HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-01-31, Page 4J 'TH HURON IKXPOSI OR .4 0, Go ern, terian ohur 0, which was called for r on the Dominion rio 4,939 homestead entries have to be& NEW ADVERTISEMYNTS sam men o poorly' IF nee them to appoint a ra� Iway day of last wee ofWas a] bee a a by parties from the United laed. until Friday, Jinuiry to re ulate freights, i he busi- 1), Hay, Commi sionev and Conveyancer that it was adjo commissi vill,, mortgages and eeds dr3.wn up. hbe parentheEe3 att ir each St a, the reater number of them coming t sW The figu,e ooetvroen A Mono nod ness, but ts the farmerij and the y 101, e tu Ing rollers in the sa W� mill, orLa, denotes the page of th6 p;Npeir on which thti from I)Akot and Minnesota, the former Iat to 16, -vest rates of intere t. 31ati.-While tu advertisement will he found man fact er, would soon be on i satisfac. on Saturday M John Gannett neglected 10 OT9S. -0 Win to tile atirliversary ser. contributin 838 sul thel, latter 614, hil Good T*rno to Buy For .-G. & U. -i tofy bomi I On this point the GI I to fasten the ock securely in the � lathe, Nebraska se t '040 and Iowa 240 during the O a at Hills Grei in, oh Sabbath, there will Packing and Co.d Storage Co ­6 41 In meet ng Briti-ah ocompostiLion, te,o_s. Vic with the result bit it aew out and �struct year 1901. be o gervices in St. An4rew a church. The Stock-TakingSale.-U_ At. MoBeath-5 Joe& i char es for transportation e as in- -him on the forehead. The blow knocked The Greatest C tre -1. V,Fear-4 Sul -30.-Mrs. J. urious w�i h regar d � cloth bath school w 11 me4t at 2. . i him ddwn, alightl His head Winter Goods -McKinnon & C�­.-6 There is a aeneral imptegain in some qnar. d to machinery n Pi cast of Exete , was l% guest at the home stunning him was quite badly b, requiiing four s,titdhei 'Playing Ca-ds­klex. Wint,r-1 W, Ilon I &a with r� ard to Lwool. A piece o N -Jo8(ph Atkinson -5 tors that th high Pchoille and Collegiate Tof r. and Mrs, R. IV. ellis, this week.- Ho�Ec and Lot for Sale. mac�hiner I recently i!hipped from ra, kli", draw the wound together,� but We art L ,I Lom Either W&N.-E. McFaul Cc -8 Alrp. McDgnald a id her Eister, Miss Jennie to -largely for and Ma�aach Stock -5 Institutes ata maintaindol etts, to Toronto was 0 11 rg6d 30 i glad to say that it has not laid him off work. -Taking �Iale. �Wm. Picka d & Ca i Anderson,.of Lon Ion, who were up attend. orge powe for HcKc_-5 pe� hundeied weight fret 1 -The long stre o eather he s al p%tronize inoipally by, !the children of cen�ff .ght,, the of ideal w t ing the f tioeral of their father, MO. Ander. r -.-John Ftj'1-5 wel ,ht b hiv is hi length been bro en and the storms of thio SeedGrain for, .li Dg about 900 pounds. Itutc.-Georgo Hood- es a d More partiou -11101fte.-Mr, and Mre. East Hurou Farwer* Inst 5 the towns av d villages a ari stri cing ntrast to a rate of 32 oputs rom. have returned week seem evof,v worse by comparison witt R own -6 ly Bulls for Sale. for thcse who intend. . epgaging I Ro ert Fisher and Mr. 4abert, Thomson, of Tendera wante, .-Roke t Hozg-6 11 the Mi( land. -i ntario, on 1,500 poun1a and 34 what has gone biefore.-Mr. Somerville pur London Road, are,viaiti g ab' Auburn, with Cle%ring Sal,. -Jo eph tsu.14er-6 learned profosidons, Wha ever may have cen, a fro Thoriebury, Ontario. Tihe freight ebamed James R)bogrwon�a broucho laa� week Mr.4. Fisher's sister, ra. Flucker.-Rov. been the oasla in a by, such is not from Alim, ntos to Toronto, on a 1,500 -pound Uihard-c,n & McInnis -6 Grogan- it . -For the benef ' t of the Wingham coiarpon A Pig in B, d. -A Wi6on-5 ye re go e M,* 0. McLennan, on Sa abath, vv ill adueb ing 0 dent, I would like to reiterate that thi Farm f r Sale. -W. G, Ross -6 the case iio, Accordin to the last report pica hine, was 54 cents per�lufidred, III ,el 4 Audri iw's church Fergus,. ticaition. the classcs of me rate v the f ed away Farnierd' Institute Mectinzp.,-6 of the Minisier of Ed an the res charged lion 3,300 1 t ' gervi* n S Blu,vale- cheese factory has, not pas a 'a eervmes o. Rev. Mr. Mullen, -Etugh T. Grioave-fi p lt-1 n are beneRtedi in the follo-w ing pouadaf m Hull. On small ship ments of klug t I . ' 1� is E'imply rest in its laurels for &while Pigs for Sale. ourpopulat' w note t Stave So, e,, Mullert & Ca --8 ho cond to annve.siry services at. Sacka and Rubbers -R. Wijli,3 & Sou -8 proportion 'Agricultutal.0221; commer. p&rA of n�chinory from, local poitts: rateci Bluevale cheesa fhoans long been fam,)ua Hills Green. -The cold snap this. week has el NoticatoCreditor-.-J L Killoraq-5 cial. 5,448 mechanical, ,054 ; iprefesstonal, run up 45, 50 and 55 ceni s 11 A, small been the coldest c f the season -The busicW- Bluevale butte Inlay become even as mu Wanted.-11=11zon & Kerstake-8 In abi en I f Kempitvi]4, O�otario, the Idler industry can be re Pigs for Sale. 1, 953,, and without occops�irjn'i 1,788. 'M of the vil age arL tho;e Who are at' If 'act wool, rom chaigos�of 40 0 Fa ; ree sumed at a4 t me. As to the bend in thi A Good Chance,-Rihardoon & Eagron-5 1892, 300 p pila left the high schools for the y subjected to a te ding to the staves. . --)saw logo are Mov -Mrs BeO imin Sucll-6 purp e undred about the same as the ill yard. -NJ river, dear corr s ondent, you have made i Farm to Rent dae 'of 3tigaging in the pursuit of some con a pe of . in bri?,kly into our IeFsro. on ' r ased wool from iverpool. But elight geograp lical mistake. The -ben( co�i ov, &c,-Silli & Hurdia-6 form of agr culture, the nuTber in 19CO had rat# Win. and Alex. McN3vin, of -Giderich, Musical Ent crtAnionent-S.-Lidies' Ald-8 us nature of does not cecuriuulii the old Maitlaw increased,v i 757. Thesefi resgot show thelbeas e idence of the onero Faws for We or to Renb.�Ars. Robanna Dale -6 du i -no, the week ere calliDg at the hot*e of i�loyed a &me an that all alai ses of the commpity avaiiothem- local ratbs is seen in the te i ieaches WiDghe and carves majesticall, Lidy of L. onF.`-9 �Iic brother, Mr. John MeNevin.-Miss Stock for' R'ale­D_r_Fergusnn-5 iarryiel-th and yarn from the millis at 1 around the Natio�al Iron W�rks and ther; selves very fully of the ad,.Iantage of these to 4 yl� Passmore, 01 Farqt bar, was vipitiug at Winter Good, ­T -W. H. Willl.-8 talke ;return "institutiona and more particularly the agri- Lreetos�illito, Toronto, and to P folits aull-11 wave" looks gallener, thak the home of Mr. wol M,,e. D. Hay, the past- 1he, battle cultural an I meoobanical�. "d they are not, loa, Is oll, w iol and machinery. The distance ever as it flows mo�furnfully �aiit we4k.-Mr. George Tal lor, for some days, by'prim- ted wall§ of the sad relic of Wirigh.arn' 4 has' been busy on the w ir path, looking up _�Itt.Voa, Og X11 0 by any In Dana the for the prof03 - isi22 mi es and the cost of hauling men t rates. Un- sions which some are iuolin�d to believe, I it ve me1thods is less than freigh eoIrS3&1 en.terprisv. ng stockers. His stables -are well filled de Buc4 conditions it is not post*Xb1iii for a Upon inquiry, the Globe finds the number we I m4rket to develop, such ael fu6ishes up with a choice lot i young feedere.- laolsebuyersare on-evary corner, looking Blyth. SEAFORTH,, FRIDAY, Jan. 31st, of cases brought before� he Supreme Court the BrAish �manufaoturer with �& supply forlorsas. Anyhindo'a horie-is rapidly rea ly a tadical N,)TES.-Mr. and Mrs. Bigelow, of Ail! of Canada average about one hundred �, a 111and. Until there is picked up.--�Mr. Will inclar, the P%st 6bang t1raneportation chargeb,ithoeira will lantic, Iowa, who �were' vio5i iog the. I&tter' Canad4,aad our we�k, dispoced lof a fin young teani, at a �arents, Mr. and! Mrs. James Drummond The Legislature. year, Tobe preche, air�ce the organzi,tion, be no oo�len market in good piioe,-Mr. Wm. ooper delivered at of the court, in 1875, thp umber is 2,096.. mahufa tu -ere must undertake heir don- for 'the past two i weeks, returned to , thei Seafo:th, one of his you g horgeg.-Farmors The budget debate is still in progress in traets itf outt knowing whether they will Lome last week. -Urs. Harris, of Chatham Of therie 124 have Zlgbt a further are' realizing that ther: is money in the Ontario Legislatare�. and it is likely to have to'draw an B itain was also hAing her parents, retut w3i AustraliE or South �Vho V appeal to the PrL`Vy Corancil, and he aes. take up moA of the week. Several good Ahica or material. Woollen In knufaetur- At the same ti e !to her . home. -Mr. Johi "the result of such appli�ations has era hav ptepated to rest quietly'!�nder ad- Bennett has ta en the engineership at thi speeches- have been. made on both sides. that leave v ditinns, �j I P�Ovideoi, roxoter. or e nment been AO appeal has erie , ranapbrtation con grist"Mill) unti Mr. Murray recovers fr Among those who spoke on the Gov r the p�ote,-tion is made sufficlen y high tO 'NOTE-s.-09pla one t[Ios older settlers are his accident.. 6 are glad to s jy .be is im been refused in 61 caseet �a_ y 16 en 'Side was Mr, A. Hislop, of Eiat Huron. si t the whole load to the: glener'l 1pub'ic'. pa�sit g from 1! o r midst. On Friday, oc4 proving nicely. 'Dr Milne' was electei d that in onl oases has the judgme t -taut red the dee1th of Mis George Nicholso chairman, and t f the . Supreme on He delivered a most excellent addres; Th, i cost of clothing is among the'"m ot a, d�. ii T. Rince, secretary -ourt. been co Of the itei every household in an tretturer, of th s hool board, at thoi r meet one 18 still p, , -ding, six have is Ire flamatoiy rheumatism. Mr. ft�d Mrs. ing�beld last wee .-Miss Baker, who ha 11 t� vei 23 per ip -House and -C mpletel,v reversed. '19 Cana, &,,�and it att6r a long of painful illness, caused by which was well received by the remainder a enhanced by a duty of was wspoken of by the press. Mr. d tie rest have been cenb..'4ftoer allowing for theritil Nt�hoieon moved from tie farm to the vil -been vari, d an all, Le [sh prof er- been" head milli nei for McKinnon. I Com Hislop, does not speak often, but when he atfirmed, (xcept where setted between the ence.") ; panyi *for the pist sewon, left for her hom la about two yeare ago. Mrs. Nicholson does he always has something good to say. parties. This ahort sqmt�ary bhowa how I wa a most kind warted woman, always'en-' i in %%"alkerton, ro spend her holidays. -Mi great an expense the liti$an�t has been saved i Ig Ale-x. E!der rei iciod from the firm c,,f Andez Huron Notes. i de voring to as t her neighbors duric On this acoasion, in referring to the expend- eT a O tak t Friday , In., i trouble of 4ny in b, at si4ness and k' of 9he wil r, lai t by reason A the ekisteoe twq ppellate L ' I son & Kid ;t, feek, and intends Pebruary 7t I a the iture, he pointed out that dunno, the time tribunal f Dr the costs i4 e Supremo Cour ell earned lith,lay, as he has: been k t -y her hiany frienolp. Mr. a W date seb for the annual meeting of the How- el uch missed I t I the Lilaeral party had been in power, the are not ;20 per cent. of ;wh t; they are in an - The business for ab64 30 cars. At pr:eeent h ick �Nlqtual Fire Insurance Com`p�ny. bolon has our deep st sympathy in hi y I t h PLiVy C '-I, ard it can be I ok- in engaged coffictizig the accounts oi- the lat onnel be murt cipal. expenditure had increased by I = JO me tin;`wU I be held ia the town I hall at avement. The f neral, which to firw.. Mr. And6reon is conducting thi t ha all tile cael s which leave to Go . ere is usually a large 4ttendance- I e on SundaS, was largely attended.- $2.93 per head of the population, 'While the rie. T1 i I pp:a1,h:q been refused the parlies would Are inter- li%m Shridet san is the guest of relatives business himsel n1ow, and theiref is no doub theoe' gatherings, as many Provincial expenditure had only. 'increased lav I k their case td, the Privy Cz)un," est�.d in the workiug of this successful in. In amilton this week. �A Carlisle, stud. lie will keep thi i t�ade that has been done Ll 35 cents per head. We are prone to plume in the fire; instance. fen of Huron College, p eacKed in the Bpi). the past, as he S 'genial and good-o'-stured ourselves on the economy of our municipal ere sihol adher- CO al church on Sunda last.. -Captain E. �Rev. Mr. Mo ril 1, of Parkdale, opened th 4-A number of the memb A mons er deputation' composed of reprE- rovival servi3es i: the Method1iA church, oi legislators, but judged by the standard of ent1 of 'Cav a Pretbyterian ohurc� A t . �Exeter, Rixigler of Simhoe, is, the guest of her sentativce of those eng ed in the liquor I f pa ents, Mr.-aud M John Riagler, near Sunday evenin , and if the attendance tha Ig mog�, at the, manse, on Tut-solay evening 0 -onomy in ei�p traffic in . t hit province W irs-�,eeswater, called o evening is any in ication of the future, h enditure, as shown by, these ait don the Ontario lius4, week,.. o exprers their esteem for Mr. bele.-J. Stephers, of 11 I - v attendaneq. - figures, they do not keep in. tight of our and�M�s 5". P. Roes, who have lot Exeter friinds here on T urad y.-Miis,,00. Lmurie will be well ple a d with the. Government on Friday, la t, their obj;3ct Provincial. rulers. to etille in Chatha. An ad(iro�es was relprned from V inghaFn Iasi-, week. -The Mr. Robert NICK y, our crack hockey play er, played witi: I ',Iiaton last Friday even being to presuit, thEir s'de of the Prohibi� reaO, appreciative of their work in 'the con- ho 1ey team of t is plJace, played against ing, aKaiaA Lie cuow, C:iaton u inniDg.- tian qnest-ion to the 6overninent. The jzre a1ion, and two upholstered 0ali chafis th BruLsels team in th t I on Friday. 11 ce Editorial Notes and Comments. legatee an a 6 iviatpoary for e orne Lawyer Jackso 2 , isited at hi home, i Eg I 0�d of 800 de I It 9 deputatio was compos in taDdsome mantle clock aco�oinpanied T e game resulted in a th h -Sunday am I i 0 The Wifta for the by-elfaction in Liagar,. f rom ottt� theil adre* Air. Ross replied �x reSSiDg t m b a Ecord of 4 to �_,- arris I on mondville, ovei -Dr. Jerome, wh le the city an4 290 from the city 4nd _nd� y Manitoba, have been is'sued. The election' of Toronto. 'Thedeputfitio was r therregreqat their'leaving and'thanking a nt gaturday 3 at his homo has been at his home, in Wingham, orn th ,o larze C Dgrcgation for neo�ir - I � -Iita &number from her takes place on the 18th iias'. - It is said ths�� ther( was no one room ia i the Parli� the' thtir kiadAees. ' A here, prior to hia lr�svring for Chatham. eick list for the pait few,. days, returned t ment buil lings Lig enough o accommodate nu � of others spoke and the remainder i,8 1� Kaiser, of 13 vitioug Blyth Monday. �Q ris thatMr. Richardson, the late member, will them and they had to .lie 7eceived in the of ��ha ZnLng was kp.-3nt in 80��i*l later- iii a E. " Hazlewood. Richard Miller, of attended in, dance. at Mr. -D. Kelly's ia Alor likely be an Independent candidate. . Both To onto Junction, is s uding a few weekr,' ris, last week, and epf nt a very nice time corridor ab the top of the main stairway. COU11786 I Conservatives and Liberals are to hold con. The deul ation claim' �o have 874,000.000 A� th annual meeting of the Stephen ho aye at his home Mr. andi M i s. C. violinist MeArter and ha:rPer Jerome furn ventione this. week. Until their action is Po )e have taken up, heir abode in the ishing the music. -Mr. Won. Falker ano� L abor e Agricultur4 SoOie held in invested in a legitimite bpaineso whi.,h Mia' ently, the following known nothing can be said as to tb�e probab- would be Bndan Fred bv paf s iga 'of t e theAo vn hall, Exeter, rec house lately vacated by E. Barnard, on wife, of Goderich; visited friends in town, oi 9 VropoEed Legislation ey had no request offi ev we is elected for the enau ng year - h.- ro. Roberts SuUday.-We F ility of t4e result. 111a. n ette5t, sout on re. re glad to report that Mr to make f irther than that their Pr sidmt, John Allison ; first ,1i;2e.presI- tur�l. James Emigh, bo was so serioualy ill las rightj be d from Galt on Tiiursday.-Mu. Col - At a convention of the Conservativei of lindon and M ke I hithy, of Harri)ta, were week, was able to be up town last Saturday resp�cted and that they�bs­et alone. The de James Ballantype ; s1cond i)"3e-presL- ho South Perth, held'las.t eek, Mr. Nelson re -ply of tie Premier was o'n much the same de t, EJw rd Christie ­s,4creary- treasurer' theigueat o r. nd We' Brown last week. t-1 and expecto soc n1to __ able to go, 'to worl liatm as h's replies to I- A. ..!Dyer ; directors,' W. D. N-Veekes, W.� = Ov. eat, of Bluevale, preached 11 ag%in.-IMiss lk��braughan, who hae been as Monteith, the present representative, was t he mperance ek- gations Uat had waited on he Government D. 'ao'ders, Richard Coateis, Wim. Monteith, th � reparator s rvicelia the Presbyteiiin I sistantp.03tMa8ter-for."the past'two years unarninously selected as the Conservative :i6oition thisiweek to taki if a he: He promised that the r representatio a JO P Delbridge, John Hunter, 8 1�s -St� '12-*, 0h oh on Friothy.-MrF. G. E. Dane and ISF0,319PI11129 candidate for the Legislature at the�. ap- should have the corsideration of the Go,.- lakol Jr., PaLer MeTaggart. The ifluancial ff k ily have returned to Hamilton. - A I a m(ra diffioulb 'one. . Miss traukhan hit proachi,ig election. Mr. Monteith ii a ernment'and that the polic-5 of the G .1 ement i howed a deficit in the fidances of riu her of the Masons from here attended been a very. oblicr ng and Effic"ent. servant overn- I 0 clever young man and a papular rep,-esenta- year's air to the amount of $50, -which the at-home in Fordwi-3h, Thursday ard to got another as goo( men,t will be first made known to the L�� night.- and it will bq I tive, but he is cn the wrong side and 'if the islature. The Premio�r ihas acted a, Very dac to the fact of a Plight dropping off Owi1ug to the stormy wDather, on Monday to fill the pot i tior, but we all wijh her suc Liberals of South Perth do their duty, Mr. ! tlie:gate receipts sni increased'expandit.' eve6i3g, the annual business meeting of the cess.in her new 'home. -Mr. D. Kelly, who judicious part'througho4t thus- f%r, under Of Valentine Stock will be the nextu repreaenta- ecently moved into town from the farm very trying circumatancbE.. He has given, urvimprizm. me#ibers of the Presbyterian church was r tive Of that Constituency. meeting of t, s1poned. ve a dance o Mod -niag., All hat all.a. patient and rosp tliul Aring ; treated he Hi4y Mutua po -A large number of farmersand ga I I . `Pvt Firo Inf urn nee Company was held "last week bu3!e.,s attended tue monthly hopse fair on a very 6DJOI 'le all alike nol kep Fab e7..;, -Dr. Carder held I to ims�ef. s1 7 0 a C gathering at his residence, on Tuesda] Speaker Hespaler, of the Manitoba L'132i in �he town hall, Zuricb. The il'ttendance Wednesday last.-Thot sympathy of th 0 lature, is treating the legislators of -that wao�lai e. The secretary Ai easnriir's rep,3rt community is extended to h1r.'aifol Mrp. evening. All who were there had a oplendi( 9 -otory one, �nd he-Catho1b province to a taste of their own medicine. Ing wasi a very a%,, i do n the loss they have su The Canadian Pao -fie Uai�wayj,s applvi nows that J. YV. Sanderson, B. time. -A weddini was --held in t t:) Parliament for permissi to, add $20,- tbel'pompany is to a splendioll finahcial con- tali Jed through - e oleath of their little qhurch, on Wednesday morni:g,, at whict The liquid refreshments, diipen3ed in the 'the ver3 000, dit.i!.On. D ring the year .1901, 4�5 polici(s da Ater, which occurriod at their hornein 4uil a rowolgathered,considerifiR 000 to its capital stock. This great in�-� ;. Spes,ker's room at the Legialatyre thi i sea. weee issu, od, covering an ir;s rance of Toronto lart week. -N. Gerry, of Blyth. cold weather. Miss Maggie McKgy is al cresee is iendered ne6essary by the growing, preatnt visitin friends in Dungannon.�, sion, are coriflued togiager ale and ice watt:r. $744.565. The total amount it risk:is callj�ed on' friends ia the village oa Tuesday" rcquireme nts of the coun and the on. Mr. 0. genn-et , formerly manager tof thi The Speaker says that he feels it his duty $3,143,485, an increme of $232,33.2 over the -Fire was Hioc v"ered in the roof of the thus to limit the character of the beverages Foequent increased bus'nes3 of the road.� pre�i6us yf ar. The assets of the 1pouy hot�l R. A. Eity, on Sun -lay, Bank of Hdmilt n here, who it wag rogporte� porr. occupied by supplied, in view of the -fact that the mem- The butwas put out before much damage had was to 90 to Mo somin, Northwest Teii itori mon will bo applied as follows are�'$129,641 89, with no liabilidep. Cash L . For f ' -him worc bers of the -gialature have placed a pro- new rolli 9' stock an& Illiconiotiveg, $9 00() in �aak, $7.099 81. The sum ofj� $.5,001 5o been done. -A very successful maFquerade did not go, the head office sending wher : he has beer hibitory eLactment on the statute book. 000 ; double-,trackingi, etc., west, of Lake wasi pidd fc r fires in 1901, which!� is a com. csfr�,Ivai wag held on the rink, on Thunday to come to Hafnilton, Is Lvwmakers, the Speaker says', should not Superior, $6,*000,000 . ; pariLtively low. amount, 'consioliBi eveoing of last week. The ice was in, werkin in the head office. -Mr. Frederiol n�w plants for con- ring the 9 ffi. Haggit. who returned from thii be 11w breakers. arincount of insurane carried. ThO fallowing spleudid conditionj and the weather ou struction of roiling stock, cl, iefly at Montre. I I inated for%� i katers Sault. having in in red.Lis foot in ani accident, a], S1,500,000 ; new.ele CA wero norn reotors : Qw6 Geiger dieotly enticiDg to) attract loads of 8 vato s, improvem a to Goderi(h last week, to conlsult witt Notwithstanding the increased accom- Wo. Consftb,' Wm. Ca.ldw;ll, J4�hn S�er' Mildmay, Fordwic� and Goriie. Over 'went of terminal - froo If etc., $3,OKOO ; miecellaneoo8 mod4ion recently made,,'for Normal,school improvements, $500,000. It is said the ritt Peter Douglas, Jacob Kellet',man and sev�inty were 'in costorrooD, many of them Dr. Turnbull there, who stated that he had irig great nBa e of the bonen in his foot broken,, and thal Governnicuit will stipt e- that this stock of the Province are p3pile, the three schuola� J. �. KaRfleisch. Meisrs. Confli t, Keller- ShO tness and taste in: their On mao, Sheritt and 'Douglas were elected. Styx of dress. The lucky' prize -winners it would be a long time before he would e 1P ik n Q r ate M -te r 9 In r !in Le, e Tb i r u ro W e, H m tnol e paced on' tfie market at less t gu still over crowded. Thoi attendance at the an V3r we Best dressed lady, Miss M. Hazle- have the complete, us of his foot. The i 0 0 0 that thlo �r al and not th MoD,Osrp. John Broderick and Augi Lot Ehnes 8 wll obtain the largest benefib wers. re, ele -ted auditors r.the ye kr. wooi nilkmaid ; best dressed girl, Misses sympathy of the citiiens i4 extended t Toronto and London trainhio, echoels is very speculoato fo O him p&nege in big affliction. -Miss Leo EttliDg Was VIS - large, if not the largest in their Li3tory. �hehiezpe*diture of oo'latgio a Sam of money -p-The B useels Post gives tl� e follo% i ag E lack and S. Robinso equal, Ja in t is waY proposed,4ithin the next few particulars concerming the illness of the 13-, girl�, ; best dreaseii gent, k Donahay, Gor- iting-in Clinton I t week. There are 324 teachera-in-traij Iging in attend- I,- dentiet, of it ; best dresse oyo 0. years, musit have a,, benOici!hl influence on year, old go i of Mr. G. L Bal re y 0 ance at the three schools, distributed as the trade and bnEin as 0 the country, as " b ben made comic, 0. Ward clown. In the r 11 I I Toronto, mPution of which has b:on on. 06; orOIDDO, IZO ; Will -Mag in tp tj y al be British and American ese c6 unions before - He to k a pain a. R%e had a Walk over, and W. Ottawa, 92. The increasing) ' large n 9 al o mas, nd when er&2oodsecond. Both took it vpry 8, RUCE y um- capital. t is also stated that the Govern. In I'll h le4about Chrht Mill Big reduct)O, a on all winter good' ber of profeaL -)nally thrained teachers speaks he& rubl*e-s, ox, felt shoes' ment are 'ohig to take ladvantage- of thil MeOc W secured, it was pi�Qnounced eiaf-4y, aW they were noit pushed. There eto.; sale now or, well for the dolucational future' of the Pro , ious ease of something akjul� to blood wa a good -turnout 4 f spectators. The W. J 11., Beal 0 th 17811 - applicaiio -to enabl6 thein to obtaia incre,�_ a 80 a vince, though. perhaps not so propitiou 9�ning, md, although he waw� operated rinl� manager, E. Barnard, looked after A look in, th n a try on, and the result is 8 ed contro over the road! This, certainly, poll, from ithe point of view of ineacas3d remun- is much n eded. upon four � ifferent times, the dioes�Eoe aocom. thirga splendidly, and (serves credit, for that ou'll walk out well suited for S110, e ration. That"ay the pric oi an extra fine, adl wool pliabed its the i,,. the way in which the whole affair was man- eadly work by aassillo'g The queEtion as to whe'ther or not there ternal orgai ie. The lad was born at', Seaforth, age�. He had a nice surplus over expenses. tweed snit at T I E. McFaul Co's, Store, An Ottawa de!p%tch siys Rugh 0a and. had e 3jo ed reasonably good health. Seaforth, and c i be had in all siz9s "from 1 is a surpit 3 in the ta�io treasury seerns I Guthrie, NI, P., and Christopher Kloepfer, The burial, iol place in the farral.' I fit 36 *to 42. Othe R eat values are in suits at i7 p 0 8, $7, $6 and e ch. a live issue� in he, Ontario �'910- Wingliam. It was a peculiar et ade uev4le. 1781-1 still to be ex M.1 P., of South Wellington, are in the lature. Ode would e1uppme; that the oom- deflonoe to the beat medical skill Ond ur n q a IN'OtES.—The c oir of the Presbyteria GOLDEN WR)DiNG. —Fifty years have city with a delegation asking the Finance ekpertg appo Ing., The atient died at the ho),spital in cho rch are makiri� preps,rations for a bo� elapsed since the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. mia�ion�of Mtod a few ars Minister to have x customs uty pat on I i Tor6nto, bt ing removed to a priyAt' ward social, to be held i n or near St. Talew i-ae'; Thomas Muir, of 327 Avery Avenue,Detroit, ago to inquire into Lhe s,ate� of the Provid- ereaml, separators, which. are now free. Mr. af t4 the fir at operation had been pt rformed. nigi t. A prograr ime'Off, musical and litoor� Michigan, and Thursday, January 23rd, cial finan6s would have �ettled that mattep. Thayouth suffeted a good deal e pr sented. and was the scene of:& lJoyou Fieldilpg, it is said, did not hold out any of 1poin but ary,numbet,s will game a gathering of rela. And they did settle it, but some of ie u e during the evening. A more oong atitlated them upon great leneouragement to them." The lion tj was heroich :d Z�ustful to the cl6so� Dr. willj bie avabl tives, who their golden ann I J. The house w t t - and Mrs. Bill w6re residents of Brbs'els and d(-fi ite announcement v6ill be given nex, d ivers ir as as e and tl�ie lamb, the ramp3n Free Trader and financialkeriti,m of the 0 not y icor4ted feel dispoe3d to accept tbeir,' Seafprth fot several yearew weelk.—John Gr(enaws , of Sault Ste.11 the hi�e bound Protectionist both in the verdict. TVs y full b vith flowers and they were ing, big parents here.—The a py r6cip! eats of many valuable gifts same 4o&t., Verity politics are r(sponeible COmmissio 1 was compose Messrs. Johtt -4t_ G*ie on Tuesday of- las eek, a Ma ie, is visit the t lor's cc-mbinatiors sometimep. B H oakin, A ngus Eirkland[4. * 0 a's I"titute was organize lor the Eas Hueon Farmers' notitute will hold from eir eI&1 I ves an friends. Mr. Muir ut 1A B. E. Walke 1 womal a . . 11 least�irlding f Huron, by Mrs. Col ro�, Camp- me tinge in the I oreste rs' tall, Bluevale, was born � of Scottish parents in -'Albany whytaltou-i'l. cream se mi I pairators, be admitted threeof tibe moat experien ed and experit free ofldUty t bell�!of Go' erich, who is employed '4,by the on h6afternoonand ev3niog of Februa� Now York, !on &rich fth, 1830, -but remov- any more than faiming mills or financiers Df the Pcov1nCQ!:an.A tbi�ee getitle- ry biniers or other such articles of every -day men who have a well. eai 11A r put I . Dep�rtmen of Agriculcure at Torc atio, wiLh 10t , when subjec a' -of inter6st to the faru. ed when a cbild to iAnark, Lanark county, I L e n to nee sustain. , These gentlerner, the fO1IO W Dg officers Preside it�, Mrs. era � ill be dealt vi i�h by the' differont, speak- Ontai io wNere lie learned the trade. o after a most N 9. f a Ach�son, L ird, Gorrie ; vice, preaiqed t, Mr. erol among whom will b Milos McAllister, Car ne ime thorough itivestigtion laces the availab, pentei aOd join�r, and where in d -t* P, lo I I + he' met Miss Ja etlHamilton, The only debt which. the Peovince of Oa- estimates t J�7,093,o,?_ and Neil' Me anchlin, Brusitols edretary, wh gives an addr as on the home dairy. who was born the Proviuc 3 a Mrs�; James Armstrong, Gorri ,k good — rs. Albert ughes�wah Phock c tin, the liabilit iea at $5,124,9' 11 last in: -Paisley, - o an on March 3rd, 1829, tario, has, is the debt which 4as been incor- 08 In deducting� me berehi was secured to etar4 jor h and we , to hear of 't ie audden death of her and who, with bar! parents, had come to the liabilities from the aissa s the ennimig.- I il ,red for the purp:)ae of aidiar, railways. i it 'n of America and- settled there. M r. 0 c-ioners lEe these an i`teriisting iime is expected. Nvednes- da hter--. -I�w, Mrs. Wa ke A de, Aluir w I as D*ffl,rencia day,�Jaat, a ran 3h waH This debt, or liability, is in the shape of between as3etr, and lilaTili'�ie, r E. u pluo" i0st-ittit �a� Brue- Pni adelphim, Pen sylvania. Mr. A do has courted an& Won the fait Miss Hamilton and r Is j�,o be o tho hinceresympatby of iis Old friends here the became engaied, when be then went 'what is known as 11 annuiries." These an. 313t of 8cember, 18, 9i !V_,26S,494.44.�' sels j�,o be o cered by Alrt-. Hugh I'AcKinnon, y From. this Ektatement OV6 1 Tom and Miss west to the towEship of Hibbert, about six nuities. are hatied poler the au9iority of an tliO hands and Fi � of Grey, 11 president, and Mrs.;_'_X�il_ Me- in I I -s Pad �bereavet ent. - I - naturea o the commissione�s i, L�Y" , Lau :hlIu a secretary. The first 0�5 Ling rf Anitie Richardson, of Bo,aseyain, Manitoba, miles from Mitchell, in Perth county, and therefor A,A of the Legislature and they must be this: r�gnc will be held on the after oon of are lvisitirifg relati% es in I hid Oistrict. They bought from the Government wh we to appears t at they rooga!rded�l the difference . J� J I . at 8 paid out of current revenue as they become between tie assets and the z)iabilities Xan -14 ay ebruary 13th, at the Ire ilence a I k at John Burgeas', and will be his future no estead ra the eart of a as fi pe�ot ast wee due. They canno of P. il McL%uchlin. The,spb ast forest. After clearia be renewed nor can new surplus, thus confirming 1 the contention 'f spb Ub Ub ee�s to _visip Gorrie ani ot er poiats' �efore return. v g up a small por. annuities be issuedit be dicuss d will be " bread making,,,, iutro- ing to therabie Province.—At the resi� tion and erecting a houee, he returnee �to relieve any that mry the Gover iment'for the st Iten years, that d to .be rnaturin,,Y. The only way they can be there was x su ks 'I 'any Lanark for his bi ide, after an alagene irplu . �V! f due d by Mrs. McKinnon, and! butter denle of Mr. Gavin David�on, Wingbarn e of Aat inore oishould, met is with cash out of current revenue and person deE ire to satis'ry " hew' mak ng,." introduced by Mrs. Cal'n on, of Junction, on Wediiesday, January 22nd, oc- about a yea,,r, land there, - on January 23rd, on tbil point. 'the only use they can be put to is to retire i In addition to tbi3, at 6 e close of the las,t Morris. If the people can secure g, bread curied the marriage of is daughter, Mi;s 1852, they� were married by the Rev. railway cerlifioateg. For the past four or financial 3 ear, there was ove a million ana ancygood I utter the problem of shall Eulhernia Davidsor, to Mr. !Peter Fowler, ThomaeFraser. Theyoung couple, a few five years. however, all the maturing rail- a half of d ollas in the ba: be solved to a large extob. of t�je Bluevale road. he �L,eremony was months later, went to their home. in Hib- Oka s--) thav at the W D. mi on 0 .way certificates and annuities have been nron County Packing an, Cold performed at E r bert, goi6g in a wagon from Ha' dt commencement of this �ear the Prov' - m., R v. Perrie, of t gbam, being the offi iating- clergyman. n Inc, p �id from the -public treasury as they be- bacl. a cash surplus, or w4at 3 equivalient mpany is the name age U.'rr ed by Win' Mitchell,`where ll roads then ended a d com.0 due and -any additional liabilities tfhau being organized to erec� it, ot nearly four millio4s, over and. above a company a meAt- The bride looked very a tractive in a coa- the rest of the jo ey had to be made in ox tumio of white organdie, trimmed with blue :have been incurred in this way were for all 4iabilWeF,. This,,surelyj is V, fin� cutiog, cold storage and fowl attening carts. No ra1111 do were built through anjia railway certificates earned ubd'er subsidies showing (f which any Pr C41 establialim But I in Clintov. -The 'ipiposed sAtiO. Sbe carried a ridal bouquet of therefor some y At s afterwards, Here, ov nee should fe I I :granted during the present Parlimentary roud. There are few Inuni ipalitiee in t . outat will include a pork factory, 4-,,.'a&ble.of wh4e carnations She was unattended. being among the at settlers, they endur. h! term. 0 hand(liog ' 500 hogs per week, 't6gether Ovek one hundrea �ouesti were pregept, and,' ad all the hares.Ao, incident - to early pia- Drovince at can show such a goodbalanc:' I - sheet. 'Vh&tever fauln�, therefore, th with' a lim ted number of cattle, a � poultry afte� the wedding F upper had been disposed neer life, but in I time- the rapi4 tide of A good deal has recently been said and Provincia Government miay )e prove I u guilt -finishing $IAtIon equi edonplans:afterthe oft6thesathfawicnofall, they spentthe civilizxition to th west brought 'others of, tl: eir fi oan cial In a stylO of that -in use Ep a leadin ansas eve4ang euy)yably in dancing, games and! among them Mr. uir's father and six stal! written a.bout the small iicrease in - the nagemei it of the affairs' City, packing house. At this plant all poul. other amu6ements. Arn�ng thoi guests from wart brothers, ai & in a. few years what was of. the Irovince is, certaffily, abovejuoslt population of Ontario during the laat.decade Criticism. try *ill ba receivid alive, pro rly illed, a dijktance were Mis.DavIiesin and children: then a wildernesi berame a beautiful farm pe y as compared, -with the other provinces, not- dressed an crated, then shipped of the of QtLlt, and Mr, John Patterson and Mias'r ing country. Mr. uir's trade wag of im. el ie� and Besides �b oiling Patt I erpon, of Gler aetob onine, new c manufacturers are raising Mr. and Mrp. menae Val ountry like ably Quebec' This poeition is now partially The wooll(n Great Britain. i�oiorrial_ 'll et Ue in their handsome home this and he becat ie one o fowlJor the farmers the building' ,III be F RierBwi f the principal con. explained by the records of the Dominion great row because the du t. e In tractors and buil ]era. He successfully car- �i vale road ani We j,:)in wifli their ty (in their product equipped Fimilar to -the above referred to ono L%nd Agenciev. It is now shown that dur- is not Buff (dently high to shield them frorn packing house, where 100,000 broBer's are maq� friends in wishing �,beorn every joy and ried on both fArn irig and contracting u til n the past two years homestead entries competition.' They now have a, duty grown and marketed annually under sys. hapffines'.-Charles Garn'si bas, purchased 1887 when he eel I his beautiful farm and 5119 ' do in Manitoba'and the North- of 28 have been ma temontire'y new to per cent., but they demand a duty Of 50 Ontario. Alon with Tho)�iaa PL`0CtOr'8 'farm, c n the 3rd line of retired to Staffa, where Mrs. Muic's brother, weat by 3,540 heads of families. While from per the bandli )g of hogs, cattle and poultry a M is,. and will. leave Bluevale to take Mr. James Hami Iton, then postmaster, st ill Qaebec there were only 408 ; from Nova cent. Itwould arpear, howlever, that the 0 Y m6dorn 6o, d storage building will br oo�rected poe� stion in March. The price paid was, residen.' A famf y of four daughters were Scotia, 134 �; from New Brnalsw iek, 64 , are barking up the wrong t+- It 'is more wib4a cap 6city for hanling all the butter $4, O. -Mr. Hardie amd Miss Hardie, of born to them, th, i dest Mrs. Robert Webb, Edward IAand, 41 and from opples Huron count3 and the. tri6utary Cal )ss, visited Mre. Ru erf.ord last week. aca moderate freight rates and n�t higher du-i0i and ' from Pri who died in 1879, d Mrip. Charles Fuller, British COIRmbia, 41. This shows that -a n produce. The eatimated cos re. James Pugh and Miss Mary Collie who 6 ied in 187(. The other two daugh. they rcquire to place thti� business on townships t Ontario has been. drained to fill u' -the north - of t4ee b ildings when fully eqoipied is vial id fi i-nds in Wroxet�r last week. -The ters are still liv u- , the one being Mrs. p west, and that while she has suffered her. paying , baels. But this is ia matteri that $75,000, w th a capacity for making ". art. you g men's social club are making'prepar. Thomas Hislop, vi is of a prominent lawyer self she haalbeen populating and enriching affects thelfarmer as well ao the manlufac� buatturn-c ver of $1,000,000 worth of Ifarm atio s for a ball, to be held !a. the- near of Detroit, Mich g of the other Mrs. John -the newer portion of Canada. During the turer, sal if both wrdld �nite to 6riD prod'uce. futu �a. -The annual meetiog Qt the Prehby- IS, Bo% wife of o eofthe suocemsful busi.- I The answer t las-b week's puzzle 88 bega, $, 44 10 cattle, $50 2 abecp, $6; tota , I head $100. Here is anothr: A.4d one figura to 999 to mike an oven hundred. Bring in your answer b Tuesday. jvs3 Men of Muskegon, Michigan. here irates Snell. and 'Gre ry, I an Saturday, 1, of charged with having! et out poison 9�tre two grandchil. Iron, Mrs. Dr. Beli I I 11 y 4ontgomery, Mic iigan, a daughter f Ora. which several dogs "were killed. There wta TWebb', and Miss Jennie H. Hieiop�, d*ugh- really no evidence against Mr. Oudmore of'Mrs. Hislop, and one 6aud- but the case waa adjou n'ed a - weelk, to en- Id, Kenneth ell, Bon ( 9:iirv. ell. able complainants to cc 03plete their case.— hri )f About 12 years ago Mr. -and re. *uir, Wm. Bawden brought *ith him frorri tbs- #LudiDg their family all grown up and �eing old country, laet week, ten entire borses,of �!one, removed to Detroit, where they have which two were hacku �1s and the -balance In joyed the f I ruits f their early yeirs of hard draught.—Misis Gat -Cis of Micbligan$ in the I bor n comf6rtable retirement. Thw I are gueat of her aiater, m FJ_ B. S. oth enjoying fair health and take reat the meeting of the To cil last week, t1is least rein recoun iing to friends the incl- followin mu . cipal 04 swere appointed i nl ents of the early r Clerk, Urge H. Bias , Vt assessor, A. G� ;onee, life in the wi da of c ow th 0 veste r1n Ontario, garden. of Ca ads- Dyer ; road oommiesi James -Cree--b,— Several from here 40d the ""at home" of the Twentieth e rM Cluk-at Hensalf, M _aKiuop last Friday evenin Do4't fail to call' and get our price for te b fore 3urchasing. We are F ell. �g all in r goods e inds f winter - el- --- priwil than ever before. W. H. vrilli% Stiaforth. 181-1 I C11URCIT RE T annue. report of E ty shelves are more d a.Ve ea t il � js church showatte m !esirabl; t the Belgrave I L now t an profits, �nd we would much soon- finances to be a t ieatijfactory cn& pr sell at prices to convince you that econ. ti, I 1��, on anler the pastoral' ire of Rev., . J. bmy irects you 'here than to carry the Hast ie. The rectipts ar , balance code i, over into next season. Come our on hand, $152.7 ; the, &die&' ALfd spent E Iway right away—for snaps in furs lof all $2230 in '.church I 'I itry fArniehijDW_ �kinds, Cloth Jackets, Blankets, Ulader* The receipts -of the built ng Committee we mear, Dress Goods, MerS' I Suit$ and 4 lover- $747.50, moat of which o, been expended 1coats. - li8l- $187.18 was collected achemeo. The A I SOLD.—Mr. Joseph Bulger has gold Women's Forrzign Miss; ary Society temb . .... is fa rry, on the 2nd concession, to his rieigh- clothing to the Northwe i to the value of r, , r. Thomas McQuade. The farn� -con- and have a balance p cash of -16� . 83,- The receiptA of the S% )bath school were ins PO acres, and, the price paid 1W It I 65. ill r, Bulger will have an aucti Pale $71.74, of �whicb a bilaziul of $10 11 remahs of bi igffecte onlFebruary 11th-, and will on band. Thle session rbports 67 families move shortly to B�uce county., in the eigh- at the beginning of the �ar, 4 vithdrawn borhood of Port Elgin, where he has se ured and 4 ad-ded,jeaving 67,: a present. Mem- a large farm. bers at last repqrt, 143 added during 1901. REco.vEREi).—Tbe many friends i this 7 ; removed, 12; pr t membership., 1.3&, .towns ip of Mr. Robert Johnston; of East PROPERTY CHANGES., 01harles Garnue, of Wow nosh and formerly one of ,ou resi- Bluevale, has bought ',;Thomas Proetr dents, will be pleased to learn that h has farm, on the 3rol line of' orris, for $4,560; sufficiently recoveted-to be around ain. the farm is a good one a. should be cheap Mr. Jolifiston has been seriously ill all fall. at that. Then Thomas % octor has bought A'.\CTIIkR OLD SiTTLEP. Go,_\-E.—On Bun. Thomas Scan'drett's , containing 50 day, January 19th, death claimed another acres, just south ofBel e, for $3,700, and gi victim, in the person of John Malon y, of Thomas Scandrett has, b ght James Owen?'484 this township: For nearly four montlis de- farm adjoining Belgr&Td, ceased 'had been a severe sufferer from stom- acres, or $3,900 ; this wi I malie a fine pak, ach tr uble, which' was the ultimate cause ture farm, as there is a, d supply ofwater of bi death. Mir. Maloi)ey was bo a in on it. iTippe'ary, Ireland, about 68 years ago and DFATH oF ANO - T_qER Pw En.—The death emigr ted to . this country while at ill a of Thomas Brydges occur rod on Wednesday,. youth. He endured all the hardsh ps of the 15th of January, at his residence, lot 3r, ploneer life, iihd-aC the time of his eath conces-ion 3, Alonis, at the good old age of possessed a RO:odly share of this wDrId'a 7" , years. Mr. Bryd es ho's been a, resi&nt goode. He Was fiLtended durink bi3 last of Morris for 45 yehr �%Vlng moved in illness by Father JAIcKeon, of Irishown, among the early set ccumu a e a The uneral, on Tuesday, to Irialtown fine property for hi seff,vind amily. Mr- come ry, was larg,lDly attended, the cortege Brydges was Iresh by bi tb, having come to being ver a mile 'long. Besides a widow, Canada when quite a Y6 J �g man, and settl- he lee ves a famil' of five Pons and four ed in the township of ­4ughan until he I I daugh -,era also 11- grand -children aud one camewest. Hewass.9111 'ilat Oran geman, and Slater. by that order he was bu Wd. Mr Brydgeg- BOARD OF HE.tLvi. —The board of ealth was a good neighbor, e F1 ready io lend a met in the Royal otel, Seaforth, an Mon- helping hand ; a kind hit er and a lo husband, and: VIV9 day, tlie following !members being present: leaves a loved wife, four Michat'l Mardie, c airman ; John C. Mor- sons and seven daughtet*, �o inourn his de - Bernard O'Connell, John parture. Among friends Irrom a distance noon, secretary iMurray' and John I IcElroy, members f the who attended the funer 'Were Mr." and board ; S. J. Shannon, sanitary in3pector. Mrs. Grasby, of Durhaka ; Mr. and Mrv, tiring the past year there were bbree Brandon, of Bayfield ; �1' Mrs. Al 0,- and ideathe, by consump �ion, but one came from Callum, of Hullett, and �4;, and M Me - !Manitoba ; total deaths daring the year, re- Callum, Of turned, 26 ; births, 45 ; marriagee, 22. There were no dealths from any infectious i3eas, Usbo :LP. 14 * is, except; consumption. All p�rtioos Jisving cattle with lumpy jaws should have Tn-R Tow_Nsnip E�s.­�At the I"t ithern examined by a veterinary surgeon, to meeting of the tow ship, -q.outietil the follovr- I ode if the thy are infectious. If so, they ing officers were appoin 4, at the salaries shoutil be kil ed, as it is against the law to named : Francis Mood i elErkp iiia, keep , them. Perso 9 killing cattle for food allowance for post -age ; '4ul Coates. trem- withi lumpy jaws, before offering such for urer, $70,; Win. Miners,, usessor, $55; wm,-, sale, should get a veterinary surgeon5s cer. Brock, collector,, $50,; homas Veal, care- tifica,te that it is fit for food, or else they taker of hall, 35 ; Rishus !John* and Win. A� are liable to a finei , The secretary wag Turnbull auditors. Boo id of Health, tbs authorized to notify, all school truatees to reeve and c letk, nd M o4rs. James Hand - look After the wells and closets� and request ford, H. Borland, Paul I r ge; H.&H�jynd_ all L P�Upjla to be vaccinated. The board ad. myn, medical health, offi,6 and James 0. Jourbed to meet, at, the call of the chair. Tufts, sanitary' inspect, r Fence viewers, man.� J Copeland, A. Colio, Moir, R" Del - bridge, R. Doupe and J4es Earl. Pound - I Ixeter. keepers, eorea Rook, �.� Hunter, -R. Ked- dy, Alex. Mbonald, W In L Taylor, J. Raz - J. . S T A N B_u R Y, B. A., (late with Me. elwood' 8 Campbell, 'W 'in. Gilfillan. Afer earth� Osler & Co., Toronto,) Barrigtog, Convey. ancer,;, fictary. Money to loan. offloas lately oe. Passing a few accoun is cotmel Journ- oupledbg Collins & 8 anbury,over (YNell's Bank, ed until February Is al one o'clock. Exetei. at. 1 1684-tf —There were registe by the division BPaEFS. —Miss dith Sanders returned registrar for t e to7.,�sb��y of Usborne, for fromStrathre . on Friday last, and: will r - the year 19( , biral, �25 y 0 ;Lt. , males, I fe- mai'n� at home till the millinery season opens males ; 16 marriages ; 26,deat I he, 15 males, —Mirs F J Knight, entertained a� numbe'r 11 females. of f �10' n*da* to" a pleasant evening, on Tuesday. —Milre. Stai i1bury and her mother, Mrp. —The annual meetiug!o the Sebringville, Hailwood, visited friends in Clinton, on Cheese and Butter Comlia' held on Sat . fday.—AdolLph is -Evans left on Wed. MondayoI last week. att Py wasi 4a factory, with nesdZy for London and other pointe, to visit fair attendance. The Innual ,statement frie�de. —The mans zer of the rink announ- showood an increase in th, quantitv of cheese Coss a carnival for Friday evenin —The made. The following i ectors Were sp- literary club, in co neotion with thge Chris. poined : P. Siebert, C. ;K, Thieli J. Litts tian Endeavor Society of Caven churchif,met H. Brunner, M. Riechl, W. U�Illerieh, Joba at J )seph Senior's residence, on Tuesd&j Jacobs. The latter gendeman replaces Mr. even ing.—Gus. HA dford and wife of Ot. C. Ratz, who has retired � Messrs. A. Thiel taws, visited al his home here this week.---�- and C. Schmidt are and' 61s, and Mr. W.H. George Cadmore appeared before M&gi CoUlton is 88 UM"IS L,adies' Wedding Cos'llf When a lady is contemplating getting one of these particular kind of in to, she wants tie very nices"5 fitting, best looking, and most stylish costume and *kill can produce. This is one of our most succefsful slid prosperous branches in our tusineffEs. We have ertainly gained an enyiable reputation for pleap I a 4 the, On& have madels great many Weddi g:8 nits this season. The lovel"ttistic braid- ing and fine touebes done o�our Lades' Costumes have br�ozght us �nany new customera 4nd adverthed our work lariely. The highest Co. Uments havebeen paid to us in the nyanv testimlenit.de we have received riagwol,ing pur.be&uifull work. The latest style of Beparlte coat is the box'. or three quarter length. Wo, tan inake one tQ., your order,froi�,i $14 upwards, Stark& Mackn�v OPPOSITE' THE CON *JAL Jjnr-VL t who bim bsi withuec-08 died at ­AD"e: the houle-01 gar- . I .keepmg_ho,� to her ho"All the didesX6 _M"srs ggaed t -Ue Ischoolb. takenawli f ully reUin account 6 6 h w! tines, and i aurgLacat *P. .�one sonS _W1 ,euir, Wb "I Xt _mw per pa&gpj5r br� rl c -p q b i Aub- �.n4y per Am Bill W3od TVr_V01 _0i < L Wor EftdA IN -Tal ow�. -Vff -1 TonoN-m a strong prices are I ever, -with: niand on g* quo ,2D) 't-10 21Z to 17,0 ; 1�1 14c ; xneal are a I zonilnf,� ck, 'Tt' qutded at 19 t4 MONME triarketisl tario ,101 white, to IDA -0. Blil -best, orealtn prices -aric western Ai 151 to 16oi und pric-6 �33 to 35c 27o ; ,cold Imed.21 t per dimm, bushel. 72 75 -to to to $7.50 to IS middle fri ot $2-2 lei lots, asi `ToRe�x istill drag liheraL - � will prob �be diffici Care, P:r� lcjw lots.,. ,at 75 to 81 ateady, �cbickoans red zloV�e is quotedi Redt w ;; 'timothy These . . . . . bAaji 16 'were nb statex 21 C41 to 6 A-. ftade There �81-nee 10A. fellfing— nthe zomi Oabd� � 'tiound. and ld cold at RL -at fr 2 at -cleas JASU RY 19-02 'test Care The Prea Is exercised in selecting the in4redients from which t1w valn-able COM- pound is ja�epare.d, so that wo are willing, to Plede t�liem Striutl % y PUTO. W, to 'big This explains in a meaEure their I great popularity and 4uparalled utzeiw -Doing t a s most Powders put on th m'a e rket are adulterared in Ord�er to Jessen t1le swod I ei ice. As lood purifi ! thn' 9d Powder has,:no equa .1 r a condition caused by imp�re blood. They may- b given with gfeat 1�0vely in advantage in all cases of Worms, bm Loss. of Appetite, Roug ; es of the Mir, '1k -witnel Stoppage ater- aud Bowels, Swelling of the Wan— ��_s of the Tbrogk _fh bide bound coughs and.colds, horse distemper, botts,_�Scui 7, etc, Dose. A teaspoonful given with everyl fe bugle -8 I AIR. ROBERT FELASER, of Walton, ORY8 I hav'p had wonderful success with Feaes Covoll I fed Fear's Condition k6voler weeks 0 a team of horses 'i lor Aboirt thr Ewa oik -it fill to tion Powder. one too package made ni, ovor 026. I was fitting a horse for sale and he went bad id tLe legs. I tried everything I could hcir of for the such a te tht they bro�,1'�rmp""I'dit-11111,(Lrger when sold tb if I had no 61�0 in Poc., an t that time I OR prilif Med then). I �811 youl. bpAut etter troublet but It got worse Instead of better neighbor recommended Fear's Conditir-n Powderand AL9X. RoSp Ertl, field. I qov a p0c package and commenced feading it to!, my hqrse, a teas oonful with every feed, and the q3jUlt was rei�iarkatic. The fronble all le't hini and h A T. A. DODDS, of VV Fear's Condition Pow dera. feed them il tb rp, Says UT -0 every tiNne. It i IwaYs el0ek and fat, and I so] of him for a good price. vou right th ey. I fiction. give good *Ale. ,osch 4- T� e best reaommendation iE�very farmer anything !can have is from people you.� who uses Feaes Conotition -Powder recommends gow who have used it' to big neighbor. T'�Iree;�ounds for 00, tLia makes 209 do; Wenever haindled a do edicine that gave of M-1 sti: ch universal satisfaction as these pP;1ers. Akil& Ak A�_Ak Ak AL A6. Ah. ;�to` the v1d �q d U V. FEA the D �Ivstl fev.er., The answer t las-b week's puzzle 88 bega, $, 44 10 cattle, $50 2 abecp, $6; tota , I head $100. Here is anothr: A.4d one figura to 999 to mike an oven hundred. Bring in your answer b Tuesday. jvs3 Men of Muskegon, Michigan. here irates Snell. and 'Gre ry, I an Saturday, 1, of charged with having! et out poison 9�tre two grandchil. Iron, Mrs. Dr. Beli I I 11 y 4ontgomery, Mic iigan, a daughter f Ora. which several dogs "were killed. There wta TWebb', and Miss Jennie H. Hieiop�, d*ugh- really no evidence against Mr. Oudmore of'Mrs. Hislop, and one 6aud- but the case waa adjou n'ed a - weelk, to en- Id, Kenneth ell, Bon ( 9:iirv. ell. able complainants to cc 03plete their case.— hri )f About 12 years ago Mr. -and re. *uir, Wm. Bawden brought *ith him frorri tbs- #LudiDg their family all grown up and �eing old country, laet week, ten entire borses,of �!one, removed to Detroit, where they have which two were hacku �1s and the -balance In joyed the f I ruits f their early yeirs of hard draught.—Misis Gat -Cis of Micbligan$ in the I bor n comf6rtable retirement. Thw I are gueat of her aiater, m FJ_ B. S. oth enjoying fair health and take reat the meeting of the To cil last week, t1is least rein recoun iing to friends the incl- followin mu . cipal 04 swere appointed i nl ents of the early r Clerk, Urge H. Bias , Vt assessor, A. G� ;onee, life in the wi da of c ow th 0 veste r1n Ontario, garden. of Ca ads- Dyer ; road oommiesi James -Cree--b,— Several from here 40d the ""at home" of the Twentieth e rM Cluk-at Hensalf, M _aKiuop last Friday evenin Do4't fail to call' and get our price for te b fore 3urchasing. We are F ell. �g all in r goods e inds f winter - el- --- priwil than ever before. W. H. vrilli% Stiaforth. 181-1 I C11URCIT RE T annue. report of E ty shelves are more d a.Ve ea t il � js church showatte m !esirabl; t the Belgrave I L now t an profits, �nd we would much soon- finances to be a t ieatijfactory cn& pr sell at prices to convince you that econ. ti, I 1��, on anler the pastoral' ire of Rev., . J. bmy irects you 'here than to carry the Hast ie. The rectipts ar , balance code i, over into next season. Come our on hand, $152.7 ; the, &die&' ALfd spent E Iway right away—for snaps in furs lof all $2230 in '.church I 'I itry fArniehijDW_ �kinds, Cloth Jackets, Blankets, Ulader* The receipts -of the built ng Committee we mear, Dress Goods, MerS' I Suit$ and 4 lover- $747.50, moat of which o, been expended 1coats. - li8l- $187.18 was collected achemeo. The A I SOLD.—Mr. Joseph Bulger has gold Women's Forrzign Miss; ary Society temb . .... is fa rry, on the 2nd concession, to his rieigh- clothing to the Northwe i to the value of r, , r. Thomas McQuade. The farn� -con- and have a balance p cash of -16� . 83,- The receiptA of the S% )bath school were ins PO acres, and, the price paid 1W It I 65. ill r, Bulger will have an aucti Pale $71.74, of �whicb a bilaziul of $10 11 remahs of bi igffecte onlFebruary 11th-, and will on band. Thle session rbports 67 families move shortly to B�uce county., in the eigh- at the beginning of the �ar, 4 vithdrawn borhood of Port Elgin, where he has se ured and 4 ad-ded,jeaving 67,: a present. Mem- a large farm. bers at last repqrt, 143 added during 1901. REco.vEREi).—Tbe many friends i this 7 ; removed, 12; pr t membership., 1.3&, .towns ip of Mr. Robert Johnston; of East PROPERTY CHANGES., 01harles Garnue, of Wow nosh and formerly one of ,ou resi- Bluevale, has bought ',;Thomas Proetr dents, will be pleased to learn that h has farm, on the 3rol line of' orris, for $4,560; sufficiently recoveted-to be around ain. the farm is a good one a. should be cheap Mr. Jolifiston has been seriously ill all fall. at that. Then Thomas % octor has bought A'.\CTIIkR OLD SiTTLEP. Go,_\-E.—On Bun. Thomas Scan'drett's , containing 50 day, January 19th, death claimed another acres, just south ofBel e, for $3,700, and gi victim, in the person of John Malon y, of Thomas Scandrett has, b ght James Owen?'484 this township: For nearly four montlis de- farm adjoining Belgr&Td, ceased 'had been a severe sufferer from stom- acres, or $3,900 ; this wi I malie a fine pak, ach tr uble, which' was the ultimate cause ture farm, as there is a, d supply ofwater of bi death. Mir. Maloi)ey was bo a in on it. iTippe'ary, Ireland, about 68 years ago and DFATH oF ANO - T_qER Pw En.—The death emigr ted to . this country while at ill a of Thomas Brydges occur rod on Wednesday,. youth. He endured all the hardsh ps of the 15th of January, at his residence, lot 3r, ploneer life, iihd-aC the time of his eath conces-ion 3, Alonis, at the good old age of possessed a RO:odly share of this wDrId'a 7" , years. Mr. Bryd es ho's been a, resi&nt goode. He Was fiLtended durink bi3 last of Morris for 45 yehr �%Vlng moved in illness by Father JAIcKeon, of Irishown, among the early set ccumu a e a The uneral, on Tuesday, to Irialtown fine property for hi seff,vind amily. Mr- come ry, was larg,lDly attended, the cortege Brydges was Iresh by bi tb, having come to being ver a mile 'long. Besides a widow, Canada when quite a Y6 J �g man, and settl- he lee ves a famil' of five Pons and four ed in the township of ­4ughan until he I I daugh -,era also 11- grand -children aud one camewest. Hewass.9111 'ilat Oran geman, and Slater. by that order he was bu Wd. Mr Brydgeg- BOARD OF HE.tLvi. —The board of ealth was a good neighbor, e F1 ready io lend a met in the Royal otel, Seaforth, an Mon- helping hand ; a kind hit er and a lo husband, and: VIV9 day, tlie following !members being present: leaves a loved wife, four Michat'l Mardie, c airman ; John C. Mor- sons and seven daughtet*, �o inourn his de - Bernard O'Connell, John parture. Among friends Irrom a distance noon, secretary iMurray' and John I IcElroy, members f the who attended the funer 'Were Mr." and board ; S. J. Shannon, sanitary in3pector. Mrs. Grasby, of Durhaka ; Mr. and Mrv, tiring the past year there were bbree Brandon, of Bayfield ; �1' Mrs. Al 0,- and ideathe, by consump �ion, but one came from Callum, of Hullett, and �4;, and M Me - !Manitoba ; total deaths daring the year, re- Callum, Of turned, 26 ; births, 45 ; marriagee, 22. There were no dealths from any infectious i3eas, Usbo :LP. 14 * is, except; consumption. All p�rtioos Jisving cattle with lumpy jaws should have Tn-R Tow_Nsnip E�s.­�At the I"t ithern examined by a veterinary surgeon, to meeting of the tow ship, -q.outietil the follovr- I ode if the thy are infectious. If so, they ing officers were appoin 4, at the salaries shoutil be kil ed, as it is against the law to named : Francis Mood i elErkp iiia, keep , them. Perso 9 killing cattle for food allowance for post -age ; '4ul Coates. trem- withi lumpy jaws, before offering such for urer, $70,; Win. Miners,, usessor, $55; wm,-, sale, should get a veterinary surgeon5s cer. Brock, collector,, $50,; homas Veal, care- tifica,te that it is fit for food, or else they taker of hall, 35 ; Rishus !John* and Win. A� are liable to a finei , The secretary wag Turnbull auditors. Boo id of Health, tbs authorized to notify, all school truatees to reeve and c letk, nd M o4rs. James Hand - look After the wells and closets� and request ford, H. Borland, Paul I r ge; H.&H�jynd_ all L P�Upjla to be vaccinated. The board ad. myn, medical health, offi,6 and James 0. Jourbed to meet, at, the call of the chair. Tufts, sanitary' inspect, r Fence viewers, man.� J Copeland, A. Colio, Moir, R" Del - bridge, R. Doupe and J4es Earl. Pound - I Ixeter. keepers, eorea Rook, �.� Hunter, -R. Ked- dy, Alex. Mbonald, W In L Taylor, J. Raz - J. . S T A N B_u R Y, B. A., (late with Me. elwood' 8 Campbell, 'W 'in. Gilfillan. Afer earth� Osler & Co., Toronto,) Barrigtog, Convey. ancer,;, fictary. Money to loan. offloas lately oe. Passing a few accoun is cotmel Journ- oupledbg Collins & 8 anbury,over (YNell's Bank, ed until February Is al one o'clock. Exetei. at. 1 1684-tf —There were registe by the division BPaEFS. —Miss dith Sanders returned registrar for t e to7.,�sb��y of Usborne, for fromStrathre . on Friday last, and: will r - the year 19( , biral, �25 y 0 ;Lt. , males, I fe- mai'n� at home till the millinery season opens males ; 16 marriages ; 26,deat I he, 15 males, —Mirs F J Knight, entertained a� numbe'r 11 females. of f �10' n*da* to" a pleasant evening, on Tuesday. —Milre. Stai i1bury and her mother, Mrp. —The annual meetiug!o the Sebringville, Hailwood, visited friends in Clinton, on Cheese and Butter Comlia' held on Sat . fday.—AdolLph is -Evans left on Wed. MondayoI last week. att Py wasi 4a factory, with nesdZy for London and other pointe, to visit fair attendance. The Innual ,statement frie�de. —The mans zer of the rink announ- showood an increase in th, quantitv of cheese Coss a carnival for Friday evenin —The made. The following i ectors Were sp- literary club, in co neotion with thge Chris. poined : P. Siebert, C. ;K, Thieli J. Litts tian Endeavor Society of Caven churchif,met H. Brunner, M. Riechl, W. U�Illerieh, Joba at J )seph Senior's residence, on Tuesd&j Jacobs. The latter gendeman replaces Mr. even ing.—Gus. HA dford and wife of Ot. C. Ratz, who has retired � Messrs. A. Thiel taws, visited al his home here this week.---�- and C. Schmidt are and' 61s, and Mr. W.H. George Cadmore appeared before M&gi CoUlton is 88 UM"IS L,adies' Wedding Cos'llf When a lady is contemplating getting one of these particular kind of in to, she wants tie very nices"5 fitting, best looking, and most stylish costume and *kill can produce. This is one of our most succefsful slid prosperous branches in our tusineffEs. We have ertainly gained an enyiable reputation for pleap I a 4 the, On& have madels great many Weddi g:8 nits this season. The lovel"ttistic braid- ing and fine touebes done o�our Lades' Costumes have br�ozght us �nany new customera 4nd adverthed our work lariely. The highest Co. Uments havebeen paid to us in the nyanv testimlenit.de we have received riagwol,ing pur.be&uifull work. The latest style of Beparlte coat is the box'. or three quarter length. Wo, tan inake one tQ., your order,froi�,i $14 upwards, Stark& Mackn�v OPPOSITE' THE CON *JAL Jjnr-VL t who bim bsi withuec-08 died at ­AD"e: the houle-01 gar- . I .keepmg_ho,� to her ho"All the didesX6 _M"srs ggaed t -Ue Ischoolb. takenawli f ully reUin account 6 6 h w! tines, and i aurgLacat *P. .�one sonS _W1 ,euir, Wb "I Xt _mw per pa&gpj5r br� rl c -p q b i Aub- �.n4y per Am Bill W3od TVr_V01 _0i < L Wor EftdA IN -Tal ow�. -Vff -1 TonoN-m a strong prices are I ever, -with: niand on g* quo ,2D) 't-10 21Z to 17,0 ; 1�1 14c ; xneal are a I zonilnf,� ck, 'Tt' qutded at 19 t4 MONME triarketisl tario ,101 white, to IDA -0. Blil -best, orealtn prices -aric western Ai 151 to 16oi und pric-6 �33 to 35c 27o ; ,cold Imed.21 t per dimm, bushel. 72 75 -to to to $7.50 to IS middle fri ot $2-2 lei lots, asi `ToRe�x istill drag liheraL - � will prob �be diffici Care, P:r� lcjw lots.,. ,at 75 to 81 ateady, �cbickoans red zloV�e is quotedi Redt w ;; 'timothy These . . . . . bAaji 16 'were nb statex 21 C41 to 6 A-. ftade There �81-nee 10A. fellfing— nthe zomi Oabd� � 'tiound. and ld cold at RL -at fr 2 at -cleas