from'a scratch in the tion. W. a. Willis, Bootaland Shoes,:Seaforth. grave. q,91 9-5 bye -elections have taken pJape. Of these I —Thomhe Roes, son of Mr. David Rallis, of rred in thil L ill-fated- week of storms in is Ing people, will come into force M%y lit, 1904. ruesels, 'has opened a genta' fur �ihc`i'eqgathering �rooi marred � a great deal by poEed of a ver� valuable bor:e to Mr. Wcs'. faze.—Mr. Bughfield bought a'broncho from most of t -he the Liberals won 20'and the 1- onFiervatives t6eless, th,ase who Slielli(34-, of Zaiiah, duiiag the past week.— SHEA-Du.N,x NrrTiAm.1.'—Oa Tuesday, the The bill contains no clauscs relating to com- five. Of the elections -won : b the Liberals, birsiness iii Chcsley. Cho' weather, at, never Thomas Henry,of Clifford. Mr Bushfield in a 11th inst., a very pretty and interesting face- the itri —It is �tated that.the em�llpox� sl�are in ventured oat were rewarded by a most Mr. Frank Mousso returned to Hensall last good horseman and used to �uy extensively pensation to the liquor interest in case the 'five were b acclamai i,) Fri I day, where he intends cutting ;wood.— cer.omony took place in BE Patricks.chur-oh y D. in the last 4aBt WaWanosh will cost t e towr'hip in �Ieasant evenirg,during which the host and in Mitchell before coming hete. 0 - - -A&Y lfiat� This, it, seems to us, P i n, it bein g, the mariiage of Miss Alary a --t becomes law. hostess made every effor �for the comfort Mr. Joseph Mousso, of Michigan, is titpres. Doh Williami E two years, 1900 and 1901. th) iberals won t e neight orhood of 1300. he will be aso�d his 10 inees 6F their guests. ent viiiiiag his cousin, 'Mr. Peter Moneso, of Shoia, daughter 61 Mr. P.'Shea, and one of Young it should satisfy every par8on w even bye-eleotioDs, four b. r acclamation, —Mr. John Kelly has .0 acre i�ndhapp- It ii urine Wroxeter. r s,atifsfied with anything the Government and the Conserva, ives none. .'lie in a prett' firm, on the &h line of Morri to Wm'. Cook. 0geary to speak here of the dinner, of the this village —SerionW mistakes have taken Logan's most estimable Young ladies,.to Mi- Win. Jia -V y 'lie vicinity recently, an we have JoTTnTas. —Matthew Moffatt, who visited of McKillop. � Precise Pi�ltnert1t= , ly good record, aLd may be taka as an iodex. The price paid was $4,500. ixcellence of which e'vry partaker place in Michael Dann,r may do. However, when the f by the Ntratford Herald.,s his brother, A. H.'Moffatt,' last week, left 9 o'�Iock the bride handsomely attired. with good. all text of of what the re�alt next June �ffll be. —Miss Minnie Cardiff, o; Brum�ls, haa' is a witne of the music and just noticed I the measure comes to hand- we shall be I f. eblumas that one of our young'men, by mis. for his home in Owen Sound, on Friday.— entered the church on�th� arm of her hr9lk- --to,-Allyi pasmed her junior examinal ion in piano at games and cony esa. ion, in the indulgence to � 0 , Another attempt bv the B�` ligh forcee i a the Torou r of Music. of which the ev I ing was so swiftly passed t�ak.e, put on one of his cuff for a collar. Misses Nellie and nnie Ell' tt, of CheBley, er, Ulan, and proceeded Op the Vetter able to judge of its merits. —Mias �enora Isabella Morgan, a daugh. �hat it was wit 'I'an involuntary eigh that Bat lucky it will be if some I Philadelphia are the guests :of'l Miss Tena Smith.—A the organist, MLi*S May Williams, played turneA thn, South Abica to corner an capture the -a greater hockey team was organized here on the wedding march. The nuptial mats was ter of Mrs. Win. Morgan, of Goderilb, died the guests at gth realized that. the time boys do not be the enterp, i 3ers of What Canada Loses. wiley Raer General Dewet, ha failed, jwit before a fortnight.—Mr. Edward =ay eveningt —We are i s)rry to state sung by Rev. Father Fogi�xty, P. P., while oil MondM in Detroit on Monday of last week, ter a �ad come to Ve �ure out into the cold and mistake that Mre. John Pray is still sariouslY ill-- the choir furnished appr6priate music. Min, The following appeared as the leading at ge, I I the moment when Buccessi eemed to be Ic)ng illnes 9, at the age, of 22 years. cheerless world oolce more. When the com'- Dowson, of Philadelpbia, visited our villa log Lmtitw W. S. McKerGlier visited Toronto� last K. Shea, of DundasjA teri of the bride, adt,6d editorial, article in the Toronto World a few noriths, �any dip3roed i� was with a consciousness Wn assured. A large British forcoi ad surrour-d. —After,,& severe illness ot two on Friday of last week. --NJ essrs. Robert dayr, ago - f�clm cano r, Mr. Gordon Coutts, a respected pf having had 6 very pleasant time and with Allan, Jr., and John Esler, of Blake, were in week.—John Hayden, the�l well kno as.brUesmaid, while the groom wits a0y ed the Boer Generhl, and was! gradually and grocery traveller, who has been off the road I I resident Goderich, departed this Jife on hearLfelt widbe to Mr. and Mrs, RoEs for this village last Friday eveiing on business. supported by Mr. J.'J. Purnell, of Seafoith. Mr. A. F. MacLaren's recent exposure of for some time a-c"count oUill health, rapi3ly closing in on him and; escape seeme Sunday, tbruary 2ad. Deceased was 60 many happy te roe of the day. —The min 013, jr., of Drysdale, on wall After the ceremony the �reddicig -party re- —Mr. John Johnst the exhorbitant charges of 'the Canadian paired to the home of the bride?a nother, almost impossible. At the; I ast momen isters with ctAtry charges were to be tends going to Vahaar, Michigan, ia the here on his usual round last week. Owing Y"ra of a e. -eall Wh railways ought to form the basis of parlia- d o y. Rev. W. J. West w near future.—Many people- have been vac. to the stormy weather, there has been no where they partook ofs somptuouxdelenner. ajkta per� bi He finds, Dowet ordered his men to rpe and seek While two commertiA trav-illers were pitiq as mentary actiov., of some kind. ervice held in the Episcopal church for two Owing to beTeavement in the, ;pug per lbui _P 8 the late sad 3 jairley per b after close investigation,, that the rate paid safety dMiog. the night. I wet himself,' attemptizag to board a tra,in at Heneall. the compelled to al a6don his afternoon service cinated in this ' village during the p:%st week Canadian railways for the transportation of with sortie men and a. num�er of c day, they both -slipped and foll, and at Eadie's chur I ening service &t as it is considered safe for smallpox.—A fe� Sun.olslyo.—Henry Muir, of Hamilton, is bride's family, only the �mmediate frien I attlef o�her j, and the ev 'a made for the blockhouse IiO�, aud at one dne bad a narrow escape from having hi hlomle. Rev. Swann, whose, appoint- Bii%p shot views were taken in this, village viEiting at his home, near here. were present. Mr. and Mrs. Dann left on Batier. *-gb'. cheese, butter, bacon, apples, etc., is more O'cloak io the moin,'139, whdil i� was \-cry legs cut off by the train. merits were neE pr at hand, met off cn foot recently. —Two of our expert saiointlotr�, in (Too late for last week.) - the afternoon train for� Detroit. .On their Ego per, 44" I the Pere 0 - unn?s arm, 01 T_ U than 25 per cen,., higher than for a rehitive i —Mrs. David Hauch, one of the pioneer on Sunday mo i krig, and had his hearers one of J. Johnston, jr.,and W, J. NOTES.—Richard -Miller has returned to return they will reside, o M, D f our, rail haul on the United States lines. Orl� dark, by rushing the cattle a� the barbed HAY rei*on tario farmers last year were overcharged wire feneb, b- oke his way thl ci�ugh the line, r0sidents of Tn teen his trials i Howard liad- quite a tournament solving the Toronto�—A number from here attended which in situated about t�wo and a -Ulf milft r ruberry towrlsllip,die4 at the ing the 10 foot 11 . I Irides vat 10 ese they, exported ; $40 - mixed up wiqh the cattle, 'ano� I)si ng three residence of her s:)n, Mr. James Ha� Spanish prison game one night last week.— the Masonic " at home," in Wingliam, on northof Dublin. The young couple have, ach, on drif 4 which la� so f requently in his way Friday evening.—Mr. and a i -friends or January 31it, at the 'good old age of 81 they would ha 3:1 becu doubly apprec M r . 0. Smith the well wishes of a h9sC of 000 on butter; $150,000 on bacon and baing; men killed, dacaped. iative Water is a -scarce commodity in this village p)?uless. P ,itasoet -, -T�o � I at present, and many of our farmers have to attended the funeral of the late D. Stewart, long life of -unalloye ia 81-08,000 on apples, and $18-1,000 on - cattle, yearp. The deceased leaves three o6ns, Mr. of his efforts inj 56ir behalf.—The inevitable ftit xret*h) Mr. NoTFs. —Mrs. Ma& igan spent a day latt. But this is only a We notice by the official staU ments of the Hauch hahilIg died some t leven years age. has come, and, It is - to be hoped, gone. drive their stock long distances.—Mr. ff. of Wiarton, in Brussels, on Saturday. WiQ4pairon a total of $657,000. � f � t — When last San w Howard intends building a cement wall on- Stewart was well and favorably known ill week visiting friends 'ia Seaforth.—Mr. W3od On, Wednesday ev o.y morning a fierce eno partial statement of the lose to Ontario pro- expenses,of the candidates the recent eniog'of last! week, der his barn, the coming aation. F,)r M;si Annie Ferguson, daughter of Mr. Joho flurry came to , 06rn us that our fond antici sucriffier.—This this vicinity, from his long connection with John Kiernan is visiting friendi in Strat dueere through railway discrin ral societies. —Miss A. Smale, ford.—Mrs. Dan eff, of Shakespeare, is wantof. 7 eat Huron election that''Or. Garrow'a Purgueon of Auburn,was united in hymen's Oations of a PI iant open winter were to be winter is one which will be long remernbrk- the horticultu Ing Mra6lhy Sel -proper shipping facilities and de- Ie4 A. H. ormalm er son Mr. Andrew Danmr, of spatch from Montreal, a large portion of the printiag ;bill amounted to $�,14, and Mr. hbly bonL to,Mr. Henr der a prosper- knocked on tho� head, little did we think edl for many of the farmers of this surround- of Wipgbam, was the guest of- Miss Jessie visit* h Fork, -per, 16 I t y Sny ne. ing country are scarce of feed for theirstock, Wells laet week.—C. Fraser, loan inspector McKill x. W1* Tor I produce shipped to that port h�ad to be re. Beek's to $61. The candi&p�'�es in Wtst cue young yeoman, of Colbo The knot that it was b It. the prelude to a storm shi pod to Boston or Portlind, thereby brin was tied by Rev. John Kennedy, in the pres. which would rago' with almrst unremittin and long for the return of green grass again. of -the Mato. -al Life of Canada, was in the were in Seaforth lasb� Thuradv.—Edward 9 9- Huron are good to the prin�e4s. THE EX-� once of a i umber of I 1. One's belief in gho to Ing up the total loss to quite $1,000,000. In friends. I vigor for a wee i 8 Mr. Alex. Challetis at prfsjlnt teaming village, on Tuesday, on business.—Miss Mnrphy was in town on Ftiday last.� the matter at wheat, , Mr, MacL%reu shows roslTor. has been in. the electio business, for —The British War Offiod, 6hrough the was ialmost rev 4d by the number of snow stones.—A young gentleman was asked dur- Kate Hdzlewood left for Toronto this week, Messrs. Wm. Jordan and Mchael Howard will ime. —The rink were in Seaforth last Priday.—Mies ay that, while the ra.te fr6m, Buff&lo to Liverpool 35 yers,2and the higheat bill i could ever Dominion Minister of Agriculture, reepritly wraiths which litted through the land with ing the past week by %u intimate friend, the where she . remain some t is 1U censt, the rate from western Ontrio run up was $20. The ave a a. for both Vaced brder with the Manitoba & Lake almost u little substance to them as the following.- question - 11 What plant does:& from here thak-.,, attended the bonspeil at Williams, who has been;v.isiting friend* in ket contin o on Friday mom- c uron Seaf rth retur d h me weak f;c:lr poinfa is 21 ceuts. Oo cattle, th rate frQjn S� nth and East Huron, at eit4er Dominion ,111ing Company, of Goderich, for a vatiosr, " spooi that imagination could lady's tongue resemble ? and in reply said, Lucknow last Wednesday, ani who fully in o ne or Proviocial. elections, has b,, about $10.. little over R50 tons, or 1,500 barrels of flour, conjure up, T I pei s 3n who is in the babit, " The scarlet runer." tended bringing home a new pair tf curling ing.—Mr. Michael Shea Aeft here last YzAi- q�'QelitV,, 4 Toronto to Portland is 28 cents, while from It must be that- TrxE Exposci-oik has not stones with them, succeeded only in bringing a day morning for Mount Pleasantj� Michigan, medium -a] Chicago to Portland the rate is the same, for South I Africa. The order has already ?n arising fr m: his couc w- A day for toil, an hoar for sport, and from Chicago to Montreal 25 oentp. opfficiently studied the scienca of charging, been filledi ing wide his lattice window to drink But -for a friend, life is too short. new set of curling broome. —A load of yo'ung where he and Miss 86P ton will be united -cry prfat� at P. PostrieVs in marriage. Thei friends wish them dairy it From the counties of Bruce, Huron and or the 'pbliticina in the west use inore n'—B%vrd6n_&1McDoneIl, of )�xeter, have dis- deeply of thel� .reviving influence of the With earnest feeling I shall pray people attended a party r many - I Gray, the rate is 33 cents to Montreal. A pvinters'ink than they do in4et south and posed of t No more of their excellent stal. morning air, riiiist, last week, have. cast For thee when I am far away. homet on the boundry, on Wdnesday night. a very happy and prosperous married life -rolls. ,, rhoi —Mr. and Mrs. W: Greer Litt is sp�nding a few days and low, I east. lioine, Mr. Robert Alexander, of Forest, aside 1; i 3 princl$iles to adopt some of a more As I am true to thee and thine, and Mi -as Effie Mrs. Edward car load of 3aittle from Listowel or Kincar Powell visil4ed in Wingham, on Friday. with friends in Rosto6k.—Owing to tke ming, ill RO dine to Montreal would cost $1.25 per head haviDg par chased " Ap Woodland," a Shire, comfortable chigraicter. But after'all, there Do thou betrue to me and mine. more t We noii.-e, with a great deol!of plea8t I ire, w . eighiog a bout 2, 100 pounds, and M r.� Angus was s-)methin� the Prodigality Be patient time will reinstate thy health e Grnif Ptiel ban from Chinagol. Mr. MacL%ren grand iq' storm, Mr. Robert W�alker, th Trunk Railway section foreman. has hadta guaranteel thiaks a remedy is to, be found in the en- that our� old biand, -Mr. Jaoel MeEwiDg, McAl pin, of Alvinston, purchasing Chester with which Xature scattered abroad her and fortunes. Kippe'n. I I : ce uman race wou add two or three extra men tollia gang.— ered. e has been 8�,,Ioeted by the Liblprl�als of West courag,ement of steamships to handle th prince", a Clyde. harvest of gao� Aglan over the fields H Id fain be wits, ads of ex- githereid,,E traffic from the lakes to the St. Lawrence —A happy event took place in Clinton, on revealed nothing but a vast extent of snow Millions, miss where one man hits. D. Hay, Comm'issioner and Conveyancer ; John O'Keefe shipped twl o car lo eds drawn up. Money loaned port cattle oi port.s. He attributes the disparity between Wellington as their candidate !at the forth- Wednesday, January 27th, when Miss Mi- drift, with her6 and there the blac� top of wine, morikages and de' i740-tt i Monday. ­4There was no "r- at the IGAreat rates of inteest. vice in the E itoopal church last Sunday -m- is -a lit4le the rates in the United States and the Cana. coming Wovincial election anii&ifthe people randa, daughter of Mr. Jopeph Irwin was a fence rail or post thrown into relief p 9 In the Blyth. Aw_NivmaARy SnRvicEs. — The anniver- account of the storm. onc dian railwa.5 s t6 the fact that the former are of West Webington want ai ck�er, reliable, united in matrimony to D. Perfie, of lon. agaiust the surrounding whitenese. Ontario. t NOTFS.—Mr. James Mains, one of the old eery services in couqection witli St. An. subjected to effective competition from the e dcn,- the c6remony being performed at 7 p. outlyiog distri�,ts of the village, for -a few _=Mmni� ma -ay steamship lines that, are, engaged in independent and useful repreoe tative in the ra by Rev. Dr. Gifford, of the Ontario days, to see a 9u:coan being was somethin land marks of Hallett, died laiit Tuesday, drew's church, Kippen, will be held on a,, 9. 9 Brucefteld. I the inland traffic to Buffalo. "I If thi;j great Legislature, they will. ele Air. 1XIc- kreet hlet�odfst church, Of a novblty, a wen one at the advanced age,of -73 years. He came Sabbath, February 23rd, when the services Ewing is �now a county commis, iioner ; Bee- —The f011owing Huron- b6 led to,these parts 50years, o, settling -on the will be conducted at I I a. m. and 7 p. m. OTES.—Mrp. Wm. ScUt was in Seafodh —Ther* problem of transportation," says Mr. Mae- - Vs and girls was announced, the windows were fil r where he died. e was an . active I by Rev. J. H. MoVicar, B. - A., pastor of onTuesday. it a, retary and manager of the l6cal 6sucance I besltaroa Lven, is solved apon true commerci have been �warded prizes in he Macdonald with eager faces to see who could have the fa in —Mrs. David Rouatt apent a companyt and president of the Mutual � ire seed grain 'content: In the fall wheat,com. hardihood to venture out amid the fury of Orangeman, having joined that order short. Melville church, FerguL;. On the following few days this week renewing acquaintano-04 fresh creal I have two cows where there is Enes, we wit to 21 Ineurance, Underwriters' As000iation. He petition, f er of ed now one, -we will have two familics where .. iith prize,Bessio'Brimicombe, God. such furious plements,—The snow plow ly after he came up -to'this county. The' Monday evening Rev, Mr. MeVicar will de- in the village.—A large liumb there ig now on,-, we will quadruple our ex- is, an old! Huron boy, and Tpi Expositroit erich, $10 ; eighth pri W.J. Armstrong, whizzsd through on Sunday night to clear funeral, which was-conduoted by that bodyt liver a lecture entitled, 11 The Sign Boards cattle were delivered liene Tuesday and ze, beA& 12 to I& ports and we will double our farm land c�n heartily recommend him qo Lhe people of �Constance,' $5. In the oat competition, firso the way for Monday's traffic. We were took place on Thursday, his remains be of Old London." The church choir will also Wednesday., there being! about 1-00 ndesat W�Ilington, of all clas3eot If energy 1p�izs, Wilbert Prouse, Goderich, $20' ; see- fortunate in train ser% ice during the storm, ing interred in Ball's cemetery, where his give musical selections. Mr. MoVicar in a Messrs. Charles and John Rcii and Stan-.. values, and rail ways will have two cars of held f*ul bili�ycount,he will"10 there" all ond p John McDonald, Porter's 'Hill, for the trains kept remarkably good time, wife, who'died in 1984, is buried. theg son of Princi al. MeVicar, of Montreal Call- bury and Dick were the' principal WPM freight for one they have now." r ze, - done son left to- in�ou 1p I -8to - right. $20. i I greater ek. Z and no mails were delayed. —John Gardiner, are five daughters am lege. Previous to his loca�ion in Fergus he The animals were chbice,,' and ' 3' We have not seen Mr. N1arL%ren'e recent and wevU —A few� nights si4ce a man named Wni. tLe mail carrier, had a hard time of it lasD their lose, and all have the heartfelt 6ydi- was a missionary in China. He is a clever number of them will be �hipped to the AT exposure" as it is termed, npr have we Been there ure few Canadian o i, ioians he MuGibbenoly left the Hcuse o,Refuge during wee r. 7.ar iner as per orme is pa y a young man an an e c en preac er an coun ry.— ev. any reference to it except the above. How- h� ve ha4 more ups and down the night. I His absence wss not discovered cluties faithfull for many years, but prob. (Dr.) Carder ha a social gathering of' lecturer and the people of Kippen and viciin- con �n a compari 7 iucbed services in, �Ue Preeb terlw until next �morning, and when a ssarch was- ably he never f:)und them so difficult as last number of her lady friends last Thursda, ity may expect a rare treat on the occasion church on Monday.—B&A roads and Otff ever, what Mr. MacLaren ays, is, no doubt, ti'vely 8bort political card r than Hon. y absolutely true, and the stalte Aaeph Mari.in, now- of Bri' instituted �is b-)dy wa,s found by the side of week. It was hard enough to navigate one. afternoon and evening, ab which all spent a of his visit. snow is the one topic of coriversaflon. jad. meats be Columbia, the river. ; An inquest was held, and it was self through _Ve'diifts, but when a heavy pleasant and enjoyable time. —Mr. D. Hen- NOTES. — Rev. Mr. McLennan's little now, but to th e wont to grumble bee:n daiij nee who . i - past Wee mi6lces should not only result in opening the and at one time a prominent �i.-mber of the found that! no blame whateva could be at. mail bag had t be carried, and sometimes derson took his son, who has been saffering child, which has been very ill and under we would ay that spring is coming alld 'if ,u he offe '­ o7ea of those who are thus being plun0ered, NianitoWt Government. -For i'some time Mr. tached to anyone. He had been out of his two, it became pretty trying work. We from epinal disease,. for the past six months, the doctor's care for some days, has �got a we just exercize.a, little patience 1 WM rn;nd for si6me timo befor , a. were glad to see the young men of the vil- to Victoria hospital, this week, to see if he change for the better. --The storm, of the here be' r.—*. and Mrs. Clal light. � A b at should -rouse the Dominion Parliament to as been under an loclipse, bat he fore we knom point �at MlarLin � On Sa�urday afternb�n las"t, Mary Belle, ]age land a *d as often as they could con get relief there.—Rev. Mr. Morill, who past two weeks, which has greatly: locked of Egrnondville, spent some'days laoitz Week take action, to protect the people from a con- aqems td have emerged to lig�' � again, ah.d- a, b eazier *t I second daughter of Peter; anA Mary J. Me- I"t week. �The route Mr. GAMi er has been conducting revival services in the up the roads, has had a bad effect .'on the visiting Mr. Ge z few days ago was unanimousl 'I lected leader large Forrest. -ch tinuance of this robbery. Bul while we do Arthur, paissed away at h so often journeyed over ust bealtb,bub d a die6eutiDg whig of t or. home, 9 1 line, has is a tog .�dqthodist church for the past two weeks, atten'dance at the churches.—Mr. and Mrs. we regret to may, is not in rob he B ish Cola bi j, and cov In ert.he. .1i, Morir'3, af er a week's illneEo. Congestion and in winter a very difficult oneu trajbi, intends to leave Friday. of this Week.—Niss J. B'�aman, of Lauder, Manitoba, are visit. with the coming of ar Mer weather probabi, -, 4 - not desire to detract one iota from the credit Liberal "party, and there is y due to Mr. MacLa6n for makiag this state- that he �nay`be once a the of the lungs wall followed by �neurnonia,aud, and his seri ice are deserving of more ra. Edith Pe Johall, who* attended the musical ing -.�with their daughter Mrs. (Rev.) Me. bi i gl�'tvr days. his many friends hope to Ift- 'tie M.6er' .,more mber of despite &W that the doctors and friends could Incineration th n they receive.�The ban, examinations at Toronto last week returned Lennan, at the manse.—MisEg Retta Upshall, him roetter.—Tbe many irlend of MT., Job* ment find placing these facts before the Priovinciiil Government of t, Province k notlejI do th set f r the inight o home'on Monday.—The school trustees held who- has for some time been visiting friends Cameron, of the Bayfield! road a ry where =1 preferment. op ears to be a, e dia4aae accomplished its work. Da. which was f the 5th inst., wil be or pub] ic, we desire to say that he is not by viry ceased waO a bright girl of 15 years, be- Was naturall cry poorly attended, sa the a meeting on Friday evening, in Industry at Port Elgin, is now visiting her :pa oorly. e u quality. y rents, to know that he still contillues P loved by I large circle of relatives and social club intend having it hall, �nd decided to diepenae with. the ser- any means the first to make the diicovery, again in the nor is he the first to place similar facts be- [It, wotild seem as if there lisla, great deal friendL-. near future.—The person on whom devolved vices of Principal Shaw, and ordered the t .—The application of And�ew Smith, of the duty of fi ling the old oaken bucket at secretary, Mr. H. Ravee, to notify 4im to fore the public. For months, yei, for yeare, of symoatby bein o�er Dr. Ha hA Blyth vicinity, fo cue ody of his tw�o the well, o ! bubt considered himself a that effect, and a&verti.ee for a ur D. less � tumes frrl.%S-12, �Ue Toronto Farmers' bc 'tie, who is no n he, children, aged six and eight the ground deeply wrongeo] individual last week.—The teacher to take the school at Easte .—We g !term i!l;L les in 5t I 2 W6ddo wasted r the C I the Toronto Globe, servi I Lad g Cos Fresh Suri, TiiE ExvosiTOR and other papers have C ntral rison, for having sl� his wife, Samh Jane Smi. h, is a spirit. attempt made to open the road for traffic are sorry to st%te that Rev. Mr. Me ean is a neighbor, that been giving publicity tb Emilar statements a hort rimie ago, in the hai � been refused bv Mr. Justice ]ast Wedneslay and Thursday was On)y stpresent indisposed with e,- very-,reevere vi of Burf rd, Britton, a, 0agoode Hall. The judge held partially succeonful. The snow was very co , and was uu%ble to attend his 11astoral ei are 'th Da, and have been trying to rouse the people to ccuntycf Brant., ;HarhottWwaoregul rly When a lady is contem 1-lating getting one of these that, alth u'h Mrs. Smith'ai brother and loosely packe� and in s:)me places the duties last Sabbath. In the morning Mr.R. P particular kind of suite, 9 'i force Parliament to4urriish the remedy, but tr '.ad fair the crime, and wag i� Ben-tenced -to sister weri spiritualists, she herself was not horses had to Pe dug out one after another 'Somers conducted a prayer meeting, ana in very nicest fitting, beat looking, and ost stylish costume �nomy and skill an geese #.t as yet, unfortunatel' without �avail. Simi- o e yeai's imprisonment. 864ra believer In that seat, but was a member of jast as they Ome. the spectacle being at the evening there was no service. —Mr. yp I newipa, a produce. lar facts have also been given in evidence re have published long interviews f' the Presb5 torn terian church. times rather e'xcitiag. On Monday laist, James Moffatt, of Stratford, Sundayed with Thin is one of our most succefsful and prosperous branches in out :Tailoring business. Mrs.- Hunter, wife of IMr. 'Kenneth however, the scraper was- brought into nee, to in town.— his paren Mr. Edward Oamp- b3fore Mr. McLean, the commissioner whom hiba. since his inearceratiolt'; Cne c We have certainly gained an enviable reputation for pleasing the fair Beis and ontY Hunter, of Lucknow, died ve suddenly on sn�d,'the snow being by that time fairly well bell, who has been clerking for Mr. McBeath on Government recentl ap. Council has passed arcs3luticl I 111 -he roads were soon in a go -for the past year and a half, resigned his have made a great, many Wedding Suits this season. The lovely artistic braid- ahe4 the Dornini y of sympa hy, Friday, January 31s% frojil t e e ects of 4 packed down oci arid asking a release from i npri3onmorit, paralytic sitroke the previous day. Deceased, condition for tr velling.—A car load of hogz; Pos pointed to enquire into the question of I ition Saturday, and intends taking a ing and fine toticbeis d %dies' Costumes have brought us many n1tw LO.NDW are' sing pro b, - bee while numeron8 petitions )s�nt� ho had baen in poor health for some time was to have b 'en shipped on Wednesday of well earned holilay beflore leaving for a customers and advertised car Vork largely. -The highes compliments have freight rates and these facts are, no doubt, ed: to the Minister of J Usti I e asking for a past, had reiched the ripe old ago of 75 last weeli-6 but wing to the blocked roads more lacrative position.—NIt. Beene, of the now in the possession of the Dominion Gov- paid t6 us in the many testimonials we have received regarding our beautiful mutation of his sentenc - All thi� i3 years, and in their sad affli4tion the iLged the hogs coul not be delivered at the flour mill, received a car of Manitoba wheat pound' I ernment,, bat the: action they will take is as 4mtir,ely out of place, Theubf)rtunate unti aesday of this week.—The on Saturday. He intends putting in his Work. man husband and family have the eyinpathy station until to u h a already been allowed M at herb McKay The latest style, of separat�- coat is the box or three quarter length. We can mak yet unknown. 4 11% ileges which of all in h6r bereavement.� rs. Hunter Farmers' I �tute meetings on Monday chopper this' week.—Mr. Ro PO U& s4ould not be granted to at, 3ersou in !his waa well known and greatly respected by were atten I rather better than, usual. helped Cliaton to defeat Gode'rich last 14 upwards. While we cordially agree with Mr. Man. situation. He is* at' best a � kink, and, iun your order froax O� all. Lily in Thursday evening at -.a garne of hockey. BtFiAl Mr. Huft, of 18outhend, did capite Laren in, his, statement of the grievanceg, foitunately,heusuallytilros bewroug,%ay. —The B fai ures and bow to avoid them n ruseels Post says Two teims 44 Crop The Mines Carder entertained a � urriber of He was guilty of an illegal 4ft' bob- sleighs Tho subject of fattening chickens for -the their friends to a social evening last Friday, fairly. which exist and endorse his estimate of the "nee Inca ry- I with a4d snow plow attached -w be irig fire-arma, and without any justifi ble worked their.way one and a half miles north British and 'Canadian -markets was thoro. �at hich all enjoyed themselves.—The Stark & Mackay, the country, we do not agree with cause he shot an inoffensiVe man an a -and south of town on Weddooday, opening uglily explained by a gentleman sent in past week witneBbed one of the worst storms 4e _10 the remedy he proposes, �, That is only a no ighbor, and it i i not �ia to 87 folt that D is up the ceu�re of the road for the distance ju. place of Mr.' G reham, who was billed to be on record. The roads in all direct' no are L HOTEL' 'r, OPPOSITY THE VOMMEUCA -to Tf every. pathmastai would dot a u to appear, make shift and has been put foMard hun.- not now a urderer. Hiseelt(noeish,Vt dic-%ted. i be- pre e t but was unable Mist, literally closed up. The bakers had a r,ieud 01 9 w