HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-01-17, Page 6ik� i, " �: .. � . i� � � �! - - . I - I � ; b " . , ! . r . . I I 1 1 � . a i I . I I 1 1 1 1 E I : ; . I . - ; I � . , A - I - I . � I , �-� I . : � . I I r - , - ) � , � 7 F 4 . � � : I � I I I I 1 . � - ; - , . � . . � . � . I I L . I - I I I I i � � � � . I t L ri4 � I I , � . � .1 i; 1­ � , , � 1 - : � � '�, . . P . � ti I. I � . iy �� h I . P �, r � E � i I . . --- ---, 1-.-1--f—----1- ­�--T­----1­--- ­­­­ --" ­­­ � I � . � I I 1--------- ---- ,---,. ---­­----­ - ­ . �—. �--- -- -­ ­- - ­ I � I I I i I ! I I . . . ; : - I � � : ii i . I L i . I � � i � � ! ; r � . . : � : I I i � � I � I ! � . I I : i . I I , - ; : ! : ! � � . a � i . � . I � ; � i . I , I I I � I I : � i . I . � . I . � . . I . � � I i � � I I I , � I I � I i - � ! i I � � � f I � r f 7 � 11 - �% ­ . � � 1 t I . - - I , ­ k, I I . � ! ; ! - - � �, I -- T I . i I � � , � I I � : � I I I � , . I . ; : I � I : - . i i - . � I . i I . I i - ; I I i . � a 1. � � ! I I ; � � I I . I I t - . � � : ! I I . I I q � 1 , ; i � 1 1 : I I � , ! i ; I I i : i . . J � ! : I . I . � � i .� io . I I I I . .; i I . . I ! I � I I I .. . . . ! . : i � . � � I - I � . . I I : . I "I . . � I I � . I i 1 THE I ! . I I i I 1 . . ; 6 , I i i - q , . ; - -- i i I I .�- I : !!—!!O- � ; � I I .. i I . I i I I . it At YO . ; 0% 0% an ONE D.AY A GR N. �, I i � � im 0 ! i : i U � . � a I no -- � 1� i 1 S, i 11 � � , an . � i I I i , Ayg1TTE,x r -y ROBF,RT J. !-I' STOAD, CA�RT ' i I � I A!BbULV : � � . � � XYRIOAT, NAXIT-O-RAt I I I Are � i . r i ! . I � . � ! ! ! - . i . ' ' : 4 ah. J I � lv% 4:!%Ml9=ft -- t E, TJ cl gj R F1 � � ! ; i ,-, - I am a greenhorn. � I . au, i ­ � � , At home, in the old as not I - � In fact, �I ivae generally � aff � : b bURITY1 co'nsidered dulJ. z � . PP credited with gen ay ral4- [ 11" i JUS, and 86M of in � I I i � I � S10 WW a , ! " . r � tives ventured to predict th'at I had a f uturo'* ; , i I - � 1 � I I And so I bad. I I � �1 i : , . � Genuine After spending the initial twe ty years Of i ; I I � Afta ; � tones in the crowded v5 i ligig of the 1 � I I ill � WA t =hub, I at length, fired by that an%. i - t 0% 9 I I � I afax biti.n which ever inspires thof a who posEe� o i , V , . . I � . . I -P oe�ptioo of their o*u , ; . : C d -w- r t , za,w r .. an exaggerated con I . . - 1. . ".. : . ability, on a aorry.day badb good-bye to the ; 0 � I I :� .1 I vmtx 0 Is 14 - tight little island to woo fame' and fortune � %. � .. r _ t : *'A ILIS vvff I I � mber eveninj I , Little Liv lfwse� in the wondro"us Wtst. And so it came � about that one fine Septe �'l ­ I ; . alighted from an express ti aiR at one of the " ! , , commonplace little towns which dot the I - � Must Sear Signature of .. � 11 I I _ It . - I railways of the great prairies. � � . -.1 I � ...--",\ � - There was quite a crowd ab the depot- : I : : . i the 11 station," as thesis Co'nadians vulgar)y ' if the woman at work, should b%ke I A5�41e�",���/' term it -but I was struck 4nd not a little � n, she might, - - - annoyed by the fact, that my arrival appea!r- s,wswer to the other woma � . a ad to be occasioning no ex�iterrent. J hsid perha g, say: tt you never had to scrub _.ea Fac-simila Wrapper Below. - . and clean when your back ached so that F � u possible that people �of this movement would � not considered it I i - I it seeiiied that every � I are so lost to th : sense Of t I � � C�r,- smau and cts egar coantrV w a I he to - h T break it in two." its bad enough for a, ; I : - that is due a gentlenian fr 3 m Eogland, ' ! � %a take as supzt I woman to suffer. But when she must I I speot oival to he ; � that they would allow nty arr ; I VADACREw - suffer and slave at the same time she . .4 4 F , : -OR � assed over as a merely� ordinary, event. f no reaches the limit of her endurance. . ; CAM110 FOR DIZZINESS-� Wowever, I condescended �o inquire of one Weak women who have been made i . of the, natives if I could End lodgiOg for I - I it - . � strong by the use of Dr, Pierce's Itavor ; 11 FOR BtLIOIJSNF.3 * the nAgh nearby. I i I I ' I ite Prescription, recommend it to others . . t FOR,TGRPID LIVElf. 64 eckon you can, if you ainit tolb high i I � IVER ,.OR CONSTIPATIO. toned," he replied. " Bo�rdin'lousa tight as a godsend. It. establishes regularity, � � . ; F ,. . T ; i weakening drains, heals inflamiva- I :. $I ',,:roes the street," and he j'erked his, thumb dries I � � FOR ULLOW SKIN. �� . I nd cures female . toward a rambling buildQ in ' I cod tion and ulceration a � ; FOR TUCOMPLEXION the weaktiress. . C i --- stage,of dilapidati,)n and Zearink above . : I 4&3=9W1XM3M MUSTHAVI. X^WRX. � door the legend " Qaeenla Hotel." On a aI have been ailing some time now, being 1. I : 41W writes Mr% I- I I g4r,ay vvegpetable. rittan in tfoubled\witit female weakness,­ �� 25 C*gts . - sign board bV the door post.,! W] Win. k johnson of Avondale, hester Co., Pa. � ; 79aWdrVWA1.zXDM �- - Z on my back. 14 i characters which I coul wi�h difficulty ,",Uvery month I .. - --- --- � - - - 4 . i � CURE SICK HEADACHE. I U a u r �" . read at the distance wa ,thel insuiption ,I tried many different med ci es nd o�binf I - I R e me relief until I begga Dr. Pierce".; tedi- A � �. 11 Meals at all hours. leasla:� ,%Tipe yo7r .av - 1� i ,�' . using two bottles of I Favorite Prescrip �1- i VETERINARY feet." As I started. to �c of 'O ry.1 , ,ard ithe lodging olden Medical Discove ' When I began. �- i bouse I heard my informs rem�rk to a com- I es have cured me. . ' �-. I I i t I was not able to do very much, � I OjIN GRIEVE, V. S., honor graduate of ontarlo panion, 11 Twig the bloom n, rJEOIIy I" �,: t the -work for my fannily of itine, , ;1 i i Viaterinary College. A.IdiscasesofDomesti mys If in th to ave foi� a year.,) �;` � animals tmmed. Cajli promptly attended to Having established ys . e room and feel better to -day than I h 11 i ohpr$es moderate. Veterinary , D ontstry a speols 71t,r . which I was directed, mand whicb,, though 'by Dr- Pierce's Pleasaut Pellets cute: bil- �4 � Offfbe and r�sideuao on Goderich street, one door no means elegant, had a bome4ike air th�t k ! iousness and sick headache. They do � i of Dr Scows, omca, Seaf orth. 1112-tf made it very comfortablei I lig ted 4 eig4r' i . I 11 0 not crepte the pill habit. - 9, . I - � — and meandered forth for a stroll about tl�e .... . ­ - - , � I �� i little town. I had not pone f E6r when I 11 - L.EGAL . wider sphere open to my soul as the fasoin- .: 4 was accosted by a man in ?. gar� .elaborat �y ation of vastness drew it outward. In a w I r I ' -I I I dAMES L. KILLORAN, . deebrated with grease and chaff� ,5 few minutes I was lost to my compar,i9n, to i- i 11 148110, young follow ! Ooking f, r I �, . Mr.-Ister Solicitor, Conveynnoer and. Notary . � I my companion's old mare and cart, to the � qq 1 1 iw I Public.' money to loan. Office over Piokar&a Store work . I mode and motive of My travel -to every- !' 1 1528 I gulped d I Main Street., Seafort .h. I ,own the indign,tation wL Xh �� ; Ural thing but the iufinity of the prairie. Dark- %� — at ly arose at this exi raordi nai i �t n " �y i�i'- ness came EtealiDg up from the east, quietly T� � i �-, 1 1 ? mate salutation, and repli 3d th4t I! was �, a c 1-1 - '7� R. %8. HAYS3 . I � � , loaling the golden treasurers of the sleep- ,:! 1, enial Emplo ment.. , C i Mirriater, Solicitor, Conveyancer and Notary Public. seatch of some cong . and I remained undisturbed. in my , I . ing sun's 1'�'? ';Ih � SZ;itor far tha Dominion Bank. Office -in rear of - Congenial be blanked ! CNP you pit trance.: i I ! . I ill I Dominion Bank, Soa,forth. Money to loan. 1236 sheaves ?" � I �, , I At length the old mare stoppcd with a % - .*14 t — ' I replied that I had never p�tticip�ted '! a suddenneEs and decision which rendered - ; M., BERST. Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Xf * Notaryllublic. Offices UP 0. I at rpad-cart locomotion quite perilous, and I I I i stairs, over W.� that pastime, but in the o h 6oUntry I had I - on In 6 I i Papat's book�tore, -11ain StreLt, Soalorth, Ontirlo. earned some little distfficti ' i :crick 1, . . ' J � � I rushed j unceremoniout-ly into the loving 1 1627 circles for my bowling. On I � I . i', 0 occas'011) boaom 6f Moth - Earth. Having collected pt er � � iv a of Wiokb 6 L when the celebrated Sw )lef i it- i - I -ff R-N,EtY BEATTIE, Barrister, Solicitor, &a. �i i 1 such of�my scattered senses as seemed avail I � ney to loal. Office -lady's Bluck, Sea. town- I I I i I �' � JL -U- Mo Id . th' able and reduced the chaotic conditi(.n of � . I i 1079-tf 11 well, ­you are, if possible,: worse an I I L orth. � I my members to some kind of order, and � ! . I � --- the avera-e," remarked my prospective em- -1 0 � � aplaced my watch -in my waiatcoat pocket, ;. � . r, I -1 � 7 ARROW& G ARROW, Barristers, Solicitors, &c. ployer. 11 Say, young fallowo I would you :� 2 )a St. and Square, Go-derich, Out. .� - ; and removed my collar, which was endeavor. � . ! Gcw. flan.13( mind tellioc, me if I have pair Of goggles . ;1- I J. T. GARROW, q". V- . C, : Ing to Unseat my hat, I observed near by all ; :, i . . I 93) �. . . : 1676 CHARLES GARROW1 L. L. B. an my eyes . � � L -erection of the Pullman car style 'of archi- � � I � _ ,; � . I I Why, no R i C1 " I re tur ied, as Onished .. tecturb,and the tobacco juice style' of per I - � I I Well, that is remarke ble. ' 1, verythin g , , ; I HOLME6TED, sucemor to the late firm Of . � I famer The door stood partly. open, and a - . %r � �); y I . " .�, I F. meukughey & Holmested, Barrister, Soliol seems to have turned green arpun I her(. , gloomy�ray of lig t struggled out from a � I I I Donveyancar, and Notmy . Solleltor for the Ohn s un Is to� dlivine what . ' . y to lend. Farm, I replied that I was un n q Very smoky kern ei�e lantern withir. A � I AdtauBauk of Commerce. Mone 6 : - - Block, Main stroot - could be responsible for t at r� kult. To me �a ' I : tot sale. office in- Suott's . . I I t 7 1. - . I sound of enthusiab.io snoring floated forth � I b � � geafoxth. the colors of the surrounding. 6 Jects wore on the Wmy air of ulght, As I wondered 1 . I I . perfectly natural. i i I . � I . w � la my heart what manner of men I h-kd ; I- cAn! learn �to i . z . 1, Oh, come, I guesse i ov i . DENTISTRY. fallen among INIr. Scott out short my re. � i � buck.stra.w for a dollar a dP6� *and yoiir i J I verie. ' I � � I � i . I F, W. TWEDDLEi board." - ; I I I 11 This is our caboose, Aleck," aa -d lie. I I DENTIST, - lia,Ving iead something of the', dventur�oa ,, You Will occupy bunk thirteen." I of tho wild men who grew on hdri aback a' d ,Now,* my name ii not Aleck, nor: Alexan- I . . 1 GraduFte of Royal College of Dental Sur-eaus of On ' habitually wore long bait and1 9K-Bhootels, . - ! tarjo, post, graduata coune in (rown and%ridge work I der, but Alphonso Orlando Efflugbon ,A1 ar- I ! ter and Nyho could shoot the fi 11 i ��.� out of a . atHaskklt1aS:!hou1,Chicsgo. Local anasthttioi U tindale,;:andIhad ,not yet informed - Mr. . painless extractioa of teetb. Office over Dominion tenddrfoot's teeth at half 1 and ha�v- 8cott of that faA. However, I noticed . 'I I I Bank, Seaforth, ft,rmc ely o� . n� 0: cupied by G. F. Bel ien , Ing also heard of their en� eavi�r:' t; , hanqle � 17, 61 bucki�n . g bronchou, I was A lititl suspicWus that his ignorance as to my name and . . le parentage troubled that worthy not at all. I ; he as to the natur a of the am plo b, but 60 . It. F., A. SELLERY, Dentist, graduate of t - � . With, some- diffioulty I clambered into the & Be caught lily ey pr� :mth,er, n�y F D Royal College of Dental Burgeons Toronto,'lso recompen -y I caboose! A -ter a rather trying saarch � 11 � : honor graduate of Department of Dentistry, Toronto pocket book (for, like. m at- 'of - my cla a, � . . i aniong the shelf-like structures which University." OMc4 in the Petty block, nensall. while I bad irgmenee wea, th at,home, I was wM visit zuzioh every Mond.%y, commencing Mon. V 44 11 a�2 fomed the threshormen's rude beds I found . I day, JAMB let. 1587 very low in th*0 ready 11 , 1 ab epted t a bunk thirteen, apparently the only' one un-, . � . offer, �aud fortbwith.learn d th% I . Py el�.a- occupied, and littered deeply with the cast. , 7 ; . " . R. R. R. ROSS, Dentist (suoneesor to F. ' ployer a na&e was So . . . � DTweddle.), graduate of Royal College of Don 11 Como," sail he, leadi. g the way to I a off clothipg of the inhabitants of the neigh- rgeona of Ontario; Brrst class honor graduate,, at & , 'boring 'beds. Overcoming rny natural � Su M horseland road-carb th cod lly the. si'le- Torouto University ; crown and bridge work, al timidity, I abed my clothe3.and prepared to &11 the most modern walk. " Thi3 is my chariot. : Tumble iv " I Cold work in n1l, Ita forms. z. . , tt turn in " when a voice from somewhere � . methods for palule.sa filling and painless extraction of I , " tumbled in " as directed, 41 ,d We - w ' 0 1 . .said, 11 �otiao the glim, stranger." I teeth. All operations carefully ptrformed. 3 Mce I r Twaddle's old atazd, ovar Dill's, grocery, Soaforth soon bowling merrily alDng � thi i pleas t ,, I b�g your pardon," I returned. � � . Mo count�y road. The run had :noi r Oat, 'b�t 11 Spd � �nge the laminator," was the reply. I -- the bright reflection of -th w0s6e -n : sky lit 64 The what ? " � . � . - . I h' reaches of prairie � Ar d i stubb�le r - i I It wa� then explained to me that I was I MEDIOAL. 'on - ! I with The mellowness of at iber. ; Th i a welt- desired to extinZniih the li(Tht in the Ian- ; ern s y hung like �n inve ,ted "sea of molt n � Dr. John McGinnis, critns?'n, and long shaf t8 A '101rV;fflier�11 torn. T cautiously approach'Ted that lumin- L ! ' I ,ary, removed it from the nail and proceeded I on Western University, member il Ito %a` r ea�t. . : ,ffou. Graduate Lond faintly and more faintly , I i of Ontario College of Phyaloinus and Surgeom As: the, old mare jogged a ong'I �elt[ a now to extinouish it. Now of all infernal an. " 1 0111ce and Redo.noz-Formerly. occupied by Mr. Wm. - gines ever devised to bring misery ;upon , b f -to Church -Iife��he unspeakable, in leacti a�bla lie Of I I Plokard,'Victorls Etreet, next to the babho. ' fallen man, the safety lantern is. certainly . � Night Wis attended promptly. . 1468x12 � the piairie-thrill throug" - , _ y V�ins, and i a AV I i the most terrible. I surveyed it minutely ; 11 ­ -- - -- . - I - I � I . i I . I - -- T t in s3arch of a point of attack, but finding i : I . � 1 , . " . : : DRS- BETHUNE & ROSS � I . � . i ; I ! i _none, blew at i� generally. Its flame never I : . . . ; I ohnsQn'� Hardware Store r flickered. I attempted to remove the uires � Office over J ) I AO J I f . . ! :. I Adook � e glas3. Udeless. I held it out �Seaf orth. , I .. enclosing th - : r - ! �. horizontally and blew at it. No Gffect. � H. 11. Ross, M. B, � � ,� I ALI—_ BEinV.Nr. � ; - . P I Then I inverted it and read on the bottom, . - . . � I I , I I : . i . I ; '. . 4 � Night calla attende,l to at the c flice, I ; i I I ' Warranted to burn in all positions, all � I I 1 ; , i . . � .� L - - - I � i I 1 7 i climateEk and all atmespheres." Although I . . r I . . I . . . . . IN I . � ..A- I . 6 H " F. J. BURINOWS4 ; � i I i the climate had nat changed, I had placed . � t i � ; . ; . . � I the machine in every pcs'- I i,)r, and the at- . i � . ; � � I .axle waidantPhyglolan and Susgeon, Toronto Gba- . � � J Hoapital. Honor graduate Trinity Univer4ty, . � ; mosphe�le was gr6wing sulphurous, yet the ; i I � I � � ; I MWIskmber ot the College of physicians amd BurgoOns I I article had proved as good as represented. . . Ontario.' Coroner for the County of Union. I k : I I In this po6tion I observed at the far end of - ; Office and ResMence-Goderich. Street, East of the . I I alothodist Chu. -ch. Telaphone 46. is al � right, if you lare 'to6 fa�; the gtasq, a tube,which seemed to afford a 1� � I . 1886 I I tar,ret, i I put my lips so close to it as to , I and' 11 wrong, if to6 thiri alread�,. burn m � chin, and blow savagely. In vain. ; � 9 � y I � I .1 Then came a welcome, though scarcely bril. DRS. SCOTT & MacKAY, ' Fit enough'for yo r habit : I V I r . > -, P liant idea, and I sp�t in it. Still in vain. ' , . . PHYSICI,&NS AND SURG9ONS, heal 1 , 01' less " 11 ! S I shook it fiercely. It minded that not at !I Sloderich stroot, opposite Methodist church,ge&forkh 0 *y; a little more,, i ! I � MI. Still that dirty, sickly, oily smell ; . I I J. Q. SCOTT, raduato Vietorl'a and Ann Arbor, and 1 no great harm I,. Too fat consult still thab smoky, lightless, cheerless bazP. ; � I .1 I A gust of cold wind crept in under the door, . ; member Ontario ColleFe of physicians and I. I I surgeons. Coroner for County of Huron. a doctor; too thin�, p4sistentll capture my unprotected feet, and proceed. , i � y I I � 0. MAcKAY, hcr-or graduate Trinity University, �, hin � I rvvhiat cause, tak � ed to po! seM me. Then I thought an awful . � gold meda,lltit Trinity Med1cal College. Memboy I L I ITO MaLt � thought, struck the lantern a blow which . I : College. of rbyalclans and Surgeoni, Oniarlo. . � extinguiihod it forever and vaulted into . : 1488 Scott's Emulsion �f' Cc d UvOr I . . . -- I � � number thirteeni . - — I I : I � . Oil. I I : . i I had not beon lonk in th . . I � I. . I I McLEOD'S The, e a,, v, , � i ,any ipuse� of ge L became painfully conscious that I was not � t!, the only. occupant. I felb'that my presence . I . . System Renovator - Was crodtinR no little oommotion among the 7 . � I - ting too thin; t6y' all COM6- ; � . I ative i I babibants of bunk thirtear. Any ; -A�ND C�HIER- � . I n 4 - I I : - . I ' 1 Und(�'r these two i heads: , ove� little annovanee I might have felt at the in. � [ . - � I I TESTED - REMEDIES. 7 1 1 difference aid my a i v . I p rr al at the country A specific anti &ntldble for Impure, Weak and L work and uilder-digestlDn.- : town w9s more than off -set by the warmth � Im I I i � . I I Pover1H1,%d Blood, Dgop,opala, Sleeplessness, Palpats. � of my sent reception., With a shudder . Mon of the Heart, �e Complaint, N .S� A .1 reco pre t ouralgia, Losa op over -work' if y:)u ca '; Noted that, according to our best ! of Memor bones, �i I I ,y, 3�ronQhltfs, Jousumptlon, Gall 3 � ' t athorities, thirteen was an unlucky num. laundlee, Hioney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitue : but) whether' yd�i cat -L or no�, I Danee, remiLle Irregularieles and General Debility. � ter. I began to fear that I had ibeen the � ntarlo. ; , I ) 0 my- , - & - self gradually falling into the hands of a . -Goderloh, 9 take' Scott S i EQisian of Cod �iatirn ef an awful corspira y, as I felt : LABORATORY I i I � . I I � . .T. M. McLEOD, Proprietor atid . Mant Liver Oili, t bal4nce yourself �nercilers and ravenous enemy. I wag I I . I - . facturer, �, W t)� , I : much inipreueed with the regula-rity and t with your' k. . You �an't fiv! I � Sold lay- J S. ROBERTS, Seaforth. - f C system of attack. The charge of Soott'a : . r. . � . � i 96 �) . ; 1501 -if I -�--true-�but, - b ' I greys , was particular17 enthusiastic. � I - : . . . - on it. ;1 Y it 3, YOP . The o�oers joined in the onalatiahi and ; .1 I a - � ! can. Them' a lirilit however;! fought side by Ei3ei with the rank and file. ; . 3 ; . ! . i - There were no reserves, . tlye entire force ! . . . ! � � you'll �ay for it. it ! prei sing on to the front-anid rear. Even ; I P 1 � .1 I the arm� contractors and ,-War correspond. 1-111� ft Scott's Emulsion of C d Liver a - fuslual - lnstrume'nt � nts took part i a the an -- ement. � . . I I . I � 98:9 . � - . 1 1 1 Oil is- the readiest cure folr I Aftar'01 desperate, but futile, resistance I . . � ,surrendered myself tQ.the inevitable. Even I - : EiNYTIPORIUM- CC can � t eat," mle If the per - � , �s ,it comes 0 secution of my captors could not . . � .drive away the stupor that radually -6n. . I , - 9 I I your doing n N4,6rk--y3u can�t veloped a* Exhaustion at last Overcame * I 1. I I . i I holit me, and,17Lhe spirit of sleep -floated in at the I , EMSTABLISHED, 1873. long be well and st'roi�g) wit � � � i � . I broken !window, and, ves0ing upon my � � i � Some sort of ,,ictivit'y. [ wearied 1 eyelids, soothingly -lulled me . to . . . I . � I I I ! Owing. to hard times, we have con. i - I irest. i � . i I . The genut le ha� I 11 I I L I I eluded to ,QeU Pianos and Organs at . 1 About. two minutes aad a-balf later -1 at , . thls� Icture on lt� . ! . � ; : 1. X least, owit seemed to me -I was awakened r I ' 17 takOpno other by an aii-splitting screech from a - steam . .� � If You hav4; not 'N . I , � ' Greatly fleduoed PrIces, � � � whistleAearby. Daylight was now glim. � I .. . � tried Jt, ser d for �mering, and, as my fellow Occupants of the ., . I f reel s'am p I e, I ts a-�- . . I � ; caboose Were hastily dressing, I sprang up � : I I greeable tas"a will I 31 , I I 'and pro I eeded to do likewise. I was some. � I I . . a I - I . . . I I . . i Organs at $2D and upwards, and surprise. yoL. . : what delayedby having to remove sundry . I I : I !, I Pianos at corresponding prices. SCOTT &'BC WN S I - - I 12 !hard knots from the legs of my trousers, bult ; . , ) I . _ _ . : I ! Chemlsti3 --t%� -1 felt that A display of tempe I I I -r would be un. � I ­ a, purchashfg. . . i . . I . - . � See us befor . To�,onto' I I I availing,' so held my peace. I was already , I . I f � � � T - . � . i : I learning'to pin my faith to the Canadian � : I I : I . . I maxim : 91 Say nothin� but saw wood." I ; I � 50c. and $1�100; all d Istsk - It I I � � . i � - . . I . : . . S7CL OTT 9 � I I - � Having Oresood myself, follo'wed theothers BROS i � I I i � I , I ! ; I ! t - i ; I lk � ?- I � i � i I � � � I � . . � � . L I I I � � . � I � � I - I . � . 1: I . I I i . . ; . I ! I � ! I V- L� � - � I ; I . � C � - S I = - U, TTL " r I L I M L W ,�, I !b PILL I lv� W I I PIU I LU �p - 4 F�- 4110 .� 25 cett I W -W I I ij, 1� � . ; 10 T � � � � I , W , tal of n -1 Gd; L -1 ; � I I I L ! � � � . � I i i � d 11 I I I : I V . I I : i ; I I . ! � . I . 1 � � I I I : ji � i . 7 I I - ! . I . ! � r1-1 . � , � " z I . -- � ; i i L i ; I i t � I � - � : L : t � . I I � ! 2 . I ! � . I . . I I I ; . - ­ - - ----- ­­­- ---­-­--------­-­----:­ -.----- -.I,---- I 1-11-- T, -­­'. - L-1----,L---l-�-L�-'�"---.-----.,.------.---�-L--�-.,�-.----.�--�-1--"--,-.-- .. -----1-1-. ­ I ........ . ---- I i UOON ! KXP0tS5­1T1 I I �-L W� ... , I;-- - -- . , �� I i I ,� . aor�so theistubble fields to a littlai farni ' hoqs�. ere a hasty breakfast was dbuosed of, and t1hn the whistle soundud all I fiandh ! to tbbir posts. ! . I Ar�ived'at the mill, I encountered Mr. Scott, ar e4 with a long pole, to ea�h end of wbicti � horse was I attached by 4 IonE I . rope, These, be informed � me, were M3 imploment�s, _an woulld henceforth be�in m3 .charge, 'a placed the said implements ir position u der what �e termed the �'straw. 11� . carriers, a d- explained that when a gooc 11 dump " of straw had fallen I was to drivi ! the Ikorses,off a suffioie'nt di6tanbe, tqe poh draWing t�e straw. Having won . ld rerv�rn and get �n position for anothei load� � I 1� Then, with much ratDIe and clatter, thi great mill started toil s business, and wai pre0ntly� vomiting v6lumes of straw ove.1 the carriers. much �of which ultimatel� I seemed to find its wai dowi2 my neck. : was iso struck with the majesty of this ma ohinb, and the f ob ihat I was in somi rom4te way con ecteo with and essential ti . . T it, that I quite f�rgot my dump of � straw Pres�entlX howevar, I was awakened fron my reveri; by m �ny cries of 11 Strawbuok " acoelltuat�d afte the �manner of 'thtesheiz . 11 Drive ofit, drive oui T' shouted Scott. shoAted a1feeble " get up " to the 1 horseE They either did not h0ar me, or, hearing headed not, and all the time the straw we � 'PiliAg hig4r. I ' did pot exactly understan, the 0o6itilbn and was at a lose to knQ'w boi to induce' the horses tb proceed. Me�nwhil a great mountain of t6traw was piling u beforemq. Suddenl�one of the �itchei bygan to knaul my hor'ses with a pi�,chforl I I was Btainding upon a pole'when it s,hlot foi ward.' For a momont chaos and' when straw reik ned, and t�en I felt myself beip violently: thrust into the air. Up, up, up went, impelled by some mysteriou� POW( which I could no locate, and ab I lengti coming a4ddenly downward, landed 1directl on top o the carriem. For a moment I sE in Jeopai,dy what Oh, horror ! the' carri( befts, be ng s,ac, , began to slip backwar( J and I was sliding Slowly, steadily, inch b inch nea �6r to that awful abyss of rattle an I *roar and clatter and clash, which Ivomite clouds o dust and chaff and straw upon rr as I des 6nded into that earthly h�des. I clutchel the slate debpsratel, y in- my dowi ward career, find as I �; neared the awf i . siusage 6utter my mind flow with lightnir rapidity over the misdeeds of my past lif It is rern4rkable how very few praieewortl auto one ban recall underauch circumstance The reproach -of a mis-spent youth, rose b fore me in grim cobdemnation-the hou of preoic us time which I bad dwadled in, eternity with such frivolous sports as che and cric�et andl cards ; the sundry o6c Bions in 1w-hich �, had indulged to excess the exhilarating bowl-; the shilling I ht borroweo from a school mate Und neglecti to �retuO. But now I sat face to face wil etierjityland the bind .end of a �,hresbit .? maebinel The suspens . a was greater than i � - � could bekr. Isztaddenly kpraDg up land a deavored � to ruin up the carriers to' safet . i but, overbalanoing, fell right into the yaw ing cratdr., In an instant I was ejeoted. was again flung upon the carriers, whii this tim� did not slip, but carriedi' ale I and dumped me unceromoniously into t] Isecond plile of straw. I cla bered out, a chaff bedraggli wretch, lust in my eyes, my mouth, n nose,'m ears, and deep, bitter disgust my hear). I was greeted with a t6rrent . hoots, jeers and rough jokes. ,Tbi3 w more than I could bear. What had I do: that I a be ridiculed by this compai of half t#olr(eld fello ' we ? Was it my fat -that I was a. greenhorn ? And would thi not be 7�, dally green had they been sudden ; . landed mong the surroundings to which was acedsbomed ? I could bear straw &I chaff and sweat and dust and faillure i combined, but this heartless ridicule I con Qt bear[ My Engitsh blood wa,3 up, and . an outbdrst of sudden passiQn I struck wi � all my f6ree a man standing near. a. I fell I ike� log. 71 In a instant matters took a' ' scrio . turn. The br,idterous joking of the three , era cesiand, and an oujinbus silence follows as thesci bronzad and sunburnt fellows stoi .about m� in a semi circle. Had I b known i� then, therd was nothing bat goo naturedlove of sport in their �ante'rfi Until m hasty passion had brought on criEi I. �4 I was too blind to seQ land ti mad with passion to have believed th'i and as I I stood there, my coat, , bat &I L waistcoalt scattered about, the chaff clin ing 4n lo6g tendrils to my hair and ears, � h sweat w�lllng in my eyes and running dov my cheeks i a - dirty i ivulets, I defiant throw a challenge in the teeth of al It did'not lie unaccepted. Seat, had t1 hot word a lef t my lips when a youth of aboi my own age and stature stood befor; me. ' ' glared at him for a moment, and ev'n in n �, 0 �� blind fury saw that here was at � least worthy pponent. The pent-up rath ' my soul bnrs� all restrainti, and I a ruck ' I him furiously. With a dexteri y th i 3 amazed me he ducked below 'my b ow ai 3 seized ff ,a by the waist. I clutched his ne, and shoi ildere, It was one or the o �her f it now. We reeled and staggered b ick ai forth, b- it neither fell. .My eyes barn, and the duari parched -my throat. The.fac of the o U�-lookors danced by me in � daz confusion. ', The roar of the mill i seem, floating doWD from a limitless space. A adverw 's.grip was like iron. I could f( . . . . L i 3 qui2ring sinews press against - me as i swayed about in each Other's arms. E breath was coming hard, but strong, as beat fiercely against my cheek. I struggl desperately, but I knew fight. Under the pressure of his awl grip myl breath came shott and jerk . Su denly I I a b is muscles rise and t?ht � , about a, and with a mighty a Dr� w thrown rom him. I scarce know I how 2 ( happen (. I fellback-a belt -a Pulley 7 an awf wrench, and -then-darknei . . numbness, and a strange confusion dt sigb and distant sounds, and, at Itngth I U1100 scioubilass. � I When next I knevF., anything I was bunk thirteen. What, an excellent ohanc( now ba4e of weaving into this story t romancA of the beautiful country girl w nursed me as a siFter, an -i was repaid by n affections, aud,-after I had recovered in health* %nd the fortune had been 10A to rr I I I --- I ID � ' Ili= Flanihm, Eczema � I I .a I .... i Salle Rheum and Scald Hen TL--- Drendfiil Iftehintr nii'd Darnin iyl �Vrolljptly Itelieved and tj Di?6'enxe 'ritoronxii13- Curcillby 113 ch"e's ointment. I : lldrsJA, A.1,2Kniglit, XirkwaLl,A� � 'ellinl-, toil Co inty, 011t., NVr1tVS:-"1 fek�l it ir duty to let you know what Dr. 'haso I Ointment has done in a very b4d ca: . of cozema on our'baby. lVe ill d ti if 1111Y nU111ber of cures 'WithOlIt M- ,,,� manent relief, but froin the - hour v 4�0 iced using Dr'. Chasv's Oijntmei t=xmeltlas great relief, and the 1 11provi , mont 6-ontinued, until there w: con � pl�te cure. We think it the gre' test ( farnfly! Ointments." ' f, � ' if *s. R, Stoddard, Delld, Ont.�-Write: Ii was troubled with psori , sis ( ch�ronid enema, for tivelve yeari �S; 11.9c m,,,Lny remedies during that tiine, bi go:t no, relief. Doctored with four ( flv'e ddetors, but found no cute I d( cided t ' o try a box of Dr. Chase s Oini ment, tnd before using half of i ho be founct, g,reat relief. It have use abot tll�ee boxes, and am now co. pletel cl-111red, and have recommende It I rn�my ether.§. It is the,best 1-1 dve ev( us %d, md. it ici worth its -,vvdiglit i gold." . Tho I is nothing to'bo compaied wit . MaSt"s Ointi-neilt as a cure, for ti D h. must dbsthiate and torturing s�dn dl�, iltz " easv- i cures are often truly mai VvIloud. 600 a 1)ox, at a1l dealprs, ( M III' aL6011, Bate -5 & Co., Toronto. I i I � , � i . , I 6 � � i M V ­ I I I � i � I F Diamond Hall .� of' Canada. � I I Z_-�-- I . :!!!!!!!!! =======—==== i - - I 1 ---7.- 1 EstoLblished in the year i854) � - ' - h s experienced a our bt�Siness a . : tea4l. a4vancement until the 7 I I , prese0t day. - I . ou� stock of Diamonds, I Fine. � awelry and Silverware is !uOver'sally conceded to be the la t�gest in Canada, and our - ti I repu , oil for fair treatment of our platrons is such as to , I commiln� confidence . . I Out handsomely illustrated , . catalogu6- will bring you in touchi %W,th our present stock - and � c' py o,f this will be I , cheerfullY forwarded you upon applicati n. I . WRI B"E%,.%0S69 ' ; Yong@ and Adelaide Sts., . . . � .i TORONTO. I i L � We prepay, charges and rof�und I money If desired. � 11 � I I i Fon the �eart and hand of the sweete, gh I in ha�distrlct and returned to Enk I y , land with y Canadian treasure, admire - a ( an I envie of all .1 How beautiful it all is in fiction.' But , as a matter of fact, lib most of O r pretty day dreams, this did n( occur at al$. When I owoke in bunk thi te(a over me was smiling the face of m eri�twhile 'adversary. I was vaguely co, scions of a strong odor of iodoform, and dull, aching pain - in my., -right arm an shoulder. When I attempted to move thrill of agute'agony ran thi..ough me. � 11 Lie a 'ill I d 5elf -appointc W� I , a " said my .� nurse, ,� "i se na;L, a% I afterwards learnle4 Was Walt r Brown. " It wasa-sore wrep'( , ' an d all in � fault, brit the doctor has it a fised up, _ nd says that with proper care y'c will soon a iound. I. .. It was so strange to hear this fine felloi . whom -a short!time ago I could have torn. I .pi 3oes in my rage, talking so soothingly I I m -,.now. , Ho , 7 greatly` had our relatioi 01 anged 1.� T ere seemed such a flu vor of r i m Lnce in it ail that I actually enjoyed , I I at d my o )iuv" - of the thresher. .gang roi in, measur �bly. Bat I did not "ow th( th%t the man who released me from the di as',rou's pu�llly was the inoffensive workme . w iom I hid first struck down; I did ni know tha�- my'former antagonist had. toi th a harness from his tear� ' and spurred tI fo, iming anirrials for five miles undar av -altering sun in search of a doctor ; I -& -not know hat the very men who had seen ad to hatete had borne my prostrate for I to the b I '09e as lovingly as if I had been ch Id. V did I I�arn until later that evei man in that gang, in which I had fancipd -he d not a iingle friend, had shared his hari ea rned wa Yva to pay my board and doot9:1 � bi'Ll. But should the future bold in stoi fo-measi ilar accident, I shall never ask h a kinder or more attentive nurse than We te r Brown proved during the weebs of an fering that, followed-. And in "d by ar through it all many new lights shone up( me, but th 3 greatest truth of all was th; tb46re 'bea �a many a kind heart under rough exterior, and there is more real te: derness i� the rough sympatbige of ti hcrney-handed working man than in tl silvery-coaied praiseo which, emanate fro the m ushrbom- hearted serfs of society. Ar when I wa3 able to resume my duties. i " strawbu6k," I found myself no longer t) ridicule of t,he gang, but rather Ahe hero it, forlin sornevague way every man seern( to feell individualiy responsible for my,m] " he ---"� 4 d his beat to atone for it. , 'Uch we e the results of my first and on day's expe ience as a 11 green -born." ; , I � ; THE END. . I I 4 I � . I CH11L HOOD INDIGESTION ; � � - I � 0 en L o] . Unless Prompt S-tepi3 are Take t010h ckit-How This Can Bei B I Done. - Indigestiou.is a trouble that is verycor m)n in infancy and early obildhoodi and u less prompt measures are taken to control the result i� ofteri'very serious. It preven th pr per, rowth of the child and- weakei t a uOpstit tion, so that be. is unable to r , si, t otper ii3eases that are more dangerom F., rt 'Patel , however, the trouble is oi '. u 0 that i;ae'%4'i1y 6ontrolled. Proper food -n toc) much, but absolutely pure -plenty � g il d y fresh Air and Bab3�'s Owm Ti�blets, free , _ a ministered .according to the direction W 11 soon put the sufferer right, and mal � bc th �othe'r and child happy. Mrs. W. I BassaM, of Kingston, Oat., is one; of't] I m Lny Inothers who has proved the truth tb is statement. She siys : �' When n � - Iii tle girl was about three months' old 91, had indigestion very badly. She was vorni in g and had diarrhoea almost constantl She was very thin, weighed only fbi pounds, and although she had a raveno, aT petite he'; food did her no good whateve I I iad tried e everal medioines but they d n(t help her. Then I heard of Baby's Op Tablets, an'l procumed a box. After givii lit r the tablets for a few days, the vomitii aid diarrhoea ceased, she -began to impro, at oncle, and grew plump and fat� I alwa: give her the Tablets now when she is ailin aid the result is always good, Baby's Op Tablets are the bcst medicine I have ev used for a 6hild." I . i I Theie tablets Nvill promptly cure all tl minor ailments of the little ones, such 9,J r s)oma�h, indigestion, colic, constip ti n, Ilay he irritation accom�anyino, t] . 0 cuttin of eeth, etc. They are good f, obildr n of all ages,and crushed to a-pow,d, Or dissolved in water can be given with a so ute safet to the youngcst infant. If y( ca ino 5 obtain Baby's Own Tablets at Voi I dr. aggists, they will be sent post paid at' ce its a box, by addreising the Dr. Williarr Wedigine Co., Brockville, Ont. * A UAANTEE-" I hereby certi that I have� made a, careful chemical analyf of Baby's Own Tablets, which I personal pi rch sed in a drug s6re in Montreal. X ar aly ,is has proved that the Tablets conta at sol�tely 6 opiate or narcotic ; that thi . I on a be given with perfect safety to - tl y(Ungest i fant ; -that they are a safe ai eflicie4 medicine for the troubles tbey.a in licalted to relieve and cure." . (ftzW) - � ' iMILTON L. HERESEY, M. So.) I Provincial Analyst for Quebe Mokreall� Dec. 23, 1901. � —#---- ---- 19 T6� . Man From Glengarry." � I - All Canada ia indobted to the publishe of the Family Herald and Weekly Sts fa - it has Just leaked out that that gre, paper has cured the serial rigbAe of th most absorl#ng story, " The Man from Gle, garry," by Nov. Chas'. W. d.ordon, of Wi� ni peg,, who I writes under the noin d� -plun of " Aalph� Connor.".. The publication, v =i'l begin in a week or two, just , 6'wthe' mily Herald SubscriRtion D pairtmput dvae entered the thoueands of r I i - I . I i � - I I i � : � i � I , 4 new4i subscriptions that have poure i'nta that�ioffioe during the past week or two. FamPy Herald readers are to be congmtul- ated They will certainly get the year's oubs�ription price in this story alone... I 0 � ' PAINE'S CELERY COMPOOND i Strengthening and Health-(fi I ing � � . � � is the Best Mid-Wintorl i 1. i � Medicine. , : � I � I - - � THIS IS THE SEASON WHEk Ti E . SYSTEM SHOULD BE FORTIFIED JAND THE BLOOD MADE PURE. I � I I At this timd, when thousands are confined for hours- each day and might in badly venti- lated. homes, offices, stores and worke hope, the qatem should be fortified and the blood I thoroughly clenses, so that disease m � y be tbotloughly reefsted, Pain�e`a Celery Compound is the beat mid. winter medicine for all, ailing, weak and run-down men and women. It is the % orlWm great disease banisher tud sy,stern boilder. It quickly furnishes nutrimen for �lie in. � numerable nerve fibres ; it,arous6s the or- gans of -digestion to brisker action ; It an- abl6a the wasted body to build up flesh and ' muscle, and disLipates the seeds of dbadly disease. To all who have sallow faces, hol- low cheeks and sunken eyes, betokening ill - health, we say use Paine's Celery Compound pmd you will find a new and happier exist- ence. New blood, fresh vim, energy and ac- tivity gained in January and February will give you a solid foundation of health for the coming spring time. Mrs. Hooper, Thorn, .hill Oat., Pays �- I 'tWith very great pleasure and satiafac. tioo I wish to add my testimony * to what has already been said in favor of Paine's . Celery Compound. For a very long time I suOered from general debility and run-down . system. Having heard of Paine's Celery Cothpound, I determined to give it a trial, and I am happy to say it has done for me more good than I can express. For ten years I doctored with other medicines with- out, any good results ; but,.' af ' ter using ' - Paine's Celery Compound, I am perfectly re- stored to health, can eap well, digestion is , go'Id nd my sleep is sweet and eound. Al- toga1ar, I am a now woman. I always recommend Paine's Celery Compound to my frie:fids," I I I . - I - ,- - I A Natural Mistake. , A few years before his death, AlIan G. Thurman, of ,Ohio, wa% engaged! as counsel ill � lawsuit which 'Was tried -before a county jucige in one of the small towns in the can tral parb of the. state. Opposing him was a young lawyer n-amed Cassidy, who w re hit hair pompador, -assumed an air of , .. I - peal I . I - . dignity, and was .apparently greatly im pre . seed with bia own importauce. Upor several occasions during the progress of the trial Thurman referred to his legal opponen. as �' Mr. Necessity.". The young ma� ar � os( whenever this occurred, and with I great . � gr� I vity reminded the court that hi . s� nam waq Cassidy. Finally, after the offen0e had I repaated abjub a dozen times, thi be6 ' pompous attorney exclaimed : 4 I must again, remind counsel on the other side that my. name is Cassidy. I can't understand why he persists in maintaining thAt'it is necessity.') " I beg -the gentleman's pardon'," said Mr Thurman. " The reason I keep getting him confused with Necessity is, I presume, due to the , fact that the latter knows no IaW."-GbJcago Times-Her-ald. . 0— . Elow It Is Done. : � The first object in life with the Canadian 1pedple is to I I get rich" ; the second, hovi to regain good health., The first can be obtained by energy, honesty, and saving the eecoi3d, (good health) by using Green:� August Flower.. Should you be a despond ant sufferer f r'om,any of the effects of Dye- , . pepgia, Liver Complaint, Appendicitis, Indi I gestioD, etc..pnoh as Sick Headache, Palpi tation of the Heart, Sour Stomacb,Habitual I C I O.: tiveness, Dizziness of the Head, Nervous Pr Irtration, Low Spirits, etc., you need nol super another day. Two doses of the well- Tl�a" �' ku wn August Flower will relieve you I ., . Regular siza, 75 cents. Yon can gel Dr. G. G. Greeb?s reliable remedies at J . S I Robert's drug store, Se&forth.' I - 7 — - I I I- About the Bible. .1 The Bible is God's book. Dr. Storrs, of Br6oklyn, who recently attained his 70th I birthday, says : .. I I I look� upon the Pjible as the book foi the world, and I see ite divine authorship ab plainly as I §se the authorship of God it the st%T.s, which I know no human mechanic could have built in. his workshop and flunE oikt into spaeb ; and when the critics pick away at the Bible, I say, well it. is no grea if: it gratifies them, it does 'no matter ; I hurt me ; And as long as nall the Universitie in the world combined are not able to. mak AnOtherBible that shall be so cosuical in it power over men and women, over mind an� heArt and life, and over the grow , in � . g civiliza tion itself to ,which it ministers, I rest aa BUT0 that this is God'i Book � and not man' -as certain as.1 am that this is His glob under my feet, and not something 4hioh human carpenters have builded." i I b is quite well for us to remember the, we can see but little of divine truth at time. Those of us who have read tb(i Bibl from 'Youth to rn�'idle Jife and hav read our .man mes, so that we may it fl�e sai that w�e are qyuittei familiar with it, have seen only little bits at &- time. We maj fancy that we have taken hroad and com prf heusive views of the Biblet and, camper ati vely speaking, perhaps we have, yet it i still true� that we have seen only mere frag m to at any.one time. It is a vast area; an� W derfully deep, and we must - not, thin thi t we have perceived anywhere near &I thitabouads in ib* -� i The Bible is a literature by itself. I do s not concern itself with mere history o . - bi graphy, nor does it seek to ptesery .to us ' the great efforts of the fleholar Jha thinker, the statesman, or poet. It i fillad with revealinp of things which ar unseen and eternal. �� it makes known to u the realities of the s 'ritual life. Its poetr - Pi . �, -- ---- : . , �BA�CK=, i - 11 1ACH I I . - .9 - I . i *1 !e - i . . ., i � I �. ' If youhave Rackacheyou h Kidney Disease, If you negle t Backache it will. develop in o - somethinjSwofse' right's Dii' , 4-13 labetes'. There is -pa use rubbing and 'doctoring yo6r . back. Cure the kidnels. Thel a i is only one kidnek me icine but it cures Backache. every timt,,- . � � . I I I Dodd S 0 1 I Kid aeyi 1. Mwooki 0 an so I I f lu . � I ! � I I -�.4i -1� i, It - - I I ­ � - i . I . I - - - I . . . - ; � ! . � - -- - . � I I � - o , - I - . . . �- I . � - : I ­ . . I - � i T: V - - � - i I � � - i - � : I , e : � i � f " � � I . 3' -. - i JANUARY I 17. 1902 -:--,: JAJ -: � . � . I I 'wlvwomwai� 4--- — -- - - -----*%, - -"-,:, — ----� -.1 - z,-.,. I . I I - � . ------ A- =,,". — - I I I . . � - I � 11 Aoo�qb 1i . gut a v a . " � �, . I - � �. . k,407f 11011� 1�- I -;:��— U h R . 1. 1:011 ­ 9 . - . �:��,-- I ­ . � z . � 11 e -t-Th. foli. i -L I wgs given;! up to die 'witb ' fOr Us� I ot,ick consumption. I then began' I - , I � letel. � �o ust: Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. 1 1 . - � I - iT,nprQved at once, and am now ill XOTB,;,� 11 . perfect bealth."--�- Chas. E. Hart. r - �i I ('" � man, Gibbstown - N. Y. I . os 7 1 r ."21,Y1 - 1 , I 1# =.�� �64-1.noaq."- MOW - a aeboall � '' - r�.. : . 7 1 RIX% It S too r1sky, playing Beiatr!W, � I with your co:ugh. - Few dsrA; 0 �, �, . frior.da of I I ; t, The first thing you I 1396MG bfre j. � a I K . wko short . know it will be down � - usly 3, - I Ferio . d-eep in your lungs and - e is now U I spent thle the play will be over. Be- Mr. aud,l. I . I very cle'vc Igin early. with AYWS ta6hed ta b I . . I 1. thus s4vu Cherry Pectoral and stop r � ,ga.-ZNI-r� the cough. � I ,A--� , his WHO, c � � p,&r0`AtSA - - - � � . � I I. d4D]21 ha.3 J, I Three sizes : 2-5c. enough for an 6rdinary � Cold!- �;ft., Jzwt rigfit tor bronclbditis,hhoax-r,sle. - I � ' mwdcal L � I ness, baril colds, etc,; $1. moat eCono=1 I for chronic- cases and to Ireep lou band. I - � . J. c. AyFil CO., Lo*pll, Xw. 7 We Poo I ., . .. . - 1 31NO", 1. --- - . - � — I 'facilitiee 11 ­ . � � � -- -; �Olass Atiq � � - iw--- f I gives -us visions of holiness, of goodnewo*f � with _ynur truth, of divine lov�, and is filled ft I ,--ff,.,Ort0 s,.re e! with q � I I :tion Whkit - yearnings after whatsoever things are lov�e. , I : z ly, whatsoever things' are true, wbatjoeve,r � be-pnifel� ; i aetaRs. things are ,pure. Its teachings all have � : - -1 - - � i P� their root in fhe grea :facts 4 Goa's Father. i I � . :j hood and our relation to God as his chU. - - I -1 This va( ' 1;P- -to si& V� ; ­ dren. Not, to read the Bible iel'therefore, 1. . to remain ignorant of the most wouderffil ; 'derful C,113 . truths in All the orld's vast stores tf -pound lit'. knowledge. . . . . , in favor o - . , � , . It should be atudie . It is theman who. I ande VVIIA q ­ -, studies thie Bible moot who finds most in the �� �i neuralgi* 1� , . ' I 1 4 Bible which is wortl.� of study, 7 : � -� y In this .� no�w aing � I i , Who� 1- baz givtll realm pre-eminently is it true that" t I � soever hath not, froni him aball be taken � ­" ,ALEX. - . - � away even that whid.1 he thinkeib he hath." i � -. I I . I " . - I I A good illustration of � this truth is gived. In '. I a recent testimony of Rev. Dr. Henry G. ;P Weston, president of Crozier Theological I : JTE,�q�,�.- ' Oda vbAr Seminary. HID address he said: . I i - IP I ' . 11 For fifty years I h0e read I theNew Testa. � - More aA. � I - r, lof A1&n it ment through every month, yet I never go � � 11"ur0 to a meeting and hear!'a man reading a chap. � I � last wee) ter without feeling that I have leariaed village 11 somethingnew from 1,n heating thatchapter , -�, . � ,- .r-� - � Thomas[ : . I I - i read." I " � I things lilt Reasons Why we sl�ould make the Bible ' 2 � and H-� ' 1 �2 � our daily tidxt bookl- We ein .never be ' � 1* , - -s I f are at vr< i 1 strong and growing, Chriatianq unless we I , ; � Zrol i � VISS. . do. If welaiave this ��oot closed we must � 1� f riendo 0 � . . . ' I . - remain ignorant of th6 great world of divine .1-1 e -Mro. � I - i I I beauty whioh it alone reveals. We mueb O', attended. � , I � .1 ) walk throug4 the wo-qWs Intricate and dam. - - . � - dur�'.&Y;�.fi . - I -r � �* � - 1 gerous pstht withoufthe light Which God � � � -!. i� . . , .1 - � 'Tanuary � has provided. forus in s : ,I - -ftiendao i I 1 3 shinesnowh�jte 6 1 We mumb meet liW,o :; - I � � , the Saxij�]. experiences of Wal �4nd trouble without�. : �: --',� I It ­ � - P&Bt V1100 anci , : -, knowin,gof the divim 0 help, ever. ready ., i � - entail, � . 0 . �i H i . k adequate, Which the ,Bible alone diecloeee. .1 11 '� . I fatber, it, Mr. W � I TO enter into sorrow vithout knowing the �,J J, L comfort which ithe.Hcty So I I riptures bring to - � ' in He a . � God's children, is to �ut one'B soul off from � , 4 Peter i - I , I I ' I the divine source of 9trength and joy. To ­ 4-.1 , � � . Tsaturdoi . go into life's battles without kaowin A �� � 1 -6, .9 10, the - : �- I of Blalt provisions ised i6l the Word of God for � -1 - 01 - prom I .' . � empi , e( �- faith's fftuggles, in ail,! if a soldier went to .. � � war without armor or I weapons, or without - �; . ,,of MiISE1 I I in tbi,s:vJ,,, &:captain to lead bim'�. We -rnusb read the � � -business, � . . - Bible, or we can nev ,r find , the way bolne i 1, I I . when i0v I through this wo-Ad o � danger and darkneae. T' -' miss 0i -compiled by D. K. -1 : --- , ,- ,his � ed � L 17*1 t wip , '��- - n the -0 11 - ---. I I I IT `I, A Subject , r Thought. - - mr. ROO ; A subject that de inds considerationand I in a V,v , ,� , .serious thou I . I I . Tosep I- - - - is e iselection of a ,reliable � - ­ - I I 11 . � I and competent drugg [4t to wh - . �- � vehool" V . I om you can 90 ]F--. at all times with the ' assurance :that I � � with UIE � z A 11 - I - "I .0 prescriptions will bs Itionestly and fai ", ,ly - .1. ad ,to . . . � . filled.' If you have n it yet determined who -- ' . Rau is� -a . Witt fill your orders f( I the futnre -al� the b�ai F I we ask, : . I � i Zahn 3K,n you to give us a trial. .. Our drugs and medi- ; -i preseut, - cines are the pureE % and oar prices the. - - ,? 16west. � . � I F . Mr. And I .� " I - , - r-- ­-, M� '.. is agalm z .� -H WELL, � . MA q � OPL '- x _ , I -- f , � � t , Pectal �, . � Paine's Celery C� pound, the wor,IX* : -_ - greatest and be t fj�16ily ,Inedicine, makes I eorretp'o sick peoplewall. Tji� � thousands of - testi- J;f` Saturillw ` . monials from the bes� , Canadiaupeopleprbve ­ at prt-:13el I - � . wrecklap " ' that no other rnedicl]49 can so :surely banieh �� ,1 I Air. Pet . I . co, -7 -1 - disease Paine's ry Compound pf,x- . �, manently cures the -- -,-L� 19'Ani 1w] umatibm, neuralgia, liver I Ji 4 I th-ar Sot� � � and kidney troubles, and removes all im- z I , - I ent vwtt I . puii.ics from the blood. Our stock of : - . - Paine's Celery CQrripoatud is always fresh ; ; Douglax - presellit, I � i get your eupp'lies frot a us. i I . I. V. FEAR, Druggi4t, Seaforth ' i A thur Jel I. I Ont. - mbe:ro b I -�l . - � . : .Jit legista I Al - 41 ­ � b Children's Q 5aint Sayings. � -Trlerids , I i t 5-1 - - . t A small boy of six i as found atop�iug oir - :121 M r. Wn i the nursery window ' ' 'll'itog 'for the enter- � willium � �ai- - ` I - ,. tainment Of some sm�ll boys in the atreet. �- *4 -stfl.1 4WT 9 His mother was verli much terror-Axicken, , M fc�.r a at, � : . - 1i exclaimed : I . 7- ,,� ture.--1 I 1 � I 6 I Francis, don't yoii -knoW that if you fall" - 11�' . � . .� � thinge � ­ . I . . you Will be killed"" �, I . -� futura. - � I I . ­ . � , � 11 N� " replied Fi,ancis, I a . 41 1 would go- * -, - - , p - 0 1 � I � a first tool the funeraIj then to the buri I I I E, � � -1 - , ground and then to Ue&ven." ' . -i I - - i � i - I r is I - I A D3 N t A little. girl of seven and a brother of �ffve . . - % � I - � % on the South Shoi , whose mother had � � I i ' I - 3 wished that.she olv4d a large :tenement, -` - � a was overheard in th� following conver-sa- ': Mr. tL, � I I : 1 - tion : i i 11 I -2 Ili " Rudolph, you must nat dig up that- _ . i 18U � ; I plant " I I t e � . i 11 . . -- �, i . � f - I I Why not, Jtnni� '" . F�'i From A . .1 t � .-- , - -. i . " Because msi,mma� 1 don't wairt you to . I � WWO I i T 4 I � t I :11 i and if -you 4o wrong' 'a great man Up ID I J, A 300 , � I � . � . - - -1 ter kzc ­ Heaven will write -0 down as a naughty ­ �youn �� y r-lk .&I boy, and then somet:ing terrible will hape -� 1P - . � -1 )J . He W&A � � � I pen. i. - � I i - � io"I I " Where is ]E[eavert: Jannie ?" - I ing ; It - b - I I .� i and $Qj " Oh all above the �sky." �; I " I - SSW i Ing go% t ouldn't thfit, � I e -a good, large place, � .1 . yori Y-1 : � I r for mamma to keepl.boardere ?" said Rud- -- ,' It I a 61ph. 1: 1 7 I /1� ;IP hvei . I I I � - i 1� ­� � - , I stau V. I 1. . . r I I � , ' I a We were spendisg the winter in old � � "i and -1 - I i � 1 6 Fortresm Monroe, an&,'the small boy Of the .. . ;iQl 'I . �2 � family had been c&A'iio'nad repea-tedly-not - - 4: - such al - � � ut z i nesa r� F to drink any water th had notbeen boiled, - :1 asit, was not safe. ,One day', When some- ­ ousal ­ 4, ­ � s, M � -constal f thioghad gone wrong and he was crying . i. �: -1 � 1. bitIL his mother dalled cheerily Whim . Z: Aiees,, -b . I . i . 'See uvj I neth, do you know that your, tears �. , 1-1�4 1 .: I T ; �" A� I are salt ? Just you �atch the next one. and . , i I � � . Aive taste it." o 1 1 1 : . I I I . Stopping his sobs f�.r a moment, he wailed . � - I poeb '' 7 -1 � � - . I lers -2 forthin the �nost di.3ioal tones. " I . , � : -- " Oh. no ;,- I'm afiIiiI to -it hasn't beaa ... i Mr. - . � 1 i -Z boiled." . -, - , Auf for -I I ; � W- A 11 ip— : . t . took .- � . J . k - HOW IT C.&ME ABOUT. , i most , , - : 11 - -1 I -to ar . -4- �J � I � � , L4 � I r1eas . Many ladies living in distant rural dis' ON re . tricts, and regular users of Diamond Dyes, - I d % I -- - �gaoal . finding it imporsible to p.fdoura from their 11., ,que, . central dealer patter j�s for the � 1making up of ; fte ! - ; 26tteel mate and rugs, aske� :the manufacturern of I . WhAtA a Diamond Dyes to Sal �ly them.from time ta - I . . - ­ We* � time Im required. T iis nectseitated tbt:JM* � .V �thei,r � � I - porting from manufa,Wrers in Scotland of - - q -doe-to, the best Hessian, th( �MpIoyment of artists, � 4 1 1 . T-- pose, . . I - I I I * - : .. I large,plates to print ivai, and the zemplo_y r � With � � . . me.ut of a large staff 6 print and color de� -', Minot I signs. The ms-nufac 4rera of Diamond Dyea . -�.. - - - I A � � �, -eins: . I I -- i- are.now in a position ,o supply their patteme , 1 kept by mail an well as �*hiough the best Dry - A well, A Goods membants. J9 6eets of patteine and --:,�. I � � -i mot � : . .. .. I S designs sent free to y� address upon re- _,: I !*f t1i . � I . 11, , I ceipt of a PC Ite Wells & Richardson ' �, I . may I I 1. , � I ., Co. Limited, 200 Mo6tain St., Montrealf ill Astor., �i � 1 P4 Q. , I ­ � � to I 1*� I . . I . I . i I -- 0— � i i --i - 11.1 . � -Two otildren # Thomas Robinson, - Cure. , , - I who resides near Br pt6n, whi - driv-1 g � - . -:�, � 4 - � ishod -. across the railroad it] 0 in 'that town, re- -41 4tioll A I . -1 cently, narrowly tesca ad being killed. The - �4 . make 1 -2 1 ��R horse attached to the buggy was, struck by ', -- : -to th the 4:45 train, and ustantly killed. , The --- I I children escaped uaiiiia. I � I - � 7T7 , � I 0464&�� , 0, � . 40 till kLi a I t! i .1 � � , 1i .. o 1. z -- I I i I - I - � . �� � � -- . - � � . . � - - � - I I - I i :- lti� I I � � � . - - 1; � �� , , -, . - ­� 11 - � � - �. h -M, I? ;�A