HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-01-24, Page 724,, 1902
NVARY 247 1.9024
g Time for Mothers When
t Care and watchfulness
is Necessary.
ear retions from officers of the companies,
rend r oath. Any person refusing to give
the i forrnation required will be ha* to a
fine f $100 a day until it is forthoorning.
A ter the assesament is deterinined the
rate taxAtion is to ba struck from data tie
be f minima by the elerke of rnuiticipalitiee,
who will bee -required to give the esteemed
vale of the real and pereonal property in
the ninnioipaiity and the assessed value of
such real and personal property as exempt,
and rieo the nate of taxation on the dollar
for a11 purposes except bonuses.
Th average of these rates of taxat on will
be th rate to be levied on the eorpo ations.
A del nquent Municipal clerk is to a
fine o $10 a dey.
11 property assessed under t is act
shall e exempt froin all other easements
and t rations under any act passed y the
Legis ature of the province."
Nyer's Hair Vigor
It is elegant for
ed for keeping ere
g at the endst”---
tert Grantfork, IR.
itting splits
if e hair -
lone on your
Loses friends
every hair of
a friend.
air Vigor in
, prevent the
the splitting
will stop it.
asupPLY ren,
radasae exPzeals
ra and Cilia the numb
rt•ss collace. Addresa,
""` CO., Loire'', IlasK
address, " Thirty
nibals," and it watt
twit present to be ex.
views ilitietrated the
re very ioteresting.
in choir furnished ex-
ty of it.—J. Darreche
ated relatives on the
tidayee-The Ferment'
Wednesday afternoons
l attended, and tha
ars ware good. The-
14..11ford and Ousters
of Goderieh. The
ve• us good mnaie.--
rats:trued to. Mitchell
at he high school
ton, rho fermerly at -
school'. thia year
h Stan -
rota Toronto, looking
—Mr. Wm. Wallace,
uiee heifers to Mr..
,ve cents per pound.,
ot the Quarry.
titles. in the past, so
,ar and threw it in the
ion in years that are
There ia no joy in
inues- of the City of
the bat month of the
the whole businesst
e of lifetia in the chase.
s is not in the having
And as we struggle on
muscles harden, the
le grey hairs come,
it the corners of the
we go, contend ing
a and achieving, yet
ilat we have or have
ia the hope that some
re and achieve more
ad you hope, to excel
n paat in a g/oxioua
viing, their nerves are
run, and before them
aaid turning in Re
id atood there thrill-
ment of the cli'ase, for
and hope. the fleeing
act nioving tewards
Shoot, and the little
ie hounds cry louder
e, and the woods are
:nature seems to de -
e very trace deplore a
latex my bag.
in the hope for an-
tr more. They joy not
ht, bat for that which
leasure of the shot-, but
a cha e ?---4.some one
lOttn hase! the fleet -
to die.
paroti d her should-'
her on the ear and as
tightly and hugs her
t god-rright is said
on in hope.,
ight ; I have to go to
he sits alone and
goes to a. cot and
and dandles it.
-now who soda he had
went out. to meet
heipedt her on with
er, but' he: does not
ern kimes her.
hese once, past, how
d more real joy in ace
than you will ever
laced both hands on
looked, him fair and
mid one of the world's
redubms unbeliever.
Jor, and playing with
ouse, but to knock it
another. The 'pleas-
: but in the building:
hildren in growomp
doce not work on and
atrol stocks and railt
and couporte.
chase that impale
ration, indigestion
lions, bat they cannot
no, thiags.
raise a raCe of seas-
rity molecule in the
nighty hadn't placed
eing instead of in the
tine -looking lot of der
Your Trade.
nith care, attention„.
'rices„ haa given us a
the druggists of Can
trade, and will .use
e you a. regular cue-
) Drugs, Medicines,
Perfumes, Brushes,.
will interest you.
L.." Co al 1.0 CND.
Id to fill your orders-
ebanishing medicine;
d virtues, we strong-
dood purifier, nerva
lder. Paine's Celery,
iemedy, it has been'
uyed in all parts of
eands, and has never
eist Seaforth Ont..
There is staroely eny period in baby's
asidy 'Ye requiring greater watchfulneseon
the pat of the mother than when baby is
teethi . Almost invariably the little one
euffere much pain, se cross, restless day laud
equiriog so mach care that the mo -
worn out looking after ia But there
er real dangera frequently accom-
this period that threaten baby's
eller is
are 0
life its 1. Among these are diarrhoea, in-
digestion, colic, Conetipation and convul-
eions. The prudent mother will anticipate
and prevent these troubles by keeping
haley's iitomach and bowels in a natural and
- healthef condition by the use of Baby's Own
Tablet, a medicine readily taken by child-
ren, and. which, dissolved in water, may be
given with perfect safety to even a new-born
infant. In every home where these Tablets
are used baby is bright and healthy, and the
mother' has real comfort with it, and does
nothesitate to tell her neighbors. Mrs. C.
J. Delaney, Brookville, says :—" I have ,
been giving my fifteen-naontha' old baby
Baby's Own Tablets, whenever necessary,
for some months past. She was teething
and weis cross and restless. Her gums were
hard and inflamed. After using the Tablets
she grew quiet, the inflammation of the
gums Wae reduced, and her teeth did not
seem te bother her any more. An improve-
ment in baby's condition was noticeable al-
most at once, and I thiok there is no better
mediciee for teething babies." Baby's Own
Tablet" can be procured from druggists, or
will be sent post paid at 25 cents a box, by
addreseing The Dr. William' Medicine Co.,
Brockeille; Ont.
A GUARANTEE—" I hereby certify
that I have made a careful chemical &Italy-
sis ef Baby's Own Tablets, which I person-
ally putchased in a drug store in Montreal.
My anelysis has proved that the Tablets
' eontainabselutely opiate or 'narcotic; that
they can be given with parfeet safety to the
youngeet infant ; that they are a sefe and
efficient medicine for the troubles they are
indieeted to relieve and cure."
Provincial Analyst for Quebec.
Montreal, Deo. 23, 1901.
Technical Educa„tion.
Prof.,Robertson, of the Department of
AgrianIture, Ottawa, has forwarded to
Premier Ross, of Ontario, on behalf of Sir
Wifflau Macdonald, the Montreal tobacco
millionaire philanthropist, a statement of
the basis on which the latter proposes to
stimulate education in domestic science
and agriculture.
Part X ef the plan is intended to give ob-
iect lessons of improvemente in education
from the consolilation of five, sig or more
small rural schools into one ceutral graded
acheol, with a school garden and a manual
training room as part of the equipment. It
is proposed to offer fiaaaciel assistance to
one locality in Ontario, and one locality' in
each of the proviaees of Quebec, New
Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward
Island, to promote this.
Part 4 of the plan is for the purpose of
giving object lessons of the value of school
-gardens And nature studies as part of gener-
al education at individual rural sohools, to
be begun, by mea.na of a travelling instructor
until a considerable number of traiaed and
qualified. teachers- are available. It is pro-
posed to offer financial asei3tance to one
group ten or fewer schools ie me locality
in the 'redone provinces, to this end.
Progress in agriculturist education would
be made' by starting evening continuation
classes i the rural districts in connection
with th se groups of schools, or in connec-
tion wit the consolidated schools.
Part of the plan providts short courses
of instr etion and training for teachers foe
rural se ools who desire to qualify their
selves IA those newer subjects and methods
of eclucetion at the Oatario Agricultural
College, at Guelph, in a special building.
If proeision should be made for a class of
e.bont 30 teachers at each short course, it is
hoped that the Government would arrange
to enable approved teaohers in rural schools
to take theshort course, without loss of
-situation or -lees of salary. For the fiat
year it to proposed to make an allowance for
teachers' travelling expenses to the college,
and an a lowance of $25 to help in meeting
the expe ses of board and lodging, to every
approve teacher who has taken a full course
It is proposed to offer the pro -ciao% at the
Agricultural College at Guelph, a rmilence
building to accommo'clate not less than 100
female etude's' s.
It waS ?suggested that suitable courses
would inhlude instruction in dairying, paul-
try-keeping, bee -keeping, fruit -growing and
general gardening; preparation and serving
of foods, sewing, dressmaking and the
simpler forms of household art and dean-
ation, care and cleaning of rooms, etc.
A Subject for Thought.
A subject that demands consideration and
.serious thought is the selection of a reliable
and competent druggist to whom you can go
at all times with the assurance that your
prescriptions will be honestly and faithfully
filled. y you have not yet determined who
will fill etour orders for the future, we ask
you.to give us a trial. Our drugs and, medi-
-eines are the pureet, and our prices the
lowest. I
Paine't Celery Compound, the world'e
greatest' and best family medicine, makes
sick peopleMell. Tee thousands of testi-
monials erom the best Canadian people prove
that no Other medicine can so surely banish
disease. Paine's Celery Compound per-
manently ogres rheumatitm, neuralgia, liver
andkidney troubles, and removes all im-
Puri ies from the blood. Our stock of
Paine's Celery Conapound is always fresh ;
get your tripplies from us.
I. V. Feen, Druggist, Seaforth, Ont.
A taw That Should Pass.
Mr. IL J. Pettypiece, M. P. P. is after
the railroad, telegraph and telephone corm
panties. He introduced a bill to the Legis
haure a few days ugo which he claims wil
result in their peering to the public eremite
many times the amount of taxes they get off
with now His bill is an amendment to the
Assessment Act, and provides for the sip.
Pointrnent of a provincial board of assessore,
whose duty it will be to valuate the prop-
erty of those corporations after the style of
the ayatere in operation in Indiana, Connect.
tient andiother States. The board is to
consist of titres members, whose salary shall
be $2,500 a year and expenses, The mem-
bers amp° be appointed for terms ef eix
years, one to be appeinted every two years.
They shall appoint a secretary, at a salary
not to exeeed $2,000. One datum reads :
The teem "property".in this act shall
be deemed to include all property, real or
Personal, belonging to the corporations and
companieS and subject to taxation under
thie act, ii'vehiding right -of way, road -bed,
stations, tolling stock, telegraph and tele-
phone poles and witch, instruments, and all
other property owned or leased by them and
used in coming on the business of said ()or-
porationsand companies and all other real
and eerie:teal property owned by them, and
dailirefortaltr.4esZsturid franchisee not to be
but to be taken into con-
sideratiort in determining the value of lother
t Jrdoevtiasiiita is made for the obtaining of all
of tlae property owned by these
Th revenue derived from the taxation,
after eying the salaries and experisee of the
hoard is to he divided in thie way :
Fifteen per cent. shall be paid to the
provi ce, to bo treed by the Minieter of
Educ tion to aid in the equipinent and main-
tenan e of technical schools the peovince
of Oat rio such places as may be deter-
mined by the Legislature.
Eig ty-five per cent. shall be pai
to the treasurer of the varioue city, village
and to •nship municipalities f the p evince
pro ra a, according to the population f the
eaid m nimpehties by the hist preceding
Domi ion census, and to become a part of
the ge eral fund of the said imunibipalities.
• ntario's Own Railway.
All oubt as to whether Onterio ! is to
have a provincial railroad into the Tenth -
°amine district was removed last week,
when bill was introduced to the Legislae
ture pr viding for the immediete coostrue-
tion of the line. Lumber liaiite alohg the
line of he road and elsewhere in Nipissing
will be set aside to the extent of 20,000 acres
per mile of the propcsed road. In this way
it is ex ected that the province will be com-
pletely indemnified for the consti7otien and
cqnipm nt of th'e railway, and. the bill does
not ask the Legislature ter any eash grant
whatev r..
" W will be running treine over the road
ineide t o years," said Premier' Ross.,
The ailway ie to be known as the Temis-
earning and Northern Ontario R tilweY. Its
oonstru eon and management le to be placed
in the 'ands of a commission of not lees than
three o more tban five persona. The road
is to ru from North By to a point on Lake
remise ming. It may acquire eee'procal
running powers and equitable traffic ar-
rangements with any other railway with
which it oonnecte.
The r ilway i3 to be built as far as prac-
ticable f matmiel made and purcbased in
Canada. No alien is to be empleyed On the
road. clause provides that the wotkmen
shall re sive the current rates of waget. The
commit ins will have power to issue deben-
tureifi fox' the construction and maintenance
of the r ad. The revenue derived is to be
need in eying interest, in establishing a
Sink ing mad to meet the debentures ae they
mature, and any surplus after meeting other
expense, will be paid into the treasdry of
the pro ince.
Dasta dly ttempts Made to Have
Ou People Buy Worthless
edicines Labelled A$
Celery Compound.
If the sick, seffering or friends of such
who are sing et' about to USQ Painehi Cel.
ery Com ound'for the banishment of dis-
ease and he restoration of health, witsh to
avoid de epti le, loss of money and a Haus
dangers, they . should see for them elves
when buying that the name PAINg'S is on
each ye -nipper and bottle that et o ered
them. Any other preparation offered as a
celery compound is a fraud and dece tion
of the worst character.
The manufacturers of Paine's Celery Com, -
pound al eady know of many cases of seffere
ing aggravated and intensified by these vile
substitut s for Paine's Celery Compound
sold to a suspecting people. These epuri-
ous branca of celery compound are e )1 by
some dea ere for the sole reason of the im-
mense prbfit that is derived from their sale.
As far as the uneerupulous dealers ara con -
corned, t ey care little whether the patient
is killed +rcured ; profit, and a might one
too, is th ir greet obj ;et. If you eaten t get
the genuine Paine's) Celery Compound from
Iyour dea er, The Wells & Riebardeon Co.,
Limited, Montreal, will send two bottles,
express charges paid to your nearest Expreste
Station, for two dollar's, or six bottle fot
five della s. Money must accompany the
. •
R ugh on the Deacon.
A poli eman-was passiog a church as a
gentlerna came out. The man jokingly
accosted he policeman, and said he was
wanted aside. The policeman. thought
there wa some trouble in the church, and
went in. ,
The sexton, seeing a policeman, said,
"Come right in her,' and he took him to a
pew and ieaved hie hand, as much as to Bay,
"Help yhurself." There was another man
in the peiv, a deacon with a shyster ex rem
sion, as the policeman thought, and he
supposed that he was the man they wanted
arrested 1 so he tapped the deacon en the
arm and eold him to come along. I
The de con turned pale, and edged along
to get -aw y, when the policeman tciek him.
by the co lar and jerked. Lira ont into the
aisle. The deacon struggled, thieking the
policemae was crazy, but he was dragged
along. lli any of the congregation thonght
are sim ly kidney disorders. The kidneys
filter th blood of all that Shouldn't be
there. The blood passes through the kid-
neys evety three minutes. If the kidneys
do their work no impurity or cause of
disorder can remain hi the circulatiOn
longer than that time„ Therefore if your
blood is out of order your kidneys lialre
failed in heir work. They are in need of ,
stimula.ti n, strengthening- or doctoring. I
One med cine will do all three, the finest
and most itnitatcd blood medicine there
, eseasonsmeraneamosolowiearat
It's terrible 'thing, isn't
it? Soniehow that awful
cough, that hard struggle
for air, can never be for-
gotten. Be alittle fore-
handed and prevent it. 1
Keei Vapo-Cresolene in the house,
and When the children take cold let
breathe -in, the vapor during the
Dg. It gots right to the throat,
Where the croup lies. All
irritation subsides, the cough quiets
down and serious trouble is prevented.
It never fails to cure whooping cough.=
Vapo Cresolene is sold by druggi te eyerywhere.
A Vapo cresolene outfit, including ti 0 Vaporizer andhioh should 'eat a life -time, and a bottle of
Cresole e, complete, el.so •, extra sepplits of Creso-
lenea.scents and so cents. Illustrated booklet contain,-
ingphysicians' testimonials free upon request. VAPO-
CMS° ENE Co., itio !mum St., New Yoik, U.S.A.
Recemmended eittd sold by 1 V. Fear
Druggist, Seaforth.
the deacon had been doing something wrong
and so' of them got behind him and help-
ed the ffitaer to dreg him out.
The olleem us saw the man Who told him
he was wanted in the cirurch and reeked
him ' hat the charge WP S against the
deacon and he didn't know. The sexton
was ne t appealed tn, and he didn't know.
Finall the prisoner was asked what it was
all abo t and he didn't know. The police-
man w s asked what he arrested the man
for, an he didn't know.
Afte a while the matter wes 'explained,.,
and th policeman, who had to vilest some-
body, ok the man into custody who
told hi he was wanted in the ehurch,
he wae fined and ;costs.
arth's .First and Best.
Dimond Dyes the peoples choice,
Di mond Dyes Make all re 'eke) ;
mond Deea for mothers, wives,
mond Dyes make glad their lives ;
mond Dyes are fast and 'true,
mond Dyes make old things new;
mond Dyes cost but a d me,
mond Dyes save ineney, tine;
mond Dyes a household name,
mond Dyes have World -wide -fame ;
mond Dyes stand every test,
mond Dyes earth's first and besti.
to collo
man ea
Send y
son Co.
real, P.
you tried to make a HookedsMat or
With each helpers as Diamond Dyes
your materials, any intelligent wo-
make up a pretty floor otnament.
ur address to The Wells & Richard -
Limited, 200 Mountain Sa, Mont -
Q., and you will be sent Sheets of
D You Walk Gracefully ?
One 41 the secrets of keeping always slim
and gra eful is to learn to ho11 one's self
well. ¶he thickening of the ilgure, which
robs it f its youthful beauty, i to be avoid-
ed by ore in holding the body ,npright and
thus preserving the muscles firth and well
stretch d.
A we 1 -balanced figure gives A regal car-
riage a d graceful movement. AlWays walk
with th head well up and the shoulders
well b ok. The back' should be kept
straigh to bring the shoulder blades into
their pl ce. The chest will thus be thrown
forwar and the bust be properly cerved.
The hole weight of the body sbould be -
thrown upon the hips to preserve A perfect
balance The leg should be throwti forward
from th hip, and the ball of the fo t should
be plac d first on the groend; so as Vo avoid
the ugly habit of walking on the he le with
the toesiturned up.
The tendency to turn in the oe should
always e corrected, as this hab t ia fatal to
any gra e of carriege. When gong up-
stairs o climbing a hill, do , not steep, but
hold upl the head. It is better oth for the
lunge, a well as the sake of appearance.
Never urry along the street as if on had
not a in ment to spare when ther is no
oecitain for it. The feet shou d ue lifted
well off the ground. A scurrying, huflling
walk is o easy to acquire, but ie very diffi-
cult Vo correct when once the abit is
Very often a woman's gait is ru ned by
the wen ing of tight boots or . ve y high
heels. he latter produce a rolling motion.
Always wear a pair of hoots which do not
pinch, nd that have low heels, whe going
for a w lir. Nothing i3 more fatiguing than
a long , alk in high heels or tight hoists. Do
not awi g the arms about. T is has not
only a ory ungraceful effect, bul a mascu-
line lot-) , widoh should be avoilled. It is
as well o carry a parasel or su shade, un-
less we ring a muff, ao that the ands have
someth ng to occupy them. If ou are in -
()lined tjo etoop it is a good plan to walk
about vith the hands behind the back when-
ever it ie possible. ,
We know of no more excellent nuithod of
attaini g graoe of motion that of earning
to bale cc something on the head when
welkin. Begin with something very light
and un # reakable, and when able to preserve
a goop •alarm) try a bowlful of fvater. The
woman who can balance a bowl ad Water on
her hea vathout spilling a drop has cert.
taiely astered the art of balinding her
figure ad carrying herself well and grace-
How It Is Done
The rat object in life with th
people i to "get rich" ; the s eo
to retiaip good health. The first
obtained by energy, honesty, and
the second, (good health) by using
Augnst Flower. Should you be a
ent sufferer from any of the effecte
pepsin, iver Complaint. Appendieit is, Lade
geation, etc.. such as Sick Headeche, Palpi-
tation of the Heart, Sour Stomaeh,'ET abitual
Costive ess, Dizziness of the Head, ervous
Proetra ion, Low Spirits, etc., yeti iced not
suffer adiother day. Two doses tof the well-
known ugust Flower will relieye you at
once. eguiar size, 75 cents. You can geb
Dr. G. (1. Green's reliable remedies sit J. S.
Robert' drug store, Seaforth. I
anad 313
d, how
can be
sai ing ;
este ni.
f Dys-1
Nf3V78 Notes
—Laat Monday evening Dr.: A. 11 King,
of St. Thomas, fell dead while' ge ting out of
his rig in the stable, after returnteg from a
:call. D. King was one of the cleverest
veterinaties in Canada. For some years he
was prof steer of anatomy in Toronto Veter-
inary Co lege, and afterwards principal of a
veterina y college in Cincinnati. Ife was a
son of D Yid King, farmer, adjeiriing St.
Thomas, his wife being a daughterof Donald
Turner, impeder of Elgin House of Indus-
try. De eased was 45 years of age and had
an exten ive practice. He was well known
endyvery popular throughout the west.
4Far er Turnore, living at Erindale,
neat Tor nto, had a narrow esoape from
death a f w evenings ago. He wee driving
from Tor nto Junction to his home, when he
-was run nto by a a P. R. train At the
creasing between Lambton and Islington.
His two orses were killed, and his wagcn
Smashed a piece. He was thronin eat, but
not hurt
—Ric ard Croker,ex-TamanyB es Of New
York, in an interview with a prss repre-
sentativ , said, anteing other th. "1
have not decided on my future anis, and
don't kn. w just when I will sail fo Eng-
land. I a going to try and win the erby ;
thet has lways been one of the gr at am-
bieions of my life, 1 hey° tent en rice in
this yearts Derby and live in next 'er'e. I
t •
shall eontinu to breed race horses, and hope
for a Derby w nner."
—At the re idence ef Mrs. W. D. Cantlon,
Sudbury, stet r of the bride, Mr. Frederic
Dufton and Ise Mattie E. Winter, two
popular youn people of Mitchell, were
united in mar iage by Rev. A. Lotter.
—The home of Maand Ms E. John Valiance,
Maitlan ale," Elma, was the scene of
a very intents ing event on the evening of
Wednesday, 8 h inst., when their daughter,
Hester, wee n ited in marriage to Duncan
McIntyre, of kotoks Northwest Territory.
The ceremony was pe;formed by Rev. P. A.
—There die an Sunday morning, Jr
inst., at the a e of 72 years, Mrs. Da id
Oliver, of Mot erwell. For about a do en
year ts she ha been an invalid. Many'
years ago her ife was despaired of, but a
vigorous const tution withstood the ravages
of disease. L tely dropsy developed, and
on Sunday mo ring, after eating -breakfeet
she suddenly used away.
A Proclamation.
We possess 11 the tnodern and up to -date
facilities for co dueting a reliable and &st-
ela:la drug bud nest. When you favor us
with your doe or's prescription, our best
efforts are put orth to make that prescrip-
tionwhat you physician intended it ehou'd
be—profession Ily correct in the miautest
This medicine is giving Marvellous results
to sick people 11 over Canada. The won-
derful cures a eoted by Paineht Celery Com-
pound during he past year speaks volumes
in favor of the popular medicine. Thous-
ands who have suffered from rheumatism,
neuralgia, inn- us troubles and dyspepsia,
now sing the p aisee of the medieine that
has given them euch happy rusulte.
ALEX. Wrra N, Druggist, Seaforth Ont.
—Bert Stanley, a home boy, working for
Robert Wallace, Nassagawey, Wellington
county, died suddenly on Friday night. He
had recently been taking powders, in which
he titled strychnine, for kidney trouble. He
took one on . the night mentiened at 10
o'clock, and died two hours afterwards. .He
had pat too much strychnine in the powder.
Dsceased was 16 years of age.
—John M. Snetsinger,M.P. for Stormont,
one of Cornwall s oldest and most highly
respected citizeins, dropped dead on the
street Friday morning, while walking with
his solicitor, C. I. Gogo. Mr. Snetsinger
was 83 years of age, and was a remarkably
ell preserved roan. He was born at Barn -
art's Island, but spent mose of his life in
ornwall, where he held many positions of
tibia; trust. He took an active interest in
ilitary affairs, and was one of the veterans
1:1837 38. He leaves two sons .and two
ickness Made His Life a Burden
—Couldn't Work and was
Almost Desperate.
- ----
LAG WEED0N, Qae., Jan. 20 Special).—
ad indeed would be the story of poor Pierre
Ijiussisr, of this place, were it not for the
appy ending.
For many years be suffered with an ag-
gravated case of Kidney Disease. His -pains
were so great that -he couldn't attend his
work on the farm. He hed no children to
help him, and he was very much discourag-
ed, till at last, at the age of forty-eight, he
has beep completely cured and restored to
good health and strength, and Can now do
his work as well as he could at twenty-one.
His was a long, wearisome sickness, and
great indeed is his jay and gratitude to
Dodd's Kidney Pills for their cure of his
case. He used in all ten boxes.
—A good-sized audience assembled on the
gallery above the Young Men's Christian
Association gymnasiuin, Stratford, while
the basket ball game was in progress onNew
Year's day, and just at an interesting point
the railing gave way and precipitated sev-
eral of the boys to the floor beneath. No
one was hurt severely except a lad named
MacDonald, whose right wrist was badly
broken. The others escaped with bruiecs.
Stops the Cough
and Works off The Cold.
LettAtive Bromo Quinine Tablets cure a
cold in one day. No Cure, No Pay. Piice
25 cents.
—One of the pioneers of Stratford passed
away on Wednesday morning of last •week,
In the person of Charlotte Kitchen, widow
of the late Alfred Burnham, of that city.
'Rho deceased was in her 79th year and had
een confined to bed for about five weeks.
'he was a native of Potton Bedfordshire,
ngland, and emigrated to Potton,
with her
usband in 1849, coming to .Stratford the
ollowing year.
• •
1.[Infante too young to take medicine may be
ured of croup, whooping cough and colds by
ihg Vapo-Cresolene—they breathe it.
. •
—After the prayer meeting on Wednes-
ay evening of last week, in Knox church,
ittowel, a pleasant surprise awaited Miss
ary Bogue% who is about to leave Listo-
Wel for Petrolie. The minister called Mien
Bogue?' to the platform, when she was
presented with an address'an Alaska seal
uff and a purse of gold. NEst Bogues has
esen a faithful member of the choir for
many yeare.
Why Catarrhozone Cures Catarrh:
It goes to every affected part and kills the
germs that keep up the diseased condition
Oatarrhczone never irritates, but stimula.tey
the mucous lioiog of the nose, throat and
lungs to normal action, and keeps the nasal
asanges free from offunive discharges;
atarrhczone contains no dangerous drugs
9r opiates, and is delightfully pleasant an
Simple to use. Catarrhozane is an absolutel
ly certain cure for any form of aitarrh, and
sells for one dollar ea Fear's drug store. Sea -
forth, stnall size 253. By mail from Poison
, Kingston, Ont.
—Mrs. J. A. Keir died at the family
r sidence, Station Road, Se Marys, on
Friday, 3rd inst., aged 49 years. Some
Weeks ago the deceased lady was stricken
With paralysis and for a time strong hopes
Were entertained for her recovery. She
mailed for a time but succumbed to the
attaok. Mrs. Keir has been a resident of
St. Marys for many years.
Warts Ain't Pretty.
hy do you hang on to yours? Den't
k ow how to cure them? Why, Putnem's
P iniess Corn Extractor does the work in
ort order—you just try it. Guess your
d uggest has it all right—ask him.
—Mr. John Wateen was elected mayor of
"stowel by a majority of 47.
—George Johnston was sentence'. to tv o
ars in the central prison by Judge Barron,
oi a charge of setting fire to the barn of
r. Barthill, near Mitchell.
Medicaf Science Advances.
It is not more than half a century ago that phyei-
c ans consi iered a Berg -Ica' operation with its risk,
ecpense and pain as the only cure for piles. To day
o ly the out of date doctors think of such treat.
ent. It is cruel and extravagant to operate for a
d seise which is far more certainly cured by the ap-
p iestion of Dr. Chase's Ointment You may be
s optical, tub for proof you are referred to tens of
t outran& of oases that have been cured by this fem.
oie preparati_n,
—M. Robson hes been appointed post -
aster for Ayr, filling the vacancy caused
by the death of the late Mr. Wyllie.
t: twve : a
awn: r
fact. Lo
s *angers
fo e, yet
at, the
u want
rdlko love that
e that
fe Sterrries In Fifteen.
r indeed Is written plainly
the faces one meets in daily
e speak of tragedy, some of
d not a few give you a dis-
ide in a street car or a short
ourney gives proof of this
k around you. Those two
opposite you never saw be-
ou know that one is passion-
ther, mean, and your heart
the little old. lady near by.
no one to assure you she is
gentle, while a whole net-
• rinkles about the eyes tells
he old gentleman in the cor-
is joke.
ow quick we are to read our
face and how slow to re -
our own is open for hina to
dI Ye., it is. The story is there,
writing it every day of our
only do smiles and frowns
s, but evereepassion which
heart stamps 'its record upon
we ar
s. No
ve trac
ays the
There i
nected wi
alWays t
Ra apo c
hi hest I
da , it i
H ok fron
tlid moun
the rocks,
spring. F
falls into
e Mountain Legend.
a Washington legend eon -
h Torne mountain which is
Id to those who visit the
untry. The mountain is the
the range, and on a clear
said, one can see Sandy
the summit. Half way up
ain there is a deep cleft in
at the bottom of which is a
om some hidden point water
the spring with a steady
ot unlike the ticking of a
isten and you will hear George
W shington's watch," say the old set-
tle s. "He dropped it into the spring
wlijen he came up -the mountain to
wa ch the British leave New York."
Ick—ti k—tick—tiek" is the sound
eh coin • s otit of the rocks,
t is g ing yet," says the guider.
st ha e been a good watch, don't
think o?"
Te Lar
!llhe larg
lat on is t
An m, a F
ca. It is a
it $ writ
wh ch is
cal tot
aw ward
11,Th ph is W
be da of
val e of a
dol ar gol
sas e as .t
ver i,wh
r coin
ab ut £3.
tae equal
thes the A.
est Coins In Circulation,
st gold coin now in eireu-
e gold ingot, or "loot" of
.ench colony in eastern Afri-
flat round goldpiece, and on
en in , India Ink its value,
bout £65. The next sized
Is valuable but extremely
ne is the obang of Japan,
rth £10, and,next comes the
shanti, which represents a
out £9. The CaliforniaAfty
piece is worth about the
o benda. The heaviest sib.
the world also belongs to
re the silver ingot Is worth
Then comes the Chinese
to about 7 shillings, and
strian double thaler,
oga and Humor.
r. Cecil Aldin, an authority, gives it
as s opin on that dogs as a rule are
dev id of conscious humor. "The
clon dog in a troupe of performing
dog , for i stance, is not really funny
aviitri he .b rlesques the performances
of ther do s, but he seems to be fun-
ny o the s ectators. I am afraid that
the people ho credit dogs with being
inte tionall funny are deceiving them-
sel es. A. og likes fun—a good romp
and game ith children—but his sense
'of umor h s not been developed, and
it i not s btle." A dog's best sense
at umor, h r. Aldin thinks, is whea
he s bein tickled. "He opens his
mo th, the" screws his face into what
peo le are •leased to call a laugh."
Game For Two.
Once npoit a time a young gentleman
and a you ger lady were alone in a
brig t part r in front of a cheerful'
ope fire, rith a table between them,
pia ing cards. As they continued- to
pia and chat the table was not so
muc betw en them, for they both get
nea er the 1.re and played the game on
one orner f the table.
T ey had, started in to play euchre,
but after an hour and a half they
fou d that hey were playing hearts.
ral—W are not always sure what
the ame1s_
alJ) laischi. to Live.
Beggar— on't you give me some
mon y, professor? My moneY is all
gou , and I can't live.
Pr fessor—How old are you?
Be gar—Forty years, sir.
Pr fessor—Forty years' Don't you
kno that according to the latest mor-
talit tables the average age of the
mal popthation of Europe reaches only
thirt -four years and five months? Sta-
tist' ally yeti have no right to live any
long r anyway'
Coin, with its twenty-four; to thirty-
two .ows under cultivation, was once
but a coarse grass, hiding each seed it
prochked under a husk, as wheat and
oats ow ;do% Brought out to the light
and sun, ; with a chance to get at
enou h plant food, it has worked its
way p to eight rows of seeds, covering
these with one husk. The farmer and
natu e together have added the extra
sixte n and twenty-four rows.
: 1„
She Understood.
"Ig °ranee,” remarked young Borem,
"they say is bliss."
"Oh, that probably accounts for it,"
rejoined Miss Cutting.
"Avounts for what?" queried the
has b
A ac
A to
contented and happy .look you
Wear," she replied.
• •-`
An Offset.
ks B to lend him 50 cents. B
t 25 cents and gives that to A.
epts it, remarking that he will
for the balance. B later asks
settle with him, whereupon:A
that as B owes him 25 centa
one debt offsets the other. What is the
answe ?
A High Balloon Ascension.
MM. Siering and Berson of the.
Meteo °logical Institute of Berlin
have I tely ascended in a balloon of
8,000 cubic meters capacity to the
great seight of 33,800 feet. Suc-
cess was possible only because the
aeronahts began to breathe pure oxi-
gen at an elevation of about 24,090
o one can o 147rWP'i
I n
to use wooden ones. Light. anti yet Orme enough. to su
port a heavy man on the end while ii.i tiWings around t
iuissust mh
a ettiems
nie. wiitg.T
.otaahg enyornie n
They are supplied with lateb.es Which allow them to beopen
ted either Way and are self acting only good metal ga
that Is low enough in price for general farm purposes We also e =land Ornarnen
Fence, Poultry Netting, Wails and Staples. The Page Wire Fence C0.11 -Walken-me, Ont.
What Causes Pain?
Most pains aad aches come from excess of tide
acid pc:aeons in thehlood, due to deranged kidneys,
rheumatism, backache, lumbago, pails in the sides
and limbs, aacomparaed by bladder and minary
troubles, are warninga too se. jou.) atd painful to Le
neglected. Dr, Chase's Kieney,Liver rills act direct.
ly end specifically CM the kidteys make them active,'
vigeroue and then wetly cure these ailmeets. One
25 cent box of thi3 Kidney medicine will 'do you a
world of good.
Belonged Elsewhere.
That it is possible to have too good
an appetite seeins to be one of the
morals of a story told by a friend to
the Washington correspondent of the
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
"I am very fond of roasted ears of
corn," said he, "and I eat it whenever
-can get it. Some time ago, while I was
in a restaurant in Texas, the waiter
put a plateful on the table, and I just
helped myself.
"When I had consumed the third, I
noticed that a man across the table
was eying me most curiously. I looked
at him and told him that I considered
roasted corn one of the most nutritious
and palatable things a man could eat.
'Then I helped myself to a fourth ear
'and devoured it with relish.
"When I reached my hand into the
dish for the fifth, the fellow across the
table couldn't stand it any longer.
"`Say, pard,' said he, 'don't you think
you could save about a dollar and a
quarter a day If you was to board at a
livery stable?'"
Fortifying a Lighthouse.
A: lighthouse at the south cape of
Corinosa was built in a part of the
'Stand inhabited solely by savages and
had, in consequense, to be fortified.
The lantern was protected by steel re-
volving screens, and on the gallery of
the tower, which was of cast iron, a
machine gun was, mounted on racers.
Round the bage of the tolver was
built a wrought iron refuge, or fort,
communicating by bullet proof pas-
sages with all the roords in the keepers'
dwelling houses.
Both fort and tower *ere ,fitted with
suitable , accommodation for the staff
in a case of siege, had water tanks in
the basement and were supplied with
a stock of provisions:
The station was further prot'acted by
H. loophole wall and a dry ditch, flank-
ed by two small towers, Or capbnnieres,
armed with eighteen pounder eRIMOI1.—
Bulgarian Brigands.
The Balkan otounfoires have been
the homes and 'daunts of many brig-
ande through Centuries of ffulgarian
history. In the sixteenth century a
national movement against the oppres-
sion of Turkey 611. into the ,bands of
brigand chiefs. They were known by
the name of Haidutin. They were rep-
resented as friend's of the poor, the pro-
tectors of the weak, the allies of Chris-
tians and the foes of the Mohamme-
dans. In legends and in songs their
names and fame were perpetuated.
They increased from the ranks of the
avengers and the worthless. Once
identified with thlm a brigand's safety
consisted in continuing with them. The
Turks blocked the, way to return to the
ranks of Commonl citizenship. Villag-
ers often welcomed them as deliverers
froin their oppressors.
Short of 'Experience.
Herbert Gladstone while yet a single
man was addressing a woman's suf-
frage meeting in Leeds one -afternoon,
and he paid a graceful compliment to
the eloquence of the ladies who had ad-
dressed the meeting. He gallantly re-
marked. on the great pleasure which It
gives the other sex to listen to women
Pausing for a moment after this ob-
servation, Mr. Gladstone, like his audi-
ence, was thrown Into an unexpected
state of merriment by a male iroice
which proceeded from the back of the
ball and proclaimed in the 'broadest
Yorkshire dialect, "Eh, lad, thou'rt
noan wed yet, A see'st1" — London
London Street Names.
Peerless street, in London, is a cor-
ruption of Perilous 'pool. Golden
square was originally Gelding square,
and the name was changed at the wish
of the inhabitants. Fetter lane has
nothing to do -with fetter, but only
with fewtors (idle fellows), who once
ion ed in the neighborhood. Gutter
li(rie, in the city, is really Gutheron's
I Ile.' Duck's Foot lane, near Cannon
street, should be Duke's Foot lane, be-
ing so named after the Dukes of Suf.
fildk. Cannon street had nothing to do
alith guns, but everything with can -
des, which were made in. It when it
prsed as Candleveeck street.
ow Parchment Caine to Be Used.
When the literary jealousy of the
E yptians caused them to stop the sup -
p y of papyrus, the king of Pergamos,
a city in Asia Minor, introduced the
u e of sheepskin in a form called, from
t e place of Its invention, pergamona,
hence our word parchment is believ-
ed to be derived. Vellum, a finer arti-
clle, made from calfskin, was also used.
Is any of the books done on vellum in
t e middle ages were transcribed by,
monks, and often it took years to com-
p ete a single copy.
No Danger. ,
oal Merehant—I say, Premium, I
t to insure my coalyard against
• What's the cost of a policy for
nsurance Agent—What coal Is it?
me kind you sent me last?
erchant—Yes, it is.
gent—Oh, I Wouldn't insure it if
re you. It won't burn!---Lonaen
l'orthern Colored Man—But you
ght to be a lawyer or doctor or some -
Mg high. Isn't there some way in
1. eh you can rise above the cornfield?
outhern Colored Man—Ya, Rah;
h's many ways. Dal' might,be a bur-
anhee,or dis mule might lir me wid
—James Kea.chie, e 'well known fanner
who lived near Gait, did kit week as a
result of blood poisoni g. While working
about his barn some da a aft he got eome
particles of an insect owdet into a small
eut in his lip, and bloo poisoning developed,
shortly afterwards. M'. Keaehie had spene
his entire life in that e mmunitv, and was
highly respected by all. His wife and three
children survive him. 1e had recently gob"
hie farm with the inten ion of moving to
Galt within a few weeks.
- 0
Prepared from the finest selected
Cocoa, and d stinguished every-
where for Deliency of Flavour,
Superior Qulity, and Highly
Nutritive Pro erti s. Sold only
in quarter-polind. tins, labelled
JAMES, EPP * CO., Limited,
Homeopathic Chemists, Londoe,
Epps's1 Cocoa
I 65- 6
Milburn's Sterling Headahe Powders contain
neither morphine nor op unit, They promptly -cure
Sick Headache, Neuralgia, xf adache, Headache of
Grippe. Headache of del eat° ladies, and Headache
from any cause whateve ilailice leo and 25e.
Britiett Troop Oil Linrut is without exoeption
the most effective reined for Cute, Wouuds, Ulcer,
Open Sores, Itbetunatienb, Bites, Stings of Insects.
ete. A large bottle 25 cents.
se is
The breath of the pine‘ is the -breath of life to the
consumptive. Norway pin,: Svsup contains the pine
virtues, and cures coughs, 00 de, bronchitie, hoarse-
ness, and all threat and lung troublest„ which, if not -
attended to, le,ad to conaurnpt,en.
Good Health is Impossible
Without reaula action Of cIt e bowels. Taxa Liver
Pills regulate the bowels,' cure consumption, dyspep-
sia, biliousness, sick headach , and all affections of
the organs of digestion. Irri 25 cents. .All drug-
' ..
'Used internally- 11-agyarsPe Yellow Oil cures Sore
Throat, Haarnenese. Quin est, Pain in th e Chest,
Croup, eto, Used exteriBb
lly cures enmatiern,
Stiff Joints, Contracted o , s,t3prains,Strainse Burns,
Scalds', Cuts, and Bites ot Insects.
Worms affect a chill's healtila too serionsly to ne
gIect. Sometimes they clause Convulsions and death.
If you suspeo them to be preSent, give Dr, Low's
Pleasant Worm Syeup, whiels destroys the worms
without injuring the child. Price 25e.
$em) Private and Company fan& to ban at
$700 lewest rates of interest and in sums to suit
$1,000 borrowera. Libea1 terms ns to repayment
$1,500 of principal.
$2,000 B. S. HAYS.
$3,000 Domini° Httnit
$3,500 Seafcrth, Ont.
,000 1776-16
Selling Out.
, 1
A few table sets left to be sold a 25c. Tea sets,
regular $3.75 for $2.50. Elates, jaotate dishee, metal
plates to be sold below coat. , Orly a few Ladies'
gauntlets left to be soli at Ski Table oll at 180 per
yard; regular 25o, men's top Olds regelar 50e, now
no, don't forget thst our I ishees are the chea
in the county. also our Plann lettes, Prints,Ootbon
and everything in;that line. he beet stehle lantern.
regular 90c, now 65e. Twen y -three IN. of Bed -
path graeulated sugar for SI. Don't forget the
place at Harlook.
1775 J. W. 'WHEATLEY
In the Matter of ,the Estate of
Notice is hereby gitfen, pursuant to B. S. O. if97-,
Chapter 129, Seaton 381. that all persons having
agednet the (*tate of Wealthy Ann Stanley,
late of the Village ofConitattee, in the County of
Huron, deceatteci, who died a Or about the 23rd day
of November, 1901, are requi ed to send or delivee
uthaery, nnid902,, til
ersl.grield,paernti-roxiils. bereelOre thilieeir3botlat totreofffle;
with statements of their utits and parti-oulans a
the tecuritiee, if any, held blethem for 111101 4a11118.•
And nolth tiee is hereby fur given, that after said
last tnentioned date the exeentn,ri of the said estate
will proceed to distribute thelafts ts thereof atnongris
the parties entitled thereto, haing regard Only to
the -claims of which the then leave notice, and the
said executor mill not be 1 blo for said aseetr, or any
pottion unreel', BO dist lb tett to any person er
whose claims they shall not Alien have receivett
notice. HENRY BEATT •, °Bettor. for Executors,
ataforbto Ont. 1779-2