HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-01-17, Page 511
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JANUARY 17 1902
B. R. Ilte-ories,Brueefield,Notary Pabile,
nonveyeneer, Fire and Life Ineuranoe agent. Arty
amount of money to loan at lowest current rates of
interest ea first -ohms farm security. All kinds of
conveyer:dog work done well and cheaply. Al
borne every morning and Wednesday of eaoh
week. Several good farina for sale. 167
BRIEPS.-Mr. Peter McGregor hiss sold
his thoroughbred roadater horse to Mr.
McGregor, veterieary surgeon, at Kinburn.
Thia is one of the best stock horses in the
county, and the people of that locality will
profit by Mr. McGregor's enterprise. -The
annual meeting -of the Brneefield publid
library was held in Dixon's hall on Monday
evening. The meeting was not largely at-
tended, but was very enthusiastic. After
the receipt of reports, fte., the following
were elected officers for the ensuing year:
President, Rev'. Mr. Sawere ; secretary, A.
a'. soot -6; treasurer, Thor. Fraser,these with
the board of directors inak-e up thfe officers
for 1902. During the firat two months in
which the library has been °pea to the
publie, nearly 700 books were taken out of
ate The offistial board eipeet to receive pe-
cuniary aid from the Tackersinith and
Stanley ninnicipalities, and we are sure
they will not be disappointed.= -Quite a
number from here went to Clinton, on Tues-
day, to witness the proceedings in the
Waldron-MeKay ease, vvhich was up for a
hearing before his Worship the Mayor of
_At the residertee of Mrs. W. D. Cantion,
Sudburyesister of the bride, Mr. Frederic
Deft= and Miss 'Mattie E, Winter, two
popular young peciple of Mitchell, were
united in marriage by Rev. A. Letter.
-The home of Mr.and Mz.e. John Valiance,
sr., " Maitlandale," Elms, was the scene of
a very interestiug event on the evening of
Wednesday, 8th met., when their daughter,
Hester, was united in merriaee .to Duncan
McIntyre, of Okotoks, Nortaest Territory.
The ceremony was performed by Rev. P. A.
-There died on Sunday morning, 5th
inst., at the age of 72 years, Mrs. David
Oliver, of Motherwell. For about a dozen
years she had been an invalid. Many
years ago her life was despaired of, but a
vigorous constitution withetood the ravages
of disease. Lately dropsy developed, and
ou Sunday mowing, after eating breakfast,
she suddenly passed away.
to $3.2.5 ; and inferior otrers? $2 75) to
Heavy Feedere-Heevy Steers, righi g
1,100 to 1,200 pounds each, of good, breech g
qualities. are worth $3,76 to $4 per owa •
thoee of the same weight,bnt rough,suitable'
for the byres, sold de $3.50 to S3.75 per
ov.t. Light- Feeders-Ste0 Weighinre from
800 to 900 poundeeace,,are worth $3.25
to $3 50 per owe. Beffa. o 'Stookets-Yeer-
ling itteers, 500 to 800 pounds each, sold at
$2.75, to $3.25, and off Icelere and those id
inferior quality at $2 Col $2.50 per - owt.
Mitch Covra--Twelve efewn and springers
were sold at $30 to $46 I each. Calves: -
Calves were sold at fionr to $10. Sheep
--Prices easier at $3 to 3.25 for ewes, and
$2.25 to $2.50 per cwt. for backs. 'Spring
Lambs -Prices easy at $3.75 to $4 eaoh,and
$3.75 to $1.50 per 1 &wt. ' Hoge -Beet
select bacon hogs, not ieesi than 160 nem
more than 200 paunch; eaeh, unfed. and Se -
watered on oars, sold a j$6.26i ; fats at
$6.37 and lights at $6;371. Unculled oar
lots t hogs sold at abe t $6.50 per owa,
1313STALO. January 14 -Cattle --Steady to
firrn for good grades ; 10 to 20o lower for
comn4on ; good mednim t choice shipping
steers, $5.50 to $6 4 ; Iight. to geed but-
chers', $4.50 to $5.5 ; °rem* ,to tail's $I
to 40 ; coarse ate4 rough, $3.90 to $.50;
bulls sausage and fair bueeheriA $2.80 to
$3 ; good bundlers', $3 to $3 90 ; stockere's
$2.4 to $3.70 ; feeder8, $3.60 to $4.20;
fresh cows and swirl er , $5 to $10 per heed
lower. Veals; $5.75. to 5 SO; fancy, $8.75.
Hogs—Slow and lower or allhut best med-
ium and heavy grads : Yorkers, $6.15 to
light, do., $3 to $6 10 ; mixed peek -
ere, $6.35 ..,o $6 45 ; ch ice heavy, $6.50 to
$6.60 ; pigs, $5.80 o 5 „ roughs, $5.40
to $5.70; stage, $4 to 0,50. Sheep and
Lambs -Steady ; c oiceambs $6.15 to
$6.20 ; good to eh ieei $ top $6 10; culla to
fair, $4,85 to $5.90; seep, choice handy
wetheis, $1.76s to $5'; common to extra
mixed, $3.90 to $4
8250 to $3.S0; h
wethers, $4.50 to e
1 11 IN I 1.1 MI 11 I II IN I I MN I I •
Sa.4Yong, January 16, 1902
fait Wheet (new), Standard -...., 30 75 to lo 76
per burthei___ _. .._0 .42 tO 0 42
Pas pee imehe1 . - 0 70 lie 0 76
elerley per busetel.„—... 0 50 to 0 60
1- Butter, NO. 1, 1009i1--- 0 16 to 0 16
Buttere tub— --..... 0 16 to 0 17
Eggs per daz - 0 17 to 0 18
Fleur, per leo Thee. e 15 to 2 16
Hay per ton now- 7 60 to 8 00
.111des per 10-2 5 03 to fr 00
0 30 to 0 40
Woot-.- - 0 13 to 14
Pewees per bush. (new), - 0 60 to 0 60
salt (retail) per bereel- 1 10 to e 10
wtod per core (lone)...- - 4 00 to 425
Weed per cord (ehort). -... 2 00 to 2 25
Apples per bag-. — — ......... I 40 io 150
Clover Seed. --e - -....... 4 00 to 6 00
Timothy 3 00 to 8 O
Pork, per 100 -- 7 50 to 8 00
Tallow, per lb-- —. - 04 to 0 05
Dairy "Markets. '
TORONTO, January 1. -Butter -Creamer-
ies and dairies are steady, both being in fair
demand, the former, oweven; being the
only reliable stock at present, and therefore
being mostsought after. We quote :-
Creamery prints, 20 to 220; solide,19 te 20e;
dairy pound rolls, 17o ; large rolls, 16 to
170; tubs, 16o; medium and low,10 to
Eggs -Offerings of new laid are extremely
scarce, and the consumption of limed is in-
creasing very fast. Prices are steady at 25c
for case lots of new laid, 20 to 22e for strict-
ly fresh, 20o for No. 1 limed, and 15 to 16c
for No. 2 limed.
MONTREAL, January 14 -Cheese -The
market is quiet, but firm. Finest Ontario
colored, 10a to eqc ; finest Ontario white,
10,1 to 1�n; finest townships! make, 10i to
10ie • finest Quebec makes, 10 to 10c. But-
ter -here is a fair jobbing demand, and,
as stooks are light, prices are firm. Finest
townships, fell creamery, an to 210; fineat
Quebec fall creamery, 201 to 2020 ; under -
grade creamery, 20 to 20e; western dairy,
16 to ; Manitoba dairy, 15S to 16e.
Eggs -There is a good demand and prioes
have an upward tendency. We quote :-
Selected cold storage, 22 to 24c ; Montreal
limed, 22e ; western limed, 20 to 21e, and
culls at 19 to.20c per ddzen.
50 cells, and commen,
eo. y expert ewes and
4.75; yearlings, $5 to,
• 13 a .
. . .
DEACON -In East Wawnn�sh,on Jenuary 6thethe
wife of Mr. 8. Deac n. 01 a dLughtur. . I
ELLIOTT-In Turnbely. on January 4th, the Wife
of Mr John allied of a daughter. , I
CUR IE -In East Waweno h, on January 7th,!the
ft 'of Mr. Wm. CMr.i , of '• a son. 1
SHA -In Grey, on eaeue y 7th, the wile of Mr.
J n Shaw, of a son.
H NEST -1n Morris, an Januar • 811h, the Wife of Mr.
*bet Nesbit, (1 a daughte
DEARING--In StephenI
*r. Aimee Deering.
k Gram, etc.
TORONTO, January 14 -Wheat -White, 75
to 82e ; spring, 74tee ; red, 75 to 82e ; goose,
67 -.to ; peas, 78o; barley, 51 to 63o; oats,
480 per bushel; hay per ton, $11 to 812;
clover hay per ton, $7 to $9. Millfeed-Is
in fair demand and steady. Cars of shorts
are quoted at $20.50 to $21, and bran at $19
middle freighta. Manitoba millfeed is firm
at $22 for shorts, and $21 for bran in ear
lots, sacks included, Toronto freights.
, on Jar,uaey 7th, the wife of
of a daughter.
SHEA.e-QUIGLEY-At theiresidence of Mr: 0 raid
Seymour, brother-indatv of the bride, eSintaleita,
N. W. T., on Bea bet, 31se, by Rev, Fatheree'en
Heerturn, par`sh p f Regina, *r. ere R.
Sheaelonterly of Blak., Ont.,. to *lea Blanche
E. Quigley, younge t daughter Of it.: D. Qaig-
1, of Stntelete .
TORONTO, January 14 -There is a good
demand and offerings are fairly liberal.
Prices are steady at 68 to 70c for oars on the
track here. Potatoes out of store sell at 80
to 85e.
ROTy-0E30E1-M the re idence of Mr. and 1rire.
Menno tat soh, Bro son line, ort January 8th Mr.
Berland Roth, of av dock, to Miss Babar t
Ouch, r f eta) tow
, On the Elections:- ,
" Well,th' eliotione is over lair another
year," says Clancy, "an' shtill we're not
happy. I, suppose th', lucky keit( will be
ifeeiin' their oats, as , Finnerty says, but-
twhat also 4) th' poor ohaps that got li t ? Oh a
well I sup ose somebody must abbey t home
Ito do th' ores, an' iv, they miss a little av
Ith' glary. !iv office, they'll be minus th'
tabuse atdi th' other perquisites thee goes
wid It. h' North Ward is well supplied
wid mu enters this year, but I guess th'
Village B aokshmit is big eeough tozi attind
to th' other two wards. It hike to me as
!though th? Town had all th' harneast it re-
quoires ab pliant, but I suppose thl, know
their ownlbusiness bast. Th' Printe a were
tat th' top" as usual. They headed th' poll aa
both indte Finerty says to me, he says,
i" We have a counoil to be proud av,
Clancy," he says. " In: a few years frutn
now,' he: nye, "ye'll see th' Moen elstreeb
macadarnhized,th' whole Town Sement Beatty
drained, Silver Crick depined, an it won't be
nicisaary to wear a clothes pin on ye nose
whin yer pasein' th', Reck. Ale' yell see th"
woollen, neill ixtinded as far lteck as Silver
Crick, are yer ears will be greeted id th'
ham iv t indushtry, an' yer tose mid th'
swate odor iv graisy wool an' d ye ta ke. Th'
flax mill, will boom," he says, " an' th' rag
and metal industry will flottrish, an,' o man
will be Ptit iv wurk unlies he ehoos B." An'
Finerty'S poshted. " I hear 'th' new council
is goin to thrate itself to a big suppe oneth'
, noight ay their fursht matein'," saVis.
" They are," says Clancy. " Me fr nit Mr.
Best, th chairman iv th' ceremitty on Litie
gation egite Refrishmints, handed me an invi-
tation an' a program th' other day." " Will
th' Sayfore Quartit be in th' gang,
"They: will nob," says Clancy.
council'i will furnish ., th' intillee
musiotti part iv th' program thimsel
NOLAN-IIYAN-At he Roman Catholic oh/ rad
Brussele, cii .Januar h, by Rev. Father Core
eoran, of Seafor:h. T. W. Rol de of Gr'y, tol
Mies Kew. Ryan. of Ki lop. ,
the residerce I of
ry 8th, Mr. Peter Co
of Mr- Samuel EicO
kerton ot Jan
sth, Mayor Rumba 1, ni Loadon, toMee. A
Perdue, of Welkel.on.
LATTA-GREY-At the Main street Methodisb
sonage, Exeter, on Ja uary rirel, by Rev. R. ille
, r. Agestes Lat a, to Mks G4-zy Adair,
BROWN-EROWCLIFY-A the residence orithel
both of Stephen tewne Ip.
bricle'i parents, on Jan aryttia, Mr. Seth Brown,
of Stephen. te Mi Lifly M.; daughter of Mr.!
Win.Roweliff, of ebo rm.
HUGGIN-WRIGHT-eAt Jamestowne on Jarti, I
1st, by Rev. 11. S. G. nelerson,,Mr. 1Volter ling -
bride's father, c n Janu
t� *les Maria, daughte
- of Hibbert
TORONTO, January 14 -Trade has greatly
fallen off. Offerings and demend are ,both
light. Paces are steady at 9 to 10e for
turkeys, 8 to 9c for geese, 60 to 90a for
ducker and 20 to 50e for chickens.
elle• !
e 1
. gin, of Manistique, Mt higae, to Misa Re
HANEY-TOWNSENII)- t the , reeidence of
bride's father, Petit Fi dley, Algoma, on 0
mas Day, Mr. G.Ae'Ef ney,of the Clergue
, .
Sault Ste Mario, to Mr Minnie, eldest dau hte4
of Mr. Isaao Toweten late di Tuekersmith
e tbs..
Una:013th, Martg
DODDS-In Motiillo , et
Grieve, we ot R bed Dodds, aged 51 iyeara
and 7 menthe
WINGLE—In MelCillop, o Monday, Jaeuary11.3th,;
Agree Wingie, daug ter of Mr. John Witigle
aged 20 yeses and 4 rnoath. ,
MOONEY-4n Brusse 9, 011 January 12th, Prti, ence
Maxwe 1, mid of the late John Mooney, aged 71
year, 3 months and 4 days.
WAU'GH-In Barnevi le, OhIo, on January lOtli, Isa-
bella Plieherd, w fe o J. R. L. Ylaughe and
mother of Mrs J. He cid, et Seeforth, agel. 72
years, 10 months nd 4 days.
STO 'G -In Sarnia, 011 JaI1Llary 10th, Nel_on Stang
f rawly of Seat° th, uI.i 4a years.
BEAVER -In Crediton, on Jaimary 2nd, ArnePa
Jane, wife of Mr. Uhritiau Beaver, red 47
years, 6 m00th4 and 2 deys.
COWAN--At Golden Platn, AesInibola, Northwest,
Territory, on peee ber 284h, Pipette W rner,
wife of Mr 0eer4 e U. Cowed, aged 42 year and
7 menthe.
ROY --.In Belgrave, on Ja leery 2nd, 8.. J. Roy, aged
• 32 yeers sod 6 menthe. -
HEYROOK-At Elkton, Michiran, on JinuarY Oth,
= Mr. Henry Fleyreck, aged 79 years. ,
NIldENS-In London eqpitel, on January 7th,
George Nimens. Of C intn aged 70 years.
BULLEN- In Hullete, cn Jeanne 2nd, paroline,wife
ef Mr. Wm. Belle°. aged 61 years and 0 Menthe.
WILSON -In St. Jc*eph,tillissouri, on Jantuthl 4th.
James Wils .n, V S., fotmerly of Wingliven, aged
41 years.
MITCHELL -In Turnbei y; on Janne ryilh, Tames
Mitchell, aged 86.ye rai 5 months -a d 3 d ye.
McCALLUM-in Brum 11, on Jeuuary 41h, Jabulla
--.13119erlia. nen, wife Of Mr. John McCallum, aged 82
hicRAE--In Goder:ch, on januaey Stle, Huih Alex-
ander MoRae'seeond on of Estella ;and Thomae
' , Melte°, eget:113 yeayer a d 11 dap.
I says.'
ual an'
es. Th'
minoo will consist av oyster soup (wid an
occasional ;oyster here an there by way iv
varoiety), an' crackers, an' new laid butter,
hot coffee, an' salt an' pepper, an' watiter,av
ye take wather, av noo, ye can take th'
other eing. Th' program goessomethin'
like this. Furst a speohe be th' ruelyor on
wan t'ing an' another, an' this an 4 that an'
'so on. i It mill not bervery leegthy, as his
Winship belaves in th' ould adage, " Ac-
tions slipake louder thin wards." Thin a
song by Messrs Anderson and Watson,- in-
• toitled "Out in th' Slatreet." Spache,
"howl to breed an' feed chickens , fur eggs
an' eggsporte Mishter Gunn. Song, !" Scatter
Seeds iv •Kindness," by Mishter Hamilton.
Spaohie, " Horse parha's fur macaeu,moizing
purposes," by Mishter Stewart. Toisht,"Th'
Health iv th' late laniinted council," to be
drank: in solemn silence. Spaeth, "Litiga-
tion, Does it pay? If so, why not ?"
, •
Mishter Beet. Song, " We're a' John Braid -
fit's Bairns," by Mishter Wei Song,.
" Whin I was on th' Polaee," Mishter Lusby;
Spaolie, "Egmondville ae a Summer 'Resort,
Mishter Elliott. Mishter, Melean will
woind up th' affair wid a few itif touchi4'
remarks on " Taxes au' other subsetiptione,
-whey they should be paid in ' advance."
" I hope they'll have a good toitne," I says.
" They're a foine lot iv fellows,an' they'll
do there duty av th' elicitors kapes an oye on!
thine.' I have no desoire mesilf to be a
counoillor, nor even a pound-kaper fur that.
matther." " 'Twits a difficult matther fur,
some to pick out th' roight slx," says Clancy:
" But I had no trouble at all," he says.
" I nied,up me enoind at tie' non:illation an'
I hung:On to it. LAI th' same way when
go to buy a pair iv :ehoes at Riehardcon
• Mannie'e. They have so ,maliy differ*
koinds. There's th' Flerelserm, an' th
Sove sign, an' th' McPherson, en' th' King
yer t
Next week we coMmenc
the lowest point before that tita
auctions in pricest this week to
Men's fine black and bituJ blaok
collar, fly front, regular ptice$6 50,
ulsters, high 'storm collar, terth
orth $6, for $3.96. Mene' heavy
hgh storm collar, its warm ae any f
weed suits, lined with the best fa
price $4,45. Boys'
Wallaby fur coats,
'wear, regular price
$45, for $37.50. Men's heavy duck
regular price $5, fbr $3.95. Men's
Lumberman's rubbers, corrig,ated e
Men's heavy tiox to wear with rubb
stock-taki g, an
learWnuetwil inmtearke-
eaver overe ats, lin
$7.50 and , for $4,
75, for $2,7 Mons
rieze Ulste s, twee
r coat, goo s value
mer's satin well m
snits, in all sr s at whole ale prie
regular price $1, for $12.50 Men'
$18 for $13 50. Men's Coo coats,
jackets , line with
duck jacket:, lined
gee, high at, will
re, at 40e, 5(o and 7
G -11R, 0
ed sugar for $1. 4 1
ew figs, ver special
elebra,ted iji Japa
Twenty-two 1b.best Granule.
4 lbs. new raisins for 250. Vhoice
and tomatoes, 3 cans for 25o The
*cession 1. Hibbert.
Oa Tuesday, jairry 21, at 1 o'clock r.
me on Lot 25,
Farm Stook, Jamee Hart, Proprietor;
Thomas Brown, ,Auotimieer.
Seeds -
TORONTO, January I4 -The market has
been quiet thia week and prices, though still
fairly well maintained, are showing an. easy
tendency. Alsike has fallen 4 a little, and
ts selling now at $6 50 to $8. Red clover is
deader at $5 to $5.25, and timothy is un-
changed at $2.50 to $3.25. These ranges
cover the majority of the offerings, though
particularly good samples would bring a
little higher prices.
Live Stock Markets.
LIVERPOOL, January 11 -Cattle are un-
changed at 121 to 13e per pound (dressed
weight) ; refrigerator beef is steady at 10 to
10,to per pound. Canadian cattle, 6id ;
sheep, 5:1h.l. Cattle trade fair ; sheep •firm.•
LoNDON, England, January 14a -United
States oattle, 6d; sheep, We to 5.73.
MONTREAL, January 14 -Cattle -The but-
ohers were present in larger numbers than
on any market day since Chrietmas, and
trade was good with somewhat 4ower prices
for all kinds of cattle, excepting the very
best heevea. Prime beeves were rather
scarce, and sold at from 4.1 to 50 per pound;
good animals sold at from 3i to nearly 4ic,
and the common stock at from 2;t to no per
pound. The two best veal calves on the
market were sold for $20, or a little over 5o
per pound; the others brought from 3 to
40 per pound. Sheep sold at about 30 per
pound, and the lambs at from 4 to 4.to per
pound. Fat hogs sold at from 6.1 to 61c
per pound, weighed off the oars.
TORONTO, January 15.- Cattle -Ex-
port-Choice loads of heavy exporters
sold from $1.70 to $5.25 per owb. ; lighte
- $4 25 to $4.65. Export Cows -Choice export
e.ows are worth $3.50 to $4 per cwt.
Bulls -Heavy export bulls sold at $3.85 to
$1,20 per cwt., while light export bulls
said at $3.40 to $3.75. Butchers.' Cattle -
Choice picked lots of butchers' heifers and
steers, equal in quality to the best exporters,
weighing 1,150 to1,260 pounds each, soli
at $4.25 to $4.50. Loads of good butchers'
cettie are worth $3.85 to $4.15, and medium
butchers', mixed cows, heifers and steers,
*3.40 to $3.65. Common butchers' cows, $3
Seafofth's Leading Shoe Sore
Our Annual Mid -
Winter Shoe Sale
Commences on
Saturday,. January
18th, 1902I
h' Just Right, an' goodness know
all, but I have me moind med up le
go in an' I say, Show me a pair
0 -fifties an' no merely yer Tom fol
An' that settles it."
SO1e Age ts for the Goodyear
G ove Rubbers,
In. Vie Ma ter of the Estate o
Weal+y Ann Stanley,
Notice Is hereby given, pursuent to R. 8, 0. 180,
Chapter 529, Section 3,3 that all persona beadle
claim*, agaluet the eetate of Wealthy Ann -Statile,
late Of the Village of Constance, in the Counby ct
Bur* deeeased, who died on or about the 28rd dafr
of NoVember, 1901, are required to send or deliver to
the undersigned, on er before the 31s4 day of J1-
nary, 1902, full parieulars of their claims, togeth r
with tatements cf their accounts and particulars of
the e cwitios if any, held by them for such elairne.
And o ice is hereby further given'that after said
laat neeatIoned date the executers of the said sonde
willeproceed to distribute the Ruda thereef amonget
the parties entitied thereto, having regard only to
the laims of which they then have notice, mice*
said executor will not be liable for said ase, or any
peahen thereof, so distributed to any person of
whose cleims they shall not then ' have received
notiata HENRY BEATTIE, Sdlioltor for Exeouto s,
Seaforth, Ont, • 1779.2
vire want our stock downto
edfelloiving very .great re-
• with good Italian cloth, vel
, $5.95 and $6.85. Boys' fri
f ieze alders, high storm eel
ining, interlined with rub
$10, sale price $6.95. M
d and trimmed, 'worth $6,
s during this great sale. M
ub Bear coats, will give gr
b at quality, well furred, wo
eed and interlined wieh rubber,
h rubber, 81.96. Men's heavy
ear like iron, sale price 81.50.
. currants (new fruit) for 25e.
t 4c. Quaker brand corn, pas,
tea, worth 30o, for 25e.
KO; el,ereff
Reduced prices on all lints of
Felt Shoes, Rubbers and Over-
shoes, Leggings, Sox and Rub-
• bets.
Many lines of Fine shoes to clear at
cost. Some peat snaps on our
Bargain Coulter.
A line of ladies' rubbers, regular price
45e, to clear at 35c a pair.
A line of men's rubbers, regular price
75c, to clear et 60c a pair.
.Little girls' laeed 1)0ots,siees 11
and 19,, only 500 a pair.
Little boys' laced. Boots, eizes ,11, 12
and 13, regular price i$1.25,
sale pxice "75c a pair. Bargains
all through the stove 'during
January and February.
Etundreds of peOpl
ing 110 the snaps. Ne
our stock -taking sale.
Thirty pieces wide
43 pieces Prints to
27-,.pieceS heavy,
Ten pie0s plain p
Dress Goods, heavy tweed D
yards for_ 98c -
Gents' heavy fleeced' Undeirweal,
each. - I
are atte
be sold
k and
:ie, w
t 50
es, w
our sale daily and pick -
arrived that must go at
Huron County Council.
The January session of the council of the r-
peration of the County of Huron, will be held in t e
(Jewell chamber, in the Town of- Goderioh, col).
mencing at 3 o'clock p. rn,, on To.e day, 28th inst.
W. LANE, Clerk
Dated at Goderich this 13th day of January, 190
Annual Meeting.
The Annual Meeting of the shareholders of he
Seaforth Turf Club will be held in Oardno'a hall,
on Tuesday, January 28th; et 7 p. m., when he
cfireotord and eacretary'a and treasurer's report will
be pretented and officers elvied for the coming
year. A full attendance le desired. •
E eat etary. President.
rth 80
rth 121-c, for 90 a yard.
annelette for 5c a yard.
ss Goods, 44 in., six
now 60.
worth 50o1 now
L VAR Y 1)
5EAF'011 IL
The Great
This big January S le
4 -1 -14÷4 -17144 -H -t4
The selling is great, beCau e th
fast as piles. sell down, we're c Bing
the special price tables. If yo t ever
Dress Goods, Furs, Underw
ets, Boots, Sho s a
A snap in Men's Pea Jack
All Boys' Suits and Overc
A few Fur Coats at cleari
ArOUNG P105 FOR SALE. -For eale, a lita cf
j; Yorkshiat pigs, 4 weeks cid. D. MoNAUpli-
ToN, Loi 27, Concedion 13, Bibbed, Chi ielhorst
P. O. 1770,11
DULL FOR SERVICE. -The undersigned jail
JO keep for service on Lot 30, Conceesion 2, nick
erernith, a thoroughbred Durham bull. Termeel-$
pee. able January 184, with privilege of reterelue.
EIOR SALE, REAL E3 TATE.--Farms ad village
,E property, 100 aeras; bank barn, fratne bend,
good on heed, price .53,000. Must he aold at 01304.
Bev terms. WId. CAMPBELL, Blyth, Ont. 1765
1, i• •
Great Bargains
The Seaforth
'Tea Store
VARM FOR. SALE. -The undersigned is offering
U for sale that 160 aore farm in the township Icf
Hay, being Lot 3, Ocncession 2, and narth hale of
Lot 2. There la on the premises a god brick heats°
heated Ly fu-nace, a bank barn 60x140 feet with a
ring of 25 feet. There is a never failing well thpt
furnishes water inside the haw, and a Boring ere k
fiewing nearly all the year rolled. All the bettd is
under good date of eultivatien, is situated le iles
from school and li miles from Exeter. Want t ii11
inemediately and will give possession March let, 19�?.
Apply to THOMAS HARVEY, Hay P. O. 1770x3
Ten lbe. of sulphur 25o, tea lbs of gl Iber salts for
26o, 10 lbe. Eosom Salts for 25o, 6 lbs. 'bone:ese cod
fish for 26o, 5 lbsprunes for 25,3,5 lbs. raisins for 25c,
5 lbsdates for 26o, 5 lbs. breleen sodas for 26c,
6 Bo. figs for 2Eo, 6 lbs. rice for 26e, 6 !be. Rio coffee
for 50o. Just reeeivei another car of granulated
sugar and light coffee ewer, whieh will be scild, at
wholesale price. Also 60 peels of Amerieen supr
house ryrup, which will be sold at 81.15 a pail; also
New Orleans molasses for baiting purpoeca, and all
other grades of eyrup. Dried smoked herrings 15o a
box, or two for 25o; ilike herrings, Labrador her-
rings and salmon trent. Just received 8 packages of
china, crockery and glassware, direct from the old
country potteries, all cf which will be Bold at great
bargains. All binds Of teas -black, green and Japan.
Also a green Ceylon tea at 250 a lb.; I can give you
teas from leo a lb. uo to 600 a lb., gueranteed to sui
you or money refunded. Acordial invitation extend
ed to all to call and get acme of the great bargains
I am still receiving Weston'a bread daily from Tor
onto. The highest Market price paid fax all lands o
poultry. A. G. AULT, SCOOTtb.
A. UOTION SALE OF FARM STOCK. -Mr. Thee', Brown has been instructed by the urad, r•
EigLei proprietor to sell by Public Auction on Lt
2$, doncenion 1, Hibbert, on Taesdey, January 4I,
1902, at 1 o'clock p. m., the following property, viz. :
Horses, -One draught korae 4 years old, 1 dreught
are 8 years old, supposed to be in fol ; 1 Mare6
3 ears old, 1 general purpose mare 8 years old, 11
feat to an imported horse. Oatile.—Four cows o
calve in the spring, one -oow shout to calve, 6 heifera
Tieing 3 years old, 1 steer rising.3 years o:d, 9 halted
Ming 2 years old, 7 steers rising 2 years old, -4
Spring calvd. Pigs ---Two large breed sows to litter
in Februag, 7 pigs 2 months old. All of which ev01
be sold 'hout reserve. No outside stock allow d
On the premises. Terms. -All sums of $6 a id
under, cash; over that amount 9 months' ere it
Will be given on furnishing approved joint nots.
A discount of 6 per cent. per wanton will be allowed
for cash on all credit amounts. JAMES HAAT,
Proprietor; THOMAS BROWN, Auctioneer. '
. 1779-1
h Store.
Great Success.
Corner Main
'Market Sreets
nnual Stock.
The Largest
Dry Goode and
Concern in
Four Counties;
Our annual stock -taking sale commences On. January 2n4, 'People remelt-
. ,
ber our clearing sale of a year- ago, This year we eclipse i1 previovs records in.
balgain-giving. - The policy of this store is to carry no good from one season to
another. As we find our stook heavy in many departmeflts,l We have decided to
lear the goods regardless of cost, in many eases at half pric and less. Below
s a partial list of the bargains offered, many of the best not feing mentioned:
bargains are real. As
ut more extra to fill up
had a bargain in °
at-, Hosiery, Blank -
d Rubbers,
ts aid Readymade Suits.
ats at sweeping reductions.
pri es,
Seaforth Saw, and
Heacling Mills.
TlIle undersigned is prepared to buy an
quaaJtity of &tvi Logs and Heading Bolts.
Phe Saw Mili is running now. Custo
sawing done o the shortest notice, an
satiefaction gua anteed.
MO -
f SOling Out.
, — i
A few tab:e sets left to be fold at 25e. Tea Bete,
regular $3.75 for $50. Plates, potato dishes, metal
p1tes to be sold elove cost. Orly a few. Ladipe'
g nets kit to be sold, at 040. 1 Table oil at 1130 per
y rd, regular 25o, men's top shirtel regular 50c, n w
e, ddift forgot that our shoes etre the ohea st
the county, alour Flannelettei, Prints, Con
a t d everything 1uthat lino. The hdt stable tante ei,
r gule.r 90e, now, 66e. Twenty-thkee lbs. of Bled.
path granulated taigas for et. Don't forget the
place at Harlook.1
1775 , I, NI', WHEATLEY
Fur Departmen,
Eiehteen men's coon coats, extra qualiy, regular $45, le price $38.
Seven men's coon coats, extra qvality, regular $38, sale
Three men's coon coats, extra quality, regular $35, sale
Thirty men's black calf coats, special prices for this sale
Also special prices on wallaby, wombat, dog and Bulg
marked at prices to move out quickly.
Special prices on all our sleigh robes.
We have had extra values all season at regular
prices for this sale.
rice $31.50
ice $27,
rian lamb -coats, all
peices, bi
Ladies' Furs.
special cleating
Three Astrachan capes, Sale price $5.
Two Astrachen capes, 30 inches long, regular $14, sale r-ic
One Astrachan cape, 30 inches long, If gular $17.50, s p
One Astrachan cape, 30 inches long, regular $24, sale rice $19,
Black oppossum ruffs, regular $3 50, sale price $2.65.
Columbia sable ruffs, reguiar $4.75, sale price $3.55 -
Columbia sable ruffs, regular $6.25, sale price $4.75.
Alaska sable ruffs, regular $9.75, sale price 87.25.
Alaska sable ruffs, regular $12, sale price $9.
Thibet boa, 40 inches long, regular $5, sale price $3.71 .
Thibet boa, '72 inches long, regular $7.65, sale price $545.
Black and grey English hare ruffe, regular 85c, sale priCe 50e.
Comity storm collars, -regular $2, sale price $1.50.
Cooney collarettes, regular $2 60, sale price $1.95,
Grey lamle collars, regular $5.65, sale price $4.25.
Electric seal collarettes, regular $10, sale price $7.50.
Electric seal collarettes, regular $10.75, sale price $8.
Also all other collwettes to be sacrificed in the same w y.
Black eooney muffs, special at $1, sale price 75c,
Grey hair muffs, regular $1.75, sale price $1.3a
Columbia Sable muffs, regular .$4.50esale price $3.38.
Natural oppossum muffs, regular $3.15, sale price $2,6 r
Also special prices on all ladies' Astrachan, Bockharanj Persian, c00n and
electric seal coats.
Staple Departrn nta
1 -
Eight pieces grey flannel, extra value at 22e, to clear t 16c.
Twelve pairs only flannelette blankets, regular $1.20 a1e price 60e.
Eight pairs only flannelette blankets, regular 81.60, se price 900.
' All Aannelettes and wrapperettes at 15 per cent off o4.r regular prices.
Twenty per centoff all prints ;450 pieces prints, spedal at 8c, for 61--c.
Twenty per cent. off all fancy flannels, and 15,per cen .t off all blue flannels.
Eight ends only winter skirting, at quarter off regular price.
Special prices on all blankets A special line regialar $2,70, sale price
$2.30 ; ditto $116, sale price $2.65 ; ditto $3.60, sale rice $3.10 ;_ ditto $4 10,
sale price $3.50. - , , .
• carpet Department.
Twenty per cent. off all Tapestry and Brussels carpet.
Fifteen per cent. off all wool and union carpets.
Dress Goods De attinient.
A table of remnants of dress goods, silk and velvets
Five pieces onlf black dress goods, regular prices fr
price 350.
Two piecee homespun, 56 inches wide regular price
t half prite.
tn 00c to, 60e, sale
0,C, iide price 35e,
Fifteen pieces colored tweed dress goods, regular 500 to 60e, sale price 35e,
Nine pieces dress goods; 66 inches wide, regular 75c ts$1, sale price 50c.
Fivepiecesfancy blaek dresagoods, worth 35e, for
S n ieceE3 ladies' cloths all shades, sale price 19c.
eve p
Seven pieces homespun, skirt lengths, regular $3 SC to
for $2,50. ,
A large range of plaid dress goods, regalar 35e to 500 sal
A lot of dress trimmings in black and colored gimps, t 3
Twenty-seven inch.Japan wash silk, regular 50e, for0c.
Twenty-five per cent. off all plaid golf shawls.
Fifteen per Cent. off all wool ShaWls.
Ladies' .Departm
Ladies' black and colored silk waists in plain shades
half price.
A job lot of plain wool hose, sizes from 4i to 8c, to
Heavy worsted hose in all sizes, at 15 per cent. disc
Ladies' black roman satin waists in lined or unlined
$5, your choice
price 25c.
a yard.
and, fancy1 s
leartat 10C.
including all the new
styles, at 15 per cent. discount.
Ladies' waists in flannelette, roman satin, corduroy velvet and plain velvet
opera flannels at 25 per cent. discount.
Our entire stock of ladies', misses' and children's underivear, plush bac!
fleece -lined natural wool, See at 15 per cent, off.
Ladies' flannelette wrappers, large variety, and we on guarantee fau1t16.9-
fit, sale price 15 per cent. off.
One-quarter off all ladies' flannelette gowns, corset ceivere, drawer; etc.
Twenty-five per cent. off all ladies' kid. and mocha mitts.
Mantle Department.
Our whole stock of tailor made suits, skirts, etc.,' at' one-third off reeeilar
A job lot of ladies', coats, worth from $3 to $7, your choice for 76c.
One-quarter off all our new coats, fur-line4 capes, eto.
Twenty-five per cent. off all mantle clothEi
Clothing Department
Two hundred men's overcoats to be sacrifized ; 25 inen's overcoats, assorted.
tweed patterns, regular prices from $5 to $8, your choke for $2,50; oiew- odd
sizes in °frieze coats, regular $5, for $3, special prices (wall OUT black and blue
beavers, grey cheviots, 'kegler's and Raglanettes, etc.—the whole eta& mutt be
cleared regardless of cost. Men's, youths', boys' and children's overcoats at
special prices. Men's, youths', boys' and children's suite • a large collection of
these goods gathered together in odd lots and sizes, to b� sold in many cues at
half peice • 15 per cent off all cur- men's underwear, Overything includedi; 15
per cent Off all lined gloves, mitts, etc, 50 pieces tweed for suits to order, these
goods are extra value for $17, we will make to your measure, guaranteeing fret -
class work and trimming during this sale, for $12,
Highest prices paid for Butter Eggs
and Wools
Opposite Town. Building, Oornef Man and -*e8tSeaforth.