HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-02-14, Page 2+3= Sneezing—running at the nose—pain in the head— pain in the back—chills and fever—and a general "ache - all -over" feeling. What are the " Grippe '? consequences ? Cat ar r h— Bronchitis — Pneumonia— Consumption —N ervous Prostration. UWANTA GRIPPE CAPSULE treatment cures the Grippe nnd prevents its consequen- ces. "1 am pleased t add my testimony to the curative powers of the Tevranta eepsule treatment for Grippe. I WeaattaCked very suddenly and very_ violently with this mal- ady about crue year ago. had found this treat- ment a certain remedy for colds and I applied it to the Grippe! .1 got relief in almost quicker time Than it takes to tell It -and it cured me." -R. SMART, Toncorro. =MI GRT IMANTA. CAPSULE rROM YOUR DIWCGIST. oft ENCLoSE 25C., DIRECT TO TN'S - - UNdred.' lelnYiS CO.. Ltd. Ottawa, Oret. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. GIOR SALE -The house and grounds belonging; te X the hate S. G. 'McCaughey, corner of Church and Centre street, Seaforth. The propeetv will be told cheap ard on easy terms. F. HOLhIESTED, Sea - forth. 1784-Cei 920 ACRE FARM FOR SALE. -In beet wheat 'belt e) in Sorf.hern Maniteb3. Ninety area ready for wheat next ye er 60 eoree hay. Good new sable and granary. Twelve dollars per acre. Several i other mproved and prairie fame for sale. Write OHAS. E. SHAW, Bax 17, Boissevain, Manitoba. 1757-U DARM FOR SALE. -For sale Lot 27, Con - X cession 4, McKillop, contaleing 100 acres, ail of which is cleared, well fenced, uuderdrei tied and a high stet° of cultivation. There is a good prick house, large bank bun with stone stabling, plenty of water and a good orchard. It b wallet two miles of Seaforth and within a mile froai a scheol. Apply on the prerribes or to Seaforth P. 0. WM. GRIEVE. 17574f EIARSI FOR SALE.-Farne in Stanley for este, Lot .12 29. Gencesdon 2, containing 100 acres. All e.ear but le mores of herdwood buth. It is in a eoed state of cultivation, well fenced and underdralnel. Thereis on the farm two berate with stabling, and a large dwelling house. It is conveniently situated, . miles from Clinton and I mile from Bairdie Rho al. Address all ipqnirles to eafid MoGREGOR, on the premises, or ItR.S. D. MoGREGOR, 2nd Conceesion, Tuckereraith, Seaforth, Ont. 175841 flOUSE AND aonaron SALE -House and two . Iota for sale, being composed of Let4 No. 139 - 'and 40, on the south side of Queen street, Hansa, and containing 1-5 of an aore each. On Loi 89 is a stable and good house, containiog 8 r;oine, pantry, and a woodshed; a'so a good spring well; and on blue pleoe is planted a number of fruit trees and beery bushels. and it 13 a nice conveniant place to live. 1t18 within three rniautes walk of either the three a/Lurches of the town. For eirth-r partioulars apply to Wet. M. CRAIG, Propr reor, ilensaa, or to MR. WI& MOIR. 1780x4 'DARN FOR SL -For eate Lot fe on the 14th X Come...don of MoKillop, containing about 100 sores, of whiah about 35 aere3 are olear.d, 5 acres in fall wheat, some reeded fia gram, ahd the balsnoe is gang plowed. It1 is within 5 miles of the Village of Welton. It is a good teem and snit tble ler either grain or pasture. If not sold by che it of March, will be rented for a terra of years. Will have) an auotion *ale about the lst of Maroh. Apply on the premien% or addrees Walton P. O. JAMES CAAIP BELL. - 1765 - MIAMI FOR SALE. -For site that very deeirablw X farm on the Hill Road, Titekeramith, adj lining the village of Egmonciville. it contains 97 sore, nearly all cleared and in a rood state of ruItivetiel, And well underdrained. There is a cemforteble brie& etittage and good barns, with rota cellar and Outbuilding,. The buildinga am litulted near the centre of the farm, and on the Mi'd Road. It is well watered, and plenty of soft water in the kitshen. It is conveniently attested for church and seheol and within& mile anda half of Saaferel. Witt be sold oheap and on easy t,erme of neyment. Apply to the proprietor, ROBERT FA.N.SON, Saafo-th. 174841 'DARK IN HAY TOWNSHIP FOR SALE. -For X Rale, Lot 22, on the North Boundary of Hey Township- This farm oontaine 140 sores, e5 aorta cleared, the rest good hardwood bush. It la welt un- dertirained and fenced- There Is a goc-d stone house with a No. 1 cellar ; large bank ban, implement ehed; sheep house 70x75, with firet-ols.s et -eating and root cellgareanderneath ; a good orchard; 2 geed welis And cletern. Thereto 12f acres of fall wheat sowed oo 1 riots fallow, wed manured ; 40 sores siseded down rezently, the rest inamod ehape for crop: This le a 1 farm, well situated for markete, churches, schools, post office, eee., and will be sold. reasonaley. Apply on the premises, cr address' ROBERT N. DOUGLAS,Illake,Ont.1668x8tt 31e1ARM FOR SALE. -For sale, Lot; 1, in the Town- e: ship of Tuekeremith, Concession 8, 100 acres of land, 91 antes cleared, woll un lerdrained. Splendid farm for grain or stook, well watered, s runneng epring tlae whole year runs through the farm. Also on the farm is a splendid bank barn, noir y no.", whioh is 60x54, with*tone etabling underneath. Also frame beim 24x18, and kitchen 183E16, with good done colter, and two good wells. Thi; pro- perty is situated' in a very desirable lonality with splendid gravel roads to market, orey milea to Seaforth. Ale a good dwelling holm in -Seabed 1, situated on Coleman street, close to Victoria Park_ This heusa is ccniposed of 8 roerns, well finished, rity of hard end so.t water, and kitchen 29x16, with pantry and well room atteched, and a gool woodahed. A good stable 21x18. All of this property must be sold as the uudereigned is moving to the United StIteer. All partioulars ooncernine this preperty -can be had by applying at Tine Exposrroa Office or to the prop Actor, JAMES Ii.E1Wel, Sea - forth. 1762-t1 -Luau IN STANLEY FOR SALE. -For sale, Le X 9 and the wad halt of Lot 8, on tbe 12th conces sion, or Bronson Line, of Stanley. This farm con tains 150 acres, all of which is ()leered, exeept acres. It is in a state of firet-olass ou'tivation, w feneed and all underdrainecl,mostly with tile. There, la a large frame dwelling house as good as now, with good sone foundation and cellar, large bulkb3rn with ftt011e stabling underneath, and numerous other buildings, inoludieg a large pig hew*. Two good orchards of choio3 fruit, also nice ehede and orna- mental trees. There are two epdng creeks running through the farm, and plenty of good water all the year round without pumplufe. .It le well situated for markets, °burgher', schools, poet ofli e, etc, and good gravel roale leading from it in all directions. It is within view of Lake Huron, and the boat0111 be seen passing up and down f rom tholhouse. This is one of the beet equipped farms in Ithe county, and will be (fold on easy terms as the pr ;lector wants to retire on amount of health. Apply on the premi- ses, or address. Blake P. O. JOHN DUNN'. 17s4.tt 4r For gale by -AIex Wilaon, Seaforth. MONEY TO L • AN z . tym, 01194 Ity, 1:0aujalatierxoent oLlionitalLareirAtieree.guearl totth. I712 -U , THE It s WTIES StiN ma zeeti:larind "tthniengtinitoe, boat yooldunagg.to bave 3LIO . the sh1. eleor and the heariUg acutc and the step elastic and all our pulses, ma 'clang On to the eltiamming t "•S, 1411 Se age will be denied many of us, but of a stout heart. Midlife and old youth -we all know what that is. Those wri yotar bre THE GLORIES OF OLD AGE muscle Nvays len d "At Evenitig Time Lig ht As the Natural Evening. Is itaften Lumin- ous, So It Shall Ile Light in the Even- ing of Our Sorrows, of (1)Id Age, of the World's Hietory„ jof the hrtstiun Life. - Entered A.ccording to Aot of Patflamentof Can- ada. in the year AM, byW111t4ui Bally, of 10. ronto, at the Dee% of Agricult ure, Ottaw. . Washington, Feb. 1 9,. 10 shie ' subject Dk. '1 maga ' puts a glow, of gl td- ness and ttiurarth upt passages of life that 4re usually. I hought to be somewhat; gloomye 'text, Zechar+ kilt xiv.,1 7, P'At evening time it shall belight.' ! I While "night" in all latiguages is the symbol for gloom aid suffering, it is often really eheerful bright and impressive. 1 speak not of Bitch nights as come down with no n ar. pouring- light from above or save ed wave toSsing up light frOm beneeith -such as you often pee ' hen he pomp and magnifIclencri of Heaen V seems as though , the song which the morning stars began so long ago were chiming yet .among the Constel- lations and the sons of God were shouting for joy. Such flights the sailor blesses from the forecastle; and the trapper on vast prairie,a,nd the belated traveler by th.e road. , side, and the soldier from the tent, ± earthly hosts gazing upon heavenly ' and shepherds guarding heir f afield, while angel halide above them .'i, • locks set the silver bells a -ringing, "Glory to God in the highest ahd on earth peace; good will towards men." What a solemn nd gidrious thing is night in the wi derneSs! Night among the mountains! ; Night on the ocean i Frog -ant nig-ht among tropical groves! Flashing night .amicl arctic severi ies! Calm night on Roman campa -nate Awful night among the cord lleras! Glorious night mid sea fter a tempest! Thank God for the night! The 'moon and the stats which rule it are light -houses o the Oast to- ward which I hop we ,. are sailing, , and blind mariner are We if, with , so many beaming, burning, flaming glories to •guide us., we cannot find . our way into the h4trbor. My text may wei suggest that, as the natural ever ing is -often lu- minous,' so it shall be light in the evening of our ser -ows, of old age, of the world's hist ry, of the Chris- tian life. "At ev ning tine it shall • be light." This prophecy tVi 1 be fulfilled in the evening of Chri tian skerrow. For a. longt - time it 1 broad daylight; The 's11n -rides hi h. Innumerablk activities go ahead with a thousand feet and work with a thotteand arms, and the bat ery made discoIvery, and I the pickax strt ck a enine, and •' the investment yiel ed ite 20 per cent:, wed the boo came to its twentieth edition, arid the farm quadrupled in Yalu and laudden for-, tune hoisted to hi h position, and children ; were pra sed, and friends without number sw ruled I , into the family hive, and pi osperif y sang in the music and step ed in; rthe dance and glowed in the wine and ate at the banquet, and L411 the l gods of ITIllsie and ease andi gratification ga-, theeed around this Jupiter holding • in his hands so many thunderbolts of power. - But every suii must set, , and the brightest. day intia have its ' twilight. Suddenly the j sky was overcast.: The fouhtain ried up. The song hushed. The *ctlf broke ' into the family fold and earried off , the best lamb. A deep 1QvvI of woe , through the -At • eine rough 01 disa ter th e. - Dewn wen firm! way went p flew-' new book could rention ! , he insur- "How ill yell ' ; 2. came creishing I dowx joyous ii&mplionies. twang :of the hand hamstrings all brol the strong business long establiehed credit! a dock of calmienies t Thei would •ncit Sell! A paten not k be secured' for the in Stocks sank; like lead! ance company exploded much," says! the sheriff, " bid for this :piano? How lmuch tor this library? How much for this family pictui•e?! Hiew Inta h? Will, you let it.g� at less than alf price? Going-goingi-gone!" Will the grace of God hold one up in such circumstaiices?' What has become of the greatmultttude of God's children who ave ben pound- ed of the flail and ei uehed lunder the wheel and trampled under theI hoof? -Did they ' lie doWn in I he dost, weeping, wailing all4 gnasTg their. tekh? Did Ithey when the were afflicted like Job curse God nd want to 'die? When the eod of ' .fatherly; chastisement struck them did they strike back? 1.3CCallSe they- found one , bitter cup on th9 table of God' supply, did they upset the who : table? Did they kneel down at their empty money vault and say, " All my treasures are gone?"' Did they1 stand by the, grove of theie deans! saying; "There never will " be a restirreetion.?? Did they !bemoan their ! hwarted , plans and say, "The st oe -s down; would Ood I were dead 1 id Did the. night of their disa. ter CODA upon them moonless, starlo. s, danli and howling, smothering a. Id choke ing their life, out? No n ! Al eventide it Was light. T ie swifil promises overtook them. i"he etere nal constellations, from their 'cir- cuit about God's throne, ' poured down an infinite luster. :Under, their shining . the bi 1 lows 0 trouble took m on crests and plumes- of gold and jasper and am1 ethyst au d flame. All the trees of life rustled in the midsummer of God's loee. The night bloomino assurapces of Christ's sympathy filled all the at. mosphere with heaven. The soul at every step seem. d to: stait up l from its feet. bright winged 'joys,: warbling heavenward. Ole is good that 1 have been afflieeetdr' cried • David. "The 1.01d grive, and the Lord ha th te ken away !" exclaiMS _ ! Job. -Sorrowful, • yet elw ys re- joicing," says St. Paul. • "' nd God- shall wipe away all tears in to their. eyes I' ' exclaiois J ohn in; ape alyptie vision. At eventide it Was .1 light. Light from the cross! Light from the promises! Light frotho throne!. Streaming, Joyous out - gushing, everlasting light!" AnneiP; tiSe text eliell dii-.0 1411- kles Were not •alvtoys on. - that snow was; not al - our head; that i ,brawny d not always bunch your tirmi You have oot always Worn' spect eles Grave and dignified AS yout Ow i.re, yOu once went coast- Mg- ol Yin the hillside or throw Off your hat or the race -Or sea! tlie ,ball yiog sky high: .But youth wild not ivay last. 1t stays only long enouidt to give us exuberant . spirits and uo.d1 shoulders fer burden can - ening and an arm with which -to bat- tle one way througIi di1cu1ties. Life's pat , if yen follow - t long enoug O ill come under frowning crag =lad ross trembling c tisewa.y. Mess el o11 age, if you let it come natur lily!You! cannot hi . it. i You 1 ay try to 'Cover the wrinkles. - If th time has Come for yoa to be old, se no ashaine.d to be old. The grand et hings in all the luiniverse are o do -o d Mountains, old } rivers, old s an, ftid stars and old eternity-. Then do ' nil t, be ashamed to be old unless irou aro older than the moun- tains and older than the stilts. See that you do honor to the aged. A phi oso her stood at the aorner of the st •ect day after day, 1 Isaylug to the prt. sersby: "You youi be ad ol ina ;- you will be an • old, man. You ill e an old wothan; Ou will be an old kvoman." People thought that 1 e was crane-. I do not think that 1 e was. Smooth the way for that other's -feet.; they have not those fettering liinbs; ehey will soon many mere steps to ta.ke. 'Steady be at 'mat, Plow not np that face with. tare More wrinkles; tronble and rare have marked it full iniiCalgh,. Thrust no !thorn into that old heart it wilt Soo i cease to beat. "The eye that mocketli its• father and refuseth to o.bey its mother the ravens of the valley shall pick. .it, out, and the young ea les sledil eat it." The bright inor dug aud hot noonday of - life hate passed with many.. It is 4 o'clock, 5 o'clock, • 6 o'clock! The sun has dipped below the horizon ; the waentli has .gone out of ' the air.Trine•lo'cleick, 10 o'clock! The heavy dews I are failing; the an tivities of life' daif are all hushed; it • is time tc go to bed. -Eleven . o'clock, 12 o'el cid i The ptriarch ! !sleeps the ble seeqsleep, the cool sleep, the Ion sle p. Heaven's messengers of ligli havle kindled bonfiresof vic- tory al over the heavens. At even- tide it s light. Light. ! , - Aga.ii , niy teat shall nod fule! filimenn in tho latter day of the church. Only a few missionaries', al few. cht rchee, a levy good men, com-o pared With the institutions leprous , and pu rifled. It is early yet in the history of everything good. 'Civil- ization and ' Christianity are just getting Feet 41 the cradle. The light of martyr ! sakes, dashing up and down tIIi.o sk , is but the flaming of the mo -Miami but when the evening of the odd shall icome, glory • to God's c nctupring truth, it, shall be light. ' Welds sword clanging • back in the etrabbard; intemperance buried ; ender I ten thousand broken , de- cantersf, the world's impurity All1M- ing° its- brow heavenward for - the benedict'on, , "Blessed are thel pure in heart;" the last vestige of. sel- . fiehness subn, erged in heaven. ' des-. cending *hal-Ries and China worship- ing, Dr. A eel's Saviour; all -India belie -tin in. IIenry Martyn's Bible; aborigin 1 stperstition acknowledg- ing Da "id ' rainerd s piety; human I bondage dlisIered through Thomae Clasksoi ' s , liristianity; vagrancy _ coining ack frorn its pollution at the call of .Elizabeth Fry's Redeem- er; the coin alma coming 'clown; the valleys oing up; "holiness" inscribo ed - on 1 orsels bell, and silkworm's thread, nd• rown thrasher's wing, and shell 's th go, and inanufaceurer's shuttle, I an , chemist's laboratory, king's seepter e- and nation's 'hisigna, Charta. I No a hoepital, for there - are no vtound ; .not ,an asylum, for there are no orphans; not a prisbn, for their are no criminals; net i an - alinshou e, fo there etre no nanners; not a ter, f r there aye no sor- rows. Whe I lig dirge of earth's lamenta ion' has ended in the , tri- umphal narel of redeemed empires, the foresits ha •ping it on vine ptrung brancheisi th water chanting it among , the gorges, the thee:dors , drumming it, stmong the hills, the oc- ean giviqg it forth with its organs, uching the keys and oot on the pedal_ e John Howard when er is reformed; I *ant Nightingale. when the ad has stopped hurt - to see William Penn Indian has been eivil- o see John Huss when of persecution has HITR.01! Eit.POSITOR FEBRITA 190 trade winds t Euroclyd n'e 1 want to i s the last rise to see Fl ten last sabe • Wo ing; I w nt when the hist , ized; 1 ant . the last time . been ex inguished; I want to see Joh] 1311nyan after the . last pilgrim has oine to the gate of the celes ial c ty-above all, I Want to see Je, us a ter the last saint, has his thron an has begun to sing his triumph. I . ! . • Yott ha "e Vita ched the calmnees and the glory of ti b evening hour. I . The laborers lia,v come from the • ield; ' the heave s 4ne glowing with ft, in- describable eff lgence, ,as though the sun in departi ig had forgotteri • to shut the ' ate i fter it. All the beauty of cloud rid leaf swims in the iake.' For a stt r in the sky, a star in, the water; heaven itbove and heaven be- neath. Not, eel af rustling or a bee humming or a grasshopper chirping. Silence in the 1 leadow; silence among the hills. I Thu bright and beautiful shall . be he et- ening of the world. The hest s of earthlyconflict are cool; the glory of heaven fills all the scene w th lo e, joy and peace. At eventime it is ight-I1ght. Finally, my text shall find fulfill- nent at the ncl of the Christian's ife. You know how short a winter's lay is an hot little work you tan :Ido. Now, my 1 iends, life is a short winter's d y. T e sun rises at 8 and ts at 4.! The birth angel' and -the: death angel fly only a little way q and with the n other apart. Ba nism and burial are. near together. With ,one hand the mother "rocks the eradl ;she touchee a g ave. , • ' But I hurl away this darkness. 1 -cannot halve you weep. Thanks be unto Godi who givethus the vic- tory, at eIeentii e it shall be light! 'I have sem many Christians die. I never sav an of them die in da,ek- ness. Whet if he billows of death do rise above our girdle, who does not love t , batl e? What though eth- er -lights 1 do g. out in the blast, eenat cto We want eV them when " ali the gates of glory sining open ' be- fore us and from a myriad voices, a nayriad harps,' •a, myriad thrones, a myriad pa aces there dashes Upon us "Hosanna! 'Hosanna! ' ' I sa,ve a beautiful being wandering up and down the earth. She touched the aged, ond they •became young, she touched the poor, and they be- came rich I said, "Who is this beautiful being wandering up and down the e rth?" They told me that her name f s Death. What a strange -thrill. of joy when the palsied Chris- tian begin toese his arm '? again, when the bl me Christian begins. - to see again, viten the deaf Chrietian. ar again, when the poor his feet ion such • payee ns in stieli company and at in su0 a great Inm- men no: more tea huin men no ;more to thirst; no mor b to weep, dy- more to. die. Gathee up rde, all ' Jubilant expres- rapturous exclamations; o me, and I ' wil I pour is stupendohs theme of d'senthralline t! Oh, the irit as .it s - all mount t e throne o : God, shout - Free! " Your eye has the • gareitu •e of earth. but . eye h th not seen has cough harmonies d indescribab1e7- caught arp's trill -and bird's waterfall's • dash and boy -but ear hath , not ow did those blessed irato the light? What ocked oft their . chains? • eye their robes of light? ein wings?.Ah, eternity n i `ciugh to tell it, sera - t capaciIty , enough to i. d marvels of redeeming e Palms wave; let the r; , let the antheins as - trees of Lebanon clap they cannot tellthe half ngei before the thnone, ! Sing ore . praise on; ye , glorifiec11 and if With a you cannot reach it Or songs you cannot ex - let all the . myriads of nit° in the exclamation.: t S! Jesiisr` ' e a password at the re' - A great multitude knock at the gate. The ays, "The password." °We have no password. at on earth, and now we be . great in heaven." A 'thin ansivers, "I never Another group come. up Of heaven and knock. eper says,, "The pass - say: "We have no pass- )() a, great : ninny 711:illee th. Wo endowed colleges e of the Poole"' thin says, "1 never Another- group come up of heavem and knock. )Cr says, , ' 'The pass - answer, W'e were Wan- QOCI and deserve to die, 1 the 'yoke of Jesus" - i says the gatekeeper, pasewordl; Lift up your orlasting gates, and 13t Come ' in." 1 They go in the throne, i libil an ti begins to h pilgrim puts merit and jo haS a fret) ' ple! 'Kuno ;ger, thirst weeping im ing mein n all sweet shins, all! bring them! upon thera• t the soul Ila ;joy ef the up toward ing: "Free! gazed upon and •heaven it; your eae Uncounted a ''them from I carol and 1 ocean's do heard it. ones get up hanamer 11 ,What loom liWho gave V 'is not long! Sthim, have h realize it -t love! Let t11 i er owns faith43 eend; let litt their honds . of it. Arch• thou tallest hosts of th your sceptr and with y press it the the saved "Jesus! Je `Mere will gate of hea come up an gatekeeper They say:-. We were gr come up to N'oice from knew you." to the gate The . gothic word." The word. We d things on e and took c voico from knew you." to the gate The gotekee word." Tha dertrs front but we hear -'Aye, aye, "that is th heads, ye e these peeple end sureouo forever! Ah, do yojil wondiii:'that the last hours of th !Christian on earth are illuminatedby thoughts of the -nom- ing glory? ILight in the evening. The medicines mien be bitter. The Wain may he sharp'. The pari.ling may be heartrceding. !Yet light ili the even- ing. As all the stars of the night snin their qnchors of peerl in lake and river and sea so the waves of .Jot -clan shall be i lumimited with the down flashing of the • glky to come. 'the dying soul looks up at the cOn- - st.ellatjons. "The Lor(1i. is my light and my salvatio wheal shall 1 ar?" "The Lain which is in the idst of the this ne shall lead them fot ntan sof water, ahd shall wipe 0.\ 'ay all tears .frdm their. eyes:" Close the eyes of the -departed one; o rth would -sew. tame to its o tented vision. Fold the' hands; life's work is ended. V, il the face; it- hits be.en transfigured. ! Mr. Toplady ix his -dying hoer neid, "Light." Co ning dearer the ex - et ring momenta, 1i4 exclahned with ;illuminated co un en a n ce,, ' le the last install of his breathing he lifted up his hand,s and cried: y.ight! Light ! Thenk 0 od 'het 11 •-ht in the evening. He 'Mud n She An English eailo • .recei. tly paid off atl Malta, hpviig onlY a day in IV nth to spend' th& mouey before the sl ip left port, 1 ircd, forty rowing • boats, formed then into - 6. procession and, seating himse 1 com eirtably • in the stern of the h st honit, he- had himself and his arty Loats rowed round and round his shi much to the 'amusement of lie coihrades. Af- 1er making the to r sev4ra1 times 1110 sailor paid the boat hire and thin retureed to d tty, eviidently well satisfied. ' Uncle Sum a Ba -by !Vet. . rlIC British empi e, with protector- ates has si'populat on of ;about 395,- 000,000. The pop dation of the Uri- ittd States- and it. colonial posses - ions has beet bem given out cis S,233,059. Unel - Mani has a lot of growth ahead of him y t before he areives at a slat, ire eciiuiaI to that of! .1 ohn Bulb; but 'f Johlu Bull and. Sent, travel togeth r they, can keep the Whole world- in nrcler.1 THE CL ROY LIKE IT. Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder Cures all ()reeds. It relieves' .In 10 min tea. Rere are a fevl names of clergymen cd different creeds fbo are firna bellievers in D. Agnew's Catarrh1a Powder t "live up to the preaching" inaU it clai s: Bishop Sweetman, Rey, bi. Langtry( ,piscopalient; Ret. Dr. Withrow and Rev. Dr. Chambers (Methodist), and Dr. Newmao, all of To - rain°, Canada. Copies of their personal letters for the asking. 50 cent% 17 1. V. Fear. druggist, Seeforth -An Ottawa correspondent says : " In view of the fact that no impotnt legisla. tion is. to be introduced by the overnment, at-ethe coming eeasion of the Dominion Parliament, it is thought that the members' willinot be kept in 'Ottawa longer than two - andV a half months. The end of April,- therefore or the beginning of May, ought to witness tIle prorogation of Parliament. It is. not improbable that, the Premier will. take ithort holiday before peeving 'for' !tithing, Burning Skin, Craoked Hands, Sore Ears TwcZinanittni'lCitletras neoIftnelecZign' relkIeIA" C. Dleev Oale eases and. prelyttons. I Ur. James MeIsaaes, 25 Elgin St, iOttawsi, Ont., writes: ---"I suffered with salt rheum for upwards of Sen years, the skin on my hands cracking and breaking so as to make them useless. After trying all sorts or remedies in vain, I became discouraged • and thought my sufferings would never end. Last spring I used Dr. Chase's Oint- ment and in a short time was perfectly ifMr. uried.; • Nicholson, Manor House,' Win - pipes, Man., states :-"Itor several months I had • been troubled with eczema_ on my ears, and for weeks 1 doctored with a prominent Winnipeg physician, but to no avail. I was in- oueed by a fellow =Veer to try Dr. Chase's Ointment, and am happy to say that the first application gave instant tenet 1 a.m completely cured, and l'Itstliaesree."Is no limit to the healing level - aye had no return of this troublesome ities of Dr. Chase's Ointment. It is remarkably quick to relieve and posi- ilvely cures each and every form of it- ching skin disease. (10 cts a box, -ail dealers or Edmanson Bates ee Co., Tor-. qnto.; nemenamesoneramo ngland, to attend the coronation eere- onies and the intercolonial conferences in Lender. The likelihood is that Sir accompanied by Lady Laurier. will start on his official journey to England about June 10." • Stops the Cough and "Works. off The Cold. Laxative Bromo Quieine Tablets cure a cold in one day. No Cure, No Pay. Pace 25 cents. • -The total amount of money raiaed by Knox! church, Stratford, daring the past year Was $7,056 83, and at the close of the year there was a balance on hand of $236.12. The church pays its pastor $2,000; its or - wink!, $200; its choir leader $300, and its ;eaten, who Is also treasurer, $500. The membership is 11100. -Private Wood, of the Becond Canadian contingent, arrived at his hotne in St. Marys a sheet time ago. Since then he has been removed to the Stratford hospital, where he will likely remain for some time for treat- ment for inflammatory iheumatiemi Mr. Wood saw considerable service in SOuth Africa, being a member of Brabant's; horse. PILL -PRICE The days of 25 cents fora box containing 40 pills are numbered. Or.- Anew' s Itiver Pills at 10 eta and 25 ots. I a vial are sr(rer, safer and pleasanter to take, and are supplanting all others - _All druggists sell them. Cure Constipation. Sick and Nervous Headaches, Dizziness, Lassitude, Heartburn, Dyspepsia, Less of Appetite ahd all troubles arising from liver disorder. 40 pills 10 eta; zee, pills 25 cite. I. V. Fear Druggist, Seaforth. 9- , ---While renning the large press in the Mitchell Advocate cffice, one day recently, the gasoline tank blew up and disarranged matters for a time. There was a big blazes but the fire was extinguished without doing much damage.! -An esteemed pioneer of North East - hope, passed away at her home, let 16, con- ceSsion 12, an ,Saturday, Jatthary 25th, in the person of Mrs."James McDonald, in the 880l- year of herage. The deceased _lady had been ailing for about she months, and her death was not altogether nexpected. • 1•••••••••••• loman's Priceless Pearl rhe,greatiest menace to haps pinetts Is her health. The mravest menace to her hsaiih is Kidney Disease. Pars. 'Voting says -South Am. erican Kidney Ours le -11, "priceless ,,pearl." So It Is. Mrs. A. E. Young, Barnston, Qpe., says: "It ; ieven months since I took My last dose oi )uth Anterienn Kidney Cure and have not had :12 elightest symptom of the aggravating Kidney -0 11 om evhich I :suffered so many years. eti'd d Inters a small fortune without any per- t., nen t results. This great remedy is a " pearl" for women .suffering asi I did." It r. Heves id sit hours. I • 14 I. V. Fear, drriggist, Setkforth. -Mies Clara Hoffman, eldest daughter of Mr. George Hoffman, of Sebringville, was married last week, to Mr. Wilelon C. Gold - worthy, chief clarkin the tratlid department of the Santa Ire Railway, at Prescott, in Arizona. CARE -LINED FACES Are not always the i'sign of mental Worry, for many a person saes silently along day In and day out, sufPoring almost beyond -telling from bodily pain; and the Only sign that betrays it Is the care - lined face. Stomach out of order?' IndigeWon with its cutting acids making every breath you draw a diger pain? Dyspepsia gnawing -I to almost the Tnont of distraction? Can't sleep? Nervous? You needn't suffer -South Amehcan Net -vine puts " all things torights," Chases the seams front the brow, and instead of the core lines there'll be the glow of he.11th. First bottle helps ; a few bottles cure. ' 18 I. V. Fear, druggist, Seaforth. schooi Reports. No, 14, STANLBY.-The Jannary monthly report for school section No. 14, -Stanley, . 1 t is a follows,' names in order of merit : Fift ,-11. F. Johnston, C. Graesick, H. Whiteman. Fourth,-AW.Johnston, Jennie McBeath, Ida Dinsdale. Senior Third, -F. Kyle, R. Rathwelli Mary Mc- Kay. *Junior Third, -W. Gemmel,- Edna Ky!a, Lens Sort, Senior Secend,-Elanor Hood, N. Jones, E. Gernmel. 'Junior See - °fide -Jean -Gram*, Herbert ,Jones. Sec- ond ''art,—Aggie Gemmel, Ida I Jones, Etta Jarr tt. First Part, -Oda M Beath, Han- nah Dinedale. The best ape l monthly spelling matches, were: Fifth, 1 en, in the Free;tarn Johnstnn'.• fourth, , Jessie Mc- Aliir ; 'junior Beat ;oond, jean Grassick ; see- senior third,Earl RithWell ; knitter third Edna Kyle; senior seeond, Emma ii)ond . art, Etta arrot.--W. 11. ._. -- No 10, Inv. -The following is the stand. JOHNSTON, Teao er., ing 0 the pupils of sehool sectioq No. 10, • i Hay, , names in order of merit ; Junior Foarth,-MabeL Dougall, Willie Alawen, -John R. Munn, James Bonthion, Franoie Coleman, 'Lionise AnWitronig, *nee Ben- throm Third Class, -'Wesley Coleman, LOWS illTalper; Wation Middleton, George Armstrong, MeEln, Arthur Corong. Bessie 'Munn. Senior Second, —Alpine Coleman. Hernia Todd, BennieEider, Roy Todd. Junior Second,--Victoriti Roweliffe, man, Mary 3 Archie Rawoliffe, Mary Middleton, James Murray, Alice Middleton. Part Second, - Nellie; RoWcliffe„ 'Mary Walper, Alexander. hiousso.-jramn Irturutir Teacher. 1. and Prosp ear * 8 To our very many customers, and at the VAAMAAAAAAAMAAAAAAAMOW me time we wo. Our past exyertihenacnewwearhraanvteshuasdinin etxhpeepeastine awmeoreh los have given 7 in the past. like to -exprass our thanks for the veryveli ee:roilisipshayeterdaornaaingtee ii9Ghtt,2 Hon, during our many years in business in Seaforth, of tub• out good clothing at reasonable prices, and every year our bone*. ing business and -a larger number'of satisfied customers has provea the wisdom of our business Method. We do not pretend to give something for nothing. Our business is built on the sure foundation of honest value for erery dollar, with a fair p." refit for our labor. Try us for your next clothing wants, and test truth of our motto. RIGHT OS, .FU1?XISBERS0 For pure blood, a bright eye, a elear . complexion, la keen appetite, a good digestion and refreshing sleep, TAKE BR,ISTOL'S It arouses the I Liver, quickens the circulation, brighter* the spirits and I generally improves the 'health. Sixty-eight years trial have proved it to be, the rnoet reliable BL00» pante known. All druggists sell "BRISTOVS; Furniture Cheaper than Eve On account of great reduction in expenses, and manufacturing special Huge. we are now able to put furniture on the market cheapei than over. All intend ing purchasers will do well to call at our warerooms, where fuU lines of up -to. date furniture are sold 1...t right prices. arefaate eite" nenleine" ritsTC4-.. This department is complete with a large selection of Ithe best goods, and obliging attention given to this branch of the business. Night calls promptly attended to by our Undertliker, Mr. 8. r. Holmes. Goderich street, Seaforth, opposite the Illethodistt chur BROADFOOT, BOX iSc S1- LAJDE?.T Huron County Packing. and oI Company. At a meetiog of the directors held in Clinton, on Monday, Jimaf+ry 20th, same three propositions were made to the direetorafrom outside capatalists, the -one stated below being the one taken up. It ia confidently believed that the stock e Will be ',rapidly taken up, and work on theplant commenced at an early date. The company have accepted W. R. Belden'e plans for the ()rotation of a group of buildings for handling the different linen alarm produce. I ' - This will include a p3altry finishing station equipped an plena after the style of that in nee by a leading Kansas city packing house. No industry co 'meta with the-farmis Apure profitable than the rei Jag- a poultry, that is, where farmers have facilities; for finishing them properly.. ;At Ali plant all poultry will be receivedalive, preperly killed, dressed and crated, then shipped to the -cities and Great Mein. Beside" •handiing fowl for the farmer the building -wall be equipped similar to theabove referred to Pitt- ing House, where 100,000 broilers are grown and marketed annually under a Syliteinte12- tirely new to Ontario. Along with the handling of hogs cattle and poultry a modern .014 storage building will be erected with a capacity for handling all the butter and apples neon county Anil thetributary townships can produce. Farmers have year after year lost so heavily in apples that rnany have concluded 0140 does not pay to grow them. Although almost everything has been delnUby transport eone- panierthat can be done, yet they cannot do all, and this part innut be done by the far- mers if they wish to reap the benefits from a system of shipping t e4ile*erinnetit headman so much to faster. It has been estimated that in 1900 Huron co tatericist in apples; alone over $100,000 by not having a cold itorage etation. This &tat on *ill send packers throughout the country -to its owe shareho dere; they will properlyrade aed pack the apples, marking each barrel exaotly as they asil. for. When the ak4 e's are delivered it the station farmers will be paid a set price for each grade, thaap les sent to our storage station and as winter advances will be shipped wherever they oan he sold at the most advantageous prices. Farmers need no arguments to convince thom of the benefits they will receive by having their apples handled in this manner. r=i-t' sirs* what we toe long desired but hitherto have not been able to reach any definite action. With an outfit of buildings for saving our produce, satiated in the centre of so fertiie a distriot as Clio - ton la's sugar -beet lithtOry Cannot surpass if even equal it. Each line it will handle will give us an increase in the pries we now receive. After 8,-cleputatils2 from this district visiting the counties where beets are grown, they concluded,it evOuld be witch more profitable to save those produAs we already take than to enter a field that is fast filling tip and which costs not $100,000, but WOO tobuild a plant and equip it. It is confi- dently believed that a like increase in price can be made in apples', butter and poultry, es that accomplished in handling hogs. The estimated cost of these buildings when fully equipped is $75,000„ with a capacity for making an annual turn -over of $1,000,040 worth of farm products. These buildings will be situated in Clinton which will be easilyeessable to farmers living along the various branches of railroad leading to Kiniardine, Goderich, EXeters Stratford and Brussels. Already over $20,000 worth of stock has been sold, and as far ere in general desire to lake use of these buildings the coming season it is confidently be ev d that every dollar - ;of stock will be sold within a few months. This is undoubtedly what should be done, thereby saving interest and other charges caused by using borrowedmoney-. If every dollar of stock is taken up by the time the buildings are completed there can be no doubt of a six per cent dividend being paid the first year. Mr. Belden, who has been connected with this line of bueine s for ;some years, is a prat-2%1[gal farmer and on the acceptance by him of the position of bead Of the organizing staff of the above company, he has resigned his position as directol of the Farmer's Perk Factory at Palmerston. He enters this work in a practical manner by subsetihing hber- ally. Having the utmost faith in the business, he will devote his entre time to making this Company a strong corporation. A Pig in Bed. HAT a comfort it is, after retiring these coldi'n hts, to 'lave bad a hot water bottle filled and placed between the sheets for half an hour previously. It removes all that uncertain- ty as to whether you are going to warm the be or the bed is going to chill you. And it saves a lot of time, you dont need to go to -bed till you are ready to sleep. These reasons ought, in theluselvees to be enough to induce every family to become the posesor of one of these inexpensive bottles. While for a 81319.11 additional ost, you can *get a combination pile that can, in a moment, be eonve ted into a fountain syringe,an article that should be in every htuse The Queen Quality" of these goods are fully guaranteed and are for sale by ALEX. WILS FIRST DOOR NORTH SEAFOR OF PIOKA.RD'S, a in 4 Ala Til agencio onto. 4 ereneelne beccil;OVIU efef pel.e, one afe teWe Sold in See V. Fear, a 'wen Wn Paeieng4,.. Pateenget. s(txe14, Mixed - aorr.o 1) 1, itieite Tr We noses Non= Bnereels., jelueviele-e Winglasene_ Howe Sorrrl heneee Veen& Se Erneeeisei.e Loud peeisi ' to Ttor CeUe iSoderieli For Clata 1314Tris, it it; aeon Merges_ A earl baoeht War xXX 7 This is as Your euppl replac north