HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1901-12-20, Page 2-7 '4 nnyril DECE-A-IBER.1'20 19''
A.U" A
—%Kft -AN If If If
Cls that a curious manner. xiley ala tA*1r.'0w-l1
REAL ESTATE -FOR SAJr yea, :our entire world is oia--: ought t spe X, gererous dee
FOR THE FIR8T TIME ch . . . . . . .
now pathway. j� It ii�lay be swinging ws oug orform. ALE The house and XrOUR& boloogingto All tho you cooking. They bad their own ellot
in the 0awo old orbit as when by alld I toward kiug this world, with priess imported from Germany.�
I %sr -
th! lat, S. G. Mo0augbelt, corner of Church. &ack
be sol.d better r we must do very They were PIOUS Scoundrels, as -the. �e I�
r 0 M, hZE 9 F_ D.
atr,,ets. Seaforth. Th rt tile hwid. of. tli m y rl happie
REASONS WHY MEN MAKE 80 MANY- r along with their, er f
cheap atd on tasy term&. 3 was �prfiikled; with worlds., but it a l'-Josliva and dence shows, fo 74
1784-tt �ew
J RNtY. -is b roaked With. cart cuOi fixes a:nd pray MISTAKESilli L�FEFSII Ili 0611 11 ep his tr er books and pictures of
QU 06PS never catilo back.over the
saints tire records showing that they -kept a -profile fit'
M FoR bect whoak bill and scorched fires and way they Were marChing t6ward tho
aniub-4� Ninety, aores ready i�r o sets of scales—one for buying and
In Suuhora M viielmed witl tidl wave$ an,4 crossinQ, :of;! the Jordaij. The i
mpress tw
Phe&t next year . 6a w3res hsy. Goad now suble ttendant ill, r. she turns,
wrought upon by cli�'natic changes of th e S adal -or the barsa feet of each one fo selling—and -the 'a
d%nd Tweve, dol*e rot aere. Several REV. DR, ALMAU, S SERMON11 show �ou �a parchment book in which, =4 prattle; farms for sale. Write cities sunk, ad isfalids lifted, ank soldier is owed in w utt direction he
BHA -W, DaX 17, B011rsevain, Manitoba. the manager notes for the edification of _*f Tiew, or
mount,ftins avalanclidd into was go�iig, but never did the impress In Walking tho Piarthly kilarimaze, Dien ','o it is anothw world than of the* -'sandal of any one of them t. 4' 0 lip,
his employers that lie cheateda fish t he or she pr
0 ego of fish—a vog beIng thin-,
ut of 200 v
which Was first started in the uriled. Wo are
FOR SALN.—For 831a, Lot 27, Con- silo t I had r t eta- "the blessing to tur
A Tkv ing New rotits, For They ty-six PC
es, all rp e�ll nyTT
system4 Yet. it is all the etlernity t6'C:omc-. There is
sola. qV401elit
'4, UcKillop, contlicing 100 act tim all Xac, e lk14 -,But
arcd� well fenced., underdnii-d ad ave Not P irsixed Thlis Way Befo!rell x a ll lt�ep . changing un� of God upon this rstpall profit." Th 4: SHOES of �M§ffllffi There is a go,)d no i ti*Lt. Alert.11 ss and Jidelity.
ite of cultivatiou. scription over the door of the counting
high at �ter In abandon
Mgkk 11ouse, large ba- k barn with stone stAbbnir, —The�r _19hould, Tkierefore, Follow the til the'llour of itsL demolition. O� ssing all
wou c not. be so importiint if we XAVIlien you want the hik-hest 0th" ride
4. It Pi withia house �reads, "Wlthout-God'o ble
ty at wabcr andagood orcho-rc . this beautiful world, this lustrouo -could tvathfully say: b�, ck t%
sessorth mud withIl s, mile froal a Divine Leading—It 11�y Fo thbi Ozly is vain." them,,# but doWt
world-, , this gl( rious� world, it. M4 heragain. The t Ine's I neglect shoe st�le—thc nnost �eauti ul
'd Scaforth Pi 0
ly on the premiscs, or t
caftoo'. OpOortunity. t passed this The money was kept In an immeug at are - C
be said Ye have no now I ill do the nc�xt time I come, 1"Ironbound chest, divided into compart- finish combined with correct,fit,
Entered a.coording -of Can- way b�fore. I wili be refficarnat(4, nd T will re-
l'M FUR UA615.— Arm 112 _,�taAatof Parliamet i A lightness and jigrecab)
Stanley for a --Ie, Lot ad&. in the year'401, by lVilliam Rslily. of To- What is tile �practical use of this sume my eaxthly otligalions.. 111tv i ments. of varidus sizes, some of them wear h Idl a bushel, In which were deposited Shoes�'tbat are fiv�hionably r
�9, C necs4on a,- containing 190 - actoa. I A ronto, at the Dop'� of Agrioalture, Ottaim, of putting' than'lhavo erjo-n, just keeu
-4 aothudwoodbu-3h. it Is in a zo3d subject? Instead C nthe, i moi t 0 "It
70 knowledge v
VM,Iul. V� acre he a ous kinds of coin until t e collect-
undardrOne t. much stress upon human advice iLua! correct—no matter what sbape do-WIL VIG oeftu '.,Df cultivation, well tonot a and W-shington, I)cc. 15.--�-This <Iis� now, I will discharge my carthl dut- or cam6' to make his periodle'al settle- turn aud drar U
ith stabling, and a -Lsking of! the pO what
Fm imam vlberc� is on the farm two b %rne, x instead of t ies better than. I con i ment. -,At t1iii bottom and in he sides of or style -
t is conveniently situated, course is a most now discharge
Imlies from Clfn�on and.1 mile from B%ird's seho 1. tion of things that take in
unustial prescilta, it t t ow tile dir 0 r1lot giV1. YOU Can get the in AVL4 toe. i and- 0
we 0, o do, loll Vill$ t hem. � I d Solem farewell the chest are -secret compartments- for ni. n
WGIREGOR, on the leading as ill inell of Joshua fol� ers of fortable, mlfaT
QAdro�a all inqlilrles to JOHN to these obligation., and oDportuni-� Ing contrActs and other pop
lilany,likes, and Dr. Talmage pleads conceal. 'Sovereign" shoe. j�o Vay
W.emles, or MRS. D. NoGREGOR, 2ad Conewsion, I
lowed t e goldmi lidded chest of t e a4' ties, but a 4miling and cheery.go d
c'-Zath, Seaf orth, Out. 1708 tf for merciful interpretatioft of liu- 0 value. ssi4K how V
Sovereign" shoes epre�,ent
cia, which wxq of thedif bye until I see them. gaill." NO.
maii bebtivj0r. The text is Joshua 1placent gaze
f at 10 cann the highest and best in shoe look da
i'mit FQR SLE.—For cale, Lot 9 and hat ili, 4, "Ye liav� not passed this way, vine pre;ence. Not, human,' -but dl� �We ot s4y that, There will be A DAY OF �SSCRUL3BING�
vwod to
:011 th.1 14th Concenion of MC10110p, contsint.-Im vine, I ledership, Joshua liot con-� tion of the
heretofore. no new and corrcctqd edi making.
-4 UtIBO&-rekof whichb4weon 00 and 70 aercs _Uingr In be 1r0P on t a.
suiting, with I is colonels ndlicut of earthly Rffe. Af ter we The Real Thing In Houneelea
am clear -d. The buildinza are fairly good, the In December, 1 waded the vol unie;' Flexible, light, stron what siwt
-ig with 0 d
a and
ftmw being nearly new. Itlawthin6milesoftha ten, 1�ut cousultil 0 make� exit from the,� 4tage at the CIO -so Dutch Homen.
riv& J ordan, ai d, al t! ho ugh the cur- lvkrle
t e handsome.
I Waltop h GID;, of individuals, the .0"'od of of tile fifti, ct we -eliter
It is a go.)d fr*,m and su'tible
roll vas abl, ar daili re It was understood generally, says ]Aary
4 rent. was stron I i e to be, the
f*r t icher gra.11 or pasture. A smaller farm would IlatiolIS the God of orlds. ilillic, of people have Laced or bultoned slibes $3,00,
t4O broug
AkenineKobnnrc%sP1rtp%ym0a,t.. it not. sold up qgailist it, ut in tile time of 'A. Pelxotto, writing in Scribner's on
How many ns ing t
-that our mod-
tor,atermof years. Applyon That three-quartdrh of a mile dis- of all
OMM, will be rent.d lwing freshet, wi Filows oil and died I kno iv not, but household waysIn Holland, $3.5o and �+oo.
ien the 411.t never �.Oetl
Vjb-- prewite; or address Walton P. 0. JkNlEi tance between 4he ark or sacred. box the hu�aan race. who have gone,only 'or Oxfords $,z.
_Moun li t a els would not pose on Saturday, -that day Low shoes
PB 17654f t Lebanon melt, nothing b I t,3 10jZ& atl your
even persons of
infracle oul(f enable illy one to and the front colu�lli of Joshum's tkitit I now thirdr. being devoted exclusively to houseclean,
ftt the 3�d:Kt con'
mwt. Farly In the $2.5o, and $3.00 per pair
litily iAtLpresses i�ave r�turncd, tile smi of the widow ing withil aud wIthc
LkLK—Farsale that very desirable cross the rie'r.1 It was at the dali- troops nlig
tARM F OR w4 se6, shoi
farm'o'n'th, Mill It, wkotsmithi AdJ 'I was 0, forc"Ill. wily 6f teaching re- rnitur6js xub- Branded on the soles- 1
J.ad,'T gerous sprinktime that Joshua and of Zardphath, tile youlig man of I morning everl.,-,-otick of fu
verence for the ;Almighty. They need -
v I'age of Egmoadv Ill [t coiltair.9 OT aor I bed and wiped -caref ally and taken.out 6f ta- be -Ma44 to I the C
-,rs 6f I is army ttered XILLin, the ruler's da gliter, Tabitha,
state of cultivatio-1. the officL g your eet
swil iall cienred and: irr a, goid is a �-,:)mtortable ed to learn thEtt lesson of reverence and 'Christ, the house. . Then the women, with their In,
Eutych�s, LazfLrus
well niaderdmiaed. There N� or d s o f my t ex t to the people who I P 130me r1i
aw Ith root, celtb6r au All, tirely flood the �ooms SOVERE10 SHOV
0&k cottage ong, all the �"ges to come I
0 do
and good barns,7 in, a 4ew hours to cross the. as w 6 all -need to 11 arn 'it. Irrever- skirts tucked �p, ed their best
near the
4t.,%UttuIId,;p1prs. The buildings.are one n4tions, au�d none ilot
TV. Is well Jor(lail. e ha� cursed all with bucket after bucket of water ting
In and OD th4 Mill Road- About that crossing we suppo§e there will be one more Richardfon & AlcIariie, Sole Agents for Seaforth
tteatre of thelar tomes a. day W
who will retukii to this life, haing
[Ity, of soft'- water in the kit0hon. more, than our own. Irreverence in
qwxtered. and le) say but little, beeause on a brought up fr6m the canal by means of. for ohia -ch and sch---3ol U od's nax the shoulder yoke. With broom an
Ift i-3 conveniently, situkted, occa.�iou i we discoursed con-. 4e. Ilcai�, , you I once lef t it. d
Will be vious
if *Pir S
d brush: they souse and scrub the red tiled
an within a. mile and Et half of 80 it 'not on tile strects! aud in 'social At this point I ask you to notice
ewytarmsotp�ymenh. Apply- cOrning that "piling up of the waters le
and c floor 4:1nd finally Pull Up a plug in'dne. co -r -
ERT FAXSO�(,. Seatorth. groups, and is not profane word i Ille fact that my� text doei not call
the proprietor, ROB into.: crystal barricade. Ive only I - R com
1748-tt I I ner to:; let the water flow out, let us hope, 4er
sometimes thouglit�neccssax to ! ,�Lttentl?l t tt rossi of the Joi
of the march to tile brink of 1 0 10 C ng Sauer Sale. 4) -ver and show
has point jocosity? Irroverence for -the Ly into the canal.
er. No stranger thi dan but tq the -wt leading thereto. i�f the truth
P roft aALY.—For the riv 11g, While the floor is drying a great porish,
Y TOWNSHI titres, the phr0cology f OtUer fai-'
Baund&ry of Ha3r all hitory. We
Scrip t till 'think much 0 our crossing of
Wle Lotm on the lJorth ever occurred ill, . I lngl�gbes on In the street. Quaint old'
f Bible aftn duca into the most
lronshl� This farm contains 10 acrei, 86 s3res
n- i enant was 11, �Iie Jordan when ��th march of our A and candlesticks, tobacco t ju-st exac
It Is well u vs convel-sa. made brais � amps
Zlearci, the rest go%d herdwo:4 bash. fril olo, tR ii, and life is� ended, but 1) t too little C111-1, ta aft
acia Nvood, over- i
good stoa3 ho -ase brillialit, olicst qf aq,
Thera Is a fri-everenco for I boxis! and, ash trays, huge milk cans—all
derdralued and fenced. mirth rovokiig. LL s _0 re, we are prepar rge b�%uk bix1n; Implement �)basis on the w the Having "' �ened' our new Bto ed to selul one ii"golug
laid mir
q 'th a Ko %r; la , i oil Vie op 0 W lie I ay a eL o
cell la 8 ehblln- stom I are rnished until, -like golden rors,
-es f a the oa. li in courtroom or cu at -ou. and T need
vuea; 4heep house 7,Dx751, with flv#�O were two �Vingc figul eing each 1�rosslllr Wh- i� -te You Just'
2 gatca thev. reflect the red cheeked, white capped goods at sacrifice prices and will hold a bargain ale -until
(?ad otabard,
d root cellAr underneath; a 9 house ]e,(r VQ
It was five: feet long and isla1i iall by the con- X1lost to :care about is the direction.
is 121 acres of fall *heM, other. you bave'
evelIs ana cistern. The ventiolial- and niecln�ftical inode of of tile fa�ds �ent over them.
11 manured; 40 aarcs three feet W�ide- . Poles were thrust oad we are a i1iinis
ed on a. rich fallow, '%*a We ilig the isame
tly, the rest for -s at the side, and by
.6,Loded diwu recon L116 rilm d tratiDII. Irreverence foi- ileed have no fear ol the crossing if The: lacquer man is busy on Saturday.
Thia Is a No. I farm, woll sitwaed lor t 1 911 He g es from boiso to house painti 'g the JANUARY 11thl _11902
tile holy Sbba li bNtAlie way it is n
'is the ark was lif t in the
job office, etc., and those pole ed. This come to it right way. In
'�x�ursion and bread. trays and lioney cake boxes with
"4i ly on the p-enllads,or brokcn� in pleas re
VVill be aoli reasonsb'y. splendid box was'to be carried three�- �tll. e r v7ords,. we need liot care about desIfIns of gaudy bird4 and Nvoudro'us We are en
cargusti. Irreverenoe oil the part arging atu stoc o h.e* -an. up-to-date igoods Aind ea sasfy
1W.4 quarters of iii� le ahead of the hosts death if our life has been wha it leaves and flowers.
ol chilldren ISO -
e 11 1 p Light to be. We wi� I dic right if we TAe street is in a turmoil until noon, 0U±
I on the way to the crossing� for theii- parents customers in all lines of Dry Goods, Groceries,! Boots and Shoe.,, Hat% -vvhatt has b:
kNLvy Fol:t SL—F.reale..Lit of Isr,
ST -vtce bping sulis.itutpd for obedience.
7 Pa -r Liao, $tanley, coatalaing That distance between the box lid livd I igh t. That was a glorious i the Caps, Furs, Hardware, Orookery, etc-� van Who wor-D
7, concession when �order is partially restored an
30 rore.-, go &ere,-, J. whch�are ual�er cult-tvatioa.; the I dv $ must b� rreverbnee for -ulers, which . ind ' 's hnhaAlontindrency, constable has b
alving UCL scant�midday mcal partaken of. Ili the
P ftnecdland m ell tile draiiled. The baau(c is kelit because A re-ve�eiice- Therl' vile cartoons it d ss,"sination. Ir- 61 France, said when. eU
0 dying from his afternoo wshin� is resilied. The ex -
'a buildings, and
�Z-Iol bu h There ara eomfo,tabl C charchi during prayer,
I divint reverci� e in wou -iors; of the cottages are Some Sp'eclaL§
411 in, -- o irpair. The farm is within fivt mil.9 of Was Sancti ty ill that nd,� in battle. Bogle one stand tei s(�rubbcd -fro -�ever see the Ul
4 th.(e 1111ps from Var.na, ivid ore ineasuiling off s lig sermon by i1tg b�
]Ktrpen station, sylnbol that they raust observe by advised him to show the roof to pavement and ev&y trace *of What has b
iiej f am Hills Green, vhira are tic )r lit ry erkticism; Boys'long booto ranging-ia value from $2 to $2 53, for 903, Long elb boots, regukr
-anl a half; m cold, 'artis
keeping off thre'-quarLers of a milo 6-anie courage in dyibg that he had mold remoTed, for in this low, wet air the 1W man ho ic
t ta -10
4Z1surhes ttne p-,st cra-e, &c. There 1-3; a s0bool $2 to 82.50, for 90c. Far caps, regular $1.50 to $3 50, for 90 and $3
nd pi, his lif time. To n reg- V a turk-ey
oix #1c corzicr cf th3 farm. The�e is a znod oreba-d away, rrhey Inust "Vatch that glit- a�-er Liniq neither bowing Cloth c4a,
�hown during his lif this green: mass gathers quickly: Tile I the ith
ior bc for lie rep1lied "Gentlen ell :and
4and h never failinF gpring at wattr coaveh�ent t) the 'and - follow, otherwise the licalld, ildhirr the knee nor 4ellow brick pavements are drenched n(I care nlar 40.- to $1.50, for 15o and 75c. L%di(§s'. colar and muff set,, regular. 86 to $1 We
tering box $3 to $6. Ladils' Cos ingal at �extra
This is &-i exceptionalS I standi�ig s one sence �ood fft�ni, de-. they would los& thL,-1r;'wA:Ly and not doe r oldiersi, I thank you all very �indly fully dried, and -I haTe even seen the we- t* regular $1 to $2.25, for 75o W $1.51D. M -eia Bul
-sirbly sitw.ted, and wilt 1: a aci!d 6heap an I on. e%sy I COW pjices. D;hner s0s, regular $7 to. $9, for $5 50 to $7.25. 'Tea setio, regular q.25 to
of all;, earthly ruldr, thus s1lowing foi- -your anxious care nd co men lip off their sabots and tiptoe to
"Apply, on the prem'set or. addraiq 11,119 arri'Ve ,it tile I-Ight 1) ace for cross" �icern `1$8, for $2.60 to 6.50. Bedroom sets, regular $1.85 to $6, for $1.35 to $5. -,vegetable i3oul.
17n-tt morb respect for a ih6n thani to the their doorways in their woolen cliaussons
-V eea P. 0. J&ME;3 WQRKMAN. had ngverl be U erd b J bout ie, but the 1111clil who hasi been hat 'has
cd� 4 01 lCing of kings. We' ask not,, for so as not to soil the immaculate siden-alk. who 6
fore. aud they;-Aiust be guid r criable(f to endeavor to live well for
LE 'For sale, L,)t, I, in the Tow i CALLAND SEE OUR VALUES.
a. 'tasily. toward evening. the enti-re vil-
kitm FOR SA 116 genuftexiolls 0 circumflexi4 or fourscolre years past c e had
rason Joshua. utters t C) wlien sh
4* that , till never lie ship c f Tackersmith, Coneepsloa S. 100 aereg of 1, hilLve lot prostrations, but wlien prayc�. is of- , 'lag pes to the canal, aud till the -sabots
acres cleared well uwordralued. Solendid words of illy Lex to se I I w to die well for
fered. -let us eithrw b w the hod(I or 110 W 10 are ith pumice
farm far grata or ai�ock,'well wji4red, a xuin'ng 0 it waslied and vyhitened w
be 'b,
passed this :Wav And (I r r Of an, hour."
spq -hale y3ar rans through Ithe farm. Also be' (1, 1 e knee o r lot us in so' stone, .� spotless for the morrow. On eys 'what bas
ng the v% W Humphr Son
n ill we wa. have them
6 u ipleildid 4ink barn, loew y uev, the subordinae officeits -it the -h e a d y IVhat an absurdity it wokild. Sat
vei t
Whiz!h is 60.k-64. with -tane stabling uodarnea'h. of the regimule ts repeated it, "Ye pro thvt we twe not indiffer6lit. In been fot- Joshua and his m�n tol havo urday evening all the pickets of the.low their i8, Rod kitcti-)n IgxW, with how nilly plaw ave presumption 'WALTON ONT. ftlso. frame house 24x, black fences are decorated ith ro
skcd'each other qucstions like �bcse:,. W
stor.o ce Ur, a two go Wi a. i pro- ]lave' ilot, pa, sed this way hereto� hat h
dripping footgear carefully -ra at6d
and foulliardillecs, taken the place. woman' whotzi
tot0e." "ITow 4all we cro§s Pic Jorda 'if w
ty is situated' in a vety clestrabl6i; loamlity. with
of reVerence! That, three-quarters of -es the fa-
y said of the size from'the big wooden she It, ispoolls, teapo
11dil vel roids to Lnarket,on' i to What was trthfull got theke? ill P4 Ithe ile t99
y n, niIIL
)ir%. 'so a good dweffin-Xhon�c in Soatort-1, 'le between the cliest
EL nil of acacia (jeep allow thfr 001y'a to the tiny sabots of tbo yollu-
iu;�khig our first
-Park. said ted with
it Israelites play, be irtAlifulty to
41tuaws on eman a;rect, cqpw to Victoria I us to- "Wah! Ayj
ims, welt 01-nished, of us.. We 1covered with golA gest born.
be so lat we For puke bloo�t, a brig t eyei'd clear
Skis hcusa 19� compwtd at Sro symb I of the divine pres- not all tl &,nd aott water, and kitc�hen 20xio, and last journey through this world. WlllgS7— A -woman, -who i
pIcuty, of hard lose ou, IlVes by cx!posure? I-ITO
partry and wash - room att%ohed, and a goal. ence--and tile 111al
Aulphui. complexion, a ke n a petite, a good
)-eoinlellts Qf
a soul to the
It iS PGSS-ible, its some of lily good 'LIS not!
111411Y 0 swilli? ad w ,
ivrood,&d. A, good sthib'e 271xl8. All of this pwWrty Sulphur occurs very widely d1stribut(I digeztion and ref g sleei), TAKE
friends that this world felrerellee that is' better w
Ing the prea�
(I in social life, -in
be co alid
particulars con3ernlar this
anust be sold a# the unclarAgned to nining to ti rtit vi4il t4e ahnual fi�esho in th6 mineral kingdom, partly'free fll�'
w1itcd- St.tes. All Duri- woefully lacking id
Il.LS subsi�le " o such fo didl P.'Irtiy combined with othet clenients. Ire
Drpwitv can be had by pplying at Tits Exrosuft &ce jr 6 tho projActo.-, JAXES fled mid floraliked and eniparAdised legislative IIELII and religious assm- 'T401d -of
were chiefl free sulphu"r is eltlier found pure in regd- BRISTOL S SasepealliaL_
I.they'cominit. They, v an-!
2orth. 1762-tf as
-cliwate and soil antl,character blage. A farmer went to the wheat-
1'xious about the waV that they had larly tormed-crystals or intl=Wy Mixed i-t�,Xatbel
fulty it become EL heaven for field, tking his� son with him, The
STANLEY FOR SALE.—For eale, L -it the ransoIn'ed, buL'I do not think it. child said, "Th4e stalks that stand "not pt�sscd before" and were 3gnor-. With earthly matters. In its natiF Buffeto tb
VARM 1. ve state
ar0t1qe34 the Liver qutcken.� enjiqjred
�ir eyes o a the ulphur Is la�gely found in Sic!Lv d It
9 and the wast halt of Lob 8, on the 12th cone -3. ant of and to- keep he W
*�wa, or Bronaart Line. at St tbley. Tula f jorm I have all idea that heaven. is &I- cirdulation, brightens the spirits and irdlated, as th4
ly and as a general rule in abun'dau
tains 160 acres, all ot will 'weph f -urt, ready generally improves the health. a -tountry toA
traight up must.iliave the best grain.
c cia box, win- Ve
leh.ls oleired, ex, built l6wilere. Our de-
goldQii covered a
hich was the ark 6 io; canic district
-it bend over cannot
ce. It i -a In w shts. of flrat�clasa cu'tivatlon,. I tl 9, The brittleness of qu p4ur
IThose stalks th;
parted'frieli(istald not wait until be worth anything tile fa -
:fence and all, uaderdralned,mostly with Kle. Tnere covehant, renders the cleavage huperfect. 6ulphu.
Alary from a
as new, ivi I` . IS --2ight years trial have proved it to bd, the most reliable d kinus-f
Is a large frame cixelltiag house as g,)o,. th, this wo Id I fil I up for saintly anil ther broke off two 'of tile tops. of,the
'14 . , ixtv BLOOD parifter know.,
0 hearer, stop b0therhi 4bout, ric acid is an imp once Istalks and said, "Child, that 0110 ortant combination and
;gjod a=e foundation and. uallar, large b4uk b:xrn augelie resi �Ice. 11avii I - k -d widow Nn
stme s.lab!in your: ek By a Tery da
g underneath, aud numerous ollisr X�t from sublunary scenes, ngerous one In Inexperienced
t �Tie- world, 11 -do not, that . bends cl Ir over has 'tile
'bulldingslnoludi�jgalsrge� ptg houie. Two good golle 0 ptip
tha numb�i er, a -T
All druggists sell TOL'S."
tile, gra0c, of Ood 1, t your heart hands- Sulphur combined w! BRIS
orchirds cif choice fruit think we will cpme back, except asi grain.�" It is Nic soul that 'bows 'd t ake I
also nice sh-tde and orna. 4e .0
Tnent'xltreea. Thera are two ep ring e, reeks running right iand then g'. allead. if 1110 of elements, such as !roll, copper, lead,
-4 h6 in deepest reverpnee which is th talkin
llgi -spirits to 1101) those w Z with
Zhrough, the farm, and plenty of good wxte- ll the Lord takes'eare of you clear oil to. etc., furnishes the sulphides. In the v
n the �a'rthly 4truggl� or - best soul.
car round %it the bank oil tl�is qf etable kingdom suipbur is a, small iropot r, hov
:y hoUt Punl?iDg. It Is well OftWIted for
cry pleas;
anarkett, churches, ghoo 9, pod oalie, etc, and ood PCI*llcll)S to Idok at die wondrous But though JWiva's host observ- stituent of the clbuinluous bodies
.1 - to
I think yoLt 6 -Lin Irtuft tae,
igravel roals leading. from it In all. directions. ok -A-*y of tt beZ
t is Spectacle ot r� burnincl! �lanet� cd the' three--cliiarters of a niilc% certain volatile irritant oilq;
within view of L-zka' Huron, and the boats o -in hs yoif- from bnk to bank, from tile moreover, d com
a' we on this Sid the strealn , to Orm
cocoa ozsdair up and, down ft01nthCh0113a. This i;j lnan�, they tiollowed the arleand tile Vegetable juices contain it in
of Cc I, lier side,' from
Kvifl be sold o.7: easy terms, as the proprietor wanti to first time walking the �carthlv pil- Ville leatling asitl a long
10 path ou tread
%cutire on. account of, ill health, Appl el
gone of the best -equipped fars. la the a 3unty, wid fLre VerY sure tll;, 1AVeu7t had I
t W01% faosr the you will! do wef to follow the di- tile palilis r'fln sulPhate
y on the preml- grnilagq. tble last kiss of sorrowing ones on S ason 0han 11140b# 1_ sbo:
We, or adJre6s Blake P. 0. JOH'_,� DUN9. "Yd have n�t passed this now ii -al, noi ye4 been trodden,. 'ye
1.734-tt Stoe I r
this 1d e to the welcome, qftilltj�
t�fijd t!
way before,"4 Pvery Iminute is a
io pa, before.
lave t ised!this way There ar uresque old ctig. A A. Ak Ak - . enrik
any,� cberubiql seraphic, de,ific, oil the othe e A lot of Pict
now millute, cve��y,hour� a liew liour, A -d 3ro
of you aro suffering frolil jtict ties Rlid fortresses on tlie coast of Swe- W117h
side. 11(eep your eYe on the ark, in
11 yU11%Xo 11S. lave not,
0 dpn inwhich garrisons re still
ccul'_ I alld, whatever betidcs, you NN A maintain -
have gone! over the same ro,ad ied in all P-0
folks have
You Mia -Y Need %'Our WsLory-: There eK1, but they we Tile seagon is iapidly changing, The hot we4ther of gUffitriet: IS
through 'all right. uld not l4st an hour if at.
e travelill but it is our first teell meannesses �practlsed upon yo�,
w e ar 0110 D, qsjter m6rintit Alassena, tacked by modern gu
us1 and Projectiles.'
trip. N6,w ap�pearances
new temp- er you have recoived slights oi 91VIll
you the They are re -enforced, h8wever, by earth g place to the cool -of autumli, foiHowed Eo'on by the told of
df Frai.ice, ppea-red with
ati.011, wor"-, with tile very best of:artilleiT.
4 A tatiolls, liew orrows, new Joys. are the subject (y,f misinterpret.
18,000. armed men Cn the heights
That is the r�tron so many lose or you. are ill tl�'� widst of sore df�- Swedish guns rank among the highest, inter. This. cha go requires. chatge of elothing. Sumpi-ey
ffier P`P above 0)0 tov�n of FflAkirch. There and several Swedish p�tents in ordnance
their way. TI ly Ill t some one on a ointments o there are demand
and ask for direc- made', upon your,( strength and time own, have been already adopted -by the fortifl-
For the'road'of life were no�ariiis to def-nd the t suits must give plale to fall Sal d overcoats. Tou W ece
Cuts id and., the Iiiihabitants were. wild with
tioll, al ivro (lirection is given. niore � than YoUl call meet or same I cation boakd of *the U Ited States. All
B:u.r ft's. Cramps terror. Then the old dean of the
W 0 have all be a perplexed by mis- physk�l ailment, is laying siege t the harbors are protected by torpedoes,
Bruises church* cried out.,.. "IN -T Ili -others, our, range of suitings an4 overecia �ings at 6nee. carry 041,
Diarrhoe this y
-king the way to your castle of healill. or you: tire till-
directiall. after ai�s and Stockholm Is absolutely Impregn able
"lire have been do- from the sea, being -sit the best at moderate
All Rowel lclftste�j Day!
%hod to vAsit. Some der eixibarrassnielLts that you. es. The fabrics are su_,6h as t mcd the
soille-place we wi. cannot a4ted upon a fiord pri�
d to us, " thel first road pending 'on our own aixength. and or' bay � that canno
one s4i wentibn even to'gearcst friends. Yo�' t be'! entered except
turn to God. Ring throtigh� Passages that are narrow and oferAaed elothinvand
Ight, and, h&ving- gone a Y: "Well, I that fails. Let approval of all.
It, is a sure,. safe a -ad quick remedy, to, the 1 11 ver saw I We M e a spe- It
mything the bells iind have setivice as usual."' easily defended.
mile. 6.n that read, take the first like this. I iiev Driq expe6ted sucl� i
There7s only one PAIN -KILLER_ 'Then the b�ells rang 6ut sweetily and
road on, -the left, and you will soon treat mient as thlt. I never thought consequently are prepare�[ to
PERRY DAXXS'� t -give you,entire satisfaction in pur
mightily from the church towers o
ach your dest.liation." - We took. it po sible tq, be placed in suell t, � . Swedish Politeness.
Two sixes, 25C. and 50c. re, $ f
Feldkirch, and the people thronged to fall aud winter suits and iovereoati!,
the advice., but bur Informer forgot ch stances. And when you. n Sweden It is a conlmon custom to
the hous
ti -it -Il in the road or fotgot one say .�It that yqu
are only
es of praver! ior 'worship. hold tbe'hat in the band while talkilig to
I a t i ng, th wor 1.9 of the iext i a friend in public. At th6- same: ti in
ing to -tlic. left, and The souild'of th6� �ells made the ciii
-ads' lead X e to
The Student of the 1-o ciny thi4k that the Austrian army nv'
we took the wrong road � and wei-e to -yo�ifr ow -ii phraseology. If yot oid the dangers of colds in w inter it is'
lost in. tile WOOC 8, alid night came had stiffered'sometbing like this be-' had conic in to save tile Place, and n the
not 111111suflil.to, see announcements 1 7
AlaSsciia and his 18,000 soldiers re- da i I
At this Business Colleke on and we- were put to great irrita- forc,..:Vou, would have papers informing the friends of Alr.
known what
tion and iroub1c. a. flank Ino unable through the
tre,,ttod. By the t" o the bells bad So-apd-sb that he is
is. surrounded by every
to d�' but here i vement
iticentivo, and- assistanoe,'!� T, st
le I ou are not ready. in to this p6lite
fact is, bl,�nie no "e for for, w1lich y opped ringing there was no� one doctor's orders to. confor
or in sight. 13o put yo
to. od 'Work-.- Tha-, lwf
nXI cs. �"ou have had, no experience o Ili 'trust usa4glel
go making lifetime pity soldi F&RWISHER
students IN T
the reasm our As
In God, -------
thein. instead of blanih g them. here this kind upon uhich to draw for and when hosts of troubles
and te�iptations mar ' for your over- Horrid.
le� ra so raPid 7, and also, the reason our are SG many wrong r a�ds, but only wisdot'n and a, 1,you cannot fully W
ow ring all 'tile b 11s of liope and Do you find FallilY a good correspond-
graduatea are, ia constant dernmad. Bcok right oile. You aunot in. mid- state 411 tliq circuillstalices to ally
4-ceping, stenography, typewri �Iiag,, p,31111lar- faitlj.:and Chi ellt7l
(Irtiw upoill your 11111111RA ear, go'to Ood and toll 11iiii -istian t Witph,;and the
-catening perils of your gfe W, I "NO She is Just horrid.
peralwl in till about it. He lc�nows alroady,but
fall lbatk, daliverance
FORK'ST GITY RUSIINKSS COLL14GF, so elitirely, diff6rent,from 3r)uth. Wel*s[ul� ietters as soon as sbe ro.
ehip and busin�sil practice.. ;icx-
its.. fGr wi idoin, for idl fe is till She alw�yo
�t will relieve y(u: and help and 1yo-ur. will ns Fir iture Cheixperli tw F, .-'e
I I , you. it be celebrated all Lip And down the Coivcs t4em and keeps me indebt-ad to bet-
ic-4 is w a I le ap
Y. M. 0. A. Building, L,)ndoal Ont. You caunot iii old ge draw up o n . I
fo the two skies The'God who 1111*01 the time."—New York ITeralld
ed you theough
175 L-2-3 J. W, WESTE RVELT,:Prin. Illidlift! expeelenem )ecii doing ever M=e -the world
0 1,he 1Vay,yQ1i never Pns�*ed before will
stages of existence, 1-0 60 dlversc� 11to 0ouble,b di sobedient 1)ehavioi
y 'On: ecount of' reat reduction irl expenses,
11 r� lie 111'"Lli to da be With you at the crossings.. TD Cure a Cold in One Day! - .9 maliufactur"Ing speciil 11,41es
-is wi4ilol To )n tliO banks of 1he Euplira:tes,� I
we.are n9w able to put, furniture an the All i6tend
Grip=,Oui i .
nine Tablets,
would be fol y al( I
I toi- aill tl ell' t U ader- 11 t116 first chapt r of the Bibletw Take Laxat i ue Bromo Quinine� Tablets. All market cheaper than e4er
A inan of iierve aild pluck jice tho gttte t1irorgil which 1$he woo. The� dru iate refu
(C1T0CGL4TZ COATr- D.) t ake. ne, present growth of London's nd the money ifit fails to rchas will do Well to aH at our w
re el Xe Ing p1-11 , ers C arerooni s, where falljines of mp4o-
is not qualified to ad Ise, a � nian of tl�b world�ellte I.E. W Grove's signature is on each, box. �5
in the" third 1)(Vulatio'n is 2,500 a month.
are' devoid of any unpleasant effect, t iiiii& and shrinking , An act ieVc- chapter of the Bible we see date turuiture are sold t right prices,
the nic Pollulation�pi G reat Dritain
Illat wolil I I C �1; you. enin' gacl thr
pt and certain in action, pleasant t
proin ap g ofjlle�
0 0 11 f0l i which lias doubled witliin the' last 58
- I . i 11 1 �� CIMADC19 X X
ltll(!y are to be Orlren it. I rolili,�
chcapizr than otlier Quiliine p iglit be iulpossible fr- 11.,L�*y f,)" ol FOAle Waseted, nerves
re -
es years.
advici- is -01-dilial-ity �af li�tle �by the scores and Ili thou-
tndreds and
parations. -*Cure Grip, Colds, Coughs, Aroused to NOW
Sorethroat, Teuralgia, �-alid all A
vil, a,
w dwir I .5U6-ces.,-.VS, 0 r- sall(ts. 1; SLerifich �ambs lo letelling
I �Iq L
cold fLjilurcs and then tel w,11'at i� b.e4t i -the f
Ijamb of 100 U: - Rock stricken PIOUS FRAPDS. A 9-affer'er v or 'Years. ]From
'weather complaints. se, Tar its to (to, liot realizing ti -t� our into gushing of VIC We
Relief in a (Io ilocd?, typicaf J art, loxha Tbis" de&rtmenti is eoin�late'with a Idige
usted Nerves 861 etioil ofth
a- ad -.00
circunistailp 6� best L,
ell -re fi; a day. They are useful at all es are different, ourl iesti fact �at the xNlorl.l$ thirst il goj�lg Ofeitnorlaix of German Traders -of the eeplesxnexx - C-ared � by
ti IS
lit is diff our .1L) I I �'� P obli&ing. Attention given to thr branch, of the bu�; ness.
perlulle erent, sical to be'�laked- 14:1,1' of firo'hoisted Hanseatic L4e ague.
times and an occasional dose will inain-
fD [)Xem of Dr. Chaselo N�rve V 6-ofl.
alld Illental and moral calf)a ities . above 1wildcr1ic<,kp nial-ch. star of Night calle 'Ildertaker
Facinj the lower harb)r of Bergen, at wlLeth�t weak b
promptly iattended to
n . 7
LhOjacc ill a barii. t i h street, -Seafo th, op;pbsite the X
great, iiiis- hope over bi�ll lie �nd of a long row of overwork, worry or diseAse; :the ze- church.
Dee -e
t a looking -for." All dr sts..sen it takcs that have been made havelbeen 'ieI)lllci' Ql's rel'U, 01, Oil, T"Liuvets of bouses, siands a Yenerab building more f lof ;,exhausted felt t ot
a'n the health-11just Nvh t you have Aro.qt of file
U991 quaint old ware- sul Gode e
nerveci Is
ve I SO All heavell to
At 25 cents per box., Illade under, huni, advisenicilL.1 deli tilice Wide 1. neumlgi� pain nervous ll�adache
to 16,verm take part in the I�,wcue of our plan- 94ardon,i one of the counting houses of
ap serious functio-�a.l dera e -
I I not passed this; j�t nlent8 an Ultimately i
nation, than 700 years old, called the Finne� coi
`io, lal. ay be said d
so,j it w, dysp e BRO, F00t, BOX &
the Illfinite Clod lisLellil)_ wi th the league, which has be.en p�eserved in- n paralYsils, ep I-
SEAFORTH DYE WORKS ep.�y, loco Otoi! ataxia prostr4tioll
Ladiea and throug novel experiences. _J0 N..0_4;;V
ILI lur own n�p' blic tact and Ii.now a museum' filled with In -
ay beforN 11
tin earU which, Ilisper 10,000 insax ation r
d , the rerhedy i's f6und.,in
or pa Iniles dway is i's
it at is going t.111 teresting relics of that ceiebrated corpora-
gen, a ible as thull- Chase's Ner-
a and now that anew sea9law Is -at h-tud Could wisest esill,111. tNVelltyr yeilt's i I Proven Jn.
�Iomon, thanicing yoiu� 4 S. managers a -e Food, -as is
IOU, They.show how I
nd the dase� referred o below,:
you. know that I ain still in th� business,, Etgo I1t1vfA I)rol),110--led iiresclit colldi.7 %mployees lived and Con i
Teaay to lVe tAlk abotIC thl 'rent di.scoN,eries ucted business. Mm. Cila . H. Jones, i.Pletcetoh;
domybestta give vou evety Uit-Notign s Quo.,
in doing your work to tho, Hui of cleaning airld dyeing 11-1 r)f the iage harbor and TO t�e Public
I lie 1 cle 1,t -ic power, tile a --�-"Por years f hav,:o Seafo�th
I imls? rilvery 1wesident, Uhe;lcague o�jned the coll- writ bee
�gentleiueree and -ladies' clothing-, done wil hout being igrea Edfrerer with rhy !heart' aptl
ripped a% well as to have theta, ripped.. c
91-css, 11,18 now cl,iscs to meet Eltid Lteatu power,.* tle,U,11C�Scol)lc tilid ini- ideiable portion of the city arid- con- R* d Cedar. Shingles, �ol%A Surroundi Cou tr
J; n y�
All wool 2; inerves. I! would take ,--hakihg spells I
liew (Itlestiolis t( settle. So pro- -olled not 6nly Its maullacturi
gooda. guaranteed to give, good satfatnotiononslint. tr)scoplc p 'wer! sily al)'" 119, mer- and
11 it do. not . a diz
e9b. notice, Sbawls, curtalns,- etc., ab� molar phecios lilade a 0 -0 1 z feeling would corn'
0I ate ;�bout coliditiolis ill 1 autile trade and foreign com but nyie�N% Imming
�bollt t1lci*0iiRCoVeI1l(_1S Wo L I
�hing tr .3x 74 cents;,. 4x 78- cents.
pdoeer. Plesse do not fail to give. me a_cqlI. Blitter t V f :o er
Iti., if ISO its fisheries, whici have always Night aftei nigilt � wi-)ul(I ItAVING FUROHASED
his Call,
i1v N-Vars Jrolh now nake 0eftr by day 1,y day*
and ez t jinever e$se illy ey
ge taken In exchange. for ly 1. een its most valuable industry. es, and illy - he -ad
wor1c. 119110 Ma1v turn ClUt lar untrue as
X10110t, op�oslte the, L34adro, north Main &,r"t.
11611, -is now, Wa the gicatest fish-mar-
prophei �y -a 110"'V 1-0 $ 'At last I had to keLtp to my bed, and undred,
fifty 3
--ies mad:l ad Ni -d' . �1,o traveling., '-y'Q
-e S�s 411 1110 tillie �L ergen 1 NY out I a&he E1H
th Illiere ire B tis though It would burit. No. I Pine Lath, ' 8c pe, h The; meat Busimss
,h *iy docto
th-V grOatest, k)f ssedi 0111s; way before, ct in the' world thouc�
Ine'ricali --statesillen 1,ave not Pa e attended nl�b froin; 'I Pine Lumber.
The Long Distance Te The management of the busines!�,hf thee 'fall o ppring, his medicine did not orn�erly .3onduoted by
lephone tN711cit 410 ol, 1 Ifidd IJ3 tile, other Dressed Pine Lumber for Doors
lat. I But Oosely a fact I
ml yonder capit �lp el
league was inftrusted only to Gie,rmans, $2 FRED P GAIriM.
_klill 0�,tt ft was! ,Ullwis,e to* think which �re hinted"Y'Lt i, tile 2per M. - I . I
2 lei invaluable to Bus*uess: men. You i I oPt'Jl'ng who. were luipoirted for tRat parpoie, and "I have now taken five .)=eq of We true by atficti atteoitiob to buam'Jess
or I prospel that tve Avill 110t,
of civi:lizatioli -ity the oth- Pass t 111-4 NN'ay were not alloWed to n arry lest their Dr. Ohase's Nerve Food, aiid It has WCLUPF & SON§, and ou,
can speak to: 411.0,00 subscribers in ev Side of tho RollcAr agaill. This i r opportulli llyiij a firot CIO$ . artiel af a
_d - R of thousands in 0.4 nly V done me, more good than I -ever 1)e'ieved
Canada and: hun red lid North Mal Street, &sfort to m ronage
ivives sholilld learn its ets. The man- b. reasc erit the Pat,
-the. United dtates, within' u his. r,1(;i11c f4r doing certidw-it i gs that, ought gers an clerks cri a riedlejoe could do. Words fail to ex- m price
a - distain, wcres�ioascd in colonies �piess my gratitude for the wondorrul
Ce r.N*oUld be 17481 bestowid a thelh%te firt ni.'
of 1,500 miles, - Have Youi made �le perpetual abode. �01 be 4011c� Oil 0 1�itles there aro fourte _n, �Cu t by this treetment.- Will the h1gliest zoarkq
ea& 61ony biliving ceiltrol of re rought abou pay
of InLrbarituis alid mountain lions_ riefs that w I t; to solace, hun-' 4. price for
u4e,& faCtOr i a your buEiAess f 9 e 0 Ugl ortain interests and keeping separate -ac- Dr. Chilse's Nerve' Food, 50 cent8. a Y TO, LOAN po�ltry, goodkideeilAW1 and tallew.
we 'lliust 1101, think of annexing ger� Welought to, fe 6 Id that we can MONF.
FadMIlLiason, BP
The Bell Telephone Go., Of Caiiada. thwic �")rbiddillv ikeziolls. ts,�oV its, transactions. The men box, G boxes for $,2,50, at all dealers, cr X011ev to loan at tj per eent on good farm esour.
kil�4 wcr s that ITO slept i4` cupboards ;built 1 to the walls in Ites & Com any, Tor6n o. Ity- Apply to J
t L. KILLORAN, Brjrrlstej�. 9016 WINTIC� A 'Iff,
P VOLV�- geafartX
4 .1
J -4—
rVIXOno S111
,&. Pris6n 0�,
a Purgatory.
Variably- Wft
-He 11001f not
lation to sot
Ms, Pa ' ssionl
In 'this state
ells, aud soel
111in into thL,
)DO more, be
Vellt0ce 'Wei
jit 9pexis his
,57ay 'to a nev
-,plate Of Pel -11'
Renee, 0
Lake Will
in lei
*idth, it h
Thii is 41H
Outlet is �cc
tho Julet is
-with a Sal
-4()% -the mosi
JaRes alwa:
.011e% th-lef
An* Ingen
xlelv way X
Urge nee(314
�of �eaeb tn
etlwr halto
eake, bol%3-
brRak the i,
tbe m:L1
e Prim
of perf umi.
The spe4
V4 are a -Vi
W. Was 141
Not onl
is ,eurecl i
it Am atsol;
uism., tootl
pa,us and -f
world is al