The Huron Expositor, 1902-01-10, Page 5I0.. 1902 den Alex. Ross. Vatton ; .son, ERS is best t, and a few doseg a 25c a polled,or rggist ;lies of tile. We are tZmitla does nob in- ; midet-Oar eitiz. :gret, that Mr. S. J. gement of the Wal - 1 peat summer, had e home ia Belgreve, eek, after only two ; was a quiet, inof- th respected by all .-quaintance, and his ea indeed a severe i and friend. He e small ettildren to nd and father. Hia rlieg, where his re- iterment on Friday Donald is putting for manufacturing zedto bey ail kinds 1 r WEDDING•—i. was tweddie on New'rh zae he there. She he name o' Short - r man, tigger than rii., they're no snetd- ,et him, bet Jennie a him, sae I guess looked rale bonny- tsV Borne kin' o' etc e't. 1 doot 1 ht bat I askit the e. she said, if I mind h, and Henry Ratty 1 forget what; 1 o' funny tae me. made them a wee t them (sot wisome sae- deseribet it vera bonny in it. - She 3es in her hair an' :r eheekse and the red 3in on his coat. reed by Rev. M. geidsake, it seemed et when they were was a' dune. The auckle table. There o' dishes big areas t. Wad oder hand a ed money, elect. i 1 getten that meeei_ ;attin their meat an' 3 to be vera earefa e,s than fewer big 1 hand a gowpinfti. re for,_ but Tommy, r, spoke for min o' for his mither, for t was far ewer atnah d, but a' doot I did the knife aa' fork en. They had Boma ie a, bit adclreee at lidna eee't. There ak at the first table. - trip or oneht, but tee their new barna are half as happy as , she'll never hae a the lives tae be a ETS.—Stuely the snit edy it well and best ore you can learn veer in good fitting you are to come to rah. Mena" and boya' :4es and in good aa - 1778 -1 -.A. number of the are laid up with Hoinaes epent test Lateknow. -Charles 10 on a visite-Ad- -leis ditties as teach - Friday Iast.-Miss guest of her sister Steadman returned y teat. for years has there aken in a, ratinieipal ,ere on Monday last. f course, centered in the contest was l'actut. The elec- re the return of -all cauncil, with the ,ianglitoa takes the tes a candidate for wing is & atatement reeveahip ; Doig Horton 39 75 4t1 78 . la .... 58 ;. 23 .85 . ,58 212 416 ivisien No. 1, 77 ; ,No. 4, 57; No. 5, 3e, Eigie, No. 1, ; No. 4, 50 ; No. I, 423. Chapman, k 30 ; No. 4, 69; -Total, 350. Ma- . GI ; No. 3, 21; Na. 0. 79, -Total, ; No. 2, 37 ; No- - No. 6, 44 - will composed. end Messre. Bleak, aughton, council- • tumes ine, she wants the oney and skill ean businesta e the fair sex, and 7 artistic braid - :sent as many new • meets have been ling our beaettiful e can make me to HOTEL. JANUARY 10, 1992 Stara. Nearea.-Mre. J. Getty, et MooaeA Manitoba, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Here ewe -Mr. and Mrs. White and Mr. and tam Miller, of Stratford, spent New Yea'i Eay with Mr. E. Drake. -Mrs.' J. Miller tett last week, to visit her eider, Mrs. Ears., Algoma.-Messre. William and Fratilc °olden'of St. Marys, are visiting friends la village. --Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Triek re. turned to their home in London last week. GneV. AN OLD LAND MARK Gott -E. -The otd ill tavern at Ethel station, which has been d as a dwelling house for several yeartewes nrned to the ground on Thursday night. be residence of Mr. Pewaon, which adjoias the hotel building, also caught fire, but y diligent effort on the partof those assemble this building was saved. ; A SEntons Aecteeerr.-Mr. Malcolm La - Mont, an old and respected resident of this township, metewith a very .painful aceident en Monday of last week. It seems that es Mr. Lamont was onebis way home from the nomination meeting at Ethel, in some wily or other he 'fell and the bone in his leg was broken near the ankle. Mr. Lemont mans aged to make his way to Mr. George MO, Coll's residence where he remained all nig b and Was taken home next day. He is about 75 years of age, and although 'Vigorous and kif good stuff, the break is an especially save one and fears are entertained that it may go hard. with him. However, We hope he may aoon recover. Hullett. If you want to know what money is worth, try to borrow it, or test its power at the E. McFaul Co.'s store, Seaforth. A small amount has a mighty purchasing pow- er there just now. Fur jaakete, cloth jack- ets, dress goods, underwear, ready-to-wear -clothing, overcoats, etc., must be reduced by February 1st, stook -taking time. 1778-1 mARRIED n DAKOTA. -.—The following, which., we take from the News, of Park River, North Dakota, will be read 'with in- terest by many of our Hallett readers. The young lady who is one01the principals in the pleasant affair, is a native of Hullett and a daughter of Mr William Stevens, of this townehlp " Mr. Reuben Pengelly, son of Mr.:Richard Pengelly, ard Mims Sarah L. Sevens, of this city, were married on Christmas day, at the Methodist Episcopal • parsonage, in the preaenee of their immedi- ate relatives and a few invited friends. Rev. J. A. Strachman petformed the core- niony. The bridal couple have many friends thie city end vicinity, and the giost h arty congratulations are extended by all." r. and Mrs. Pengelly have many friends in t is township, who will unite with their akota friends in whiling them much hap - p nen and many good things ia the future. Londesboro. NOTES —Miss Loa Ouirnette left on Wed- needay last for Toronto to resume her studiea-Miss Elea Adams is visiting friends ie Cliaten.-Dr. McCallum enjoyed a v'eit frotn hi a brother from Kingston this 'week. -Dr. L. Whitley will leave next week to teke a six months' course in Toronto hospi- tal. -Miss A: Crisp is spending the week with friends in Sealed."). -The Sons of Eng- land entertainment was attended by a lar:e crowd on Friday evening last. -School tea,' opened on Monday. The two new teaohers from Clinton, arrived on Saturday. Miss Wiseman takes the senior room and Miss Chidley takes the junior room. -Mr. E. Brown had a bee last week drawing briek. He intende putting up a new brick house next ant:Amer.-League met on Monday evening. The officers elected for the com- ing year are: President, Mr. Joseph Gar- rett ; lst vice, William Lyon ; 2ad vie, Annie Braithwaite; thel vice, Mrs. D. Floody ; 4th vice, Seale Lyon; Secrete Miss L. Whitley; corresponding secrete Mr. R. B. Jeffrey • treasurer, Miss L B hara ; organist, Miss ; taut organist, Miss A. Criap. Y) Y1 Zurich. TI1E EeEetrioN.-Tho election for trustees of the police village of Zurich t place on Monday last, and resulted in election of Messrs. Wesloh, Rickbiel Greb. The following are the votes ba Wesloh, 81 ; Greb, 78; Riakbiel, Hartleib, 59. Betees.-The annual meeting of the H y Branch Agricultural Society was bell in tlhe town hall here on Wednesday. Mr. W. T. Caldwell was elected chairman, and the di- rectors' end. treueurer's reports read and adopted. The treasurer's report showed a balance, on hand of 8181.59, which is very satisfactory.The following officers *ewere elected : President, W. T. Caldwell ; first vice-president, Jacob Haberee ; second vice- president, Fred Willett ; directors, 33. S. Philipe, J. Decker, W. B. Battler, a Os- wald, J. Phaff, Wm. Roeder, J. Surarue, Ed. Zeller, Wm. Blackwell; Thomas Jo n- ston and R. R. Johnston, auditore. At he close of the annual meeting, the direct rs met, and Mr. D. S. Faust was re-elee ed secretary -treasurer. -Mr. Bender, from n ar Hamburg, has been here on e. visits -R .v. Mr. L. Wing, presiding elder, of Ber in, conducted quarterly services in the Ev n- gelical church here, on Saturday and 5 day last last -Rev. Mr. Litt, of Crediton, cal ed on Rev. C. S. Fiakbeiner last Saturday - W. H. Holtzman was in Crediton, on Sun ay last, visiting his parents. be ok he nd t : Perth Notes. -Mr. Frank Butcher was elected Ma or of St. Marys by acclamation. -Mr. Charles Klinok, of Brunner, as sold his farm to Mr. Charlet Kies, for he aum of 87,000. -Mr. Aedrew Park, of Dakota, is pay ng a visit to his brother John, on the 7th c n - cession of Hibbert. It is 20 yeers since Ir. Park went west. ,-Mr. Harry Hicks, a former I Mite ell bey, but now of Fort William, intends co iog to South Africa with the conting nt now being formed. -Mrs. Conrad D. Kroh, of North E st- hope, met with a painful eccident in New Hamburg the other day. She slipped on the icy sidewalk in front of the post office bib& and fell, breaking her leg at the ankle joint. -Mr. Jetnes Norris, of Hibbert, sal a tate-year-old filly to Mr. Thomas Pridh&m, of Fullerton, on Monday of last week, which weighed 1,610 pounds. Horses of this, starnp are always readily sold. -Anthony Lovelle, for 35 years.' a real - dent of Stratford, died on Saturday; Decem- ber 28th. The deceased was about the streets in his usual health the previous day, but was taken !sick that night and never rallied. -While cutting straW on the farm of Mr. Vipond, of the 7th coneession of Hibbert, on Friday, 27th ult., Mr. Daniel' Brintnell had the misfortune to have several of his fingers badly crushed in the gearing of the strew cutter. -Two Downie town hip farmers, named Wm.Guest and David 1uleher, had an alter- cation over a turkey whioh disappeared, and, as a result, Guest Fad to appear before a St. Marys police magistrate, and was fined $5 and costs. -A pleasant,- event was the Christ as tree on Christmas night at Zion Luthe an church, in Stratford, Which was throned. by a joyous company of people, young 4nd old, to witness the giving of presents f om the fine Chrienhas tree, -which had been pre- pared for the occasion. The pastor, Awe% J. G. Spillman, presided, and besides the giving of presents to the Sunday school children, there was Singing, reoitatiOns, etc., by the children, and music by the eherch choir. A surprise was in store 'be- fore the close of the meeting, when Rev.Mr. HE •••••• el=a• HiriRON EXPOSITOR. 5 Spillman was eautiht ent rely uneiveres by the handeome presto hiimself and Mrs. Spillman of a Purse of $55 in gold, so- emnpaleied by an s1ddress, express ve of the congregation's reg rd and eatetme —me. and Mrs.!A.M. Frazer, of Indian Head, Northwest Territory, visitod friehde in Mitchell for a few days lest week. Mr. Fraser returned be Sa erday, and Mrs. Fraser will remain] for a coupie oi months with her mother, fifteen years since his esteemed o uple left Tra. Grant. Ib la abbut Mitchell. i -At five o'clock on the afternoon: of Christmas Day, a party wedding ;was We- brated in North Esethope, when i1fss Tena MoLaren, of Hampstead was trarriedi to Mr. Peter MeMill n' son of Mr. .: ugh Mc- Millan, and one ofthe, town. s rs'a most 1 promising young farmers. Th services were conducted by Rev..R. F. Cal IP eron,i -On Christmas Day, Miss 1 Georgina Sutherland, daughter of Mrs. W •. Suther- land, ' Burn Brae," south bound ry, Elan - shard, was united in marriage to r. Alfred Parker,: of Guelph. Theleereinon was per - for ed by Rev. Dr. Craw, 13. A., •f Thorn - dale, in the presence of oely the -r latives of th contracting pa ties. ; • I --Ate, special meetii of the Stratford public library board, an offer 6 $12,600 from Mr. Andrew Carnegie, the , eta -Mil- lionaire, for a public library in letratford, was brought befor the hoard. he condi- tions aecompanyin the Offer are 1 that 'the city provide a fre site and expenannually one-tenth of the a ount of donatiln of $12,- 000 for the ininti nittice of the lr.rary. ! It was resolved, by a unanimous vot , that the offer lois' accepted, and that the c uncil : be recommended to c mply With the iconditions of the donation. e : WANTED.. -Choice roll 'butter; 8c ;'NL i. mink or fox, 83 60, Our slaughter :4ta of Dress Goods during January and Fat rusry, is w rth corning miles to see. G. E. Kia, Wingham. ' 177741 WANTED, BUTTER AND . Eansi - am Pre- pared to handle v.ny eoantitre of butte aid eggs, dried applee, ate., for,whioh I will pee/ he highest, cash price. A. W. Stable, opposite Qui en's lintel, Seek r :I. 1775-3 MARK...1teht. , SIAFORTH. Janne eall Wheat (new), Standard ..e.(. tse 3 les per bushel - - fees per buehole, leley per busnel Butter, No. I, loose— Batter, tub_ _ Eve per dole-- - Flour, por 100 a.. _ Hey per ton now... _ Hides per 100 tthe Seeep Skins . • amt 0 WOO!. sa• as. ••• •M• Patetoes per bush ( Ws (retail) per be W3od per cord (long) W 3od por oord (shor Apples per bag_ - - Clover Seed - a* • • • 0 mar aja. a, • 0 is ass as... 7 asa •a• a,aa ma/ •••? • • mo ••• sis ,Ssa as. • • sa• Timothy Seed—. - Pork, per 100 Zs- •.. Tallow, per lb - 9, 1902 75 to tiO 76 42t0 042 76 to b 76 60 to 0 50 16 to 10 16 16 to 10 17 10 17 2 15 la 00 a 00 g 12 0-60 1. 10 '4 25 2 25 n_ 60 1,0 00 f 0 8 00. 0 06' 016 to 2 36 to 7 60 to 11 03 to 0 30 to 0 13 lo 0 GO to 1 10 to 4 oo to 7 00 to 40 to 00 to 00 to 60 to 04 to • Dairy Markets. ToRONTo, January 74--,Eutter-rlhe Mar- ket rules steady, with receipts air. We quote :-Selected deity, tubs, 6 to ; choice large rolls, 161 'to 17c ; nest one - pound rolls, 18 to 20c ;i inferior q alitie4 10 to 121c ; creamcry printse21 to 2, Lo ; solids, 20 to 210. Cheese -Market is' ate. dy. ,We uote :-Finest September ,s -10,4 to 4o, ; conchs, 9a to 10o Eggs -Deman is strong the offerings of now laid stock 'are e. Pikes are steady at 25e for st iet- laid and guaranteed stoo. in oase 0 to 22c for held fresh, an 18 toi190 ed. Mo TREAL, January 7 -Che e -There been furth r sales for e port' and primes keep firm. Fittest Ontari colored, Pat to 10.1c • fines Ontario white, 0 to 1 ?-,o; fineet townellip iakes, 10 to 1t1c ; finest Quebec makes, q to 10o. Efate The' de- mand is good on oth local and •xport., ac- count. Finest tow iships, fall orealnery, '201 to 20c; finest 1 aebee fall creamery, 120i to 201c ; unclergr de creamery, 1 to 19ic ; western dairy, 15. to 16e ; Manitoba dairy, 14 to 15o. Eggs There is a good demand for strictly fresb. We quote -Strictly fresh, 28 to 30o ; selected cold torage 22 to 24c ; Montreal limed, 203 ; we) tern tim- ed, 18 to 19o, and culls at 1-7-t- o ]9 per dozen. an 8.5 Seeds. TORONTO, Jan ary 7 -The &fleet is steady. Aisike is sell`ng at $7 to $8 50. Red clover brings $5 bd $5.25, ai timothy is quoted at $20 to $3.25. 1 hese are average prices at 9utside. points. Specielly good ssmples w11 bring a Ji tle higher prices, and low r gredes will not sell so well. • , • eto. TORONTO, January 7 -,Wheat to 80c; spring, 703 ; red, 70 to 8 661 to 67o; peas, 78o;.:barley, 54 oats, 46 to 461c ppr bushel; hay $10 50 to $12 ; (skiver hay per ton Millfeed-Is ateady at $20.50 shorts, and $18.51 for bran mi Manitoba millfee. is firni at $22 shorts, and $21 br bran, sacks Toronto freights. oultrY. Totweero, Jane ry 7 -Offering liberal and the demand conti Prices are steady at 9 to 911 for t� 81e for geese 0 to 70c for 20 to 503 for cls-cketis. Fresh frozen turkeyo will sell at 10 to pound. 1 Potatoes. TORONTO, January , 7 -The arket1 is steady, offerings being ione too li beret. !Car lots on the track here eell at 70o. ,Potaboere out of store' are selling' at 80 to 8 " , • • Live Stock Market.:. LIVERPOOL, January 7 -Here t -day pat. tileare !steady at 12 to 13c per po nd (chess - ed weight) ;refrigerator beef at 1 to 110ac per pound. Canadian ' cettle, 6. ; „sheep, Wad to 61. Trade better. LONDON, England, January 7- o market to -day. Saturday's prices :-Uni ed Stetes cattle, bad to ent'd ; sheep, 5i to d. ,UONTREAr„ "January 6-Catt e -To. ay being a holiday, the buichers we e slowt in coming out, which causeda slow rade,With prices about the sense as on 'Thu aday. 1 A few of the beat cattle weft sold at about:410 per pound, but they were not ext a ; pretty good at from 3± to 4aec, and th comMon stook at from 24 to 3e per pound. heep told at about 33 per pound, and the lambat about lo per pound. Fat hogs s Id all!the way from 5ao pee potiod for old ov,-s up to $6.60 per 100 pounds fee;selects, ost of !the sato being about 6ic per, pound, eighed off the cars. • ' BUFFALO, January, 7 -7 -Cattle - Fairly good dernand and higher for butchers' grades and medium steers, other steady ; prime heavy steers, 8b.60 to $6.75 ; g�o4 to choice, $5.60 to $6.75, ; fair to oloice ip- ping, $4.85 to $5.75 ; eoere, $1.75 to $4 00 ; mixed butchers', $3.15 to 84.25; °moon to cheiee heifers, $3.15 to 86 50, ex ort balls, 8425 -to $5 ; stockers eed feeder, $31.46 to 84 25; veals, tops, $8 to, $8.50; thers,1 $5 $7„25. Hogs -Fairly ' active, ht lower; YOrkers, $6.25 to $6.30; light, 1o., $6.15 to 6.20; mixed packers, $6.35 to indium to choice heavy, $6.35 to S65; pis, $6 to $6.10 n roughs, $5.40 to 85.175; et gs, $4 25 to $4.75. Sheep and Lambs - Sheep fair13 steady ; lambs quiet nd loWer; oh ice, Iambs, $5.70 to $5.80; goodto chbiceh $5.50 to 85.60; culls to fair, $4.50 to $5,40; sheep, choice hand wethers, $1.60 to $4.85; common to ext a nailed, &3.75 to $4.35; oull and eons on, to 83.65; heavy export ewes an 1 wethers, $4.50 to $4.75; yearlings, to e5.25. Whiteh 70 o ; goose, to 54.ao ; per ton, $7 tol $9. ✓ care of die west. or cars of included, are fairly ties god. urkeyi e 8 units and Med' i un - 1.010 per On Tuesday, January 21st, at ohlook p. m., qn Lot 25, Concession 1, Hibbard, Farm Stoo James Herb, Proprietor; Thomas Bron, Auotioneer. thrtti ME ORE -On Deaember Jairi3s Limns ,re, Clink SMIT At Ste Agnes teeter oz i December 18th. thswIl (ter oily of Clinton), of MclittR HIE -In Blyth, on of Mfr J. Molfurohle, of a JAM In Wingham, on Dec Ml ldltp Jarmo, of d u hter. 1.1eAR UR -In Henson, on wife of Mr. James MoArth let, the 1w:fe of Mr. , of a s"eni , Carberry, Manitoba, e of Rev.. E. R. son, etsepaber 80bhe tbe wife daughtee. • mber 28th, the wife of Wawanoeh of a December 28th, the r, of a daughter. • - Marra C ALLANDER-CRICH-In let, at the home of Mr. in-law of the groom, by )11 se era L. Crich, of E TBertha A. Callender, of : WILT E-McGREGOR-At age, Clinton, by Rev. Dr. ld i'. Charles Wiltse, of CIeia McGregor, of Clint° McaoN Eh-COLWELL-On h nio of the bride, by Re Hen all, Mr. L. bleConnel, daughter of Mr. J. Celwell EGAN- QLMES-On Decem ohur h; Clinton, by Rev. rent r, Miss Margatet Jo ton, o D. James J. Egan JEWEL WRI 11T -On Dc A sVic aria Adeleid ;,, Pau 's recta , Clinton, b is ri ht, of Clinton, to hit. 11. 111 pr. PER UE-DALEY-On Janu Rev. A. 11. Brown, Ph. D. Pit s L-uiss, youngest da Geo ge Daley. MoKIN ON-, NICHOLSON- the Methocth,t parsonage, Hob, a, Mr. Roderick Mc Nizhelsm, bbth of Luokn TROUTe-BAIN-At the res hither, BrItanna Road, G D Y by Rev. James A. R b rt F. Trout, of Wier t eller (Kate) youngest JOH S ON-PATTERSON- WI bride's parents, %VlIlghaIn 'Rev. R Hobbs, Mr. John ' dau hter of Mr. Wen. Pat SAGE- OULTER-At the i December 25th, by Rev. G. 4age, to Mie 3 Edyth Clioton. 8110 RTREED-MorADZEA t e bride's paeents, on N Mr. Je.row, Mr. Wm, S Idle Jeanet, only daught Mc aS'esan, of Grey. DOIG--- UMMINGS--At the par nts, on Dece.eber Bel snryne, r f eleleawort kis Jennie Cumminge, Cu ininge, both of Grey STELO -RaNN1E-At the par nts, Mr. and Mrs. 8 Art ur Stack, of Alma° nie, of Zurich. ROUTL DGE-GLOUCHER hie e's parents, Blyth, o Rev W. Paths% Mr. Ge ton to Miss Annie, dew, Ad rir GI ,ueher. CAMPB LL-HUTTON-On reel ene of the bride's Kee, D. Werdrope, mist M. ., Mr. Wm. Campbel Mt et doughter of Mr. Jo eewatini on January rry Cr:Walsh, brother - Rev. M. Litt e, Mr. artney, Manitoba,Ito aforth, Ont. rita i9 Street anion- Ifford,oa Janu ry 1 t, uckerepilth, to Mise JarsuarY let, at the . Mr. Hondo on, of to Mies Mabe, eldest or 28th, in St. It. Ganne, ima Holnnea, of Torento. mber 181st, .ev. Cie R. Gu daughter of James Jewell, Paul'e M. A4 f Olin-. at St. ce, M. . John f . Ben- ry 1s,St Beg ave, by Mr. Henry Pe due, to gheer of Mr. ai d Mrs. n Now Year's ay, at Ingham, by lRev. R.- innon, to Mit Mary w. 0 , dem. Of the bride'n °rich, On Ne Year's nderscn, 113. IA.., Mr. n, to Misle, Catharine el:slighter/of Mr. John 1 \. Lt the resichnlie of the 011 January ist, by ohnstoh,to ailleseSera, MOIL use, ie Hanover, on E. Howell, Mr. fele M. anilter, both of t --the reel mos of w Yen a Day, by Rev. oztraed,' of Maims, to r of Mr, and Mrs. Thos. eaidence of th bride's . 25th, by it v. Mr. , Mr. A.nrirew Dag, to atiehter of -Mi.-Hann ownshiti. , esidence of the bride's Rennie, rr, Mr. a, to nue: Je sie Ran - Z r , lcAt the residen 'e -of the Decernber 6th; by rge Routleigeiof °lin- ter of Mr, aid• Mrs. ecember 25th father, Turnb d by Rey W. , to Miss Mar a Hutton. 11 Deat KNE: TEL -In Chicago, on A. Iargan, wife of D. 4 and 4 monthe. DURIE In MeKillop, on Jan age( 48 years, 10 months FRANKS -At Wocdbridge, o Franks, daughter of the 1 many years teacher in her 45th year. - WALLIS-In London, On Dee son of Mr. Jelin Wallis, Viers. YOUNG -In Goderich, on D Ylcung, aged 40 years and ALLENBY-In Winghato, on Aillenby, aged 74 e cue, 6 Hensall, an De Munn, aged 80 years. • at the rry, by Week Fraser, January 7th Herrick •echtel, aged 8 years': nay dth, Geier e Durie, nci23 days. December 271 , Nellie te Henry Fr nks, (for derich ub1i Khoo!), mber 24tb, 1 mee E., of Goderich,. gei e0 comber, Het, I Edward 2 months, ,Deeember 30 h, John °lithe -arid 18 days. ember 9.(1th, Mrs. 'R. A UCTION SALE OF FA M STOCK. - _ti_ :Brown has received nstractims 1 Jamea Ilatt to eel by Publ o Auelon on Concession 1, Hibbert, the f4awing p7ope: morssone-one draught horse 4 years old, 1 mare181 years cld, supposed to be in foal ; yelral old, 1 general purpoea mare 8 year foal to an imported horse. 0att1e4-Feur ealvenn the spring. 1 cow al rising 8 years old, 1 she helloes rising 2 years old, 7 s 4 spring calves. Pige.-Tw litter in February, 7 pigs which win be seld without r -A I lesums 0185 and under, 9 mo 11 ths' credit given on ap disec int of 6 per cent. per. on al oredit amounts. No e the premises. JAMES HA BROWN, Auctioneer. r. Thos. one Ur. Lot 26, y, viz. : draught 1 mare 6 old, in cowd to ut to :calve; 6 heifers thane a years oli, 9 eers 'Wing 2y 1.rge brood' months- old. form. Terms sh ; over tha roved jo'nt nnum allowed tside stoek al T, Proprietor cars old, sows t3 All of of Sale. amount otes. A f 3r caeh owed on ; THOS. 1778-2 MISHTER On New Year's ROGAN esolutions - " Ye'll be makin' yer_ usual, New Year's rissylutions," says me flied Clancy tO me on New Year's morninh 'Only wan,"I1 me, "I have !hoisted to.m4e no 'More ritsylu- tiot e. 'Th a waste iv i lurgy.." "e don't go at it th' roight way," says Clan3y. "Ye shud putt thim down it black an' Whoite, an' thin they, won't be o apt to sisliip yer mimtry." "1 got up a lisht iv iron -clad rissylnti ms th' other d y," he says "an' I'm gall' to carry thim ut to th' letther av I hay to do it mesilf. Wud yo ell nioind takia' a luk at thin) ?," he says. " Ye'll have hard toime to ape from reakia' SOME, av Wm," I says, whin I had luked thim i ver. "But rani° to it, Clal cy, fur i a 8130 l t heart an' a d turmined , urpese wine Compile& much, a they used to say in tla' ood Tempters lo g ago." le here theta e jiit as they wu in his not book. Me Riesylution for 1902. I, p trick Brutus Cla cy, in th' tpwn of Sa3faert, belavin' that !taped rissylmltiion is a goo t'ing whither it'd carded or i ot, an' Wiwi sound moind at' good judgemina so fa known, do her by an hereon most totem ly an' sincerely • romise an' ,deolare, first: That I will not d ink anny stitrong liquor , woine or -pop, u • lies wid th' consint iv me•bysician, or at th urgint solicitation iv frin s. Second: Tha f ivill not tse any tebaeo in many form, xi liss it be acdon- ald's t n cint plug-foine cut, T &B, an' all othej irands bein' hot a ' unsatislifa thory, an' qt •nly for thim th:b don's kno what a gob shmoke is. Th rdly : That I will not 4n w anny wan to shmo a me poipe, nor 1 ill I shmoke ante. an ilse'8 ponie- unlisa shed happen to I.se me wn. Fourth- ly : Tat I will npt lint me inighbour me hand aw uuliss he furs linds mo hs lawn mowe an' kapes itin go.d repair. F fthly : That e whoitc-wash be sh is a sacred t'ing an' wi I be kept fin. me Own proivate deleo- tatien an' will not be 4ishtril)uted mong th' nei hbors on anny 130 sitheration. ixth : That I will niver agin at ind areUnclelToin's Cabin harevagatiza, ni matther howl many donke s they have in t eir procissicin, nor army other entoirtainm tit unties it :Pe th' Town and or th' Mscoi ees. Sivin t That I wi I allow no man to canvass me fur me vote elite he be a big er man nor Me, er untll I foind out what - dooceteints he may have o offer. Eight : That f will !try to purso de me misses that her laslit year's hat is j1 ursht-class i shape an' plentye good enoug far 1902. Nointhly : , That 1 will try an make methseht leUmmer'is suitado me this s mnier wid ca;refel managemint, an' will e deavor to persuade me Thetis! to do th se' ts. Tinthly an' lashtly •,11 That I will not we r a collar overtwo inches in qepth, unlis.S n case or oases avi imurgiacy avavhioh ivry 131 thili shtore shall havel due notice. Sedges', Patrick BrutusiCianeyi "Ye fur - got th isolve,that ye wriddn't deal in anny other al, tore than Richardson & McInnis's," I say's. " 'Twasn't niCissary to do that," says p aney. "Whin & man wance begirs to dal there he's a cashtomer fur loife. Good oods ab roight proices will always drawl ins' kape good ouslitomere." , Gitoeix. mammasui••••• Riehardson & iplie Agents for the Gbodyear Glove Rubbers, SEAFORTH. INNO T31.371`711 GREAT STOOK -TA Nexi week. we commence stock-tak ng, an the lowest Point before that time. We wi I make ductions in prices this week ti Clear out Winter Men's fine black and blue blaok beaver overcoats, lis collar, fly froat, regular price $6 50, $7.50 and $9, for $4, nisters, high etorm collar, worth $3 75, for $2.75 Meh worth $6, for $3.95. dens'iheavy Frieze Ulster!), tWo high storm collar, as warm as any fur coat, good value Tweed suits lined with the best farmer's satin, weltni price $4.45. Boys' suits, in all sizes at wholesale ptio Wallaby fur oats, regular price $18, for $12.50. Men' wear, regulai pride $18, for $13 50. Men's Coen coats, $45, for $37. 0. Men's heavy duck jaoketselined with regular price $5, for $3.95. Men's duck jackets, lined Lumberman'i rubbers, corrigated edger'high ut, will Men's heavy ox to wear with rubbers, at 40o, '5 o and 7 CI -1:t00 -Twenty- 4 lbs. new r and toMatoes wo lbs. best Granulated sugar for $1. 4 1 Leine for 25o. Choice new figs, vet* special 3 cans for 25e. The celebrated Kiji Jape 0.9.83EC _A:Wm) (DINT MO1INN0N & CO And Now f NEW Y & CO G SALE. we want our stock 1own to the following. very eat re- oods: ed with good Italian cloth, velvet 95, $5.95 and $6.85. Boys' frieze ' frieze elders, high storm collar, d lining, interlined with rubber, at$10, sale price $6.95. Mens' de and trimmed, worth $6, sale s during this great sale. Mena' Cub Bear coats, will give great best quality, well tarred, worth Weed and interlined with rubber, ith rubber, $1.95. Men's heavy wear like iron, sale price $1.50. e. MS.. a. currants (new fruit) for 25e, at 4o. Quaker 'brand corn, peas, tea, worth 30e, for 25e. EOEIOEL BLYTH. entet nentiott seitigin The,Xmas rush is over, and. we wish to thafik our friends for the l'beral share of trade giren s during t is usy-sea- son, and also to annthem th: to theth t we have decided to offer the balance Of our stock in Tioys Games, Calendars and Fancy C oods, .1 I At Greatly Reduc d Prices. No this does not strike the rea er as anything unusual at this s ason of the year, but our pr ces will. We mean to make ou modest assertion, "greatly reduced prices," mean more th n the_words usually imply. all an:d see, at r the n 4R. ,E1EIE3In En et en Ea Wil SON' Al _A 1 .1 Ll • FIRST DOOR NORTH sEA OF PIOltARD'S, I I ORTH. ANU:411Y. CLE4RINV. SALE. Wil Thi public f consisti Fu Jacket Prints, Goods. coats, Trunk Re begin January 2nd and continue for the next 30 d ys only. is the 154,st offer that has' bei given to the billying r some time, as the stock s net'v and up-to4date, g of s, for Ladies and , Gentlemen. Ladies' and Tailor-made' ;Suits. Dress Goods, Tvtieeds, Blankets, and all kinds of Dry Men's and Boys' read made Suits, Over and Pants. Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, and Millinery,at less than half price. (I ember these tremendous bar all departments during January only. Conlie early :and get a share of they are going. D. M. ains will be given in the good tIliings while The Great Gas Store. MEATHPRETORIA 9 BL II OK, BLYTH. Seaforths Leading Shoe Store The Famotis Lyco ing Brand Of A erican Rubb rs. glgiff-"Wiliinntr it net ni We h ve secured control of the lemon Lycoming Brand of Am- erican Rubbers. These rubbers ' have reputation second to none in 6. Ignited States. They are made f the purest, gum, are very light n weight and very shapely in rety e and finish, and we have no h sitancy in recommending them, o give the best of satisfac- tion. The first shiprcent, consist- ing o men's and women's storm and low cut styles, has now arriv- ed, an we invite you to call and see them, whether you are ready to bu or not. Agents fo the Lycoming American Rubber. Card of Thanks. To the Electors of the Town of Seaforth. . LADIES AN GENTLEMEN -Having been] elee.ted as a Conncillor of Seaforth, for the year 19 2, by the people of this tlwn, I take advantage of this oppor- e tunity-tbe filt I have had-te thank e ou all for your liberal hep and support. il promise you that all my beet efforts shall be put fortis f r the welfare of the town, and I will try throughout the term not to disappoint ny eleetors in the hopes which they have entertatld of me. -Again thanking you all fcr _ your kindly ai , I am at your service. • 1778-1 E. II. HAMILTON. . 1 FARM FOR SALE. -For eale Lot 9, on the 141h Conceesion of MoKillop, containing about 100 sores, of which about 86 acres are cleared, 5 &Ores in fall wheat, sone reeded to grate, and the balance is gang plowed. I It is within 5 miles of the Village of Walton. It is a good farm and suitable for either grain or pasture. If not sold by the let of March, will be rented for a term of years. Will have an auction sale about tie let of March. Apply on the premite3, or addrets Walton P. O. JAMES CAMP- BELL. . 176541 T° I LAD1R3 D GENTLEMEN,-PleaEe accept my thanks f r the hon r you have conferred on me, in electing n e to the o oe of Reeve for McKillop, and believe e, I will adeavor to fulfil the duties required of o e with e (moray and justice to you all. Yours t ulY, M. M RDIE. 1778x1 he Long Distance Telephone i6 :the I eal Rapid Transit. , Lo g :Distance Equipment increases thl speed and cuts down over -time eh rges. The Contract Depart naent will furnish particulars. e Electors of McKillop. The ell Teleeifrone Co., of Canada. The Ann Fanners' M held in the at one o'c Director, ode ; the Auditera, a ' the Compel JOHN E 1\TOrl'IOM. al Meeting of the Usborne and Hibbert Anal Fire Insurance Company will be ublie Hall, Farquhar, on February 8rd, ock p. m,. Business, -Receiving the eeretary-Treseurer, and Auditors' re- election of two Direct re and two d any other business in the intere of y. SERY, THOS. CAMERON, resident. Seoretary-Treasurer. 1778x4 TE DERS WANTED. Serled T miens will be received tip to the 16th of February, 1m02 addressed to the Chairman of the , Building Cernmitree, for the erection of a Brick Piesbyteris Chereh at Bayfield, ,Ont. Plans and epeeificatio. s can be seen, and other information °Alined, o application to JAMES DONALD8ON7, Bayfield, Chairman of Building Committee, or to the architect, JOS. A. FOWLER, Goderioh. No tender necessarily rezepted. , 1778-4 -a. Cre0 Bargains TO BE HAD AT Th Seaforth Te Store Ten Ins. 1 f sulphur 26e, ten lbs. of glaber salts for; 25e, 10 lbe. Eneom Salts for 2Fc, 6 lbs. boneless cod fish for 26e 6 lbs. prunee for 26o,6 lbs. raisins for 250, 6 lbs. date for 26o, 6 Ibe. broken sodas for 25o, 6 lbe. figs f r 2tc, 6 lbs. rice for 26o, 6 lb& Rio coffee for 60e. J et reoeived another car of granulated sugar and 1 ght coffee sugar, which wIfl be sold at wholesale p ice. Also 60 pails of A orican sugar houee eyru , which will be eoid at $1.16 a pall; also New °ries e molasses for baking puepoees, and all other gmadem of syrup. Dried smokerhherrings 1.6t3 a box, or two for 25o; lake herrings, Labrador her- ring's and s4tlmon trout. Just received' 3 packages of china, croc ery and glaesware, direct from the eld country po teriee, all cf which will be sold at great labirgains. 1 Ueda of teas -black, green and Japan. Alen a gree Ceylon tea at 25e a lb.; I can give you teas from 1108 lb. 111:1 to 50e a lb., guaranteed to snit you or mo ey refunded. A cordial invitation extend- ed tii all to call and get some of the great bargains. I an still r ceiving Weatonas bread daily from Tor- onto. The highest market price paid for all kinds of poultry. . G. AULT, Seaton!). G. AULT SEAFORTH. Corner Main and - Market Sreete Sei!orth, Ontario. , ickar Th leargerst Dryj Goode and Cie 'ling Concern in Four Counties; ./.....essasetsa.a.sasa.saaass,Ssaaessossassss1.0 nnual Stock-ta Our a0aua1 stock taking sale commences on Xannary 2nd. Pe pie remem- ber our clearing sale of a year ago. This year we eelipse all previovs records in bargain-givirtg. The policy of this store is to carry io goods from one, season to anotaer. As WO find our stock heaey in Many depa Linento, we have decided to clear the golods regardless of cost, in many cases at Iltaif price and 1 ss. Below is a fartial list of the bargains offered, many of the best not being m utioned Fur Dpartment.i Eighteen men's coon coats, extra quality, regular $45, sale price $38. Seven rnen's coon coats, extra apality, regular $38, sale price $31.50 Three en's coon coats, extra quality, regular $35, sale price $27. Thirty men's black calf coats, special prices for this sale. I , .Also s ectal prices on wallaby wombat, doci0 -and Bulgarian lanib coats, all marked at rices to move out quickly. el 1 , Special prices on all our sleigh robes. 1 We have had extra 'values all season at regular iprices, but specjal clearing pric s for "is sale. I Ladies' Furs. Three strachan capes, sale price $5, I / Two strachan capes, 30 inches long, regular 814, sale prize $1q.50. One trachan cape, 30 inchealong, rc gular $17.50, 'sale price q13.25. One trachan cape, 30 inches long, regu1ar'04, sale price $19, - Black ppossum ruffs, regular $3 50, sale price 2.65. Colum ia sable ruffs, regular 84.75, sale price $I 55. Colum ia sable ruffs, regular $6.25, sale price 4.75. Alask sable ruffs, regular $9.75, sale price $7 l5. Alask sable ruffs, regular $12, sale price $9. Thibe boa, 40 inches long, regular $5, sale price $3.75. Thibe boa, 72 inches long, regular $7.65, sale price $5.75. Black d grey English hare ruffs, regular 85c, sale price 5-6c. Coone storm collars, regular $2, sale price $1.50. CoQney Collarettes, regular $2.60, sale price $1. 5. Grey 1 mb collars, regular $5.65, sale price $4. 25, Electric seal collarettes, regular $10, sale price $7.50. i. Electr c seal collarettes, regula, $10.75, sale price $8. _ Also al other collaiettes to be 'sacrificed in the sarlie way. Black cooney muffs, special at $1, sale price 75C. Grey air muffs, regalar $1.75,: sale price $L30j Columbia sable muff's, regular 84.50, sale price 03.38. Natural oppossum muffs, regular $3.15, sale price $2,60, Also special; prices on all ladies' Astrachan, Bockharan, T'ersial4 on and coats , :9 electric seal Siaple Department. Eight iecesgrey flannel, extra/ vahle at 22e, t clear at 16e. Twelv pair only flannelette blankets, regular 81.20, sale price 60c. Eight pairs bnly flannelette blankets, regular $.60, sale Price Obc. All fla nelettes and wrapperettes at 15 per cent . off 0111 regular prices. Twenty per centoff all prints ; 50 pieces prints; special at 8e, flor 61c. Twent per cent. off all fancy flannels, and 15 per cent. off all bine flannels. Eight nds only winter skirting, at quarter off regular prilce. ,Special prices on all-wpol blankets. A special line regular $2.76, sale price $2.30 ; ditto $3.10, sale price $2.65 ; ditto $3.60, sale price $3.10 ; ditto $4.10, sale price $p.50. Oarpet,Department. Twenty per centoff all Tapestry and Brussels Carpet. Fifteen per cent. off all wool and union carpets. Drt?ss Goods De artmpnts A tabiji of remnants of dress goods, eilk and velvets at half pric!e. Five p eces only black dress goods, regular pries from .50c t 60c, sale price 35c. 1 Two pieces homespun, 56 inches wide, regular rice 50c, sale pike 35c, Fifteen pieces colored tweed dress goods, regul r 50c to 60c, sale price 35e, Nine Pieces dress goods, 56 inches wide, xegiiiai 75e to $1, salle price 50c. Five Seces fancy black dress goods, worth 35; for .25c. 1 Seven pieces ladies' cloths, all shades, sale pric3 19c. I Seven pieces homespun, skirt lengths,. regular $3.50 to $t. your Choice for $2:50. A larg range of plaid dress goods, regular 35c 1 o 50; sale price 23c. A lot f dress trimmings in black and colored g mps, at 3c a yard. Twent -seven inch Japan wash silk, regular 50c, for 40c. Twent -five per cent. off all plaid golf shawls. Fiftee per cent. off all wool shawls, adies' Oepariment. Ladies half price. A job Heavy Ladies styles, at 1 LadiesT opera flann Our e fleece -lined Ladies fit, sale pri One -q Twent Our w price. A job One -q Twent Two h tweed patt sizes in fri beavers, gr cleared reg special pric these goods half price; per cent. o goods are e class work black and colored silk waists in plain shades and fancy stripes, at 1 ot of plain wool hose sizes froin 4i to 8c, to clearat 101. worsted hose in all sizes, at 15 per cent discount. black roman satin waists in lined or unlined, includingj all the new - per cent. discount. 1 waists in flannelette, roman satin, cordnroy velvet andlplain velvet Is at 25 per cent. disconnt. tire stock of ladies', misses' and children's underwear, i)lush back, natural wool, !lime at 15 per cent, off. flannelette wrappers, large variety, and we can guarantee faultless e 15 Per cent. off. arter Ioff all ladies' flannelette gowns, corSet covers, drawers, etc. -fi-Ve per cent off all ladies' kid and moihe, mitts. antle Depar ment. ole rtock of tailor made suits, skirts, et., at one-third -off regula-r ot of ladies' coats, worth from 83. to $7) your choice for i 75c. arter off all our new coats, fur -lined capes, etc. -five per centoff all mantle cloths, 16thing Department ndred men's overcoats to be sacrificed; 25 men's overcoats, assorted rns, liegular prices fromt $5 to $8, your choice for 82 50, a few odd ze coats, regular $5, for 83, special pricks on all our black and blue: y cheviots, Raglans and Raglanettes, e -the whole stock must be rdless of cost. Men's, 1 youths', boys' nd children's overcoats at t; s. Men's, youths', boys' and childrewla uits j. a large collection of gathered together in odd lots and sizes, to be sold in iany, cases at 15 per cent. off all OW men's' underwear, everything included; 15 all lined gloves, mitts, etc; 50 pieces tWeed: for suits to order, these tra value for 817, we will make to youli measure, guarail,rteeing first- nd trimming during this sale, for $12. 1 1 Highe t prices pald for Butter, Eggs d Wool. DIRI CT Mill & CO • impoRTE OpFleite Town Building, Corner Main and !Market Ste, 13ettortil.