HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-01-24, Page 6. : I I . ! I I I i I .11 . � I � I - F II . f I " . L � . I � I . ,� . � i I � � , - : . � . � I � � , - � � I t L� I I I I , L I , , - I I I , � � � � , , �;. p, - � . % 1 I � �, � L.� -, � I � ..�� . I � CURE 51CK HEADACHE. ."� . I � ,�,_i I � ! � , � .. � : I i� - .1 I VETERINARY I . 7 , - - r I t` " , i I � . _ : - I � OHN GRIEVE, V. S., honor gadu'ate of Ontarl J ­tll 11 K T � � - -ter-'nary College.. A.1diseases of Domeati -lVf 'an I � i ,w�Av i ,- - . j I 7 N suLmfds trohted. Calls romptly attended to I [� MPT I 1 LT y chvges mod,jr&te. Voter nary Dontstry a opeolth ; .X I I . . one cc 0218c and residence on Goderiah street, d , . � - I . � , I -1 of Dr Scott's. office, Sea.f orth. 1112-tf .1 i 0 . I � � i'�. � �X I I- , �� ; - : LEGAL . � � : . J ANIE. 8 L. KILLORAN � I I : : :� � I afflotax Solicitor, Conveyancer and Notar� � . T. Pablio. Money toloan. Office over Pickard'@;Skor I L. : � � � � . I . � U&JA Strel�t, 8ordortb. I= I - 1, I *'k ; ! � ,I _:� : I . R. S_ HAYSI . � . . 1 7 . . i I . I B%rrlster, Solicitori Conveyancer and Notary PubHq I � . : . : I . 90w�or for the Dominion Bauk. Offloe—in rear d I � , I i . i . Dami4ten Bank, Sea,torth. Money to lo&n. 1235, . � ; I 1 . - I I � I I . I I � ; . M. BEST, Barrister, Solicitor, ConveyaA00. if * Notary Public. Offices up staire, over C. . , ; Papst's books' tore, Main Skroct, Seaforth, Ontarlm i I ! 1827 �7 I . , � i t I - I EXPY BE.A.TTIE, Barri2ter, Solicitor, ;& 5- ��_ - i � Mocey to loan. Offlee—aad,y's Block, So I ; I I I I . _H olth. 1679-t 11 I i . 0 : 1-1 ARROW & GARROW, Barrllstors, Solleltota, &01 :_ , ! , 7 k3t Cor. Hami3on St. and Squaro, Godorbpb, 00. � I . I i � J. T. GARROW, Q. C.' � z . , t i � : �� � 16,70- C11ARLUS G.kuRow, L. L. B� . I , V : ; � . I � F ; � I V HO .Nf , snocomor to the late firm of I ! _X . Mo0aughey & Holmeatod, Barrister, Solicitor I I I I � Ocnveyznoor, and Notaiy . SoliclAor for the Can . r � x4lan Bank of Commerce. Xoney to lend. Farm �, I � ; lov szlo� office in Scott's Block, Main -Street i t C � v i � i i q� ; � : I,, - . I DENTISTRY. I � ; i� I I F� W. TWEDDLE, . I � t - I I : DENTIST, I � i � Gradu4te of Rcyal College of Dental Surgeors of On' f " � � tario, post graQuate cour.e in, Lrown and bridpre %vork . I . � - 1� at Ha*kt 11's S 3houl, Chica.9. Looal anastbt tici ft. r _� painlees extractioa of touth. Cifice over Dominion � � � Bank, Scafoxtb, fermt ey occupied by G. F. B, I * ca. � � - - I � . 1764 1, 11 : ��i , . ,. i I �e . R, F A. SELLERY,,Dontist, graduate of the . � _. i logo of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also D Roy'al Coll � . . � � . honor graduate of Department of Dentistry, Toromo . ! Office in the Potty block, Honsol, �___ � � -Univereivy. . . Will vidt Zutich every Monday, commencing lion- . . ; � day'lune Ifit. 1537 � : . L� i k - - "R_ R. R, ROSS, Dentlet (suooessor to F� W. 1� I JU Tweddl8). graduate of, Royal College 61 Dental I : Hargeons 0 ontatio; drat.class honor graduate of , . ! I � ! Toronto UniversIty ; crown, and bridge wor.X, also . � . Cold work in all its form�. All the moot modern . I mothoda for pdainlea8l ftillug and painless extraction of i ! leoM All operations car0fullyperfornied. -3ffice I I I I � . Tweddle's old stand, over 11's grocery, Scafortb. 1� : � � I ! 1640 . I � - . . I I I � . I I I MFIDI�Ab. - - I ! I I I I i 7 1 , � � . �., I I � ! � i i : i � __ I Z _t I- , . ­ � I I . ! I . � . i . : ; ; I ! � .- I it ­ - - " � t I I . " i t � � ! � , . � . . I I � I I � I . i � . . I I I I � � � � I I i , . � I � I . ! . i . . t . i . 11 I I � .1. . ; T, ..' i : 1 � I : . . . r i I I i � i 7- - - i . � . . ! i , I i , I � � ; — - - I . I - - � I - -.� - - - - . , . I I � - I - I I � . I . . � . . . � � � . � .- � - - I 4-- . � . . i I I : . : ; t . . I i I . . . :-- -- _­ .. ­1� . ­ . . � . I : � I � 1 ] :1 I I I _- I I- � � . � I - . � . : d .1 I - . I : i . 1 - I ' ­ � - ,.- �� , __ - - - _ , - - , , I - - - - . . . I . . � . I I I . � . . . � I mas . . i, � 2, � �11 . L. I i � i : I i . ; ii - 1� . I - . � ! i . - ; � I I - I . . I ; � � . � I I I I I i� I of Ontario colielee. of Physicians and Burgeons. ofte, and Residence—Formorly oeonpled by Mr. Wm. - � . � i � . i i � I � I . I i . ! . i , . I I , - � I I . . � . i , ; p . I . I . I i i i . i - ! I ; : " . i ; I I I I � _. I I I r : .- � I � I � 10 . . 1cl yrinf% 0 1 - , i I I �. i . . . I I I I I � I Jr.L JEL .111 .ZLJF UP - ____ _ _.. i , —0— ; Y, I � . I I � I I .­.�__.__ -_ . '9; . 1 I t [� . . I , I I � I : I I THE wl�l OF DQI�LY T-`� h Tt . , she had eiite�red into friendly relations I 4 7 1 PORTON-� � lbreakfast, d6tained her a few minutes I ! I . I . I , conversation asking, among other tbing � ; - F " RhD I " e . : wh"her she . riderstood any Of the Scand � I - 91h � BY WILLIAM NVES'RALLj AUTTIOR ! 0 �� I I ' I !; � I - th I i , I . naviAn long agep, . Having answered I I � ' 1)) . . I . , � RYVIINLITON," '! TRUST MONEYj I ETC. Is t6ld by most peor,!e. i I'f it were not, i � question and a few othero, or evaded then ' . . i - the whole commercial a id! social fabric ': ,ishe climbel', p the ladder and enterd th I I , . ! � . I -Wouid fall to pieces. 11 It ye are tliou- ,ohart-houes imost at the same time as hc bough a middib-aged man with a wife , I I . I I and grown-up ohil4reno aia 'John Par- sands upon thousands of i eople W,h'o 1father. f , ar� . I by i Di� �1 11 Well, what is the reading of the riddl t hd ver spoot a %nliatm�sr in the t�stify to the cures e0ked . . -_ I . z� R� -� lil�l 'Dolly ? Wh' don't yon want these men t boons m of his ta`l�_ily, nor, since he had'. � Pi,erce's Golden , �, _� 11�� .... = � � ­ f PO: - ! 1�edical Discovery � !know that Y�n know Rukslan ?" he ask& Ogg ased a mas'.er; mariner's Itiok6l-, in the � . I . . I i i Ismiling. � � Is d of his birth. � Tor nearly halt a century I They are representa- ­ I . . , . t e . estive Eeason had found him either 1 tive � people in their 1: 1 , 11 Because ey are uasians, and I hav I I � . . aaoa or in a fortign porD. Wes it had - corn�iunities. You - I learned from 6eir talk something at -rang I ... � I . foun him a 0,%staWay on a lonel�,' ishAnd in Would: believe their � I and start ing, and if I continue to feig I . rance of thbir language, I may lear th S th Paciflo. At laet; holvrever, it Word on any ques- 1i - igno e ou . t ! more.1) i seei ed more than � likely that he 'on: of knowledge. � I i P if I his ext Christm3s dinner uodlr his own T ey speak the sim- 1 Aque3r'yarn, Dolly, What have -yo I I .. Why iihould these gentleme roof, ree. P e truth when they .t I learnti, an I . - " After knocking , bont the work for many te�tify that Doctor R � . pretend to b� what they are not?, I � .a 1 . : ! purpose which I suspect. Haven' Vear� in sailing sl�ip3 and tram?s, he had Pi�,erOels Golden I .. �� I 11 For a g t a birth as oaptMn of a line et aamer run- .Medical Discove.ry , . I YOU got 0, I A, Of thab new explosive on boar ? 0 : hicb, soproitig to the papers, will revoluning between the Thames and th( Mediter- cu�es dyspepsi�, . I � W , .rane r?. Hievoys, � es seldom laoted longer t'Weak" stomach and I ; ti'OnIze walfalre?" I I than five or sit-'WeSs, mud between the end ot4er diseases of the �� " Who s ivaso 9" of Oe and the beginning of another be could stomach arid -its al- - I 0 . if These ftq65lan*s think so, and unless . I - am very m eh mistaken their purpose is t generally count (in eight or. teln days at lied organs of diges- __ seize some of it and carry It off." home, which ,he esteemed a �grea� privilege tioA arid nutriition. .. 116 They. d re not do that, Dolly. I and highly prized. I It �cures when 'all . I . Me year, by w4ich I mean t�e Year of other remedial � I would be ra�k,- p racy. Besidei, how coul 11 . t � � � they carry t e stuff aff ? You must b our story, his last holilay would include -30ea,ns haye failed. � . I I mistaken." � Chuptmas week, to the great d li: ht of his it cures perfectl� I 11 I don't t�:ink I tsm. * * * Tha 7 ' al ellf ed, but and permanently. wifeland daughter. John sol re oic .1 man who *ls himself Linderholm is th . .. wit � a soberer joyj knowing froi�i long and There is no alco- leader. The others, when they are talkin bitt r experience 6hat, the 11 beat Jaid planu hol in the t, Discov amonywt themaelves,spe�k of him as Captai lt�! - of Mine and men gang aft agley,'� and that, ery 21 it is free from I . , � . hopf im apt to tell tales more flattering than opium, cocaine arid all o"the r narcotics. Nevaskl,11: i . true. . . ! I - Tne deltice they do. Well, look here I I * Accept no substitute for Dr. Pi6rce's Dolly, I thin� and hope you you have foun "We will invite your hi4tek fir,d my Golden Medical Discovery. J . There is a mare's neot. All the same, there's n brot �er, and the Joyces, afid t6e Clovqrs, mothinar xtjust as good.)) ck harm iii keeoing our. eyes and ears open and havea real good dinner," 4uoLh Mrs. "I was .a total wrecL-could not eat orsteep," I'll watch �hose chaps. closely, and yo Part on, gleefully. "If Jack could only be writes Mr. J. 0, Beers, of Berry] an, Crawford : I Co., Mo. (t For two years 1 triod 31 edictne froin listen to the� for all you are worth, with I � . us (sighing). : ; I %-I- C� I h ; , - 11 I 11 ; 11 ; H�r husband was smoking his pipe and doctors, but. recewcu very litUe ne , I 031. - — .15 , - VV " V�v ar,cb " .e ' ilcsl� and strength, was not able to do a good either just after dinner or -before break coil, ty-platiDg his tonarics, of wbich he was day's work. I commenced talch Dr. Pierce's fast." I I ver fond., never g6ng to sea wi�hout three Ooldlen Aledical Discovery, rLnyk when I had or f r whose siogiog remindod him of taken one bottle I could sleep an(� my Rppetite " All right, and now I'll go, or Mr.'Lin U , Z5 was:wouderfully improved. k ha,lve taken five derholm, gilias Nevaaki,-whose eyes are a hom and helped him to beguile �he tedium bott�esand arn still improving,,) : i 0 of t a voyage when hehad nothing to do in . sharp as needles, will be wondering wha . his qabin and was not warited r,ii ileck, Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser, papeti- we are talhing about and drawing infer f ' JJack is a long way off, end will be f ur- cov��'red, is sentfi-ee on recei�t of 3i one- enecs." . . ' cent� stanips .to 'pay expense i of custolnp Parton wa i more imprefa�d by big daugh r therlby Christmaa,"he answere& hi3 wife. . I ' ai4l maillil.z 0414'. Address! Dr.- R. .�- ter's oommut ioation than he liked to admit 's A c! as for the dint er, don't �ou thick I I , Pre ce, Buffalo, N. Y., I � I While hopial - she was wrong, he feared sh youlare beiiig a bit too previous, 4a the Am- I : i right. , � Inyhow, she was right abou ericins say ? A good deal may papp6n be- !!!� was � : I biu I had reckoned so c�nfidently �n there Wing mcondits on board, arid the fac . fore, Chi istmas. ". . � I . � I " ogether just for ollp, you and I of her knowi g proved that these foreign Of course, everybody, knows Ithat," Pat our )) ial�tia daughter, 1� but as the s�ilings are and %1rir0i;rr1yt, remarked Mrs. rtou, plain. ere know., S:ke could not have heard it frou . � II I e i tively. I anybody else, It was also rumored tha � ' , 0 r lar to the day, arid fixed boforehand, - , 'And why shouldn't we �" demand , d Russian emisi iaries and 6piea had been, hang aud' the Cockato6 Nvill con�iplstoI her' last . rou d tiip this year ontDocember6ineteenth Dolly,,. irig about Erith and Woolwich, trying t ' "hat do you mean, ,ch I , re. � � " W 4d ? 3 f .t. or got samples (f the recondite and a eight o or t eentieth, you �are riure to be W�ith us on I . i - will �e on his ship, or in 'ome ore gn the tubes. But between that and attainin . the wenty-fourth, at latest.�' ; , ( 4611 h;upe so, with all my li�art, Dolly port ' their end by ?i6lence was a mighty differ I dea4. t ib is a . ood rule to bw aidents 11 �at we may be vvi�j lull the ss6n�e. ence, aril the skipper failed to see how I I � acr The Cockatrice carries paope gers, doe4ii't could'be done. True, thirteen unscrupulous and the unforseep, especially v�hen yor r I I . I . - she f9ther ?" a well armed rr en might overpower the watc . comin"s and g(io s are at the �mercy of i wind ra,nd weathor, sis mine Are -and I I I Yes, there is accommodation for abqub on deck and take posses�lon of the ship have been 11 no urilucky about �hriatmaa. a dozen, but at this time of: Lh e year there But what Woild they do ne,xb ? They woul Never once: tiace I . J : .your mother arid I were are seldom more thau two o- three often neither carry her into port, nor make fo ' married--"! .. none.)) I the uear�st and in her boat without th � ' � I � 11 Very well, I will bar aodderils and the .1' Well, why shouldn't mot er and I go certainty of being questioned and their be I - All t�,,e samo, I , longings gdarched by coutguard and police unforseeni, it it please you , with you as paseengers? Ur. Fordyoe is a : -, a am ob gniog to let you croak nd make very ni6eigentlemall. I am 9 re he wo �ld I The niere pomession of the recondite and on . I , I � I muet �nd shall r mot aer unhappy. , You let usi" ' d of the tubes would betray them, and unles . . 44 Arid it would give nie �11 ithe pleasure they murder d the whole of the ateamet' opei A Christmas � with us- ' So !don't say . � . I C ined D 11 in tht world. What do 5oii'l cqy, Mary." crew before t king to the boats, whiih wa ano her word," rejo' o ,y, w'th prebty I I � 0 paro mptorineee. - ! . , gi I fear I should be very'ill ; but if not likely, thE would be followed and de " � .ptaid Purto laughed an 'I 0 dThe all together juF-t for 4nce I r3houTd , nounoed. , I M a, nused as- oul i I .. Ben . He rather liked boincy " e 0 upon " not inind that." � z I " No, it is too lar o an order to b 0 .9 11 All right. I am going !to the office to- � possible ; th- y won't try it on," was th by his daughter, whom, in big he %rt, ne re- ' I , . gard,ed as the olevorest girl in the world ; day, and I'll ask Mr. FordY6 .' skipper's coiAlusion after Jurther reflection an, -1 though not quIte that, Dora, otherwise W4ich the C3,ptain did, 4i � d when h6 e - " Dolly must, be mistak6n, though I d&r I - P1 Od that though so loa�r arried he ha Doly, was unTitablionably a g wornan al" - say she Is rig it about their being Russians with a head on &r [$�hould[Q-Virceu Whilo at never�spent a Chriatmez with is famiiy, t All the sa I I . me, I'll keep .my eye on the beg s-.Ii(,ol she had wbu both certt cates and . managing par'ner not only ' g'r uted his ro P C3 ' � bi ears, and by 1is time to -morrow she'll may priw-s, and so impressed one of tho exam;n- qu�st- but gava Mrs. and, iss Parton be have found out what they are really UP , I era �bat on hii reco mendaijon ii�e was en- tree BRage for the round �rir, adding tha to, it i hey �rg up to any thiu g, as to which I I I Zg I a � eacher �n P6 sebool at J �t e . gagi �d as a pupil _ I as noi�othar passergera wore exp,ecte& th am by up iiieins sure." Gen eva, -,where sh ladied wou'd have the.salo�n all to them- I . . p,3rfoated her French and Felveg. As" to tbii, howey',er, he was mis. The day went on, also the steamer and lear 3ed Germ%n. Viome time aftekward .her the yacht, .which continued to bear her lirig,iititia EffiCiend and othier qu�litled led taken. The very -day bofor� the Cockatrice company, to the eurpi iiie of the captain and � her to getting &"tEmporary, t4ugh well sailed. pa".igcs were taken for � I thirtp,en men, .his mates ; for the Cockatrice, being essent- P%i�, place a's - Esglish governe,qs in the all, or. nearly all, foreigners, who had, ar- ially a car�o I boat, never attempDed to do I iy Russi:w pt rivedlin Loudon from the Cbnt,nciit just tpc ' I fam 'Lly of a wea ace, wi�h I � wlicm she travel 'd and lived for more late to catch the P. and O.,,9teamer for Gib. more than eight ' or ten knDts an hour -if , thaa a year, and alded to her Other ad � com- ralta�,, so that in order to find accommoda. the wind_�vete contrary, she did lose -a I . . plishm"lits a wolhiag ka:)wledga of the tions for hi3 wife and daug�te the Captain �epeeJ much too slow for a smarb yacht. .. I Moreover, the stranger was obviously : I bad t� give Lim his an I Rumiari tongue. � , room dl sleep ia the . � 4 i adapting his pace to that of the ,Cocka Captain Partori'a misgivingg' were ,con- chartthoum, trice. . � . � ' . � firmed by the cveu�-tho unfor,eeela happen " You uIll have to anob ' In Higham - ­ � . Bigh , aud take in governmor 0 Which made the captain of the Cocka. ed, ,-oming, bowev0, in a 'shape i so v.�ree. it tores-order trice don his considering cap again and con. ablel that he�i,vv,a . i just ome," was One of tbellasi instructlobs caire an ides. . h I � gi ia 7edl, and ,1.,, more gla0depaed !than he relei ved from b i .., . a and daught�r, though ,, t . -1--i The stteward was a- man who might be disa )pointed, werol not 0aueolable. � plosivee?" queried Parto'n. IlTs ,owners app, I binted him to I the cmn- it f course, and mos0y Irecordite, I trusted. He had been with him on the man I of the Cickatrice, a hinob I rger I ship. fancy But &a to that theleks that is eDH ,.Cockatoo. � - . "I the 1.) tter ; �the government ants i " When you go into the cabin to make tb th 0 -katoo;'. thereby imprc ving,both 4 'P )�o dk L n _1^ very qu y the beds d that. find out, if you can, big ition, and his ,pay..' Oa the 6�her iet. So not a worA to anyl I . 010811 I . I I � A )) hleso foreianere have arms with Dr. John OcGinnis,* band, r,nder she had to sAil on a clate it impoaziblo for him to ea tt � a; �8�' Cwh'r iu4'81td von o your WILe and augril4r, Mr. ordyce. � answered i th�m," he said. . Kan. Graduate London Weltern University, membey mas dinner at home: - .. � ; " 11 right air, I never talk6ut o' doorp. 4i . Yee, kir," answered the Fteward, who of Ontario colielee. of Physicians and Burgeons. ofte, and Residence—Formorly oeonpled by Mr. Wm. - " sentiment'; . 9ever mind, that i ,only a -8 the is � atter of tt Noth�ng thab passes here � e , tl'" +r goes ,f ur. I I knew bow to Later in the Obey and never wast6d wordr. day, he informed the skipper Pickard, Victoria Street, next, to.the Catholic Church sVXixhi calls attended pxomptly. 1463x12 � gain promotion a sliba " he said, ohe I fully. , katial I R(;�, ndite was a -new explosive; I belie that in teveral of the cabina he had found .41 1 � � - DRS. BETHUNE & ROSS I I I -Office over Johnson'o Hardware Store, I i. __ Seaforth. . ; ALEX. ftrucsy.. H. 11. Ross, M. B, . ! Z . Nigght�cal' Is attended to at the office. � 1. ; I . i i ___ i � I �� _� 0.2"T. F. J. BURROW81i . � - - �Ttla teeident Physician and Suigeon, Toronto Gbn. . i wal 11oapital. Honor graduede Trinity Unlve:ulty, � on,amber of the College of Physicians and Suirgoons � Ontario. Coroner for the Conrity of Rtzron. t Dffice and Residence—Goderlah Street, East bf;; the i Aatuodist0huich. Telephonofl. i . - � 1380 : I : . I / ; � DRS. SCOTT/ 11 & MacKAY, I ! PHYSICIANS Aka SURGEONS$ I . Ood orloh street, oppoolte Methodist. clinrch,geaforth . . I � 1. G. SCOTT, graduate Victoria and Ann Arbor, and I member Ontario Collegg, of Physicians and i Surgeons. Coroner for County of Huron. .. i I u. MA,oKAY, honor graduate Trinity University-, 7 gold medali3t Trinity Medical College. Member College of Physicians and Surgeons, Oniarlo. I : 1493 — � — McLEOD'S . System Renovator � AND OT1rER_ - - - TESTED - R39MEDIES. ....-M-a-W A spo-Ade and &ntidote for Im are, Woak and I poveriahed Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palp,_� Dion of the Heart, Ltvm Comptaint, Neuralgia, 1A of Memory, Bronchitis, Con ' sumption, Gall 81,qn Jaundloo, Klaney and Urinary Diseases, St. Viti DaAcv, Female Ir;egularteies and General DobllUy: 7 LABORATORY-Goderich, Ontario. I . � J. Y.1 McLEOD, Proprietor and Mai � facturer. - . 861d by J S. ROBBRT§, Soaforth. 15014f � � i ! It . i Mug'ical .- Instrumein ! . 1� . ii I � EMPORIUM. -1 I I - I � I , . ! E � 3TABLISHED, -1873. � OwiIig, to hard times, we have coi cludeq, to sell Piatils and Orgahe at I - I I Greatly Reduoed Prices � . . I I . I I . � otk s at $25 and up -wards, an Piano at correspondina prices. I I I � .1 0 1 . &e 'us before purchasing. ' ; ; I I � ; I SCOTT BROS I � 64 !Lll the game, i cannot help feeling a to belthe most deadly yet invented. Shelia � L 0 miu revo vers, and thought i � . Charged therewith, shot from a peculiarly be had been able to open all the bags and .�_ I , I -, const�ucted tub, would it . was said, rend boxes, he would have found something of L . . I . " the sort in every,one of them. I � I asuncler the strongest wall.9, and a sipgle AM I : discb'�!ge hitting the mark destroy a line- ; The skipper thought the same. . P 0 DF84A of -ba ' h few 1-niuutes. Its cbm- . When he went on deck after dinner; the * tie . V - � I I ) . F I I otiTn a -j the mec�anicism of the . P 51 . a a!s some two t i . I yacht'a lig to were gleaming ARM ubesi,, were known only to! a chosen few, � miles away,on the steamer's starboard quar. � , ! and sitrenuous measures we�e taken to pre. .ter, and th Cockatrice, with her main and ffea ill r � t . . I W ; ventithe emissaries of foreign powers from forsaile got, was bowling gayly along before � ; � ; obtai�irig a sample of the one & the right of a breeze from the northwest, and rollirig a . � I I : AM the ,Other. Several careful schemes had bit.' - ; Dba. b 11 id to surpriee the Becre' About nine o'clock Dolly paid her father . . I � . ee% a . % but so �far ; t i all h: d come to naught, either by vigilance another viaft. . . I fif Never tlhou�ght �� of ' S'u c 1� or good luck. � . I Z�p , a Well, hive you made any more discov. . � ! I , Dolly and her mother went on board the or ies ?" he asked, giving her big chair and SIC11 for a iiiedidiic dO y ' ? Cockatrice in Shadwell Basin, 'and in a few seating'himself on his bunk. � ; i . Ti I minu,tes afterwards came the o aisen- " I think no," . was Dolly's modest answer. , � ell, it's 11� good siexii for gers,j mostly Dams and Nory'egian8, but, " After- tea I lay down on the sofa- which is ,� r ppeh�ir 4glish more or less fluently. close to Linderholm's cabin, pritended to � ' , W E I � S ott's Eniuision.: Thl�� b0dyi �e t ble they were,laugWD and talkiug be asleep, and heard everything they said. ry a a ' � i . ces�aptly, And making Lho2elve,e agree- Their plan is to seize yon and the other offic- ' It+ to be 'repai, , red like' other, able �o the skipper and the ladiep. ers in the night, bind you, hand land foot, ' I I . 4 . L T steamer dropped down the Tbamos and look you up in your cabins. : A guard . - i 'thi the tide, and auchored in Higham will be phiced over the watch below who th�iigs and Scoft's ,�lmil .1.011 is W1 � I . Bight At the close of the short winter's day. are to be confined in the foleastle, Q. the th 2 medicine that does it.' I Lighters filled with wood'3n, iron -bound watcli on d engineers will be - � � _ i ' cases� great and small, were quickly alone. forced to do Linderholm's bidding, as the Thesepoor bodie� wear out side, � and the loading, su' i . . I . I - perintended 9Y alternal ive of being shot. Then they will. . I I government offigere, went on by lamp -light get some of the reconaA3 and one of the � I ' froi!-i worry, Jroiu ovp_NV01_k, until nearly midAight. Doll,V, clad in 6 fur 'tub(s out of the hold ; but what they. in. ' I cloak with a big. storm oolla 'r, watched it a I tend to do with them .I could not, quite ; So did th6 83audinaviAns� two make out, -89lav Lining wan --s ! .froni disease.! They ge't thiii long while, I t . . .1 ! or th�rce of w'botn were alwa S' WoMug ovzi ,I)OAt.8 -0,Ud N�goalo - swu about I ' � I- , . I ; ­-, hud Alexandra$ whoever wid weak. Some of Th ilow ��' Q, 1",4Q or peorIng Inbo- Ch bold, now and aho may be." . 1 I - brUilexcharigingiremark4 in an undertone, "The yacat, no doubt. She has shad-- . i t , I . Or es are not -Wel I m"K . t� 'aiid some! of vihich 'Dolly involuntarily over. owed us ever since we left the Tha m -es. Did , I , , ; hearA. Early next morning the Cockatrice — � , - __ �& I - L - , I all of the old 6�nes are, racked was 4teaming do' wn the chann�'l in smooth ; I I z : � wate1r and wi4b.'a fair wiqd ' All this time, vig6rous ftman;130�1 I L . - * I I . f roni I o n rr usage. ; and ior the re'ainder of' &,, day, -Captain, , b : , : �, � Kade flerfcc�t b7 Dr. Cliax ' � as Conlinual.1y on h bridge, and, We Nerve I lFood-1. Coinnioil Scott's EniLllsion . fi �es all Yiujt�-� wappear in the galoon u til his ship; Sellse Treat - I ! nient yrhich Does. lb-A!ijctly What I I : � waa�lwell clear .of the nar 0 seas, some I i I wenity. 1, four hours after I i g the Bight. !� � to ClaiAied for it. ' kinds. It do�slthe work both ' I � Lea 1, I . 1 1 DIly was stafiding near = door, and as I ' The halil Iness' of e'very home depends � 1 . . : er f th. , I er 'd to kies I infide and out. I k�S SO4t h stoppe her, whiipered-i very largew on I �, : n , the health of the wife � and mother. If she is nervous, peevish i I � hit; e�r : I I I � 96 i I arid Irritatile, worried by the little e sure you,don't lot, hat I know boties hard, fl -lin bloold' red, P . )? i bu� cares of e'very day life, and tot- I i , vus an. I monted I I I � . i 11, I I by pains and irregularities thdt ard- WE �ik luiiors ; stroncr I ovy , hy?" he asked in surprise. Z:) '�>? 01 � :t.. : . sure to accompany a rundown system," .. will tell y6u afterward . But promise there can �e no happiness in the hon -19 PhUS filli. I nly the b ,st ]A -la- me t lat you won, b. " . I . for husband and children. - � . i . d I : * prom is,3. i Onl� you m a bome to me I Too man'r women are victims of ner- tetials are uset iii the pa�ching in ti a chart-hou 1 6e after bre ,Ifa;t and ex- vous exhaigtion, and do not know it. cand the pat6cs don't 11 Show P laiup I don't 1�ke mysterieO.' I They suffei, from indigestion and dys- I Br ikfast overii, Captain Parton - returned pepsia, nervous headaiche and sleep- . .; .- th rough the 116 W glow of ealf'11. 'to iesbridge... . ' ; lessness, and drag themsel 11 here's that yacht ag 'the house f4eling languid and tired out. I I I lihe pas I " . � ain Bed us You can be healthy and vlgor NO,ionc has� to wait I t U r, Otis If i . n. yesterday off Dover," rema ked the third . -, : office r whose wa I �ch it was. I ! you follow the advice of Dr. Chase, the� Y4�,_,��an, do it -YOUrSelf —)IOU ,� 6. 1; famous Receipt Book author. He I �urid soutkand 66king ihd game cours6 L - .- - - . : I) would not deceive You, and his treat- � ' - , . -1 as o�rgelves, I suppome,', returned the ski � J �p. inerit never disappoints. 1kr- Cfiase;s � i and the bottl�. per, ndifferently". � I Nerve Food is intended for Just such __ . " ' 't , Ind probably belongl � to some rich cases'as art) here described. ]By supply - U" , This ,picture 1 represexit3 el who is going for 9. cruise in � the Modi- '4� . � awl Jing to the thin, watery blood and weirk, I �_ I - ' - 1 i . `� �1. �thel Trade -Mark-of Scott's- terra aean," . I e�xha,utted nerves the very materials of . 11 � - .1 1�ni . which natu)re constructs new nerve 11 Emulsion and is on fhei " 1 -dare say. � Anyhow, on�lyt,a' rich man . I ,Y cells and now bodily tissue lt gradual - wrapper of every �pttle. conk afford t; keep a 2,000 bOn%team yacht, i � I and i he is that at least." I I ly and ce reconstructs and re- - I . I "'italizes the weakened and deNlitated, -SeW forfree samplc* M(anwhile, Dolly had d' er cloak . i and I ier hat,'and;had gone o;! deck w nervous system, cure� thervotis head - SCOTT & B0N?_,T_EP � here aches and dyspepsia, and permanently � lilad ' 10 I moat of � the othe� passengers � P!ecoded overcomes weakness and Irreg-ular! ties. 1 TOROXI I ANAW her, and were loOnging about, smoking and 50 cts a box, all de4LIers, or Rdrnansoj) I I � � Soc. a3d $i. all dhiggists. talk i 'g. One of them, a fine I looking man, Dates &. Co., Toronto, .- . - : . who mlled himself Linderholm.', with whom . i i L . . I : � . � 1 4 . : I i ! - I - . . ! I . i � ; ; . � � � � I ! : � I . i i . I � . � : i 'I I . I � � : ; ; . : i I � i I i I ; . � - - . I � �. i . � � i I . . - I I I I . - i � I . . I , - i . I . � i I! - ! I . I . I . � 11 . " . - . I � ! . I . � i I . I I �, . -,I � I ! ,� , I � I1 , �­____.__ ­­ -_ - -_ - ­ I ; . - . ­ ,1� _­­­ -i-- _ 1-11--- __-1-1__-__-____ - I ­ ­ I 1. � . W-.� _. ­ . E_ . � I . ____ ____ - -,- Tjry , - : - , , . - , - t ­ I - - thing about a dance afterwards -I suppose ; I - � ,,5 � A, I . i " (a' iling). - I I - I Orte n I � � yon d ano: - M isTurton ? m 4*111V I I I r . T T al, � Dolly ';knowledged the sofb impeach. I I .4 . ftl s, . 01 I -1. 7. i - E_ S T N B L I S " F_ 1) ment. Tlie invitation wasi, of course, ac- ; I- �__ . I � . I - . � . I It-2wroDlits __. . . oepted, and Elo it came to pass that her wish - - . * � � I is 1% 54. N,e - I . .11 A 4C %,!Z I 8 . I was accomblished. Her father, her mother '--, V-,.-,-- S___ I _1 Th&s _,,��-- - � L�._ � L _i�z. � ­ �i . . . --- e I as� - and herse spent their Christmas together, . I . .� i - �V' .1if ��__ , � �esrly : 11 .. .. �7 - .. -_ � r - : � i . I . � and though not under thei.t own roof tree, ! "I bave ese'd 'A I I I ar � Vik(w I * t:fte Tar-' � I . yer s,TV­i1V71*"_ � � i i I -- ­_; . The hou!�� now knoN n S � more pleasantly than they had hoped or I fcr th-irty Yeats. It is elegant C,-%-, - teethinj �, � 1, could possi�ly have anticipated. -New York 1F.Ir rCE;singandfork , - for - i&--- ' � , etping t.ht � K , anagra I .- I RYRIE BRO S-. is'one OF t�e' ' - - -I � ; :Zhbl _jr4 0 I . I . Evening Net. . � 11 - � , M _. , ollest and best establishod . I I I .air frova splitting at the ends.-'�.' � ,F_ 1, tlLar is I , � __ . . J. A. Grilenenfelder, GrandofJ11#1 - .-� ;_ P I I � . . E I -1 JeWelry houses in Canada. L To Cure a Cold in Ofte Day ­ �. - am ot ... I I . . _4� 1 - e . I . 1, . .Wla . pany 102 - . 1 � P�' ; � 1, 9 SP its ­� ,life itsel : I � Take Laxativ�e tromo Quinine Tablets. All f4fair-splitt-n �� � I e .: I druggists. refund the money if it fails to cure � I 11 1* - digestia I I 'E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c.- - .-- ''e . Although established 'n fri, prIship"is. If t - , hair. - 'Siong. , n . I Z), � I I - - - � -r-. . . I I + .and pr; 1854 it has only. been un& . splill'I'ing I done on ye,ur. � I Usborne Council. I I __Zv� babyl's's U its present. management f:)r 7 I 7. , _C healthy I - 4 n C_ nucit met at the township ball on Janu- oWn Ilea it loses ftl�ndm ( 111w_i - one-quarter of a centu Y.: ary 01M, � pursuant to statute. The mem- I - ,,�-�. - Tablet -�, __ � f ok- 1 )r .every hair of " ­ z : V�l - � . bers-elect were &H -present, made and aub- YCU) 4 T- ren,and � � - t I . � I � ynyl I � ­ 1-1 . ,go, G - he I - � �. 4 d I i ' I ribed, the rc quired declaration of office and us he is a fri6nd. 11 - . - � given W1 . We have striven to �coti_ quali�oation, and took their seats as -the . 4., � inE*0. 1, T � , � , . � Ayer's Hair Vig.0 - 'i II , _� ' council for 1902, Win. H. Deffiridge, reeve ; z I , r Ift -, ,.��, are used duct it upon �such lines th4t iF, - - I ­ - I _ �� J. Hawkins, J. Moir, R- Camm, and James -a d v4h c e vrill prevent . J I � � - I I the .. " [-f me-hor � ,,if it is fram. Ryrie Bro,s. � ... � - Ballantyne, councillor;. The following � � --,. het�, � I'll �_ ., not I . spli fing. , If the splitti il g � -; _- U knc,* it is good " has officero were appointed ab the salaries - � � - A - - - - - . & � J. Dala: I .... . � - 11 cc me to i' be an accept�d - named, and appointments con -firmed by by- hasibPgUP it will sto . -,-, J been .1 � -, I " ' I I . ) P its - Baby"A I . I I � � I - t law : Francis Worley, clerk, $120, no : .1 � I . . � i a�yfiom. . i $1.00 a b0M. All drag1l" I 7 I allowance for postage ; Paul Coates, trears- - i � � A - I � d !I 1� %J . " I I I I ___ - ___ 11 . . - _�_ for som, _. . - - - �, -_ arr&was 6 urer, 676 ; Wni. Miners, assessor, -$55 ; if your dru '�t eannot sup. . . ­ �� 4 7� 1 - Y:: IA i 9 - zi 4 P1 -9 i._ � � - If you h, -i' y need in Wm. Brock, collector, $50 ; Thomas Veal, . send 6 one ag%jarr and we -wlfl I __­ I � - b&rj an< � - . . ,.- I I ­. . 1- i t the jewelry -fine, howevOr caretaker of hall, $5 ; auditors, Joshua voll a ljottle. Ro sure and,give 8. . I; ___ 5 �she grevi . �' Zf yot� r1mTes 980 _ I'll ­ .� 1- _,��, ce. � I � wl - I m . J4 C. I � � . -0 � gums e . -1ohns and Wm. A. Turnbull; board of t4e XY ARO C . � sniall, write us a letter, a6d I � 11 � � 1. - I -1 -_ I health, the reeve, clerk, James Handford , . I ­�__ I it! , >_ � , �_.- Eeem -to 9 � . I . try our Mail Order Depart-§ Fl�_M04M ___ ; - � � n . . Hiram Borland, Paul Mad -3 ; H. X. Hy� - . � 17 mewe in nient-it is positively good. man M. D., medical health' officer; James ---Z_W-�� � , I �most ab t� - I =12t riston, clelivored � his addreas 6; -1. , MediciVE � J. TUffs. sanitary inspector, the medical . I � t _; - . - - � -1 I I - . I years among )I and T&W7 I I J TableU A � d . he ibe lbaunibals, 't- I I I � alth officer to receive 83 per day and the I VA& � 4 0 1 E B R 0 S.9 sanitary inspector - era of the Pronounced by every one pr�nent to be Z k, -will he �z4 and other memb � . . , I. , I cellenb. Sevevity-five views illu ' addressil . ! board $1.50 a day when on ,duty. Fence strated tit., f � . 1.� �4� U e 'nd' viewera, J. Copeland, A. Cole, P. Moir. R. work, and they . werip very ifftrefti. � 1 Brockvil � �_� -' Toront�e es yterian - -1 _0� I treets, Tees water, Pr' b cho � � A G1 I I 2- - - I Delbridge, ,R. Dou�e and JamEs Earl. ir fniulshe& il-I . ,,, � Pound keepers, George Rook, R. Hunter, aellent musie and plenty of it. -j, 1) �. that 1 ha I , I A" , "' . I ek I � V I - - wife and littl9l son, vi*ited relatives � - . __ R. Keddy, Alex. McDonald, Wm. Taylori on 7kjk� ____ sis -.of BA: i I �� ! y, pur-C - 6th of Minto on F�idsy._The '. i M1 - " i . 1 8. Campbell an'd W. Gill'illan. -A number Farmew. I A' _�f I , I - . you gather when this attempt waa tc be of accounts were pamsed for payment and Institute meetings!on Wedue8day: afteiJ0071, i- �r My ansl�-i . �_ � a made.?" council adjourned to meet on February Ist, and evening were ell' attended,: ,and tht t �contaia -a t 46 Only that it is to bel at night ;. vphat at I o'clock. There weri'registered by the addresees of t �e Bp mkors were good, tj-%e,.� they elan , . night, I . don't think they know themsel ce. � division registrar for the township of speakers wereMessjs.� Elford and �)a6ojw youngest ,Anyhow, you had better be prepared." Udbornefortheyear 1901, 46 births, 25 and Mrs. Campt I],' Of (3oderieb. T46 vfficient 1 . � ' I I , 11 Gool advice, Dolly, but not easily 01- mahs and 21 females ; 16 marriages; 2 3161tke -string band g,%ve us good mueic.�� - indiaate� , � lowed. You see, I cannot depend, on the . )6 Miss Edith Buslifirld � returned to M - '(Signex . daaths, 15 males and 1-1 females. itehell. e crew.. There is but one British- sub eat I to xesume studies ,at the high sehool NIT -L � t among tLiem, and only two in the engine r's ALMOST �: MIRACLE] there. -Al-T. P - H'a nrii fton, who formerly - PT a- At� . I 11 Molitri t lot." t I I tended Harris n igh school, is tbill . i - ta7w - - ng Clinton high sch-ool.-Mr I . . 11 Butthe officers and stewards are E rig- .. attendi , a.. lish ; you can depend on thew. How many Wrought -in -the Case of a Char- ley Mahood in home from Toronto . iookM- ,0 � 4 I . - I I #�� t . - - t are there ?" . lottetown Lady, well and feel, I I 4 . -Mr. Wm. 'Walk 9. -1 1%11=3 I ' �. w - W . "NinD,iucludirig myself, with o)aly two . of the 17th, sold t . nice heifers. to ,Iwr,. . - - o revolvers among -us. The Russians are Harris, o lorrie, dVfive cents per pou,ud, -- f thirteen, armed io� the teeth4 and the yacht Her Doctor Said She Was in Consumption, They are no -9.nim 1. Is, - Prof. I , I - U.- 4 which is w4hin ei naling distance� has, no and Held Out no Hope of Recovery- . % 'I 0 _­ __ " Agriaullut ,. 9 : - . . Premier I . doubt, two "Or three quick-firi g guns on - To -day She is Well, Strong 4 . The Cb.. I in I Se 'Not the Wi . - 'libilities in the I millionait t board, to- say nothing . of rifles. R%ther and Active. There are no ;os, I Quarry. illiwn '1 long od ?." . I Past, W I I From the Islander, Charletown, P, E. 1. took last year�z cal�udar and threw it in the, 1 the basig - . I 11 Very, if it- should come to a fight. . Statistics - fire. - I . I Btimulaite . . Bub con] !n'b you be beforehand with them _ published - from time to time The .8 no laEci � n in yea -and I -make )risoners of the wretches instead of show the vurnber of death@ oc6 i re : i rs that Am -ag-lic . . .. . - arring dead to a hopt fal a ul. There is no Py in, -- I part I r their mc ring prisoners of you." throughout this country from consumption . I , peering down, he ject lessoi I : i`ro I Long Ago, so'". to off the mouthof , e 'Hoi r could we do that, Dolly ?" to be as great as the number paireed by � Onuos of the Q-ty -01 , all other preventable diseases combined. � last '4 -f in fhe � - " We.l,. according to an account I O 0 __e ,- It old Year and d 3stro d t - he whole - t - . smal rarl read in i 6 newspaper, the first thing bar - IS no wonder, therefore, that the; medical � � bug"Ieut I . 9 . The exquisite pleasureof lifeis � ol V--� Isis do af ter they break into a house ii to fraternity has at last awakened t In the'ch"e. I . 0 �J 'he fact The delight of delig,lita is not in the bsylig- � training -r . � - a keep the inmates in their bedrooms� by fast- that the most urgent means must, be taken but in the bun; in . And ai .9, a propose a eniLig,tbeir doors with gimlets, Could not to pr�vent i5s turbher spread, andl., to teach a we struggle- oa one locali _ towards our A ;, our muscles harden, t�o � � g you do iomething of that sort ?" � the public that while the disease � ia readily brain brightens, and . the .grey hair . a cOlM7 I- I ,each of - " The very thing I ,To think of a ma d's communicated from one person to another, I ::: I Brunswid I � ' the wrinkles th k t e corners of :1 - , � wit being betterig. than, a m an a sense "' ex- it is not necessarily inherited, though the .- ; V eyes we stoop, butloji we gop contend,,,'. � Island, *to claimed the skip or, ad i i ,,ly. 0 It shall tendcricy to itj may be. It is, therefore, of - ' ­ - . P , miring. will 805 and contented, halv'jing and aphieviDg, yv, �� Port 2 i 0 i aw the utincst importance that people with 4 I � be done this very night. ' . not gloiffying in !what we hive -or-Iiii1v - . 0 these f Ilows up - in their cabins, and if I ,weak longs should take the greatest care of � x1vibi �Obj . don't gito the yacht the slip before thornir1g, theniselves to prevent consumption ob achieved so much a4 in the hope thatlom� " -gardens a � - . ome, - Aleducati 3 1 ta'u- day we will have r(iore and achieve thoft . call me a land lubber. Now go back to �he ing a hold on them. Pare, out of-Joor 7air, than ever. � w - -_ be begun; - saloon a D�d make yourselves agreeable to the lots of sunsb ine, wholesome food, and a good So to -day I �Ope, -until -:& Go] I e mus;l 11 th; tonic medicine to keep the blood' rich, -red � -and you ha e, passengers. They lik i . �P to ex6el � I., P, 'A . . C; pay the preacnt ad ast �,Iuanfied -4 i in � he in a glolio" . something on the pi4no,and ask itheyn �nd pure, will enable anyone to -rcsl8t the future. � � I sing. Y) I I . I Isto �nroade of the diseast-. Asa' blood forming i . � posed to 4 L The hounds j �eh � Aroup, of I Whicl Dolly did, and sucoceded ilia keep- tonic, there is no medici4e the equal of Dr. ME% their nerves .&-.O I thriffln . - in the!�Ivai . Ing the Russians amused andocoupied ill Williams' Pink Pills. These pills, where . �g, and o- th Y:run, and before Mora eleven o'olock, when all turned in, i freely and fairly used, will streugthdn .the runs a rabbit, oublingand turning in it* P.rDg.rw . In th meantime Captain Fur' I akest constitution, and have cured many � 'efforts to e8c � , --Audl stood there,', thi ii$� be made I arran Is I ton t ad we ed, too, by the excitement of the chase, for classes in. matters with his officers,i and 3r. 'baseq of consumption when taken in its I bear the ho I with thoe, derelt o carpenter, the one English s3a. early stages. .Proof of thi,; is given in the a the fieeinit � . . I q 11 ru my -way. tion with mail, i bit case of Mrs. Abram .Henry, of Charlotte. . - �ook up every gimlet and oprig *. - P. I . U; 2.- t7si t h a ; t I Par-ts; A , h o.- eksed or could find. � ,town, E. 1. To -a reporter of the Island- That little f of instr4ad J r, Who -called upon her, Mrs. Henry said : j ite Oject moving toward,$ I Olt, one' b clock the first part of the busi- 'I me? 1 i Taral,&&O I nesa be4an, and was successfully accom. 7-11 A few years ago I found myself grow- my Ru I h an i ishoot, and / a elvesIn I plished. 1 The Russians were preen m1ably all ing weak aud Palo I raise the littit A ,/and emaciatid' I -took creature M. &Ill his hounds cry louder ' I of eduo&N fast selee ' � . . p, bat even if they bad been w i do various medicinea-on the advice oi friond-s. and loud . the Pe lee., and the wo6do ar- �0011e,ge. au . ,* If provi . . awake, the whistling of the -wind, Put none of them appeared to do me any strangely 8 -ill, il � !nature � jaeems - to -de, ,:, '. bou . t- � % . ti�ioan i ag of the waves, and the or"king good, and two,years ago my condition be* plore her lose, an �haL very trees deplore j6 . , � . a I I . I ­ - the ship would have 1hindered tho.in fr rn �ame so much worse that I was obliged to tragedy. i ; : hoped -tha � ' hearingthe slight noise made by -the exr- ake to my bed, and call. in a doctor, who And I f i a. - V to enable � � . - penter, i a he screwed Li3 gimleti &�Id sprig said that my lungs w6re affected, and that Oh, I toga th - har 3 into niv b to take ft bits into the cabin doors, in such 4� way as , was g,,ing into COMUMPtion, and he told And the hou, do 9 I . ag- I f- -situation i , - to reride - them uuopenable from within, ' �ny mother, who was moAly in attendance . . - . . � all I . They forget 11 Past in the hope for -au- 1, year -lit is - Thi d ne, the capt.ia ordered , ,lights to Upon me, that my recovery was very doubt- other run6 and hose for more. They joy no, - te&dherje � be extinj �uishcd, and charged the steamer's al. I grew gradually weaker and weaker. in that and an all pourse fr)m sou'west to norleast, t I en to I- I could not sit up for five minutes, my lunge t which is caught, but for that whi& . . . hey hopo to ca ch. . . I � - the exponi yachb tried to foll pained me ; I coughed severely, lost almost � , I approved � [most Z west.. The . I I hunt not fol the %deasure.of the shot,b ut made a bad cast, and her lights w re all desire for o6d, and when I did eat I ut . - - Astiefactol - resumably swallowed p in the darkness ound it difficult to retain food on my stpm. for the pleasurE of ttie chase. 1 . I I 11 It -W I c . - pr-( P u ch. I fell away in weightfrom 148 pounds For what is I fe b � ao chase ?-7 -some one - . . , Towards morning, when he felt sure he a to hold the gull, som 'one to chase the fieet,,, � Agrip.n7pai ad shaken her off, he resumed 'his true o 100 pounds, and I do not think any of my - 6� I I building ti ourse, and the Cockatrice went f 11 stearn riends expecte . Ing quarr, d to ace me get better. But � y, son: ,a .on 3, to di�e. � "" . 11 " Allor w_ me, 'MY � � 3) - I fernale gtv 'M 'M . r. williams, , �ar. I � U Was head. � 4ome of them urged me to try D I - About ki wbo Pink Pills, and I decided to do soi " With Pleas ire," - . six o'clock, Captain Navas] , i - I began ;� woull-d inel ' had a cl,abin all to himself, gang o t for t�he by taking one pill a day, for my stomach And he puts he wr&p around her should-, " - era, and he E safis � try-keepa e in do r, was very weak, bat I was soon able 'is or on the eat and : I I to ia. I _. a# general gi . . on it. D� � crease this to three pills a da ally, gently helps heioff igs.i.n., - 'q foods,, iteward and hamm- red- at his ca con not oD . i I , He holds her arm so tightly and hugs her " All right, air, it has got j%m I med,,I'll " my strength was increasing under their so I I -isimpler fo use, I took riine pills a day. neatly when As last gOod-night 1i :9 1* �, ation, �oftwf )Pon il# .0 an iastant," said the ,t,wa,l, The change W% ind �vhich came with the use of the pills was that two heartal, dr6amon in hope. i I with that unscrewed the gimlet, . where. I " I'm going out to -night ; I have -to go toi� - I I ipon out stoppediNevaski, who, to big gr t. little short of miraculous, and so marked I . I A : � I , s after .1 � . - I iurprise, 'wa"s promptly collared by t�e and rstpid that inside of two monthf lodge." .. � I A sub;e , aptain nd the first m began their use, I was able to leive my bed 8o out he goe I wle -.8lie"sits alone Anak- . . 4 - ate, each of whom i lonesomn. - - � .terions t -bp resent4 a loaded revolver at his, head. and --move about the house, and soon after I I Baid -compi Was able to walk aboub in the open air and A voice calls, and Ae, goes to a ,wt ana. - at all timf � "Speak a word or offer resistance and I'll make short vi -its to my friends. On one of Picks up a crying ch Id and dandles it. . )low you brains out. *a have found you- these, ocoasions I -met the . It is his child- llow who said he bad - prescript.il doctor who had at. -th fi,10- if )ut, air," exclaimed the, captin in: a fierce to go to lodge, I Ut V�VZOO went out to meeo� vhisper. " The irons, carpenter."' � tended me, and, he asked me what I La6d I will all Y-4 I the boys. �, - " . I been taking that had made such an improv . e- A few years a�o W helped her an ,with - 701140 911v The Russian yielded -there was:: nothin T�ent. 1,replied that I had been tak - ing Dr. � er wraps and -eiines ar�& Kloeforit-and afterbeing h%ndcuffed aii ,Williams, Pink Pills, and he said 6 all i ight, h kifise4her,but he do6s u4, � lowest, I Bg fettered was relegated- to his bunk. - The c�ntinue them, they won't hurt you any. kiss her now. He:Wdotn kiises her. i (there were treated in like fashion, some, ay.' Welli I contknaed taking thein until The pleasure � chase once past, hoW, - - X, I owev6r, as the irons would not go round, I Of ten ends love - painalffi , 7h&d used sevEritoen boxes, with the result en dream. L �; it Aly boy," I! av . . � greates-t .1 were bound with ropes. Some thre6 or that I never felt befter than I do now -not had morereal joy in az,�� - ' four, hearing suspicious- sounds, and guess- even in my girlhood'days. It is more than cumulating thisfortunethanyou, ,will ever. ,4ic�k peopl, ing what had happened, bolted their doors a year 66ce I'stopped taking the pills, all know in spending it. I . I Irionials Ir ' - d And as Id.mal placed both b I ands on i that -no lot And threatened, to shoot, These were- you can see for yourself what they did for . the o disease, starved into surrender. All arms and nip. I may say, too, that my weight ha his son's shoulders, and looked him fair abdi' � � papers w -re of oour8e� seized, and among increased to 137 pounds, 1� I am rint jinx - - a square in the face, he toldene of the w.o ,u Inaluently - ' I � ious . r-l&s4 -� - the lattei Dolly found -simple evidence to - tor plubjit. i ty, bat when I think of what the greatest truths I o an inerbdulotte unbelievan! � 4nd kidne" -j notify her father ia the, course that he ha . � A child site or i the fl,j,6r, and playing with,-- - pixii-i'es f t . d E41a did for me, I behave I ought to sacri. . taken. I Pe in . Y .3 � to knock-4tvi , -painepA ce Irl. . I It of ,s:)rne I own feelings for tho benef his blocks builds his house, bab I get _*_.OUrQ1 � "; 6ockati ide " let go" In P I over again and W arc ot another, The I . �41brAitar �b_��rp?t)rqgffiru-" . , . , plew Bay, on t i.e morning of December: 24, akL d ! Dr. W'ifflam�'. Pink,11iiis 'have produered ure is not in the Thdu, 0 but in the building 11 L Vl. Fi L 9) soon at the custOme and health officers a -11 of ib. , I I . uch remarkable curea-as thfJ above� because * . I I i . e .t growtimpi - I c kme on board 'Cap'tain Purton went ashore 'he are wholly unlike ordinary medicinef And we ar b_ib children in A L clotheF and-wiinkledfaceni V - - YL r. -a. - v ith his daughter and bad an int6rview which only act upon the symptoms. Then'e' L . ­ � � , v ith the governor, who expressed warm pills uo direef to the root of the trouble, ' The man of millio doE s not work on .an - 1- the railroa . LJ 1� - a 3proval of all he had done, ord6red- the makiag new, rich blood,und giving increased on from necessity to lontrol stoLeks and W110 '; Parifee. !I . . - ! & piiioners ,to be transferred to tfie guard. strength mith every dco. In this way the roadej so possess bonds and coupons. - ; V , - lature -a -,f e . . i regultin tj a iip, and sent a Ion ' of her despatch to the e ' Y Well, wby? i I . . I War Offi,,e which 9 12 are consumption iELits early stxges, also It is th'e vleae4re� t � the chase that impek 71544y ' I to an immediate such diseases as paralysis, rheumatism, St. I � - time them on to. nervcusi ptostration, indi c3tviou - W-ftli now. Meeting A the Cabinet. Meanwhile the Vitus' dance, heart trouble, neuralgia,. dye. i � . g I , natter wi a kept a -i quiet as might be, and vppsia. chronic eryelpelas, and all the func- And the grave. I 4 1 i canno I I . . lusessmen v hen the facts were laid before the Russian tional tt' They can eout�ol �:U,11 ions, but they . - �ubleq that makes the lives of so .1 . Pojutrnent C, overnm(nt they offered a handsome spol. Many women 'miserable. The genuine pills control themselv�s.� " . I Whoo,dut, God knows hq�v to itin things. . - e - ,6f t � 0 ogy, professing great regret that the over. are sold only -in boxes bearing the full name - I . I � , 11 . , �� i the a. m zeal of Captain Nevaski arid Iiis immediate " 11 Dr. Williariis' Pick Pills for Rale People.;" He does not wazi� blo raise ,a race of satils- . . I I u iperiors 4libuld have led them to fled degenerateir.1 I '� `,�-k� - -ticut and jc in It you do not find them at -your dealers,they � � I I . al) questionable an interiprise, and 0 _ Man is the most rni ghty molecule 'in -the consist -41 = d will be sent post paid at 50 cenfici a box. or , - be $0- 5W -1 t iat the delinquents should be severely sik boxes for $2 -50, by addressing the Dr. universe, mud if the.h ' inighty hadn't ploed -� I I - nisbed. ' They also presented Captain Tltiamrs' Medicine Co., Brockville, Oat. the pleasure in t4o'eh Ing instead of in the bers ar,%jo . I � f urton with a thlousand pounds, as mpen- � . having, we woul 'be fine-looking lot of aft, I y -ears -t one , —9 . They; vR: cowhich ! - . generates, � sation for the trouble and anxiety to - d At � . ; I - .. - h � had be n put. � Lakelet. —4 i , not to exos . ; - — � - . But th 'honors were with Dolly, whose �NOTES.-,Nlr. . I - The tern Adam Reidt 'sold a We Look For'Your Trade� . q iiuk-neEs of aps and readiness of hitle mare tr Mr. Ashton, the other' day., I ' I I be deemed Serving the public 'with care, attention,t'. � Personal, I.N I of the for $105. She gdes to South Africa to figh honest goods au4i'low )rices, has given ivw,* , eornpxuias ri. source I ad led to the detection t I - , F - ; P� ot and , he discomfiture of the Olottere. the Boers.' -Mr. John Halliday, of H&r1i1_ I � two- ini T 3is the mipper explained to the governor; ton, bought a car, load of fat cattle in this high position arn� the druggists of Goa- .�Aet, -1 at [ding : - . I � vioinity and ship ad&, We look I O ir trade. and will us@ i;. stations _r , . ­ . -; . �, ped them from Clifford lamb I I 'a every endeavor to & �e you ik regul � - I I It's al I her-doi ng, from first; .to last. Monda, They Were bought by the dollar. tome �. I � , lar cas- : Phone vole, if r. � I � . . I - 10the", � I I � � ­ I I - prolm I of e had not been b(nt on our spendiniz ­7Mr. irown sold his chopper to a Turn. Our supplies of putp *Drugs, k1elolneof 1� Used in toxi ; - Christmas together, I should have left heir berry man. and now we- have to pay 4 cents Toilet Pre . parati � one,:' 'Perfumes, Bruthev.., :_ OrAtiomot a, per bag. Even this is lower than A In done Combs, §pongeo,,1etq. ,` -will Interest .you. - � � 4rld.personl at home, and the Lord only knows where I P would 'have eaten my dinner his lay. for in most places, but then we were spoiled � ; - ' t I . mt f&ft Maybe I al iould not'be &live to es - for 2 cents per bag and now it is � � t Eiff COMPOUND. � I - dimetly Aft t getting it P, � r-,,- E I's I cum . I . . I 11 Where do you propose to eat--- .. aeked I hard to go.twice the amount. -Mr. Robert Weare fully P I 'ed to fill your ordavI - . I . ; I Ill 'eiderat'Ift f tb a Goverr or.' �­ M O'Lachlan sold a span of nice drivers to j. for this popular d me -banishing medicine-�! . prop", 7 46 On board the Cockatrice, of course," J. � Elliott, of Wingliarn, recently, for $230. Knowin I g its 1W ral &�d virtues - I � 1. - - - - I . , - I , we stroDr , . ro'kial '" I I answered Parton. He bouRht a span of colts from Mr. Jamie. lY r* dpit 4s 4 Mood purifier, nevg-11, - . P 1 e dfita!IS 4 fiWell, �unlesa you greatly prefer the I so", of Fordwich, to take their place. -The brao6r and flex . builden Paine's foelaT : ___ th . � - I Cookatrice, you would perhaps favor us ! tea meeting at McIatcsh's church, on Mon. Compound is no 7 d*, it has been I - -- . , ew 1reme - w; th your company, you and your wife, and : day night, Was,. as usual, a success in num. tented .and succes Ifoll , used in 611 Parts bF!' ; � � il � de ughter, at the Government House, We , here and also financially, over $60 being Canada by iene o. t4o-�Gaude, and has �nevet' 1 . di ie at eJght ; � and I think I heard some- . realized. The Rev. Mr. Camer'n, of Har- failed. I !.. , � - i . � 0 1 - I I . . i i I w i I F', �, i- , - , , , , � - 11 -1 � . � _ 4 . ii ;��* fr�l-le&-=W-",T�-cammournmemorz� t'l. II I , I 1J %� , � ri i4 t; 1"" r 74f,l t 1H ,LO I - �1 I 1 . I I : . - J. S. R013F,RTS, D�,'Ujgist.,;Seaforth, 0041 � � - I I . I I - . - I : 4 1 � I . I . o- I - . ;_ � I - . ! I - � t I . � � .� . : I ; . . I � � . . i � . . - . � I . - ; i ;_ .. .1 . 11 � - . I . i 11 -1 - - ,._ � . . � . � - � ; � - . - - � : - � � :� i 1� -1 I . . . - . I � i - � I . - . I t .. -_ _. I � . I 1 � � : I ;_ =