HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1901-12-20, Page 6SECURI�yc Cenuine gc� 'r s arstw�' ittfiv^ Li*v er nub. Must Berr Signature of &O ftr-Simile Wrapper Delow. T#T sm&U and ar So take as 9=9"4 K n tw 00; FOR DIZZINESfi -ffTLE , I FOR-BlUOUSNES IVER FORIORPID LIVElf- FOR CONSTIPAT1.01f.. FORSALLOW SKIL ___IFOR THECOMPLEXION CURE StOK HEAD,ACHEA V-ETERINARY JCOHX GRIEVE, V. S., honor graduate of Ontario I Veterin'ary College. A.1diaecaesofDomeati *nkziala treated. Calls proaptlyattendedto so eharges moderate. Veterinary Dentatry a specialty. Odoe and residence on Goderloh street, one door of D Sc3l.t's office, SeAforth. 11124f LEGAL J MES L. KILLORANY arrister Solicitor, Conveyancer and Notary rabuo. Money to loan. Offoe over.PlokarXe Store �ta fteot, seatorth. 1&28 R.: HAYS Solicitor, ConveyaAecr ad Notary Public. Widitor for the Dominion Bank. Offloo—in -reNr of DominionBank,,Seaforth. blotieytoloan. 1235 JM. REST, Barrister, Splizitori Conveyancer, & Notary Public. O%foes up over 0, W. Ontario. PapsVe boo"tore, Main Stre(.t,.Se&foxth, 1827 BEATTIE, B%rrlpter, . Solicitor, &c Money to loaa. Offlco---:13ady's Block, Sea. orth. 1679-tf & GARR.aW, Barristers, solicitors, &o. GCoRrol1ami't-on 4t. and oderich, Out. J. T. GIRP011, 1,6T6 GUARTPS GARROW., IkOLMESTFID. muccewor to the I Aictiaughey liolmestod,. Barrister Solicitor anoar, and Solicitor for the Can rm ni ank of Commerce. Money to lend. Fax low "IR. Office 111, Scott,'@ Block, Main streei F- W. TWEDDLE, DENTIST, uradaite of Rayal College of DvnbM Surgoors of On- t3xio post graduate eDur-e in (reqvn and, bridge ivork M tiaskt li'd S:)hoDl, Chicagc-, Local, anastlit tioi f r '01 ice r -er Domial'u Fainlese; exiniction of tetAh. fti. N Eeaf�rtb, f% rmc Cy occupied by G. F. 13� I B%nk 1701 U1. F. UF=L1J,t=m Office, 4,16 aherbournt: Strc et, Torcuto. WF. A. SELLERY, Detztlst, graduate o the iRoyal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also bonor graduate of Department of Dentistry, Toronto Univexeity, Offica in the Patty block, Hensill. W111 vi6it Zurich every Monday, commencing Mon. day, J,una let. 587 InTweddle), graduate of Royal College of Den u-rgebns of Oniario; tIrst.class honor graduateof orouto Ua!vers*.ty crown nd bridge work, also gold work in all its forms. All, the. mobt modern methods for painless filling mud p%inless extraction of A. `391ce teeth. dloper&tiona carefullypkrforinf, 91d q.�jnd, over Dill's �rooer�, �Fakfdrth, Dr. John McGinnis, UDD. 0,:aduate London, Weetern Univorelty, membeir X of Oatsrlia Collot SU eQnl- Xg of PhY610tans bud —Formerly occupied by Mr. Wm. Odice. shud 1�e3lden6e ltoria Street r -c -t to tha Cat]110110 011=Gh FlokAfd, Vic I jW$ight calls attended prompt4y. 145 UIR D RETURE & ROSS RE 0,'U5 over Johnsona ITvirdware t�ie,, M. B, --DR. F. d. BURROWS, -D]GtO Ofin. 4ste resident Physloian aud Surgon, Tw sr%1, Hoapltal. Honor graduate TArl' ty Univerelty, sna and Surgeons wswt)erf the College of Physlci� Out%rio. Coroner for the County of Huxon. Office avid Residence—Goderich Street, Eaat of. the t(otoodist 0hurch— Telephone 40. DRS. SCOTT & N1acKAY,. PHYSICIANS AD SUa goddrIch street, opposite metboal 3. G. SCOTT, gTadustc xfid Ann Arbor, and wombar Ontario College, 61 Physicians %nd Sargoong. Coroner for County of Huron. 0. Mko!KAY, honGr,,gradupta Trinity -University, Membei old medalLgt Trinity Medical Coll. ge. &!Iege of Physicians and Surgoons, bntarlo. McLEOWS bV tem Renovator S —AAND OTHER— TESTED - REMEDIESS A� spesifte and antidote for Impure, Weak and Im rt"Uhed Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Falpata- Lou Floyno of the Heart,. Llve3 Complaint, Neuralgi. of Memory, Bronchitis, 0onsumption, Gall Stouea,, J3uudice, Kieney and Urinary Diseases, 81. V16no Dxnce, Female Irtegularielea and General Debility. LABORATORY—Goderich, Ontario. J7, M. McLEOD, Proprietor and Manu facturer. by J S. ROBE -RTS, SeMorth. Sold THE SEAFORTH Musical - Instrument EIMPORIUM. EBTABLISHED, 1873. Owing to harcl times, we have con auoa cluded to sel Pi and- Organs at IGreatly Reduced Prices, Organs at,2.5 and , upwards, and Pianos at corresponding r. ices. See us belare purchain& SCOTT BROSP lam" t DECEMBER 20. THE HIJOON' EXPOSITOR 19011 DE CE A �iw VdW When they reached the veranda it was A G14JNTLEMA14 OF T111R.BL iE 3P hands. Betty aria pp'pped do�n exbitedly on she who spoke Now, it isn't as though I hadn't known ft the green 1rep ottoroan andl pulled Miss Lize - a-, to a 0 ha-htard bair ber DV you ever since you were just 4 young, no- ;rznnd the n in jide ib LL) TORY !�OF KI-, 9 8 I'Noth;ugbad—hiiss �ize—only good; lELI% I A �OVE 8 JNTU01$Y ie account lawyer, and long before." She re- membered suddenly that. once� long ago, TOWN. but Ihaditc, come over an� tell you right =441Z �drte of the etory- I)ance, or 66rea, is one of the most away." about the case of M rgaret's mother, he had A�ibat a yaar rigo y haii BY LAUR SEN=R PORTER, IN 7, LAD14s, pitiable affitotions humanity is called on, Yes,' said Miss LiAlblinking. ff"'%Y MAILO refused to let her share his thoughts, had r vias IL's a)out Margaret, lof course," said out her off and told her none of his plans. coming cult very fast, ap r bougb to - endure. Thift this disease 'can be I t thewriter had A I I - - of Aver's Hair Vigor. it Betty Ma 7ia. The Goven tor stopped- with time it mueb not be so. It isnt 'as a bottl� r HOME rOT'RN.AL. I This cured,. however, is proven by the fact MY. utlemen refe ( that it has beei. awed by the use of hii handk arohief half -way to his forehead, though you hadn't told me all about it be. Stopped the falling and made I U." SUffiCjeUt COU'r . i 't -y aret was engaged. I'm h nir rapidlyj until nowit 01:kAPTER IV, Dr. Pier&s Pavorite Prescription. The "Uan'ty)ugues what?. I gueBsed it be� hete I is post office in !ore you knew Marg ,ro vej it -would (Miss Lizq oc. is 45"inchts in length.11—Mrs. A. tranquilizirig� effect fore I wai told ; but then I am very wie, in on the whole busincsa perb g ly put into her speech bits of modern Boydstori, Atcbison, Kans. Ib was not tha�� blifia Lizs felt that the and I've iad them undet, observation, as YOU r4 ne�t hborhood. apd you casional Gavernor was grov i4g away frgm,l upo the nerves ex- I maraeR, the filling _ her. But n bbysioian i sometimes s'iy. � I didn't breathe havd, a ewelry waht of any olang—picked up � from no' one knew where d there -was somctbin&&lteW4 Sometimes it ercised by this re- Atibereforle leav ti --% bough. fta�en't I been real —andwhich had the effact of new patches fr markable medicine 'a word of it b we� was an abstraction disturbed . her - kind, cian supply it almost bui-iorer Early 006 old garments). "If there is any. is witnessed to b !9001 y as well ;'as if you Visited us lentered the stat" sometimes a kind of, b9yishnesa auct" titat, obnodvy6roya earth you could talk to about it it's C) A 49 fiad 1who under ob ervation ? Betty than tha. f the Stonnch, r. 'Tli U disturbed her far mote th"an the abstrdotign. thousands who, have personally. me. Porte Once ot tvi i's sho w found � healing and Maria you are wild !11 s%idli Miss Lize half You'know that. I know you love her. f -r a r htu,iger, for instance, troiti aTriv�esfrcr 4tcheid him 0: I his W k ht to V fiercely, er hands tighter�folded.' I know you're been to see tier to -nig 11 strength in its use.. M let, Write for our caWc a and home ougiht46 !net, to Bettle Maria Ohe gult,�a house ; 1e arg ret and Pi loy," sidd Betty 11.� tallherso.. Youcau'bg with all that Hungry h-unetWs food, too' asy%.t that, business,% ith old Aunb noy, Mi3e L �ze It not only cures thus 'h re, practics ly, the 0 Maria triumphantly, "AnI they're oc- finest � s c ck of Jewelry In inyourbead. Itisn't good foryu. Tell know, but that in no way excuse([ him for Womanly . diseases, T EervanU' tlOtbinl as he wen gaged, and I knOw it firit-Lbefore they told Cana4a � to choose from. me what she s%id - what she looked like." needs hair of pockets� forgetting to loo t by. Tw �oe but it promotes the I 0 I Besides, � our system of one me." Her voiaohadriE6n1to, a triumphant There was in her voice something of the tone This ii Why we say that she had had, to oe dow with health of the whole price (a Olain figures and our on 1he wi little about, andishe gave spasmodic wave :0 quality mean that a loving woman uses to a hurt child her fan to got bib s its., Som i imes he body. It is a nerve. guarahteo as t A table in the OrDw so mu'h �o out-of-town buyers. -itent a moment, his pit C The'Governor oat E yer's H a i r Vigor a1W,13r of a ik and wi erchief. They SP Jamie rumix str(nly suspect0d tty Maria lio. a feeding, �tren rth. C 9 t only told Aunt $ancy and'me at the dinner face in, the shadow then he zaid ia an even, d � the I I M -6 - on the Governor'o art. q, sleep-ing It delivery restores color, and makes foull 91v'r uc� table a lew MiDtItCO 8 They said I could. We prepay a controlled voice: finger -over -it Then, one day� R4binson's circ a WAS lin ling m t bia tell you, �nd I inow t a won't mind Gov. chargers, a0d if what we send You must not think Lb was So hard,miss the hair grow 10n2 and 'ze,� attem tin en fr-malian. town, and Miss L 4tempting o do her makes weak wom inistr, i ; I lernorThotaton., YOU mustn't tell. They're does� not �Jease you in every We, nor that wehad &scene. We didn't, The m marketing while lth� �psrade [I p"811 1g, strong and sick heavy. to be mariled a6 Ohistma& parti,�ular,:I return it, and by of course. What did'she say ? What did perhap saw the 'GoveTnor'st4ndiag on curb hi6,d- lien well. Mi�b Li had not . ch,anged a muscle. shelooklike?" He paused.' She wore' eal tt 011'. I - ing a parasol over, the gray -eyed girl,' with Itavorite Pre4b next w4'we will cheerfully if �our drug -1st cllot sn-pply 7 bave thc�ijht, She need oinkli a firame �o, have been the the same yellow and wtite I gown I sa her isltd us one4doilar and -ne -WIJI expreas Vant, of th"QMF etty Maiia just. in front tilting n her ties scription contains m y B sportraito her Ite#01lutionary , ancestor—he I-efund 10 r money. In that night, you remember. I never no. vouabottle. Eestieand nOck to me the. gau ly no alcohol and -eye t1kepae he time& of all t, and craning he re4y I bf your nearost expreEs ofhee. A.d�IrArrsz, oil r & t of the ho (is shot from under him, ticed a gown before, I hink, except the tc ue, zz it we] red and igilt irct�ls wagonp with I r 0 o1w as entirely free from 66 F dreadful fly -away, am I not, black ones she and her 3 hTother wore once J. C. AYE ire n_.i. withou aind their painte4, W and m a orn Women. The dt at opium� cocaine, Governor, hortiton ? BItty Maria switch- when sewas a little girl and they came to A, Mrs —7 of the main streeit rcoe in clouda nd puff, all other narcotics. Wel and once blits Up so the Gove�rnor get It cannot . disagree ed arouna on -bb ottoman4 a mass of pink iny office." He paused a moment at some Fin nane the wul out his bandkerchieCana brush somethip wealcest in rt�7iq6 and excill, men�, to face the RYRIE BROS09 pity in the recollection, Then he added -one of his own mother in her wedding- n g with the whi"" as Ptandi g looking at her I I She is the most hat was all, The Governor stood Go ge tly t beaut gown—t iful -woman The reverent lightly from Betty MarWa gown, nstitution. wi vernor 0 or most delicate co Is th enti�sly un!seeing eye i—one hani was Yonge slnd Adelaide Sts., before the picture & moment., then cicsed When the last'ga�dy wag n had golpe, Lizzie had.St, Vitus in the world." kals tratn�per, ah�d I I tightened i I dsthe great front door softly, and felt his -way -i ljo_�G­black -a�nd dance, I happened to jet one of your s all along 1e, edge of the Miss L:zj folded and unfolded hex Raily, who-, haviL' and the aftermath of m T upstairs, he iory, �the inh4b- books u read ft.l1%vritesHeur7L. Atiller, rsq., TORONTO. -the place on t hite—passed in, a A 118t of 9 a d (Among table, " P-on't i ou think I am a dreadful ani folded them together again tightly. of iox6 Worth 7tb St., Burl uKton, Iowa. Ify-away to go on like thiul?" I itante of B-- tre'led home 14isu : . i "' We talked of many -thinAs, She'went (To be Continued.) Anformation, and I �n other things I fbitud ih t Dr. Pierce's Favorite with me across the pasture ia th' rely groups, stopping now then f r a ch t, Prescription cured patients suffering from that e moon- wths resolve t an most of the girls Attended by tb ' devoted trouble, so I went out an(' got a bottle. IShe was The Go-eniO put his e umpled handker- C20"Wo light, to the spring, and as we wen� I told How It Is utu re. very bad at that time nud could hardly talk. her- She was very gentle. She uderatood. youth ot the, town. , Np office in B-7— When I read about ycur nediciuc in that sinall chief at la 3t to � his forehe�ld and drew it The first object in life with, the OanadlaD d hatIts men k to boot-, I said to myself, nith the licip of God aud acro9s slowly. people is to " get rich the secorA, how The Fii would have rejDtCe I atic I Pose ; but I wi'l.i I can min the battle or She had not reiliz3d before If I . . ou mys-)lf, t i agl�-banded." their boo ong a� pretty git In needed that medicitte we can ct1re our daughter. e No," ae lmly'l recovering him. y to regain good ealth. The. fiT8b can be We lob did so. Four bbttles of '�Favorite Prescription Her hiadnew. and loyalty touched b In escorts. self, " no, c?rtainly not, iA thiog of tha Mis L'z3 waited km- obtained by energ, honesty and Nav, cured her, and I did not :have to take her to the t Ing Miss Lizs had gciis boi*e abead of the doctor nny xno;-e. SheP io ell, thank God aud kind is a g reat tkiog'. cf.eeply, and brought a t)J,3kncS3 into ils the second, '(good health) by uBing Grer3n?.5� means a great And she doesn't love you Well--�-�' crowd at a qmiek, tart pa0e. 46 ey're all the 'Favorite Prescriptioo I for it.,, deal." voice. Auguat ITIower. Should you be a deepoild. ,tak en 0 g No, he svi .3 at last, getting control of You forget," he ir�terrupted psinfully, 4departl1nent Is c(I Alias L, parade crazy, she said to,�herself. You'd Dr. Pierce'*s Plea*t Pellets cure bil- obon to ber feet and tilted she loves Presley Chenaul.t. ent-sofferer from any of the efficts of Dy- errors think a man, with weight� affair i on him, back agaiO, and'sat dow'fil ard, o, blimself, " you'll never speak to her, of er own iver Complaint, Appendici,13, Ind�-_4 to busi lousness. verturnfiag fine nature has,fouud bidden finenes in his, pep8iso, 1; like runnin' the State, would have enough go with her skirts, and break ng a vase on the course. one way or the other." gestion, eta.. such as Sick 50&dache, Palpi d which you and I aren't fine enough to see S�And low -wirihou -hot sun earth, aif�, ioevor noticing�ft at all. And you won't try to win her'? You'll d to do t goixe iiita the broilW She loves him. You must not frget that - son-. StaimacKnabitual to V I rsA:to Irvo $uzan Clay when a, She give it alli tap nd tHak of ibu agBia ? Cost i �eness, Dizzi Von sea=4 and, the dust to tsee a parcel of clowns and usunclasped,her hands qui.3kiy and then ner. Is I never do. There is only one road left me DesS Of th'a nead, tinsel, arx4- an ele 'bDy but it is ibsurd to think of that fee*. that wl.a.1 you ca�l . love ? Well, I don't ! - phant and a camtl or two, VouBly rel4lded thbin. _to follow my own life to its si ProFtration, Low Spirits, e di, you need not go t gli fi_�e I . ends. t lou ? Of cours you woluld iag as compared to this4 Thick what it is �o and water-" suffer! another da. Two doses of the welli, you -are tuff wouldn't � 11 Alargiret is a fool �he SAI explos. But there is one joy NAt me that -no one shall L for a man to have h1s h�avt clear all, that Ively. known August Flower will mlieve you at, SeStio heaTt, tr take away froth me -the right always to Uiss 1, "Miss Uz3 walk -ad up and down ex(Ated b once. Regular size, -,5 cents,, Yo disess�% or tir�e,'l -zs, never 0 find any one even Bett �larii and the m y love her. No one but you anct she and I C H APTE, R� V. to approach� the i ieal-.; 6nd then at my ge ss of pink and h,pr own helpless ess. The Governor seemed U can get blood, vre etron The winter and apring 5slipped by !with to find the ideal white rufflpa switched Arou d on the otto. know of it. After to -night we hall never Dr� G. G. Green�s reliable ren�ledies at J,. S. -mort, even, then the tban to f" Mise Uz.), not to her. it as a lonty time �bsfore he Robert's drug store, Seaforth-, �Celery Gam1poull �vith an attempt to any of us speak of it again. I shall adjust the Governor away at th4 capitol, Then ideal. Doub you see ?1i' noLice the Governor and Aliss Lize and the my life to serviog her, if there is ever any ishor of disem, h xle� "I'll _&�ke ox' need ; that is all. Presley' i going to sbbarb Well Tbxown. 1 came the sam4r, with the deepe ing gr6eh ily one privilege," he- said vase all at�once. t, At . I love tring you e df the blue gra.6,9, ani the thicke ed elhade 9JJ33 L`73 tell � her her. Ia th tie of P�106'8 C' Miss L -z3 eat stolidlyfacing him, her two Oh, up his paper in Georgetown. - I 8h 11, per. One day in January, hirty. years ago, the' herd and there ;acrd94 tho pastui -es. The &6uth, iii Kentucky, every man has that plump hands folded a littl lighttly-t4at Yes, end she hasulb th� leaab. idea how haps, not see her in years. Yet,: aknowing 'people of Madison village Maine -nyeAk, or ruild, gray-eye� girl'�gain ivialting BeUy Malia t-thp rig t to tell a w were fight. was he is eith6l- I She doesn't strpngthener_ all. Back.�� of her a old portrait of 0-ne much Of a �001 8 rig" what she does, what the years will only con- ing a fire. - The w- est win% blow a hurricane.- and �several other vialtors ifrom n dghb,),rin' Revolut know-shc does�u'b r' loves bet. Intbe South it is not a shame 9 of, her ilon&ry gr ndfathbra had the eal:z,3 hatshemight- tinue to prove, she will clo-me to me if ever the tavern and an.aidjeja1bg d:welling bous' ALEX., W11SQ_ towns, brought an &4ded,gayety ;o B--, ex " My de�r Mi�s L:z%11 b oke ia the Gov. f�r a mi,an: to lo 7'0 a woman without return 1 had already burn' e act cast of fe4tiureq, a d thd exact pc:) she is i distress. I am sure of that. Other- ed to the g9ound, and the i an& made an el�ctra �hanco for the or hope of it. In the North a m4u may. be young eveu to the fol4iag of th haaels. The story ernor gravOly, `you are not going to belie �wize I shall not see her again. He paused, entire village wis threatened� The Con A fellows to show thed'iselvies sons of- th6ir p�qt sympathetic I istory 00DEider6d a foal to love a woman whom he gr.e_ fatheils land true Kentucki�ans. 0 is summer ran that at the:battle of Braiiiywine he b by being o�t o are you, cinnot wi!n'to ke�p on loving her endlessly, " It is a difficult thing for me to.siiy, loving gational C#urdh stood irk a d1imb line. with At all seasoni three hors -is, shotIrorn u der him. f sympathy now mith two- her as I do -God kno day brought the, Governor., bf Thew the, youn pe6ple who have just found love p t ev�ry pcsiib�lity, straight up to death ws it.is�-btit may He the fire, bdt the wide village green might tbe mornmg I wanted to tell youi first." The Gov. 9 and in His mercy grant she filay never -have oc- save it. I t him to !Miss L 4e, to -be 'drew his.'browe iu�o a frown. 11 Pm each other;' You and 1, a bit older, must it elf 7 -perhaps he'yond it. In the South- catechi8ed'concerning. affaira ab the Cabit-A.1; ernor 4 11, it isi a fr. atJ.'er of little moment wbo casion to come to me." Hundreds of anxious eyes were on the sd�e she c�res ; I'm I s=4 she does ; but I not forget 6at youth is youth, and love is He had risen in the full moonlight, the watch lest some Ppark or live, When these had_-i�ll been 0one o.v�,rl he got t inks him a There are a &eat many cindershould h�ven't told her yet� She mut know -but love. i i white light rtfiniag the already keen lines of fall upon its ex�esad roof and: walls, w.hich 'blind. eo-ple up, stFode.. to the window and ack, and just He stop�ed fools in the Sitith if this constitut6s.,one. thian, other I haveiA actualli t6ld h' I've onik abrup ly, Lis iace white. Yet his powerful face. A moment Iate'r- withei were kept dreng-hed with water. A bla' apropos entirely of nothilig, said Huw i thank Gad, ithere are. I It ing er and t tbere was domething��re% surio in his voice recko Lee's loved h hduglib other -loved her and sudden' movement, be put his t*a; hands to cinder whirled high acroB an old arn I, �anyway, Miss Lim ?" Is I 8 tb6 reen, d a M I army held a gdodk many such fools. Some thought of hcn� I've s0n her often since that, Maria t, rn contentedly his head and brought the palms down slowly- 'strong, Puciog current of ai of them, yo I now, never surren lered r carried it and It appeaus Mivt Li�e, who for a o d while bad bee" here a -ad in Georgetown e 3. M e L*z3 was look- 0 1 held it againsb a clapboard of the �tail -e his timel6pe, her. ] Zyc6les there Ar U�y cnew it all was, dropped forward in them. steeple held- it until 11the -dily pj�tch-filled ? 99 Dut I,ve corn� fcom binrit�BM1111i'e Liz I togeth 'r over his brow and -eyes. His head expectidg tile uu�Xpected of acme !kind, peless 06S th, they etili -11� to tell Feite ing at, the overnor. Oazc Ae opened her "' i I home t oia eve r Ily e%T�In Use in me ely, said Well, rea� is strange, ien,4 it? I ��,ver told yo4, all lipa to epe0k, but closed them again without b�'i d in them ielves, in their oafise,.and Som'etimes it seems I can2b. It.. seemed strip of wood'ignited, and i6 britk smk-e, Well, I'll tell you ho* old I. am "7 -he ord. The Governor took a book fro starved intj �he r graves." Hie face .wAs an 1w., so to-niht when I about it, did I . but I wOula have laid down a w In looked in 4ei eyes." W&3 r1sing on the steeple's south f ce. r:que,red bi i shoulders and looked down &D rel tim6 for her mother. the table afid held it opea -3ide down. vhite and! his 1vo It recalled i.There as the old ring in his voice ihen it A groan burst from the ws . tching crowd, . my life a hund' tip - ce trembled. -n just Wd enou h to be a The lirtle wom4u, rouse& something in me MS i led at Chrit- to� her again thie days'long ago that the big The lonizest, her I ieckon P, 9 So 04 are to be ieply.� 11 I didn't 1a -�r ach t 4 -spot, and he fool. I'm forty-iwo in Aogustl, IYU34 . L�ze, rcoinant voice a4 rung o6t n the courtro know -how rd it No ladder could I 0 he om 31 OZOIChristmas bi�ht that I never 'expected mas," he said to fill in a very hollow sil. I would e -how hard it will be all mk. life ! loved church mustburn. Ucli­ brid&, and Ftn-Pni f6s much in f�ve an axiy 0CB— who he was, pleading the litt lextends five SM _t fro W ence. le I I didn know, Miss Lize, how Some. t on , the. .twenty.)l t fLel. She t'ld, me I as the beet - man woman a dosa no the stupid jarymen had A red tougue�of 94me sho -arm f the Yelt s�e !had ever kiioWn, and that if her scii had Yes," aid Betty Maria'; 66 1 think vulng a opped him. bla2kened hole that live cinder had Something stopped stack -still. am ma lea e fclrwa� t�(ir hands hallowed ba -1 1�ilvea she would want h4n to ba like me, !bat's a pl ty long engagement. Presley A Miss - got to her feet. Her -ice was thui-wh� 040: 7,3 -ze went a flyittg a t tz emapdons of t� �s Vo nOwball up from ea 8 Uzt?sbrain—then Ivent on, a see -I'd -be her is going of';; eir eirs, andl she had wi%d the tears r In all her long thoughts about the crowd, a single, big, m0st no fore she 4nd if she hid � lived-yOu to �efive the ' Chr icle '-he and fro herl own at cheeks f ull wb&U,, ve th; V 6 the ' Chror4cle I aren'b very good friends e -k- ._� speeJ. It, waa an fn.starit 1 �Iqly son -or at least -in love �-i,,h 'her claugher Paused a it she ad not a iroxi nettw6f spoke, but in -that tilne L" keen moment ind 1p ke more calmly You nticipated th;s" Itt at shuffedDut that blaze as �one snuffus out h my dea ! don't, don't She put mu orgive ni speaking so hotly. It a'candle. All British -m argaret." any way-abd start up a first-class rip -roar- off -hbrbra tot BAty IAIatia. -How ab. In ratio p3�per in Georgetown at in of realiza,tions flapbed th Th,r, Then i b was ' : roug� g Demoo' her ha a up on his broad, shaken should- Warren Bacon wit�h big good right hand-, i o ia e you I fooliall! thou&j 9i go Qf g4r- Chrhtmaq. It leads dignit7 for an editor -to roosed m6 t even mention my 61not Mies L:z3 gave her- 4ers, 01, goirifo1 and he bent under them ike'the boy he had quickly shapedand ' thrown the snow- een ny ing aside 9( great a fbing-so, great that t, �,,,Anver; then she said be hey both tbOught of that." 1W despite his years -like ball, and the church waseavqjd.� vival it might b tolsil '88, a .ave ad, ikee ) n a If a n�ornnt P married T it Oways and at a' era and rebuilds me as a the boy that "But BWy Maria, Preis teydrin ks, bliss thoughts of be, i" 1i'm's yooth, of a t nug C I now' -4A qh,. ��H . any mah in sorrow become at the sympath- The buildin still stands, aod -the pierced ..y 94 ID& .. I- - 6FI3 wave -and me -not y. etic to'ul,ch 9 The total p umply, hardly k stx�oag wizid d In youth -the thought -,hat t' 8 r e Uza ir�,ercilessly, u, - haps, eal izing alt las; h . ov fnor,� par You've helvcd so many widGws in you; I - I of a woman's hand -and, knelt. clapboards on the south eide �01 the steeple is Place in W.Y . . . l,i7.;,'Z hAnqq fip. with ed lap for a moment. She 8'ill show where the-,- blezing cinder and the 01-a 4'er I'ft- d _yj I reckon t$ey'd all 1�ko to have you for iN took Nlim _. . . v1-thl -�-rea:lizing �' Then Why do 't you try to 7win, her?" h ' in her V - * k ;� son, meb, e- ly. put 0 u yes, rcalizing hia place i be. Iou've p%rdoned a f w folk, pealing', as Lize' 0 ding now, and d tenderly 'on his �hick, ffying now -ball strun1r. r1a his place il her life-.. Th6n 8, i8s m,2, 6 V'ic , was plea gray. n Her life ne thi at Palkmedphsainr t� cther lay protect- too, since you'vo been Governor. I rackon you mustnlb hold that e 'Years. snapped, d there G%tne its imme4iate and the tears Were in. t instead of fier eyee. t4 'd all like to have you in the family." 1198113st PO lou mustWt be mean. ingly &16ng hi -i shouldor. There was silence- VA Wise -Ma total contirdiction then, hhe kee fear that a 411 Even. if it �a e n)t as it' ii," k.e said, Ah, but, M16 Uzl�l p,�.yer done The dear jfe)low has,bcen so good for months a mom b13 big frame was still jivering :RH-hTT1dAT he come hi flow. r all, have failed. Bat, in h s trong emot i n which had shaken the eat Iseparation had I tha He's4ure to be as straight as a die hi aft ht t te wit the: r any ing to deserve a I mg . r Wardsville, November.28, 1-901. wou fd go out of fier life, th4t s -)mel one� pl�e &me hidden'"rebellion 1i liss L**za rose, 10 any ca!ee, iVe t 11 li�r � that L him. When at last lie looked up, with the bL McLEoD from now o , for Alargarets sake." her, that , ke�ile_ , er serviee ; that A Wonder, T: her theray-e5 a ,grtr� was pretty- Miss Uz�s face was purple, almost. e monlight striking full down on his - face, would be first of all proud of him, at 0 e -she Th lov " e �y I i1i i 3 a t'0h For five yea "eredlaili dyspe �Kidny R* �0138 th" Govern, caq bar an, and is every mail's r I 5.0 fr had to admit pt-butypupat--ver young Drldta0e'V�aR white land keen, and wither i cig all the strength and s)rrow of it, sia. During that time- I consulted several The Governor drew ep no 10? up a green y his band wa$''unateady as ho pub the book t. R'rhap��Ome day she will need me. somethiOg in it, some sorr.ow-and in her CaBes--V7hb righ, --took all hnd; I of dyspepsia, I dbn't know what for, but -it is likely she doctors and 61 own heart Ihe knowledge that she inight man in fromt of her, and 05't dow ke a 14 Now lock hote," sh6 said. There dOw". medic ne, but all to 'no p -pose. wg;F�­ ! 1i This I 8--hoolboy. I I will need me. 1 ;he knows that I love her 11 I kn :�he wi be," iny i,44'b the gyurl livip' of thit age thaVs wer- ow BeLty Maria never soothe it -hurt her and cut her: as always tiredi restless, &nd ner6us, and. all Ishe will turn tojm� for help when -that t4ne NLI-Y d-ar blLs L'z he sai thy a man like �on." in a hurt vokee. Yoa d��','t know how nothing, in her life had ever: done. ambition wasgone. I fel like being hoar� is jorty-two years old' too, I suppose, Presley loves heri �and I , o 't su m "Ah, my dear, don't ! dot look so ! I V lie got up a it I w.hlk ei away. She had d , co . es. Lehall !tiop ask her :to Therb'� tio in my bed than workimg. ppoBe any a like theireft", Of IMA- C V um, rd r of', the 6q4qk and Nl� Abci,tf quicIrly for of u -e kno-W �vbat love like dat means.)) sity whateve� ; it is a? way ith we- breaks My heart !" she said,. She bent foi- oile on a visit ark to Li tie ne . a, -o inevita y ard to Goderiob last summer. I b.eatidso much TZ.11 They 1 bl drawn tow ward nd kissed his forehead, half sobbing, about your remedies, that 1 cLkllea tiud pur- Vepatatiap in thi old gran�dmothei's rem h�rt lorjy Ag"Q110 'have �ijen them a great love and Ridiog-Ho6d, i0a all, the.��: better to lofe those who� a3 oue, kisses a hurt cLild. Doult look chas remarkable tura know 1he'd a preLty �gyurl, and a g2od CHAPTER IIII. ad one bottle of your S8tew Renovator. they know, with !,some keen instinct, that I improved, and before I had tAkisn half of -ache, -a-ad Rheu� with my dear' Then hi� face g ew �se. but I do say no -yurl so !"-t4en his UP& g�url I reckon A momenb or two aft tty Nlaiia lef b the$- can trust tbeia wheneker they are in IL v&s a great e Btter., aye -now livi of thDt ave7-why uOt see the way she M.- found her v The Goven greit need." fsi Liza oice. ior CHAPTER IX, of themostilign; fit - - - "Mmm JAV�_U p3s up zb Presley Ph*ult. I saw her tsk It nearly three bottld§, and L feel ten stood by thd table teemingly u6couccims of MrAg. PAtteiiOi he�31,11f go drivia' #i,h hith Yhen I know years youger and as Tstrng aud as well as 1 m I - time or her resence. He looked up sl- (11 HAf TER Vill. When'. Miss Uz-3 was again- alone she with Rhennistliq ds I been drinkin t,, That'abows her souse, . wlyl ever was in my life. I redom�,nended your M P -1.41am. trouble, especiall o one %wjkk-,enir- from a The moon had ripen"Itill. Here �n tb era stood a oment in the moonlight, lookilig doii'b 0cvornor2opped'with ri- do He PIUS medicine to - several dyepeptips in our vill.� m I I I What &,m I going to ed. in he broad - blu.�,-grase pastures �Ieepii]g gut straig:ht ahead of her at -nothing. a She ays she 11il .Ae4a-Up, and Miss coa I e,7who have and re takii1c, it with the co W "I don�b Oink, there is Ituytibini to wer aatbtred to -ether in the mellow spray -of honeysuckle Irif ted close to her 9 rni�nd, I'm not sayib' Shb'18 liot i pretLy gyuri C, very best reaultso AMO boxes -iot 4 done." Sorlieth ng, some indefinabie eorne- light. T er-e was 6 ligh in the s�reets, fingprs,-_�ii-1 she broke -it off absent- mindedl u 0 - ali� )a good gyurl--2' i Wi.3hing yo, much succes VAt thing I ut of his ftwe, and eome- frorh the ustotri !that. prevails with. the and smel.!, of iti Then she turned F-jkd went 1NDI iss Lizq," said the (,ov�rnor, coming as with the people of into the ark hallway, oloa6d the front door Yours truly, thing seric�U6 an� older :had slipped in to pooble of JR MCRAE. tbat she: I back to hEr. It was as �houh something pletely ace. mostamall towns,lof dispensing with 6i SL r. Rober�s, Dxnggl 'J, Beaforth, old trouble, hail blazed up.in a quite sinold,L-ring nature 16 1- I : Itah6 its P1 ty softly, latched and bolted it, and felt her Sold by mi if S M 1. s - tuff wid ncusonRo ! Ydu've got to do light ILord is good enough to -way uPs A he" went through the i V'ou must not talk so to' im,11 or I shall 4 somettiog."! Ali,sLiZ3was! excitod. She pro io6nj Even the comfortable parlor a pi �, o oonjilit fell across the cor eay somethinp,, hot-headed, �soinething I 0 olie P, had abando�dd her ow Ist entl,ely for Keutucky house� 400d unlighted, -yet not- ner of the portrait of Miss Uz-213 11t1volution. don't me -an. I can't, explain td, you, but try ary ance4tor. She pau�ed a moment. Ex- Y elvie use 11 H4. No thougat of nherps�if -b�brred her aelebp. Now aqd!then a p%rty of young Man �i-n Front. to;Wnk what i-, meaus toa m4n to love a . I judgment now. " The iiea!of you �atand ple wetit up 4,nd down' the street, laugh- eep�ing '�Nervy-lorg a o a�sle(p-he was A lectrer on vegdtarianism,"i' a Highland-_ Jo he strap-oldei wornan m i6h his whole soul, his -whole @oul al. i le for a younA 0) i r, J i!ce id 6alking i� soft Sourhern accent, the only one in the hoiisl with her -and he village, rem&rked, in the course %of his ad- Presley Chenault. . ing �, at sor& Of com!hre _Plr�d then for hin-i to beav' "-here he broke Knew -n -)th, spersouri-look Witih a chance of marrAiacr man Ii ke -'you their voic a 8nl laughter gradually dSiag know no�hiug of her kfe at alL dress off;&ni returned to hie old courtwy. "Don't; 3!o ea that you tnu8t not sa do you suppose a & i I w, oil Id marry Prebley ? away and eaving flhe suminer night music ing of w4at came into it or v�ent out of it. It is to the rJonceis f 'big movements mau, whom *vij dies but 'it do e Sv t y �,these- things If she loves Mm she certain] would'worship of fiogg and cric�ctls aud. owls once -more in She was quite alone 4rd always would be. -that the credit and honor belops, not to the be too =I%& for' t6U ? I love her too much.'� you evidence. Sbmeim' es from down tfie street When sh� got to her.room she did not light followers," and exhorted his hiparers to be- a'seat to yield; it 'I's too d li'There ! There !" Ea;d L'z3 help- The Govetnor shook bi i er, then silence and the lam' -the moonlight was so � bright, come pioneers of vegetariani tn in th I b' ad gravely. came a cht ills of' 1�tlght at of P, le84, . " I di Jult mean to f ret yon. 9- making t�e blackened mahatrony look black- neighborhood. a seat fell vamn 11-ig about love, perhaps a voice, thinned by distunce, sin Coa e I didnD. L's* ust beca'pee I know You doWt know anyttl an bhe white dimity cuomins of the At the conclusion of his lee(ture he w -us ivIiis Liz% It is not a tl-i3 of weights and ing.' Som times ttie 813und f a piano and et, 1 �to my seated, It m�y W e r yoji?re fine, and I've always ktiown it., and meus,ares." I Absorbed iii 0i i own experi ags, aud,lonce the lilt of guitars carved t�ster-bed enow'wLi -,-e, pop4lar, soi TPhe full warmly shakea by the hand b$r an old lady 097 t I've �believed in you, aud kep' on believil� ence, 'he'hdl thrus, out b i Fi the dark, and!.men's !and won�en's voices in unisou moon was down in the wast when 31riss Liza who thanked him for speaking.so, kindly of be w�orkin itself out in. time, Whe; fiverybod'y else ih 13-,- reckoned you i closad her eyes. her son Donald. I expostu as�men do at such I ies, �Pdy had struck ai W-e'll sbig one so�g.for the old Kentucky I we,, jusb a no -account-- sometl'i 1g, �ot knov, ing. At the! same time, at his home on the "ButI think you have in a a -in w �e sa, a home, I know," lie iuterrupterl gratefully, white pi�e, %� mile distant, the i0overnor replied the lecturer. "I doh" know your man this Was I is. More Riable Miis Liz3lwaited to get cOmmand of the Then my �.ld Kentucky home gcod-night." 1 ou'vehad such faith in me. -i y big, hurt feoliag, the" roused himself slowly from a longi reverie. son, and I'm not aware that znent�oned By -and -b n she v�ent on loyally 'Z3 sat alo�e on the veranda. The And I'll always keep on believiu' in'you !ping 00 W.ad another, produte -11a;!grip 11 But tbi6k you are! Think of the S�ving Z6bby, oleo undly in �ne of the him to-nighb." r I fell h0e, and there acroos her - �1_- moonlight, Don- riend till the day I die." Something was creep- honor of bek P6 Gove' I wtvgs, there was no one ia the ho S b t ,;' Yes, yes !" replied the old lAdy �,elderly I I.'a . Think of white go�lyn a fb, uncertain patches, himself.,nor had been for year wo r though he pneumo�ia. or -a s 0, in nto her throab which made' it hard to what you eiA for the gyurtill's mother Think i,,� o, noru" c2d' 'Is one' of those' pioneers �f­ big' move- %'k. Bnt her ow -ii feeiegs- were off t swa) ed xiiw an hen by the whim�"' be. Here and the:re in the high parlor we�e mental" looked ,a if he sp he of what thegyurl actually owei you ! Why, t fell about among the a lal ject. I reckon there ar6 otper rncii 1311 tell her 'Myself. -You ouldu'c., I Eup. sumWer br',eez3 as several portraits, and in the Eqttare hallwSLy Oh, I see !" -replied the lecturer. who WAS t DUS throat !affecd honqsuckles. Her1face, even hi the soften- cou't in' her, but. the're`.-� nobody ever looked What im your son, madam Vt my com- n at her compares with you." iag moonli�ht, had isorhething faintly worn What is Donaild ?" saicl, the proud ao dhThere -s no one hs ev-:r loved her ag I and sid b� it, back of all the good-natured mother, in & surprised tone. Why, Don- Mr 8 You needsor he cormcred gravel, And if love rono'd linell ald walks in front of. a'tractioiii3gine with I went brim 111 win her- ring U opareang or P'lle"a Aiter a 1�hile'N rvy, in from an eve a red flag." a member of that will giVe. Win ber i A man like you..! N ii. in the dark� part o�., town, -came home,latch- TI wondered hwv -we W�Ant- seose !" She wanted to say the girl was xe 11imir,' Pain una ed t le gaie, stood �& moment and -talked Just what - Dr �aast-iro grilp strendh zind build 01)crtl'ion Avoided 14Y uAirt" proba�ly after him, buI Bho dared not wit Mies L`ze, theii went around the 11 kit., We a.ik the privilege of having one trial aents, and, Alwi as she'valued her own place in 1i i 4 We. ebom way."' ds in goods .and on pollinj up b dy Lye i, a bia fl �ing to come into a mall"s evening drifted on li�,tle compan- ii) the way of supplying your not y doctors see, e a As the 'MitsUZ3." I1iiV0i0e Whs deep an Too inan� 'n to h av d gli that first-class druggists halridle',11or the fillizig onger. it's a d ies of men an Is repassed, returning My elderly f mania for iusin_- the knif�, and ree of your doctor's prescript iins. 'Our endeam i 0 M, - gmv�e. " Lc&n't tell you how bg, no more tion home ; sometimes a paity oi negroes, g(,iog ors to please you, and the earisfactory w4y -Car, and -hence ineud an oper, for pil.s In --cores of theq I can tell yoii how much I love heni eazes ivbei� Dr. Cbttse's 0; litnient would by op the p�ke, brob e one of their fa- in which yon will be served, will make you taining his Be SCOTT S Grod�make me worthy of her effect a thorouh an I ing cure. miliar part'songs or choruses, their rich Cl a permanent customer. Ib -Pays to b* She had never sesu him so earnest,� ive 1-tev. A. D�uprau, Methodist min- voic�'s rising and fat ing. and at last dying P2�.rhAps, once before. Ho titood K i :h his ister, C'onsecon, Prince Edward CouDtY, away with the pecoliaV melancholy quatfer lis a symptom of Xidney VVE CALL YOUR ATTEN.'T-10N .Ont., St,LtESr:—"1 ag troubled with A ivell-khown head up ani somethig white and \kcon in* which falls into harr�ony with the softness 'Disease. o our fresh stoc of Paine's Celery Com EMULSION hin an bleeding- pll�s for years, pound, the mcsi p -)pular family' medichie o1* b:s,faco, s4ch as Xl.iss Uz3 had Been there ite y and'lang4or of Southern summer nighta doctorhassaid, "Inever- eouN.�,_r Doi- ind t] Ile 'yetmadea ost-mortemex- ti le timately attaiiied to a very Lhe day. Thouzands of teetinionials, from tha,Vday longy ago in court when he won the M. Large lubips or ab- and �, their! mellow Moons. T bits of p > the Ray witnei Violent f 0, Tly, will do this.when everytt ihg little whift-�aced woman's case. laugfiter aixd music, became less frequent, i amination ina case of death the beat people of Canada ate uffiriet- scesses foilmed. so that it was -with and -deputy vet proofs of iss virtues for the cure- of rhemna- Some g��eat feeliDg in e ch silenced thein and at there wB� left notbiag but the 1from Heart Disease with- no d Ubt aind contiderable pain else ails There is grea I t difflOultY tism, neuralgia, b1food diseases,, liver eom- that -1 waslable to stool. :At this severe igh and the layish whitF nF le bot stillfiess 0� the nii lout Andi tl kidneys Win. Rumil about it. It houris e"Si crisis I purchased a box ot Dr. Cha,se's nessber all Al sat, a long while iwereatfau t.1' The Kidney -.plaint, kidney diumses and *11 nervous I z 0. 12, wm� I Ointinent, �jut I had littlei or no fait" n the 'road. At laet she bent imedicine which was first on -strengthens, Wil& up. ind I in looking do�v* troubleff, Try a bottle al�d be donvinced. Fred. ed vario A moment later there came a dull iir-ii It, is I ha ti U. remedies be- 'forw4rd 4 little fiom the honey -suckle market, most success- L V. Fr�.-k, Dmggist, Seafort-4j Ont. No. 4, Daniel I maks the body strong nd i soviiI of the knocker, then Betty fore and tO no purpose. sha4w1knq looked 6ore carefully. Some �U,1115for Heart Disease I and 'boo' Maria 9,No'%V agine how great nd joyous as co direotio - n of Betty I Kidney Troubl healthy, not only 'to th W voioc. - And there in tl d w, looking one ��ning in tiie es, and Severe Penalty. offloe,�Jj lik� a morning glory in 1heer p2ark �a nd whit s m SUrprise -to find that Just the Maria's. he gotu�, and went to the gate. tst widely. imitated Is e one box cured m-, o that the lump -q off this hard', cough but to ruffled gown, was Batty Marla her 'elf. Her Thro�gh t4e glint ofishade and moon -light, And yo�u positively reftwe to accept the disappeare 1, F-nd 1_�Iso the external Troyer Wo,_ -s. abo6ka were flushed and 4he V �9 out of 5-s,,elling. I feet hke a different man whi fell tichly on �qth sides of the white so�p becaus�e rny thumb was ht it? ir-- f6rtify-, the system -gai st quired the educated waiter o; t]hfa hotel q. t doul)t road the Governor was coming toward her. D dd s- e to -day, and have not th ' leas o cl t baved f�rfher - attalcks. lCyou, are Now,:my dear"-Alits Uz�?, already tfiat Dr. ('hase's Ointmenj n-1 e His ead was beat d he did not see her guest. sba en, got up alarmed- "you n't er danero ntil he was almost id her ; then he took said the guest. run down or,maci4ted oo have frolli _VL V us ad painful op- u til "Take it away,, tion and many years of s is h�t in his hand and p sed, as though to come to tell me ucy's, baby has era uffering. h K idney "Do vounow what th:s meA#3 for me The clerk was,. You are al perfect liberty to use this Swallowed another belbol�pper recoliecthimaelf. Alias -z3 unhitched the inquir loomi, y. should certalhly take hi ed the waiter,,g testimonial as you see fit for the benefit )2 aYou die mf Tov, A Boydq Vil "cavy th� =dru y did w r 0 d gijr _n, vou a on a. ol ar "'a �f your tt ,,Ee Sure I,,(, nea XT re" oi C_4,,�Elt Co. nourishing f6od medicinf. 01' No." Betty Mai i-- kissed hlis� Lize of others similarly affllct�d." gate,�� swung it open, put ut. her hand., 'and, r discharge Ora -the treasure without a word,diew him in. There` 'was No, not my dischar -ns that I -ge. It wea all d exe,tedly and gave the Governor bar hand Dr. Chas a's Ointment, GO cents a box-, Pills i the council 4a tuzglsts. at clue and, the same moment. 1; Something st all deal�rs. or Edma & some hiug ffirm ana Fossessive and fem',nine. must eat the stuff Monday De 110W-�, L. TORONTI) bore it, a great deal more excitirg than that." Co., 'Loron 0. in het manner wbith auy man would have AnA suatebi4g up the dish,� he 41�My sakes held up her foua4 difilculb to rb6ist. haetily away, -Cleveland Plaiu I ealer, 34,eGregor. U