HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1901-12-13, Page 77
T and abook him warmly by the hand a64 041id 4te! causis �h de A ad leaves a vido ties a w�-uld the oath ace r to g to the
6 - — - - — - i shaj 14, Did ye. �aay I they wore kilts$ air, Ld 0 1 d ter 'unmarried, the Ohifieiaia custom he would acespb ti sit evi-
ai f We 1, they'r4 something like that 61 in eacher,i av d f aughtor a univeisitry dence and call no witnesse himsell Whis -pt 0
Mr 11
tion of Gardiner, o turri ilile miaoionary. Then, claepti ig je ' -i4a4te now, at, ien i the �� Normal colloge proposalfell through,!, as two Of def momot's
The Condi THE �RTi- ro m, n
11 ing her head asmith Falls. in: a veY e -
hands mad be �amitton. A mo the makki6d. members witnesses wopld not take th Chine ie 1 oat
vout manneriz 4e old woman kaid, The ol thefamily,10101 tv9premain inthisoohn- but desired �to be sWorn '01 the I libie as FIC
Lord be thank t the Gospel i-s� makin. suph �Mr..,Thomw M4is, on th6 homestead Chrifitims�s. Seven Ohi"t Ion woke then
ae gdrst Miaerable Das, and S1qoplcsa 11, CORSET
R's f a in -
is now upon 'Us 31a
.as were
0 money out Of 4e choll.�
e a rs1laiton and worn, t�e 6ath being wrillit4 nufacturad ice In Frozen rom
tg—j;Janas, Feet, and Limbs! Stiff progr: as." n out i'� Chi
when the ladies . � Th 3 then
DIP �Ihe rev La laid to root ia' ese, and all of them signed t
at I y e- Article That
ten. of tlhtir male rela Yi thdrn the 'e)er�, at Fullarton, on left the courkroom and wont downstairs the Sides, While tb
i tives to bu cen -I in congealed ht
a pre ia -On the faces of Og �.ea my a agal r ad
I Nature Furialshes Stra*
From the P_.ecord,-SmiitW 9 uts.' d f ter con. ILAr. Morray has been and a ter the oath wim t o 'them
and Swol 9 Falls, i ont. T )ttbodi 'r�t _f I
Ask for our new Parisian
and old �Qy d ul oition of Mitchell, having each witne om'the Toj�!Dovvn.
there Is a Mysterious, pre -i , �ut�lle Ek �orsg and us f as cub a cliio�en 13 heZad ol. After Fr Front Models.
(t Tbare is wonderNl talk aboub Dr', Wit 1 2 -
look, as if the common, evtry-day iff its �of s%i at th i cou ei t bd'igi.A, a ourpber :1
-Pink Pills, ou try them of terms this ceremgny the wi nes 9 � ret tied to w pe Ut wily! don't y plao o "But fe opie know anything'abo Every pair a Masterpiece in ihe �Ltt
able sdrvicas to the. court, mud i this life were -too trivial to be worthy �of isidreader v �l 4 toc k
Those WO loere addressed to Mr. Au. said a gentleman connected with
considerstion� The little maiden who is town as ' air an of 'bhe board of works. what shbu d be doi4 with the written . oath, ice,
"How it Milikin
er, of Sra-,.Wa Falls, by a friend g, embodying the -
the W-1- veq I the one of the plant4* in this city. Of
makiog or brother � aCimlets df blue'i 4 Ile was a �r minent office 4older in t e ipWntiftaskingO ha burned 1�
he wAb in the depths of despondency made, how it handled and the Way
�bein Is S
�white'el�t;tic, feels the same re,,zponisibi4ty P esbytetio hurch, 7.nd a lalued work r Open air, defendant ins6ting on- I U&
-hat din 11ditiOn. For three 9 to get the best tsesults out of a -iYen perfence of over a quarlter of a cent
ToW , g his plvaical a6 as the, in a who is undecided whether o fer many ye ra kniong- its congregation. burned in court. The paper was finally
44i he had suffered so much that lifi � had quantity are things that'the average per-
reBeitt is daughter with a. gold watch or a� His ram�irss ere laid to rest on Tuesday iburned in the courty'ard. et
I�Wmo a burdbn to hinil Atud Of tOntim -a he P I continuous rors making,
-1 —1 son knows but little about. There is in
he almeA, wished he might die. A.en Piano �at hriatmas. The man who hateo Io. afe noon'laWs in �he Presbyteriancemetery
crious difference in the FOR SALE AT ALUV1R8T-Ci.Ass DxY 600PS STORES.
speja&h* money is l6oking in the book -.1 in Mitchell. He leaves a widow snd a ANX16US �MOTHE" find DR. LOWIS �WORM
Is is an. a ep os 1
spmt t ufadtured ice is
rab an ghts, �SYRUP the b'eat'medloffie ex -IN I worr.9s. Children way natural and man
tores o
o is enjoyiii ife. Then his. fee% a nice card vth a snow -s,3ene a�d gi�ax d -ado to o spy t1lae old home, but like it—worms doh'h, f rom the
h formed. Natural ice is frozen
a frez ater- wheel oh it o progent to his will sh6rtly j�)hli his father in Detroit.
limbs- -were ti and swollen, and
'laida, and top down. It Is a matter of displac6-
orbd of
he tizens as 'these 'who —The late J. W. sur.
sweethesirt, and the -mmu. who wants �to: To( such
was tormented wit. a constant stinging, dRae, of Obtawal, who ment.- It begins with the first thin
back -it 'PT ha1v one w1lbe misfied from amopg their
make sho%v, but hasn1 much to
aers:jtion in his body, which gave i;a`00dentally.tihot himself Imeb week, was one face of the water and freezes down into
With, sitiating betwedu a celluloid toi J': fell 8, eir pla es will- not easily be
him no rest- day or nig4t, ; naw lie is " sup, 0 of fhe vioa� heavily usured citizens of Ot. the
easelitne witla red sateeri and a large bet de - filleFs water, the depth or ckness depend-
oarried p lioies, I ife and
wae, with the stil Ing - on the ure.
ever he Toe k 4., the tawa�, �Ho provailiag temperat
lu�" tied *ith pink ribbon. to -
;�Wlfing and the creepy seus&tion v I i , to the amount of $1 L,000.
'Op. i suppoe� wet e A Ma Medicine. Alanufactured ice is frozen f rom, the 611 1 gone, of I, JTr 0 e 0 ever got jst what we rveflqus i au hter Sal
ijoattribatts it all to the use of Dr.! Wil. -It is stated on gpod authority that �he_
Here is g. 11sving rt. dive is action on both the
at Chtiab�aaq.auywAy. Mr. Doole t and eohifnuou oldes. Ammonia of cour ' se does the.
Innotherof Premier IDunarnuir, of Briblaja
pink PRIL rill -freezing, and the brWe that is used acts
opinion 4; ,, ye, omn,t git what ye want. and kidue 8, Dr. Ch,�so`s Kidney -Liver Pills iN
Gardiner is a man of 'about. 65 years, pbsitively oule Roy cotrippoated allments which , ',0olumbia,,,haitakertiout a $1,000,000 1
Ivery litt�a toy 1xpeots a pony- at Christm�s, as a sort of reservoii, holding the cold
0 daOnot be reach d by any otoor n=,and hence anca polic. It'is-understood bhab there�is,
AA 01 1 Bilio which is to. crystalli�e the water in the:
a. and highly respected rrjeide' t of ftextraordfnary success and us- Ity oior the payment we to sell
M LWY little girl a,cheia an" lockit ; and P of $50'. . are 'prepared'
nebs, liver copplaint, grl�hbe difee, deranged I - ntly found
0mws Falls. Having heard a good deal of ? a, little difficu Having opened our new, atore,
ivry. r agent that can alin thinkshe's sure goia� to gib the s, The streaks 'so fre�que
sat effected :in bi,,- kit-ya and otonlach
jalkabaut the improv�me etroubles are promptly and 000 do com isrion on ik The In blocks of ice are due to the f act that ces and: will hold a bargain sale
gold ed'cane he's looked Pr sin'ce ice pri
e- thproughly over me by thlagreat family niddleine. nabbed risk got, a snap,
hWth by Dr. Wil. '&re is 9
came toVOr., But they'll Ifin'lly land lon, 04e pilta d03e, Cents 66 VQX. � j , -e R 0 ds at sacrif
lial�la' Pink Pil�a, th the, freezing is from the side.
rtain ;the exact
b a reporter tol Asce frequently found in lake ice sniall spaces
.�Wrd Ion rockiWbrags an' �40118 an� 'suapinders t4at
ttb, a4d AIr Grd told hini eubptanti- f various shapes an
aTove. He, a into their shirts an'i Potatoes. News N ot4s 0 d describing many
JANUARY 11th, 19
GeQrge related aid! that
jAly, what is An� they concesthoir atlurday there wai shioped from different lines, and these ar46 dub to
'Q a ter thj�jn summer. I -Oa S
i,,trieda number of 4octors-its goo doc- hristmas morning an' try to lo6k ORONTO, Decemb�r 3 -There is a cod. Obtawa the firit lot of stock we ever sent to small quantities of air which, are tin -
there are in thq country- grief eri- I e sl rs .,'VVe are onlarging our stock of new and up-to-date goods an
but 1 Ot no dem nd and ff logo ar All light. 0 n. satisfy
Divis. plieint� w�id murdher in their hearts. " Whit British Col. �mbla. The shipment conaiited prisoned during the fj!eezing process.
de tand that on t e track here are quoted at' 58 to 60a. of some 400'head of calves- I ad yearlings of
He was given tor un, �6Vst6mers in All lin,-s of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots'ad Sh�es, Rate,
relief. year Ir wotnted a watch more thin annythiOg These spaces are not so common in manu- our
xe, Lead- a caused by bad ei ouWion of Pot toes out 6f storip are selling at 75c per excellent cliality. Mr. Halwen, secretary factured air, becuse the 'air is not al
the trouble wa -in the! worruld. I tal6d watchbo to Wry Cap�-, Furs, HardwarO, Orockery, etc.
ristopher bi nothing did him i any good. bag.
t_b�& blood, ut wan t a4l ;bought had designs on me. of the Bri �ish Columbia- Dairy&-iom's' and lowed to take the arne 1&rti6s with the
Werer r boots, his feet were so
He, oould not weai zen.
,Its, k e frinds what time Live §tOck Briseders' Associltiorf, who came water that is t 1) f ro
At mud whon hotetried to walk. hi , I"
made t, 4, a, ut to as m.
a legs Graifi, etc.
��wn halt,. iv nig,t, �t was, �n, t�in say, I Dear melt', I east to tool: 'after this shipment. was well "The processeg (f n"iandacturing ice Slome specials
1WItlike atioks- Finatly he was aduoed to N pleased wit� the stock. In addition to thQ ilre simple enoulh,) but the Iconstruction
Trustees ought �to'git,a watchif I could affoora I' Tto;� TO, Depembe� 3 -White wheat, per
gj" Dr. Williame P lak Pillo a triall� He no ol, 74 to[ 17d; red wheat, 74 to 75c above mentiqned ehipment,'a further lob of 0 V_ tG, f 0 k 90c. Long felb'bo to, regular
ie attend Did Igit� a watch ? 'I got a necktie fr�ro o of tanks, such as qre used around - fac- J30ys, long. boots ranging ia vallae from 82 t
wheat, 75. a.; goose Clot caps, r.og,
i0ok six boxes, he said bat did ubt sea that. wan man, an? if I wure it to a mostW iv the aprits�. wheat, 67o ; pea@, .1,000 atooke6 is i2ow ordered, and will be torios and coldistoraze plants, is a rather to $2.50, for 90a ... Far caps, regular $1.50 to $9.)50, for 90c gud $3.
or 16th N4 much better.� He determin d to spoon as they can be collected, complex bnsiness. r - buili. i Ladies' collar an'&�muff sets, reguAr S
haw, Chaetabl 'd 75 to-�i7se ; barley, 54 to 63o ; oats, 48 to shipped a ular 40c t6'$I. 50, for 15c and 75c. 6-tol
n ` Itebrews'
p Society, they S2.25, for. 7Zc to $1.5
vit.'tsking them, but was -persuailed to con r Ou �u# me out. rT-hat man wanted me 'to 48jc�; Choice AleikeI No. I seeds, $7 to p rov ided t � t ers' so that air nvither gpt olit or P to $6. Ladies' coatings, regular $1,ti 0. METI�e Su
e th ha they can be secured at rea- iogs'at extra
th Q er. When wo or low Dinner sets, regular 87 to for,65.'80 to $7.25. Tea sets, reg�lar $3.2� to
em for a. little while I -e in. There ore t
c M
hj&dtaken ton boxes h rem im- b k A�other laad, sint me a Filk hand. 7 good A1 ike No. 2. S6�50 to $6.75 ; sonable prices. om pi i2es.
lover se0d, $4,'16 to $5 ; timothy seed' en Tuesday, Mr.
e was re Aboutinoors on a, ree $8, for $2.60 to-,$ 6.50. Bedroom sets.. regular $1.86 to $6, for 8-1.35 to 85.
kerchief thib broke on me poor noise. , The tbr(le SpaCCS 611 ;1YV Nvith d a
t elve 8
aken 1� d 'Much esteemed air t,3,lt will tal up bpt nor
edand when ho. had was a. hair. ch�in 21*2.75 ; hay. per ton, $9.50 to 811, 'Henry Sopor, at
-was so well that he did not need kvill to a dentist's cold. Thbra are
that n' ro�vdled:aW made me look as' if !d Mill `eed-The offeri a light,:there is a resident of �Broc
ings ar, 1.1, vi's of t)qpf-l.,-
anymors. It,, is several month air ce. he fixedl. He was ap- 0 1,(, op I rlryiii, a 18hetlaud pony. I niver A�t Rooe demand an th k * �%
o return of been q' .1 diar e1i is firm at $18 office to have 6 toott, 0 sl), ci, is has. taken, them. and he has had, No for (ars o shorts, a $15 'for bran middlo' 1parently in hie usual heal when he sat -
of filiely
M7 whpt I wan In", raos
the reports saw him illfeed is 6rm at $21 downin
the trouble. Whfn, �od, an' I niver expiet, to. frief his. Manitoba the S, which i�,' I t pbreys aw chair. After examining the be Was was. fo, ring his, ordinary bZ8, and be w rl
r a or( s and $19 fol bran in car lots, sacks t.00th the dentist wont to gE tan itistrum6sit, crs fol.12,
said he could get into %ad out oV a buggy as and when lit) return6d l(sj than a minute alld Cold re Ifiese ele-
inclIded, To�onto fr ights.
Vhe Public Look For It. WALTON ONT." vard with. well as any man of his years in t4e country. later, Mr. Soper w�a dead. He' had been
The'public! look for and demand true' and P e teeth. Dr. Williams, Piuk'tPilla are t e riland of �to. properly
troubled for some tine wit! i bearb disease, 11 1 ? --k and ailing, They rpaiis all honest dispensing when prescriptions 'are An, nemyof the,Rabe, so,, fever: whi,+ caused his death. B e was 63 years the, w� rthening taken to the drug store. Oar difilpenaLn That destro s thouqands of constitutions If a child eats ravenouOy, n 9:4the teeth at
lifelo g;Liboral. He leaves a sort I
there is .,other medloines in their tonic, strong af age, and a not N 1.Z gri 'd
and makO vmik and despondent depar&nent,is conducted on such perfecto eve tarrh. Perhaps you are one Kills" hts and picks its nose
stomach. analitles, ',r a" vdiow bpt, no obildron, of it. you may rilotost be certAin
of � e, drop- Iss worms, and should administee :Without delty
one Of his the
plans b,ll�t orrors are impossible." Sirrict at n!q 7 - �i I�o 0a Tuesday ice
ple, bright, active alowd healthy. These m(di oflaab we k, Willie, lin n- Dr. LoNv's Pleasant Worm Srrup, thisi, remedy von.
are sold by dealers in me can tent lion io business, pure drugs and �th little two year -Ad t son of Mr. and Mrs.
�jn. and f dic4m, or ping: in 1 throat, bad breath, dough9l Ic.L,- - Uerms, tains its owil cathartic.
I - '111 Wall mp me. Cars it
post psA, -at 50 cents' F, box, 'or sx cines a'40 low prices have won for, us. a p0d. Thee ar now by' Charles Roantree, of Biandord, was burned
ot 1,; i 11 That's precisely what, Wil- tion sepQrsd to none his the drug rade.� in a ing Oatarrhozon 3. It's a nevenfailivIg 0"t
6 sufferer -boxes for $2.50, by aqdresaing the Dr. o death. ;The mother left the child alone
Ob V MUbuin's Sterling Headache Powdei a give womert
Cu res the r iost chronic cases in E�' apo-Cretolene does. You
Oers who liahmbl Medicine Co., !Brockville, Oat. KINY0 TITAT CUREs.- re in e n for Only a few minutes, "and
leave do bad
Use Calarrhozono, ohe medi-'� � th b " h e how iev i I ia k E, prompt relief from wontbly pains and'
T1111 ijuiing fonad the little fellow's light 'th& vaporizer,. the after eftets wbatever, - B
fe e eks. qpon relu
4 respbet ify/V91A ate auffetiog from headache, indi a sure you ret Milburnre,
ranteed to i
g Blue' I ing a mass of flAmes. The chi of Cresolene is given
ive geStiao heart trouble, liver complaiat, kid - cated aiirztre�tment, �or it is gum oloth Id was in vapor Price' .0 and 25 dents, Alldealars.
cure All f r a of Oat Lrrh in a .8hort time. 1
me needs. badly b`�rned that he die within a few
ney dio6se, or ills resulting fr Y- off. . Not a disease germ -Troop Oil Uinlnirenb is'UDEUT
��IcHardy, who spent. Sold in t� .z"e, _Dq and, $1.00, at Fear'st the fin t I BfitiEh tied by any
.4 1 minutep. A is not known how the ao(-,I- I't 11
blood,'We strongly advi?e yo3i to use
quite fre- past two mont6 1 at Oell, Sound, is drug store, SeafortbJ (!)iw: it hv, live in this vapor, yet aiment on the market to composed
;'0jm0ou'nd. It is the greatest han. dent occurred, but bh boy is supposed can
Idsiting at his home 1 here.-TNIere was a Celery hatrllog,.soot"n" and oleanaing veg table aud
ease, the only ry;edicine that can to have be' n playiOg with atches. it cant pbssibly barin even the t6 It is put U� Iff- lair
,irgh 'tham. nk giving ser ishor of dis it 1111; 1 C'. fi,i*;i,. �11 N. it ge bottl fox the enjall -
li�rge attendance at the Tha younge8t child. just naturatly Price Of 25 celltg�
ry Auring' TIM -14 held in. the Pr�sbyteria bring ' ou health and new life. Try a bot. anadiA'ns A�ain Down The- 1 -Hugh Leonard], of Parkhill, the well,
il chutrell, � y wolild not molt n fL
oil i them in Y a0ees. known timber de' er, died EL few days ag
tie of Paine's, Celery ComDound if. you fee, the vapor it destroy8 th
Alabam%. H The 6seential lung -healing priwipli of the, Tine
on of Th4nksgiving day. Ray. eak Tor rundown JC is a marvellous at, Moble, e owned 'betweii breathe -in
i t: v germs of la grippe, hay fever, ifflu-
w H reford *is the g oi allf 0� imber land!s Of (110 it' V I
ma h 1& Swann, of the Met odist chux ell, preach �and champion 40,000 anr 50,00 f t lit tree has ficall)t been. succes p irated an. re-
th1t 8,: t fined into a peife-
t coughi medicim-Dr. Wood's
engithener. in th4 fat catu e division of tb' be-
ad a, good sermon, appiropriate, to the occa- 8tr bree a to In., the ice t r) iiiv t le
-y reaftes' down in jate! rs. Leonard was a1t, - enz.a, and whooping -cough. jIt's the 133-rup.
The colle0tion ta ea up was 4evoted AL�x, �ViLso-_\,, Druggist, Seaforth, Oat. tern tional Live Stock Expositioli, hr1d at, to ivo im, Notwpy Pine Soldby all dealirs a a guar
ivv t;!Y some
, a Tablets, his bedti:16, when �e died, she having re- Kill common sense treatment for - all' anteel of sati6faction'. Price, 26 centg. Chi agolasilwe6k. ql�ief iatbreab for breed -I
t.olocajoharities.-Among those from. out. ony ,;()It of iu-
of its cold des#ed.r ceived word when he i5rat took sick. De- troubles of the throat and bronchial tubes.'
sidp points who vi�ir -i on Stanley. ere entred i th winner of the grand born at Mount Carmel, in the fluence. on the t, 26
b, pleasant _,ed, - i Bluevale n 6 eased was and it
Ifh�ftksgiviag day we e : Mrs, of oba pionpbi. foreto r or spayed beifer of does this Ni -lien it to inelt. Now Found at Lais
willij take, sv�ooL-REPoRrr.-The followirig is the ownship of &ephen, 60 yo is ago.
t Vapo-Cresolene is sold by drug2ists,tIverywhere.j.'
W-lugham, at J. RAI�y,% and Mrs. Nove�nbar monthly report of! school oaec4ion the how. Th ere : ore -three- Oompeting� uddenly this is l3atUral 11w ud a, fact wbich th� A liver pill that Is small abd sti-re,t) �at acts gently,
dis4olved -Mrs, Jane L6eke die very a A Vapo-Cresolene outfit, lncltidiagtheV4por1zer and'.
-th: Iax&-
Eugene XcDon�ald, of-Wiagham, at Andrew No. 14. rder! of bre do-Hereforids. horthorns and Angus tyro would understnd if lie stop- orougtYy, that does nd,, gripe.
so are in o
safet to Stanley. Nam I recently at the fan5ily resi jace, 8+,h eoncea' merest Laniopiewhich should l"t a life -time, and a bottle oU quickly and
y ei�tra.supp.lies of Crest).' Liver Pilla posses3 these q7dalitles, ao d are A sure
but in the final judgi g the Shorthoris wer( tib6ut it. There Cres e, cOmPlete, SI;50;
inte0d to nol fth cla� s, - D. C. Gramick, 111, 1 F. n
Mee' Alice, Daff, lof Forestvflle, and M. ineritj X; hion Westrniusteritow4sbt . near Londom pod long enough to think cure for Liver Complaint, i0ciAtlpsfl� n, Sick ead-
R Elliott, Of Wingh-am, at 4,. DufPs.- injinated.. The wh ning animal is Woods Maworth, with is another fact which is ovqlooked -with lene 25 cents !Ind 50 cen is. Illustrated booklet co ache, etc.
poisouQuist John 00, H. L. Whiteman. Fourth cl4ss, 61 Mrs. Locke had d I n to ing physicians'testinionial f
�Xve S rCCUpo11rV0,1,e t. VAPO.
as acc6pte( I ag Pri4cipal, a pure-bri id y avernge per- - CRFSOLENE CO., New s
isootthibg WalDer Burgess h 14 11poriftion 4 OhLs'poo, Alberb W. Johnson, carting Hereford, her husband, Mr. �ohn Locke, and when he the same persistence by the 8o Fulton, k. U.SIX
d by G orge P1 kinne
you, sidesman in Hannah & 00;;�any�S, St ; 'e I JeE -�'*.Beath, . Third class, F. J. Kyle, owlied by G , of Goodertow, was putting the h 'rae in.- �be stable Mrs. son who.uses ice. Of course persons who Fear, For Cuts, wounds, Obilblaine, ed ande,
11 'or In Recommended and sold by I. V
at' �Ivirsgham. r W� Oommoll, M. E. Rat Licke expired. ath w a wholly 7 unex' have large, refri-vi-ators have Druggist,, Seaforth-. Burns, Son do
your. -Albe t 01,,aig apent ihe T hwell. Senior Illis�ois', an� weighfing 1,645 pounds. R mastered R1101IMatlEM, Stiff Joint ites,of
Son walkerton.-C Ileewr tbelfirst 61as 1 for He' eford �ulls, three years 'CG140, et ow Oil:
Emma, Alair, Frank r b)rn in England ei'ples, - yet they can be seas, Croup, Coughe,'Wdo, et
Dr. i Wil- De ember 2nd. �El4aila.r Hood, I or over, , he,ent4 of T. kP. B, Sothaml pected. gra. Locke was these sifnpler prin Ti the oidi - — --------- - will be foundan excellent omedy.. I rice 25 cent&
ari Her. old
ont, lo, coney will be in Biluevale on McK�y. !Junior 2ad, Jean Grasaick d came to this obuntry many years ago. used with equal aJvant, ge 11
an Perth Notes All dealers.
10th, to receive taxes !from tl�oso who' have kgan. SeconW p6rt, oU hillicoth 3, M ont4na, wa6 first ; Dand�
amil, I Post berb Jones, Arthur La She is�ourvived byl her husband, one of the nary Icebox.
Rex tlradffill & Sirlapson,�of Inde� : -Thursday even' , December 19 has'
Rot V06i hat' date.--4-Ntrs. Wm- M. M.,Ysher, Aggi6 Gem t proia'perous 4artners of Westminster Is one .$
d up before t skowripy. "Reat, as I started to say, trave tug
econd, and Mark W� 0 a the St.'
Pattoa is very iE donee, ootaua� a been decided upon as the date. ot
ill at preie4t. 2 r. A. mell.t Flist p4rt, Sarah Rathwill, Hannah pe townst. i way and cold another, Ueat goes uw
Hat ana4 n by H.� D. Smith, of Compton P.,
zCraig, Blaevale`� wagon maker, is taking r6t and airy and Marva C611egiate Institute Commencement.
Qa bee, third. onces8ion
in the 1 mon0ly -spelling matche abIe.of flontifig, awa US
Dinsoale,Jda MoDeatb. The'best �pzfflers show expands. It is fludy, li� -Mr. John Boop"'lot 3; c
in -the sights at Teiniscamingue.-Thoxnas a � were y on thc� atmos- iLLE-SP,
I�n tho..horse department were th� follow- PO$TMAN AND CHINAMAN. Is cap
Shortt! and family haire� moved to GorriQ- Fiftl�, Charles, Gr ',h, Id� Dine- here. Cold strikes downitbe other way. Fullarton, has iield his farm to aesick ; fourl p
d Mrs. Ai�drew Burgess, while oi4 ir 1,3ad, ingifirst pri2es Clyoesdale mare, 3 �ye u_ Ahrens, of Logan, for $7,000. Tie farm is
Mr. a dale*�,:; third, Mary McKay ; seDi( Now Carrier �"T orriel When John So, in -the case of ice, 'the cooling 11111
aaa- linade by Graham' HARNESSA
US old and under 4, rnare� shown an excellent one, having a good hous6 and
their edding trip, visited Mr.. Burg tmr�ei Alair ; junior 2nd, Jeatt 4jeassidk Sign6d His NpMe. ences are downward.* In: cooling a room
Brofthers, Clpremount, Ontario. Clydeadatp
E�id S1,200 -numerous relatives at Blue.vale and Brusse Eseco A pait, Ida Jones. i I be placed at the top of oatbuildings_�
I - � A comedy. of c ove a spe deliv- the ce should for spring chicken,
i a, ion ars old and under 3j plinde -A dog withw taste
The bride is a nati ve. of. Ridgeto wn, - The
W.�H. JoiiN.rsTo.N, Tea'cher. at It* Y� th- the room to get the b6st results. If vents I have removed my harness' hop to
raise the' wit by fxraham Brothers, Be�� ery lette occu d in Ch nato)�--n the o t into Mr.'Joseph Rankin's ppulbry house- Bhon,
young� couple will reside. at, Boissevain, Pupetual, 840, sides of the room so'. 90�
in a short Start1q, :",er morning all catrier of th -it the own store, ONE DOOR NO if OF TRU
1_1 hire Mr. Burgess is engaged in Clydesdale share, any age, Cherry pecause the e are, run, down . I sy night$ end killed
ff _b the
i Sbratfoid, last Ftidi oMR' LAKh'S �AGK*� liar itb e ways of the cold.thrown o ice can f all �CE, wh be pleased
sho6n by tGrahava Brothers, Claremol, letter Pvqs not filini a 'iort of 'cirole, 34 of his fancy chickens. Toy . old customers d mauy new
he would a,&rlo. dently not posted himself in the methods of'
he pEize Was a, gold 08' the Chinese and t 11 "oon drift aroun in circular form, ones-
-Thank asence, of Manitoba, w e 6ihad-evi- POSTOFFI ere I will 1
�busineao.-Aarry McHardy held a raffle on he Chiii�mau to whom from both sides,'forml meet All
sgi�ing day. T
Nx . s jaddressed had never re It W!
kw break a happy had 6rdej lon� wool types -Wether. the letter dressing poultry for the British markets', or
watch. The winner I now wears Pj&tteVjjle G entleman, who eep awl
015, N -so
rl�onnaent I for6. iind the room will cool much more rapid- smile,�,:whileyodcailspota looser anywher6 I ar old a, )d under 2, John T. : Gibi cei-ved such a he oouli not have dispo d of so m
Little Hope of a Cure, y jo L etber1ambii-Orr f -the things over- Gfllesple's' Harne-s4 is the
�_e cannot &�d -ler iN s a new man at the -busi ly. These are some o
enfield, Ontar W The cari - short a time
�b th4 way he chews the' end of his mono is liow 7611. vast majority of persons
flaying Pen of five weth,4 ness. Aft6r halad deliv red a numbert' looked by the _A little iad, son of Mr. William Timmal
nd by the moornfal, ar- away Itok ily Vill co, Gat . Ontario. Hrne so
tache fee, and consequently they. do best
it UP at th6 p 'the pecial-deli4ery letters and taken his V�,IsO-_-use. of Mitchell, and offly 8 years - old, went to
;a Black, I bs -Orr and Li�l�oo. Champion we a- not get the best,re� By following
big ey6a.-Mr. A. MoRwer and Mi am 3ulti..
Oh, no. 9,1 (Specia Danfield, . Ontario. receipts for them he we it to the Chin Stratford to spend a few wee4s with his
our popular school teachers,. have been te- PLA*WTSVILLE. 01A., so 1) J. T� 01'ibso t -
In -aunt, but wanted to return h A full stock of Hc ket 'Robes,
-der as 1: xhibifed from Illinois, I _' * an's Wace, of. siness, which was a the simpler natural iwi IiR such mat nuia on Tues
wen y respected' SHeep w e e Ow b -u ii�se Bla s,'
9 6vajod for the coming year, Mr. M;E Thorn4s Lake, An aged'a d high I
-.-Rev S. Mio4gan, and many C�ua 1-' the average man would not only get acre
a,tes, . who, rot e;a' t, agalost his aunVs, wishes. Not Trun�s, &c,
-1 0 9 ves Dood a laifndry-. buin the, day Is Sleighl" Bolls�
;it'ml %light increase of salary R. f this place' Kidney Minttepots. i �ud
W Cansid,* w�n each,prize ih Led 'but e i4 he bu�s, icket, he started for Mitchell
break- t Is :erodit� for 'curi'n him of a very bad an Octions. the The c rie�- found the -lace toe] good out of th e being -given a t
-G. AuAeraon, of Wroxe or, officiated at the
S�sipshiie fat wethers f ront door,. and chances aris that the ice bill would _b safely home -at about I!
i -,daughter of case ot, Xidne Trouble and Lanae� B*clk. first I contei t. - lie- pound�ed aivay on the I I I on foot and arrived
1i baptidna, of Rena Jean, infant Presbyterian so tb !a could hardly tit FirstI, Rieh4 rd Gibson, Detwware, 0n4VV,'ari ChinAman n- triFeb, smaller. I Prices right and a6tifacti n guaranteed..
finall� a[ slecp�F lookinj, two o'clock. a call Ano wqj
T_ovm' andMrs.West,in the Olt I . I
10; sweIied him. ffter slipping down
0-1arela, on Thanksgiviiog day�-The child- up, ana his 1�idnsys- gav( him much trouble. see d, John Campbell, Woodville, Oatari' se4eral 'But speaking ot the- great care taken. Give us ill plemse you,
it i , lf dozen the tank the Iceman con- the'Cough delight yout horse, satisfy y,, or purge -
ren. of the Freshy Mr. L�lce; iwo,�er sevet
erian, Sunda school are, tty-six yemrs of age, thir Richard Gibs6n'. i barl; and [unlocking hlf l9ck the in insulating stops
ey too
iny mind the fact that!
wve your preparing for their annual concert, which . and he tbougb�t he was too old to be cUred. Cbinaman open;ed the do r. tinued, "calls to and Works off The Cold. ATRepairin a Specialty.:'
this 4
n the orestere heill, on Friday Roweyer�, Ill a&vertisemenb telling The. viisopbt carrier haude4. wood -is a pretty hot article, and
will be given i ringi3 of Job. sticated' - LAxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure a
e �atw an T�h Suffe which has impressed itielf.
-Mrs, Deihl,. olde was had, him the )etter and then lat loose a terrific 4-nother thing cold in one day. No Oure,No Pay. Flic'
evevilig, r toan he, 'a -JAMES GILESPIE
warrant- 'December 27th. Of how la , mmuI ''of,' the $eafiof th,
ng on. old friends in the fo dt Ii f 'and a cure by 11' sing Dodd's It t 3e Axon eg of Sjob were any worse than the yell. The letter carrie 's hair stood on *rith peculiar force on the mindi 25'cepts.
are con- 'Varna waq calli un �, re in tortu es of iti hing pile3 fr(iii whtbh s_�i many peoIple rkiug in the ice busi-
teat One Do -r NORTH of thelPost Office.
villag;last Friday. Many wbo knew her Kidne�, :Pillo�.so he 4�etqrmiqed to ing, he had much to endute. T end as'nindChinmen iceman. Since emba 6
areD w suffe 1110 , n various stages I "
dies Maggie Tyndall, - n. wondered what the dif has di=posed �sxtisfao'-fj diffennee is I hat tbeare is no reason for anyone to e we tuiribli 4 into the roor. ness I have of ters or Daiis, of Mitchell,
t some� yeara. ago, as I of undrep ef
them. 1; The f1rat, box pr ed to his 7� ay
dure tha imeeries of differ- Ir
ely pi ca for a single day. Dr. larg
posist , A , I
ag n. Peter Fraser, tjon t 'ble ad now he away xcitedly as them ferellee�, in temperature was in the e grocery and crockery, business to
:our Pat- were kWd to Bee her at a cu�e Was 9-olutment has cured tons of thousands of They ebattcrcl� 91 4 -_
chm� ex- 'lot klnkla�.of woods�. Ther6 Is, of course, The Utter
'I of Tumberry, is organizing i and "d Is Absolutely guaranteed to oure AUCTIONEEW;.
Business G 'ach Ind p r about ind caref ully e his brother; Thomas Matheson.
assed'the let
ra, oil by an 1 would bean inter -
a, Toilet 'leges in Oatiario for the OSullivansi of ever caReof �uea. go cents at all de4e amin�d it.-- I some difference,( inteuds,ba�ing 0, slaughter sale for'the next
msil rom Ed! nansoiii Bstes C Toronto. j�ll: w couldfind out
Montreal.-Mesarsi John M hn wa on No. i opme 0 f6w weeks. in order to, reduce the stock to
-St. Brigid's church, Lo Fir -ally the bewildered, carrier said to esting thing if HoIdAS BROWX', Llc�nised juallone'er for -the
Combs,, t the about $2,000. The Mayor iill T
Manitoba whatit-is. But this is no now be able Colinties of Huron: d rort L Orden, left at
vem�bei 19; the scene of.,&, pret y edding. the Chinama to wholl the letter bad just ab6ut�
Munn jr., have returned from,
pbeall's Implemlent wan voma, Seafort4, ox
Ville has aofine sample of a wood -is hot from the view- of his time 6 public affairs A. M. Cain
MissYsb On tbat 6te were celebiat'e'&-t e nuptials of point. At to devote more TEm ExposiroR Office, will�reeeiv prompt a ntion
of Listowel, spent SundaY. at been addres-se tie
ntl bride orn r, aged �8,
illiam Clegj Tbe f flow who -and attend to collectitig and his
"t -Ge6 a. -Miss J�s3ie �Robort iala � R egan, of Log n, mad Migs la d,hurry up." point of the Iceman. Satisfaction guaranteed ik ge.
rge McDonald' I Mr. erem Sign this book an 6r;.�6 ch 1768-tt
our fresh n �Vfedoerj eek, I in saclos6d
Itev. was, a is day of last W,
in -the vil ore cliattdring, business. -
lion, of Wroxeter, is visiting 1498 Dohe�ty, 'ot the same township, M wed, and finally ures oft cooling spaces that are i
Tis, do here ' r the a ari cousity capi-al; to Mrs. Flem. fo� its. of heat -On. Friday 1�st, Mi. Richard Babb, of -ALUCTIONICERING.-B. 9. tPbiUl1i Uoansed
r many fXi in p he 0 remo0y. must figure. on the un
ad to you this week. Father' r Ron erformed I r ofj the- I �r comprehended by wood iiotione ana
He C e. the owne just how: much tee - M-itchell recelv�d a telegram from his scris A er'for I the. coun
pleased to see her looking so Tell after h"eer g, whb I& his fifth wife. - The happy bri�. what �was wanted of lilt 1. He seized one In o P arth. 'Being a PTSOUG'Al fAr aud thoroughly
he br e was supported 'by Miss Daly, of in rd6r to find out &Ott 'A
!ry Com- 6in at, Pilley, nea Sk thee had
ton, r
v Mr. 11arrigan. 'gro in as% ieffield, He must figure'ou. the in Chicago,,saypg -that their mo Z'derstanding We valaoof fa stock and imple.
m b, I I I -
of the brushe� he used in makink up his Will be' required.,
banishes. recent trip to the wost,-Mrs. W. Al. Sel- and the groo land, a d haq son in En b Oanada nearl 6U,' that afternoon and would mente, places me'ld s better poel on to realize
neral of her sister, the tha oofitracting ercome under e etas ted for home good
laro,,attended the fu: fBoth of Lnd, Jippiig it into a units of,heat'to be ov
stomach On ido laundry' accountaJ,
yea 8, living most cf the time in atter, but In reach Sbratford early Saturday niorning and prices. Chaiges moderate. Satl on guaranteed
"late Mrs., James Stanley, of Kinburn, last Stratford. The to maW hlerogly&- tir6umstanc8s, fQrAbat in
ied in England' ceeded or no pay., .911 orders left a IHI i sall offine ar
parti6s have fribnds. in f 'by requested him
1,3 - township. H e1c n
seak.-Miss o e, f Trowbridge, is visiting ew Haikarty, of is Are 3 wife d pot of Ink, pro re the s' &'ce is surrounded to meet her there as abei was
�v I groor�'is a neph �'- of Mr. T. ice all Oer the pAg f the special de- case whe P.. at Lot 21�qdaceseio Y, ;will P,0301"�promotly
the other four were Canadians. ThJ wife tteided to. 17094t
oat. at Joseph Lee 11. 8.lMiss Fanny Patterson, Stratford!p and the bride is -,a elatei, of the an �int book. wood he must figur6 on wood as -an ad- ill. Mr. B&bb did -so and found bis,,
t -W la8twiveswpr widows. Mr. Cleg4ai, livery rg( very ve.E
ends h're last. to -5tephen HiGk of 'k, but managed to get h6r to
of Wingham, Wag vi e la e� the s%me st atl Thit book)s no laun- ditional element.
siting fri th that all r- "Here, t
Mr. H. ty a op
week. -The Bluevale friends of H ing wi'neps 6f tlb� tru check!" ctled the 04 wildly exclt�d "Wood is always hot, and if generally Mitchelli, and under medical tr TOOK FP ICE.
Ouies. Rd probably hi Idi dry ria es are ot f a good bit of ice to drive out the lady ivtow getting on nicely. R
Burgess, of Owen Sound, will be pleased to -The oldest pioneer of the Gore of Do wJ: of a matrimonia' letter carrier is he saw visions of trouble requires
the record for allimiapew.
in Knox �ear that he has been appoiated to the Poe' sed away on SAurday, im the person red in this material
vned to th( .�ostoffice. 'beat bich is sto 7DIG FOR SE.RVIC Th(M, dersig:ed e And tbab� hi� lsat�veoture ay p QQ,( when he retu
061a for West f nat m made I orough
tion of inspector of public sell 0 � J4,!sVatrici Clyne. He an ' have betil -A Card. i
f Docem- was: 84 years aud: ovi "Afy namec-!" blandly responded John, Thls,W why. cb cs X Lot 21�, Concesolo 11 illop,
.-While-wallicing trough Jackso had'lived in the Gore, Ilia y is the ear es1l; -olitib of all who k i6g refrigerators undersigned, d 0 which h wtill Admit a I
-book. 4* the matt o hereby agree to bred Yorkshire Bcar. t imit.
n's 9 moothiRif age, and ontinu;d to daub up the T er of conAftict! We, the
as he c ed number of Eow',si. -Terms- SyScla Zt the
bush, oo.]Aoada� Leis discovered ibr� in d perisblable goods are refund the money on a 50 -cent bottle of
worth y,1 Danie nce IS31. He came to this cotin n�han, t maj ir carrie am�n Vbero 'meats Rift ith the privIll g� of yeturniog it
1832'� from ator
two coons lying ha Oldest r t Insisted ed.' The lining fouud'ID the Cireene's Was ary. RUG -11 T. G 4 RIZVBIJ��
in a hollow tree. the county Of Rosopmr ITimot 3Y Bri hen n th.e Chin se refrigr' -ranted Syrup of Tar, if' it fails t1we of service. w 17064
They -te- necess
line,. lost tured settling- first in South a th 'her *W�udsor, [led loatweek at the home of hii entering the 'time of the receipt at tAQ Id of ice, becausd 'to cure your cough or cold. - We also guar- so he o �eratorg has saTgd.a wor
w0re in a� dormant (oridition ap land- will
last, by time� Ub Yt Mr letter in the book. This the laundryman tisfactory
as� Lo first d,a ghter. He *as'IQI ears of age. 0 IG BREEDERS. -T -he -unpersigned Alp
'them eagily. No 4ubt by this thert were already a, f w settl�rw,74ew essiLlry to freeze the atoe a 25 -cent bottle to pto . ve ea oil I
)as a,. the )ut � 1, a r ot 26, C,6ncm bAho fur -altie Br Bnahan was I bOrn i Castle GregDry, could not tin erstand, v nd after ten min- It has !made it unnec e
.of the oor coons' I g t the proper
thing is left of tliese being Seb ryfog.1 he, or money r lk thoroughbred TAXWORTH P also a bhorouth-
e Co nty K(r �rel 1� and came to th utes' argum�l ubject the carrier Woodeti frame.in order to ef unded..
-Amer g the shi!�sn ristmasi Day, ry I t 011 the e box, it Is probable Russell and th6 oil. nts from toth6 townshipon . - 11 1 ! One himself. I temperature, In tb AYEX. WILSON, Seaforth. bred Yoxxs=11 Irie. ' A liml number of sows will
eek were, a oar of bogs to I O� this country ;*Itb U ited Stf tee in� 1 50. For a nombe o entered the be admitted to eMb. T�rmx,'Jl j mysble,xt the time
F the station last w Mr. � Clyne had coin the postoffice, he �: that this gen�-ral idea will in time b9; more
he li red io Detroit, having come �rom When he got b ack tc 4 r
the 1 to Mri aind ye�rs ervice, or $I'bq if ohik ged. 1JAMn GXIMLL.
Palmerston, by Wm. Jewitt, and a car of hie' father and mother, c d
th4t city t Y Windsor 14 years ago.' U0 to '-told his trou�lea to frI!2uds'an.d said: "I useful'as a 'saver,of i e, and it will of -The I e.ad d hink froul, tbie stsind- aj or itw6 ago, thit Mr. Pat -
ay" lumber to, Toronto' by Duff & Stewart. The Mrs� annes 013na, long sine d ad,' the e j Siratford a &
ed- 11 1 � e before -his death he was pose- omI will be sackel for violating th cours9j be'a goo t V I ersig
anv � 180 ShipPed 6, car 'Of fatbpr about 35 years aizd. The fa fly �took a-ihort ti UPP r. Wbod is a great merly of Ellice, FOR SERVICE ned will ktepi
r is: cold -Cheese Comp, y I tead Is that I a nt Of the consume rick galloy, of Detroit, fari 4The un :
t sold it ules aiid letting 29, Concewfon 11, bbert, a Thorou b-
-ee enter- 0 w _pIG
wf all P'�Bthoppi, b -being able to r hinaman mak ) big 0
of w�ed of at'' his faq0ties, p _�Yby icemeu have. n Lot'
up O acres in South' F ice' ater, and this Is as one of those wh�b Were killed in th4
cheese last week, - he heavy� ano, If I Pin not, 1 e bred Yorkshire boar 'to whillp, be vvll adnu a
I ho POEsibi ity ut sFectacl& puzzle out Ot the book.
or laist, week rendered sleighin-9 whexi they removed to Downie,, where� the gainst the material." Detroit. T e un -
I 2� plotting a explo4ion of a factory.in limited numberof sows. Te 11 at the timef
elfTer a aother s ecial to a been Mi
never want t6 d
e small boy took ad- m, �who died labolat 25 1 Job' rat, Ont. 1771-tt
for a, short time. I'll throebrothers, Willia'
OAGYARD'S YELL W OIL cures all pain in man fortuna e man was a brothek- of Mr' n sarvice. JOHN ELGIE, Chiee)J!
vantagwof the, weather in the' favorite pas y JDhn who die'd about i(Y y"ri; Chinaman."
cars ago, orlbeast; foX sprains. culs, brulse3, callous Its npo, that it was always cus- Malloy, a well known I farmer of E
cossalry to riding. The 7 L 11111gs, innammatloo, theumatism and neur Igia He was assured times of snowballing and sleigh. ago and Pattick, ho has pwated of Stratford. a was
to sion as Russians Like Perf-MOM at
�at acens- ctuary for the Chinarr this so of dra. Cahill,
s was. a favorite meeting a speci vicinity, hill al� StewarV avv also took UP land. I r I kii )wn in Stratford and SK N FURS
flrlce� 25c. i and tro e �Russlans are very goo
afy�, one had douL th tit uble would T; d and lttcrgk- wel
day, wibh its visions i
place., tT8 t come to him.! tjv6 customers to the inakers of p�rfum- his dogthvill be learned with general re-
rkey a d. cranberry sauce, its Lnd Hoar of he Buffalo EO sijty years of age s0d lay the lghe
of roa8ti tu Soie Th -r soness 1 -Dr. Lj F. VO leman, I i t. 'is was over The undedped is piaps at
ervi fdr it flows,like water as a � ray In gre
,faraily re -unions and �ts general air of hoe. langers may be sl�eed- United Stites, Bureau of Anhnal Indu try, three children, two boys c"h ski Jadlow. a AW
r annual with their attendant d INE16 asil't That Sort "Of &.ner.:
i1partments and in the little briait- Johnos wife V It,
�rice tot all Hit]
Fun ellvered at A. oblie qkm P.0 Irdu
itality Bud comfort, lbaa f4de.4 into the dim by the u6a of has arrived at Salim. Ohio. and plac in -been fight- their atill one girl. 0 U
Ily averted and remediei r�_ 4tj Ha re y6ui
r1he proud 6 , Moth �Wj fountains that diecoratel W9.
A was r* and misty shadows of, the Pasti. arantin' a herd of 28 -thoroughbred Short -
e. Excellent t) g4t-gle
so 6 e
gbbler who f with -ton, timea better than a mustard plas- horn cattle import3d from Canada.
Pot 12 a NervIlin qu �qhnjstie? God.d little boyi r"" paitments,
famed Ing . or before bad jThe ag rooms and THh
PlaXi t don't figIlt. affle'!1110. the utmost luxury that prevails in
ia porUv forsn-4n 4 its glory iu aipsetor says, in subject
�ery sea onvenient 4or the otitetdie. whole herd, the i
�s,'l knoi v tbat.' I thought In St.
a way to make the .6ther less j imposing in.. ter,,,, and rn�re 0 tIh actions rare tIowers and plants, eapecfally_ N 'vilijae pe trates . tissues i natantly, confiscation, and he Is awaiting instr �.N
Hinda a h )y, but after I hii rg winter season. ollect6.;r's otice
airliabitanis of the barn yard turh gre with e eg�the p&in., allays inflammat]i*D, and from the Treasury Department. e was 4 gdod little b Petlersburg during the 10
I iond he 11ra1M"t---8Q1A*"1l16
te, how Illino�j, -a bim
-envy, realiz t 60 la iply be. -Mysi.,L. Boon, of Effinglimm, E 'Ps S e6owl_
edi., when it was
rba sore throa and hoareeneeb sin
'badly ho'had spent thelmat hours of his firs., tva§141 jnni%W A shootinx 'PrItio. of Hiy.-
life. Towns
se'that"s. what it is made'for. The large ell-to-do'woman of 75 years, has just nfbleo fts watch Cliarmn.
He, might have been heard saying, lit the cau and a plitt . ing five ci d f I ood- boot anthing while YOU Prepared f -om the finest serecteal
bottle of Neiviline is unexceUed as a ished sawi ng Bibles ar worn as watch. TTP Did you 8
r -immortal bard of: Avo, 1,11 250 np3ild, by .00 14th D
Miijlnt�re jip in Canada?! 4btinguished every. ob all taxes tt
r Nvordaf.the iment. It cures every'thing. for her wi iter on )tly of fuel. l7rs. 7fBoos con
onto, hoiji U They are each one ind., wet fcr collection will d d
n f is 'TROYER,
shuffle off For sale at Fear's, 'drug store, Se�forth. $00 a. VARL
this mortail coil��')" But sehold E �omplial ied th I charins in TZsqa. n 1;
have to ?,sk unaided a d a ter. udeed! We where for Delicacy of Flavour,
long., tbiree-fourth3 of au inch en an lily
wir with Y es, I d H
�1, � I da. ior� Qualif tg
oxnas,' of V1 the heartlessxecutioner, raiiing on high Vard carr ed the Wood to a shed. and stored inch tine day nudshot the loveliest P a Super yy 1778-2
otest Ing ighths of ah inch thick.,And.
ly re- the instrument of death, 'would make �it. H ' I lotto, as announced to pr aild three -e Nutritive Pr6pertial-i' Sold only
�1� er Old
)ut." I sup- �_two old and bir lily respects cit, el idle jeolitnin the qrst five b tine, labelled answer If You'll shuffle when I c elativefi, L8 a bin for people to b -in quarter -pound
unani.- z It p&ygto B6 Anitable. t9d, Di 'Tel
day of altabell have pa8z' rejeents- The text is in -He rew and JAMES EPPS & CO., Limi _10m ephone- -
Tha�skagiving sed to their reb heu the], can labiDr." The Long st
pose thelmain objE at 01 �osadon
Ober& of Mr. William Francis passed � ad of a magnifing
le to give, us an ol portunity to show oar ly.� is be read wfth'th 11orsaceopathic Chemits, L
ca IfWlhat do you. do," asked thene who
thankful we can feel thankful Saturday morning, last at the a�ge of 76 t ad en 1% England, Is Invalu YOU
with, neso. Thm ti 7 rell e�. by gh married only a feW- MOnt* able'to 134sinoeg mevs
Ift IS d t IkHAT so iing h can be IF to ber.
Alex. Murrayo ak W, � 40,OW subscribers in
tor'�lmost anythiuF if we only try. is illus- years, and Mr LBU WS S LING'HEA, ACHE N, OLM and comes home late at
can ape
one 11w j3 your hus� C
The f6r ner. taking f HILBU h r 10o, 6n for )8, 'he _n
trated by m story tjold by Dr. McKay, of the age of 75 years. DERS. On er, 5c; bree to "Willie, v�hom, did Greorke WaOgt4 E Canad& audhundvpdsof th6unuds In
a citizsu A2
'Itel "Pow ig
e lit ??I
"A missionary, who had re fr�mJlae farm in-Fullarton, became 26o. tatesj�wlthin a -distamee
g the United
Woodstock. mar ",I tretend ce that he'lio't
Elp 6kerS lago, at ry no to no ve you mad# Itis
1��-a islands, of Mitchell over- twenty years id 44 l4ow 4dusti:3, ma'arp.
tbein r on time,
giving a ectufe.,. 19nd in the course- of dtii1ritil
until Was 0 at Windior, a few days Ha la Me to'. to th� theateT or oma -
turned from his labors in gAhat time him'self and fan[iily' have rithe peculiar 6oideint occurred The W ind pretty sooil he a#9 me if I of 1,500 na in youj business ?
be�en . b - highly �revpected the �ou d he � ny eUdren?" use a factor
'ot his remar�s he sai4 that the dress q� the among thb - moo 4 1� I
rake UP. On� China ing 'anAhilsr for "Yes"m-the Boos ai�d Daughters of th wo'qldn!t 90 teM00114 B E4KFAPT-SUPI�ER
ven more sO than citizens, eiteeTed especially among the �sgo. man- was 8113 1 whoro tomorrovV af TW Bell Telephone jo., of CAUS&S
7'Phe lawyer for the plaint -
Islanders was very*anty, e Revoluion.!'
congregation of! the Methodist churizh, where - a aunt of ino ey.
the Highlainder's kilts, At �he oonclusion
F y cointrien& iff stated th&�, if tl�e 4efendarst and hii wit -
were fellow w6rkers in ever
f1iiiiaddre5sau. dGaelio�vbsnanoame up tIlloy 7
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