HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-02-07, Page 51902
us this
Balm of ClileaLl
a grand remedy it
ot, and cures liko
reness of
ut of
red by
sY'S tem
Wafers. They
managing wife anti
aceased was ia her
r smart aod actien,
eir lose her hue
itter now (*fling and
homestead farm, at
sral service was he
`ridey afternoon arett
anded, th,e spaeioatt _
The remains were
'vine- cemetery, and
ge number of relat
s sorrowing huohend
athy of the oommun-
at home," undsei
men's Auxiliary of at
held at the residence
of the Louden
For the convents
t conveyances of their
ri arranged to heve
cht—Mr. W. J. Mil -
its at the north end of
he railway track, tre
merchant and poet- -
who recently sokl
l'aggart intends more -
int the first of Marche
Barri te wt4 here at.
Mrs. B. Hoggarth.—
e held in the Metho-
: morning last—Rent
ttninster, will prea*
L Carmel Presbyterian
d on, Monday evening,
route Junetion, will
are, "The-aanny side
,her of four." Both
ll known Sad inter-
speakerees-Mise Le
visited her luster here
nday.--Sonte of our
anniversary service* .
bath last. and repott
es bat baa roads...—
of Mr. William Go! -
engaged ea a travel.
ey and Gerretsone of
tea Beverley, of Hie.
istere, previous to
tome in Brantford i --
is share in the meat
r,Mr. John Shepherd,
tchmond stneet north,
i. Mr. Shepherd is
rising businiesi men.—
people left -here on
a the hookeY match
ad Seaforth, A num-
er sante evening
rat in that place.—
; Observerioffice was
itr and Sayn2Miss
rnyharste is at the
,sant., Mrs. Henderson..
et, to have been played, _
between Seaforth end
the storurty day and
a the Seaforth curIere
dr. and Mee. Thomas.
Seaforthe on Sabbath
the Sealer* foundry;
week. His friends
riot him again.—Mie
been engaged byMr.
Se charge of his elee-
antertaintonnt held in
on Thursdaievenieg
good, but the attend -
D. Urquhart was in
y last.—Mr.. George
ned recently front a
'dte. Marie. •
the Winghans gait
a Mock of timber on
friorrie,:and, has mere
verting it tito cord -
his block. '
in, eldest daughter of
of Sebringizille, tens
. Wfison C. Gold -
Glee traffic department
•way, at Prescott, in
ie large press in tho
est, one day recently,
up and disarm
;here was a big blazer _
ished wit out doiug
ee-r- of bro th Heat-
her home, lot 16, con-
Januarts 25th, in
teaMcDonel" d„ in the
The deceased lady
out sin months„ and•
gether uneXpeotede
of money 'railed by'
td, chningi the Past
d at the close of the
on hand Of $236.12.
astor $2,000 ; its
leader $304, and ite
reasnrer, $500t The
the second Canadian
hie home in St. Mary*
te then be has been
rd hospitals where he
erne time for treat-
y rhetarna.tkne. Mr.
de service lie South,
of Brabant's- hO3�
s fuflieS
_suite, she *ants tint
money sod slp.11 eon-
e Tailoring ,lettainesta.
eing the fair alit, and
oveTy artistio -braide
brought us Many new`
mtiliments have beat
iarding our beautiful
We can make ortti-to
AT LAW. -The Stratford Herald, of this
'creek says ; Messrs. Blewett & Bray, of
Listowel, have had posted up at the local
court house the statement of claim in a cum
which their client, the plaintiff, purposes to
have tried at high court here. This ie Mar-
garet Alcbioh vnIte H. Sandford and Eliza
Sandford. The plaintiff i a married woman,
and resides at Crandell, Manitoba. The
defendants are husband and wife. • In June
1896, Mr. Sandford was owner in fee simple
of the west half of lot 29, concestion. 3,
tiowick, comprising about 50 acres, subject
to a mortgage held by the Huron and Elie
Lean and Savings Society. About *13 time
the plaintiff also got a mortgage, and it ia
aver this that the trouble arises. She now
claims $500 pi iacipal and $97,50 interest,
besides possession of the land, and other
minor matters. The writ in the case was
issued on January 111 and the statement of
laim poated up this week.
Perth Notes.
—Mr. W. Yeo, of Douglas, Manitoba is
spending the winter with friepds in Hibbert.
—Miss Clara Botterill, of Fullerton, who
taught in Gould's school house for the past
few years, has left there for Keswick, near
Newmarket,where he has accepted a similar
podtion at an increased salary.
—Miss Annie Holiday, daughter of Mr.
Thomas Holiday, sr., of Downie, was mar-
ried lad week, to Mr. Jaunts A. Chowan, of
that township. Rev. Mr. Williams, of
Stratford, performed the ceremony.
—Those from Stratford who passed The
'Normal school examinations at London
were the Misses Abraham, G. Grant, E.
McMillen and M. M. Menthol, the last
:named young lady taking }tonere.
—A pleasure sleigh of Sebtingville peeple,
including three bridal parties, drove to Mit-
chell, one dey last week, to visit their
- friends at the Colliaon House. The load
was composed mostly of Kastners, and the
three bridal parties are leaving soon for
Prescott, Arizona.
I —Rev,. A. B. Dobson, of Fordwich, was
pleasantly surprised on Monday of last
week, by the sesaion of Fordwich congrega-
tion, which presented him with a fine set of
• harness. J. H. Johnston made the presen-
tation on behalf of the four elders compos-
ing the sassier.
--Judgment in the Mitchell municipal
protest ease was given by Judge Barron, in
• Stratiofd, a short time ago, and, as a result,
Mayor Campbell and two roembers of the
new council have been disqualified, because
they contributed money towards promoting
the suitiagainat the town last summer.
; —Mr. Bert Binning, of Calgary, North-
west Territory, spent a short time lately in
Littotel, visiting his parents, Mr. and Mts.
W. Et Binning, and renewing old friend-
-ship. Mr. Binning and his brother are con-
ductiog a successful mercantile bu titter s in
• Calgary.
News Notes
—The Boer war in South Africa is &ill
dragging along as usual, e i th no 'thane in
the situation worthy of mention. The lat-
est reports are to the effect that the British
pursuit of General De Wet loas been success-
ful to the extent that hie last gun has been
captured, and Commandant Wessels, one of
his printipal lieutenants, has been routed.
But the wily Boer leader is still at large.
Streamers. Feline ry 7 1902
ealI Wheat (new), Standard
ate per bunter ------------0 3g W0
Paaa per Ibuehel-- - — -- .... 0 75 to 0
derley per inietel..- - - - —.... 0 60 to 0
netters No. 1, looae_ - - - —.... 0 16 to 0
utter, tlab- - - - -- - - - -.... 0 16 to 0
.rget per 'doe ... 0 17 to 0
lour, per 100 lb; .2 16 to 2
Mey per ton now__ e„___ _ _ _ 7 50 to 8
Hides pet 100 !be.. - _. - _ _ _ . • .. b 0) to ;5
Sneep Skins . .. ... 0 30 to 0
We:01.-e- • - • - - - — -. —.... 0 13 _to
Paastoea 'Der bush (new),_ 0 35 to
8N1i (retail) per barrel— .. ..., ..... 1 16 to
Weed per cord (long).. - — ... _ .. - 4 00 to
Woodaper cord (short).._........... ,I.2 00tto3
apples par bag _„ .
Oloear Seed-. — ...- - - ......... 4 00 to
Timothy Seed. 2 00 to 3
Pbra, per 100 IN-.. - -...._._ 7 [0 to
Tal ow, per the... - - -.-...- — 04 to
Dairy Markets.
TORONTO, February 4—Butter—Offerings
continue large of poor dairy butter, which
cannot be sald at profitable figures. Cream-
eries are etrong, demend being good and
offeringe iiberal and of good quality. We
quote .—Preamery prints, 21 to 22c ; solids,
20 to 21c; dairy pound rolls, choice, 16
to 17c; large rolls,choice, 16 to 143 ; tubs,
140 ; medium and low, IG to 121c. Eggs—
New laid ` are offering more liberally end
limed have gone out of stock. Prices are
steady with a good demand. New laid in
case lots are quoted at 25e. Fresh gathered
are in fait supply and steady at 19 to 200 ;
No. 1 Limed are quoted at 19 to 20c.
MONTREAL, February 4 — Cheese—The
market remains quiet, but holdets are firm.
Finest Ontario colored, 10i1 to 10c; finest
Ontario white, 10 -ii to 10,te ; finest townships
makes, 16t to 10o; finest Quebec makes,
10 to ; undergrades, 9a to 9e. Butter
--There is a good export demand and
Prices are firm, Fineet freah creamery,
21-i to 21e; held creamery, 19:1 to 20o;
western deiry roIls,16 to 17o; western dairy,
11 to 17o; Manitoba dairy tubs, 11 to 16a.
Eggs—The demand was quiet at firm prices.
We quote :—Fresh, 33 to 350 ; selected held
fall stock, 25 to 27c ; cold storage stock,21
te 23o; Montreal limed, 21 to 223,and west
ein limed, 20 to 210 per &zoo.
TORONTO, February 4-0fferings are in-
termittent, and only frozen, stock at that.
Fresh killed are quoted as follows
keys, 10 to ; geege, 8 to 9c; ducks,, 90e
te $1, and chickens, 25 to 703. Turkeys
mad geese are quoted for frezen sock 1 to 2o
TORONTO, February 4—The market has
been dull all week, trade being slow and
pricea of red clover from 15 to 20a easier.
Alsike has advanced slightly for the better
grades and timothy, is unchanged. Alsike
ta now qnoted at outside points at $6 to
7. Red -clover is also easier at $4.60 to
$4 SO, and timothy is unchanged at $2 50 to
$3.25. These ranges cover the majority of
the offerings, though particularly good sam-
ples would bring a little higher priced, and
noorer qualities would not Bell quite so high.
Gram, etc.
' TORONTO, February 4—Wheat—White per
`bushel, 70 to 78ec ; `spring, 70-o; red, 70
to 78c; goose, 66. to 67c; peas, 85o;
.beans'$1.15 to $1.30; barley, 55 to 63o;
ca46 to 46to per buahel ; hay, $11 to $13
Per ton; clover hay, per ton, $7.50 to
:$9.50 ; straw, loose, $6 per ton. Millfeed—
is ateady at $20 for shorts and $18 for, bran
in bulk middle freights. Manitoba ,millfeed
is steady at 522 for shorts and $20 for brans
sacks included, Toronto freights.
TORO:serer, February 4—Offerings are lib-
eral, but the quality continues poor and the
market is draggy. Prices are 60o for care on
the traok here. Potatoes out) of store sell
at 75e per bag.
Horse Market.
TORONTO, February 5.—Owing to the.
cold weather very little businees was done
at the horse market on Tuesday. Two good
general purpose workers, weighing 1,200 lin.
each, sold for $230 for the pair. The trot-
ter, Flora, a bay mare 4 years old, standing
15 3, with a mark of 2.4s tiold for 4170. A
lot of cheeps, but fairlYgod workers and
driverea-ran at from $20 o $80.
Live Stook arketn.
LonDen, England, February 4 —0 aly
American sheen were Offered to -day at 52- to
6d. Saturday's pricestenAmerloan cattle,
61 to 7d ; sheep, Rd. • 1
LIVERPOOL, FebruarY 4—Toeclaypanaclian
cattle sold at ei to 6-kai ; hettal, 8;Nr
Monnetnaa, February 4—No cattle mar-
het to -day, on accountof storm.
BUFFALO, February, 4-4-Cattle—Fairly no.
tive 10 to 5o higher f r best heavy grades,
and 25 to 35e higher f r ommon and but-
chers' stock; prime h av steers, $6 75 to
87 ; 1,325 to 1,450 pansteers, 56 35 to
$6$5: 1,150 to 1,250 gonads, $5.75 to
$6 30 ; fair to medi 'm $5.25 to 55,75;
choice to extra fat co 8, $4.35 to 54,50;
2.25 to $3 60 ; mix -
canners and common, . ,
ed butt:there', $3.75 to $.75;iheifers, $4.50
to $5 80 ; export bulls, $425.to $4 50 ;
sausage, $3 25 to $3 6$ ; veal', $6 ' to 59.
Hoge -?-Slow, except fiorl Olga, which were
strong, but closed lower 4 Yorkers, $6 30 to i
86.35* light de., $6125 to $6.30; mixed
packere,$6 35 to 86.40; oboice heavy, $6.45
to $6 50; pigs, $6 30 to40; roughs, 5.40
to 55.75; stags, $4 to4 .50. Shee and.
Lambs—Active and sttonger ; choice I nibs,
$6.25 to 56.35 ; good to holm, $6 to 20,_
culla to fair, $4,85 to: 90; sheep, home
handy wailers, $5 to $5. 0 ; common o ex-
tra mixed, $4 to $4 7$ ; culls and clo man,
52.75 to $3.80 ; heavy ex ort ewes and eth-
•era, $5 25 to 85.40.
• Tononno, February 5. The reefipts were
light at the Toront elattle market this
morning and the trading Was quip) brisk.
The offerings were meetly exportors, and
they sold well at strong Priees. It i is prob.-
able, however, that hail it not been for the
light receipts there wonld have been a de-
cline in some of the prices.. Sheep were
steady and so were lambs, but the ree,eipts
were vere lieht and cOutd not have been
maintained if the receipthad been heavier.
Export Cattle—Were steady, selling well at
the same prices as lad 'Week, and beingin
good demand.. They constituted the bulk
of the offerings. Choice Sxportere are sail
$5 -
ing now at $4 40 to . iii, and medium
ones at $4 40 to $4.50 r cwt. Butohers'
Cattle—Were selling steadily, the offerings
being light. Pioked eta sell at $4 40 to
$4 60, choice ones at 3 5 to $4 15,, and
common to fair ones ati$ to 53 85 per cwt.
Feeders and Stockers -4A e steady at $3 50
to $4.40 for ;short keepife ders, and $3 to
$3.50 for heavy stockees. J Sheep and Lembo
—Were steady, the form ri selling at $3 to
$3.50 per cwt. for export ewes, and lambs at
5350 to $4,90 per evvt. 'Hogs—Were steady,
Ahern being only 33 othrling. Choice eines
sell at $6 per cwt. and linhts anl fate at
$5 75 per cwt.
BRENNER-At Zur-ch, on jittery 27th, the wife of
' Mr. John Brenner, of • ern .
SA,RARITS-At tbe Goshee line, Hay, on, January
28th, the wi'e of Mr. SiMon Swann, of a daugh-
MANSON-At the Goehen line Stu ley, on January
29th, tI e wife of Mr. John a Kansan, of a son,
GEDDES-In Merrier. on -January 22nd, the wife of ,
Mr. Robert Geddea, Of a. :daughter.
ARMSTR.ONG-In Brumfield, pn January 261h, the
wife of Dr. Armetrong, f a son.
PATTERSON-In Cheeley, on Janunry 27th, the wife
of Rev. 3. J. Pattereon, of a son.
JONES -In Exeter, on Jarioar, r 23r1, the wife of Mr.
Edward Jones, of a daughter.
FOX -In B•usselt oe Jaintry 29th, the wife of Mr.
J. Fox, of a dauehter. ,
CURTIN-In MoKillop. ewFebruery 2m3, the wre
of Mr. Psarl,k Curtin, of a son.
BUIT-In.Tuekersenith, on Jenuery 30th, the wife
cf Mr. W. D. Butt, of a eon. -
KENNEDY -In Tuckeremitb. on February lat, the
w;fe a Mr &land Kennedy, cf a son.
MANS N -In Blake. on J euhry 20 h, the wife of
Mr. John A. Mantua da 8 n.
MarriaOes. •
FlOGGART-ADDISON-Aq the residence of the
bride's parent', Mullett, On Jitnusre 22nd, by
Rev. J. A. Hamilton, M. A. Haggai% Hulett,. to
Miss I - us t Addison. T •
POPE-BARNARD-At Piney/thee on January 22od,
by Bev. Mr. Weit, Isre Camelot - Pope, to gies
Levine. Barner,i,daughter cif Mr. George Barnard,
al of Wrenn r.
KOERLER-WALZ-At Monsen, On January 29 h,
by Rev. J. Ei, Mender een, ;Mr. Henry Koehler,
sr., to Mee. Jecob Watzi both of Hay township,
LOUGHLIN-AGES-In Ste Mi h el's ohorch, Myth,
on January efeh, by ItiOr. Fatter r McMenamin,
Mr. Andrew Loughlin, Of Clentr 1 a,to Miss Annie
Agen, «1 Mierria.
TERVIT-MeOURDY-At the treat ry, Wingham, en
January 29th. by R v. WM. Le we, Mr. George
Tervit, jr., cf KLcrdiz1e, to Mils McCurdy,
of Wingharn. '
JOBNSTON-HILL-In Lendesboro, oi Jarriery
29h, Fred Johnston, tie Miss Sarah Hill.
SCOTT -At Bank Feld, MeK liop, on Febru• re 1st,
Chtie'ina'A. Them., s n„ wtfe of Mr. Joh e Scatt,
FgEd 36 yeus. ;
KIBLER-At Bramptcli On Jenuary 25th, Nancy
Fried, wife of Mr. Frederick Kibler, aged 43
e we, 2 months and 26 41a318.
MARIUNG-- tt h. B b31 )ie, Hay. on January
26th, Nicholad Hartung- agede,54 eerie
JONES -In ;Clinton, o jermery 27th, Mrs. Ann
J n se r. liot of ihe •ate'W.! Jon s, fated 76 yea.
NESBIT-Tn Moir s on Janleaty 21th, Gertrude. in-
Iftindtadyeeehter of d !dr. R. J. Ne.b,ie, aec
SlAcNIATH-In Goderkh, r 14 January. 28 h, .1 atiette
El za:ke h, (Netti'), wife of M. James J. afire -
le a h rged 27 yeare '
• -
W001ThEY--In :Seater h, 00 Februery 4 h, John
F.ankl'n Wocdley, aged 32 year.
HUNTER -In leieltno.w, ote January 3'st, n a Jinn -
ter, wife ot Ke n th Hun' e seed 75 ye as.
MITCHELL -In Pa•is, on etruerY 3rd, Gairge
Mitchell, in his 80th year.
.WAUGH-At the :eta. nce f his a n, in Baineville,
01 io, cri Fel viler., nI J4R. L. Waugh, in his
72n1 3 ear. ,
STEWeRT-In -Mut n, nua'ry 30th, Daniel
Stewart, te rtnerly of Ben, qes, in his 03rd year.
ticARrlit'R -.In Mo. lie, en , Febroary at, Mary
Belle, second daughter of! Mr. and Mra. ,peter
McArthur, aged 15 years atil 2 rim tithe
HARDY -In Mo -rise i Februatv 5th, Thomas Hardy,
aged 81 3e re.
Bank of :Commerce!
Eight Million Dollars $8.000,000.
Rest, - -j $2,000,000.
A general Banking I business tran-
sacted. Farme:4s' N Otes discounted,
and special attentiOn .given to the
collection of Sale Notes.
SAVINGS BA N K.-flnterest al low -
lid on depopits of $1 and upwards.
Special facilities for transaction of
business in the ,Klandike District.
Money Orders, payable at any bank,iesued at the
following rates :—
Under $10 08 " „t20 to 830 .12
810 to 820 10 $30 to 860 .14
Solicitor. Manager.
On Tuesday, Fe ruary llth, at 1 ohlock
p, ra. , on Lot 20, Concetieion 2, McKillop.
Farm Stock and In1p1010nte. Joseph Bel -
ger, proptietor ; Thomas Brown, auctioneer.
On Monday, February 10th, at 1 o'clock
p• m., on Lot 13, Conerission 3, McKillap,
Farm Stook. -T. 4r. J.11reill, Prom i storS ;
Themes Brown, AetiOn er.
On Tuesday, Fe ruary 18th, at 1 ('dock
sharp, on the D. D. Wilson farm, adjoining
the Town of Seaforth, Farm Stock and Itn
plements. Geo. -
Chesney, ' Proptietor ;
Thomas Brown, A etiOnder. 1
' On Friday, Fehr ar ' I4th, at 12 o'clock
sharp, without reserve, 2 good Farm, and
Farm Stook and fin& ante, on Lot 23,
Concestion 3, Usbo e.i The -farms are Lot
20, South Thames Road, and the South
half of Lot _23, Conceseion 3, Usborne.
Joseph Harvey, P opeietor ; Thomas Cana-
eron, Auctioneer. . i
On Wednesday, Fehruary 12, at I o'clock
p. in., on Lot 39, Cencession 2 L. H. id.,
Tuckersmith, Clealing Sale of Farm Stook
and Implement. W. G. filmes, proprietor;
Thomas Brown, au tionetsr.
has lai
ened, a
The fo
ear. T
'tlerank Ralston, of Ell co, had i&i
nate accident one day la .ly, which
him p. He was star ing in his
hen a horse near him beanie fri
d kicked Mr. Ruston o the thigh,.
co of the blow knocked 4t11 against
horse, that kioked him Sbind the
e later bruise is the mos dangerous.
r11END RS WANTED. -Tenders for be erartion qf
b ok school_ house in Section N.. 6, MeKillop,
WI I be received by the undertigned P to the 17th
of Febru ry, Plates and speeifioation& en be eeen at
Tun E.- OSITOR. Office, Seatottb, after ebruere 8rd.
ROBT. OGG, Seenetary, Winthrep P 0; 1781x2
eeeseary &Melee for a sugar mesh, &the'.
• good s • nd-harad or new. Addre s BQX 22, 00100.
villa , Ont. 1782x2,
,.horse r
calve i
(tetra r
8 stee
old, 8
TOOK. -Mr. Thomas Brown hal been iae
by T. and J. Partin, to s-11 by Publio
on Lot IS. Concession 3, Melifilop, on Mon,-
bruary _10th, 1002, at 1 o'eloge p. m., the
e property, viz. : Homan -One draught
ng 6 year.; old, 2 draught gelling. rising
11, 1 draught gelding rising II year- old
One cove to calve at time cf . sale. 4 cows to;
March, 2 cows to calve in April, 12 choke
ling 8 yeers old, 6 heifera ageing 8 yea s old,
rising 2 yeara old, 7 heifers !sine 2 yeitee
ring calves, and 8 young ply The 'Miele
of the ,above will be sold wi:hout r serve, as the
Propki.toe are short of feed and gra,4,e. Terni. -
Eight months' credit will he given nn furnishing
apprev d joint notes. A disoonnt at tile rate of 6
per ce t. p. r annuni will be allowed off for *h. T
& J. URCILL, Proprietors; 'I HOMAS AROWN
Auctio or. . 1782.,
Brawn toe been inatru.ted by Mr. Genre° dbesne3i
te se,1 y Public Auction, on the D. D. Wilson farm
adj lint th
g the Town of Seaforth, on esdere, Feb'
ruary Sth, 1932, at ensh
'e o'clock arp, he following
proper y : EIGRSE,SS--One heavy dra ght gel ling"
4 yeers old, sired by MoBean ; 1 heavy craught filly1
4 sena old. cgre I by Cryatal City; 1 filly 3 ye ire old„
sired b,, Prince of Midlotbim; 2 fillies 3. years old,
s'red by Chimcry Prince; 1 gelding 3 years old, 1
good driving mare, 4 years cid, by Slender; 1 driv
ing na re, 3. 3 ears oId, by King Stan n ; 1 mare 4
years o d, by king Menton _L. 1 geeeral urpoee filly,
2 yet •old. CATTLE.-TILOR0130111BR D CATTLE. --1
One tb 'oughbred Durham cow in .ealf, 1 thorough4
bred h if r ,coneing 2, 1 yearling thronghbrcd
Miler. GRADE OATT103.-Threa newly calved mom e,
1 Sarre cow, 22 three yea,r•old steere 6 11.year-old
steers, 1 yearling steer, 1 yeerling hei es FI0-4.-i
Fotir st re plire, l -breeding sow. IMPLEMENTS. -
One bin er, 1 new MoCcrmick mewer, 1 Massey.,
Harris e ed drill, er mbined ; 1 truck wagon, nearly
LOW ; 1 ret bobsleighs, 1 top buggy, nearly 'new ; 1
set new team harnese, 1 gang plow, 1 scarifier, 1
hone ha , reke, 1 new plom, set iren li etre we,I nearly
new ; 'g are1 box, hay rack, hay 1 ader,I wh-elI
berrow, gricultural furnace, and nuiscroult othil
article,. The 101 18 are all first -cites anim Is and
the oettl are rt good conditien and cll first.cl ss,
Everythi g t% ill positively be sold 'without renve,
as the 1rnprietor has eeld his f trm a d gives poe4
seseion ret of ALrelt. Terms : All sums o $5 and
unler, e sh ;lover that am ount e'ght reonthe' credit
will be g % es on furnishing approved joint notee a
discount of 4 cents on the do ler will be ell nwed for
cash on or rdit amounts. . GEORGE! CHESNEY,'
Prcpriet r ; THOMAS BROWN, 4kulti*eor. '
t , 1782x2
Op Hockey.
I've in laid up ia bed an' confoioed to
me roo 1 since I paid me reshionits to Mish4
ter Mc ougall at th' Rink that tonne. It
shtarte in me feet furat, then it win t to m
Li 1, an from there it removed to me *is
an' bro chial cavity. i L'ink it's nothin
but an fould-fashioned could e id a teuch iv
th' gri ; but Doothor Bitoon limits it's a case
iv susp acted conthractiln iv thoortiugated
diaphr gm wid shtrong indycatiOns iit
grami ivorous monsthrosityi An' that
makes matthera worse I dare say. I t'in
I'll be all roight before long, ho ever, av
kape oi improvin'. As Chafe v th' Ri
pertori 1 shtaff iv th' " Exposhit r" it is thet
(booty n' privylege to attind al th' Intert
tainnil is, Banquits, Balls, og-foightsi
Shiudi e, Counoil Mateins,Hockeei
Match s, an' other sicial functi ris ie that
nathur • I may shtate (by tvae iv a gintlet
remoinder) that I have not, as yit, biretind.
ered a 'ree tioltet to anny iv th' hove men-
tioned atastrophes ixcipt on th' occesicn hfr
me via t to th' Rink that toirite whin thi
giniro s an' opin-hearted McDousalli offere
me an" me frind Clancy th' free orn iv hi
could htorage Palace, an' all th' Siberia
atmos • here we wished to into le widen
extra harge. This is as it shud be. Om i
to th' act that I was indishpose an' unable
to atti d th' Hockey controvurs betime thi
Woods took goiants an' th' Sayf rt pigmiere
an' as di in% wish to lose me jo I sint fu
me fri el Clancy to take me plac . "Here'
a guar her, Clancy," I sets. "Pay ye
way a possible, av ye can't Man go it anny
other ay. Shtisk to th' facts v th' co se
an' tel th' unadultuated trooti v ye hay
to std. oh a point to do it," I syr. " A
repoor th' sad intilligince to me whe -
it's all over, an' not before." About tits
o'clock Clancy returned, an' I cud dee at
wanoe by th' way he acted that
had Won th' battle, or ilse th
cb joke he'd had didn't agree
" Dle. hear thins Comanche w4.whoop?
he $437 . "'Tis tit' yells av th' victoriouis
Wood htocks. They'vis, won th' day, bail
luk to him." " What was th' shoore ?" l
sat s. " I can't say ixacttly," sa. e Clancy
S i1711,
fur W
lesht fe
wid hint
said wan thug an' some nother.
an iv th' Heigh Sehool 1 ds, an' he
e Hight moinus two aisle is phis 83*
odehtock, or somet'ing to hat sffiet."
"'Twee is great game. Av th' Sa fort back
wards had played' as well es th' forwarda it
wud Iave been all day wid 4 oodshtock.
, ginerall
h moshtl
at toime
I belatie they cud bate Woo sittook a
hollow av they'd gib togither al' praotic
an' gib some better min. But Jhey play
good game consitherin'." " What koind i
is game is it annyway ?" I say!. I nive
saw a hockay match sit. Wbal In iad iv
miss:le is th' puck ?" I seys. '1 niver go
a good luk at it till th' game vas over,
says 0 ancy. "'Twas too thrtEei. It didnit
ehtay long enough in wan plalce. 'Twee
here an' there an all over, an it ssemed tie
inatifiat a tindincy th' mosht iv told tonne to
take Up it whither quarters in tid Sayfoet
geol. But anber th' game was ver I got
luk at it. It's a hard subsistan, e about t
shape an' soiz -I iv a pill box, bil Ida bigger
an' mere deadly. A properly manipulataki
puck e can dishplace a man's solar plixds
bout ss suddi uly an' dixtrously us Corbittis
fatnou lift. About th' only d ffetiage b.
tune .Hockey an' Shinny is t enty-foiee
cinte , admision. Av coorse th shticks hi
facthrY made an' you've got to b y th' puc
in a drug shtore, an' th' ciru giit mus
have Biome peofit, poor man, 1 td yer n
allowed to whack yer opponiI over t
shins ixoipt whin th' Riferee's ot lukin'
an' th re's not so manny takes part ia i
but th main differ ince, as Iseid efoor, is t
twenty-foive oints admission. 'hinny w
be jietl ae popular as Hockey is ye had
go doWn in yer dip to see it. ' is a qua
wurldS Grogan. A quare wurld. v whiahkly
.eno nade
d ye'1117
' yersilf o
is is grer
o d. alai ghear '
a te'
don't g t
enough to
. They'll
s wid cars,
er an' over
o on. Rape
arrum art
id impun-
Sayfor played a great gam
spakin . 'Twee hockey all t'rou
Thy ad th' best iv Woodshtoc
was as ohape as wather they'd
iv prohibition." "Ain't ye afra
• coul ," I says, "Other ixpos
much own at th' R:ntr." '
place ur coulda, th' Rink. "
says lancy. "No danger iv
me fee proticted wid a pair iv
and M filt shoes, an' th
up an y oice nowadays could
chill a mania feet *roan's th
lasht man two or t'ree winth
an' th '11 pay fur thimeilves
agin b kaapin' away corps an'
th' hi cool an' th' , feet '
ye can attind a Hockey Polatolt-
ity, so ye eau."
Ric ardson
solte Agents for the G
Glove Rubbers.
INN() k 00.
It m
year, but
tonades e
;Spring wo
Crum it 0
We show
:for 50. Ex
price nit),
tern, guar
Heavy (sett
wear like le
regular 14e,
seem like forcing the'.0eason show new Prints at this time of the
number of our customers Elle to buy their prints, shirtings and cot -
y, and get their sewing done during the slack season before the
commences'7and by getting our prints, eta, early, we get a better
ipatterns than we can later en. We are. local agents for Walter
J's celebrated English prints—every piece is guaranteed fast colors.
ii elegant stock of Prints at prices like these ;
e prints, in a great range of patterns, faaCcoiors, regular price 70 per yard
ra heavy prints, wide *id*, no dressing, in an the newest designs, regular
o 10e. Crum's celebrated Begliih priats,,wide width, soft finish, now pat
teed fast colons, the name steamed on every piece, worth 15c, fo 120.
ades, in stripes and checks, at 20e. Heaver moleskin, in new pasterna, they
her, at 15, 20e and 25c. Beat shirtings, in stripes and checks, fast colors,
120. .
Any inter goods now on ha/id 'well be sold t wholesale prices, a d in I
_ .
Isome cases kt half price. On ladiee'`AStiachan Jckets, you can save frona $3
to $7 by b ing now. Terrific reductions -will be iaade in dress goods, 1 dies'
cloth jack° 0, men's beaver overcoats and ulsters. Ask to .see our boys' ver -
coats at $4, 'educed to .$1.50.
0.A.siEr .A.1\1-33 ONE imizzacm.
ng up t
our stoc
yards fo
dreds of people are'attending our sale daily -and pick -
4e snaps. New bargains just arrived that must go at
,taking sale.
Ity pieces wide flannelette, worth 80, now 6c.
lieces Prints to be sold at 5c a yard,
eces heavy Wrapperetkes, worth 12/1c, for 90 a yard.
pieces plain pink and blue Flannelette for 5e a yard.
$s Goods, heavy tweed Dress Goods, 44 in., six
is' heavy fleeced Underwear, worth 50c, now 38c
AROYD & 0.)
laughter Sale.
1For the Next 30 Days:
We will Offer special bargains in or ler to make room for new
Spring cods. Great reductions in
!Dress oods, Furs, Unp•lerwear, Tweeds, Coat -
in 4, Flannelettes,.Wrapperettes, Hosiery,
bots, Shoes, Rubbers, Crockery, etc.
Cali and see our snaps in men's rubbers, leggings, men's
heavy shirts, horse ,blankets, dinner sets, tea sets, and, fancy
Bes' goods at lowest prices. All farm produce taken at
highest trade or cash price.
ll. Humphreys & Son,
atdware Store
Portland oement.
I Get otipries for Portland Cement
0-00 Op
in 4
Arne c
for si walls and loons for surrsmer.
enadian Coal Oil I5o per gallon,
r'5 gallon lots, for' CASII ONLY.
jean Water White, 22.
Counter fOld Stand. Seaforth
FOR RALE -For tale, a vend Darbano cow ;
k..) good mi ker. calve I on Februery 15th. Apply
Ito HARRY GI ESBROOK; Egeeondel e. 122 2
:Apply to ,K A.
iNTED -Wanted abOut 75 cords of
ardwood, frr the Towof Se %forth.
STEWART, S:eforth. rem
, try p't,
!cc st 10 cents
igood vout y
ra all well
iville. .
tliin and after February 6th, gravel from
n Lot 31, Conceteion 7, MeKi in. will
vard THOS. DODDS. 1782x4
ALE -IThe undersigecd has on his
ill Read, fluckeramith, a nninh r
r d. Emend-
abott 4 weeks old, for Me. Tbey
Loo 9, Conce
!shire Pig, to
;sows. Tenn
!necessary. J
PIG -1-The u.ndersignel his oh *Let
on 5, Eitariley, is thoroughbred Berk-
hich he silt take a limited niunber of
1, with the privilege of rett reing if
N CHAPMAN. 1782 4
11. Lot 28,
bel Yorkahir
ied tat mbar
!time of don't
Ineeeestry. 11
ri"-The undereigned has on
n Il, MeKillep, a thorough -
o which he will admit a limit -
Terms -75e,, payable at the
the privilege of returning if
GRIEVE. 1782 tf
Jet mill ma
tanher cf sate
we 18 pieces
tot frame; wo
ily all timbe
SA E. -Having dispoeed of saw
L nem veare now offering for sale the
. Th building is 60x36 feet; there
X12 ill et.t, 06 feet long, independent
tell Me separate if desired; near -
! •
!purehmed fr
!improved Yo
for eervice a
with the pri
PIG. -e -The undersigned having die.
f his stock hog, " Rd3a-1 Harry," has
Mr. Davis, of Woodstock, a young
slim pig, to which, be will admit
I reified niirnbar cf sows. Terme, 81,
eree of returning if necessary. J. B.
, Maori Road, Tuakersroith. 1782x4
Grand Trunk Railway Systern,
Nardi Gras Festivities
New Orleans, La; Mobile, Ala.,
Pensacola, Fla,
February 4 to 11 1902
From stations in Ontaeie, Toronto to
Net.* Bay and West, round trip tickets
'will be sold FEBRUARY.' 3r4 to 9% in -
°Waive, to the above points at
Single First -Class Limited Fare.
Valid returning up to and including Feb-
ritary 15th, with privilege of extension
[until February 29th on payment of Fifty
Cents and depositing with Joint Agent.
• Tickets and all information from Agents
;Grand Trunk Railway System, or
M. C. DIOKSON, District Passenger Agb.
Agent, - - Seaforth.
Enter any_ Ti me
After January 6th for is thorough course
under individual 'instruction in all commer-
cial subjects—telegraphy, shorthand and
typtwriting, in the •
Central Budness College,
This splendid school, with 12 teachers, 80
typewritiog machines, and thorough courses
of study, is the best of the kind in Canada.
Circulars free, write for them.
Address, W. H. SHAW, Principal.
Yonge and Gerrard sts., Toronto.
The Handiest, Quickest, Cheap-
est and, Most Reliable Servant
For your private and general busi-
ness is A TELEPHONE. Try
• The Bell Telephone .0O.1 of Canada.
-- •
A BIG CHANCE. --85,000 wift plirehase a first-
,Lle class 100 acre farm in the township of Hay,
within three miles of the flourishing Village of Hen -
salt, one of the beet market towns in Western On-
tario. The eoil l ceay loan? well fenced and nne
derdraince. There is a goof orchard, and plenty of
never Min; water; a good, comfortable dwelling
house and ame barn and stablirg, 35 by
Apply on e premises, or address Mensal! P, 0.
THOMAS LAING, proprietor,
Garner Main
Market Sroota
The Largest
!O ar Concern in
Four Counties;
Dry Goods end
, Commencing
This is a continuation of our ,-Aniual Clearing Sale.
People who h ve visited our store during 'th' 4 past month
have been more th.cin satisfied with the Si4ch16s4 values
offered. Our clearing prices will last all through stock.
taking. We te also adding daily to the f?Ito'wing 4st, odd
lotijemnants, etc.,,not at your own price, 411;5 nearly so,
Staple Department
A faw ends of °()ley flannel, extra value at 22c, to -clear at 16c.
Fifty pieces of Print', light and dark, assorted patterns, regular 10e, to
clear at 62c.
Twenty per cent. offiall other prints.
Iifteeraper cent. off all flannelettes, wrapperettes, etc.
Twenty per cent. off all fancy flannels.
Fifteen per cent. off all blue flannels.
Special prices on all rrool blankets.
Man9e- Department
One-ihird offn11 our new coats,- fur lined capes, ta'llor-neadeeraits, skirts, -
One-quarter o4all mantle cloths.
A few cdd coats we are clearing at 75c each.
Dress Goods Department.
Twenty five percent. off all plaid golf shawls. .
Fifteen per cent. off ,allwool shawls.'
Plaid dress goods, regular 35c to 50e, to clear for 25 a yard.
Ten pieces of dress gpeds, 66 inches wide, regular 75e to,$1, for 30c.
A table of renanants'iof dress goods, silks, velvets, et4, at half prices.
Clohiing Depart ent.
Special cleari g prices on all overcoats ---men's, youth',130ys' and children's.
A few cddIsi es in men's frieze overcoats to clear at 3i
Also special rices on beaver oVercoats,'cheviots, tweeds, in fact the whole
stock to be cleare regardless of cost.
Many odd lot of men's, youths', boys' and children's suits at special
Twenty-five pieces tweed; regular price Si, to clear at Oe a yard.
Fifteen per cent, off all men's underwear.
Fifteen per cent. off all lined gloves, mitts, etc.
Fur Department
Ladies' coats, collarettes, capes, muffs, gauntlets, ruffs, eta, at prices never
equalled, quality considered.
In men's fur coats, sleigh robes, caps, etc., the balance if ear stock not Ls
case of price, but the etock must go. No goods carried over to the next
Carpet Department.
Twenty per cent. off all Brussels and tapestry carpet, end 15 per cent. off
all wools and unions.
Annual Whitewear Sale.
Out stock of ladies' whit -wear should appeal to all' womankind. it in-
cludes everything that fashion requires, everything that edrafort requires, and
everything that the most economical -woman requires. .l3elow we shall give
you a partial list: '
A line of ladies' coeset covers, embroidery trimmed, with insertion in
front, all sizes, at 25c each.
A very neat Corset cover of cambric, square neck embroidery trimmed,
all sizes, at 30c.
A short Frei:34 coreet cover, with front of tucks, hem stitching, and finish-
ed at neck and Linn holes with hem stitched lawn ruffle, special at 43c.
Also other French corset covers at 50c, 65e and 70c. 1
A fine rainseok one piece corset cover, French
valencienne insertion, neck trimnaed with valencienne la ettai trim
eial a -l11
A very speci4 line of cambric gowns, tucked and trimmed, with sailor
collar, e3ged with !ruffleof embroidery, sleeves trimmed tO -/-iratell,special at
75c. Other specials at 95c and 51;
Specials, in skirts, gowns, drawers, infanta' -white dresses,'etc.
les' Department.
Ladies' )(Janne ette wrappers, 15 per cent. discount.
Ladies' underwear, 15 per cent. off.
Misses' union.I and wool.combination at 25 per cent. 4isocunt.
A job lot of 13.dies' colored waists to sell at half price,
A line of ladies' flannelette gowns, regular 75c, to clear at 47e.
A line of flannelette drawers at 19e a pair.
Boys' heavy worsted hose, 15 per cent. discount.
' 41103444-440141410-#.444#4101-440*
H ghost Odom; paid for Bu#er, Eggs
and Wool
Opposite To
U BulidiugComer Main and Market Sta„ Seefert.b,