HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-01-24, Page 3!4, tune we :would patronage they S year in 1902 aished a reputa- forth, Of turning year Our increas- emers has proved :s is built on the with, a fair profit tuts and test tile Je ared to sell sale -anti 12 and can satisfy and Shoes, Hats, felt boots, regalar •. Cloth caps, reg- ir $6 to $10.501, for r:tsaitings at extra as, regular $3.25 to )$5. Son, ellAPPIleateopeeehit Adults or 1 hattlasatataase:•nee-eite ik our friends this busy sea. e decided to :alendars and °Ices. hing unusual We mean to riOOS.1" mean rat Ever. n.g Special Hues r.• All intend nes of np-ta- best goods, and S. 1. Holmes Logs. pared to pay ::74.1. tity of firsaeiass at the Braeefield , and 16 feet in ment, fOrth P• a 1774 LOAN or.- good fame seem - RAN, Barrieter, Sea 1112.tt ting. Ishezeholdere of the Cardno's Hall. 7 p. er., when the eesureett re port will i to the coming ed_ HN C.kRINO, Preside frt. li179-?. • JANUARY 24 190 -0.t3% 0443:4 tAttittOt t3:40 Use the genuine THE HURON EXPOSI OR, I • MURRAY & UNMANS FLORIDA WATER "TheUniversal Perfume. " For the Handk-erehief Toilet and Bath.. Refuse all pubstitutes. FURNITURE EMPORIUM'. (1. Landsborough to, DEALER IN Furniture of all kinds At live and let live prices. Upholater- ing done and satisfaction in every re- spect. Picture framing neat and cheap New Williams sewing machine always on hand. No travelling agents, and no high prices. Goods deliScred-in town and country free of charge. Undertaking Department, We have a large and varied assort- ntent from which to choose in time lof need at prices that have been. a matter of agreeabl surprise l to all who have de 1,Is with us. Two fine hearses on hand for summer and winter use. Night cal ) at Mr. Landsboreugh's residence, coiner cottage in rear of Dominion Dank, will be proniptly responded to. JOHN_ LANDSBOROUGH, SEAFORTH, ONT. THE LIMIT OF LIGHT for out of town places has been reached in the AtrXR GAS which makesand burns its own gas. Nothing but noon- clt,y sun can compare w?thit. Itischeaperthan oil and its light is soft and pleasant to the eye. For reading and sewing it has no equal. We gua.- rante6satisfaction or re- turn your money. Send for free catalogue. AUER LIGHT CO., MAKERS. MONTREAL reibre After' TOOT'S PhOSIShoain The Great English. Remaly. Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only reli- able medicine discovered. ?iSto packages guaranteed to cure a/1 forms of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse or excess, Mental Worry. Excessive use of To- baceo, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price, one package $1, six, $5. One tont please, v.n74 cure. -Pamphlets free to any address. Thor Wood Company,- Windsors Ont. Sold in Seeforth by Alex. Wilson,J. S. Robertaand I. V. Feer, druggists. -11Tr„,,wirmi -vat Our direct connections will save yo!i time and money for all points. Canadian North est Via Toronto or Chicago, British Columbia and California points: Our rates are the lowest. We have them suit everybody and PITLLMAN TOUR - .ST CARS for your accommodation. Call tor further information. Grand Trunk Railway. Tralea leave Seaforth and Clinton stations at ollows .40ING WEST- Paseengor Passenger.. .. Mixed Train._ Mixed Train genre Ear-. Passenger.. Passenger. Slimed Grey and GOING NORTH-- Paesenger. Ethel.. - . • .. 8.07?. M. Brussels.. 8.17 Blue:sale- 8.27 Wlnghatn 8.38 GOING SOUTH- Paseenger. _ 0.63 A. M. Bluevale -... 7.02 Brussele.... .. 7.18 Ekhel • • 7.28 SISFORTH. Cerarrorc. 12.40 P. M. 12.56 P, M. 10.12 P. M. 10.27 P.M. 9.20 A. M. 10.16 A. M. 8.15 P. M. 7.65 P. hi 7.63 A. M. 7.38 A.M. 841 P. M. 2.66 1.40 P. M 4.26 Pelt. Bruce. Weed. 1:40 P. v. 2.10 2.85 ,3.25 Mixed. 8.65 A. me 9.17 9.45 10.02 London, Enron and Bruce. GOING NORTH- Passenger. London, depart 8.15 A.M. 4.40 P.M • lk Exeter__ e „ Kippen *40 Brueefield . _ ........ Londesboro Blyth._ ...... Belgreve- •-• Winebani •.• • '0, • -Gorse Sourer- Winghana, depart........ Belgravo Blyth.. ...• Clinton- - • • •• •••• Klppen_ . ... ........ a 6 ErellSail • 666 6-6 • 6 6.6 • • Exeter . • Centralia._ ..... - London, (arrive)... 9.18 5.65 9.30 • 8.0 9.44 9.60 8.25 9.68 8.83 10.16 8.65 10.33 7.14 10.41 7.23 10.58 7.87 11.10 8.011 Paaeenger. 8.53 ay. 3.16 P. M 7.01 8.40 7.14 3.05 7.22 4.05 7.47 4.25 8.06 4.40 8.15 4.67 8.22 6.02 8.36 5.14 8.48 5.23 9.37 A. m. 8.12 Special Attention • Rorseshoeing and General Jobbing. Goderieh street, Robert Devereux BLACKSMITH and CARRIAGE op, MAKER EtIr ▪ - Seaforth NQTICEL The Annual Meeting of the Usborne ard Hibbert Farmer,' Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be held in the Public Hall, Farquhar, on February 3rd, at one o'clock p. re. Businesa-Receiving the Direetore, Seeretary-Treasurere and Auditors' re• porta ; the election of two Direct -re and two Auditora, and any other business in the intereet of the company. JOHN ESSERY, THOS. CAMERON, Preeident. Seoretaryareasurea ' 1778x4 Sie Lecad the S al. There Is 4 romantic sto-y bout Lord Kelvin's seleand marriage. In the ear- ly seventie he, then Sir lain Thom- • son, was n West Indian water, on board his Rookh. A question o signals at of it at th Madeira, that seem f his hos y but sile "I quite Schooner yacht, a recreation he sinaplifying the sea. He had, b dinner table Of a friend in rid the only aPprehension d able to greet) it was that 's daughter, a lady he great- tiy adinfred. itinderstand it, Sir William," he said. , "Are you eure?" he questioned, half doubtfully. "If I sent yon a signal Oont my yacht, do you think you Could read It and could answer me?" I"Well, I Would try," she responded. obei.,Ieve I should succelecl in making it tout" • he signal was sent, and she did: sue- d in making it out and In tranamit- g the reply. The queistion was, 111 you merry me?" arid the answer 'Wine "Yes." A Homely Gees Ins. eeeefound and, eeording to Ainsleets Magaitine w en the golvrnor of N Si Henry McCallum, K. C. M. G., went a hore at a sMall harbor cFf the least c ast he was Met it the landing place b a grizzled old fisherman, who s ught to make the strange.: welc me, wi oever he Might he. 'Be you conaltd ashore, sir?" he Ittle- ec • 'Yes," said tbe ghvernor. Be you here eh° t the lie (seal oil). t e fisherman pins ed. `No," said the.go emote • "Be you o e 0"Sam' Lewis' men f om Red b y, sir, come about! the ti the Lana. ook up the methed Of en talking CI ce ti 11 ber?" , . "I am the governor a Newfound - la Id," Sir tenry announedt with .me show o dignity. `I30 you, n w?" said the fisherman, tb a friendly per crf his ,hand. .! rell, 'tis a mighy good job-ilf yeu c n hold it • An' I hopes you will. ould you like a c p otea, sir?" it I giA Lot he inhabitants • Somersby, in E n son was born, t eir opinion of th lo townsmau. 0 V cl of 'air." of the little toWn gland, Where Ten - re frank in giving Ir dietin ished fel- e old w man th s lated her impress one of the poet to a t sitor: "ID Was a .lvery iuolet man. 'E eeem- as if 'e was 'elf sleep, wOh 'is qy f shut an' peepin', an' te used ke at ye, loike i. fun, wit 'is 'ad such a lot of 'air an' a lloag ard, an'," , sinki g her vfoice dont.- ntially, " '6 never looked ery .clean; IF di tr lo lc 0 ' 'e nd this somewh was pronaptly c nd, who added: 'If you'd met sty rooad, :you'd mp gooln' to gin'." It Reminded Hint.i , ne sharp November da., say a the Piti1adeiphia Record, a hoyl entered ca, leaving the door open, mach te t comfort of an old gentiemanil wh next. As the wind chilled his, ina his temper roSe. Lea#ing ecro seat and taking the kid by hi t startling testime- ntirmed by her hu gooin' along th4s a' takkeh '1131 for a rigg for a night's di sa ro hi ea be said: "Were you brought up lin balm? Why don't you shut the deort The boy said nothing, but Closed thle do' r, coming back to his seat In tears. T is sight neeved the old man to relent - In• pity. "There, there," he 'said;, "lit - ti man; I didn't really mein youwere br ught up in a ba '.That's just It," 1 retorted the kid. w s brought up in a barn; and every e I see a jacks* it makes m,e Plink of it" - An Toter fisting Coln. An interesting cein has just beert sold in Germany. It IS one of the few coins/ in the history of the world Which can bq accused of having a humerous side tof it. In 1679 the, Danes descended on tbe port of Hamburg, bit their attack oi the famous name town proved un- siiccessful. ,The inhalaita.nts .a the town struck medal to comraereorate the occasion. !IThc legend on the coin w s as follows"The king of Denmark h s been to Hainbtirg. - If thou evetildst kitow what he achieved, look 4! the ot er side." It is needless to add that "he ether side" is a blank. ••••1 His Man 'Was Appointed.' 4.3 an Instance of the acuteness ef Al D tggett, the former Republican lleader o Kings county, N. Y, the story i'g told, that when Seth, Lw was elected rayor o Brooklyn some years ago he icy'rote to Mr. Daggett, offering to appOilt c eamissioner of 41ections one of any t ree men he mi ht name. iAl twroto three lines to th mayor, /IS follows: "Charles Henry otton, C. . Cettont C' Henry COtton." Needless -4o say M C tton was appointed. Her ret Fad.' s. jones-Mr. Robinso is the eatest woinan to stick to a ad t ever s'w. rs. Brown -Why, I never heard a yhody mention that before. Jone-Can't help that. I '0 so, a 1 the same. Just see howl sh haS gone on ad Hiring th1t husband o hers rese twenr. years aud more. . . Taken Seri usly No. Bunker -I used t. get consid ainusement out of golf. ' Aseum-Ah, then you don't pia an ore? Bunker -Yes, Inde the time before rable f. . • Mild Jaae. Wife (auxiously)i-Is my hu • ry III, doctor? Dr. Stickam-Oh, no. Only abou t! d. I was. referrin I began to 4ilay, . i CO orth.-Excihange. band $10Q e Cause of Nevous Headache. his most iwtraIna and common malady uhtless has dition of t its origin in HOMO Unbelanoe4 e nervo s system.' Probably the simplest, teafes1 an1 most e iJcien6 rem - e y is Po1on1e Nervili e. Twenty drops in s eetened w ter -gives immediate relief, an'd this treatme4 should a supplemented by b thing the r gion of ain with Net'v Dine. T say it aotsi quickly fads to enmess the reau1t. Plicra 25 pen , in large :bot les, at F ar's drug store, S &forth. ter Work or x rcise , Soothes tired I muscles, • re- moves sere- ; nests and stiff - nese and glvea the body a fee g of comfort and strength. Don't take) the weak, wa erY Witch hazel_ reparationsl represented t be "the same " Pond'' Extract, which easily sour and enerally Oontain "Wood al ohol," a deadly • olson. STOOK FOR SALE, HREE YOUNG BULLS FOR e3ALF.-Fote sale, J. three yeung thoroughbred Denham bulh, with r &tared pedigrees, and reedy for' service; tWo red color and one roav. Apply to DAVID IBM, Lot 2T, Concession 8, Hibbert, Staff P. 0. 1708 -bit rilBORCUGHBBBb DeTREAll BULLS FOR !SALE -Three t ed and ore roav, Tinging from e to 11 ni nths old. All elirtibleitor registratioe. Bred trona " ' ville.Alebott,", ene,of the best feres in the Pro. -viece. Also five young half re end come all treatable fe beeeilleg. Apply ore Lot 30, Concession ;5, Us - bo ne, or address Lturondale P. 0. THOMAS CUD. 11 RE & SONe ' ; II 17efatf • i . OR SALE. - J" Scotch to ht thoicely bred Scotoki end Bhierthern bells ; the ; thick blecky sty lish kind; good colora ; as good a lot as e ever offered in the Province ; also cows ard Lei ere in calf by Imperted Red Duke • also,helfer al es •, all at moderate prices and easy' Orme. D. MI 'NE & SON, Ethel, Oote 1771-tf DURHAM CATTLE FOR SA .-Fer sale, feur young Culla fit fer service alao cows- and helfra. Ali Thereughbred Dur, ame, with reg - lett ed pedigrees, and from the bet and moat pop. ulne strains, and 'carrell cf them re prize winnt r3. Apply on Lei 25, concession 4, 4. R. S., Tucker- eruith, creide Less faatc rth P. o. 14. Crlche 1709 tf -7 ree OROUGHBRED STOCK FOR SALE -Two rbi and two roan Durham bulisjr ni 9 months te 2 years old e else a few Durham helf rs in cell to tke ce"..e rated stock bull, New Year's i't. Tie_ e cede are till fira ola.se with regesle:ecl p dign es. and - tho heif rii are dee to calve in Jsiinny. Apply on L7t 24, 0or,ecqsinn 2, L. R. 8., Tucke tnalbh, or Bremer - field P. O. WM. CHAPMAN. 17894f AUCTIONEERS TMIAS BROWN, Lieensed A °dancer for the Counties of Huron end Pe • Orders left at A. Id Campbell's implement ware ores, Seaforth, or THR EXPOSITOR Office, will receive roropt attention. Sat% action gitamnteed dr no ohar e. 1708.tt A uorrofitEatwo.- . S. hIlllps, Licensed 11. Auctioneer for the COUTiti a of Huron and Perth. Being a prectioal fume and thoroughly understanding the valets of 1 stock and imple- reente, places inc in a better poeiti n to realize good • prices. Charges moderate. Satisf ction guataneeeet or no pay. A 1 orders left at Henault poet Mee or at Lot 28, Cenceeelon 2, Hay, will be proinptly ttended to. ' 170941 STOOK FOR SERVICE. DULL FOR SERVICIE.-The undereigned will 1.1 keep for service on Lot 30, Ccncession 2, Tuck- eramith, a thoroughbred Durham eull. Terms. 51 pae able Jeueary lat, Wieh privilege of returring. GIFFORD CRI CH. 1779x4 110 PIG BREBBERS.-.The und on Lot 28, Conceasien 6, L. R. e thoroughbred TAmwoairu PIG, bred Yoneemets Pie. A limited n be admitted to each. Terms, $1, A service, or'$1.50 if charged. J geed will keep 8., Tuokeremi.th, a thorough. ber of sows will able at the time ES GEMMILL, 1008-52 PIG FOR SERVICE. -The under igned will keep on Lot 29, Conce:sibn 11, 'fib ert, a Thorough. bred Yorkshire toar to; which e will rdmit a limited number cf sow. 1 Tenn% el at the tin e of service. JOHN ELGIE*Chise hurt, Ont. 1771-41 411. Lung Oalsain The best CoUgh Med clne. ABSOLUTE SA ETY - should be the fist tb. ught and must be rigorously insisted upon when buying nedicine, for upon its sedety depends one's life. ALLEN' LUNG BALSAM contains o opium in et.ny form and is st.fe, sure. and prompt in cases lof Croupp Colds. deep-seated Cobs. Try It now, and ben.vinced. 41' SHINGLE ••••••••••••• A ear load of the best Red tedar Shingles bought before the rise in pr ce, which we will sell at xxx 74c, and xxx 78c. This is a snap in Shingles, a call and get your supply while they last;Ais they Cannot be replaced at this pride. CLUFF .4% BON% N7th Main Street, - -1! Seaforth Ti!itE CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE,I CHATHAM, ONT., I has given you In three preceding issues of t s paper, testimonials hem three or laurel its to mer pupils, whose oombined earnin are $11,000 per annum, an average of 82,750. We now give you the } ourtb. Did you see the others l ; I Detroit, Mich , June 24, 1899. D. °Lachlan, Ear., Chatham, Ont. " Dear Sir: Youra of the 14th i et., to hand, and bee we of business, you will pardon I my del ey in ma Ing reply. 1 dm Teemed to noto the wonderful sue ess of the Oaneda Jeuelness Col tge, and, all ely mi d goes back to some 18 years ago, and I was then per itted to be one of your etude te, I wish to &B - aur you, with a grateful .heart, that I have never reg Med the many rleasant and bappy dayreI spark in our school. I Bay 'pleasant. beeause I always forend you most ocinteeus and kind to all, and happy blue° I first learned feont you th true princely es' of businees career, sod wliieb I was caned upon to adept. Wishing f you -every 8u00 50,, lam, Sir, Tours truly, A. A. WILSON. formerly of Morpeth, Ont. Mr. Wilson is now with a lark, e paper concern- in Boston, Mass. You will see that ho attributes his success in life to the faot that he took a course with US. i If you cannot p:sailily come to Chathani we can gkiel, prnogu i rsi shtorggairirind by0e1M fmleLn,aate• ur homeen Book. hp, • through nur Mal Course Department. Dull° the past year 304 of ur pupils secuied good posit ns. Their dom. biu ed earnings are ,close to T0 HUNDRED THOUSAND DO LARS (8200,000) ohool re-opees Thersdeye Jan 'try 2nd. Enrol .yo kelt with me and teetfaosuredl that success we' corn° if you do your poet he:meetly mud pereervingly. 7 Write for catalogue, or MAIL COURSE OIRCth LA41. . z* • ' D. MeLACHLAN & CO., Chatham, Ont. 1754 RED CEDAR SHINGLES; The undersigned wishes to announce to the public thrrn; of red cedar shingles, and y getting a liberal thhaving bought a large quanti y of the three beet b di eounb for oath, is prepared to e.11 them to cus- tomers at pr ees that defy competition. S. LAMB'S Lumber Yarid, Seaforth. HEMLOCK' LUMBER. riving in stook at the Seaforft Lumber Yard a' ve y large quantity of rdll the di erent lengths and el the, is prat fired to fill any bill that is•reeented of the very best qualley of Hernlock. 5: LAMB'S ' Lumber Yatd, Seaforth PINE. • Having bought a large Iquan4ty of pine from a lenge firm in Muskoka, I 'am feel tog pine dressed bolih sides or one side, forsidiog, flooring, ceiling; wide plank for water troughs •, sprues and balsam for gravel boxes, fight and d ble. Also white cedar shingIee XXXX and XX and XX of best make In Muskoka. Large stock' always on hand. S. LAMB'S 3 Yat‘d Seaforth. I, . 1776 ----Mr. Donaldson was el Elma township by a niajori ---Wro. Rogers, & respeo Fullarton village,: depaxte Monday of last week. eted reeve of of 262. d resident of this life on SMALLPDX AND VACCINATION. The Chinese and a Doreershire Farmer Were eilreet to Practice 'Vaccination. The Chinese were the earliest to pri-tetice inoculation. They dipped a pleget of cotton, or rag, ib the virus from a r usaule and placedl it in the nostril. Two of the ancient English physi- cians. Gil bertus Angelicus and Jelin of Ga.ddefden, both sPeak of the disease as commonly kne 1vn to -old women. They lived !about 1320. The first book on writtea by Ahrow, sician, who lived at smallpox was priest, and phy- Alexandria and wrote 80 books on t physic in A. D. 683. He wrote chiefly on -treatment. He advises swimming, drinking ice water in large Quantities, small saf- fron. (wli t this is I do not know), and, war ing inedicines, aad if the fever is high the room should be kept cool. . In looking over a very old medical work, "... it Historical Account of the Rise and Progress of Smallpox," by William killany, M. :D., of Bath, in 1740, I find that aniallpox was first known at or soon atter the destruc- tion of !Alexandria and the burning of its famous library by Amrow Eb- nai Aks, general of the Saracen army in the reign of Omar Chatab, the second successor of Mohammed. i The re4l discovery of vactination was ma le before Jenner eonducted his experiments. In the year 1774 (this date is assigned to TeSty's e2a. periment in the record of the fact on his tombstone in the churchyard of Worth Matravens). it occurred to . Benjamin Testy, a fDorsetsiiire farm- er in go d .circumstances, hearing everycine was being !cut for small- ! ' pox and laving the old notion about cowpoXab ing an antidote for small- pox, that it would serve as well to be cut, for cowpox, so, accordingly, he himself did actually cut his wife and child •en'for that disease, A A disco est has b may prov terestiag pation of a large broad, 1 Australian Discoveray. 'ery of considerable inter - en made near Falkirk which to be one of the most in - relics of tbe Roman occu- that- district. It consists of stone about 19 inches inches thick, over 4 feet high, and weighing probably half a ton. It iS beautifully sculptured in high relief. The ornament is divided iato two panels, the larger being at the top. These panels are separ- ated by a band about 14 inches broad, which is carried round both panels, meeting in an angle at the top of the stone. Under the angle is a beautiful shell-like :device !delicately executed. The upper panel is com- pletely 'fil ed by. a horse and rider. The latter -carries a sword trium- phantly a oft. He is arrayed in full armor,: a d bears a shield. The Iowa er: panel epresents • a naked man -a wild Celt, his shield and weapon ly- ing! beside lam. • The -stone is in a' complete State of preservation. It was found buried about 5 feet below the surface of the ground, and Was probably so placed immediately after it had been sculptured. The relic has been taken possession of by Mr. Gair; procurator fiscal, on behalf of the Crown authorities. Altogether 11.7 urns have been recently unearthed in 1110 neighborhood of Sunningdale, Berks. They all contained fragments of bone partly burnt. The crust of the- urns was in almost every case of clay baked red and strengthened by fine flint grit. All are rudely. hand- made, and some of them are 1 foot 4 inches in diameter, the others vary- ing in size, and in eight cases the vessel was found in an inverted posi- tion. Negro's Salvation Is in the Soli. It requires but a superficial know- ledge of the negro race and the ne- gro temperament to appreciate the force of Rooker T. Washington's statement that "the salvation ' of the negro rests largely upon his a.bil- ! ity and willingness to secure and cultivate properly the soil."- The reference in this statement, of course, is to the negro's industrial "salvation" -his abilityto become self-snstaining in independent endea- vor. - The argument of racial adapt- ability to agriculture is enforced by some very impressive, statistics ad- duced by Mr. Washington in his lec- ture in , the Second Presbyterian Church in Chicago. He showed by the census figures of 1890 that the negroes then owned 22 per cent. of all the land which they cultivated. In Georgia alone the colored people last year paid taxes upon $14,000,- 000 worth of property and owned at the time 1,075,000 acres of land. It happens that this remarka.bla progress in agriculture has come largely through the influence of the , educated 'negro. The institation at Tuslaogee inculcates the idea of in- dustry and places agriculture upper- most as the most promising voca- tion for -the educated negro. In agriculture the negro does not face racial prejudice of the I labor union. If • he farms intelligently " and properly he is certain to find a areadv market for the products of his industry. No labor union can ' tell him how many hours he shall !work, and what is more i iportant than any other considerati n., he is secure against starvation or want.. Succulent Rations for COws. A successful feeder. _of dairy cows must have some succulent teed for his animals at all times ofilthe year. m Whether winter or sumrthe change from succulent feed "to 'dry -fodder means loss. The usu.al sum- mer ;feeder wishes that his blue grass 'pasture would _continue throughout !-the summer. The man that ; has sum- mer _silage to feed has the equiva- lent of a. blue grass pasture at its " best, even in the midst of the sum- 4iier drought. . Our best Idairymen ' are coming to believe that" silage is profitable to be fed every month in the year„ -Farmers' Review: An Egotist Described. ."What kind of a man 18 Wilhig. son?" 'Well," answered the' mutual friend, "he is one of those *people who thinks he is spiting the world because he won't write a book and tell all he knows." • A Card. We, the undersigned, do hereby agree to :refund the money on a 50 -cent bottle of i Greene's Warranted Syrup of Tar, if it fails to euro your cough or cold. We alao guar- antee a 25 -cent bottle to pi ove satisfactory ! or money refunded. Alex. Wilson, druggist, Seaforth, Ont. kree,27 e\oasfe \\h \ \ er erne else ; arta) : , f r -1 a I. : , V, II CA DUES , Ors a: light ' tbot rich and brit- J1lan,t, No odor. .t )6411ItTP3qtasig$1 everyrbeitc • - ., • • ir .e " IMPORTANT NOTICES. Dolt s LE, REAL EgiATE.--Farms and village J pro erty, 100 awes bank barn, frame house, good orc ard, price 83,000, Must be seklat once. Easy tents. WM. CAMPBELL, 'Myth, Ont. 1765 EIARMS FOR SALE. -13w o bargains in farms in J the Townships of Hullett, Morrie, and Wa•va- nos ,Ceu ty of Huron. Inquire at cnce. WM. CAMPBE Myth, On. 1774-tt SBAWL LOST.-Losi, in Seaforth, or cn the Hun n Rod, E. -ab, on December 18, a dark grey woc 'en shawl. The finde- will greatly oblige by leavini 14 54 TUB EXPOSITOR Office, Scaforth. • 1777x1 IIIDROPE TY IN EGMONDVILLE FOR SALE. -- i For ale, a ocermodious story and half house, with cm nt cellar and oietern ; a good stable and merle kw awes o' land; immediately north of the .Egerondy Ile manse. The Itted ie well plented with large and email fruits. Apply to Wm. ELLIOTT. t 1 1763-tf [TA LU BLE LITTLE FARW FOR SALE. -Lot 18, V Lakb Road, Ras', Towesiiip of Star ley, County j of Huron captaining 70 scree. Thie farm is per- fect y fenced with Page wire, hes on it a fine brick house, fra e bares tea acres of an orchard, and a never tai!pg Armen rune through it at the back of the let. As the to me will be made easy, and as the term is now in prime ceuditicn, there is a snap here for seme ne. For all p rtieulare, address the pro- priet-r, J IHN MON, Nairn P. 0. 1714-8 ous -F eitua•ed r of the u r, ht. convenien Main etre G. AULT, AND LOT IS SEAFORTH FOR SALE. r sale, the eomfcrtable and conveniently sidenee e n Goderich srot, the er perV dersigned. The re pre ten rerms, good d and scfb water, and all other ueceseary ee. It Is within two ne'nete s' v alk cf Will be Boll at a bet -gain. Apely to A. 0roo r, Se,forth.• 1169-4 FOR 81ALE.-The undersigned, owing to ill heath, has decided to cffer for eale her ice cream anft fruit bus:nese la the Village of Hensel'. The stand Is a No. 1, in the most central part of the vi.lage, ar d sfforde every convenience for earryieg cn the splendid business alieady established. Bakely bls1nees in conne.teron. For full partiounare apply to 51R3. E. 82EFFER, Hensel' P. 0. 1'4314f pARM 10R SALE. -The undersigned is effaring L!' for eie that 150 acre farm la the township cf Hay, bethLot 3, Orngession 9, and north half of Lot 2. Tljerc is on the premises a geont brick house hereed 1.y fuineoe, a bank barn 5Cx.'40 feet with a wing of 2 feet. There ie a never-fating well that furniehes vater Inside the barn, and a swing creek fl.wing n arly ail the year Trued. All the land le under gocd Wits of cultivatien, is shuated 11 miles from echo 1 and 11 miles from Exeter Want to all immediat ly and will give poseession March let, 1902. Apply to HOMAS HARVEY, Hay P. 0. 1779x3 de Mark.) of Cad Liver OP GIVE YOU AN APPETITE I TONE YOUR NERVES! MAKE YOU STRONG! I MAKE YOU WELL! Dr. urgera, Med. Supt.of the Prot. Hospital for I me Montreal, presoribes it constantly and geveteue permission to mettle name. Mief Clark, Supt. Grace Hospital, Toronto,_ writes they have also nsedit with the best remit& 50e. and $1.00 Bottles. DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO., Limited. APPL +DATION will be made to the Parliament of Ca ada, at ite next greaten, fcr an Act to loom- porate company undtr tho name of the "St. Joeeph ad Lake Huron Ship Canal Company," with all necessery powere to construct, operate and mei- e taiu crinkle, so located as to make and build a nevi. gable waterway hom.sorne point en the Eastern shore of Lake Huron, in the County of Hurcn, or of Larabton, in tbe Proeinee of Ontario, to some point on Lake tie (between Rondo Harbor and Port Bur- well), in the aunty of EigIn, in said Province, with power tb vary the ab el e routes should further. enr- ve)s prove it advisable ; and to dredge, deepen, ralE0, or ower, the levels ofeor otherwise improve, the exist ng water courses, and to form and create ouch cormecting links as may be found neccosary to make arid complete, throughout the enti: e diatanoe between! the said terminal point, on Lake Huron and Lake Erie) a navigable ohrennel of a depth of not dare thrt fourteen (14) feet; and power also to acquire 11 or any ether works or improvements no, emery or useful on said lakes, at and be- tween eaid terminals; and to oonstraot, op.trete, and maintain all work-) and structur ea necessary or proper in connection with such waterways; to build, acquire,loperate, meintain, own, lease, or otherwise dispose of terminale, harbors, wharfs, docks, piers, landing -places, water lots, yards, elevators, ware- houses, dry -docker, reservoirs, and other structures, and leeks, dams, and all works incidental thereto, and alo!? to sot as warehousemen: to construct werks tbr and to produce and use hydraulic, pneu- matic, and other power, and for Femmes of irri- gation, to 'lease or otherwise dispose cf said works and peralere ; to acquire, own, haul, and operate by cable, eleotricity, or 'otherwise, eteamere, barges, or any other verrels and ferries In connection there- with and for the purpose of navigating the lake, the St. Ilawrenoe and other rivers and the Gulf ; and else power to own and operate osiesn-going eteame-s and to dispose of sane; with power to acquire by perchae expropriation or otherwim lands for put.. poses of the tympany, and 60 dispoee thereof; to levy and collect toile to take, use, and diepo:e of water for the t urposes of said canal, for irrigation purpoeee, and for generating hydrauhc, electric, cr ether powers, and to transmit and dievose of the same for a.I purposes : and with all necessary powers /to oonsialet and operate a line or lines cf railway land tramway (of either standard or narrow gauge) also bridges, 1 carries, telegraph, and telephone lines, in oenaection aite the said enterprise, and the right to enured with and enter into, running arrangeMenta over any and allrailways s tueted within it distance of six milts from any poreicn of said camel ; and also to acquire and use wakr powers, and e:ebt. operate, and maintain electrical works and apittecancee for use and transmission of elev. Weal p wer for the operation of the eaid railway and vesdels and haulage of same, and for other pur- poees ; ith power to purchase or otherwise acquire the elan as, debenture!, and securities of oanal or railway Ieompanles, and to sell to, or exchange its me n sec rities with such companies ; and to carry on lumbering, milling, transportation and forwarding bueines ; together with ouch other pewees and ptivi'eges, including the issue of bonds, debentures and preference sharer, as may be necessary for tbe attainment of the above objects. !M. S. LONERGAN, &eel tor for applicanes. Montreal, 27th Noeembere 190L 1770,19 S aforth Saw and Heading Mills. The quanti The sawin satisfa undersigned is prepared to buy any Ly of Saw Loge and Heading Bolts. Saw Mill is running now. Custom done on the shortest notice, and tion guaranteed. R. L. CLARK, Proprietor. • 1779-3 SEAFOR DYE WORKS Ladies and gentlemen, thanidng you all for past patrenage and now that a new season is at hunt vrish to et you kno ' that Tam still in the butiness, ready4 do my bes to give you every satisfaction In do1n your work in the line of cleaning and dyeing genUemen. and lao les' clothing, done without being ripped is well as ta have them rlpped. All wool goods usranteed 4 give good la action on short. est noice. • Shawi, curtains, eto., at moderate prices. Please do ot fail to give nie a call. Butter and eggs taken h exchange for work. HENRY NIOHOL, opposite the Laundry, Befell Main merest. 16S1-tf Albani and Gye. The story of Mme. Alberti's first Lon- don engagement Is as follows: Colonel Mapieson heard of her singing at a theater at Malta, and, thinking that she would be successful, he made her an offer, through an agent, of a contract to sing in Her Majesty's theater. She agreed to it and went to London; but, on arriving there, she told the cabman to drive her to tbe Italian opera house. He, instead of going to Her Majesty's, took her to Covent Garden, which was also devoted to Italian opera. She was shown up to the manager's office and stated that she had come -to sign the contract which Mr. Mapleson had offered her. Mr. Gye, thinking tel play a joke on his rival, Mapleson, made out a contract, and Albani signed It. Mr. Gye theh told her that he was not Colonel Mapleson, but that he could do much better by her. He offer- ed to tear up the contract if she liked, but told her that Nilsson was singing at Her Majesty's and would brook an rival. Albani decided to let the contract stand and thus became one of the stars of Covent Garden, eventually marrying the son of Mr. Gye. A. Short National Anthem. Japan has perhaps the shortest of all national anthems. It is called "Kim, Ga Yo," from its firat three words, and consists of thirty-two syllables, which count in poetry, however, as thirty-one. The exceeding brevity Is due to the national fondness for conciseness of phrase and for economy of expression in all forms of art. The patriotic song is what the Japa- nese call a "tanka," or verse of five lines, the first and third being of five and the others of seven syllables. Be- low is given the anthein In 3apane8et with an English translation; Kimi Ga TO. Ketma ga yo wa Chlyo ni yaelliyo ni • Sazare isbi no ' 1 1 lwawo to narite Koke no musu made. TRANSLATION. f May Our lord's dominion last Till a thousand years have passed Twice four thousand tirnes o'ertoldl Firm as changeless rock, earth rooted, • Mo ae of ages uncomputed. -Japan and America. The Ball Gri Cures • ID a te v hours. -Quinine ny 601,D or COUGH For sale ey Alex. Wilson, Seaforth. The Long Disfiroce Telephone is the Ideal Riapid Transit. • Long riistatee Equipment increases the sped and outs down overt -time charges The uentratt Department will fur ish Particulars. Tile Bell elephone Co., of °made. 't- OINGIILAH SAW SIGN OF TH9 • 1 - i •-•• im••••••••••••••• An Empire Sold at Auction. The Roman empire was once sold td the highest bidder. On the death of tertinax in 193 the Preatorian guards 'ut up the empire for sale by auction, and, after an anlinated competition be- tween Suipician and Julian, it was knocked down to the latter' for 6,250 drachmas, The Romans held auctions of various kinds, the proceedings be- ing much the same In all casee. The emetic, sub haste, which was a sale of plunder, was held under a spear stuck In the ground. The magister auctionis, or auctioneer, was chosen from among the argentarli, or money changers, and, his assistants were the cashiers. Perhaps i How many people when they marry. carefully LIvt aside their pint love let- ters as one 'of the most cherished pos- sessions of their future life, and in how many cases afterward do they ever take them out and look at them? Now, why Is this? Partly perhaps because the time of romance is over and practical, everyday life has be- gun; partly, also, we will hope, because now they cats say so many nice things to each other', and there Is no need to read over the past nice things they. have Tritten.• - •••••••••••••••••••••rar, In a Fog. A befogged individual was groping his *ay down one of London's side streets leading oft the Strand when he suddenly , blimPed up- against a man coming from the opposite direction. "Could you tell me where this street leads toy" he inquired after tbe neces- sary apologies had been made. "Certainly," replied the other. "It, leads into the river. "I have just come' out of it" - Crossed Vegetable.. A. cross between a headless cabbage and the turnip produced the. rape plant. Cabbage and turnips themselves are relatives; the lettuce plant also claims near kin to them, and far back In plant life grew a parent plant with some of the • charstcteristics that each now claims as its own, from which all three, and many another plant also. descended. 3,2 Crumbed. "Tcru are an iceberg!" exclaimed her elderly but well preserved adorer, pale with anger and mortification. "A dozen Cupids, with a hundred arrows eaelat could never find a. vulnerable place in - your flinty heartl" "Not if they used an old beau to shoot with," coldly replied the heauti4 ful girl. • Extremes Meet. Peter , Cunnigharn was telling one evening where he had been dining and what be got. ."We had a thing I never ,saw before -a soup made of calves' 'tails." "Extremes roeet," was the remarli of Douglas Jerrold, at that time the prince of wfte In England. BIn Ambition. Young Jones -1 mean to to live that when!.I die all the great cities of the earth shall quarrel over the question of my birthplace. •' Young Brown -Yes; mat one will lay the blame on some other. ; Not In th. Piece,. Irate but Unmusical Father -For gracious sake, Mary, give us a rest! Daughter -Can't do It, pa. There's none in the music. The individual who gets into' the habit of giving way to depression is on the broad road to ruin: -Chicago MINIM MARRIAGE • LICENSES ISSUED AT THE MON EXPOSITOR OFFICE BEA.FORTII. ONTARIO. NO WITNESSES REQUIRED, • was ut santuA lsaq alp 0 CD rhe' o p .Mutual Fire • ur oeVompatty. FARM AND"IWATED TOWS !PROPERtY ONLY INSURED "Cal*. J. B. McLean, Feeeldinele Riplien P. 0.; 'ThOmell Fraser, 'vice-presadent, Mencelleld P. O.; Timmer E. Haye, teecy-Treae. Beaferth Pe O. i We G. Broad. foot, hespectos of Imam:, Bogert& Pe O. • • W. G. Broadfook 'SW John G. Grieve, W.1 throp ; George Dele, orth ; John Mennewels, Dublin; jamet Ev5, laraeolawood ; John Watt, Bedeck ; Thomas ieer, Bruoelield ; John B. Bres Lean, Kippee ; err ClogenollyoMinton. Raba 'Smith, Hari.tik "obi.; IIIII,owill.Banye„olle, notwassfor Jan tin ivilleell. O.; .Cun3mGeoringge Mu Cond John el. Morrition, 11diPa"rtlei deadrotta 40root Issursariss or bow 1,et other business will li'iosoingsily artisanad ti "a berry ca,tiolpection toes,: Dory 01athelvs,ettiv. ,i1fRosee, adltssinVt. Cook's Cotton Soot Compound, 'biz snoo safulry used monthly by oven O,o0OIa les. Safe,effeetual. ladies Ask _ your dru .gist!tor Caere Cetisie hot Coln - 'awe. Take no o Ler,a all Mixture& plum And Imitations are d age . box No. 11, 10 de rees altrOeIger.$11 per box. No. or 2, mailed en0,7 of price and two 1 -cent !temp& The k ompany Windsor ont. tar -Nos. 1. and sol end recommended L7all. responsible Drui iinolo cansda. Sold in Seaforth by 'AiSx. Wilson. J.S. Roberts and L V. Fear, dmggitioe. Great Bargains TO BE HAD AT : The eaforth Tea tore eod Or 25o, 6 21re. Eptom Salts lbs. boneless Ten lbs. of sulphur 21 ten lbs of glober salts for 6e, 101 fieh for 26e, 6 lbs. prune tor 26c,5 lbs. raisins for 25o, 6 ib.. dates for 260, 6 The. broken sodas .for 26o, 6 lbe. figs for 21e, 0 Ibe. nec for 25e, 6 lb!. 111043offee for 50o. Just rcoeivc4 another car of granulated auger and light co ea Pegar,which will be -sold at wholesale price. 'leo pails of. Armoric= auger il bouse syrup, whic will be sold at 41.15 a wall also moe. New Orleans for baking purpose', anda!1 other grades of sy p. Dried smoked herrings 160 a box, or two for 25o; lake herehigs, Labrador her, rings and salmon t ut. Just received 8 packages of china, crockery a d glarsswareedirecti from the old country potteries, lpf which will be soldat greet bargains. All kis s of ,/, - . la*, green and Japan. Also a green Ceyioi iitea 2643 it lb.; I oan give you teas from 10e a lb. no 50c s lb., guarankcd tomit You or money refunded, A oordial invitation extra? - ed to all 40 call and get e of the groat Ifam still receivi:i Weektes breed y from Tor- onto. The high market price paid for stiltIn:ds of poultry. A. G. A kr, Seefortb. , TEND Sealed Tendees February, 1902, Building COmeot Preebyterian_ spectificataons can °likened, on appl Mayfield. Chaim& architect. JOS. A. neeielearily aezep AU rORTIL RS WANTED. alil CO received up to the 154h of dressrd to the Chairman of the- , for the erection of a Brick oh at Mayfield Ont. Plans and be men, end other information cation to JAMES DONALDSON, of Rending Committee, or to the FOWLER, Goderioh. No tender 1778.8