The Huron Expositor, 1901-12-27, Page 5e that !edging a.bout levator thie inpany nee tire it. ement, mpany vd- the is eon - °.1's to rti that I town 11-PailY, of the week [lectern - takers ;edlare red as or one for a ity for 841 $75 ,nform- deeara. arried astable seekers t. elgetts9 no the for yiaw seour- eid all a con- ef the awkera -law to esident stores oiendiel bough‘ ;en, of aa, for 'y been t been r8 in in Led to .h hie a ea aa Marys id re- ehorb been school Oh - been ars. 5-f the. "esent- th an eilver elo- npiara laterite 1 most creepir N of :a their ed in New- . wnie, cow, d at - 5 de - hide, vecl atrol the seres city, for eiy rnent gh Fred ayor- .at he it- vice- Uorn- ssed wit' eene- sday -aret let had was f the hus- eivho , grew ated =en - ger,. tiEMBER 27,1901 MARKETh„ _ &Avowals December 26, 1901 fan anted tnewl, Standard.-- .... te:1 76 tio $0 76 tam per beahel- IR* Mi. Sob • • ea 0 42tO 0 42 pea0 76 te 0 76 "Tuley per bushel 0 50 to 0 60 saw, No. le 'curet.- ... AY *••• • • 0 16 to 0 17 Bat a tuba. e. • 0 16 to 0 17 oe • pee dos... e. 0 16 to 017 pee 100 .= -. 215 to 6 00 te 4 60 te O 60 to O is to O 30 to 1 10 let 4 00 to 2 00 tO , MAO lar bitg- a 60 10 Clore Seed- 4 00 to 3 00 to 7 E0 to 04 to U6W am 0. .4 100 Ma orn .1Yr • • 94 MEM,. a • .1. r bush (ram), 1,er baud_ gerlr • oh. • .0. WItOd ear co f w,leepae oord elaretby Seat-- 90% • • t 4 ts Pak, WW1 le.. 4e. Am. -41,6 - WOW', per lb.,- - - - - 2 16 700 6 00 O 70 O 14 O 85 1 10 4 25- 2 26 000 6 00 tO 806 O 06 Dairy 1ar4ets. Tonbeeo, December 24—Butter --I- The enarket hi quiet, with puce 3 mach ged. The sUppiy of poor stuff is -too liberal and teeter° difficult to make. We qu te :— Selected dairy tubs, 16 to 17e ; dicta large rolls, 16i to 17o ; fin( st one -pound rolls, 18 to 19e ; packages allowing feed, 1 to 2c less- than above quotation.s; creamery printe, .21 te 120; solids, 11.4 to 21o. Egges--The retake is firm, with receipta light. Strict- ly er ecarce, selling at 25 to 280; cold 8torag, 18 to 19e, as to quality ; lirned,17(1. Chees Market firm. We quote :—Finest 'Septetibors, 10 to INo ; seconds, 9/ to 94o. /AGO TREAD, Deeember 24—Cheese The marke was quiet and unchanged. Finest ()Atari colored, IN to 101e ; finest Ontarzo wbite 10 to 1No ; fineet township ekes, 10 to ; finest Qaehee makes, 9 t 10o. Butter There ie a fair jobbing tr de at steady prices. Finest townships,fall ream - ay, 24 to 20/e ; finest Qaehect fall 4ream. ery,_t& to 2No ; undergrade creamery, 19 eo 19 ; western dairy, 15i to 16o, Mani- toba d fry, 14 to 15o. Gram, etc. Tom r°, December 24—White Wheat, per ba lid, 70 to 79e ; red wheat,78 tq 78e, spring wheat, 70e ; geese wheat, 57o, peas, 78e barley,54 to 64e; oats, 46ie; No. 1 choi aAlsikeaeed, $8 25 to $8 50, No 9 Amid ike seed, 27.25 to 27.75 ; red clover a,-ied, to 25 25; timethy seed, $2 to 22.75 hay per ton, $11 to $12 50. To iaga fo day, b he lo Prime to 6ie are Bea LON States Lev Poultry. no, December 24—The heavy! or. Christmas have not cominencied to- t it is expeeted that the market will decl to -morrow. Demand is fair. are steady at 7 to 81-a for turkeys, 51 - or geese'40 to 730 for ducks, 1which co, and 20 to 50e for chickens. 4 Potatoes, TORONTO, Deo -ember 24—The offerings are none too plentiful, and prices are firm, with a good demand. Car lets on the track here are quoted at 76a, potatoes out of etore sell at 85 to 90ot IMPOktT.A.NT UTICES. - rrITIOROUGRBRED DURI3ABI BULLSIFOlt SALE _le --Three led and ethe roer, ranging from 7 to it months olds All eligible for registratitree Bred from Roseville :Abbett," one of the hest srcs in the Pro - :dace. AIs0 five young heti re and cotter, ail suitaale borne, or address iturendeOe P. O. THOMAS CUD, for broecling. Apply .oa 30, Concession 6,, Us - MORE & SON. 1 1776-tf A PPLICATION will be made to the Parliament of fetecte, ae ite next aeseion, tern Act to Weer - partite a company und r the name cf the "St. Joseph and Lake Huron Ship Canal Company," alai all neeespary powerto °matrix& operate end mein - kin canals, bo located as to make and build a nava gable wat.rway front, some point on the Eastern there of Lake Huron, In the County of _Huron, ot of Lerabton, the Provinee ot Onterio, to some point on Lake Erte (between Rondo Harbor and Port Su: - sell), in the Couaty of Eig'n, in eaid Province, with porker to Vary the abeee routea Elynti further sur- veys prot a it adviseble ; and to deedge, deepen, rake, or lower, the 1eoL.cf, or otherwiee improve, the existing, water court', attd t3 tc rite and create moll connoting links es may be found eceeetary to make end eomplete, teroughout the eutite dittanee between the said tannins' looluts,(on Lake Huron and Lake Erie) a oavigabla cliental of e depth of not less than fotakeit 04) feet; and power also to acquire all or any ether works cr iniprovernents meet:vary or usetul on id lakeaat and be, tween essid tenoluels and to crinstracte orrite, and unlade all work sill et ueturee necessary or "proper in cot -notion with such watttWays ; to build, acquire, operate, to -int' ain owe; !Wm, or otherwiee dispose cf terminal', h rhors, wheel, cicatkie piers, landing-platas, weter Iota, p.rds, elevetors, ware - lotuses, dry-dceks, re.ervoire, and other seructaree, and lecke, dame, crel ell v a:ks incidental thereto, and alio to act as itiarehoutemen e to unstroet works for and to I reduce and use hydraulle, pneu matte, and other power,. and for purposee ot gator; to ka:e o otherwiee dIspoee 1 seld WJrks and powere ; tosaquire o iv, haul, wed opetate by electrioity, or otherwise, steatite a, bargee, or any other vett elvan t ferees in cotineetion there- aith and for the parpoee of nevigating the lakee, the ht. Lawrence end otter rivers aretthe Gulf ; and alo plwer toecovn end' operate oceangoing &tome is aod to dispose cf eame ; with power to aequire by perehace, expropriation, or °there Le, lends for pur- po.:e3 of the oranpetty, and to dispooe thereef ; to levy and °Dealt) toile to take, ute, and &lava° c,f water 13r the eurpoaes of said canal, for irrigation purposes, ant for geaereting hydraulie, cleetrie, ether powera, and to tranem:t and diseose of the eawe for a I purpcier aui with au necessary powers to oonstract and operate a iline or linea cf railway and tramway (of eitaer stardard or narrow gauge) also bedgera .orcies, telegraphs: and telephone itnee, in ocnnection wita the mid enterprise, and the right to ecirtneek with and enter into running airengements deer any and all railwaye s tutted within a &stance of i' ni 4 s from any portion of Bald canal; and ale° te acqeire and use water ['mere, and -e eet, operea., ene maintain electrical works and app lite react* for u -e and ttansmiesien of elect- tricel pea oe for the operation et the vied railway and veseels end heritage of terne. and for other put. po;e; with powsr to purehase or otherwise acquire the dhare, debentures', sad securities of canal or railway aorapauies,‘acid t sal to, or exehamie its ()an securities with such companies ; and to carry on lumb-ring milling. transport ;eon w and forarding Live Stook Markets. bueiness ; together eeith sucth °thee powets and peel eget, including the home ot bonds, debenture3 ON, England, December 24-trnited and prelotenee shame, as may be ceeesstiry for the cattle, 6/d. wool., December 24 -Canadian cat- tle, 5:1c1 to 61, choice, CV. Demand firm. Stock oet/Y secondary. Mo "VeFeto, December 24 —Cettlet—The rs were present in large narnbers, and . butch there as a brisk demand for anything mod- ;eratel• good in the beef and veal Iineo, and the p ices had an upward tendency all round. There were only few head of really prime cattle, and those sold at about 4/c per pond, while 4 choice heifer sold for 5c nd. Medium stook sold at from 3.& and the common animals at fr tre2lc per po to 4-,43 to nea ly MO per pound. Calves sold at from 3 to $10 each. Sheep seld at from 24 to 33 er pound, and the Iambs at frpni n te4ie per pound. Fat hogs are hi her in. price, and sold at from 6 to 6:1c per ound„ weigh d off the cars. BUFFALO, December 24—Cattle— beady to str.,ng for good grades ; others slow : - best s eerie $6 to 86.50: others, $4 0 . to 55.75; rough and coarse steers, $ .40 to 24.50 ; bulls choice, heavy, $3.25 to $3.40 ; stock ra anifeeders, $2.40 to 53.15; choice to ex ra cows, $3 90 to 24 30; veals, 24 to $7-75 ; stock heifers, $2 to $3 ; M chigen stock re, 22.85 to $3.40 ; Caned stock calve ehoice to extra, $32Y to $3.4O; good o -choice do., $3.25 to $4.45 ; janada feede a, good to Extra, $3 75 to 54.10 ; milk- ers, c (deal° extra, $55 te 556; g od' to elide; , 242 to 545-; springers, $ao o $60. c - Hoge Higher, fairly active ; orkare, $5.75 to 90-;25.light, do., 25.50 to 55.70; mire packers, 56.15 .o $6 20; me ium to choic , $6.15 to 26 23, pigs, $5.10 to $5.20 ; roug 8, $5.25 to 25.50 ; stags, $4 to 54.50. Sheei and Laints—Good demand ; a ranger; choice larnts, $5 30, good to choice 55 10 to $5.251 ; mils to fair, $4,25 to $5 15 ; sheep, cboiep handy wetheis. $3.70 to 51-; minion , to e tra mixed, $3.10 to $6 ; culls and oom- rncn,j $1.75 to 53; heavy export ewes and weth rs, $3.75 to $4; yearlings, $4 to $4,25. - Mite year r. August Koch, an old resident of ell, passed away laat week, aged 61 immormin==.1•111221111 attaaementeof the above obeeete. M. S. LONERGAN, SE l'eirr for applicaets. elo treat, 27.h November, 1991. 1776x0 ANNUAL MEETING. The Annual Meeting of the Tutikerennth Branch Agricultural Seciety will te beld at the Commercial Hetet, Seeforth, on Wedneseey, the Ertia day cif Janu- ary, 1902, . at one o'eloele p. .m. nusiness of the Meetleg ; Receiving the annual ataternent and Auditors' report, appointing efficers for the year of 1904. Let th a be a good turn out. TH03. E. HAYS, -ROBERT CHARTERS, Seertary.rresident. 1776-2 131/rtb.S. ItteK NZIE-In Grev, Teeemb r 17th, the wife of 7. r. Duncan blelteez'e, of a daughter. SMIT II -In Goderioh, on December 12tb, the wife of sh ha Smith, of a dro ghter. ANDERSON -In Exeter, on Deeerel er 16th, the • wife of Dr D. A. Anderstn, of a eon. COOK -In Ashfield, on December le-th, t a wife of fr Santa: I Cook. of a daughter. MA SON -lo McGillivray townehip, on December h, the wife of Mr. John Mawson, of a daughter. --In Tuckeramith, on Decemter 22ed,the wife tMr. David D. Wrau, of a daughter. NOTICE. Le -1 ULIeFOR SERVIOE, The undersigned will keep tor service en Lot, 7, Oonciosion 8, Ribbed. theirOughbired Durhane liutI. Terms ; $2 for grade oetve; thoroughbreds, with the privilege cf it liming., DAVID HILL, Life.. 1776-3 , RED CEDAR SHINGLES. —o............. i The uodersIgned wisheto WM112100 to tb.9 FM 1 I that having bought 6.1r e quantity of thathree bee lbrands of red cedar Dieing es, and by rotting a liberal ldiseoune for oaeh. is prepared to sell them to cus Itautere at peces that defy competition. S. LAMB'S Lumber Yard, Seaforth. , a- HEMLOCK LUMBER. Having in dock at the' Seeforth Lumber Yard a very taro quantity of all the different length, and width!, ie papered to fill'any bill that Is rraEente of the very beet quality et lierntook. S. LAMB'S Lune Oer Yard, Seaforth. ' PINE. • Having bought a large cpranety of ti*tie from a liege firm in Muskoka, X am gettleg pine droned bath sides cr ono side, for eding, flooring, coiling; wide plank for water traughs; spruce and balsatn for gravel boxes, Pot and durable. Also wbite cedar &Angler XXXX andlXXX and XX of best make in Muskoka. Urge stook always on haled. 1 S. LAMB'S Lurnlser Yard, Seaforth. •, 1776' THE CANADA. BUSINESS COLLEGE, OHATH4m, ONT., " . , has glen you in three preceding Woof S of this piper, testimonials front three or four ef its for - leer pup:le, whose comOi 'ed. outlines are $ll,C00 per i annum, an average of 2,750. We now give you! Ihelourth. Did you sae he othets ? 1 - Detlreit, Mich., June 24, 1899. i D. McLachlan, E4q., Chatham Ont. I My Dear Sir I Your e of the Ath inst., to hand, and lbeeause of baldness; yeti will linden my del ,y in amaking reply. I am pie red to note the wonderful. 'success of the Canede Balinese Coll. ge, en.% ara mee l ,roind goes back to sortie 113 yews ego, and r Was theta iperrn3ted to ha one of your studeeta t wish to ae.l ieuro you, with, gretefell heart, that I have never! regretted the M ny aleasent and harpy days I spent in your sehoci, I say Ocarina because I el sayS i found yeu wot ccurte owe and kind to eV, and happy iheoluse I first learnederten you the true ). rineip ee a businele etrler, and Whiele I was caPect upon to I adopt. Wield/la 'you ate ry succese, I am, 51r, yourA ittulY, A. A. W(LSON, fertrerly of liforpeth, Ont. ; Mr. Witten le now with a laree raper concern in ;Boston, Mass. liau will aee that he attributes hie ;success le We to the fecatthat he took a course with J i218., i n you canntt p-stihly come to Chath.m, we can i give you instriletion by MAIL, at your horne,io Bed; • keening, Shorthand; or iretimenehip, through our !Mail COUrao Department. Dieting the petit year 30e of our puptis secured pod positions. Their coma !bleed earnings' aro close to 1TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS (8200,000) l School i e.4em Thursday, January 20: Enrol yourrelf with ;us, and reetiseurel that soece31 w 11 i (team if you doyour part; honeetly and pereersingle:, Write for catalogue, or MAIL couase oraoal i ran. 1 ' I); McLAOHLAN & CO., Chatham, Ont.. i Notice is hereby given that tha 27th An -u-.1 Meet- ing of the members ot THE HAY TOWNSHIP , FARMERS' MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. will be held in the Town Hall, Zial.h, on January 14th, A. D. 1902, at one o'clock p. BUSINES vieS.-Re- celg the Directore" au& Seoretaryareasuree an- nual reports, electiqn of Directors and the diseussion of tether husintas for the good and wilier° of the mpany. All merbbers at e requeetel to attend. t WILLIAM YEARLEY, Esq., HENRY EMBER, 1776e3 • President. Beeretary-Preaeurer. • IYEarnages. HEY STELtiKaaAt the residence of the bride'. ✓ other, Hay township, by Rev. Miel Davidson, o Varna, Mr. John Hey, Jr., to Miss Lizz`e tick, both of Hay township. COA ES-DICKNS-0u D, cember 18thte by Bev. r. Stout, of Kirkten*Mr. Frank Crates, of its. t crne. to Mits LottiDickens, Seintsbury. ROA OLIFF-WEEKES-At • the Trivitt I Memotial c ureb, Exeter, oa Deeerater 18th, by Ithe rector, eve .1. W. Ten Eyck, hfr. Philip Rotycliffe,' to Ise Fiore Ice A. Weekee, la'.e of Astlferi, Eng - 1 nd. SPE OE-BOLSLEY -At the men e, 4derieb, on ecemter lath, by Rev. Jaw (13 Andereon, A.., Mr. Charlei J. Spin e, to Miss Mary BOIS- ] y. bothrt Goderich township. 1',M SON -WE 4.TH ERILL-A t it Jobe' re -deity, Ilsruseela, on December 1G -.h, by Rev. qr J. Abey, brother-tn.-law of the bride, Mr. J. P. Jarnieon, Ra3S-COUOII-At the re3idenre of the ride's peo- n> Mrs. Weatherile both at Wyominir. PA1' nts. Clicten, on laccouber 18th, by Rev. Dr. 'eiff r I, Mr. Wm. J. Res% to ells t Minnie, (rely augh'er of Mr. toil Mr'. A. Gouda beth of linton. SON-WEBB-At the home of the bride's tale- nts, on December 18th. by Rev.Dr.aifferd, Mr. har let J. •Paulson, oft two, to Mise Envois, aaught,o of Mr and Mrs B. W. bO, ot Clinton. BEA E--IITITSON-Oa beeerneer 12th, ley Rev. A. . Brown, II. D.. Mr. Jacce3 Blak Alt Parana, o Miss Maggie,eideat daughter of Mr. Wm Wat- I I on, of Morris. LEV-WILKINSON-On Dezember 12th, at, he residence, of the bride's brother, Mr. Chat :8 Vilitioson, by Rev. A. H. Bron, B. D., Mr. W. . What y, to Miss Nellie Wilkinson. , X-DAIE -At the residence of the 1 ride's other, on Chrattuas Day, by Rev. Rural: Dean dgins, of Seaforth, Mr. Thomas A; Knox, to iss Harriet M Daln e, youese daughter of the ite Chestopher 0 le, all of Hulett. TO PKINS-BROOK9-At the residence of Mr. F. C. arrls, of Springbill, Manitoba, on Decemb. r th, by Rev. W. W. Abbott, Mr. W. Tompkine, of lane la, Manit0a, to Miss Vain Brooks, leeely , E "-STELCK- et the re ,idenee of the bride's., ,ic .f. Seaforth. H , mother, Hay taw ehip, on December 18th, oy Rev. Thomas Davidson, Mr. John Rey, to Miss elizet ethiSt.ick. 1o • Deaths. MA TIN -In Goderich, on December 14t1), Jelin Martin, aged 34 years. KE It -In Ct Thorne township, on Dec WII KN( MISHTEFT GRO6AN On Christmas Botees. "Tb' :feel:dive eayson is on hend agin," says Clancy, " wid its mirrymint an' its indygistion, its fiivolides an' its dishpipsy, its ten key an' cranberry attaehrnints fur some, an' its hare bread an' bather fur others, its hoigh onld toime and its nixt1 mornin' thurst. What did ye buy far Mary Ellen in th' way iv a Chi issymus box 7" he says. "Faith 1. I boughtbur a cord ivt wild, a sack iv flour, a washin' machane, an'l some other groceries. 1 belave in purl ohasin' useful prieinte," I says, "I've ha not! id' in' me eock fur Chrissymus but m fai:drite bunion since Mary Ellen gave me a Chrissymns box iv a box iv cigara tha toime. " Letht hear the sed tale, Grogan,' says Clancy. "Twas about t'ree year ago," Isays'" whin lo Mary Ellen tua thri to some small place in th' township iv Chin ga.cooshy, where th' elevated shtand-upday down collar an' tie Mother Hubbard eve* coat is shtill in_known, an' th' deadlet cigaroot has, as yet, refrained from pollutin th' ( zone, an' no man parts his haie in thP middld there,unliee it, s th' a immen folks an' th' ould bald -heads who pm sist in parti thcir hair ia tit' ointre whither it's t fashion or no. Sh'e wint to vidt a eort iv stip-cousin who kapss a tavurn called t Grey Ox, where he sells hot whishky in t winther an' warm ginger -beer in th' summe , an' urshmokable cigars at all- hours. Sh shtayed till she recovered from her usual good health, an' laid in a big enough supply iv disheepsy an' crankynies to last hur 4t .fall. Whin she was oomin' away hur bi - hearted relative gave hur a box iv conclinsef. cabbage -laves as a sort iv a donation part fur hur dear huabancle (He always had koind iv slapoite at me a;nnyway.) Mar Ellen hid thins carefully away an' sai nothin' about thins till• Chriesymns Ev "Av ye'll hang up yer biggest soc Dinnis, " she says ' ' WI' wan ye wear y bunion in, I wudeln't wonder but ye'd foin a Chrissyme's box in it in th' mornin' av ye' luk carefully," SU whin ;1 ixaminieci me sec in th' mornint an' found th' box iv cigars oudihardly reshtrain me tears. • ,But whia opened th' box an' got a sniff iv thim 1 m d i. no iffort to reshtrain thim. They belorig d to that breed iv cigars known as th' Ba - tinder's Reeinge. But I had to conceal rile emotion froM Mary Ellen." "Mary Elleu " I says, " yer a clehty, ani th' cigars s daisies. They'. e too good fur tit' Ici'esta v me, or anywaa else," I says. "I'fl ka thim fur me friends" " Atter breakfast went to loight me poipek.., but Mary Ell steppe& me. !' Aren't, yilz goin' to bave cigar r she says. " 'Twill be a chau from yer ould poipe." "It will," I saysi to kape peace in th' 'family I lit Wan if t La Grandadas an' purtinded to inj'y it." "1 smill rags burnia," she says. "Se do I," says. " Where did ye throw yer match ? ATTEITTIONI 1111 lea , I beg to notify you that I have op. sued a 7.1111) OA Main Street, oppos- ite the Ele0tri3 laight Works, where I will Pley the highest eaah price for Blackarnithe' Scrap Iron, ell kinds of Mai chinery, Old Stoves , Steel Or Marble, Rags, Old Rabbere, Copper, Brass, bead,Tea Lea; Zino, Pewter, Tailors' 'Clippings, °lea, Newspapers', Old Books, new or -old Geese Hen and Turkeye Feathers, Horse Hair Wool Pickings, Sheep Skies, all kiads of Olean Bottles, Bone, Old Ropes, eto. , . ; If you n i As to dispose' of any of the above articles, telephone to No. 72, or send a post card to my cffice and I will have one Of my I wagons call r upon yeu. It Will pil you to save any of the above attic es for us, as I pay the hioheet cash pia°. ! i I a"-FAItSIE;RS bringing in any of the above articles will be paid; the HIGHEST CASH; ; I ; , PRICE for lit. SM • RL mber lath, Wm. Kerr, aged 79 years and 6 motet '. LE -In Port Albert, on Debember ll8tb, Mary Or( r, wire. of Mr. John Sinai., aged 73 years. NCHARD-In Wingharn, on Dect mbar ieth, 'Wm. Blanchard, aged 67 ;ears and 11 menthe. RANCE- In Clinton, en Decerabcr 15th, Mary RA- tenbury, relict of the [te Thomas Ranee, -aged 07 yeas. -Z:A LING ,-In Se. Peel, Minnesota, Do December 13th, Maggie Foeter, wife of lila W. J. Carang, formerly of Exeter. etCONI-In London township, on Deeember 14th, Elizabeth J., second daughter of John and Ielre Beacom, formerly of Goderich township, seged two years. GERS-In Brussels, en Deeeneher 21s4, George S. Rogers, aged N years. • a she says. " In th' cushpydoor, " Surely to goodness it inn tb smill?" she kayo: "'Tis nothin says. " Th' fact , is Mary I -say:. ' cigar I else," I sa 1 " they're only summer cigar, , and they' e not intended to -be shmoked in a cramp d apartment. They want lots iv room, I says, an frish air." " I've quit buyit' trashy prisints," says Clancy. " I used buy me ould wumnlan toidys an' gew-ga a an' kr ick -knacks, en' bricky-braok iv w n koind Ian' another, but it's jist trowirf mon'y' away. Thig ChrissYmus 1 got her a p ir iv McPherson's $2 I shoes at Ricl3ardson'dt McInnis's, an' she's proudest wiamman fin Grogan's Alley, so she is." ; I GROCIA.1 Chas' Sheri I I , WHOLESALE RAG AND SEAtRTIL O METAL MERCHANT! , ! ' 1775 2 ;Telephone Main 72. Rihardson & M'Innp Sole Agents for the Goodyear, Chive Rubbers. SAF`ORTH Seaforth's Leiding Shoe Store. NEW tYR'S GIFTS. : f2Fetti TEE HIT Chriit This Wee you buy your gr very Small cost, Twonty.two 1 for 51; 4 lbs. boot S 25o; new figs 150 pe choice flavoring extr leaf salmon for 25o1; lb.; also lemon, oren sage, summer 'savor , every article **wally fou N XPOSITOR. e q err s d La s. lea Ib. ot 31 It may be that it has been your custom WI make New Year's la gift -giving day,'as-well as Xmas. If EO, Wer,11aVer this to say, that _ although we have had a yeti/ busy Christi -Ina trade, our stock of holiday footwear is still large and well-aseorted. What could be more usefal as a New Year's gift than any a the following: HOCKEY SHOES SKATING SHOES 'OVERSHOES , SLATER SHOES E*RESS SHOES QUEEN QUALITY SHOES EVENING SLIPPERS i‘IOOCASINS LEGGINGS. DRY Terrific r4 uotlio linery, men's beav r dv coats, caperines, r ffe, cloth caps. Youl hor1 centre pieces i silk pian and numerotts oth r art • -NON 131_1"Y'EUEE. s Groceries. ote some very low prices for 0 t this store, you can get your 0 e everything of the best. path's best granulated sugar for 51; raisins (new fruit) for 25c ; 4 lbs. bee r 6 lbs. for 256; choice mixed pickle aI So and 14n; fine Ingersoll ohm° a fruit or wine biscuits for 25o ; Fe citron peels, golden syrup, baking st d spice, Knox's gelatine, chocolate in a first-olaEs grocery. 0 Mo DS. s will be made this week in dres rcoats and ulsters, men's 'fur co ey lamb caps, grey and black g see our Christmas novelties in drapes, chenille and tapestry cu cles suitable for Christmas prese _Amu:3 (DisTm ON & CO.; BLYTH. Corner Main - and • Market Sreets , Seaforth, Ontario. ri tmas groceries. If i tmas dinner up at a 260m. good baking sugar aned new currants for I rge bottles, for 10e ; 1 io ; two cans maple fut$n'S best lard, 12A -c per ru , white wine vinegar, shredded cocoanut and pods, mantis s, il- ts, ladies' Astra° an untlets, men's fur and andkerchiefs, doylie.e, tains and. table covers, P8. nd The Km s ruish is over, and we wish to for the libterqs1pt4e of trade given us du on, and. alsol .0 nnounoe to them that we qffer the bola ce f our stock in Toys, Gam Fancy GOods At G etly Reduced thank our friends ing this busy sea have decided to 8, Calendars and Prices. Nov this does not strike:the reader as ,anything unusual at this season of the year, but Our prices Will. • We mean to 'make° our, modest assertion, " greatly redt4ed prices,'!.mean moye than the, words ustially imply. Call arid see at WI 1J SO FIRST DO, OR 'NORTH SEARATH T'IONAIRDS, To Subilc OFF' R! ribers of THE EXPOSITOR. This 4dver any tijnieLlt every Io1 lines : ,Wood coo stoves, 1g and fp Jana Creat Bargains, TO BE HAD AT The eaforth Tea Store —it - Ten lbs. ef sulphur 25e, te t!lOs of gl aber mitt fpr 25e, 10113e. Epsom Salts for 2in, 6 1b3. bone.eas d fish for 25o, 6 !be.. prune3 for 25°,5 lbs. raisins for 20' , 6 lbs. dates for;2503, 6 lbs. ,bre ken sodas for 2u, 6 ib. lige for 2.Ete, 6 lbs. rive for 250, 6 lire. Rio coif e for.50ce 'just reeeivei t nether car of granulated auger anealight gaffer, wear, Which will be eold at wholesale pet*. I Also 50 palle a American au ;r house r vrup, whehail' be ecill at $1.16 a pail; 1 o New Oileans moieties for a king purpote3, and! 11 catic r gmdet of syrup. Dried smoked then ings 15o a box, or two for 25o; liko herrings, Librador her- rings and Salmon trout. Just received 3 packagesof china, oreckory and glassware -,direct trom the 618 country potteriei, all cf. whichwill be eold at great bargains. All I iode of teas -black, green aod Jap$n. Al o a rteu Ceylon ka. at 25a a Ile; I can give von teas from 10o a lb. no to 60e a lb., guaranteed t3 suit you et money r funded. A cordial invitation ex d- ad to all to call 4 et some of the great bargai s. I am Still reedy ng Weaton'e bread daily from or - onto. The highest market price paid for all kindt of. poultry. . At O. \AULT, Seatortb. HA Cheap St A. G. Alj SEAFORTII. -1-1±1-14-1-1 isement cut out and presented. a our store Is year, will be good for TEN OENTS on s worth of goods purchased in the following . stoves, coal and wood heating iteware, tinware, la pocket cutlery, pla s, carvers his cases LAND B ps, knives ed spoons skates. ckarcr The Largest Dry Goode,and Ciothing enneern in Four Counties; Th fev re in frit de gre spirit of Christmas is in the air—a delightful, contagious r is upon old and young, rich and poor. The only edy for it is giving, giving, giving. There are zio misers he -world at Christmas time. To give tokens of love and. ndship-once a year, is as pleasant as to receive thew. a6 ready as never before- to supply your needs in every artment. If you want to be convinced that we give the atest value for your money, come to us and be convinced. Look but you will A eh cushion tops and are imp for Cheistm Cush Choi each. Spec Lase and e • Emb 500 each. Spec, pair. • AUf. Department. - RISTIVIAS SPEC/CAMEL a over before purchasing, for you will not only be well pleased, also save .quite a bit of imoney on your purchase. - ' , ice selection of pure linen doylies, centre pieces, five o'clock covers, 1 - and pillow shams. The abo e goods are embroidered by, hand,. rt6e1 direct from the best line -markets in Ireland. Special prices 5. on tops, special line of embroidered s'lle, at Sc each. e lot of danim tops, new colorings and designs, at 15; 300 and 75o ale in ladies' and children's handkerchiefs, fancy edged, at 8c eaoh. laroidered edge, with fancy corners, at 10c and 15c each. oi era linen hundkerchiefs, maltese -lace aged, etc., frOm 15c to al e in ladies' kid gloves, new shade, with dome fasteners, at 55c a e new beaver and mode shacl!es, at $1 and $1.25 a pair. Sueds in orey, black and mode shaLcles ' at $1 10 and 51.50 a pair. te 2 Dr No we can guar Spec • 50ogoods,) Peaij Pers Alit Two s. cleared at t3 T 111 s Goods 'Department. atter how low the price may be, the goods are of a quality which nted ia every instance. als in silks for Christraas. Japanese silks, mas price 40e. -de-soie silk in all the fashionable shades, regular 50c Lan pattern silks, correct for waists, Xmas nriee 50e. 27 inches wide, regular e of faney stripes, sothethingispecial, for 47c. ecials in homespun dress goods left, 56 inches wide, to be ieces only of plaid, ra,gulai 50e goods, to clear at 2e. for 43e. Fur Department. Fine furs. Them are fun and furs. The furs we sell are guaranteed. Back of o r gitarantee We statd with 15 years of square dealing. This store cannot be ndersold on furs. We have Astablished ourselves in a position where it is -n3Poesib1e for ordinary buyers to bay as lost. We will mention a few specie : & Hardware Houlse, CLINTON. 50 cents. En lieh hare ruffs, regular 80c and 85c goods, grey and black only, for Spe ialig in greyelamb collars, collarettes and caps. All sizes and styles in ladies' Asttachan coats, from $21 to $40. ladies' coon coats, electric seal coats- and Persian lamb coats at ualifed, quality for quality, mas Pres9nts. Our stock A few lines ye -Gents' cu Gents' tie Alithe ne trade. Ladies'. ha See ou di Beanti ul beautiful lam s, Beauti al Twenty-fi worth of dress go SP , CIA $4 00, cut Nice .5 ow complete with beautiful and etselful presents for Xmas. ill ention. tuttons, from 25c to $1.25. oi all kinde and colors; see °al; table ,display. est in gloves, braces and shirts, just opened for the Christmas d ereltiefs—see our three for 25c line. 4 of silver fruit dishes at $2.25. a Ps—We purchased from the American market some most 'ihshade, priced froth $1 19 to $2,69 each. abge of fancier silks at 50c a yard. e per cent. oil all dress goods in our house. Over $5,000 t choose from. Twenty five pairs white-- wool Bla ikets, worth $3.50 to LH TE BOYD SEAEICORTIL , EGGS, POTATOES TAKEN A.S CASH.'11 MONE 0 LOAN. ' $500 Erivalt° end o $$11150100 lbo°3wrrrr wi: ote.IArpt3. gl . (1)j11 1 $2900 it. S. ti AY $*00 o $3,500 D mir i. $4,000 pa ter e al the A f nda to 1 true at et and in surne to suit erme as to repayment Ba.k 8ea1oith, Ont. 177falt3 4. Electors of Seaforth. Levies, AN» GESTLYMEN: Having been preeentei y signed legit' ition askileg me to be - dictate ' Lr the are ray of Seetorth for , [beg ter sly t t although not =desirous sttiq o muni ipal h:nore, I -do wry ni e 'good w 11 end oonfid'enoe thus y ny fes ow citizens, and as it wou'd be n my part ts decline -The honor sought rred ipon n e, I shall accept the positioo, 'cut f my le on shell 'use my very re to at in all arms in the best interests with a lerge ccMe a lea the year 190 fct public p highly este shown me ungrateful to be (tont raid in the a best endeav of the town 1776-2 [Or, OEM H. BROADFOOT. To Stockmen. Our well known 5horthern bull, "New Year's Gift," has been retell:Wed trout Mr. Chapman's to the I ramifies of tbe under3igned, where he will be kept during .the winter and spring seasons. I also keep for service a firstelet3 Yerkshire 'hog. - 1776-3 A. G. SMILLIE, Tuokereentih. To Whom it'May Concern. AMENjC vs. SEAFORT11. At the trial of this action Mr. James Diek, hotel- keer er, ot Seaforth gave evidence on behalf of Mr. Arnent and part cflhis evidence was to the effect that L'the undereignekhad authorized the,putting down of the gravel at Dick's crossing, after Mr. Aeneas mate had broken her leg. justice to myeelf and to put this matteri ht before the public, I may say that the above e nee of Mr. Dick concerning me Is untrae. I did e authorize anyone to put on any gravel at sai rowing, and I was very much annoyed to find thft he grevel had been put there betore the above Ate was disposed of. I may further say that 1 have in my possession two statute ry declared n „ one mide by Jac A.Anderson the other by 114 nr atson, to the effect that I did not authorize thenl t mpueltuobnergroatyseelatit:hidcoxneossionng. WELLIAld SMITH,e Dated 21th Decen or, 1801. 1776 Als 'prices une Ev business g Me An The price Or Sp dog coats Ch op's bear r Ni store, hen Many spe We will Sp youths' a - Al chiefs, & S e eciat values in lace curtains, chenille and tapestry curtaine, table -covers, e C. Men's Furs. ry ilay we try to do 'better than the day_ before, and the way— the es isroves that 'we succeed. s -aon coats, extra values, from $30 to $50. tber'shipment of black calf coats to hand, natural color, at $25 each. s net particularly low, but very low for the qualitY. inaty brown calf costs from $18 to $20. cial prices in wallaby and wombat coats. We have a line of brown n stock, which will be found la first-class coat to rear, a $16.50. ice stock of sleigh robes in the genuine Saskatchewa-n, buffalo, Bish- bes in all colors, also Galloways and goats. fothing pepartrnent. thing but the most approved tyles and best makes come into thin e 4thing but the most approved styles and best makes can fit) Out. ial Values will be found. in this department from ,now until Xmas. ention the following: eial lines of men's frieze c,cats, pure wool goods, all sizes, at $5. bber lined:frieze coats, two colors, all sizes, at $8. ecia s values in men's beavex 7vercoats ; also many specials in men's, d bus' suits. th4 Tates novelties in men's ehirts, collars, ties, caps, bats, handker- • High ! _ 34-04-4144.4444-40444~444/4-44 st pri* paid for Butter, Eggs and Wool. MGM• & CODIRECT IMPORTERS poste Town Building, Corn7 idabi end Market Bts,, Seaforth.