HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-01-31, Page 61,
Cart r 55
Little Liver Pills.
Must. Bear Signaturo of
See Pete -Simile Wrapper Below.:
liefere• smell wad no ens"
talr.e as sugar.
144 '_,CailLWICTINE 1.4U8THAVZ liAraft
in tents ilitnnotr Vegetable. eirriste-
TOON GRIEVE, V.8., tumor graduate of Ontario
eil e"
Ileterinery College. A .1.11aes.ses of Domesti
anlm , treated. Calls promptly attended to an
abarg s moderate. Veterinary Dentstry a specialty.
(Mak jugl" residence on Goderich street, one door
of'Err Scott's office, Seaforth. 111241
Main .
. Domin
el Solicitor, Conveyancer and Notary
Money to loan. Office over Pickard's Store
treet, Seaforth. 1528
- R. 8_ HAYS,
er, Solioiter, Conveyancer and Notary Public.
r for the Dominica' Bank. Office -in rear of
on Bank, Seaforth. Morley to loan. 1235
BEST, Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer,
lcota.ry Public. Offices up stairs, over 0. W.
bookstore, MainStreet, Seaforth, Ontario.
KY BEATTIE, Berrieter, Solicitor, dic
oney to loan. Otllee-Oadye3 Block, Sea.
G.a.ow tit GARROW, Barristers, Solicitors, &o.
Gor. Harei:ton St. snel Square, Cioderieb, Out.
FE&"8TED, enceeseor to the late firm of
e tinCieughey & Hohneeied, Barrieter, Solicitor
' iBooveyarreeir, and Notady . Solicitor for the Can
*elate Sauk of Commove°. Money to lend. Farm
for we e. Entice in Sifoit's Block, Main Street
Grainto of Reyal College of Deatal Sure-eoes of On -
trio, G. at, graitentJ cola e in k ro,vn and bridge work
as tl e3hool, Chit:sere Local anesthetics, f r
ainle OXtrACt!.0,1 Of tcttb. Wile° over Dominion
Bank, 4eafaLth, frmery oectipled by G. F. -B 1 e...
nR. F. A. SELLERY, Pentiat, graduate of the
Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also
honor gradueee of Department of Dentistry, Toronto
University. Office in the Petty block, Mansell.
Will vieit Zurich every Mondey, commencing Mon-
day, June 1st. z 1687
TAR. R. R. ROSS, Dentist (moceecor to F. W.
Tweddle), graduate of Hoye]. College of Dental
Surgeons of Ontario ; Debt class honer graduate of
Toronto Tenivers,ty ; crown and bridge work, also
gold work in all its forms. All the most modern
methocie for pa:uless filling and painless extraction of
teeth. , All oueratione carefully performed. Office
Tweddle`e old tend, over par4 grocery, Seeforth.
I 1040
' Dr. John McGinnis,
.on. Graduate London Western University, member
si Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons.
•Moe and Residenee-Formeny octupleci by Mr. Wen.
Pickard, Victoria Street, next to the Catholic Church
itfight calls attended promptly. 1453x19
Office over Johnson's Hardware Store,
Btannue. H. U. Roes, M. B,
Night calls attended to at Uc c thee.
.ats resident Physician and Surgeon, Toronto Gen-
eral. Hospital. Honor graduate Trinity Univerelty,
aaemaer of the College of Playeiciane and Surgeons
Ontario. Coroner for the Couety of Huron.
Office and Residence-Goderloh Street, East of the
at ettiodist Ciaurch. Telephone 16.
Ooderich street, opposite Methodist ohnrch,Seaiorth
3. S. SCOTT, graduate Victoria and Ann Arbor, and
meraber Ontario College of Physicians and
Burgeons. Coroner for County of Huron.
elteleAY, honor graduate Trinity University,
gold medalist Trinity Medical College. Member
College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario.
System Renovator
181in:1ne and antidote Or Impure, Weak and
poveriehod Blood, Dyspepais, eieeplessness, Palpate.
Mon of the Heart, Liven Cloerplalnt, Neuralgia, Lou
of Memory, Bronchitis, Joneumption, Gall Stones,
.7aund...oe. 'Kinney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus
Daum, Female Irregularieles scud General Debility.
LABORATORY-Goderich, Ontario.
-I. M. McLEOD, Proprietor and Mann
Sold by J. S. Rontwrs, Seaforth.
Musical - Instrument
Owing to hard times, we have con-
cluded to sell Pianos and Organs at
Greatly Reduced Prices,
Organs at $25 and upwards, and
Pianos at corresponding prices.
;• See us before purchasing.
" A cool million of money, I tell you,
There'd all that of it if there's a
penny." And the speaker threw down his
cards, and leaned his dhows on the table.
44 Ante you quite euro, 'George? You are
oeetr0 there is no mistake ?" And Colin
also threve down his cards and leaned his
elhowslon the table, fo' the conversation
was behoming more interesting than the
44 Q no quite sure, or I shouldn't waste
my d talking about it."
If were pin) sure the thing was a
certain y--'
" As certain as my napie i I. George Glass
and yo rs Colin Macrae ; as certain as the
fact th t we are at th ie present moment
alone t gather in the arookeroom of a Prin-
cess str at club. How am I certain ? 1' I
tell you The legal then that drew up the
old man's will is Fowler & Sandernan, of
Sydney ,i and Fraser & Glass, of Edinburgh,
are Fowler & -Sandernan'a Seetai h agents.
Is that,good enough ?''
"It sawn& all right. But then the girl
s Will do no rii:creditt to the name of
Colin Macrae. Of aourse, she w ill require
to be groomed, and put through her paces a
bit; but you just marry her and take her
to the Continent for a year or two, and eive
her all the advantage that money can com-
mand.; and win n you bring her back to this
tight little island you'lh be able to pteeent
her at court, if you lik5, with a eleae,con.
science, jest ae if she Were a born lady.
Hang it, all, it I weren't: a married man-
• worse luck -I'd go in far her myself Like a
Da I now her at all .
" Look :here, Colin," S di Glass, with de.
ciajon Pin not going tio answer any more
questions, and I'm not $oing to Live any
more iafoitmetion until i you agree to my
terms. Ten thousand in a large sum, I
know, but it is not too 'large a sum for giv-
ing yenathe straight tip about a million, nor
is it toii large a sum t heal the wound
which I am now infl.cti g on my profession-
al honour. Fancy the franagiig clerk and
the son of the junior rtiaer giving away
the secrets of the firm.
Thiugs can be easily arranged," con -
tinned Ghee, finding his words provoked no
reply, "1 shall draw o t a promissory note
in which Celia Macrae,, urn factor, Duuora,
Morningside, Ediabur4, , agrees to pay,
three months alter date? to George Glass, S.
S. C . Smith Castle street, Edinburgh, the
sum of ten thousand po!einds • for value re-
ceived. The thing cau lse all settled qui,e
.easily: in three months, ad in fact muse be,
for the girl can't be ketj in ignorance of the
good fortune which is c ming to hr much
longer, and when she ell a know of' it she
will lock somewhat highsr than Colin Mac-
rae, I fancy, although alt the blood of all
the Highlaud ohiefea the ever lived since the
fbodcoursed through bl vei
" If you don'Ailee-th terms, Colin, just
say so at once and have one with it," re-
sumed Glass, now some hat irritably? since
his words still provoked no reply. ••' I
thilk I know of a safe erket for what I
have got to sell. F01b3» linnsar would jump
at my offer in one inoca4 4 t, and n?ver ask
me to bate a penny of n vice. And, he
wouldsucceedwith the ,id, too, for he its. a
deuce good-looking fell w i i that flse4hy
sort of style that is so t to catch the fancy
of the underbred
" Forbes Fraser succe de -in most' Li io4s,"
said Macrae, with h tote h of ,bitterness.
" He has aucecededi WOndelfully. With
these tt legs of late," Eel I G1.t s. peiating to
the cards on the table. I 'A
(1 I know you
can very ill afford it, Collie.- Now, idon't: be
elegy at what I am ea) ug. We lawyets,
as you are well aware, g -t to know many
things not known to other people. It is enote
ithin the knowledge of everyone, for i in.•
that your uncle k1d godfather, Who
died lately, left next t nothing, although
he had all his life pasre for a rich man, Lit
whole fortune having be a stink ia an :an.
nuitta which died with
Macrae winced viinelyat this lest thrust.
" Tell me one thine' he, said basiily.
" Hot., is it that Ferbee Fraser noes • not
himenff know about thial money e"
Biin..; the eon of th sitnior partner?
But you forget that E. bee FraLeft mould
net be alleievecl to eet hisl not in the office.
His charaoter is too well koown ; and, in
truth, I should be very 4 Inn ,to see any igirl
throw herself away u n Forbes iFraser.
And hat's w:ly I have oken to yont Celan
Now, what do you say ? Yee or non"
." If you are willing t forego the farm-
ality of a promissory no', and takel my bare
Does your horse "feel his
oats'? What a differe+ be-
tween the grain -fed and the
gr2iss-fed horser.;, The first
strong and full 61 ging-er, the
second flabby, weak and tired
out before:he ipecsms. The.
feeding milkes the difference..
Children are,n6t alike6 ither.'
One is rosy, bright-eyed, full
of life and laughter, another is
pale, weak and dull. THF- feed-
ingagain is responsible.'
Sickly childrenineed special
feeding. They don't "fell their
oats". :cot,'s adds
just the right riOmess tO
diet. It is like 'grain o ithe
horse. The dal gets iew
appetite and strung digestion.
cott's EmuiSion is irfore
than food. It is 1 a 'trhng
medicine.. It rousesdull
children, puts new flesh on dlin
ones and. red blO d into 'hale
'ones. It makes children grow.
SC teS Emulsion makes ok-di-
nary food its
This picture repre'aents
the Tra le l'sfark of Seott's
F;imiiilsiou and is on the
wrapper of every boffin.
Send for free sample.
eoc and $1. all dtuggiste.
To the time when she was jjltckecl from
the 'very grasp of death, the aturel ii -
puke of the womanly heart i thankful-
nesS for the means which aved her,
and 1 a desire to help
other wonten in like -
case Those are the
motives which
pronipted grs. Iva
Burnett to !write the
accompanyiag . testi-
monial to tne curative
power of D. Piece's
raverite Prescription.
This' is only one epee
out Of thousands. No
onewould dare say
Utak the average
wonlan was not as
truthful as she is
good. And. it is the
trutlif Ill testimony of,
the verage wonian
that l'Pavorite
seri tion" cures
wo nly diseases
whei all other
meats and medi-
cines absolutely
fail. It estab-
lishea regularity,
deka the drains which we4 en:women,
heal a inflammation and tile ration and
cureS female weakness. I Itratiquilizes
the nerves, restores the ijajpetite and
indulces refreshing sleep.
e a have intended for some t'ar
you,1 says Mrs. Eva 131.1ruettiof
gen o., Ky., Eiv%e(tieoei ieonifbe
whatyour medicinehas
caiuq ha July, 1889, and I had e
and ay at death's door for ten :I
was a dreadful condition and,
best doctors of the city. After. e
been done and I had been guy
asked my husband to get Me e
Pier e's Favorite Prescription.
in Rebut he got it, and when I he
wee 'a I was able to walk to. t
to 11 y meals, and by the time 1
bottl s 1 wa h able to cook for my
I cm never praise Dr, Pierce an
eno gh,"
. Pierce's Pleasant Pelle s
ous ess.
e to write to
Io -
ha regard to
e. My baby !
gestive chills,
ad six of the
lig weeks. I
erything had
U up to die I
bottle of Dr.
e hed no faith
taken it twerl',
ring room
d u ilei;mof threeant;
lri medicine!
word," said Macrae deliberate'
siV OP."' . I
'it ore," raid Glasseextencli g his hand-
" I'd take your bare ' word,; n let th
prom ssory note slide. And ne '11 tell yo
all a nit it. The money tie °aged to
Darn I Dewar, who Wits a tine of th
Dun old dist: jot and emigrat to Australi
luck vas with him t and whe e had mad
over wenty years ago. He a cu ated, an
his pile he began to. think of • oin he wa
beim he left Scotland, but, fn s me .reasol
to le. ve it to. He had been 1• a ried Ion
or ot er, his wife had left hien t .king he
child with her, and he had ne e seen o
'heard of either her or the child eiterwards.
Well, when he came to think o akiug hi
is ill, Is put the matter into t e hands of
Fowl r & Sandeman; of Sydney and Fowl-
er & Sandeman communicated with Fraser
& Glens, of Edinburgh, and Fner & Glass
made inquiries, and discovered that Daniel
Dawa0d child, a girl; had bee°. 0 the wife
of William Chrittison, a lebbur r at the gas
worte in tl is city, and that Wi limn Christi-
son and his wife are both dead eaving an
only hild, a daughter, named {ate, -1who :
has b ,en for some time, and id o , a tbar-
, 1
maid. Now do you understan , 1
" I understand that Kate 1 i istiaon is!
Data 1 Dewar's grandchild an4 11 nave?, and
the g rl I am to marry." I
" 'on have it by beartn •s soon as
Dani.i Dtwer learned that hal a grand-
child alive in Scotlanti .he inetr c ed Fowler
& Sa dernati to draw up a will 'n her favor.
That was about sir months ago. He then
eet a out arranging I it affairs i Australia,
a ith a view to retail lag to his ative land,
and i was while so engaged tha he fell ill,
and led rather suddenly, ii see s, at Mel-
bounte. Fraser & Glass, of Eiinbuegh,
have just been informed of the fact of his
death by Fowler &.,- Sandeman, of Sydney.
Befoce Kate Ches-deon comes p know of
her good fortune itnhust be you btu ines to
see t at she's 'wooed and Man ied and it'n
And I think you will have no h rd task, for
I fancy she used to be rather eweet upon
n the old days. • 1 wish yo 1 ek."'
t might be worse," said ' acree, with
" then 1'1
it 4
a sig of relief.
or all partiere" added Glees tpaickly.
e u might eat ily have a werria wire than
il 4 '4"
Kat. She is free in her maenees, as most,
bar aids are, but there has never been any-
ttio wrong with her, and she bee in her
the rakiogs of a vary fine women, for she is
no fol, and has her own ehre 'of good
looks. And Kate might easily , DSO a worse
hueb nd than you. Culls, althoogh you aro
no e int ; while, if she were not the heiress
of a illioneire, it vtould certainly be a
great thing for her to become Mrs. Colin
Macrae. And it is you rnuat m rry her be-
fore She learus her luck, so as a save her
from, becoming the prey of s Ime fortune
hunter. An 1 now I must be I off. Tana;
and, once more good luek."
C 'du Macrae ei,t have good, luelk with
Kat CLaistison. After an houti or -o spent
is h r company the following morning he
had very reason to believe that be had only
to say the word to become the husband of
the Millionaire heirese. l i
And yet he was not happy. T wOaty- f our
hour ir before and he Would nave gone
throogh fire and water for such alforinne,and
now that it wee practically his if helchose to
stretch out his hand to take it, lie felt more
depressed in spirit than he ever Idid before.
lie had not thought the matter cut las yet ;
but he felt, in a dim sort of wan, that his
good luck would cause Moro sni mdre evils
thannt would cure.
ii Was sauntetiog along Pri eerie street,
lean;ay, his mind in this depr esed moon
in the early hours of the afterno n iti an aimt
and tits eyes unobservant of ou wand real -
hies,' when his progress wes arreeted by a
lightlhand on his arm and a cheery tole° in
his er. 1
penny for yourthoughtse
you look as glum as if you'd gnu
and ,leen rejected with thanks."
It was his younger sister, Flo
soul at home with whom he felt
pathetic. At that moment she
as hitt better anael, ad, fort
1 imeelf, he di 1 not repel her, bu
her v ice. He had n ed to mak
and r -calve good counsel, and t
his c nfestior and ad% net.
ja ileitis true that I've gon a
he no lied with a wintry omit.
into t o Gardens Flora and I'll tel
3 V '
about it."
An s 3, as they walked together
c'iarcicins, with the roar of Prince} 8 street on
one hand and the roar of the railwayon :the
majSsty over all, he told herr th whole
ethereand the grit* castle toweOng in silent
story, concealing nothing.
II ou are in a false ptsition,_ one," said
the giel when she had heard hi atiently
to the end. " You have been h a also po.
eition ever since poor father died, ad now
you have taken the very worst lwa in the
world to free your feet from the ore into
which they have stumbled. If poo father
was f 'entail, there was no reasott why you
shout folloW Itim in his, folly. I He had a
fairly good business, and we oou d 11 have
been ery comfortable if mot er and he
had e osen to live in a °deaf lwa . But
they ad the miiifortun to be d seended
from the chide of the N crises, end 11 their
substa cc was offered es a sacrifine to their
family .pride. For, as you k owi Colin,
neithet Janet nor you nor I have ener had
a sixpence we could call her own." ' i
" Nis only too true," issente COlin.
" Abel all to keep up a unlessies large
c. Why
e a wooing,
a, Ilhe only
at all Byrn -
to him
nakly for
listened to
made Flora
avo( i og,"
you all
in the
establishment, to wnieh they gave
of the old mountain stronghold of
run. What ! Ar we Eastern
he namle
he Mae-
• Chinese or Japmes , that we also Id prao-
: rico such ancestor orship ? To come �f
.goed stook is good, and a source of strength,
if it prompts us to live worthily of the good
, men and women from whom we ha e derin-
'ed our blood and ow name ; but if it merely
• prompt s us to the gratification of a foolish
family pride,it is n t a blurting, bet, a curse.
When poor father died you ought Inever te
have stepped into Ins shoes, Colin. You
ought to have alloWed the law to take its
coutse, and the use es rly large establishment
to be broken up. llother and Janet and I
,wortld have been q ite AB comfortable, and
mote comfortable, ¼ieh only Our share of
theproperty, and yiou would have been a
-better man going oi with your law studies
tha o plungitig head ong into a btu muss �f
which you knew nothing, and for which 1
lave no aptitude, became
."Ay, and who Old you that, my little
'I My own eyes end my own instincte.
Atei since you took, up with the businers
you have also taken up with bad hebits.
You are too often late at night, Colin."
She did not spare him. She told him he
wee acting a disgraneful part in trading on
any girl's ignorance of her prospects ; and,
in proposing to take for his wife one who,
he must be quite well aware, would never
be treated as a daughter-in-law, not even if
she brought with hr ten times her fortune.
" There's somet ing in that," admitted
CinoalnitT,'.' replied Flora. "Anti since,. 1 hane
'here is the heppineas of the girre lite
said ao much. I may as well say a little
more. I dop't believe you will ever base
happiness, Colin, or even enduring worldly
prosperity, antil eat: act honestly towards
my old scheolfello , Mary Dewar. •She
still loves yeti, Cohn, and you know you
were as good as engaged to her. None
don't tell :me that you have nothing to
marry upon, Do what you ought to have
done when poor father died, and you will
have, not riches, bet enough to give her a
home equal to the borne she has with liter
unele. Mary and 4.r aunt keep up appeat-
antra very bravely 'n but Mr. Scott is oialy a
poerly-paid elergyrnan." ,
ts Mother and Janet will think I have de-
serted them," said Unlin.
''' Let them think," said his sister. "You
will be 'doing them tse injustice. On the
contrary, you will be doing them a real set -
vice. Draw the sponge over the 6late,
Colin, and begin afresh. And, in the , first
plop, go to Mary .40,War and make it right
with her. Confess! to her as you have , con-
fensed to me, and a
absolution. Hark
blind man on the
shall it profit a ma
world and lose his
whet would it pro
money if you gaiae
making yourself m
would ? Go to M
make it right with
" It ii the blind
Cohn, and that sa
made it all right w
confessed to her, a
eied, received aim
a will gladly give, yeti
n to the words that tie
ound is reading-' Whet
if he gin the whole
own eo 1 ?' And a?,
t you to ain a million Of
it by doing wrong, ;and
eatable, as you certainly
ry Dewar, Colin, and
eading the blind," said,
to evening he went and
th Mary Dewar. line
ti, as Flora had prophet-
• Colin Macrae had been the affianced lon-
er of Mary Dewar for several weeks; no
was in treaty for the sale of bit business,
and he was making arrangements for break-
ing up the usetessly large establishment ef
Dunora, whenn-th unexpected happened, -
Mr, Sandeman, o owler & Sandemare
Sydney, and Mr. C. rter, of Carter & Davie,
Melbourne, arrived to ether in Edinburgh,
and their first bun) ess was to have an inter-
view with Fraser & GI is,
As the result olf his tntereiew Mari
Dewar was inform4d hat, according to a
will made at Melbourn by Carter & Davies,
six months after the d to of the will made
at Sydney by Fowler Sandeman, she WO
heir to the bulk of the great fortune left Ian
her father, the late aniel Dewar. And
Kate Christison was i formed that, accord.
iug to the tents of th same will of he
grandfather, the late Daniel Dewar, her
future was provided fo , so far as an annuity
of two hundred pound a year went,
Daniel Dewar's mar ied life had been a
very singular one. H s first wife married
him in all good faits, honestly believing
herself to be a widow, but, 86 it turned out,
her first husband was still alive, and she,
therefore, left Daniel Denver, taking with
her her little girl, alto wards the mother at
Kate Christison, who of course, in the
eyes of the law, was not Daniel Dewar'
grandchild at all. Twenty years late
Daniel Dewar marries again, his s000ndl
wife being the sister o Mrs. Scott, and six
months afterwards he oft her, having, UM he
thought, reason to sue eat her fidelity. 110
emigrated to Australi , and he -never knew.
that his eecond wife b re a child until he
was informed of the fait in Melbourne, by
the very man whom e had suspected of
m:seenduct with hie w fe, and who made it
quite clear to hlin tha his suspicions had
been grotoldlese. Th reupen he paused e
second will to be du1aws up, acknowledging
Mary Dewar as hi is d ughter, and leaving
her tho bulk of his ',for une. Shortle, after.
wards he died at Itlelb, tirne very suddenly.
The latest will of Daniel Dewar was e
pleasant surprise to bdth the girls, and, for,
tunately for Kate Chr 'kitten's peace of mind
she, had never known, aril she never did
know, that her prospe to had at one lime
been far from _brittle t. She and Mary
Dewar became great riends, and in due
time she was man ied, and well married, te
a man whom she coul thoroughly respect,
and who could not pos ibly have any mere,
cinarymotive in askin her to become his
suppose I shell aye to give you your
liberty now, Mary," a id Cnio, when there
was no longer any coo for doubt as to the
change in the girl's air umstances. "It, ie
not for a poor law stu ent to aspire to the
band of a great heires
" You may if you hI. e, sir," said Mary,
pretending to pout., " sub I won't take it,
4and I certaiely shan't give you yours." -7
The VN't enly Welcome.
Throe Operati
to Cure
is Failed
Itching PlikNi,
.News of a Mn -rye Ions Cure Iellere
Across the Con inent-ienther nun
• Son Unite in Pealsinee. Dr. Chase's!
Sonic cures effec
Ointment seem like
a ease where duct
and operations fain.
Mr. Donald McLt
S. writes :-
"1. received th
Dr. Chase's Ointrn
me a considerable
am now enclosing
box of Dr. Chase'
Cd by Dr. Chase*
iniraeles. Here iS
rs labored in vain
d to cure,
Od, Tarbotvale, U.
'sample box oe
eit, and it has done
Mount of good.
ayrnent for a large
Ointment, :which
you will please send to My a.ddrese. ,!
. I have had itch ng piles for foue
years and did not now of any mcc)
cin that would re 'eve me until las
fall when ,I receive a letter from my
son in Winnipeg, 'leo said that three,
oetors treated bin and operated' foe
eilee. but failed to ure him. He novn
thanks God arid 'Dr. Chase's Ointe
me t for a perfect tire. He had pile
in t le worst norm, a ad suffered terribly.,
He is now worisin hard every day,
antii does not feel any symptoms oil
pilereturning. Y u are at liberty te,
11:?0 this letter for t a benefit of others."'
T mere is little use trying to cure piles,
uni ees you use Ir. Chase's Ointe
meet. It is certa 1 to afford quick
r( -1I 1 and .ultimat iy thorough cure.
GO es a box, at all dealers or Edmane
son Bates & Co., T nonto, • .
. ,
Tie Bi ness of Phillips Brooks.
$tthe 'eight of the busy holiday season,
tinny a f w • days before Christmas, acme
_years ago a large man stopped at the coun-
ter -du one of the big stores in Boston to
make a p rchase. As he stood waiting for
hi: parcel in the bustnivg, hurrying crowd,
&novo wh oh he towered head and shoulders,
antoorly •reseed little girl came wandering
oryin bitterly. Turning quickly, the
tall map tooped down and asked Iher what
tne troub e was.
n I've I stnmy mamma, and I Can't find
her," she sobbed out.
t a moment's heeitati m ;he gently
idps,aand: ra'snig her carefully to
ani a very lig man. You sit, on
or and you can see everybody, in
In a few minutes you will either
amma, or she will see you."
ough, in a short time the little one
lied out, " There'S my mamma !"
same moment a small, shabby
me hurriedly pushing through = the
ard them.
thought I'd lost her," she said as
up. "I've hunted eyerywhere
't find her."
che'd up her arms and took the
with a kindly smile Phillips
eked up his parcel and walked
ranklin B. Wiley, in thq January
picked he
ha shout
I in Now
rnn shout
the room.
sed, your
! Sure e
joyfully c
and at th
woman c
crowd to
n Oh, I
nnhe came
lint could
• She re
child, an
Brooks p
away. -
Ladies' Home Journal.
Life F 11 of Misery to Slufferers
From This Trouble.
Its Symp emir Made nblanifest by a Coated
Tong e, Bad Breath, Bad Tante ia
th Mouth, and Pains Extend-
ing to theiShoulders.
(Fr m the Brockville Recorder.)
of almost
and wore
per retne
its natur
of Brock
been, ha
the only
store this
it. To a reporter, ItIre. Leolair ' willingly
gave her story for pu licatior. She said :
-" For long time Is flared severely frcm
complicationa of the li er and dyspepsia. I
would a akein thent
der my 6
tongue w
rible test
iug th
at times
I could $
There wa
there wa
and I did
there was
the coins
I was con
cleared, t
the pains
ever I wa
ed from b
s from liver troubles find life one
cots'ant ms Ty, growing worse
unless promPt steps and the pro -
y be taken t restore the organ to
1 cr niitior. Al to. Joseph Leolaire,
ille, was Imo a sufferer, but has
pily, relesssd from the trouble by
edicine kno to thoroughly re -
important o gan to its normal
,onge dins F has fastened upon
ruing with pias %m-
oulders and in my stomach. My
a heavily conted, and I had a hors
in my mout
morning. I
y head woul
areely let it
such a burn
at times t
, especially on aria -
was constipated, and
ache so badly that
rest on the pillow.
ng seniati in in my
at it .felt ,as though
a dotal of firel in it. , The pain was
severe aft r ea4g, and for
y life was one of misery.; A friend
o to take Dr.! Williams' Pink Pills,
so. After luiag the ,first box
a Material improvement, and in
of a few we ks longer I felt that
pletely cured. My tongue was
e had taste left my mouth, and
disappeared, and I am as well as
. Before ta jug the pills I suffer-
onchitis at t mes, but it has never
since tro blen me. I can recommend Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills to anyone who suffer as
I did." t
• Dr. Wi
and stre
bleed, th
th body
oni the sy
bulbgo di
In thi 3 w
and kidne
St4 Vitus'
ac es, an
m lee the
hairs' Phik Pills restore health
gth by making new, richaared
a strengthening every organ in -
hey do not act merely' up-
ptioms, as ordinary medicines do,
ctly to the root of the = trouble.
m, paralysis,-'-
y they cure ;nob di teases, as liver
e troubles, retimatis
dance, heart troubles, siek head -el
emla, and the irregularities thativess of so m ny women ope of cou-
nt mis reel Do not e persuaded to take
substtute ; see th t the full name "Dr.
'hams' Pink Pills to Pine People" is on
trapper around ev ry box. If in doubt,
ills ill in sent p st paid at 50 cents a
or si boxes for $2 50, by addressing
Dr. illiams' Me icine Co., Blrockville,
Distriict Ora
GREY Desalt:am -
Or nge nodge, elect
Tu sday of last week,
last year ere reeleete
Srrith, W D. J,
P. Phi , caplain;
T. Oakley t easurer ;
U.; J. Mo nen and B.
Orange L dg e elected
meeting h Id in Blyth,
.14h inst.: R. Lei
ilfoRrd., SD.;
ray,lje8hFrn,SIn.' Richaird McCommin, treasurer ;
R. MeCrea, Geore Taman, lecturere.
Sa uel B rre chaplain ; Alex. Bruce, D. of
Th next egalar meeting will be held in
B1 th. A invitation I was received from
the Goderi h lodge to Meet there next 12th
of uly, b t no decirioii Was come to.
URNBE .11:Y, DISTRI .-The Loyal Orange
Instriot L dge for Tfirnberry held their
an'nal me ting in W'ngham, on Tuesday
aft moon f hist week. I The business trans-
act d was hiefly rontijie, and was followed
by he ele tietrof office, the following of-
fice a,bein elected : ID. M.. J. J. McMan-
us D. D. .t1J. Cosa ore ; It. S., E. John -
ate ; F. 8.,, T. Ste art ; treasurer, P.
Ab aham ; chaplain, ¶. H. Stewart; D. of
C., Bar er. 1 It was Iooided that the next
ann sal me ting should be held in Wingham,
and also to endeavor toi secure the services
of rand Organizer Duff. .
OwIOIC IS1RICT.-41owickDistrict Loyal
Ora ge As °elation use in the Ora gehall
Gor is, on the 14th net., and as very
lar ely att nded, almo t every lodge in the
distlrict bei g repreeen ed. ' It was decided
ge' Lodges.
rey Disti jet Loyal
d their officers, on
All the officers of
d, as follows ; Wm.
amiltori, D. D. M.;
J. Morrison, R. S.;
M. H. Moore, D. of
erry, auditors.
orris District Loyal
their officers at a
on Tuesday evening,
hman, W. D. .M.;
D. M.; Alex.
Robert McMur-
. t
to hold the 12th' of July celebration in
Gerrie thin yea. Th'e following officers
woe then elected : D. m., M. Dane; D.
D. M., R. Bride channel/3, A. Spence; R.
S., R. Carson F. S,, John Harper ; treas.
ure , J. Fallis ; D, of C., J. Mulvey lee -
tuners, J. Donaghy, John Dane. Thomas
A uff, of Toronto, was present, and deliv-
ered a very stirring address to the meeting.
GODERICH DISTRICT. -The annual meeting
of GoderiebjOistrieb Loyal Orange Lodge was
held in the hall of Loyal Orange Lodge, 145,
on nes lay of last week. There were about
50 Members in attendance, and the meeting
we one of the most harmonious, successful
and enthusiastic ever held in the district.
The lodge disoussed the proposed -12th of
July re -union in Goderioh, and decided un-
anithously to turn out in full force to the
county meeting, at Exeter, and support the
proposition. P. C. M. Todritoonducted the
eleo ion and installation of -officers, which
resulted as follows ; W. D. M.., R. Y.
Cox; D. M., Matthew gheppard ; Chaplain,
John Woods; R. S., . Johnstrn. ; F. S.,
Thomas Bell ; treasurer, R. H. 'Elliott ;D.
of C., E. in, Elliott ; leaturer, James Wells ;
D. 12., A, 'Milian.
• BACK PRECEPTORY.-On Friday of last
week the annual meeting of Jubilee Precep-
tory, Bit* Knights of Ireland, was held in
the nett, Clinton, when the following officer's
were elected for the current tern: Precep-
tor, John Scarlett, Leadbnry; deputy, Wm.
Kinney, Winthrop ; registrar, Peter Caut-
ion, Clinton ; treasurer. Thomas Kearns,
Cliaton ; lecturers David Barr, Summerhill,
and,John Bullard; Winthrop; censors, Al-
bert Anderson and Wm. Ford, Clinton;
standard bearers, J. II. Carnpbeh and Sam-
uel Robinson, Winthrop; chanlain, James
Connolly, Porter's Hill; Pureeviant, An-
thony Nevin, Centralia.
A ure- Banisher of Ills Peculiar
to Women.
Dr. Phelps' famous prescription, Paine's
Cel ry Compound, has been ands now free-
ly rescribei by many of our ablest phesic-
Lane for tb'e ills peculiar to wornen. They
have found the wonderful corned to be ex-
actly what is claimed for it. I has been
pro 'ed again and again that Pai e's Celery
Co pound is the one great cur for that
for 1 of nervousness peculiar to omen, and
giv s to weak, run-down and a ffering fe-
mai a a perfect and robust worra hood. All
we en who suffer from irregul Hiles, hys.
teri , nervous prostration, anaemia, liver
and kidney troubles, or blood diseases,
eho hi at once give Paine's Celery Corn-
poutird a trial. • Its cures are -happy and per.•
ent. Miss Jessie M. ROBS, of Quyon,
Que., says :
"It affords me much pleasure to testify
,to the great good that Paine's Celery Com-
poued has done for use. I was completely
run down in health and a victim of female
,weat nees, and after using three bottles of
Paiie'a Celery Componnd I was completely
cured. It is the beet blood purifier I know
of."- ,
What the Post Masters Get.
Tse following partinulars concerning the
pos offices in Huron -county are gleaned
fro the report of thPostmaster General
for be year ending June 30th, 1901 :
Bs) fidd
Be 3E011 Jr
EllueVde •
Blyth 3,•k
Ct lio,
Br u.telsi
Ethel!Exotic r
Hew .11
Eli- pso
• O-"'
P.0 §
o -A 13
A F.
$ 358 78 $.7,845.13
E32 63 10,618 49,1
600 OS 1,282 15
106.49 2,663.47
335.56 4,480 82
1.3.9.t9 0,097.87
404.84 3,721.77
2,C41.96 14,177.22
810.15 1,6n 16
4,347.71 18,550 60
189.65 4.577.23
602.67 9,160.50
371 08 1,810.40
662.57 13,654.01
420.24 5,798.83
2,305.29 16,388.31
652.55 14,165.01
6,829.41 19,611.05
901 87 12,569.75
1,275.74 • 9,35148
/362.63 2,25835
396 40 -5,114.91
4O82 06 14,182.65
453.07 1,777.18
L41 .57
9.93 .21:1:3,8255:6397
8%3.960 8
1 10:7204372
The following are the figures for
the non -accounting 'offices of the
The snlary is bee' ed on the revenue
previous year' :
Anil), Coy
Hills Green
Marne oh
Port Albert
Porter's 1111
St. Aturustine
So. Belfns
Salt! aid
9 e a
g ee
$ 241..79
206 46
602 70
194 34
926 12
2,173 (6
174 74
167 92
some of
of the
Salary ard
Revenue. allowance.
$ 94.82
169 16
115 08
109 52
66 00
30 92
114 00
40 CO
- 85.00 ,
90 00
28 CO
10 CO
6) 00
A Gentle Hint.1
In our style of climate, with tta sudden
changes of temerature,-rain, wiind and sun-
shine often intermingled in a single day, -
it is no wonder that our children, friends
and relatives are so frequently taken from
us by neglected colds, half the death a re-
sulting directly from this cause., A bottle
of Bocchee's Germep Syrup kept! about your
home for immediate use will proYent serious
sickness, a large dootor's bill, and perhaps
death, by the use of three or four doses.
For curing Consump`ion, Henharrhages,
Pneumonia, Severe' Coughs, Croup or any
disease of the Throat or Lungs, its succeis
is simply wonderful, as your druggist will
tell you. Regular niza, 75 cents. You can
get Dr. G. G. Gree 's reliable remedies at
J. S. Robert's drug store, Seaforth,
Life' Battle.
This iss tremen oesly practical worha
and that man is g i g to get the most (nit of
it who is not hemp red by the constant want
of money. It isbsurd to suppose that
: I
great riches always bring happiness or even
that the accumulation of great riches is es-
ntial to succeseThe man of moderate
means is, on the *hole, perhaps happier
than the extremely rich man, and he who
makes for himself ansafe place in any field
can be set down as eing quite as successful
as the man who ace mutates millions, The
man who Starts out tight will never be poor
in the extnerne sense, no matter hotv limited
his incor4 or how circumscribed his oppor-
tunities. i Let him lay down the rule for
himself that he will invariably spend less
tban he makes; then he is safe. No man
can be happy in this life for any length of
g haVe inOas a most tborou
trInl of Ayer'SiCherry Pectoral all
am prepared to say that for AU dks
eases of the In.tig,s it never din
J. Early Finley, ifonton,
Ayer's (Merry Peeto
won't cure. rheumatism
we never iisaid it woul
it won't cite dyspepsia
we never Claimed it
it will c*e coughs a,
colds of all kinds. -
first said trigs sixty yea
ago; we'v0 been saying
ever since;
Throe sizes: 2561., tnongh for an
cold; 50c., just right for bronchitis,
mess, herd colds, t0.; 1, most econongui
for chronic cc ass ol to ItOe.1 on haat.
J. 0. A ri/3, CO.,
atainaanenatisense __en_
timenwhat matteri his ihsep. does
wps encci°taaffaliveien.g til YPI 1 If te:etabdtaiSeratrati)t:fr 0 e; i
this rule he will, sooner or later, conyak
Mucheof thtlstefa??1V: lieu succeed.iefiittth
and unnatural life that we find ejti
Country people rarely Buffer such e
poverty as we find ie the great centeisa
population. The fanner's boy is instinOthee
ly saving and careful. He see all about Ina
eaxnadmtPhief fleeceli rhrileslabtinillprYr; vidTellebertr5egefultiylierlitlOrka
rainy day. Man alone violates this Wean
instinct, and he vilolates it more genet*
in the luxurious life of the city than in 1,
plainer and simpler life Of the country.
...- 1 1 , •
To Cure a Col d in One Day
Take Laxative Brolio Qainine Tablets. -
druggists refund the money if it hilts to tura
II W. Grove's signature is on each 'box. 2tdia
1 '-'- I_
Rules For iSucces in We.
The following !sixteen rules are kept'
printed on a card' yi a member of one -
oldest mercantile: ,concerns in New. Yeti
city, and, with other good literature as
most fatherly advice, are handed to yousg
men of his Regain tntice from time to
and otherwise distributed!, where to theybhis
do good. It is eaf o a y that the sisTueecessver
of the establishment
rules. We recom end them to the 'tun.
builtup aloeg the I les indicated benttrese
tion of our readers': i referred
1. Keep.good omp ny or none.
pbieoyi2de.:Iaf attend
hta6 i ;tear not usefully tin.
3 1 1 ultivation of Tont-
mind.. Live up to arour e gagements. Keit
i 1 ,
your own secrets,' if You save any,
4. When you eak to a perste-1,14k
him in the face. '
5. Good company an good eonvereatiort
are the very _shown Of vi tue.
6. Good character 1 above all I thingt 1
else. 1 '
7. Ever live , 4 -mist
within your income. I
ft Make no haste o be rich, if Ion
would prosper:
- 9. Never playat-any game of chance.
10. Earn money b for you spend it.
11. Never run into d ht unless you ItItt•
a way to get out ag in.
12. Never borro vi if you can pesibly
avoi i it.
la Do not marry iant- I you are able la
support a wife. l -
14. Be just beforelyou are generous.
15. Be temperaten al Wogs.
16. Save when ma arp young to rpm}
when you are old)
rtune excepted -
The Beat Evidence--- of Popularity
The ever-increasing de and for the Dia..
mond Dye Mat and iimg Patterns in A turn
and certein iadicaiicn of their popularity;
The fascinating art f mat and rug making
in tha home is now cultimfated by women of
all ages and elassest. The Diamond Dye
Mat and Rug Patterns to bine beauty and
eimpliAly. After Sequri g one of these pat-
terns, any lady can ,easilyhook it and pro-
duce a really va.luafilel an attractive room
ornament. The maufaol1uers of the ode--
brated Diamond Inyiee arq prepared to nod_
to any address free ofco-s sheets of pretty
and suitable designs to e able you tanned -
from. The Wale & Richlardson Co., LITIEN
ed, 200 Mountain St., Montreal.
Pure cocoap. t andy For
Cif re
Take cue pint of sugar,a quarter of a pint
of desicated cocoanut and a quarteroflipid
of milk. Boil these ingredients in a granite -
ware or porcelain -lined Saucepan i421' five
minuteP. Remove from the fire, set As
saucepan in a dish of cd water and star '
briskly until the mix+ure is creamy. Pour
on a lightly buttered dish and mark in
squares wbile warmest) th t it may bseasily
broken when cold. I C000anint cakes lttee
very easily made and would be a variety.
Beat the whites of two eggs to a stiff' froth;.'
add gradually a small capful of sugar, the
same quantity of: e Down t, either desietted
or freshly gritted, acid one tablespoonful -6F
flour. Drop on a bnbterBd tin in amen,
round cakes and bake for five minutes in 1104
quick oven. -January i Ladies' Horse Jour-
nal. 1- I
_______„...et .
Loss iii:if Flesh.
If you Sod yourself falling below -normal welt
there is danger. The up bf fish oils c -n tenlporerili
aid fat, but will never enied up healthy tiseq-e. Pr -
Chase's Nerve Rod nctsi thtouch the bided we
nervous syetem, and c'iire5 new life arid energy 10
every nook and corner of the body. It regulates ills
the veil tug organs of the. 1body, makes the sweat&
good, adds healthy Best, i and I replaces tte tWola
waeted by diset se. Nalif ally and gradually Ille
food eure restores coloritolthe Cheeks, increase, *Div
weigbt of the body and ;thoroughly Overeamos a- - -
ease. ' !. 1
14 Get Ye., Hair Oat."
The late Professor Mackie used to tele
the follosviag story agauethnnsott ;
saepviecrtyuroenterikneno d, thse igkeinngialtigupro4e.acdan
wiry framed old pet earcb ,with strikrogly
handsome features and loud hair that felt
in ringlets about hie shbuldeis. Nobody; -
having once Been hint:could forget him. e
Pasting along one of th principal Ethan
burrtgyhi isArieeesttsr,eeht gamin e . as a coated by a MT
diith, " Shine your
boots, sir ?"
The urchin was very pressing, and thnt -
professor, being strumck With the extreplo
filtbiness of the boy s face, remarked :
"I don't want a ;Aloe, my lad, but if
You go and wash year facie, I'll give yea tie
aixpence." l
" A' right, sir," viseiltbe lad's reply, at
og ut
going madeinhgi a
overhat idf
to an adjeeent drinking fountai
Returning, he belt
" Well, my lad" said the wore/nen*
"you've earned your Money ; here it is. et-
' "I dinna want i, - auld chap," returning'
the boy, with a lord air ; "ye can keep 0
and git yen hair cub;" -Sunshine.
.Robert Roy, of Fullartoa, return
one day lately from a' three months' visit i
make h
geep Belw
--t anion
will find e
whole {attur
enst sign of
the eta -mach
ahoulti be
.ening the
oath old,
When his ate
looked pine
nutted .0,td
ed -curdled
After takin
pain, and
gry, his too
restless And
.out. Med'
until we ga
gave him ti
almost inner
time be be
rosy and h
ed my baby
and I would
This is t
that gives a
Milton L. R
.of the boat
Analyeia of
sis has pr
solutely u
.eau be give'
_youngest ira
and efrectiv
are indicate
Such au e
authority, es
the safest,
medicine for
Baby's 0
-of all ages.
prevent and
tion, cbe�k
allay the irr
ling of teat
sleep. Gu
Crushed to
they can be
the yonnges
25 cents a. b
of priee, by
'Medicine C
A Visrro
Sprung is p,
among old f
nit former res
there about,
r iel, left the
States for a.
year took If
ton, Manito
neither hen
They -hail
sores, the it
to the acre
latger, ret
at itt gond in
65 eee
for oar.
ing etock tb
to be made,
lot in the w
-large renin
Vett inane
Was carried
feeding of
hug of milk
the best -
were given
.5noa. MoGre
of Carlow
A spirit 'of
trailed thron
look for the
at /east as
season's bun
butter mad
,oeived for .13.
per pound
in 1n00,* 4
11,261,; nu
170 ; numb
nam and en
board of At
'These gentl
said antowin
'tercets of -
prover in
meeting of
again (thee
• retaryttreas
-n it.
-making b
year, ne
the popular.
re engaged:
ful mann
etnedily gro
for this seas
.patronage. -
That lit the
kidneys, an*
out inviting
and the meet -
sign of --haV
•Chase's Ridn
prompt relic
The Pros
barn on Tie
veal agreed
election, all
agreed tha
a yea,e hie
tv. join
be elected
at the ite
the beginna
meeting in
cuss the
the mendat
the neat ea
of the (.1
eburch pro
to comma,
in any ins
and te see
wet* ap
tive 011 the
terial Beet
and Ande
to revise
-and report
was entere
'by the A
school mien
be the fort
'WU d.
of titape
pleal and
nanster Cu
liberty tot
their elde
YeWrs3 the
Our. $50"
• personally
• You
a copy
is the best value in a
Diamond 'Ring
offered for $50.00.
stones in these rings are
selected by usfrom
cutters in Amsterdam,
are absolutely perfect.
will find this and
of other tyles
in our catallogue,
pf which will be
you free.
HALL, Established 1854.
, Yonge
Ryrie Bros.,
and Adelaide Sts.,
Tie Bi ness of Phillips Brooks.
$tthe 'eight of the busy holiday season,
tinny a f w • days before Christmas, acme
_years ago a large man stopped at the coun-
ter -du one of the big stores in Boston to
make a p rchase. As he stood waiting for
hi: parcel in the bustnivg, hurrying crowd,
&novo wh oh he towered head and shoulders,
antoorly •reseed little girl came wandering
oryin bitterly. Turning quickly, the
tall map tooped down and asked Iher what
tne troub e was.
n I've I stnmy mamma, and I Can't find
her," she sobbed out.
t a moment's heeitati m ;he gently
idps,aand: ra'snig her carefully to
ani a very lig man. You sit, on
or and you can see everybody, in
In a few minutes you will either
amma, or she will see you."
ough, in a short time the little one
lied out, " There'S my mamma !"
same moment a small, shabby
me hurriedly pushing through = the
ard them.
thought I'd lost her," she said as
up. "I've hunted eyerywhere
't find her."
che'd up her arms and took the
with a kindly smile Phillips
eked up his parcel and walked
ranklin B. Wiley, in thq January
picked he
ha shout
I in Now
rnn shout
the room.
sed, your
! Sure e
joyfully c
and at th
woman c
crowd to
n Oh, I
nnhe came
lint could
• She re
child, an
Brooks p
away. -
Ladies' Home Journal.
Life F 11 of Misery to Slufferers
From This Trouble.
Its Symp emir Made nblanifest by a Coated
Tong e, Bad Breath, Bad Tante ia
th Mouth, and Pains Extend-
ing to theiShoulders.
(Fr m the Brockville Recorder.)
of almost
and wore
per retne
its natur
of Brock
been, ha
the only
store this
it. To a reporter, ItIre. Leolair ' willingly
gave her story for pu licatior. She said :
-" For long time Is flared severely frcm
complicationa of the li er and dyspepsia. I
would a akein thent
der my 6
tongue w
rible test
iug th
at times
I could $
There wa
there wa
and I did
there was
the coins
I was con
cleared, t
the pains
ever I wa
ed from b
s from liver troubles find life one
cots'ant ms Ty, growing worse
unless promPt steps and the pro -
y be taken t restore the organ to
1 cr niitior. Al to. Joseph Leolaire,
ille, was Imo a sufferer, but has
pily, relesssd from the trouble by
edicine kno to thoroughly re -
important o gan to its normal
,onge dins F has fastened upon
ruing with pias %m-
oulders and in my stomach. My
a heavily conted, and I had a hors
in my mout
morning. I
y head woul
areely let it
such a burn
at times t
, especially on aria -
was constipated, and
ache so badly that
rest on the pillow.
ng seniati in in my
at it .felt ,as though
a dotal of firel in it. , The pain was
severe aft r ea4g, and for
y life was one of misery.; A friend
o to take Dr.! Williams' Pink Pills,
so. After luiag the ,first box
a Material improvement, and in
of a few we ks longer I felt that
pletely cured. My tongue was
e had taste left my mouth, and
disappeared, and I am as well as
. Before ta jug the pills I suffer-
onchitis at t mes, but it has never
since tro blen me. I can recommend Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills to anyone who suffer as
I did." t
• Dr. Wi
and stre
bleed, th
th body
oni the sy
bulbgo di
In thi 3 w
and kidne
St4 Vitus'
ac es, an
m lee the
hairs' Phik Pills restore health
gth by making new, richaared
a strengthening every organ in -
hey do not act merely' up-
ptioms, as ordinary medicines do,
ctly to the root of the = trouble.
m, paralysis,-'-
y they cure ;nob di teases, as liver
e troubles, retimatis
dance, heart troubles, siek head -el
emla, and the irregularities thativess of so m ny women ope of cou-
nt mis reel Do not e persuaded to take
substtute ; see th t the full name "Dr.
'hams' Pink Pills to Pine People" is on
trapper around ev ry box. If in doubt,
ills ill in sent p st paid at 50 cents a
or si boxes for $2 50, by addressing
Dr. illiams' Me icine Co., Blrockville,
Distriict Ora
GREY Desalt:am -
Or nge nodge, elect
Tu sday of last week,
last year ere reeleete
Srrith, W D. J,
P. Phi , caplain;
T. Oakley t easurer ;
U.; J. Mo nen and B.
Orange L dg e elected
meeting h Id in Blyth,
.14h inst.: R. Lei
ilfoRrd., SD.;
ray,lje8hFrn,SIn.' Richaird McCommin, treasurer ;
R. MeCrea, Geore Taman, lecturere.
Sa uel B rre chaplain ; Alex. Bruce, D. of
Th next egalar meeting will be held in
B1 th. A invitation I was received from
the Goderi h lodge to Meet there next 12th
of uly, b t no decirioii Was come to.
URNBE .11:Y, DISTRI .-The Loyal Orange
Instriot L dge for Tfirnberry held their
an'nal me ting in W'ngham, on Tuesday
aft moon f hist week. I The business trans-
act d was hiefly rontijie, and was followed
by he ele tietrof office, the following of-
fice a,bein elected : ID. M.. J. J. McMan-
us D. D. .t1J. Cosa ore ; It. S., E. John -
ate ; F. 8.,, T. Ste art ; treasurer, P.
Ab aham ; chaplain, ¶. H. Stewart; D. of
C., Bar er. 1 It was Iooided that the next
ann sal me ting should be held in Wingham,
and also to endeavor toi secure the services
of rand Organizer Duff. .
OwIOIC IS1RICT.-41owickDistrict Loyal
Ora ge As °elation use in the Ora gehall
Gor is, on the 14th net., and as very
lar ely att nded, almo t every lodge in the
distlrict bei g repreeen ed. ' It was decided
ge' Lodges.
rey Disti jet Loyal
d their officers, on
All the officers of
d, as follows ; Wm.
amiltori, D. D. M.;
J. Morrison, R. S.;
M. H. Moore, D. of
erry, auditors.
orris District Loyal
their officers at a
on Tuesday evening,
hman, W. D. .M.;
D. M.; Alex.
Robert McMur-
. t
to hold the 12th' of July celebration in
Gerrie thin yea. Th'e following officers
woe then elected : D. m., M. Dane; D.
D. M., R. Bride channel/3, A. Spence; R.
S., R. Carson F. S,, John Harper ; treas.
ure , J. Fallis ; D, of C., J. Mulvey lee -
tuners, J. Donaghy, John Dane. Thomas
A uff, of Toronto, was present, and deliv-
ered a very stirring address to the meeting.
GODERICH DISTRICT. -The annual meeting
of GoderiebjOistrieb Loyal Orange Lodge was
held in the hall of Loyal Orange Lodge, 145,
on nes lay of last week. There were about
50 Members in attendance, and the meeting
we one of the most harmonious, successful
and enthusiastic ever held in the district.
The lodge disoussed the proposed -12th of
July re -union in Goderioh, and decided un-
anithously to turn out in full force to the
county meeting, at Exeter, and support the
proposition. P. C. M. Todritoonducted the
eleo ion and installation of -officers, which
resulted as follows ; W. D. M.., R. Y.
Cox; D. M., Matthew gheppard ; Chaplain,
John Woods; R. S., . Johnstrn. ; F. S.,
Thomas Bell ; treasurer, R. H. 'Elliott ;D.
of C., E. in, Elliott ; leaturer, James Wells ;
D. 12., A, 'Milian.
• BACK PRECEPTORY.-On Friday of last
week the annual meeting of Jubilee Precep-
tory, Bit* Knights of Ireland, was held in
the nett, Clinton, when the following officer's
were elected for the current tern: Precep-
tor, John Scarlett, Leadbnry; deputy, Wm.
Kinney, Winthrop ; registrar, Peter Caut-
ion, Clinton ; treasurer. Thomas Kearns,
Cliaton ; lecturers David Barr, Summerhill,
and,John Bullard; Winthrop; censors, Al-
bert Anderson and Wm. Ford, Clinton;
standard bearers, J. II. Carnpbeh and Sam-
uel Robinson, Winthrop; chanlain, James
Connolly, Porter's Hill; Pureeviant, An-
thony Nevin, Centralia.
A ure- Banisher of Ills Peculiar
to Women.
Dr. Phelps' famous prescription, Paine's
Cel ry Compound, has been ands now free-
ly rescribei by many of our ablest phesic-
Lane for tb'e ills peculiar to wornen. They
have found the wonderful corned to be ex-
actly what is claimed for it. I has been
pro 'ed again and again that Pai e's Celery
Co pound is the one great cur for that
for 1 of nervousness peculiar to omen, and
giv s to weak, run-down and a ffering fe-
mai a a perfect and robust worra hood. All
we en who suffer from irregul Hiles, hys.
teri , nervous prostration, anaemia, liver
and kidney troubles, or blood diseases,
eho hi at once give Paine's Celery Corn-
poutird a trial. • Its cures are -happy and per.•
ent. Miss Jessie M. ROBS, of Quyon,
Que., says :
"It affords me much pleasure to testify
,to the great good that Paine's Celery Com-
poued has done for use. I was completely
run down in health and a victim of female
,weat nees, and after using three bottles of
Paiie'a Celery Componnd I was completely
cured. It is the beet blood purifier I know
of."- ,
What the Post Masters Get.
Tse following partinulars concerning the
pos offices in Huron -county are gleaned
fro the report of thPostmaster General
for be year ending June 30th, 1901 :
Bs) fidd
Be 3E011 Jr
EllueVde •
Blyth 3,•k
Ct lio,
Br u.telsi
Ethel!Exotic r
Hew .11
Eli- pso
• O-"'
P.0 §
o -A 13
A F.
$ 358 78 $.7,845.13
E32 63 10,618 49,1
600 OS 1,282 15
106.49 2,663.47
335.56 4,480 82
1.3.9.t9 0,097.87
404.84 3,721.77
2,C41.96 14,177.22
810.15 1,6n 16
4,347.71 18,550 60
189.65 4.577.23
602.67 9,160.50
371 08 1,810.40
662.57 13,654.01
420.24 5,798.83
2,305.29 16,388.31
652.55 14,165.01
6,829.41 19,611.05
901 87 12,569.75
1,275.74 • 9,35148
/362.63 2,25835
396 40 -5,114.91
4O82 06 14,182.65
453.07 1,777.18
L41 .57
9.93 .21:1:3,8255:6397
8%3.960 8
1 10:7204372
The following are the figures for
the non -accounting 'offices of the
The snlary is bee' ed on the revenue
previous year' :
Anil), Coy
Hills Green
Marne oh
Port Albert
Porter's 1111
St. Aturustine
So. Belfns
Salt! aid
9 e a
g ee
$ 241..79
206 46
602 70
194 34
926 12
2,173 (6
174 74
167 92
some of
of the
Salary ard
Revenue. allowance.
$ 94.82
169 16
115 08
109 52
66 00
30 92
114 00
40 CO
- 85.00 ,
90 00
28 CO
10 CO
6) 00
A Gentle Hint.1
In our style of climate, with tta sudden
changes of temerature,-rain, wiind and sun-
shine often intermingled in a single day, -
it is no wonder that our children, friends
and relatives are so frequently taken from
us by neglected colds, half the death a re-
sulting directly from this cause., A bottle
of Bocchee's Germep Syrup kept! about your
home for immediate use will proYent serious
sickness, a large dootor's bill, and perhaps
death, by the use of three or four doses.
For curing Consump`ion, Henharrhages,
Pneumonia, Severe' Coughs, Croup or any
disease of the Throat or Lungs, its succeis
is simply wonderful, as your druggist will
tell you. Regular niza, 75 cents. You can
get Dr. G. G. Gree 's reliable remedies at
J. S. Robert's drug store, Seaforth,
Life' Battle.
This iss tremen oesly practical worha
and that man is g i g to get the most (nit of
it who is not hemp red by the constant want
of money. It isbsurd to suppose that
: I
great riches always bring happiness or even
that the accumulation of great riches is es-
ntial to succeseThe man of moderate
means is, on the *hole, perhaps happier
than the extremely rich man, and he who
makes for himself ansafe place in any field
can be set down as eing quite as successful
as the man who ace mutates millions, The
man who Starts out tight will never be poor
in the extnerne sense, no matter hotv limited
his incor4 or how circumscribed his oppor-
tunities. i Let him lay down the rule for
himself that he will invariably spend less
tban he makes; then he is safe. No man
can be happy in this life for any length of
g haVe inOas a most tborou
trInl of Ayer'SiCherry Pectoral all
am prepared to say that for AU dks
eases of the In.tig,s it never din
J. Early Finley, ifonton,
Ayer's (Merry Peeto
won't cure. rheumatism
we never iisaid it woul
it won't cite dyspepsia
we never Claimed it
it will c*e coughs a,
colds of all kinds. -
first said trigs sixty yea
ago; we'v0 been saying
ever since;
Throe sizes: 2561., tnongh for an
cold; 50c., just right for bronchitis,
mess, herd colds, t0.; 1, most econongui
for chronic cc ass ol to ItOe.1 on haat.
J. 0. A ri/3, CO.,
atainaanenatisense __en_
timenwhat matteri his ihsep. does
wps encci°taaffaliveien.g til YPI 1 If te:etabdtaiSeratrati)t:fr 0 e; i
this rule he will, sooner or later, conyak
Mucheof thtlstefa??1V: lieu succeed.iefiittth
and unnatural life that we find ejti
Country people rarely Buffer such e
poverty as we find ie the great centeisa
population. The fanner's boy is instinOthee
ly saving and careful. He see all about Ina
eaxnadmtPhief fleeceli rhrileslabtinillprYr; vidTellebertr5egefultiylierlitlOrka
rainy day. Man alone violates this Wean
instinct, and he vilolates it more genet*
in the luxurious life of the city than in 1,
plainer and simpler life Of the country.
...- 1 1 , •
To Cure a Col d in One Day
Take Laxative Brolio Qainine Tablets. -
druggists refund the money if it hilts to tura
II W. Grove's signature is on each 'box. 2tdia
1 '-'- I_
Rules For iSucces in We.
The following !sixteen rules are kept'
printed on a card' yi a member of one -
oldest mercantile: ,concerns in New. Yeti
city, and, with other good literature as
most fatherly advice, are handed to yousg
men of his Regain tntice from time to
and otherwise distributed!, where to theybhis
do good. It is eaf o a y that the sisTueecessver
of the establishment
rules. We recom end them to the 'tun.
builtup aloeg the I les indicated benttrese
tion of our readers': i referred
1. Keep.good omp ny or none.
pbieoyi2de.:Iaf attend
hta6 i ;tear not usefully tin.
3 1 1 ultivation of Tont-
mind.. Live up to arour e gagements. Keit
i 1 ,
your own secrets,' if You save any,
4. When you eak to a perste-1,14k
him in the face. '
5. Good company an good eonvereatiort
are the very _shown Of vi tue.
6. Good character 1 above all I thingt 1
else. 1 '
7. Ever live , 4 -mist
within your income. I
ft Make no haste o be rich, if Ion
would prosper:
- 9. Never playat-any game of chance.
10. Earn money b for you spend it.
11. Never run into d ht unless you ItItt•
a way to get out ag in.
12. Never borro vi if you can pesibly
avoi i it.
la Do not marry iant- I you are able la
support a wife. l -
14. Be just beforelyou are generous.
15. Be temperaten al Wogs.
16. Save when ma arp young to rpm}
when you are old)
rtune excepted -
The Beat Evidence--- of Popularity
The ever-increasing de and for the Dia..
mond Dye Mat and iimg Patterns in A turn
and certein iadicaiicn of their popularity;
The fascinating art f mat and rug making
in tha home is now cultimfated by women of
all ages and elassest. The Diamond Dye
Mat and Rug Patterns to bine beauty and
eimpliAly. After Sequri g one of these pat-
terns, any lady can ,easilyhook it and pro-
duce a really va.luafilel an attractive room
ornament. The maufaol1uers of the ode--
brated Diamond Inyiee arq prepared to nod_
to any address free ofco-s sheets of pretty
and suitable designs to e able you tanned -
from. The Wale & Richlardson Co., LITIEN
ed, 200 Mountain St., Montreal.
Pure cocoap. t andy For
Cif re
Take cue pint of sugar,a quarter of a pint
of desicated cocoanut and a quarteroflipid
of milk. Boil these ingredients in a granite -
ware or porcelain -lined Saucepan i421' five
minuteP. Remove from the fire, set As
saucepan in a dish of cd water and star '
briskly until the mix+ure is creamy. Pour
on a lightly buttered dish and mark in
squares wbile warmest) th t it may bseasily
broken when cold. I C000anint cakes lttee
very easily made and would be a variety.
Beat the whites of two eggs to a stiff' froth;.'
add gradually a small capful of sugar, the
same quantity of: e Down t, either desietted
or freshly gritted, acid one tablespoonful -6F
flour. Drop on a bnbterBd tin in amen,
round cakes and bake for five minutes in 1104
quick oven. -January i Ladies' Horse Jour-
nal. 1- I
_______„...et .
Loss iii:if Flesh.
If you Sod yourself falling below -normal welt
there is danger. The up bf fish oils c -n tenlporerili
aid fat, but will never enied up healthy tiseq-e. Pr -
Chase's Nerve Rod nctsi thtouch the bided we
nervous syetem, and c'iire5 new life arid energy 10
every nook and corner of the body. It regulates ills
the veil tug organs of the. 1body, makes the sweat&
good, adds healthy Best, i and I replaces tte tWola
waeted by diset se. Nalif ally and gradually Ille
food eure restores coloritolthe Cheeks, increase, *Div
weigbt of the body and ;thoroughly Overeamos a- - -
ease. ' !. 1
14 Get Ye., Hair Oat."
The late Professor Mackie used to tele
the follosviag story agauethnnsott ;
saepviecrtyuroenterikneno d, thse igkeinngialtigupro4e.acdan
wiry framed old pet earcb ,with strikrogly
handsome features and loud hair that felt
in ringlets about hie shbuldeis. Nobody; -
having once Been hint:could forget him. e
Pasting along one of th principal Ethan
burrtgyhi isArieeesttsr,eeht gamin e . as a coated by a MT
diith, " Shine your
boots, sir ?"
The urchin was very pressing, and thnt -
professor, being strumck With the extreplo
filtbiness of the boy s face, remarked :
"I don't want a ;Aloe, my lad, but if
You go and wash year facie, I'll give yea tie
aixpence." l
" A' right, sir," viseiltbe lad's reply, at
og ut
going madeinhgi a
overhat idf
to an adjeeent drinking fountai
Returning, he belt
" Well, my lad" said the wore/nen*
"you've earned your Money ; here it is. et-
' "I dinna want i, - auld chap," returning'
the boy, with a lord air ; "ye can keep 0
and git yen hair cub;" -Sunshine.
.Robert Roy, of Fullartoa, return
one day lately from a' three months' visit i
make h
geep Belw
--t anion
will find e
whole {attur
enst sign of
the eta -mach
ahoulti be
.ening the
oath old,
When his ate
looked pine
nutted .0,td
ed -curdled
After takin
pain, and
gry, his too
restless And
.out. Med'
until we ga
gave him ti
almost inner
time be be
rosy and h
ed my baby
and I would
This is t
that gives a
Milton L. R
.of the boat
Analyeia of
sis has pr
solutely u
.eau be give'
_youngest ira
and efrectiv
are indicate
Such au e
authority, es
the safest,
medicine for
Baby's 0
-of all ages.
prevent and
tion, cbe�k
allay the irr
ling of teat
sleep. Gu
Crushed to
they can be
the yonnges
25 cents a. b
of priee, by
'Medicine C
A Visrro
Sprung is p,
among old f
nit former res
there about,
r iel, left the
States for a.
year took If
ton, Manito
neither hen
They -hail
sores, the it
to the acre
latger, ret
at itt gond in
65 eee
for oar.
ing etock tb
to be made,
lot in the w
-large renin
Vett inane
Was carried
feeding of
hug of milk
the best -
were given
.5noa. MoGre
of Carlow
A spirit 'of
trailed thron
look for the
at /east as
season's bun
butter mad
,oeived for .13.
per pound
in 1n00,* 4
11,261,; nu
170 ; numb
nam and en
board of At
'These gentl
said antowin
'tercets of -
prover in
meeting of
again (thee
• retaryttreas
-n it.
-making b
year, ne
the popular.
re engaged:
ful mann
etnedily gro
for this seas
.patronage. -
That lit the
kidneys, an*
out inviting
and the meet -
sign of --haV
•Chase's Ridn
prompt relic
The Pros
barn on Tie
veal agreed
election, all
agreed tha
a yea,e hie
tv. join
be elected
at the ite
the beginna
meeting in
cuss the
the mendat
the neat ea
of the (.1
eburch pro
to comma,
in any ins
and te see
wet* ap
tive 011 the
terial Beet
and Ande
to revise
-and report
was entere
'by the A
school mien
be the fort
'WU d.
of titape
pleal and
nanster Cu
liberty tot
their elde
YeWrs3 the