HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-01-24, Page 4" , - - -1 - ., -- --
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, ,- , 1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS would I ie all rlghb These people - seLm to course so necessary in the inter 'its of the, lor, and a neatly orded address was read wit
I I , 1. I
" -, 7 1 . I .i I , i !
- A -t of the INfIl - - col ntry, those I -
- I'll - lose aigh ve y impor --Icoi A U rity need j! have no to hi Tm I ottie Sitiolair, miter which Jo3
I :
r- .
.4 1 . Mr The figure between the parentheces aft 3r each I
" V I Mr. Thoms Woods presented him, on behalf Be
I .
: v- , , - enforce lent. A iprohibit ry law, lunin. delicacy in reminding t.hem of :
- t ; one, denotes this page of the paT er on which the I I I at duty' of Sb 1 Paul's choir -, with a handsome pair Of el
1: 'I- -Z . . .
, . , :- advertisement will -be found forced, or even indifferently enforce
I .
, -1 . I d, OU14 The nuisance complained of short A nob be fu " tlets. Mr. Aborey was wholly taken to
, , r gaun
'. - Successful Season -Greig and Maf,donald-1 - , t i I -
al 4 . y is rpriw, but a his good natured way pat
1i . "I be a curve to the country an4
, ; House Cleatoing7-Rlchardson and Molanis-5 a serious bloW tolerated. longer than until it oat be reme. b
4j -4 i
1, .
i I Mr
4 -- 'We had died, and it should be remedied at the very
- - I I Bulls for Baia 4&mesftt,iersonz, to temperance and moral r0form, .. madq a very suit Lblo reply, thanking them
i - i- House and Lot for Sale-Wni. M. Craig -5 . I .
4 for their. Undoes o. , for
-- Jt ! Auction Sale-:-Isaso Salkeld-bU battera thousand times remain as !we are. eariiestilpics3ible molmen% ! i I
I . . I - I llo= IN - -- - , hai
,V I', .1 Notice -Miss E. Ross --8 Histo and expeli ience go to pr - --IF-- -i -
. L 14, '. o e that 1 . . —
. ,- , ,
. P . - , ! I
. r A. Sw..n Estate-wra, soot" I C ico arty. .
- '
; ".., Notice -W. S. XcKeroher--6 only st ch laws as Are supported by a6 trong EditorW Notes and Coi3 Ments - C in gre
e,- ;
L I , ;
I Farm f)r Sale -Ht ator Reld-5 i I . I CLOTi9i p.- on't have the little
IfZ1 : public sentiment, can ill be a' n f reed. Boys' . ser
: - z
: I I . . Chief Justice McColl, 9'f British -'olumbla, chaps' believe th they'll injure our suits by G.
. Ila Full Swing -R. Willis and Son --8
- lz .;
, . r , , roli i t '
1. - Stora for Me, oto-3--Govonlock B -5 The question of on i.
j ;TO , . forceInent,.therefOrelo, '" of I died at Vancouver this a' big
-.X1 n ! For Salo --George Martin -5 . . . w ,ek, aft ir a very was,ring them. i ar suits, though natty
.? 3- - , I Stove Sale -2-S. Mullottand Co -8 even, greater 'in, once than the P Sstvg of :
. ii r I : Wief illnems. He wAs aj native 01 Oo ario, ai o !stylish, w6ro not made for the how his
.1 - - p I a
i, , , , is , - I I i .
- ,:,;, i . Utereiry and Musical Enter' aln w pnt-81 the'law, and d:e rving of ab leant eq ally , 6, d practised I& ut fo w6kr-hard wear They an
.. 9 . , a I
1, I I r 4 w in Godetich ant Brumsela wl ndoWs, b
i, I - . i Big Sale of Bioots--3—w. 1L willis;*-8 . q
Z 5. .
- I
. careful coneiderat on. This being!; thb case . inth* t dou"i cost. mudho, but the lade will need cot
11, I -Iij 1 - I I na opun , He removed froo the latter -
, r . . . .
V a then, the leaders f both politioal arties a it, W there 'to .
, ,, inn much time to Wear them out. The E. Me. vil
, - , - , plac ipeg, and from! 1780 1
I 1 iii . . I I! Faul; Co., Seaforth. old
' i I . -
1 1 , .
'71 T owe it to their -fo lowers and the' country British Polumbia. He was a a 0 aratively
li, .
, i 4. 949 AW-1twou 44-posivim 4 young Irian to 6 BAiE.Fs.-Mr. Donald McLachlan has
. %, , - Isj I hold so high a on,rdlon in his I
, I i - i '
4 A F 1 plofeaBi D, 1. I - party
I , , I - that tile reforendilm, .if that sy te'm be I moved into our !village, to the pro vt
I i - I . . I
1, I :
. . m I I
. , i4 ". - - adopted, and it is the mo4ti probable now,, ---" , lately owned by i his son Hugh. We ore ple
F. - ; SHAFORTH, FRIDAY, Jan. 24th, 190-')
11 - il, -t . . will be so arranged that -no prohibitory law 11Mr. I . J. B. Pense has been solooted by glad 'to welcome Mr. M cLaohlan and family Mi
.1 E., -. --- I I
y ;j
. -e , f I a bur b. Hugh having vacated Sh
. W! g I . co a into ope tion un ago iti Is backed tbe Liberals of Kingston A'111 their Aa.udi date to our littl
. : ean -'
.-.1 - I , . I i
I - - .
I 11 . The Ontario Legislature. i b the shop, moved bn to the farm which his Ja
- .
: , i -
I f t ! upbyasufficiierit'-f cecIf ublio a nt1iment for the'Legislature, to replace Aov. Mr. father lefb.-Mr, Donald McKellar's fine v1s
, I , I t . There has been nothing of mhterial inter- . r, 1
I -
. . to make its enforce, ant at least r6a se to the editor 1, and pro-
, ; 3t I
I i 1. 94nably Harty. , Mr. Pen residence is now receiving the -finishing elo
, - I . . I I . I
I I : Get ranspire in the Legiilature during the I .
;_ I
I . itj , touches, and pres6ts a ,very fine 'appearance. the
. , r probab le. adhig -
- - fi - , For exa, P16,itapposilig Hetor f the Kingston W big, t 0 Is
- " , - weelk. Business is unusually well advanced . I I . -
4 : Mr. ;I/Ickellow has now one Ing
;. .
, ' of the finest
--,-. t ' Ondum should provide'th4b a pr hi itory Liberal &per In eastern Canada. He i I 'p. -Before this r
,;! , for this stage of the session. Several Gov- , I I 'a a houses in eache.5 Ing
-4 A I . I the toWnshi
-! - law coi ne into -oper tioa if ! Mai ri f the god In n ; will make a trong an popular
%I '30 T 4 ourroadersonecof ourycolongbacholors will for
;! ; ernment bills have been introdueedand put I
1. ii' I ' c ndida -a and is sure of election. ' Toe nOm- have, taken to himself a life partner.
; I . votes o %at are in its favor, and the elector- !
. ! 41 1, thr6ugh th 3ir- first steps ; the public ac. . ' i .
. ; i ation ashes fixed for the NbWinst., and THAT STEWt.RT CiksE.-Why did
. I n f
'! . ate should prove so Indifferent to ,,hel ques-, u ' n'b the Rli
J ; e)unts for the past year have been distrib. : . ne, w k
: f: . I I the election, if there be O' I ill t : 0 a Place correspondent who wrote in behalf of Joseph see
I . tion that only hal of thel, available vote one we k later. I ,
' 7 nted, and the estimates for the current year . i : 'ore last send in the Mr
I 11
- . I I e! I -- ; , Speare, the week bef. 11 t
,11 I - were FoUed, surel no, saVo person w,oulo 1 -4 retraction he speaks of instead of the article- 4iho
-1. tibled. The budget speech was delivered Y1 . !Sir Wilfrid Laurier, who was oc fined to he wrote, that the public might! judge for we]
I r - nay that a law thual brought' into iopetation .
. 1: I 0 ons sion ther con. t I I
; i n Wednesday, and the die ;
I his resi ence for several da 7 ' by I a severe itself ? As to the ha
li, , - I could lie ,exifo oed.'l In order to pr,ovida . I I I Y" i .rnesE taieselii they, did Qu
'2 will likely be finished this week. There is I . i I cold, wi deny having origiriateld or having circulated att
. or
against this dang is sufficiently recovered to ! attend a
til _; '' ; , 'theref re, it Wo Id be that he stole an Th
i no word yet of what action the Government : y such'thing, 'but they also
I ' r f .meetineof the Cabinet con Me day. JA .
; -, - I a on the prohibition ques- uecessa y for the f,erenduin to speci y the . I stated they were short in the payment of ple
. . proposes to tak proportior - , to hat 'Must a pol- despatch iaSs : " He wisely took a oover d their creamery account, and they still main. ma
. l kof thewhblevo . I
I -- 1 tion, but the seciret will likely come out be. I - ' '
,:: I -.
I . sleigh coming and g,! and thus saved 1,tain,they are -short and are prepared to our
-1 . I led to m ke it effective. Wh ttbispioportion _ goin ' I ' i .
-z i .
. f ;
t - I fore long, The Government were waited on
.. I . I I himself from exposure on end of Z coldest take their affidavits to this. Mr. Spear'o's the
. -
I - . I
j 1 -- . should a, it is som;what diffioulb tie 3eter elicitor wanted the party acting in Mr. and eve
I T ,this week by another large temperance - I . . days yet expet ienced this winter., Usually
. .- r . I I I
I , mini , law nowprovides that fot certain the Premier walk's to and be alfto pay him $10, being ban
i r I deputation, and also by an immense depata. 11* I from lifirrifisf,clepce Ms. Stewart's
i ,, I
- k , - 85 for himself and 85 for Mr. Bobier but occ
t 17 - Mon 4aws of Municipalities, w ro a or i ides ion the streetcar. "Rewil V
t - tion representing the Licensed Vicitualers, ey I I . .1 have te agreed to take $5,i Wbich could b applied to Fra
P . - exe I I
,-A , vote of t, a property owner is rec ui ad to roise care for some little, ti me yet,
1,; . but while both received a very patient and I I either Iiii or Mr Bobier's ac unt. To Is&
i -t'. , - make t m effective, t I *t two-thi ds of , especially during the : prevalli cold 11 .
, - , - - - : courteous hearing, neither were given much 4 i weather." . P9 prevent taking MO. Stewart, wh .i3 an old Dal
F` 4- :, - ist b:a' olled, aril that G I I . I woman of niearly 80 years of age, nto courf, Me
, E,;. i ' the avai 'able vote MI. c - i
,I 1 ., 6,4. satisfaction as to the future. The first in , - xid summoning necessary w Was as, ad in our]
, ' , I- the majority of the vote . .
t 11 - I . s ca,b be in lialtOr Ot The writ for the bye-electi i a
I : timation of theintentione of the Govern
I i ., - I . , I I lon 'I fill t the interests of peace in general, the party last
- ,
, I ; 4 w. Surely a pro
- , " I the by hiaitory liaw is of West, for the House of Commons, !;o he
I -
, ir., I . ment will, no doubt, be made to the Legis. . soting for the Stewarts paiJ $5 out of his gam
C ' . I I I
, .
. 1 i lature. . I a i
- .1 - 9 mnoh importance as a munioipal by-law vacancy oaused by the death of Hen.:& R. Do - own pocket.. Mk.' and Mrs. Stewart would one
. 4 - . . . . I
Pj I
1 w inourrin a, debt of a few thousand d cylla: much sooner have, the matter v ired in court pla
" -1. it , , Nomination t as lace
Y4, .. I ii.. 4 impression to be made will
- - I .
wkl - t 1' than allow any w
t= UL: z Manitoba, Ontario and on a mu icipality. It shoulitt not, ther forks, on January 29bh and polling on . a ruar I
; ..
- U I regareing their v ?alacgity and integrity, and bini
-1 I t I be cons' ered lunreasonablel thab at least 5th. This bye -election in North Ox' r will they would o onl er
il, - ; Prohibition. b too glad to have -the th
- I
. : I t I -- I .
I -
;- . There seems to be a good deal of excite- equal p eca-utions should be taken I the 'be held o'n-ithe same day. This el otion is' .
. . - ; matter brought before any court to have it vill
I , 9 i saary on accou thoroughly in Arn
. vestigated.-CoAr. ED, NOTE
- . ment in Manitoba over the prohibiiion one case a in the other. I 'L*, two-thir a or made nece ntl of H6 . James ,
; I ! Suther
I- . i question. A meeting of the Manitoba Branch three-fourths of the availabl) voter of the land, member for that cons ituency, -The retract ion was sent in with the article, Mon
Z .
r- I * ihaviDg been appointed Min'ister of Malice of two weeks ago but as it was more of the tive
" of the Dominion Alliance was held in Win. Province were required to re,=d their votes :
r ' I ' ;and Fisheries, in .9trooession to Mr ,Davis. nature of an advertisement than of local mov
r - olud a ma'urity of the votes, cast t, is
'r : nipeg a tow days ago, and judging from all ' 9 "I ; Aa a consequence he has again.to a peal to interest, it was no'b inserted. Our adver- side
. .
I mperate -
, accountsib was anything but a tie' favor of t a prohibitory law, it would :)b as the electors. tiging columns are always' open for such Me]
: -
:- I I .. .!
t I 7 I -- ! M if the parties wish Pat
I . meeting. A demand had previously. been much of a safeguard as would be required, : , atter, i Jt published.
-S I ! .
I , I . : I and a law brought into existmee by s dh a The resialts of the Dominion bye -elections MMEEEW . I the
1. -. : made on Premier Roblin for a, declaration of . Ing
i ; ; the position of his Government on the Pro- vote would be eroforceable, I and it would lastweekshow that the taurier 13overn- xeter. the
, I
: - . 1 ; avdr a! suffi conler-1 ment still holds a strong plice in the affec.
B I bibition question. have in ita f oitnb prep d ., J. G. STANBURT, B. A.,' (late with Me. cele
f He resp9nded by a T . ] .
i . I hy, Oster & Co., Torontoj' Barrister, Convey. beer
N . ence of pablic edppoir. ' I it can to lb be' tinons and confidence of the p
written htatement to the effect that before if : 0 ple of C*rt
I I I I I I anoer, Notary. mone to loan. ofuces lately 00-- Les
I secured in this it is i st Canada They hold their 'own in Quebec %pled.by Collins & ktanbury, over O'Neil's Bank, W a
. I , the actwotild be pat into force it -would be - wayi, ,the very ,be * e
I I i I a
. , . . I evidence that the peco' !a ar6 not prep,r%redl land gain Rround in Ontario. With fill their ter Ont. 1684-tf
submibtod as a referendum for the ondorsa- p . in t
- : I - I ANTNUAL MEETI W'.—The annual m6eting
I ; tioa of 06 people. This announcement was for it and we would his: better without i ' I faults we love them still. They RISD Show Mrs
; '
. . - . . I "I in contrast the entire demoraliged . condition .of Caven Presbyterian churcili 'was hold on
I or i -
; .
i I i receive&,,with very marked clemonstrations For their own protect ion, it tor no I of the Conservative party both in Quebec Tuesday evening, 14bh inst. The meeting that
-. I -Z I 'Detr
1. I i was one of the beAt in the history of the --
I of difiappro-ral. The Attorney -General and I reason, the Legislature, i6respective of and Ontario. That party needs 'race netrue.
. ; I it oongr the
I I; t tiOn from the bottom upwards. b egation, the 1' attendance being the fully
I another member of the Government'attended R;party, sh Id see that these irecautionE are: ore
i, i . I . amounts to anything again, larges,, and the total amount of money
. , I taken. If the law is ado 'ad, no `M tter i .
the meeting, to make further explanations, p I I -- I . raised, viz.,, S1,85d, being th6 highest ; $256
1: J, I I
1 i i but the meeting refused them * hearing and I under -what ciircumstan'Q o, t e!brunt of en. i Hon, lamers Sutherland, of Oxford, has Of this amount was given to mijasions and
. .
t i , 1 they were not -allowed to speak. After a ' foreement will fall, upon the Governme" chatrity. The follo 'ing offlaers were elected :
! ; It, been appointed Miniiter of Marine and
I 'I A G. Zanbury, W. D. Weekes, A
- i volley of very fiery speeches and much dis-, whichever party roay be in power at the Fisheries in the Dominion Oabinet is sue- R. S. Lang and I Is,
" : . f wil
, i med- Jackell ; treasurer, at th
- ?
I order, wh'ch the chairman was. unable to I time, and the oppr9brium of failure will ceesor to 'Hon. Mr. Davis, who boa been James Murray; S 1. retary, Jos,
i I i . I I aph 86-Wor ;
. .
1, control, resolutions were passed. str also rest',0111 them, and the Governmont no auditors, Dr. Amo an OB
- - I I . congly I " made a judge. This *ill neces3ita a Mr. ushers, G. Do d G. A. K. McLeod; Kipl
k ; d " the proposed course' of the matter hiow zsalous tftey Q w and W. Muir.
I' I con amni c , y be, can. not Stitherla y the I
,Icg nd's re-election but that wi I cool
. . i , - ' be a matter of form as he " will Ii ely be BR=s.—Mr. . tn. Snall, liveryman, was
. r .1 . i Gover t ; demanding ibat the law as secure the enforeementi, or ol servance f a
n I
I I I elected by acclamation. Mr. Suthe land threatened with an attack of fever, but ii Stan
. declared c natitutional by the Privy Council I law that J not suppo 1ted bir and has the is ; age o
1 I I 0 1 r . not, a statesman of very great briffliaicy but -now reported on ihe mend.—Mre. (Rev.)
F - asta ajoritt of tbepecple. he is a good bugideas man and usuallyloarries Down, of Carnbor e, who has been visiting son N
- 1 I be put into force at once, and also binding 11 sympithy,of at le I Mrp. Charles Tom, has loch,
-1 I i themigelvel, in the event of a referendum, not : So that under all ciroutnfitanci s, anil _ a level he4d. I her parents, Mr. a
- 1, : profil t
I 7 . t I -- ! retdroed home. — 1 a E)ceter cemetery board ento
I to tDke a I part ia the proceedings. Thus - ing by the experience ia Manitoba, we I ave ' 3 - ye4
I Ily have -decided to erG t a brick cottage for the
I . I the matter stands at -khe present time. no hesimtibn in saying that the befit method The Toronto Globe of Monday, J nuairy caretaker. —Rentab a houses are very scat 4 town
. I
I I ; . - - 119th, 1852, contains the following : "A ce W" -
. . i While the! temperance people of Manitoba of F-ettling he great p lobibiti)n-ques',,io4 -in , in Exeter, and th demand- seems to ,,be
: i woman has been tried and 0D.Dvicted n Vir.- cinibe large.—Mrs. :Dr.) Eastwood, of Whit. coun
have someicaufie, for annoTance at the course &bid ,
this Provi cie is by a referendum vot e ;
I ,
. , . I ) I giiiia,for teaohlng a slave to read the 11 Bible, by, is the guest of ]ter daughter, Mrs. J. 0. of St
their Government proposIbs to pursue, they that the re erendum should uire t at I I at I
11 . I I - Stabbury.—Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Heaman, until
I and sentenced to two - are' Imprid6nment mail
.L. i are acting foolishly in allowing themselves I I a Y's t
. least two -t irds of the vadl% vote of the - and Miss G. Hicks, Attended the Lotus Club -
I I . I in the p3Litentiary. According t& Oe - in- ball at London o4 Friday last.—A large he w
! to become, Bo'excited, and they would act : Prcwinca-b polled, and that majo itY at dictment she, not having the fear ' staun
11 I -
of God number fro ' here' attended the Thame's
; SM. i least of th votes polled
. ' I more Ifoolisbly if. they refrained from should be in favor before her eyes, but moved and ins m .
0 - i I , &Is that all rea - . igated Road tea meeting Monday evening.— 1859,
. .7 -
7 taking any'part in the contest that would of the law. We are sure . by the 4eLvil, wickedly and Malicioual and Revs. MeEsrs. Martin and Millyard ex who
if the Government pursue the sonable, s3 sible people, if the feloniously did teach a negro woman rea . to th
1i i course will t! Y nd changed- pulpite'lut Sabbath morning.—
r , tb Bible, to the great displeasure )f Al " of th
'i , dispassionmely consider the q estion I i A couple of. loads Of Young people drove
'. - they, at present propose. If they will act M al mighty God." Thia soun'dis very mu ih like here from Hensall tn the rink on Friday famil
. - i : I ' I beyo
i .
r 'I like rational and meneible people, they will its bqaring I, and with a deE ire. that ithe blasphemy to readers of the present day. oing.—Ancither'bfExeter's octogenarians,
I I -
I , .
I I I eve
i I V 0 t
1 - WM . town
* , ,
, ,
- T I
4 I
-- by Miss 01
1`1 I
h tie
0 ?t I
h 11, J
- ,
4 1
'i, i , C
'i, I ,
bV h
t h , 11 10,
I ,I
I .I
E a I
I 1r, I i
" ` f
rI 3t -e, ki
T ,'
, r
b b 6
pub forth heir s',rongest efforts to carry greateait good should be accomplished, ' ,11 But It shows the bange in public sen ,imen in the person of RA'ehar*d Young, died on
. . ; 1 in I a than half a century. The great prob- Allier
arrive at the name conclusion. i . '08
prohibition. under the referendum, and then . I . I I I , Sunday and was buried here on Tuesday,— . Tho
it they wish to punish. the Government for I lem in the Southern States now is, not how best The Masons opened their new lodge rooms in Lo
I ; to keep the negro in ignorance but how ean in Fibt6n's block, on Monday nighb.—Ten of
; not carrying out their pledges to them, A Matter That Needs '.Wamediate he be m(-st quickly, practical I ly and effectu-
. : I Attention. - I Exeterilodge, L 0. 0. F. -drove over to reoid
. , -
: t ey- will have ample op.porbur,ity of eqaar- I ally educated and made a g6od, useful ana. Mitohe1Il Friday, to join in the resuscitation or' M
;. It is aa -D that steps are to be taken , at j he intelligent citize-In. It i a not in the real * .
Ing mocounts vnth them afterwards: That M, of Mitobell Iodize. They feport a Lyood t'ery
.. i - UP I_: I I nf an;a A 4 I
. ;. approac ng sesilion or u a ;tjo M- aven ikon a cone that ,
wou ld be the frennible course to pursue, but . Vo inion rarlia. ,nark9d time. :Miss- He man, of London is the "'- t
i , I as boa beewbaoide during the I%tt r half 9 cease
; ment to ret eve the Be eli in its varibus . . guest of Mrs. James Pickard.' -Wo are sorry
I the 0,t!her is, ichildifib. 6, =last century. I . - . their
grades of tf a judges ion a . to report that Harry L%mbrook, who fell on
i wb, , 13count cof !in. `1` -
, - thesidewalksome five weeks ago,.is still .
The position in. Manitoba is con. iderably with
firmitig'acif old age or ' other caules, li ve We notice that the Legislature ip I being confined to his room, with.an injured hip.-. !incer
i -
I different from what it is in Ontarlo. In become1l in icompetent a di -obarge tlieir inundated with' Prohibition petibio s each Mrs-. Perdue, who recently became the wife in the
I .
I ,
Manitoba the question was decided directly duties.' It loss seem str I ige i hat any 8 ch sitting there is a new shower., It is pity of ex-Mavor Rumball, of London, is a sister MA
' by the people.. At the general election the I " .. Janus. action sbcouA be neces'a of Mral Dan Dyer, late of Exieter.-Mlas
i leader of cone of the political parties made 4 - one wo.41d there shouid be, so mach wast1d and place
i , naturall 1111i.l,- ch.c ^ , . A; - #- A CC- - 4.1- m's' Jewell,':of Bowmanville, is, the guest of
. , I I prohibition, a, leading plank in Li3 platform ; I .7 Fu 0ons yosses8ing We If V V VT -L as ago petabions reprusent. sister, Mrs. N. Cobbledick.-Mr. J. V when
1 gifts aAA graces, including cd,mmon satise, those getting them up could only realize Ross halfi sold his stock of merchandise to was I
that plank was unanimously adopted by his I
supposed to be possessed, !by 'entlemen !,Oc-' how little ' ood -they do, they would a Mr. T. Q. Hariton, of ,Shipka, for 40 cents Brow
f party ; he sippeal d directly to, the people I 9 9 caircely . I
4 ! 10 I cupying such positio I I , on the dollar and has leased his store to the was p
. : on it, arid announced his determiciation to n4l wog' d natur4'11y- waste the time and effort necessary. The same giiintleman fot a year. Mr - Rose ad by
- ! ' the br
I : at I e*l, om posit, one, 'tbe duties i of title of eadh petition is read in the LEgiela- moved his family to Chatham on Wedned-
: ,
, stand or fall by it. The people took him ; ii . l tute by thb member who receives it; it is I . tives E
I I whiah they must know t ey are iacompet' I day.-A7iss Florence Bawden, of Lucan
his word, and he was returned by an over- noted by the clerk; is plaaed in a, ,t aaket been a g I has At six
, I . eat to perform efficientt . But it seelm uesb at Mr. William Bawden'f% - parlor
hajori y. I I 0 arid oartedi off to the lower regiops where it Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bowerman, of Willow
1 whelining ' it The party whici -, in that in this instance the ood sense requi -ed remains until the close of the session and Cit
. ( I - I y Dakota are visiting friends in town.- playe
, '; the previou Legislature, h3ld three-fourths to recognjz3 ofte's own frailties is laekil?g. theo the Whole lot of them are burn 3d in and to
: of the seats,1 was almost wiped oat Mr. ohn Wood, cattle buyer, had ,& olr,sB
. ' of exist- I On this ou ject the Glu" of 'Tuesday 16,fib the furnacO - They have no more infl Lience call ' last week. - He was shipping cattle evergr
, ance, and t4e leader was returned with only I i I upon the 1;nembers thiiin so much vaste in wh
; i I
. I saye : . I I fromtiExeter station and attempted to jump.
14' three or font supporters. 1' I I . papor. Itthese petitioners want to have
Such a turn -over 11, on ai car while it was moving, but his foot carrlei
: was scarcel Some P1 a of dealing with iudges who their case eard in the Legislature they ... hyacin
! I . ever known in any country. are iucapac, tated by ago or other infirmi,`ty m6ot get & the indivi'dual member in their alipped,and he was dragged for some dicii;
q The new L , . I . tance bintil the conductor saw his -position extend
! . gi4lature, at its first meeting, from performing t t seems to be own conatiituency. T-hati is the plac ro(
. . iheir d ) ies ' e to and stopped the train. -Mr. '
reccognized, t. ,e fiat of t1le pe ' - called for. Et iii unplea,so, t to hav t ' William Stan. Ing
. ople, by p a 9 rel W make the it pressicon. If they can s oure breakf
. a law as proi .ibitory as it was suppos ""og I to these me tters, but del icacy ought not to sufficient power in this way they will goo . like, blAcksmith, employed with James Dig. tly
nan, has secured a similar position in Hen. 008
', ad the be carried ad far as to 0 uiaten%nee serious notice a movement in the Legislature. Pen- gall. I estee
, -1 I I 0
1 The law has injustice to litig4uts, and to members of the titions won't do it and thoset who go few he
constitntioni woVId permit., t ,
; now been de:' lared valid by the highest legal bar who'A're hampered i I t them I
I n in the dischargo of upandsenq them in are simply wasting . couple
'tribunal in t1he land, and there is no reason- their duty to their clie its. We have the their time. i A deputation directly to the Iffensaff. smith,
. 3 ' I
well known ease of a jddge4ho is deaf. memberis*ortha deal more than allthe Have' a look, groat bargains. Having Guests
able and just excuse why it s'iould not be There is a c I purchased the harness budC1038 from Mr. H. ianoo i,
. c unty judgem he is !deaf, who 1s petitions that could be framed. I I atn going'to sell at o st for the next 80 days Ha- and Po
,put in force by the representatives of the 83 years ol age, and' Whose j memory I ' . i - 11030, Robes, Blankets, Whips, Rugs, Bells. Come NOT
people, who were placed in the positions might be a,, pecited, is 8. ' I and exi
I 0 - ricously impsire ',' There were stormy scenes during th big DWino goods before purch&;Tng elsewhero, as pasti w
: i h P, do'hr saved is a dollar maile. Also a fine lot of lage. -
tiley now occupy, for that very purpose, and w o by he time a ca so is iniabed has mass meetin that marked the. close of the beautiful cutters and elsighs, which cannot be sur.
. for o6ten w iat was sai at t4e beg' i 9 .
9 q inning. - paased In the county. - Will bo sold very cheap, come manito
11"o do.not thinkthe Manitoba politicians Th Dominion Alliance Convention, at Winni. .
. rae other jadqes have! as 3ed or are i'neor an(k Bee Nr yourEelves.
and people weL t about the business in tb,a I IV. J. Miller, Heagal). this vi
,i t the age 'of eighty years and ought to be peg, last Friday night. The church was ,I - 1773-tf
. I I Dayme
'beat and safest way, but having taken the !uperaunuat(d. Another Gmew at yo '- I LOCAL BRIEFS, -Ytr.
r . I bge r, crowded to the doors, and many were. st and- William Geiger, return
action they did, they should now abide by 18 Partly Par lynid- - Aribither rs, 8.0 OfflLoted i near the door. The Governmen ' . second son of Mr. Owen Nger, left here on old frie
: - Wit th paraly& s th9b for a long time h deputy ing . t, in a Wednesday to attend the Mal school at visit. -
this results. . or
' ; blin, the Premie , London.' Mr. J. Sutherland is having an a visit I
has dischargi A his cluties."11 . letter from Ron. Air, Ro -;_
, . I I - I
- , In Ontario there has been no such man- The' definitely reiterated that the iron veri%ndah put up in front of the post for the
- . t this is an exact portr,'ayal of the . policy 1ey
4ate- given by the people. A plf,Li;clte Eituation ev ry person aequaiAed witli Would pursue was to submit the liquor act office.Mis Bessi,ij Kemp i3 in Elimville home g
' the
i aid M
. toareferendum andlet, the people-dEcide .1
Vote on the abstract question wail taken visiting 'Re . and Mrs. Waddell.-Mr.A. b
I 2 circumstances knows. In fact, h MoK has moved into Mr. W. Mo. past fe
nine or ten- years- ago,,I and a vote on more might . . , very no the fate of the act. When this letter was 2
' be said. This ii a, sta * Oloy'erbr7ck block and has opened up a shop Clinton
I r But affairs whi' i I C a
Dominion plohibition since then. read cri s of derision resounded: through the for the manufacture and sale of horse critical
I . ch is inexcusable and!sbould ha`e church ; even hisses were beard. Mr. 1141
i v -
rs,.e a. -Miss Blatohford, of London, will be
on neither of these 'would the Government been remedied long ago. It is, also, all the lock, the chairman, said that the Govern. .
. 2 colla
or Legislature be-juatified ' . I i is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Blatch- Ing nice
i in passing a law more , inexcu isible. in view' of t e fact 1th4t. . ment were 'iwilling that Attorpey-Ger rd. -Mr. James Beverley, recentl Zurich,
. oueh as the recient decision will permit them pb "d Mr. Aikens should a& ress Y of
I i - every one , Cam all I
to do. I _,of these. incompetent offibials the meeting.and explain furthlar-Ah6 pit Exeter, and formerly of Heneall, has pur- friends
have been on, oying Jib I iture and undertaking busi-
- , eral salaries for rrian'y of theGovernment. Fromal arts of the also Cal
I r !
I Both partics, both the temperance and years, ai,d c U, t ness in Brantford. -Mr. John Short is visit- craft '
liquor i heir' retirement now the' charoh - cries of dissent- welep heard, an I - MeGillivary township, -Dr. Miss I M
atergat, would,we fancy,be satis. will receive i -a allowan , Y' finally amotion thattfici Attorney-Gerieral in
Ce,which should keep , 8 eg, I ebriy's 13 0 ad the entertainment given Lily Pa
. fied with a roferendam, vote in Ontario. Ab them in comfortable circ:umata*Aces as Ion$ be heard was voted down, 600. to 7. Fier by the H ;Itt,seia
.. I I Y 'bly C tY Company, in Seaforth, on were
i speeches followed from Iaadinkdel gates land ', vh
leaat noriff-w4uld seriously oppose it, except, a,s they liv I They are. not Thursday evening of last week, in which Roberb*
j therafore ministers, who charged the Roblin Govern- 4
. perhaps, some few who are* more political objects of syl -pathy in an' reep 6t in so fal ment with iineincerity and lack of courage Company i Professor Bedford, recently pre-
- .. I I Y a r London
t1ban prohibition, aud who might think as- their peou i . , . I to carry oub laws they , had placed on the n resbyterian church, came to
- ' 0 niary eirou stances are I Hensall, 1takes a leading part. -Quite a -MiEs
. i a . statute biooius. A reecolution was firally .
they. could g in a party advantage by op- earned. People in most walks ! f life passed' . is this m
ID number 'of our villagers, both adults and
z . tol"le , setting forth the dissatisfactio I of I uveniles,
-.at course be no such provision made for them when , in. ple, and resolving ;hat . have been suffering from
Poising a referendum, should tl .,
I . I
I 1. I -- the and M,
j effects of, vaccination, and thiii,k the cure -Mrs.
I a,dopted by the Government. The real firmity. coverlakos them. ! They
i have t 'de- the temperance people spurn the referenit um
' Imost as bad as the diiease.
i 0,
question of diifference, therefore, in Ontario and refrain from polling t -Mr. James Ing Lapfln
I . . I I pend upon the savings of their prosperous I heir votes on the apetty w
I soems. to be t ai character of the referendum, years or suff ..,r the cons( : I question. ; . as in London this week. -Mr. brother,
. ,quences'. BuCifor I — -- Arthur McAllister left here this week to friends,
attend -Miss
o the vote required to b Ing it into opera. the retired -the 6ountry lmakes lib- - One eveq ing lately the ebo'irs Of Monk, Brown, o Egmondville, was.in the villa Monday
are so ,fudges, ' l(the Normal at London. Gregor
I t I I when ton and Sb.f Paul's church, Logan, met at recently ,visitino Miss Robertson. -M gb
I . t4com There' . 1 ary enthusiasti-3 eral provision. Their case, therefore, `[
- v
' i iis ray goei
t mperanca people who seem to think If a t bey are required to the imansle, -
- - , I 1. - step Acown and out Is in' Monkton, and sn ery Sheffer returned home fro' London, on London.
,$ m
ohibitory I#i6w were isimoted. their aii I !enjoyable eiii-ening with Rev. iJ. Abrey. in Monday. -.1mr,Q. F. Ra,e aiud family have I ladies, a
r pi M nob a hard one, and if t'h6Ir!ge'nse of I
w uld be a ccimplished i and everything 1. ' ro" sool l chat, games and- mupic. Do the -returned-;from Oil Springs
i priety does rot ,,'induce t And vicinity, anyt inf
i i - i the I evening Mr. Abray was called into ring .
- r I . , the I oar. . where th y had been spending a
i i I , I . I ! -- -- I We wit
I I . . i
I ".. I . I i
i I I I !
. I' 1. : . ; .
I I - I I I I
i I
: : : I
. I ; I .
i I i 71 . .
i i - . i I
i I . I i - I -
I -
I., I
1, I . . . I . I !
7 . I :
i I I ! .
1 T ;
! , I I I I
I 11 I I .
f I I i . I
, i, , i
I I I . .
; . I i, I ; -
I I . I
I . I . I i . i .
I I f I 11 : : I r
:-,, - ! I I i !
. i
. I i
i i 1: i ! :
1 1 i ! .
Z I I p
, : : .
I !
. : -
4 , - , i i !
i i I I
I I I ;
- I I ;!.,- , I .- I 11-1
1 .
- .. , - -- -1 f
. - ! I . - . i
. . . I I I : - . I
- . -it. I I - - . . -
I . : I . . . . h , : I I . i . I
I . -
Z ! I I I . i
- I I - I -
I - I .
I 11
, ! - - . . I
. i .1
. i - .1 -- . I
. I I -
- . : - - ! ,
I . : - . : JANVARY 14 19"M -
. -1 i . I - .
- - I I 1.
i ,, I I -- I I .. .-!, . ------ZW ;
L . - . I I
I rola4vefi and friends.L-Mr. Geory - .
T , . . .
i .
it -has returned irom Lucan.-Mr. . . i .11 -"
r,y this week pumbased a fine 3eyear-cold BUTCHER I . 11 .1
i I
in . . .
( g, sited by Ki burn, from Mr. Francis I . I I i I ,
1, omen, of near Hills Green, for which he . I I I I
, .
a the handsome sum of ' $200.- 1 Gave a,cattle buyer $100, and told him tol' buy 100 hea,l 0-- .
, . . ,
. "h for jg eep,
. and M e. Thomas Nicholls, of Brussels, 11 to pay $5 each for cattle, $3 eae *
1 \ stocks !Xd 50c euh
1 ierly o Chiselhurst, were in the village 1. ? : .
. 4 - I ,
- f I I
a week renewing acquaintances. -The or pigs. How many of each did he buy' !
ion - I 1
vy firr a of MrP7 B. Roggarth will re- I ! . . m I
I w
. :
. w would like to publish the answer next week, if you 6 an *ork it o I I
t to lea n that she in and has been very V, 7 - i ut. 'Try ' .
1 1 1 1,
I -
I . .
iDUsIY il during the past week. -Rev. it, and send in youir au,swer by Tuesday. :i :
I - I -
; ;
" 1. Lon has su cientl race ered from . I .
I j, ;
I . ,&.& .& I& 011i : . I
ate ill4ese to pe mit of his tkf' '001koft~ I . I
' . - - - - - - - - i I I I
7egalarl work again. -Mr'. J. H. as - - I I I
I - I I
I daughter, who went to Manitoba a If you have a cold or cough, get a bo,ttle' of 11-i 4
. I i ,
)le of years ago, intend returning to our . ; I . w
- .. -
. -
.: i
lage in the near fiiiituie. We like to see ;
I .
-- -
I -B UM- A ND - I C UBEBS9 I -1
rekide ts raturning, as they yery fre. . i
- 5 i
atly d It speaks well for Ahe place. : ,
0 1 ' !- -
and Aa no Beek'4 !, The best rein'edy known for chasing a caugli or;COIA1 biat Of the ,jr otlem, -.1
. 0 i I :
i sad to ee them back again in Heneall.- 1 ti
I -
. Otireh like muic lon of ivoice, hoarseness . !A
a Murray, bf Chic ' , who has been in I : D I 4i0luch'itis w3thin: I
age I , 1 4, son- i . .
, I q , ,, ,
_ A
I ka sind,e the death of her sister, Mrs. ness of the chest or lungs. This remedy is ve y hig,hly'recommend,54 . .
es Han4n, w ir thevillage this week, I i j-
; I
. !
111, I by those w1to have tried -it. Large bottleB 50 trial size 15e. . .
i Ing M ir . Sheffe and family. -The liach- . . 04 - I I
. I I
- I i 7
r 3 of Helinall have issued invitations for ! I . , - .,
; i ;i:
i r annua assembly for this (Friday) even- I : 1i -.1
I .
I 11 a . z
. , -
'. in Millbr's opero,hall.. They are @par- U Vst I A
-, I I i
I r . i
- .
no pain so to make it enjoyable . , 9 i
L- V. FEAR the D -
i Z
)hose a en ing.- Mrs. Sheffer has die- . I I : I
. . . i I I j
ied of he restauri tit business here to Mr. . I I I J I
- . I I .
, iard Sp are, of Iii'ireter, who takes pos- ' . i .
. i .
son abo t the mii Idle or mit month. - SIMI . Vo --RT - .
' ! I
. C. A. L&Donel. and obildren so.-i-ved I - - — . 1 I - - I I
a from Forest t its '-week, where they . . i 1 . I I I
I . I I .
. .
3 spenoi6g a month with her parents. -y Balf ur visited Exeter friends this week.- Durbam county, i4-tbe 1year 1847, she walff ,
fte a number from Sionforth and' Clinton Rev J. H. - MaoVicar, B. A,, of Fergus, son married,to her now ber*'f-t partner about - 1
25 -.
ended the ciarnival hold in our rink on of ev. Principal MaoVicar, of the Presby- years ago, and five Yeazile later they
ursday e'vening of last week. The terian College, Montreal, I will conduct anni- to lot 31' i4th -co cose I on of Mc removed -
. . . 0 Killops on I -
asare of the e3 ening was somewhat vershryservices in St. Andrew's church, which place Bhwb sin e then resided. Al. :
rred owi n accident having oa. K' an, on February 23rd. Mr. M-ao'viear though she has be ' enjoyi,og v .
t 9 to , . no an ery goeig :
red at a elect to light plant, causing WL I so a a on e following Monday even- heftlth for some ti e. no one -thoug
lights to go on t an early hour in the Ing (in " The sign boards of old Londip n." end was so near, ... ad -Were indeed pained
. :
ning. . he atte dance was fair, and the Rev. M. C. McLennan, with his elder, Air. and surprised to 8 r at a he had died it I
d, added, much o the pleasure of the McE ay, on Tuesday last, attended I
. - . , the two o'clock .Sunda 7 ln rning. ,She leaves, I ,
a3iou. 3 a 'half mile race was won by Presbytery meeting at Blyth'.-Revt' and besides her bereft ind ebrrowing bueband,a -
i & Me regor," a d the two mile race by Mrs.- MclAnnan, on Monday evening, St. family Of five iscons ?,nd three daught .
I ers, who - ,
a3 Boo nau.-Mrs. Wm. Lee, of tend dthe tea meeting at Thames I Road, will miss an affecti(natei mother's kindly care - ' .
As, is % isiti og her sisteir, Mrs. - D. B. whi they s%y was a grand success in every and counsel, Mrs. W.Lauglilinwas a kind
lean, of Tuckeramith'.-Two .cof our reap eb.-On the invitation of Mr.an'id Mrs. and'obliging neighbor aild a meraboraf .the
ng riaks pla ad in London on Monday R. .F. Bell, the families of Rev. Mrii , Me- Pr isbyterian church. 1: The f ne, I - :
Y - .a toi t,Wk I
With t 0 tin a from Embro. The Lennan, Mr. and Mrs. George MoKa , and
, _
I 1) . X place from her late residence.ji on Tuesdv - J
- 7
was qu a an iritereatiog and exciting Rev. and Mrs. Sewers, of Brucefield, on afternoon, the sery ces befixg cond :' "
acted- 14 1 . I
, resultin in a defeat for the home Tuesday evening, assembled at their , Ieas- her pastor, Rev. A a
. A
. M Wak after which -th. - 4
7 ars by ly two Ahots.-Mr. Wrn, Col- ant Itome *and partook of their hospl ality, remains were taken to; Brussels cemetery -
' ., . I i
was in oGilfii;,ary this week com. IV t form of an appetizing supper. !Upon The funeral proeesfiian was exceptio t, t
iroe s wi 0 9 am in which a
i g bus* *th a visit with relatives the arrival of the gueste, they wbre a ihered lar a, ..which shows the oste I
1 ,.-Mips' DeLycn, of Durham, is in the into the drawing room w claoisasedwas held by , 1
, here a few pleasant Ithose who had -the I
age renewing acq usi atances. -Mr. F. G. mompnts were spent in conversation', until pleasare pf her aeg aint4noe. I -
. ,
(ld and I family intend moving next supp r was served, when all repaired 0 the 1111111111111111 I I i I 4
-- - ,
b to B ffalo, where they have rela- diniz groom to feast upon the good things - . 1,
hiliev-41e. I ,
ii, Their fri d will regret their re- prov, dad by mine host and his amiable wife. I ;
al from ene i ,- NOTES. -Mr. and Mile. R. King, of Gode-. I -
neal , where they have re. The i ipread was got up in a style that re-. rich, were visitiav relative' --
I fl .
( for man years.-MiEs Maggie , ectod the highest credit upon the i good 0 in Bluevale laeb i ;
3an, of so wee"k.-Mr. F. B., $eottwAs called I
, (eafort ', is visiting the Misses wife pf the house. The remainder olf the , Ton sat : 4
urday last, to thle bedside of I
L. r. -An a, terts nment is to be- given in evening was spent in social conversation and 1, his -aged I
' , I . . mother, Mrs. F. S cott,; oil. Seaforth h -
Wetho is chure'li, on Thursday even- enjoyment and the time passed pleasantly was suffering from A, paralytic at . I W 0 L
lext, h n, in addition to local talent, by until ii late hour, when all repaired to L roke. MTV. , - I
I Ben. S%ulis and chi dren'. of Goderieb '
arvioes of Miss Marian 'Wallace, the their homes, each enjoying that happiness . . . I I I were - I i
viaiting at Mr. J. - I
krated reader and impersonator, have which is always expprienced in well doing. , 110011's last week.-- i
' L Mr. and Mrs. A i
- . I
secured. -Miss Mamie McEwen,- of . . wis Jrvturned on Friday
0001 1 .1 'th relati,vea -at M# I
- . from amoitWa visi wi -
. . 4 1
dbury, kited Miss Jennie Smillie last " , J
h.---mri. iggins, of near Exeter, was . Walton. - , obell. -Mr. and M.r . -R.! N. Duff V-1sitid at i
A Sproatle, Belkra z ;
is villa w I :a, this week.--R-.v. F. I
- , ge .ast week visiting her. mother, NOTES. -Our village dressmakers are en- Swann ' -.
I addressed the yriung peo le of th
. Humi 8tc a. -We are pleased' to learn p i
joyin g a well earned holiday at their respee- Epworth League in the' M th d * . 11
Mr. Alf6d Carlisle, who has been in tive homes. The library, however, will be Wingharnii] on Mon( ay ght.-Rias Bell I -
ott foi so ue yearii, and who attended Ion n ,a a let 1charch
o, Of :
-W. after as usual by- Miss Kelly; on Morris, is visiting 3er -. i
ke - 11
.. I Water MTs. Alex - i
College of pharmacy there, has success, Monday, Wednesday and Fiticlay evenings. McGee. -The Sacra nentl of - i& Lor.d1s. sup.
passed his examination as a d ruggist. -Mr . Will Moorej of Toronto, is vleiting per will be' dispens d jn1l the Preshyterfin I 1
1. - at th home of her Parents, Mr. and AIrr. church on Sunds.3, F41ornary 2ad,-Min- : ,'
. I . R. MeGaviu. '- Miss Jennie McXay of Fluety, of i Wingba n, spent Sunday I
. ,
. I
Kippen. I with . 4
. I Zorral who' has been visiting her sister, her friend, Miss Ma Del Thomas. -Mr. Jack - '
11 .. 1.
Hay, J'o misaiconer and Conveyancer ; Mrs. John Smillie, has -returned home. : We Patterson,.b , ;
11ortgai ea a d deeds I f Glenm arriaois visiting relatives i
drawnup. Money loaned are pleased to state that Amnle, the little in Bluevale and vicinity. -A number of our I I
8 10 -vest -%to of interest. 1740-tf daughter of Mr. Eli McLaughlin, has re- townspeople attended Chris Jobb"s -.sale J 1
I. . 4 tin I
NUARI - Death claimed another of covered from an attack -of diphtheria. -Mr. I Turuberry,:' on Toes lay las%--Cream tepar- J
3n's ol test residents on Friday- last, L. McDonald shipped a choice lot of export store are being mu 3h di scussed just AQW. .
,7th infik, when John Afideraon, of cattle from hereon Mcond& of this week. They form I I
Y a livie topic for ecouverzation,- 4
.1 i
13y, pae sec. to his -eternal rest, at the They 1were purchased by Messrs. Ferguson Air, and Mrs. Gtorg a'King, after living here -. I
- - :
" 72 Ye ire and 7 months. John Ander. and Dames. Mr. and Mrs. James Bolger, so many year -5, b ive decided to move I S
as her i in the year 1829, in Kirktul- of M nitoba, are ab present viraiting ! Mr. . I
Dambartonsbire, Scotland. I want, where they wil I reside with their ton 1
. His par- Bolge is parents and'other relatives in this Alex., of BOisseYfliti; Manitoba. We wish Al
emigrAed to Canada when be w as but vicini y. -A grand ball will be hel:l' in: the the old couple a safe I riney.-The choir -of
],-9 Of age, settling first in Lanark Wor en"s hall', in this village, coa the the M. I othadiati church dr,ove out to jaek- , , I
shi , 04 utR,y of L%nark, afid when he . evening of February 7th. A strong com- oon's one evening lasti Week, where the : I
. I
13 -year cold, the family moved to Huron mitte0have the matter in handi &ndL L
t ,are newly wedded coup -111, Mri.and Mrs. Kersey .
ty and ettlied on lot 5, south- boundary makiog el&4orat.e preparations for % so ,that Jackson, Pleasantlyl emertained theiii.- , I
onley, , ?here he resided continuously a g000 time in in store , for the yoong people Mrs. Watt, from ne4r 'Tor -onto in .
i I'S Visiting I
: MLCI:1
bii death. He was an industrious of vcni . Mr& George- ona;ld,-O,a Tuesday, I
y, I -
and a I rois porous farmer. In religion OBNARY. -Oae by one t o ry 14bb, tbat ,being. the birthday
as a Pr ob *terian; and in politics a of hardy and honest pioneers, whd by their. .. I . - . 11 L . -
ch Ref r er. On the 5th. of March, c . !` Metsi - Edward' and 11
, easeloss toil, have made-thig country what I Josep each, the two geritlemen lgav,e a I a
he Mal le I Miss Franbe Whiteman, it is, 4re crossing that bourne from whO'nce b I I
irt day di ner part to 4 ny,mbe)r of theit, I
him. - Ten childr:n were. born no tra veller e'er returus. The -subject' of relatives rie . .r. w - I --
.. .. ch -
am, ei b of them now living and two this sketch, Mr. Adam Sholdice, 'was born has reached the mat. r'e age of eighty .years 1
3 n pree d ig their father to the great -in thelcounty of Tipperary, Ireland, in the Mud is able to
3 1. L oo back upon the. ups and I
I - --
surviiiiimg members of the' year I'831, and, at the age of 19 ho, with' the downs of life with t, a . I
11 complacency which
3 are ill.am, who resides in moving tide of emmigration,`. Ialino' to well Epent years In istgive'and :which - I
: ". 0 is
a iip ; , ris, Fraser, Mrs. Landon and the pi ovin e of Ontario and settled on 'a denied to these who ire stiiII in the Irridet of
I who reside in Michigan; Mrs. farm, li miles east of EgmondvillO, at that the world's turmo& The ' celebration ,of _- - I
Me onald and Jennie, who rekide time an unbrbken forest, - But b uncess- such an an
Eldon . and Arthur and Clara, I niversary nust bring some.thlItig _ I
who Ing toil and perseverance, con d it from of sadne'lls as well as joy to everyone, but ort ,
3 at heme. The interment took lace I Vert , A
onday. the 20th inst., at Baird' p - a wild,brness into fertile fields. lForty-two tb i a o"ion the hap 3y f slings ,of ,th - I
1. a an 4 J
- I '.
6 came- years ago he was united in marriage to Miss se tabled 'guests put tit".r1on any melaachol '
I The f [no I was an exceedingly large Jane Wlallaee, who, with a family of four reflections onthe are. The eveny
lie friar do ind neighbors' of the da. sons a 'ad, five daughters, survive, to mourn Ing was do Pae 31ng - L I
d turnit g 0 it inlarge numbers to pay voted, to 00 vereation, muFle, --
I kat rem 3ec- a to the dead. We j the 14111- of a loving husband anLd, father. games, etc,, the hostsenc )ding in .making
' oin About'twenty-three years ago Mr.,' 'Sholdice each of their guests ael qui - at honre, and
t iieir mi 6ny friends in tendering our purchased the farm of the the h6a ,a
, .r- f or epar.
I symp kth co the widow'. and-, family MoDoiliald,-and rem L . . sitiOn came.each I
I - oved with his: family to one confessed to hi ming
I . I . had a most ea.
. I
r berei vement. Z . lot 1,1 concession 15, Grey to )yable time, and each ex;pressed heartilies
; - . ship, 1 on J( I I
' RIMON AL -On Wednesd evening, he continued to reside an I I a I wishes for the contin: .
I&I, a very pleasant event took . . i liedhealth and happ-1.
death, which occurred on Frida evening, ness of the Messrs. 14ech. Antiong those
t th IOMP of Mr. and Mrs. IV on, Janualy 17th. Deceased had been in fail- present were : ]Rev. Cfecorge Leech, of To- -1
heir y .un, eat daughter, Miss Bertha, Ing health for some time, _ so that ' the ad ronto ; Mr. James Beech Gorrie ; Rev. F. I -
nite in marriage to Mr. Robert was n . alto ther unexpected. Z So L 'ou VA
. hol- J. and Mrn. Oxten, a 4now;--Mr. Abr,%* .
2 ee, of Tuoikeremith. The ceremony 4
dice w a Ap l much reapected yy friends ham land Miss Flossie -Jackson, Morris I
I ; A
erformod by Rev. G. H. Long, aegis and n hbors. Of sterling worth4 uprjght Mr. Coad and Miss Lottio Coad, of Trow
R - Barpby t-
. . I
.. ev. , brother-in-law of and h est,in-all his dealings, big bridge; Mr. and Mr . A.'Re;mey Jackson,
I %resence of about 40 rela- any ticilie was as good as his bond. ' He -
ide,in -h . word at
ad frileids of the contracting parties. a W48 Mbrris; Revi Franc, a and Mrs. Swann,
at& h C neervative i a politics, although -Mrp. StewsO.Mrs. GE nnet . 6,Mrs. Warder.- .
o'clock th bridal party entered the h a n euvl er a o no .
)n ght for public honors, : and had Mr. and Mrs'. Milton Noteon of
,while th wedding niareh was being I( Ig an a consistent member Mae 4 # I Sanshine*
. of k 'the spent Sunday. at The Stowart's.-Mru- I .
by K!s ophail, of Porter's Hill, F,pisool alian church. On Sunday afternoon, Henderson visited friends in W* ingliam. IsAt , -
ok their p ces beneath a wish -bone of Rev. G " J. Abey preached a fun;r&'l serman week. -M re. Bail .
i ene. Th bride was 'daintily -attire . . ey 'is slowly reccovering .1
I ,a I d in lovi g memory of him, who ha& from her attack of pleOrlay.-Since the
org di with lace trimmings, and- been a active and devoted memb 130 Ion
ou net: of white carnaiions and er. Tee operii' f the public librar
a b . DLY a 'y up on the hill, I
I be. chuich,was beautifully -draped, as a token the burk of the trade s floi-ing to that end _'
fte congratulations had -been of at sacred to the memory of Is d I b of the town. . Granol.thic ] I
d th company repaired to the din. ad brot er. The funeral took place r6m the station and the re nova[ of the postaffice 1-1
j,: wh re 0611 partook of the wedding his late residence, on Monday afterpoon, I - to the south end will' oon .1)e livia, municipal t
b. a presents were numercous,. termen bein made In the Brussels came- topics.-L'The large namNr of handsome
and us ful, testifying to the ,9 I
in whi ah the bride is held . Af high tery. he service was.conducted by Rev. turn-oritti belonging to i the farmers and -
ter a Mr. Ab 3Y, and the esteem in which he was - others this winter indicatd, the groat pros- ,
arm of social intercourse the young held by his large circle of friends Was , - -
lef testi- perity which we are now enjoying. 'The i
t fo the groom's home in Tucker- fied by ihe great number.w.ho folldwed the old family bob -sl - ng 'I
1 mid show , eigh ia nom almost a thi
of the past, and in iti 1 3
1"re of rice audgood wishes. mortal i emains to the tomb". Not only those i ste 3rd iA ,seen the I -
ere reeInt from Brigden, London of the ininiediate vicinity were present, 66 spiff ) , .1 j
. ' I - new cutter,_ with i to velvet ,cush- .
ter's I 1. ill but al olthosewho had known him; longest ions, brilliant varnish I
Es. -mi. , and general air of - - -
. .
. oKibbin, of Brigton, the and esteemed him most among the friends spick-and-spanness. . -
eek, was visiting friends in the vil- and neiihbore of his youth and ea ly main- i . 14
Mr. Wm. Dayment, ofWhita - NOME MMEMMM"M - I I
I a, is home on a visit co frie - wood, hood. he pall -bearers were Maser I. Jam, s -The St i t . I
nds in and Jog ph Bolger, W. H. Humpk ratford Rai way Plup held itis an- ;
les W. Una, - I i
supper -ifi A
Unity. I It is 11 years since Mr. M. Sm t - 0. Ritchie and Jos. M(Do' the e , one 71
nald. evening last week. Over one hundred
t t went on to the west, and on his -It iq also our sad ,duty this veek io I . '
I I a pleasant timei. ' - I
I a finds many changes. ronicI6 the sad and unexpected eath 4f was spent. The club.. as bet been in e=,t- - -IV
His many ch Members we
Ids wi w isli for him a pleasant Mrs. McLatighlin, beloved wife 1of Mk . r_1
I .
I fro. Ttl Ito , of the village, is Pay ing David N cLa-aghlin, of McK . en2e for a very long Imoei, 40 is doing & 0
Iflop. 1.1-
-Mrs. At - i
t friends kt Walkerton. --Farm - good work iq the ij te L'i t
. ere, Laughlin -s maiden name was Mary Ann estis the, railroad .
last week, have been busy drawing HoAV- a the first lub 0 this kind to A
. ':tnrn In the townsh'! of Cartwright,
1p 7
r wel fc r at tute labor,, -Mrs. Archi. - I I be organized in i I
I - -, i
i I
C regor, (f Tuckerarrith, for the - . -- — I I
I I . ,
i .
iv week i, hi 6sbeen at th z I
I a ; I I i
i : i 11
. Mrpi. McGregor underwent -a very I 1 -1
but her many frie . nd 2 , .
a . 'It
lease to iisarthat, she is improv. L4'dioes W dd* C
ly.- e ing a4ttimes
,7. . . I
,7. r. & id Mrs. John Deichert, of I .
the p I b meek, were visiting with I : A i .
7 i
i -- . : i
in the Village, Mr. Deichert was ' I I -,
; I -H-++++++++++ I . , I - I
Ii 3g on loom of b is old friends of the I . . . I i
; I i . i . -
. -
to arealwi ye pleaned'to see him.- Wheil a lady is contemPlatiniz getting one'of these particular kind of suits, she .wants the. . I
, .
I r .
u hollan I r.
. d, Z company with Miss very nicest fittinizi, beat looking, and most stylish costu rm' ill I 1.
ri one, of . I . e M I and skill can :
Harpurhey, thfo p&st week, I y
ibirig frien a I produce. I
Kettle and a this vicinity. -Mr. This is one of our most succeEsful and premperous branches. in 04 To-flor=g business. . I
ary crore, co . I I
. ere gere the past week. They We have certainly gained an enyiable reputation for plea in a fair -sex, and -
i . I .
ttend, the weddin of miss Ivison. . liave made a great many Weddlag nits this season. The lov .d- -
J4ne Curry ,of the. arr line, H .1 JS I yl , artlatic br,ai
. ay,, ing and- fine touchek done on our Ladiefs' Cost- I g 0
. umes have broul - a manyinew
ek v r , -
sitir home of Mr. i . -
. horr as Elder, Tackeramitb. 9ustomers and advertised orar work largely. The highest comp] ithents have been .
V 7eybr tt' r after hay. paid to us in the -many I
I f Port Huron . _ lestimonials we have received regardin our beautiful . -
an work. . . I I . . .
visit at the home of her i -
I I -
dr. Alex, MeMurtrie, and other The late4 style of separate %oat is the box or three quarter leng h, W ' make one to '
I as ret urned home.-ilisi M. Me- ; ! , 0-311 -
your . I
andMi6 A, Murray I?ft, here on order from SJ`4-lv&ar4e. I
a . . I
' . I C."' .
or the Nc rmal school. I Miss Mur- I .. I I .
Toront and Miss McGr . egor to ' ., . . I i . -
They -aro two estimable young . . I . I .. I I . I I
Sta r1i k - & -M ac'k .I I I
III d if push and energy count for I I I Z ;
w rtop, all right. J . I . i 1
I i I
- ;
i them all a mess. -Mr. and Mrs, John . ,OPPORTE THE OOMINTRROIX j ROTE114 -'
I -
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