HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-01-10, Page 8ee'
—AT --
10C per copy, or three
for 25c.
Coon, Coon, Coon.
Hello, Central, Give Me Heaven.
Strike up the Band.
I've a Longing ine my Heart for you
Smart Set Waltzee.
Creole Belles, two step.
Janice Meredith Waltzein
Salome (intermezzo).
_Freaks of Blackville, two step.
When Knighthood was in Flower,
CAPITAL (Paid Up), $2,300,000
R EST, - - $2,300,000
Main Street, Seaforth.
A General flanking Business trans-
acted. Farmers' Sale Notes collected,
and advances made on sarne at lowest
Drafts sold on all points in Canada,
the United States and Europe..
'allowed on deposits of One Dollar and
Solicitor Manager.
Enter any Time
After january 6th for a thorough course
under individual:instruction iri all commer-
cial subjects-telegra.phy, shorthand- and
typewriting, in tihe
Central Business College
This splendid school, with 12 teachers, 80
typewraing machines, and thorough courses
of study, is the beat of the kind io Canada.
Circulars free, write for them.
Addrees, W. H. SHAW, Principal..
Yonge and Gerrard sta., Toronto.
Counter's Jewelry Establishment,
Is headquarters for high grade
Watches and Clacks, Jewelry
ia all its branches, Silver and
Silver Plated Ware,-ntc.
Fine Wateh repairing a zpecialty.
W. R. COUNTER, • Manager
Not What You Spend
But what you get for what you
spend, that coente. The best
is the cheapest ia theeend, so it
is wieh
Henderson'S Photos,
addSpecial rate Christmes and
- New Year'a Day only.
J. P. HENDERSON, Seafort.h.
Winter Term opens Monday,
January 6th.
We have recently received eight applica-
tions from other bine:lease colleges who wish
to get our graduatea aa teachers, but we
hare not one to send. Our graduates are
chcsen by busintat firms and business Col-
leges as fast DA we can turn them out.
Write- for catalogue.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
Azent for the " National Cream Separator," menu-
173-ctured by the Raymond Sewing Maohine Company
of Cluelph. The nniversai favorite, simple end beau-
tiful in design, few parte to clean, easy ta operate,
relialyle and durable, more points of merit than any
other separator, a perfect skimmer suitable for from
tweto t.venty-five cows. Call at my office and ex-
amine the "National" before purchasing a separa-
tor. Sold on easy terms.
Ncr.. VT.A.TSOI\T„
General Insurance Agent, and Dealer in Sewing
Machines and Bicyclea,
Bank of Commerce
Eight Million Dollars $8.000,000.
Rest, -
- $2,000,000.
A genera9 Banking business tran-
sacted. Farmers' Notes discounted,
and special attention given to the
collection of Sale Notes.
SAV1 N GS BA N K. -Interest allow -
ed on deposits of $1 and upwards.
Special facilities for transaction of
business in the Klondike District.
Money Orders, payable at any bank, issue4 at the
following rates :-
Under $10 .08 320 to no .12
810 to $20 .10 $30 to $50 .14
Solioitor. Manager.
-A number of the people of Grimsby, a
few weeks ago, assembled at the residence
of Mr. James Brodie, town clerk, and pre-
sented Miss Brodie with an address and a
beautiful gold watch. For 13 years Miss
Wilene Brodie_has been associated with Mr.
L. Woolverton as assistant secretary -treas-
urer of the Oretario Fruitgrowers' Associ-
ation. and now that Mr. G. C. Creelman has
been made secretary -treasurer, Miss Brodie's
duties vedl be removed to the Parliament
buildir gee Toronto. The young lady's ex-
cellent musical ability, so gerierously used
for the benefit of the church, the horticul-
tural society and other intereats, her busi-
trees a.bdity and her uneelfieb Spirit, have all
combined to win for her the highest esteem
of the townsfolk.
-Portage la Prairie, Manitoba, had a
n50,000 fire last week. The Grand Central
hotel and several other buildings, on Saskat-
chewan avenue, the leading businese street,
having been burned*
b won Cx
,:sss Arkwright, Ont., °v. 20, 1901.
l'str- Robert Bell,
Seaforth, Ont.1
'Dear Sir : In regar to th • Engine; I am
highly pleased with Is r. Sh • •ri tip -to -date ,
evsry respect, easy to fir• and eaay on
Water. In feet, she is' the eas est fired rig I
eVer run, and hay run qu te a few. I
have run her this la two eekie without
the bracea and she sit !as stil aft any other
ever saw with° the on. The is the -moat
obinplete Engine tha ever : nse up this
way and all the farm rs are ighly pleased
with her. You very rola',
m. J. inclerwood.
HOCKEY. -The epening ho key game of
t season was played here ion Thursday
e ening last between Clinton and Seaforth,
✓ ulting in a victory for Seaf4rth by p goals
4. Play was nob 'up to eaampionship
friren but it was a •godcl prao lee game for
ohr boys, for the war* they ave ahead of
them. An extended account of the game
ded :out this
e champion -
on Monday
nd Seafortb.
e and Should attract
has been unavoidably cro
week, The first ga e in t
ship series will be Pla ed her
night between Stra ford
This will be a good ga
a arge crowd.
THE LADIES' AID -The airst anhual
meeting of the Ladies"' Aid f the Presby-
terian church 'wan eld o Wednesday
afternoon last and was quite largely at-
ted-ded. The repeat showed the year's
fa tory and a deter ination evinced : to
operations to be ver auccesOf 1 and tratis-
p anent° an E Ten mare vigor° e campaign
d ring the coming ear. Th following
o cers were elected : Presi e t, Mre. S.
Dickeon ; 1st vioe p esident rs. M. Y.
*Lean ; 2nd vice pr eident, rs. Larkin f
secretary, Mrs. jame Watscn ; treasurer,
Mrs. C. W. Papst. he usual committees
were also appointed.
,), - 1
A Goon CotecenT.One of th best con-
certs of the season wall 13e given in Cardne's
hall, on the evening of Jannary 4tand. The
talent eeoured for this concert is of the very
ndest groups
d in one con -
number is
great fair -
M tile Lois
hly spoken
as a stud.
teachers in
t deserves
besb;, and makes one of the str
of artists that has ever appear
cent in Seaforth. Among th
Harold Jarvis, the notO tenor
twin ;with Seaforth eitidience
Winlow, 'cellist, who most
of by the preset. Miss 'Wink
ent for two years unde' the b
een e
nto, wi
oh a con°
'Germany. Miss Agne
of Hamilton, has also
Harry Bennett, of Tor
fasn for the evening. S
a bumper house.
Dely, daUghter of litr, Tho
Egmondville, who has *eels te
heliegan township foe the p
years, was recently made the roc
madame gold chaia bracelet
lift Bligid's church, Logan.
etm in Logan, Miss Daly had o
anist in the church, and- ae s a
ake a ceurse at the Nermal s
eer, the members of the choir to
ortunity of ehowiog their ap r
etched in flattering an loving
ee services in a subst ntiel rr a
resent was accompani d by
Ily set forth the kindly feenli
ave always existed 'between th
teeing of school, the pu,pils alai
red the members of the choir.
eir affection for their teacher,
g Mies Daly with a handkerohie
mpanied by an address;
L0',.:DON'S EX -MAYOR. -The ..i0
rtiser makei the following refer
d Huron boy. For two years g
capied the position of mayor
London and in retiring frem
e Advertiser gives him this ra
m,plimentary send eoff, It seys
uthball has, in many respects,
eel never and man. He is
thcut:airs or affectstion. He 1
'de the same sincere, unaffected,
le, , manly man as when he e
ett men as he do inuoli to
a tolerable, and in doing so
neral prosperity. Take, for
nstant efforts to nouns more ac
laden while enlarging his own
nuine and affective interest
ilWays. Take the dignity
Oa which he presided at meet
cou Oil ; in fact, his whole
ma or reflects credit on himsel
eiti ens." Ws all due to his good
nd the free, pure air on whic
tiad in hie infancy and.early yea
Minentreous IESeArne-Mr.ja es Beat-
en pe from a :eery seriots acnident on
tie nd Mies eaepie had a moat eiraculous
Th rsday evening of last week. !T ey drove
to t e railway station with a horse and eut-
✓ to meet the si o'clock train rom the
east, and, as the ram was a lit le late, they
were driving arou d the streets t put in
the time. When paseing alon he street
that runs in front of Dick's h te stablee,
they were overta -en by a team f runaway
houtes attaohed t a sleigh. Be re they
could get out Cif he way the o sea were
upon them. The jumptd on the utter and
carried it out to Main street, wher , in some
way, they got disentangled from Ir. Beat-
tie'sfeutter. Mr. Beattie's horse , also got
e.watt from the Wreck, lent did not' run far
unti it was captuted. Mr. Bea tie and his
dau titer were threwn from the e tter,which
was smashed to pieces, but neit er they nor
thei horse were seriously in u ed. Mr.
Beattie received a ,few bruise nd Miss
Beattie was else slightly bruis d but the
injuries of neither were ierious. i ow they
escaieed.is a Mystery, which they *nnot ac-
count for therneelves. That the 'utter in
whicai they were seated was Is rushed to
pieces, and that tbey escaped init.). y, is one
of the fortunate circumstances whi. h gannet
be eccounted for. We unite w th ' their
many friends in congratulating them, on
tlaeit escape from injury. .
i ' 1
; ,
PRESENTATION.-Lba Friday eVe ing last,
the teachera of the Sabbath schoil of the
Seafortli Presbyterian cherch, ace mpanied
by the pastor, drove to the tee deuce of
Mr. .George Dorra.nea, 5th cone ssion of
McKillop, to spent*. social evening ith their
fellow teacher, Miss Kate Coven, p evioue to
her cleparture for Toronto and her everence
fromi the school. They also too : . vantage
of the occasion to preetent Miss n with a
complimentary address, accom a ied by a
memento in the shape of a hanclinme dia•
mond ring. The address bore tsst mony to
the zeal. end fidelity with what'll I; e recipie
ent had for so long diecharged her i utiea as
a valteed and efficient teacher io he Sab-
bath eichoole; the good work she h d done,
both by precept and example, and the en-
couragement and aid she had give her fel-
low teacher's by her Wise counsel nd ever
cheerful disposition Mad Christien bearing.
Ip als expressed deep' regret that the rela-
tions hieh had so long and so p easantly
subsis ed must now be severed, Itu at the
same ime expressed the hope that , er good
offices and influence would be us: i j for the
promo ion of the Master's cause el ewhere. '
Miss owan • accepted the addrese and. gift)
with rateful thankfulness expre sing the
pleasu e it had always afforded her to take
part iri the work in the Sabbath se ool, and
while recogniztng her failures an limper-
fectione, she was pleased that her humble
servioee had met with the approval of those
who hed been associated with her eo long in
the good work. A few hours were pleasaaat-
a Daly, of
nig eehool
couple of
pient of a
the ohoir
string her
ed as or-
is going to
hool th is
k thie op -
elation of
ner. The
terms, and
gs which
efore the
estified to
y present -
case, ace
don Ad -
nee to an
. Rut:obeli
• the city
eeful and
. "Mr.
been an
ayes the
tered it.
a e public
el on the
netance, his
ories for
Take his
n London's
n fairness
• of the
c nduct as
a d on the
he sub-
ly spent in social eni3yrnerib, and Mr, and
Mre. Dorrapoe left fio hinig Undone to make
the visit of their goest 'Meant and com-
fortable. Miss Cowan! h been a faithful
and valued teacher th shool here for a
great many yearss and h r removal is not
only a loss to the school ut to the pongre-
gation, and all will mite with THE Ex-
roseTon in wishing hei• Well wherever her
future lot may be cast.' ,
DEATH OF MR. G osilson DURIE.-Wei
deeply regret to record the ,demise of
George,Durie, of the a conceal n of Moo
Killop, which took Ple;cle on Sun ay, after
an illness of but one week. Mr. urie had
been in Seaforth on Satu ay, an after re-
turning home he took a chill which was lob;
lowed by, an attaok of inflanimation of "the
lungs, and which proved fatal in a week.
He was a man in the prime of life being not
quite 49 years of ag . H was a native of
MoKillop, being th , son of the late
James Durie, and a bro her ef Mre. Andrew
Swan, of Bruoefiel . iwas a strUng,
robust man and on wh bid fair to live to
a good old age. B is death is another
evidence of the great neertainty of life,
even to the most prism sing. ! He leaves a
widow and family Of five none and tWo
daughters to Mourn th great loss which lute
fallen upon them. The eldeet son, James,
is in South Africa and 11 the ()there aria at
home. Much regret is felt on amount of
the death of so worthy a citizen, and • the
deepest sympathy Of all ite extended to the
bereaved family.
! •
" Good Resoluticins." One in try Beattie
Bros.' 28d tea. 1778.1
RAW Funs.-lif ghe t cesh price for raw
furs at Jackson's tann ry, mondville. 1775x4
Company will bo in .Card
Thursday, January 16th.
to Seaforth under the heavie
any produation to pliay her
sienlo production ever plat(
side of the ()Ries. Plan is n
Store. •
Dick's Hotel, Seafortb, ?du
January to buy horses for -
the time, third week in Janu
The Holy City Opera
o's Seaforth, ran
hie coMpany is bretight
t guarantee ever offered
e. The most gergeous
d before the pirblio Out -
w open at Fear's Drug's
. Trotter will be at
iv the third week of
anitdba. Don't forget
17- 1778-1
Three 32;inch oircula Bevis, for cutting
wood, at a snap. s. Mullett h co , Seaforth, 1778-1
Harold Jarvis Conce te cora house, Sea-
Sorth, January 22nd. Har Id Jarvis, Tenor Soloist
latsPresbyterian Ohuroh, De reit; Miss Lois WInlow;
'Cellist, pupil of Anton Elekki g, of Berlin, Germany.
Mr. Harry M. Bennett, Hinnoriet, of Toronto, and
14j.sa Agnes Dunlop, contryneoi Hamilton. The
frogramrne is an exceptional y gocd one. The sub-
scribers plan will be open at Fearli drug store until
next Saturday' night. ' 1778
Big stove sale now
going on. Before
taking stook, we will offer ou entire stook of stoves,
new or second hand, at g eatly reduced prices.
Such bargains have never bet re. liften offered in Sea -
forth, but we are bound to reduee the large stook
and we know the prices we are going to offer will do
it. Don't wait till tea too 140,1 but come right
away, for we mean business. S. Mullett & Co.. Sea -
forth. 1778-1
A New Yeer's gif to. every cash
customer. We have oomph) ei arrangements with.
the Ontario Accideat Assura ce Co., of Toronto, to.
give to each a: d every cash g reinsert to the amount
0182 or over a free insurane pclicy to the amount,
ot $500 in oase ef death or 35 per week in caee of
disablement. (Subject to obditione printed on
policy ) Particulars with ev ry .92 cash, purchase.
We will glve this polioy for b lance of January. be -
inning n Saturday llth. . 'Willis, BOota and
hoes, S aforth. ; '1778-1
Twe ty per cent. off a 1 linea of Crockery
from no until stooktaklog-, bruary- 10th, Beattie
Bros., Se forth. , 1778-1
TIIE OWN ELECTIONS. The elections in
town o Monday parsed over very quietly.
Althou h there were s many candidates
runnie , a stranger ia town would not
keove t at anytbing un eushwas tranepir-
ing. here was very lit le canvassing done
by any of the candidates, the vote being
sponta eous, We ar'e gl d that the drain-
age by-law was carried b so ilarge a major-
ity, th enabling a much needed improve-
ment t be carried out. The following is a
statem t of the votes c ab for each of the
several iendidates in the respective wards :
d Wardi Total.
• 50 156
47 170
44 139
North Eas
Ward Wa
J. Archibald 49 57
3. M. Best 73 50
M. Broderick 41 54
J. Gillespie 33 29
B. B. Gunn 88 84
Ed. Hamilton 87 65
J. Henderson 12 28
M. Y MbLean 97 80
F. G. Neelia 9 11
Wm. Sreith 23' 35
Jno. Stewart 42 52
John Weir 86 63
14 72
'69 163
80 220
The oouncil will thus be - comPosed of
Mr. J. H. Broadfoot yen. and' Messrs.
M. Y. McLean, B. B. Gunn, EdWard Ham-
ilton, John Weir, John Stewart and J. M.
Best, councillors.
Stobie, 62 ; J. S. Welah,50. !South ward,
Wm. Solatcr, 83 ; J. Gillespie, 17 ; Mc-
Ginnis, 16.
The Drainage By-law.--t-Fonee-North r
ward, 65 ; Mist ward, 52 ; Smith ward 66, .
Total, 183. Against, -North ward, 19 •
East ward, 26 ; South werd, 8 Total, 53,
Majority for by-law, 130.
Thomas McGillicuddy, H. C. Lucas, C. Mc-
Donald, 0. R. Cooper Thomas Boole and
T. W. Gibson. It was decided to hold an
at-home or banquet in. February, and the
matter was left in the hands of the commit-
tee to make arrangements. A .resolution
was passed expressing the hope that the re-
tiring president, who met with an accident
recently, would have a 'speedy recovery.
Low. BRIEFS. -Mr. Charles Eberhardt,
.who is attending the 8 hool of Pharmacy hine
Toronto, and who was home spending t
New Year's holidays, eturned to Toronttoo
f On i_ Monday. Mr. E erhardt expects rt
f graduate thie Coming pring.-Mrs. Robe
1 Richardson and (Ping ter, of Walkerton,
and formerly of Seafortih, were in town last
week seeing old friendet-The annual meeotn-
ing of the members of the South Hur
Agricultural Society will be held at Brum-
field on Wednesday next, atr 1 o'clock.
There should be a leirg attendance of far-
mers.-Mre. Thomas Dickson, of North
Main street, returned on Saturday after
spending a week visitil friends in Usborne.
--Mr. James Moravash, - of the Kippen
Road, Tuckersmith, haia now taken up his
residence in Seaforth.r-Miss A. Cowan, of
Toronto, who was visiting friencla in this
vioinity on New Yearls holidays, returned
to Toronto on Saturday. She was accom-
panied by her sister, Miss Kate Cowan,
who will reside there hereafter. -Mr. M.
Scott, who was home from Bowmanville
for the holidays has returned. He likes -
the town 'and his newjbusiness.-Mr. John
Riohmond, of Blyth, the inventor of the
well known post hole borer and other im-
plements, was in town en Monday. Mr..
Richmond is now winkang at his combina-
tion threshing machine and he hopes to
have it fully perfected and patented in
time for use to thresh the next harvest.
He has done a good 4eal of work with it
already and it works very satisfactorily, but
there are same things which he has not got
to his full satisfactien. It should prove a
moat valuable invention to him when he
'gets it completed. -Mrs. J. S.' Miller, of
Manitou, Manitoba, is there just now visit-
ing her sister, Mrs. Mt Y. MoLean.-Miss
Fenella Kidd, of Seaferth, and Miss Foy,
of London, have been 'engaged as teachers
of the Roman Catholic separate school here,
which opened on Monday. -The Collegiate'
Institute and the pulilic school opened on
Monday with all the teachers on deck. All
the new teachers in the public 80°01 have
taken their places. -Mr. Moffatt;• the new
principal of the public sehool, has 'taken up
his abode in the John p. Meleougall resi-
dence, in the North ward. -Mise Dzeie M.
Dor-reran, who has severed her conneetion
as teacher with No. 10 school, MoKillop,
was presented with a handsome flower
stand, acoompanied by a very affectionately
worded address, by her upils at the close
Tuesday last, and shed the light of hie ever
of the school term. -Rev. • Me. Fletcher, of
Thames Road, Usborne, wee in the town on
genial countenance on several friends. -The
week of prayer hae been observed here dur-
ing the week by union meetinga in the Pres-
byterian and Methodist churches and these
meetings have been well attended.-Mre.
John Stewart has been in Guelph this week
vieiting ber father who is very ill. -Mr.
James Stewart, of Egmondville, is bueily
engaged laying down material fer the new
residence he contemplates erecting on his
farm, near Egmondvillee-Mr. Alexander
G. ti§eillie, the clerk, of Tuokersinith, passed
through town on Wednesday, on h i3 way
to Ethel,with a very! fine fifteen months', old
Parham calf, which he Sold to Mr. P. 1 H.
Raker, of G4y, for a h+dsome price. ,This
animal is of roan eoletr, end is from the ell
known stock bull "We Year's Gift." r.
8inillie has still another alf,equally as g od,
to dispose of. -The 33rd regiment band aid
their respects to the 'lie ly elected members
of the counoil and other ;citizens on Tuesday
evening.-Rer. C. C; Kaine, of Pine River*
was visiting last week af Mr. Wm. Oke's,:in
Tuckersnaith.-Meesra. Will and Seymour
Hill, of Brantford, and Mr. Russell Hill', of
near Barrie, spent their yaoation at the Far.
ental home in Egmondville.-Mr. AI red
Dennison, of McKillop, la now clerking for
store in the Chitholm.bleck of that town. -
Mr. A. R. Smith, in ingham, who has
opened out a olothing an gents' furnishing
Mr. John McIntosh won the prize offered for
the one who precured Ott largest number of
members for the Maeoabb eaTentfor Seaforth
for the month ot December. Mr. McIntosh
is a hustler, and generally succeeds with
anything he undertakece--The South Huron
Farmers' Institute hold a meeting at Brum-
field to -day and at Exeter on Saturday. -
The first horse fair of this season will be
held in Seaforth, on Wednesday next, the
15th inst., when all the leading buyers will
be in attendance, and' a large business will
be done if theifiarment will brin out t eir
or a good any yeaes, and it musti be
ratifying to Ina to know that his services
re appreciate by hilt townspeople. -A fine
earn oi heavy hones, belonging to Mr.
George Dale, of Alma, get frightened while
tending at Stevvart'a mille, on Wednesday,
nd started for home on their own hook, at
something fester thanthe regulation gait. At
Mr. Papst's reeidencei on the Huron road,
they parted conspany with the sleigh and
proceeded on the way, and were caught,
as Fowler's on the Huron
worse for their adventure ex -
were somewhat out of puff.-
aginaw, Michigan, was here
at Seaforth and Walton.
barna° dinner with Mr. and
ann, sr.
tock. -Mr. T omas Jackson, s ., has b
e -elected ma or of Olinton by acclamat
Mr, Jackson as filled i this position
redit to hires lf and ednantage to his t
nual meeting of the metnie reef the' T cker-
smith B a.nch Agriculture Society w a held
at the C mmeroial hotel, eaforth, on Wed-
nesday 1 ste There was faiely ler e at-
tendane of members, thus showine that
increase interest te being taken in the af-
fah s of the aociety. The •financial state-
ment, w ich was read and adopted, was a
very satisfactory one. Ineluding the new,
additionito the grounds and other iimper-
taxit improvements the entire ottlay for the
yean only exceeded the income by $17-5.
As the nEre grounds are now complete , and
with air uocessful a seasene next year, 'this
defieit should be wiped out and there ehould
be a good balance on the right side of the
ledger. The following of6.cers atel direction
were appointed : Preeident, D. D. Wilson,
Seaforthe vice-peenident, George Sills, Sea -
forth. Pirootors,-M. Broderick and George
Chesney,Seaforth ; James iEvans, John M.
Govenlook and James S.1 rmith,, McKillop ;
Young and William ,Someevillei The fel-
John Dale And C. Me regoe, Hu lett ;
George Dale, William Cheeney and W'llialp
Archibald, Tuckersmitle. Auditors - A.
lowing were appointed henoraey ditters,
-John Weir and Jamesi Dick, Sea orth ;
J. G. Grieve, and Willie MoIntos , Me-
Killop ; John Britton and R, And rson,
Hullett ; 0. E. Cresswell and Robere Char-
ters, Tucketsmith. The society ad a
membership of 397 last year. At a meet-
ing of the new board of directors, M . T;
E. Hays was re-v.ppointed secretary-teeasur-
er. , .
• n =
the most progreesive of the Old Boyis As -
Recitations lin Toronto, is that compelled of
ex-reeidente of Huron county. This, how-
ever, is only natural and to be expected, as
old Huron's soos no naattete where located,
always come to elle front, arid many of them
are now leading citizens of the Queen City.
But, like all. other -good men, they never
forget the old home., The anneal meeting
of -the ass's:dation was held'hist Friday night
in the Temple building, and was laegely at-
tended, Mr. J. S. Willilion, presided, in the ,
absence of the president, Mr. Hugh Mo.
Math, who is confined , to his residence
through illness. The Yearly report was
presented by the secretary, air. E. Illoody,
and was very gratifyieg ;thawing that there
are no 225 members. The treasurer, Mr.
following officers were elected ler 1902 :-
G. A. mith, B. A., rfkportetl, that' there is
a setia aetory balance en the 'treasury. The,
Honorary Presidents Colonel W. ID. Otter,
J. S. Willieon Hugh' MaeMath neresident,
E. Floody ; v'ice-president. Dr. ; Sloan ;
secretary, R. A. Walker ; Treasu er G. A.
Smith ; -executive committee, J. , MoLar-
en, E. J. B. Duncan, Geer e. Deem , J. R.
Lyonso W. Prendergast, . Scott, J. S.
MolPninon, S. T. Churc t C. C, Rose,
near Mr. Tho
road, none the
eept that they
Dr. Ryan, of
visiting friend
He had his Ch
Mie. John Me
He presented re.
Molidann wit a beau .iful bouquet of
natural flowere, which he brought with im
from thiit city The doe or looks as tho gh
city life agreed With him. He returned to
his home on Saturday of last week. -D. D.
Witsdn & Co. have commenced work on the
ice harvest at the Egmondville dam. -W rcl
was received here on ednesduy of he
Coulter, of thi town, She had been ill for
death, in Chiaago, of h re. D. Kneoh el,
daughter of Mrs. ylarganat and Bitter of re.
some time, The remeini will be brou ht
here for ieternient, and the funeral ta es
place from Mre. Hargan's residence to:d y,
Friday, at 2 o'clook. -Mr Wm. Bell, jr, of
Hensel', was in town on Wednesday. He
ie now buying a lot of' heavy horses, whioh
he will ship to the -old country about the l„st
of February, and he intends creasing the oig
pond with them, -The young meia m si-
clans, of the town, are rehearsing fo a
ministrel show, which they will put on m
about a month. The proceeds are to be e -
voted to the Sick Children's Hospital, Or
some other worthy object. ---Mr. Si on
Reid, of Wabigoon, is visiting at the ho e
of his brother, Mr. J. H. ;Reid. -On M n -
day morning, :Mrs. J. H.1 Reid receive a
telegram froffeBaineville, Ohio, stating t ab
her mother, Mrs. J. K. T. Waugh, was at
the point of death. Mrs. Waugh has m ny
warm friends in Seaforth who will be so ry
to hear of her ills ess.-t-Mr. Frank Sills, on
sf Mr. George A. Sills; whp has been ape d-
ing his Christmas holidays under tha p r-
ental roof, left on Wednesday to resume s
studies in Assumption College Sandwich -
There was a regular Londthe, 'Enegland, f g,
enly noti quite so dense, I on Wedneed y
night. -Mrs. Robert Fairley and two chi d -
ren, and heri sister, Miss Duncan, all of
Winnipeg, are Visiting frielnds in town. -
The Tuokersmith Agriculteral Society h ve
selected September 25th and 26th as e
days for their fall show. Other societ es
should be careful not te conflict with th se
dates. -Mr. A. Young is reoovering, I -
though he is not yet able to get down to
business. -The Holy City opera company,
one of the strongest concerti companies en
the road, will appear in Cardnoie hall nekti
. Thursday _evening. This is an attraction
, well worth seeing.
COUNCIL MEET1NG.-The first meeting of
th new council will be held ati Christopher
White's, Loadbury, on Monday next, the
13 h at 11 o'clock item. Parties
ha ing business at this meeting are request-
ed to be present sharp on time.
HE LECTIDN.-There was qnite a spirit-
ed con et in this township on Monday, and
re ulte in the election of Mr. M. Murdie
as rea e, and Messrs. John S. Brown,
Arehib ld McGregor, James' O'Loughlin
and Oh ries Little as councillors. The foh
loWing s the vote cast for reeve :
Man14. Murdie
Diliisio No. 1
is le 2 135. , 24
21, 152
11 41 3 92 , 73
44 sr 4 41
i' 110
289 359
UEtiO ity for Mardi°, 70. 1
Coun illors,-Brown, No. 1, 93 ; No. 2,
1 ; o. 3, 82 ; No. 4, 102, -Total, 416.
ISI Gre or, No. 1, 136 ; No. 2, 109 ; No. 3,
1 • N . 4, 55. -Total, 400. O'Loughlin, -
N .1, 32 ; No. 2, 43 ; No. 3, 111 ; No. 4,
48, -To al, 334. Little, No. 1, 84 ; No. 2,
7d6iti;erlt.ie. 3N,07.51! N47o.; 4N, 706. ,2---, Tnot;a1,N303.13,, G8a9r-;
No. 4, 8, -Total, 291. Smith, -No. 1, 36;
Ne. 2, 7 ; No, 3, 90 ; No. 4, 8, -Total,
eat item
the con
than th
\old cou
Mies qo
knee a
day of 1
seine ta
Pa mer
ho se.
wil ma
.-On Monday last, there wee big
nt over our municipal election!. and
est was keen. Everybody worked
ome probably worked a little harder
other chaps and got there. The
'ell were all re -elected. --Mr. and
lips, of Ripley, are visiting at Mr.
Logan's this week.er-Mr. James
ng had the misfortune to give his
ad out with a hand -axe, on Thor's-
et week, which will lay hini up for
e. -The Varna branch of the Wo-
uxiliary met at Mre. John Me-
n'e, on Wednesdasolast.-Mr. Wm.
has moved into Mrs. Hamilton's
We welcome him to our burg, as he
e a good citizen.
Brucefield. '
• R. I: IGGINS, Brucefield,Notary Public,
non eyan et, Fire and Life Ineuranoe agent. Any
amo nt of money to loan at lowest current rates of
inte est. o firsb-class farm security. All kinds of
cob eye= ng work done well and cheaply. A;
ho e ev ry mining and Wednesday of each
wee 8 venal good farms /Or sale. 157
OTE.. -The annual meeting of the mem-
ber of t e public library will be held in
Di on's all on Monday evening next, the
113t ins ., at 7 o'olook p. m. It is hoped
,tha all *ntereeted in this laudables enter-
gpri e will attend this meeting. -Mr. Robert
Mc art ey has been appointed agent for the
'Mc orm ck Manufacturing Co., orChicago.
-la r. A ent is receiving large quantities
'of oge for stave purposes. -Mr. Findlay
Ma hese: B. A., of Glenboro, Manitoba,
pre Oleo' in the Presbyterian church last
Sab, ath morning, and in the evening gave a
short ad rem on rnission work id the , west.
the Pres yterian church was held on Wed -
W ile h re, Mr. Matheson was the guest of
Mr. Geo ge Harte. -The annual meeting of
nes ay a ternoon, and the reports of the dit-
fere t o gaisizations showed the congrega-
tio to e growing numerically ] and finan-
oial y. ' he increase in memberehip was es-
pecially oticable, The total &Mount eon-
tributed to home and foreign muisions dux.-
ing the y ar was over $500. ,
1 i
t , •
, Hay.
I Tire E ecTioN.-The election on Monday
last was fought for all it was orth. The
6onteat as keen, especially for the reeve -
Ship, wit the result that Mr. Pe er Lamont
loas bee returned by a largel increased
majerity. The following is a a tement of
Ole i7Gtea carat for the reeveship : ;
1 Ehnes Lamont
Divisi,on o_ 1 .
32... .... , 78
34 . 40
" 2
41 3
" 4
44 6
44 7
if 8
89 102
30 50
28 e 55
91 56
28 . 36
16..4 74
348 491
Majori for Lamont, 143. .
Council ors,-Consit, 448 ; Stelck, 411 ;
hompso . 391 ; Goetz,; 371 ; P ilips, 307 ;
attler 2 9. Tbe counoil willbe composed
qf P.1 1.;:t ont, reeve, and Mess a. Consit,
Stelok, T ompson and Goetz, councillor&
T. Cam ron, commissioner for County of
Unto , con eyancer, etc. Money to loan, and pri-
te oney wanted to loan on first n3ortgages on
f rrn rope ty in Usborne and 'Ffibbert in sums of
from 1,500 0 86,600. , 1774
1 Th's we tiler will wake you u most any
outoof Ms night if your bed ism' supplied
itin suffi lent comforts to keep ou warm.
lyou ma e it a point to inveetigate at The
E. McFau Co's. Store, Seaforth, for just
4hat you require, we feel confident that
ou Will b y.
rasa y, f Gananoque, formerlY 1o7f78-ti]his
, ace is 4 e guest of Mrs. (Rev.) Fletcher,
and is re ewiog acquaintances, as is also
*re. l(Rov ) Davidson of Toronto4-We are
sorry to le rn that dr. McDonald is again
laid p wi h his eyes, but hope he may !loon
1:;,e ar uni again. -The anniversary sermons
in oo neot on with the Thames Road Prest
I te an c arch will be preache4 on Bab-
th, Jan ary 19th, and will be followed by
t e a nual tea-meetiog on Monday evening.
e nde stand that the committee are
aki g an effort to have a programme in
tot sel , ha e been taking advantage of the
a- va ce;of anything that we have had in
t e eat.
; Jo Tins: .-The farmers, who havo wood
sleighing t get their wood away.--t-Mr., and
re. !Ern et MeNicol, entertained a large
n mber of friends on New Year's eve. ;The
eyeni g se spent in various d. amee and
eland g. b an early hour all left, for
Imme hay ng spent a very enjoyahle even -
i g. -A s eigh load of young folks from
h re went own to Mr. James Gardiner's Orl
Monday veining. All had an excellent
time. -Mr Peter Cowper spends all. his
eveuings a a home in this vicinity. From
a I appear races Peter means businesn-aire.
Wm. Traq air, accompanied leY her &eigh-
t- r, Miss ary, left last week for Essex, to
✓ sit her sister, Mre. Parish. -On New
ear's eve Mr. George Monteith presented
t his dau hters, Miens Gertie and Millie,
a fine new °minion organ. 1 '
J. . S
ancer, ota
cliCarptiehyd ,b0,scleo
El*eter Ont.
t 13e n eineste
o T ry t
i m Mei
y ar, lect
h' s t ken
h fu nitu
t ba, a fo
b en new
man ame
blfor Mag
o arg of
M J. Urq
arr w le
im To onto.
ww eak. enCehwi
eN wwi eahriia
h er a E.
le on Tne
ite edi
re ove ed n
ANBURY, B. A., (late with Mc-
& Co., Torcnto,) Barriater, Convey-
' Money to loan. Offices lately m -
ins & Stanbury, over O'Neil's Bank,
W. D. Yeo has gone South for
, to seek renewed health. --The
wn of Exeter disregards politics
al matters, fel. it often, as this
a Grit reeve.s-Nelson G. Keddy
position with W. C. Huston, in
e store. -John Rankin, of Mani -
mer merchant Of Exeter, has
ng as:quaintances here. -A young
Reichert, of Hensel], appeared an
strate Snell, on Friday, on the T
seaulting Constable Weetcett, fin,
off with a fine of $4.38.---Mre. in
hart left last week for her hozne st
James H. Abbott, of London, at
ng acquaintances in town this wi
f Gill was at Peterboro, on pl
day, for a prisoner, and return- St
game, too. -Mies Ballard, mil- II
Spackman & Company's store, • st
day, for her holidays.--Miller,J. Ae
or of the Times, is sufficiently in
W from his fracture, to sit up in to
• I
his room; -John Matheson, of Brantford, is I
here on business this week, and took the
opportunity to vote again in his old hewn. -
Rev. R. A. Cranston, of Cromarty, preached
in ()even Fresbyterian church, Sabbath
evening. -The trustees have engaged Mr.
Anderson, of school section No. ,l, litsborne,
to take the principalship of Dieter public
school. Mtr. Anderson coma with the
recommendation of having taught With sat.
isfaotion in No. 1 for the pest eight ears.-
The result of the election for the r eveship
and council, On Monday laskwalt as (Mows :
Reeve, W. H. Loretta, 248 ; Irvine Arm-
strong, 198 ; majority for Lovett. 50. Coun-
cil, John Muir, John Wood, Joeeph Davis
and W. Harding. Leonard Maaggart was
the defeated -candidate for ' the conn-
cll.-Messrs. Beverley & Huston, furniture
dealers and. undertakers,: have dissolved
partnerehip, Mr. Huston having pnrehased
Mr. Beverley's stare of the businessi Mr.
Beverley has nob yeti decided vehat be will
do. I
- Willthr013-
CUTTERS AND BLEIt.11S.-For everything
up-to-date in the line of beautiful outtera and sleighs,
at the most popular prioes, you will make! no mita
take by calling 011 A. McGregor, Leadbury. Ail
kinds of horseshoing and general blackenaithing done
your plows and harrows and get them in share for
Bering work. Charges moderate. A. McGaieloa.
by the moist scientific methods. Farmers bri1n1gna7lox:g
If yous have furs on the brain, don't over-
look the E. MeFatil Co., Seaforthe They
have cured many a case this winter, when
all others failed.' They have just Ore fur
coats, caperines, ruffs, etc., to set yon right,
just as right as the prices, which are now at
the loween notch. -
1778 1
ACCIDENT. -011 Thllrliarky of Usti week,
Mies Dora Steples, the 14 -year-old deughter
of Mr. Wm. Staples, of McKillop, met
with a painful accident. -, With two et
three other obildren, she waa playing ili Mr.
John Wyatt's barn, when in some way ot
other a scaffold pole fell, striking the little
girl on the faoe, cutting her cheekSapd nose.
We are pleased; to learn that she is nearly re-
covered, and that no permanent diifiguret
ment will resat.
• •
, Hensall. ,
FEED. -A large quantity of mill feed on
band, also chop; compdaed of three parts wheat and
one part light oats. The cheanest arid best Value Ma
the market. Price $22 per ton, for a feW days.
Will accept orders up to 50 tons. D. Usquha t
Hensel' Oatmeal Mill. 1773x
Have a look, great bargains. Havi
purchased the harness business from Mr. H. Jana'
1 am going to sell at c:st for the next 30 days H -
teas, Robes, Blankets, Whips, Rugs, Bells.1 Co
and examine .goods before purchasing elsewhere,
a dollar saved is a dollar made. Also a fine lot
beautiful cutters and sleighs, which cannot be 8 r
passed in the county. Will be sold very cheap, co e
and eee for yourselves. W. J. Millar, Sensual.
0 J. Sutherland, Notary Publii:a7CO3.tfil
All legal documents carefully, drawn up according tel
veya cer,'Comm'seioner in High Court of Justice
Inervance Agent and Issuer of Marriage License,e
law at reasonable cost. Private and Loan COmpany
funds to land at loweat rates of interest and on
terms to suit borrowers. Office at the Post Office,
Her sail. N. B. Agent for daily and weekly paperb
DEATH OF A PIONEER. -We maden7b5r.4i4
reference last , week of the death of Mrs.
Robert Munn, which teok place at the resi-
dence ot her son, Mr. Alexander Munn, on
the 26th of DeCember. Her maiden name
was Margaret Barr. She was one the
pioneer residents of the county and of horn
it may be said•there were few to equa her
in her matchless perseverence and un elfish
industry. She was left a widow with nine
children in cireumetances that only• the
strongest personal effort, filled with the
bright hope and trust, noald surmeunt.
She was born in Givin, near Glasgow, in
1,822, came to Canada with her parents in
1831, but soon after landing her mother
died, leaving five children. She bsizig the
eldest, the responsibility which developed
the firmest princiPles, was laid upon her.
After her marriage in 1844 they settled in
DalhousleoLanark county. -But in three
years they came to Huron and at length
made their home on Lot 16, Concession 3„
Hay, where she remained until her death on
Thursday last. : Her children all survive
her, John, of Bruce ; Peter and Alex* and
Mrs. O'Brien, of Hay ; Mrs. Hyslop and
Mrsofferonimue, of Michigan ; Mrs. Leish-
man, of -the Sault; and Robert and Thomas,
of Manitoba. ;They , wore all present at her
funeral which took place on Saturday, 28th,
excepting ' Rohert and Thomas. Robert
being unable on account of the trains ;being
blocked to reach home in time and being
very anxious and not knowing how things
were, finding be was left at Aleie Craig ,at
three o'clock ,Sunday morning, walked a
distance of 28 miles, reaching home about
ten &clack. The family have not been
united for 29 years and although in sadness
they have met, yet are pleased to be re-
united at the old home where each enay
share the other's sympathy. There were
37 grand•children and 13 great grand -child-
Local, Beaers.-Mr. James Redmond and
little daughter; of Leeds North Dakota,
accompanied by his sister,'Miss Kinley, are
here visiting their brother, Mr. Charles
Redmond. -Mies Hatton, of Owen Sound,
was here during the posit week renewing
acquaintances. -Miss Ida Dick, who was
home for a couple of weeks, has returned to
Durham. --Mrs. R. Bonthron has returned
from Detroit where she had been attending
the funeral of her brother -in -law, -Dr. Mc-
Leod. -Miss Rose Youngbluto of Ayrs has
been here spending her holidays.-Mrso R.
Hunt has returned frOm St. Louie, Missouri,
where she had been Visiting her daughter,
Mrs. Johneton.-Mr, James W. Belt re-
turned to Philadelphia on Menday last to
resume his studies at) the dental college. --
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell left here on
Wednesday to attend the marriage of a
relative at Centralise -Mies Hannah Ort-
wein, of Thameiville, is home at present on
visit. -Mr. and Mrs. John Dodde, of
Manitoba, arrived here last week and in-
tend spending atnumber of weeks with their
relatives and friends in Tuckersmith and
Hay townehitis!-Miss Tena Shirray has
been visiting friends in poderleh during the
past week or anne-Mr. Kenneth Haskett, of
Watford, was in the village during the pant
week renewing acquaintances. -Mr. Fred-
erick Kydd, of Winnipeg, formerly of Hen -
sell, and who recently arrived here on a
visit and was taken down with a severe
attack of name is improving nicely. -
Mies Minnie Sheffer left here this week for
London, where ehe intends studying music.
-Dr., W. J. Doherty, who resigned the
pastorate of St. Paul's church last fall, bas
returned to Hensall and resumed his duties
as pastor. -The Misses Smith, of Lender,
are home on a eisit.-Mr. ;John Reith, of
Wanetta, Britieh Columbia, and formerlY of
Hay, is here visiting his many relatives and
friends. Mr. Reith is engaged very largely
and successfully in farming and has not ing
but good vfords to say of British Colum ia.
-Mr. Russell Moir of Senney, Iowa, son
of Mr. Alexander isioir, accompanied by his
*de, is here visiting relatives and friende.-
We learn that in addition oto being treated
to an oyster supper, as reported in lazt
week's issue, Mr.. Robert Carlisledwas made
the recipient, at the same time, of a hand-
some silver -headed cane and reeking -chair.
---Mre. Ryckman, of Michigan, who has for
a number of weeks been visiting her father
d slater, returned home this week. -
he Independent Order of Foresters had -a
e supper and re -union on Thursday even -
g last. The supper was gotten up in fine
yle by Mrs. E. Sheffer. There was a large
tendance of members including their
ves, sisters and sweethearts and a very
eaeant time Waif spent by ali.-Mrs. John
eacy is visiting relatives and friends In
amiltonand Caledonia.-Mim Emina John -
on in in Parkhill visiting her sister. -Mdse
sthorp, of St. Marys, who was here viait-
g her sister, Mrs. R. Beek, has returned
her residence' in that place again.-
Resolve to buy of us, and you will neeet
regret ite
Faces, those faces that we have the rd
of seeing here year in, year °Weed.
ways tell the 'same story, -whist it
one of oonfidenee in the quality
eur goods and the prices at Widek
they are sold.
1902 may have a great many happy Ear.
prises in store for you. We hope ja
may, and certainly' will tkry to 1.14 _
yen in thin direct*, for We would
have all our otietomers happy
and give tLenr; the worth of thele
money every tiMe. =
429r Present, ;Stopper&
Unusuali values in
Special Values in
NIGHT G 9 wNs,
t -
You are effered out and oub values in r
goods. This beeinees le conducted -
cm; the idea thaP time and use pro*
, quality, and thee interior nook
cense naught bat dissatisfantlinit
Ceme soon and lee our goods teit
their own bargain tape.
Your bent chance for 'Furs is now. Ute
alined offers in -
We are ever building for the future std.
woald rather under-eatimate
goeldness offered here than have _yes.
disappointed at the showing in the .0
store. Coine right to the Fur De, 47.1.
partment, the vary place to leen fi
=the nature of the bargains you esse
make. •
Other goOd chances for yeah'
Oftentimee the ,best Wine to buy is when
the owner is the most anxious to sell„
and such is the ease now. We are
moire than anxious tO reduce thine
steels° to their very lowest figures by
atock-taking, the fleet hf Feberiaty. -
Our G,00ds
None so high as to be extravagant-none'ete
low that goodness, ean't go with
. The . .
Dry Goods Go.
G4th' Greate4 Cash
y Goods SOre.
The annum cong tional meeting of Car-
mel Fresh terien rch was held at the
close of t e prayer meeting on Wednesday
evening laes. The Was a god attendanse.
and the d erent 'reports wore of an en -
°enraging nature. The financial report
showed a b
all the fo
the exeept
urer, who h
lance on the right ride. Nes*
mer officers were re-elected,with
ion of Mr. Wm. Bell, the treas.
as so faithfully nd efficiently
e congregation n that oat,
paeity for the past twenty years*
Mr. Wm. lilfoir was appointed tin his phsee.
A committ e was appointed to draft a raw-
lution of the heartfelt appreciation of the
congregation for Mr. Bell's long, able and
faithful seririce, and to give such further
evidence of appreciation as they may de-
THE ELE41TION.-The election in Stanley
eesalted in' kte return of all the members of
the old courieil, Mr. Alelsraughton, the reeve',
being elected by acclamation, there Was only
an election -Sror councillors. TUB resulted as
follows : tevens, division No. 1, 23 ; No.
2, 39 ; No. , 74; No. 4, 41 ; No. 5, 78. --
Total, 255. Keys, No. 1, 32 ; No. 2, 5re
No. 3, 85 ; No. 4, 25 ; No. 54 46. ---Totals
236. John on No. 1, 22 ; Noe 2, 47, Not
3, 66 ; No, ti I6 ; No. 5, 52.-.-Totale 233.
MoDiarmidi NO. 1, 39 ; No, 2, 68 ; No. 3,
57 ; No. 4i 15 ; No. 5, 29. -t -Total, 208.
Beatty, NO., 1, 33 • No. 2, 18 ; NO. 3, 67 ;
No.. 4, 34 ; No. 5;24. -Total, 176. Aiken -
head, No. 1, 42 ; No. 2, . 25 ; No. .3, 14 ;
No. 4, 7 ; No. 5, 7. -Total, 95.
NOTES.-Mre, Lawrie has sold her house
and lots, and she and her daughter Bertha
are moving to Chicago, wherelMr. Lawrie
and his son Ralph have been for some time.
-Rev. A. B. Farney, English ehureh minis.
ter here, is leaving at an early . date. -Mr.
B. Hamilton, of Auburn, is a guest at the
post office. -Mt. Ted Blow, oi ,Winnipeg, Is
visiting friends in and around The village. -
Mr. Leonard Armstrong, son o Mr. oarnes
with his parents in town. --Miss Mabel
.Armstong, V. S., is spending iv vacation
'Campbell returned to Niagara Falls on Sat-
urday last, to resume teaching in •the Lun-
dy's Lane aehool.-The voting for the polies
village trustees resulted in the election of
James Armstrong, V. S., 3. R. Williams,
and Wm. Bennet -Mr. Austin Henston
has been on the sick list for some time. -
Mr. Chester McLaughlin is home from Win-
nipeg. He speaks highly of Manitoba. --
Mr. Herman Evans has secured a sohool in
Howlok.-Miss Mary Aylesvihrth is en-
gaged in school section No. iS, Howiok, for
1902. -Mr. George Boomer, a former Gerrie
boy, cialled oh friends last week. --Mr. R.
Douglass and Miss Merton, our new tesele-
ere, are at work. -Mies Jeesie McLaughlin
left for her new school in MIllefeb, Ort Satur-
day afternoen.-Miss Grate Taylor, of
Hetrick, has gone to teach in Algoma. -
Miss L. Harding, who has been the assistant
teaoher in our school for the past twn years,
leaves, this Week, for the Normal Reboot -
Mr. James Bricker is engaged to teach in
school section No. 8, Howick, during the
the sl
will la
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will ni
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ets at
7e:3133:I:leer lachahlal:3B;dt
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'Columbia tp