HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-01-03, Page 731 1902 S `,.41W.NCZ nate tyee's Hair Vigar t frem failing. One - :tired me." tater, Braidwoode eneennasa-ens Hair. Vigor is the most eco - reparation of its he market. A es a long way. take much of falling of the the hair grow, re color to grail Se a Wee. elt dreettele. Het etutrieet reapply yeea and we win express_ :erre and:give the earae tvthee. Acictregs, . eat ten,. now:en, ataes. dried. Apart fro le -notion it is aim ittaiy kale to eaaciung chtldren i to thinie for themaelven. 4epine the mouth *ht. an aceulebe, formed at 4 very S alt will soon be seea in itheria and other- danger- ietimesit happene that a breathe through ita nose, setor should be empailted. ght and nearly peiniess ery—for which youe et ild later life. 1 mu -s engs 1 that is, while t. anaug iathe through - the nose, mai ea any unduef sound :- ie this way shoal& be ea e.—Mhanle L Doa in • • it is Done. hada with the Ca anima 'rich ; the eecoed, hew alth. The first can be r. honesty, and. vainly, lleelthe by easing a.4een se, Sireuld you -be a tiesPrna- ey of the effeeta of Dys- • Apperidieitie Indi- aa Si* Headache, Paipi- Saur Ssomaelallabitual aess of the Head, Nervous apirits, etc., you need not Twa doses of the well- ▪ wer will relieve you ae 75 cents. Yoa can get relieble remedies at J. S. Seaforth. L. Fence Fight. mous, lawyer, bought boundary of w-hioh for yearn Bat he die, expected reuewal of the that ha knew as ranch: re as about law. hie neighbor, " Whataa eyway, aft ta tide fence r .kiecl the neighber, " that my land two . feet at. one r. least at the other2'e Haekettgta you go ahead u can and set yaur fence whero yen say that.' en - feet eet the fence on ray the other end pinta items ;I the neighbor,. het's-. out taat," eaid Hackett. • enoagh over ;this land. enough so yoin are per - d then we ean get along ead end help yeureelfe' „ abadeed. Efe had been the cad struggle, tooth ;awe of tbe new neighber weerat to be eatdoae -leoked at Hackett. " that fertee ain't go- itiehe I don't want the. aaa oothira in the fight, Steil -pie of the thing." Le Look For It. ,r and demand true and , when presetiptione are store. Oar diepensing leafed en each perfected e imposeiltle. Strice .at - pure drugs and needle have won fur its a pasi- .in the drag traae. . THAT ct-REe, " .1.= from headache, irali 1-'0, liver compliant, kid resnIting from impure iki e yeti to an Paine's- It ie the greatest ban- niy medicine that can d new life. Try a bob-. altempaund if you feel it a marvellous ruggiete Seaforth, OA- * raney..—The f6lIovr- whieh aceompanied the ; alurrey by her papile Tac.k.erigaith, on the ing her cannection with Vhieli,•we made refetenee. , a—As the relation, eietween ue, ae teacber be severed, we feel this separation teetake asknowledgmeitte obligate:me we ewe to nader the Oheetfule ag manner in Whioh er toudien daring -the- been our teacher', we- ratefiti if we • failed to "e wiah oleo, to. thank. erest you have always s ea irt oar ejnea- , we are now aboot ea billy then we ever thing% we have to be a. t , we have not worde, ear thought% ;awe fond - ,perfect expression, of -some meaner atone for. ;ty we may hane caused will cheriah pleasauto we have apent to- oom 1a, No. I,. Tacker- ept thie present •as a - you. and with it wee for your futnre hap— yer that °cid will breve f the pupils hy iteetet aleleenee, wrote,. eferred to was a very sat with stottee and recently, Mr. A. We arrowiy eeceped ing f a Jereey bull, and te hi the yard he be -- savagely attacked his open his -hems and ver back. Before newer.' two. young men, ran to- Mr. Casey's orate haek, thus a vert- ury or death. 1 JANUARY 1902. .41111101110180310. The Westminster on Prohibition. This is whet the Westin ester the leads ling Presbyterian publication in dietaries has to say about prohibition "The aupreme interest of the provinces of Canada is not the fortunes of the pelitical parties, but the life of. the people. .It isthe question of so improving the condthone of life that intelligence, industry end honesty may be. promoted, that the peeple May live soberly, righteously and godly. Ab the • present time this questical de presented be- - fore the people and thiir Governtnenta the form of a measure (or the prohibition of the liquor traffic. No maa who bares fin. what is best in the life of the country will ehirk the responsibility which thie gut slian imposes, nor will he ,biind himself to the larger interne by holding too ciente, to the leaser party or perinea' conceras. • " The dieturbance mimed by the Privy Council's decielon enuring to the arovinees the right to legislate along prohibitory lines in the matter; of the liquor trefaa, ia sig- nifioant. Provincial politicians aline not yet found. their bearings. It is thought by some that ptobibition, if made an! issue at the electiens, in Oetaria , at leaet, wooled • break up the political parties ; aad what- ever the disabilities of par government, we are not yet ready for No Party Ohaoei "There are others who are cienviaced that were prohibition made -an* issue at the polls, the party that Adopted it ,Would be Irretrievably defeated. From certain news. papers' tiae clamor is load and riang that Premier Ross should redeem his own pledges and those ef Sir Oliver Mowat, and pass a prohibitory law at th next mseting of the Legislatared This ttey demand, not that they ()are far temperanen or are Weeds of prohibition, but beeause they aro quite mire that prohibitima if made tbe aterty measure, would wreeld the ()aerie Govern- ment. For the same/ reason supperters of Premier Ross are ankiaus thee he should evade the lame an i so neaps defeat. The uncertainty of an election is proverbialabut some who know the situation in Oatario quite its well as ft is known In/ any,political or newspaper writer. are not -so sure about the defeat of the Ontario Gavernnient on a prolaibition measure. locleed the' chanees. are that were Premier R188 to take the boldest course, and to go to -.he countey the great moral issue which probibitionin- gates, ho would be- :returnect with a Urger majority than he orbit] predeaossor ever re- -ceived. There ie in Ontario a vete With which the politicians have not often reckon- ed, a vote which never responds to party erten but which answers with enehusiasm to a great moral appeal. The crowd may neat be entirely intelligent or -soberly rreasonable or ataclionsly eareful about resultee but 'the heart of the crowd respond to what &sem! like courage and heroism and a bold; course. Notwithstanding all that ra.rty managers say ander their breath about the liquor. in- flee/lee, close conatituenciee and corporate van of one kind or another the. peuple of Oetario have a fixed die:nue, of 'the Hauer traffie and a resolute detertninatielt to' rid themselves of the burden ef the saloon,' and there are immenee poseibilities lprohibi- tion a3 a campaign cry for a man of Premier Ross', temperance record skill. "But the next election! is at isaue. That ia only an 1 eerie of the politicians. Pro in_ all probility, be indorse bat what afterwaade ? If th stateaman his chief thought ' after effect, of prohibitory le mere pb.sling of an act will n patience haa taught usat few %Way of hasty or inciperat Temperance reformers o the type are revising their heor ies of reform, rly the impor- n an -1 'motive effective pro- f pronounced corded them - with its ep- ode:Taiga is a or it tiuggeets y of tap task have oet their - this age -long any short and idence, too, of aad ; to hold and platform ot the question eident, a cons ibitioa would, at, _the polla. Premier is a ill be for the i Iation. The lesson on the t aval ve legislation. more extreme arid are recogn-zing more c Lanee of oonttant educ moral agencies as eseential t hibitory laws. The number arohilationists who have r eelves•in favor of a referenda portnnities for an educational surprise. It ie hopeful; too, a growing num of the dificail to which temperance reformer -hand. It ia being felt- that evil cannot be eradicated by easy method ; and there is e a purpeee to abide the tim fast to the end. "Oee thing that makes the after history of prcoiacial prohibition a atter of con- cern is that. the Act suetained by the Privy Coulon ie prohibition Wit a handicep, In Manitoba the temperane sentiment ia strenger than in Ontario and the liquor in- terest, is comparatively wea , and the en- forcement of the prohibitor law of the ,province ie leas a matter of conjecture. flthe effeob of Provincial prohi ition tem- peranee and morality in 0-n ario ie, under present conditions, even to ardent prohi- bitionists an uncertainty. feet that manufacture, exportation an importation -for private use can not ber,i terferad with -by Provincial legislation„ is verY serious vhandicap tnrcovineial prohi ition:"! .• WORMS cannot e.xist either in e ildren adults -when DR. LOW'S WOW& SYRUP s used. 26c. All dealers. • Mr. Boles .Advice on Marriage. A young mem recently wro ao the editor oaf the Ladies' Home Jo rnal asking : What have you to Say aqua ely and fairly, to a young man of tvienty-nin who is about to marty a' In the October J urea' Mr. Bok nee; a page ior hie answer. Its salient .poiats are theta: That the m n should make the woman of hie choice bis hum, as welt as hie wife ; that he should show her the higheat considerabion as well as love 'here that he should remember tha he owes his wife to her mother, and treat his motheran- law with reepeee, at lent ; t he should keep hie wife informed as t Ms income ; that he should give her a reg lar allowance and that he should have his 1 fe insured in her favor. And above all, that when aa, yonug man marriee he must r member thet he leaves a world of self and enters into a world of another and self. • FOR internal or external use H GYkRD'S YEL- LOW GIL cannot be excelled as a p in relieving and soothingretnedy for all pain. Al Six Thnes Around T e Ea th. While the, general public is aguely aWare that enormous quantities o material are used in the making of the mo ern magazine, eetaperatayely few persona ha e any idea of the vast) amount required. If• the t aper -usea in the last twelve iasaes f the L dies' Home Journal, for instance, were i a one gigantic strip a foot wide, it ould go near- ly six times around the earth t the equator, or almosb forty-three times from New 'York to San Francisco. In other words sach a strip would be more than 140,000 miles long. If the copies of a single edition of lithe Journal were piled one on top of another ethty would tower to a height f nearly two males, ahnoat two thousand fe t more than the average height of the Al 3, or half as high again asealount Washing on. To print -The Journal on this 'angel ass of paper takes almost 6,000 --gallons ink every year. LIVER TROUBLES, biliousness, Ion, yellow eyes jaundice, eto . yie tive powers of IiI.XA-LIVER PILLS to cure. A Wea -----.ine of Mr. E. V. ` °dwell, in his li petitive railw ye in British -seats some fig res that ought confidence of ell Canadians in their country.' He says that • years the Crow's Nest Coal Co taking out and sending to tone of coal p r day, which wi per day of ro laity to the Pro ury, and at t .at rate of eon sallow eoniplex d to the emit - They are sure th. lea for corn- olumbia, pre - increase the he future of a very few pa.ny,will be arket 10,000 I pay $1,000 inoial treas. umption the bag a amnia Our used.„ the v and t healin and c Vapo. A Vapo- Lamp, w Cresolen lene 25 ing physt Cassor.s Reob Druggi Lasts a Lifetime. at is just what they say Vapo-Q'esolene. The porixer iS practicatly in- structible, and the Pres°. e is certainly nOt ex- p nkve. This way oftreat- ectio S of the throat iS ost ical, nd is als most effect've. tie pieture illuStrates how iit's You kiut some Cresolen in poriz tr, light lamp betie th, en reathe-in the soothing, vap r. ror whooping- oligh oup s a perfect specifi resolenei is slid by gkeuggistg eve ywhere. resolonsl outfit, incl ing theVap011Azer and ich should last a life time, and a' ttle of , complete, St.so; extra supplieS CrOso- ts and so cent:4 Illustrated ankle ontain- tans' t lerq'0.- LLS;A. Fear thnonials free upon reque 8o Fulton leew York d and. mild by • V, orth, E CO*, mend t Sea °nal no He affi souther geld, sil 000,000 8100.00 will be sig s Brit i er, co t will lasteover 6,0001 yeays. t the miaeral p-otleiet "of h Columbia, including coal, per and lead, will bal 1'50 er amium three, years he cle wed 000 tele years heh, aid nub for wag uoted eat. t of thee oticni are a et B i i5 and me?, the *exit sed. • I WS SNERLINGl inelanentre PoW ER he in feint 6 to 20 minutes, take, barmiest) in action and sure ie eer • ee, most o es, provided the are melded for industries. n rifiadp thOte will ala Oolumlfia tor produced the of Canada 'will I roads ar eons: the developeme case theia pred be 4 hoOst mar natteh of the gr Territor es, an be vaetl incre MILBU are easy t any head In a t outher altate of all she a head of thing in bend, vii to incre longs to she gives -h:s (From the Right The et tins:sere Honesty finest ma ' Being in order t Lite; repl well and The pr third- of t saould al aad chin To mak saould b tnember, to part This is t coffee. A aiiin salicylie bottle wh oh hite a tiny le the eoak. Apply this mi twice a day and "in a few d tip and fall off. 1 Whatev should do The boy does mere all aroun thinks of day ctud h Hutban inferior t not a heti Her Ilysi ny nd called, coas of India, octiety M. Minikol, q the a moet riecalar !data, for omen it lar , of rveye. The Wife is the recto esead 13 he km e. She owns it and vary - it, wh le anythin that he , hue- s works very ha can (taxa "goes , so. her wealth. er hutbead Oe- er, too, and,where she marrias ham hale her name instead of ta fng - ; • Wile Wo die3'Hoxe ieurna iving tlways me gnetta that mak et is ao etiquette ds. 1 . for Octobei, 941), s s us do ;ran an- te 'ae men ed. f tactical i3 the f undetion of gee ners. I ; ; sked e day wlatt one shoelcild'o ben e efficient piano alayea, ed. laconically 0..ie =tit eat alk much., ' per length of Lhe forehead once e length , of the' face ; the nose o measare eneathird,, the Meath ogether the ethea. good! tea and (raffia:, the afar taketl at the • first bubble. Re ontinued'boiling 'causes the &ter ttli its gases a ea become' fiat, e C9.1130 of maoh had tea ana 1 in l a 'remedy for warts is a•drit Of eici with an ouno of collodioie in 4 lush run through ure to the Warte ye they will dry , , ✓ tvirk a boy undertakes. ho . it heartily for the; work's 'sake. o rises' te the Op is the bee whit than be is obliged ta do, Who iis in bis iatelligence, and wile ometbieg besidee the end aii the a weekly wage. ' , I a j . .. and wife are cqoal ; the men not .the other ; the Wiie not a Slave ; ekee ' r—but ati equal ; a , corer starts out with ;hat !ilea xed firmly in hie 7 pato In. And j st ep far ea a young! mao mind—to melte ;a cdrnpan on, a cornrade, • ocuhtumrizohfL a wife—just so ar does lie*ar,:t ; i 1 : ; i ' ' tirains nd gieRt execative alai et " are pitenafa tornue a man's attempt, but , , itni• out the fi most end most thoroughly graiind- ed prinel les of cardioal honesty the; ; are faolors le 'ch. cannot melte' for put e a .. It is the 6 mbination elf gnat ebility! and i sterling i teglity that places met in cceetrel of large i terests and keepa them ther#4.1 ,—. I To cure a coldin a nightkse Vapa-Cliesca lene. It as been used exten ively ;daring aioerti than twee y -four years. All ruggists. ' • , 1 ' I 4 —0ae f the momtdanger usfires Streeforn has bad f r some ticne oce rred in that' ;c te one t.ight lasa week. The re ,roke mit ai . MoCarth Bothers' gen • .81141- abeutt 1 tee o'clock, a d might have so n been eXtingl• guished, ut an exelosion of a keg of ;auras powder, hi* *as leader the coenter, alai*. ed great onfueien and damage.; Maay of the firem n received severe,wounds fora 110 window lams which wag blown all overi the street. ow the fire originated ' is' ! neb , 1 i ' known. .. • Single Idle Word. . ,‘ I wa not a bad young; man," said ari elderly g ntleman lately, la but was gIvt to funi, e jeyed a good tima, and while 1 ele usually v lgar or low in y conveasOion I had a ke neense on the in leroue, and eau!' not alwaYs resist the temp Ation to Mar a apt iej ander, even when it invelved am, coarsenen. 1 , i I ' ! .1! ' " A party of us were !camping, lamella young fellowe but ooe or tiwo were ini dial aged mere vile hada gooktimet cari er was only one thing to tegaet, and that 1, have regeetted all my lien e We ;eat around the fire the first eve' ing telling stm be, an 9. story which one of the !elder ones ,' toll suggested an obscene comment, which 1 4 tered beforel thought twiete 1 ! ; " I co Id have bieten mal tongue "cfa th' eii next iu tarn-. The man simply In ke streight cross at me for a moment ae •o the fire, nd I knew that he judged ;ma ba that re rk. I knew thee I clid'not• de serve th opinion %thief' in that instant' h' formed of me, bat I knew also that ; I ; haa given him just cause to estimate ma ab bfe did- That oue careless word did not faddy reptesent the, but I could eot deny; that iti was my own. i i , • l'; All that night I lay IlOoking up ati th' stars and thinking over what I had Sea' , , could' almcst have eminted an my fiagege al the other sentenceeof likele raoter taat ganebut for that one wor , and all !like ort, had ever spoken. I was n ' abitn4lyi vul- words and thoughts, I despised mysell. i ; " I determined to ba So careful' dering the remainder of the week as to redee na nay - self in the sight of that, man ; the' ethers knew me better. Bat a telegram calletatint back to the city next morniegsand Thaw\ ita infrequently after that. ; 1 " He always treated me ;civilly when. wle met, but I never mewl him .:withsut feeling that he still measured' me ay that word% had opportunities to show l;im that i!lwait not wholly dead, but they were too feli tp give a cornterebeneive view pf my characten, or really to influence his opinion of me. ! " In a strange way, after a year or. twO had passed, my name Was mentioned ifor a position which was desire le, and whieh I seemed likely to secure, bn this min ;wee one of three to decide the tter. With00 positively knowing how it name, aboat, I could never doubt) that a uiet intimation that he considered me unfit !was what i del - foisted me. " Later I found a situ tion which,1 al•, - though a good one, Wee in * very diffrenp • 1 of werle frotn what I hid *cam, and is never doubted. that m who e life wee changed by that idle word. i I 1 Did I learn the, lees° ? Y 'dad My" habit, now almobst long, has thrad implarity, even its milder forms, 4epulitve inapory of that incident here stoppe y a hasty 'utterance, and in the ,year followed it the 'warning of the Darin her has addein. sense of respansibilit sense of shame. say auto ;you every idle word that men shell sPeak shall giye good iteeount ther el th f judgitient."'-aYouth'e Co panion. Thett mati _the. to t tha the day Lean Beef Wanted, T e necessity of feeding the hog" so Eia t rnak a streak of leau iu the beam has bee pret y well drummed fate the lCenadia farners, and now it eeems thab cettle be beef hie Gae the the wer d with the emirs idea, in viatv. ' Th eater does not relish ta low ; ae want peakeis sayieg ! he " as toll], that i 1 ite of leanaHan, the recent fair i ph tbe suojeab ;wee d scussed, one o hicago market ; the very fal. animal nor ooneidered the beet to e pora bc cau they did not- Wing tate big est peke The took rinser hed to be e cleate a to tense mea for the -consumer. Th re. sh uld be .a Me wade Meat as ; poasib e for aoth th feea r and betcher, a , the w ate r preseote me y lost for bet . In, Eogl 'ad the wa ed only a. limited quainiear o , fate an aa a experienced Torepeo blutehe he could say hat his best oustomera I were • he °labs and hotels, and if the meat .,ha aupplied the was too fat they would eend t bank t him Another epeekee eel 1 th t heal- oatt a are only good fin. sho perp sea. ;Th 1, me um animal was what a e mar et; call& for nd what braught the tighes ; price i Gra t Britain. If letitcherelboug. t heavy, fat attle, they wonid all . go to the poo hon .. Ibl was oery ;well et Chr Stmae to hav a feW, but -the ;caress-) that took th . fire prize lat Gaelph aves the kiad !they re- quir d alle theyear rcluirl. ; Tile Oustomer wit ed lean meat. Thq fah we.sHon'y fo the ne particular purpose -e -for exhibi lien, vihe ens the lean was in daily deminend. Mr. yson thoughb what was beet: for' th. Eug sh market woo bt st foa the ;Canadia.o, and hat the butcher; avautad was -tisliat the con mer asked for. ; The eonsturair could not o educated to eat fab Meat, scathe ipro- dae must be educated to f ed the liteer en quir d by the consumer. 1' ,- * e . NUTRIMBNT IN FOODS. i LI -e :--; i; , y ArticLe of 1.1.11.et Cohtains 4 Largo Ev Percentage of Water. A interesting side -light tlifon the nut itive values of dineeent ' kinds of od is furnished • by ; an edi tenli ae in 'lie London taiieetd tvating ' of the quantity, of wilt& to 't be0 found in ' iany well-known artiels ' of hue ma diet. It appears, ; for example, tha the turnip contains over', 90 per ;cent. of water the cabbage nee r- ly he stune amount, and the cucum- ber wed the vegetable Marrow: about . 95 " per cent.; while. aaiOngsta fruits the 'strawberry containe nearly *go Per I cent. of water, the apple 82 Pel' i cent . and grapes- 81) par I cent,. Ev 1 the variotie meats and as in. xcess of tao . mutt of I solid tin foo contain' ao a ' emit of Nvatee far col atituents.• Thns threeLfoerths: of bee 1 and mutiOn aonsiet of 'water. La ida contains less water, Mune] y, ;64 ier cent., pork ;still less, ' 0.9, per cent., and bacon oaly 21.1. Per .cen . -It would appeae that tts the fies foods increase ..in, the aindunt of :fat the proportion of Water, :es 1 a rul ‘ diminishes. ; Coining te-birds, •th flesh of the Rawl and cluck cow- tailiq about 70 Per cent. of Water; anc that of the pigeon ;75 per:- cent., wil e the flesh of !the oose cop - in I ariother example 'of the fat i in - tai es only 88 per aent. the last be - ere ising with a c rresponclinie dimie million in the pr ;portion uf water. loi., lies contain feom 0 16 SO per cent of water. le e g, one 1 of the (most powerfq, of oueritives,con- tai -is 65.5 per eerit. of! wateee Lae wIt te consisting. of 80 Per cent., said the lyolk of 50.9 per nat. Tae hat- ter 1 of ceurse, is he more ncittrisa- ing iiiii.t. As a a lp, ifoods bon - tai tang, a small p , portion of !,' water are ;not fit . for, h. i rani consutaption untill they are co iced, ;which e coro.--: in o n ly means r edoci ng them I 'to a diges Utile state *, by adding ; !water ' an boiling. i ; Tho I filen Made 83. I 1 C Sinallpox: •gcare tend the; m- y\ . .-,:- - 1 ces try caution' regarding- vaccina- tio remittals xne of, an ihcidenlawhich occ rred on the train on whiPh .1 I W a traveling when a More V11'ulent sca avas curreat in Northern New ii. Br 1 swick, writes -"The Shantererl' in he St. john Telegraph. It was a 4. ear ago last July, and : being nal cid by business to Bathurst. I lei ,n't. John by the eaening itrain. Au Ong- the passen ers Naas a, l'aenehe ma a and an Indt n. 'Those ! tWo ind tiduals apparently enjoye -the tri very much, but when we readi- ed ahaeham Junction the fact was rev =aled to us that no one istroold be elloWed to land without a Mal show ing evidence of recant vaaca az tio Or producing a, ma:ilea-Le! -- to the saute effect, and when the etr, in rea : led Chathalll the aecesearta offi- cio e would be there- tO enforce he Ines iu this respect. , , 1' c announcement seemed to trOu- 1.. lc 10 0 nc excepting the; Frenehman ete it, did disturb his egoanhatty to an tstonishing clegree.- , Ire lemmas) gre et ly 1 cimfused and Oxpostiela ea ion aye Turning to the indiata w G hat h is ' -certificate unfolded I , a 'id ren (x- for presentation-, h said:: ..that- you take for calt? itad e - for the Indian had time' to raspo id he iedded: , —free dollara?" 1 T T le Indian shook - his awed. I deter - mit edly, ihfoemitag his faiend at he • eat le timethat for no sum less th n a f ete would be relinquish his cla m on i't. , . , A time was limited, • the $to id loo of determinatibn cia the !cot n - ten ce of the Indian verified the iin- por ance of impulsive action- it aihe par of . his less fortunate riend, an so, with noticea.blei hesi .ation, mi d with vile cia gustj he anded oy Um hard cos e and 'became the pro d poesessor of the much -envied cer i mate. 1 , . , '• T a4A doctor boarded the!, train about a mile from the station,! and , held the necessary eacamination of ; the pas engers. All were greatly amus- ed, kind watched. with a livry in- put.. laSC• • tereelt the developraent of the law . W en the doctoa came ' alon the 1 Indi n- bared his arm. and -was givan a ch ck to pass through. Nex ccieine the !Frenchman, who showed hie Per- tificate and was given. a similar ri.o- ticel lof liberty. , 11 . 1 .. I ! , . i ! . 'A 'tested Sep ovie. Niitabs—He Went into the aditor ti office like a roaring lion and' eanie out ?Ike a post ge stamp. , a -, B lebs—How was thatl • ',it fi ';',-•• if NObs-:-Lioked. , '4 r.' (.1 _ktt - a THE FITTRON EXPOSITOR. ONE ON THE DENTIST HIS AparTISING scmgmE WORKED LITTLE TOO WEale It Brought Down Cpon Min About the Coolest ,Custonier He Ever En - count -ere iand eheeCustomee Got a Long a the Beat of It. • t t rou' h- with freak adeertisine Bald the yo g dentiet. "I've had my fling at t deiseenred through illegitimate tricks, al d I ve swore. off from further cultivatio of the public in waya that are d aorIkt. ab nt six months ago that I first reso ed o irregelar methods of se- curing p tro age. Things were going fairly we 1 w me tben, but r made up ray mind hat I wag entitled to still more hilliness nil n order to secure my just deserts a ai mysela of one of those idiotic ad e leg schemes. I wrote let- ters to to rangers whose names had been piele -d u haphazard out of directo- ries and ;pews _pers aud inclosed bills for services rend d. These letters were all modeled en same copy. In them I suavely expre ed my hue that the cus- ' pids and bic ids oa my unknown pa4 trons had, bee in good condition, since I last treated t m, and I generously sug- gested that if ey so nesired I Would be pleased to ha them ball ahd utdergo a final dentel e minatilen as- a guatantee of thormi h Et efacteion before the pay- ment of he I losed hills, Which ranged from $25. o $5 "Of course neyer expected to get any money out of these bills. ky object in sendihg em was to arouse curiosity, among th fic tious debtors, who, bailing never eve he rd of nie professionally or otherwise, wo Id naturally be anxious to find out ona thing about me and the ,strange el cu fences. of their 'unmerited I , bills. Ihdp rsued this plan tor about four mont s th tolerable success, when I sent out a 11 and the stereotyped let- ter to a man ho lived -on West Twenty- third street at d may be called Whitman. for the Purpos of the story. His bill was for $25. Tha letter, like all the others, was only a st y shot fired et a very elu- sive target, a d the chance, of getting a reply was only dne in ti thougand. In that particular cas the keg shot won, and two days afte mailing the ;letter I was bonored with call from Mr. Whitman. He had a deci ele strenuous manner, and bis opening r marks fairly Swept me off my feet.; " `Hellia, do ; he said briskly. 'I 'got your letter ye terday, and I. was mighta_. glad to see th t you are dispased to be sd acconanaodatin 1 about that *ork you did on my teeth 1 St week. The fact is aona did aa infernally poet job. The plugs Lave alt retie out already, and you war- ranted them or ten years. That being the ease, it's nothing More than common 'Justice that you should fix me up again. I had intended to kick against paying. your bill, but since you are willing to rec- tify your mistake, why, I'll give you an- other trial, tied if you do all right the sec- ond trip I'll pay you the $25 without a murmur.' "I stared at ment Quite cc afr. hitman in amaze- rtain was I that never be- fore had I met the gentleman, and conse- quently I was positive that I had never plugged his teeth. On the inaputse of the moment I said s much,. " "My dear si ,' I gasped, 'you must be mistaken in yo r dentist. I have no rec- ollection of having one may work' for you.' t 1 ly. 'Oh, ho,' he rowle 'so you are oing "Mr. Whitm n glar d at me ferolons- to try to deny your le'utchery, are you? You're going to try tie:put It off on slainee body else, are ou? Well, sir, you Mull do anything of he kind. Fortunatelyi I've got your bill ri ht here to prove that you and nobody els did it. If you didn't tin- ker with my te th, yon have no business to send me a b 1 for dental services. But you did send e a bil , and for $25, too, so you can't Ise back o your own work.' "Without a oubt Ir. Whitman was the eeolest eu omer ever met If he bad not been nite 8 arazen, I think I should have h d the audacity to insist that there w s som mistake, and I should. have umped up some explana- tion that wou d have seemed half way plausible; but, as it was, his nerve fae exceeded nay wn, and his high handed attack so nor ughly undid me -that for the life of me couldn't muster the cour- age to invent ne single lie. He saw his ,, advantage and followed it up boldly. - " 'I'm ready or you to go to work right now,' he said, 'and I see that you have no patiente aiting and can soon be ready too. W may as well get at it straight off. I alwayeL like to get a disa- greeable job o er wit# as soon as possi- ble.' . 1; "As the gen eman delivered himself of this bit of wi dom he plumped himself down in the o erating chair and opened his mouth to m inquiring gaze. The first look amazed in I never saw such aseet. ot teeth. Ole ily somebody had been pegging away t themeind quite recently, too, and the unglitag the Incompetent workman had ; een gtalty of was 1 right - Whitman bad alled• pon me to do was ki ful to contem uate. Eie bad bored and filed and gouge rec Only, and the task to fill the cavi es and otherwise repair the damage io feted bY my obstreperous predecessor. hitmati noted nay expres- sion of disgust. . " 'I'm not surprised that you feel like kicking yOurse f around the block,' he said. 'You eert inly mast admit that it is about the sorri st job lever inflicted on a Mau's mouth. ord, I 6hould think you'd lie awake nigh s, lamlaasted as you must be by your con cience Or such diabolical butchery.' "I suppose I could blew denied the job even then and on qut in my contention, but one glance at that inferhal bill eet- tled me, and 1 vent tol work. It took me six mortal hou a to get Mr. Whitmaras ' mouth into respectable, shape. Ile fairly beamed upon ee when the ordeal was otneyon,re. the right, kind of chap, after all,' he said. ' gtioes sod do know your business in spite or your first bltiorit,r. .?Ii don't know w at wee the neater with you the other ay. Yen must ha ve been rattled or son) thing. iflere, sir, ia your $2.5.' 1 "Mr. Wham n laid' down tee money and clapped o his hat and was out of the canoe befor 1 email] say 'seat,' and 1 set down1and 1 ept over the paltry sum I had received for a ditalcult piece of work taat would he e beeni cheups at SM."— New York Tina s. - 8-abstun A Georgia gi -Dear 'John please don't till To whieh Job "Dear Molly won oo on a h atitutinn. . tint Censolat ton. 1 wrotelto her lover: cannet marry you; but yourself!" made :answer tie follows: No danger. I've just rse riteel"--Atlanta Con- , A High 111M. Sierin Meteorologica have lately a 8,000 cubic n great height cess was 'poss aeronauta beg gen at an ele; feet, tallow*, Ascension. and person of the Institute of Berlin Cended in a balloon of eters capacity to the f 33,890 feet. 8uc- ble only because the n to hreathe pure 0x:t- alon 'ipf about 24,090 -1* NIEWFOUNDL ND' ')N/INE. 1 BON ort Is m /lire -Fed by Storage ,There ething in the CH ate Transforms the Fa ous At hie of Oporto., on to „set frie woe d will kat n is th know • wit for con e not vin • en Vat aog. bar ate - it mel tio fee nor LW( gal ers Por con is, t gal cou ed con ,Ne act- thei ih N& • of Dev tt,tr wer t he, „ sehi bev abl on t int fiav and ori Thi raft acr the eve fa.c Mei the -ma sto ne as feel twe and ed En, the d Per and 5 0 ti:s $.1 o t he fish ors t 00 cre cou so0 cplall Wri 00U, ha\ e the n e May Low s in St him. a e a S111 t best i to C 11 • oraing a ter his election ralty of OW York City nt a cab e /message, to a John's, Nfld., to ; for- caek of pot ovine. It prise to OSt readers to ewfOundl nd. port , wine the woi Id. Tbe loct meoisseu •s -and clubmen, pi, to or4r it Hs, alid Alias it wished to lay foundlianl ned, the grape- sland ,Ifoa he >d to the calla- ; re alwaye pron saedial; oceasi that ; Mr. Lce tock 6 it. Ne , t must be exPli growink in the O is n t t-t.clapt O a of 11 esc deli aous ; clusters, nd codfieh beh g scaraely in n my with tate . ecepted einest ✓ go to amapt, at epicure's pal - hough gc,arcely 1 -,ss 1rOportant. _ a 'es' the' wine in its erulde and r ect 'condition nnd ripens and o vs it,' eemovi ,g- ite limperfec- • and developing ats virtues • Newfoundland came o be a 111 the prochic ion 'Of the best vine is a stro.n e story. For undred years and more Portu- been eme of t le best cuStom- its g.reate stop] ,•—dalecl codfish. • ral, being a 0 etholic country, u nes mach , codas a and the best tat from 'Newfoun land. Portu- ' wine-prodhcing ; eoirritg;, "reaasiapplia- rtugal wine." which ' cerried rionuglnliaa'tk, inaxag .putipg rt wine. ; The 'chante, seions hard 1 fighting Country adven- led the island, es, -and ;with , had of beinge their 9 wnj ves,e Mg • that ;We -hat tills wine red a Con ider- n. Dot ; ater mainina some 'n iqUal ty and body, bouquet which in 1 its were unkniewn. rmatiOn was 'Jed by, some to the , voaage d by others to o bota. What - as ecrlainly a improved im- 0 rt. fo 01 too, a' great •y,. the name. " the beverage, ction of • "P undland vessels, citrgoes of cod -eturn freights things, much p tnd I and -fish me h a rd. drinking, •hire and West who first set nveterate tippl portunities the cas of wine in i is oot aurpri, rage some; acqu cal consumpti disbovered ,aporto, after r t acre, impr•oved •, and a,couire her properties, I condition. • esirable transa • 1.) p the Ati antic' a dimate tl ere, _or the ca se, ia that tie wine y after a per•od of storage -ger im tortations were cti.ce being adopted of cellars or years, re- eacb season, so supply of uni- itercourse Vie- br anehes there at home caus- to be sent to el 41;,, tajilied el it in Tit; 1Nre sal 1111 painnenn) lies 1 0 utility,. I The i i the _Devonshire el c perent houSe Its .s of the wine alai d as Uhristma.• presents, with aeoul I that i ts ; ft me spread , and doond for it spra g. up in Eng - al Vbcre it,' was a ain in turn ex- ttl ' io the F.', r peen continent o the colon s. The United aleo begt to demand it,. !ks being carte from there to At ; lantic citiese tom which ceime lig vessels ' to ; tra vl in the • wat- df Newfoundland In due coarse, a Canadiari de- i and' for it :was tec , . wealt,hy peo le in troth ia• es, with. cu voted taetes, 31 1 1 arned to ap , eciate its good ti ..s, and the ii itiated might , in the -war& o the latter daY a aidvertisement, "Since; ming it, , used no other.' Hot tit T the i t ht°111.3.1 ihias, he vai thn 6t) ter s peic qtlie to gon 0 boy at. toe. 71 ;is pre -ant (1)-tr*t e ah I Lai the tie 1 n to; goa ing. kee ling s for Tiler I youe ne 1.°)enilico°.e kyle) won ing And aly seat that 1 bu‘ I. !I a OQR ORG BOY. Evolution of Organist Affect- - eti- Hia In airy. ; teas, in the old days before . roauction' of t e water-pdwer 11 - Now the o hour of the d eek, turas and. muses rt's content. ed for the o came tbe- ,2:whiele-nb ith rola rYinshpaie organiat, anel a for hours a pPed. The -mist sits down. y, on any day icua.dle several v r the . keys; to In those lays an -boy, When ti e to -timem;aandde waist to rest. Fre- tion had come he could have id , hours :the. or garust stopped , _ ccurrecl on th advent of ;the organist of o r church. The oy g.a.Ve notic of his resig- to the !proper authorities. ;His tion Was as 1 allows: "Wall, - n' mind puinpin the organ for ot er fellow, but I !ain't gqing ille maself doing t for this 4 ne. l sit down a my work veith er one.] nn 'kncieved that as •goilng to e wind enoogh him going st adily. 1 neyer volts, nor' w r nett nor noth- nt this fell w nobody ;can't to him. ; Fir t he goes tooz- ng with a: lit le thin pipe of .hat didn't al e no pumping at. Next 'yot. ' e got to stand 1 d pump straiglt up and doWn. goes trenab n g„ along, end dn't never t u h the haedle a two mieut s And_ inen qu can get ur breath , or .hat you'ke t at all 'la's tine ia .than that, it ain't safe. .1 in i; wind that'l teep you be id - w• -double right straight alo g. rother-in-law's c usin told the n last Sunday 1. itet he -shakes lery every i. u iday. Decent I can stand o pump for; in't going to et the nerives out of me o • a thing like I ! Wi th againse see 114 -Used Whe feed eral orn as a Food f sonae there corn as a sh -eason why c r its- a sheep foo fah some more I the lambs be t should be incre quantity of br fed 1-1 order to mai e • lileciral aupply Of in hard to faeeze to plenty of milk, but lamb easily succu.mb ale odd, r Sheep. a prejudice els food, but -I May not be if supplement- rog•enous food. to come, the ed and a lib - or middlangs the ewes give lk. A lama- is cath if it gets half-starved o cold.--- ur- i Ile Drew t e old on, there!" er41 neiv 4rival at the ferr "You !wait until the e ke you over alone." "Why this distincti n f the sphit passenger "0 i -he's one of th teie ili e • Oat, and -I didn't tnin ter the teat at Line.‘ - Charon to, the -over , the Styx. trip, and I'll inquired one fools that rock ant to spoil the en.q. rompton's R.SETS 11111111MEMMIIIMINIMMIMMILI gl MERIT WILL WIN %`P The fact that Crompton's Corsets hold first place in the estimation of all Canadian women is entirel,' due to superior workmanship, best quality of material; correct styles and kaiity of design. Ask for our new Straight Front Modclsi, EvERY PAIR A PERFECT PIT AK) FULL trARANTIz13. 1 ol on he an at fo in th to ad Josef Hofmann, Pianist, aS an Inventor. osef Hofmann, the great Polish pianist, o first played r public when six yeare , and now, at wenty-four is ranked as of the greateist living performers, is a chanic as °Well as a musician. Just now is busy exper menting with electricity, When not at 6 -piano he may be „founcl work in his lab ratory, perfecting a motoit increaeing t e speed of automobilea, has applied for. patents on this; invention the United St tea and Germany. Hof - n is gifted in any ways. Au article in Ladies' Hom Journal for October on laying the Pia e Correctly" shows him be a writer of no mean mertt, and the ice he gives is, of course, authoritative. e, the tinders re and the mone Gr ene's Watrant to an or ure youe coug se a 25 -cent money refunde Card. gned, do hereby agree to on a 50 -cent bottle of d Syrup of Tar, if it faik or; cold. We also guar- ottle toe piove satisfactory Where V ers Mist Vote. • Belgium th franobise is something m re than a right or a privilege; it is a.truet to. e executed, o the trustee must explain th came of the d relietion. Ia other words,! in elguitn they h ve a eompuleory voting" sy tem which .has „the effect of relieving oa didates and th ir friends of much of the tr able of gettio the people to look after, ir own share o the business of state. _ I nd the law is said to work fairly well.' Ai a recent °anti la, out of a list of 1,058,-; 16 voters, only 51551 failed to give notifi- ce ion or deposit allots, and of thosie 2,621 we e able to give valid reasons for not so do ng. Oat of t e yoling population only 2,9 0 were punish d for neglect of the duty of oting, a recor of 2,76 in the 1,000. If a oter fails tor v te without a reasonable ex use, he is firs admonished. If he fails to ote a second ame, there will be a pen - alt . .In that eVe t he hands the magistrate $5, and if he still continues to refrain from vo ing as the eleo lona re-oCOur, his political rig ts are suspend d for 10 years. fter all, why s ould not men who have .votai be require to use them ? If they we e liable to be putished for not voting, thee worth' be les likely to try to use their fat °his° as a ea ble commodity. Stop the Cough and Wor exative Brom Quinine Tablets cure a 2e5e1 einntso.ne day. No Cure, No Pey. Pace 1 1 r. Roosev It's Thangsgiving- urkey. ' ollowing the p eeedent of almest thirty Th nksgiving Da s, Horace Vose, of West. erl , Rh ale Ielan sent the prizeeturkey of . all Ms flocks to race the new President's ' din er table on November 28. 1 " When Mr Vole began he custom of sending a tar ey to the Prellident," writes a contribu- tor to the Novem er Ladies' Home Journal Eren elad no moti e other than the desire to a Thankagi ing bird to thel one who wri s the Thanke iving proclamation. Tbe pio eer turkey w nt to President! Grant in' 187 . It weighe 36 pounds, and elicited the first of the c urteous notes that have bee comiog ever since in acknowledgment' fre the Executi ManEion. Ma Vose has bee dubbed ' he Turkey Ktng.' All tha ugh the sum er and fall heMakes oc- wig nal visits to he farms in the vicinity, mg a watahf 1 eye 011 the many flocks, eagerly scan ting the strutting cam - pap es for- the c; ming champion' the din i tie nished mem an of. all thel feathery trib s that is to r•i e eventually to the dig - nit of a place on he White Houee dinner tab e." off The Cold. kea • and Just W e Stilt the pri in t e way of sup that &et -class dru of ypur doctorat p ors to please you, in Which you Will a permanent cunt o o4 fresh stock WE CALL pound, the moet p the day. Thousa the best people proofs of ite virtu tism, neuralgia, bl plaiat, kidney d troubles. Try a I. V. FEAR, Dr at We Want. ilege of having lone trial lying your needit in goods iota handle, or the filling eact ipt ions., 0 endeav- nd tbe satisfactory ;way e served, will make you mer. YOUR ATTENTIOS' of Paine's Celery Com puler family medicine oi ds of testimonials from f Canada are sufficient s for the cure ofcrheunia od diseaees, 'law! corn- seases and all, nervous ottle and be convinced. ggiat, Seaforth,lOnt. . Sch ol Report. N . 7, RII3BERT —The following is the repo b of the echo 1 in section No.' 7, Efib- bert for the mont a of November and De - cam er • names in order cf merit t Sr. 4th, May aleNaughton John Boa, Henry Smile, Ruby:Robertson, obbie Hoggarth, Willie Norris, Mara Dal vmple. Jr. 4th, Maud Drover, Gretta M•Naughton, Maud Brint- nell. Willie Word' n, Lottie Hoggarth, John Robertson, Willie \ ook. Sr. 3rd, Mabel &mete, Luella. Bri tnell, Lilly Cook, Myrtle Maudson. Jr. 3r , Bella Droven Edith Maudson, Nettie obertson, Bert ' Vennor. Second nese, Tom y Drover, Carl Stone- man Cora Venn n Flossy Smale, Rolo Cook, Lorne MoNeughton. Sr. Part 2nd, Herald Boa, Alla oggarth. Jr. Part 2nd, Tommy Wren, Jo u Ma.ndson, Myrtle Cook, Bertie Wren, Tom y Small), Willie Thins- nell. J. J. MCWILLIAMS, Teacher. No. 14, STANLZ . —The following is the monthly report fo December for school sec- tion NO. 14, Stanl y. k Names in order of naerit : Fifth clas , D. Gratsick, F. • John- ston, L. Graseick. Fourth claim, Albert W. Johnetou, Mary Austen, Ida Dinsdale. Third class, F. K le, W. Gemmel', Mary McKay. Sr..2nd Eleanor Hood, Emma Alaii, E. GemmelL aJr. 2ad,Jeati Grassi*, Herbert Jones. Seemed part, A. Gemmell, E. Jarrott, M. Fisher.. First part, Hannati iir Dinadale, 0. McB atb, S. Bathwell. The beat spellers in th monthly spelling matches - were : Fifth, He bert Whiteman ; fourth, Albert Johnston ; third, Willie Gemmel' ; sr. 2nd, Emma Al ' ; jr. 2ad, Jean Gras- eiek ; 2ad part, lee' Gemmel'. W. H. JOHNSTON, Teacher. No. 9, STANLEY —The following is the report of the etan ing of the pupils of union school section No. 9, Stanley, for the year, based on the mont ly written examinations. Fifty per cena of he eggregate number of marks for each cl e wee taken as the re- quired standard a d is as follows ; Senior 5th, 750 ; junior th, 650 • fourth, 625 ; senior 3rd, 450 ; j nior 3rd", 400 ; second, 300. Sr. 5th, P. eys, 987 ; M. Edighof- fen 97/. Jr. 5th, A. Edaghoffer, 837 ; E. D. 5herritt, 830 ; N, Boy% 769 ; 1,..i Swayze, 769. Sr. Ith, E Cktplings 693 ; G. Thompson, 640 ; E. E ighoffer, 515 ; W.. Swayze, 525 ; S. Agoew, 517. Sr. 3rd, ,G. Thompson, '660 ; N. Es er, 628 ; S. Sher. tit% b24 ; T. Dinsmor , 489 ; B. Jacobi!, 481. Jr. 3rd, E. Kenn I, 623 ; N. Kennea 565 e Ja Becalm., 549 ; . Capling, 418 ; R, ,Shoemaker, 395. Ab ent, M. Erb, W. 'Otterbein, E. Otterbei % N. Brenneman. Sr. 2nd, T. Meyers, 399 ; M, Jaeobee 370 ; L Douglaa 367 ; M. Es en 364 = R. Keys, 356 ; C. 411ennel, 220 ; #1. lirennermatu Junior classes,—Jr. 2ad 0. Eclieloffer, T. Sherritt, C. Oaech, A. ob. Part IL,- Me Meyere, F. °epilog., I. orison, P Z %We, L Schwatzentrubera L. Baker IL Baker. Part L, la Chtech, E. 0 eeh, le;. Baken G. owARD, Teacher. i No. 10, Ifee..—The fo owing as the -stand,. ing of the pupils of soh ol section Noe 10. Hey, for the month of December : Clan 4, Willie MeEwen, Ma el Dougall, James Bonthron, Francis Col man, Maggie Ban- thron, Louisa Arearatro g, Robert Munsoe David Middleton. Sr. 3rd, Wesley Cole- man, Watson Middleton Robbie Pattersona Jr. 3cd, George Armstr ng, Lonia Wolper., Beside Munn. Sr. 2aci Alpine McElwee) Arthur' Coleman, Her o an Todd, Bennie Elder, Mary -Coleman, " ey Todd. Jn •2ade Victoria Roweliffe, Mar Middleton, Archie Roweliffe, Alice 'Middleton. Part IL, Nei - lie Roweliffe, Mary Wet o en Alex. Mousso.. Part L, Rosewell Doug 11. A. Ma REGOR, Teacher. • THE 3010ST N; TRITIOUS ps's Cocoa Prepared from the finest -selected Cocoa, and distinguished every- wbere for Delicacy of Flavoure Superior Quality, and ‘Highly Nutritive Properti soia enly en quarter -pound , tins, labelled JAMES EPPS & CO., Limited, Homoeopathic Che ists, London, England.- Epps's Coco* BRE AKFAST-+SUI'PER • 1765-2 ; -a If a chili eats ravenoutly, grinds the teeth afg nights and Oaks its nose, you may almost be mild& it has worms, and should ad Mister -without dtliy Dr. Low's Pleasant Worm EtT up, this remedy con- tains its own cathartic. 41, • -ow Idilbarn's Sterling Headach Powcieria giye valorem .promph'relief from monthly ptifins and ledve bad after ttfeets whatever. Be su e you get Ifilburife. Price 10 and 25 cents. All dollar& sp. B:ith..11 Troop Oil Liniment unturpwed by 'any liniment on the market to -day. It is oomposed of heallpg, soothing, and eleausi g vegttaille oils and extracts. It is put up in lug hallo tor the midi price of 25 vitt!. The essential lung -healing , tree has flrally been sueeessfu fined into a peewit cough ;Norway Pine S3 rup. Sold by antee of satisfaction. Price di:While of the pine ly separated and re- 'W-ood'a 11 deaters_on a goer- tent3. FOueld at suet; A liver pill that is small and quickly and thoroughly, that d Liver PIN posses; these quail cure for Lilts r CoMplaint, ache, ete. For Cuts, Wounds, Chilbia s, Chsppeal Hands4," 41thetunatiEnt, Stiff Joints, Bo a, Scalds, Bites of fin ---1 Beets, Cane, Coughs,5 Colds, agyard's Yellow ,Oir will be found an excellent rem dy. Priee 25 eente. All dealers. Ure, that acts gently. es not gripe. Laxa- lee, and are Imre tipation, Sick Head - MI* CD ;CA e+- et - CD 1:1 e+ - Pee cm et- =71 Cr° nth a; fig eNA n a 2 pg. „e4 - lit gab 11114 • CO "--- 0) —