HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1901-12-13, Page 8•
Xmas Gifts.
Which Woulci be ApOre-
ciated bT a Man.
esaintmginot xixtstixwo4
Ebony 4ilitary Br
Leather Travelling
Collar and Cuff S
Fancy Necktie Box
Silver Shaving Mu s,
Gold or Silver Mounted Pipe;
Fancy Tobacce Tars,
The Latest Books,
Fine Purse;
Leather Bound Poets,
ts, in Leather or
Select your goo
them. laid aside.
ow and have
CAPITAL (Pala - $2,309,000'
R EST , ' - $2,300,000
Main Stre Beaforth.
General Bank ng Business trans-
acted. Farmers' le Notes collected,
and adyances made on same at lpwest
rates. i ,
braft sold on alt points in Canada,
the Uni d States and Europe.:
allowed on deposits of One Dollar add
Solicitor Manager.
Grand Tr4nk Railway
Christmas, New Yena: Holida.y Fares.
Return tickets be issued at SINGLE FARE,
g clod going Dedember 24th and 26tb, returning' on or
b acme December 2.6th. Also going Decemiber alst
a riciPanuary lat, 1902, returning on .or befure
uaryood, 1902. ,
Going 21, 22, gs, 24, and 26, also going 28, 29,130, and
81s t, 1901, and; January 1st, 1902, returnimk on oit
her ore January 3rd, 1902. •
chool Vacations.
FAPE AND THIRD for, teaohers and going
D ecemoer 7thl to 31st, returning on or before Jan -
u ary 20tb, 1902. Get certificates from your prin.
uipal, or secure them at this office.
Commercial Building, SEAIf9RTH.
, 1646
Agent for the "National Crearit Separatorr manu•
metured by theRaymond Sewing Machine Company
of Guelph. The universal favorite, simple arid beau,
tiful in design, few parts to clean, easy to operate,
reliable and`durable, more points of merit than any
other separator, a perfeet skimmer isuitable for from
two to twenty.ilve cows. Call at my office and e. -
amine the 'iNational " before purchasing a sepa
tor. Sold on eaey terms. •
-N;V_ Nv_A:TsforT4,
General Insurance Agent, and Dealer in Sewing
Machines and Bicycles, -
" Genuine " Business- Education -
The kind our Students receive.
, Many leading businees colleeies employ our grad.
notes teaohers. Surely this is proof otosuperior-
ity. All 'Or graduates get sitirations. Write for
catalogue. -"
Grand Trunl, Ra:Iway monthly tickets, allowing ,
students to cone daily by train from Seaforth, cost
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
if you want a good Photo. If you
want Picture Frames. If you want
Mould ngs.
Go to enderson's
Open all day Christmas, and E'hotos taken
at reduced rates.
J. P. IIENDERSON, Seafortli.
,lignest Bargains for
In_ Watches, Clocks, Jewelry in 'all its
branches, Sterling Silver, Silver Plated -
ware, Out Glass, Ebony Coeds, Novelties,
eta. Any of these lines are suitable for
XmAni Gifts. Make your selections early
and 'they will be reserved for you. ;
Counter's [Jewelry -Bstablishment,
w. R. COUNTM, • Manager
Ali You Need to Know
If interested in practical e ucation,
is the name of our splendi school,
Cential Business 'College,
We thoroughly prepare young iieople for the
business clinics of life by our complete
courses in Accounting, Telegraphy,
Shorthand, Typewriting, etc. We pro-
vide a dozen oapable teachersand:.type-
writing machines, and produce good
results. • Ciroulars free.
A.ddress, W. H. SHAW, Principal.
Yenge 14 n d Gerrard sts., Toronto.
Bank of Commerce I
tight Million Dollars $8.000,000.
Rest, - - - $2,000,000.
A gertera7 Banking business tram -
• seated. Farmers` Note* discounted,
e nd special attention elven to the
collection of Sale Notes.
SAV I N GS BAN K. -Interest al I ow -
ed on deposits of -$1 and upwards.
Special facilities for transaistion of
business In the Klondike District.
Money Orders, payable at any bank, issued at the
following rates :-
Under $10 .08
to *20 .10
$20 to 880 .12
0430 to 850
.0 no (Expoolt#4
The 13ell Portable Engine.
Vans, Nov. 21, 1901.
Mr. Bell,
Seaforth, Ont.
Dear Sir ; I am 'highly pleased with- the
engine in evety way. She rune like a top,
ia easy tO tre, and easy on wood and water -
She is also very light to draw around.
As I have threshed for nearly thirty years
and have need different engines, to any
thresher that needs a new engine, reconi.
mend the "( Bell" as the best on the market.
Stanley Townshiii,
althOugh it is snowing for the first time
this SerteOn. When we got our building
raised the photographer came and took a
editor]] of it, as he said: ours was the 'first
naised after the lots e open for tale, He
asked me where we ad come from, and
When I told him, he a id the Canadians
,slre out first every ti e.' Wishing to be
kindl rernembered to all friends around
bhe o d honneeof whom we often think, I
am, ours,—JAmEs WRRISON."
t mow ever as embled in Cardno's
Was bhat of Thu sday night of last
the Oceasion bei g the 'second visit of
&este Nevit cLachlan, the' °ale.
, to Beaforth, Near -
were taken early in
r to supply the de.
be added until near -
the hall,was reserved.
entertainnient, long
awed to opmrnence,
were crowded with
om the country and
and villages, and b
' i Tii
' large
rated Seotthh VO0aliti
y all the reserve seats
the week, end in ord
&land newaseets had t
I 1
Iy al the main floor of
THE1 COUNTY EATE.-Tkie following ia- the thl pe evening of th
amount of bounty rate paid by each munia- efo e the hour for th
polity in the county during the present -all the botel stables
bon+ and vehicle's f
Tear : Ashfield, $2 1.98.80 • Colborne, 11,.
479.504 Goderich, 182,204.65 ; G y, 4. the urrounding town
.3.7,; Hay, $1,95L65 ; Howick, ,547. ; the
Hullett, $2,360 80; Morris, $1,94 .80 ; Mo. Wal
Killop, $2,297.30 ; Stanley, f,2,017&) 4 Pr"
Stepluiss, V.138.95 ; Tuokersmith,$2, 115. 8ban
Turnbarry, $1,222.50 • Ushorne, $2,215.5 log
Wavranosh E., $14424'.40 ; Wowariosh WI, road
$1,570.90 • Bayfield, $88 65 ; Myth, $152.70; enoe
Brussels, t246.40 ; Clinton $596 ; Exeteho Lech
te370.$5 • oderich, $962 85'; gentian, $16 and
Seaforth', $564 20 ; Winghane $390. Fax
Wroxeter, $88.17. ,
MoMinhael, of Goderioh street; received tbe
other day from her nephew, Mr. George W.
Laidlaw, who is praotising dentistry in
Queenaland, New Zealand, a most unique
and interesting Christmas gift, The gift
took the form of several Emu eggs. This
bird, Which is a native of New Zealand, ie a,
rare specimen, and the eggs are a curiosity
even in that country. They are of immenee
size, resembling somewhat those of an os-
trich, ionly they are a beautiful dark green
in color. Mchlicheel is justiv proud
of her gift.
I' •
Couzzain,---The reg,ular meeting of the
tme the conctect i commenced th ha 1
so packed that _ rusty who ha not
easily secured seats could not ev a get
ing room within the doors. The even -
woe pleasant, al hough cold, and the
good, and the b lk of the large audi-
came from the oountry. Mies Ma-
lan was fully u to her reputation,
alighted all who eard her, while Mr.
wan funny With ut being vulgar, and
high reputation as a
whole the entertain -
satisfactory to the
Macabeet otruck a
conceived the idea of
non to Seaforth the
is a
fully susbained his ver
comia singer. On the
men seemed to be ve
larg itodience, -The
gold mine when they
brin ing Mrs. Bach
probability that she will visit Beaforth
&gable', probably iii Mareli, aftei she returns
troin the States; and before she reaVes for
Scotland, mi her way o Auetralia.
eime. We arnlerstand there
. •
Trinty=five second
stove , which aro ahead:
price will be sold the ne
ull tt" & Seaforth. i774-2
hand wood heating
• marked away dewn in
• fitteel days at a special
root! for casia. Come early and get the choice. S.
Call and examine onr fine line al harness
before yoU buy, made of the but of leather 13y com-
I was held on Monday evening. The petetit vorkmen. Broderick's Harness $1rap. Se a -
resignation di Mr. Wth. Smith, as a mem- forth 1774-1
1?er of,, the board of health, was acoepted.,.1 IltRBAGEONI.-A .f 'esh consignment of
Mr. J -LM. Best was appointed to go to herbage= alio a quantit of sulphur and glouber
Gode0ob to act for the town in the aotion
ea ts. jus
rived at Ilan ilbon & Kerelakee. Sea-
brought by Mr. W. Anient. Taxes -to te. ,
arnouht of $16 38 were deducted from t pples, 80 ; tuekeye,1
collectors' roll as being uncollectable. A atter and raw foes. ' IA
ANTED. -e -Dried a
indrawn, 9 . Cash for b
King Wing
by-law waa passed, covering certain granoli.
thic Crossings, which had been laid down
without a motion in council. Accounts to
the a ount of $316.75 were passed for pay-
ment, when the council adjourned.
Lewin is the amount received from the
province ,for public 'school purposes by eanh
munieipality in _the 'county, for the preseiet
year : Ashfield, $343 ; Colborne, $222 •
Goderioh, $297 ; Grey,, $418 ; flay, $383,;
Rowick, $466 ;',Hullett, $339 ; McKillop,
$313 ; Morris, $306 ; Stanley, $264 ; Steph-
en, $463 ; Tuckeramith, $303 ; Tutnberry,
$266 ; Uaborne, $287; East Wawanosh,
$238 ; West Wavianosh, $238. Towns.--
Goderioh, $442 ; Clinton, $300 ; Seaforth,
$299 ;I Wingham, $269. Villages, -Bay-
field, $70 ;, Myth, $108 ; Brussels, $151 ;
Exeter $227 ;NHensall, $110 ; Wroxeter,
$54. his makes a total of $7,176, ' i
ed to iatant points this week by William
TRIELLTIRS -The following were ticket -
Somerville, up -town agent Grand Trunk :
Mr. J seph Collie, Egmondville, and recently
of Lo don, to Seattle,-WashingtonTerritory;
Messr, . Wm. McCune and Thomas Love,
McKi lop, to Park Rapids, Minnesota ; Mt.
Robert Hogg, Seaforth, to Danville, Que-
Meears. 3. T. Dickson and John Me-
Tuckersmith ; James Scott, _Robert
tt, Joseph and Janice Dorrance, Mc-
; E, L. Farnham, Wm. Carter and
Medd Constance ; D. D. Wilson, Sea -
forth, all to the Provincial Winter Fair at
Guelph. Fred. Gales, to -Chicago.
bec ;
. Lean,
ming4 of W. Pickard & COmpany's millin-
ery e'stablishtnent, suffered a very severe
aud p inful aooident on Sat rday night last,,
She as, washing a pair of loves with gaso-
line, lien the. gasoline exploded and her
hand , on, which she had the gloves, were
most seiverely --burned. Her brother, who
was Prelsent at the time, t*as also badly
burned, in his endeavors tio put out 'Ithe
flame. Miss Cummings had yie gasoline in
a dish; while there was a hemp at the op.
positesine of the room, but the gasoline,.
eseaping, formed a gas, which became ig;
nited from the lamp, and filled the room
with re, Gasoline is a dangerous thing to
work ith, and people ehould be exceeding-
ly ca eful not to have any light around
while using it. Despite the 'exceedingly
painf 1 nature of her burns, -Miss Cummings
la pro reining as well as eofild be expected,
and her escape from much more serious in-
jury ie indeed marvelotie.
1 -
AN.. IVEnSARY ,SERVICES. -,The annivers- 1
ary se vices in connecqien with the Seaforth,
Meth dist church wer held on Sunday and
Mond y last, and- d epite the very un
favor4143 weather, w re a succees. On
Sunday, Rev. Dr. aniel, of Goderieh,
preached two excell nt serm us. Dr.
Daniel ie one of the mo t able- di ines of the
Methodist church, and his disco rees fully.
sustained his repetatio . They were point-
ed, interesting and implant. Due, no;
doubt, to the veiy disa reeable weather, the
attendance at the Sunday services wise not
• 1
up tie th usual on a D °cc:melons. On Mon+
day evert pg a fair si e audience attended
to listen to a lecture le Dr. Daniel. The
chair was taken by the pastor, Rev. I. Bi
Wallwin, and Dr. Dani 1 took for hie subf
jeot " The swing of th twentieth century."
The lecttra was most `nteresting and was
listened to with the gr atest enjoyment by
those present. Short ddresses were =given
by Rev. E. H. Larkin nd Mr. G. F. Rogers,
B. A„ while excellent min by the 01°4'
and a well.rendered'sol by Miss Pickard,
made up the programa of a thoroughly en,-
joyable evening. Fro a financial point ca
view,- the services, were alAo a success. '
FROM .Z101,4 OITY.T-Y1r. James. Morriaon,
formerly of Hibbert, near Chiselhur0, but
whr, is now, locatedia Zion City, writes to
on December 5th. ..4iou. City, we may et.
plain, is the city which is being -built b
Mr. Doveie, the Faith Cure leader, on th
outskirts of Chicago. Mr. Morrison says t
" Zion City opened for sale on July 151
la,st, and since that time the advances
the prices of property ve been 50 per con
and since 'July 27th th re have been ove
250 houseS ereoted, and a great many are
making preparations- to build next spring,
Between. August 15th and November 15tln
there have been the follow* shipments re.
ceived here Lumber, 211 oars ; teMento
12 cars ; etone, 54 ears ; atuoco, 10 cats ;
brick, 70 cars ; coal, 18 oars ; lime, 15 oars
making atotal of 390 oar loads of building
material, besides thousa ds of dollars' worth
of other freight. Ther is now being built
the Zion Lace Factory, whioh, if only on
one flat, Would cover ei ht acres oi groundi.
There is fine laoe being !made in the factory
now. I AM employed in this faotory, and
there are about 200 others employed in it;
and I never hear any swearing, or nee any
smoking or chewing of ,,obacoo, or drinking
of whisky among the employees. 'When
the men gather for wor in the morning;
we have Worship before starting the dutiee
of the atiy. There are out three thousand
people living in Zion ity, and all have
plenty,* work and g od wages. A mat
and a thaneget from 40 o 50 cents per hour.'
We haVe Inkt1 lovely we ther here all fall;
A I me
hers of Camp Lady --Nairn No -55,
of Soo land, are reenc del to attend a meeting
to be held on Wednesday evening,,December 18th.
Eleotiion of shore for nail year. 1,774-1
dovereeed, highest, price paid for clover
ohan e, Seatorth.
ane tilmothy seed. Hamilton & Kerslake, seed mer -
1/774 -1
A Other blue crate inner a.nd tea eets,
tage lof this, and our stock is now complete. eattie
BroiLt qestorth. ll774-1
Gteat reductions in all lines of .orocery ;
get opt prioeit. Beattie Bros., Seaforth. 1 74 1
Flhwers hheap for the next two weeks.
sr:Lillie, Palirfs, Cainations in pots, Pidmroses, eto.,
at Seaforth Gxeeuhouses. 'D. McLennan. 1774x1
direo ifrcnn .the potters nj England, price
dow , eee them at Beattie Bite., Seaforth. 1
thin e were never cheaper. We have 1.aken
"rhatet Christerias this will, be,"
You can -save money on Goat, Gal oway
and tbe lemons Bishop robe at Broderick's artless
Shop Seaterth.
free f charge. J: F. Daly, jeweller and optician,
goodi bought from no will be engraved
Sea fo, th. lt71-1
1 74-1
SPECIAL NoTion.--Accounts are now
readyi and we shall be plea
ithis inonth, if at all
as eaSy for most people te
and just at the preeent
large amount of cash. Ho
favor! us in this respect,
Shee , Seaforth.
ed to have our cusisomers
ossible. It will e just
ttle this month next,
line we are in no d of a
ing that our Men s will
W. H. Willie, Bo ts and
1 74-1
ur store is open ev ty evening.
hook around. J. F. D ly, jeweller and o
fdrth. 1
en't , forget the concert New
tit, under the auspices of the 3,3rd Re
di. Mies Chrisele Morrison JOnes, Of T
ada's well known Oar let Soloist, has be
ed. The Band are for unate in securing t
s of Miss Jones, as she s the best cornet
armada. Miss Lila Gole, Elocutionist, of
e, has also been eeoured, Master Vernie rown,
boy Violinist, will play several sel tions.
Gunk) Pickard, Soprano, will render °velar
o Ione, with Violin obi gito by Miss MI Pick-
. Mr. T,' R. 'Brown, GIarionet Soloist, and Mr.
1 McLeod, Comie Vocarst, will also take.paet. •
. 9714
ney ohina is a good seller with u , our
all in
n en -
e ser-
k pleases the people ; dall and examine it.
y jeweller and optician Seaforth. 1
ae iie drawing near an having a mut% larger
10 than ueual and a be er aseortment than ever
hew to our ocatomers e have resolved to give
el big snaps for the' Xmas and New Year trade.
a 'Will continue from th date of the issue ef this
et to the last hcur of
J. F.
24 1
1901. Goode bought now
hp ticketed and careful y laid away for delivery
on Xmas eve. Call in and tee us, examine carefully
our goods and get our pricee before you buy. Ooods
deltvered free of charge in town and countrY. All
wrOn made right. John Landeborough, Sesforth.
i verware that will suit all sizes of purses
a 1714-1
aly's, Seaforth. .
, AlYoung has opeded out this week a few
oratee of dinner and toilet frets, imported direct from
the anufaoturers in, England. Cali and see them ;
they re quite DOW In style and design. A o one
cm& f fanoy ohina, suitable for Xmas and w dding
preSents. A great variety f fancy cups and sa oers.
The price we are offering t em at will be sure to sell
thern. They were bonght ght and we will eel7l them
right i A. Young, Seaforth, 1 14-2
Hem blankets and belle. The I best
vehicle and largeet otook in Seaforth at 13roderick's
Han2e89 Shop. 1774-1
RioRa rdsoii & McInnis', Se forth.
Highest cash price4paid for raw _fitamat
S RVANT GIRL WA1NTED.-Gord lqineral
sere* li wanted. Apply to Mre. F. W. Tweddle,
Sego th. ' 1774-4f
Jelsale MacLadhlan'i the Scottish prima
do n , will give a grand obiacerb iri Mitchell n the
nig i of December 26:111.
POE SALL-A good young horse, suit-
able for farm work. Will lbe sold oheap for o eh, or
will take a cow in part payment. Apply to E. Ren-
nie, °reheat, Hens311. 4 1778 tf
etches at special prices, the finest and
largcst stack in the coun to choose horn. Call
and „Xamine o stoak b ore buying. J. F. Daly,
jeweller and o oian, Sea Orth. 1774-1
ti3OAL RRIEFS.-W lie coming into own,
a few days ago Rev. r. Musgrove fo. nd a
pa,ir of spaotaol'es and a oese on the ro d be-
tween this and his sidenoe. The wner
cap secure them by ca ing on Mr. Mus rove.
-Mrs. Joseph Fest , sr., of Fair rove,
Michigan, was in to n this week.' Mrs.
Foster was a reside t of' Stanley some 20
yeers age, and -is now renewing old acqeaint-
aniseships in that ieinity. She itnds
spending the winter ix Ontario. -Mr. C. Alt1=1
werth, one of the:prosPerous farmers o Hay ,
township, near Exeter wae in tow on
business this week. kr. Aldworth does
not .oftep come as far north as Seaforth
now, although in old r days he did most on
hie trading here. -M . John &At, who ad-
vertised a oouple of /stray colts last week
has found them. Thsil were taken in by a
farmer west of Varna, iwho saw the adver-
tisement in THE EXPOSITOR and notified
Mr. Sootta-Mr. Arclhibald Somerville, of
,McKillop, near Winthrop, delivered a load
of lambs in town, last week, to Mr. G orge
Dorranee, which averaged 150 pounds ach.
They were of the LOioister breed, aed as
their weight shows, Were a fine lot. i This
gives McKillop the lead -so far on the itnab
questionh-Mr. James, Scott, of the firm of
&Ott Brothers, returnee' home on Sat rday
from a very suocesefule business tri to
Manitoba, -The baoheiors of Seaforth have
issued invitations for it grand dancing_perty,
in Cardne's hall, on the evening of Feiday,
the 27th inst. It pnomises to be " the
affair " of the seasorn--Mr:'D. McLennan,
of the Seaforth green house, has a lot of
nice flowers for those f desiring to decimate
their 'homes or tables dor Christmase+Mr.
Henry Watean, jr., is home from Dettoit, on
a vieit to hie parents hel-Mr. and Mrs. R. J.
Macdonald attended an asseinbly in Clinton,
Our handsome premium
Annualeis now ready for
in a tew days will be maile
ber of subsotibets who av
of our offer, and renewed
tions early. The conditio
issue this beautiful and in
that you pay your subsorip
advance. It doesn't cos
extra. Simply send us fin
pay one year in advance, a
will be sent post paid
Now is the time, also, for
to send in their names. T
year free. New subscrib
OeiVe a copy Of the annual.
its other attractions, ib oon
useful calendar for next ye
If you wish to aniseed
paper,. in cohjunotion with
perhaps the following list
THE E00SITOR. and Montr
$1. 75.
THE Ei.X.POSITOR and Weekl
THE Exoosrron and West
THE Exeosrren] and Farme
And many ethers. If y
the paper you want, dro
the Canadian
istribution, and
to a large num.
ed themselves
heir sUbscrip-
o on whibh we
eating book is,
n one year in
you anything
lent' money to
the premium
Your address.
w Subscribers
lance of this
will also re -
a addition to
s a neat asid
or any other
help you :
Daily Herald,
lobe, $1.65.
Witness, $1,65
star, $2.15.
World, 81.75.
a' Bun, $1,80.
u don't see
us a card.
on Friday, evening last.- e deeply regret
to learn cif the death of Mr lex. Monteith,
sr., formerly of the Lond n Road, Tucker -
smith, which took place at is residence, in
Clinton„on Mondayott th ge of 76 years
and 9 menthe. We shall e eavor to give a.
more extended notice of t life and work
of this old and` worthy. rein nt of our coun-
ty next week, -Mies Agne Hays, daughter
of Mr. Thomas E. Hays, h been re-engag-
ed for a third, term as tea er in the Mid-
land school, at an inorea e in salary. -In
our report of the officers el ted in come°.
tion with Court Sherwoo ; Ancient Order
of Foresters, last week, al !error occurred.
Mr. John Abell was eleo ed treasurer, ip-
stead of Mr. Wm. Hoag, a 'reported.-Tir
sno.v fall of Monday night has made fair
sleighing and people are m ing good use of
it. -Our old and worthy fr'eind, Mr. Thomas'
Dick, of Stanley, spent a pouple of days
here with his aon, Mr. J ales Dick. Mr.
Dick is one of the pioneer residents of this
eounty, and soya he work hard and never
felt better in hisilife, and a looks it. That
he may Icing continue so, w lil be the wish of
his many friends. -Next S Why, the Rev.
.3dr. Wallwin will preaoh inethe morning .on
the subject " The Ohne ihn Life Made
Easy," and in the evening, he ' first of two
esermons to young men.- he anniversary
‘ervices in the Presb terian church
will be held next Sabbath, and
will be condnoted by It v. Mr. Eakin
of Guelph. Th anniverssr ea meeting will
be held on the ollowing day evening on
which occasion Rev. Mr. Ea in will deliver
an addrese on he subject " The Church and
Militaryism." The church tehoir under the
leadership of Mies MoFaul tv,ill -also give a
number of mislaid seleotioins.-Rev. Mr.
Larkin preaches in St. Andrew's church,
Guelph, on Sulnday nexteLeThe entertain-
ment in the Presbyterian church On Tues-
day evening, under the spices of the
Mission band, proved a eoided success.
The entertainment consis of lime light
views of Tissot's Life of Cher. The views
were excellent and thorough y erijoyed. As
a result of. their enterpri e the Mission
Band is -richer by the aum 1 $20, after pay-
ing all expensesee-,Mr. Willi m Hartry, who
has been laid up for a monti , is again able
to be around and we hepe .8 on to see him
fully recovered. -The Lodi°, Aid Society of
the Presbyterian church ei eot to have a
number of useful articles or sale at the
eharch Monday afternoon a d in the even-
ieg at the tea meeting.- r. and, Mrs. 3,
Landsborough visited pevera eastern points
lest week purchasing Christ as novelties in
furniture and the fruits of 1 heir visit will
be sure to delight their num rous customers.
--4Mr. Joaeph Weber has m ved his femily
from Dublin and ie now loc ed On Goderich
street. -Mr. S argoe's leotu e on Socialism,
in Cardno'e ha 1, on Tuesde .evening, was
not very largely attended. ' 'Mr. Spergo is a
young man and an earnest arid able speaker
and was given a moet attentive hearing.
Although many may not gree with his
-pr emisee and bonclusions th re is truth in a
great deal of what he says a d some of the
problems with which he d ale are forcing
themselves to the front as li e issues in this
and other countries. The Ichair was oc-
cupied by Mr. Symons, 9f Dublin; and
Mr. Will McLeod aye a 'Duple of comio
songs. -Mr. John . Morris n, clerk of Mo-
Killop, was in Goderioh on township busi-
ness on Tueaday.-In acoor noe with a new
rule on the Grand Tritn the mail and
smoking car must henoefer rd be the last
oat in the train and in the r ar of the pas-
senger oars, whereas form rly they were
always in advance of the pasi eager coaohee,
-A handeome and valuablei oung St. Ber-
nard dog, belonging to Mr. . Mulcahy, was
poisoned last week. Born mean spirited
wretch deposited the poiso in Mr. Mul-
cahy's yard so the dog con get it. An
offenee of this kind meri s the severest
punishment. -The poet of& officials would
consider it a favor if person sending away
Christmas pared] and oth r holiday mail
matter would poet it as e rly as possible
and in 'the morning. This ould not only
mist the post offices Btaff bii would insure
more prompt despatch of t e matter. -Mr.
H. Smith, of Springhurat St ek Farm, Hay,
carried off 4th prize for She thorn steer and
lat for two year old heifer'a the Fat Stock
show at Guelph this week. Count one more
for Huron.
SPECIAL Nohion.e-Acco nts are now
ready and we shall be pleased to ave our oustomera
settle this month if at all Possible's It will be just as
easy for most people to settle his month as next,
and juot at the present time we are in need cf a
large amount of cub. Hoping t at our friends will
favor no in thio respect. W. . !Willis, Boots and
Shoes, Seafortb. , , 1774-1
. A VIRE.-The residenbe of Mr. John
Dundes, who I..ivea, about two miles east of
this place, ou'Joesday last, had a narrow
esoapefrom destruction bYfiee. As the family
were at dinner, they rAlticed the house fill
with smoke. On opening the door of a bed-
room they found the wisol of the interior
of the room a masa of flam s. By prompt
measures, they :succeeded in extinguishing
the fire, but not before most of the contents
of the room were burned and the wood
work a good deal charred. It is not known
how the fire !otiginated.
, •
B. R. Hmenes, Brucefiel ,Notery Public,
Conveyancer, Fire and Life Insurance agent. Any
amount of money to loan at low et current rates of
interest, on first-class farm security. Ali' kinds of
conveyancing work ,, done well and cheaply. At
home every morning and Wi dneeday of °soh
week. Several good farms for 'sale. , 1.67
BRIEFS. -The Woman's' F reign Mission-
ary Society intend holdin their annual
thank -offering meeting in he Presbyterian
church, on the evening of ednesday, the
18th inst., when Mr. Lar in, of Saaforth,
will give an address, -The ottages erected
by Mr. P. McGregor are no conipleted and
ready for occupation. -Mr McKenzie, of
Clinton, who had the oon act for erecting
Mr. Reid's stable, has nern toted his work.
-gur merohants are all pr paring for the
Xmas trade, and are arranging their goods
in such a way as to tempt the most foetid-
ious.-Mr. Alex. Mustard, Our enterprising
sawmiller, who hi always looking for some-
thing in his line, has just completed the
purchase of a large quantity of pine, to be
delivered at Ms mill here. He La also mak-
ing some improvement] in the machinery,
having secured the necessar apparatus for
outting logs any length f m six feet up.
wards. Mr. Mustard hoe ho rented the
Bayfield saw mill from Mr. m: Jowetii
and intends running it the coming season,
he having purchased a large coantity olf
timber in that vicinity. -The inane, friends
ot Mrs. Wm. Scott will be very pleased to
learn that she is recovering nicely, from the
effects of the operation she under*ent some
weeks ago. -Large quantities of grain are
being delivered at Mr. Scott's warehouse
every day. The people of the surrenmding
country are beginning to realize that Brum-
field is a , firet class market for all kinds of
produce. -Mr. Wm. Beggs; of Winchester,
Dundee county, spent some days this week
the guest of B. R. Higgins.
When in doubt, give footwear for Chrisi-
mas. We have suitable presents for every inscriber
cf the family, and our prloes ar a always right. R.
Willis & Son, the up-to-date Shoe People, Seatorth.
. All Christmas shoppers looking for -
novelties and the useful things to give as
g f:te will find them at The E. McFaul
Store, Seaforth, and at prices you will never
Nom.- At a Meeting of those inilterreslted
weery of. ,
in the public library, which was held in the
public hall, on Monday evening ief thia
week, the following committee Was appoint-
ed ; Revs. Messrs. MoNab, Dever and
Jerrow ; Dr. Armstrong • Messrs. Simpson,
Cummings, Dennison, hiseCuaig and Neal.
Rev, Mr. McNab was appointed preeident ;
W. G. Neal, secretary, and Rev. Mr. Dever,
treasurer. The eommittee expect to have
everything arranged satisfactory in the near
future. -Mr. James Fulton has sold his
farm, containing 78 acres, to Mr. Leiria
Williamson, end, purchased the 100 acre
farm of Mr. Eneas Orich.—A magie lantern
entertainment and lime light views, moving
pictures of the Boer war and funeral of -the
late President McKinley, will be given in the
public hall, on this (Friday) evening.
Buy the " Boy " a pair of Leggings for
Christmas. We have them in CaDVII8 or porduroy at
660, 76o, and 85c a pair. R. Willie & SO, the up-te-
date Slice People, Seatorth. I 1774-1
STYLISH FURS. -The wanted kinds are
here, the right kinds are here. None high
as to be extravagant, none so low that good-
ness can't go with them. We have good
ireesons to believe hat ive have the choicest,
most select rang of handsome Jackets,
C•perines, Boas, uffs, Muffs, Gauntlets,
Caps, etc., in to n. Come and select the
style we'li please you about the price. The
E. licFaul Co., Seaforth.
MISSONS.-issiionary servicerp.,will be
Id next Sabbath, December 15th, on the
affa circuit, when M rs. Mechean, of London,
Rev. J. Green, of Clinton, and the pastor,
Rev. J. Hendersmii, will speak in behalf of
the great miseionary cause. The services
ate as follows : Staffa 10:30 a. m. and 7
p. m. • Zion, 11 a. m.; 'Salem 2 p. in., and
Bethel, 3 p. m. Mrs. Meet:eau is one of
the most effective -lady speakers in the west,
and will speak [at Staffs at both services,
also at Salem and Bethel. Come and hear
SPEOLit NOTICE.-Acoonnts are now
ready and we ehall be pleased to have our customers
settle this month, if at all possible. It will be just
as easy for most people to settle this Month as next,
and just st the preseet time we are in need of a large
amount of cash. Hoping that our friende will favor
us in this rasped. W. H. Willis, Boots and Shoes,
Seaforth. 1774-1
The rush is just on for selecting Christ-
mas presents for men and women, boys and
girls. The E. MoFaul.Co's. Store, Seaforth,
is full of useful, elegant things, and the
quality of your gift willnever be questioned
if it comes from that store. Everything is
priced with special consideration, as a
Christmaa purse is always heavily taxed.
TEA MEETING. -A- tea 'meeting will be
held in Cavan ohurch, Winthrop, under the
auspices of the Ladies' Society of 1Christian
Workers, on the evening of Monday, De-
ceinber 30th. Tea will be served from six
toeight o'clock, after which an interesting
pragramme of addresses, recitations and
emirs will be given. This will, iriertitinly,
bel a very interesting occasion and will, no
doubt, be *ery largely attended aid the
hearts of the lady workers be made glad by
FtEn.-A large quantity of mill ;feed en
hand, also chop, composed or three parts wheat and
one part light oats. The oheapest and best value on
the market. Price $22 or ton, for a feiwrwda6ye._
H 'mall Oatmeal Mill.
W accept orders up 0 60 tons. D.' Urquhart,
Have a look, great bargainin (Having
rrohased the harness business from Mr. H. Jacobi,
in going to sell at cost for the next 80 days ;Her.
n se, Robes, Blankets, Whips, Rug8, Bells._ Come
a d examine geode before purchasing elsewhere, as
a ollar saved is a dollar made. `Alse a flne lot of
b autiful cutters and sleighs, which cannot be Bur-
p seed in the county. " Will be sold v ry cheap, dome
a d see for youreelvee. W. J. Miller' Hensall.
LOCAL BRIFFS.-The friend °of oinr7734rfe-
8 meted- townsman, Mr. Dunce McFarlane,
ill regret to learn that he has been confin-
e to his home for a number of weeks, ' ow -
i g to a severe attaok of rheu atism. We
ho e soon, however, to see 'hi recovered,
- r. and Mrs. E. Sheffer and daughter
Jennie were in Shipka on Sattiday last, at-
tendi g the funeral of ;Mrs. James Hannan,
re. S effer'e eister•in-law. The . funeral
as er largely attended, there being over
1 0 eh des ia line. -Dr. Cecil Ross, house
s rgeon of Skidoseph's hospital, was here
ur g he peat week, visiting his father
d r there :on the London road. -Mr.
oo 8, who is acting as accountant at the
ols us Bank; during the absenee of the
gal r accountant, wee in Exeter on Sab.
athtilciast, renewing acquaintances. -Miss
va acting has been quite poerly during
t e est few weeks, but is now improiing.
have this week to chronicle the death
f Mr. John Houghton, of uhis vill ge,
hic sad eveht occurred at his home on
ed esday evening of last week; after a
ery painful illness of over four years,which
e b re with muCh fortitude and Chriatian
atie ce. The deceased was •a flatly of
legl nd, and was born at Marcam, L noa-
shire He emigrated to this country in
he enr 1869, taking up lot No. 26, on the
Oth concession of Hibbert, and upon w ich
e continued to reside until about 13 ears
go, when he moved into Henson In re.
I gion he was ati Episconalien, and in poli -
t ice it Conservative, and was an honest, ill-
ustrious man and much respected. He
as married, in the year 1875, to Annie
eeming, daughter of Mr. Thomas Learning,
f the townehip of Hibbert, who still Bor-
.:yes him, together with three sons, Wil -
1 am, Leonard and Wilfrid, a son and
aughter having died some years ago. The
ecaased was a member of the Sons of Eng.
1 nd lorige, Exeter, by whom he was buried
i the Exeter ceme'ery. The service in St.
aul's churCh hero, on Saturday afternoon
I et. was conducted by Rev. Mr. Ten Eck,
f Exeter, and was well attended. The lam-
' y have the sympathy of the community in
their bereavement. -The Sacrament of the
ord's Supper will be dispensed in Canoed
resbyterian church on Sabbath, at the
orniog service. A preparatory service
ill be held on Friday afternoon, when Rev.
t! r. McLennan, lately inducted to the
ti,arges of Kippen and- gills Green, will
'row:Al.-Considerable grain Is being brought
1 i to market, and meets with ready demand
• ,d good yrices.-Considerable enow . has
f llen during the past week, but not enough
make good eleighing.-Quite a number
f om the village and surroonding country
a teeded the concert held at Seaforth, on
hui,sday evening of last week, at which
wide MoLachlan;the great Scottish viral -
b, was the centre of attraction. -Mr.
homas Murdock' was in GI -faded& this
eek, as oneof the jurymen. -Our merchente
e making fine displaysof Ohrismas geode._
7iss Minnie Shaffer was in Zurich on Tues.
DECEMBER 13, 1901
day visiting friends. -Mr. Robert Bullard
operated a snow plow with good effece
Tuesday morning, after the heavy snow
fall. -Mr. and Mrs. D. Rouatt! Were in
Kirkton this week attending tbe funeral
of Mrs. Ronatt'se mothen-On Wednesday
evening of this week, at the hour of 6:30
p. m., at the Methodist parsonage, Rev. G.
Jewitt pronounced- the words that made
two heart] beat as one. We • refer to the
marriage of Mr. Alfred Sornton, a prosper-
ous anderespeoted resident of \our village, to
Miss Minnie Coxworth, of the township of
Tuckersmith, and recently of the village of
Heneall. The bride was very handsomely
attired. After the marriage ceremony
had been duly performed, the very happy
couple repaired to their new home, on
Queen street, Which Mr. Scruton had very
comfortably fitted tip for the reception of
his bride, who is very highly respected, and
has been an active member in the Meth-
odist church and a member of the choir for
many years. We unite with the many
friend' Of the newly married couple, in
wishing them long and continued happiness
through life. -Prof. Burgess, of London,
preached in St. Paul's church last Sunday
evening. -Miss Vine Cook is visiting
friends in Detroit and Concord. -Mrs.
Ruse, who has been visiting in Manitoba;
has joined her husband here, and they have
taken up their reeidence in 3dra. Lang's
cottage. -Miss Murray, who has been visit-
ing Mrs. J. G. Troyer, returned on Satur-
day to her home near Woodstock. -Mrs.
Wm. Whitesides and child are here visiting
Mr. Wm. Whitesides, Mrs. Whiteaides
uncle. It will be remembered that Mrs.
Whitesides' husband met with a very sad
and instant death, while engaged in unload-
ing logs from a ear at Duluth.
DOTS. -Some person's dog killed two of
Mr. Dunsford's thoroughbred sheep, one
day last week. -The Sodomites are prepar-
ing for their annual Christmas tree. -Miss
Queenie Robertson, of Goderich, has been
engaged to teach school for the coming
year. -Miss Lizzie Smith has been visiting
friends near Exeter for a few days. -Mr.
James Carrick has returned home frcm a
short Visit with friends. -Mrs. Wm. Duns -
ford has returned home frein Ilderton,
where she has been visiting her ilister, Mrs.
Knight. -While Mr. ) Taylor was coming
from Hay swamp he came nearly losing his
horse, by' breaking through the blidge over
the big drain.
NOTES. -Rev. E. Schuelke was called t
Rochester, New York,. het week, on ac
count of the death of hie mother. ets a
edneequenoe there was no service in the
Lutheran ohurch last Sunda). -Rev. Theo.
Hauch, of near Walkerton, occupied Rev.
C. S. Finkbeiner's , pulpit on Sunday last.
Although he is nearly 73 years of age, he
pree.ched an excellent Borden. He waii
pastor here about 12 years ago, and his,
many old friends were pleased to see him
again. While here he was the guest of bis
brother, Philip.-Measrs. Louie Walper and
Wendel Smith were in Goderich this week,
acting as jurors. -While going down the
steps at hie home, the other day, Mr. Philip
Hauch slipped on the ice, and in the fall he
fraeitured two of his ribs. We are pleased
to! know that he is progressing favorably. -
Mir. D. S. Faust has the largest and nicest
stet* of Christmas goods seen in our village.
The display is well worth seeing. -Mr. C.
Greb was in Mount Clarmel recently. -
Simon Deitrioh, who has been with his
father.in.law, Mr. J. B. Foster, has rented
the hotel at Mount Carmel, and has moved
there. -Misses M. Koehler and L. Hartleib
have been on a visit to Sebringville friends.
T. Cameron, commissioner for County of
Huron, oonveyanoer, eto. Money to loan, and pri-
vate money wanted to loan on first mortgages on
farm propertyr in treborne and Hibberb, in sums of
from 01,600 to $8,000. 1774
ones always make a pleasing present, and
a nice handkerchief gives a neat finish to
another present., Plenty of serviceable
kinds are to be had at The E. McFall' Co's.
Store, Seaforth, and if you want a single
pretty one, they will show you wonderful
varieties from which to make the- selec-
tion. 1774-1
BRIEFS. -Another of the first settlers of
Usborne towship, in the person of Mrs.
Ada Armetrong, has passed away at the
good old age of 89 years. The funeral took
place from the.residence of Mr. James Mo.
Curdy, on Tuesday last, and was attended
by a large number of friends and relatives.
--The Royal Templars of this place intend
having a box social on the evening of the
17th inst. Some good talent has been en-
gaged, and we may expect a jolly time. -
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Gardiner, of Walton,
were visiting friends and old acquaintances
in this vicinity last week. -Alexander and
Wm. Turnbull are both busily engaged get-
ting material on the ground for the rebuild-
ing of their barns and stables.-Wra. Flet-
cher, who had his barn blowa downk last
summer, has rebuilt, and now thati the
buildings are completed, has, one of the fin-
est farm residences on the lino. -James L.
Gardener, who has leased the Gourley farm,
moves on this week, and his many friends
wish him health, wealth and 'happiness in
his new home„ -Mrs. F. Stewart presented,
*her husband with a beautiful baby girl last
week, and Fred is going around looking
quite hrippy.-A serious accident befel Mr.
Henry Pasrmore last week. While killing
pigs he stuck the knife in his leg. He went
to the doctor with all poseible speed, and
had five stitches put in the wound. Mr.
Pasemore is -now doing as w'.€11 an can be ex.
peoted.-Mrs. (Rev.) Gracey, of Ganonoque,
is visiting at the manse. -Beaver Brotherd
have been fitting up their store with a
tasty array of Christmas goods.
LOCAL BRIEFS.-Eleotion day passed off
very quietly, Blyth rolling tip the eplendid
majority of 23 for Mr. Garrow, which is
something remarkable, considerieg that it
used to be one of the etrongholds of the
Conservatives for the riding, giying them
from 35 to 40 of a majority, bile; by good
organization and bard work, it has changed.
-Although it Is drawiiig very near nomin-
ation day for the municipal electio,ns, as yet
there is very little talk of an election, ' and
we think the beet thing that can be done i -s
to let the present council remain in office
for another year. There is one thing -Oen.
tain, there won't be the wild time that _has
characterized our nominatians for e past
few years, on account of the great d turber
beteg now away from town. -A grea many
of the parents of the pupils who are attend-
ing the:public school here are very dissatis-
fied with the progress their children are
making, so the best way for them to show
their disapproval of the trustees is by turn-
ing those that come up for re-election at
New Year's out.-Tbe Presbyterian Sabe
bath school intend holding their entertain-
ment next Wednesday evening, and 'there
is no daubt but it will be first-olats in every
particular, as they have engaged Miss Kaye,
a noted elocutionist, to take the principal
part, assisted by local talent. -Mr. Robert
Benicia held a social gathering at his resi-
dence last,Monday evening, In which all
present enjoyed themselves. -Messrs. John
Moffatt and Wm. Campbell, deputy return-
ing officers in the by-election, were in Gode-
rich, on Thursday of last week, with the
ballot boxes. -Mies Ella and , Mr. °oldie
Graham, of Brueefleld, were visitiug their
sister, Mrs. Jamas Sims, the past week. -
There is same talk of the assessor, Mr. Gill,
leaving Blyth and going out West. It will
be a 'great loss if he don't change his mihd,
as he is well liked by every person. He will
also he missed In the building trade. -The
young people here enjoyed a few days skat-
fria iBiBer,2
We are Ready
You will Learn ,
The Season's Handseine Furs'
In' our stook of) furs, you will find the
qualities are perfectly honest, the styles the
very latest approved•:: yon will find prices
eminently fair Er!nd conditions all that yew
could wish -a satisfaCtory promise and ar-
rangement to replace any garment that may-
aSITiourrePrppronhteanide's of Fur" here
!a lrviroll-va ;ye° t.mhaesarskuerhed t ha V, we , ar e more than
anxione to give youl better value and a
choicer assortment to ',choote from than you.
would get elsewhere. 1 _
As to Cloth Jackets
Ladies, you've had a chum to get out
your Winter Jackets! and. Joek at theme
Can you ,make Jour :last winter's coat do
for this season if you care anything for
style ? Well, we should say not ; when
you can get hew, styliSh cootA at this *tore
for not so :very much Mora than it will cost
youto repair the old one, ptovided it can be
done,/ and 4. little addel to i!ts length, which
is not likelp;
The kinds of coats we sell have been
much admiked and talked about. Have a
look at them.
Reliable Dress G odS
Of course we carry a 1 grades and weaves
and even the least expensive goods are best:
the very best of their kind. • But at this
!moon you are likelY wanting something ,
nice, for good, and in that line we are ail]
to please] you exactly.
,Suits for Men and Boys
If the Ready -To -Wear Suit Department
is pnoving a great slimes% there are reasons
for it, and this is one- of them The gar.
menta hold their shape!and please the wear-
ers until they are literally Worn out.
In a suit, quality is to be desired above
everything else -except fit.
In our Ready•To.Wear Clothing Depart-
ment, we combine "best mnterial with per-
nfectness of fit, and hitch both to the lowest.
possible Price that economy.nan afford.
. The .
Dry Goods co.
C4th's Greatest Cash
Dry Goods Store.
ing last week on the creek.i It is a -shame-
we haven't a rink, as there is no doubt it
would be well patronized. --Quite a number
from here took in the assenebly at Clinton
last Friday evening, and report having had
a fine time. -Mr. Lang,the new enanager for
the Bank of Hamilton, atrived els town, nn
Tuesday of last week, and t's busy getting
hie rooms in shape.
NOTES. -Mr. Ira Marshall and gator,
Miss Edne, vieited Mr._ andi Mrs. Thome]]
Waghorn, of Walton, last week. -Mr. John
OtBrien, of Ailsa Craig, spent garb of la$4
week visiting hie parental hem° here.—The
Women's Missionary Society! _held a grand
rally on Wednesday afternoOn, in the Meth-
odist church and a very pleasant time was
spent. -Mise G-ertie Carrick, of f3arnia, re-
turned to her home on Satutday after spend-
ing a month with her aunt, Mrs. (Rev.) S.
Anderson. -Another of the ;Pioners of this
section has passed to the goiat beyond in.
the person of Mrs. Patrick O'Brien, -who de-
parted this life op Saturday, after a linger-
ing illneas of compl,ca.ted .diseases. De-
ceased was an -earnest Worker in the
fitethodbst church, 4 -fond wife and loving
mother and leaves th mourn her loss three
sons and one daughter, Mrs. Roust% ()Men-
sal, Joseph, or Taronto, lohn,, of Ansa
Craig, and Smith, of home.e.--Mrs. Thomas
Blake is -very *Wk. -Mrs. James C. Tufts is
owthe sick liet.--Mr. Albert Switzer has
started a new butcher; bushel's in Lang -
burst's old stand. -A meetint of the direc-
tors of the Kirkton Milling Company was
held on Monday evening last;
-Henry Johnston, of Atwood, has had
success in the well.drilling line, having
struck an artesian spring at a depth of 80
feet, for Mrs, Jodeph Hannac of the Elth con-
cession of Elms. A fine stream grushes out
five feet above the level of the welL Mrs.
Hanna Will have an ample siapply of water
for both house and barn.
-An interesting nuptial event Was cele-
brated at the home of Dr. Wm. Steele, V.S.,
Stratford, on Wednesday, November 27th,
when his daughter, Miss Fannie, was unit-
ed in marriage to Mr. Robert Danseitb; of
Downie, Rev. M. L. Leitch officiating. Mr.
Win. Jones, of Stratford, and Miss Ida
Steele, sister of the bride,aseisted the young .
couple. After the ceremianY the party.
was driven to Mi. Dunseith'is home in Dow-
nie, where a reception was tendered them.
=--A sudden death ocourired on Sunday
morning, 1st inst., about °rift o'clock, when
Mr. Ed. J. Venstone, eon of'Mr. John Van -
stone,, of Stratford, was oSiled to his laat
reward. The deceased was n years of age.
He had Veen in declining health for several
yean, but his demise came Otally unexpect-
edly. He went home on Saturday evening
and went to bed early, an he said that he
vias .not feeling Well. No serious results
were anticipated, but he auddenly became
worse, and, although a dochor was called,
nothing could be done for laitia.
—One of the most successful and intereit-
ing meetings of the Hibberty Branch Bible
Society wee held in Grace ehurch, Staff%
on Monday evening of last week. Enthuse-
astio addresses were delivered by Revs..
Messrs. Cranstoa, Colquhonn, Hendereon _
and Dokarty. The contributions were the
hugest in the hietory of the society, sixty--
five dollars being at the dispOsel of the 00111-
mittee. Forty dollars was sent ine the
Britidi and Foreign Bible Soelety4 itud
twenty-five dollars to the Upper Canada.
Bible Society.
svfloval N13:14
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house coat or
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show nice Ast-
gatmtlets at $3
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at $4, genuine
one cap ta
Cosy ni
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Thi3 fine
25c tie is extr
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satin, with whi
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ni lay. A g
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the best they
40c for stocki
See the
.6aps, gloves, h