HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-02-07, Page 4F RIJARY,7, 1902 E HUM 'EXPOSITOR r—B not ian chu 'h. The r an . other tow, as there certain] ne, deman th
i g that ooly a a 3rtain numbe I Presbyted oom was sup- t11 1i ought MMI. d has been, enormous is ore than our, oi - five at the outs'd x- ported by his 1 br4 'her, John X Hoggart and to be a g6od-opsitag here for a parson, who star, M ' t' to - on to business. —Mr. ide, the bride by Ner ies Dora J. After would[ pay otrAc at nti arts shalli be ad missible on a season tor A aving the"trial j adge, discretionary 6wer. the oeremonyt the guests, r6lative-8 of the Damon Orittendon, who. formerly worked to rmit a dition d testim0ay of thi 'kind bride, sat down t a bountiful- -repas b. The forzVr. Fiansinore in the grist mill, has mod it i� the bride, being a big adyi secured ai situ0ion with Mr. when, hi hi wisd *he doe �lyrespeoted young I Beeee and 41io and of -the a no interest of i he Piing ai i:used received many u eful and ces', y prcs3utr. tharo -is doubt! he will be a, great assis- .; i e U party. Mr. and Mre. Hogqart hiave taken up house tatioe in 4rawin1g. the trade back quicker IR on 0oncesision 13,Zullett, ivhere Mr.�.X,og, that'n it would Otherwise hav6. come, he being a I d a valuable farm. -:3' so well ac4 in this Editoria� Xot�s and Comment gart a: p naiAtedmith the farmers Combined with White Pine and Tar, Wild Cherry, and Balm of Oilead� —Th Metho I ists of Brussels have ex. vic�nity.-4-Monday was division -court day Mr. J. Bi Pense was elected by ac. to wo. There was one very importan� buds. The reaso� is, that people wre.fin4ing ou What a remedy it tended an invita Aon to Rev. T. W.� Cosens, in tion -last w k to the Ontario egislat a of Westminster, ormerlk of Tuckeramitb, 1 base to be settled, vi7-: Juhn Barr VS. is. Thereis somethinj in it that touches th� right spot, tu.TeS lik'a 0 u . for work and the repres ntativol of Kin aton. Ii M r- and he has accep ad, subject to the action 6ch ol' tr magic of tlie t toning. ommittee. I time in interviewing the rate p%yPro and Pause iin�k 3 as good and us f ul a parijime alluary ali li� I is a now6paper in I an, he —0a 22nd Mr Willii6m Me- councils of East, and West Wawanosh and Couzhs and Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Soreness of the tariah 3 Donald, an old a �' res�ecte� pioneer of the Hullett,also the county council to secure the .H gs. one of the;!, L I at 'supporters "Premic z !Rc as county, died at urn. ; He was 69 years new school for that section. Mr. Proudfoob, Ohost and D y of ag- is ature. to electiO' a an& came it this � rt of the countrV of Goderi6b, wasithe plaintifPs lwyer and 7— PA Iff russets, for the dtfence. runevick. It is the best remedy known foi hesQ trobb acclamatioi is a t iumph for the Lib ii from New B r, , Blair, of �
�h - r chuing� n out of the systell, adg spoke Ivory strongly in, favor of ly mf agimen i the plaiat:ff, so �he jury gave their decision � botAes. Prepared, by —The on litia ebabge in the 33rd I
Premier Irsa a nounced*in the Ugi3fa- Huron R The 50c size bolds as much a3 three 25c: d ii Honorary ture on Fr� lay.that the bill for the r ogula- Surgeon Li)ut %rit-Colonel W. . R in his favor for �45.32 and costs, it being Holmea, wh6 is. �ather more th4n the Plaintiff asked 'but tion ot the I liquor traffic would likel� ei a retired I`st pl� 1P aoed. upon th —1 f t retair,ing honorat ra�nk"of SurgeonLieuteu- there is no doubt he was poorly aid after �roducod exb -week. This looka as he . ant Colo 01, as he certain _ ly did a great dea of work FEAR Vel.� Y TO V Me Dru Qove had come t a final decision on —The last qa Va f ast and sacra. zto secure said school and in all probability, rnmo that impoltant 4nd ticklieh'.subje( At likely to b3 if i0had not been for him, here would have mental services hich ii ever I - any rate, 64) measure will be more hold in RatteribUlly street Methodist church, been no ichool there n6w.—Mr. William -AL looked for 6y all partit s than this on 3�. 1 Clinton, were ot6rved on Sunday morning Campbell.1s. at.ptesent oxx a busness trip to �! .. I : - vicinit .—Mr. William -en ect LaGnip I last, and were pa ticipatld in by a large Graveahurat and y For LaGrippe we recomm d Pert Pe Wafers. They,
ad for bimi Olf Premier ��Jloss has accept number. Bell, who was on'P west lot summer with a Mrs. Ro.. a In invitation to attend_* 0 —Mra. Ann Jo as', relibb of the IAe Wm. car, load Of horses, did so well that be leaves kill LaGrippe evory time. nation pro I ing in Ro'gland, in! Ju a Jones, ied last eek at. the home of her in a few days vit� another load. M r. J. -0g, - out nexts. � By that time the pleotious willAik y daughter in Hull tt. ' Mrs. Jones came to *Depholmatd Mr. Toll are also goi who a faithful the town ihip. 0 allett 8�mo 55 years ago. there With horses'—There was a meetilig of ing.—Nire. (Dr.) Eastwood, of Whitby, and "good ma. aging vpie at4
be over, an"d the R6Ea Go�ernment wi I ave nterest�d in coutinning been '06ting -her daughter, Mrs, J. G. loviakmot deccaased was, in her
Her husband diell about 12 years ago at all those i theo'heeso has her. The
n givew another four 'years man ite to Smpleton. Mrp. Uones had a fam-ly of 12 factor I y nar Blyth, held in the Commercial. Stanbury, left on Wednesday to visit Mrs - 67bi2yoar and was very 'r, nart. -and active i fJ whom are -living. hotel, 6st week and It was decided to ad- T. L. Rogers, of Parkhill, before returning !in d le' ' t
. lit O aves o mourn
6ouduct 4110 public I affaire of Ontari�il' Do. children, eig, theirbas her hii� 9 aurier and -L-A hapft eve t too ace at the Wing- journ to Ftee it. the could �et enough patrons home.—The Oraugemen held their annual and �00 Williaml the latte - 'low ownitig Bad.
minion P-Omiz-r I' �7, ving,', h
Premier.Ro so will make it strong te�ryii for ham rectory,! on $Vedneada'y evening of last to M O t a old Elder hot iestead farm, :at ak6 ii, pay. , This is a good industry if meeting hera'on Tuesday.—The death of Ii n
Canada. week, when il-iss Bella McCurdy, of Wi-ig- runt rightaind w� eon not -see why It could Mrs. Manning is announced from Guelph. Rodgerville. The fanerELI service am ham, was un te�;,n marriage. to Mr. George not be made a suebess. She was buribd on Wednesday from the in C�rmel church on Friday af ternoon *z4 Itsaems �o be tolerably certain that Hon. Tervit, jr,,of Ki arAine, formerly of Wing- residence of her brother-in-law, John Man- was very largely the spao,iodt Daviii Mill$4 leader Of the Liberal , am, The care nony was performel by *ippen. iiink, here.—The carnival at the rink on church �,being crowded. IT re 4 Ware P Rov. W. Lo*e, Friday night was largely attended, the ice interreq ia the 119dgervilh the Senate, 4nd Daminion Miriiter I jus. --Mr. Isa 0 '3,ttenbury, of Clinton, left 1). Hjky,..Oommi�sioner and Conveyancer being in prime condition and the weather were'followed by a la-rg '
a umbet f rela. tice, will rajign these positions and ill; ac- last, week fo�Cai orui; he will be joined ilik, mostigages and deeds drawn up. Money loaned favorable. Thff 3 mile race 'was won bp tivesauid friends. The 130 -rowing huabaid 1740-tf �aut Supreme Court Jad estip. at London b rge 1 Hardy and the 2 mile race by out cott.— soril have the ympath�T of the zommu cept the vA is brother-in-law, Geo at the 10 iist rates of interest. and t y � 'both go for We cut the prices of Furs, Dress The Exeter hockey team went to Ails& it In this eve�t it is expected that H 6 IS�r. Hiacox, and he the purpose ot y io t�eir sad bereav,emer t. oodn ets and all'winter goods any Craig on Monday evening and defeated the G Lof]A�, BRIEFS _Au� lg the win at there, with. the expec. It
I a home," under Blair, who ihas been Minister of Rdlw ou6 needed! If you will not team of that place by a score of: I I to 5. — the a Wqm6if a Auxiliar
8 tttion that it mil reliave them of rheum%- more—no ,.more aspices of the
y of ;and Cana!s 4ince the formation of the pri a- tism, from whicl� �both suffar. bay at the pr i 3eg- at which; tbei' can be had. The Misses Stanl(5y, of Lucan, were, the PairPs �,hurch, will be beld at the residence oat Govet � eat! will be transferred, tot ie n —Among thos Jrom Huron county at. now, it's because you doxi't rcyhe them. gucsts of Mrs. B. S. ONtil the past '.week. of.blt. Andrew Johnst�111 of the London th it position ou Minister of Justice, an tending the Lo'don Normal school are:, Come to the store,' though, because in a few —We are informed that Miss Edith Sinders road,! o� Frids, For the - convent-, i y evening.; lion. James Sutherland will take Mr. more days - we'll hd6ve 'I il:. s of New Spiig A. Misses M. Daly, Devereaux, L. M.. Dor- has been engaged as milliner by J. ence of hdae having no cOt veyances of theie
avyrance E.- M. R. owler and B. McTaViRh, lGood M iatenstyou. The E. Nie- Stewarui a, place of MisR Uzquhart, who re- e� ladies. have iarran�ed positim. he depattmeat is a ver a that wil
to have one, and B14ir ii now not a younig man, Qf Seaforth ; R. irk, of Kirkton ; A. Mc- Paul Ca., Sealorthel 1782-1 signed.—Mr. Edward Jonds now WORM a sLeiglis call at the chureb: - -Mx� W. ji 1qiI.
and hBs receintly beeh suff-ring from impiti . r- lWregor, of Kippep ; G. Murray and D, T. NOTICS.—Mr. William 1�088, form;rly 'of smiling face, his wife having.presented, him let has 4old his dwelling 41 th4. north end Of ad health. O'Neil, df Oliat4 and Mr. A. McAllisters Us�orne, but for the past 21 years a resi- with a twelve pound daughter on Thursday, Brock W track, PFn. at,, west of tb a of doxit of Manitoba� near Emerson, is at 23rd January 'Mr. H cTaggart, me and post
.Nova Scotia _At the' annuO meeting of the Goderich present, with his! secontl -daughter, Miss GOOD HORSES Jmen- maste: r t Ctiselhurst, y
Mr. Molyneux. St; John, a .—We have already, t 0 ecentl soldi
purnalist, has been �app,.iated to the; pdai- owlerp, the offielre for 1902 were elected as Bella, spending 1� pleasant visit among tioned the arrival home from the old couptry hi i bad4ess. Mr. MeTaggart atends mor.
i I Honorairy president, Judge Mae-
tionlof TIdek Rod, rendered vacant 'by f ollow s hiondain this vicinity. For the past. week, of Mr. William Bawden, who brought with ing intolour village about� toe 11 -stf March. the de�th of the late Nlr. Kimber. , T4r. s9n; honorary vi�e president, Judge Doyle ; they have been visiting at the home of Mr. him. ten horses, Clydesdale, Shire and Hack- —MIS �Vm- Elder, of iie, was here Joh . ' to be admirabl qualiti 1 p7esidebt. Sheriff 'Reynolds.; vice-prek i -lent, and Mrs. Thomas 141der, Tdck6romitb. Mr., ney. They were pUrchaBeJ fkbm Some Of tending he funeral of Mrs. B. Hoggarth,
in is sak y for C?unt.y Clerk ne ; secretary- treasurer, Roes is among the iiamber in the we"st whom' the beat stud farms in Great Britain. This Quarter were hl in the Metho.
i amen D. O'Connell ; man.. fortune has amiled on, and�he has all things is what 6e "Scottish 'Farmer," &'noted diiet chu -ch cn Sabb
gistrai fthe poBitioA Tide d ty of " Black Rld is Atifig Re Ah last,—Rev.
nfo�mi�n� g a ing - committ mays of hem : Dr. AlAirae, o �:11 n I will preach
to bow to i he:Commons when i ee, W. Eliot, W. Campbell comfortable in tbelome fheire.—Many from horse authority, two of t f wes
tb at body tf at h:s Excellency the Gov6rn6r- a d John Galt. this vicidity, on SabNath last, attended the " Mr. Thomas Smith, Blacon Pc i at, Cheater, annivori sty sermons' in Car I Pfeshyterisn' —In order to revent further accidents, anniversary services at gille Green, and has sold the two choicelv bred horses, IV, ,
General is i in the Senate R i uh a si'peach Ches- church On Sabbath, and on day even'
Jb the. Grand Truuki Railway hae bad the ap- although the day as very etorm , those ter Prince (I 1008) and Village Boas (I 1226) R-v.,Mt Rae of Tor ti I I -on,
Feauy to delivere Ito both Housc y 04 net' - w
uv�� 9 � ilt,
I . .1 roaches to the' Aaron street crossing, at who wgpt were el repaid.! The s?rmons to Messrs. Bawden & McDonell, Exeter, de-liv6r Wis popular! -
was hoped 6 many that when the posit �on p ectureo "'T esannysidia
became vac t through the death of t a late 0 nton, fen�ed. I The work was done by by Pe�. Mr. Mull-ille, . were pf the choicest, Oatario. These horses wero'both bred by of fifp, 0� the � philosophy c f Our.3j Both I' a men from �he Clintot, Londesboro, ti
at it would be �abolished� as it L and well de)ivered'and although Lis locks Mr. Smith. and are'superl:ior animals. Bot these',gentlemen are well k 2owh and ucefield and Hensall sections, under the are thowin their t1iver colors through big were got by -the big powerful, brown horse, inter-
-na-,ure, an edpol __4 Mr. W. C. Brown, who act1 9 eating ind eloquent s is] simply al a* A many will !�': pe &6r�. —Miss !A
P 01 that this has not been doie. iatendence ve aervice of in�riy yeails, his discoursiEs Prince Pleasing (10259), & horse of great Touzgl, �f Dashwood. visitdd hqr sister hem
disa p inte isl one of the company's most competent ware thoughtful, practic4l and elcquent, weight aad substance, �ith a remarkable on Saturday and Suadiay_!�—Some of -our
The polid�al battle is now on in the eon- foremen. and should not" fa4 to leave - a good imprcs record in he a k4Dw ring. The dam of CheE- villagersi attended the'snuiver'. ary services
jr., of . Tucker at HiVs teen on Sabbath � las and rt—Word was received ia Brussels last si, —Mr. John McGregor ter Pciaca�ftwshthe well b d mare Red RuEe
alituency oflLisgar, kariitoba�, where bye- I - -
i week of the death of Donald Stewart, form ge% ad roads.— 61d smith, is on a � ti ip to, the !old country, as- (12663), li� Macgregor � from, a good very ex. *Ilenb sermons �bjLt electi,:)n forl -the Dominion is being !h e ly of Brussels, who died at the residence piatirig with a shipment of 1horseu, with Mr. breeding mare by the 8tiewarty Lpremium Mr. L6.4 ie Colwi'll, a 'of 14
on -r, ifflain. Col -
Both Liberals and 0onservatives havq held o� his son in-law, Angus Smith, of Wiartoll. Jan�es Bell, of Hz�iall.—�he storm which horse, Scots Wha Hae ( 06)a dam of will, of -.ibi3 village,, has eiiglige as a trave L 1* their 'convent ions. The Libeial nomiW is T a week before he underw een raging since -Sabb'Ath, is the worst Village Boas was that 10te prize mare, ling agent for Brdle"y &1ft'd airetson,of
c nsidered a sucepeaf ul operation and was of the aeasin. All traffiq has be n at a Baroness (13609), bred t Springhill and Bran f d M James 1�eve oy, of Exe-
Mr. D. A. Stewart., a farmer in the �i�il.jfy tandstill for some days. Our mil Winter got by The Summit (9442,, out, of the dam ter, i inghe* isie ere, preview to
ab progress afterwards, so re �visirt'-
t'O her making favor :8 b
(if P1lot Mound. �he oOLs�rvativ6,s i have t a news of his eath was received with a g thas taken a sudde'n chancre'.—Rev. r. Ale. of the champion Barou's Pride (9122). leav' Lew home -in Prantfor(L—
ock. a in &D,L of reWlee, loot Mr. a t4 rment took place in Brus- Loan &. And church, reaches These horses should do good servi-3e in old his in the ;tne&t
0clected Mr. J. M. rrbB, of �Carm Mr. Ree�vea has
L. Ritha d8OD, the ex -U. . tor 6 c� �e . n issued at the- instance preparatory services at trucefield tc-day Canada." business� to his- partner�mi. �Johh Shepherd,
stltuency,,is also out as an Independ(�13.t ca'n —A writ has (Friday) at 2.30.—Mr. Jol4n McNe,�iu this and his dwelling on Richito. d s6eet north,
didate. So there will be a three-c6r, aired o the family of he late Aler. MeNab, 6th week delivered at Godericli Lii fine driving Hensa to the same gentlemay.1 1 Ur. I Phepherd Is fight, and"how it wiii end no �rian "4 s'ay. Morris, ag i, not C. Zilliax, proprietor mare. John keeps good horses, which com- ! one of our live enterlpq'Sh4businees men—
The Liberal c%ndid4to has been a readant h? Cintrai-JI'lotel, Brussels, for $1,000, A Bia CHANCE.—G. Arnold, having J, I 1
maiid good pricei.�Rev.'Mr. MdLsnna purchase d a buBi n so@ else wher and beiog about to zA al -E isth, load of young 1people loft here, on
y a. P�a% ious irig'that oti �he premises ot the Central
of the d-istri,,t fo t it ye# 0 rg was: at Feighe last Sabb3lh, preaching for leave Hensall, offe-s tits entire stock of genfral mer- Friday I t to witness; tbel ho�key -match
o�l t teac in met a Rev. Mr. Mullan. Mr. McLennan reports chandiFe, tozetber with the g od will of the busi- w n Woodstock a '
to thab he m as a rc Mr. McNab injuries by falling into bet ee i no $e#ortb. A num-
or cellar that le.d. to his death. The case will the 'storm very severe at 6at place. While neag, for s) le at a big -,barga ii. He must sell county, Ontiii, anEecl e, of hia pupilo �was at bar also 1drove to Emete� the am ni
I 0 once.. Thiv is a simp for so e person. and I a.
Mr. Richardson, one oU hiF present op,pon. f r h 'aring at the next assizes to be there he met many of jbis oldlIiiends M to get a goed bust- to attend the carnival in that place.— by. h me Mood ch. G. F. Blair ia acting for who were pleased to have another gFip of his new and stock for little money Apply to oraddress Mr. F. i. l- splendid chance for a suirrt
ents. Hou. 11r,Roitte I is' jia the'constitubli: e ri dame, of the - Ob - server offioe, was i I i t W. M. Sinclair will look hand.—Mr. and Mr G. F. ARNOLD, Heneall.
aiding the bar& 0 Pjaiatiff and s. Johii Balfouir's little 1782 ialond n, on- Saturdai end Sunday.,miss a!tcr he defendant'a iaterests. boy� for the past -week, fias been- a sick Have a look, great argains. Having Pearl Irant, of Thorpyburfiti, is at -the The fin ial affiirs of the 6wn of . . — - t go, Haeter Prouse, son of W. child, the trouble being bronobiti@. purchased the harne bu6inc3 from Mr. H. Jacobi, !
an G6d6 manse, �,vieit ,�, year We ing her auPt.Xre. Hen4er ? f Goderich township, accepted I d to note a ch& I am going to sell at c-st for �he next 30 days EFa-. - as � - son. rich seem t� have become considerably niud- ouse, o are p ease for the be ter. —A r1liog mateb w ve been 'played I I ness, Robee, Blankets, Whips Rugs, Belid. Come BOIne eed oat frol.m the Domirion Experi- r. G. T. McKay, of uckeramitb, the and examine goods before pu chasing elsewlicre, as' here ae8day last, b.�twe n Seaforth and dled. So uch ad is this the cape �hat On but owing to the' i tormy day and tr ental Farm,. an planted, them as a test pa ID week, was doing buai a at Godeticb. a dollar sived is a dollar made Also a fine lot of H n bei; d,-Eirei by the Department. Re recently ler
neither the main of he town counollinor tin, - :of i beautiful cutters and a _0@�..hich -cannot be our -
I 1Jhe,,Mis8e8 Nettie and nna Mar bad s a, a of - the roads, the Seaforth eurlers,
the towin"o cials apPear to know whete, they Eanb t3em I da, eac� of which aver- IiIxoter, the past pamed in tha county. Will be 4old very cheap come rer.—M�. an4 Mrs. Tho week, were visiting at the and see Lr younelves. W. J. Miffi-r, He:iszll.' did no. come ON maw
are at. Th uncon6lable ndit a ed 9ver.l. a nB to thb head, an unusual home of Mr. and Mrr. Jo�v Balfour.—Mr. 1773-tf Ronde on were in Sla on Babb
I re in- y e d- wbic 0 him a prizei of $25 ftm Lindsay Kyle has gone to Seaforth`l to learn h - th eluding sala to ? li I A GOOD, H0�6 SbLD.LMr. T. J.Berry last.— - r. R. Bell, of e rth foundry, ,io $. e t les, am unta -4,080, �Nere t a i4part, The variety is known as to be an electrician. Mr. Xyle is a has sold the noted horse, King Arthur," to was in he village last w�'e, . His friends
0�427,- t ver as the colle or's roll only amounts a Newmarket. boyi and they all make their mark where Messrs. L. McConnell I and A Nl%c- -were leased to meet lh�m agaiv.—Mr- ;,633 for t n�eeting of the Clinton Gun �obert Bengough I
I 13, thus leaving 'duly ti' W?X� im. they Tavih, of Brucefield lor a handsome has b-benangaged by Mir.�-
rovements and o�'her I expenseF% libo de- held in the Mason hou , go., As Lindsay io & good steady P se young. man, he wi.11 climb to the re Thom
i top —Miss figure. This horse made cord for him- Welsh, to � takle ar
he town amounts t osday ever ii!ig,- when a goodly number ,,ge -of bis eke.
-emberewore present. The report th 461 - - t
bentare aebb of t 6 Mary Lang, of Brucefield, Iwas the guest of i3elf as a first class stock Jhorse in the old triclisr t plant.—TI I t the town is ineb —Rev- 912, while ted �to�'t e'Misses Cooper the p!a,, week. 11 the Bank of M atreaVia the sun� of �;j,;965. p�eaeqted showed'� that everything in con- country, and there is no doubt but he wi e'hodist chur( Oursdayevening
Mr. McLennan is Comm UP11 a series Of do the same here with h4 present owners, of.last *eek, was very J000 I but thettend-
b I we h a not been passed fo 139 in KiPPan- He weighs over a ton and has ple,iity of nl small.—Mr. Special r necli-mWith thHelub is salisfactory and evening sermons t� hill PIC U� 'h qu art Wise in 17olithic walks pu rospering, the Ueasurer's r(-pirt sh Mr. McLennan wit choos� for big discourses quality, and this is wha the dealers are on Saturda 'k.
any of the t e gra Gown, P —Mr. Gooree
w nor have th a assessments yet, been mad� for a balance of $92 4) on hand with no debt! the t t, d women of the looking for at the present ime. rb M. P.. retur (d �eeently frolli a.
I e P'f ?w
__epreeen a ive men a Me
an of these local iniprovemento.1 '.0 . The folowing are the officeis elected for the Old Testament. His disc urses will be in us h n' y OBITUARY.—Once again we are reminded b in-, trip to Sault S%. 4;4rie.
Lang, a al proyinoial auditor�,' has a President, J. E. Cantelon ; the form of character eket bee 11i"iP suiak year: great of the uncertainty of life, and that in the been I in after the accounts, and hei: vice, : William Foster ; secretary, J., E. menland women of the Old Tes4nient, �iidbt of it we are in deat 'and that very Bilack4ll ; tretau at, J. E. Hovey ; direo ih� �Ithe ua on in �one w Those who have an oppor unity should bear -elight causes sometimes I ad up to very, orks haspurchased a a Of timber on hich Will i F. jG. Sparling, of wingham Salb I bbbston, R. a ta
a Graham, A. Mr. McLennan, as he will be at his best i ssrius and fa I ress a here refer to careful I.00 ing inito." :The coun-,it tore, N. Fair, 0.
J! HOIlloway and George ftiaohley. the fire ooncession of and hat raes
petitioned t .,a Lieutenant- Governor ia.lbu�- there sketches. Oa,Sabb th evening hext the death of. Mrs Ben mia HoggarW
to and to me at work con r it into card--�
applint a provi9cial ac-"Ouritiant T a Sunday school convention held in the subject hammy fri�nd."— whose maiden nam'; was : will be I .Ab
ptiravelapV tangled aktia, and this ' w�t-o N iTe , a th 23 ul ., was Very well attended wood d hauling lit to ck.
11 , The Officers elected for the. Kippen court which sad event occurred her home here,
�rke nef at cost of five or six'hun. ai�d W itrked y a gre*t deal of enthut-i- ot Independent Order of Foresters for the on Tueaday evening of I week —M � 01 Hoffman e deat daughter of a 'y bar on the programme current year are Chi I of ex -deputy, R. r. G o'tge Traoffman 0 11, 41 i UgVille, WW
ddo r . TheiBituatim s3ems toin11.1 in. I Every nu very'ahort but painful illiess. Mrr. Rog- B ta an, e 1by the person appointed, I
bate lacki of care on the part of past cou�-cila!, 1ther Clegg ; chief rauRer, H. Ivisg-n ; vice -chief, garth was in the enjoyment of her iueual marrie last week, to i1son 0. Gold -
and the to n officials ge�erally. 0 by subatitatel Miss A. M.. Ferguson H vityman ; past chief, 'J. McNevin ; re. 11eialth up to two weeks levious to her do. worth" 0 to o ark in th t -a, ffio departraemt-
z P I
subali-tited her sister, Miss Cora, &�d Mr. co,rdiug secretiary, J. M6Gregor ; financial cease. It appears that Santa Fe Rail, at Preqcott� m�- w �ile attending to Of the �JitchEll, of the oderi(h: Star, Mr. Munr I The Chiiatian, Gaardiam, in re r ir�g , . T.' MeLyment ; treasurer, T. her househoUdaties she ad the- mi8for. Arizona. me senior Woodward, J. Gi boon —While running the, I a preas
the liqudr dealers deputation, which �Woited Auburn. Mr. NVi�illiam BiAlie was elected .,yment tune to get her hand jam ad by a door, in the orning year, and Charles r wood ard, A., hAryey senior Mitchell AdVioca pi�esid�rit for the Junio W to office, 0, day recentl
on the 6ntari G sho t which knocked a little of the flesh off it. t .1ime GirvinIscere ary, This is the first conve beadle, W. Sinclair ; junior beadle, J. Mo- Very little thought, howe at, was given to the ga Ua - k b W _Iof� ies;,lban law up 0 disarrange ago,payd: f' The! most llsignifioantsm�ence tion thi ociat ly .0, 8 ass ion has held, being former dregor ; chaplain, T. Mellis. We are glad it at the time, and Mrs.wHe c ggarth continued 'matte r time. The re Wise a big Maze,
in the Prom �eporto is this At 3 o'dlock unitedl with D1 Oqa;nnon, and 0 are well to. learn that the court here -is naid. but th fire was extinguish di without d .1 prospering to. engage in her home duties until o 0109
the intervit W1 closed, and the delegates from pleased with results. Probably the main and is doing a good work,' It has. a inein- arable pain and some swellin began to be irrulcil am8gO- fe far of the a6vention was the address bership of . some 40, and better material r �g t mad pioneer f North Rmt- each license diatr' 't were, requested �o'(neet manifested fr m the b uise� which had, by -
b - R,3�'. Mr. Henderson, St Marys. would be hard to produce.—Mr. Wm. Cud- this time, quickly developed into an X ute bol)e�,I- sessetI7 away at b(
�r o me, lot JB, con -
their local nemC;, and secure his view'k on inor , who was last week �lon a businese trip form of blood poisouing, ifid it continhed to cessiot 1 12 rday, -A-auuary 25bb, in
ilani the questio i of a prohibitory liquor bill; �Plyth. to liston, has returned' home..—The conZ rapidly grow worse, despite the best efforts the person cf Aire. Ume i Donald, i report the result! to 6e�aretary Dickip of h ; lad
at We �o'ri'b keep suits, bub we sell them— greg tion of St. Andrew -'a church iatead and treatment. The deceased was the aid. 83rd yBar her age. decessed headqua�tqa b f leaving the city.� !This good F;ui,s men%1Zd boys' Ready -To Put- making improvements to ' their church edi. eat daughter of the late W . Elder, late of had bc an ailing for laboi ib si months, and
a 11 sentence -'co it4io��tehe secret of any suocees flee either in the way of basement or a
on sui-8. We seli you -a suit conditionally. the village of Rodgerville, and was born on her de Lth was not altoge . ru
Which th? ( eputation ma achieve, f q, jt�heir I6you'keepthe uitwe keepthe money. nd a b tter way, of. heat. the Hudson River, while bar parents were t, of r ney raised- by �aw I _T a total amoub
presentat�,o i 'of thi'ieir cas , was not i-.1ril 'no- We -don't wish �!pu to keep it � if it isnit ing up the church. At t a annual congre- immigrating from' Scotland to this -country.. Knox hurch, Stratford, aling the past ing or tell' with[the Gpvernment."I Ves, gational meeting, held in January, a com-
1 1 perfectly satiafaq'tory ; but- we have the She continued to live with her parents in year :as $7,056 83, and.at t4e t�lose of the t gificant It WO it ee was appointed, co eisting of Messrs. An
his is a ki in sentlince. 10 be kinds that- pleas The E. McFaul Co., in Rodgerville until the of February, well for t,;, t7 year t ere Was a balance:on h' d of 1a temperance! people if i i this 6 R. Bell, John Balfou , John McNe forth. 1782-1 v1U 1860, when at
4 Sea' ie was uni a in marriage to The church pays RE! pastor $2,000 its or -
respect the� would take A whole b;g I at out and R. B. McLean, whica 'was empowered Mr. Benjamin HJggarth, ho atill survives ganist $200 ; its choir Ie' 5300, and its
t)t in of the book of thO wet ,00ds dealet LOC_�MS.—MiSa Beatrice Robinson, -of to-bi If, all enquiries &a he ode of pro- bar. They resided on the r fine farm, on sexton, who is also treosur �r, 500. The
Hketer� was in oito midet last week appl ainstead of a3tiDgI their �ime and at ��gth . Y- ceedirigs which may be ti ought most wise, If . in forlthe posib , the 10 th concessio; n of Hib ert, for 28 years wernberal,ip is I 100. th getting P. pet tions, passing reso of head milliner for I I - I . 4tions - with costs for the acc(tnpliehing of the until they retireA and oved into Han- —P; -ivate Wood, of t a Fsecond Canadian
I M J�mea Andt in for the present sea- elel�ates to the Goverlr�'ent, , i
and sendi g d I ,I To work, The report of the committee is to be eall some thirteen years o, where they, contin �,eti't, arrived at h�'i h�me in St. M074
We unders And she was successful in which auto at to nOthil3g, they wouldUckle '. Bo givcn� at a congregational meeting which is erected one of the fines and most sub- a shor) ihne ago. ee t e� be b rseouridg ib, and will be quite an acquisition Sine as been
I or� �
and nail t air local! representatives and Iforce.: to b 61 held on the! first ol March, for 'the stantial dwellings in tb'e -%illage. Mrs. rem' ov d to the Stratf hospital, where he -
them to (spouse thfir toB h young $diea.�Mr. James Barr cause, or, failin to s comiderat ion of Olans. Hoggarth was a faithfil and consist. will Ii ely remain. for some time for treatw
do this,poll thbir Was worn into t 6 cffice of oustable and all strength against am, i! a, 'or inflammator ant member of the Presbyterian church. ment I rbe� mati.6m. Mr-.
they would ace plish� something rth geae ownserv4nt last 'week, by Reeve y U.
,a&* considerable rvi
ion Wood i a be in South Sis, taking charoe of the position on Sat. She was,of a kiii-I and ret�iring. disposi hile. If 'they capture ja majority the urday �Febrnary 1�t.—Mr. Doupe, of our and was in the very fnllest,eense of the term Africa, bq'iugs member of �rjbanVshorse. . vi Ch. reprosenta,ives,they will nothave J. 4..STANBURY.B. A..,(Iate with Mo a vilagZirectived word on -Friday of last trouble v�th the Government,and hey i Carthyt Osler & Cki., Toren Barrister. Convey. Week, hat his b �her, who bad been ill for nce Notary. Money to Ina Offices lately 00. -won't make much! out of the Govern' ant 1. 11 by-. Collins & quite number 3 montf.s, had died sud- ouple Stanbury, over O'Neil's Ban deply at Gorrie. On account of Mr. Doupe Exe . ont. im-ti
until they get the representatives. dd" co f bq -ig ii�ible to a it end the funeral, through -N �TE&-J- H. Stewart, Joseph D!ia' Ladies' WI'e ing s umes
Huion Ntes. i 110 ess, M rs. Do'u p, i left for there on Frid ay. andl. H. Sanders attended a Masonic _Si�,,d,gazere Poisoned in Gnd rich — "Misa Kate -Barr :ias secured the situation lod�e at London on FLOay evening.—Mr.. a W �k. during I in the postoffice lbere as assistant post. and 1 Mrs. J. G� taubgry entertained a .—Mrs. J. rich,� died mistress, and *a ke sure she will give number of frieads on Fi ic ay evening.—Miss last week a ftar a short illness. . She 11 aves satiafactlon in ev y ?articular.—The grist ErWline Howard, of London, was home When a lady iscontemplat'in getiing one of these particular kind of wants the
husband and son of four years. mill W" offi�!idlt opleried Friday of last d u' rig ry nicest fit I 'the past week. --We are sorry to Va tivil , best looking, and moa t stylish costume ino�q and —Mr. P. Colo, God,aiiah to Debi has WE ek he reeve I eguncillors and a num. re' t that M. J. Wh.te, editor of the Of W I produce. sold his ro k ehri to I i' (,s, who had b is leg bi oken on December ! .
datthew Mai 8, of bar of itizens be, a 7 in , attendance. The This is one of -our moist rooperous branches in
y suleceEsful and p ur Z�flOing buoiueEs-
Londesbor(, for about $Ii80. f all see zied well p 6 ised with the machinery still confined to is bed, the bone
—St. Paul's church, Winghs, We have .-cert i 1,
I - a n gained an enviable reputation for t�o fairsex,sad[
in; contribu. tbitt r. Beese h� 6(' put in the bnildiDg. - beit very slow in kni tieg. His many ted more la it year, for aU purposes tha M�. in, Greer imd vife, of Wiagha f riei s would like to see agam soon. have made a grea�mauy Wedding Suits thim ;season. The loyelF lartistl brail-
y M, 00 LL ty w re v's T omas Harvey, of tE 151m2uTconcession, ing and 4fi u 4 manynow
of the othei ncch4rches in the 10 a,n 4 iting Tel �Lves and friends in town ne to bo done on our Ladies-' Costumes have b us
of Huron ; tho-ambunt Was $3,048 44. ! ' B this w ek.—Oar actric lights have been. Hia has sold hi4 150 a ire farm to John customers
and a6d;iertised our work largely. The highest con�pUnJienta have tew
—Mr. R. 11. Coate, son of Mr. R bert g. iog- I ut rather rly the past week, which Ro e , of Stephen, for 89,500,- and Mr. Coats, of linto 'I has �een appointeii paid to us in the Imariv testimonials we have received regard�ng our be�aflfdl r of tn1! � Be- is ver inconveni r t for those who have to Ro e in turn has suld h a farm to Albert L'istant edi te, publ hhed go'home late the e da -k, stormy nights.— Bro ii, of Step6en. R, C. C. Tremaine work: at Ottawa ; i the appointment carries wRh i b Mr. J--f-rwin left f)r Bramptcn last week, to and R. Carling 9;tteuded a ball In Wing- The latest style of separa� at is the box or three 4uarter iength. can make one te
iona, itit a salary of �1,500.. vif It I t* ading to spend a month batrilon Friday evening. - -Lientionant, W.,J. your order'br $4 Upw, ards. —O� Wednesday, Janivary 22nd., ati tl Dr. Agnc , dewist, of Clinton, has Has I en attended the meeting of the officers M
residence oi, the bide'O parents, Mr._J and op we4 an office at the Commercial hotel Of .Je 33rd regiment, t Goderich, last M re. W. JAd1di,_%oui, ffipllett, his salbond liffe, ' nd 13!� to pay regular visite. I tz, week.—The old buildin on the Smale i
I 0
daughter, )u Og- is to bad we isn't have a risident pro erty, purchased _by he A] olsons Bank, -k� a,land Andrew H tark & i,Mac township, were united U the dentist living in our midat,�, who would, wer sold on Saturday. t is reported that girt, of that holy bonds (f matrimony, the nuptial knot leave 1 the mo4v he takes from the, bank finds some dilRaulty in getti-g L; OPPOSITE T4E iCOMMER0I iD HOTEL being tied b" Rev. Hamilton, of Londellboro ou citiz9na in th ace itistead of spending. brick for the propoted ne v office at d dwell- .6
In. ran
9 :�d
0 a4
'n LL
T6 Ily me
Mo 4
fir, on on
AT ,court houise **ich -t--be&J7 1
bave tFied �aj
f a vest I
a inortO
AOVP-r V iPam
beeld -
minor matw
n Ja)
4wlm POIS .4d
IV 4andirig tbe
—Miss oil
f6ly years* bi
p0aiTL _SA rx�
All" AM
16MAIS 310
ried last *eo
tbA- Un-1*101
Stmtford-,', P.
were ta, Idi!
_�A jncluding,t)�,
qrieuds *t I
i1tree br11411!
Rev,- week, bv-M,
Con, wbi6 -1
tation on �bet
iriqezeA 14
,v g_tti
oc"e mew countil they cont0b
tile BuWassv
—Mr. 3,5er
-W4e8t� TOrot-G_�
Li-3towel, mni
W. U. - Bit In i
,ship. Mt. I
ductipg -a an
—Thhe 0of
drag inl� the svua-io
eat POPOrtO A�
pursuit of G!
f-ul to th-0 Rx,
'Captured) Ii a rincial
But -the *�y
;eral, whe2ttlixte,
134�g pet fteb
e -hs -per bwbt
0;�uy per bus'.
i3neter, NO. 1. I
'Butter, tub_�,
per 40z�
-Flour, Pe I r iW I
f1sy Per 4M -M(
Uldeelper 100 I
vztfitoef for 4;
W 2od per cbr&
App!es _Parbiag�
Clover �&641_
Pork, per 100 'I
Q ow� per h�
. -cannot beiis4
are %tz<
offarings libe
qua� -_-�Qra
-20 to 2 -IM to 17-c Urgo
New laia at
limed haim g
steady WA -11- case IOU -are are in fair an
. mar Riuest ,oixtario VFbit
mfo to TOMI� - I
Thero is
vricea Are '211 --to 21110 11 to 17ei�; We quoez fan litocir. to 23%3 - �ern 1Jmed.,1 21(
keyz_ .10, to -1$1, And �,
and _geese� an
less. Tono_Nua, 'been dull prices of -rie&
Alsike hao �'W'
grad'Es nd t,
is U ow� t
$480 - and Th,al
�the oiredingp,
Ples vvQuId U
Poorer qa%lij
IDato, 46-t.u4
ver ton ia - -bulk Widd
'Backe induA111
but the
mark*t U �3.�
the at ba
cold weathei
at -the io;."" ter, -a,
is no danger oppresalo
I no matter
may-oWn and run our rai
ways. The
gff The figu-eb6tween the parenthetes alor each
:One, denotes the page of the pw,et on hich the!
corporations can obtain,
no powers
advertisement will be found
such as are acoordecl.thein
by Parlia.
�Slaughter Sale—W. ff. Hultiphries San -5
and Parliament can 1 con�eol
them in
Rum and (lubeba-1. V. Fear -4 —T. and J Pureffl-5
Auction Sole
gartichlar, even to the �egulating
Auction Sale—Ge-). Chesney -5
The Neth, 4 Coueect---8 - -8
it Will Only do go. $o
that we
Wood Wanted—J A. Stowart-5
i 36y again,
and it'cannot be i too �f
ten or too
York -hire Pq—J B. Renderson-5
Cow R r Sa'c—H. Greibrook-5
stro gly impressed on the pepple,
that so
Berkshire Pi&r—J hn Chapman -5 A Big Chnite—thomes haing-5
long as Prliament is kept pure!
it matters
Februar BArga ns—R- Willis 80:1-8
T. Griuv"
not who a or runs our 1rail*aya.
It is,
Pig for Service—U..
Gravul—Th: mas Dodd"
Is , eq all�, foolish to talk ab�ut
a 0 11
Govern -
flip for Sale—J. Halliday -5 i
Timb(y fo r S&L—Gwenlock Bro3-6
ni�nt ow ne hip of ra lways.
A, Big Chance—G. F. Arnold -8
now as thel
power to se�cute 0
the advantr.
r Big Deal to Furs.--Gralg & Macdonall—I
Gr.gan on go,
ages she, co�ld
possibly obtain �y ownership
Grard Trunk Rrdlway—W. Somerville -6
i of ra ways,ittid
she does not need to assume
Jewelry—W. R. Counter -8
Just Reatyed —J. Bulger -8
any f the
Anancial risko Th a following
SAe of Wini er GoDdi--4—W 1I.Wilila_8
Agents Wanted—D, 0. C. Co --8
Bane ble:remarks on the zu jec% from a re6
Sugar Utensilq Wanted—Box 292-6
cent editorial in the Toronto (Rlobe, meete
Por1l3nd Cement—&I's Hurdle -5
with our views so fully that w� !can not do
the 'Urou Czanitor
betbw than reproduce them� There are
fa�ds being
too many advoc-Atea just now�,
L I and his one of State ownership. of railways�
is of all others the most 4angeiiQus as well
DAY, Feb. 7th, 1902 S'IIAFORTH, -FRIL
as N is the most unnecesdEqy. The follow.
ing ara*-the. iemarks of the Globe
The Legislature.
There ip nothing to prove b foreigners,
There is nothing of importance to note
whether Americans, Germ, ans i or -phinese,
from aquiring control off oat ii�ilways, j ust
from the Ontario Legislature this week.
as there is nothink to prev ent �Caiiafflan in -
The severe 'atorm and the anow blockade
vest 14 from putichasirig railw�ys in other
Interfered somewhat -with the bueineas of
c oun rier. The patri-)tio cry w�,fth regard t 0
the Legislature during the early part of the
ailway purchases one of tl�e many ab' 11
r thatInoble feelivA
i surd an1 patty us(s which
week. As most of the members go to their
has een made to serve. Any �f our, Cana-,
homes an Friday -evening, many of them
, i
�dian tailways maybe -owned b� , an lof one
%vere unable to, get back to theic parliamen-
I to -day and another to -morrow.
tary datiea before Wednesday, Although
Xau I Kruger, with the fatiniloits wealth he
Jis reportd o have taken to E�arope, might
iseveral bills of private members were intro.
�buy it cchitr ]ling i aterest in �any of our rail.
duced during the waek, there were none of
�,wayi, elcct�ii board of directors, and draw.
importance and none that are likely to live
1 �his dividends, if any, every halt yea., The
'Only matters under our controL and conse-
odt the ses
ion and find a place on the
queritly 1th6 only matters of practical im-
statute bok1l
The budget debate is still in
anc6 ' the rates .-levied land the ser.
p,iocre' are
progress, and,
the probabilities are that it
furnished. It ii for tl�e- Canadian
will not be conaladed this week. It is now
Parli ament to see that nei that host i le f oMgii
br or loyal and Can adians own.
-ale, and the sooner it
becoming somewhat st
' Do
ing )r controlli, ,ig railways wi�thiu tbp -
ii wound uphe better pleasel will be those
I inion are'&IlQwed to in charge i exhor
who are in the h%bi'l of reading thd reports
rimination,: tia, the
ratel, practi3e disc !or a �t
to detriment the Dis-
!Of the di4eus�dor s. It is s%id the Opposition i
s,-rvi a the of ublic.
"r'm naliowfs quite as injuri u' if pra�tised
will move an. amendment before the debate
by a Canadhin as by a for(ign' directdrate,
is closed, but the nature. of the, amendment
ana o one.is so trusting as to imagine -that
'has tv)t yet been made known. The -Premier
an ian shareholders will be mjved to
stated that hig promised bi �li for the
�Om-P' n &2enerosity on 60ount of the
na iqnal
dd between them aod their PA.
fatther regulation of the liquor traffic may
Canadians who own operate
be introduced next week. This 'measure is
in: the Dominion will follow the
'being waited with much expectancy, not
ostablialied poli6y of charging 'all the traffic
alone out of enrioeity as to the form it will
Will so long as the people are so
simple as to tolera'e it, and fpreignqrs in-
tke, also on account of a. desire to
verting in Canadian railwa3s 4111 plursue
know the position the Oposition will take
exactly the saine policy.
on the Prohibition quc-stion, and of which
- 6 4 We, mue't gct r i d of the loyal by cry in
di3cus�iag the railway problem; The unot
even a U at hias yet been giveD. The
confronting the Dominion f Government is to
0 pot i ion leader, however, will 'have to
See t hat nei�her foreign nor Ca� ad is n rat -
c-ame to the tiont andhow his hand as soon
way magnates levy exorbitant 6r discriffiin.
h Government make a move. The
as t a
atory rates witLin -the Domini, -n. To
s an embarrassing one for both itieation, i
ad the i n sary machinery 'for efficient
( aces
supery must be established. The ap-
pointment of a railway commigision would
be a practical move, and it is one that can
Railway Deals and Dealers.
be made at'any time. It would nop be a
complete soluti)nof the problem. Practical
Thepurchase of the Ciaada Atlantic
men of affairs cebse to look for & complete
Railway by an Americaii syndicate, sup
solution of any problem. We; will never
posed to represent the New York Central
have a perfect railway service, lior will we
a e given some
Railway, s..em3. to hav alarm to
q ver reach perfection in any hutnau iiistitu-
6ion. To mini-niz-3 the- evils d favelolinig in
a few saper-nervous people in this country.
e1very public. service � mast be the unending
They are trying to work on' the patriotic
Of practical stat(sen, and � the ra.il way,
santiments of the people by telliag them
at the present time c�alla for the
whAt a dreadful thing it is that Yankeea
q8tablishment of a oommiEson 'with power
to qecide: all iapueg b6tween tho companies
should be allowed to come to Canada and
%a common barriers arid their Oatronr. If
bdy Up our railways, and they express �:the
Attain, i -)n is directed to praictical meas -
belief that these same horrid- Yankees Will
are it will be moreprodu�tiye !of good re -
alio become possessed of, the Canadian
aults than will the levelling of olcquence at
is or.eigu owners or the academic o4vocacy of
Pcific, and perhaps the Grand Trunk 1�8
governmontal ownership and ope'ration.".
wall. In order to avoid ti.is, what they
depict as a comin - calamity for this- coun- 9
Dr.. Grant on Prohibition.
'!'try, they abuse the Dominion Government
Rev. Principal Grant, of Qae�n.'a
�ecausa they did not anticipate the action
Itingallon, had an excellent le" e r ia TueE-
of these Americans and purchase the Can-
4ay's Globe, on the Prohibition �ituation in
ada Atlantic &ad attach it to the Intercolon-
gatario. We are all deli-yhted to have the
iE619 and they even advocite the buying up
hy the Canadian Governmehit of the Canada
pleasure once more of reAdin4 i the terse
Pacific and if eeds be the Grand 'trunk, to
sentences of the learued Princi.�'I. � few
keep them from the mericans. These
months ago many feared that hey would
agitiators, who are led by the Toronto
never again have this privilege,
to knQW that he has
%ut EL -11 Will
i I
World and some of the le3ger journalistic
ejoice ree6�eredzuffi-
liglits, ca hardly be taken seriously. Bat
Oiently from his recent s6vere� illnesn to
they do m%ke a big noi3e, and 801P13 may be
heard ajain. 4
make himself Thi is his first
public utterance eitibb his recovej��, and it is
simple enough to be captivated by their
a most sensible and. wise delivo'�Iance. He
The CanaJa Atlantic Railway, the liae
thinks the plebiscite of 1896 was not
Wdch. has just been purchased, has its
money, but that it was worth all1i it cost, in
western terminus at Depot Harbor, Parry
so much that it showed that 64 it moder-
8)und, and it crosses the St. L%wrence
Ate men, who constiLute the ce4tre of the
Ri ver at Coteau, in the Province of Q aebec,
I'Rrobibitiont8, as of every pa are. not
I it
ready for a law, h
and after traversing -Naw York State, i�
prohibibory regrd
�,3 the in Oiltaril, he
a-3nnects withihe Central Vermont and the
pre3ent siLuatim
Boston and Maine Railways at Swantcu, in
Verm,,)nt. - It* is asil to be "the intention of
11 As we are now face to fa�a with the
(lue8tion. -8hould the Province ienact-
th3 parch:tsers to extend it northward and
hibibion ?' we may congratulat�l ourselves
westward, and to have a great trans contin-
upon having the decks cleared t� the extent
ental road to un in compei i -ion with the.
I have indicated, and on havioL, a fairer
Canadin Pacific. It is further said that mil-
Platform for discussion than thei�e was be.
fore. The Government, it ii understood
lions of, money will be expended in these im-
%N ill kiubmit a measure to the Legislature:
provements and extensions, all of which,
which if passed in the House, w1l b-- Eub.
will go to swell the pz-osperity of Canada
mitted to the people before it be 3omea aw.
and da�velopjits resources. Why then should
The Government could do no�hink else.
Having regard to i' pledges, it !,n�ust take
we desire to prevent works of this kind, no
the reoponeibility of preparing a measure ;
mAter by wh,,m imugurated and carried
and it being all-important to ,know, not
out ? If the Americans or the people of any
what the people thought on. the snbjec,. in
other country in the world desire to expend
1898, but what they think in 1902, and to
know also what their opinion is, not merely
their money in building up and. developing
on a general principle, but. on a concrete
t1i; 'a country, why in the name of all that is
form in which the principle i3 to be em�
Uslae -should we try to prevent them? Should
bodied, ibwouldbe an arbitrary, stretch of
we nob rather give them all the encourage.
power to give the measure the force of law
Without submitting ib to the elpetorate for
ment we can ? It matters not one straw to
their judgment. We then shall
a called on
the pu�ople of this country whetbe r our rail-
to judge, and I trust, now that
�he matter
ways arp owned and run by America . as or
-iq brought so near to us, that
xespeets himself and who value
a one who
� the moral
Caaadi.3,nF. The one is just as apt to skin
life of' �is Province will be g
�Ity of the
tht, public as the other, if -they get a chance.
coatempt which is involved -in
iio't voting?
),ive cheap
An I the one is just as likely to 1,
It may be that many abstained
f,,�!.'Otn VOtiD 9
an I efficient orvice as the other. We need
in 1893 because they could not
be roused
n)t be afraid of the Americani gettiag a
into the least enthusiasm for
general principle, the exact a
� against a
01i cation. of
h�)Id of our rLilwayo. What we have to
which to thtic own lives they
ad not Ln.z
gaard acrainat is the power which there im-
agination enough to picture."
monae corpora,tions obtain over Parliament,
whether they be American,— Canadian c'r
Hon. J. T. Garrow has intr9duced
British. There is no national sentiment in
the Legislature a bill providing
that the
thISIL-reapect. The monopolists of one coun-
numbet of expert witnesses to
called in
try are. just as dangerous as are the monopo-
any one civil sait shall a imi o
to threc,
lita of another. They are all. on a par.
No dorbt the reason for this aF
ion is the
We do -not ueed to be afraid of their spend-
knowledge thatsuite, where expe�
in -their money. here. The more they do
18 necessary, are, at times, load
d tip with
of that the better. Neither need we be
unneceseary expense to a compofttion
to see
afrail of their parchafiing our railways. If
Which side shall have the mos�
experts to
they give u.� better accommodation at lower
give evidenee for them. It wouIl
be a good
rates than others do, the greater number of
thing to extend the lijbiti%Oori
�of expert
Dur riilways they own the beter. But,
testimony to criminal casw as
present'it is possible for the I
well. At
r osecution,
what we must guard, and guard jealously,
which ir really the Crown, to, c;
I any num-
Is the Government and Parliament of the
ber of experts and to pay them!
Out of the
country,—bhe people's representativep. If
Public funds at the disposal o! t�
Be charged
we allow the monopolists and the corpora-'
with the adininistratiou of yasl
accused pirty ia a poor� man, tb�
0e. If the
tions to get control there, then we may ex-
of conditions upon which he 'i's r�rsde
to face
pact to suffer and guffer severely. We will
udge and jury may
3 -aerious)y� a4f
'0 his legi-
be bled white. But if we permit this it will
timate defense, or if he meets ab r,
' I
source -of great hardship. The
iy prove a
be our own fault-. We say that so long as
would be to amend the crimi0al
ism, so far
vre keep Parliament pure and untrammeled
as it relat6s to expert te.stimpny',l
by enact-
F RIJARY,7, 1902 E HUM 'EXPOSITOR r—B not ian chu 'h. The r an . other tow, as there certain] ne, deman th
i g that ooly a a 3rtain numbe I Presbyted oom was sup- t11 1i ought MMI. d has been, enormous is ore than our, oi - five at the outs'd x- ported by his 1 br4 'her, John X Hoggart and to be a g6od-opsitag here for a parson, who star, M ' t' to - on to business. —Mr. ide, the bride by Ner ies Dora J. After would[ pay otrAc at nti arts shalli be ad missible on a season tor A aving the"trial j adge, discretionary 6wer. the oeremonyt the guests, r6lative-8 of the Damon Orittendon, who. formerly worked to rmit a dition d testim0ay of thi 'kind bride, sat down t a bountiful- -repas b. The forzVr. Fiansinore in the grist mill, has mod it i� the bride, being a big adyi secured ai situ0ion with Mr. when, hi hi wisd *he doe �lyrespeoted young I Beeee and 41io and of -the a no interest of i he Piing ai i:used received many u eful and ces', y prcs3utr. tharo -is doubt! he will be a, great assis- .; i e U party. Mr. and Mre. Hogqart hiave taken up house tatioe in 4rawin1g. the trade back quicker IR on 0oncesision 13,Zullett, ivhere Mr.�.X,og, that'n it would Otherwise hav6. come, he being a I d a valuable farm. -:3' so well ac4 in this Editoria� Xot�s and Comment gart a: p naiAtedmith the farmers Combined with White Pine and Tar, Wild Cherry, and Balm of Oilead� —Th Metho I ists of Brussels have ex. vic�nity.-4-Monday was division -court day Mr. J. Bi Pense was elected by ac. to wo. There was one very importan� buds. The reaso� is, that people wre.fin4ing ou What a remedy it tended an invita Aon to Rev. T. W.� Cosens, in tion -last w k to the Ontario egislat a of Westminster, ormerlk of Tuckeramitb, 1 base to be settled, vi7-: Juhn Barr VS. is. Thereis somethinj in it that touches th� right spot, tu.TeS lik'a 0 u . for work and the repres ntativol of Kin aton. Ii M r- and he has accep ad, subject to the action 6ch ol' tr magic of tlie t toning. ommittee. I time in interviewing the rate p%yPro and Pause iin�k 3 as good and us f ul a parijime alluary ali li� I is a now6paper in I an, he —0a 22nd Mr Willii6m Me- councils of East, and West Wawanosh and Couzhs and Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Soreness of the tariah 3 Donald, an old a �' res�ecte� pioneer of the Hullett,also the county council to secure the .H gs. one of the;!, L I at 'supporters "Premic z !Rc as county, died at urn. ; He was 69 years new school for that section. Mr. Proudfoob, Ohost and D y of ag- is ature. to electiO' a an& came it this � rt of the countrV of Goderi6b, wasithe plaintifPs lwyer and 7— PA Iff russets, for the dtfence. runevick. It is the best remedy known foi hesQ trobb acclamatioi is a t iumph for the Lib ii from New B r, , Blair, of �
�h - r chuing� n out of the systell, adg spoke Ivory strongly in, favor of ly mf agimen i the plaiat:ff, so �he jury gave their decision � botAes. Prepared, by —The on litia ebabge in the 33rd I
Premier Irsa a nounced*in the Ugi3fa- Huron R The 50c size bolds as much a3 three 25c: d ii Honorary ture on Fr� lay.that the bill for the r ogula- Surgeon Li)ut %rit-Colonel W. . R in his favor for �45.32 and costs, it being Holmea, wh6 is. �ather more th4n the Plaintiff asked 'but tion ot the I liquor traffic would likel� ei a retired I`st pl� 1P aoed. upon th —1 f t retair,ing honorat ra�nk"of SurgeonLieuteu- there is no doubt he was poorly aid after �roducod exb -week. This looka as he . ant Colo 01, as he certain _ ly did a great dea of work FEAR Vel.� Y TO V Me Dru Qove had come t a final decision on —The last qa Va f ast and sacra. zto secure said school and in all probability, rnmo that impoltant 4nd ticklieh'.subje( At likely to b3 if i0had not been for him, here would have mental services hich ii ever I - any rate, 64) measure will be more hold in RatteribUlly street Methodist church, been no ichool there n6w.—Mr. William -AL looked for 6y all partit s than this on 3�. 1 Clinton, were ot6rved on Sunday morning Campbell.1s. at.ptesent oxx a busness trip to �! .. I : - vicinit .—Mr. William -en ect LaGnip I last, and were pa ticipatld in by a large Graveahurat and y For LaGrippe we recomm d Pert Pe Wafers. They,
ad for bimi Olf Premier ��Jloss has accept number. Bell, who was on'P west lot summer with a Mrs. Ro.. a In invitation to attend_* 0 —Mra. Ann Jo as', relibb of the IAe Wm. car, load Of horses, did so well that be leaves kill LaGrippe evory time. nation pro I ing in Ro'gland, in! Ju a Jones, ied last eek at. the home of her in a few days vit� another load. M r. J. -0g, - out nexts. � By that time the pleotious willAik y daughter in Hull tt. ' Mrs. Jones came to *Depholmatd Mr. Toll are also goi who a faithful the town ihip. 0 allett 8�mo 55 years ago. there With horses'—There was a meetilig of ing.—Nire. (Dr.) Eastwood, of Whitby, and "good ma. aging vpie at4
be over, an"d the R6Ea Go�ernment wi I ave nterest�d in coutinning been '06ting -her daughter, Mrs, J. G. loviakmot deccaased was, in her
Her husband diell about 12 years ago at all those i theo'heeso has her. The
n givew another four 'years man ite to Smpleton. Mrp. Uones had a fam-ly of 12 factor I y nar Blyth, held in the Commercial. Stanbury, left on Wednesday to visit Mrs - 67bi2yoar and was very 'r, nart. -and active i fJ whom are -living. hotel, 6st week and It was decided to ad- T. L. Rogers, of Parkhill, before returning !in d le' ' t
. lit O aves o mourn
6ouduct 4110 public I affaire of Ontari�il' Do. children, eig, theirbas her hii� 9 aurier and -L-A hapft eve t too ace at the Wing- journ to Ftee it. the could �et enough patrons home.—The Oraugemen held their annual and �00 Williaml the latte - 'low ownitig Bad.
minion P-Omiz-r I' �7, ving,', h
Premier.Ro so will make it strong te�ryii for ham rectory,! on $Vedneada'y evening of last to M O t a old Elder hot iestead farm, :at ak6 ii, pay. , This is a good industry if meeting hera'on Tuesday.—The death of Ii n
Canada. week, when il-iss Bella McCurdy, of Wi-ig- runt rightaind w� eon not -see why It could Mrs. Manning is announced from Guelph. Rodgerville. The fanerELI service am ham, was un te�;,n marriage. to Mr. George not be made a suebess. She was buribd on Wednesday from the in C�rmel church on Friday af ternoon *z4 Itsaems �o be tolerably certain that Hon. Tervit, jr,,of Ki arAine, formerly of Wing- residence of her brother-in-law, John Man- was very largely the spao,iodt Daviii Mill$4 leader Of the Liberal , am, The care nony was performel by *ippen. iiink, here.—The carnival at the rink on church �,being crowded. IT re 4 Ware P Rov. W. Lo*e, Friday night was largely attended, the ice interreq ia the 119dgervilh the Senate, 4nd Daminion Miriiter I jus. --Mr. Isa 0 '3,ttenbury, of Clinton, left 1). Hjky,..Oommi�sioner and Conveyancer being in prime condition and the weather were'followed by a la-rg '
a umbet f rela. tice, will rajign these positions and ill; ac- last, week fo�Cai orui; he will be joined ilik, mostigages and deeds drawn up. Money loaned favorable. Thff 3 mile race 'was won bp tivesauid friends. The 130 -rowing huabaid 1740-tf �aut Supreme Court Jad estip. at London b rge 1 Hardy and the 2 mile race by out cott.— soril have the ympath�T of the zommu cept the vA is brother-in-law, Geo at the 10 iist rates of interest. and t y � 'both go for We cut the prices of Furs, Dress The Exeter hockey team went to Ails& it In this eve�t it is expected that H 6 IS�r. Hiacox, and he the purpose ot y io t�eir sad bereav,emer t. oodn ets and all'winter goods any Craig on Monday evening and defeated the G Lof]A�, BRIEFS _Au� lg the win at there, with. the expec. It
I a home," under Blair, who ihas been Minister of Rdlw ou6 needed! If you will not team of that place by a score of: I I to 5. — the a Wqm6if a Auxiliar
8 tttion that it mil reliave them of rheum%- more—no ,.more aspices of the
y of ;and Cana!s 4ince the formation of the pri a- tism, from whicl� �both suffar. bay at the pr i 3eg- at which; tbei' can be had. The Misses Stanl(5y, of Lucan, were, the PairPs �,hurch, will be beld at the residence oat Govet � eat! will be transferred, tot ie n —Among thos Jrom Huron county at. now, it's because you doxi't rcyhe them. gucsts of Mrs. B. S. ONtil the past '.week. of.blt. Andrew Johnst�111 of the London th it position ou Minister of Justice, an tending the Lo'don Normal school are:, Come to the store,' though, because in a few —We are informed that Miss Edith Sinders road,! o� Frids, For the - convent-, i y evening.; lion. James Sutherland will take Mr. more days - we'll hd6ve 'I il:. s of New Spiig A. Misses M. Daly, Devereaux, L. M.. Dor- has been engaged as milliner by J. ence of hdae having no cOt veyances of theie
avyrance E.- M. R. owler and B. McTaViRh, lGood M iatenstyou. The E. Nie- Stewarui a, place of MisR Uzquhart, who re- e� ladies. have iarran�ed positim. he depattmeat is a ver a that wil
to have one, and B14ir ii now not a younig man, Qf Seaforth ; R. irk, of Kirkton ; A. Mc- Paul Ca., Sealorthel 1782-1 signed.—Mr. Edward Jonds now WORM a sLeiglis call at the chureb: - -Mx� W. ji 1qiI.
and hBs receintly beeh suff-ring from impiti . r- lWregor, of Kippep ; G. Murray and D, T. NOTICS.—Mr. William 1�088, form;rly 'of smiling face, his wife having.presented, him let has 4old his dwelling 41 th4. north end Of ad health. O'Neil, df Oliat4 and Mr. A. McAllisters Us�orne, but for the past 21 years a resi- with a twelve pound daughter on Thursday, Brock W track, PFn. at,, west of tb a of doxit of Manitoba� near Emerson, is at 23rd January 'Mr. H cTaggart, me and post
.Nova Scotia _At the' annuO meeting of the Goderich present, with his! secontl -daughter, Miss GOOD HORSES Jmen- maste: r t Ctiselhurst, y
Mr. Molyneux. St; John, a .—We have already, t 0 ecentl soldi
purnalist, has been �app,.iated to the; pdai- owlerp, the offielre for 1902 were elected as Bella, spending 1� pleasant visit among tioned the arrival home from the old couptry hi i bad4ess. Mr. MeTaggart atends mor.
i I Honorairy president, Judge Mae-
tionlof TIdek Rod, rendered vacant 'by f ollow s hiondain this vicinity. For the past. week, of Mr. William Bawden, who brought with ing intolour village about� toe 11 -stf March. the de�th of the late Nlr. Kimber. , T4r. s9n; honorary vi�e president, Judge Doyle ; they have been visiting at the home of Mr. him. ten horses, Clydesdale, Shire and Hack- —MIS �Vm- Elder, of iie, was here Joh . ' to be admirabl qualiti 1 p7esidebt. Sheriff 'Reynolds.; vice-prek i -lent, and Mrs. Thomas 141der, Tdck6romitb. Mr., ney. They were pUrchaBeJ fkbm Some Of tending he funeral of Mrs. B. Hoggarth,
in is sak y for C?unt.y Clerk ne ; secretary- treasurer, Roes is among the iiamber in the we"st whom' the beat stud farms in Great Britain. This Quarter were hl in the Metho.
i amen D. O'Connell ; man.. fortune has amiled on, and�he has all things is what 6e "Scottish 'Farmer," &'noted diiet chu -ch cn Sabb
gistrai fthe poBitioA Tide d ty of " Black Rld is Atifig Re Ah last,—Rev.
nfo�mi�n� g a ing - committ mays of hem : Dr. AlAirae, o �:11 n I will preach
to bow to i he:Commons when i ee, W. Eliot, W. Campbell comfortable in tbelome fheire.—Many from horse authority, two of t f wes
tb at body tf at h:s Excellency the Gov6rn6r- a d John Galt. this vicidity, on SabNath last, attended the " Mr. Thomas Smith, Blacon Pc i at, Cheater, annivori sty sermons' in Car I Pfeshyterisn' —In order to revent further accidents, anniversary services at gille Green, and has sold the two choicelv bred horses, IV, ,
General is i in the Senate R i uh a si'peach Ches- church On Sabbath, and on day even'
Jb the. Grand Truuki Railway hae bad the ap- although the day as very etorm , those ter Prince (I 1008) and Village Boas (I 1226) R-v.,Mt Rae of Tor ti I I -on,
Feauy to delivere Ito both Housc y 04 net' - w
uv�� 9 � ilt,
I . .1 roaches to the' Aaron street crossing, at who wgpt were el repaid.! The s?rmons to Messrs. Bawden & McDonell, Exeter, de-liv6r Wis popular! -
was hoped 6 many that when the posit �on p ectureo "'T esannysidia
became vac t through the death of t a late 0 nton, fen�ed. I The work was done by by Pe�. Mr. Mull-ille, . were pf the choicest, Oatario. These horses wero'both bred by of fifp, 0� the � philosophy c f Our.3j Both I' a men from �he Clintot, Londesboro, ti
at it would be �abolished� as it L and well de)ivered'and although Lis locks Mr. Smith. and are'superl:ior animals. Bot these',gentlemen are well k 2owh and ucefield and Hensall sections, under the are thowin their t1iver colors through big were got by -the big powerful, brown horse, inter-
-na-,ure, an edpol __4 Mr. W. C. Brown, who act1 9 eating ind eloquent s is] simply al a* A many will !�': pe &6r�. —Miss !A
P 01 that this has not been doie. iatendence ve aervice of in�riy yeails, his discoursiEs Prince Pleasing (10259), & horse of great Touzgl, �f Dashwood. visitdd hqr sister hem
disa p inte isl one of the company's most competent ware thoughtful, practic4l and elcquent, weight aad substance, �ith a remarkable on Saturday and Suadiay_!�—Some of -our
The polid�al battle is now on in the eon- foremen. and should not" fa4 to leave - a good imprcs record in he a k4Dw ring. The dam of CheE- villagersi attended the'snuiver'. ary services
jr., of . Tucker at HiVs teen on Sabbath � las and rt—Word was received ia Brussels last si, —Mr. John McGregor ter Pciaca�ftwshthe well b d mare Red RuEe
alituency oflLisgar, kariitoba�, where bye- I - -
i week of the death of Donald Stewart, form ge% ad roads.— 61d smith, is on a � ti ip to, the !old country, as- (12663), li� Macgregor � from, a good very ex. *Ilenb sermons �bjLt electi,:)n forl -the Dominion is being !h e ly of Brussels, who died at the residence piatirig with a shipment of 1horseu, with Mr. breeding mare by the 8tiewarty Lpremium Mr. L6.4 ie Colwi'll, a 'of 14
on -r, ifflain. Col -
Both Liberals and 0onservatives havq held o� his son in-law, Angus Smith, of Wiartoll. Jan�es Bell, of Hz�iall.—�he storm which horse, Scots Wha Hae ( 06)a dam of will, of -.ibi3 village,, has eiiglige as a trave L 1* their 'convent ions. The Libeial nomiW is T a week before he underw een raging since -Sabb'Ath, is the worst Village Boas was that 10te prize mare, ling agent for Brdle"y &1ft'd airetson,of
c nsidered a sucepeaf ul operation and was of the aeasin. All traffiq has be n at a Baroness (13609), bred t Springhill and Bran f d M James 1�eve oy, of Exe-
Mr. D. A. Stewart., a farmer in the �i�il.jfy tandstill for some days. Our mil Winter got by The Summit (9442,, out, of the dam ter, i inghe* isie ere, preview to
ab progress afterwards, so re �visirt'-
t'O her making favor :8 b
(if P1lot Mound. �he oOLs�rvativ6,s i have t a news of his eath was received with a g thas taken a sudde'n chancre'.—Rev. r. Ale. of the champion Barou's Pride (9122). leav' Lew home -in Prantfor(L—
ock. a in &D,L of reWlee, loot Mr. a t4 rment took place in Brus- Loan &. And church, reaches These horses should do good servi-3e in old his in the ;tne&t
0clected Mr. J. M. rrbB, of �Carm Mr. Ree�vea has
L. Ritha d8OD, the ex -U. . tor 6 c� �e . n issued at the- instance preparatory services at trucefield tc-day Canada." business� to his- partner�mi. �Johh Shepherd,
stltuency,,is also out as an Independ(�13.t ca'n —A writ has (Friday) at 2.30.—Mr. Jol4n McNe,�iu this and his dwelling on Richito. d s6eet north,
didate. So there will be a three-c6r, aired o the family of he late Aler. MeNab, 6th week delivered at Godericli Lii fine driving Hensa to the same gentlemay.1 1 Ur. I Phepherd Is fight, and"how it wiii end no �rian "4 s'ay. Morris, ag i, not C. Zilliax, proprietor mare. John keeps good horses, which com- ! one of our live enterlpq'Sh4businees men—
The Liberal c%ndid4to has been a readant h? Cintrai-JI'lotel, Brussels, for $1,000, A Bia CHANCE.—G. Arnold, having J, I 1
maiid good pricei.�Rev.'Mr. MdLsnna purchase d a buBi n so@ else wher and beiog about to zA al -E isth, load of young 1people loft here, on
y a. P�a% ious irig'that oti �he premises ot the Central
of the d-istri,,t fo t it ye# 0 rg was: at Feighe last Sabb3lh, preaching for leave Hensall, offe-s tits entire stock of genfral mer- Friday I t to witness; tbel ho�key -match
o�l t teac in met a Rev. Mr. Mullan. Mr. McLennan reports chandiFe, tozetber with the g od will of the busi- w n Woodstock a '
to thab he m as a rc Mr. McNab injuries by falling into bet ee i no $e#ortb. A num-
or cellar that le.d. to his death. The case will the 'storm very severe at 6at place. While neag, for s) le at a big -,barga ii. He must sell county, Ontiii, anEecl e, of hia pupilo �was at bar also 1drove to Emete� the am ni
I 0 once.. Thiv is a simp for so e person. and I a.
Mr. Richardson, one oU hiF present op,pon. f r h 'aring at the next assizes to be there he met many of jbis oldlIiiends M to get a goed bust- to attend the carnival in that place.— by. h me Mood ch. G. F. Blair ia acting for who were pleased to have another gFip of his new and stock for little money Apply to oraddress Mr. F. i. l- splendid chance for a suirrt
ents. Hou. 11r,Roitte I is' jia the'constitubli: e ri dame, of the - Ob - server offioe, was i I i t W. M. Sinclair will look hand.—Mr. and Mr G. F. ARNOLD, Heneall.
aiding the bar& 0 Pjaiatiff and s. Johii Balfouir's little 1782 ialond n, on- Saturdai end Sunday.,miss a!tcr he defendant'a iaterests. boy� for the past -week, fias been- a sick Have a look, great argains. Having Pearl Irant, of Thorpyburfiti, is at -the The fin ial affiirs of the 6wn of . . — - t go, Haeter Prouse, son of W. child, the trouble being bronobiti@. purchased the harne bu6inc3 from Mr. H. Jacobi, !
an G6d6 manse, �,vieit ,�, year We ing her auPt.Xre. Hen4er ? f Goderich township, accepted I d to note a ch& I am going to sell at c-st for �he next 30 days EFa-. - as � - son. rich seem t� have become considerably niud- ouse, o are p ease for the be ter. —A r1liog mateb w ve been 'played I I ness, Robee, Blankets, Whips Rugs, Belid. Come BOIne eed oat frol.m the Domirion Experi- r. G. T. McKay, of uckeramitb, the and examine goods before pu chasing elsewlicre, as' here ae8day last, b.�twe n Seaforth and dled. So uch ad is this the cape �hat On but owing to the' i tormy day and tr ental Farm,. an planted, them as a test pa ID week, was doing buai a at Godeticb. a dollar sived is a dollar made Also a fine lot of H n bei; d,-Eirei by the Department. Re recently ler
neither the main of he town counollinor tin, - :of i beautiful cutters and a _0@�..hich -cannot be our -
I 1Jhe,,Mis8e8 Nettie and nna Mar bad s a, a of - the roads, the Seaforth eurlers,
the towin"o cials apPear to know whete, they Eanb t3em I da, eac� of which aver- IiIxoter, the past pamed in tha county. Will be 4old very cheap come rer.—M�. an4 Mrs. Tho week, were visiting at the and see Lr younelves. W. J. Miffi-r, He:iszll.' did no. come ON maw
are at. Th uncon6lable ndit a ed 9ver.l. a nB to thb head, an unusual home of Mr. and Mrr. Jo�v Balfour.—Mr. 1773-tf Ronde on were in Sla on Babb
I re in- y e d- wbic 0 him a prizei of $25 ftm Lindsay Kyle has gone to Seaforth`l to learn h - th eluding sala to ? li I A GOOD, H0�6 SbLD.LMr. T. J.Berry last.— - r. R. Bell, of e rth foundry, ,io $. e t les, am unta -4,080, �Nere t a i4part, The variety is known as to be an electrician. Mr. Xyle is a has sold the noted horse, King Arthur," to was in he village last w�'e, . His friends
0�427,- t ver as the colle or's roll only amounts a Newmarket. boyi and they all make their mark where Messrs. L. McConnell I and A Nl%c- -were leased to meet lh�m agaiv.—Mr- ;,633 for t n�eeting of the Clinton Gun �obert Bengough I
I 13, thus leaving 'duly ti' W?X� im. they Tavih, of Brucefield lor a handsome has b-benangaged by Mir.�-
rovements and o�'her I expenseF% libo de- held in the Mason hou , go., As Lindsay io & good steady P se young. man, he wi.11 climb to the re Thom
i top —Miss figure. This horse made cord for him- Welsh, to � takle ar
he town amounts t osday ever ii!ig,- when a goodly number ,,ge -of bis eke.
-emberewore present. The report th 461 - - t
bentare aebb of t 6 Mary Lang, of Brucefield, Iwas the guest of i3elf as a first class stock Jhorse in the old triclisr t plant.—TI I t the town is ineb —Rev- 912, while ted �to�'t e'Misses Cooper the p!a,, week. 11 the Bank of M atreaVia the sun� of �;j,;965. p�eaeqted showed'� that everything in con- country, and there is no doubt but he wi e'hodist chur( Oursdayevening
Mr. McLennan is Comm UP11 a series Of do the same here with h4 present owners, of.last *eek, was very J000 I but thettend-
b I we h a not been passed fo 139 in KiPPan- He weighs over a ton and has ple,iity of nl small.—Mr. Special r necli-mWith thHelub is salisfactory and evening sermons t� hill PIC U� 'h qu art Wise in 17olithic walks pu rospering, the Ueasurer's r(-pirt sh Mr. McLennan wit choos� for big discourses quality, and this is wha the dealers are on Saturda 'k.
any of the t e gra Gown, P —Mr. Gooree
w nor have th a assessments yet, been mad� for a balance of $92 4) on hand with no debt! the t t, d women of the looking for at the present ime. rb M. P.. retur (d �eeently frolli a.
I e P'f ?w
__epreeen a ive men a Me
an of these local iniprovemento.1 '.0 . The folowing are the officeis elected for the Old Testament. His disc urses will be in us h n' y OBITUARY.—Once again we are reminded b in-, trip to Sault S%. 4;4rie.
Lang, a al proyinoial auditor�,' has a President, J. E. Cantelon ; the form of character eket bee 11i"iP suiak year: great of the uncertainty of life, and that in the been I in after the accounts, and hei: vice, : William Foster ; secretary, J., E. menland women of the Old Tes4nient, �iidbt of it we are in deat 'and that very Bilack4ll ; tretau at, J. E. Hovey ; direo ih� �Ithe ua on in �one w Those who have an oppor unity should bear -elight causes sometimes I ad up to very, orks haspurchased a a Of timber on hich Will i F. jG. Sparling, of wingham Salb I bbbston, R. a ta
a Graham, A. Mr. McLennan, as he will be at his best i ssrius and fa I ress a here refer to careful I.00 ing inito." :The coun-,it tore, N. Fair, 0.
J! HOIlloway and George ftiaohley. the fire ooncession of and hat raes
petitioned t .,a Lieutenant- Governor ia.lbu�- there sketches. Oa,Sabb th evening hext the death of. Mrs Ben mia HoggarW
to and to me at work con r it into card--�
applint a provi9cial ac-"Ouritiant T a Sunday school convention held in the subject hammy fri�nd."— whose maiden nam'; was : will be I .Ab
ptiravelapV tangled aktia, and this ' w�t-o N iTe , a th 23 ul ., was Very well attended wood d hauling lit to ck.
11 , The Officers elected for the. Kippen court which sad event occurred her home here,
�rke nef at cost of five or six'hun. ai�d W itrked y a gre*t deal of enthut-i- ot Independent Order of Foresters for the on Tueaday evening of I week —M � 01 Hoffman e deat daughter of a 'y bar on the programme current year are Chi I of ex -deputy, R. r. G o'tge Traoffman 0 11, 41 i UgVille, WW
ddo r . TheiBituatim s3ems toin11.1 in. I Every nu very'ahort but painful illiess. Mrr. Rog- B ta an, e 1by the person appointed, I
bate lacki of care on the part of past cou�-cila!, 1ther Clegg ; chief rauRer, H. Ivisg-n ; vice -chief, garth was in the enjoyment of her iueual marrie last week, to i1son 0. Gold -
and the to n officials ge�erally. 0 by subatitatel Miss A. M.. Ferguson H vityman ; past chief, 'J. McNevin ; re. 11eialth up to two weeks levious to her do. worth" 0 to o ark in th t -a, ffio departraemt-
z P I
subali-tited her sister, Miss Cora, &�d Mr. co,rdiug secretiary, J. M6Gregor ; financial cease. It appears that Santa Fe Rail, at Preqcott� m�- w �ile attending to Of the �JitchEll, of the oderi(h: Star, Mr. Munr I The Chiiatian, Gaardiam, in re r ir�g , . T.' MeLyment ; treasurer, T. her househoUdaties she ad the- mi8for. Arizona. me senior Woodward, J. Gi boon —While running the, I a preas
the liqudr dealers deputation, which �Woited Auburn. Mr. NVi�illiam BiAlie was elected .,yment tune to get her hand jam ad by a door, in the orning year, and Charles r wood ard, A., hAryey senior Mitchell AdVioca pi�esid�rit for the Junio W to office, 0, day recentl
on the 6ntari G sho t which knocked a little of the flesh off it. t .1ime GirvinIscere ary, This is the first conve beadle, W. Sinclair ; junior beadle, J. Mo- Very little thought, howe at, was given to the ga Ua - k b W _Iof� ies;,lban law up 0 disarrange ago,payd: f' The! most llsignifioantsm�ence tion thi ociat ly .0, 8 ass ion has held, being former dregor ; chaplain, T. Mellis. We are glad it at the time, and Mrs.wHe c ggarth continued 'matte r time. The re Wise a big Maze,
in the Prom �eporto is this At 3 o'dlock unitedl with D1 Oqa;nnon, and 0 are well to. learn that the court here -is naid. but th fire was extinguish di without d .1 prospering to. engage in her home duties until o 0109
the intervit W1 closed, and the delegates from pleased with results. Probably the main and is doing a good work,' It has. a inein- arable pain and some swellin began to be irrulcil am8gO- fe far of the a6vention was the address bership of . some 40, and better material r �g t mad pioneer f North Rmt- each license diatr' 't were, requested �o'(neet manifested fr m the b uise� which had, by -
b - R,3�'. Mr. Henderson, St Marys. would be hard to produce.—Mr. Wm. Cud- this time, quickly developed into an X ute bol)e�,I- sessetI7 away at b(
�r o me, lot JB, con -
their local nemC;, and secure his view'k on inor , who was last week �lon a businese trip form of blood poisouing, ifid it continhed to cessiot 1 12 rday, -A-auuary 25bb, in
ilani the questio i of a prohibitory liquor bill; �Plyth. to liston, has returned' home..—The conZ rapidly grow worse, despite the best efforts the person cf Aire. Ume i Donald, i report the result! to 6e�aretary Dickip of h ; lad
at We �o'ri'b keep suits, bub we sell them— greg tion of St. Andrew -'a church iatead and treatment. The deceased was the aid. 83rd yBar her age. decessed headqua�tqa b f leaving the city.� !This good F;ui,s men%1Zd boys' Ready -To Put- making improvements to ' their church edi. eat daughter of the late W . Elder, late of had bc an ailing for laboi ib si months, and
a 11 sentence -'co it4io��tehe secret of any suocees flee either in the way of basement or a
on sui-8. We seli you -a suit conditionally. the village of Rodgerville, and was born on her de Lth was not altoge . ru
Which th? ( eputation ma achieve, f q, jt�heir I6you'keepthe uitwe keepthe money. nd a b tter way, of. heat. the Hudson River, while bar parents were t, of r ney raised- by �aw I _T a total amoub
presentat�,o i 'of thi'ieir cas , was not i-.1ril 'no- We -don't wish �!pu to keep it � if it isnit ing up the church. At t a annual congre- immigrating from' Scotland to this -country.. Knox hurch, Stratford, aling the past ing or tell' with[the Gpvernment."I Ves, gational meeting, held in January, a com-
1 1 perfectly satiafaq'tory ; but- we have the She continued to live with her parents in year :as $7,056 83, and.at t4e t�lose of the t gificant It WO it ee was appointed, co eisting of Messrs. An
his is a ki in sentlince. 10 be kinds that- pleas The E. McFaul Co., in Rodgerville until the of February, well for t,;, t7 year t ere Was a balance:on h' d of 1a temperance! people if i i this 6 R. Bell, John Balfou , John McNe forth. 1782-1 v1U 1860, when at
4 Sea' ie was uni a in marriage to The church pays RE! pastor $2,000 its or -
respect the� would take A whole b;g I at out and R. B. McLean, whica 'was empowered Mr. Benjamin HJggarth, ho atill survives ganist $200 ; its choir Ie' 5300, and its
t)t in of the book of thO wet ,00ds dealet LOC_�MS.—MiSa Beatrice Robinson, -of to-bi If, all enquiries &a he ode of pro- bar. They resided on the r fine farm, on sexton, who is also treosur �r, 500. The
Hketer� was in oito midet last week appl ainstead of a3tiDgI their �ime and at ��gth . Y- ceedirigs which may be ti ought most wise, If . in forlthe posib , the 10 th concessio; n of Hib ert, for 28 years wernberal,ip is I 100. th getting P. pet tions, passing reso of head milliner for I I - I . 4tions - with costs for the acc(tnpliehing of the until they retireA and oved into Han- —P; -ivate Wood, of t a Fsecond Canadian
I M J�mea Andt in for the present sea- elel�ates to the Goverlr�'ent, , i
and sendi g d I ,I To work, The report of the committee is to be eall some thirteen years o, where they, contin �,eti't, arrived at h�'i h�me in St. M074
We unders And she was successful in which auto at to nOthil3g, they wouldUckle '. Bo givcn� at a congregational meeting which is erected one of the fines and most sub- a shor) ihne ago. ee t e� be b rseouridg ib, and will be quite an acquisition Sine as been
I or� �
and nail t air local! representatives and Iforce.: to b 61 held on the! first ol March, for 'the stantial dwellings in tb'e -%illage. Mrs. rem' ov d to the Stratf hospital, where he -
them to (spouse thfir toB h young $diea.�Mr. James Barr cause, or, failin to s comiderat ion of Olans. Hoggarth was a faithfil and consist. will Ii ely remain. for some time for treatw
do this,poll thbir Was worn into t 6 cffice of oustable and all strength against am, i! a, 'or inflammator ant member of the Presbyterian church. ment I rbe� mati.6m. Mr-.
they would ace plish� something rth geae ownserv4nt last 'week, by Reeve y U.
,a&* considerable rvi
ion Wood i a be in South Sis, taking charoe of the position on Sat. She was,of a kiii-I and ret�iring. disposi hile. If 'they capture ja majority the urday �Febrnary 1�t.—Mr. Doupe, of our and was in the very fnllest,eense of the term Africa, bq'iugs member of �rjbanVshorse. . vi Ch. reprosenta,ives,they will nothave J. 4..STANBURY.B. A..,(Iate with Mo a vilagZirectived word on -Friday of last trouble v�th the Government,and hey i Carthyt Osler & Cki., Toren Barrister. Convey. Week, hat his b �her, who bad been ill for nce Notary. Money to Ina Offices lately 00. -won't make much! out of the Govern' ant 1. 11 by-. Collins & quite number 3 montf.s, had died sud- ouple Stanbury, over O'Neil's Ban deply at Gorrie. On account of Mr. Doupe Exe . ont. im-ti
until they get the representatives. dd" co f bq -ig ii�ible to a it end the funeral, through -N �TE&-J- H. Stewart, Joseph D!ia' Ladies' WI'e ing s umes
Huion Ntes. i 110 ess, M rs. Do'u p, i left for there on Frid ay. andl. H. Sanders attended a Masonic _Si�,,d,gazere Poisoned in Gnd rich — "Misa Kate -Barr :ias secured the situation lod�e at London on FLOay evening.—Mr.. a W �k. during I in the postoffice lbere as assistant post. and 1 Mrs. J. G� taubgry entertained a .—Mrs. J. rich,� died mistress, and *a ke sure she will give number of frieads on Fi ic ay evening.—Miss last week a ftar a short illness. . She 11 aves satiafactlon in ev y ?articular.—The grist ErWline Howard, of London, was home When a lady iscontemplat'in getiing one of these particular kind of wants the
husband and son of four years. mill W" offi�!idlt opleried Friday of last d u' rig ry nicest fit I 'the past week. --We are sorry to Va tivil , best looking, and moa t stylish costume ino�q and —Mr. P. Colo, God,aiiah to Debi has WE ek he reeve I eguncillors and a num. re' t that M. J. Wh.te, editor of the Of W I produce. sold his ro k ehri to I i' (,s, who had b is leg bi oken on December ! .
datthew Mai 8, of bar of itizens be, a 7 in , attendance. The This is one of -our moist rooperous branches in
y suleceEsful and p ur Z�flOing buoiueEs-
Londesbor(, for about $Ii80. f all see zied well p 6 ised with the machinery still confined to is bed, the bone
—St. Paul's church, Winghs, We have .-cert i 1,
I - a n gained an enviable reputation for t�o fairsex,sad[
in; contribu. tbitt r. Beese h� 6(' put in the bnildiDg. - beit very slow in kni tieg. His many ted more la it year, for aU purposes tha M�. in, Greer imd vife, of Wiagha f riei s would like to see agam soon. have made a grea�mauy Wedding Suits thim ;season. The loyelF lartistl brail-
y M, 00 LL ty w re v's T omas Harvey, of tE 151m2uTconcession, ing and 4fi u 4 manynow
of the othei ncch4rches in the 10 a,n 4 iting Tel �Lves and friends in town ne to bo done on our Ladies-' Costumes have b us
of Huron ; tho-ambunt Was $3,048 44. ! ' B this w ek.—Oar actric lights have been. Hia has sold hi4 150 a ire farm to John customers
and a6d;iertised our work largely. The highest con�pUnJienta have tew
—Mr. R. 11. Coate, son of Mr. R bert g. iog- I ut rather rly the past week, which Ro e , of Stephen, for 89,500,- and Mr. Coats, of linto 'I has �een appointeii paid to us in the Imariv testimonials we have received regard�ng our be�aflfdl r of tn1! � Be- is ver inconveni r t for those who have to Ro e in turn has suld h a farm to Albert L'istant edi te, publ hhed go'home late the e da -k, stormy nights.— Bro ii, of Step6en. R, C. C. Tremaine work: at Ottawa ; i the appointment carries wRh i b Mr. J--f-rwin left f)r Bramptcn last week, to and R. Carling 9;tteuded a ball In Wing- The latest style of separa� at is the box or three 4uarter iength. can make one te
iona, itit a salary of �1,500.. vif It I t* ading to spend a month batrilon Friday evening. - -Lientionant, W.,J. your order'br $4 Upw, ards. —O� Wednesday, Janivary 22nd., ati tl Dr. Agnc , dewist, of Clinton, has Has I en attended the meeting of the officers M
residence oi, the bide'O parents, Mr._J and op we4 an office at the Commercial hotel Of .Je 33rd regiment, t Goderich, last M re. W. JAd1di,_%oui, ffipllett, his salbond liffe, ' nd 13!� to pay regular visite. I tz, week.—The old buildin on the Smale i
I 0
daughter, )u Og- is to bad we isn't have a risident pro erty, purchased _by he A] olsons Bank, -k� a,land Andrew H tark & i,Mac township, were united U the dentist living in our midat,�, who would, wer sold on Saturday. t is reported that girt, of that holy bonds (f matrimony, the nuptial knot leave 1 the mo4v he takes from the, bank finds some dilRaulty in getti-g L; OPPOSITE T4E iCOMMER0I iD HOTEL being tied b" Rev. Hamilton, of Londellboro ou citiz9na in th ace itistead of spending. brick for the propoted ne v office at d dwell- .6
In. ran
9 :�d
0 a4
'n LL
T6 Ily me
Mo 4
fir, on on
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Rev,- week, bv-M,
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iriqezeA 14
,v g_tti
oc"e mew countil they cont0b
tile BuWassv
—Mr. 3,5er
-W4e8t� TOrot-G_�
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W. U. - Bit In i
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'Captured) Ii a rincial
But -the *�y
;eral, whe2ttlixte,
134�g pet fteb
e -hs -per bwbt
0;�uy per bus'.
i3neter, NO. 1. I
'Butter, tub_�,
per 40z�
-Flour, Pe I r iW I
f1sy Per 4M -M(
Uldeelper 100 I
vztfitoef for 4;
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. -cannot beiis4
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