HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1901-12-20, Page 5tY'S gneea bo, aa a memb4. 'ren tile ol will hold a /n Chriatmas onweat, e.hildrert, and of the eciadu attend and hseeting Mistime, Ere - Were. electest . Peesidente lents B. BL ie Graasiele Ittirmai mens, 't, T1issSaw. McQaeeta a t of theoppor- eafort he who Woinenc the, Preeby•- siiiig, were. -The a.ddrese tii enjeyed c Froat, ac- 4enhoe put 1 tead to >re cheerful, ge,Michigan a Mrs. Hegiri al. of St snley, nity.---sensaa Lion for its the subscrib- a very haucl- ery interest, lank i ia the any nevre' • H- Saw - es at Walter; Mr. McNeil Brueefield.- On with the id having a. aesday eveaS ins attended R3.yfietel, ou ) four years. Standard,is device of Mr. '4 T anat. asteaaa a he has_ been• Rip:h.-The.' it practising Prof. Carap- aext Sunday dioGI concert • :-. inat.-The .. ,oeir annual Oath, and we have an and Logan ' getting eat eady to re - e apriog.- ing en Merl- neaa for. the a Councillor . By prea- 7 likely the for another It who have s circle for , ball at Mr. wetting, in - They aU young men ontinue and >rge Powell, er lately, is ii. -A great fever° cols:lie ive decided kablic school lance. The engaged for 'nal ; Miss e. ,by-, .a.ssist- ty for taaall! 'sred about aili the teat r Mr. Bell. 4 off work Fit& a bad ' ha.d a bad recovered .-Mr. F. ' it, with a- uraher of dance at -t Friday leokegon, a Vitit..- -t, of their nottae, a e are a Wawa- ., will be d'aeteee.- lark at the been hag- - c... Railway yeare, waa a of mat- dy of the. tended to eittenden, .o weeka, liour mina. `ears, as in and en- ' 0011 have •ert Knox ding the sudden- Epavorth church on ei edieers a follows: jet vice- -and vice- ; rd vice- i .n,h vice- es-pond- nent see- - er, Miss. e talater; Miss Ida es. The • by all. rat-clarts z3kirte. v writes, he aelee- for the fa line a sh yoke seems a friend of r work - DECEMBER 20 .1901: ,MAIMESF, 8/aroma Deeember 19, a001 • 11 Wheat ( "qt. Skandaade- • SO 76 to. $0 76 °eel pee b she- - 0 42 tali 0 42 0 75 to 0 76 kaas per toletal ZerleS pos .... 0 ao to 50 Ajtaat, No. , tepee-- -....... 0 10 to Q 17 Butter, tub -Jae -a 0 16 to 0 17 E...as. per - 0 10 to 017 fionvaPaa - 2 16 to 215 Hey per tole rum- - 6 oa to 700 Hides per 100 _ _ . 4 50 to 5 00 ....... -...... 50 to 070 Wo• oL.0 18 to 0 14 pate:tee:3 pq-bu.ah 0 80 to 0 85 seas (rater.) per bat- el- -.... 1 10 to 1 10 Weed per oord (lena).. 1 00 to e Weed por cord (shota). ..... 2 OO to 2 25 ....... er. • , a, 0 60 to 0 90 M• ier Seed,- e.....- ...--.... 4 00 to p 00 Timothy Seed-- — f * 0*...,.......,. 8 00 to 8 50 Pork, per 100 las- ......- - - - .- - 7 60 to 800 EaLowe per lb.. ... . - ....- -- - a 04 to 0 06 i ' Dairy Markets. 1 ,a, * Teno'. .v r , *ecemoer 17 -Cheese -There ii is not nitch activity to the market, but pricee are firre. Finest September makes, 10A to 10,Ic ; fiuest Ontario Octobers, 10 to 1010 , • finest township Ootobers, 10 to 10S3 ; ti finest Quebec Octobers, 91 to 10e. Butter - There, is a good jebbing demand at nn. changed prices. Finest townships, fall ' creamery, 20,1 to 20o; finest. Quebec fall ' crearaery, 20,i to 201o, undergrade creamOry, 19 to Ina; western. dairy, 14 to 163; Manitoba lairy, 14'to 150. Egga-The mar - 0 ket is a tive and firmer ; 26 to 28c for , atriotly fr sh, 22e for) selected cold :storage, and 17 to 18o per dozen for Montreal limed. M0NrRere Deeenther 17 -Butter -The market is fitm for freah made &dales and large roll, the demaed Wing good. We quote : elected dairy tubs, 16 to 17o; choice la ge rolls, 14 to 17e; fiats5 one - pound rolls, IS to Os ; p&okages showing feed, 1 tc 2o lesa than above quotatione. Creamery jprtnta, 21 to 22o, olids, 19i- to 2Io. Egg -Market remains firm, with re- ceipta lig b. Strictly freah scarce, selling a 23 to 0 o ; cold storage, 16 to 19c as to quality ; limed, 16 to 17o. Cueese--44S:rket firrn. We quote :-Finest Septembers, 91 to 10c; seconds, 9 to 91,3. Gram, etc. TOIL -ONTO, December 17 -White wheat, per bushel, 74 to 78.1 red wheat, 74 to 770; spring wheat, 70c; goelio wheat,64 to a7c ; peas, 78c 'barley, 54 to 62e; oats, 48c, No. 1 choice ealsike teed, ;$.8- 25 to $8 50, No. 2 good Alslise:seeda $7.25 to $7.75 red clover seed, $5 ,to $5 25;, timothy seed, $2 to $.75; hy Per ton, $10 50 to $12. Mill- fee4-la firm at $19.50 for care. of shorts, and $.2.0 bid for bran middle weat. Made tat), millfeed is firm at $22 for cora of Shorts, and $21 for bran, sacks iacluded Toronto freights. Potatoes. • • TORONTO, December 17 -There Si a Strong demand, and prices are firm, owing to the light offerings. Car lots of aound potatoes, Oil the track here, bring 70e. Potatoes out of store sell at 80 to 85c. Poultry. , TORONTO, Decarober 17 -The cold weather haa improved the market for poultry, which -can now safely he hold in stock. Offerings -are liberal alai demand is fair. 'We quote turkeys at 7 to 8.; geese, 4 to 6c; ducks, 40 to 75, and chickens, 20 to 50s, , o• - - Live Stook Markets. LIVERPOOL, December 17 -Cattle are unchanged at 12 to 13.3 per pound (dressed weight) ; refrigerator beef is We to 91e per pound. LGeneone _Eogland, December 17 -United States cattle, 6.0. Onristinas stock of sheep, 6d; lamb, 7d. Trade firer!. MONTREAL, December 17 -Cattle -The butchers were preeent in large numbers, and there wag a briak demand for anything mod- erately good, and prices of thee were well maintained, but the common and inferior animals were rather dull of sale,and brought lower prices than on Thursday's market. There wits only one load of prime beeves on the marlFet, and these sold at from 4i- to 41c per pound; medium stock sold at from gi to 4-te, and the dry cows at -horn 2i to 3e per pound. Calves aold at feem $2 50 to $9 each, and an exceedingly fine :veal ani- - mal was held at $30. Sheep ?Ad at from 2i to 33 per pound, and the lambs at from 3 -1 - to a little over 4e per pound. Fat hogs eold; at about 63 per pound, weighed off the cars. BUFFALO, Deeember 17-Catt1e-Gener- ally lower;.best steers, $6.40 , to $6,50 medium to good skipping, $5 75 to $G25; common to good butchere' steers, $1 to $5.50; export bulls, $3.90 to $4 e stockers, $31 25 to $3.40; for best feeders, $3.90 to $4 ; veala, tops, $7 to $7.50 ; others, $4 50 to $&.75; stock heifers, $2 to $3 ; Michigan -stockers, $2.85 to $3.40; Canada stook calves, choice to extra, $3 20 to $3, 40; good to choice do., $3.25 to $4.45 4_ Canada feeders, good to extra, $3.75 to. $4.10 ; milk- ers, choiee to extra, $55 te $58; good to choice, $42 to $48; springers, $55 to $58. floge—Opened.higuer, but weakened some- what at the close; Yorkers, $6.10 to $6.20; light, do.., $fi to $6 la; mixed paakers,$6.25 to $6.40; heavy, $6 40 to $6 60; pige,$5.60 • to $5.70 ; roughs, $5.40 to $5.70; stags, $14 to $1.50 Sheep and Lambs -Aetive aaecl higher choice lambs $5.40 to $5.50 ; good to choi e, $5,10 to $5.30; cull to $5; sheep, choice handy wet $3 85; common to extra Mixe $3..60; culls and common, $1.75 to $3 ; heavy export ewes and wethers, $3.60 to $3 70; yearlinga, $3.90 to $4.10. TORONTO, December 18,-aCattle-Ex- port- hoice loads of heavy exporters sold fr m $4.70 to. $5 25 per ewt. ; lights $4.25 t $1 65. Export Cows -Choice export , cows are worth $3 80 to $4 per cwt. Bulls -Heavy export bulls sold at $4.12 to $4.40 per awe., while light export bulls sold at $3.50 to $3.70. Butcher.Cottle -.4. Choice picked lots of butchers' eattlee equal in quality to the hest exporters, weighing 1,150 ao 1,260 pounds each, for Christmas market,sold at $4.50 to $5 25. Loads of good butchers' cattle are worth $3 75 to 84; and mediuth butchers', mixed cows, heifers and steers, $3.40 ,to $3.55 per cwt. Common butcher& cow, $3 to $3 25 ; and inferior cows, $2 25 to $2.85 per cwt. Heavy Feed- ers -Heavy steers, weighing fecm 1,100 to 1,200 pounds each, of good breeding quali- ties, such as farmers require, sold at $3.50 to $3 75 per cwt. ; those of the same weight, but rotigh, suitable for the byres, sold at $3 25 to $3.50 per cwt. Light Feeders - Steers weighing from 800 to 900 , pounds • each, are worth $3 to $3 20 per cwt. Feed- ing Bulls -Bulk for .the byr es, 1,000 to 1,300 pounds each, sold at $2.50 to $3. Buf- falo Stockers -Yearling steers, 500 to 800 pounds each, sold at $2.00 to $275, and off colors and those of inferiot quality at $1.75 to $2 per owt. Mich Cows -Fifteen cows and springers were sold at $30 to $45. Calvea were sold at from $2 to $10. Sheep -Pricea firmer at $2,75 to $3- for ewes, and $.2 to $2.50 per cwt. for buckle Spring Larnba-Prices firmer at $3 to $3.50 each, and $3 25 to $3.75 per ewt. Hogs -Best select bacon hogs, not less than 160nor more than 200 pounds each, unfed arid un- watered on cars, Sold at $6.25.; fats at $;i.75, and lighta at '$6. Unculled car; late of hogs sold at about $6.14 to $6.20 per cwt. and; are appealing to subsoribera not to be. 001rite anxious, as they pooitively guarantee tit every sabacriber ler 1902, now or ral- ne al, will receiee the pictures. t. SALE REGISTER. Oa Saturday, December 2186, BS>, Dick's Ho el 'Yards, Seaforth, dairy covas and other stook, M. Williams, pnaprietor ; Thomas ItroWn, auctioneer. , thrt.t113. • , TAMBLYN-1n Hullett, pn December 10th, the NNVi.:ce of Mr, W. W. Tau & ffilyn, et daughter. ALLINSON-In Caaton en pedember 8tbv ? the *.e -, of Mr. J. Adelson, of a slit). . BARKER -In Durdep, on Deeember fith, the a if of Mr. ',la H Barker, of a seta • 8TE1SS-In Grey, on December 6t11, the wife of Mr. L. Steno, of a son. ' WALKER -In iEast Wawaraciph, on December 85h, the wife of ain I. Welker, as daighter. . itIUSGROVE.7-In Wiegta-an, , ondoembe'r Oth, the wife on Ur, A. II Musgeove, ot a dsavrait.r. GARRICIa-In,CIinton, on Deco Tier pile, the wife Of , r. John Cerrick, of is gem • STAMRK-IO Scaterth, on D,orneher 175h, tlae wife of M. Loftus Steck, of a sm. , 'KERSLAKE-At Stall,. on November 28`11, the • tei:e of Mr. F. J. Kerelake, of a el &lighter. TAYLOR -In Seeforth, on December 1701, the wife ot Mr. Edward Taylor; Of a deughter. ECKERT-In Mcitillop, on Decembtr 17th, he wits of Mr. Peer Eckert, Cf a ton. . Marriages. BYRD-IIITSCHERT-In Neepawe, Maeitcffia, by Rev. It. F. Hall, nri DeCeMbei 3rd, Mr. Edgar 13„ Bvri, of Orange Ridge, Manitoba, ta Miss Map gia Sueobert, of ;Seep oxia, lite ot liwck. WILSON=11UNKINe-At the reeidence of th bride's m3ther, Aut•ura, on Detember8rd, by Rev. J. ieay, Mr. wihner ii. salmon, of Coborno, to Mite Mary Ahce, daughter of Mr.", J. Huokin, of Auburn. LAMMIE-TaaT-At the Preebyte:lau Mentel, on De - ember llth, by Rev. W. M. Martin, Mr, Andrew Laramie. of Detroit, to MiS3 SI1210 Tait, Exeter. ENGLISH-a:WAITE-At the vsidence of th c brideaa sisterdians.N Kedsly,Exettr,on December 10t1, by' Rev. 8.a Milayard, Mr. Sidney langliffi, of Haul'- : ton, to,Miss Oave Waite, of St. Thomas. ' TIETA.DY-STEEN-In Der, WawanoLeh, at he resi- dence of Mr. and Mrs. P. Mason, ,Mr. F. talplidy, to ?diem Mamie Steen, on Deoentilier Etta , DONALDS011--1'RASKR-At the residence of the brides'unele, on Deccaibtr lath, by Reva Josepa Eitiott, of Nair.), Mica Henrietta B. Ftikke", 8i0- ond datiahter of Mr. Alex. P. Fraser, of Elam, to Mr. James Donal tori, of Bruce Mine I. . POTTER-MURD. OK-- St No. 6, She Iburne eared, Cleveland, by Rev. Mr.Dann, on Novernaer 27tat, Mae Eden L. liauriock,1 el lest daaghter el Mr. Wm. Munidek, of Stieley, to Mr. George W. Potter, both of Cleveland. to fair,$3.65 ets.$3.65 , $3.10 to ' Deaths. WRA.Y-In Belgravo, on December 9.h, Elenjunin Wray, aged 80 years, OWENS-In Belem e, ou Deeember 9.311, Flizeteth Car:oll, wPe of M. Lanes Own, aged 77 years, and 6 menthe. ANDERSON-Ia Rest Wa'si inosh. en Decenaber Stb, i: Duncan Auderson, age 04 yeers. PATTON-In Morris, rn et:ember Ilth, Christina . Patton,taged 51eyears. WALKER -In Gothaiela on reeenitier 9th, Sally ABM, relict of the tete Wm. Walter, aged 80 years and,a0 days. 11ANNON-In Shipkes, on December 5th, Mrs. James Hannon. HILLER -In Gant. Pasea Oregon, George sru r, ,; formerly of Exeter, aged 32 yeara and 10 menthe. MeltIARTLN-In Exeter, oa December St', Perey,soa of Mr. Jahn hi Martha, of Pal ley, age 2 years. ARMSTRONG -In Ueboree, on December Oh, Edith Davie, relict of the lateJohn Arrnstroni, aged 93, -, a. • KIDD-In Hanuereed, Fatima, on Deeeniber 4th, Arthur Eclaaa, thirst on of Ili. GeGre A. Kidd, aged three e-eere. - meassaaatemalleata IMPORTANT NOTICES. - es-aess = RON E POS Seaforth's Les4ing Shoe Store' Sensible Gifts for *Christmas. ssiffffriet rwseeknenenn Look over this list of useful and ap- propriate presents in the footwear line Christmas ; Chrittinas Santa Claus' carpet slippers, size 7 to 10, 25e a pair; s zee 11 to 2, 3568 • pair. , Christmas carpet slippers, all Eine, for 25o a pale. Women's felb slippers, all sizes, for 35c -a a pall.. Woreen s carpet slippers, all sizes, for 25o a I pair. Women's felt sole dippers, all aim, for 5043 • a Pair. Wotnea's rubbers, all sizes, for 45c a pair. Women's overstockings, all sizes, for 50e la pair. Women's felt slippers, fur tope, all aim's, for $1 a pair. Women s felt nallifer slippers in blue, brown, red and black., for $1.25 a pair. carpet'Slippers, all sizes, for 35o •a, pair. Dtlenv'eat.lt sole slippers„ all sizes, for 75c a • Men's fancy slippers, 75e to $1 a pair. Men'e overshoes, good quality, for $1.50 a pair. "Slater Shores" for men, all styles, for $3.50 a pair. Shop early as possible to avoid the Xmas rush. . raOR SALE. -One Maple Leaf binder, neatly new; LI alio a nuteber of second hand mittino boxes. , Will be sold eheap and eesy terms. Arrply to D. ' BURNS, Henealt. ;177.2 Aneversod 14m ot from op. r ust have good livaldings to CDO and bAelnrileFr Eleheel and inarke1. D. R. CP/NINO- HAM, Ethel,,Ont. 11775-2 110IISE AND LOT FOR SALE. -For Sale, Lot • 23, Jarvis Street, S aforth, coreprielna 1-5 of an acre, on which are aspble, and a house centain- ing Woe rooms, a parlor, iniog r.om, 4 bedro ma clethes cane, cadge ell Isote kiteblen and het:, 1 There is a pentry off the kitchen and a goad cellarunder- neath, and a verandah al ng the whole fro6tbf the house,- and betlia heel and soft voter in abere, The place is well -plaited w'th freit trees and ben7 bushes, and everythene ia further psrtioulara, apply the prcrukes, or t.J. L. forth. • a firacl tee repair: For to Mr). John Dow,ley, on ILLORAN, Barriets r. 1- raaa-tf NOtICE. Notice is he•eby given that after Janasei lst, 1902, alt- gravel taken felem Lot 31, Conoeseien. 4, Tuckersinith, will be 1031per lead for iteteete labor, and 50o per cer 1, for lob work. ALEXANDER WATT. 1 17115x4 • SHINOffES I The Family Herald and Weekly, Star of Montreal, is. this season . receiving a larger number of new subscribers than ever before. Their three beautiful premium pictures are generally- regarded as alone are worth far more than the year's aubseription prioe (one dollar), and it is no wonder that thousands of new subscribers are being added. Old subscribers, it it said, are renewing months ahead, just to get these great pictures. The ,pabliahers are at their wits' end endeavour- ing to catch up with the mailing of pioturee A oar load of the best Red Cedar Shingle we bought befo will sell at xxx 74c, a the rill° in price, wino d xxxx 78c. This is a snap in- Sl?ingles, so call amid get your supply while they , last, as they crunot be replaced at this plc°. N. CLUF & SONS • North M.ain Street, - - Seaforth. ?.748 Christms -is Almost Hee. Our Christmas , goodswill be ocarly all thia week. Now is the tirrielto select your prcaentn, ana by paying a small =omit on them, e Will, if you wish, keep them until called for. We will hay three timethe stock ever carried before, arid th frices wil be right. We have Gala Watchee, Brooches, Cuff Links. Chaim+, Locket, Silver Novel ties, Nepkio Binge, Ch ld's Sets, Shaving Minima Knives, Forks, Sp3one, Matub Safes, Penhelde.rs, an other articles suitable f r Chritatnute preens. Th 25 year 14k gold ii led ladies' watch, at $13, is exbr value. Call and sea it. All_ geode eegreived fie) of charge. •JOHN' OULGER, 'Jeweler, - 1 - • SEAFP ATTE TION!.1 SEAFORT/4 IT WILL PAY YOU BEST IN THE END. :THE CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE, CHATHAM, ONT., •has given you in the last two week's issues of this paper, testimoniale from two out Of four of its for- er. pupae, whose emu dried earnings are 011,000 per minima, an average of 52,750. We now give you a rhira, b.nd a fourth will appear in next week's Italie. Bete is a third: •._• Woodstock, Ora., Nev. 3, 1905: D. MaoLechlan, Esq. Chatham, Oat. My Deer Mr. blaoLaohilan-In reaponse t your inquiry I glad - V add my toatimony t tbe rainy you have reeeive d ta to tne merits of the Canada l3u4ness College. W401, I dccidei to take a rouse Of inatruction In lb Ina5ittiti0/1 ill18881 Cliti a0 Intallaila 1 99.Pailla1e0 t etood second to nob n Arotelea, ad 1 haVe pleesure in stating that, the practical course of traih- ing I have received bas proved 'very beneficial to the. I have• been' oonneeted with the D. W. Kern Co., piano and organ merittamturcra of this town for •eleveri year, and during inine years of thia time hare held the besa positioos in the offize. In con- ,clus:on, I might eay 1 arn rezeivieg aanlary more 'than f Jur time as much ae1 racelied in 1888 when teeing in the capacity of a school teacher. I have 'no hesitadon in rseonaneeding tte C. B. C. to the ,favombla consideraVion of •any young man cr woman desiroua of acquiring a. thorough and practical haul - pees education. Wishing you ceatieued and abun- dant success, 1 neaten, yours very truly, , E. C. Thointon, -(Fcratelly a publia scho-I teacher in Durham Co ) • Mr. Thornton is now cfliee manager' of the Kara Oran Co., of Woodetock, On. flatV he ooutinued au publio setrek teachieg, niight poasibly be .eerniug from -54O0 t3 $500 per annum to day, instead "of the Fp:Undid slay he is now commanding. H yon caunot p s,jbly come to Cbath•ni we can give yoti it struction BY MAIL, at your home, la Bea- ' keeping, ahorthaad, or Penuanehip, through our 'Mail Course Department. During the past Tear 304 . of bur pupils secured good positions. Their corn- , blued earninga are close to TWO HUNDRED -THOUSAND DOLL tltS ($200,003) Write for catalogue, or° MAIL COURSE CIRCU- LAR. 1. McLAOHLAN Ss CO., Chatham, Ont. 1754 TH. mines:a-el 1 beg to at tify y.0 that I have oP- ened ya d QI Main Street, oppos- ite the Electr i _eight works, Where I will ply the hi hest cash price Or Blacksmiths' Scrap- ron, all kinds of Ma- chinery, Old Stoves, Steel or Marble, 'Rags, Old. Rubbers, Coppe4 Brass, Lead,Teai Lead Zino, Pewter, Tellers' -Clippings, Clean Newspapers, Old,Bo ks, new or old Geese, •;Hen and Turkey Feathers, Hors Hair, Wool Pipkinge, Shee Skirs, all gilds of Clean Bottles, Bones, Old Ropes, et. If you. w jab to di abov articles, t or seid a poat ca .I wil have one o - .upon you. It w any of the above I pay the highes pose of any of tile lephone to No. 72, d to my offica and my wagons tall •U pay you to Sa-Ve articles for its, as eash price. nerFARMERS bring og in any of the above articles will be paid the HIGHEST CASH PRICE for it. Chas. Sher, WHOLESALE RAG AN SEAM RTH METAL MERCHANT 1775 2 • Telephone, Main 72. ,M1SHTER GROGAN On Law and Lawyers. Christmas Groceries* . , •i .e. ! This weak we protesome very low ou bnyl your g oceries at this store,' you ea ji-ory Oman mit, tndhave everything ,of the I TWentY-tw lbs. Redpa.th'a brat granulated or $1 ; 4 lbs. beal selecteckiaieins (nesjr fruit) for 2 25o; neva figs 5o1 sr Ib., or 6 lha. for 5o; choice Choice flavoriog e traots at 50 and 103 ; fine Inger leaf ealloon‘for 25 ; 3 lbs. fruit or w tie biscuits Ib.; als0 lemon, orlange and citron ,pe Is, •goldeC s Sage, seromer say, ry, mixed spice, nox's gelati every article usua ly found in a first-cl ES grocery. 1 rices for Christmas groceries. , If • get your Christmas dinner up at est, ugar for $1 ; 25 kw, good baking sogar a ; 4 Ms best cleaved new currant a for mixed. pickles, large bottles, for 10e ; oll cheese at 12io ; two cans maple for 25o; Fea.rman's best lard, 12oper rup, baking syrup, white wine Vinegar, ch000la.te, shredded cocoanut and RY OODSsis; Terrific ileductions will bemade this week in dress goodseareanths, mil- inery,i men's be ver overcoats an ulsters, en'fur coats, ladies' Astrachan oats, eaperines, ruffs, grey lamb caps, grey And black gauntlets, men's fur and loth caps. Yo should see our Ohriatmas novelties in ,handkerchiefe, doylies, entre piecee, sil piano &apses, chenitle.and tapestry curtains and table covers, and numerous o her ilxticlos suitOle for Ohristinas presents. Sia .EITZIOM IVEciaNNO1 t3c CO., BLYTEE.: " Av I had • me loife to live over say a Clancy, "I'd be a lawyer". 4 4 Whoa. so?" I says. "Well, I'll tell ye," I says., " l've bin up to Gatheriage doin' a little swearin' in th' horse case,. an' I've bila shtudyin' tit' characteristics av th' different legal loights I came across when I was there, an' I came to th' conclusion that a shmart clever lawyer, wan ho can kape good grip on his conscience, n' not allow it have to muoh iv its own wa , can gather mi- lk a share iv th' good t'ing iv this world 88 th' average run av poirat e." " To be a god lawyer ye want to be good judge iv human nature, av ye want ti know jist how yr olotent is fixed, an how uch nippin' he can ahtand an sht ill have li e in himi An' ye want to exerooise a cert id amount an Clarity whin ye're makin' ot yer Bill iv o ,shts, an' always be sore ri." lave hint at hate wan suit iv underwear. ' "Some low- ers includes toot' pieka int ' Bill iv costs, ist I auk that's gout' too far. But th' main requoirment is a conscience that will admit av a certain amount iv conthraction o exhpausion to suit th' centingencies an' irnurgencies iv th' case." '4Do ye mane to tell me," I says, that all lawyers have that koind Wir a eonscience?" " Curthinly "Snot," says alauoy. • "By uo mattes: 5Aroe, lawyers have none at all." Finnerty hays tif lawyers iv Gatheridge Ova all the best houses an' they got a mertgage on all th' 'rest. Au' Finnerty'e posted." "There Was about foity Saforth pay0e attendia" th' ceort. Some iv our most prominenti Gili! zens wnr there, mia who u dershtend' th" oathur iv th' oath, an' th' roper propor.- tions iv a John Collins." " was there me. silf an' had a long talk w i 1 e frind, Johna• i- illig , corner, iv th ahquare, an' so seful Peesents. iltzzoomigLi—tat,DpsEolig, Of courpe we have at.y numb ages,' but as , 'A Atrasent ior a Gentleman. A tresent or a Lady . A re7ent or a Student What wouli you hink of a good. TIO-V.S17111Ni.1\17.- 1:1 1\1— ..I- 1 I ,. We have just received a fine assortment of the best alio, pens that are "always ready," and. we will be pleased to show you that our prices are t right. Come to " Santa Claus " hea q. uarters for Presents at IRS nTergi-r-latir'errTint r of articles suitable for all EX. FII' DOOR NOR OF PICKARD'S, WILSON'S SEAFORTH. FER To Suliscribers of THE 'EXPOSITOIL7 4-1-K-1-144-44444++++++++4-14 Ths advertisement cut out and presented at our store any time this year, will be good for TEN CENTS on • eV ry dollar's worth of goods purchasedin the following lin ! Wood coking stoves, coal and wood heating stoves, graniteware,.tinware, lamps, knives and florks, pocket cutlery, plated spoons' anl forks, carvers in cases, skates. Cheap R LAN BROS., tove & Hardware House, CLINTON. Affeiv rade, mas resents. r stock is now coniplete with beautiful and useful presents for Xmas. es se? will mention. ante' cuff buttons, from 25c to $1,25. Gents' ties of all kiwis and colors se our table displays All the newest in gloves, braoes en1, s Irte, juet opened for the Ohristmaa • Ladies' handkerchiefs -see our three for 25c line. See out display of silver fruit dishes at $2.25. • Beauti ul lamps -We purchased from the.A. beautiful lam s, with shades, priced•frorn $1 19 to $ Beauti ul range of fancy silks at 50c a yard. rwent -five per cent. off all dress! goods imn. ds to choose fro. than Mer, who kapes tavern on th' 1 to • on yet lift hand when ye relgeoiont'hetrha'hotarheeart • t w°I't 0fd res g oo Way. Johnathan is a great stugent iv SPECIAL.-Twenty.five pairs white wool Blankets, worth 3.50,1 human nathure, an' he tell e me that he ap ll . toll a &forth man th' minnto he Oaf s h,m$4 00, cut riOe $2.90. ! .I I oyes con him." " Iv,ery totVri has its ohat--11: AMAANNAMWAAI!AAANy4,400A rI AROYD & CCY .1 encau market some most .69 each. our house. Over $5,000 acterieties," says Johnathan. "Fur in- alite.nee, th' Cliaton man uses Sin -Sin fur Lis both, but 'CI' Saforth man shticks to th' o la fashioned clove an' McDanald'a black i s trap. 1 can tell the Salorth t41:11)Ttle q ,ielonervous itirk iv th' little finger as he slowsaway his Seagram, and the graceful bat determined movemint iv th' wrist thati long practiee gives to th' adept, in th' de-. molition iv Colburt's Emamation Romedy." "An' another t'ing," he says "that dis-; tiOgnishes th' Saforth man from th' others, is th' fact that he always wears good shoes." ":That's aisley accounted fur, Miahter .B5il1er," I says. " dneto the fact that U' most of thim buy their ahoen from Richardson an' McInnis, th' noted Shoe mtra Now, them shoes I have on," I says, only cosht me two dollars and fifty cents at, Toro Richardson's the other day." "Do you Mean to tell Me," says Johnathan, "hat you; only paid two dollars and fifty cerits tar them shoes." "1 do," I says. "Then by the ruins if Shlabtown," he says, " Pll have a pair iv thim next week." "So ye see Grogan," says Clancy, " whoile gation costs mcney, shtill it promotes trade an' commerce, an' more than that, a change iv doiet an' bartindera is benefioial wawa in a whoile." par smArion.Tn. UTTER, EGGS, POTATOES TAKEN AS CASH.9U1 Corner Main and Market Sreets &Worth, Ontario. aaaaree. The Largest ickard Concern in Clothing Four Couniiita Deter 40ods and Annual Meeting; -The annual ince Ang of the Sea farth Horticultural Stioiety ail' ba h Id in the Counc.1 Clamber' on Wedneaday, Januar3- 9th, et 7:30 p. m. A fullat- ten lance is requee.ed. WM. ELLIOTT, Secretor-)% 17752 Munirpat Elections. The Annual Metiaing of, the Etcetera cf the Town- iihip of Tuceersm ab, for the nomination of candi- d ites for the olti3ea of Reeve and Councillors for the year 1902, wat bel held at Dixoa a Hall, Brucefield, on M ntlay, Deceniber 30th, 1901, at 1 o'clock p. m., and 14 a poll is netessery, sto3h roll shall be openad on onday, Janu ry the 6th, 19O2, at the following places: In Diviei4in No. I. -At Thomas Daly's Hall, Egniendville ; W' Ham Chesney, Deputy -Returning Officer. In Divisi a No. 2. -At VenEgmond's vacant store Egmondvill ; George Jackson, Sr., Deputy- C4RooAx. ' Retu eling Officer. In Divilien No. 3. -At Sohcol Howe No. 4-; Ch 'ace Routledge, Deputy -Returning • Officer. In Divisi n No. 4. -At School House No. 3; Richardson & Brinni t R. G Simpson, D puty-Reternaig Oflicer.e an Divis- , ion Noa5.-At Se ool Houle No. 1.-A. G. Smillie, Bole Agents for the Goodyear Nepocer. ylea Hall ; in. Sinclair'DiDeputy4leturning Dty-Returnin OffiIn vi ;ion No...6. -At Glove Rubbers. Officer. Pall ope4 from 9 a. m.t'll 5 p. Ina SEAFORTH.• AI. G. SMILLIE, Keitum!ng Officer. 1775-2 'SELLING OUT - COMING OF 4+4-14-1-14-1÷1-14-14-1-H1-1-4-1144,* The spirit of Christmas is in the air -a delightful contagiotia fever is upon olcl and young, rich and, poor, The only remedy for it\ is giving, giving, giving. There ere no misers • in the world at Christmas time. To give tokena of love and • friendship once d year, is as pleasant'. as to receive them. We are ready as never' before to supply your needs in every department. If you want to be convinced th4 we -give the greatest value for your money, come to us and be convinced. Ladies' Department. cHmsTraAs SPECZALIS. Look us over before purchasing, for you will not only be well pleased, but you will also save quite a bit of money on your purdbase. A choice selection of pure linen doylies, centre pitioes, five o'clock covers, cushion -tops -and pillow shams. The above goods .are embroidered, by hand, and are imported direot frorn the best linen markets in 'Ireland. Special pricea for Christmas-. Cushion tops, special line of embroidered silk, at 8c each. Choice lot of denim tops, new colorings and desi ns, at 15; 30c and 75e Specials in ladies' and children's handkerchiefs, 4iney edged, at 8c each. Lace and embroidered edge, with fancy corners, at 10c aid 15c each. .Emnioideid linen huncllFerehiefse malteee lace ihdged ete., from 15c to 50c each, each. Specials in ladies' kid gloves, new shade, with dem fastenere, at -55c pair. All he new beaver and. mode shades at $1 -and $1.25 a pair. Sue es in grey, black and mode shades, at $1.10 and $1.50 a pair: Dress Goods Department. No matter how low the price may be, the goods are of a quality which we can guaranted in every instance. Specials in silks for Christmas, Japanese silks, 27 inches wide, regular 50c goods, Xmas price 40c.1 Peau-de-soie silk in all the fashionable shales, reOular 50e, for Persian pattern silks, correct for Waists, Xmas prF.ce 50c. • A line of fancy stripes, something special, for 170. Two specials in homespun dress goods left, :56 inches wide, to be cleared ,at 43e. Three pieces only of plaid, regular 50c goods, to Ideal. at 25e. Haying disposed of my prepeity and giving up • businese, I will offer for sale my stock of Shoes, Dry Goods, Creckery, Hats, Caps, Groceries; etc. regard- less Of exist, and will quote a few of our many prices: Men'slee or -buckled shoes, regul 6 r $1.50, now 95c; menai grained laced elicee, $1.50, now 51; men's grained laced shoes, r, golar 52.15, now $1.53 ; men's dongoin slaieere, regular $1.60, now $'.20; men's one • bu kle anior proof rubbers, regular 52.26, now 81.75; m n's one buck'e armor Tree rubbers, regu ar $ no $1.50; men's overthoes, best snow excluier, re tar $1.50, now 81.20 ; men's sooks, regular 40e, uc v 25c; men's soaks, regular 66c, now 40c. We ba -e a full line of ladies' and eonths' shoo to eel at pri 105 as aboye. GOODS. -Flannelette, striped, re ular 12ae, novelOt ; pink flannelette, regular 12 e, no 100; flannelette, pink with white dot, regular 10, now -90; wra.pperette, regular 10e, now 8e ; fla nelette etriped, • regular 6o, now 5e ; towelling, re uler Bo, now 5c; toweling, regular be, for 40 tieing, regular 22e, now 16c. Pipets, eottonades, factory ectton, white cotton and shirting away down be owl cost La,dlea' corsets at 37e, ladiet.' gauntlets, i-ej War 90c, now 75o; ladies' gauntlets, regu!ar 80e, DO • ehildre.n's and misses' gauntlets, regular 60 , n w 40e; a quaettty of plates; eupe, saucers an all crockery goat at a bargain;. 221be of Red - pa h sugar for 51; 26 ibis nice brown peer for 51; ev rything wil be sold at prices that will op ei the ey s of the sharpest buyers. The highest- pssIblo pi es will be paid for butter and eggs in exciange. Co neand. get some bargains and Wiley y ursV.fi, J. H. 'WHEATLEY, Har oat. 1775-13 Fu ir Department. Fine furs. There are -furs and- furs. The fun we sell are 'guaranteed. Back of our guarantee we etancl with 15 years of square dealing. This ,store cannot be undersold on furs.. We have established- eureelves in it poeition, where it is impossible for ordinary buyers to bay as low, We will mention a few specials English hare ruffs, regular 80c and 85c goods, grey and 'bItiek only, for 50 cents. Specials in grey lamb collars cellarettes and cave All sizes and styles itt lathes' Astrachan coats, from $21 to $40;.-- , Also ladies' coon coats, electric seal coats and ,Persian lamb coats a twiees unequaled,'qu_ality for quality. Men's Furs. EverY day we try to do better than the day before; and the way the business goes proves that we enema, Men's coon coats, extra values, from $30 to $50., Another shipraent of black calf coats to hand, natural color,at .15, each. The price is not particularly low, but very low for the'quality. Ordinary brown, calf costs from $18 to $20. Special prices in wallaby and wombat coats. We have a lint of brown dog coats in stock, which will be found a first-class coat to wear, at $16.50. Choice stock of sleigh robes itt the genuine Saskatchewan, buffalo, Bish- op's bear robes," in all -colors, also Galloways and goats. Clothing Depa ment. Nothing but the most approved sLyies and be.F,3t. makvi.4 , .1f, most approved style§ ana nest m store; hence netliinn but t Many Special values will be found in this department from We will mention the following: Special lines of men's frieze coats, pure wool goods, all Rubber lined frieze coats, two colors, all sizes, at $8. Specials values in men's beaver overcoats; also iany s youths' and boys' suits. Alt the lates novelties in men's shirts, collars, ties, cap chiefs, &c. Special values in lace curtains, chenille and tapese cover', etc. 0.4~40-444.0**Nommato. Highest prices paid for Butt and Wool. comae into this - ea^ eerifee mos can OW until Xmas,. sizes, at $5, ecials men's, hats, hanclker- . cartar'ns, table initEcT 11,11. PICKAltD El; CO. IMPORTER Opposite Town Building, Corner Main and lki41ket Ste., Seelorthe